Video article 2:47
Kinzan – A Scenic Japanese-Style Hotel at Arima Onsen in Hyogo Prefecture. Relaxing Hot Springs, Gourmet Food, and More, All at One Luxurious Hotel
Hotel & Japanese Inn Travel- 79 plays
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Relaxing at the Popular Japanese-Style Luxury Hotel “Kinzan” at Arima Onsen This article is about the popular luxury hotel Kinzan, located at Arima Onsen in Kita-Ku, Kobe in Hyogo, Japan. In this article, we'll introduce the charm of Kinzan, which is also a member of the Arima Hot Spring Tourists Association. Kinzan has a great reputation on Hotel and Ryokan (Japanese-style inn) review websites. This video will convey the amazing hospitality that only a high-class hotel is capable of providing. They also have exquisite Kaiseki cuisine made with seasonal ingredients. The video will have you feeling as though you're actually at Arima Onsen. Sit back, relax, and enjoy learning about Kinzan! Arima Onsen - A Popular Hot Spring Town in Japan Source :YouTube screenshot Arima Onsen is located in Kobe, Hyogo prefecture, and is one of the Three Ancient Springs of Japan. Arima Onsen has two types of spring water. One is Kinsen, the gold springs, which contain high levels of iron and salt and is effective at treating poor circulation, lower back pain, muscle pain, arthralgia, and peripheral vascular diseases. The other is Ginsen, the silver springs, which is a carbonic spring water, thought to be good for hypertension, occlusive peripheral arterial disease, a functional arterial circulation disorder, and functional heart disease. Kinzan is one of the most popular Japanese style luxury hotels at Arima Onsen. The hotel is built in the style of a tea-ceremony house, which gives it a unique atmosphere. With its refined and sophisticated atmosphere, Kinzan is on the world-renowned Michelin Guide as a high-quality luxury hotel. The Luxury Hotel Kinzan, at Arima Onsen Source :YouTube screenshot The beauty of the luxury hotel "Kinzan" is that you can enjoy a special time in the Japanese-style rooms overlooking the Japanese garden. You can also enjoy the attentive hospitality of the staff, including the landlady, at this elegant hotel. There is a beauty salon in the building, and a variety of amenities are also available for use. You'll also be happy to know that you can enjoy traditional Kyoto-style kaiseki cuisine as well. The traditional Japanese cuisine, which incorporates a variety of local, seasonal dishes and fresh gourmet food, is a favorite among travelers. How to Spend Time at the Luxury Japanese-Style Hotel, Kinzan Source :YouTube screenshot Arima Onsen's spring water contains many components and has various beneficial effects on the body. This is a part of the reason why this Onsen is very popular. It's effective against neuralgia, stiff shoulders, motor paralysis, joint stiffness, bruises, sprains, chronic digestive diseases, hemorrhoids, and aids in post-illness recovery, recovery from fatigue, and promotes health. We recommend the rare reddish-brown open air bath to those looking to fully heal their body. The Japanese Garden has beautiful bamboo forests, where you can see fireflies flying around in early summer. It's a truly magical scene. During your stay, strolling through the garden while wearing a Yukata, or taking a walk to the Onsen town is a great way to relax and unwind. Remember, it's your trip, so you can enjoy it whatever way you please. Kinzan has day-trip plans as well if you're not looking to stay the night. You can casually enjoy the Onsen and food during the day and begin your journey anew, feeling revitalized. There are many popular hot spring facilities around Kinzan that provide day-trip plans, so we recommend checking out the other springs in the area if you're interested. There are "Kinnoyu" (Kinsen) and "Ginnoyu" (Ginsen) public hot springs. They also have bath salts for souvenirs which replicate the bath water at "Kinyu" and "Ginyu," so you can enjoy it even at home. Create Unforgettable Memories at Arima Onsen If you're interested in enjoying the luxurious space shown in the video, why not make a reservation at the Japanese hotel, Kinzan? Rates vary by season, day of the week, and room, so be sure to check the official website or travel websites for more information. If you haven't yet, be sure to watch the video to see the luxury Japanese inn, Kinzan! ◆「Kinzan」Facility information◆ 【Address】1302-4 Arima-Cho, Kitaku, Kobe city, Hyogo, Japan 【Access】A 3-minute walk from Arima Onsen Station on the Kobe Electric Railway Arima Line 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】078-904-0701 -
Video article 4:32
【Easy Japanese】How to Use Onsen in Japan: A Beginner's Guide + Popular Onsen in Japan & More!(日本温泉の入り方の入門書+日本の人気温泉など!)
Travel Traditional Culture Life & Business- 33 plays
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How to Use Onsen: Video Introduction 温泉おんせんの入はいり方かたの動画どうが紹介しょうかい This video, titled "Japanese ONSEN Manners" (日本にほんの温泉おんせんマナー Japanese ONSEN Manners), was uploaded by "LetsJapanCh." 今回こんかいは、『LetsJapanCh.』さん制作せいさくの『日本にほんの温泉おんせんマナー Japanese ONSEN Manners』という動画どうがを紹介しょうかいします。 It introduces how to use onsen in Japan. 温泉おんせんの入はいり方かたを説明せつめいする動画どうがです。 What Are Japan's Onsen? 日本にほんの温泉おんせんとは? Photo:Hot springs at Kusatsu Onsen(写真しゃしん:草津温泉くさつおんせんの湯畑ゆばたけ) Onsen, written "温泉おんせん" (温, On (Warm); 泉, Sen (Spring)) in kanji, is the Japanese word for "hot spring." 温泉おんせん(漢字かんじでは、「温(あたたかい)」「泉(いずみ)」)は英語えいごの「hot spring」という意味いみです。 Japan is one of the world's leading hot spring countries, and there are around 28,000 onsen in Japan. 日本にほんは世界せかい有数ゆうすうの温泉おんせん大国たいこくで、約やく28,000にまんはっせんの温泉おんせんがあると言いわれています。 It's not known exactly when Japan's onsen culture came to be, but records of onsen appear in historical texts, such as the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan), from Japan's Nara Period (710-794). 日本にほんの温泉おんせんの文化ぶんかがいつ頃ごろ生うまれたかは明あきらかではありませんが、奈良なら時代じだいの「日本にほん書紀しょき」などの歴史的れきしてきな書類しょるいにも温泉おんせんの記録きろくがあります。 Onsen Rules/Etiquette & How to Use Onsen in Japan 日本にほんの温泉おんせんの入はいり方かたとルール・マナーを紹介しょうかい Photo:Noren at a public bath(写真しゃしん:銭湯せんとうの暖簾のれんのイメージ) Because Japan's onsen culture dates back more than 1,000 years, there are many different rules, manners, and customs to observe when using them. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんの文化ぶんかは1000せん年ねん以上いじょうの歴史れきしがあります。しかし、日本にほんの温泉おんせんを利用りようするときには様々さまざまなルールやマナー、習慣しゅうかんがあります。 Let's take a look at how to use onsen in Japan. ここでは、日本にほんでの温泉おんせんの入はいり方かたについてご紹介しょうかいします。 As shown in the video, there are two entrances at an onsen- one for women and one for men. 動画どうがで紹介しょうかいされているように、温泉おんせんには女性じょせい用ようと男性だんせい用ようの入いり口ぐちがあります。 The entrances are marked by curtains called "Noren." 入いり口ぐちには「暖簾のれん」というものがあります。 The noren for the men's onsen generally have the kanji '男' (man), while the noren for the women's onsen have the kanji '女' (woman). 男湯おとこゆの暖簾のれんには「男おとこ」、女湯おんなゆの暖簾のれんには「女おんな」という漢字かんじが書かいてあるのが一般的いっぱんてきです。 [Video] 0:26 - Noren & Entrances for Men and Women 【動画どうが】0:26~ 暖簾のれんと男性だんせい用よう・女性じょせい用ようの入いり口ぐち If you're not used to Japan's onsen culture, this may come as a surprise, but before entering an onsen, one must get completely naked. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんの文化ぶんかに慣なれていない人ひとはびっくりするかもしれませんが、温泉おんせんに入はいる前まえに完全かんぜんに裸はだかにならなければなりません。 This means no swimsuits, slippers, etc. つまり、水着みずぎやスリッパなどは着用ちゃくようしません。 One reason is that wearing swimsuits can dirty the water, but another reason is that the swimsuits will weaken the therapeutic effects of the onsen. 水着みずぎを着きるとお湯ゆが汚よごれるという理由りゆうもありますが、温泉おんせんの効能こうのうが弱よわまってしまうという理由りゆうもあります。 [Video] 0:58 - What to Wear in a Japanese Onsen 【動画どうが】0:58~ 日本にほんの温泉おんせんでの服装ふくそうについて Before entering an onsen there are a few other things one must do. 温泉おんせんに入る前まえに、いくつかの手順てじゅんがあります。 The first is to pour water over the body. まず、体からだにお湯ゆをかけること。 This is to acclimate your body to the temperature of the onsen, and also to wash the body of dirt and cleanse it of impurities/evil spirits. これは温泉おんせんの温度おんどに体からだを慣ならすとともに、体からだを洗あらって、穢けがれを落おとすためです。 [Video] 1:22 - Pouring Water Over Oneself Before Entering the Onsen 【動画どうが】1:22~ 温泉おんせんに入はいる前まえにかけ湯ゆ After cleansing your body, it's time for a shower. 体からだを洗あらった後あとは、シャワーを浴あびます。 Unlike normal showers where you would shower standing up, it's proper manners to sit down when showering at an onsen. 通常つうじょうのシャワーは立たって浴あびますが、温泉おんせんでは座すわって浴あびるのがマナーです。 This is to prevent the water from splashing on others who may also be showering. これは、同おなじようにシャワーを浴あびている人ひとに水みずがかからないようにするためです。 Onsen are shared spaces, and so it's important to be mindful of others. 温泉おんせんは共有きょうゆうの空間くうかんなので、他ほかの人ひとを気きづかうことが大切たいせつです。 [Video] 2:13 - Showering Before Entering the Onsen 【動画どうが】2:13~ 温泉おんせんに入はいる前まえにシャワー Many people may think it's common sense to not bring stools into the baths, but it's still a important. 湯船ゆぶねに腰掛こしかけを持もち込こまないのは常識じょうしきと思おもわれる人ひとが多おおいかもしれませんが、大切たいせつなことです。 Actually, bringing any outside objects into the onsen is generally considered bad manners. また、温泉おんせんの中なかに物ものを持もち込こむのはマナー違反いはんとされています。 Things like squirt guns, pool noodles, etc., are not allowed in onsen. 温泉おんせんでは水鉄砲みずでっぽうやプール・ヌードルなどは禁止きんしです。 [Video] 1:58 - Don't Bring Outside Objects Inside the Onsen 【動画どうが】1:58~ 外部がいぶからの物ものを湯船ゆぶねにつけない While onsen are a place for relaxing, sleeping inside or near the baths is bad manners. 温泉おんせんはリラックスするための場所ばしょですが、湯船ゆぶねの中なかや近ちかくで寝ねるのはマナー違反いはんです。 Sleeping inside the baths is also dangerous as well, so definitely avoid doing this. また、湯船ゆぶねの中なかで寝ねるのは危険きけんですので、絶対ぜったいにやめましょう。 [Video] 2:41 - No Sleeping in Onsen 【動画どうが】2:41~ 温泉おんせんで寝ねてはいけない As mentioned above, onsen are a shared space for relaxation. 上うえに書かいてあるように、温泉おんせんはリラックスするための共有きょうゆうの場所ばしょです。 It's good manners to keep your voice down when enjoying the onsen. 温泉おんせんを楽たのしむときは、静しずかにくつろぐのがマナーです。 If you're with a friend and want to talk, be sure to talk quietly. 友達ともだちと一緒いっしょにいて話はなしをしたい場合ばあいは、静しずかに話はなすようにしましょう。 Naturally, singing, yelling, etc., is bad manners. もちろん、歌うたったり、大声おおごえを出だしたりするのはマナー違反いはんです。 These manners also apply to saunas in Japan as well. これらのマナーは、日本にほんのサウナでも同おなじです。 [Video] 3:02 - Staying Quiet When Using Onsen 【動画どうが】3:02~ 温泉おんせんを利用りようするときは静しずかに After you've finished relaxing in the onsen and are ready to return to the dressing room, it's important to wipe your body off first. 温泉おんせんでくつろいで、脱衣室だついしつに戻もどりたいときは、まず体からだを拭ふきましょう。 This is so that the floors of the dressing room don't get wet. これは脱衣室だついしつの床ゆかが濡ぬれれないようにするためです。 [Video] 3:40 - Wiping Down Before Entering the Dressing Room 【動画どうが】3:40~ 体からだを拭ふいてから脱衣室だついしつに戻もどる Bathing in an onsen expends energy and the heat causes you to sweat, reducing the amount of water in the body. 温泉おんせんに入はいると体力たいりょくを使つかって、熱ねつで汗あせをかくため、体内たいないの水分すいぶんが少すくなくなります。 Because of this, it's important to relax for a while after bathing in the onsen, and grab some water or a sports drink to rehydrate. そのため、入浴にゅうよく後ごはしばらくリラックスして、水みずやスポーツドリンクで水分すいぶんをとるのが大事だいじです。 Many onsen in Japan provide yukata that guests can wear after bathing, and a lounge where they can relax. 多おおくの日本にほんの温泉おんせんでは、入浴にゅうよく後ごに着きる浴衣ゆかたや、ゆっくり休やすめる休憩室きゅうけいしつが用意よういされています。 Can You Enter Onsen in Japan With Tattoos? 