Traditional Culture
Video article 2:09
A Collaboration Between the Theme Song of Sailor Moon, an Anime That Captured the Hearts of Girls Around the World, and Japanese Traditional Arts!
Traditional Culture- 45 plays
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世界中で大ヒットセーラームーンのムーンライト伝説を和楽器バンドがカバー こちらの動画は「杵家七三」さんが公開した「セーラームーン SAILORMOON ムーンライト伝説 on Japanese Traditional instruments」です。 こちらの動画では日本のアニメソングセーラームーンのムーンライト伝説を伝統芸能である和楽器で演奏した様子をご覧になれます 美少女戦士セーラームーンとは 美少女戦士セーラームーンとは1992年に漫画家竹内直子によって描かれた漫画です。 アニメが同年より放送され、テーマソングとしてムーンライト伝説は日本中で大流行しました。 今回の動画でご覧になれる演奏はそのセーラームーンのムーンライト伝説を和楽器のカバーした曲になります。 海外でも人気のセーラームーン「ムーンライト伝説」 美少女戦士セーラームーンは日本だけでなく海外でも人気を博しています。 その主題歌であるムーンライト伝説も世界中で知られており、15カ国以上の言語で翻訳されています。 さらにロシアのフィギュアスケート選手がセーラームーンのファンであることを公言するほど世界からのポップカルチャーとしての評価されていることがわかります。 杵家七三社中とは 和楽器バンドの杵家七三社中のメンバーは三味線:杵家七三、佐藤さくら子、十三絃箏・十七絃箏・二十絃箏:大畠菜穂子、熊澤栄利子、渡辺正子、尺八・笛:竹井誠、水川寿也、太鼓・つつみ・巫女鈴:多田恵子です。 杵家七三とは 杵家七三さんは和楽器の一つ長唄三味線の演奏家で、文教大学の伝統芸能非常勤講師や和楽器長唄杵家流理事、日本音楽集団団員としても活躍されている女性です。 「ムーンライト伝説」和楽器カバーの紹介まとめ 日本伝統芸能への革新的な挑戦の一つとして、ボーカロイドの初音ミクとのコラボによる和楽器バンド演奏や今回の動画にある美少女戦士セーラームーンのムーンライト伝説の和楽器カバー曲演奏があげられます。 伝統芸能の枠に収まることなく三味線を世界のポップカルチャーとして伝統芸能の邦楽器を広めることに人力されている人物の一人が杵家七三さんといえます。 以上で杵家七三社中によるセーラームーンのムーンライト伝説和楽器カバー曲のご紹介でした。日本の伝統芸能を進化させた杵家七三社中の演奏をぜひご覧ください。 -
Video article 4:16
Sakura - Enjoy Japanese Folk Music on a Koto Beneath the Cherry Blossoms
Traditional Culture Entertainment & Music- 554 plays
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A Koto Performance Beneath the Cherry Blossoms This video, titled "Sakura – 25 strings koto (さくら(Sakura) 25絃箏 (25 strings koto))," contains footage of a koto performance under the cherry blossom. It was created by "Kasumi Watanabe." The video features 17 and 25 string koto musician Kasumi Watanabe (渡邉香澄). The koto is a traditional Japanese musical instrument with a soft, beautiful tone that is very relaxing to listen to. You can take a look at Kasumi Watanabe's performance from 0:09 in the video. The Koto - A Traditional Japanese Instrument Photo:A koto The koto was introduced to Japan from China over 1,300 years ago during the Nara period (794 AD-1185 AD). It quickly became popular among the wealthy. During the Edo period (1603 AD-1868 AD) the musician Yatsuhashi Kengyo (八橋検校) created the foundation of koto music that continues to be used to this day. A tool called a "Ji" (柱) is used to tune the koto. There are two main styles of koto, referred to as "Ikuta-ryu" (生田流) and "Yamada-ryu." Differences between the styles include the shape of the instrument, the picks used, and playing method among others. Listen To the Beautiful Melody of "Sakura"! Photo:Playing the koto The well-known song "Sakura" featured in the video, is performed by Koto musician Kasumi Watanabe. In Japan, when the cherry trees blossom in spring, people travel all over the country to enjoy cherry blossom viewing. Traditional koto and gagaku (雅楽) performances can be heard at famous cherry blossom viewing spots around the country. It's a great way to celebrate the coming of spring! Learn to Play Traditional Japanese Musical Instruments! Photo:A woman playing a koto There are many schools around Japan where you can learn to play traditional Japanese musical instruments. The koto, in particular, is popular for its beautiful and elegant image. The special kind of sheet music used takes a little getting used to, but once you start playing you're guaranteed to fall in love with it. You can also learn other traditional Japanese musical instruments, such as the Shamisen (三味線), or take part in a traditional Japanese music performance experience. If you're interested in learning more about traditional Japanese performing arts, we highly recommend joining one of these classes! Summary of the Koto - A Traditional Japanese Instrument Source :YouTube screenshot The koto is a traditional musical instrument that has been played in Japan for hundreds of years. In the video, you can listen to the song "Sakura" played by a professional musician. The peaceful melody is sure to leave you feeling at peace. We highly recommend trying out one of Japan's traditional musical instrument experiences on your next sightseeing trip to Japan. You can pick out your favorite instrument and enjoy playing the music of your choice! -
Video article 19:29
A Maiko Performing a Graceful Dance in the Streets of Kyoto! The Story of a Woman Who Preserves Traditional Japanese Culture and Aims to Become a Prestigious Geisha
Traditional Culture- 90 plays
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日本の伝統文化、京都で目にする舞妓とは? こちらの動画は「明日への扉 by アットホーム」が公開した「#002 舞妓 美恵雛(みえひな) | 明日への扉 by アットホーム」です。 今回は日本の古都京都で芸妓になることを夢見る一人の舞妓に密着した動画を紹介。 こちら記事では、動画に沿って、舞妓という職業、下積み生活や仕事内容・伝統文化に生きる舞妓さんを紹介します。 京都のお座敷文化・伝統文化を守る舞妓の日常 舞妓とは、芸妓になるために必要な芸能を仕込む見習い・下積み期間のことです。 しかし、下積みだからと言って簡単なものではなく、芸妓と同じように座敷に出てお客様の楽しいひと時を共にしたり、三味線や芝居・舞踊を舞うことが必要になってきます。 舞妓の日中は芸の稽古・から始まりました。礼儀作法やしつけ・しきたりから始まり、衣装・着物の着付け・化粧・髪型・履物など些細な面まで教え込まれます。 また、三味線や踊りは一つ一つの些細な動きまで学ばなくてはいけません。 以前は舞妓になるために10歳くらいから花街で修行に入るため生活していましたが、今では中学校を卒業してから舞妓になる修行をする人が一般的です。 舞妓の日常は午前中は稽古。 午後からはお座敷の準備で白塗りをして舞妓へと。 日々、芸の道へ進み伝統文化を守る世界の厳しさを知れるのではないでしょうか。 日本の伝統文化を継承する京都 祇園の魅力とは 京都には宮川町歌舞練場で毎年行われる京おどりがあります。 この京おどりは若柳流の舞であり、京都の中でも伝統文化を伝えるに相応しい、選ばれた舞妓・芸妓で構成されています。 今回、美恵雛が選ばれ、立派に舞ったのです。 舞妓の美恵雛が伝統文化と向き合い一人前として芸妓になる時 舞妓が芸妓になる襟替えの時は生涯の中で一番の儀式です。 今まで幾度となく舞妓の厳しさを感じ京都の祇園から去ろうとも思った美恵雛。 芸妓になるまでに数多くの涙をしたこともあったでしょう。 世界を魅了する伝統文化舞妓紹介のまとめ 今回は日本の伝統文化を守るひとりの舞妓に密着した動画紹介しました。 昔までは一見様お断りのお店も多かったですが、最近では宴席やお茶席を体験や楽しめる料金プランも登場しています。 祇園東や先斗町・宮川町のお茶屋さんでお座敷遊びを楽しめるでしょう。 皆さんもこの記事で舞妓について興味が持たれましたら京都祇園に足を運んでみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 3:43
Kitano Odori - Enjoy the Magnificent Dance of Maiko in Hanamachi, One of Kyoto's Oldest Areas! Performed in Kimono, This Traditional Japanese Performing Art Is a Must-See!
Traditional Culture- 55 plays
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日本らしさを味わえる伝統芸能「北野をどり」を楽しもう! 今回は、京都の伝統的な踊りである「北野をどり」を「Discover Kyoto」が公開した「Kyoto Event: Kitano Odori Dance Performance [4K]」という動画をもとに紹介します。 日本の古都、京都の伝統あふれる「北野をどり」を是非ご覧になってください! 日本の伝統芸能「北野をどり」の魅力 「北野をどり」は、日本らしいゆったりとした踊りや音楽を楽しむことができる京都の伝統的な踊りです。 「北野をどり」は、1952年に北野天満宮で千五十年大萬燈祭の記念で初演されました。 演目が第一部の「舞踊劇」、第二部の「純舞踊」、フィナーレの「上七軒夜曲」の3つに分かれており、それぞれで特徴のある演目を楽しめます。 舞踊劇は、舞踊の要素を土台にセリフが入り、ストーリ性が高いわかりやすい舞台となっています。 純舞踊は、芸舞妓の踊りや祝舞など情緒あふれる舞台を見ることができます。 そして上七軒夜曲は、色とりどり着物をきた舞妓さんが全員揃う人気の舞台です。 「北野をどり」の上演会場は京都の上七軒歌舞練場で、毎年3月25日から4月7日にかけて上演されています。 日本の伝統芸能の「北野をどり」で舞妓さんの踊りを楽しむ 日本の伝統芸能である「北野をどり」は、若い舞妓さん、中堅の芸鼓さん、修練を積んだお姐さんといった、さまざまな年代の芸者さんの踊りを鑑賞できるのもポイント。 日本の文化である着物を着た姿も美しく、日本らしさを感じることができるでしょう。 芸者さんが扇子を持っている姿もとても美しいです。 日本の伝統芸能の「北野をどり」で日本の伝統音楽を楽しむ 日本の伝統的な文化である「北野をどり」は、御囃子で日本らしい音楽を楽しむことができます。 御囃子は笛や和太鼓などの和楽器で演奏され、舞妓さんの踊りをより魅力的なものに。 日本の伝統芸能である「北野をどり」紹介まとめ 日本らしい伝統芸能である「北野をどり」。 毎年春に上演されるのでチケットを購入して観覧してみてください。 上演前にお茶席をたのしめるお茶席付きチケットも販売しているので、気になる方は公式ホームページをチェックしましょう! -
Video article 5:36
Awaji Ningyo Joruri - A Traditional Japanese Performing Art of Hyogo Prefecture Loved Both in Japan and Abroad! Introducing the History and Highlights of Awaji Ningyo Joruri!
