Video article 10:02
[Summer Camping] 12 Camping Essentials to Beat the Heat and Protect Against Insects! Safety Precautions for Japan's Hot Summers and Cool Campgrounds!
Action & Adventure- 12 plays
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Japan's Hot and Humid Summers Summer in Japan is hot and humid. When camping in Japan, it's essential to take measures against both the heat and insects. In this article, we'll introduce some recommended items to protect against the heat and keep insects away so you can enjoy an exciting summer camping trip in Japan. Video Introduction Photo:Women being bitten by bugs This video, titled "12 Recommended Items to Protect Against Heat and Insects When Summer Camping" (夏キャンプの暑さ対策・虫除け対策に買って良かったおすすめアイテム12選をご紹介), was uploaded by "Camp Lab" (キャンプ研究所). When camping in summer, preventing insect bites and heat stroke is crucial to enjoying a safe camping trip. There are many dangerous insects in Japan, and it's important to take all possible precautions. In addition, many people succumb to heat stroke and other health problems in Japan's hot and humid summers. If you take proper measures to protect yourself from insects and heat, you can avoid dangerous situations, so be sure to keep reading so you can be prepared. 6 Tips to Keep Bugs Away When Summer Camping in Japan The first item introduces is the "Fuji Nishiki Power Forest Incense," an insect repellant item that forestry professionals also recommend. As this is professional-grade, the thickness and size are quite different from those for general use. You can see how they're used in the video. [Video] 0:57 - 1. Fuji Nishiki Power Forest Incense Mosquito Repellent Source :YouTube screenshot The next item is bug spray. We recommend a skin-friendly, DEET-free insect repellent that is safe for children to use. The video recommends commercial insect repellent sprays, as homemade sprays made with ingredients such as peppermint don't last as long. [Video] 2:04 - 2. Insect Repellent DEET has long been used in insect repellents in Japan, but more and more parents are avoiding it when it comes to their children because of its side effects that can cause skin problems. It's also important to avoid exposing skin to insect bites as much as possible when summer camping. Leggings and pants that cover the skin are especially important to protect against bites. [Video] 2:58 - 3. Leggings Next, the "Yabu Mosquito Barrier" is a type of spray that is sprayed on the grass around your tent to create a barrier effect. [Video] 3:29 - 4. Yabu Mosquito Barrier Source :YouTube screenshot In addition, insect repelling LED lanterns are a recommended nighttime insect repellant. [Video] 4:11- 5. Insect repelling LED lantern Taking advantage of the nature of insects to be attracted to ultraviolet rays, placing a lantern with built-in UV a slight distance from your camp prevents insects from being attracted to your campsite. Poison Remover is a useful first aid item for treating venomous insect stings. The syringe-like container allows pinpoint suction of the sting. [Video] 5:06 - 6. Poison Remover 6 Heat Protection Essentials for Summer Camping in Japan Photo:A portable fan The following items are recommended for protection against the heat when summer camping. Portable fans have clips and can be attached to car handles or tables and can also be used as stand-alone fans. [Video] 6:03 - 1. Portable electric fan Quick-drying, antibacterial, deodorizing, super-cheap sports shirts. Sports shirts are great for summer camping as you'll likely be hot and sweat throughout the day. [Video] 7:00 - 2. Sports shirts Cooling spray is a spray for clothing. It's an excellent product that allows you to feel a cool sensation just by spraying it on your clothes. [Video] 7:23 - 3. Cooling spray Gatsby Facial Paper with strong menthol is an item that gives you a cool and refreshing feeling just by wiping your skin with it, and it's cost-effective, too! [Video] 7:39 - 4. Gatsby Facial Paper Cooling towels are wetted and used as is. If you don't have a cooling towel, you can use a regular towel. [Video] 