Video article 3:35
Nagasaki Has Everything From Popular Spots Like Gunkanjima to Christian Heritage Sites Full of History! Make Some Amazing Memories in Kyushu With the Best Sightseeing Spots in Nagasaki!
Travel- 33 plays
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Sightseeing in Nagasaki Prefecture This video, titled "Nagasaki Gateway to Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 長崎," was released by Nagasaki JAPAN. Nagasaki Prefecture is full of natural beauty, including places like Mt. Kompira, Iki Island, the Kujuku Islands, the Goto Islands, and more. Inasa Mountain also offers what has been described as a million-dollar view. さらに長崎県には横浜と同じく中華街あり、長崎ちゃんぽん・皿うどんなどのグルメが堪能できます。 長崎観光を楽しむ 長崎県は九州北部に位置します。 長崎市内は路面電車が走り、坂が多いのが特徴です。 長崎はかつて出島を拠点にオランダと交易していたことで有名。 さらにキリシタンの拠点となっていた歴史もあり、島原には潜伏キリシタン関連の遺産が多くあります。 長崎には多くある観光スポット以外に、おすすめできるほどのおいしいグルメがたくさんあります。 長崎ちゃんぽんと皿うどんが王道グルメですが、最近では佐世保バーガーの知名度も上がっています。 またお土産は長崎カステラが有名ですが、長崎ガラスの『びいどろ』や佐世保独楽(させぼごま)を近年人気です。 長崎県が誇る観光名所 長崎県が誇る観光名所の1つに軍艦島が挙げられます。 正式名称は端島(はしま)で、世界文化遺産に登録されていています。 さらに長崎原爆資料館では核爆弾が投下された歴史がつづられており、重要な資料が展示されています。 他には猿岩や大浦天主堂、グラバー園などの観光名所があります。 長崎県が誇る人気のお祭りについて 人気の長崎ランタンフェスティバルは、元々は中国の旧正月を祝う行事だったが、1994年に規模を拡大してから長崎の冬の一大風物詩イベントとして知名度は全国規模のものとなりました。 街中に飾られる約1万5000個の極彩色のランタン(中国提灯)と、各会場で飾られている様々なオブジェたちが一帯を幻想的に彩り、まるで別世界に来たかのように演出してくれます。 幻想的な光景はインスタ映えスポットにもなっています。 例年1月下旬から2月上旬にかけて開催されます。 長崎県観光情報紹介まとめ 歴史深い観光スポット「長崎県」。 動画をご覧になればきっと実際に足を運んでみたくなるはずです。 -
Video article 3:14
Aomori Is a Place Overflowing With Nature and Culture! Gourmet, Traditions, Festivals, You Name It. Aomori Has Plenty to Offer!
Local PR Travel- 20 plays
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青森県エリアのグルメと文化の紹介動画の見どころ こちらの動画は「AOMORI JAPAN」が公開した「Aomori Gourmet & Culture Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 青森」です。 青森県を観光する際に押さえておきたいグルメ、歴史や文化について簡潔に分かりやすく紹介されています。 こちらの記事では、動画で紹介されている青森県のグルメや歴史・文化を動画と共に紹介します。 青森県のグルメはこんなに沢山ある! 青森県は、皆さんご存じの林檎の名産地としても知られていますが、海に面していることから、日本食と深い繋がりのある海鮮系の料理が豊富なことでも有名です。 動画の0:10で紹介をされている『弘前中央青果』、動画の0:22で紹介されている『古川市場』はその象徴とも呼べる人気のグルメスポットです。 市場ではその場で料理をしてくれるところもあり、動画の0:36からご覧になれる人気の「のっけ丼」は、青森観光では絶対に外せない逸品です。 他にも、動画の0:45で紹介をされている煮干しで出汁を取った煮干しラーメン、青森県の豊かな自然で産まれた倉石牛、ほたてのしゃぶしゃぶ、大間のマグロに八戸えんぶり、イカの炭火焼や十和田バラ焼き等、青森観光の際には外せないグルメが多くあります。 日本酒も有名で、代表銘柄『玉垂』の中村亀吉酒造や代表銘柄『陸奥八仙』の八戸酒造はご存知の方も多いのでは無いでしょうか? 観光に訪れた際のお土産には、津軽路手焼きせんべいをおすすめします。 青森県で日本の文化を楽しむ! 青森県には日本的な文化が多くあり、グルメと共に、ぜひ足を運んでみたい観光名所が沢山あります。 代表的なのが『ワ・ラッセ』という青森市文化観光交流施設で、青森県の文化と深い繋がりのある「ねぶた祭り」について、体験をしながら学ぶことが出来ます。 その美しさから日本のみならず世界でも注目をされている津軽打刃物と日本の伝統工芸品である津軽塗、この青森の地方の名前がついている津軽三味線、他ではあまりご覧になることの無い津軽鉄道ストーブ列車等、古き良き日本の文化を堪能することが出来ます。 青森県の文化とグルメ紹介まとめ 日本の伝統文化や自然が残る、都会とは違った日本らしさを感じさせてくれる青森県は、気候も穏やかで観光スポットも多く、旅行には最適な人気観光地です。 グルメや文化、そして自然に溢れた美しい景色や絶景も魅力で、十和田湖や相坂川はインスタ映えするスポットでもあるので、ぜひ立ち寄って見て下さい。 今回紹介させて頂いた動画とこの記事が青森県への観光をご検討する後押しとなれば幸いです。 -
Video article 23:15
Choose the Right Cooler When Camping in Japan! Comparing Usages, Size, and Cooling Ability! AO, Daiwa, and Coleman
Action & Adventure- 13 plays
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Coolers, a Necessity for Summer Camping in Japan Summer in Japan is characterized by strong sunlight, high temperatures, and excessive humidity. Compared to spring and fall, which are quite pleasant, it's important to be careful of heat stroke and food poisoning during summer. Therefore, we'd like to introduce a video on coolers, a necessity for enjoying outdoor activities and camping during summer in Japan. Video Comparing Coolers This video, titled "My Recommended Coolers [Comparing 4 Types] (For Camping BBQ Outdoor Use) Coleman, Logos, Daiwa, and AO, Four Popular Brands" (おすすめクーラーボックス【4種比較】(キャンプ BBQ アウトドア用)コールマン・ロゴス・ダイワ・AOクーラー人気ブランドを一挙に紹介します!), was uploaded by "solo camp & camp cooking in Japan TANA channe." What Should You Look for When Buying a Cooler? Material? Cooling Ability? Style? Photo:A cooling bag Outdoor activities, such as BBQ and camping, are very popular in Japan as of late. Many people are in the process of planning outdoor leisure activities for the hot summer ahead. You might be one of them and are even considering buying a cooler. What are