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  • 東京都
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
[English/日本語] Snow is predicted to fall in Tokyo this week. In Japan, there are many tourist destinations where winter sports are popular, such as Hokkaido, but in Tokyo, snowfall is not that common and the city is not prepared to handle it. As a result, even a 5 cm accumulation of snow can cause many problems. In this article, I will tell you how to deal with snow in Tokyo. 1) Transportation When it snows, train schedules are often disrupted. Trains may be cancelled or the number of trains may be reduced, so you may be late for work. Try to leave your house early on snowy days. Roads can also be crowded, and few people buy snow tires for the rare snowfall in a year. As a result, many people drive with regular tires on snowy days, which can cause slip accidents. Try not to walk near cars on snowy days. 2) The day after it snows Unlike Hokkaido, the snow that falls in Tokyo has a high moisture content. Therefore, the day after a snowfall, the roads are often icy. Since there are many buildings in Tokyo, there is no sunlight and the snow may not melt even after a week. Some people slip on the icy roads and get seriously injured because of it. On the day after a snowfall, try to walk in the sunshine. 3)What to wear What you wear the next day is more important than what you wear when it is snowing. The roads are very slippery, so it is best to wear long boots or other non-slip shoes. You should also wear gloves because the ice can cut your hands if you slip and fall on them. A hat is also necessary to protect your head. A backpack or other bag that allows you to keep both hands free is also a good idea. If you don't have boots, there is a life hack to prevent slipping by putting an adhesive bandage on the back of your sneakers. Please give it a try. Many of the students at our school come from warm countries. Some of them have caught colds from playing in the snow because it was their first time to see snow. Please play in the snow in moderation. This time, we are planning to spread snow-melting agent in front of the dormitory. If your neighbors are having a hard time shoveling snow, let's help them out. It's also a chance to make friends with Japanese people. Also, it's best not to go outside too much on snowy days, so get your shopping done as soon as possible! 今週、東京では雪が降る予報になっています。日本では北海道などウインタースポーツが人気の観光地も多くありますが、東京では雪が降ることはそこまで多くないので、東京の街は雪に対応できるようになっていません。そのため、雪が5㎝積もっただけでも色々な問題が発生します。今回は東京での雪対策についてお伝えします。 ①交通 雪が降ると電車のダイヤが乱れることがよくあります。電車が運休してしまったり、本数が減らされてしまうので、会社に遅刻をしてしまう可能性があります。雪の日は早めに家を出るようにしましょう。また、道路も混むことがあります。1年に降るか降らないかの雪のために、雪用のタイヤを買っている人はほとんどいません。そのため、雪の日は普通のタイヤで運転している人も多く、スリップ事故を起こす人もいます。雪の日はなるべく車の近くを歩かないようにしましょう。 ②雪が降った次の日 東京に降る雪は北海道などと違って、水分が多いです。そのため、雪の降った翌日は道路が凍っていることが多くあります。東京は建物が多いので、日の光があたらず、1週間たっても雪が解けない場合があります。凍ってしまった道路で滑ってしまい、それが原因で大けがする人もいます。雪が降った翌日はなるべく日があたる道を選んで歩きましょう。 ③服装 雪が降っているときよりも翌日の服装が大切です。道路がとても滑るので、長ぐつなど滑りにくい靴を履きましょう。また、滑って手をついたときに氷で手が切れることがあるので、手袋をしましょう。頭を守るための帽子も必要です。また、鞄はリュックなど両手があくものがいいです。長靴がない人はスニーカーの裏に絆創膏を貼るとすべりにくいというライフハックがあります。ぜひ試してみてください。 本校ではあたたかい国から来る学生が多いです。雪を見るのが初めてだとはめをはずして雪遊びをしてしまい、風邪をひいてしまった人もいます。雪遊びはほどほどにしましょうね。今回は寮の前に融雪剤をまく予定です。近所の人が雪かきで大変そうなら協力しましょう。日本人と仲良くなれるチャンスでもあります。また、雪の日はあまり外に出ないほうがいいので、買い物は早めに済ませましょうね!
