Video article 6:09
Tokyo and Kyoto Are the Two Major Sightseeing Destinations in Japan That You Can't Pass up on! Introducing Fascinating Sights in Beautiful 4K Video!
Travel- 158 plays
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日本の二大人気観光地「東京」と「京都」を紹介した動画について こちらの動画は「Mark Ledford」が公開した「6 Minutes in Japan: Tokyo & Kyoto - 4k」です。 訪日観光をご予定の方は是非この動画をチェックして、観光コースの参考にしてください。 日本の人気観光地「東京」を紹介 東京と言えば世界有数のビッグイベント、東京オリンピックが2021年に開催されます。 残念ながらチケットが手に入らなかった方も、周辺エリアを散策するだけでもオリンピックの雰囲気が味わえます。 日本の人気観光地「京都」を紹介 京都での寺社仏閣巡りなら伏見稲荷大社は外せません。 千本鳥居を通り抜ける異世界体験は、京都観光の最高の思い出となるでしょう。 嵐山へ訪れた際には人力車も体験しましょう。 京都駅には徒歩圏内に新しいホテルが次々に開業して居ます。 ホテル内でもお土産ショッピングや、老舗京都料理店のグルメが味わえます。 日本の二大人気観光地「東京」と「京都」を紹介まとめ こちらの動画は美しい映像を軽快な音楽とともに楽します。 日本の二大観光スポットである「東京」と「京都」。 あなたはどちらの観光スポットを選びますか? -
Video article 1:36
Here's a List of the Most Popular Places to Visit in Tokyo! Tokyo Is Full of Fascinating Places to Visit That Attract People From All Over the World!
Travel- 51 plays
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東京の人気観光スポット紹介動画について こちらの動画は「ANA Global Channel」が公開した「IS JAPAN COOL? TOKYO」ロングバージョン」です。 日本の首都である東京には、さまざまな人気観光スポットがあります。 日本の歴史や伝統を感じられるスポット、東京の絶景を楽しめるスポット、絶品グルメを楽しめるエリアなど盛りだくさん。 こちらの記事では、東京の中で特におすすめのスポットを紹介し、東京の魅力を知ってもらいたいと思います。 この動画を見れば、「東京を観光したいな」と思うはず! 東京を観光するときに人気のエリアを紹介 東京を観光するときにおすすめのエリアといえば浅草でしょう。 浅草は日本らしい景色や伝統的な文化が楽しめる人気の観光地。 浅草寺の美しいお寺を見学したり、浅草演芸ホールで落語を体験するなど日本の文化を楽しむことができます。 浅草では屋形船に乗ることをおすすめします。隅田川から見る景観を楽しみましょう! 東京を観光するときに欠かせないエリアは新宿もあげられます。 新宿はグルメや都会の景色を楽しめる東京の中心地。 昔の日本らしい雰囲気の思い出横丁にはたくさんの外国人の観光客が訪れます。 さらに、都庁の展望室からもご覧になれる絶景や、ヒルトン東京、京王プラザホテルといった高級ホテルがあるのも魅力です。 また、新宿の周辺には新宿御苑や花園神社といった美しい景勝地も存在します。 東京を観光で歴史を感じることができるスポットを紹介 東京で日本の歴史を感じることができるおすすめスポットを二つ紹介します。 一つ目は、築地です。 築地の周辺には築地本願寺や浜離宮恩賜庭園といった日本らしい景観や歴史が楽しめるスポットがあります。 築地市場は日本の台所と呼ばれ、長年栄えてきましたが2018年に東京都中央卸売市場が豊洲に移転しました。 ただ、移転後も築地市場の場外ではおいしいグルメを求めて国内外から観光客で盛り上がっています。 二つ目は、明治神宮です。 明治神宮は明治天皇をおまつりする歴史ある神社で、パワースポットとしても知られています。 能や狂言を観覧できるイベントも開催しています。 東京を観光するときにおすすめの癒しスポットを紹介 東京を観光するときにおすすめの癒しスポットはたくさんあります! 東京の景色を楽しみたいという方は東京タワーや東京スカイツリー、六本木ヒルズ森タワーがおすすめ。 天気のいい日には都会の絶景が楽しめるでしょう。 ゆっくり体を癒やしたいという人はお台場にある大江戸温泉物語で温泉に浸かるのがおすすめ。 大江戸温泉物語にいくときは、お台場の実物大ガンダムをご覧になるのもいいですよ。 東京の魅力がたくさん詰まった動画紹介まとめ ANA Global Channelが制作した東京の観光地のプロモーション動画には東京の魅力がたくさん詰まっているのでおすすめ。 是非皆さんも東京観光をお楽しみください。 -
Video article 2:10
Cruise Through the Canals of Tokyo and Discover a Side of Japan You Never Knew Existed! Futuristic Waterbuses, Traditional Yakatabune, and Beautiful Fireworks!
Travel- 11 plays
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Cruising Through the Canals of Tokyo This video, titled, "Charming Boat Trips|PR Video|Tokyo Boat Trips (Full ver.)" (舟運や水辺の魅力を伝えるPR動画 東京舟旅), was released by "東京都 Tokyo Metropolitan Government." It shows boat trips through the rivers of Tokyo. There are a number of cruise courses on the rivers of Tokyo and in the Port of Tokyo. These courses offer fascinating scenery as seen in the video. Cruise courses along the Sumida River (隅田川, the Sumida-Gawa), the Nihonbashi River (日本橋川, Nihonbashi-Gawa), the Kanda River (神田川, Kanda-Gawa), the Meguro River (目黒川, Meguro-Gawa), and other canals are a popular way to see a different side of Tokyo. Popular Cruising Spots in Tokyo, as Shown in the Video Photo:Tokyo Mizumachi and Tokyo Sky Tree, Tokyo, Japan The cruise along Tokyo Sumida River takes you past Tokyo Tower, Tokyo Skytree, Odaiba Rainbow Bridge, and other famous landmarks in Tokyo. The night view of Tennozu, the container terminals, and the Tokyo Gate Bridge are also featured in the video from 1:35. The advantage of a cruise like the ones shown in the video is that you can get a detailed guide about the sights during the tour, which will help you better understand the attractions of Tokyo. If you're interested in enjoying a cruise in Tokyo, visit "Tokyo Mizumachi," which connects Asakusa and Tokyo Sky Tree Town, or Gotanda River Station, a pier for cruise ships. Explore the Tokyo Waterfront on a Cruise With the Video Photo:Yakatabune in Odaiba, Tokyo Tokyo's rivers and seashores are spacious, and there are a variety of cruise operations in the area. This includes waterbus "Himiko," the amphibious bus "Tokyo No Kaba," and "Sakura" of the Tokyo Waterfront Line. The boats and ferries around Tokyo offer regular courses to typical sightseeing spots, such as Harumi, Ariake, and Aomi, as well as events for special courses. The Yakatabune course with a beer garden is growing in popularity, as it allows participants to enjoy viewing the cherry blossoms at night, fireworks, and autumn leaves in the tatami room on the boat. In October 2020, an event called "Sora, Umi, Daichi Tsunagu Minato Fes 2020" (roughly "a port that connects the sky, the sea, and the earth") was held in Tokyo, and it was a great success. Summary of Tokyo Waterfront Cruising Photo:Tokyo, Cruise Ship As shown in the video, cruises in Tokyo are a fascinating activity that offer completely different scenery depending on the season and time of day. Enjoy an unforgettable trip around the rivers of Tokyo. Those looking to enjoy a cruise in Tokyo, be sure to check out the Suitown Tokyo website. It's marked by the "SUITOWN HEART," the symbol of SUITOSOZO. 【Official Website】Tokyo Boat Trips|Suitown Tokyo https://www.suitown.jp/en/ -
Video article 4:30
Tokyo Tower, the Symbol of Tokyo, Is Introduced by a Former Popular AKB48 Member! 60 Years of Being Loved by the Japanese People! The Highlights of the Popular Attraction!