8:15 - 5. Cooling towel A cooling face gaiter is an amazingly useful product that makes you feel cooler just by putting it on your face. [Video] 8:40 - 6. Cooling face gaiter Summary of Summer Camping in Japan Photo:A woman enjoying solo camping This article introduced useful goods recommended for summer camping to protect against heat and insects. Japan's rainy season can feel hotter than you might think, so make sure you have the right heat protection gear, and be careful of heat stroke. Also, by taking all possible measures against insects, you'll be able to prevent unexpected accidents. We hope the information in this article will be of use during your next summer camping trip. If you want to camp in an area that's as cool as possible in the summer, it's important to choose the right campground. For the most part, campgrounds at higher elevations tend to be cooler. Also, here are some campgrounds that are considered relatively cool even in Japan's hot summers. ・Ontake Natural Recreational Forest Kurumijima Campground (Gifu) ・Togakushi Campground (Nagano) ・MUJI Minami-Norikura Camping Ground (Gifu) ・MUJI Campground Campania Tsumagoi (Gunma) ・Kyukamura Tsumagoi Kazawa Camping Ground (Gunma) That being said, with summer temperatures getting hotter and hotter each year, even at cooler campgrounds, you musn't let your guard down. Be prepared for the heat and insects, and enjoy your summer camping experience. -
Video article 3:03
Kazusuya Is a Hot Spring Inn That You Don't Want to Miss if You're Visiting Niigata. Enjoy the Onsen and Local Gourmet Foods That Are Popular With Women for Cultivating Beautiful Skin!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 62 plays
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新潟月岡温泉地エリアの旅館『風鈴屋』の魅力紹介動画の見どころ ここでは、「エリアワン|風鈴屋PV」という動画についてご紹介をさせて頂きます。 風鈴屋とは、新潟県月岡温泉にある情緒溢れる外観と日本ならではのおもてなしが魅力とされている旅館です。 新潟県に観光に来た際にはぜひ泊まって欲しい人気旅館となっています。 動画では、月岡温泉風鈴屋について詳しくご覧になれますので、観光を検討する前にぜひご覧下さい。 月岡温泉・風鈴屋の魅力について! 月岡温泉・美(うつくし)の湯「風鈴屋」は、新潟県新発田市にあり、『月岡ニューホテル冠月』が旅館へとなった際に改名され風鈴屋となりました。 お部屋は人数に合わせた和室・洋室の二つが用意されており好みに合わせることができます。 客室備品も充実しているので、快適な一日を送ることが出来るでしょう。 更に、部屋からの眺めは、四季によって様々な顔を見せてくれるインスタ映え必至の日本庭園。 そして足湯や日本酒バーは、風鈴屋を語る上では外せない観光施設となっています。 美の湯と称されている通り美肌効果の高い大浴場と露天風呂があり、観光で歩き回って疲れた体を癒しながら、美しさに磨きをかけることが出来る素晴らしい旅館となっています。 温泉を楽しんだ後はグルメ! 大浴場と露天風呂を十分に堪能して浴衣に身を包んだ後は、やはり食事でしょう。 夕食は、料理長が新潟の自然の恵みと新鮮な山海の旬の味覚をふんだんに盛り込んだ日本食・和食をふるまってくれます。 おすすめは月岡温泉・風鈴屋自慢の『鈴の膳』で、地元である新潟県原産の新鮮な野菜や海鮮を使用した、食の面からも新潟をとことん楽しめるコースとなっています。 他にも、飲み放題プランや日本のブランド牛である「あがの姫牛」を堪能出来るプランもあり、個人に合わせて充実した食事が出来ることでしょう。 月岡温泉風鈴屋の魅力紹介まとめ 日本の四季とグルメを堪能することが出来る旅館『月岡温泉・風鈴屋』。 日本の風情溢れる月岡温泉風鈴屋へいらしてみてはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 21:10
What Makes Amezaiku One of Japan's Most Prized Traditional Crafts? If You Look at the Craftsmanship of Japan, the Country of Manufacturing, You'll Understand Why...
Traditional Crafts- 241 plays
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日本の伝統工芸飴細工紹介動画について 日本が誇る伝統工芸の一つである飴細工について、『日本糖果藝術 飴細工 - 金魚,青蛙,貓,狗 東京』の動画を元に紹介をさせていただきます。 飴細工とは? 日本が誇る伝統工芸の飴細工とは何か、まずはその詳細について紹介をさせていただきます。 飴細工は、製菓技術の一つで、起源は平安時代に京都で作られていたお供え物になります。 熱した飴を職人が自在に操って作品を作り出す様はまさに芸術の一言で、今回紹介させていただいている動画を見ても、伝統工芸の素晴らしさがはっきりと分かることでしょう。 動画内で実際に飴細工を制作されている姿をまずはご覧ください。 飴細工は飴と製菓という言葉が表す通り、芸術品でありながら食べることが出来ます。 その精巧な作りは食べる時には勿体無いと思ってしまうほどです。 しかし基本的には食べ物というよりは芸術品や美術品といった側面が強く、動画内でも猫や犬、金魚や青蛙等を題材としており、思わず飾っておきたくなるような素晴らしいものばかりです。 和と洋で違う飴細工 日本の伝統工芸としても名高い飴細工ですが、実は和菓子だけでなく、洋菓子としてもその技術が用いられています。 和菓子としての飴細工は、最小限の道具で生き物をモチーフとした一品で完成する作品が多いのに対し、洋菓子の飴細工は、バラや花等の植物を主として、一品一品を組み合わせた大規模な作品として主に制作されています。 伝統工芸としての歴史はどちらも古く、その美しさから、日本人外国人問わず、多くの人の間でお土産やプレゼントとして人気です。 日本が誇る伝統工芸飴細工の紹介まとめ 視覚でも味覚でも楽しませてくれる伝統工芸の飴細工、今回はその素晴らしさについて動画を交えてご紹介させていただきましたが、いかがだったでしょうか? 今回紹介をさせていただいた飴細工職人の方々は、通販での販売、体験教室を開くなど、積極的に伝統工芸を後世へと伝え、残していく活動をされています。 特にその活動を積極的に行われているのが「飴細工よし原」であり、職人の人が実際に目の前で作る姿を見ることもできます。 飴細工体験教室などのイベントも開催されるので、動画を見て気になった方はぜひ「よし原」へと足を運んでみることをおすすめします。 伝統工芸を実際に触れることで、伝統工芸という日本文化に対しての理解が一層深まることでしょう。 日本の伝統工芸の一つである飴細工について興味を持っていただけたら幸いです。 -
Video article 2:53
A Panoramic View of the Beautiful Natural Scenery of Kagoshima! Be Sure to Throw This on Your Itinerary for Your Next Vacation!