  • 日本
  • 日本の生活
  • 日本語学校
  • 留学生
  • 留学
  • 東京都
Dylan Gibson
先日駒agoagomeを通り抜け、駅前のこの趣のある小さな神社を偶然見つけました。 江戸時代に建立されたようですが、明治時代までは神社のようには見えませんでした。 また、彼を取り巻く多くの異なる神話を持つ奥日向に捧げられていますが、私が見つけることができるものによると、彼は地球上の神々の頭でした。 また、古事記にも彼に関する伝説や民俗学も多く、最も興味深いのは、兄弟が結婚したかった王女に勝ち、その後炎の巨石を使って殺され、母親が天に戻った後、神々によって生き返る「イナバの白い馬」(田んの女神)です。彼を連れ戻すために別の神を求めるために、その後、彼はハンサムな男として生き返ります。 だから、日本神話を読むのが好きだから笑。そんなに興味深いものについて読む
  • 日本
  • 東京都
  • 神社
  • 鳥居
Dylan Gibson
先日下北沢を歩いていて、どこかのお店か何かのシャッターで本当にかっこいいストリートアートを見つけました(建物が何だったのかよくわかりません)。 ちょうどこれを見るのがクールだと思った。 日本でストリートアートはあまり見かけませんが、通常は荒らしを伴うので必ずしも悪いことではありませんが、これは荒らしに見えませんが、私は間違っている可能性があります。 いずれにせよ、私はそれが空のシャッターに素晴らしい改善だと思うし、間違いなくその地域に少しスパイスを追加します。 審美的には、日本の歴史、特に武士、刀などについて学ぶのが好きなので、たとえこれがアニメや漫画に見られるような幻想的な演出であっても、私は大ファンです。 下北沢はかなり涼しい場所ですが。 この地域には若い人たちが買い物に行く人が多いようで、レストランもたくさんあります。 コーヒー、カフェ、装身具などのユニークなお店に興味があるなら、訪れるのが楽しい場所です。本当にトレンディ
  • 日本
  • 東京都
  • 芸術
  • ショッピング
  • 喫茶店・カフェ
  • コーヒー
  • 散歩
Dylan Gibson
Decided to donate some clothes I wasn't wearing anymore over the weekend so I decided to go to the Second Street in Minami-Senju. Managed to find some cool stuff along the way. I was walking from Minowabashi and saw this nice looking temple, apparently called Koshunin (公春院). It was a really lovely spot and I would have liked to take more photos but I had some luggage with me and also wanted to avoid taking any photos of the tombstones as I thought it might be rude. It seems the temple focus on memorial services though and looked like a nice place. The next spot I came across was just a really small shrine that seemed so randomly placed that I wanted to take a picture of it. There wasn't much space inside the shrine are so it was quite difficult to get a decent photo, but I did the best that I could and tried to take a photo from the side street next to it which was also incredibly narrow lol. The last thing I ended up finding was a statue of Matsuo Basho! I'd not been to Minami-Senju as I've never really had a reason to go there, but I saw the statue from the corner of my eye and thought "Hmm I wonder if that's Basho" and sure enough it was. It even has "The Narrow Road to the Deep North" (奥の細道) written below it. Also, apparently there is debate about which "Senju" he started at (Adachi or Arakawa), so this is one of the statues depicting the place where he started his journey! It ended up being a pretty interesting walk. I'd like to visit the area again as there was a ton of cool stuff.
  • 日本
  • 写真
  • 荒川区
  • 寺院
  • 神社
  • 鳥居
  • 歴史
Dylan Gibson
Was walking past a park in Arakawa the other day and came across this interesting statue. I think the name is read as Honda Takatomo (本田 貴侶) but it was difficult to find any information. I kept finding stuff showing the same statue but instead of "聖なるもののリピドー" they all show "聖なるもののリビドー" I'm not sure what the differences are though. Perhaps there are multiple statues in different locations? All the ones I saw referred to this statue in Arakawa though so maybe there's a misprint or something? Also I'm not sure what "リピドー" or "リビドー" means, but if anyone has any idea about what the statue's meaning is I'd love to hear it! Either way it's a nice looking statue. I always enjoy finding things like this around different parts of Japan, they really add to the atmosphere of the city.