Art & Architecture- 27 plays
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「東京タワー」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「東京タワー」が公開した「東京タワー ビジョンムービー」だ。 東京のシンボルとして日本国民に愛されてきた「東京タワー」。 2018年12月には開業60周年を迎えた東京タワーは、2012年5月に「東京スカイツリー」が建設されるまで、日本で最も高い電波塔であり観光地だった。 そんな東京タワーは、現在でも人気の観光スポットとして日本国内の旅行者のみならず、海外からの観光客からも親しまれている。 動画では東京タワーの展望台での楽しみ方や施設情報の案内を元AKB48の人気メンバー梅田彩佳が行っている。 東京タワー観光に行く予定のある方は、動画で予習してみてはいかがだろうか。 日本一高い建物だった「東京タワー」の現在の役割 東京タワーは、1958年12月に建設完了した東京都港区芝公園にある高さ333メートルの電波塔であり、日本一高い建物だった。 日本の歴史において東京タワーが果たした役割は大きく、テレビ局などの電波を日本の多くの世帯に発信していた。 東京タワーは、現在東京スカイツリーが完成したことで、電波塔としての役割は無く、予備電波塔と位置づけられている。 しかしながら、日本国内でも有数の観光地として訪れる方は多く、観光客は年間で360万人にも登り、日本のランドマークとしての役割を担っている。 近年においては東京タワーが日本の観光地として更に親しまれるために、バリアフリー化やイルミネーションによる企画などさまざまな取組みを行っている。 エレベーターの先は別世界!絶景の360度パノラマ 東京タワーで観光客が訪れることが出来るスポットは、150メートル地点にある「メインデッキ(大展望台)」と250メートル地点にある「トップデッキ(特別展望台)」だ。 メインデッキは動画の0:36から紹介されている。 ここは「360度パノラマ展望台」となっており、貸し出しの双眼鏡「レンタルスコープ」で東京中を見渡すことが出来る。 また、ガラス張りの床がスリル満点の「ルックダウンウィンドウ」はまるで空中を歩いているような感覚になる。 メインデッキにある「タワー大明神」は東京都内で最も高い位置にある神社として知られている。 受験シーズンになると「一番高い」成績を祈願して多くの学生が訪れる。 その他にも、イメージキャラクターとして有名な「ノッポン」のオリジナルグッズを購入できるショップやおしゃれなイベント会場「Club333」、東京タワーの周辺情報をまとめた「展望解説ボード」などがある。 さらに高いトップデッキから東京を見渡す! トップデッキ(特別展望台)は、予約制の「トップデッキツアー」に申し込んだ方のみが入れる特別な空間だ。 動画の3:33でトップデッキから見た景色を紹介している。 ここはメインデッキのような広い展望台ではないものの、メインデッキよりさらに100メートル高い250メートルから東京を見渡すことが出来る。 その景色は、まさに絶景だ。 設置された「ジオメトリックミラー」というオブジェは、風景が鏡に乱反射するよう設計されたもので、ロマンチックな雰囲気を演出する。 東京で人気のデートスポットだ。 「東京タワー」紹介動画まとめ 東京のシンボル「東京タワー」の魅力や施設情報を紹介した。 東京タワーは、東京都港区芝公園にあり非常にアクセスのしやすい観光施設だ。 電車で向かう場合、最寄り駅は大江戸線赤羽橋駅だ。 徒歩で10分以内で到着することができる。 バスで向かう場合は、目黒駅や品川駅などの主要な駅からバスが出ている。 また東京タワーには合計300台以上の車が収容可能な駐車場が併設されているので、車で来る観光者の方も安心だ。 建設から60年経ったが、魅力的な施設であることは変わりなく、満足できる観光地となっている。 動画を見て気になった方は、ぜひ足を運んで見てはいかがだろうか。 -
Video article 2:56
Enjoy Bird Watching at This Bird Oasis in Tokyo! Introducing Bird Watching & Photography Spots!
Living Things- 16 plays
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Bird Watching in Tokyo, Japan – Video Introduction This video, titled "An oasis where Japanese wild birds gather /4K," was uploaded by "Birdlover.jp," a channel that introduces rare and seasonal wild birds found in Japan. Birds You Can Observe in Tokyo Tokyo is the capital of Japan. Despite being the largest urban area in Japan, even in the Tokyo metropolitan area, there are many wild birds to be seen. In the parks of Tokyo, you can see a wide variety of birds, including brown-eared bulbuls, pale thrushes, hawfinches, dusky thrushes, sandpipers, brown-headed thrushes, white-cheeked starlings and many more. Brown-Eared Bulbuls, Pale Thrushes, Hawfinches, and Dusky Thrushes – A Look at the Birds in the Video Photo:Pale thrush While birdwatching in Tokyo, you can see many different types of wild birds. Here are some characteristics of each. Brown-Eared Bulbuls: Gray plumage with a pattern of white spots on their bellies. They have a high-pitched call. Their beaks are elongated at the tip to suck nectar from flowers. Pale Thrushes: About the size of a brown-eared bulbul, the pale thrush has a cute appearance. They can sometimes be seen flitting about parks. Hawfinches: Larger than sparrows and characterized by their sharp eyes. You can see a hawfinch drinking water in the video. [Video] 1:30 - A Hawfinch Drinking Water Dusky Thrushes: The white line above their eyes looks like an eyebrow. They fly from Siberia to Tokyo in winter and stay in Japan until around April. Bird Watching & Photography Spots Photo:Inokashira Park So where can you see wild birds in Tokyo? Here are some spots we recommend for birdwatching and photographing wild birds. ・Inokashira Onshi Park In 1917, Inokashira Onshi Park was opened as Japan's first suburban park. It is a popular spot for birdwatching and bird photography. ・Mizumoto Park The largest park in Tokyo's 23 wards, Mizumoto Park is a popular place to watch kingfishers, grey herons, and other birds. ・Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park was originally built on land reclaimed from the sea. It is said that wild birds naturally gathered in the park due to its favorable environment. Many wild birds can be seen here, including warbling white-eyes, Japanese tits, sandpipers, plovers, ducks, and more. ・Meiji Jingu Shrine Kingfishers, woodpeckers, and pale thrushes can be seen at Meiji Jingu Shrine. Although Meiji Jingu Shrine is located in Harajuku, it is home to a large number of wild birds, which is unexpected given its urban setting. ・Kiyosumi Garden At Kiyosumi Garden, you can see white-cheeked starling, eastern spot-billed ducks, and Eurasian wigeons. The Japanese garden is an attractive place to observe many wild birds amongst lovely scenery. ・Shinjuku Gyoen Shinjuku Gyoen is known as a unique bird-watching spot in central Tokyo, where visitors can observe goshawks, tits, and other birds. The Wild Bird Society of Japan The Wild Bird Society of Japan, Tokyo was formed on September 13, 1947 and is dedicated to bird watching and bird conservation. The organization engages in a variety of activities, including observing wild birds in Tokyo with other members, and conducting conservation activities in parks where wild birds are found. Summary of Bird Watching in Tokyo Photo:Bird watching Some people may find it hard to imagine that there are so many wild birds in Japan's capital, Tokyo. But in reality, many wild birds can be seen in the city, including at places like Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park, Shinjuku Gyoen, and Meiji Jingu Shrine. Bird-watching events held by the Wild Bird Society of Japan, Tokyo, can be enjoyed by beginners as well. Another attraction is that you can observe different types of wild birds throughout Japan's four seasons: warbling white-eyes and brown-eared bulbuls in spring, dusky thrushes and pale thrushes in winter, and so on. If you visit any of the places introduced here, be sure to listen for the sounds of birds. You may discover the charms of bird watching even in the big city. -
Video article 4:03
What Was Life in Tokyo Like Over 100 Years Ago? Find Out With This Rare Footage of Tokyo During the Taisho Period!
Life & Business History- 999 plays
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Rare Footage of Tokyo From More Than 100 Years Ago! This video, titled "Footage of Tokyo From More Than 100 Years Ago (With Sound)" (東京の昔の映像 (音声あり)), was uploaded by "Final A." Have you ever wondered what life was like in Tokyo more than 100 years ago? Perhaps you've seen pictures in textbooks or studied it at school, but probably very few people have seen actual footage of what life was like back then. In this video, you can get a glimpse of what life was like in Tokyo around 1913-1915. The Lives of Tokyoites More Than 100 Years Ago Source :YouTube screenshot From 0:04 in the video, you can see many people walking around dressed in hakama (袴). You can also see children playing with a ball called a "mari" (毬) from 2:59. At the time, it was common for children to spend their days playing with traditional toys such as a mari (temari). As you can tell from the video, at the time, the majority of people were dressed in what would be considered traditional Japanese style clothing today. The streets were lit using fixed paper lanterns called "andon" (行灯). The population of Tokyo at the time was approximately 3 million. The population of the whole of Japan was approximately 50 million, less than half of what it is today. From 2:42 in the video, you can see how the area around Senso-ji temple (浅草寺) in Asakusa (浅草), Tokyo was just as busy then as it is nowadays. Tokyo From 1913-1915 Source :YouTube screenshot The Taisho period lasted only 15 years (1912-1926) but is well known because of the Great Kanto Earthquake (関東大震災). Many other important events also took place during the same time period. The most famous of those being World War I which started in 1913. In 1914, the first department store "Mitsukoshi Gofukuten" (三越呉服店) (currently known as Nihombashi Mitsukoshi Main Store) opened in Japan, and the familiar lion statue, as well as escalators and elevators quickly became the talk of the town. At the time, the toy industry and product development were flourishing and it was the beginning of modernization in Japan. Tokyo Station (東京駅) was also opened in 1914. The station must have been very crowded at the time due to the large number of passengers travelling to and from the station. More About the History of Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot In 1886, Tokyo prefecture (currently known in Japanese as Tokyo-to (東京都) was given the name Tokyo-fu (東京府). From the beginning of the Taisho period, there was a dramatic increase in the population of Tokyo. During the Meiji period (明治時代, meijijidai), the Tokyo area changed a great deal as Japan changed from being a country of agriculture to a country focused on industry. In the video, you can see that the most common mode of transportation was the rickshaw, however, the rickshaw was gradually replaced with bicycles and cars. At the time, there were many water wells in Tokyo and the water quality was also very good. Summary of Tokyo From 100 Years Ago Even if you aren't Japanese it's easy to feel a sense of nostalgia from this video. This rare footage offers a glimpse at what life was like over 100 years ago in Japan. It's invaluable footage that really allows us to see how far Japan and the rest of the world has come in such a short time. -
Video article 5:45
Ginza, Tokyo - A Battlefield for Antenna Shops! A Look at the Exciting Antenna Shop Cooperation Event!