日本にほんではタトゥーがあっても温泉おんせんに入れる? One of the most frequently asked questions foreign travelers to Japan have when wanting to visit an onsen is whether or not it's okay to enter onsen with tattoos. 来日らいにちする外国人がいこくじん旅行者りょこうしゃが温泉おんせんに入はいりたいと思おもったとき、よくある質問しつもんの1ひとつに「タトゥーがあっても温泉おんせんに入はいれますか?」という質問しつもんです。 Unfortunately, the answer to this is generally no. 残念ざんねんながら、一般的いっぱんてきにいうと、入はいれません。 The reason for this is tattoos in Japan have long been associated with criminal organizations. その理由りゆうは、日本にほんでは昔からタトゥーは犯罪はんざい組織そしきと関係かんけいがあったからです。 In the past, criminals in Japan were even marked with a tattoo so that they could be easily identified. かつて日本にほんでは、犯罪者はんざいしゃがすぐに分わかるようにタトゥーを入いれていました。 That being said, there are some onsen in Japan where you can enter with tattoos. とはいえ、日本にほんにはタトゥーがあっても入れる温泉おんせんがあります。 Furthermore, there are places that allow you to enter as long as you cover up your tattoos. さらに、タトゥーを隠かくせば入はいれるところもあります。 This can be done with special bandages and sprays sold in Japan. 日本にほんで売うられている専用せんようのバンデージやスプレーで隠かくすことができます。 Unfortunately, some places won't let you enter even if you offer to cover up tattoos. しかし、残念ざんねんなことに、タトゥーを隠かくしても入はいらせてくれない温泉おんせんもあります。 In this case, there's not much you can do, and you're better off just finding a new place. この場合ばあい、どうすることもできないので、違ちがう温泉おんせんを探さがしましょう。 It shouldn't be hard though with how many onsen there are in Japan. ただ、日本にほんにはたくさんの温泉おんせんがありますので、探さがしやすいはずです。 The Different Types of Onsen in Japan 日本にほん温泉おんせんの種類しゅるい Photo:A bulletin board with health benefits written on it at Kinosaki Onsen(写真しゃしん:城崎温泉きのさきおんせん・効能こうのうが書かかれた掲示板けいじばん) Japan's onsen are said to be good for one's health, but there are many different types of onsen in Japan, and they all have slightly different health benefits. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんは健康けんこうに良よいと言いわれていますが、日本にほんには様々さまざまな種類しゅるいの温泉おんせんがあって、それぞれ効能こうのうも少すこし違ちがいます。 Below we'll introduce some of the different types of onsen in Japan. 以下いかに、日本にほんの温泉おんせんの種類しゅるいをいくつかご紹介しょうかいします。 ・Simple Hot Springs ・簡易かんい温泉おんせん Standard, transparent hot springs with a small amount of minerals. ミネラルが少すこし入はいった、お湯ゆが透明とうめいの標準的ひょうじゅんてきな温泉おんせん。 ・Chloride Springs ・塩化物えんかぶつ泉せん Hot springs that contain salt and are good for muscle and joint pain. 塩分えんぶんが高たかい、筋肉痛きんにくつうや関節痛かんせつつうに良よい温泉おんせん。 ・Sulfate Springs ・硫酸塩りゅうさんえん泉せん Hot springs that contain sulfates. The water of these onsen has a bitter taste. 硫酸塩りゅうさんえんが入はいった温泉おんせん。この温泉おんせんのお湯ゆは苦にがい味あじがする。 ・Acidic Springs ・酸性泉さんせいせん Hot springs with high acidity. These springs are good for the skin. 酸性度さんせいどの高たかい温泉おんせん。この温泉おんせんは肌はだに良よいです。 ・Radioactive Springs ・放射能ほうしゃのう泉せん You might be thinking "That sounds dangerous," but radioactive springs are actually shown to have good effects on the body. 「危あぶなさそうだな」と思おもうかもしれませんが、実じつは放射能ほうしゃのう泉せんは体からだに良よい効果こうかがあることが分わかっています。 These springs have a small amount of radon or radium in them and are said to treat gout and rheumatism. ラドンやラジウムが少すこし入はいった温泉おんせんで、痛風つうふうやリウマチに効きくと言いわれています。 Popular Onsen in Japan 日本にほんの人気にんき温泉おんせん There are so many hot springs in Japan that it would be impossible to list them all. 日本にほんには温泉おんせんが数かぞえ切きれないほどたくさんあるので、すべての温泉おんせんを紹介しょうかいすることはできません。 So, here are some of the most popular onsen in Japan. そこで、日本にほんで最もっとも人気にんきのある温泉おんせんをいくつかご紹介しょうかいします。 ・Kusatsu Onsen (Gunma Prefecture) ・草津くさつ温泉おんせん(群馬県ぐんま) A famous hot spring resort located on the east side of Mt. Kusatsu-Shirane, an active volcano. 活火山かっかざんである草津くさつ白根山しらねさんの東側ひがしがわに位置いちする有名ゆうめいな温泉地おんせんち。 The hot springs here are mostly acidic hot springs and are even said to have been used by military commanders during Japan's Warring States Period. ここの温泉おんせんは酸性泉さんせいせんが多おおくて、日本にほんの戦国せんごく時代じだいには武将ぶしょうが利用りようしたと言いわれています。 Play Time 3:02 Kusatsu Onsen Hot Spring, Gunma Prefecture- Beautiful Scenery, Skiing, Hot Springs, and Local Food and Events, All in This Beautiful Winter Wonderland YouTube ・Hakone Onsen (Kanagawa Prefecture) ・箱根はこね温泉おんせん(神奈川県かながわけん) Hakone Onsen refers to hot springs located mainly in the town of Hakone in Kanagawa Prefecture. 箱根はこね温泉おんせんとは、神奈川県かながわけん箱根町はこねまちを中心ちゅうしんに位置いちした温泉おんせんのことです。 It has a long history, dating back 1,300 years. 温泉おんせんの歴史れきしは古ふるくて、1300せんさんびゃく年ねん前まえにさかのぼります。 Play Time 2:59 Hakone Onsen's "Hakone Ginyu" Inn, Is an Exclusive, Luxurious Place to Stay in Kanagawa Prefecture! Enjoy a Wonderful Experience at One of Japan's Premier Hot Springs! YouTube ・Beppu Onsen (Oita Prefecture) ・別府べっぷ温泉おんせん(大分県おおいたけん) Beppu Onsen is a hot spring resort in Oita Prefecture, located near Beppu Station. 別府べっぷ温泉おんせんとは大分県おおいたけんの温泉地おんせんちで、別府べっぷ駅えきの近ちかくにあります。 The resort features many different types of hot springs. 多おおくの種類しゅるいの温泉おんせんがあるのが特徴とくちょうです。 The onsen has been famous for hundreds of years, even appearing on hot spring ranking lists from Japan's Edo Period. 数百年すうひゃくねん前まえから有名ゆうめいな温泉地おんせんちで江戸えど時代じだいの温泉おんせんランキングにも入はいっていました。 Play Time 3:46 Chinoike Jigoku (The Blood Pond of Hell) – A Blood Red Hot Spring at Beppu Hot Springs... YouTube ・Yufuin Onsen (Oita Prefecture) ・湯布院ゆふいん温泉おんせん(大分県おおいたけん) Located in the center of Oita Prefecture, Yufuin Onsen is just 10km from Beppu Onsen, so it's easy to travel between the two of them. 大分県おおいたけんのほぼ中央ちゅうおうに位置いちする湯布院ゆふいん温泉おんせんは、別府べっぷ温泉おんせんからわずか10じゅうキロの距離きょりにあって、別府べっぷ温泉おんせんとの行ゆき来きがしやすいのが特徴とくちょうです。 Play Time 1:06 Experience an Exciting Glamping Trip in Oita, Japan! Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi's Luxury Camping Experience Is Like Staying at a Resort Hotel! YouTube ・Ginzan Onsen (Yamagata Prefecture) ・銀山ぎんざん温泉おんせん(山形県やまがたけん) Ginzan Onsen is a hot spring famous for its beautiful townscape. 銀山ぎんざん温泉おんせんとは美うつくしい街並まちなみで有名ゆうめいな温泉街おんせんがいです。 It's especially breathtaking during winter when snow blankets the town. 特とくに冬ふゆには雪ゆきに覆おおわれて、その美うつくしさは息いきを呑のむほどです。 ・Dogo Onsen (Ehime Prefecture) ・道後どうご温泉おんせん(愛媛県えひめけん) Dogo Onsen is a popular hot spring in Ehime, and is known as one of the oldest hot springs in Japan. 道後どうご温泉おんせんとは、日本にほん最古さいこの温泉おんせんの1ひとつとして知しられる愛媛えひめの有名ゆうめいな温泉おんせんです。 It even appears in Japanese legends 日本にほんの伝説でんせつにも表あらわれます。 Play Time 3:36 Dogo Onsen, the Oldest Hot Spring in Japan, and the Inspiration for Studio Ghibli’s Oscar-Winning Animated Film?! The Hot Spring, Loved by Famous Japanese Novelist Natsume Soseki, Is an Attractive Destination, Filled With History! YouTube The Best Time to Visit Onsen in Japan 日本にほん温泉おんせんのベストシーズン Photo:Winter at Nyuto Onsen's Tsuru no Yu(写真しゃしん:乳頭温泉郷にゅうとうおんせん・冬ふゆの鶴つるの湯温泉ゆおんせん) When it comes to the best season/time of year to visit onsen, this can vary depending on your personal preferences. 温泉おんせんに行いくのに一番いちばんいい季節きせつというと、これは人ひとによって様々さまざまです。 That being said, here are some things to consider for each season. とはいえ、季節きせつごとのポイントをご紹介しょうかいします。 ・Spring ・春はる During spring, the weather is fair, making it easy to relax in onsen. 春はるは、気候きこうもよく温泉おんせんが入はいりやすい季節きせつです。 Depending on where you are, you may even be able to enjoy cherry blossoms while bathing. 場所ばしょによっては桜さくらを見みながら入浴にゅうよくすることもできます。 ・Summer ・夏なつ Summer in Japan is quite hot, so it might seem strange to want to bathe in hot water, but there are some reasons for visiting hot spring during the summer. 日本にほんの夏なつはかなり暑あついので、温泉おんせんでリラックスしたいと思おもうのは不思議ふしぎに思おもえるかもしれませんが、夏なつに温泉おんせんに行いくのにはいくつかの理由りゆうがあります。 One would be that many of Japan's hot springs are located deep in mountainous areas and are difficult to reach during winter. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんは山奥やまおくにあることが多おおく、冬ふゆに行いくのは難むずかしいというのも理由りゆうの1ひとつです。 Summer is the best time to visit any hidden gems you want to go to. 夏なつは、行いきたい穴場あなばに行いくのに一番いちばんいい季節きせつです。 ・Autumn ・秋あき Autumn, similar to spring, has mild weather and is great for enjoying outdoor springs. 秋あきは春はると同様どうよう、気候きこうが穏おだやかで、外そとにある温泉おんせんを楽たのしむのに良よい季節きせつです。 Furthermore, autumn is one of the most beautiful seasons in Japan and there are many places in Japan that are famous for their autumn foliage. さらに、秋あきは日本にほんで美うつくしい季節きせつの1ひとつで、日本にほんには紅葉こうようの名所めいしょがたくさんあります。 Bathing in Japan's relaxing hot springs while enjoying the autumn leaves is a great way to kill two birds with one stone. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんに入はいりながら紅葉こうようも楽たのしめるなんて、一石二鳥いっせきにちょうですね。 ・Winter ・冬ふゆ Winter in Japan can be quite cold, especially northern Japan. 日本にほんのなかでも、特とくに北きた日本にほんの冬ふゆはかなり寒さむいです。 Onsen are a great way to warm up during the harsh winter months. 日本にほんの厳きびしい冬ふゆに体からだを温あたためるには、温泉おんせんは最高さいこうです。 Depending on where you go, you can also enjoy beautiful snowy landscapes around the onsen. 場所ばしょによっては、温泉おんせんの周まわりに美うつくしい雪景色ゆきげしきを楽たのしむこともできます。 How Much Do Onsen in Japan Cost to Use? 日本にほん温泉おんせんの入浴にゅうよく料金りょうきんは? Japan's onsen are relatively cheap to use. 日本にほんの温泉おんせんの入浴にゅうよく料金りょうきんは割わりと安やすいです。 Most onsen cost only a couple hundred yen (a few bucks). ほとんどの温泉おんせんは数百すうひゃく円えんしかかかりません。 If you're on a budget and looking to save money while still enjoying some of the authentic culture of Japan, onsen are a great experience. 予算よさんが限かぎられていて、お金かねを節約せつやくしながら、日本にほんの本物ほんものの文化ぶんかを楽たのしみたいのであれば、温泉おんせんはとても良よい体験たいけんになります。 If you're visiting a hot spring town in Japan and planning to stay the night to enjoy sightseeing around the area, then you're going to have to book some accommodations as well. 日本にほんの温泉街おんせんがいに行いって、その周辺しゅうへんの観光かんこうを楽たのしむために宿泊しゅくはくするのであれば、ホテルなどの宿泊しゅくはく施設しせつの予約よやくが必要ひつようです。 With that in mind, rather than staying at a hotel, we recommend staying at a ryokan. 宿泊しゅくはく施設しせつはホテルではなくて、旅館りょかんに泊とまるのがおすすめです。 A ryokan is a traditional Japanese inn that serves traditional Japanese-style meals, generally has traditional Japanese rooms (tatami mats, sliding doors, etc.), and allows guests to relax in yukata, traditional Japanese clothing. なぜなら旅館りょかんは、食事しょくじは和食わしょく、部屋へやは和室わしつ(畳たたみ、襖ふすまなど)、浴衣ゆかたでくつろぐことができる日本にほんの伝統的でんせつてきな宿泊しゅくはく施設しせつだからです。 This allows visitors to really experience Japanese culture and for roughly the same price as a hotel. ホテルとほぼ同おなじ料金りょうきんですが、日本にほんの文化ぶんかを体験たいけんすることができます。 Onsen ryokan are traditional Japanese inns with a focus on hot springs, and can be found in many hot spring resorts in Japan. 温泉おんせん旅館りょかんは、温泉おんせんを中心ちゅうしんとした日本にほんの伝統的でんせつてきな旅館りょかんで、日本にほんの多おおくの温泉地おんせんちにあります。 Summary of How to Use Onsen in Japan 日本にほん温泉おんせんの入はいり方かたのまとめ There are many different rules and manners to observe when enjoying onsen in Japan, but even if you make a mistake, as long as you're careful there's nothing to worry about. 日本にほんで温泉おんせんを楽たのしむには、様々さまざまなルールやマナーがありますが、たとえ間違まちがえても、気きを付つければ何なにも心配しんぱいすることはありません。 Whether you're going to a famous hot spring resort or an onsen hidden in the mountains of Japan, you're sure to find some relaxing hot springs, regardless of the season. 日本にほんの有名ゆうめいな温泉地おんせんちでも、山奥やまおくの温泉おんせんでも、季節きせつに関係かんけいなくリラックスできる温泉おんせんがきっと見みつかるはずです。 Just remember, if you have tattoos, it's best to do some research and find which hot springs you can enter to avoid any troubles during your trip. ただ、タトゥーを入いれている人ひとは、旅行りょこう中ちゅうにトラブルが起おきないように、入はいれる温泉おんせんを調しらべておくといいでしょう。 h2 ruby { font-weight: bold; } .mod-article-caption .caption-heading { font-size: 2.4rem !important; } .caption-text { font-size: 2rem !important; } -
Video article 5:13
Awaji in Hyogo Prefecture Is a Popular City for Both Sightseeing and Delicious Food! You'll Be Amazed by the Sheer Size of Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, The Longest Suspension Bridge in the World!