Local PR Travel- 30 plays
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A Bird's Eye View of Kagoshima This video, titled "Drone Footage of Amazing Islands in Kagoshima, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 鹿児島" gives an aerial view of Kagoshima's islands, taken by drone. It was released by "egawauemon." Are you looking for beautiful your next summer getaway? If so, then you came to the right place. In this article, we'll introduce tourist information and travel tips for those traveling to the islands of Kagoshima Prefecture! This video shows aerial views of the remote islands in Kagoshima prefecture, which are overflowing with natural beauty. There are six remote islands introduced in this video: Yakushima, Yoronjima, Tanegashima, Koshikijima, Kakeromajima, and Amami Oshima. The Best Remote Islands to Enjoy Water Sports! If you're looking to enjoy water sports and activities on a remote island in Kagoshima Prefecture, we recommend Yoronjima and Kakeromajima. Yoronjima is an island full of flowers and coral reefs. It has Terasaki Beach, which became famous as a location featured in the movie "Glasses" (めがね), and Yurigahama Beach, a pure white sandy beach that appears only during low tide. The sea is crystal clear, and in the summer months it's crowded with water sports enthusiasts. The main tourist attraction on Kakeromajima is the 300-year-old Indian coral tree trees that line the street near the beach. The bright red flowers on these trees bloom from May to June. There is also the beautiful beach Surihama, which is called the White Village. Water sports are very popular here. It's a small island, about 20 minutes by ferry from Amami Oshima, and the main spots on the island can be visited on a day trip. The Best Remote Islands to Enjoy the Ocean, Mountains and Villages! If you want to enjoy the beauty of the sea, mountains, and countryside of Kagoshima Prefecture, we recommend Koshikijima and Amami Oshima. There are many viewing points, such as a coastline with bizarre rock structures and the ruins of a village from the Edo period. We recommend going for a drive while looking out at the breathtaking scenery. Koshikijima is located just 50 minutes from Sendai Harbor (川内港) by high speed boat, and it's easily accessible from Kagoshima City, so a day trip to the island is possible. Amami Oshima is famous for its beautiful blue waters. The subtropical oceanic climate has led to the emergence of virgin forests, which are home to rare plant and animal species. The island is home to a wealth of rare flora and fauna, and you can even go on a canoeing adventure through a mangrove forest! Special Experience on Kagoshima's Islands If you're looking for a unique experience you wont find anywhere else, then we recommend Yakushima and Tanegashima. Yakushima was registered as a World Heritage Site in 1993, and trekking is very popular here. You can feel the mystical power of Yakushima by walking along popular routes, such as Shiratani Unsui Gorge. Yakushima also has hot springs, and the Hirauchi Kaichu Natural Onsen (hot springs), which emerge from the sea for just two hours before and after low tide, are a tourist attraction not to be missed! Tanegashima is famous as the birthplace of guns in Japan. A visit to Tanegashima Space Center, which sits at the forefront of space research and development, is another experience you don't want to overlook. Once You've Had Your Fill of the Remote Islands, It's Time to Grab a Bite to Eat! After visiting the islands of Kagoshima, you'll want to try some of the delicious food and go sightseeing in the area. There's delicious Berkshire pork, Japanese black (a Japanese cattle breed), and Shochu (Japanese liquor)! In the city center, you can buy souvenirs and enjoy delicious gourmet food, including Kagoshima ramen, satsuma-age (fried fish cakes), and kibinago (Silver-stripe round herring). Kagoshima was the birthplace of Saigo Takamori, and it is also home to many famous samurai residences and more. Take a trip to the area and learn about the history of Kagoshima! Summary of Kagoshima's Remote Islands This video, "Drone Footage of Amazing Islands in Kagoshima, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - Kagoshima," shows the beautiful scenery of the remote islands of Kagoshima. For those looking to enjoy the natural beauty of Kagoshima's remote islands, be sure to check out the video! -
Video article 8:08
Tempura, One of the Most Popular Japanese Foods Around the World! What Does the Owner of Seiju, a High-Class Restaurant in Tsukiji, Tokyo, Have to Say About His Cuisine?