News Shopping- 34 plays
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Antenna Shops in Ginza and Yurakucho! “Strengthening Cooperation! Antenna Shop Battlefield(連携強化! アンテナショップ激戦区),” created by “Tokyo MX,” is a news clip that was broadcast on January 18th, 2017. There are many antenna shops that are operated by local governments and companies from all over Japan. Antenna shops are shops that sell local products, foods, traditional crafts and souvenirs. There are also sightseeing information booths and restaurants/cafés that sell local cuisine and sweets. It is like a showroom and gallery for local governments. As you can see at 0:27, there are a lot of antenna shops inGinza and Yurakucho, creating a sort of "antenna shop war-zone." In this article we'll introduce popular products at antenna shops in Yurakucho. Be sure to follow along with the video! Antenna Shops around Yurakucho Source :YouTube screenshot The antenna shop battlefield from Yurakucho to Ginza is 300 meters in diameter. According to research, annual sales of Hokkaido Dosanko Plaza reached over one billion yen; 100 million yen of which is from soft-served ice cream. You can see the survey results at 0:35 in the video. Soft-served ice cream costs 350 yen (~$3.50 USD), which means there are a lot of people visiting this place. At 2:18 in the video, you can see Hiroshima Brand shop TAU and Okinawa Ginza Washita Shop, which have sales between 700 million and 1 billion yen. As introduced at 1:45, Oishii Yamagata Plaza sells "tama konjac," a local specialty, as well as fresh local vegetables from Yamagata. Antenna Shop Cooperation Source :YouTube screenshot The antenna shops around Yurakucho cooperated to bring more visitors to the area. The "National Men's Ekiden Stamp Rally," a coordinated event that ran from January 6th to the 22nd in 2017, was a stamp rally event to visit 16 shops in the Yurakucho area with a stamp collecting card. If you collected seven stamps, you could enter to win a gift from the local government and merchandise for Ekiden. The main antenna shop during the event is “Hiroshima Brand shop TAU.” The branch manager talks about why he started the event and introduces the popular product “Hassaku Orange Rice Cakes” during his interview. Summary of Yurakucho's Antenna Shops Photo:Raw Yatsuhashi “Strengthening Cooperation! Antenna Shop Battlefield” introduces how lively the antenna shops in Yurakucho are. There are other antenna shops in Kochi, Tokushima, Kagawa, Hakata, Akita, Toyama, Osaka and Shizuoka as well. There's also Hokkaido Foodist and Kyoto Kan around Yaesu, Tokyo. The antenna shops in Ikebukuro, Kansai, Fukuoka, Nagano, Aomori, Gifu, and Aichi are gaining popularity as well. Be sure to check out the homepage to see store hours and holidays. Enjoy buying local products from all over Japan in the heart of Tokyo! -
Video article 3:19
Keio Plaza Hotel: The Hospitality of the First High-Rise Hotel Built in Japan Ensures a Memorable Stay in Tokyo!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 117 plays
- YouTube
What is Keio Plaza Hotel? "Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo released a promotional video titled "Keio Plaza Hotel Official Video" (京王プラザホテル オフィシャル動画). The hotel is highly rated on various hotel rating sites. JR Shinjuku Station, which is now the busiest station in Japan, and the Nishi-Shinjuku area, are home to some of the world's best hotels. However, the area wasn't fully urbanized when Keio Plaza Hotel was completed in 1971. The Keio Plaza Hotel was the first modern, high-rise hotel to be built in Japan. Its 170-meter tall tower attracted a million visitors within 6 months of completion. You can see the original landscape around the building in the video. The video tells the history of Keio Plaza Hotel which has devoted itself to providing the best service for guests, and its history as a venue for more than 1,200 international conferences. The Hospitality Services Praised by International Guests Source :YouTube screenshot Having a great location, the hotel has received many international guests in recent years and thus provides a wide variety of Japanese-style services to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable stay catering to all guests from over 100 countries. The Japanese foods and beverages served at the hotel are highly rated by international guests. The hotel offers some Japanese-style rooms, rare for a city hotel, and offers an authentic tea ceremony experience. The kimono rental service, as well as the art exhibitions in the modern interior space, forges a fusion of modernity and tradition, which makes for a hot topic of discussion on Instagram. It also holds some unique events such as a Hinamatsuri (Japanese traditional doll festival for girls) exhibition displayed in the lobby (from 1:03) to offer experiences unique to Japan. The number of rooms in the Main and South Towers totals 1428. Various types of rooms are provided, such as: the "Club Lounge," "Premier Grand," "Premier Grand Suite," "Plaza Luxe," "Deluxe," "Superior," "Standard," Universal Design Room," and the "Four Bedded Room." Keio Plaza Hotel - Dining Information Source :YouTube screenshot Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo has a large collection of in-house restaurants and bars including ones specialized in Japanese foods and beverages on the 1st-3rd floor and 7th floor of the Main Tower, and the second floor of the South Tower is dedicated to French and Italian restaurants. Perched on the top floor of the Main Tower is the Aurora Sky Lounge. A large variety of foods are offered to cater to all tastes and budgets. This is introduced at 1:20 in the video. Keio Plaza Hotel offers the food and beverage units listed below. All of them are open also to walk-in guests. Buffet "Super Buffet Glass Court" French & Italian "Duo Fourcettes" All Day Dining "Jurin" Teppan Yaki "Yamanami" Japanese Cuisine "Kagari" Kaiseki Cuisine "Soujyuan" Tempura "Shun" Chinese Dining "Nan-en" Korean Dining "Gokokutei" Sushi "Kyubey" Soba "Fumotoya" Main Bar "Brilliant" Lobby Lounge "Cocktail and Tea Lounge" Art Lounge "Duet" Japanese Sake Bar "Amanogawa" Sky Lounge "Aurora" Karaoke "Karaoke 47" Food Boutique "Poppins" Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo - Facilities & Services Information Source :YouTube screenshot As shown in the video from 2:08, Keio Plaza Hotel also serves as a venue where international travelers meet the local art scene. The art exhibitions in the lobby display artworks such as paintings, sculptures, ceramic art or textiles of well-known artists as well as young emerging artists from Japan. The hotel also provides various facilities. The facilities and services include: Reflexology, a beauty salon, a kimono fitting service, and a photo studio. This makes it an ideal venue for wedding receptions. A variety of health facilities are also provided, such as the fitness room and outdoor pool for a complete wellness experience. These facilities are provided to respond to the every need of guests. Access to Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo The hotel is conveniently located, being just a 10-minute walk from Shinjuku Station on the JR and private railway lines and is directly connected to Exit B1 of Tocho-mae Station on the Toei Subway Oedo Line. For those who are flying in, there are limousine buses from Haneda Airport and Narita Airport that go directly to the hotel. If you come by car, there is a paid parking lot with a maximum capacity of 509 vehicles. As its location allows guests to get around easily, Keio Plaza Hotel is by far the best place to stay in Tokyo. Keio Plaza Hotel also operates hotels in Sapporo, Hachioji, Tama and Kyoto. You can book your room or inquire about room fees on their official website or on other travel sites. The Surrounding Area of Keio Plaza Hotel Nishi-shinjuku district features a variety of sightseeing spots and shopping areas including "Metropolitan Governors Office Observation Deck," "Odakyu Department Store," "Keio Department Store" "Yodobashi Camera," "Seiji Togo Memorial Sompo Nipponkoa Museum of Art," "Shinjuku Chuo Park," "The conran shop" and "Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery." There are also a plenty of attractions in a walking distance, such as: "Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden," "Hanazono Shrine," "Kabuki-cho District," "Robot Restaurant," "Shinjiku Southern Terrace," "Godzilla Head," "Fire Museum," "Shinjuku Golden Gai," "Omoide Yokocho," "Shinjuku Expressway Bus Terminal Pedestrians Square," "Suica Penguin Square," "Shinokubo Korean Town," or "Anahachimangu Shrine." Summary of Keio Plaza Hotel Photo:Nishi Shinjuku-Skyscrapers Keio Plaza Hotel is a hotel chain operating hotels in Nishi-shinjuku, Sapporo, Hachioji, Tama and Kyoto. It also provides some unique accommodation plans. Keio Plaza Hotel Tama, for example, has a hotel plan that includes an admission ticket to the onsen facility "Gokurakuyu," located in the vicinity. Shinjuku is a popular area in Tokyo that features many attractions. The sweeping view of Tokyo from the sky lounge is sure to look great on Instagram. It's location also makes it very convenient for guests. The underground passage, directly connected to the metro station, allows you to stay dry on rainy days. Enjoy the video introducing the charms of Keio Plaza Hotel, which is, in itself, a tourist attraction. 【Address】2-2-1 Nishi-shinjuku, Shinjuku, Tokyo (Zip 160-8330) 【Access】By Train - 10 minutes from JR Shinjuku 【Parking】Yes. 509 parking spaces 【Telephone No】 (+81) 03-3344-0111 【Official Website】Keio Plaza Hotel https://www.keioplaza.com/ 【Tripadvisor】 Keio Plaza Hotel https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g14133673-d304305-Reviews-Keio_Plaza_Hotel_Tokyo-Nishishinjuku_Shinjuku_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 9:31
Shopping at the Trendy Marunouchi Building Near Tokyo Station! Enjoy the Feeling of Shopping in Toyko in Super Beautiful 4K Video!