the most important things to consider when purchasing a cooler? Size, cooling ability, whether it's hard or soft, design... these are all important factors to think about. You should first decide on what it is that you want your cooler to accomplish. In this article, Tana, a solo camper in Japan, compares the usages, features, and storage capacity of four different coolers for campers having trouble choosing the right cooler. In addition, the cooling ability of three coolers of different sizes, designs, and materials are evaluated based on hourly temperatures and ice retention. This article is especially for those looking for a cooler for camping, festivals, picnics, etc., but aren't sure which one is best. We think this will help you choose the one that's right for you! AO Coolers 12L Canvas Soft Cooler Source :YouTube screenshot The first cooler on the list is the AO Coolers 12L Canvas Soft Cooler. As its name suggests it's a soft cooler. At first glance, the bag is so well designed that it doesn't look like a cooler. The outdoor pattern is quite stylish. The bag, which looks like a bucket, can be made into a square shape by buckling the clips on the sides. In this shape, it is almost as large as the DAIWA Cool Line 800 8L Cooler introduced next. The capacity is 11.35 L, and it can hold 12 350 ml cans plus 2.2 kg of ice. The video shows how different sized bottles fit in the cooler. [Video] 0:26 - Features of the AO Cooler DAIWA Cool Line 800 8L Cooler Source :YouTube screenshot The DAIWA Cool Line 800 8L Cooler comes from a fishing equipment manufacturer. Check it out if you're looking for a compact cooler for solo camping, fishing, or other outdoor leisure activities. It comes with a carrying strap and can be carried over the shoulder. The compartment is large enough to just barely hold a 1.5-liter bottle. It's a great cooler if you're only planning on bringing a few items. [Video] 6:10 - Daiwa Cooler Features LOGOS Hyper Subzero Cooler M 12L Source :YouTube screenshot The LOGOS Hyper Subzero Cooler M 12L is another soft cooler. This cooler has a cool silver design and can hold a 2L plastic bottle horizontally. The long sides are made of a hard material, so it can't be broken down into a smaller size, but it is designed to be thinner. It can be used for a variety of activities, including camping and festivals, making it quite attractive. Because of its stylish appearance, this product is also recommended for those who are particular about the appearance of their camping equipment. [Video] 8:04 - Features of the LOGOS Cooler Coleman Extreme Ice Cooler 25L Source :YouTube screenshot The Coleman Extreme Ice Cooler 25L is the largest cooler shown in the video, but it's a soft cooler and can be folded. It's a bit large for a solo camping cooler. Tana, the solo camper in the video, utilizes it to hold other items as well. The metal fittings on the side are plastic, so you need to be a little careful when carrying heavy items inside it. [Video] 9:06 - Features of the Coleman Cooler Comparing Cooling Ability - AO, Daiwa, and Coleman The cooling ability of coolers is important when camping in the summer. But do size and shape determine a cooler's cooling ability? Check out the video for a comparison of the cooling ability of different coolers from AO, Daiwa, and Coleman. The indoor temperature is 26.6 degrees Celsius, and one bag of ice is put in each cooler to test the temperature and ice retention over time. ・After approx. 1 hour Coleman: 14.5°C, 20% of ice melted AO: 9.4°C, 10% of ice melted Daiwa: 13.6°C, 15% of ice melted At this point, we can say that the ice retention is AO > Daiwa > Coleman. ・After approx. 4 hrs. Coleman: 13.5°C, 40% of ice melted AO: 14.9°C, 20% of ice melted Daiwa: 15.7°C, 30% of ice melted At this point, the ice retention is still the same - AO > Daiwa > Coleman. ・After approx. 6 hours Coleman: 13.5°C, 80% of ice melted AO: 14.1°C, 70% of ice melted Daiwa: 15.4°C, 70% of ice melted At this point, AO and Daiwa are about equal. ・After approx. 