Local PR- 21 plays
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Introducing the City of Awaji in Hyogo Prefecture This video, titled "05|Awaji|Hyogo Nature PR Video|Awaji City" (05 淡路 兵庫多自然地域PR動画「淡路市」), was created by "E-宍粟サイネージCM." Awaji City is located in northern Awaji Island (淡路島, awaji-shima), which can be found in southern Hyogo Prefecture in the Kansai region of Japan. The city occupies one-third of the northern section of the island and is connected to Kobe (神戸市, kobe-shi) via the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, linked to Akashi (明石市, Akashi-shi) by water, and bordered by Sumoto (洲本市, sumoto-shi) in the south. The city is considered part of the Kobe metropolitan area centered around the city of Kobe. Let’s explore Awaji City through this article and video. The History of Awaji Photo:Seafood ingredients The city of Awaji was established on April 1, 2005 through the merger of Awaji's Tsuna District, and the towns Tsuna, Hokudan, Ichinomiya, and Higashiura. Awaji Island, where the city of Awaji is located, has been known as a "Miketsukuni" (御食国) for centuries, being an area paid tribute to the imperial family and the imperial court from ancient times to the Heian period. There are a variety of delicacies available on the island, from mountain vegetables to seafood. The island also boasts livestock and vegetable producers as well as fisheries. If you're searching for the best place to eat your fill in Hyogo Prefecture, we definitely recommend Awaji. Sightseeing in Awaji Photo:Izanami Shrine, shrine approach 1. Akashi Kaikyo Bridge Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, which can be seen from 0:12 in the video, is the most famous tourist area in Awaji City. Akashi Kaikyo Bridge is also the longest suspension bridge in the world. Crossing the Akashi Strait connecting Higashimaiko, Tarumi in Kobe and Iwaya in Awaji, the bridge has a total length of 3,911m and the longest central span of any suspension bridge in the world at 1,991 m. 2. Awaji Yumebutai [Kiseki no Hoshi Botanical Museum] The greenhouse can be seen from 2:07 of the video. Boasting an area of 6,700m2, this is one of the largest botanical gardens in Japan. The theme of the museum is to experience nature with all five senses and live in harmony with it, and with approximately 3,000 species of plants on display, it's a must-see tourist attraction for plant lovers. Why not drop by to take a look at the beautiful and rare plants when visiting Awaji City? 3. Izanagi Shrine. The shrine can be seen from 3:42 of the video. Awaji Island is the largest island in the Seto Inland Sea. According to the myths of national origin written in the Nihon Shoki and Kojiki, the island was the very first island created by the gods Izanagi and Izanami. It is said that after creating the Japanese archipelago, the gods were eventually enshrined in Taga in the city of Awaji. This is the origin of the Izanagi-jingu Shrine. Summary of Awaji Photo:Akashi Kaikyo Bridge, Hyogo Prefecture After reading this article, are you considering visiting Awaji? Awaji is the perfect place for a vacation and is packed with sightseeing spots and delicious food. There are also other sightseeing experiences, such as a cruise where you can view the natural whirlpools that occur in the Naruto Strait (鳴門海峡) which connects the Pacific Ocean and the Seto Inland Sea, as well as flower-viewing at Awaji Island Park (公園島淡路). If you have the chance to visit Hyogo Prefecture, definitely enjoy sightseeing in Awaji! 【Official Website】Hyogo Prefecture Awaji City City Hall Website https://www.city.awaji.lg.jp/ -
Video article 3:09
A Fantastic Spot Where You Can Have Kobe's Million Dollar Night View All To Yourself! The Sparkling Night View From the Observatory on Mt. Maya Will Leave You Speechless!
Travel- 19 plays
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The Night View of Kikuseidai This video, titled "Kobe's 10 Million Dollar Night View|Time Lapse|Kikuseidai|Mt. Maya|Timelapse|One of Japan's Three Great Night Views" (神戸1000万ドル夜景 タイムラプス 掬星台 摩耶山 timelapse 日本三大夜景), was released by "STAR streamer YOSUKE." It introduces a superb view from the view point "Kikuseidai" in Kobe, Hyogo. The night view from Kikuseidai in Kobe, located in Japan's Kansai region, along with Mt. Hakodate in Hakodate City, Hokkaido, and Mt. Inasa in Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture, is one of the three major night views in Japan. More About Kikuseidai Photo:Glittering path at Kikuseidai・Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture Kikuseidai, introduced in the video, is a view point located near the summit of Mt. Maya in Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture. Kikuseidai is located at an altitude of 700m and there are attractions such as the Maya Nature Observation Garden, Hôtel de Maya, Mayasan Tenjoji Temple, and Lake Hodaka. In the promenade "Kirakira Komichi" at Kikuseidai, phosphorescent stones that can be recharged with ultraviolet rays from natural light and emit light, creating a fantastical atmosphere reminiscent of the Milky Way. There is also a restaurant on the mountain, so be sure to stop by for a bite to eat of you're hungry. Access to Kikuseidai Photo:Mt. Maya nightview・Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture Using the Maya Viewline is a convenient way to reach Kikuseidai. The ride from Maya Cable Station to Rainbow Station (虹の駅, Niji no Eki) takes about 5 minutes, and from there you transfer to the Maya Ropeway to reach Maya View Terrace 702, the "station of the stars." Kikuseidai is open 24 hours a day and is free of charge, so some people go out to see the sunrise as well as the night view. There's a parking lot on Mt. Maya as well, but be careful as the roads can get quite congested. Also, the road to Kikuseidai is closed to vehicles after a certain point, so you'll have to walk. Recommended Destinations in Kobe Photo:Night view of Kikuseidai・Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture Kobe is close to Kansai International Airport, and you can easily go sightseeing around the area via train or bus, making it a popular destination. In Kobe, you'll want to stop by not only Mt. Maya, where Kikuseidai is located, but also the Mt. Rokko Observatory and Rokko Island, where Emperor Hirohito visited. In addition, Sannomiya's Port Island is great for both sightseeing and shopping. You can see the beautiful night view of Port Island from 1:17 in the video. If you purchase a "Rokko / Maya 1-day ticket" at the "Kobe Information Center" you can enjoy sightseeing in Kobe even more. Summary of Kikuseidai in Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture Photo:Night view of Kikuseidai・Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture As the name suggests, you can enjoy the spectacular view at Kikuseidai, as if you were scooping the stars into your own hands (掬星台, lit. "star scooping pedastal"). The night view of Kikuseidai, which overlooks the city of Kobe when facing Osaka, is also called a "10 million dollar night view." Head over to Kobe to enjoy one of Japan's many beautiful night views! 【Tripadvisor】Mt. Maya https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g298562-d1384609-r500562432-Mt_Maya-Kobe_Hyogo_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 1:39
Baikamo – Flowers That Bloom Only in the Clearest Water. Beautiful Underwater Images of the Summertime Flower
Nature Travel- 51 plays
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Baikamo Blooming on the Takimi River in Hyogo Prefecture: Video Introduction This video, titled "Baikamo|A Flower Only Found in Japan [Shinonsen] 4K" (バイカモ 日本固有種 【新温泉町】4k), was uploaded by "e production.com" (e映像制作.com). Have you ever heard of the plant baikamo? In this article, we'll introduce an underwater flower that blooms in the Takimi River in Shinonsen, Hyogo. Be sure to check out the video to see the beautiful baikamo blooming in the clear stream. Baikamo – A Look at the Flower Blooming on the Takimi River in Hyogo, Japan Source :YouTube screenshot From the beginning of the video, you can see baikamo growing as birds chirp and the gentle sound of the river plays in the background. The video is very striking, as if it were shot from a bird's eye view. The location shown in the video is Baikamo Park. There are not many areas in Japan where baikamo can be found in such abundance. Baikamo is a plant that grows in tall mountains where the water is very cold, so it's rare to see it growing in clusters. Unfortunately, the baikamo colony on the Takimi River began to shrink in size around 2017, and as of 2022, not many baikamo can be seen anymore. Baikamo, a Flower that Blooms Under Water Photo:Baikamo Baikamo is a species endemic to Japan. The baikamo, which blooms along the Takimi River in Shinonsen, belongs to the buttercup family, Ranunculaceae, and has the scientific name of Ranunculus Kazusensis Makino. In floriography (the language of flowers) its meaning is "Happiness will come." Just as the language of flowers suggests, the small, pretty flowers blooming on the surface of the water make people happy just by looking at them. There is also a type of baikamo called ginkgo baikamo, which can be seen in some areas of Japan. This flower blooms from early summer to early fall, with white flowers 1-2 cm in diameter. The flowers resemble plum blossoms, and because of this, baikamo is often written with the kanji 梅花藻 (梅, Bai "Plum"; 花 ka "Flower"; 藻 mo "Algae"). It's a perennial flower that grows underwater and is characterized by its evergreen nature. It is also edible as a wild plant. Where Can Baikamo Be Found in Japan? Photo:The Jizo River, Awai, Shiga The baikamo featured in this video can be seen in Japan's Kinki region, such as the Jizo River in Awai, Shiga, and Kamikawa, Hyogo. Other locations include Echizen, Fukui; Mishima Baikamo Park (三島梅花藻公園), Shizuoka; Chokeiji Temple (長慶寺) in Tsuru, Yamanashi; and the Shimizu River in Konan, Fukushima. There is also a baikamo colony in Eniwa, Hokkaido. Summary of Baikamo, an Aquatic Plant That Blooms Only in Clear Streams Baikamo is an aquatic plant that blooms only in clear streams rich in nature. It's a pity that the number of baikamo has been decreasing due to various climate and environmental changes. However, there is good news from the Shimizu River in Tamba, Hyogo. The number of baikamo had been rapidly decreasing due to the decrease in water flow caused by the proliferation of weeds, but thanks to preservation activities by local residents, the baikamo population has been restored. It would be nice to see baikamo blooming beautifully again in the Takimi River like in the video. 【TripAdvisor】Baikamo Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121310-d8368832-Reviews-Baikamo_Park-Shinonsen_cho_Mikata_gun_Hyogo_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 3:00
San'in Kaigan Geopark - An Amazing Geopark in Japan! Discover the Beauty of This Diverse UNESCO Global Geopark!