Traditional Culture- 89 plays
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An Introduction to Awaji Ningyo Joruri for Beginners! The video this time is called "What is Awaji Ningyo Joruri?" (淡路人形浄瑠璃って何やろ?). This is an introductory video on the traditional Japanese performing art, Ningyo Joruri (Awaji Puppet Theatre). Ningyo Joruri is a traditional Japanese performing art made for the masses. Be sure to follow along with the video that explains Awaji Ningyo Joruri in detail, and experience the fascinating culture unique to Japan! Awaji Ningyo Joruri - A Traditional Japanese Culture Source :YouTube screenshot Puppet shows have been performed on Awaji Island in Hyogo Prefecture for approximately 500 years, around the Warring States period of Japan. Awaji Ningyo Joruri was originally performed as a Shinto ritual in honor of Ebisu in Nishinomiya. Ningyo Joruri, also called Bunraku, is a theatrical art culture, and the story is performed by a gidayu (a joruri narrator), shamisen music, and 3 puppeteers, as seen at 3:08 in the video. The three puppeteers bring the puppets to life with their fluid movements. Unlike many other Japanese performing arts, Awaji Ningyo Joruri also has many female puppeteers. The Charms of Awaji Ningyo Joruri Source :YouTube screenshot The Awaji Puppet Theater is a cultural facility where you can watch Awaji Ningyo Joruri shows. Awaji Island is a historical spot that is associated with "Kuniumi," Japan's creation myth, and the Awaji Puppet Theater has a performance called Ebisu Mai (Ebisu Dance) that is associated with this myth. Awaji Ningyo Joruri has a unique way of producing a dynamic traditional art form that incorporates quick changes and the use of large props, creating a performance that keeps the crowd glued to their seats. In recent years, Awaji Ningyo Joruri has been attracting attention outside of Japan as well. Awaji Ningyo Joruri Theater is making efforts to further promote traditional Japanese performing arts, including overseas tours. Summary of Awaji Ningyo Joruri Source :YouTube screenshot Awaji Ningyo Joruri is a traditional art form unique to Japan, and is something we highly recommend viewing if you have the chance. The video introduces the charms and characteristics of Awaji Ningyo Joruri, so if you still haven't yet, be sure to check it out. When you go to Awaji Island, a place famous for the whirlpools in the Naruto Strait, be sure to stop by the Awaji Puppet Theater, and the Minamiawajishi Awajiningyojoruri Museum! 【Official Website】Awaji Puppet Theater: Homepage https://awajiningyoza.com/other/en/ -
Video article 1:03
The Yonezawa Uesugi Festival of Yamagata Prefecture: Experience the Civil Wars of Japan as the Roar of Real Matchlock Guns Echo Through Your Body
Traditional Culture Festivals & Events- 114 plays
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An Introduction to Matchlock Guns in the Age of Japan's Civil Wars The video we'll be introducing this time is "Demonstration of Real Matchlock Guns" (本物の火縄銃の発砲実演), which as it's title suggests, demonstrates the firing of matchlock guns. The matchlock is one of the firearms that was introduced to Japan during the age of civil wars (c. 1467 to 1615). The matchlock is a smoothbore muzzleloader. The ignition method is classified as a matchlock type due to firing mechanism. When fired, the fuse comes into contact with a black powder propellant, thus igniting it and causing the gun to fire. The history of guns in Japan begins with the matchlock gun invented in Europe in 1543 that first landed in Tanegashima of Kyushu's Kagoshima Prefecture. Because of this it was referred to as a Tanegashima Gun or just "Tanegashima." According to the "Teppoki" an Edo Period (1603 to 1868 AD) account of the history of guns in Japan, Sengoku military commander Tokitaka Tanegashima adopted matchlock guns immediately after seeing a demonstration of their power, and soon after, matchlock guns spread throughout the rest of Japan. After its introduction, the design was improved upon, becoming a flash type matchlock using a spring as a trigger to improve accuracy. The History and Characteristics of the Matchlock Photo:A matchlock ashigaru squad The firearm before the matchlock was a touch-hole typethat was manually ignited by touching a flame to the ignition port, but a serpentine lock type that was operated with an S-shaped metal fitting was devised. In addition to that, a stock was added, and a matchlock gun was completed. The match lock system that was invented after that improved upon its range and power, and transformed it into a flint lock system that ignites by striking a flint rock. Comparing a museum matchlock with modern rifles, one of the things that stands out the most is the shape around the grip, which is very different. Therefore, it is said that the firing method was to shoot with the elbow stretched out instead of firing with the butt of the gun in one's shoulder. Oda Nobunaga, who held influence over the entire country during the Azuchi-Momoyama era, used the matchlock on the battlefield, and defeated the Takeda army at the famous battle of battle of Nagashino. The firing speed, which is a weak point of the matchlock gun, was made practical by forming teams of firing squads which led to Nobunaga's victory. During the Edo period, the shogunate restricted the possession of matchlock guns. Technology was stagnant due the national isolation policy that had been implemented by Japan's government, and new guns weren't introduced until the end of the Edo period at which point matchlock guns had become obsolete. Types of Matchlocks Photo:A matchlock In Japan, matchlock guns are categorized according to the weight of the ball they use, the place of production, and the school. Depending on the weight of the bullet, a matchlock is placed in either the small cylinder, medium cylinder, large cylinder, or large gun category. The production areas include Kunitomo Tsutsu, Sakai Tsutsu, Hino Tsutsu, Tosa Tsutsu, Satsuma Tsutsu, and more. Replicas made by safe gun makers are used in marksman competitions. Even in many Western countries, Japanese-style matchlock guns are used in quite a few tournaments. They are also sold to individuals, but they usually do not disclose prices and require you to contact them regarding any inquiries. In addition, even if you do not compete in competitions, you will need to register possession of one because it is subject to the regulations regarding possession of guns and swords. A Firing Demonstration at the Yonezawa Uesugi Festival Source :YouTube screenshot The Yonezawa Uesugi Festival held in Yamagata Prefecture in Japan's Tohoku region is one of the events where a matchlock demonstration is performed. The Yonezawa Uesugi Festival is a historic festival that has been held since 1965, and it is an annual festival held at the Uesugi Shrine, which enshrines the Uesugi family's ancestor, Uesugi Kenshin, as well as at Matsugasaki Shrine that enshrines Uesugi Yozan, Uesugi Kagekatsu, and Naoe Kanetsugu. On the final day of this event, you will be able to see a matchlock gun demonstration performed by 700 performers wearing armor, divided into the Uesugi and Takeda armies, and imitating the battle of Kawanakajima. A standing performer fires from 0:43 in the video, followed by crouching performers from 0:48, and finally from 0:56 we see a performer firing from the prone position. Summary of the Yonezawa Uesugi Festival Source :YouTube screenshot In this article we introduced the history and evolution of the matchlock gun. Did you like it? In the video, you can see a rare demonstration of the powerful matchlocks, so if you still haven't checked it out yet, we recommend giving it a watch! If you're interested in this kind of Japanese history, consider a trip to see the Yonezawa Uesugi Festival! -
Video article 2:47
Karakuri Puppets With Delicate Movements: Traditional Japanese Technology, Realistic Movements, and All Done Without Electricity!
Traditional Culture- 203 plays
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Traditional Japanese Technology - About the Karakuri Puppet intro video The video “Karakuri puppet – 4K Ultra HD,” created by TokyoStreetView – Japan The Beautiful, introduces two traditional Japanese wind-up puppets: "Yumihiki Doji" (弓曳童子), the puppet of a boy drawing a bow, and "Mojigaki Ningyo" (文字書き人形), the calligraphy puppet. In this three-minute video, you can see how these famous puppets work, so we highly recommend watching the video if you're interested in the following two questions: ・How do traditional Japanese Karakuri puppets move? ・What is the history and culture of traditional Japanese Karakuri puppets? This article focuses on the traditional Japanese technology “Karakuri” puppets, which is said to be the origin of robot creation. To begin with, please take a look at the video to see delicate and intricate movements of the puppets. About the Puppets "Yumihiki Doji" and "Mojigaki Ningyo" Source of Photo :YouTube screenshot The two puppets "Yumihiki Doji" and "Mojigaki Ningyo" are representative examples of Japanese wind-up puppets, as well as the famous puppet “Ocha Hakobi Ningyo (お茶運び人形),” the teacup carrying puppet. The first puppet "Yumihiki Doji," which you can see at 0:05 of this video, grabs four arrows firmly and shoots them at its target. The puppet aims at the target carefully, sometimes raising its face and even changing its own facial expressions. From 1:52 you can see another mechanized puppet “Mojigaki Ningyo,” holding ink brushes in its mouth and hand and writing letters on paper in the other hand. You'll be amazed when it starts writing two different letters at the same time! About Karakuri Puppets- Traditional Japanese Technology Photo:A Karakuri Puppet on a Parade Float Karakuri wind-up puppets have a long history; dating all the way back to the Heian period(794-1185). Back then, hand-puppeteered Karakuri puppets were mostly used for entertainment during rituals or at theaters. It is said that this kind of wind-up puppet was developed further in the Edo period(1603-1868). Wind-up puppets were a kind of pop culture back then; they were used as toys to play in tatami rooms or placed on festival floats. Today you can see these puppets at traditional Japanese puppet shows such as Ningyo Joruri (人形浄瑠璃), Takayama Festival (高山祭り, Takayama Matsuri) in Gifu prefecture, Karakuri Ningyoshibai Hall in Gunma prefecture, Takeda Marionette Theater (竹田人形座, Takeda Ningyo-Za) in Nagano prefecture, and many more. There is a book called "Karakuri Zui" (機匠図彙), showing structures and mechanical drawings of Karakuri wind-up puppets. It includes how to make nine different kinds of puppets. The best puppet creators in the Edo period are said to be Oumi Takeda and the “Karakuri Master”(からくり儀右衛門, Karakuri Giemon) Hisashige Tanaka. Currently Tanaka's works are preserved at the National Museum of Nature and Science in Tokyo. Today Mr. Tamaya Shobei IX, the professional Karakuri puppet craftsman, restores, repairs, produces and sells puppets. Karakuri wind-up puppets are powered by wood, springs, and threads, and therefore don’t require electricity. The technology of traditional Karakuri puppets is highly valued, as it is said to have had a profound impact on western technology Overview of Karakuri Puppets Source of Photo :YouTube screenshot In the video "Karakuri puppet – 4K Ultra HD," you see the two automatic wind-up puppets: "Yumibiki Doji" and "Mojigaki Ningyo." The movements of both puppetss is quite interesting; It's as if the puppets are changing their own facial expressions. Also, don’t overlook the tiny puppet below Yumibiki Doji turning a lever! In addition to the two puppets in this video, there are various other kinds of Karakuri wind-up puppets: magician puppets, spirit buying puppets, airplane operating puppets, and more. If you are interested in traditional Japanese technology, please look into some of these other puppets as well! -
Video article 5:41
Kenshibu: A Traditional Japanese Performing Art That Combines Beauty and Spirit! Watch Closely as the "Kenshibu Super Team" Performs Their Prestigious "Kenshibu Dance"!
Traditional Culture- 29 plays
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The Kenshibu Super Team's Amazing Performance Video! This video, titled "Kenshibu Super Team|Promotional Video 'PASSION ~ Like a Blaze ~'," was released by the "Japan Ginkenshibu Foundation." Ginkenshibu, a traditional Japanese performing art, is a combination of two art forms: sword dancing and poetry. The Japan Ginkenshibu Foundation, introduced in the video, continues to promote the appeal of Ginkenshibu, a traditional Japanese performing art, through teaching Ginkenshibu and organizing stage performances and national competitions. A Closer Look at Kenshibu, a Traditional Japanese Performing Art Source :YouTube screenshot The history of Ginkenshibu, the traditional Japanese performing art introduced in the video, dates back more than 100 years, and is said to have started when a samurai in the Edo period (1603-1868) danced whilst holding a sword. It was not until the Meiji period (1868-1912) that Hibino Raifu shaped the style of the current sword dance based on the forms used in Japanese swordsmanship. In most cases, different characters are in charge of the sword dance, which is performed brilliantly with the movements of kenjutsu and iaijutsu, and the poetry dance, which incorporates the techniques of Chinese poetry, Japanese Waka poetry, shigin, and Japanese music. The performance may be performed by two people who do the sword dance and poetry dance or done by a large number of performers. The characteristic of the traditional Japanese performing art, Kenshibu, is that swords and fans are used in the performances. Performers of the traditional performing art, Kenshibu, are required to have the spirit of Bushido, the spirit and dignity of a samurai. From 0:44 of the video, you can see the powerful Kenshibu performance. The Kenshibu Super Team Source :YouTube screenshot The Kenshibu Super Team is a project started to raise the next generation of Kenshibu artists while inheriting the techniques of the traditional Japanese performing art. Kenshibu Super Team's Shoko Shibata is a member of the Japan Soshinryu and started the traditional performing art Kenshibu when he was in elementary school. The highly skilled members of the team, including Shoko Shibata, Irikura Shouou, Gaikou Sotome, Houyo Kutsukawa, Yuuyo Sugiura, and Bishin Nagasawa; perform the Kenshibai Super Team performance "PASSION ~ Like a flame ~" introduced in the video at the beginning of this article. Many spectators are mesmerized by the dynamic and intense movements of Kenshibu. Summary of the Kenshibu Super Team Source :YouTube screenshot The Kenshibu Super Team is a fascinating organization that arranges and performs Kenshibu, a traditional Japanese performing art, in a contemporary style. If you want to experience traditional Japanese culture, be sure to check out the performance of the Kenshibu Super Team! 【Official Website】Kenshibu Super Team - Japan Ginkenshibu Foundation http://www.ginken.or.jp/index.php/en/top-en/ -
Video article 6:44
Ki&Ki - A Female Shamisen Duo Performing Modern Arrangements of Traditional Japanese Music. Watch as They Perform "Tsugaru Jongara Bushi," a Popular Japanese Folk Song!
