We are holding an arquebus demonstration in Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture.
We also participate in the local festival "Soma Nomaoi".
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タケノコ posted.
It is a special dried potato in Ibaraki Prefecture, but I also make it at my parents' house in Fukushima.
My daughter loves dried potatoes, so I go to the drying area and eat them one after another?
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タケノコ posted.
Soma-Noma-ying will be held in July in the Soma region of Fukushima Prefecture.
There is the bravery of equestrian warriors and the tranquility of shinto services.
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タケノコ posted.
Put gun gun in two places in the fire rope gun.
a gun gun for firing a ball
a mouthsticle that ignites a gun gun for firing
This photo is the moment when the fire of the fire rope ignited the mouth medicine of the fire dish.
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ID:2Awesome photo! I really like the power of it! I went ahead and shared it, hope you don't mind.
ID:1It was a great time, wasn't it?
It is a very powerful photograph!This text has been automatically translated.
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タケノコ posted.
Practice scene of matchlock.
Overseas, samurai were shooting guns of caliber called cannons in their hands.
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ID:1It's a great power?
They say there's a impact when you hit a handgun, but can't you blow it backwards with such a big gun? ?This text has been automatically translated.
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タケノコ posted.
Practice scene of matchlock enbu.
I don't just shoot, I calm my mind and value my work.
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