Travel Action & Adventure Nature- 42 plays
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Video Introduction: San'in Kaigan Geopark - A Bird's Eye View of Kami This video, titled "Kami, Hyogo - Drone PR Video (Sea Edit)" (香美町ドローンPR映像(海編)), was uploaded by "Kami, Hyogo - Tourism, Commerce, and Industry Bureau [Official]" (兵庫県香美町 観光商工課). More About the San'in Kaigan Geopark The San'in Kaigan Geopark is recognized as a UNESCO Global Geopark. It refers to a large area of more than 100 km east to west, consisting of San'in Kaigan National Park and the surrounding area, which spans six cities and towns, including Kami, Hyogo in Japan's Kansai Region, Kyotango, Kyoto; Toyooko and Shinonsen in Hyogo, and Tottori City and Iwami in Tottori Prefecture. San'in Kaigan Geopark Trail - Spectacular Views of Precipitous Cliffs Photo:San'in Kaigan Geopark The main feature of the San'in Kaigan Geopark Trail is the sheer cliffs and various landforms along the coastline, as well as the scenery of the Sea of Japan, all of which can be enjoyed via the 27 courses available. ・Yoshioka Onsen - Tottori Station Course: Walk along the banks of lagoons enclosed by sand dunes ・Aotani Station - Tottori City Shikano Socializing and Exchange Hall 'Dream' Course: Walk and feel the eruption of volcanoes and the erosive power of the sea ・Roadside Station Amarube - Yoroi Station Course: Walk in Satoyama with a view of the 41.5-meter-tall Amarube Viaduct Kami, a Small Town in Hyogo, Japan Photo:San'in Kaigan Geopark, Kami, Hyogo In addition to the San'in Kaigan Geopark, Kami, Hyogo, which is located in the San'in Kaigan Geopark, features a variety of other places to visit. For example, Sazu Beach, Imagoura, Okami Park, and the Obikinohana Observatory are all worth seeing. The sunset from Imagoura and the Obikinohana Observatory is truly spectacular! It is also a popular Instagram spot, attracting the attention of a wide range of people, young and old alike. The video shows the beautiful sunset from the Obikinohana Observatory. [Video] 2:22 - The Obikinohana Observatory at sunset Summary of the San'in Kaigan Geopark Photo:San'in Kaigan Geopark The San'in Kaigan Geopark, consisting of six municipalities (Kami, Shinonsen, and Toyooko in Hyogo; Kyotango, Kyoto; Tottori City and Iwami, Tottori), offers a variety of sites and attracts many tourists. Visitors can also observe creatures living on the San'in Coast at the San'in Kaigan Geopark Museum of the Earth and Sea in Tottori Prefecture and the Kami Town Geopark & Marine Cultural Center in Hyogo Prefecture. There's also a sightseeing boat tour in Iwami, Tottori, where visitors can tour the islands of the Uradome Coast and admire the rich natural scenery from a boat. There are many Instagrammable spots where you can take great photos. The San'in Kaigan Geopark is one of the largest geoparks in Japan, spanning Kyoto, Hyogo and Tottori prefectures. There are a total of 27 courses! They are unique coastal trails with both mountain paths and coastlines. There are varying degrees of difficulty as well, so you can choose and plan the course that best suits your individual preferences. 【Official Website】San'in Kaigan Geopark https://sanin-geo.jp/know/en/ 【TripAdvisor】San'in Kaigan Geopark https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1022822-d10813685-Reviews-San_in_Kaigan_UNESCO_Global_Geopark-Toyooka_Hyogo_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 14:51
Kakejiku - Traditional Japanese Hanging Scroll Art
Traditional Crafts Art & Architecture History- 125 plays
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An Introduction to "Kakejiku" This video titled “Kakejiku-Making of a Japanese Hanging Scroll “ produced by “Niko Kitsakis” features how to make a kakejiku by Koseido Kamon Hyoguten. Koseido Kamon Hyoguten in Takarazuka city (宝塚市:Takarazuka-shi ), Hyogo (兵庫県: Hyogo prefecture) was established in 1912. Hideyuki Kamon is the fourth hyogushi (mounter) of this store. Hyogu refers to scrolls, hanging scrolls, folding screens, fusuma (sliding doors), panels, frames, and picture books made by stretching cloth and paper. Hideyuki Kamon, a first class mounting technician, is involved in various works including the making of kakejiku, frames, folding screens, partitions, and the repairing of shoji or old calligraphic works. This video focuses on the making of kakejiku (a very rare sight), as well as the names of the scrolls. Please enjoy the video of this ancient Japanese craft. The Origin and Culture of Kakejiku Photo:Kakejiku People enjoy having kakejiku displayed in their living room. Kakejiku is also called Kakehaba or Yukakake. The art originated in China and came to Japan along with Buddhism over 1000 years ago, before the Heian Period. Its style was established through the cultures of Calligraphy and Tea Ceremony. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heian_period In this video, Hideyuki Kamon talks about the history of Kakejiku from the Kamakura, Edo period to now. There are various types of kakejiku such as Kakemono or Kakeji and Buddhist sutra, ink painting or calligraphy, as well as modern illustrations are drawn in a kakejiku. Kakehaba is counted as “Hito-haba, Futa-haba”. Hideyuki Kamon, the Mounter Who Keeps Pushing Himself Source :YouTube screenshot Hideyuki Kamon says Kakejiku is very deep and he is always finding new ways to challenge himself. According to the interview with him, he discovers new things every day and works hard to refine his new discoveries. How to Make Kakejiku Source :YouTube screenshot You can see how kakejiku are made in the footage from 6:14. Kakejiku is made of washi (traditional Japanese handmade paper), cloth and wooden sticks. A Kakejiku consists of components such as Honshi, Futai, Ichimonji, Chumawashi, Hashira and Hasso. The top and bottom parts of a kakejiku are called "Ten" and "Chi," respectively. The mounter’s techniques are necessary to decorate the washi. You can see a Honshi being sharpened by Ichimonji in the footage from 6:37. A kakejiku is completed through these various steps. Get a Beautiful Kakejiku and Feel Traditional Japanese Culture in Your Own Home! Prices for historical works or ones made by famous artists could end up costing you a lot of money. On the other hand, you can buy kakejiku online at sites like Amazon or Rakuten. If you are interested in ink painting or calligraphy or want to incorporate some Japanese culture into your life, we recommend getting a handmade kakejiku. It's important to focus on not only design, size, and characteristics of the kakejiku, but also on a preservation or storing method for the works before purchasing them. Summary of Kakejiku Kakejiku is a high quality, traditional Japanese craft. Please watch the impressive skills of this kakejiku artisan to learn how to make beautiful kakejiku. Enter the world of kakejiku that you didn’t even know existed. 【Official Website】Koseido Kamon Hyoguten in Takarazuka- A shop to first class mounters https://kouseidou.jp/ -
Video article 14:19
Tatsuno, Hyogo - From the Beautiful Natural Scenery of the Ibo River to the Historical Tatsuno Castle and Classic Summer Food Ibonoito Somen, There's Almost Too Much Sightseeing To Be Done Here!
Local PR Travel- 115 plays
- YouTube
Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture This video, titled "Tatsuno City Tourism PR Video (Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture)" (たつの市観光PR動画(兵庫県たつの市)), was released by "Tatsuno City Kouhou." The city of Tatsuno, located in the southwestern part of Hyogo Prefecture, is also called the "Little Kyoto of Harima" and retains its unique Japanese atmosphere. So, what kind of tourist spots is Tatsuno, Harima home to? Tatsuno Castle, a landmark in Tatsuno, Hyogo Photo:Uzumi-mon Gate, Tatsuno Castle Tatsuno Castle, a landmark of Tatsuno, Hyogo, which can be seen from 3:07 in the video, is a historic castle standing on the hills of Tatsuno, Hyogo. Tatsuno Castle, built by Akamatsu Murahide about 500 years ago, is small in size but has a powerful presence. After sightseeing at Tatsuno Castle, take a walk through the castle town of Tatsuno, which can be seen from 4:27 in the video. At the ruins of the Tatsuno Clan Head, Wakizaka's former residence, there is a historic tea room and garden called Shuentei. Be sure to check out the Samurai House Museum, where you can get a glimpse of the lifestyle of the samurai at that time. Around the area, you'll find the birthplace of Rofu Miki, the lyricist of the famous children's song "Akatombo." It's a very popular place among tourists. Local Specialties of Tatsuno, Hyogo Photo:Ibonoito Somen The Ibo River, known for its rich clear water, flows through the center of Tatsuno, Hyogo. Rich wheat, high-quality soybeans, and Ako salt, which has been produced since the Edo period (1603-1868 AD), are famous in the Harima Plain of Hyogo Prefecture. Because of this, Tatsuno, Hyogo's hand-pulled Somen noodles, called "Ibonoito Somen," and soy sauce, thrive in the area. Called "Tatsuno, the birthplace of light soy sauce, it's also home to the Usukuchi Tatsuno Soy Sauce Museum, which can be seen from 0:47 in the video. As a souvenir for sightseeing, be sure to buy some Ibonoito Somen and soy sauce steamed buns. Tatsuno, Hyogo is also known as the city of leather because of its tanned leather made using the beautiful water from its rivers. This can be seen from 2:22 in the video. Called Tatsuno leather, it's been cultivated as a traditional industry since olden times. As seen from 10:59 in the video, the southern part of Tatsuno, Hyogo is a port town facing the Seto Inland Sea, making it a place where oysters and other fishing industries thrive. Sightseeing in Tatsuno, Hyogo Photo:Plum trees, Sekainoume Park The Murotsu area in the southern part of Tatsuno, Hyogo, prospered as a post town on the Inaba Highway running from Kobe to Tottori. At Banshu Murotsu, which faces the harbor, there are tourist attractions, such as the Murotsu Museum of Sea Port and the Murotsu Museum of Folklore. Ayabeyama Plum Forest and Sekainoume Park, where beautiful plum blossoms bloom in Mitsu in early spring, are definitely worth a visit. Kamo Shrine, on the beach, is also a hidden gem in Tatsuno, Hyogo. Summary of Tatsuno, Hyogo Photo:The Honmaru Palace of Tatsuno Castle, Hyogo Prefecture Tatsuno, Hyogo, has various tourist spots, including historical spots where you can feel Japanese culture, sightseeing spots where you can enjoy superb views of nature, and delicious gourmet food. If you're going on a sightseeing trip to Hyogo prefecture, be sure to stop by Tatsuno, as it's full of amazing things to enjoy! 【Official Website】Tatsuno City, Hyogo Prefecture|City Hall Website https://www.city.tatsuno.lg.jp/ -
Video article 7:28
Hyogo Prefecture Is a Fascinating Tourist Destination With Plenty of Delicious Food, Beautiful Scenery, Rich History, and Natural Landscapes!
Local PR Travel- 76 plays
- YouTube
人気観光スポット兵庫県紹介動画について こちらの動画は「Hyogo Tourism」が公開した「HYOGO Landscape」です。 兵庫県は関空から約80分(神戸・三宮駅まで)、新幹線の駅もある便利な観光地です。 兵庫県の観光といえば神戸が有名ですが、他の地域も風景、自然、歴史が豊かで観光名所やグルメもたくさん! 日本のいいものが丸ごと詰まった、どの季節でも楽しめる兵庫県の観光名所をご紹介します。 兵庫県の人気観光スポット「神戸・阪神」 兵庫県の中心地。神戸は明治時代に外国人居留区になり、外国人と共存する文化が根付いています。 ぜひ本場の神戸ビーフや灘五郷(神戸~西宮)の搾りたて原酒など、グルメを楽しんで頂きたい場所です。 神戸は日本一紅茶の消費量が多く、多くのカフェがあります。 旧居留地のハイソなカフェから元町の隠れ家カフェまでバラエティ豊かなカフェ文化をお楽しみ下さい。 北野坂は洋館が有名ですがモスクや教会もぜひ。 有馬温泉は鉄分を含む「金泉」と透明な「銀泉」が楽しめる癒しスポット。 六甲山から望む夜景、西宮浜と芦屋浜ヨットハーバーなど風景を楽しめる場所も。 北野坂には各国料理、スイーツなどグルメも多数あります。スイーツ店の午後は混むので時間帯にご注意を! 兵庫県の人気観光スポット「播磨」 日本の歴史的観光スポットと言えば京都が有名ですが、兵庫県播磨地区は歴史上重要な施設がたくさんあります。 播磨は広いので列車やバスを乗り継ぐ旅になりますが、比較的観光客も少なく存分に「日本」の風景が味わえます。 昭和レトロな町並みも必見!リアルな日本の地方都市を観光できます。 兵庫県の人気観光スポット「姫路城」 第二次世界大戦の戦火を逃れた貴重な日本城。 国宝・世界遺産。漆喰の白が特徴で「白鷺城」と呼ばれています。 周辺の城下町の風景も必見! 兵庫県の人気観光スポット「但馬」 兵庫県北部で日本海に面し、雪が多い地域です。 海に山に大自然が溢れ、自然体験ツアーが豊富。 日本の自然を観光したい方にお勧めの地域です。 夏はシーカヤック、冬はスキーなどが満喫でき、雄大な風景に癒されます。 豊岡市では特別天然記念物コウノトリの屋外繁殖に成功し、繁殖期になるとコウノトリ専用の人工塔で子育てする風景が楽しめます。 城之崎温泉は但馬を代表する癒しスポット。 豊岡かばん、柳細工など一世を風靡した工芸品も多数あります。 風景を楽しむならぜひ山陰海岸ジオパークや氷ノ山へ。 グルメが豊富で松葉かに、出石そば、赤花そば、床瀬そば、但馬牛などが楽しめます。 但馬牛の最高級品が神戸牛で、但馬牛は比較的リーズナブル価格です。 兵庫県の人気観光スポット「丹波」 兵庫県と京都府をまたぐ山間部で、農産物で有名です。 丹波は「土」と縁が深い地域です。 立杭には陶器の丹波焼の窯が多数並び、恐竜の骨が発掘された丹波竜の里公園は男の子も楽しめます。 農作物はどれも瑞々しく、お土産にもお勧めです。 篠山は古民家が点在し、巡るだけでも楽しい場所です。 丹波はアクセスが便利な地域なのに日本の里山の風景を体感できる隠れた名所です。 でかんしょ踊り、黒井城跡、篠山城跡、紅葉寺で有名な石上寺など歴史を触れる旅がお薦めです。 陶器好きな方はぜひ立杭陶の郷で名品を探してみましょう。 丹波の黒豆(黒枝豆)、丹波栗など農作物、松茸、ぼたん鍋(冬季)など、四季を通してグルメが豊富です。 兵庫県の人気観光スポット「淡路」 兵庫県、そして日本最大の島、淡路島は日本のふるさと。 古事記の国産み神話の舞台を体感できる観光スポットです。 明石海峡大橋を通って気楽に観光できます。 最近は自転車で淡路一周する「あわいち」が有名で兵庫県を代表するサイクリングスポットに。 道中は急坂や危険な場所が多いので初心者は明石港からフェリー(ジェノバライン)経由で西側だけ走るのをお勧めします。 伊弉諾神社を始め、淡路浄瑠璃、洲本城など歴史豊かな観光地です。 風景も素晴らしく、鳴門のうずしお、花桟敷、夢舞台、神立岩、灘黒岩水仙郷(期間限定)など多数点在します。 淡路たまねぎ、しらす丼、淡路バーガーなど手軽なB級グルメも豊富。 遊び疲れたら洲本温泉で癒されましょう。 兵庫県の人気観光スポット紹介まとめ こんなにも魅力たっぷりな兵庫県。 きっとあなたのお気に入りのスポットが見つかるはず。 是非一度兵庫県に足を運んでみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 11:00
The Beauty of Himeji Castle With 3D Projection Mapping. This Colorful Fusion of State-Of-The-Art Technology and History in Hyogo Prefecture Is a Spectacle to Behold!