Food & Drink- 56 plays
- YouTube
ミシュランの星を獲得した高級和食の名店「清壽」をご紹介! 「ANA Global Channel」が制作した、IS JAPAN COOL? WASHOKUシリーズの天ぷら編「TEMPURA - IS JAPAN COOL? WASHOKU - 和食 (天婦羅)」です。 このシリーズでは天ぷらのほか、寿司、蕎麦、おでんなどの和食が紹介されています。 この動画で紹介されている清壽(せいじゅ)は、ミシュランの星を1つ獲得したことで話題になったお店です。 東京都晴海通り沿い、築地本願寺の袂にあるビルの地下にあります。 エレベーターで地下一階に下りると、外の喧騒からは想像できないほどのモダンで静かな空間が現れます。 店内に入ると、清潔感のある白木のカウンターがL字に配置され高級感溢れる雰囲気が広がっています。 「清壽」の店主、清水良晃さんのこだわり 清壽の店主である清水良晃氏は、2008年に日本最大の魚河岸である築地に店を構えました。 胡麻好きが高じて胡麻油に興味を持ち、最終的に太白胡麻油100%で揚げる天ぷら屋の店主になったという異色の経歴の持ち主です。 そのため具材や衣はもちろん、揚げ油の種類にも並々ならぬ信念を持ち、鮮度を保つために1組ごとに新しい油に交換するこだわりよう。 胡麻油の旨みを含んだ見事な江戸前天ぷらからは、手間を惜しまない店主の職人技と油の温度等コンディションに対する細やかな気遣いが伝わってきます。 契約農家から直接買い付けた厳選野菜をはじめ、毎日築地から仕入れる良質な旬菜旬魚が衣を纏い、天ぷら鍋のなかでリズミカルで爽快な音を奏でていく様子は一見の価値あり。 メニューはお任せコースのみ!日本の四季を旬の具材で楽しもう! 江戸前の天ぷらがいただける清壽では、メニューはお任せコースのみ。 具材のポテンシャルを引き出した衣の薄い上品な天ぷらは、口当たりがサクサク、あっさりとしています。 季節や産地にこだわった材料の味をダイレクトに堪能できるのは至福のひと時です。 旬の具材から日本の四季が堪能できるので、シーズンごとに通いたくなることでしょう。 和食料理店なのにソムリエが!?こだわり天ぷら「清壽」のまとめ 実は清壽の店主は、英語も堪能。 和食を求める海外からのお客様にも喜んでもらえる天ぷら屋さんです。 また、天ぷらに限らず和食にはビールや冷酒が定番ですが、清壽ではワインの品揃えも充実しています。 揚げ手の主人のほかソムリエが常駐している天ぷら屋は他にはなかなかありません。 日本が誇る天ぷら料理の名店・清壽で、冷えた白ワイン片手にさらりと揚がった江戸前天ぷらを堪能してみませんか。 -
Video article 12:11
A Beginner's Guide to Setting Up a Tent. Using the Popular Montbell Stellaridge Tent
Action & Adventure- 36 plays
- YouTube
A Camping Guide for Beginners Japan's camping boom was sparked by the Corona pandemic. Even people who had never been interested in camping before began to show interest in the activity. In this article, an advanced camper carefully demonstrates how to set up a tent for beginner-level campers. Video Introduction This video, titled "Setting Up a Tent for Beginners (Stellaridge) [Sora no Shita]" (初心者のためのテント設営(ステラリッジ)【そらのした】), was uploaded by "Outdoor Gear Rental Sora no Shita" (アウトドアギアレンタルそらのした). Tools Needed to Set Up a Tent Source :YouTube screenshot If you're new to camping or other outdoor activities, let's first review what you'll need to set up your tent. [Video] 0:08 - What you need to set up a tent Below is a list of tools needed to set up a tent. ・Tent ・Tent poles ・Stakes ・Four guy lines ・Flysheet ・Guy line tensioners ・Groundsheet It's important to make sure you have these items before assembling your tent, let alone leaving for camping so you don't get stuck with a half-assembled tent when camping. Assembling the Body of the Tent Source :YouTube screenshot Now, let's look take a look at the steps to set up a tent. 1. stand upwind from the tent and unfold the body of the tent. The trick is to keep the door of the tent as far downwind as possible. [Video] 0:12 - Unfolding the body of the tent. 2. Fasten the poles together. The poles are connected together with bungee cords, so they are easily connected. [Video] 0:45 - Connect the tent poles 3. Thread the poles through the sleeves attached to the tent diagonals so that the two poles are crossed. 4. Connect the poles to the rings. Connect the ends of the poles to the rings at the four corners of the tent. Connect the two adjacent poles first. [Video] 2:45 - Connecting the poles to the rings at the tent's corners. [Video] 2:53 - A close-up view on how to connect the poles to the corner rings. From the third pole, the poles will start to bow when connecting them. Connect the poles to the rings while keeping the poles in contact with the ground. This keeps the tent from standing makes it stable when setting it up. [Video] 3:15 - Connecting from the third pole 6. When the fourth pole is connected the poles will bow and the tent will stand up at this point. You've now finished setting up the body of the tent. Once the tent is standing, it can be easily moved, so at this stage, it may be moved to a place where you'll actually be sleeping in it. When deciding on a place to set your tent up, consider whether the ground is level and free of unevenness, as well as distance from facilities, such as restrooms, shade from trees, and vantage points. How to Anchor a Tent Source :YouTube screenshot Once you've decided where you want to position your tent, it's time to secure it in place. 1. hammer the stakes into the ground. If the ground is hard, use rocks or other objects to hold the tent in place instead of trying to force the stakes into the ground which can cause them to bend or break. [Video] 4:13 - Hammering the stakes 2. Next we'll secure the tent with ropes. Take out the four guy lines and secure the tent. There are loops located about halfway up the tent sleeves, to which the guy lines will be tied. The key is to use a bowline knot, as reef knots can be difficult to untie. If you don't know how to tie a bowline know, be sure to watch the video to learn how. Make a loop in the middle of the guy line and pass the end of the guy line through the loop. Then, pass the end of the guy line through the loop again, and pull it through to complete the knot. [Video] 5:40 - How to Tie a Rope Knot (Bowline Knot) How to Set Up a Fly Sheet Source :YouTube screenshot 1. Check the position of the zipper and apply the flysheet with the zipper facing the entrance of the tent. [Video] 8:12 - Hanging the flysheet over the body of the tent 2. Pass the guy lines attached to the body of the tent through the slits in the flysheet. The video shows how to thread the guy lines through the slits in the flysheet, so beginner campers should be sure to watch this part. [Video] 9:03 - Threading the guy lines through the flysheet slits 3. Connect the four corners of the flysheet to the four