8 hours Coleman: 19.3°C, 90% of ice melted AO: 14.2°C, 80% of ice melted Daiwa: 13.9°C, 80% of ice melted After more than 8 hours, the Daiwa cooler maintained the coolest temperatures. [Video] 10:16 - Comparing three different coolers [Video] 17:11 - Results after 4 hours [Video] 22:09 - Results after 8 hours The Coleman is the largest of these coolers, so it's not possible to make a blanket judgment, but as an example, this test may be useful for those considering replacing or buying a new cooler in the future. Tips for Keeping Your Cooler Cool Photo:A cooler Here are some tips for keeping your cooler cool that aren't related to the characteristics of the cooler. ・Make sure that the items to be placed in the cooler are cooled in advance. If possible, cool the inside of the cooler box as well. ・Place refrigerants on the top and bottom of the cooler. ・Use a combination of large and small ice cubes. ・Don't drain the water after the ice has melted. ・Minimize opening and closing of the cooler. ・Avoid hot ground and place in a cool place out of direct sunlight, such as in the shade. Find the Cooler That Works Best for You and Enjoy Your Time Camping! Coolers are useful outdoor equipment for storing food for camping and BBQs and drinks for picnics. In summer, use coolers to prevent heat stroke and food poisoning, but be careful when handling drinks and food. There are many beautiful campgrounds in Japan. To enjoy the summer outdoors to the fullest, choose a cooler that suits your individual style and that will keep your food and other items cold. -
Video article 13:10
Top 5 Coleman Family Tents! Cost-Effective and Easy-To-Use Tents!
Action & Adventure- 31 plays
- YouTube
Coleman Tents - Popular Even in Japan Due in part to the corona pandemic, camping is booming in Japan, particularly family camping. For those looking to buy a family tent, check out this list made by an advanced camper that introduces the Coleman tents he recommends. Let's get into it! Introducing Coleman's 5 Best Family Tents via Video This video, titled "Announcing the 5 Best Coleman Family Tents and Why" (発表します。これがコールマン オススメ ファミリーテント ベスト5の理由です。), was uploaded by "Yoshi channel." As the name suggests, it introduces the top five family tents from Coleman, as recommended by a Japanese outdoor specialist. These top 5 tents were determined by comparing functionality, ease-of-use, and cost-effectiveness. If you're thinking of purchasing a Coleman family tent, be sure to use this as a guide. No. 5 "Coleman Weather Master Cocoon III" - Outstanding Functionality Source :YouTube screenshot This is a heavy tent with many poles and thick fabric. This is a top-of-the-line Coleman tent. It takes two people about 40 minutes to set up, which is rather long, but it's a family tent with excellent functionality and can be used in all four seasons. The living room is larger than that of most Coleman family tents, so there's room for a cooler and shelves as well. In addition, two inner tents can be set up inside if you decide to purchase them (these are sold separately). The sleeping area is also spacious, with room for four sleeping bags, making it perfect for families! The many windows provide good ventilation as well. [Video] 0:20 - Coleman Weather Master Cocoon III No. 4 "Coleman Tunnel 2-Room House/LDX," - A Unique Tunnel Shape Source :YouTube screenshot The main feature of this tent is its four poles, which give it a tunnel-like shape when set up. The eaves allow for a spacious living room and prevent rain from entering the tent. It takes two people approximately 20 to 30 minutes to set up. Setting this tent up is not that difficult, as all you have to do is stand it up after threading the poles through. The secret-base-like shape is quite unique. We recommend this tent to those looking for a family tent that is easy to set up. The video shows two sleeping bags setup inside the tent, but he mentions that you could probably fit a third sleeping bag in. There is a large window in the back and smaller windows on both sides. [Video] 2:48 - Coleman Tunnel 2-Room House/LDX No. 3 "Coleman Tough Wide Dome IV/300" - Cost-Effective and