Festivals & Events
Video article 5:52
Enjoy the Pure White Snowy Landscape at the Traditional "Yokote Snow Festival" in Yokote, Akita Prefecture! Experience Warm Rice Cakes in a Giant Igloo and a Fantastical Silver World!
Festivals & Events- 63 plays
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秋田県で行われる横手かまくら雪まつり こちらの動画は「Discover Nippon」が公開した「[4K]Snow scene Winter Japan 秋田県•横手かまくら祭り Yokote Kamakura Festival 秋田観光 雪まつり JAPAN 雪景色 日本の冬」です。 横手かまくらとは秋田県で毎年2月に開催される伝統の「横手の雪まつり」で作られる大きなかまくらのことです。 この祭りの特徴は、「はいってたんせ」と、高さ3mにもなる「かまくら」の中へと招く子どもたちに手を引かれ、甘酒やお餅などをごちそうになり、凍える冬の寒さを忘れるひとときを過ごすことができます。 秋田県の横手かまくらの歴史と伝統文化 秋田県横手市の横手かまくら祭りには450年もの歴史があります。 江戸時代には鎌倉大明神を祀り、門松を立てお神酒を奉り、しめ縄を燃やすことで無病息災を祈念していました。 商人の間では、小正月行事祭りとして水神様を祀り、繁栄祈願をしました。 今でも伝統としてかまくらの内部の神棚にはろうそくと水神様が祀られている様子が動画の1:33からご覧になることができます。 また、日本のかまくらの歴史や伝統文化について学習するには、秋田県の横手駅から徒歩10分の横手市ふれあいセンターかまくら館がおすすめです。 横手のかまくらが伝統として継承されてきた歴史を展示しているので、イベントをより深く楽しむことができます。 ここでは四季に関係なく、秋田に降った雪で作られたかまくらが展示されています。 横手かまくら体験以外にも多くのイベントが開催 横手かまくら祭りの100基のかまくらの中でろうそくが灯されている景色は幻想的かつインスタ映え間違いなしです。 また、秋田県横手市にはかまくらをモチーフにしたものがたくさんあり、地域の情報を報道するFMかまくらや、秋の横手を自転車で走るかまくらライドといったイベントまであります。 横手かまくらが伝統として地域に根付いている証拠でしょう。 秋田の日本伝統的祭り「横手かまくらの雪まつり」紹介まとめ 今回の動画は秋田の横手かまくらに関する日本伝統の雪祭りについて紹介しました。 日本の雪まつりの中でも歴史と伝統文化のある横手かまくら祭りをぜひ体験してみてください! -
Video article 4:26
Banish the Ogres at the "Oni Banishing Ritual" of Iwashimizu Hachimangu in Kyoto! Setsubun Is a Traditional Japanese Festival That Involves Throwing Beans at Demons to Drive Away Evil Spirits, and Has Been Passed Down From Generation to Generation Since Ancient Times in Japan
Festivals & Events- 66 plays
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Introduction the "Oni Banishing Ritual" Held at the Popular Sightseeing Destination, Iwashimizu Hachimangu in Kyoto "Kyoto Festival: Spring Ogre Purification (Oni Yarai Shinji) [4K]" uploaded by "Discover Kyoto," introduces the "Oni Banishing Ritual" which is held every year at Iwashimizu Hachimangu in Kyoto. Iwashimizu Hachimangu, located in southwest Kyoto (Yawata, Kyoto), a popular sightseeing spot in Japan, is a historical shrine with many highlights. There are ten buildings there, including the grounds of the shrine and the main shrine which have been designated National Treasures, and many National Cultural Properties. It is also one of three great Hachimangu Shrines in Japan. You are able to feel Japan, by just walking around the shrine. This article introduces the Oni Banishing Ritual "Oni Yarai Shinji," a type of Setsubun held every year on the Sunday before February 3rd at Iwashimizu Hachimangu, as well as sightseeing and general Setsubun information. As you can see from 2:24 in the video, beans are thrown at oni while people shout "Oni yaro." After the oni are driven out of the shrine they run away. Finally, fukumame (good luck beans) are thrown into the crowd signifying that the shrine has been cleansed. The video will make you want to perform some oni exorcisms of your own! What's the Event Like? Source :YouTube screenshot The origins of Setsubun derive from "Tsuinashiki," an event to drive off evil spirits on New Year's Eve and at the change of seasons to drive away evil spirits. The common chant you'll hear among onlookers is "Oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi!," (Demons out, fortune in!) while throwing the beans. It's also good luck to eat as many beans as your age. In some areas, it's also common to hang a sardine with its head skewered on a holly branch on your doorstep as a charm and to eat ehomaki while facing the "lucky direction" without speaking. The "Oni Banishing Ritual" is held every year on Sunday before February 3rd at Iwashimizu Hachiman in Kyoto, from 1pm and 2pm. A priest who exorcises evil enters and shoots in all directions with a bow made of peach branches. Next, he uses a sword made of peach branches to strike in all directions, saying "oni yaro!" This can be seen from 0:58 in the video. From there, the standard Japanese red and blue oni with clubs come and shout to scare children. The priest and others stand in front of the main building as the oni try to rush forward, but the beans are thrown at them and they're sent tumbling down the slope over and over again. Eventually, the oni give up and run away. Afterwards, beans in small packages are given to the visitors. You can see the event taking place starting from 1:30 in the video. Sightseeing Information Photo:A priestess holding a Kagura bell To get to the shrine, take the Keihan Line from Kyoto Station, ride about 30 minutes and get off at Iwashimizu Hachimangu Station. From there, transfer to the Otokoyama Cable Car and get off at Hachimangu-sanjo Station at the top of Otokoyama and walk for 5 minutes. You can also walk instead of using the cable car. There are parking areas as well. Summary The video “Kyoto Festival: Spring Oni Purification (Oni Yarai Shinji) [4K]” introduces the "Oni Banishing Ritual" event during Setsubun, held at Iwashimizu Hachimangu. You can learn about Setsubun rituals and beliefs in the video, so be sure to check it out. 【Tripadvisor】Iwashimizu Hachimangu https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023398-d1901742-Reviews-Iwashimizu_Hachimangu-Yawata_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 5:12
The Ogaki Festival - A 9 km-Long Parade of Majestic Floats! The Strong Will to Keep the Festival Going Since the Edo Period Is What Gets the Crowd So Lively!