corners of the body of the tent as shown in the video. Pass the poles through the rings attached to the four corners of the flysheet. [Video] 10:35 - Connecting the body of the tent to the flysheet 4. Secure the entrance of the tent with stakes. After that, the tent sides are also tensioned with stakes to create space and improve airflow in the tent. 5. Secure the guy lines with stakes or rocks to finish setting up the tent. In this case, the use of guy line tensioners makes it easier to create tension. Things a Beginner Outdoorsman Should Know Photo:Camping equipment Next, we'll go over some things that a beginner outdoorsman who will be camping for the first time should know. First of all, it's essential to prepare tools for camping, practice setting up a tent, and research the location where you'll be camping. Although this sounds obvious, beginners to camping should start by getting their tent and other equipment all ready to go. Research how much you need to spend to get started camping. After you have a complete set of equipment, what you don't want to do is spend so much time setting up your tent when you arrive that you have no time to enjoy the camping trip itself. After purchasing a tent, we recommend that you watch videos and practice setting up your tent. Camping is a great way to enjoy nature and it's not like staying in the city; there are dangers to be aware of. Care should be taken to avoid dangerous areas, such as cliff bottoms. In general, you should enjoy outdoor activities, such as camping, in a safe place. Depending on the weather, rivers may rise and other environmental disasters can occur. This is not limited to beginners in outdoor activities. You should gather necessary information on the weather and surrounding conditions to the best of your ability in advance. Summary If you're a beginner outdoorsman who is just starting to camp, be sure to refer to the video and learn the steps for setting up a tent. Whether or not you can enjoy camping will depend on whether or not you can set up your tent without hassle. In Japan, there are many attractive campgrounds where you can enjoy nature and explore the outdoors. There are many outdoor activities and camping experiences in Japan that you won't find in other parts of the world. We hope you have a great time camping in Japan! -
Video article 12:49
A Solo Camping Guide for Japan - A Checklist of What to Bring With Just a Backpack!
Action & Adventure Nature- 23 plays
- YouTube
Japan's Solo Camping Boom Due in part to the Corona pandemic, camping has become a popular way to get outside and enjoy nature and the outdoors in Japan. Traditionally, camping was often a family or group activity, but "solo camping" has been on the rise as of late. Solo camping is a great way to get away from the stresses of everyday life and enjoy some time alone in a quiet environment. Having some alone time to get in touch with nature can be relaxing, and it also provides an opportunity for self-reflection. In this article, we'll take a look at some useful gear for solo camping. Solo Camping Gear Photo:Camping gear As we mentioned previously, solo camping refers to "one-person camping," and it has been growing in popularity in Japan in recent years. With Japan's current boom in solo camping, lots of useful and stylish solo camping gear is now available on the market. Video Introduction Source :YouTube screenshot The video we'll be going over today, titled "[Camping Gear] Camping With Just One Backpack! Solo Camping Gear Introduction" (【キャンプ道具】バックパック1つでキャンプが出来る!ソロキャンプギア紹介), was uploaded by "Takibito channel" (焚き人channel). The video introduces compact, convenient, and lightweight camping gear and backpacks. Various gear that can be packed into one backpack is introduced in an easy-to-understand manner. ※Please note that the order in which the gear is introduced is different from the order shown in the video as they've been divided based on their purpose. A Comfortable Tent and Sleeping Area Source :YouTube screenshot First, we'll introduce tents and bedding to bring when solo camping. The tent introduced in the video is the LOCUS GEAR Khafra HB Kit. It can be easily stored in a backpack and is also stylish and waterproof. The tent is secured with Snow Peak Solid Stakes and Boundless Voyage Titanium Peg Solid stakes using an MSR Stake Hammer to pound the stakes into place. As for sleeping gear, a NANGA AuroraLite 600DX sleeping bag and Therm-a-Rest NeoAir XTherm are great options! If you need a pillow, a MARCHWAY Inflatable Camping Pillow is recommended. For a night light, a BRISIE LED Lantern is waterproof, dustproof, and can also be used as a mobile battery. Must-Have Gear for Building a Fire Source :YouTube screenshot Next, we'll introduce gear for building a campfire that can fit in a backpack when solo camping. The first step in building a campfire is to chop kindling. The 38cm Husqvarna hatchet is a high-quality Swedish-made hatchet that is sharp and weighs just 600 grams. After chopping some wood, it's time to get a fire started. To build a fire, a Morakniv Mora Knife, SOTO Slide Gas Torch, and Conifer Cone Butterfly Saw are used. For easy fire starting, the match-shaped SOLSTICKAN FIRELIGHTERS are used as a handy igniter, and their combustion duration of 8 minutes makes it easy to ignite firewood. When the fire is about to be go out, a Bushcraft Fire Blaster (Sx) is used to keep it going. To protect your hands, use Tent-Mark