Shopping- 22 plays
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This video, titled "丸ビル Marunouchi Building 【Japan Street View】GoPro Hero7 4k," was released by "Japan Street View." The Marunouchi Building, commonly known as the Maru Building, is a building with a mix of office buildings and shopping malls. Built in 1923, it is an extremely historic building, and was often referred to as the "best building in the east." The Maru Building was the first building in Japan to have both an office building and a shopping mall, and it is a building that symbolizes Tokyo in Japan. In this video, they take a walk through the Maru Building, so if you're interested in shopping in Tokyo, consider giving it a watch! -
Video article 4:52
Yebisu Garden Place Is a Landmark in the Ebisu Area of Tokyo! Check Out the History of Garden Place, as Well as Available Facilities and Events!
Shopping- 36 plays
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This video, titled "[Tokyo Footage] YEBISU GARDEN PLACE | 恵比寿ガーデンプレイス(Tokyo Japan)," was released by "Tokyo Tokyo." Yebisu Garden Place is a landmark in front of Ebisu Station on the JR Yamanote Line. As introduced in the video, Yebisu Garden Place is a stylish business center in Shibuya. In addition to being a popular date spot, it is sometimes used as a filming location for movies and dramas. Yebisu Garden Place is a redeveloped building that opened in 1994 on the site of the former Sapporo Beer Factory, and it spans the Shibuya and Meguro wards of Tokyo. In addition to popular shops, there's also a luxury hotel, a museum, and a movie theater. In the winter, the Christmas lights are illuminated in the building, and it's a great place to be. -
Video article 4:57
Excitement All Across Japan! the Announcement of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics! The Olympics Will Be Held in the Same City Twice, a First for Asia!
News- 144 plays
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The Decision to Have the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo This video released by “ANNnewsCH” is about the IOC news on the decision to host the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. “The first time in 56 years! The 2020 summer Olympics decided to be held in Tokyo (September 8th, 2013).” Many of you may have seen the early morning broadcast (Tokyo time) from Buenos Aires, on the decision to host the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. Tokyo is to host the Olympics for the second time; the first time in 56 years. Only 5 cities have hosted the summer Olympics more than once: Athens, Paris, London, Los Angeles, and now Japan. The Olympics will be held from July 24th to August 9th in 2020, for 17 days. Tokyo will draw a lot of attention from the world. This time, we are going to introduce the video about the announcement of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The Announcement of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Source :YouTube screenshot From 0:15 in the video, you can see a lot of Japanese people in the venue exclaiming their delight the moment IOC (International Olympic Committee) President Rogge said “Tokyo!”. As shown from 0:56 in the video, it was early in the morning, at 5:20 AM when the news of the host city was released. But many people experienced the moment of joy at Komazawa park, Nippon Sport Science University, Chiyoda ward, Hamaguchi wrestling school in Tokyo and Nagano city. But it is also true that there were a lot of difficulties to reach the decision of the Tokyo Olympics. During the selection, Madrid in Spain and Istanbul in Turkey were highly considered. At the first voting, Tokyo gained 42 votes, Istanbul 26 and Madrid 26. But at the final voting, Tokyo achieved an overwhelming victory over Istanbul with 60 votes to 36. Amongst adversity, the final presentation was made by the governor of Tokyo, Inose Naoki, Prime Minister Abe Shinzo, Princess Takamado, a Paralympic athlete, Sato Mami, TV personality Takigawa Christel and more. Among them, the word “Omotenashi” (hospitality) by Takigawa Christel may be the most memorable. The 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the First Host City in Asia to Have the Olympics Twice Source :YouTube screenshot The Tokyo Olympics are to be held in the same city, which is the first time this has happened in Asia. Last time, Beijing hosted the summer Olympics in 2008 in Asia. In Japan, many bid committee members made great efforts to bring the Olympics to Tokyo. With the decision of the Tokyo Olympics, the Olympic flame cauldron was lit up at the National Stadium, the former venue of the opening and closing ceremony from 4:45 in the video. Many elderly people remember the Tokyo Olympics in 1964 so it will be a great chance for those who can experience it again in 2020. The Problem of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, and the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster In the final presentation on the bid for the Tokyo Olympics, the Great East Japan earthquake two years prior was often mentioned. Prime Minister Abe Shinzo stressed the safety precautions since the nuclear disaster and appealed to the world. He announced confidently that contaminated water is safely controlled and there would be no influence on the safety of visitors. However, only a few years had passed since the earthquake. There were many harsh comments in and outside of Japan at the time. The Tokyo Olympics will be held to help recover from the nuclear disaster as well. Looking Forward to the Olympics Photo:The New National Stadium The news of announcement of the host city for the 2020 Olympics gave hope to a lot of people. At 3:34 in the video, the then governor of Tokyo, Inose Naoki, tells that the success of the bid for the Tokyo Olympics came from "the teamwork of centralized power from the entirety of Japan." The world sports festival, held every four years- the Olympics and Paralympics- will be held in Tokyo. All the people in the world are paying attention to Japan and Tokyo. 【Official Website】Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games – Tokyo 2020 https://tokyo2020.org/en/ -
Video article 0:44
A Bizarrely Designed Building in the Middle of Ginza! The Design That Makes Everyone Stop and Look up Was Inspired by Traditional Japanese Crafts
Art & Architecture- 18 plays
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This video, titled "A Unique Building in Ginza: Based on the Theme of 'Sukashibori' (16/06/15)" (銀座にユニークなビル出現・・・「透かし彫り」がテーマ(16/06/15)), was released by "ANNnewsCH." The Ginza Place building, which opened in 2016 at the Ginza 4-Chome intersection, has 11 floors above ground and two basement levels, and is based on a traditional craft called "Sukashibori" (openwork/pierced work/fretwork) that involves creating patterns on thin sheets of wood. It contains a Sony showroom, an event space, restaurants, and many other areas, and as a "landmark for creating the Ginza of tomorrow," it serves as a base for contributing to the creation of a district in Ginza that communicates new values and a future for the world from Japan. The architect in charge of the exterior design was Klein Dytham Architecture, an internationally acclaimed firm with a deep knowledge of Japan. -
Video article 19:46
Shopping in Azabu Juban, the Most Exclusive Shopping District in Japan! Strolling Through a City Loved by Celebrities!
Shopping- 20 plays
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This video, titled "Walking around Azabu Juban Minatoku, Tokyo - Long Take【東京・麻布十番】 4K," was released by "NIPPON WANDERING TV." Azabujuban in Tokyo's Minato Ward is a "fashionable adult nightlife district" where the wealthy live. It's famous for its concentration of celebrity shops and restaurants where celebrities pop in for a night out. In this video, they take a stroll through Azabujuban and introduce the glamorous streets. During the walk, you can see mothers and commuters out with their children. You'll find cafes, soba noodle shops, and confectionery shops where you can stop by for a bite to eat. Enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of Azabujuban in this video! -
Video article 33:11
Is It True That the Yurikamome Line That Runs Through Tokyo's Odaiba Area Isn't a Monorail? Check Out How the Yurikamome Works and the Popular Tourist Attractions Along the Route!
Vehicles- 28 plays
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This video, titled "Tokyo Yurikamome Train Side Window View - 4K," was released by "NIPPON WANDERING TV." The Yurikamome Line runs from Shimbashi Station in Tokyo's Minato Ward to Toyosu Station in Koto Ward. It is officially called the Tokyo Rinkai Shin Kotsu Seaside Line (東京臨海新交通臨海線) and is operated by Yurikamome, Inc. At first glance, Yurikamome looks like a monorail, but it is actually a new transportation system called an AGT (automated guideway transit), which is slightly different from a monorail. The Yurikamome provides convenient access to Odaiba, Toyosu Market, and Tokyo Big Sight, among other famous tourist destinations. Enjoy the view of Tokyo skyline and Rainbow Bridge from the window of the Yurikamome! -
Text only
Tourism Expo Japan 2022 was held at Tokyo Big Sight. One of the world's largest travel events, bringing together tourist destinations from around the world in anticipation of the full-fledged lifting of the ban on inbound tourism!