Art & Architecture Festivals & Events- 99 plays
- Vimeo
Himeji Castle's Colorful 3D Projection Mapping This video was created by “beaphoto1” and introduces Himeji Castle's 3D projection mapping event- "HAKUA." This event was held in May 2015. The national treasure Himeji castle, located in Honmachi, Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture, was designated as Japan's first World Cultural Heritage Site in December 1993, along with Horyu-ji Temple in Nara. Nicknamed "Shirasagi Castle" (白鷺城, lit "White Heron Castle") for its graceful appearance that resembles a white heron spreading its wings, it has been selected as one of the 100 most famous castles in Japan. Photo:Himeji Castle post-restoration In October 2009, the restoration and repair of the castle's main tower began, which included repainting the plaster and replacing damaged tiles. Himeji castle regained its brilliance and re-opened in March 2015. The light show, "HAKUA," was held to celebrate the reopening of Himeji Castle as the part of the 66th Himeji Castle Festival. In the 11 minute video, you can watch the entire projection mapping show from beginning to end. Enjoy the beautiful 3D projection mapping that lights up the famous white castle. It's amazing how different the castle looks with all of the colorful lighting. The 3D Projection Mapping of Himeji Castle Source :YouTube screenshot The projection mapping event at Himeji castle actually has a story to go with it. Prologue. (0:51) The title and the outline of the story beautifully appears on the white castle. Chapter 1. Prologue -Birth- (1:59) The highlight of this chapter is the construction of Himeji Castle. You can see the construction at 3:10, where the castle is being built as the cherry blossoms and autumn leaves grow around it gradually. As more levels are added to Himeji castle, you can feel the flow of time through the cherry blossoms, red leaves, and snow that signify the changing of the seasons. Chapter 2. Tradition -Legend- (4:56) This chapter shows the birth of Kanbei Kuroda, who later became the lord of Himeji Castle. He aimed to rule the world. Chapter 3. Brilliance -From Tradition to Modernity- (6:15) This chapter shows the pictures of Himeji Castle drawn by 731 elementary school students in Himeji City. 100 of them have been selected and animated. Chapter 4. Conclusion -Finish- (8:11) White herons dance gracefully on Himeji Castle and a grand fireworks display brings the story to a close. This article is only a brief overview of the castle. Be sure to watch the video and enjoy the 3D projection mapping! It's so beautiful watching time pass in the blink of an eye. The history of this projection mapping is surprisingly old, and it is said to have been started in the 1960s. It became more well-know when they had a projection mapping show at the Marunouchi side of Tokyo Station in 2012. Tourist Spots at Himeji Castle Photo:Himeji Castle Cherry Blossoms Himeji Castle, which is registered as a World Heritage Site, is also popular for cherry blossom viewing. Lots of people visit Himeji park to see the cherry blossoms in the spring. When all the cherry blossoms are in full bloom surrounding and contrasting the white Himeji castle, it's an absolutely amazing scene. Be sure to bring you camera and get some Instagram pictures! The World Heritage Himeji Castle Marathon is held every February and is also a popular event. There are several cafes and restaurants near Himeji castle as well. Check out the reviews on yelp and look for a restaurant you want to visit. There are also many parking spots around Himeji castle if you'd rather drive. Access is about a 16-minute walk from Himeji Station off the JR Kishin Line, JR Bantan Line, and JR Sanyo Main Line. The admission fee is 1,050 yen (~$10 USD) for adults and 360 yen children (as of October 2019). Please be aware that Himeji castle may be very crowded depending on the season and time. Summary of Himeji Castle's 3D Projection Mapping What'd you think of the Himeji Castle 3D projection mapping video? It's not possible to fully convey the beauty of the actual event through words, so be sure to check out the video if you still haven't yet! Himeji castle’s 3D projection mapping event in 2015 was a one-time event, but another projection mapping event, "The 25th Anniversary of the World Heritage Registration of Himeji Castle "CASTLE OF LIGHT - Garden of Light at" was held here and was also very popular. Of course, there is more to see at Himeji castle besides the events. Lately, goshuin (the honorable red seal)has become popular among young people in recent years, and some castles have a similar "Goshouin" (castle seal) to commemorate your visit to the castle. If the video of the heron spreading its wings over Himeji Castle has intrigued you, be sure to put it on your itinerary! You might even get to meet the official character “Shiromaru Hime.” ◆Infomation about Himeji Castle Facility◆ 【Address】68 Honmachi Himeji, Hyogo 670-0012 【Access】16 minutes walk from “Himeji Station” on JR Kishin Line, JR Bantan Line, and JR Sanyo Main Line. 【Entrance fee】1,050 yen for an adult, 360 yen for a child (As of November 2019) 【Hours】9 am to 4 pm 【Closures】December 29th to 30th 【Parking】Available 【Telephone No.】079-285-1146 -
Video article 0:53
Packed With Candy and Toys, Dagashi Stores Are a Dream World for Children! This Video Takes You to a Popular Spot Among Kids. Take a Look at the Nostalgic Atmosphere of These Candy Stores!
Shopping- 44 plays
- YouTube
A video on retro Japanese Dagashi Stores! This video introduces you to Japan's nostalgic "Dagashi Stores". To Japanese adults, this video reminds them of their childhood with its nostalgic feel. That being said, Its certainly very interesting to children and foreigners who don’t know about Japanese Dagashi Stores. When there weren't convenience stores in the past, children loved to go to Dagashi Stores where they chose special candies and toys to spend their allowances on. Enjoy the video showing the fun scenes of Dagashi Stores. What Are Dagashi Stores? What Kind of Things Do They Sell? Photo:Dagashi Store Dagashi Stores are shops that buy candies and toys from wholesale distributors and sell them in their own shops. In some regions, they are also called ‘Ichimon Candy Stores’. As seen from 0:32 in the video, Dagashi Stores attract children with their shelves of various candies and toys. Candies such as Kinakobo, Chocobat, BIG Katsu, Mochitaro, Umaibo, and sweets with toys and sweets with winning tickets are still being sold. Many candies that adults nowadays used to buy when they were young. You Can Buy Toys and Play Games, Too! Photo:Traditional Toys Dagashi Stores are popular among young children. They also sell toys such as spinning tops (独楽 Koma), Menko (めんこ), Taketombo Bamboo toys (竹とんぼ Taketombo), balloons and plastic models. Children enjoy playing candy lotteries with pictures of movie stars, Arcade games, and medal games with friends. Dagashi Stores are important socializing spots for children, too. Let's Check It Out! Photo:Sweet Shop Yokocho There are still some individually run Dagashi Stores left in Japan. The chained Dagashi Stores within AEON shopping mall should be easy to find. You should visit "Kashiya Yokocho" (菓子屋横丁), a popular tourist destination in Kawagoe, and if you're of legal age (20 in Japan), be sure to check out "Dagashi Bar" where you can eat candies with alcohol. At the unique chain shops "Private Dining Bar Rokunen Yonkumi" (個室居酒屋6年4組), they offer "All you can eat candy." You can also buy candies that are sold at Dagashi Stores on the internet. We recommend that you check out various online shops. Summary of the Introductory Video on Japanese Dagashi Stores Source :YouTube screenshot Today we introduced you to Dagashi Stores that are popular among children. After watching the video, if you're longing for a nostalgia filled trip or just want to experience the Japanese culture of Dagashi Stores, be sure to find and visit the address of a nearby Dagashi Store that's still open. -
Video article 3:53
Awaji Island: Amazing Scenery, Historic Buildings, Traditional Japanese Culture and More in Hyogo Prefecture! An In-Depth Look at the Island Famous for Some of the World's Largest Whirlpools!
Local PR Travel- 49 plays
- YouTube
Hyogo Prefecture's Beautiful Awaji Island! Check out the video "Awaji Island, Sightseeing Promotional Video #1" (淡路島 観光プロモーションビデオ #1). It was made by the Awaji Island Tourist Association. Awaji Island (淡路島 Awajishima) in Hyogo Prefecture in Japan's Kansai Region, is an island connecting Kobe City in Hyogo Prefecture and Naruto in Tokushima Prefecture in Japan's Shikoku Region. It is the largest island in the Setouchi Inland Sea (瀬戸内海 Setonaikai). The island, with a population of 130,000, the largest in the Seto Inland Sea, is overflowing with nature. Akashi Kaikyo Bridge on the Hyogo Prefecture side and Great Naruto Bridge on the Tokushima Prefecture side are popular tourist destinations with easy access. You can enjoy a refreshing drive over the sea by using these bridges. This video shows tourist attractions, nature, and the traditional culture of Awaji Island in just under 4 minutes. The History of Awaji Island Photo:Izanagi Shrine Approach Hyogo Prefecture's Awaji Island is described in the Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters) as a special island, being the first piece of land created by the gods. The Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan) also mentions the island in a creation myth where the God Izanagi and Goddess Izanami create the island. Izanagi Shrine, located on Awaji Island, is said to be the oldest shrine in Japan, and it is a very popular tourist destination. It's considered a power spot, and many people believe that they receive energy from the shrine due to the leftover energy from the creation of Japan. As well as Izanagi Shrine, there are other historical sightseeing spots on Awaji Island, such as Honpukuji Temple and the Sumoto Castle Ruins. You can see these places at 1:50 in the video. History and Nature on Awaji Island Photo:Naruto Strait If you're looking for a nature-filled seaside destination, you'll want to see Eshima Island (絵島 Eshima), with its beautiful rocky surface, and the majestic Kamitategami Rock created by mother nature. They're shown at 1:41 in the video. We also recommend Awaji Hanasajiki Park and the Island’s campsites, where you can see superb views of the natural landscape. While you're at it, experience a traditional Awaji Puppet Joruri performance. This can be seen at 2:23 in the video. When it comes to Awaji Island, you can't leave the island without seeing the whirpools! The sea between Tokushima and the island has a very fast current. This causes the whirlpools seen at 0:53 in the video. We recommend that you shop for souvenirs at Roadside Station Uzushio (道の駅うずしお, ichinoeki Uzushio) and go out to see the whirlpools on one of the whirlpool cruise ships. Dining at Awaji Island Source :YouTube screenshot Awaji Island, rich in nature, is a place where you can enjoy both the bounty of the land and of the sea! After sightseeing, stay at an Onsen hot spring inn by the sea and try some seafood dishes such as Tiger Pufferfish and Awaji Beef. There are Japanese dishes that can only be found on Awaji Island as well. Some hot springs and cuisine on Hyogo's Awaji Island are shown at 2:45 in the video. Summary of Awaji Island in Hyogo Prefecture The video is packed with superb views of Awaji Island’s natural scenery. It's also full of tourist attractions, including historical buildings, traditional Japanese culture, hot springs, and delicious food! You'll never forget your trip to Awaji Island! If you're planning on heading to Awaji Island, don't forget what you learned in this video! 【Official website】Awaji City Hall Hyogo Prefecture Website https://www.city.awaji.lg.jp/ https://www.city.awaji.lg.jp/ 【Official Website】Awaji Island Tourist Guide・Awaji Navi -Check out the information on sightseeing, traveling, accommodations, Onsen hot springs, dining and local events in Awaji Island! https://www.awajishima-kanko.jp/en/ -
Video article 2:08
Watatsumi no Yado – A Luxurious Hot Spring Inn on Awaji Island! Great Rooms, Delicious Food, and a Great View in Hyogo Prefecture! What More Could You Ask For?!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 66 plays
- YouTube
Watatsumi no Yado Are you looking for a luxurious getaway during your trip to Japan? Well, if you're going anywhere near Hyogo prefecture then Awaji Island is something you've got to check out! This video, titled "introduction video of "Awaji Island|Natural Radium Hot Spring|Cuisine|Restaurant and Inn [Watatsumi no yado] Introductory Video" (淡路島天然ラジウム温泉料理旅館【海若の宿】紹介動画), was produced by jenovacojp. The video is filled with charms of Watatsumi no Yado, an Inn located in Awaji, Hyogo prefecture. Watatsumi no Yado is a popular accommodation on hotel and ryokan review and comparison sites, and is renowned for the great hospitality and luxurious time it provides for its guests. In this article, we'll introduce the popular ryokan (inn) Watatsumi no Yado on Awaji Island. The video includes amazing images of hot springs, rooms, foods, and views that will leave speechless! About Watatsumi no Yado Source :YouTube screenshot The hot springs of Watatsumi no Yado are 100% natural radium hot springs without any filtration or additives. It's a natural high quality hot spring that warms the body naturally. The ryokan has a natural rock bath, a large public bath, an open-air bath, sauna, and more! We highly recommend it to those looking for the ultimate relaxation. The hot spring "Kusushi yu," is certified as a medicinal hot spring and is said to be very effective in maintaining good health. Private family baths are also available at Watatsumi no Yado. Relax and unwind in the indoor or outdoor baths and rid yourself of fatigue. You can see a beautiful view of the hot springs at 0:36 in the video. The water is said to be effective against gallstones, chronic cholecystitis, gout, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, chronic women's diseases, sensitivity to cold, hemorrhoids, sprains, bruises, bruises, paralysis, stiff shoulders, joint pain and neuralgia, and also offers relief from fatigue. Watatsumi no Yado's Gourmet Cuisine Source :YouTube screenshot At Awaji Island's Watatsumi no yado, you can enjoy delicious kaiseki cuisine with seasonal ingredients and more! This can be seen at 0:58 of the video. You can enjoy excellent Naruto sea bream cuisine and juicy Awaji beef from Awaji Island. In addition, there are a variety of delicious Japanese dishes made with fresh, young sardines from Awaji Island and conger eel, which are only available for a limited time. Nothing beats relaxing in some hot springs after eating some delicious food! You'll be reinvigorated and ready to get back to your daily life! Inside of the facility, they have the restaurant Hamakaze (浜風), the teppanyaki restaurant Bistec, and a banquet hall as well. You can even enjoy a drink after dinner in the karaoke room to finish off your day and unwind. There is also a one-day lunch course a Watatsumi no Yado that includes access to the hot springs, and amenities are also provided, so you can visit empty-handed. Rooms at Watatsumi no Yado Source :YouTube screenshot Watatsumi no Yado has beautiful Japanese-style rooms where you can relax while enjoying a beautiful view of the sea. The inn offers a breathtaking view of the sunset as well. You can see it at 1:48 in the video. At 1:18 in the video, you can see the special suite room, where you can experience the ultimate in relaxation. It's great for anniversaries and other special occasions. Sightseeing Around Watatsumi no Yado There are many great places to visit in Awaji, Hyogo Prefecture, where Watatsumi no Yado is located! Awaji Hanasajiki Flower Park (あわじ花さじき, Awaji Hanasajiki), Awaji Yumebutai (淡路夢舞台), Izanagi Shrine (伊奘諾神宮, Izanagi Jingu), Akashi Kaikyo Government Park (国営明石海峡公園, Kokuei Akashikaikyo Kouen), Kiseki no Hoshi Botanical Museum (奇跡の星の植物園, Kiseki no hoshi no shokubutsuen), Awaji Highway Oasis (淡路ハイウェイオアシス, Awaji Haiwei oasisu), Roadside Station Awaji (道の駅 あわじ, michinoeki Awaji), Hokudan Memorial Park (北淡震災記念公園, Hokudan shinsai kinen kouen), Awaji World Park ONOKORO (淡路ワールドパークONOKORO, Awaji Wa-rudo pa-ku ONOKORO), Awajishima Park (淡路島公園, Awajishima kouen), and more! If you plan on coming to Watatsumi no Yado, be sure to check out some of these popular sightseeing locations! Summary of Watatsumi no Yado This video shows the delicious food and natural hot springs of Watatsumi no Yado on Awaji Island. If you're curious about Watatsumi no Yado after reading this article, be sure to watch the video! Watatsumi no Yado, a place where you can enjoy the natural hot springs of Awaji Island, is also a Japanese heritage site. With great food and beautiful photogenic scenery, you're sure to have a great time! Access is about 20 minutes from the Awaji Interchange on the Kobe Awaji-Naruto Expressway or about 15 minutes from the Hokudan Interchange. Rates vary by season and plan, so be sure to check the official website. The inn is very popular, so we highly recommend making a reservation before visiting. ◆Watatsumi no Yado General Information◆ 【Address】〒656-1721 150 Nojima Hikinoura Awaji city, Hyogo 【Access】~20 minutes from the Awaji Interchange on the Kobe Awaji-Naruto Expressway or ~15 minutes from the Hokudan Interchange by car. 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】0799-82-1616 【Official Website】Awaji Navi - Awaji Island Tourist Guide - Awaji Island tourism, travel accommodation, hot springs, gourmet food, and event information! https://www.awajishima-kanko.jp/en/ -
Video article 3:29
Enjoy the Cherry Blossoms of Hyogo Prefecture at Himeji Castle, Japan's First World Cultural Heritage Site! The Contrast Between the White Himeji Castle and the Pink Cherry Blossoms Will Leave You Speechless!