Festivals & Events- 60 plays
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The Ogaki Festival of Ogaki, Gifu This video, titled "[Full Version] Ogaki Festival [Main Ver.]" (【完全版】大垣祭の軕(ヤマ)行事【メインVer.】), shows the Ogaki Festival in Gifu prefecture. The Ogaki Festival is a traditional Japanese festival held in Ogaki, Gifu in May each year. In this article, we'll go over the history and characteristics of the festival in detail! What Kind of Festival is the Ogaki Festival? Source :YouTube screenshot The Ogaki Festival is a historic castle town festival that is said to have started around 1648 in the Edo Period. Several floats were lost due to earthquakes during the Meiji Period (1868-1912) and World War II. The nine surviving floats and accessories have been designated as Important Tangible Folk Cultural Properties of Gifu Prefecture. In 2015, the festival was designated as an Important Intangible Cultural Property of Japan, and in 2016, the Ogaki Festival was registered as an Intangible Cultural Heritage as one of the yama (山), hoko (鉾), and yatai (屋台) float festivals of Japan. Ogaki is the place where Matsuo Basho wrote his last haiku for "The Narrow Road to the Deep North." In spring, Ogaki holds the "Basho Festival" in honor of the great poet. The Floats of the Ogaki Festival Source :YouTube screenshot The Ogaki Festival consists of 13 floats: Kagura, representing Honamachi/Nakamachi/Shinmachi, Daikoku, representing Uoya-cho/Takejima-cho/Tawaramachi, Ebisu, representing Funamachi/Tenma-cho/Gifumachi/Miyamachi, Aioi, also representing Honmachi, Hotei, representing Nakamachi, Sugawara, representing Shinmachi, Namazu, representing Uoya-cho, Sakaki, representing Takejima-cho, Urashima, representing Tawaramachi, Tamanoi, representing Funamachi, Shochiku, representing Tenma-cho, Atago, representing Gifumachi, and Shojo, representing Miyamachi. During the festival, these 13 floats parade around Ogaki. Each of them is decorated with a variety of traditional crafts, such as metals, lacquer works, and carvings, which are made in the Mino area. You can see the floats parading through the city in the midst of the festival at 0:59 in the video. The decorations on each of the floats use many of the excellent traditional craftsmanship techniques of the Mino Region, such as metalwork, lacquer work, and carving, and the floats have a very ornate appearance. The Various Events at the Ogaki Festival Source :YouTube screenshot The Ogaki Festival consists of three types of events: "Shiraku," showcasing traditional Japanese performing arts, the "Honraku" float parade, and "Yomiya," which involves the lighting of lanterns and the transfer of a sacred object. During the festival, each float plays lively music with gongs and drums, karakuri dolls perform tricks, and there's music played by the hayashi bands. The karakuri dolls can be seen at 2:05 in the video. On the day of the festival, many food stalls line the streets, so you can enjoy eating different types of Japanese food cart snacks! Summary of the Ogaki Festival Source :YouTube screenshot As shown in the video, the Ogaki Festival is an elegant yet powerful festival in the Mino region of Gifu prefecture. Throw on a yukata and head over to Ogaki in early summer to see this beautiful, traditional Japanese festival! 【Official Website】Ogaki Festival Executive Committee https://www.ogakikanko.jp/event/ogakimaturi/english/ -
Video article 4:42
A Look at One Woman Playing an Active Role in Soma Nomaoi, a 1000-Year-Old Festival of Mounted Samurai! Introducing the Documentary Taking the World by Storm!
Festivals & Events- 162 plays
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Samurai Girl - Soma Nomaoi This video, titled "Samurai Girl - One Girl's Story of becoming a Samurai (Samurai Girl - Soma Nomaoi)" (Samurai Girl ~ One Girl's Story of becoming a Samurai(サムライガール〜相馬野馬追)) is a documentary video on Soma Nomaoi, an event in the Soma region of Fukushima prefecture. The video of the samurai girl has attracted so much attention that it was accessed from more than 100 countries within a month of its release. At 0:24 in the video, we see the beautiful samurai girl before she dons her armor. Fully armored up at 1:06, we see the dignified spirit of ancient Japanese samurai within her. What Kind of Event is Fukushima's Soma Nomaoi? Photo:Soma Nomaoi, Fukushima Prefecture Soma Nomaoi is a historic event held in July every year in the Soma region of Fukushima Prefecture, and is designated as an Important Intangible Folk Culture Asset of Japan. The scene of many military leaders and feudal lords getting together to welcome the general is incredibly powerful. There are also many dynamic events, such as reenactments of battles by cavalrymen, wild horse races, armor competitions, and banner wars, and the festival is great for taking Instagram photos! There are also food stalls set up at the events, so if you’re looking to enjoy some delicious Japanese cuisine, this is a great place to visit. Access to Soma Nomaoi, an Event in Fukushima Prefecture Photo:Soma Nomaoi, Fukushima Prefecture Soma Nomaoi, a festival made famous by "Samurai Girl," is held at the Hibarigahara Festival Grounds (雲雀ヶ原祭場地) in Fukushima prefecture. In addition, events are also held at Soma Nakamura, Soma Ota, and Soma Odaka shrines in Soma. On the day of the event, many tourists gather and there is road traffic control. We recommend checking posters for access and parking information ahead of time. We also recommend joining a tour or buying tickets in advance. Summary of Soma Nomaoi and Samurai Girl Photo:Soma Nomaoi, Fukushima Prefecture The video, featuring samurai girl, introduces the dynamic rituals of the Soma Nomaoi, an event that recreates the atmosphere of the Warring States Period. The Soma Region of Fukushima Prefecture was severely damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. This video shows the strong will of the people of Fukushima Prefecture's Soma region. We hope you'll come out to support the reconstruction of Fukushima Prefecture and watch the demonstration of warlords donning armor and Japanese swords! -
Video article 6:57
Halloween in Tokyo From the Eyes of a Foreigner! An Exciting Day of Cosplay in Shibuya!