News Festivals & Events Travel- 121 views
Tourism Expo Japan 2022 is on! It's been two years since Cool Japan Video released its first video, and this will be our first coverage of the event! We will continue to publish articles about Cool Japan Video staff members who have actually visited Japan and provided first-hand accounts of their experiences. The first article in this series covers Tourism Expo Japan, which was held at Tokyo Big Sight for four days from September 22, 2022 (two days open to the public, from September 24 to 25)! The last time the event was held in Tokyo in 2018, a total of 200,000 people visited the big event over four days. This Tourism Expo Japan is one of the world's largest travel festivals and was held in Tokyo for the first time in four years. The exhibition is designed to bring various municipalities and companies a new form of travel that has been greatly changed by the Corona Transit. There were also many new styles of travel, such as VR experiences that make it seem as if you have actually visited the destination. With the convergence of the coronas in sight, the first and second days of the Japan Travel event were a great success. With the convergence of the coronas in sight, the first and second days of the Japan Travel event were a great success. Tourism Expo Japan 2022 - Photos from the First Day of the Expo Here are some photos from the first day, Thursday, September 22, 2022. The interview will be featured again later in this article, so stay tuned! Information has also been added for Friday, September 23, 2022. Photo:Japan Sake Brewery Tourism Promotion Council Photo:Maritime Tourism Promotion Photo:Ibaraki/Tochigi/Gunma/Kusatsu Onsen Photo:National Parks in Japan/Haku Japan: National Parks Project Photo:Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry Photo:Tohoku Tourism Promotion Organization / East Japan Railway Company Photo:Kyoto of the sea/ Kyoto of tea/ Kyoto of the forest/ Another Kyoto/ Nishiyama, Kyoto "Bamboo Village, Otokuni Photo:Fukui Prefectural Tourism Federation Photo:VISIT JAPAN Travel & MICE Mart Lastly, ... To our surprise, former Prime Minister Suga also visited on that day! Tourism Expo Japan 2022, Day 2 The second day of Tourism Expo Japan was another great success. It will open to the public on the third day, Saturday, September 24, 2022, so here's a rundown of all the highlights for everyone to enjoy! First, booths of prefectures and local governments from all over Japan. Various booths will be lined up from Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south. It introduces recommended sights, top sights and gourmet foods, so it will help you decide what to plan for when you actually visit on your trip! At the Okinawa Prefecture booth, visitors were given information on sightseeing spots along with information from various remote islands. You can also learn about the history of Okinawa. The Kyushu booth features seven prefectures: Fukuoka/Saga/Nagasaki/Kumamoto/Oita/Miyazaki/Kagoshima! This day, September 23, 2022, marked the anniversary of the opening of the West Kyushu Shinkansen line. Of the 143-kilometer Shinkansen project between Hakata and Nagasaki Stations, 66 kilometers between Takeo Onsen and Nagasaki Stations has been opened. At the Shikoku booth, Kochi, Ehime, Kagawa, and Tokushima prefectures You will find a wide variety of natural activities and attractions. Hida Takayama, Matsumoto City, Kanazawa City, etc. in Hokuriku, Hida, and Shinshu 3 star road trip! You can also sample Shirakawa-go Cider, a local drink. Check out the booths where you can sample sake and other local beverages. Many of them have limited hours, so you need to check in advance. At the Ishikawa booth, visitors can compare three types of Ishikawa sake. I would have wanted to drink too if I wasn't working... The Hokuriku-Hida-Shinshu 3-star road trip includes a tasting of Shirakawa-go cider, a local drink. There are also several booths where you can try your luck at the gacha-gacha and raffle drawings. At the booth of the Eastern Kochi Tourism Council, visitors can win a stuffed yellowtail, a specialty of Kochi Prefecture, in the "Buri Lottery. You can't go wrong, so why not give it a try? The Japanese Heritage booth had a giant rumble machine that will be open to the public on September 24 and 25. Please visit and see what you can win. Experience booths and event booths that are a little bit different and can only be enjoyed here. You can actually enjoy the footbath! Why don't you try to heal your tired body in a hot spring? The history of life in Hokkaido is recreated. Actual seats from the Anpanman train running in Shikoku are on display. You can even sit down and have your picture taken! Take a great photo and feel like an astronaut! Yukimura Sanada's armor and ninja welcome you. This booth is a must-see for foreigners. There is also the World Scallop Fishing Championships: how many scallops can you catch in two minutes! If you can get the gold bars out of the box, you get a prize! I'd love to travel all over Japan in one of these campers! On the Overseas floor, you can also see booths from around the world. You will feel like you are on a round-the-world trip if you visit each booth. South Africa's colorful booth stood out in the large venue. In Malta, the holy land of cat lovers, of course, cats will welcome you! The Egyptian booth was so authentic, with its objects and costumes, I felt like I was actually visiting Egypt! There's so much more to see and do! Why not visit Tokyo Big Sight this weekend and find your favorite booth? On September 22, 2022, Prime Minister Kishida announced a policy of eliminating the cap on the number of people entering the country, allowing free personal travel, and waiving visa requirements for short-term stays, effective October 11, 2022, over waterfront measures for the new corona. We believe that the recovery of the tourism industry is another step closer to the after Corona. Tourism Expo Japan 2022 Details Date: September 22-25, 2022 (open to the public on September 24-25) Venue: Tokyo Big Sight Address: 3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0063, Japan Admission: 1300 yen at the door, 1000 yen in advance By train: Approx. 3 minutes walk from Tokyo Big Sight Station on the Rinkai Line, approx. 7 minutes walk from Kokusai Tenjijo Station / Approx. 3 minutes walk from Tokyo Big Sight Station on the Yurikamome Line Official website:https://www.t-expo.jp/public -
Video article 4:34
Amazing Aerial Footage of Tokyo and Yokohama! Enjoy the Nightscapes of these Cities in Beautiful 8K!
Travel- 556 plays
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Beautiful Night Views of Tokyo and Yokohama! This video, titled "Japan Night Aerials in 8K," was produced by Armadas. This video was made using aerial footage of Tokyo Tower, Rainbow Bridge, Tokyo Sky Tree, and other beautiful views of the nightscapes of Tokyo and Yokohama. The aerial views of the Tokyo and Yokohama nightscapes from a helicopter are absolutely stunning. Highlights of Tokyo and Yokohama's Nightscapes The centers of Japan, including places like Shinjuku and Yokohama, are usually overcrowded with people and things, but what you see in this video are simply beautiful views of each city without all of the crowds. The beauty of Japan lies not only in the mountains and rivers, but also in the urban landscapes. Especially in Tokyo and Yokohama, there are many people, which leads to more buildings being built and more people gathering and lighting up the area. These dazzling lights and buildings create wonderful nightscapes. Nowadays, Tokyo's population has surpassed 9 million, and the crowds in the city are becoming more and more stressful by the day. Yokohama is just as overpopulated as Tokyo, but the night view of Tokyo and Yokohama shows no sign of such internal deterioration. You can even feel the frustration and stress of daily life melting into the nighttime scenery of Tokyo and Yokohama, which can only be experienced through aerial photography. One of the ways to enjoy this film is to compare Yokohama and Tokyo. This too is only possible thanks to aerial photography... Try to compare the intensity of the light and the number of buildings. You're sure to find something about Tokyo and Yokohama that you never noticed before. Summary of the Beautiful Aerial Footage of Tokyo and Yokohama This video gives beautiful aerial views of Tokyo and Yokohama. We highly recommend checking it out. You'll see another side of Tokyo and Yokohama that you won't find walking through the city during the day. -
Video article 14:46
Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street, the Number One Shopping Street in Tokyo, Is Lined With More Than 400 Shops! There’s a Ton of Gourmet Food to Be Had on This 1.3 KM Strip!
