
Dec. 11, 2020
[Image1]・🗾 Noodle shop Sakamoto 01 1st timeSNS→Instagram、TwitterTokyo's noodle shop Sakamoto 01's relocation

🗾 Noodle shop Sakamoto 01 1st time

Tokyo's noodle shop Sakamoto 01's relocation to Niigata?
It has won the Michelin Bib Gourmand award and is highly anticipated!
It is close to Niigata Prefectural Station and easy to access.
Sakamoto 01 has a shop on the first floor of the hotel, and the shop in front of the automatic door is Sakamoto01.
There is an alcohol spray at the entrance.
Buy 🙋 ♂️ first at the ticket vending machine
There are 13 seats at the counter only!
Seats were reserved and water, towels, and chopsticks were placed.

1 Beautiful ramen.
Ramen with beautifully arranged noodle lines.
You can enjoy ✨ it from the appearance

2 Excellent cost performance.
The standard menu starts at 700 yen and is excellent cost performance!
It is also topped 😄

3 Stylish atmosphere.
The inside of the store is clean and beautiful!
U-shaped counter is 🙆 ♂️ spacious
There is a hanger rack near the entrance of the luggage compartment.

<01 Chinese soba 700 yen, 4 wontons topped 300 yen>
Beautiful ramen from the appearance!
The noodle line is too 😳 beautiful
You may not be able to imagine it from the appearance, but it is surprisingly hot.
It seems to be using beef tallow, and I was surprised by the taste that I 🎉 had never eaten before.
The medium-thick straight noodles were a little firm, but they fit well!
The toppings are all good, and the sansho pepper is 🤤 a nice accent.
Thank you for the delicious feast ^ ^

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Previous social media post
Dec. 8, 2020
・ 🗾自家製麺若葉 SNS→Twitter、Facebook <お店の情報> 大阪の名店群青さんで修行された方が独立して出したお店😆 伊賀上野城がある上野公園から近い若葉さん! 駐車場は店舗横の細い道を抜けた先に4台ある✨ 市役所などもあり駐車場には困らない^.^ 忍者の街らしい店構え、店内、トイレになっている🎊 Twitter、Facebookでその日のメニューがわかる! 食券を店内で先に購入して並ぶスタイル🙆‍♂️ <Point> ①厳選されたメニュー。 つけそばがメインになる🤤 つけそば+煮干しそばor白湯そばになる! 夏季限定冷製冷やし煮干しそばもある。 ②行列のできる人気店。 取材NGで行列はすごい! つけそばメインなので、回転はそこまで良くない🥺 口コミ恐るべし。 ③コスパ抜群。 ラーメン680円、つけそば850円企業努力がすごい😳 つけそばはチャーシュー5枚ものっている! <つけそば特盛1050円チャーシュー増し200円✖︎3> 見た目から圧倒的に美しい、芸術だ😆 チャーシューが30枚くらいあってすごかった🤣 氷水でしっかりしめられた自家製麺極太麺は圧巻🙋‍♂️ そのまま食べてもコシがあり小麦の風味香り最高! 濃厚魚介のつけ汁は節もしっかり感じられ、シャキシャキのネギとの相性抜群😊 薄切りのレアチャシューはそのまま食べて良し、つけ汁につけて良し、ご飯に乗せて良し色々な食べ方ができる🎉 美味しかったごちそうさまでした^ ^