Festivals & Events Modern Culture- 187 plays
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Shibuya Gone Wild! Tokyo's Nightscape in a Masquerade of Colors and Costumes! Halloween has become one of October's main features in Japan, too, and in Tokyo, both Shibuya and Roppongi host a variety of Halloween events. TOKYObrah's video “HALLOWEEN IN TOKYO, JAPAN! Tokyo Halloween! Shibuya Party 4K(HALLOWEEN IN TOKYO, JAPAN! 東京ハロウィン! 渋谷パーティ 4K)” presents Shibuya’s Halloween celebrations from the eyes of a foreigner. Just watching the participants wearing their costumes is indeed a lot of fun! The Heart of Tokyo’s Halloween Is in Shibuya Photo:Halloween masquerade A crowd of dressed-up people piles up in front of the JR Shibuya train station, moving towards Shibuya Crossing. Even the Japanese, known for being shy, become open and friendly on Halloween, and people in the video often wave at the cameraman with a smile. Join Tokyo’s Halloween Parade! Source :YouTube screenshot When asked to pose for the video, many girls in their different costumes gave their best shot at it in spite of their shyness. The cameramen, too, who was dressed as Lionel Messi, managed to gather a crowd of people all dressed the same as him, with minimal effort. Wearing a costume makes it easier to open up with strangers, which is what makes Halloween so special. Other Foreigners Joined the Halloween Party, Too! Many foreigners gather in the city for Halloween, and some of them show up dressed as famous characters. The celebrations have been getting bigger and bigger every year, and this makes it easier for people from abroad to participate. Everybody chants with a smile “Happy Halloween!” and “Trick or Treat!” It’s Not Just a Halloween Costume Party! Source :YouTube screenshot Even among the more casual costumes there are some that really catch the eye, like the cute bunny girls or the TV characters from local comedy shows. The Jack Sparrow costume at 5:40 and 6:45 are really spectacular, and deserve a special mention. High quality costumes are one of the main attractions of Shibuya's Halloween, and often get featured in the news. Halloween’s Origins: The Harvest Festival The Jack-o'-lantern, Halloween’s omnipresent carved pumpkin, is a symbol everyone knows. Halloween was originally a religious celebration aimed at getting rid of the evil spirits during the harvest season, but as the years went by it shifted towards a more folkloristic event where kids dressed up in scary costumes and were rewarded with treats. In Japan, trick-or-treating was soon abandoned in favor of a costume party event for young people. Tokyo’s Halloween: Summary In Tokyo, lots of young people cosplay during the last weekend of October. As you can see from the video many people dressed as famous Japanese anime characters, while others chose more old-fashioned costumes, like witches and zombies. This is an event that anyone can enjoy, regardless of age or nationality. Even though the video conveys the excitement of Shibuya’s Halloween, it's even better to experience it in person. If you’re in Tokyo in October, make sure you don't miss it! -
Video article 15:22
An in-Depth Look at the Nachi Fire Festival Designated a Cultural Asset by Wakayama Prefecture. The Flames Blazing From the Torches Are So Powerful That It Is Truly Worthy of Being Called One of Japan's Top 3 Fire Festivals!
Festivals & Events- 37 plays
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日本三大火祭りの那智の扇祭りを紹介 こちらの動画は「ANA Global Channel」が公開した「NACHI-NO-OGI MATSURI - IS JAPAN COOL? MATSURI - 祭 (那智の扇祭り/和歌山)」です。 こちらでは和歌山県東牟婁郡那智勝浦町の熊野那智大社で執り行われる、那智の扇祭りを紹介します。 和歌山県の無形文化財にも指定されている、那智の扇祭りの歴史や魅力について説明します。 日本三大火祭りでもある那智の扇祭りの動画共にお楽しみください。 日本の伝統文化である那智の扇祭りについて 日本の伝統文化である那智の扇祭りは、那智の神さまを清め、もとにいた場所に戻って貰うための神事です。 松明や扇神輿を使った御火行事や、笛や腰太鼓で演奏する日本芸能の那智田楽などさまざまな行事を行います。 歴史のある伝統文化の那智の扇祭りですが、那智の火祭と呼ばれる御火行事は、とても迫力がありインスタ映えする風景。 インパクトのある光景が楽しめる那智の扇祭りを、一度見学してみてはいかがでしょうか? 重要無形民俗文化財にも指定されている、那智田楽も必見! 日本の伝統文化である那智の扇祭りの歴史 熊野那智大社にいる那智の神さまは、もともと那智の滝にてお祀りされていました。 その那智の神さまを今から1700年前に那智山の中腹にお遷ししました。 大松明を炎で燃やすのは、那智の神さまが遷られている扇神輿を清めるため。 日本の伝統文化の那智の扇祭りで、迫力のある光景だけでなく、歴史を学んでみてはいかがですか。 日本の伝統文化である那智の扇祭りの魅力とは 日本の伝統文化である那智の扇祭りは、一度は見ておくべきインパクトのある例大祭です。 大きな松明から炎が燃え盛り、乱舞する炎に目を奪われるでしょう。 また、那智田楽は笛や腰太鼓など日本伝統の楽器で演奏し、それに合わせて踊る日本らしい民俗芸能。心地よいリズムや伸びやかな踊りに心が癒やさます。 魅力たっぷりの那智の扇祭りで、迫力ある風景や癒やされる文化を楽しみましょう! 日本の伝統文化である那智の扇祭り紹介まとめ こちらの動画は、那智の扇祭りの歴史や魅力を紹介しており、那智の扇祭りの概要を知ることができます。 日本の伝統文化である那智の扇祭りは、とてもインパクトのあるお祭りなので興味を持った方は是非お祭り会場へ足を運んでみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 3:29
The Aoi Festival - Enjoy the Sacred Ceremony Known as One of the Three Major Festivals of Kyoto! An Elegant, Yet Mysterious Atmosphere, as If You've Been Transported Back in Time, Spreads Throughout Kyoto in the Spring!