Traditional Culture Entertainment & Music- 464 plays
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The Tsugaru Shamisen Duo "Ki&Ki" This video, titled "Shamisen Girls Ki&Ki - Tsugaru Jongara Bushi," was uploaded by "Shamisen in Tokyo." The Tsugaru-shamisen musicians introduced in the video are a popular female musical duo called Ki&Ki (KiKi) from Japan. The group is composed of two members, Hikari Shirafuji (白藤ひかり) and Kanami Takeda (武田佳泉), who continue to release modern pieces of music performed on the traditional Tsugaru-shamisen. The Music of Ki&Ki Source :YouTube screenshot Ki&Ki, formed in 2008, is a musical duo of Tsugaru-shamisen performers. Both members have taken first place in numerous Tsugaru-shamisen competitions all over Japan. Ki&Ki perform a variety of music, from the traditional folk music Tsugaru Jongara Bushi to more modern music with rock and pop influences. They also perform cover songs as well as performing their own original music. There are various style of Tsugaru Jongara Bushi, including "Kyu-bushi" (旧節, a high-tempo style) and "Shin-bushi" (新節, a style sung with a quick tempo). Ki&Ki perform a style called "Shin-kyu-bushi" which is a combination of the two previous styles and is extremely popular among fans. Check Out Ki&Ki Band! Source :YouTube screenshot Ki&Ki Band is a five member group composed of the original Ki&Ki duo, together with Tatsuya Itou (伊藤辰哉) on piano, Keisuke Shimada (島田圭佑) on bass, and Yasuhito Sakairi (坂入康仁) on drums. It's hard to believe the band's powerful music is performed on traditional Japanese instruments! Prepare to be captivated by the delicate yet powerful sound of Ki&Ki Band, a sound like no other that will keep you coming back for more! Experience Playing the Tsugaru-Shamisen! Source :YouTube screenshot The Tsugaru-shamisen is a traditional Japanese instrument that originating in Aomori prefecture (青森県) and dating back to the Bakumatsu (end of the Edo period, 1853 AD-1869 AD). The first Tsugaru-shamisen was made by the Buddhist monk Nitabo (仁太坊). In recent years, more and more artists are performing modern arrangements of Shamisen music and the music genre is growing in popularity. Due to the growing popularity of Tsugaru-shamisen music, the number of schools offering Tsugaru-shamisen playing experiences has also been on the rise. The lessons are suitable for complete beginners so no need to worry if you have no experience playing the Tsugaru-shamisen. Have fun trying to play your favorite music and feel free to sing along! Summary of the Tsugaru-Shamisen Source :YouTube screenshot Many people think of the Tsugaru-shamisen as a traditional instrument for playing traditional Japanese music, however, as you can see in the video, a growing number of artists are performing more modern arrangements that appeal to larger audiences. If you enjoyed watching the Tsugaru-shamisen performance, why not experience playing the traditional Japanese instrument yourself by taking a lesson or two at a school near you! 【Official Website】Tsugaru-Shamisen Ki&Ki https://www.shamisenkiki.com/ -
Video article 7:31
A Master Bonsai Artist's Technique to Share the Appeal of Bonsai With the World! A Look at the Performance Leaving Italians in Awe!
Traditional Culture- 22 plays
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This video, titled "Kunio Kobayashi Bonsai demonstration," was released by Bonsai Empire (盆栽エンパイア). In this video, you can see the performance of Kunio Kobayashi, a bonsai master, at a bonsai event in Italy. Mr. Kunio Kobayashi has built a bonsai museum in Japan and has been promoting bonsai around the world. The video shows him impressing the people of Italy with his techniques. -
Video article 3:55
A True Samurai of Our Time! Watch as He Sets a New Guiness World Record!
Traditional Culture- 15 plays
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ギネス世界記録に挑戦!刀でイグサを切りまくる動画紹介 こちらの動画は「ギネス世界記録 公式チャンネル」が公開した「尋常じゃない動き!武道家の達人が、刀でイグサを切りまくる【ギネス世界記録】」です。 日本伝統の文化は今も尚さまざまな形で根付いています。 武道家としての道を究めた人の持つ技術は神業と呼ばれることもあります。 今回は日本刀でイグサをひたすら斬る動画を紹介します。 ギネス世界記録に挑戦!刀でイグサを切りまくる動画とは 動画で紹介されている日本を代表する居合術家の町井勲(マチイイサオ)が日本刀を用いてひたすら猛スピードでイグサを斬る動画です。 実際の居合術の様子だけでなく、町井勲のインタビューとギネス世界記録を樹立した瞬間が収められています。 世界記録を保持している武道家はどれほどすごいのか知りたい方にうってつけの動画です。 町井勲が達成したギネス世界記録は日本刀を用いた1分間速斬りの最多数。動画内の記録は87太刀です。 町井勲とはどのような人物なのか 町井勲は修心流居合術兵法創始者。 平成のサムライと呼ばれ、6つのギネス世界記録を達成したことでも有名です。 2005年に居合術道場「修心館」を開設しています。 また『最強のすすめ ~日本刀が教えてくれた日本人の生き方~』という著書をはじめ、修心流居合術兵法の初歩に関するDVDを発売するなど日本伝統の居合術を広めるために精力的に活動していることでも有名。 町井勲が樹立したその他の世界記録 町井勲は1分間速斬りの最多数の他に樹立したギネス世界記録は ・据斬 ・3分間速斬り ・最速テニスボール居合斬り ・6ミリBB弾居合斬り ・千本斬り の5つになります。 日本刀1本で世界記録をいくつも達成する神業は想像以上の努力と才能が必要です。 ギネス世界記録に挑戦!刀でイグサを切りまくる動画紹介まとめ 日本伝統の文化の1つである侍や居合術。 今回紹介した動画は世界記録を達成した日本の武道家の凄技が収められています。 この記事を通して日本伝統の文化や歴史などを学びたい、触れてみたいと感じていただけたら幸いです。 -
Video article 4:14
Enjoy Kabuki, a Traditional Japanese Art Form, at Kashimo Meijiza, a Performing Arts Theater in Gifu Prefecture! Come Explore the Deep World That Lies Inside the 130-Year-Old Theater!
Traditional Culture- 69 plays
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The Kashimo Meijiza Performing Arts Theater in Gifu Prefecture This video, produced by "N.a.," is titled "[Beautiful Japan] GIFU The Meijiza Playhouse,Tono." It introduces the Kashimo Meijiza, a performing arts theater in Gifu Prefecture. Gifu Prefecture's Kashimo Meijiza is a historical theater built in 1894. In the old days, Kabuki was performed by local amateur actors, and many theaters were built where these performances took root. This video shows actual Kabuki performances at Kashimo Meijiza. Relax and enjoy the traditional Japanese performing arts! Kabuki - A Traditional Japanese Performing Art Source :YouTube screenshot Kabuki is an ancient form of taishu engeki (大衆演劇). The word "kabuki" (歌舞伎) comes from the word "傾く" (Kabuku), which long ago meant "to perform kabuki." Kabuki began as a dance performance started by Izumo no Okuni in Kyoto, and gradually spread throughout the country. Today, the traditional performing art Kabuki is designated as an Important Intangible Cultural Property of Japan. At one point, people were so absorbed in the plays that the Shogunate issued a ban on them. Other traditional performing arts of Japanese origin include Kyogen and Noh theatre. Kashimo Meijiza, shown in the video, works with the Toza Theater in Shirakawa, Gifu Prefecture, and holds a variety of events to give visitors a casual introduction to the traditional arts, such as exhibitions of amateur kabuki equipment. Famous Kabuki Actors Performing at Kashimo Meijiza! Source :YouTube screenshot Opened in 1894, Kashimo Meijiza was a popular event venue for a variety of performances, including traditional kabuki theater, plays, and dances. Since the mid 1990's, it has hosted performances by famous actors such as Nakamura Kanzaburo and Nakamura Shichinosuke. In the video, you can see how the venue is set up to welcome the audience at 1:06, performers putting on their makeup and wigs before going on stage at 1:22, and an actual performance at 1:45. Summary of Kashimo Meijiza, a Traditional Performing Arts Theater Source :YouTube screenshot You can watch kabuki performances on TV, but watching a kabuki performance from a seat in a kabuki theater is a special experience. If you'd like to see a kabuki performance in person, check out the performance information for Gifu's Kashimo Meijiza and plan a sightseeing trip in the area when one is taking place! The unadulterated spirit that can be found in traditional kabuki and kabuki theaters is truly something to behold. If you'd like to see a kabuki performance in person, check out the performance information for Gifu's Kashimo Meijiza and go sightseeing in the area! ◆Kashimo Meijiza|General Information◆ 【Address】4793-2 Kashimo, Nakatsugawa, Gifu 508-0421 【Access】50 minutes by car from the Nakatsugawa Interchange on the Chuo Expressway, or from JR Nakatsugawa Station, take the Kita-Ena Kotsu Bus and get off at Manga (万賀). 【Parking】Available 【Official Website】Kashimo Meijiza http://meijiza.jp/english.html 【Tripadvisor】Kashimo Meijiza https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1015944-d12194397-Reviews-Kashimo_Meijiza_Theater-Nakatsugawa_Gifu_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 2:40
Performing the American National Anthem on a Traditional Japanese Musical Instrument! A Performance That Even a Packed MLB Stadium Crowd Was Impressed By!
Traditional Culture- 21 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "メジャーリーグの球場にて和楽器でアメリカ国歌を演奏。AUNJ「National Anthem」Fenway park 2014-Japan Traditional-," was released by "AUN J CLASSIC ORCHESTRA." On April 9, 2014, a group of performers showed up at a ballpark for the opening of the Major League Baseball game between the Red Sox and Rangers, dressed in black kimono with Japanese musical instruments in hand. That group was the AUN J CLASSIC ORCHESTRA. Their motto is "Music knows no borders, but it does have a nationality," and they are performing to share the beauty of Japanese musical instruments with the world. At Major League Baseball games, before the game starts, the stadiums sing the star spangled banner together. However, this time, instead of the usual arrangement, it was played on traditional Japanese instruments for the first time ever. Listen to the graceful sound of the American National Anthem played on traditional Japanese instruments. -
Video article 18:47
Japanese Fireworks Are of the Highest Quality! The Beautiful Fireworks of Aichi’s “Sanshu Kakou”: Amazing Craftsmanship Putting Smiles on the Faces of People Everywhere.
Traditional Culture- 41 plays
- YouTube
Check out the video introducing “Sanshu Kakou,” a fireworks shop that makes traditional Japanese fireworks. "Nippon Teshigoto Zukan x Sanshu Kakou" (ニッポン手仕事図鑑 × 三州火工), is a video interviewing craftsmen of Sanshu Kakou, located in Okazaki, Aichi Prefecture. The handheld fireworks date back to the Edo Period(1603-1868). At 14:50, You can see the beauty of the traditional Japanese fireworks made using gunpowder. What Is Sanshu Kakou? Source :YouTube screenshot Sanshu Kakou is a historical fireworks factory in Kota, Nukata, Aichi, in Japan's Tokai region. The fireworks are 100% domestically produced. These days, there are a lot of inexpensive fireworks that are imported. But the fireworks made by the hands of Japanese craftsmen second to none when it comes to quality and beauty. The 100% domestically produced sparkler “Oedo Botan” is especially pretty thanks to its lovely colors. Fireworks merchant, Yamagata Shoten in Tokyo, and fireworks factory Sanshu Kakou in Aichi, are cooperating in order to make a new, domestically produced sparkler. You can see the craftmanship at 6:32 in the video. Surprisingly, the gunpowder is hand-wrapped one by one. Let’s Buy Some Fireworks! Source :YouTube screenshot Many Japanese people get excited about letting off fireworks in the summer. There are different kinds of fireworks in Japan, such as fireworks moving like a dancing octopus, skyrockets, repeating fireworks, jet fireworks, and smoke fireworks as well. You can get handheld fireworks that can be used at home, at the supermarket, convenience stores, the toy section at department store, and at online retailers like Amazon and Rakuten. Summary of Japan's Traditional Fireworks Photo:Sparkler Sanshu Kakou is a historical studio that makes traditional Mikawa fireworks in Aichi. The fireworks made by the craftsmen, using traditional techniques and gunpowder, are of the highest quality. If you're curious about trying out some traditional Japanese fireworks, be sure to visit some of the places we listed above! -
Video article 4:32
【Easy Japanese】How to Use Onsen in Japan: A Beginner's Guide + Popular Onsen in Japan & More!(日本温泉の入り方の入門書+日本の人気温泉など!)