Easy to Set Up Source :YouTube screenshot Among these tents, this one is quite reasonably priced. This tent is recommended for beginners because it has few poles and is easy to set up. Although it seems smaller than the other tents introduced here, the presenter introduces it as No. 3 in terms of price, setup difficulty, and ease-of-use. The inner sleeping area is designed to be spacious. However, it does not have a living room, so it would be best to attach a hexa tarp to it. If you're looking for a 4-person tent that is cozy and easy to set up, consider checking it out. [Video] 4:39 - Coleman Tough Wide Dome IV/300 No. 2 "Coleman Tough Screen 2 Room House" - Cost-Effective + Spacious Source :YouTube screenshot A popular Coleman classic. Spacious, yet reasonably priced! If you're looking to get the most bang for your buck, you should check out this family tent, perfect for 4 or 5 people to enjoy camping. It's also reasonably simple to set up and can be pitched by a single person. The living room is wide horizontally, with plenty of room for a table and chairs. Both sides can be opened and can all be converted to mesh, so you can enjoy camping comfortably in both summer and winter. A skirt can also be attached to prevent wind from entering from below. The bedroom has enough space for a family of four to relax together. [Video] 6:57 - Coleman Tough Screen 2 Room House/LDX No. 1 "Coleman Tough Screen 2 Room House/LDX" - Cost Effective, Spacious, & Functional Source :YouTube screenshot The greatest feature of this tent is that it has a dark room, making the inner portion completely dark. By adding a roof, this tent is water-resistant and also highly sheltered from light. It's also slightly heavier due to the thickness of the fabric, but Yoshi mentions that the storage bags have been made slightly larger starting from the 2020 models, making it easier to put away. The living room is quite spacious. The bedroom is large enough to fit four sleeping bags. It has seven windows, so ventilation and light can be controlled using these windows. You can even hang a lantern inside the tent. The tent costs just under 100,000 yen with all these features, which is a key point in evaluating it at No. 1. The high light-shielding properties are great for those with small children who still need to take naps as well. [Video] 9:05 - Coleman Tough Screen 2 Room House/LDX Choosing a Tent That Fits Your Camping Style When purchasing family tents and other outdoor goods, in addition to brand and price, durability, water resistance, and wind resistance are also important things to look out for. Even if you find a tent that's reasonably priced tents are expensive compared to the rest of your camping equipment. When you find outdoor goods that you're interested in, one option is to first try renting a tent to see how it feels, and if you like it, consider purchasing it from there. Don't forget to visit outdoor stores and ask the staff to clear up any questions you may have before making a purchase. Coleman releases more and more attractive family tents every year, so be sure to check out information on new products besides the ones listed here. -
Video article 2:01
Tsunoshima Bridge and the Beauty of the Blue Sea in Yamaguchi Prefecture Are Mesmerizing. The Beautiful Cobalt Blue Sea Is Invigorating!
Travel- 145 plays
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コバルトブルーの海が広がる山口県角島大橋をご紹介! 日本で綺麗な海を観賞して、いい旅の思い出を残したいと思っている方はいませんか? そのような方々に、今回は山口県の観光名所である角島大橋を紹介したいと思います。 角島大橋は、南国のようなエメラルドグリーンの海をゆったり眺められる最高のスポットです。 この記事では、「絶景プロデューサーShiho / 詩歩山口」が公開した「夏の香りが残る角島大橋の絶景(山口県)/Tsunohima Bridge(Yamaguchi, Japan)」という動画をもとに、人気の観光エリアである角島大橋の魅力や周辺のおすすめスポットを解説しています。 日本のおすすめの観光地である山口の角島大橋とは力 日本のおすすめの観光地である角島大橋は、山口県の日本海に浮かぶ角島と下関市豊北町との間の海士ヶ瀬戸に架かる橋です。 全長1780mの長さがある離島架橋で、日本屈指のドライブスポットとしてかなり人気のある橋となっています。 まわりは一面コバルトブルーの綺麗な海が広がっており、絶景スポットとしても有名。 南国のような雰囲気のある角島大橋でのドライブは爽快で、ずっとドライブしていたい気分になる最高の景勝地です。 日本の観光地である山口の角島大橋のおすすめスポット 日本の観光地である山口の角島大橋には、素晴らしい景観を楽しめる穴場スポットがあります。 まずは、南側展望台がおすすめです。 南側展望台はコバルトブルーの山口の海の美しさを堪能できる展望台で、とても人気の撮影スポットとなっています。 角島大橋の正面高台から見る海も、おすすめの撮影スポット。 どこまでも続く長い橋のまわりには綺麗な海が広がっており、とても爽快感のある風景になっています。 近くにある海ヶ瀬公園駐車場から撮影スポットに行くことができます。 南国のような自然を楽しめる角島大橋。 人気のバスツアーにもなっているので、気になる方は参加してみましょう! 日本のおすすめの観光地である山口の角島大橋の魅力 日本のおすすめの観光地である山口の角島大橋の魅力は、なんといっても南国のような綺麗な海でしょう。 「死ぬまでに行きたい!世界の絶景」の3位にも選ばれたことがあり、透明度の高いエメラルドグリーンの海を目当てにさまざまな観光客が訪れます。 角島はテレビCMや映画のロケ地にも使われたことがあり、ロケ地巡りもおすすめ。 角島大橋を観光すれば、自然を満喫できしながら心身ともに癒やされる旅行になるはずです。 日本のおすすめの観光地である山口の角島大橋の紹介まとめ 南国のような海を楽しめる角島大橋。 自然の美しさを堪能したい方はぜひ観光してみてください。 -