Travel- 62 plays
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世界遺産「姫路城」をご紹介! 今回は、日本初の世界文化遺産にも登録をされた姫路城について『姫路城の桜 兵庫 Himeji-jyo Castle Hyogo Japan 【4K UHD】美しい日本の風景 The Beautiful Scenery of Japan』という動画と共に紹介をいたします。 姫路城とは 姫路城とは、別名"白鷺城"とも呼ばれています。 14世紀中ごろに"赤松貞範"という初代城主の武将が兵庫県姫路市に建てた山城が始まりとされ、日本初の世界文化遺産に登録された歴史的建築物です。 財団法人日本城郭協会が定める"日本100名城"の一つとしても数えられており、特に桜の見頃である4月上旬は満開の桜と共に姫路城を堪能することができます。 その美しさをぜひ動画を通してご覧になって下さい。 姫路城観光は桜が綺麗な春がおすすめ 姫路城は、日本でも有数の花見スポットとしても有名で、毎年春になると多くの花見客が訪れます。 桜の種類も場所によって様々で、内堀には約1000本のソメイヨシノ、すぐ近くの三の丸広場や西の丸庭園では、姫路城を背景にシダレサクラ等の綺麗な桜を見ることが出来ます。 姫路城へのアクセス 最寄り駅は、兵庫県姫路市駅前町にある"姫路駅"となっています。 そのまま北口へ出れば姫路城を確認出来るので、それを目印に徒歩で進むと大体20分で着くことが出来ます。 姫路駅内で観光バスがありますが、市内を観光するという意味でも、ゆっくり徒歩で行くのがおすすめです。 世界遺産「姫路城」のまとめ 世界的文化遺産である姫路城について紹介をさせて頂きました。 もっと詳しく知りたい!という方は、姫路城の近くにある"兵庫県立歴史博物館"に行くことも検討してみてはいかがでしょうか? 日本の宝、姫路城へ皆さんもぜひ足を運んでみてください。 -
Video article 14:46
A Journey Through the Fascinating City of Himeji, Hyogo! Feel the History and Culture of Japan at the Historic "Himeji Castle," a World Heritage Site!
Local PR Travel- 105 plays
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An Introduction To Himeji, Hyogo This video, titled "Himeji Film Commission・Himeji City Promotion Video 2018" (姫路フィルムコミッション・姫路市内PR動画2018), was published by "himejifilmcomission". This video highlights the charms of Himeji, Hyogo. A popular tourist destination in Himeji, Hyogo, once called "Harima no Kuni," is Himeji Castle. The castle, famous as a World Heritage Site, can be seen at 0:58 in the video. There are many other fascinating destinations in the city that give you a taste of Japanese history and culture, so definitely check them out. Highlights of Himeji Castle, a major tourist destination in Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture Photo:Himeji Castle after restoration Himeji Castle, also known as "Shirasagijo" (白鷺城, lit. "White Heron Castle") is characterized by its beautiful, brilliantly white citadel. Himeji Castle, which attracts attention as the pinnacle of historical castle architecture, was registered as a World Heritage Site in 1993. When you visit the historic Himeji Castle, be sure not to miss the Shachihoko displayed on the roofed passages. You can also see the Shachihokogawara (Shachihoko made of earthenware) at Shiromidai Park, shown at 3:13 in the video. The remains of the samurai residences of the Edo Period (A.D. 1603-1868) located on the west side of the castle have been transformed into the Japanese garden, Kokoen. During cherry blossom season, there are many cherry blossom festivals held and many people come to see the beautiful scenery. At a tea house, you can experience traditional Japanese tea ceremony and enjoy delicious traditional Japanese sweets. Highly Recommended Tourist Destinations in Himeji City, Hyogo Photo:Hyogo Prefecture, Himeji City Museum of Art Himeji Castle is not the only tourist site in Himeji! The Hyogo Prefectural Museum of History and the Himeji City Museum of Art, which can be viewed at 3:33 of the video, are two spots we highly recommend checking out. Some other places you don't want to overlook during your trip include Taiyo Park, which is home to replicas of world landmarks, and the Japan Toy Museum which holds a collection of more than 70,000 toys and dolls. It can be seen at 8:15 in the video. Himeji Central Park, a popular amusement facility for children, is another must-see destination. You can check it out at 7:43 in the video. Himeji Central Park also has a drive-thru safari, the only one in the Kansai region that you can enter with your own car! Crossing over to the islands of the Seto Inland Sea, you can also enjoy swimming, water sports, and even hot springs. There are also tourist sites, such as fishing spots and you can even hand-fish for sweetfish. We also recommend going sightseeing during events like the "Parade of Portable Shrines" during the Nada no Kenka Festival, and the Ceremony of Exorcise Evil at Engyoji Temple. These can be seen from 10:28 in the video. Popular Gourmet Food and Souvenirs in Himeji, Hyogo Photo:Hyogo Prefecture, Himeji Oden As mentioned at 11:37 in the video, Himeji, also known as a gourmet town, offers tons of delicious food, such as "Hinepon" (a type of roasted chicken), Himeji Oden, and Ekisoba. As a seaside town, it also offers fresh seafood, including mackerel and eel, as well as blue crab. You can also try other delicious gourmet foods, such as Himeji Wagyu beef and Japanese sake. We recommend "Himeji Hariko" and Myochin Hibashi Wind Chimes (明珍火箸風鈴, Myochin Hibashi Furin) if you're looking for souvenirs. Summary of Popular Tourist Destinations in Himeji City, Hyogo Photo:Himeji Castle What makes Himeji so appealing (besides all of the amazing sightseeing attractions) is that it has the Shinkansen (bullet train), making it easily accessible. Plan a beautiful trip to Himeji Castle, where you can experience a spectacular view from the heights and other fascinating sites in the area! 【Official Website】Himeji City, Hyogo. Himeji City Office, Official Website https://www.city.himeji.lg.jp/ -
Video article 5:00
Beautiful Natural Scenery, Hot Springs, and Delicious Food in Hyogo Prefecture. A Look at the Wonderful Attractions of Tajima!
Local PR Travel- 189 plays
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Introducing Tajima in Hyogo Prefecture This aerial video, titled “Tajima Sightseeing Promotion Aerial Walk- Tajima Sky Road(但馬観光プロモーション空中散歩~但馬空ノ道~)” was created by “e Video production.com.” There are a lot of tourist attractions where you can enjoy the beautiful landscape of Japan in the Hyogo area. Let's take a look at some of the recommended locations, activities, and food! This video is taken by drone, making it feel as if a stork is introducing Tajima. We hope you enjoy it! Refreshing Tourist Destinations in Tajima ©rikky_photography Modifying The most famous spot in the Tajima are is without a doubt the Takeda Castle Ruins (竹田城,Takedajou), located in Asago city. The castle is called "The Castle in the Sky" and many people come here to see fantastical scenery. The beautiful scenery is shown at the beginning of the video. We recommend stopping by Mikobata Senkoujo in Asago city. Amarube Viaduct (余部橋脚, Amarubekyoukyaku) “Sora-no-Eki” was built in the Meiji era (1868-1912) and it was used as a JR Sanin Main Line train station for about a century. Looking at the Sea of Japan from the Amarube Viaduct makes for a refreshing experience. Tourist Attractions in Tajima Photo:Stork Yabu city in Hyogo prefecture was selected as a National Strategic Special Zone, and is a center for agricultural reform. There are many rice paddies in the Tajima area, such as Bekku in Yabu city; the natural scenery here is breathtaking. In the spring, you can enjoy cherry blossom at Tarumi-no-Ozakura and the Tajima tulip festival. In fall, the leaves of the enkianthus perulati of Ankoku Temple (安国寺, Ankokuji) change to a deep red. In winter, you can enjoy winter sports in Kannabe. There are other popular tourist destinations, such as Hyogo Park of the Oriental White Stork, which reintroduces stork to the area, and Kamiyama Plateau, where you can enjoy outdoor leisure activities. The beautiful and seasonal views of tourist attractions in the Tajima area is introduced from 3:19 in the video. Enjoy the Geopark, and the Local Cuisine of Tajima! The Japan Sea coast in Hyogo prefecture is listed as a Global Geopark, and the natural scenery of the mountains and of the sea is truly a sight to behold. We highly recommend sea kayaking at Sanin Geopark. We recommend trying Tajima beef and queen crab, both of which are raised free range. These foods can be seen at 4:34 in the video. Izushi city is called " The Little Kyoto of Tajima." There is a local specialty here called Izushi Sara Soba, served in small portions on tiny dishes. Relaxing in Tajima Photo:Kinosaki Onsen There are places where you can relax in the Tajima area, such as Kinosaki Onsen. This hot spring is 1,300 years old, and you can enjoy a hot spring tour while wearing a yukata. Staying at a hotel at Yumura Onsen, a well-kept-secret in the Tajima area, and enjoying a relaxing overnight stay, is another great way to enjoy your trip. Summary of Tajima There are lot of hidden gems in the Tajima area, north of Hyogo prefecture. The 5-minute-long video is full of the charm of the Tajima area. Be sure to check it out! Enjoy delicious food and beautiful natural scenery in Tajima. Are you packing your bags yet? 【Official website】Kobe City Hall https://web.pref.hyogo.lg.jp/fl/index.html -
Video article 6:22
Koyado Enn, Kinosaki Onsen: With Its Amazing Service and Hospitality There's a Reason This Ryokan Is So Popular. Be Sure to Try the Delectable "Tanba-gyu" and Relax at Its Soothing Springs.
Hotel & Japanese Inn Food & Drink Travel- 61 plays
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A PR Video for Koyado Enn, Where You Can Enjoy the Kinosaki Hot Springs This video, titled "城崎温泉 但馬牛の宿 小宿 縁 Koyado Enn," produced by "First Tone Inc.," features the attractive points of "Koyado Enn" in Kinosaki Onsen in Hyogo. Koyado Enn is one of the most popular accommodations on travel comparison sites. This video clip includes various information of Kinosaki onsen such as food, hot springs, atmosphere of the town, and the hospitality of the Koyadoen staff, as well as interviews with guests who have stayed at Koyado Enn. If you see this video, you would probably think that you want stay there. Enjoy the sights of Kinosaki Onsen's "Koyado Enn." What Kind of Ryokan Is Koyado Enn? Source :YouTube screenshot It takes 3 minutes to reach Koyado Enn from Kinosaki Onsen Station by foot. This historical ryokan was renovated and reopened in 2013. A sophisticated atmosphere is created by a modern-style, plastered building. There are three types of guest rooms, including Japanese style, Western style, and Japanese-Western style guest rooms. All rooms provide a relaxing experience. There are various options available as well, such as stays without meals, breakfast packages, and the "Tanba-gyu" Dinner plan. Prices start from ¥7700 (~$72 USD). We recommend making a reservation as soon as possible due to the inn's popularity. There is also a business package that isn't offered at most Ryokan. Every guest room has various amenities. According to Seiji Taoka, one of the staff at Koyado Enn, Hyogo's Kinosaki was traditionally likened to a Ryokan (Japanese style inn). It's said that the station is an entrance, the streets are passages, the inn is the guest rooms and outdoor hot spring is a large public bath. Kinosaki consists of a culture centering on hot springs and is a very famous hot spring town where every visitor can feel the Japanese atmosphere. Kinosaki is also promoted as a "Yukata village" because tourists can walk around wearing them. Food Hunting at Koyado Enn Source :YouTube screenshot Guests at Koyado Enn can enjoy delicious Japanese foods including "Tanba-gyu." Koyado Enn has a restaurant, called "Tanba-gyu Irori Dining Mikuni," which specializes in Tanba-gyu and is famous for its high quality meat. All beef served in this restaurant is raised on the contracted farm. You can hear the real voices of guests who ate the delicious Tanba-gyu at Koyado Enn, in this video (1:57). The staff at Koyado Enn strive to maintain the title of Tanba-gyu as the second best food brand in Kinosaki. Second only to crab. Visitors can relax at the café & bar "3rd" on the first floor (4:07). This café/bar serves breakfast, including omelets and salad, as well as beverages like coffee, tea and wine. Kinosaki Onsen's Koyado Enn: Experience Japan Source :YouTube screenshot The most attractive point of Koyado Enn is the hot springs. There are two chartered baths for family such as "Tsukino-yu" and "Hoshino-yu." Every guest can relax in these baths. The minerals in the spring are are natrium, calcium and chloride. It is said that this spring is very effective against various diseases and symptoms Neuralgia rheumatism, gynecological disease, post-sickness recovery stress relief, motor dysfunction, joint pain, muscle pain, stiff shoulders, digestive trouble, neuralgia, bruises, cold sensitivity, etc. Also, we recommend going to the outdoor hot springs such as "Satono-yu," "Jizo-yu," "Yanagi-yu," "Ichino-yu," "Goshono-yu," "Mandarano-yu," and "Kono yu." Wearing a yukata and walking around a town is sure to be an enjoyable time. These outdoor hot springs are also available as one-day spots. Tourist Spots Around Koyado Enn Photo:Kinosaki onsen There are many sightseeing spots around Koyado Enn in Toyooka city, Hyogo. For example, "Kinosaki Onsen Ropeway," "Hyogo Park of the Oriental White Stork," "Kinosaki Marine World," "Uemura Satomi Boken-kan" are popular facilities. There are natural instagrammable sceneries including "Genbudo Park," "Takeno Coast," "Michi-no-Eki Kannabe Kogen," the "Sea of clouds of Cruhi-dake.” Also there are historical spots such as "Izushi Castle Town," "Town of Kinosaki Onsen," "Izushi Eirakukan." If you visit Koyado Enn, be sure to check out some of these popular spots. Summary of Koyado Enn This video titled "Kinosaki Onsen Koyado Enn" (城崎温泉 但馬牛の宿 小宿 縁 Koyado Enn), produced by "First Tone Inc." features the attractive points of "Koyado En" in Kinosaki onsen, Hyogo. Guests at the inn will experience the finest hospitality and services and can enjoy their time as they please. Enjoy spending a wonderful time at the popular ryokan! ◆Information for Koyado Enn◆ 【Address】219 Yushima Kinosaki-cho Toyooka shi Hyogo 669-6101 【Access】20 minutes from Tanba airport by bus 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】0796-32-4870 【Official Website】Koyado Enn, Kinosaki onsen http://www.koyado.net/english// 【Tripadvisor】Koyado Enn https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1022822-d6530942-Reviews-Koyado_En-Toyooka_Hyogo_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 11:52
Hyogo Prefecture’s Takarazuka City Is Full of Entertainment! Check Out the Classic Takarazuka Grand Theater, the Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum and Other Little-Known Spots!
