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Terra Injpn
佐賀県鹿島市の民俗芸能「面浮立」。 面浮立はいろいろな役割の出演者で成り立っています。 「鬼(かけうち)」は、面浮立の主役。 「大太鼓打ち」は男性1人で大太鼓を打ちます。 「烏毛(とりげ)」は麻の毛のついた長い棒(烏毛)を2人1組で受け渡しながらります。 そして写真は「かねうち」の女性たちです。 子供のころから御両親と一緒に参加するそうです。 地元で行われる民俗芸能ならでわの光景ですね。
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st situation
淡路島淡路市に陶器を焼く登り窯があります。 毎年2月年一度だけ4日間寝ずに薪を入れていき温度を上げ奥の窯から大きな炎が燃え上がり 陶芸家前田幸一様の手掛けた数々の作品がこの窯で生まれます。 朝ドラのスカーレットでもこの様なシーンがあり情熱に満ち溢れた時間素晴らしくゆっくり時間をかけて冷ましていき新な作品が生まれ 手間を惜しまず一生懸命目標に向けて取り組む姿勢は格好よく自分自身もいろんな事に向き合い頑張らないとと痛感し勉強になりました。 去年アポを取り貴重な体験をさせて頂き本当に感謝です。
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開智国際日本語学校(Kaichi International School of Japanese)
[English/日本語] February 22 is "Cat Day" in Japan. In Japan, February 22 is "Cat Day", and there is a lot of excitement as people upload pictures of cats on social media. Do you like cats? Or do you prefer dogs? In this article, I would like to talk about the pet situation in Japan. 1) Cat boom In Japan, many people have always owned dogs, but in 2017, the number of cat owners surpassed the number of dog owners. The reason for this is that Japan is an aging society. Dogs have to be accompanied on walks, and elderly people who are worried about their physical strength tend to choose cats that don't need to be walked. Also, more and more people are keeping pets because they are spending more time at home due to the influence of Corona. I wonder if it's the same in your country? 2)Can international students have pets? Very few international students have pets. To own a dog, you have to pay several hundred thousand yen at a pet store and also have to get shots. In addition, most apartments in Japan do not allow pets. However, sometimes people keep hamsters, which are relatively cheap and do not have as long a life span as dogs and cats. I heard a story about a Japanese language school that had a problem with a student who suddenly decided to return to his home country and asked them to take in his turtle. Pets are life. It is important to keep them responsibly. 3) If you miss your pet... Some people who used to have pets in their home countries may become stressed out because they cannot interact with their pets during their long stay in Japan. Recently in Japan, there has been an increase in the number of cafes with cats and dogs, where you can casually interact with cats and dogs for just a fee and a drink. In addition to cats and dogs, some of these animal cafes also have birds and reptiles. Please try to use them. Our school does not allow pets in the dormitories. However, there are cat cafes and dog cafes around the school. There is also a zoo just a few stops away from the school. If you are an animal lover, I think you will enjoy your study abroad experience at our school. 2月22日は日本では「猫の日」です。雑貨店などでは猫の絵が描かれた商品が売り出され、SNSでそれをアップする人で盛り上がっています。みなさんは猫が好きですか?それとも犬が好きですか?今回は日本のペット事情についてお話します。 ①猫ブーム 日本では昔から犬を飼っている人が多くいましたが、2017年に猫の飼育数が犬の飼育数を上回りました。理由としては日本が高齢化していることにあります。犬は散歩についれていかなければならないということもあり、体力に不安のある高齢者は散歩の必要のない猫を選ぶ傾向にあるそうです。また、コロナの影響により家で過ごす時間が増えたため、ペットを飼う人も増えているそうです。みなさんの国でも同じでしょうか? ②留学生はペットを飼える? 留学生でペットを飼っている人はほとんどいません。犬を飼うためにはペットショップで数十万円払い、さらに注射を打たなければなりません。また、日本のアパートなどではほとんどがペットを飼うことを禁止しています。しかし、比較的安く寿命が犬や猫ほど長くない「ハムスター」を飼う人はときどきいます。ある日本語学校で、急に帰国することになった学生から亀をひきとってほしいと言われ、困ったことがあったという話を聞いたことがあります。ペットは命です。ちゃんと責任を持って飼うようにしましょう。 ③ペットが恋しくなったら… 母国でペットを飼っていた人は長い留学生活でペットと触れ合えず、ストレスがたまってしまう人もいます。日本では最近、猫や犬のいるカフェが増えていて、利用料とドリンク代だけで猫や犬と気軽に触れ合うことができます。また、この動物と触れ合えるカフェは、猫や犬だけではなく鳥や爬虫類などを扱っているところもあります。ぜひ利用してみてくださいね。 本校では寮でペットを飼うことを禁止しています。しかし、学校周辺には猫カフェや犬カフェがあります。また、動物園も学校から数駅のところにあります。動物好きの人は本校で留学生活を楽しむことができると思いますよ。
  • 日本
  • 日語學校
  • 日本生活
  • 留學生
  • 留學
ひなまつりは今から約1000年前、平安時代にその頃の貴族の間で始まったと言われています。 その頃は3月初めの巳の日に無病息災を願っておはらいをする「上巳の節句」が行われており、この日には陰陽師(占い師)を 呼びお祈りを捧げ、紙や草木で作った簡素な人形にお酒や供え物を添えて、自分の身代わりとして川や海に流しました。 当時はお人形のことを「ひいな」と呼んでおり、この「上巳の節句」と「ひいな遊び」がひとつになって今のようなひなまつりになったと考えられています。 この様に昔から伝わる桃の節句にお雛様を飾り子供の健やかな成長を願う意義深い行事を子供達と一緒に飾って後世に伝えたい物ですね
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  • 日本
Justin Schultz
Just some more photos to wrap up our trip to Nikko. I took a bunch of photos of different monuments and buildings that seemed important or had lavish decorations. I can't make out what the writing on the monument says but I can at least make out the kanji for heart (心). I also liked the golden palanquins inside the the building in the forth photo, although I'm not sure if they were used at some point or are simply for decoration. The other photos are from Futarasan Chugushi Shrine (二荒山中宮祠神社) located in front of Lake Chuzenji. Unfortunately we didn't have time to go inside the shrine but I was at least able to take some nice photos of the torii gate. Apparently it has a kagura hall as well and the entrance to Mt. Nantai is located inside the shrine as well. And finally, just an assortment of food that I haven't posted yet. All of it tasted great. It was definitely a trip I'm never going to forget!
