[이미지1][English/日本語]Snow is predicted to fall in Tokyo this week. In Japan, there are many tourist destinat
[이미지2][English/日本語]Snow is predicted to fall in Tokyo this week. In Japan, there are many tourist destinat
[이미지3][English/日本語]Snow is predicted to fall in Tokyo this week. In Japan, there are many tourist destinat

Snow is predicted to fall in Tokyo this week. In Japan, there are many tourist destinations where winter sports are popular, such as Hokkaido, but in Tokyo, snowfall is not that common and the city is not prepared to handle it. As a result, even a 5 cm accumulation of snow can cause many problems. In this article, I will tell you how to deal with snow in Tokyo.

1 Transportation
When it snows, train schedules are often disrupted. Trains may be cancelled or the number of trains may be reduced, so you may be late for work. Try to leave your house early on snowy days. Roads can also be crowded, and few people buy snow tires for the rare snowfall in a year. As a result, many people drive with regular tires on snowy days, which can cause slip accidents. Try not to walk near cars on snowy days.

2 The day after it snows
Unlike Hokkaido, the snow that falls in Tokyo has a high moisture content. Therefore, the day after a snowfall, the roads are often icy. Since there are many buildings in Tokyo, there is no sunlight and the snow may not melt even after a week. Some people slip on the icy roads and get seriously injured because of it. On the day after a snowfall, try to walk in the sunshine.

3What to wear
What you wear the next day is more important than what you wear when it is snowing. The roads are very slippery, so it is best to wear long boots or other non-slip shoes. You should also wear gloves because the ice can cut your hands if you slip and fall on them. A hat is also necessary to protect your head. A backpack or other bag that allows you to keep both hands free is also a good idea. If you don't have boots, there is a life hack to prevent slipping by putting an adhesive bandage on the back of your sneakers. Please give it a try.

Many of the students at our school come from warm countries. Some of them have caught colds from playing in the snow because it was their first time to see snow. Please play in the snow in moderation. This time, we are planning to spread snow-melting agent in front of the dormitory. If your neighbors are having a hard time shoveling snow, let's help them out. It's also a chance to make friends with Japanese people. Also, it's best not to go outside too much on snowy days, so get your shopping done as soon as possible!