Shopping- 65 plays
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What is Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street? This time, we introduce the popular Togoshi Ginza shopping district, that has been featured in a number of magazines and t.v. programs, through a video called "Walking around Togoshi Ginza-Tokyo - Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street-4K Ultra HD" (Walking around Togoshi Ginza - Tokyo - 戸越銀座商店街 - 4K Ultra HD). This video will have you feeling as if you're actually taking a stroll through the popular shopping district located in Toyomachi, Shinagawa. This camera is fixed from the cameraman's point of view, making it an almost virtual reality experience. The History of the Togoshi Ginza Shopping District Photo:Togoshi Ginza Station The name Togoshi Ginza comes from Togoshi Ginza Station on the Tokyu Ikegami Line. Togoshi Ginza street is an old shopping district that grew around the stores concentrated around Osaki in Shinagawa, due to the opening of the Tokyu Ikegami Line in 1927. Today, it goes by the name Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street, and is made up of three shopping street associations: Togoshi Ginza Shoeikai Shopping Street, Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street, and Togoshi Ginza Roku Shopping Street. There are about 400 shops. It's also famous as Japan's longest shopping street with a total length of 1.3 kilometers. Nowadays, there are many shopping streets in Japan called "〇〇Ginza" (pronounced Maru Maru Ginza), but the one on Togoshi-Ginza shopping street was actually the first in Japan. It's located next to Togoshi Ginza Station on the Tokyu Ikegami Line, but there's also the JR Yamanote Line's Gotanda Station within walking distance, so it' s easy to get around. You can see the Tokyu-Ikegami Line railroad crossing at 10:32 in the video. The restaurant is crowded with businessmen and housewives at lunchtime on weekdays. Togoshi Ginza Station- More History Photo:Tokyo downtown from above Besides the origin of Togoshi Ginza's name, there's also the origin of the shopping district itself. This actually has to do with the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923. The unprecedented catastrophe caused devastating damage in a large area from downtown Tokyo to Hiratsuka, Kanagawa Prefecture. At that time, the Shinagawa area was an industrial zone where many people gathered, but after the Great Kanto Earthquake, people who had lost their homes gathered here to start businesses a resurrect the local economy, thus forming the shopping district. The "Ginza" part of "Togoshi Ginza" is said to have originated around the time that shops began to gather in the Togoshi area, when locals gathered up the brick debris in Ginza and used it to improve the drainage of the once poorly drained streets of Togoshi. Things to Do on Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street Source :YouTube screenshot The best way to enjoy the Togoshi Ginza shopping street is by munching on snacks as you window shop. In the Togoshi Ginza shopping district, there's bakeries, Togoshi Ginza croquette, ramen, dumplings, fried chicken, popular cafe sweets, taiyaki, pork rice bowl, pork wrapped rice ball skewers, and more. For souvenirs, there's a ton of local gourmet foods such as Togoshi Ginza brand confections, donuts, and the sweets of Goto Kamaboko shown at 1:35 in the video. There are also convenience stores, pharmacies, clothing stores, cafes and supermarkets. On holidays, get a map in one hand and food in the other and browse the streets of Togoshi Ginza while munching on some delicious food. We pretty much recommend anything in Togoshi Ginza, as nearly every shop has good reviews. Summary of the Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street Photo:Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street The Togoshi Ginza shopping street, chosen as one of the top shopping districts in Japan, also has its own homepage as well! The mascot character Ginjiro Togoshi gives a detailed introduction of the shopping district, including opening hours of shops, nearby hotels, parking lots, tour information, and more. The Togoshi-Ginza shopping district has also introduced a project to eliminate the need for electrical poles, with the aim of becoming a clean, fun, popular shopping arcade that will continue to develop into the future. 【Official Website】Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street Official Site https://www.togoshiginza.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street Official Site https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066854-d6536297-Reviews-Togoshiginza_Shopping_Street-Shinagawa_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 11:04
Walking Around ‘Nakano Broadway’, the Mecca of Tokyo Subculture! This Chaotic Epicenter of Pop Culture and Subculture Is Full of Dreams!
Shopping- 57 plays
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Adventurous Footage of Nakano Broadway This video, titled "【Nakano, Tokyo】Walking around Nakano Broadway(【中野 東京】中野ブロードウェイを散策)," allows you to experience the famous out-of-the-way tourist destination in Nakano Ward (中野区, Nakanoku), Tokyo: Nakano Broadway. They say Nakano Broadway has everything. And it's probably not much of a stretch to say so. It's a chaotic place where everyone’s needs are met. It has become particularly famous for its subculture, which attracts huge numbers of foreign tourists visiting Tokyo. It is known as "the mecca of subculture", "post-Akihabara" and so on. In this article, we will introduce Nakano Broadway in detail alongside the video. What Is Nakano Broadway? And What Does Is Look Like? Source :YouTube screenshot Nakano Broadway is a commercial complex constructed at the end of Nakano Sun Mall Shopping Center (中野サンモール商店街, Nakano Sun Mall Shotengai) in 1966, which combined a shopping center with housing. The lower floors are dedicated to the use as a shopping center and the floors above are for housing. You can actually live in Nakano Broadway as some rooms are up for rent, although it is a bit pricey due to its location. From 0:33 in the video, you can take a walk through Nakano Sun Mall Shopping Center from the North Exit of JR Nakano Station. At first, you might be surprised at the number of shops in the shopping street. Nakano Sun Mall Shopping Center is famous for having countless watch shops, but besides that, there are many bubble tea stands, cafes, soft-serve ice cream shops, and restaurants offering lunch. Photo:Nakano Broadway Nakano Broadway stands right in front at the end of Nakano Sun Mall Shopping Center. This can be seen from 4:05 in the video. Take a step in and a chaotic world in a different dimension greets you! Around 300 shops squeeze inside the building. They specialize in manga, anime, figures, toys, and recently, 3D printers and Bitcoin. Curious as to why Nakano Broadway came to be known as the epicenter of pop culture and subculture? A company called "Mandarake," which played a major role in bringing Nakano Broadway to the world stage, was a particularly important stakeholder in regards to this. What Is Mandarake? Photo:Nakano Broadway, Mandarake Mandarake, which inextricably shares history with Nakano Broadway, started as a secondhand bookshop. At first, its specialization didn’t match the surrounding environment, but it became exceedingly popular as many Otaku, more interested in subculture than in pop culture, visited the place partly due to its location. Soon, the company Mandarake was founded. It gained a lot of fans by contributing to the permeation of subculture through launching many new shops inside Nakano Broadway dedicated to manga and anime for popular demand, and figures, diorama, video games and gaming arcades for hard core fans. As a result, it has grown to be known today as "the mecca of subculture," and a stunning number of foreign customers visit every day, thanks to the global popularity of otaku culture. Walking around and visiting the many different shops is certainly exciting, but you can even sell your own goods using the "rental showcase" system. Mandarake can be seen throughout the video, so if you’re interested, be sure to check it out. Summary of Nakano Broadway in Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot In this article we introduced Nakano Broadway, now one of the most famous otaku sites, not only in Tokyo, but in all of Japan. It's the epicenter of pop culture and subcultures in Japan, and many people, both Japanese and foreigners alike, visit it every day, owing partly to its easy accessibility, being located near JR Nakano Station. A whopping 10 million people visit there annually. Nakano Broadway guarantees a fulfilling experience for every visitor! If you're traveling to Tokyo, we highly recommend visiting Nakano Broadway! ◆Nakano Broadway Facility Information◆ 【Address】5-52, Nakano, Nakano Ward, Tokyo 161-0001 【Access】5-minute walk from JR Nakano Station 【Hours】10:00-20:00 (Be careful as this varies by location) 【Closures】Vary by location 【Parking】No parking lot provided 【Telephone No】03-3388-7004 【Official Website】Mandarake HOME – MANDARAKE https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/?lang=en -
Video article 1:54
The Nihombashi Takashimaya Shopping Center, a Long-Established Department Store, Has Been Reborn With the Concept of "Beautiful Living"! A Look Inside the Refreshing Atmosphere of the Historic Shopping Center!
Shopping News- 33 plays
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A Look at the Reopening of the Nihombashi Takashimaya Shopping Center This video this time is a news video covering the grand reopening of the main building of Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C., titled "Nihonbashi Takashimaya Completes Renovations, Aims to Attract Younger Customers." It was published by "TOKYO MX" in 2019. Nihombashi Takashimaya is a shopping center well-reputed by people of all ages. Let's take a look at what's changed since its reopening. The New Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C. Source :YouTube screenshot Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C., located in the Chuo Ward (中央区, Chuo-ku) of Tokyo, finished renovations on its main building and reopened entirely in March 2019. It had gone through a major renovation up to this point with a new building having opened in 2018. The concept of the newly reborn Nihombashi Takashimaya SC is "beautiful living." Introduced at 1:00 in the video is "MARVIS," a high-end toothpaste sold on the 2nd floor of the main building. There is also a wide range of other items, mainly men's sundries, designed to enhance one' s quality of life. Here, you'll find a wide range of products for the increasingly aesthetically conscious male customers. When visiting Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C., we recommend visiting the rooftop garden shown at 0:13 in the video. This rooftop garden is open to the public and offers a breathtaking view of Tokyo's skyscrapers. The History of Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C. Source :YouTube screenshot Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C. opened in 1933 and has a long history of supporting Japan's post-war reconstruction. The present Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C. is part of the Mitsui Building. Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C. has a basement floor with a fruit parlors, restaurants, chocolate shops and other sweets shops, as well as a general merchandise section, fashion stores, and more. Limited time events, such as the Maurice Utrillo Exhibition are also held from time to time. Summary of Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C. Source :YouTube screenshot In this article, we gave a brief overview of Nihombashi Takashimaya's renovation, the history of the store and what kind of shops you can expect to find there. There are many other Takashimaya stores in Japan besides the one in Tokyo. Major stores include Shinjuku, Tamagawa, Tachikawa, Yokohama, Kashiwa, Kyoto, Osaka and Sakai. If you're looking for high quality items or Japanese souvenirs, stop by the nearest Takashimaya store! ◆Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C.|Facility Information◆ 【Address】2-4-1, Nihombashi, Chuo Ward, Tokyo 【Access】Directly connected to Nihonbashi Station on the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line, and a 5-minute walk from JR Tokyo Station. 【Hours】10:30~21:00(11:00~22:00 for restaurants) 【Parking】Paid parking available 【Telephone】03-3211-4111 【Official Website】Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C. | Top Page https://www.takashimaya-global.com/en/stores/nihombashi/ 【Tripadvisor】Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C. https://www.tripadvisor.jp/Attraction_Review-g14129589-d12870591-Reviews-Nihombashi_Takashimaya_S_C-Nihonbashi_Chuo_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 14:37
Take a Stroll From Harajuku to Omotesando, Where the Most Fashionable Shops Are Gathered! Enjoy Window Shopping Along the Beautiful Line of Zelkova Trees!