Festivals & Events History- 118 plays
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Introducing the Aoi Festival! This "Skyscape" produced video "[Kyoto / Aoi Matsuri 2017] EOS 5D Mark IV 4K Saiodai and Shimogamo Shrine / Headquarters Kyoto Aoi Matsuri Festival(【京都・葵祭2017】EOS 5D Mark IV 4K 斎王代と下鴨神社・社頭の儀 Kyoto Aoi Matsuri Festival), shows the Kyoto Aoi Festival which is held in the Kansai region in Kyoto during the fresh green season. The Aoi Festival consists of three ceremonies: the Miyagi ceremony (宮中の儀, Kyuchu no gi), Roadside ceremony (路頭の儀, Roto no gi), and the Shrine ceremony (社頭の儀, Shatōnogi). Unfortunately, the Miyagi ceremony is not currently being held. The video shows the sacred shrine ceremony in detail. Watch the videos to discover the mysterious and beautiful traditions of Japan. What Kind of Event Is the Aoi Festival Photo:The Tower Gate of Shimogamo Shrine The Aoi Festival is a festival of the World Cultural Heritage sites, Kamigamo Shrine (上賀茂神社, Kamigamo Jinja) (Kamobetsu Raijin Shrine) and Shimogamo Shrine (下鴨神社, Shimogamo Jinja) (Kamo Miso Shrine), and is also called the Kita Festival (北祭, Kita Matsuri) or Kamo Festival (賀茂祭, Kamo Matsuri). The two shrines have been worshipped in Japan since before the Heian period (794 AD to 1185 AD), as Kyoto's number one shrine. The Aoi Festival introduced in this video is counted as one of the three major festivals of Kyoto, along with the Gion Festival and the Festival of the Ages. In addition, the Kyoto Gozan bonfire is added to the three major festivals of Kyoto, causing them to sometimes be referred to as Kyoto's four major events. The Aoi Matsuri is one of the oldest festivals in Japan, and it is mentioned in the "Rivalry of the Carriages" in the Aoi chapter of The Tale of Genji (源氏物語, Genji Monogatari). Let's Check Out Japan's Aoi Festival! Photo:Aoi Festival The roadside ritual of the Aoi Festival is a Heian picture scroll procession that follows a route from the Kyoto Imperial Palace to Kamigamo Shrine. At 0:28 in the video, we see the Saiin of the Aoi Festival, dressed in the "Jūnihitoe," a twelve-layered ceremonial kimono. At the Aoi Festival, there is also a royal envoy and ladies wearing special kimono, and they will travel along the streets with horses and oxen. Participants in the Aoi Matsuri parade decorate their hair with wilder ginger from the Futaba-Aoi plant. After the ceremony in front of the shrine's main building, the procession is filmed in a line from Shimogamo Shrine to the main hall of Kamigamo Shrine. This can be seen at 2:16 in the video. Highlights of the Aoi Festival! If you want to go sightseeing in Kyoto, we recommend the Aoi Festival in May. In addition to the pilgrimage on May 15, there are many rituals during Golden Week, such as the Yabusame ritual, the Kamo horse racing ritual, the holy ritual, the Aoi Festival purification ritual, the festival of the ages, the Oin festival, and the tea ceremony. If you want to see the Aoi Festival up close, you may want to use the paid seats. Around the pilgrimage route there are many famous restaurants such as Saruya, and Yoshinobu Tsuruya, so you can enjoy Kyoto's gourmet cuisine for lunch or buy some souvenirs. Summary of the Aoi Festival Photo: Kamigamo Shrine The video introduced here captures an elegant scene that's as if you've traveled back in time to the Heian period (794 AD to 1185 AD). The Aoi Festival is one of the most famous festivals in Japan, so be sure not to miss it! To get to Kamobetsurai Shrine (Shimogamo Shrine and Kamigamo Shrine), it takes 30 minutes from JR East Kyoto Station by Kyoto City Bus or by car, or a 20-minute walk from Kitaoji Station on the Karasuma Subway Line. There is a parking lot, but traffic is restricted during the Aoi Festival, so we recommend using a Kyoto city bus or train. You can enjoy Kamigamo Shrine not just during the Aoi Festival, but year round as well! Some recommended spots are: “Tachisuna” imitating Kamiyama in front of Nino Torii, “Jokē-en,” a beautiful garden, "Saio Sakura" named after the priestess of the Aoi Festival, "Shinmasha" where you can see the village Hakuba, The Hosono, Maiden (Hashido), Tamabashi, and Romon, all important cultural properties, the Ominata River, the Mitarai River, used for purifying the objects and people in rituals, the Kamiyama spring, Kataoka Shrine, Motomiya Shrine, Kifune Shrine, Kamoyamaguchi Shrine, Kamoyamaguchi Shrine, Shingu Shrine, the Katayama Lion Shrine, Ota Shrine, the wishing stone, the "Kamizen wedding ceremony" (wedding ceremony before the gods), and more. There are hotels and inns near Kamigamo Shrine, so we recommend an overnight stay. Be sure to visit Shimogamo Shrine and Kamigamo Shrine, which are also famous power spots. ◆Kamigamo Shrine Facility Overview◆ 【Address】 339 Kamigamo Motoyama, Kita-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto 603-8047, Japan 【Access】About 30 minutes by car from R East Kyoto Station 【Hours】5: 30-17: 00 【Closures】Open all year round 【Parking】Available (Charge) 【Telephone No】075-781-0011 【Entrance fee】 General admission free, 500 yen for special visits 【Official Website】Aoi Festival 2019 | Kyoto Sightseeing Information KYOTOdesign https://kyoto-design.jp/spot?no_cat=1&en_ver=1&mode_s=1&s= 【Official Website】Kamigamo Shrine (Kamo-wake-ikazuchi Shrine) https://www.kamigamojinja.jp/english/ 【Tripadvisor】Aoi Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d8820145-Reviews-Aoi_Matsuri-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 3:54
The "Ako Lion Dance": A Dynamic, Traditional Japanese Lion Dance of Ako, Hyogo That Has Long Been Enjoyed in Japan; Watch the Lively Lion Dance Parade From the Roadside in This Video!
Festivals & Events History- 420 plays
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The Traditional Ako Lion Dance! This video, produced by "Ako Channel - The Official Video Channel of Ako City," is an official PR video titled, "Ako Lion Dance - Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society" (赤穂の獅子舞「新田西部獅子舞保存会」). There are various regional events and festivals in autumn every year in Ako, Hyogo in Japan's Kansai Region. The Ako Lion Dance, performed by the members of the Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society (新田西部獅子舞保存会), is especially popular as it is vigorous and has a long history in the area. The Ako Lion Dance parades through the approaches to shrines and temples. Take in the traditional Japanese atmosphere through the video, which shows the lion dance, a traditional cultural event in Ako in the fall. Don't Miss the Dynamic Movement of the Ako Lion Dance! Source :YouTube screenshot The Autumn Festival of Hiyoshi Shrine in Nitta District is held annually in October in Ako City, Hyogo Prefecture. During this lively festival, the Ako Lion Dance, performed by the Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society, parades throughout the city. The festival begins with the "welcome of the gods"(0:19). A mischievous wild lion is skillfully led by a Tengu, a sort of Japanese goblin often found in folk tales. At 0:41, after “the purification of the lion head and Tengu mask” takes place, it's time to leave for "Hanamai," which parades through the city of Ako (0:53). "Hanamai" continues to visit over 200 places while performing to the sound of the drum. The lion dance at Hiyoshi Shrine is performed by Western Nitta District and Nitta Village alternately each year. The one seen in the video is performed by Western Nitta District. The highlight of the festival is "dochu mai" (1:58); while the rituals are being performed at Hiyoshi Shrine, the lion dance troupe takes its time to move along the approach to the shrine. After the ritual is over, they run up to the worship hall and the dedication dance begins. The Ako Lion Dance is descended from Ako Hachiman Shrine in Ozaki Districtand is characterized by slow movements during "dochu mai" and intense movements during the dedication dance at the main shrine. The Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society performs a dance with a skit called "Niwaka."(2:55). So Much to See and Do at the Ako Autumn Festival! Source :YouTube screenshot In addition to the lion dance dedication by the Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society, various events are held in Ako, such as an exorcism ritual and a children's mikoshi (portable shrine). The Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society is not the only performer of Ako Lion Dance. There are many other organizations, such as Kamihamaichi and the Kizu Lion Preservation Society, that performs the dance as well. The lion dance of the Kamihamaichi Lion Preservation Society, known for its Hanamai and group dances, and the lion dance of the Kizu Lion Dance Preservation Society, which prays for purification and a good harvest, are also worth seeing. During the Autumn Festival in Ako, there are many stalls along the streets of shrines and temples. One of the ways to enjoy Ako's Autumn Festival is to eat local Japanese food at the stalls. Summary of the Ako Lion Dance The Ako Lion Dance is an important traditional ritual, and the Western Nitta Lion Dance Preservation Society has long been honing their skills to preserve the culture. Succession of traditional culture is a significant theme of traditional Japanese festivals. Visit the Ako Autumn Festival and experience Japanese culture through vigorous lion dances! 【Official Website】Ako Tourism - FEEL AKO TIME https://ako-kankou.jp/en/ -
Video article 17:46
Sanja Matsuri in Asakusa, Tokyo - One of the Three Main Festivals in Japan! Don’t Miss One of the Best Japanese Festivals With More Than 100 Portable Shrines and 1.5 Million Visitors in Tokyo!