Travel Traditional Culture Life & Business- 33 plays
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How to Use Onsen: Video Introduction 温泉おんせんの入はいり方かたの動画どうが紹介しょうかい This video, titled "Japanese ONSEN Manners" (日本にほんの温泉おんせんマナー Japanese ONSEN Manners), was uploaded by "LetsJapanCh." 今回こんかいは、『LetsJapanCh.』さん制作せいさくの『日本にほんの温泉おんせんマナー Japanese ONSEN Manners』という動画どうがを紹介しょうかいします。 It introduces how to use onsen in Japan. 温泉おんせんの入はいり方かたを説明せつめいする動画どうがです。 What Are Japan's Onsen? 日本にほんの温泉おんせんとは? Photo:Hot springs at Kusatsu Onsen(写真しゃしん:草津温泉くさつおんせんの湯畑ゆばたけ) Onsen, written "温泉おんせん" (温, On (Warm); 泉, Sen (Spring)) in kanji, is the Japanese word for "hot spring." 温泉おんせん(漢字かんじでは、「温(あたたかい)」「泉(いずみ)」)は英語えいごの「hot spring」という意味いみです。 Japan is one of the world's leading hot spring countries, and there are around 28,000 onsen in Japan. 日本にほんは世界せかい有数ゆうすうの温泉おんせん大国たいこくで、約やく28,000にまんはっせんの温泉おんせんがあると言いわれています。 It's not known exactly when Japan's onsen culture came to be, but records of onsen appear in historical texts, such as the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan), from Japan's Nara Period (710-794). 日本にほんの温泉おんせんの文化ぶんかがいつ頃ごろ生うまれたかは明あきらかではありませんが、奈良なら時代じだいの「日本にほん書紀しょき」などの歴史的れきしてきな書類しょるいにも温泉おんせんの記録きろくがあります。 Onsen Rules/Etiquette & How to Use Onsen in Japan 日本にほんの温泉おんせんの入はいり方かたとルール・マナーを紹介しょうかい Photo:Noren at a public bath(写真しゃしん:銭湯せんとうの暖簾のれんのイメージ) Because Japan's onsen culture dates back more than 1,000 years, there are many different rules, manners, and customs to observe when using them. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんの文化ぶんかは1000せん年ねん以上いじょうの歴史れきしがあります。しかし、日本にほんの温泉おんせんを利用りようするときには様々さまざまなルールやマナー、習慣しゅうかんがあります。 Let's take a look at how to use onsen in Japan. ここでは、日本にほんでの温泉おんせんの入はいり方かたについてご紹介しょうかいします。 As shown in the video, there are two entrances at an onsen- one for women and one for men. 動画どうがで紹介しょうかいされているように、温泉おんせんには女性じょせい用ようと男性だんせい用ようの入いり口ぐちがあります。 The entrances are marked by curtains called "Noren." 入いり口ぐちには「暖簾のれん」というものがあります。 The noren for the men's onsen generally have the kanji '男' (man), while the noren for the women's onsen have the kanji '女' (woman). 男湯おとこゆの暖簾のれんには「男おとこ」、女湯おんなゆの暖簾のれんには「女おんな」という漢字かんじが書かいてあるのが一般的いっぱんてきです。 [Video] 0:26 - Noren & Entrances for Men and Women 【動画どうが】0:26~ 暖簾のれんと男性だんせい用よう・女性じょせい用ようの入いり口ぐち If you're not used to Japan's onsen culture, this may come as a surprise, but before entering an onsen, one must get completely naked. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんの文化ぶんかに慣なれていない人ひとはびっくりするかもしれませんが、温泉おんせんに入はいる前まえに完全かんぜんに裸はだかにならなければなりません。 This means no swimsuits, slippers, etc. つまり、水着みずぎやスリッパなどは着用ちゃくようしません。 One reason is that wearing swimsuits can dirty the water, but another reason is that the swimsuits will weaken the therapeutic effects of the onsen. 水着みずぎを着きるとお湯ゆが汚よごれるという理由りゆうもありますが、温泉おんせんの効能こうのうが弱よわまってしまうという理由りゆうもあります。 [Video] 0:58 - What to Wear in a Japanese Onsen 【動画どうが】0:58~ 日本にほんの温泉おんせんでの服装ふくそうについて Before entering an onsen there are a few other things one must do. 温泉おんせんに入る前まえに、いくつかの手順てじゅんがあります。 The first is to pour water over the body. まず、体からだにお湯ゆをかけること。 This is to acclimate your body to the temperature of the onsen, and also to wash the body of dirt and cleanse it of impurities/evil spirits. これは温泉おんせんの温度おんどに体からだを慣ならすとともに、体からだを洗あらって、穢けがれを落おとすためです。 [Video] 1:22 - Pouring Water Over Oneself Before Entering the Onsen 【動画どうが】1:22~ 温泉おんせんに入はいる前まえにかけ湯ゆ After cleansing your body, it's time for a shower. 体からだを洗あらった後あとは、シャワーを浴あびます。 Unlike normal showers where you would shower standing up, it's proper manners to sit down when showering at an onsen. 通常つうじょうのシャワーは立たって浴あびますが、温泉おんせんでは座すわって浴あびるのがマナーです。 This is to prevent the water from splashing on others who may also be showering. これは、同おなじようにシャワーを浴あびている人ひとに水みずがかからないようにするためです。 Onsen are shared spaces, and so it's important to be mindful of others. 温泉おんせんは共有きょうゆうの空間くうかんなので、他ほかの人ひとを気きづかうことが大切たいせつです。 [Video] 2:13 - Showering Before Entering the Onsen 【動画どうが】2:13~ 温泉おんせんに入はいる前まえにシャワー Many people may think it's common sense to not bring stools into the baths, but it's still a important. 湯船ゆぶねに腰掛こしかけを持もち込こまないのは常識じょうしきと思おもわれる人ひとが多おおいかもしれませんが、大切たいせつなことです。 Actually, bringing any outside objects into the onsen is generally considered bad manners. また、温泉おんせんの中なかに物ものを持もち込こむのはマナー違反いはんとされています。 Things like squirt guns, pool noodles, etc., are not allowed in onsen. 温泉おんせんでは水鉄砲みずでっぽうやプール・ヌードルなどは禁止きんしです。 [Video] 1:58 - Don't Bring Outside Objects Inside the Onsen 【動画どうが】1:58~ 外部がいぶからの物ものを湯船ゆぶねにつけない While onsen are a place for relaxing, sleeping inside or near the baths is bad manners. 温泉おんせんはリラックスするための場所ばしょですが、湯船ゆぶねの中なかや近ちかくで寝ねるのはマナー違反いはんです。 Sleeping inside the baths is also dangerous as well, so definitely avoid doing this. また、湯船ゆぶねの中なかで寝ねるのは危険きけんですので、絶対ぜったいにやめましょう。 [Video] 2:41 - No Sleeping in Onsen 【動画どうが】2:41~ 温泉おんせんで寝ねてはいけない As mentioned above, onsen are a shared space for relaxation. 上うえに書かいてあるように、温泉おんせんはリラックスするための共有きょうゆうの場所ばしょです。 It's good manners to keep your voice down when enjoying the onsen. 温泉おんせんを楽たのしむときは、静しずかにくつろぐのがマナーです。 If you're with a friend and want to talk, be sure to talk quietly. 友達ともだちと一緒いっしょにいて話はなしをしたい場合ばあいは、静しずかに話はなすようにしましょう。 Naturally, singing, yelling, etc., is bad manners. もちろん、歌うたったり、大声おおごえを出だしたりするのはマナー違反いはんです。 These manners also apply to saunas in Japan as well. これらのマナーは、日本にほんのサウナでも同おなじです。 [Video] 3:02 - Staying Quiet When Using Onsen 【動画どうが】3:02~ 温泉おんせんを利用りようするときは静しずかに After you've finished relaxing in the onsen and are ready to return to the dressing room, it's important to wipe your body off first. 温泉おんせんでくつろいで、脱衣室だついしつに戻もどりたいときは、まず体からだを拭ふきましょう。 This is so that the floors of the dressing room don't get wet. これは脱衣室だついしつの床ゆかが濡ぬれれないようにするためです。 [Video] 3:40 - Wiping Down Before Entering the Dressing Room 【動画どうが】3:40~ 体からだを拭ふいてから脱衣室だついしつに戻もどる Bathing in an onsen expends energy and the heat causes you to sweat, reducing the amount of water in the body. 温泉おんせんに入はいると体力たいりょくを使つかって、熱ねつで汗あせをかくため、体内たいないの水分すいぶんが少すくなくなります。 Because of this, it's important to relax for a while after bathing in the onsen, and grab some water or a sports drink to rehydrate. そのため、入浴にゅうよく後ごはしばらくリラックスして、水みずやスポーツドリンクで水分すいぶんをとるのが大事だいじです。 Many onsen in Japan provide yukata that guests can wear after bathing, and a lounge where they can relax. 多おおくの日本にほんの温泉おんせんでは、入浴にゅうよく後ごに着きる浴衣ゆかたや、ゆっくり休やすめる休憩室きゅうけいしつが用意よういされています。 Can You Enter Onsen in Japan With Tattoos? 日本にほんではタトゥーがあっても温泉おんせんに入れる? One of the most frequently asked questions foreign travelers to Japan have when wanting to visit an onsen is whether or not it's okay to enter onsen with tattoos. 来日らいにちする外国人がいこくじん旅行者りょこうしゃが温泉おんせんに入はいりたいと思おもったとき、よくある質問しつもんの1ひとつに「タトゥーがあっても温泉おんせんに入はいれますか?」という質問しつもんです。 Unfortunately, the answer to this is generally no. 残念ざんねんながら、一般的いっぱんてきにいうと、入はいれません。 The reason for this is tattoos in Japan have long been associated with criminal organizations. その理由りゆうは、日本にほんでは昔からタトゥーは犯罪はんざい組織そしきと関係かんけいがあったからです。 In the past, criminals in Japan were even marked with a tattoo so that they could be easily identified. かつて日本にほんでは、犯罪者はんざいしゃがすぐに分わかるようにタトゥーを入いれていました。 That being said, there are some onsen in Japan where you can enter with tattoos. とはいえ、日本にほんにはタトゥーがあっても入れる温泉おんせんがあります。 Furthermore, there are places that allow you to enter as long as you cover up your tattoos. さらに、タトゥーを隠かくせば入はいれるところもあります。 This can be done with special bandages and sprays sold in Japan. 日本にほんで売うられている専用せんようのバンデージやスプレーで隠かくすことができます。 Unfortunately, some places won't let you enter even if you offer to cover up tattoos. しかし、残念ざんねんなことに、タトゥーを隠かくしても入はいらせてくれない温泉おんせんもあります。 In this case, there's not much you can do, and you're better off just finding a new place. この場合ばあい、どうすることもできないので、違ちがう温泉おんせんを探さがしましょう。 It shouldn't be hard though with how many onsen there are in Japan. ただ、日本にほんにはたくさんの温泉おんせんがありますので、探さがしやすいはずです。 The Different Types of Onsen in Japan 日本にほん温泉おんせんの種類しゅるい Photo:A bulletin board with health benefits written on it at Kinosaki Onsen(写真しゃしん:城崎温泉きのさきおんせん・効能こうのうが書かかれた掲示板けいじばん) Japan's onsen are said to be good for one's health, but there are many different types of onsen in Japan, and they all have slightly different health benefits. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんは健康けんこうに良よいと言いわれていますが、日本にほんには様々さまざまな種類しゅるいの温泉おんせんがあって、それぞれ効能こうのうも少すこし違ちがいます。 Below we'll introduce some of the different types of onsen in Japan. 以下いかに、日本にほんの温泉おんせんの種類しゅるいをいくつかご紹介しょうかいします。 ・Simple Hot Springs ・簡易かんい温泉おんせん Standard, transparent hot springs with a small amount of minerals. ミネラルが少すこし入はいった、お湯ゆが透明とうめいの標準的ひょうじゅんてきな温泉おんせん。 ・Chloride Springs ・塩化物えんかぶつ泉せん Hot springs that contain salt and are good for muscle and joint pain. 塩分えんぶんが高たかい、筋肉痛きんにくつうや関節痛かんせつつうに良よい温泉おんせん。 ・Sulfate Springs ・硫酸塩りゅうさんえん泉せん Hot springs that contain sulfates. The water of these onsen has a bitter taste. 硫酸塩りゅうさんえんが入はいった温泉おんせん。この温泉おんせんのお湯ゆは苦にがい味あじがする。 ・Acidic Springs ・酸性泉さんせいせん Hot springs with high acidity. These springs are good for the skin. 酸性度さんせいどの高たかい温泉おんせん。この温泉おんせんは肌はだに良よいです。 ・Radioactive Springs ・放射能ほうしゃのう泉せん You might be thinking "That sounds dangerous," but radioactive springs are actually shown to have good effects on the body. 