Shopping- 64 plays
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Introduction of Video, Walking From Harajuku to Omotesando in Tokyo “Tokyo Harajuku Omotesando walk - 4K(Tokyo Harajuku Omotesando walk 原宿 表参道散歩 - 4K)” was created by “NIPPON WANDERING TV” and it is a 4K video that actually films walking from Harajuku to Omotesando. Omotesando is the historic approach to the Meiji Shrine (明治神宮,Meiji-Jingu) and it is a 1.1km long main street stretching from the Jingubashi intersection to the Omotesando intersection. It is equivalent to the section from Aoyama Street to the Meiji Shrine intersection (in front of Harajuku Station) on prefectural road 413. There are nice shops, such as luxury brands, fashion brands, cafés, pastry shops and beauty salons along the street. Photo:Illuminations of Omotesando During the Christmas season, the street is decorated with lights and a lot of couples visit for a date. The video starts from Tokyu Plaza, which is located at the metro station in front of Harajuku station (Jingumae, Shibuya-ward, Tokyo), and goes to Omotesando station. At 8:12, it arrives at Omotesando station and walks across the street towards Harajuku station. It finishes by showing the view from the pedestrian bridge at 13:17. The video is 15minutes long, so it feels like you are actually window shopping. Recommended Shops Around Harajuku Station Photo:Colorful crepes Harajuku is known as the city of young people. There are a lot of pastry shops like crepes and pancakes and fashionable clothing shops. The most popular sightseeing spot is Takeshita Street, which is in front of JR Yamanote “Harajuku station.” At Takeshita Street, there are the malls “Harajuku ALTA”, and “MOOOSH SQUISHY Harajuku” which is popular among elementary school students, that sell goods with a unique feel. Also, there are boutiques and hair salons such as, “Harajuku Quest” with a hall, “Laforet Harajuku” and “Owl’s Garden”, which is an owl café that has become popular recently. You can find popular ramen restaurants, burger restaurants and bakeries as well. If you turn from Omotesando towards Shibuya, there are areas called Uraharajuku and Cat Street. The areas are popular because people can enjoy shopping while taking a walk to Shibuya. These areas are close from Harajuku station and can be accessed easily. Recommended Shops Around Omotesando Source :YouTube screenshot Omotesando: The City of Adults There are many calm, luxury brands and galleries in Omotesando, and the large-scale commercial facility “Omotesando Hills” is shown from 2:51 in the video. Next to the modern building, there is a rental gallery that was modeled after Old-Dojunkai apartments. You can enjoy art such as “Gallery Dojunkai” and “Omotesando Rocket.” There is a modern art gallery, the “Watari Museum of Contemporary Art”, if you go towards Gaienmae, and the surrounding area is a quiet residential street. Summary Photo:Omotesando Hills The video shows the beautiful walk from Harajuku to Omotesando in the early morning when there were few people. If you want to know what Omotesando is like, be sure to watch the video. You can use multiple stations such as JR and Tokyo metro to Harajuku and Omotesando. If you're going by car, be sure to use a toll parking lot. Other than shopping and going to cafes, there are many places where you can enjoy lunch and dinner, so you can have fun throughout the whole day. Cherry blossoms can be enjoyed at Aoyama Cemetery, Yoyogi Park and Meiji Shrine as well. In this article, we introduced commercial facilities and popular shops around Harajuku and Omotesando. If you're planning on going to Harajuku or Omotesando, don't forget to use this article as a guide! 【Tripadvisor】Omotesando https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066456-d610350-Reviews-Omotesando-Shibuya_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 1:58
UNIQLO Ginza, the Largest UNIQLO in the World, Opened in 2012 in Chuo City, Tokyo! A Look at the Wide Selection of Apparel Available at the Popular Clothing Retailer!
Shopping- 41 plays
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UNIQLO Ginza This video, titled "UNIQLO Opens a New Flagship Store, the Largest of its Kind, in Tokyo's Ginza," was created by "Kyodo News." It's a news video features a preview for the media on March 15, 2012, the day before UNIQLO Ginza opened, as well as a press conference with Tadashi Yanai, the Chairman, President, and CEO of UNQLO's management company, Fast Retailing. UNIQLO Ginza is the world’s largest global flagship store, occupying approximately all 5,000 square meters of a 12-story building on the main street in Ginza, Tokyo. In this article, we'll introduce UNIQLO and talk about UNIQLO Ginza. Be sure to follow along with the video as you read this article! What You Need to Know About UNIQLO Ginza Source :YouTube screenshot The UNIQLO Ginza store in Chuo-Ward (中央区, Chuo-Ku), Tokyo, introduced in the video, was opened on March 16th, 2012 as the ninth in a series of global flagship stores around the globe. The store is located in the heart of Ginza, just a four-minute walk from Ginza Station on the Tokyo Metro Ginza and Hibiya Lines, the closest station to UNIQLO. The global flagship store will serve as a base for sending out information about UNIQLO as a global brand to the world. Tadashi Yanai touches on this in the press conference shown at 1:04 as well. In addition to offering the world's largest lineup of the latest men's, women's, children's, and baby clothing in a wide range of sizes, the store also has a concierge service to guide customers through the store and provide assistance in six languages, including Japanese, English, French, Spanish, Chinese and Korean. You can see the inside of UNIQLO Ginza at 0:13 in the video. About UNIQLO Source :YouTube screenshot UNIQLO is a clothing store founded in 1974. They manufacture and retail high-quality, low-priced, casual wear brands through integrated control of product planning, production, distribution, and sales. In addition to stores in Japan, UNIQLO also actively engages in mail-order sales through its online store and overseas expansion, and is well known as a casual wear brand with TV commercials and street advertisements. UNIQLO is especially known for its outerwear, such as down jackets, HEATTECH and fleece, but it also sells pants, shirts, jackets, dresses, collaborative T-shirts, and suits. They have a wide range of clothing available. There are many Thanksgiving and sale items, limited edition items, and recommended products, so be sure to check out their flyers and website. Summary of UNIQLO Ginza Source :YouTube screenshot This video introduces UNIQLO Ginza, the largest UNIQLO in the world with LED displays and a giant window display. We hope you enjoyed the video, which gives an overview of UNIQLO's extensive lineup of products in the store. ◆UNIQLO Ginza Store Information◆ 【Address】1st floor to 12th floor of GINZA KOMATSU East Building, 6-9-5, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. 104-0061 【Access】A four-minute walk from Ginza Station, on the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line and Hibiya Line 【Hours】11:00-21:00 【Closures】None 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-6252-5181 【Official Website】UNIQLO|UNIQLO Ginza Store https://www.uniqlo.com/jp/shop/ginza/?lang=en 【Tripadvisor】UNIQLO Ginza Store https://www.tripadvisor.jp/ShowUserReviews-g14129573-d2692803-r565777759-Uniqlo_Ginza-Ginza_Chuo_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 5:32
The Shoto Museum of Art in Shibuya - Paintings, Sculptures, and Other Exhibitions in a Museum Where Even the Building Is a Work of Art!