다음 SNS 게시물
[English/日本語] Currently, most people are wearing masks due to the coronavirus, but since there have always been so many people in Japan wearing masks from February to April, all foreign tourists are surprised. The reason why they wear masks is "hay fever". Especially at this time of the year, people who are allergic to cedar are wearing masks. Many foreign students are suffering from hay fever. In this article, I would like to tell you about this hay fever. 1 One out of three international students has hay fever? According to some data, one out of every three international students will develop hay fever for the first time after coming to Japan. Also, the number of international students who develop hay fever in their third year in Japan is the highest, followed by those in their first year. International students may misunderstand that they have a prolonged cold at first because there are no hay fever sufferers around them in their country and they do not know what hay fever is like. Unlike a cold, hay fever has strong symptoms of runny nose, itchy eyes, and an itchy nose. If you have any idea what it is, please consult with your school teacher first. 2Hay fever prevention goods So how do Japanese people get over the hay fever season? Most people take medicines prescribed by hospitals or over-the-counter medicines. In addition to medicines, there are many other goods that are sold on the streets to alleviate the symptoms of hay fever. For example, glasses for hay fever and high quality tissues that do not damage the nose. Sales of air purifiers also increase during this season. For those who don't have the money or the time to go to the hospital, there is a life hack that says applying Vaseline to the entrance of the nose can reduce the symptoms. Also, lack of sleep and alcohol consumption are said to worsen hay fever symptoms. Take care to delay your healthy lifestyle. ★Extras In Tokyo, one out of two people is said to have hay fever. The topic of hay fever is also an opportunity to get to know Japanese people. It is said that when a person who has never had hay fever before gets hay fever, the person who has had hay fever for many years will say "Welcome ☺". I urge you to talk to them! 現在、コロナウィルスの影響でほとんどの人がマスクをしていますが、日本では昔から2月から4月にかけてマスクをしている人がとても多いので、外国人観光客はみんな驚くそうです。マスクをしている理由は「花粉症」です。特にこの時期は杉のアレルギーの人がマスクをしています。留学生の多くが花粉症に悩まされています。今回はこの花粉症についてお伝えします。 ①留学生の3人に1人が花粉症? あるデータによると留学生3人に1人が日本に来て初めて花粉症を発症するそうです。また、花粉症になった留学生は3年目にかかる人が1位、次いで1年目が2位という結果が出ています。留学生は国でも花粉症の人がまわりになく、また花粉症がどのような症状かわからないため、最初は風邪が長引いていると勘違いしてしまうことがあります。花粉症は風邪などと違って、鼻水の症状が強く、目のかゆみや鼻のかゆみがあります。心当たりのある人はまずは学校の先生に相談してみましょう。 ②花粉症対策グッズ では、日本人はどのようにして花粉症の時期を乗り越えているでしょう。ほとんど人が病院で処方された薬や市販薬を飲んでいます。薬以外にも花粉症の症状をやわらげるグッズなどが街ではこの時期によく売られています。例えば、花粉症用のめがねや鼻を傷めない高級ティッシュなどです。また、この時期は空気清浄機の売上も伸びます。お金がない人や時間がなくて病院に行けない人などは鼻の入り口にワセリンを塗ると症状が軽くなるというライフハックもあります。また、睡眠不足やアルコールの摂取は花粉症の症状を悪化させると言われています。健康的な生活を遅れるように気をつけましょう。 番外編 東京都では2人に1人が花粉症であると言われています。花粉症の話題は日本人と仲良くなれるチャンスでもあります。今まで花粉症ではなかった人が花粉症になると、長年花粉症だった人から「ようこそ☺」と言われるそうです。ぜひぜひ話しかけてみてくださいね!
이전 SNS 게시물
[English/日本語] The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has decided to apply priority measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus since last week, and Tokyo residents will have to refrain from activities for about three weeks. Due to the new coronavirus, people have been spending more and more vacations at home as "stayhome" since 2020. How do Japanese people spend their vacations? Let's take a look at it along with Japanese culture. 1 Games Japanese games have become popular all over the world due to the Corona disaster. For example, games in which you build your own room or town and interact with your friends, or games in which you run and stretch like in a gym are especially popular. Also, games that used to be board games are now being played online, expanding the possibilities of games. With the recent establishment of high schools for e-sports games as sports in Japan, it is clear that games are becoming an important content for Japan. 2 Bath time Japanese people love to take a bath in the bathtub. Many of them go on trips to hot springs during long vacations, and those who have given up on their trips due to stay-home are said to buy various bath salts in order to feel a little like they are on vacation. As a result, some companies reportedly had record sales of bath salts last year. Do you use bath salts in your country? I hope you will try them when you come to Japan. 3 Plastic models Have you ever heard of plastic models? Plastic models are dolls made of plastic, and you can assemble and paint them yourself. In Japan, they have long been sold as children's toys, but since the Corona disaster, they have become popular not only among children but also among adults. In particular, plastic models of anime are very popular. If you are ever in Japan, you might want to buy one as a souvenir. Extras There is a character that has become famous in Corona. It is "Amabie. Amabie has been appearing in books for the past 150 years as a monster that eliminates plague. Before the corona virus, Amabie was a character known only to a few people who liked yokai, but after the corona virus spread, his recognition increased mainly through social networking sites, and now he is recognized by most of the people in Japan. In the city, you can see many products with Amabie's picture on them. Please try to look for them. Our school also offers online classes. In addition to classes, we also offer online yoga, online origami classes, and other fun activities. If you are interested, please contact us and we will explain the school via zoom. Please feel free to contact us. 東京都は先週から新型コロナウィルスまん防止等重点措置が適用が決まり、都民は3週間ほど活動を自粛することになりました。新型コロナウィルスの影響で2020年から「stayhome」として、休みの日を家で過ごすことが多くなりました。日本人はどのように休みを過ごしているでしょうか。日本の文化と合わせて見ていきましょう。 ①ゲーム コロナ禍で日本のゲームは世界的に人気になりました。たとえば、自分の部屋や街を作って友だちと交流するものや、ジムのように走ったり、ストレッチをするゲームなどが特に人気があります。また、今までボードゲームだったものが、オンラインで対戦するようになったりとゲームが色々な可能性を広げています。日本では最近、eスポーツ(ゲームをスポーツ競技としてとらえる)の高校などができたりと、ゲームは日本にとって重要なコンテンツになっていることがわかります。 ②お風呂時間 日本人はお風呂で湯舟に入ることが好きです。また長期休みになると温泉に入るために旅行に行く人も多いです。stayhomeで旅行を諦めてしまった人達は少しでも旅行の気分を味わうために、色々な入浴剤を買っているそうです。そのため、去年の入浴剤の売り上げが過去最高だった企業もあるそうです。みなさんの国では入浴剤は入れますか?日本に来た時にぜひ試してみてくださいね。 ③プラモデル みなさんはプラモデルをご存知ですか?プラモデルはプラスチックでできた人形で、自分で組み立てたり、色を塗ったりすることができます。日本では昔から子どものおもちゃとして売られていたものですが、コロナ禍になってからは子どもだけでなく、大人にも人気になっているそうです。特にアニメのプラモデルが人気だそうです。日本に来られるようになったら、お土産として買ってみてもいいかもしれませんね。 番外編 コロナで有名になったキャラクターがいます。それは「アマビエ」です。「アマビエ」は疫病をなくす妖怪として150年前から本などに登場しています。コロナウィルスが流行る前までは一部の妖怪好きの人たちしかしらないキャラクターでしたが、コロナウィルスが流行ってからはSNSを中心に認知度があがり、今や国民のほとんどから認知されています。街にはアマビエの絵が描いてある商品をたくさん見ることができます。みなさんもぜひ探してみてください。 本校ではオンライン授業もおこなっております。また、授業だけではなく、オンラインヨガやオンライン折り紙講座などのお楽しみも用意しています。気になる方はお問合せいただくと、zoomでの学校を説明を行います。