  • 日本
  • 東京都
  • 荒川区
  • 公園
  • 芸術
Dylan Gibson
Went to a soba restaurant in Akabane called "Zenmi Kotobuki" (禅味寿). I got the "天せいろ" (Ten Seiro "Tempura Soba Served on a Bamboo Wicker Tray" If I had to translate it literally I guess lol). Cost 1350 yen and it was 大盛サービス (free extra serving of noodles). And who am I to turn down free noodles? The choice was obvious and so I got the extra helping! I really liked the atmosphere of the place too. The waitresses were wearing Japanese-style clothing as well, which made it a really nice experience. I always enjoy visiting small shops like this where the owners have it decorated in their own style and you can see all of the bottles of sake or whatever else is used to create the atmosphere of the restaurant. Anyways, as for the food, the tempura was cooked really well and the soba was the perfect texture. At the end of the meal they brought some hot soba water so I could drink the remaining tsuyu (soba sauce) as a sort of warm drink. Was a great experience that I haven't had in a while!
  • 日本
  • 東京都
  • グルメ
  • 蕎麦
  • 天ぷら
  • おもてなし
Dylan Gibson
Like I mentioned yesterday, I went to "Tokyo Portcity Takeshiba" over the weekend and there were a ton of restaurants. The one that I chose to eat at was a tough choice, but I ultimately settled on "Do Miso Tokyo Portcity Takeshiba" (ど・みそ 東京ポートシティ竹芝店), but there was also an Okinawan-themed restaurant right next to it called "Okinawa Bar Kafu" (沖縄酒場 かふー) that looked really nice as well, and smelled good. Either way from across the isle I got to eat some delicious ramen while listening to the Okinawan music which was really relaxing and created a nice atmosphere. I'm not sure what the ramen I got was called it was just the normal miso ramen from my understanding and I believe it cost ¥1100. There's another one that looks similar, has a similar name, and costs ¥1200 but that's a white miso ramen and not the one that I got. Either way, I'm sure it tastes good as well, because my ramen tasted great! I really liked that the restaurant had metal cups as well, it gives the water a different flavor and always makes it feel more refreshing too (in my opinion at least). One thing I forgot to mention about the building; if you open up their website, another futuristic feature you'll find is that the building actually shows the number of people in the building at any one time and also shows that percentage of male and female visitors. I thought this was really amazing. I'm not sure how it's done, but they must have censors located at the doors or in other places around the building that can analyze body structure or something similar. Either way it's a cool place!
  • 日本
  • 東京都
  • 技術
  • グルメ
  • ラーメン
  • 味噌ラーメン
  • 音楽
Dylan Gibson
Went to Takeshiba over the weekend and visited "Tokyo Portcity Takeshiba" I was in the area for other reasons, but just happened to stop by because the building looked interesting. Turns out I was right! The inside of the building had a bunch of really nice shops and was showing a futuristic VR robot being used to stock shelves in a convenience store. I didn't stick around to read everything that was being shown on the screen but this photo seems to be saying how they've created a VR system where users won't feel VR sickness, which I'd actually not heard about before, but it seems to happen after long periods of VR use and is similar to motion sickness I guess. The other photo looks like a simple picture of a sink but it actually has another really cool futuristic feature. The little slot on the right can actually disinfect your phone using UV. I couldn't take a photo of the actual process since I only had one phone but I tried it out and it was really neat. You just remove your case or anything else you have attached to your phone and pop it in and wash your hands. Takes like 30 seconds, about how long it should take to wash your hands, so it's a really convenient feature. Cool place though, I definitely recommend paying it a visit!
  • 日本
  • 東京都
  • VR
  • 技術
  • 新技術・新製品