Local PR Travel Action & Adventure- 155 plays
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Takarazuka Is a World Famous Entertainment City! The Takarazuka International Tourism Association created the video “A Video to Guide Tourism in Takarazuka.” The video introduces attractive sightseeing places around Takarazuka, Hyogo, in Japan's Kansai region. This article will introduce recommended sightseeing places in the city of entertainment. Be sure to follow along with the video! Entertainment Spots in Takarazuka! Photo:Takarazuka Grand Theater The most famous sightseeing location in Takarazuka is Takarazuka Revue. The performance at the Takarazuka Grand Theatre is a high quality show that we recommend seeing at least once. This is one of the few all-female troupes in the world, and their well-honed performances, which have been performed for over 100 years, are a must-see. Fans of the Takarazuka School of Music won't want to miss the Sumire Museum, where you can see photos of the Takarazuka School of Music, exhibits of teaching materials used in classes, actual classroom scenes and extracurricular activities that are not usually available to the public. We also recommend stopping by Horai Bridge, which spans the Muko River (武庫川, Mukogawa) and is known as a view point for the Takarazuka Grand Theater. Source :YouTube screenshot Osamu Tezuka, a pioneer of Japanese manga and anime, was born in Takarazuka, and the Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum is located there in his honor. It has an entrance reminiscent to that of the palace from Princess Knight. Enjoy the world of Japanese manga here! Recommended Sightseeing Spots in Takarazuka Photo:Kiyoshikojin Seichoji There are historical shrines and temples, such as, Kiyoshikojin Seichoji, Nakayamadera, Hachiman Shrine (波豆八幡神社, Hachimanjinjya), Iwashizu Shrine (伊和志津神社 Iwashizujinjya), and Mefu Shrine (売布神社, Mefujinjya). Be sure to check out theKitsugidayu Stele Monument as well. There are also places where you can enjoy golfing and horse racing. Tourist Attractions to Enjoy the Natural Scenery There's a hiking trail at Takedao Haisenjiki's Mukogawa valley as well, and it gets quite busy during fall. After hiking, bathing at Takedao Hot Springs (武田尾温泉, Takedaoonsen) is a great way to relax and unwind. Photo:Hananomichi Takarazuka is called the "City of Gardening," and there's a beautiful dahlia garden called Aiaipark, where you can buy gardening tools, and the well-kept-secret Hana no Michi where you can enjoy seasonal flowers. We also recommend strawberry picking at Ai-farm and buying local vegetables at Nishitani Community Center Fureai Yume Plaza. Sightseeing in Takarazuka Staying at the luxury Takarazuka Washington Hotel or Takarazuka Hotel where you can enjoy Taisho Roman, is a great idea for lodging. Relaxing at Nature Spa Takarazuka and Hotel Wakamizu and enjoying the pure hot springs while dining on Japanese cuisine will make for an experience you won't soon forget. We recommend the local specialty tansan-senbei as a souvenir. Summary of Takarazuka As you can see from the video, Takarazuka is easily accessed from Osaka and Kobe. There are a lot of entertainment and natural tourist attractions in the area as well. There's more information about Takarazuka in the video, so be sure to check it out to learn about the attractions of Takarazuka! Visit popular tourist attractions in Takarazuka! 【Official Website】Takarazuka City, Hyogo Prefecture City Hall Website http://www.city.takarazuka.hyogo.jp.e.pc.hp.transer.com/ -
Video article 1:59
Kakurin Temple - The Treasure of Kakogawa, Hyogo and a Treasury of History. This Out of the Way Sightseeing Spot Is a Fascinating Temple With Ties to Prince Shotoku!
Local PR Travel Art & Architecture- 100 plays
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Introducing Kakurin Temple Temple Source :Kakurin Temple Temple Official Twitter Right now, Japan is experiencing an unprecedented amount of inbound tourism. Have you ever wanted to visit a temple in peace and quiet, only to be disappointed by the sheer number of tourists? There's actually a lot of quiet sightseeing spots just a short distance away if you don't mind venturing just a bit further. This video, titled "Kakogawa City PR Video|Kakurin-ji Temple" (【兵庫県加古川市PR動画】鶴林寺), created by "Kakogawa Tourism Association" introduces Totasan Kakurin Temple (Kakurinji), located in Kakogawa, east of the Harima area of Hyogo. There are many formal shrines and temples around the area. It is extremely accessible, being just 30 minutes from Kobe (JR Sannomiya Station) and 10 minutes from Himeji on the Special Rapid Express train, making it a hidden tourist attraction and a historic sacred site. The video shows a woman sightseeing at Kakurin Temple Temple. Enjoy the sights and sounds of Kakurin Temple Temple through the video! The History of Kakurin Temple Source :Kakurin Temple Temple Official Twitter Kakurin Temple has a deep connection with Prince Shotoku, who is known for spreading Buddhism in Japan. Eben, a monk from Goryeo, afraid of Buddhist abolitionists, evacuated to Harima. In 585, the young Prince Shotoku, 12 at the time, visited from the and received the teachings of Buddha. This is said to be the beginning of Kakurin Temple. During Kamakura period, (1185-1333) the worship of Prince Shotoku became popular and the temple reached its peak. During Warring States period, (1467-1615), when the country was on the brink of war, Kuroda Kanbei, the lord of Himeji Castle, and his father Mototaka forced to relinquish the castle to Oda Nobunaga to avoid complete annihilation. Kakurin Temple Temple is one of the most representative temples in Kakogawa, with many National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties. The temple is called "Otsurusan" by the locals. In the fall, the trees at the temple turn red and it become a popular place for moon viewing. You can also try zen meditation and sutra-copying, which are shown at 0:55 in the video. It's popular photogenic sightseeing spot among tourists from abroad who are interested in Japanese culture. The Cultural Properties of Kakurin Temple Temple Source :Kakurin Temple Temple Official Twitter There are 45 Cultural Properties at Kakurin Temple Temple, including the main hall and Taishi-do Hall, which are both national treasures. You can see the main hall at 0:27 and Taishi-do Hall from 1:07 in the video. The temple is called "Harima's Horyu-ji" and the Main Hall, Nio-zo and Three-storied Pagoda are truly spectacular. There are many paintings and Buddhist statues stored at the temple, and the most famous one is a standing bronze statue of the Goddess of Mercy, "Aitata Kannon." There is a legend that says that when the statue was stolen, the thief hurt his back and screamed "aitata!," and was so surprised that he repented and returned the statue to the temple. There are so many things to see at the temple, such as the Yakushi-sanzon (three deities of the Buddha) that cure diseases, the statue of the Holy Avalokitesvara (the Goddess of Mercy) and the powerful Twelve Divine Generals. These can be seen at 0:40 in the video. The Festival at Kakurin Temple Source :Kakurin Temple Temple Official Twitter The temple is known for its Oni-oi ceremony. This can be seen at 1:30 in the video. After red oni and blue oni get violent in the crowds, they are exorcised by the Buddha. This is an event at Kakurin Temple, that has continued since the Heian period (794-1185). During the Tanabata Festival in July, the temple grounds are opened to the public free of charge from 5pm and strips of paper are hung on bamboo branches to make wishes. Summary of Kakurin Temple Temple Source :Kakogawa Tourism Association Kakurin Temple is a great place to get a closer look at Japanese culture. You can get a sense of history at Kakurin-ji Treasure Museum, which is shown at 1:11 in the video. Also, Kakogawa, where Kakurin Temple is located, is another sightseeing spot where you can experience the "real Japan." The nostalgic station buildings and shopping streets are fun to walk through, and there is also excellent access to Akashi and Himeji. The most famous and the closest sightseeing spot is Himeji Castle, which is shown from 0:02 in the video. Be sure to try the "Katsumeshi," a combination of pork cutlet, rice and cabbage, when you visit Kakogawa. We hope this video gave you a taste of the wonderful, traditional Japanese scenery of Kakurin Temple Temple and made you more interested in Kakogawa City. ◆Kakurin Temple Information◆ 【Address】424 Kakogawacho, Kakogawa City, Hyogo Prefecture 675-0031 【Access】8 minutes by bus or 25 minutes on foot from JR Kakogawa Station 【Hours】9:00~16:30 【Admission fee】Adult 500 yen (as of July 2020) 【Parking】There is a parking lot 【Telephone】079-454-7053 【Official Website】Kakogawa City, Hyogo City Hall Website http://www.city.kakogawa.lg.jp/ -
Video article 3:54
The "Ako Lion Dance": A Dynamic, Traditional Japanese Lion Dance of Ako, Hyogo That Has Long Been Enjoyed in Japan; Watch the Lively Lion Dance Parade From the Roadside in This Video!
Festivals & Events History- 420 plays
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The Traditional Ako Lion Dance! This video, produced by "Ako Channel - The Official Video Channel of Ako City," is an official PR video titled, "Ako Lion Dance - Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society" (赤穂の獅子舞「新田西部獅子舞保存会」). There are various regional events and festivals in autumn every year in Ako, Hyogo in Japan's Kansai Region. The Ako Lion Dance, performed by the members of the Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society (新田西部獅子舞保存会), is especially popular as it is vigorous and has a long history in the area. The Ako Lion Dance parades through the approaches to shrines and temples. Take in the traditional Japanese atmosphere through the video, which shows the lion dance, a traditional cultural event in Ako in the fall. Don't Miss the Dynamic Movement of the Ako Lion Dance! Source :YouTube screenshot The Autumn Festival of Hiyoshi Shrine in Nitta District is held annually in October in Ako City, Hyogo Prefecture. During this lively festival, the Ako Lion Dance, performed by the Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society, parades throughout the city. The festival begins with the "welcome of the gods"(0:19). A mischievous wild lion is skillfully led by a Tengu, a sort of Japanese goblin often found in folk tales. At 0:41, after “the purification of the lion head and Tengu mask” takes place, it's time to leave for "Hanamai," which parades through the city of Ako (0:53). "Hanamai" continues to visit over 200 places while performing to the sound of the drum. The lion dance at Hiyoshi Shrine is performed by Western Nitta District and Nitta Village alternately each year. The one seen in the video is performed by Western Nitta District. The highlight of the festival is "dochu mai" (1:58); while the rituals are being performed at Hiyoshi Shrine, the lion dance troupe takes its time to move along the approach to the shrine. After the ritual is over, they run up to the worship hall and the dedication dance begins. The Ako Lion Dance is descended from Ako Hachiman Shrine in Ozaki Districtand is characterized by slow movements during "dochu mai" and intense movements during the dedication dance at the main shrine. The Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society performs a dance with a skit called "Niwaka."(2:55). So Much to See and Do at the Ako Autumn Festival! Source :YouTube screenshot In addition to the lion dance dedication by the Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society, various events are held in Ako, such as an exorcism ritual and a children's mikoshi (portable shrine). The Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society is not the only performer of Ako Lion Dance. There are many other organizations, such as Kamihamaichi and the Kizu Lion Preservation Society, that performs the dance as well. The lion dance of the Kamihamaichi Lion Preservation Society, known for its Hanamai and group dances, and the lion dance of the Kizu Lion Dance Preservation Society, which prays for purification and a good harvest, are also worth seeing. During the Autumn Festival in Ako, there are many stalls along the streets of shrines and temples. One of the ways to enjoy Ako's Autumn Festival is to eat local Japanese food at the stalls. Summary of the Ako Lion Dance The Ako Lion Dance is an important traditional ritual, and the Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society has long been honing their skills to preserve the culture. Succession of traditional culture is a significant theme of traditional Japanese festivals. Visit the Ako Autumn Festival and experience Japanese culture through vigorous lion dances! 【Official Website】Ako Tourism - FEEL AKO TIME https://ako-kankou.jp/en/ -
Video article 2:29
Behold the Mesmerizing Scenery of Takeda Castle, Hidden in a Sea of Clouds in Asago, Hyogo! Called the "Machu Picchu of Japan" and "Castle in the Sky," Takeda Castle Attracts Thousands of Tourists From All Over the World!