Festivals & Events Travel- 217 plays
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Sanja Matsuri in the Old Town Asakusa; The Tradition of Early Summer in Japan Source :YouTube screenshot This is an introductory video titled “SANJA MATSURI – IS JAPAN COOL? MATSURI” (SANJA MATSURI - IS JAPAN COOL? MATSURI - 祭 (三社祭/東京)), created by ANA Global Channel. It introduces Sanja Matsuri (三社祭, Three Portable Shrines Festival) in Asakusa, Tokyo. The old town Asakusa is a popular sightseeing spot in Tokyo for foreign tourists; It is famous for Sensoji Temple (浅草寺, Sensoji) and Kaminarimon Gate (雷門, Kaminarimon). Sanja Matsuri is the festival held at Asakusa Shrine (浅草神社, Asakusa Jinja) in this old town. Sanja Matsuri is held in the old town Asakusa during the 3rd week of May, every year, from Friday to Sunday. Throughout the three days of this event, more than 1.5 million people visit the festival! Japan has been gaining popularity due to the Tokyo Olympics in 2020, and now Sanja Matsuri is one of the very popular events representing Tokyo and Japan. In this video, Mr. Hamasaki from the Kaminarimon West Community Association explains the charms of Sanja Matsuri. Its highlights and history are especially interesting! After watching this video you'll definitely want to check it out! Be sure to follow along with the video as you read the article! Sanja Matsuri: Day 1 Source :YouTube screenshot The first day of Sanja Matsuri starts with “Daigyoretsu Parade.” Beginning with a float accompanied by music, a line of chic Edokko (people born and raised in Edo), dressed as geisha and egrets, parade along the routes in each town of Asakusa. You can see this scene from 2:14 in the video. You especially don't want to miss the “Binzasara Dance,” the dance of rice planting. “Binzasara” is a traditional music instrumental made of 108 thin layers of Japanese cypress boards. Here, participants pray for a good harvest by dancing with the sound of Binzasara. The Binzasara Dance is also designated as an important intangible folk-cultural property of Tokyo; It is a special event you can see only at this festival. After that, the ceremony of transferring the Omi-Tama to the shrine of each town council, is held. Sanja Matsuri: Day 2 Source :YouTube screenshot On the 2nd day of Asakusa Sanja Matsuri, the event called "Mikoshi Togyo" is held by the 44 parishioners of Asakusa. A mikoshi is a portable shrine on which a god or a spirit rides during festivals. In the afternoon, approximately 100 “Portable Town Shrines (町内神輿, Chonai Mikoshi)” owned by 44 towns of Asakusa undergo a purification ceremony at Asakusa Shrine one by one. Then, Edokko carry Mikoshi together and walk around the town energetically. All the portable shrines are put behind the main hall of Sensoji Temple, so it is a very good spot to take some photos. It's definitely worth seeing the view of the 100 portable shrines. You can take some great pictures here as well! You can see this scene from 4:32 in the video. In the video, Mr. Hamasaki says that the events held on the 2nd day are practice for carrying the portable shrines on the following day. He also says that there are no rules for shouts; As long as everyone enjoys carrying the shrines, it's fine. Usually the area around Kaminarimon Gate is full of tourists. During the festival, however, many Edokko gather in this area to carry portable shrines. You can see some great scenes from 9:30 in the video. After that, you can see the female shrine maidens’ dance performance at Kagura Hall (神楽殿, Kaguraden). Sanja Matsuri: Day 3 On the final day of Asakusa Sanja Matsuri, you can see the main portable shrine (本社神輿, Honja Mikoshi) of Asakusa Shrine. The portable shrines where gods ride are called “Miya.” The three portable shrines are called “the first palace (一之宮, Ichino Miya),” “the second palace (二之宮, Nino Miya),” and “the third palace, (三之宮, Sanno Miya).” And taking the palaces out of each Mikoshi is called “Miyadashi.” People first move three spirits to the three portable shrines, and then they walk around the towns of Asakusa while carrying each portable shrine. Many people vie for handles of portable shrines wildly, which Mr. Hamasaki says the best part of Sanja Matsuri. However, Miyadashi, carrying Mikoshi out of the shrine, starts at 6 a.m. Moreover, people are not allowed to go inside Asakusa Shrine during this time. If you want to watch this scene with the best possible view, we recommend staying at a hotel in the area the day before the event. At 12:58 in the video, Mr. Hamasaki says that it is fun for visitors to watch Mikoshi Togyo because it is a participation type festival that is very close to the audience. On the same day, you can also see the ceremony of spirits returning from portable shrines, female attendants dancing, and the dance offering accompanied by a Japanese drum performance. Food at Asakusa Sanja Matsuri Don’t forget the food stalls at the festival! Enjoying street food is another fun part of Sanja Matsuri. Asakusa is famous for many kinds of delicious local food, such as Monja, Sukiyaki, and Unagi eels. Enjoy the sounds and flavors of Sanja Matsuri! Overview of Asakusa Sanja Matsuri Asakusa Sanja Matsuri is one of the three main festivals in Japan. In recent years, collecting the Goshuin (red seals) at temples and shrines has become popular. In addition, many temples and shrines are now popular among Instagrammers, which is why a large number of visitors come to Asakusa Shrine throughout the year. During the three days of this festival, Asakusa Shrine and the old town of Asakusa become full of the excitement of Edokko! Sanja Matsuri, a historical and traditional festival in Asakusa, now attracts people all around the world. This 18-minute video shows some highlights of Sanja Matsuri, including the powerful ceremony of transferring the spirits to portable shrines. Mr. Hamasaki introduces some must-see points of the festival, so be sure to check them out! Enjoy Sanja Matsuri, the historical festival in Asakusa! During the festival, traffic is very crowded due to traffic restrictions. The parking lots around the shrine can also not be used, so when you visit Sanja Matsuri, we highly recommend using public transportation. ◆Information of Asakusa Shrine◆ 【Address】2-3-1 Asakusa, Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0032 JAPAN Seven-minute walk from Asakusa Station (Ginza Line/Asakusa Line) 【Parking】There are some parking lots. You cannot park your car if you are only visiting the shrine. 【Phone Number】03-3844-1575 【Official Website】 Asakusa Shrine, Sanja Matsuri https://www.asakusajinja.jp/english/ -
Video article 13:20
Lots to See at "Nouryomatsuri"! Summer Festivals Are a Must for Sightseeing in Tokyo! The Past and Present of Tokyo's Summer Festivals Will Help You Beat the Heat!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture- 93 plays