Designs King Tongs and GRIP SWANY G-1 gloves. Solo Camping Gear for Cooking Source :YouTube screenshot The next solo camping gear we'll introduce is what to bring so you can enjoy cooking. This includes cooking utensils, etc. that can fit in a backpack. Camp food is an important part of the camping experience. The STC Picogrill 398 and the Boundless Voyage Titanium Fire Grill make the perfect cooking tables and are highly popular in Japan. The Snow Peak Aluminum Personal Cooker Set is easy to store! The set includes a frying pan and two shallow cookers. WILD-1 Brass Sierra Cups are also useful. After cooking up some delicious food it's time to relax. Relax and unwind with the SOTO Field Hopper ST-630 table and Helinox Tactical Chair, or enjoy a cup of freshly brewed, delicious coffee in a Snow Peak Ti-Single Cup. THE NORTH FACE Venture Jacket is great for any sudden rain that might occur. A Backpack to Hold All Your Solo Camping Gear Source :YouTube screenshot A Seibertron backpack can hold all of the solo camping gear featured in the video! The pockets and side pouches on the backpack can be well utilized to store all of your camping gear. The backpack is also waterproof, has a large storage capacity, and is comfortable to carry. Store all of your solo camping gear compactly in one backpack! See below for all solo camping gear introduced above! ■NANGA AuroraLite 600DX ■38cm Husqvarna hatchet ■Snow Peak Aluminum Personal Cooker Set ■Snow Peak Ti-Single Cup ■THE NORTH FACE Venture Jacket ■LOCUS GEAR Khafra HB Kit ■Therm-a-Rest NeoAir XTherm ■Snow Peak Solid Stakes ■Boundless Voyage Titanium Peg Solid ■MARCHWAY Inflatable Camping Pillow ■STC Picogrill 398 ■Boundless Voyage Titanium Fire Grill ■GRIP SWANY G-1 ■MSR Stake Hammer ■SOTO Field Hopper ST-630 ■Tent-Mark Designs King Tongs ■Morakniv Mora Knife ■SOTO Slide Gas Torch ■Conifer Cone Butterfly Saw ■SOLSTICKAN FIRELIGHTERS ■Bushcraft Fire Blaster (Sx) ■WILD-1 Brass Sierra Cups ■BRISIE LED Lantern ■Helinox Tactical Chair ■Seibertron backpacks Summary of Solo Camping Gear for Camping in Japan In this article we introduced solo camping gear that fits into one backpack. The video shows you how to take it out of the backpack, so you can use it as a reference when packing. Be sure to check it out. If you're planning on camping in Japan for the first time or feel that solo camping might be too difficult, your best bet is to gather information from advanced campers so you can save time when decided what gear to buy. Enjoy Japan's beautiful outdoors with a solo camping adventure! -
Video article 4:03
It's Like the Actual Sea! See Great White Sharks Swimming in the Largest Aquarium in the World, at the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in Motobu!
Travel Living Things- 105 plays
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Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium: A Popular in Sightseeing Spot in Japan Produced by "Sanpostyle", "Okinawa Sightseeing - Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium Digest Almost Route(沖縄観光 沖縄美ら海水族館 ほぼ順路をダイジェストで)" is a video that introduces the charm of Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, a popular tourist location in Okinawa, Japan. The aquarium is introduced in tandem with the video, so if you watch the video you'll definitely want to visit it for real! This article introduces the attractions and highlights of Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium; a recommended sightseeing spot in Okinawa. Please enjoy it! What Is Churaumi Aquarium? Photo:Coral reef The Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, popular among visitors to Okinawa, is located in Ocean Expo Park in Motobu Town, Okinawa Prefecture, and opened in 1979. It was the largest aquarium in the world until 2005. The total number of exhibition water tanks is 77. It was the world's first successful whale shark breeding location as well. The mysterious fish and other creatures of Okinawa are displayed in the world's largest aquarium, attracting many tourists. They breed about 520 species and 10,500 animals. You can enjoy the sea of Okinawa as much as you want. Enjoy the Kuroshio Sea, the world's largest aquarium where you can observe Nanyo Manta, and the Coral Sea, where you can see coral breeding exhibits. At the coral sea, you can see 800 groups of coral (0:35). During the sightseeing season, it might be crowded, but it is relatively empty during the evening. On-site facilities include a restaurant with an ocean view, a cafe where you can relax while watching the large aquarium, and a shop where you can purchase souvenirs from Okinawa. It has English-speaking staff, making it a popular facility for foreigners. The Charm of Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium Photo:Churaumi Aquarium What attracts people to the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium is that you can see various Okinawan creatures in a massive aquarium. You can see great white sharks and manta rays in the main aquarium of the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, which can be seen from 2:12 in the video. "Journey to the Deep Sea," which can be viewed from 3:44 in the video, reproduces the mysterious deep sea of Okinawa and allows you to observe about 70 species of deep-sea creatures. At the entrance of the aquarium there is a great white shark monument, welcoming tourists. Behind that, there is the Uminchu Gate, and the emerald green