Video article 1:46
Admire the Beautiful Scenery at the Southern European-Style Resort Hotel Altia Toba. This Western-Style Hotel Nestled by the Sea in Mie Prefecture Is Full of Surprises!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 26 plays
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南欧風リゾートホテル「アルティア鳥羽」のプロモーション動画について 「日本で美しい景色やおいしいグルメを食べられるホテルはないかな?」 このように、美しい景観や料理を楽しめるホテルを探している人に必見の動画の紹介です。 「IZUMIGOtv」が公開した【公式】アルティア鳥羽 プロモーションムービー」は、三重県鳥羽市にあるホテル「アルティア鳥羽」の魅力を紹介している動画です。 志摩半島の自然が豊かな景勝、心身を癒す温泉などアルティア鳥羽に泊まりたくなるような映像が詰まっています。 こちら記事では、三重県志摩半島を観光する際におすすめのホテル「アルティア鳥羽」の魅力や、周辺情報を動画と共に紹介します。 三重県観光の際におすすめのホテル「アルティア鳥羽」 三重県を観光する際におすすめのホテルであるアルティア鳥羽は、とても美しい南欧風のリゾートホテルです。 アルティア鳥羽は、2016年の伊勢志摩サミットで話題になった三重県志摩半島の東部にあります。 この鳥羽というエリアは、昔ながらの宿泊地で旅館が多いのが特徴です。 そんな旅館が多い中にある南欧風リゾートホテルのアルティア鳥羽は、異彩を放っており人気があります。 懐石料理や露天風呂、プールまである贅沢な宿泊施設のアルティア鳥羽。 豪華なホテルに泊まって、心身を癒すのはいかがでしょうか? 三重県観光で人気のホテル「アルティア鳥羽」の特徴 三重県志摩半島を観光する際に利用したいアルティア鳥羽は、さまざまな魅力があります。 まず鳥羽の夜景はアルティア鳥羽に宿泊したときには、必ず見ておきたい景色。 天体望遠鏡で鳥羽の星空を見ることもでき、美しい夜空を思う存分楽しむことができます。 食事は夜の豪華な懐石料理やフレンチ料理、朝は朝食バイキングなど絶品のグルメを堪能できます。 プランによって食事の内容が変わってくるので、ご自身に合ったプランを選びましょう。 伊勢志摩の新鮮な海の幸は絶品ですよ。 人気のホテルのアルティア鳥羽では、他にも日帰り温泉やエステなどもおすすめ。 三重県観光で人気のホテル「アルティア鳥羽」の周辺スポット 三重県で人気のホテルであるアルティア鳥羽の周辺には、観光スポットも充実しています。 アルティア鳥羽に宿泊した際に、必ず行っておきたい観光スポットといえば伊勢神宮です。 お伊勢さんという愛称で呼ばれる伊勢神宮には、全国からたくさんの参拝客が訪れる歴史ある場所。 日本最大級のスケールを持つ鳥羽水族館もおすすめです。 約850種類2万点の海の生物を鑑賞できます。 他には、二見興玉神社や安土桃山文化村、志摩地中海村、おかげ横丁、夫婦岩なども人気の観光名所。 三重県観光で人気のホテル「アルティア鳥羽」の記事まとめ こちらの動画をご覧になればアルティア鳥羽でどんな素晴らしい体験ができるのか想像でき、実際に宿泊したいと思えるはずですよ。 美しい南欧風リゾートホテルのアルティア鳥羽。 夜景やグルメなどさまざまな魅力のあるホテルで、贅沢な休日を過ごしてみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 7:29
Must-Have Camping Gear for Beginners! 6 Camping Essentials You Can't Do Without! Stakes, Stake Hammers, and More for Solo Campers!
Action & Adventure- 6 plays
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Recommended Camping Gear Introduction Stakes and stake hammers used to set up tents in camp, sheets to lay down inside a tent, etc. etc. Although they don't stand out, there are certain pieces of camping gear that you don't want to be caught without. Outdoor activities are all the rage in Japan these days. For those who are just getting in to camping, here's a list of essential camping gear that every beginner should have. Video Introduction Photo:A tent This video, titled "6 Camping Essentials You Don't Want to Be Caught Without! Useful Camping Equipment [A Must-See for Beginners!]" (【無いと困る】キャンプギア6選!本当に役立つの地味な道具達【初心者必見】), was uploaded by "KAME SOLO CAMPING." What do beginner campers just starting to get their gear together think of when they hear the term "camping gear"? The video creator mainly camps solo in a one-pole tent. If you're looking to enjoy a similar style of camping, you should definitely check this out. Numerous Camping Gear Brands Photo:Camping at night Camping gear is available from a wide variety of brands. Among them, Coleman and Snow Peak are well-known in Japan, while Nordisk, ZANE ARTS, and Helinox are popular among campers looking to camp in style. Other camping gear is available from Workman and even from 100-yen shops all across Japan. When you think of camping gear, the first things that come to mind are probably tents, lanterns, tables, chairs, tarps, and coolers. This video introduces not the items that everyone thinks of, but rather, "simple yet useful" camping gear, such as the stakes and stake hammers used when setting up and taking down tents. The video also explains the advantages of each item that he has realized as an experienced camper. Six Pieces of Camping Gear You Won't Want to Be Without! Now, let's take a look at the recommended camping gear. Source :YouTube screenshot ・Forged Stakes Stakes are essential for securing tents, tarps, and poles. Some tents come with stakes, but in graveled riverbeds, they often bend, as shown in the video. To prevent this from happening, sturdy, forged stakes are a must. [Video] 0:46 - Forged Stakes ・Stake Hammer With Puller An easy-to-use stake hammer is all you need to secure your tent or tarp. The steel hammer shown in the video is also very useful for removing stakes. This hammer can be used to easily pull out stakes stuck in hard ground or long pegs. [Video] 2:13 - Stake Hammer ・Thick Waterproof Groundsheet A thick waterproof groundsheet can be placed under a tent and placed on top of various items to keep them from getting dirty. By preventing your gear from getting dirty, you can also shorten the cleanup time after returning home. [Video] 3:18 - Thick Waterproof Groundsheet Source :YouTube screenshot ・Leather Gloves Campfires are one of the best parts of camping. Many campers enjoy relaxing while gazing at the flames. Leather gloves that are resistant to heat are indispensable for this. In cold weather, you'll need firewood, but leather gloves are also great for preventing injuries when chopping wood. They are also useful when handling hot cookers when cooking. [Video] 4:37 - Leather Gloves ・Broom and Dustpan A broom and dustpan is useful for cleanup. You can sweep away leaves and sand from tents and dirt and dust from groundsheets. In addition, you can clean the inside of your car after camping. The video creator mentions that he prepares two items, one for clean items and one for dirty items, and he uses them separately. It's a small item that's not bulky, but it's useful when you have it. [Video] 5:32 - Broom and Dustpan ・Knife For cutting kindling, a full-tang one is recommended to avoid the knife breaking off at the base. A folding knife is useful for cooking, and should be used separately from the one for cutting firewood. [Video] 6:17 - Knife Summary This article introduced 6 pieces of camping gear that you can't do without! Although it's not a complete list of equipment that you can start camping with, but it's a list of items that you'll be happy you have. The information is from an experienced solo camper as well, so you know that it's reliable! There are various camping styles, including solo camping, family camping, and day camping. However, the gear introduced here will be useful no matter which style you choose. We hope you will find it useful. -
Video article 1:58
Experience the World's Most Advanced Gold Leaf Technology at the Foil Museum in Kanazawa, Ishikawa. The Inside of the Facility Is Covered in Gold, From Golden Armor, to a Gold Leaf Room, and Even Gold Leaf Ice Cream!
Traditional Crafts- 46 plays
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石川県金沢市の世界一の金箔技術紹介動画について こちらの動画は「Nippon.com: Japan in Video」が公開した「Do-It-Yourself Gold Leafing in Kanazawa | Nippon.com: Japan in Video」です。 石川県金沢市の箔巧館では世界一の金箔技術をご覧になることができます。 石川県金沢市の箔巧館とは 2018年4月にリニューアルした体験型金箔総合ミュージアムです。 金箔の総合メーカー「箔一」の本店にあり、入場は無料です。 雨の日の観光にも最適です。 箔巧館の魅力ポイントをご紹介 ・ポイント1「見る」 箔巧館1番目のオススメポイントは「黄金の鎧兜」がある「金箔の間」。 加賀藩初代藩主前田利家が着ていた鎧兜を復元しています。 利家公は歌舞伎者といわれ、当時も派手な黄金の甲冑を来て出陣したと言われるほど。 黄金の鎧兜を中心に、利家公が金沢城に入場するまでの物語をプロジェクションマッピングでご覧になる事ができます。 ・ポイント2「味わう」 はくいちカフェでは、金箔ソフトが味わえます。 金粉ではなく「金箔」というのが凄いですね。 ・ポイント3「体験する」 日本の伝統工芸・伝統文化ともいえる金箔。 石川県金沢市の箔巧館では、自分だけのオリジナル工芸品として箔貼り体験ができます。 スタッフが付いてくれるので、初心者や子供でもできるので安心ですね。 ※予約優先のため、観光の予定に組み入れたい方は事前に連絡をおすすめします。 ・ポイント4「買う」 箔巧館ではもちろん買い物を楽しむことができます。 金沢の伝統工芸品「金沢箔」を身近に楽しめるよう、取り揃えも様々。 金箔工芸品はもちろん、コスメ・あぶらとり紙、食用金箔、箔材料など見ているだけでも楽しめます。 お土産選びにも最適ですね。 日本の旅行でも金箔をこれだけ楽しめるのは金沢だけ。 箔巧館は観光の魅力が詰まったスポットと言えるでしょう。 箔巧館へのアクセス 住所:石川県金沢市森戸2丁目1−1 TEL:076-240-8911 路線バス:北陸鉄道 ・「武蔵ヶ辻・近江町市場」バス停より57番新金沢郵便局前ゆき「新金沢郵便局前」下車、徒歩約10分 ・「武蔵ヶ辻・近江町市場」バス停より50番上荒屋西ゆき「新金沢郵便局前」下車、徒歩約15分 電車:JR ・「金沢駅」より北陸本線「野々市駅」下車 タクシーで約10分 石川県金沢市の箔巧館紹介まとめ 世界一の金箔技術を誇る石川県金沢市の箔巧館。 数々の美しい作品にあなたもきっと虜になるでしょう。 -
Video article 3:03
Take a Trip to Miyazaki and Enjoy the Tropical Atmosphere! From Udo Shrine and Takachiho Gorge to Popular Local Gourmet Food, Miyazaki Prefecture Is Full of Attractions!