「危あぶなさそうだな」と思おもうかもしれませんが、実じつは放射能ほうしゃのう泉せんは体からだに良よい効果こうかがあることが分わかっています。 These springs have a small amount of radon or radium in them and are said to treat gout and rheumatism. ラドンやラジウムが少すこし入はいった温泉おんせんで、痛風つうふうやリウマチに効きくと言いわれています。 Popular Onsen in Japan 日本にほんの人気にんき温泉おんせん There are so many hot springs in Japan that it would be impossible to list them all. 日本にほんには温泉おんせんが数かぞえ切きれないほどたくさんあるので、すべての温泉おんせんを紹介しょうかいすることはできません。 So, here are some of the most popular onsen in Japan. そこで、日本にほんで最もっとも人気にんきのある温泉おんせんをいくつかご紹介しょうかいします。 ・Kusatsu Onsen (Gunma Prefecture) ・草津くさつ温泉おんせん(群馬県ぐんま) A famous hot spring resort located on the east side of Mt. Kusatsu-Shirane, an active volcano. 活火山かっかざんである草津くさつ白根山しらねさんの東側ひがしがわに位置いちする有名ゆうめいな温泉地おんせんち。 The hot springs here are mostly acidic hot springs and are even said to have been used by military commanders during Japan's Warring States Period. ここの温泉おんせんは酸性泉さんせいせんが多おおくて、日本にほんの戦国せんごく時代じだいには武将ぶしょうが利用りようしたと言いわれています。 Play Time 3:02 Kusatsu Onsen Hot Spring, Gunma Prefecture- Beautiful Scenery, Skiing, Hot Springs, and Local Food and Events, All in This Beautiful Winter Wonderland YouTube ・Hakone Onsen (Kanagawa Prefecture) ・箱根はこね温泉おんせん(神奈川県かながわけん) Hakone Onsen refers to hot springs located mainly in the town of Hakone in Kanagawa Prefecture. 箱根はこね温泉おんせんとは、神奈川県かながわけん箱根町はこねまちを中心ちゅうしんに位置いちした温泉おんせんのことです。 It has a long history, dating back 1,300 years. 温泉おんせんの歴史れきしは古ふるくて、1300せんさんびゃく年ねん前まえにさかのぼります。 Play Time 2:59 Hakone Onsen's "Hakone Ginyu" Inn, Is an Exclusive, Luxurious Place to Stay in Kanagawa Prefecture! Enjoy a Wonderful Experience at One of Japan's Premier Hot Springs! YouTube ・Beppu Onsen (Oita Prefecture) ・別府べっぷ温泉おんせん(大分県おおいたけん) Beppu Onsen is a hot spring resort in Oita Prefecture, located near Beppu Station. 別府べっぷ温泉おんせんとは大分県おおいたけんの温泉地おんせんちで、別府べっぷ駅えきの近ちかくにあります。 The resort features many different types of hot springs. 多おおくの種類しゅるいの温泉おんせんがあるのが特徴とくちょうです。 The onsen has been famous for hundreds of years, even appearing on hot spring ranking lists from Japan's Edo Period. 数百年すうひゃくねん前まえから有名ゆうめいな温泉地おんせんちで江戸えど時代じだいの温泉おんせんランキングにも入はいっていました。 Play Time 3:46 Chinoike Jigoku (The Blood Pond of Hell) – A Blood Red Hot Spring at Beppu Hot Springs... YouTube ・Yufuin Onsen (Oita Prefecture) ・湯布院ゆふいん温泉おんせん(大分県おおいたけん) Located in the center of Oita Prefecture, Yufuin Onsen is just 10km from Beppu Onsen, so it's easy to travel between the two of them. 大分県おおいたけんのほぼ中央ちゅうおうに位置いちする湯布院ゆふいん温泉おんせんは、別府べっぷ温泉おんせんからわずか10じゅうキロの距離きょりにあって、別府べっぷ温泉おんせんとの行ゆき来きがしやすいのが特徴とくちょうです。 Play Time 1:06 Experience an Exciting Glamping Trip in Oita, Japan! Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi's Luxury Camping Experience Is Like Staying at a Resort Hotel! YouTube ・Ginzan Onsen (Yamagata Prefecture) ・銀山ぎんざん温泉おんせん(山形県やまがたけん) Ginzan Onsen is a hot spring famous for its beautiful townscape. 銀山ぎんざん温泉おんせんとは美うつくしい街並まちなみで有名ゆうめいな温泉街おんせんがいです。 It's especially breathtaking during winter when snow blankets the town. 特とくに冬ふゆには雪ゆきに覆おおわれて、その美うつくしさは息いきを呑のむほどです。 ・Dogo Onsen (Ehime Prefecture) ・道後どうご温泉おんせん(愛媛県えひめけん) Dogo Onsen is a popular hot spring in Ehime, and is known as one of the oldest hot springs in Japan. 道後どうご温泉おんせんとは、日本にほん最古さいこの温泉おんせんの1ひとつとして知しられる愛媛えひめの有名ゆうめいな温泉おんせんです。 It even appears in Japanese legends 日本にほんの伝説でんせつにも表あらわれます。 Play Time 3:36 Dogo Onsen, the Oldest Hot Spring in Japan, and the Inspiration for Studio Ghibli’s Oscar-Winning Animated Film?! The Hot Spring, Loved by Famous Japanese Novelist Natsume Soseki, Is an Attractive Destination, Filled With History! YouTube The Best Time to Visit Onsen in Japan 日本にほん温泉おんせんのベストシーズン Photo:Winter at Nyuto Onsen's Tsuru no Yu(写真しゃしん:乳頭温泉郷にゅうとうおんせん・冬ふゆの鶴つるの湯温泉ゆおんせん) When it comes to the best season/time of year to visit onsen, this can vary depending on your personal preferences. 温泉おんせんに行いくのに一番いちばんいい季節きせつというと、これは人ひとによって様々さまざまです。 That being said, here are some things to consider for each season. とはいえ、季節きせつごとのポイントをご紹介しょうかいします。 ・Spring ・春はる During spring, the weather is fair, making it easy to relax in onsen. 春はるは、気候きこうもよく温泉おんせんが入はいりやすい季節きせつです。 Depending on where you are, you may even be able to enjoy cherry blossoms while bathing. 場所ばしょによっては桜さくらを見みながら入浴にゅうよくすることもできます。 ・Summer ・夏なつ Summer in Japan is quite hot, so it might seem strange to want to bathe in hot water, but there are some reasons for visiting hot spring during the summer. 日本にほんの夏なつはかなり暑あついので、温泉おんせんでリラックスしたいと思おもうのは不思議ふしぎに思おもえるかもしれませんが、夏なつに温泉おんせんに行いくのにはいくつかの理由りゆうがあります。 One would be that many of Japan's hot springs are located deep in mountainous areas and are difficult to reach during winter. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんは山奥やまおくにあることが多おおく、冬ふゆに行いくのは難むずかしいというのも理由りゆうの1ひとつです。 Summer is the best time to visit any hidden gems you want to go to. 夏なつは、行いきたい穴場あなばに行いくのに一番いちばんいい季節きせつです。 ・Autumn ・秋あき Autumn, similar to spring, has mild weather and is great for enjoying outdoor springs. 秋あきは春はると同様どうよう、気候きこうが穏おだやかで、外そとにある温泉おんせんを楽たのしむのに良よい季節きせつです。 Furthermore, autumn is one of the most beautiful seasons in Japan and there are many places in Japan that are famous for their autumn foliage. さらに、秋あきは日本にほんで美うつくしい季節きせつの1ひとつで、日本にほんには紅葉こうようの名所めいしょがたくさんあります。 Bathing in Japan's relaxing hot springs while enjoying the autumn leaves is a great way to kill two birds with one stone. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんに入はいりながら紅葉こうようも楽たのしめるなんて、一石二鳥いっせきにちょうですね。 ・Winter ・冬ふゆ Winter in Japan can be quite cold, especially northern Japan. 日本にほんのなかでも、特とくに北きた日本にほんの冬ふゆはかなり寒さむいです。 Onsen are a great way to warm up during the harsh winter months. 日本にほんの厳きびしい冬ふゆに体からだを温あたためるには、温泉おんせんは最高さいこうです。 Depending on where you go, you can also enjoy beautiful snowy landscapes around the onsen. 場所ばしょによっては、温泉おんせんの周まわりに美うつくしい雪景色ゆきげしきを楽たのしむこともできます。 How Much Do Onsen in Japan Cost to Use? 日本にほん温泉おんせんの入浴にゅうよく料金りょうきんは? Japan's onsen are relatively cheap to use. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんの入浴にゅうよく料金りょうきんは割わりと安やすいです。 Most onsen cost only a couple hundred yen (a few bucks). ほとんどの温泉おんせんは数百すうひゃく円えんしかかかりません。 If you're on a budget and looking to save money while still enjoying some of the authentic culture of Japan, onsen are a great experience. 予算よさんが限かぎられていて、お金かねを節約せつやくしながら、日本にほんの本物ほんものの文化ぶんかを楽たのしみたいのであれば、温泉おんせんはとても良よい体験たいけんになります。 If you're visiting a hot spring town in Japan and planning to stay the night to enjoy sightseeing around the area, then you're going to have to book some accommodations as well. 日本にほんの温泉街おんせんがいに行いって、その周辺しゅうへんの観光かんこうを楽たのしむために宿泊しゅくはくするのであれば、ホテルなどの宿泊しゅくはく施設しせつの予約よやくが必要ひつようです。 With that in mind, rather than staying at a hotel, we recommend staying at a ryokan. 宿泊しゅくはく施設しせつはホテルではなくて、旅館りょかんに泊とまるのがおすすめです。 A ryokan is a traditional Japanese inn that serves traditional Japanese-style meals, generally has traditional Japanese rooms (tatami mats, sliding doors, etc.), and allows guests to relax in yukata, traditional Japanese clothing. なぜなら旅館りょかんは、食事しょくじは和食わしょく、部屋へやは和室わしつ(畳たたみ、襖ふすまなど)、浴衣ゆかたでくつろぐことができる日本にほんの伝統的でんせつてきな宿泊しゅくはく施設しせつだからです。 This allows visitors to really experience Japanese culture and for roughly the same price as a hotel. ホテルとほぼ同おなじ料金りょうきんですが、日本にほんの文化ぶんかを体験たいけんすることができます。 Onsen ryokan are traditional Japanese inns with a focus on hot springs, and can be found in many hot spring resorts in Japan. 温泉おんせん旅館りょかんは、温泉おんせんを中心ちゅうしんとした日本にほんの伝統的でんせつてきな旅館りょかんで、日本にほんの多おおくの温泉地おんせんちにあります。 Summary of How to Use Onsen in Japan 日本にほん温泉おんせんの入はいり方かたのまとめ There are many different rules and manners to observe when enjoying onsen in Japan, but even if you make a mistake, as long as you're careful there's nothing to worry about. 日本にほんで温泉おんせんを楽たのしむには、様々さまざまなルールやマナーがありますが、たとえ間違まちがえても、気きを付つければ何なにも心配しんぱいすることはありません。 Whether you're going to a famous hot spring resort or an onsen hidden in the mountains of Japan, you're sure to find some relaxing hot springs, regardless of the season. 日本にほんの有名ゆうめいな温泉地おんせんちでも、山奥やまおくの温泉おんせんでも、季節きせつに関係かんけいなくリラックスできる温泉おんせんがきっと見みつかるはずです。 Just remember, if you have tattoos, it's best to do some research and find which hot springs you can enter to avoid any troubles during your trip. ただ、タトゥーを入いれている人ひとは、旅行りょこう中ちゅうにトラブルが起おきないように、入はいれる温泉おんせんを調しらべておくといいでしょう。 h2 ruby { font-weight: bold; } .mod-article-caption .caption-heading { font-size: 2.4rem !important; } .caption-text { font-size: 2rem !important; } -
Video article 9:15
Toshodaiji Temple – A World Heritage Site in Japan, Built by a Chinese Monk! Explore National Treasures and More at This Temple in Nara, Japan
Travel Traditional Culture Art & Architecture History- 29 plays