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Introducing "Nouryomatsuri" (Summer Festivals) in Tokyo This video, titled "[4K]Tokyo summer, Bon odori, Tokyo Trip, Tokyo Travel, Tokyo tourism" ([4K]Tokyo summer 夏の東京•納涼祭(夏祭り) 東京観光 盆踊り Bon odori Tokyo Trip Tokyo Travel Tokyo tourism) is a video about "Nouryoumatsuri" (Tokyo summer festival), produced by Discover Nippon. Japan is colored by the nature of the four seasons. Tokyo is the capital and has many popular sightseeing spots where the past and present intersect. In Japan, there is a tradition of enjoying the coolness of the summer months by making various efforts to avoid the hot weather. The gentle, cool sound of wind chimes and the sprinkling of water along roads and in gardens to relieve the heat have become an ancient Japanese tradition. This is one of those summer festivals that have been passed down throughout Tokyo, and we present it to you with high quality 4K video clips. There are many photogenic and Instagram-worthy spots, such as yukata-clad, colorful and spectacular fireworks displays, goldfish swimming gracefully at food stands, and rows of wind chimes. Nowadays, many foreign tourists come to Japan for these summer festivals, and this article and video will give you information about Japan's most popular summer festivals across the globe. Introduction of Tokyo's Summer Festival "Jindaiji Hozuki Matsuri" Photo:Hozuki We'll start with "Jindaiji hozuki matsuri," introduced at 0:42 in the video. This festival is held at a Jindaiji Temple in Chofu City, Tokyo, where spirits are welcomed with lantern-like "hozuki" decorations. There are stalls such with wind chimes, ground cherries, ramune, dumplings and shaved ice on the approach to the temple, and you can see people wearing Yukata, enjoying themselves at the festival. The sound of the water flowing in the Chozusha provides a cooling effect in the hot Tokyo summer. Introduction to Tokyo's Summer Festival "Asagaya Tanabata Matsuri" Source :YouTube screenshot The next introduction is the "Asagaya Tanabata Matsuri" which can be seen at 1:25 in the video. Colorful Tanabata decorations line the shopping street in front of Asagaya Station. The highlight of the Asagaya Tanabata Festival are the Tanabata decoration of deformed anime characters made with "Haribote" (paper mache)." You can also see characters such as Anpanman in the video from 1:51. Introduction to Tokyo's Summer Festival "Asakusa Hozuki-Ichi" Source :YouTube screenshot Next up is "Asakusa Hozuki-Ichi." This festival is held on July 9th and 10th on Asakusa Nakamise Street, and can be seen from 2:04 in the video. The solanaceae perennial "Hozuki" is written in Kanji as 鬼灯 (devil's lamp). Japan's "oni" (demons) are a scary image, but before Buddhism became popular among the common people, it was believed that human souls would leave their bodies and become oni. In other words, oni were a subject of worship as well as fear. It is said that when the idea of Shinto and Buddhist practices were established, hozuki, whose shape resembled a lantern, were used as a guidepost to guide the souls of ancestors who had turned into souls/oni. Based on the Buddhist belief that the spirits of the dead become Buddhas, Hozuki-ichi was established as a summer evening festival at Sensoji Temple. Many people wear yukata and enjoy shooting games and goldfish scooping, as well as yakisoba and takoyaki, staples of the festival. This "Hozuki-Ichi" has another special meaning as well. It is also known as the "46,000 days" If you visit Sensoji Temple on this day, you will be recognized by the Goddess Kannon for having accumulated 46,000 days of virtue. It's great to be able to gain virture while having fun. Introduction to Tokyo's Summer Festival "Edogawa-Ku Goldfish Matsuri" Next we have the “Edogawa-ku Goldfish Matsuri” which can be seen from 3:05 in the video. At the Goldfish Festival held in July every year in Edogawa-ku, Tokyo, where goldfish farming has been popular since the Meiji period (1868-1912), there's goldfish as far as the eye can see! Various types of goldfish will be on display and for sale, as well as a variety of breeding products, and there's also the very popular luxury goldfish scooping event. Introduction to Tokyo's Summer Festival "Yukatadeginbura" Photo:A couple wearing Yukata The next introduction is “Yukatadeginbura.” It can be seen from 3:51 in the video. Put on a yukata and enjoy "Dai-Ginza Bon-Odori," and "Uchimizu" to help you cool down! Introduction to Tokyo's Summer Festival "Tsukishima / Sumiyoshi Shrine Kagematsuri" The next introduction is “Tsukishima / Sumiyoshi Shrine Kagematsuri” that can be seen from 4:27 of the video. The festival is held for two days on August 6 and 7 every year, and is held once every three years. A boat ride on the Mikoshi (portable shrine) is performed as well. In the video, you can see the parishioners carrying the mikoshi and pouring water over themselves to keep cool. Introduction to Tokyo's Bon Odori "Sugamo Bon Odori Tournament" and "Zojoji / Jizo-son housan Bon Odori Tournament. You can see Bon Odori from 7:06 in the video. Various summer festivals are held in various parts of Japan, and among them, Bon Odori is a very festive summer festival. In recent years, Bon Odori has attracted attention from overseas as a very unique event. Lively music and drums, as well as stalls and yukata, are the standard features of Bon Odori. People dressed in yukata and jinbei form a circle around a Yagura (tower) and dance happily with fans. This is an important part of the festival as you can enjoy the company of your ancestors that have returned to Obon. (It is a time when Buddhists remember people in their family who have died). "Tokyo Ondo" is the most popular Bon dance in Tokyo, but the choreography differs by region. It would be fun to learn how to dance all the Tokyo Ondos in the 23 wards and become a Tokyo Ondo Master. In addition to the Tokyo Ondo, Tokyo's Bon Dancing is also known for its unique theme songs. Songs from “Ikyyu San” based on the monk (Rinzai sect, Ikkyu Sojun) of the Muromachi period (1336 to 1573 AD), as well as world-renowned songs like Living on a Prayer by rock musician Bon Jovi, are used to create a unique experience. Bon Jovi even mentioned it on his twitter page and it was a hot topic for a minute. One of the characteristics of Bon Odori is that it is highly diverse, not bound by tradition. Introduction of Tokyo's Fireworks Displays: "Sumidagawa Fireworks Display" and "Itabashi Fireworks Display" Photo:Fireworks The Sumida River in Tokyo Bay and the Jingu Shrine, which are crowded with people in yukata every year, are also popular places to visit in Tokyo. This can be seen at 9:35 in the video. Did you know that these fireworks have a spiritual meaning as well? The loud noise of fireworks is a deliberate design, and summer was a time when infections and food poisoning were more likely to occur In the Edo period (1603-1867), when medicine was not as advanced as it is today. The loud sound of fireworks was used to exorcise evil and bring good health. It is said that prayers were made at the beginning of the fireworks display. It is said that the origin