[画像1][English/日本語]February 22 is

February 22 is "Cat Day" in Japan. In Japan, February 22 is "Cat Day", and there is a lot of excitement as people upload pictures of cats on social media. Do you like cats? Or do you prefer dogs? In this article, I would like to talk about the pet situation in Japan.

1 Cat boom
In Japan, many people have always owned dogs, but in 2017, the number of cat owners surpassed the number of dog owners. The reason for this is that Japan is an aging society. Dogs have to be accompanied on walks, and elderly people who are worried about their physical strength tend to choose cats that don't need to be walked. Also, more and more people are keeping pets because they are spending more time at home due to the influence of Corona. I wonder if it's the same in your country?

2Can international students have pets?
Very few international students have pets. To own a dog, you have to pay several hundred thousand yen at a pet store and also have to get shots. In addition, most apartments in Japan do not allow pets. However, sometimes people keep hamsters, which are relatively cheap and do not have as long a life span as dogs and cats. I heard a story about a Japanese language school that had a problem with a student who suddenly decided to return to his home country and asked them to take in his turtle. Pets are life. It is important to keep them responsibly.

3 If you miss your pet...
Some people who used to have pets in their home countries may become stressed out because they cannot interact with their pets during their long stay in Japan. Recently in Japan, there has been an increase in the number of cafes with cats and dogs, where you can casually interact with cats and dogs for just a fee and a drink. In addition to cats and dogs, some of these animal cafes also have birds and reptiles. Please try to use them.

Our school does not allow pets in the dormitories. However, there are cat cafes and dog cafes around the school. There is also a zoo just a few stops away from the school. If you are an animal lover, I think you will enjoy your study abroad experience at our school.