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Toshodaiji Temple, a World Heritage Site in Nara: Video Introduction This video, titled "[Nara/World Heritage Site] An Ancient Temple Built by Ganjin|Toshodaiji Temple in Nara, Japan (Commentary Edition)" (【奈良/世界遺産】唐招提寺/鑑真建立の古社(解説編) -Toshodai-ji Temple in NARA, JAPAN (Commentary edition) -), was uploaded by "channel WASABI." Introduction to Toshodaiji Temple Photo:A stone monument at Toshodaiji Temple, a World Heritage Site in Nara City, Nara Prefecture Toshodaiji Temple is located in Gojo, Nara in Nara Prefecture, in Japan's Kansai region. It's an ancient temple with 1,300 years of history, founded by Ganjin (Jianzhen) in 759, and is the head temple of the Risshu sect of Buddhism, one of the Six Schools of Nara Buddhism. There are many buildings on the temple grounds that are National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties that showcase the Tenpyo culture (the culture of Buddhism in Nara at the time), and Toshodaiji Temple has been designated as a World Heritage Site. Ganjin, the Monk Who Built Toshodaiji Temple Ganjin, who built Toshodaiji Temple, was a high priest during China's Tang Dynasty. During the Nara Period (710-794 A.D.), he finally made his way to Japan after five unsuccessful attempts to travel there over a period of about 11 years, and after much hardship. When he came to Japan, Ganjin was already 66 years of age. He spent the first five years of his life in Japan at Todaiji Temple, where he established the precepts as the founder of the Risshu sect in Japan. He then opened a training center for those who would study the precepts. Later, many buildings, such as Kondo (金堂, lit. "Golden Hall"), were constructed by followers of Ganjin at this training center, and it became Toshodaiji Temple. In the Mieido Hall on the temple grounds, there is a seated statue of Ganjin (a National Treasure), and the doors are opened to the public in June for a special viewing each year. The stunning wall paintings completed by Kaii Higashiyama over a period of 10 years are also open to the public simultaneously. The Main Hall of Toshodaiji Temple Photo:Toshodaiji Temple Nara City, Nara Prefecture Kondo, the main hall located beyond Nandai-mon, the southern gate, is a representative building of Toshodaiji Temple that preserves the large wooden architecture of the Buddhist temple buildings of Japan's Nara period. In the center of the main hall is a seated statue of Vairocana that stand over 3 meters high, and to the right is a standing statue of Bhaisajyaguru, and to the left is a standing statue of the thousand-armed Kannon (all National Treasures). In the video, you can see the powerful and majestic Kondo Hall. [Video] 1:13 - Toshodaiji Temple's Kondo Hall Points of Interest at Toshodaiji Temple Photo:Toshodaiji Temple's Kodo Hall, Nara City, Nara Prefecture Toshodaiji Temple, a World Heritage site, has many precious temple buildings, and you can take photos lined with National Treasures to post on Instagram or simply keep as mementos of your trip. When you visit Toshodaiji Temple, you'll first see Nandai-mon (the south gate), and Kondo Hall (Golden Hall, the main hall) can be seen beyond it. Located between the main hall and the lecture hall is the two-story Kodo Hall (lecture hall). Next to the ordination platform, where stone steps have been preserved from Japan's Kamakura period (circa 1185-1333 A.D.), is the lotus pond said to have been introduced by Ganjin, the aforementioned Mieido Hall, and the sutra house and treasury on stilts. The auditorium where the statue of the Maitreya Buddha is enshrined can be seen here. [Video] 6:42 - Kodo Hall Various events are held throughout the year at Toshodaiji Temple. One of the most well-known is Uchiwa-Maki, in which hundreds of uchiwa (Japanese fans) are thrown from the temple tower. Receiving an uchiwa fan is said to bring good luck in warding off illnesses and evil spirits. Every year, on the anniversary of the death of Ganjin, the fans are scattered from the temple tower. Tickets for Uchi-Maki are distributed on the day of the ceremony. Summary of Toshodaiji Temple Did you watch the video showing the solemn charms of Toshodaiji Temple, one of the most famous temples in Japan? Toshodaiji Temple was registered as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1998 as one of Nara's cultural properties. Be sure to visit Toshodaiji Temple, a place of many National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties with much to see and do. ◆Toshodaiji Temple◆ 【Address】13-46 Gojocho, Nara, 630-8032 【Telephone】0742-33-7900 【Hours】8:30 AM - 5:00 PM (reception desk closes at 4:30 PM) 【Admission Fee】Adults and college students: 1,000 yen, high school and junior high school students: 400 yen, elementary school students: 200 yen (as of May 20, 2022) 【Access】Nearest station: Nishinokyo Station, Nara Kotsu Bus 'Toshodaiji Temple,' 'Toshodaiji Higashi-guchi' 【Parking】Available (Paid) 【Official Website】Toshodaiji Temple https://toshodaiji.jp/english/index.html 【TripAdvisor】Toshodaiji Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298198-d319882-Reviews-Toshodai_ji_Temple-Nara_Nara_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 19:02
Natto for People Who Hate Natto?! Making Red Soybean Natto! Kyo-Natto Made by a President Who Used to Hate Natto!
Food & Drink Traditional Culture Life & Business- 7 plays
- YouTube
Red Soybean Natto Video Introduction This video, titled "How to make a Delicious Japanese "Kyo-Natto" Amazing "Natto" Master in Kyoto Japan![ASMR][DELI BALI]," was uploaded by "DELI BALI." This series features Kyo-natto, a popular product in Japan's Kansai region, made by Fujiwara Foods, near Kuramaguchi Station in Kyoto. Check out the video below to see how the delicious Kyo-Natto is made. Red Soybeans - One of the Many Varieties of Soybeans! Photo:3 types of soybeans Did you know that there are many varieties of soybeans? When you hear the word "soybeans," the first thing that comes to mind is probably the common yellow soybean. However, there are actually other varieties of soybeans, including red soybeans, green soybeans, and even black soybeans. Among the many varieties, red soybeans are a rare variety with few farmers growing them. Their nutritional value and flavor are superior to those of other varieties, and they are highly sought after. Different Ways to Eat Red Soybeans One problem many people have with natto is that the soybean skin remains in their mouth even after they've finished eating. The skin of red soybeans is so thin that it easily passes through the teeth, and the texture is pleasant, so the skin does not remain in the mouth. Also, because of its strong umami flavor, many recipes have been published for people who want to taste the full flavor of the bean, such as nimame (boiled soybeans). In addition to the sweet nimame, there are many other ways to enjoy soybeans, such as boiled in salted water, served with rice, or with spinach and tofu dressing. There are many different recipes to try out. In this video, red soybean natto is used as an ingredient. Kyo-Natto - The Creme de la Creme of Natto Source :YouTube screenshot The video introduces Fujiwara Foods, a leading natto manufacturer in Kyoto. In addition to natto made from common soybeans, the company also produces red soybean natto and green soybean natto. Several types of natto, including "Kyo-Natto Otsubu" (京納豆大粒, Large Bean Kyo-Natto) and "Kamogawa Natto" (鴨川納豆, Kamo River Natto), which won an excellence award for five consecutive years at the Japan Natto Competition, are loved by many natto fans. The process of making red soybean natto begins with the artisan's hand washing of the beans. The beans are gently washed by hand and soaked in water until they are about twice their original size. From there, the red soybeans are cooked in a pressure cooker. In the video, you can see the pressure cooker, which is full of Fujiwara Foods' commitment and history. After the beans are cooked, natto bacillus is immediately sprayed on the beans. Before the beans cool down, the natto is packed and left in the fermentation room for another 20 hours before the red soybean natto is finally ready. President Fujiwara says he never liked natto and did not want to take over his family's business. However, he is now known as a natto maker with fans not only in Kyoto but all across Japan. Summary of Kyo-Natto, a Natto Made With Red Soybeans Natto is a food for all genders and ages because of its high quality protein, so much so that it's called "Hatake no Niku" (畑の肉, 'the meat of the fields') in Japan. Furthermore, in recent years, soybeans have been attracting attention from people interested in dieting as a low-sugar food. Natto is made from fermented soybeans, which makes it even more nutritious. However, as the president of Fujiwara Foods disliked natto, it is a food that Japanese people are quite divided about. For those who dislike the smell, using spices such as wasabi, garlic, or curry seems to make it easier to eat. Be sure to give it a try if you dislike natto yourself. Even some natto lovers probably didn't know that there's red soybean natto and green soybean natto, or they may have known about them but have never eaten them. You'd be surprised at how different the different types of soybeans are. Red soybean natto is on a whole different level from regular natto. Be sure to give it a try! -
Video article 3:58
Kanzashi - How to Use Japanese Hairpins! Stylish Hairstyles for Kimono and Yukata!