Art & Architecture- 65 plays
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The Shoto Museum of Art in Shibuya! The video "Shoto Museum of Art, Shibuya Ward, Tokyo" (渋谷区立松濤美術館) was uploaded by "Shibuya Official Channel." It introduces the Shoto Museum of Art Unlike most art museums, the Shoto Museum of Art is in itself a work of art, with the building incorporating many different ideas. This video gives you a glimpse of the exterior and interior of the museum, as well as some of the exhibits, and gives you a good idea of what the Shoto Museum of Art is like. About the Shoto Museum of Art in Shibuya Source :YouTube screenshot The Shoto Museum of Art is located in Shoto, Shibuya, Tokyo, which is a high-end residential area. It was built in 1981 as a place for Shibuya residents to deepen their knowledge of art and interact with the pieces. The interior and exterior of the museum, designed by Seiichi Shirai, are different from ordinary museums. Despite the constraints of being a "place of relaxation for the residents of the city" and "an art museum in a residential area," he has created an art museum with an original design and a distinctive landscape. As shown at 1:46 in the video, the Shoto Museum of Art periodically holds the "Shoto Museum of Art Exhibition of Works by the General Public." All of the artworks, including both Japanese and Western paintings, are by Shibuya residents. In 2020, there were 126 entries, 60 of which were accepted, and 13 receiving awards. Highlights of the Shoto Museum of Art Source :YouTube screenshot There are many things to see at the Shoto Museum of Art, including its beautiful interior and exhibits. The exterior wall, introduced at 0:32 in the video, is made of a type of red granite, a material that Seiichi Shirai himself procured in Korea. The museum's exterior walls are uniquely designed with hand washing facilities and peepholes. The lighting at the entrance ceiling is also unique and offers a magical view. A double-sided glass is also used, which gives a glossy effect and creates a beautiful scenery. The central atrium, introduced at 1:15 in the video, is a spot where you can relax and enjoy the fountain and the view of the sky while looking up at the sky. There is also a bridge at the top of the central atrium. Another highlight is "Relief," which consists of a design combining various musical instruments. It can be seen at 1:38 in the video. On the second floor, in the elevator hall, visitors can see sofas and mirrors coordinated by Seiichi Shirai. Other highlights of the museum include Salon Musee, the "Special Show-Room," where visitors can view beautiful exhibits, the Elevator Hall on the second basement floor where models of the museum are displayed, and the Multi-Purpose Hall, where lectures, art classes, and mini concerts are held. The video introduces several of the exhibits of the Shoto Museum of Art, and starting at 4:45, you can see Murata Katsushiro's "Brothers with Green Pheasants." Admission Fee and Access Source :YouTube screenshot The admission fee varies by exhibition, so be sure to check out the official website for the Shoto Museum of Art. Opening hours are from 10 am to 6 pm. (8 pm on Fridays) The museum is closed on Mondays, national holidays, the day after a national holiday, and New Year's holidays. To access the museum by train, get off at Shinsen Station on the Keio Inokashira Line and walk 5 minutes, or by bus, get off at the Shoto Museum entrance of the Hachiko Bus and walk 2 minutes. Summary of the Shoto Museum of Art Source :YouTube screenshot "Shoto Museum of Art, Shibuya Ward, Tokyo," uploaded by "Shibuya Official Channel," introduces the attractions of the Shoto Museum of Art designed by Seiichi Shirai. The Shoto Museum of Art is a luxurious facility that holds exhibitions and events. It also offers museum training for those looking to become curators. If this article piqued your interest, go visit the Shoto Museum of Art in Shibuya and see the beauty of the building as well as the artworks on display! There are several museums near the Shoto Art Museum in Shibuya Ward, including the Toguri Museum of Art and Nihon Mingeikan, so be sure to check them out as well! ◆Information◆ 【Address】2-14-14 Shoto, Shibuya. Tokyo 150-0046 【Access】Get off at Shinsen Station on the Keio Inokashira Line and walk 5 minutes, or by bus, get off at the Shoto Museum entrance of the Hachiko Bus and walk 2 minutes. 【Admission fee】Varies by exhibition 【Hours】10 am to 6 pm 【Closures】Mondays, national holidays and year end and New Year’s holidays 【Parking】None, but there is a parking for bikes 【Telephone】03-3465-9421 【Official Website】Shoto Museum of Art https://shoto-museum.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Shoto Museum of Art https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066456-d1425378-Reviews-Shoto_Museum_of_Art-Shibuya_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 1:32
The Tokyo Marathon Is a Fierce Competition! A Look at the Highlights of This Global Event, Which Takes Runners Through a Number of Popular Tourist Attractions!
Sports Festivals & Events- 24 plays
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The Tokyo Marathon and Japan's Men's Olympic Team! This time we'll look at the video, "[Fuji T.V. Official] Tokyo Marathon 2020 Live From 9:00 A.M. on Sunday, March 1, 2020!!" (【フジテレビ公式】東京マラソン2020<コース紹介>2020年3月1日(日)午前9時00分から生中継!!), which introduces the course of the Tokyo Marathon held in 2020. The Tokyo Marathon is a competition first held in 2007. In 2013, it was designated as a World Marathon Majors competition. It is one of the 6 major marathons in the world, along with Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago, and New York. Photo:Marathon The Tokyo Marathon is more than just an invitational sports event for invited runners and the general public; it is also an important event that serves as a qualifying event for major international sporting events, such as the Olympics and the World Athletics Championships. In Japan, the Fukuoka International Marathon and the Lake Biwa Mainichi Marathon also serve as selection events to select athletes that will compete in international competitions. However, in 2020, having been designated as a World Athletics Platinum Label Road Race, it became Asia’s highest level marathon event, and in 2019, 38,000 runners participated in the event. The Tokyo Marathon was awarded Gold Label certification by the IAAF's rating system in 2010, making it one of the largest civic engagement races, on par with New York City. The 2020 men's marathon was touted as a one-on-one race between Suguru Osako and Yuta Shitara. However, in the end, Suguru Osako finished 4th, making him the highest placing Japanese runner and confirming his participation in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. The Tokyo Marathon Course Source :YouTube screenshot The course of the Tokyo Marathon has been drastically changed since its predecessor, the Tokyo International Marathon. The main feature of the course is that it is a flat, high-speed course with few ups and downs, with runners running on public roads in the center of the city. This video gives an overview of the course and we'll go over it below. ・[Video 0:23] A five meter stretch starting from the front of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building in Shinjuku with an elevation difference of 35 meters. ・[Video 0:33] A section along Sotobori-dori and Chuo-dori to reach the 10km point in Nihonbashi. ・[Video 0:40] Running through Edo-dori, runners will pass the 15km mark of Asakusa/Kaminarimon ・[Video 0:48] The 20 km mark of Monnakacho- the first turnaround point. ・[Video 0:59] The decisive moment is the 30 km mark in Ginza. At this point, the pacemaker will drop out of the race and the wheeling and the tactics begin. ・[Video 1:10] The 35 km mark at Takanawa is the last turnaround point, and the strongest runners will use their last bits of energy for bursts of speed. Every year, it's an incredibly close competition. ・[Video 1:21] The finish line of the course is in front of Tokyo station. The front runner will break through the finish line tape while being greeted by a large crowd and volunteer staff. The Tokyo Marathon is popular among international runners because, with the exception of the starting point, it is a flat course that allows for record breaking, and also takes in the sights of Tokyo from start to finish. For this reason, the number of applicants has been increasing every year, and for the 13th marathon, the general runners’ odds of being selected to run in the race was less than a 1 in 12 chance thus making it very difficult to enter. There are three race categories: the Men's and Women's Marathon, the Wheelchair Marathon, and the Junior and Youth Marathon, with the wheelchair marathon starting five minutes before the other events. Summary of the Tokyo Marathon Course Photo:Marathon Due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, the Tokyo Marathon Foundation considered cancelling the 2020 marathon, but decided to hold only it with only elite athletes being considered for selection, with participation by the general public cancelled. The 2020 Tokyo Marathon was controversial, because although an entry fee is paid prior to the race, the terms state that no refunds would be given in the event of cancellation. Because the Tokyo Marathon is a race with traffic restrictions on public roads, there are fears that the date of the race could affect the capital's logistics infrastructure. However, because it is a top-level marathon race even by world standards, it has a positive economic effect, and the event continues to grow yearly. We're looking forward to Tokyo Marathons of the future! 【Official Website】Home Page|Tokyo Marathon 2020 https://www.marathon.tokyo/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Tokyo Marathon https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g14133673-d8820386-r441644983-Tokyo_Marathon-Nishishinjuku_Shinjuku_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 1:00
Unraveling Tokyo's History in a Pop Video! The Tokyo Lifestyle Is Evolving With Each Passing Day, and Tokyo's Unique Culture Continues To Fascinate the World!
Life & Business- 28 plays
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A Video Comparing Past and Present Tokyo! This video, titled "[Tokyo Tokyo Concept Video] Old meets New - Full version," was released by "Tokyo Tokyo." The video introduces and compares the past and present culture of Tokyo in a comical manner. The one-minute video is packed with many elements, including the historical culture of Japan, current pop culture, and subculture. If you're interested in Japanese culture, be sure to check out this video to compare past and present of Tokyo. Look Out for Information on the History and Culture of the Edo Period! Photo:Image of 36 Views of Mount Fuji In Tokyo, where the shogunate was established during the Edo period (1603-1868), Japan's unique culture continuously flourished. Kimono and traditional crafts, Kabuki and Noh, and traditional performing arts such as ikebana and tea ceremony have been loved for hundreds of years. In addition, Japanese food, such as sushi, developed greatly as a historical gourmet food favored by the common people in the Edo period. Ukiyo-e and Japanese paintings are the art of the Edo period. Japanese paintings drawn with a unique touch are still attracting attention from many history and art fans. The Contemporary Culture of Tokyo Introduced in the Video Photo:Cosplay Over many years new Japanese cultures continue to be born one after another in present day Tokyo. Particularly noteworthy is Japan's pop culture and subcultures, which have developed mainly among young people. The interesting culture unique to Tokyo, such as video games, special effects movies, idols and cosplay events, etc., is attracting a lot of attention not only from within Japan but also from abroad. In the video, there's Kendo and modern video games shown from 0:12, Maneki Neko and Hello Kitty from 0:24, and things like kaiju and Giant Robots, Ukiyo-e and Hatsune Miku, Noh and Kyari Pamyu Pamyu, etc. are compared with the past and introduced as contemporary culture. The video also introduces recommended gourmet foods to eat in present-day Tokyo. From 0:10 in the video, rice balls and the cute Kyaraben (character bentos), soba and tsukemen, and sushi and other Japanese cuisine is shown. There are many famous restaurants in Tokyo where you can enjoy mouthwatering ramen, so we recommend finding your favorite restaurant. Besides that, we recommend checking out popular foods like cotton candy and tapioca drinks that can be eaten at sightseeing spots, such as Harajuku. Summary of the Past and Present Tokyo Shown in the Video Photo:Downtown Tokyo from above This article introduced an interesting video that unravels the history of Tokyo. Lifestyles and cultures have changed drastically in Japan and unique cultures that were unthinkable a decade ago continue to be born. Suffice it to say, culture evolves alongside history. In the future, new cultures will continue to flourish in Tokyo.