of the ceremony comes from the practice of beating drums when paying a visit to a shrine, and the beating of drums at festivals and Bon Odori. Fireworks festivals are held all over the country, and many people enjoy the colorful fireworks in the summer's night sky. Introduction of Tokyo's Summer Festival "Mitama Matsuri" “Mitama Matsuri,” introduced at 12:04 in the video, is a festival held at Yasukuni Shrine in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, to memorialize the souls of those lost in the war. It began in 1947. More than 30,000 large and small lanterns and Bonbori (paper lanterns) decorate the grounds of the temple, and the whole area is colored gold. Introduction to Tokyo's Summer Festival "Nogawa Lantern Sinking" Introduced at the end of this video is the "Nogawa Lantern Sinking." You can see it from 12:22. The Nogawa Lantern Sinking is a festival held in Choufu City, Tokyo, but the Japanese event "Toronagashi" (Lantern floating), in which lanterns made of Japanese paper are floated into the river and the sea to mourn the souls of the deceased, is held not only in Tokyo, but also in other parts of Japan. Like “Nouryo Matsuri,” this one, too, is one of Japan's summer traditions. Summary of the Nouryo Matsuri and Summer festival in Tokyo As summer approaches, posters and illustrations of summer festivals are posted on the bulletin boards of shopping streets and stations, people are seen in yukata, and when you hear the sounds of the music and the shouts of the portable shrines and floats from the streets, you know that summer has finally arrived. Many festivals were introduced in this video, but don't forget to check online articles and magazines for the schedules of events, including times and locations, as Tokyo hosts many more popular summer festivals! Some of the other popular summer festivals and events in Tokyo are listed below. ・ Asakusa Sanja Festival: Sensoji Temple, Taito-ku ・ Azabu Juban Festival: Azabu Juban, Minato-ku ・ Awa Odori: Koenji , Suginami-ku ・ Shinjuku Eisa Festival: Shinjuku Shinju-ku ・ Asakusa Samba Carnival: Asakusa International Street, Taito-ku ・ Iriya Sagao Matsuri: Iriya, Taito-ku Enjoy the summer atmosphere of Tokyo in this high quality 4K video of Tokyo's Summer Festivals. Tokyo, a popular tourist spot where past and present intersect, has a ton of traditional festivals that have been passed down since the good old days of Japan! -
Video article 2:12
Prepare to Get Muddy! Miyakojima, Okinawa's "Paantu" Is a Bizarre Festival That Will Have You and Your Underwear Covered in Mud as You Try to Outrun the Gods!
Festivals & Events- 415 plays
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Miyakojima's Paantu! This video is titled "Miyakojima Shimajiri Paantu 2018 Unesco World Cultural Heritage." (宮古島・島尻パーントゥ2018 UNESCO World cultural heritage). It introduces the traditional festival in Miyakojima, Okinawa, "Paantu." During the festival, supernatural gods called Paantu wear masks and chase out evils to bring luck to the villagers. The traditional event is held in two locations in Miyakojima: the Hirano Shimajiri region and the Ueno Nohara region. Each location has its differences. In 1982, both events were selected as Intangible folk cultural properties, and in 1993, they were designated Important Intangible Folk Cultural Assets. "Raihojin," (ritual visits of deities in masks and costumes) was added to UNESCO’s intangible folk cultural asset list in 2018. Paantu and Satupunaha Source :YouTube screenshot According to the local history records, the origin of the word "Paantu" is a combination of two words "Paan"(to eat) and "Pitu" (people). It has the meaning of a ghost or a demon. "Satupunaha" (wishes for home) of Shimajiri, Miyakojima takes place three times a year. Paantu is an event that takes place at the third event and it is called Paantu Satupunaha or Paantu Punaha. It was originally held on the "lucky day" (an unspecified day of the month) of the ninth month of the lunar calendar, but now it is held in October. Paantu’s appearance is similar to Namahage, another spiritual creature in Japan. Local young adult men are chosen to become Paantu and there are three roles available (Uya, Naka and Fufa). Check out the video at 0:06 to see what the Paantu look like. The three chosen men wear ivy grass called "Shionokikazura" and apply mud from the bottom of a well called "Nmarigah," which The Nmarigah is located in the vicinity of Miyajima Elementary School, and the mud is smeared on people and houses in the pantu. Children cry and scream and the smell of the mud is so bad that it cannot be removed for several days. You can see the children screaming and crying at 0:14, and teenagers running away at 1:21. Paantu even smear mud on the police car at 1:27. Playing Tag With the Gods Source :YouTube screenshot Local people explain that this event is like playing tag with the gods. The event is loved by the local people, and it's considered lucky to get muddy, as the mud will keep bad spirits away thank to its horrible smell. At first glance, it looks scary, as you see the whole village running away, but when you see the smiling faces of the villagers after being covered with mud, you'll understand the beauty of the festival. In recent years, the festival has been in danger of being cancelled due to complaints of being dirtied and problems with the festival causing trouble. Paantu would smear mud on everyone, including tourists, elderly people, police, and little children. However, the event is very important for the local people as it helps to drive out demons and cleanse the island of bad luck. Therefore, this event still continues and only people who can accept this event should participate this event. Source :YouTube screenshot Please be aware that if you are visiting Shimajiri, Miyakojima during the festival, you WILL get muddy. If you would like to know more about this event, you can also visit the Miyakojima City Museum. At this facility, you can learn about the history of Paantu and Miyakojima. You can also wear Paantu masks and take pictures. The mask is said to have washed ashore on the coast of Miyakojima Island more than a hundred years ago, wrapped in kuba leaves. Summary of Paantu Source :YouTube screenshot Are you looking forward to Paantu? The unique culture of Miyakojima, a remote island, brings many visitors to the island every year. Special goods and T-shirts are also sold, and they help stimulate the local economy, so if you're looking for souvenirs to commemorate your trip, don't miss out on them! Bisit Shimajiri, Miyakojima and have a fun-filled experience in the mud! 【Tripadvisor】City of Miyakojima https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g680765-Miyakojima_Okinawa_Prefecture-Vacations.html -
Video article 4:42
The Aizu Fireworks Display in Aizu, Fukushima Is a Huge Event Held Each Year Filled With Hopes for the Recovery From the Great East Japan Earthquake. Approximately 10,000 Fireworks Light up the Night Sky in This Spectacular Event!