Life & Business Traditional Culture- 69 plays
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How to Style Your Hair With Kanzashi (Japanese Hairpin): Video Introduction This video, titled "3 Different Hairstyles for Kimono and Yukata Using Kanzashi" (浴衣や着物に使いたい簪(かんざし)の3つの使い方/How to use Kanzashi(chopsticks)/Kimono and Yukata 3 hairstyles.), was uploaded by "hair works &SOL." This video explains how to use kanzashi, Japanese hairpins used in traditional Japanese hairstyles, in an easy-to-understand manner, so that those unfamiliar with kanzashi can easily follow along. Kanzashi - Cute Hairstyles Without Kimono and Yukata A kanzashi is a hair ornament that is inserted into hair to maintain one's hair style after it is styled. During the Edo period (1603-1868 A.D.), as various hairstyles became popular, different types of hairpins emerged, and they became one of the most popular types of traditional Japanese accessories. They are used as hair ornaments for kimono and yukata, but in recent years, there are many products for everyday use as well. Common Types of Kanzashi Photo:Kanzashi There are various types of kanzashi, but here we'll introduce three common types. Tama Kanzashi This is a simple type of kanzashi with an ear pick and a ball attached to it. The larger the size of the ball, the more suitable the kanzashi is for young people. This type is shown in the video. Bachi Kanzashi The bachi type hairpin is called bachi because it resembles the bachi (pick) of a shamisen. Various materials, such as tortoiseshell, pearl, and foil are used for this type of hairpin, which is suitable for people of all ages to wear. Tsumami-zaiku Kanzashi This is a kanzashi made by folding cut fabric into small pieces and decorating the base with tweezers, using delicate techniques to create a beautifully flower. This is a hairpin for girls used for Shichi-Go-San and for maiko (apprentice geisha). Besides these, there are many other types of kanzashi, such as hirauchi kanzashi, hana kanzashi, bira-bira kanzashi, etc. Yakai-Maki - A Simple Guide to the Japanese-Style Updo! Source :YouTube screenshot There are many people want to try an updo but think it's too difficult to do a yakai-maki. The yakai-maki style using a single kanzashi introduced here is relatively easy. Check out the video and give it a try. Once you get the hang of it and get used to using a kanzashi, you'll be able to do not only yakai-maki but also half updo styles. You'll be able to expand your hair styles not only for kimono and yukata, but also for everyday use! [Yakai-maki Using a Kanzashi] ・Comb your hair into a single ponytail ・Wrap your hair around the hairpin once ・Holding the end of your hair in your other hand, turn the hairpin one full turn ・The tip of the hairpin should be at 11 o'clock (If the kanzashi does not turn, loosen the ends of your hair slightly) ・Tilt the hairpin toward the scalp and insert it slowly so that you don't injure yourself ・The key is to adjust it so that the hairpin is not too tight but not too loose [Video] 0:00 - 1:27 - Styling Yakai-maki with a Kanzashi The hair length suitable for Yakai-maki is semi-long. A beautiful yakai-maki can be achieved if your hair is from just below the collarbone to about chest level. Using Kanzashi With a Braided-Style Source :YouTube screenshot The braid style has the advantage that the hair is held together tightly, making it easy to insert a kanzashi. It's recommended when you want to create a clean and tidy look. [Kanzashi With a Braid] ・Tie hair into a single strand with an elastic band. ・Pull out a little hair at the top of the head to create a silhouette. ・Braid the ends of the hair and tie with a hair band, then pull out a little hair from the braided part to create a softer look. ・Insert the tip of the hairpin into the braid, tilt it toward the scalp, and slowly insert it into the braid. [Video] 1:28 - Kanzashi With a Braid The braid arrangement is a style for long hair. It is tied with an elastic band to keep it together. To create a stylish look, it's important to pull out just the right amount of hair from the top of the head and the braided area to create a softer look. How to Use a Kanzashi, a Stylish Japanese Hair Ornament - Summary If you simply insert the hairpin into your hair, it may fall out. Because of this, after inserting the hairpin into your hair, be sure to flip the hairpin over so that it catches the hair near the surface of your scalp. The video shows you how to do this in an easy-to-understand manner. [Video] 3:09 - How to Insert a Kanzashi Hairpin Into a Finished Hairstyle Kanzashi, which come in a variety of types, are easy to use and can be used in all sorts of ways, depending on your taste and the occasion. Even if you think it might be difficult to use a kanzashi, don't be afraid to give it a try. It might be easier than you thought. Yakai-maki, which can be done with a single hairpin, will make you look stylish and mature when wearing a yukata or kimono. If you're visiting any Japanese festivals this summer, be sure to try it out! -
Video article 3:49
Awa Odori - A Traditional Japanese Dance With 400 Years of History! Check Out the Popular Summer Festival With Powerful Male Dancers and Elegant Female Dancers!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel Action & Adventure- 16 plays
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A Tourist Enjoys Her Time in Japan Wearing a Yukata [Awa Odori]: Video Introduction This video, titled "Japan's Culture : Russian Lady Dreamed About "Awa Odori in Yukata(Summer Kimono) First Festival.," was uploaded by "youmemeyou tokushima." It introduces Awa Odori, a traditional Japanese festival. The video features a Russian woman who learned about Japan through watching anime and fulfilled her dream of wearing a yukata at a Japanese festival. Various food stalls lined up along the river, rows of lanterns, and the exciting Awa Odori dance are just a few of the many photogenic shots throughout the video. Awa Odori is one of the most popular festivals in Japan, and can be enjoyed by men and women of all ages, and even by foreign travelers. Be sure to follow along as you watch the video! Awa Odori - 400 Years of This Traditional Japanese Dance Photo:Awa Odori There are various theories as to the origin of Awa Odori, including Nenbutsu Odori from Japan's Kamakura period, Furyu Odori from the late Warring States period, and celebratory events held at the time of the construction of Tokushima Castle. In any case, Awa Odori has taken root among the citizens and has been passed down through the generations, even overcoming frequent bans. Awa Odori is known as one of Japan's traditional performing arts. One of the three major Bon Odori dances in Japan, Awa Odori attracts approximately 1.3 million people, and there is said to be about 100,000 dancers in groups called ren (連). The dance style is characterized by a male and female version, and various types of Awa Odori can be seen from daytime to nighttime at theaters and other viewing spots. In addition, Awa Odori Kaikan (a museum in Tokushima where visitors can learn about Awa Odori) has been making efforts to accommodate foreign tourists in recent years by providing English- and Chinese-speaking staff at the reception desk. During the Awa Odori Festival, the central area of Tokushima City is filled with lively dancing and excitement, and the many food stalls and lanterns add to the festive atmosphere. [Video] 2:34 - Food Stalls and Lanterns at Awa Odori Gorgeous Costumes and Unique Dancing - Enjoying Awa Odori Photo:Image of Awa Odori Awa Odori can be enjoyed by men and women of all ages and is accompanied by enthusiastic cheering from the crowd. It also features unique costumes and dancing styles for both men and women. The men wear happi coats or yukata in a unique style, and their dynamic performance, called "Otoko Odori," is very lively and exciting to watch. [Video] 0:30 - Otoko Odori "Onna Odori," the women's version, is characterized by elegant and graceful hand gestures and footwork repeated at a mesmerizing tempo. In the video, you can see a woman wearing a happi coat and performing "Otoko Odori." [Video] 0:17 - Women Performing "Otoko Odori" While Wearing Happi Also popular is the "Chibikko Odori," a children's version of the dances. One of the highlights of the performance is the musical accompaniment, which combines instruments, such as shamisen, drums, and flutes, to enliven the dance, and the unique musical style of each dance troupe. The light, two-beat tempo creates a stage where both the dancers and the audience can enjoy a sense of unity. [Video] 0:54 - Audience Members Participating in the Dance Koenji Awa Odori - Enjoy the Awesome Dances Performances in Tokyo Koenji Awa Odor in Tokyo is second in scale only to the Tokushima City Awa Odori and is known as a summer tradition in the area. The event is held every year in late August, and its history dates back to 1957, when it was started as a town revitalization event. The event in the shopping district led to the expansion of the event to surrounding towns and neighborhood associations, and today it is known as "Tokyo's Awa Odori" with 10,000 dancers, attracting many visitors. In addition to dancers from the Tokyo metropolitan area, dancers from Tokushima, the home of Awa Odori, also participate in the festival, adding to the excitement. Summary of Awa Odori, a Dance For Anyone to Enjoy Awa Odori is a popular summer event in Japan that tourists and foreign travelers can enjoy together. In the video, a woman in a yukata from Russia conveys the beauty of Japanese culture through Awa Odori. If you're planning on visiting Japan this summer, we highly recommend checking out Awa Odori, it's a dance that you can both watch and participate in, and will create a lifelong memory of your visit to Japan! ◆Awa Odori 2022◆ Theme: Awa Odori 2022 – A NEW STORY Event Period: Aug. 12 (Fri.) - Aug. 15 (Mon.) ※Aug. 11 (Thurs) Pre-event festival -
Video article 3:34
Kusarigamajutsu - Learn About the Japanese Martial Art Used by Ninja and Samurai!
Sports Traditional Culture History- 210 plays
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The Ancient Japanese Martial Art - Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu This video, titled "Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu," was created by "bushinjuku." It's an introductory video of "Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu," a traditional Japanese martial art that involves wielding dual "kusarigama," a chain and sickle weapon with a metal weight attached to the end of the chain. The footage of the techniques, which require a combination of spirit, skill, and strong physique, is truly captivating. In this article, we'll introduce the origins and history behind the ancient Japanese martial art Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu. About Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu Source :YouTube screenshot Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu was developed as a way for peasants to protect themselves using a sickle and chain as they could not carry swords. Nowadays, you can learn how the sickle and chain would have been used as a weapon by watching demonstrations performed by Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu practitioners. You can watch a typical demonstration in this video from 0:13. The martial art is gaining huge popularity worldwide. Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu is a martial art in which the practitioner utilizes a dual sickle-and-chain to take down an opponent. A heavy weight is attached to the end of the chain which aids in attacking and defending against an enemy. You can see how this is used from 0:58 in the video. The weight at the end of the chain can also be used to disarm an opponent. You can see how this is done at 1:46 in the video. From 3:10, you can also watch footage of the weight being used to smash plant pots from a distance, something that requires great skill and technique. Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu is steadily gaining popularity, and as well as demonstrations like the one in the video, there are also Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu competitions and mixed style competitions with Kendo practitioners being held. The Origin and History of Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu Source :YouTube screenshot Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu started as a form of self-defense, after that Ju-jitsu developed as a form of unarmed combat and following that, Kendo (a form of fencing with Japanese swords). Near the end of the Edo Period (1853-1868 AD) it was still a well-kept clan secret, with varying schools or styles (such as Otomeryu) only being passed down to other clan members. The Shinmen Nito Shinkage Ryu school (opened by Shinmen Bensuke) derived from a two-sword fighting style called Niten Ichi Ryu passed down by Miyamoto Musashi. By the time the third generation master Matsumura Yoshitaka appeared, the "Shinmen" part of the name had ceased to be used. Currently the fifth generation master Shimamura Shu passes down the ancient practice of Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu through his training. He is based in the city of Kochi, in Kochi Prefecture . Summary of Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu, a Traditional Japanese Martial Art The video "Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu," created by "bushinjuku," shows masters of the ancient martial art demonstrating a variety of techniques. The popularity of Japanese ninja and samurai has brought about a rise in the number of people overseas undertaking Japanese martial arts training such as Ju-jitsu, Kendo, and Karate to name just a few. There has also been an increase in the number of foreigners making visits to Japan to receive further training in the homeland of their martial art. The techniques performed in this video, which require a high level of skill and are the result of many years of training, are nothing short of impressive. This video is a must-watch for all Japanese martial arts fans! 【Official Website】Nihonkobudoukoukai, Nito Shinkage Ryu Kusarigama Jutsu http://www.nihonkobudokyoukai.org/martialarts/077/ -
Video article 10:12
Omagari Fireworks Festival – Japan's No. 1 Fireworks Display?! Enjoy the Summer Night Sky Filled With Fireworks + the History of the Festival and More!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Entertainment & Music Travel- 36 plays
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The Omagari Fireworks Festival of Akita, Japan: Video Introduction This video, titled "[4K] The 93rd Omagari Fireworks|One of Japan's Top Three Fireworks Festivals|2019|Shot on BMPCC4K" ([4K] 日本三大花火大会 第93回 大曲の花火 2019 大会提供「令和祝祭」 Omagari Fireworks Festival 2019 (shot on BMPCC4K)), was uploaded by "AQUA Geo Graphic." This is a 10-minute video of the 2019 Omagari Fireworks Festival. Please take a look at the beautiful video showing the powerful fireworks lighting up the night sky with narration and music. The Omagari Fireworks Festival – One of the Three Major Fireworks Festivals in Japan Photo:Omagari Fireworks It is said that there are more than 1,000 fireworks displays held throughout Japan. Among them, the Tsuchiura All Japan Fireworks Competition in Ibaraki Prefecture, the Nagaoka Fireworks Festival in Niigata Prefecture, and the Omagari Fireworks Festival in Omagari in Daisen, Akita, in Japan's Tohoku region, are considered to be the Top 3 Fireworks Festivals in Japan. The official name of the Omagari Fireworks Festival is the "All Japan Fireworks Competition." It is held every year on the last Saturday in August. While many fireworks displays are held as local town revitalization events or as summer traditions, the Omagari Fireworks Festival is a competition in which pyrotechnicians from all over the country compete with each other. Therefore, pyrotechnicians carefully prepare for this event with passion and pride. The "Wide Starmine," a 500-meter-long firework that has become a specialty of the event every year, takes as long as a year to produce. The History of the Omagari Fireworks Festival and What Makes It Unique Every year, many people visit the festival to watch the passionate competition between the best pyrotechnicians in Japan, and the 93rd event attracted approximately 750,000 spectators! The city is said to have been flooded with people. Another feature of the Omagari Fireworks Festival is that there is not only a nighttime fireworks display, but also a daytime fireworks display. The daytime fireworks, which are colorfully depicted in the bright sky using multicolored smoke, have been popular among fireworks connoisseurs for many years. Currently, daytime fireworks can only be seen at the Omagari Fireworks Festival. If you are planning to visit the festival, be sure to get there early to see the daytime fireworks as well. Omagari Fireworks 2022 – Held for the First Time in Three Years! Dates, Times, and Spectator Seating The past two years the festival was cancelled due to the novel coronavirus, and this year, 2022, will be the first time in three years that the festival will be held. Date and time: Saturday, August 27, 2022 (daytime fireworks: 17:15~ / nighttime fireworks: 18:50~) Tickets for the bleachers are sold online, but due to changes in bleacher seating, the capacity has been reduced to 60% of the previous event. Also, since the 2022 event will be held despite the coronavirus pandemic, there will be no same-day ticket sales this year. If you want to attend next year's Omagari Fireworks, check the official website in advance, as tickets will likely be sold from early to late July. Access and Location of the Omagari Fireworks Festival The Omagari Fireworks Festival is held at the Omono Riverside Ryokuchi Athletic Park in Daisen, Akita. Access to the venue is a 30-minute walk from JR Omagari Station. On the day of the event, traffic will be regulated around the venue due to the large number of people expected to attend the event. Since public transportation is not available, the only way to get there is on foot. If you are coming from other prefectures, it's better to cross the prefectural border before noon. Summary of the Omagari Fireworks Festival, One of the Top Three Fireworks Festivals in Japan Photo:The Omagari Fireworks Festival If you haven't watched the video showing the 2019 Omagari Fireworks Festival, be sure to check it out! If you want to see the Omagari Fireworks Festival, where pyrotechnicians from all over Japan come to compete, be sure to make plans sooner rather than later! With fewer spectator seats available, seating competition is expected to increase. If you're coming from far away on a tour or trip, you'll need to make reservations for hotels and other facilities. The official website also says, "walking is unavoidable on the day of the event," so it's advisable to wear shoes that are easy to walk in and carry minimal luggage. It's said that people who see the Omagari Fireworks Festival often become repeat visitors. Create some lasting end-of-summer memories with this amazing fireworks show in Akita Prefecture! 【TripAdvisor】Omagari Fireworks Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1022315-d10019456-Reviews-or10-Omagari_Fireworks-Daisen_Akita_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 3:33
Ryuji Shirakawa, an Aikido Master, Throws One Opponent to the Next, in the Blink of an Eye! Get to Know the Mind, Body and Soul of the Ancient Japanese Martial Art, Aikido!