sea seen from this space is a special beauty. In addition, there are the "Inou Creatures" (Video 0:23-), "Sea of Tropical Fish" (Video 0:55-), "Journey to Coral Reefs (Video 1:27-), "Waterside Creatures," "Beauty Sea Theater," "Dr. Shark Room" (Video 2:51-), "Water Viewing: Kuroshio Exploration" (Video 3:13-), "Jimbe Manta Corner," "Aqua Room," "Deep Sea Exploration Room" (Video 3:44 -), "Small creatures in the deep sea," "Planetarium in the sea," "Aqua Lab," "general rest area," "coral room," "event hall," "deep sea map," and so on. The in-house facilities are full of charm. You can enjoy lunch at the restaurant "Inoh" or at the "Ocean Blue" cafe. Information on Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium Photo:Churaumi Aquarium Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium ticket prices are 1,880 yen (~$17.50 USD) 8:30 to 16:00 for adults, elementary and middle schoolers 1,250 yen, and 620 yen for children. After 16:00, it is 1,310 yen for adults, 870 yen for middle-aged people, and 430 yen for children (as of November 2019). Out-of-area sales tickets that can be purchased at a discount from the above general rates can be purchased at Umi churara Naha Airport Store or at a convenience store in Okinawa Prefecture. If you are visiting with more than 20 people, make a reservation and a special group rate will be applied. The average time spent at the aquarium is 1.5 to 2 hours. Access from Naha Airport is about 2 hours by car on the expressway and about 3 hours by express bus. Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium has a nearby parking lot called North Gate Parking Lot. The official website also contains information on congestion and events. In addition, there are various hotels around the aquarium. Stay at a hotel that offers a variety of courses and relax yourself. Summary of Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium is quite popular for sightseeing in Okinawa. Refresh your mind and feel the power and greatness of life in Japan's leading aquarium! Make sure to watch the video to see the power of one of the world's largest aquariums and the appearance of beautiful marine life! ◆ Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium ◆ 【Address】424 Ishikawa, Motobu-cho, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa 905-0206 【Access】From Naha Airport, about 2 hours by car (using expressway), about 3 hours by bus (using express bus) 【Entrance fee】8:30-16:00 (regular fee) Adult 1,800 yen / child 1,250 yen, 16:00- adult 1,310 yen / child 870 yen (* as of November 2019) 【Hours】Normal period (October-February) 8:30-18:30, Summer period (March-September) 8:30-20:00 【Closures】First Wednesday of December and the following day (Thursday) 【Parking】Available (9 locations) Free 【Telephone No】0980-48-3748 【Official Website】Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium-Take the Churaumi of Okinawa to the next generation. https://churaumi.okinawa/en/ 【Tripadvisor】 Reviews of Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1120808-d1151352-Reviews-Okinawa_Churaumi_Aquarium-Motobu_cho_Kunigami_gun_Okinawa_Prefecture.html -
Video article 11:17
What Kind of Manga Would Tezuka Osamu Have Drawn If He Were Still Alive? That Long-Awaited Manga Has Finally Been Drawn, Thanks to the Use of AI Technology!
Japanese Celebrities Modern Culture- 22 plays
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TEZUKA2020 - A Project to Create a Work of Osamu Tezuka Using AI Technology This video, titled "TEZUKA2020 Official Movie" (TEZUKA2020 オフィシャルムービー), is a a video introducing a project to create the newest work of the god of manga, Osamu Tezuka, using AI technology and manpower. Upon hearing that a new manga by Osamu Tezuka would be released, many fans around the world were in awe. Using cutting-edge AI technology, the project was able to create characters and basic story elements. Based on these elements, humans filled in the story, and a new work by Osamu Tezuka was born. You can see it being made in the video. In this article, we'll introduce "TEZUKA2020," a project to create an Osamu Tezuka manga using AI. Be sure to follow along with the video! Genius Manga Artist Osamu Tezuka Source :YouTube screenshot Osamu Tezuka was one of Japan's leading manga artists and was highly regarded as the "God of Manga." His real name is “Osamu Tezuka, written 手塚治 in Japanese, but he used the characters 手塚治虫 (same pronunciation) as a pen name. He was born in 1928 in Takarazuka, Hyogo prefecture, in Japan's Kansai region. Besides being a manga artist, he was also an animator and animation director. He completed 700 titles, and drew more than 150,000 sheets of manuscripts before he passed in 1989. He was famous for story mangas with the theme of life, science, and future, and he still has many fans around the world to this day. Osamu Tezuka's debut work was "Ma-chan’s Diary." At the time it was a complete hit, and there were even dolls and snacks based on characters from the story. His major works are ASTRO BOY, Jungle Emperor Leo, Princess Knight, Black Jack, The Three-Eyed One, Phoenix, Buddha, Ayako, A Tree in the Sun, A Message to Adolf, and the list goes on. TEZUKA2020 Source :YouTube screenshot TEZUKA2020 is a project to create a new work by Osamu Tezuka through a collaboration between cutting-edge AI technology and humans. The plot overview and characters are created by AI, and using these elements, humans fill in the plot and draw