History- 357 plays
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Takeda Castle - A Castle in the Sky! The video introduced here is titled "Castle in the Sky|An Aerial View of the Takeda Castle Ruins." It was produced by "e-picture production.com," and showcases beautiful images of Takeda castle in Hyogo prefecture taken by drone. Takeda Castle is located in Asago, Hyogo Prefecture, and is a famous tourist attraction known as the "Machu Picchu of Japan" and "Castle in the Sky." As you can see from 0:04 in the video, early in the morning, you can enjoy the fantastic scenery of the castle shrouded in mist. Tourists who come to visit the site cheer at and admire the spectacular view. About Takeda Castle - A Castle in the Sky Source :YouTube screenshot The Takeda Castle Ruins, a mountain castle located at the top of the 353.7-meter-tall Mt. Kojo to the west of Ritsunkyou, is a stone walled fortress with a central tower, with the inner and outer citadels, the outer section of the castle, and the southern outer citadel arranged in a renkaku style. You can see a full view of the Takeda Castle Ruins at 0:51 in the video. It is also called "Torafusu Castle" as it looks like a tiger waiting in ambush (虎, "tora" means tiger, and 伏す "fusu" means to wait in ambush). Takeda Castle is a national historic site, an Important Cultural Property of Japan, and one of the "Top 100 castles of Japan." In 2012, the castle was recognized as a sacred place for lovers because of its fantastic scenery, suitable for marriage proposals. In Japan, there is a ruin called Bungo Takeda Castle in Kyushu, Oita prefecture as well. The History of Takeda Castle - A Castle in the Sky Photo:Hyogo Prefecture・Takeda Castle Ruins It is said that Takeda Castle was built during the Muromachi period (1336 to 1573 AD) and the first castle owner was Otagakishi, but the history remains unclear to this day. The castle was the scene of many battles during the during the Warring States period (c. 1467 to 1615) and the Azuchi-Momoyama periods (1573 to 1598). Particularly famous are the Onin War, which started with the battle between Hosokawa Katsumoto and Yamana Sozen, and the Battle of Takeda Castle, in which Oda Nobunaga dispatched Hideyoshi Hashiba (Toyotomi Hideyoshi) to the area and later attacked Kozuki Castle and Tajima. Takeda Castle was later destroyed in the Battle of Sekigahara and was abandoned by the Edo Shogunate. Summary of Takeda Castle Photo:Hyogo Prefecture・Takeda Castle Ruins The beautiful sea of clouds at Takeda Castle is nothing short of breathtaking and would definitely look great on your Instagram! Be aware that the view will greatly depend on the weather, so be sure to check out the forecast before your visit. We recommend visiting with a feeling of "if you're lucky you'll see it, if not, it's still beautiful." In addition to the sea of clouds, you can also enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms in the spring and the autumn colors in the fall at Takeda Castle. We also recommend stopping at the nearby Takeda-jimachi-dori, taking a bus tour, or staying at a guest house or hotel. ◆Outline information of Takeda Castle◆ 【Address】169 Takeda Kojoyama, Wadayama Town, Asago City, Hyogo Prefecture 【Access】10 minutes by Sky Bus from JR Takeda Station, 15 minutes by car from JR Wadayama Station 【Hours】Varies by season 【Admission fee】Adults 500 yen, free for junior high school students and younger 【Parking】Available 【Official Website】National Historic Site "Takeda Castle Ruins" Official Homepage | Asago City http://www.city.asago.hyogo.jp/takeda/ 【TripAdvisor】 Takeda Castle Ruins https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g1022837-d1239443-r23802865-Takeda_Castle_Ruins-Asago_Hyogo_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 11:05
Swords Forged by Japanese Craftsmen Are Truly Works of Art! Don't Take Your Eyes off This Artisanship!
Traditional Crafts- 343 plays
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1000年以上も続く伝統文化「刀鍛冶」 こちらの動画は「redbowkk9600」が公開した、兵庫県篠山市で日本刀の制作している藤井啓介さんが日本刀を鍛錬する様子を収めた「日本刀鍛錬 katana making(1)」だ。 古くは約1000年前の平安時代から使われてきた日本固有の武器「日本刀」。 世界的にも有名なこの武器は、切ることに特化しており、その性能は他の武器の追随を許さないほどだ。 現代の平和な日本において日本刀が武器として使われることはない。 しかし日本刀には、武器としての性能以上に伝統工芸品としての美しさがある。 刀鍛冶の職人が作った日本刀は、まさに芸術品だ。 伝統工芸品である日本刀を作る職人(刀匠)は、減少傾向にある。 これは日本刀自体が高価で需要が少ないこともあるが、刀鍛冶としての技術を継承することが非常に難しいことが主な原因だ。 刀鍛冶になり、日本伝統の継承者になろうと思っても最低5年の修行期間を経て、やっと本格的な日本刀の鍛錬ができるようになる。 鋭い切れ味と強靱な刀身を実現する日本刀の原料とは? 日本刀が他の刃物と大きく違う点は原材料にある。 伝統工芸品である日本刀は「玉鋼(たまはがね)」と呼ばれる良質な鋼でできている。 この「玉鋼」は現在は日本刀の原材料でしか使われておらず、「たたら製鉄」という特有の製鉄法で製錬される。 「玉鋼」は普通の鋼と比較すると不純物が少ないので非常に美しくあり、また加工しやすく割れにくいという特徴がある。 「玉鋼」はまさに、日本刀のために製錬された鉱物なのだ。 また日本の歴史の中で太刀や短刀などさまざまな刀長の種類の日本刀が作られたが、いずれも「玉鋼」を原料にしたものが重宝されてきた。 匠の技による日本刀の意外な作刀法 日本刀が伝統工芸品として高価で取引されている理由は、一振り一振りが職人の手によって鍛錬されているからだ。 日本刀の鍛錬は機械では真似できず、職人が受け継いできた技術により丁寧に鍛錬していくしかない。 一振りの日本刀を鍛錬し完成させるためには約2週間かかる。 日本刀の鍛錬は鋼を高温で熱し、細長い形にするという単純な作り方ではない。 日本刀の鍛錬の特徴は、高温に熱し加工しやすくした「玉鋼」を何度も折り返し重ねることだ。この折り返しは10回から12回繰り返す。 この手間のかかる工程と技法を行うことで、不純物の少ない「玉鋼」からさらに不純物を取り除くことができ、さらに日本刀の仕上がりも丈夫なものができる。 「刀鍛冶」紹介まとめ 日本刀は日本の伝統工芸品の中でも非常に歴史が深く、美術品として誰もが認める美しさをもっている。 現在では日本刀の鍛錬の様子を見学させてもらえる鍛冶場も多く存在する。間近で職人が刀を鍛錬する様子はまさに圧巻だ。 また、伝統工芸作品として登録された日本刀はだれでも購入することができる。 美術品として気になる方は、専門店に行くとさまざまな日本刀を見ることができるのでオススメだ。 -
Video article 5:36
Awaji Ningyo Joruri - A Traditional Japanese Performing Art of Hyogo Prefecture Loved Both in Japan and Abroad! Introducing the History and Highlights of Awaji Ningyo Joruri!
Traditional Culture- 89 plays
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An Introduction to Awaji Ningyo Joruri for Beginners! The video this time is called "What is Awaji Ningyo Joruri?" (淡路人形浄瑠璃って何やろ?). This is an introductory video on the traditional Japanese performing art, Ningyo Joruri (Awaji Puppet Theatre). Ningyo Joruri is a traditional Japanese performing art made for the masses. Be sure to follow along with the video that explains Awaji Ningyo Joruri in detail, and experience the fascinating culture unique to Japan! Awaji Ningyo Joruri - A Traditional Japanese Culture Source :YouTube screenshot Puppet shows have been performed on Awaji Island in Hyogo Prefecture for approximately 500 years, around the Warring States period of Japan. Awaji Ningyo Joruri was originally performed as a Shinto ritual in honor of Ebisu in Nishinomiya. Ningyo Joruri, also called Bunraku, is a theatrical art culture, and the story is performed by a gidayu (a joruri narrator), shamisen music, and 3 puppeteers, as seen at 3:08 in the video. The three puppeteers bring the puppets to life with their fluid movements. Unlike many other Japanese performing arts, Awaji Ningyo Joruri also has many female puppeteers. The Charms of Awaji Ningyo Joruri Source :YouTube screenshot The Awaji Puppet Theater is a cultural facility where you can watch Awaji Ningyo Joruri shows. Awaji Island is a historical spot that is associated with "Kuniumi," Japan's creation myth, and the Awaji Puppet Theater has a performance called Ebisu Mai (Ebisu Dance) that is associated with this myth. Awaji Ningyo Joruri has a unique way of producing a dynamic traditional art form that incorporates quick changes and the use of large props, creating a performance that keeps the crowd glued to their seats. In recent years, Awaji Ningyo Joruri has been attracting attention outside of Japan as well. Awaji Ningyo Joruri Theater is making efforts to further promote traditional Japanese performing arts, including overseas tours. Summary of Awaji Ningyo Joruri Source :YouTube screenshot Awaji Ningyo Joruri is a traditional art form unique to Japan, and is something we highly recommend viewing if you have the chance. The video introduces the charms and characteristics of Awaji Ningyo Joruri, so if you still haven't yet, be sure to check it out. When you go to Awaji Island, a place famous for the whirlpools in the Naruto Strait, be sure to stop by the Awaji Puppet Theater, and the Minamiawajishi Awajiningyojoruri Museum! 【Official Website】Awaji Puppet Theater: Homepage https://awajiningyoza.com/other/en/ -
Video article 3:08
Learn the True Terror of an Earthquake by Actually Experiencing One! Introducing a Disaster-Prevention Learning Facility in the Kansai Region, Where You Can Learn to Be Prepared for When an Earthquake Strikes!
Action & Adventure- 60 plays
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A Disaster-Prevention Learning Facility in Japan's Kansai Region This video is titled "Evolving Disaster Prevention Learning Facility" (進化する防災学習施設), created by "SankaiNews." It introduces three disaster prevention learning facilities in the Kansai region. The three facilities introduced are The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Memorial Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution" in Chuo Ward (中央区, Chuo-ku),Kobe City (神戸市, Kobe-shi), "Kyoto City Disaster Prevention Center" in Minami Ward (南区, Minami-ku), Kyoto City (京都市, Kyoto-shi) and "Abeno Tasukaru (Abeno Disaster Prevention Learning Center)" in Abeno Ward(阿倍野区,Abenoku), Osaka City (大阪市, Osaka-shi). One of the main features of these Disaster Prevention Learning Centers is that you can experience a simulation of earthquakes or tsunamis. You can learn the terror of earthquakes and how to react when one happens, through this realistic experience. Be sure to check out what these experience look like in the video. The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Memorial Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution Source :YouTube screenshot "The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Memorial Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution" in Chuo Ward, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture(兵庫県,Hyogo-ken) is introduced at the beginning of the video. This facility was made for people to learn, and experience disasters, and to raise awareness about disaster prevention and mitigation in response to the Great Awaji-Hanshin Earthquake. The "Tsunami Evacuation Experience Corner," shown at the beginning of the video, was built in 2017. You can experience the difficulty of walking during a tsunami by wearing walking equipment that puts weight on your feet, surrounded by a live-action film of Takase Town (高瀬町, Takase-cho), in Japan's Shikoku region (四国地方, Shikoku-chiho), which is expected to be hit with floods and tsunamis when the Nankai Trough Earthquake hits, as well as 3D-footage of a tsunami. Experiencing how difficult it can be to walk through the water pressure of a rushing tsunami can help you understand the need to evacuate as soon as possible. Through videos and storytellers, the experiences and lessons of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake are being passed on to the next generation. Kyoto City Disaster Prevention Center Source :YouTube screenshot Up next is the Kyoto City Disaster Prevention Center The earthquake experience room is introduced at 1:25 in the video. The video shows an emergency earthquake warning, and the monitor shows the expected seismic intensity, allowing you to experience the 6.8-magnitude Niigata Chuetsu Earthquake and the 7.3-magnitude Hanshin-Awaji earthquake. It’s a practical and useful experience, where you can experience taking cover under a desk, and learn the actions you need to take when evacuating your home. This video shows parents and children experiencing an earthquake. In this way, children can also learn what to do in the event of a disaster. There is also a video experience corner, a strong wind experience corner, an evacuation experience corner, a firefighting corner, an urban flood experience corner, a general training corner, and a safe living corner. Abeno Tasukaru (Abeno Disaster Prevention Learning Center) Source :YouTube screenshot The last facility we'll touch on is the Abeno Tasukaru (Abeno Disaster Prevention Learning Center), which was renovated in April 2019. "City of Debris," where you can experience the dangers of walking in a post-earthquake city, is shown through buildings wrecked by earthquakes and projection mapping. As you can see in the video, an extremely realistic town is reproduced. By experiencing windows shattering and signs falling, you can know what to watch out for when evacuating. There's also the "Osaka Disaster Prevention Information Station" where you can learn about the potential dangers of disasters all over Osaka City. There's also Tasukaru Theater, and you can learn about disaster mitigation, firefighting, smoke, tsunami evacuation, evacuation support, rescue, preparedness, first aid, experience a seismic intensity 7 earthquake, and more. Summary of Disaster Prevention Centers in the Kansai Region Source :YouTube screenshot Japan was hit by the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 and the Kumamoto Earthquake in 2016, and the affected areas are still recovering. As you can see in the video, disaster prevention learning facilities that allow people to learn to prepare for future earthquakes, while preserving the memory of past earthquakes, have become more realistic in recent years. When the time comes, you are most likely to panic and not know how to act. When it comes to an emergency, it is possible to panic and not know what to do. By simulating these facilities, you are more likely to be able to act calmly. We encourage you to visit the facility to see what they are like and to think about sharing the dangers of, and preparing for the dangers of future disasters. ◆The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Memorial Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution・Facility Information◆ 【Address】1 Chome-5-2 Wakinohamakaigandori, Chuo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 651-0073 【Access】A 10 minute walk from Hanshin Electric Railway's Iwaya Station and Kasuganomichi Station. 【Hours】Adults: 600 yen, University Students: 450 yen, High School Students and under: Free (※As of January 2020) 【Hours】9:30〜17:30 【Closures】Mondays (When Monday is a holiday, the next weekday is closed) 【Parking】Available. There is a toll of 250 yen per hour. 【Telephone】078-262-5050 ◆Kyoto City Disaster Prevention Center・Facility Information◆ 【Address】7 Nishikujo Sugatacho, Minami Ward, Kyoto, 601-8445 【Access】An 8 minute walk from Kintetsu Jujo Station 【Admission fee】Free 【Hours】9:00~17:00 【Closures】Mondays (When Monday is a holiday, the next weekday is closed) 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】075-662-1849 ◆Abeno Tasukaru (Abeno Disaster Prevention Learning Center)・Facility Information◆ 【Address】3 Chome-13-23 Abenosuji, Abeno Ward, Osaka, 545-0052 【Access】A 3 minute walk from Abeno Station on the Osaka Metro Tanimachi Line 【Admission fee】Free 【Hours】10:00~18:00 【Closures】Wednesdays・Last Thursday of the month 【Parking】Available. 18 spots are provided for free. 【Telephone】06-6643-1031 【Official Website】Future of People and Disaster Prevention Center http://www.dri.ne.jp/en