  • 日本
  • 旅遊
  • 觀光
  • 自然
  • 日光市
  • 神社
  • 江戶時代
  • 美食
  • 歷史
Justin Schultz
Some more photos from our trip to Nikko. There were so many awesome monuments, landmarks, and buildings that it'd be impossible to fit it all into one post. I was so glad that I had my mobile battery with me because I was taking so many photos that I was just burning through my battery lol. I really liked how the incense burner looked and I tried looking up how old it was but I wasn't able to find anything about it, only the one in front of Tokugawa Ieyasu's burial site. I would have liked to use the chozuya as well, but unfortunately it was closed off due to covid. I also liked seeing the sake barrels as well as they always brighten up shrines. The "Ippon Toro" lantern was interesting as well. I'd never heard of Empress Tofukumon'in before either, so it gave me some interesting things to read about Japan's Edo Period. Apparently she helped rebuild prominent temple in Kyoto and collected art and pottery from famous artisans of the time and even those of the past. Some buildings I'd have to look at a map to know their names but there was definitely no shortage of decorations. Unfortunately we weren't able to take photos inside some of the main buildings, but a few of them had ceiling paintings done by famous painters. Many of them were birds, and I'm not an expert, but I think they were mostly cranes and they were all really beautiful.
  • 日本
  • 觀光
  • 旅遊
  • 神社
  • 日光市
  • 江戶時代
  • 歷史
  • 藝術
  • 燈籠
Justin Schultz
Continuing on from yesterday's post... On the second and final day of our trip we woke up and ate a light breakfast followed by some udon and soba at a nice little restaurant on the way to the Kirifuri Highlands (霧降高原). We were originally planning on hiking up to the observation deck around 880 meters up the mountain, but it proved to be a little farther than we thought it would be an had to stop at around 650 meters as there was a massive staircase to reach the observation deck and not everyone in the group was up for the challenge lol. Not having the proper gear didn't help much either. Most people had on snow shoes and they could easily trek through the snow but wearing just boots or tennis shoes we were a bit under-equipped and decided it'd be better not to overdo it. We got to see some really amazing views and talk to an 85-year-old man who told us what gear we should buy if we're planning on hiking in the snow, about how the dam located on the mountains across from us rises and falls during the day/night, and how this was his ~60th time climbing the mountain but the woman he came with has done it more than 300 times. She had to turn back early that day, but those are some impressive numbers! After enjoying the outdoors we headed over to Nikko Edomura/Edo Wonderland (日光江戸村) and had a blast exploring the theme park. We arrived at about 2pm so we got a nice discount on our all-day passes. Walking around we got to see all of the different buildings that gave the theme park its Edo-Period-feel. We also got to see the oiran procession (花魁道中) which was really awesome as well. It seemed like they tried to make it as accurate as possible too. The way the courtesan walked was in the traditional figure eight style which, from what I've read, is not easily done, so I assume that this is a sort of special type of profession as she was doing it (to my untrained eye) perfectly. One funny thing was that the girls in red in front of the courtesan had to slouch somewhat because they were too tall and the theme park obviously can't employ children to play the role like they would have traditionally. We also got some temporary "tattoos." They got some cute Nyan-mage tattoos and I got a Shinsengumi tattoo lol. After that we watched a really awesome performance inside of the ninja theater, but we weren't allowed to film or take photos so I don't have anything to post unfortunately. It was really cool seeing the ninja actors jumping off of rooves and fighting though. On top of that we also tried out the ninja maze where I was unfortunately the last one to make it out as I got unlucky and hit a dead end at the last part of the maze. This was a really fun experience as there were a lot of hidden and revolving doors that you had to find to escape the maze. We also did the shuriken experience and I managed to get 3/5 but I gave one of my shuriken to my girlfriend in the hopes that she would stick one in the target but unfortunately she wasn't able to lol. I guess I was technically 3/4 because of that. Overall the whole trip was a blast and we got to make some awesome memories out in Tochigi. I definitely recommend it as a travel destination!
  • 日本
  • 觀光
  • 旅遊
  • 主題公園
  • 歷史
  • 自然
  • 忍者
  • 江戶時代