Travel- 65 plays
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Sightseeing in Miyazaki Prefecture This video, titled "Miyazaki, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 宮崎," was released by "gawauemon." Miyazaki offers a wide range of attractions, from the beautiful nature of Aoshima and the Nichinan coast, to traditional culture and arts and crafts. More About Miyazaki Prefecture Miyazaki is located in the southern part of Kyushu. Miyazaki was once known as Hyuga Province, and the culture that took root in that time is still being passed down to the present day through the traditional arts. In addition to the many tourist attractions, there are many delicious gourmet dishes to be found in Miyazaki that are worth mentioning. On top of Miyazaki's famous sirloin steak and locally raised charcoal-grilled chicken, the pride of the area of Miyazaki, recently the popularity of spicy B-grade noodles and onigiri wrapped in meat has been on the rise. In particular, chicken nanban has become so popular that it has been elevated to the status of "luxury street food." Tourist Attractions That Miyazaki Prefecture Is Proud Of Takachiho Gorge is one of the tourist attractions that Miyazaki Prefecture is proud of. Takachiho Gorge is designated as a national place of scenic beauty and a natural monument, and Manai Falls (Manai Big Falls) has been selected as one of the 100 most beautiful waterfalls in Japan. Traditional Performing Arts That Miyazaki Is Proud Of There are traditional performing arts that have been handed down from ancient times in Miyazaki. One of them is the Takachiho Yokagura, which involves Shinto dancing at night. Every year from the end of November to February of the following year, kagura dances are performed to give thanks for the autumn harvest and to pray for a good harvest the following year. Summary of Miyazaki Prefecture You can feel the charm of the tropical Miyazaki Prefecture at its best when visiting in the summer. We hope this article and video have inspired you to come visit Miyazaki for yourself and see what the prefecture has to offer! -
Video article 32:10
An In-Depth Look at 14 Different Camping Chairs! Comfortable, Low Chair Recommendations for Camping!
Action & Adventure- 31 plays
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Chairs for the Outdoors Japan is in the midst of an outdoors boom. Camping, which can be enjoyed by families and solo campers alike, has become very popular, and if you're going camping, a comfortable chair for sitting around a campfire is something you definitely want to have. In this article, we'll introduce recommended low chairs for camping. Video Introduction This video, titled "Comparing 14 Different Low-Profile Camping Chairs! Cheap and Good for Life! Coleman, DOD, Snow Peak, Helinox, Captain Stag, Adirondack, Hilander" (14種比較!キャンプ椅子ローチェア!安くて良い一生モノ!コールマン、DOD、スノーピーク、ヘリノックス、キャプテンスタッグ、アディロンダック、ハイランダー), was uploaded by "Yama House [Camping Equipment Reviews]" (やまハウス【キャンプ道具レビュー】). A Thorough Comparison of 14 Low Camping Chairs! Source :YouTube screenshot Chairs are one of the most important pieces of camping equipment, and comfort and strength are immensely important when choosing one. In this article, we'll be taking a look at some low-profile camping chairs. If you're just starting camping or looking for a comfortable camping chair, be sure to check these out! ・Coleman Compact Folding Chair First up is the Coleman Compact Folding Chair. It weighs approximately 2.1 kg, has a weight limit of approximately 80 kg, and a seat height of approximately 28 cm. [Video] 0:57 - Coleman Compact Folding Chair The frame is made of aluminum, the seat is made of polyester, and the arms are made of natural wood. The seat portion is taut and firm making it quite comfortable. Because the seat is made of polyester, sparks from a campfire can easily put a hole in it, so care should be taken in this regard. It's the favorite chair of "Yama House," the video creator. Source :YouTube screenshot ・DOD Takibi Chair Next is the DOD Takibi Chair. Weighing approximately 3.3 kg and with a load capacity of approximately 100 kg, the chair is made of canvas fabric, which is resistant to holes caused by fire sparks, and is used exclusively for campfires. The frame is also made of steel and is heavy, so it's not easily blown away by the wind. [Video] 3:24 - DOD Takibi Chair ・Hilander Wood Frame Chair The Hilander Wood Frame Chair weighs approximately 3.3 kg, has a weight limit of approximately 80 kg, and a seat height of approximately 31 cm. The seat is made of cotton fabric. [Video] 5:27 - Hilander Wood Frame Chair ・CAPTAIN STAG EXGEAR Low-Style Reclining Chair The Captain Stag EXGEAR Low Style Reclining Chair weighs about 2.5 kg, has a weight limit of about 80 kg, and has a seat height of approximately 18.5 cm. The frame is made of aluminum, the seat is polyester, and the armrests are natural wood. The ability to recline is a key point of this chair. [Video] 7:53 - CAPTAIN STAG EXGEAR Low-Style Reclining Chair Source :YouTube screenshot ・Snow Peak Low Chair 30 