[Englsh/日本語] It's March from today. Restrictions on the entry of new foreign nationals into Japan will be greatly eased from March 1. Foreign students who have been waiting to enter Japan for the past two years will finally have a chance to come to Japan. This is a great thing for both international students and Japanese language schools. Even though the restrictions on new arrivals have been eased, there are still rules regarding vaccines and quarantine. In this article, I will briefly introduce the rules.*This information is current as of March 1 and may be subject to change in the future. Please check the website for details. 1 People who have completed their third vaccination people entering the country from designated countries or regions People who have completed three doses of vaccination with the types of vaccines designated by Japan are subject to a seven-day voluntary waiting period. However, if you take a PCR test on the third day of the waiting period and it is confirmed negative, you will be exempted from the voluntary waiting period. 2People who have completed their third vaccination people entering Japan from countries and regions other than those designated Those who have completed three vaccinations with the types of vaccines designated by Japan are exempted from the waiting list. 3People who have not completed their third vaccination people entering from designated countries/regions You wait for three days in accommodations provided by the quarantine office.If the PCR test is negative on the third day, you will be allowed to leave the accommodation and will not be required to stay at home. 4 People who have not completed the third vaccination people entering the country from outside of the designated countries and regions You will be placed on voluntary standby for 7 days. However, if you take a PCR test on the third day of the waiting period and it is confirmed negative, you will be exempted from the voluntary waiting period. If you are on voluntary standby, you can use public transportation within 24 hours of your arrival. In addition, waiting at the quarantine station can be done by public transportation if the PCR test is negative on the third day. I think it has been a difficult two years for the students who were planning to study in Japan. We are looking forward to seeing you all soon. 今日から3月です。日本は3月1日から外国人の新規入国制限が大幅に緩和されます。この2年、入国を待っていた留学生たちがやっと日本に来られるチャンスを得ました。これは留学生にとっても日本語学校にとっても喜ばしいことです。新規入国制限が緩和されたと言っても、ワクチンに関することや隔離などルールはあります。今回はそのルールについて簡単に紹介します。(※これは3月1日時点の情報であり、今後変更する可能性があります。詳しくはHP等で確認してください。) ①3度目のワクチン接種が完了している人(指定国・地域からの入国者) 日本が指定しているワクチンの種類で、3回ワクチン接種が完了している人は7日間の自主待機があります。ただ、待機3日目にPCR検査を受けて陰性が確認されれば、自主待機は免除されます。 ②3度目のワクチン接種が完了している人(指定国・地域以外からの入国者) 日本が指定しているワクチンの種類で、3回ワクチン接種が完了している人は待機が免除になります。 ③3度目のワクチン接種が完了していない人(指定国・地域からの入国者) 検疫所が用意した宿泊施設で3日間待機。3日目にPCR検査で陰性だった場合は、宿泊施設の退所が認められ、その後も自宅待機をしなくてもいいです。 ④3度目のワクチン接種が完了していない人(指定国・地域以外からの入国者) 7日間の自主待機をします。ただ、待機3日目にPCR検査を受けて陰性が確認されれば、自主待機は免除されます。 自主待機の場合、入国から24時間以内なら公共交通機関が利用できます。また、検疫所での待機は3日目のPCR検査で陰性が認められれば公共交通機関を利用できます。 日本留学を予定していた学生たちにとっては苦しい2年間だったと思います。私たちはみなさんと会える日を心待ちにしています。
[English/日本語] Currently, most people are wearing masks due to the coronavirus, but since there have always been so many people in Japan wearing masks from February to April, all foreign tourists are surprised. The reason why they wear masks is "hay fever". Especially at this time of the year, people who are allergic to cedar are wearing masks. Many foreign students are suffering from hay fever. In this article, I would like to tell you about this hay fever. 1 One out of three international students has hay fever? According to some data, one out of every three international students will develop hay fever for the first time after coming to Japan. Also, the number of international students who develop hay fever in their third year in Japan is the highest, followed by those in their first year. International students may misunderstand that they have a prolonged cold at first because there are no hay fever sufferers around them in their country and they do not know what hay fever is like. Unlike a cold, hay fever has strong symptoms of runny nose, itchy eyes, and an itchy nose. If you have any idea what it is, please consult with your school teacher first. 2Hay fever prevention goods So how do Japanese people get over the hay fever season? Most people take medicines prescribed by hospitals or over-the-counter medicines. In addition to medicines, there are many other goods that are sold on the streets to alleviate the symptoms of hay fever. For example, glasses for hay fever and high quality tissues that do not damage the nose. Sales of air purifiers also increase during this season. For those who don't have the money or the time to go to the hospital, there is a life hack that says applying Vaseline to the entrance of the nose can reduce the symptoms. Also, lack of sleep and alcohol consumption are said to worsen hay fever symptoms. Take care to delay your healthy lifestyle. ★Extras In Tokyo, one out of two people is said to have hay fever. The topic of hay fever is also an opportunity to get to know Japanese people. It is said that when a person who has never had hay fever before gets hay fever, the person who has had hay fever for many years will say "Welcome ☺". I urge you to talk to them! 現在、コロナウィルスの影響でほとんどの人がマスクをしていますが、日本では昔から2月から4月にかけてマスクをしている人がとても多いので、外国人観光客はみんな驚くそうです。マスクをしている理由は「花粉症」です。特にこの時期は杉のアレルギーの人がマスクをしています。留学生の多くが花粉症に悩まされています。今回はこの花粉症についてお伝えします。 ①留学生の3人に1人が花粉症? あるデータによると留学生3人に1人が日本に来て初めて花粉症を発症するそうです。また、花粉症になった留学生は3年目にかかる人が1位、次いで1年目が2位という結果が出ています。留学生は国でも花粉症の人がまわりになく、また花粉症がどのような症状かわからないため、最初は風邪が長引いていると勘違いしてしまうことがあります。花粉症は風邪などと違って、鼻水の症状が強く、目のかゆみや鼻のかゆみがあります。心当たりのある人はまずは学校の先生に相談してみましょう。 ②花粉症対策グッズ では、日本人はどのようにして花粉症の時期を乗り越えているでしょう。ほとんど人が病院で処方された薬や市販薬を飲んでいます。薬以外にも花粉症の症状をやわらげるグッズなどが街ではこの時期によく売られています。例えば、花粉症用のめがねや鼻を傷めない高級ティッシュなどです。また、この時期は空気清浄機の売上も伸びます。お金がない人や時間がなくて病院に行けない人などは鼻の入り口にワセリンを塗ると症状が軽くなるというライフハックもあります。また、睡眠不足やアルコールの摂取は花粉症の症状を悪化させると言われています。健康的な生活を遅れるように気をつけましょう。 番外編 東京都では2人に1人が花粉症であると言われています。花粉症の話題は日本人と仲良くなれるチャンスでもあります。今まで花粉症ではなかった人が花粉症になると、長年花粉症だった人から「ようこそ☺」と言われるそうです。ぜひぜひ話しかけてみてくださいね!