manga. From 1:30 in the video, Osamu Tezuka’s son, Makoto Tezuka, a director of Tezuka Production, says in an interview "the possibility of AI creating a new Osamu Tezuka manga is not zero percent, so it's worth a try." Most people thought AI could create a complete character design, but the design that the AI designed was far from ideal. This can be seen at 4:45 in the video. When creating characters, using only Tezuka manga data was not enough for the AI to study, to remedy this, AI researchers used NVIDIA’s hyperrealistic face-generating technology, and had the AI learn to draw faces. The work, which ended up being a herculean task, was titled "Paidon," and it was published on Kodansha Publishing’s Weekly Morning magazine as a two-part episode. Paidon is a story based in Tokyo in 2030. The main character of the story is a homeless philosopher, and he turns his back on a highly regulated society, solving crimes with a small robotic bird, Apollo. Summary of TEZUKA2020 Source :YouTube screenshot The video "TEZUKA2020 Official Movie," posted by "KIOXIA-JP," introduces the collaboration project TEZUKA2020, that uses cutting-edge AI technology and manpower to create a work by the late Osamu Tezuka You can see the new Osamu Tezuka work being created in the video. "Paidon," created using AI turned out to be a pretty good work. If you still haven't yet, be sure to watch the video to see the amazing AI technology in action. 【Official Website】KIOXIA #FUTURE MEMORIES 01 “TEZUKA 2020” https://tezuka2020.kioxia.com/en-jp/ -
Video article 4:09
"Kimetsu no Yaiba" Is the Hottest Anime of Spring 2019! If You’re Looking to Learn About the Popular New Anime, You Came to the Right Place!
Modern Culture News- 31 plays
- YouTube
Introducing Kimetsu no Yaiba! This video, titled "Crazy for Kimetsu no Yaiba!," released by "Tokyo MX," introduces the popular manga Kimetsu no Yaiba. "Kimetsu no Yaiba" (Demon Slayer) is a manga popular among all ages, and the comic is continuously sold out in stores throughout Japan. In this video, you can see the interviews of the fans of "Kimetsu no Yaiba," showing just how popular it is! In this article, we will introduce the extremely popular manga "Kimetsu no Yaiba" alongside the video. Kimetsu no Yaiba Photo:Bookstore Kimetsu no Yaiba is a popular manga serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump by Shueisha, between Issue 11 in 2016 to Issue 24 in 2020. It is the first serialized work by Koyoharu Gotoge. *Spoilers ahead* The manga portrays an interesting take on Japanese sword fighting, focusing on the main character whose family was killed by demons. He joins the Demon Slayer Corps in order to avenge his family and cure his sister who was turned into a demon. As of May 2020, and its most recent 20th volume of the comic series, it has sold over 60 million copies. It sold 12,058,000 copies in the "Oricon Annual Comic Rankings 2019," beating out the hugely popular "One Piece" manga for the number one spot. Kimetsu no Yaiba: Story The protagonist, Kamado Tanjiro, followed in the footsteps of his late father and lived a peaceful life supporting his family by making charcoal burnings. One day after leaving home, his family is killed by a demon and his sister, Nezuko, is turned into a demon. Two years later, after joining the Demon Slayer Corps to train in swordsmanship and turn his sister Nezuko back into a human, he faces off against Muzan, the leader of the demons. As shown in the video, "Kimetsu no Yaiba" become quite the social phenomenon when it was airing; however, at the height of its popularity, the final issue was released in Weekly Shonen Jump sold on May 18th, 2020. The movie "Kimetsu no Yaiba the Movie: Mugen Train" will be released on October 16, 2020. The film has been attracting a lot of attention due to the popular voice actors that will star in it. More About Kimetsu no Yaiba Photo:Bookstore As shown in the video at 1:52, the manga for Kimetsu no Yaiba, is sold out and in short supply at all the big stores in Tokyo. This goes for not only just the latest issue, but older issues are also low in stock and as you can see from 2:55, there are many people going around bookstores in search of them. It's rare in recent years for a manga to sell out so many copies, even if it's regularly reprinted, truly making it a social phenomenon. Although Kimetsu no Yaiba became popular mainly among young people, it's actually a work that is popular among adults as well, regardless of age. You can see an interview with an older Kimetsu no Yaiba fan from Sugamo at 1:14 in the video. You can also see "KIMETSU CAFÉ in SWEETS PARADISE" at 3:09 in the video, a collaboration café with "Sweets Paradise's" Ikebukuro branch. A popular menu item is the charcoal-grilled chicken curry with the main character Tanjiro on top. Many fans come to the cafe just to see the awesome food art and collaboration goods, and the café is so popular that it gets fully booked with reservations. Summary of Kimetsu no Yaiba Photo:Kimetsu no Yaiba "Crazy for Kimetsu no Yaiba!," released by "Tokyo MX," is a video showing the popularity of the hottest new manga and anime, Kimetsu no Yaiba. With its final issue in 2020, Kimetsu no Yaiba skyrocketed in popularity due to the anime release in 2019, making it a social phenomenon. The manga has come to an end; however, the popularity of Kimetsu no Yaiba continues! 【Official Website】Kimetsu no Yaiba Official portal site https://kimetsu.com/