The Snow Peak Low Chair 30 weighs approximately 3.6 kg and has a seat height of approximately 30 cm. When folded, the chair is long and narrow and can be placed in a storage case and slung over the shoulder. The frame is made of aluminum, the hardware is stainless steel, the armrests are made of bamboo, and the seat is made of polyester. When sitting down, the seat is taut and does not sag. [Video] 10:00 - Snow Peak Low Chair 30 ・ADIRONDACK Campers Chair The weight limit is approximately 80 kg. When purchasing online, be careful not to mistake it for the Small Campers Chair, which has a very similar design. The seat is made of cotton fabric and the frame is made of aluminum. [Video] 12:13 - ADIRONDACK Campers Chair ・ADIRONDACK Small Campers Chair This chair has a weight limit of approximately 70 kg and can be stored compactly. However, it may feel a little small if you're an adult. It's a comfortable size for children. [Video] 14:36 - ADIRONDACK Small Campers Chair ・Camping Moon High Back Armchair The Camping Moon High Back Armchair weighs approximately 3.25 kg, has a weight limit of approximately 100 kg, and has a seat height of approximately 36 cm. This chair is great for work as opposed to prolonged periods of sitting. [Video] 15:40 - Camping Moon High Back Arm Chair ・Helinox Chair One The Helinox Chair One is very light at approximately 890g, it has a weight limit of approximately 145kg, and a seat height of approximately 35cm. The seat is made of polyester & nylon material, and the frame is made of the strong TH72M aluminum made by the prestigious Korean company DAC. It's also incredibly compact! The fabric portion of the chair can be removed from the frame and folded compactly, making it lightweight and easy to carry. The mesh material seems to be breathable even in summer. The video shows in detail how to assemble and store it. [Video] 17:39 - Helinox Chair One Source :YouTube screenshot ・Moon Lence Outdoor Chair The Moon Lence outdoor chair weighs approximately 907g and has a weight limit of 150kg. The seat is made of 600D polyester Oxford fabric and the frame is made of 7075 aluminum alloy. The chair also features pockets on both sides and it is much more reasonably priced than the above Helinox Chair One, but there is a difference in materials. [Video] 22:05 - Moon Lence Outdoor Chair ・COLEMAN TWO WAY CAPTAIN CHAIR The COLEMAN TWO WAY CAPTAIN CHAIR weighs approximately 3.5 kg, has a weight limit of approximately 100 kg, and a seat height of 31-48 cm. The leg length can be adjusted in two positions. There is a deep pocket behind the seat as well. The seat is made of polyester, the frame aluminum, and the armrests are made of natural wood. The seat is not only taut but also thick. The firmness of the seat makes the chair comfortable to sit in. [Video] 24:43 - COLEMAN TWO WAY CAPTAIN CHAIR ・Captain Stag Jules Low-Style Easy Chair The Captain Stag Jules Low-Style Easy Chair is an ultra-low-style chair that weighs approximately 2.3 kg, has a weight limit of approximately 80 kg, and has a seat height of 15 cm. The seat is made of polyester and the frame is made of steel. The seat may feel lower due to the deep seating area. In the video, the size of the chair when folded is compared with others, so you can get an idea of what it's like. [Video] 27:30 - Captain Stag Jules Low-Style Easy Chair ・PROX Cross-legged Chair - Ultra Low Chair As the name suggests, PROX's cross-legged chair has an ultra-low seat, and the wide surface provides a comfortable sitting position. The chair weighs approximately 1.9 kg, has a weight limit of approximately 90 kg, and the seat height is 18 cm. It comes with a storage case, making it compact and easy to store, at approximately 50 cm. [Video] 29:21 - PROX Cross-legged Chair ・HIGHMOUNT Folding Stool The HIGHMOUNT Folding Stool weighs approximately 630g and has a weight limit of 80 kg. The seat is approximately 27 cm above the ground. The compact design means that it's not particularly comfortable to sit on, but it's very compact, especially when the lock at the base is undone. It also comes with a small storage case that resembles a tote bag and fits inside a backpack. It's perfect for camping as well as hiking and other outdoor activities. [Video] 30:53 - HIGHMOUNT Folding Stool Choosing a Sturdy Camping Chair That Can Be Easily Stored Source :YouTube screenshot If you are looking for a well-made, comfortable camping chair that is also compact, be sure to check out the video comparing the chairs when stowed away. The video also shows the differences between the chairs when viewed from the back, side by side. [Video] 16:18 - Comparison in storage bags Find the Right Low Chair for You! When purchasing a low chair, be sure to consider the fabric, functionality, design, and ease of assembly, instead of simply looking at price. When you find camping gear that catches your eye, it's important to see it in person. Visit a store, see and touch the product, and then make your choice. There are many attractive campgrounds in Japan. Find your favorite chair and enjoy the outdoors!