こんにちは! 私たちは東京にある開智国際日本語学校です。 ここでは、授業の様子や私たちの学校があります八王子の魅力について伝えます。 ぜひお気軽にフォローしてくださいね!
- 固定された投稿
Nice to meet you! We are Kaichi International School of Japanese. In this page, we will introduce our school and provide information about what prospective international students want to know.
Connect your study in Japan to your career!
There are five reasons why you should choose Kaichi International School of JapaneseKISJ.
1 We offer educational opportunities that match your objectives.
2 Located in Tokyo, the capital of Japan, with easily accessible.
3 Fully furnished dormitory in the school building.
4 Privilege for recommendation for our group university, Kaichi International University.
5 Approved as “a satisfactory school” by Tokyo Immigration Bureau of Japan.
In Japan with aging population and declining rate of birth, many companies are looking for talented young global human resources. In this context, the employment rate of foreign human resources is increasing every year.
Would you like to take a step that will change your life? Please feel free to contact us for more information.
はじめまして! 私たちは開智国際日本語学校です。 このページでは学校の紹介や留学予定者の知りたいことについて情報を発信する予定です。
日本留学をキャリアにつなげよう! 開智国際日本語学校を選ぶべき5つの理由。
少子高齢化が進む日本では、多くの企業が優れた若いグローバル人材を求めています。 その中で外国人人材の雇用率は年々上昇しています。
人生を変える一歩を踏み出しませんか? まずはお気軽にご相談ください。
There is a "Hachimaru Station" in Hachioji station where products made in Hachioji are sold. Hachioji has many specialty products, but the city is very large, so it is nice to be able to easily buy such products in the station like this?"I didn't know such products existed!" Every time I visit, I make a new discovery.
Stopped by Cerian, a confectionary shop a minute's walk from the school, and found the now rare "raccoon dog cake! I didn't hesitate to buy it ?"Tanuki Cake" is a raccoon-shaped cake that became popular about 40 years ago, and it is even said to be an endangered species, as there are fewer and fewer stores making this cake these days. I was very impressed by how carefully the raccoon's face was made. The taste was very sweet, and my fatigue flew away ✨
There is a candy shop a two-minute walk from the school. A candy store is a store that sells children's snacks. The sweets are priced at 10 yen, 20 yen, and other prices that even children can afford. The dagashi are decorated with Momotaro (a Japanese folktale), beckoning cats (traditional ornaments), and festival happi (a cloth worn at festivals), allowing visitors to learn about Japanese culture. The other day, during a break in class, I gave the students some candy as a gift, and they were very happy. They especially loved the candy that crackled and popped in their mouths!
学校から徒歩2分の場所に駄菓子屋さんがあります。 駄菓子屋さんは子どものお菓子を売っているお店のことです。 お菓子は10円や20円など子どもでも買える値段になっています。 駄菓子には桃太郎(日本の昔話)や招き猫(伝統的な置物)やお祭りのはっぴなどが描かれていて、日本文化を知ることでできます。 先日、授業の休み時間に学生たちに駄菓子をプレゼントをしたらみんなとても喜んでいました。 特に口の中でパチパチとはじけるキャンディが人気でした!
A 3-minute walk from the school, you can have matcha and nerikiri at Hanano, a cafe specializing in Japanese green tea. This is a wonderful store that is both a boutique and a café. Here, you can even try your hand at making nerikiri the Japanese confectionery pictured in the photo. International students, especially female students, like to look at the books of wagashi. A Vietnamese student said, "Wagashi changes its design with the seasons, and they are all so beautiful and wonderful. She said. The wagashi in the photo is designed as a "Gamaguchi" purse.
Takohachiya" is a grill shop. It is located alongside the Hachioji Central Library, about 6 minutes from the school. This time I ate not takoyaki but "takosen". Takosen" are takoyaki sandwiched between octopus crackers, and are famous as a snack for children in Osaka. There are many takoyaki shops in Tokyo, but this was the first time I saw takosen being sold. The fluffy takoyaki sandwiched between crispy rice crackers was very tasty 😊Bangladeshi students do not eat seafood such as octopus and squid. Please be careful when making recommendations to foreigners.
焼き屋「たこ八や」。 八王子中央図書館の並びで、学校からは6分くらいです。 今回食べたのはたこ焼きではなく「たこせん」です。 「たこせん」はたこのせんべいにたこ焼きを挟んだもので、大阪の子どものおやつとして有名です。 東京にもたくさんたこ焼き屋さんはありますが、たこせんが売られているのを見たのは初めてでした。 ぱりぱりのおせんべいにふわふわのたこ焼きが挟まれていて、とってもおいしかったです😊バングラデシュの学生はタコやイカなどの海鮮は食べないそうです。 外国人におすすめをする際には気を付けてくださいね。