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Beautiful Night Views of Tokyo and Yokohama!

This video, titled "Japan Night Aerials in 8K," was produced by Armadas.

This video was made using aerial footage of Tokyo Tower, Rainbow Bridge, Tokyo Sky Tree, and other beautiful views of the nightscapes of Tokyo and Yokohama.
The aerial views of the Tokyo and Yokohama nightscapes from a helicopter are absolutely stunning.

Highlights of Tokyo and Yokohama's Nightscapes

The centers of Japan, including places like Shinjuku and Yokohama, are usually overcrowded with people and things, but what you see in this video are simply beautiful views of each city without all of the crowds.

The beauty of Japan lies not only in the mountains and rivers, but also in the urban landscapes.
Especially in Tokyo and Yokohama, there are many people, which leads to more buildings being built and more people gathering and lighting up the area.
These dazzling lights and buildings create wonderful nightscapes.

Nowadays, Tokyo's population has surpassed 9 million, and the crowds in the city are becoming more and more stressful by the day.
Yokohama is just as overpopulated as Tokyo, but the night view of Tokyo and Yokohama shows no sign of such internal deterioration.
You can even feel the frustration and stress of daily life melting into the nighttime scenery of Tokyo and Yokohama, which can only be experienced through aerial photography.

One of the ways to enjoy this film is to compare Yokohama and Tokyo.
This too is only possible thanks to aerial photography...
Try to compare the intensity of the light and the number of buildings.
You're sure to find something about Tokyo and Yokohama that you never noticed before.

Summary of the Beautiful Aerial Footage of Tokyo and Yokohama

This video gives beautiful aerial views of Tokyo and Yokohama. We highly recommend checking it out.
You'll see another side of Tokyo and Yokohama that you won't find walking through the city during the day.

Written By
Last Updated : Jun. 8, 2022
鈴木 正孝(Masataka Suzuki)
A writer born and raised in Asakusa, Tokyo who loves traveling and novels
Amazing Aerial Footage of Tokyo and Yokohama! Enjoy the Nightscapes of these Cities in Beautiful 8K!
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