Sports Traditional Culture Japanese Celebrities- 292 plays
- YouTube
Performance Video for Ryuji Shirakawa, an Aikido Master This video entitled “Aikido Dynamic and fluid movement Shirakawa Ryuji shihan (合気道 ダイナミックで流れるような動き!白川竜次 師範), performed by Aikido Master Ryuji, and produced by "Aikido Shinburenseijuku," features performances of Aikido, one of Japan's traditional martial arts. You can see the performance by Ryuji Shirakawa, 6th dan of Shinburenseijyuku, as he throws his opponents from one to the next. What are the techniques of Aikido, Japan's historic martial art? What is Aikido? Photo:Aikido Aikido and other traditional Japanese martial arts emphasize the ancient Japanese concept of "mind, technique and body." "Mind, technique and body" refers to a balance of mind, technique, and body. Aikido is a martial art that was established between the Meiji period and the beginning of the Showa period. It has a relatively short history in comparison with other martial arts. Aikido is a comprehensive martial art into which the principles not only for Jujitsu, but also for Kendo and Judo, are incorporated. The martial art came to be called Aikido in 1942, and has since spread all over the world. It is estimated that there are about 1 million people competing domestically and 1.5 million abroad. Aikido has various types of attacking techniques such as Ikkyo, Shihonage , Iriminage, Kotegaeshi. A half-body stance is the basic position for Aikido regardless school. It is important to practice things such as breathing techniques or switching of body positions to use the martial art's techniques properly. In this video, you can see scenes of master Ryuji Shirakawa throwing his opponents one after another. Sometimes arm-locking them as well. Learn the Japanese Martial Art, Aikido! Photo:Children sitting in "Seiza" The number of people who practice Japanese martial arts such as Karate, Judo, and Kendo has been increasing. Wearing dojo clothes and training in a jiu-jitsu or kendo dojo can help you maintain your health and improve your mental strength. The Japanese martial arts are useful as a self-defense technique, making them a great choice for men as well as women and children to learn. If you can find a good coach and receive careful guidance, you can participate in a competition, even if you are a beginner. Summary of Aikido Master Ryuji Shirakawa's Aikido Performance Source :YouTube screenshot This video features many beautiful and powerful techniques by Aikido Master Ryuji Shirakawa. Please watch his performance in the video if you haven't yet, and enjoy the exchange of great techniques by Japanese martial artists. There are many dojos or training halls in Japan where anyone can learn Japanese martial arts including Jujitsu and Taijutsu. If you're interested in traditional Japanese martial arts, or if you feel like taking up a sport, you should visit a dojo or class where you can practice martial arts! 【Official Website】Aikido Shinburenseijuku http://www.shinburenseijuku.com/ -
Video article 1:48
Akita Kanto Festival – A Traditional Tanabata Event With Exciting Chanting and Lanterns Swaying in the Night Sky!
News Traditional Culture Travel- 34 plays
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Akita Kanto Festival: Video Introduction This video, titled "Akita Kanto Festival to Be Held for the First Time in 3 Years" (秋田竿燈まつり 3年ぶりに開催), was uploaded by "The Asahi Shimbun Company." The Akita Kanto Festival, held in Akita City, Akita Prefecture, is known as one of the three major festivals in Japan's Tohoku region. Approximately 280 poles and 10,000 lanterns light up the summer night sky. This year's festival, which was held for the first time in three years due to the effects of the novel coronavirus, can be enjoyed in this immersive video. Akita Kanto Festival – The History of the Festival Photo:Akita Kanto Festival The Akita Kanto Festival attracts people with the skillful manipulation of the heavy poles and lit lanterns shaped like rice bales that resemble glowing ears of rice. Along with Aomori's Nebuta Festival and Sendai's Tanabata Festival, the Akita Kanto Festival is one of the three major summer festivals in Japan's Tohoku region. It's an event that has been passed down for approximately 270 years to pray for the exorcism of evil spirits and a good harvest, and is designated as a National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property. According to literature, the Akita Kanto Festival first appeared in 1789 in a travelogue by Tsumura Soan, a merchant, poet, and scholar of Japanese studies in the mid-Edo period, titled "A Snow-Covered Road." It is said to have originated from an event called "Neburi Nagashi" held around Akita City on July 6 of the lunar calendar, in which people decorated bamboo branches and silk trees with strips of paper with wishes written on them, walked through the town, and finally floated them away in the river. Later, the spread of candles during the Horeki period (1750-1765) and the use of tall paper lanterns were combined to form what we see today. Akita Kanto Festival 2022 - Highlights, Goods, and More! Source :YouTube screenshot The many hanging lanterns shown in the video show the beauty of the event as they light up the summer night sky. [Video] 0:16 - Lanterns Lighting Up the Night Sky The largest of the poles, called 'Owaka,' is 12 meters long and features 46 64cm x 45cm lanterns hanging from it, weighing a whopping 50 kilograms (110 lbs)! The highlight of the festival is watching the skilled performers holding these lanterns high in the air on the palm of their hand, while transferring them to their foreheads, shoulders, and even waists. [Video] 0:31 - Skilled Performers Balancing Lantern Poles The Akita Kanto Festival is also popular for the many food stalls set up at the festival site, including Kanto Yatai Village (竿燈屋台村, Kanto Yatai Mura), which has two locations, and the Local Gourmet Festival (ご当地グルメフェスティバル, Go-Touchi Gurume Festibaru) hosted by the Akita Chamber of Commerce and Industry, where visitors can enjoy local delicacies. In these food and beverage areas, consideration has been given to preventing the spread of the new coronavirus, such as by changing spaces to avoid dense crowding. In addition, the collaboration with "My Hero Academia" is a highlight of the three major festivals in Japan's Tohoku region in 2022. The Akita Kanto Festival featured poles and lanterns with the My Hero Academia logo on them, attracting many fans. In addition, limited-edition goods were sold at the festival as well. Popular characters from My Hero Academia appeared in Happi coats and enjoyed the festival. Access to Akita Kanto Festival + Spectator Tickets Photo:Akita Station The venue for the Akita Kanto Festival is Kanto Odori Street (竿燈大通り, Kanto Odori), a 15-minute walk from JR Akita Station. Spectator seats are set up around the center strip of the 800-meter-long boulevard, and traffic will be limited around the venue in the evening. Tickets for spectator seats are also available, with prices varying by seat type. The price for the "Masu-seki" (box seating with a capacity of 6 people) is 25,000 yen, S seats are 4,000 yen, A seats are 3,500 yen, and B seats are 3,000 yen. 2022 is the first year that the number of spectator seats has been reduced by 20% compared to previous years due to measures to prevent the novel coronavirus from spreading. In addition, events such as "Fureai Kanto" and the "Citizens' Parade" (市民パレード, Shimin Pareido) will be cancelled due to the coronavirus, and pre-recorded voices will be used for chanting. Summary of Akita Kanto Festival The many lanterns that light up the night sky and the skill of the performers who manipulate the lanterns is what makes the Akita Kanto Festival one the most popular summer events in Akita Prefecture. Each year, the festival attracts many people from both inside and outside of the prefecture. There are many hotels near Akita Station and the festival site where visitors can stay overnight. Easy access from the station makes it convenient for travel and sightseeing. In this exciting video, you can see the charm and highlights of the Akita Kanto Festival, as well as the fresh faces reflecting the joy of the people who are celebrating the festival for the first time in three years. [Video] 1:05 - Comments from Performers at the Festival We hope that at next year's Akita Kanto Festival, we'll be able to hear the taiko drums, hayashi band, and the chanting of the performers and crowd instead of prerecorded voices! 【Official Website】Akita Kanto Festival https://www.kantou.gr.jp/english/ 【TripAdvisor】Akita Kanto Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298239-d8820142-Reviews-Akita_Kanto_Festival-Akita_Akita_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 2:19
Kyoto's Gion Matsuri Is One of the Top Three Festivals in Japan! Make the Most Of Your Summer in Japan by Watching "Omukae Chochin," a Graceful Parade Brimming With History and Culture!
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The Gion Festival's "Omukae Chochin"? This video, titled "Gion Matsuri Omukae Chochin Performance," was uploaded by Kyoto Fan. It introduces "Omukae Chochin," one of the events that takes place during Kyoto's Gion Matsuri (Gion Festival). Gion Matsuri is held each year at Yasaka Shrine (八坂神社, yasakajinja) in Kyoto and is one of the largest festivals in Japan. Omukae Chochin, which takes place on July 10th, is a lantern parade held to welcome the Gion Matsuri mikoshi (portable shrines). We hope you enjoy watching this exciting event which attracts a large number of tourists each year! Check Out Omukae Chochin! Source :YouTube screenshot Gion Matsuri is a festival that takes place at Yasaka Shrine (sometimes referred to as "Gionsha" (祇園社)) in Kyoto. Gion Matsuri is held throughout the month of July, however, Omukae Chochin, the event introduced in the video, is always held on July 10th. After Omukae Chochin and Mikoshi Togyo (神輿渡御) are held on July 10th, a large number of festival floats called "Yamaboko" (山鉾) are built for future parades. During the festival month, the Yamaboko float areas are filled with musicians dressed in kimono and yukata playing flutes and taiko drums to a performance called "Gionbayashi" (祇園囃子). This can be seen from 0:27 in the video. Popular Events Held After Omukae Chochin Photo:Gion Matsuri, Kyoto Prefecture During "Yoiyama" (宵山), held on July 15th and 16th, the streets are closed off to vehicles and instead filled with a large number of food stands called "yatai" (屋台). This is a great spot to take photos of the delicious local food! Gion Matsuri's main event, Yamaboko Junko (山鉾巡行, Yamaboko Parade), takes place on July 17th and 24th. There are many other events you can enjoy during Gion Matsuri, such as "Yoiyama" which features lively musical performances, and "Hanagasa Junko," which is performed by children. If you'd like to watch the spectacular Yamaboko Junko parade up close, we highly recommend booking seats in advance. Enjoy Summer Sightseeing In Kyoto! Photo:Gozan Okuribi, Kyoto Prefecture Even after Gion Matsuri has come to an end, there are still many more events to be enjoyed in Kyoto! Gozan no Okuribi (五山の送り火), a festival held during the Bon Festival (お盆, obon), attracts many tourists each year. If you're traveling to Kyoto during summer, we highly recommend dining along the riverside, a tradition called "Kamo River Noryo-Yuka" (鴨川納涼床, Kamogawa Nouryoyuka). There are also many other cultural properties you can enjoy in Kyoto city. Unfortunately there are no fireworks displays held in the city, but if you would like to see the summer fireworks, the nearest spots are the Uji River (宇治川, ujikawa) and Kameoka (亀岡). Summary of Kyoto's Gion Matsuri Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see from the video, Gion Matsuri is an elegant yet powerful festival which is widely popular year after year. The festival is held throughout the entire month of July (from July 1st all the way through July 31st). If you'd like to see one of the largest festivals in Japan, we highly recommend visiting Kyoto during summer! 【Official Website】Gion Matsuri Overview – Yasaka Shrine http://www.yasaka-jinja.or.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Gion Matsuri https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d8820238-Reviews-Gion_Matsuri-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html