Festivals & Events Travel- 85 plays
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Introducing the Aizu Fireworks Display in Fukushima Prefecture We would like to introduce to you this video [(4K) 2018 3rd Aizu Fireworks Display, Aizu Fireworks Contest, Ending Fireworks (Shot on Samsung NX1)] ([ 4K ] 2018年 会津花火 第3回会津全国煙火競演会 エンディング花火 - Aizu Fireworks Festival - (shot on Samsung NX1))which was shot in Aizu city, Fukuoka prefecture in the Tohoku region of Japan. When you think of Japanese summer festivals, impressive fireworks displays often come to mind. The gorgeous sight and tremendous sound of the fireworks can be enjoyed both up close or from a distance. In this video, we bring you footage of the Aizu Hirano Fireworks Display. The mountain range in the background makes this a truly beautiful and unique fireworks display. It is truly a work of art, and we hope you enjoy watching! More About the Aizu Fireworks Display and the History of Fireworks Displays in Japan Photo:Food Stalls The origins of Japanese fireworks displays date all the way back to the Edo period (1603-1868AD) when Tokugawa Yoshimune was Shogun. In Japan, when summer comes around, fireworks displays are held all over the country. Many people attend to enjoy the fireworks and also the food stands that are temporarily set up. However, the Aizu Fireworks Display, which has been held since 2016, is held in the beginning of winter making it rather unique. The Aizu Fireworks Executive Committee has put a lot of effort into this huge event in order to promote the restoration of the Aizu area which suffered catastrophic damage during the Great East Japan Earthquake. How Many Fireworks Are Launched During the Aizu Fireworks Display? Source :YouTube screenshot This popular fireworks display attracts roughly 100,000 spectators each year. The program starts with opening fireworks, followed by message or themed fireworks, quick-fire fireworks launched in succession over a span of 400 meters, minna no hanabi fireworks, the Japanese Fireworks Art Association's fireworks, and then the ending fireworks. Several events such as Hachigouwaremono, the Jiyuutama contest, and the Hachigousenrintama contest are also held by the top pyrotechnics in Japan. Approximately 10,000 fireworks light Aizu's night sky during this single festival. The fireworks are provided by the top fireworks specialists in Japan, featuring fireworks such as Shakudama and Sousaku hanabi. Aizu Fireworks Festival Introductory Video Summary Photo:Fireworks viewers For those interested in Japanese fireworks displays, please check out the video of this exciting festival! As you can see from the video, the fireworks display held in Aizu is one of the biggest and leading fireworks displays in the country. Watching the fireworks from a special location, wearing yukata, visiting various food stands and stalls in the area is the typical and perfect way to enjoy this Japanese festival. We also highly recommend taking part in a fireworks display tour! ◆Aizu Fireworks Display, Fukushima Prefecture◆ 【Location】Fujimuro, Machikitamachi, Aizu Wakamatsu, Fukushima Prefecture 【Access】A shuttle bus is available from Kyuukenritsubyouinatoch. There is a temporary free of charge car park as well (Aizuwakamatsu station (会津若松駅, aizuwakamatsueki) (traffic rules and restrictions apply) 【Fireworks display time】18:00~19:00 【Seat tickets (payment necessary)】Must book in advance (free of charge seats also available) 【Official Website】Aizu Fireworks Display【4th Aizu Fireworks Display 2019/11/2】 https://aizu-hanabi.com/ -
Video article 4:22
Japanese Main Battle Tank "Type 10 Tank" Is on the Rampage at Nerima Garrison! the Fourth-Generation Japanese Tank of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force Is a Powerful Machine With Improved Firepower and Mobility!
Festivals & Events Vehicles- 200 plays
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The Type 10 Tank Rampaging at Nerima Garrison This video is titled "Type 10 Tank Rampage! Nerima Garrison Memorial Event Type10 MBT"(10式戦車大暴れ! 練馬駐屯地記念行事 Type10 MBT). It was taken by "kinokopack," at the exhibition for the Type 10 tank at the Nerima Garrison Memorial Event held at Nerima Garrison. The Type 10 tank is a Japanese main battle tank that was manufactured at a development cost of 48.4 billion yen (~$455m USD). You can see the powerful, dexterous movement of the tank in the video. If you like tanks or other war machines then you don't want to miss out on this video. In this article, we'll introduce the Type 10 tank that appeared at the Nerima Garrison event. Be sure to follow along with the video! Japan's Type 10 Tank: Features and Capability Source :YouTube screenshot The Type 10 tank is a fourth-generation domestic tank, the successor to the Ground Self Defense Force Type 90. The Ministry of Defense's Technology & Research Division is in charge of its development, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is responsible for its production. The Type 10 tank has incredibly high firepower, defenses, and mobility, and is an overall well-rounded tank. The main gun is a domestic .44 caliber 120 mm smooth-bore cannon. The shells are a new domestic armor-piercing round characterized by their high penetration. In the video, you can see footage of the Type 10 tank rampaging at the Nerima garrison. From 3:50 in the video, you can also see how it was made at the venue and its hill-climbing ability. The Type 10 tank is also equipped with an air conditioner for cooling the electronic equipment, but not the passengers. As tanks generally run with the windows open, it doesn't make much sense to equip an air conditioner for passengers, and it seems that cooling suits are often used when it's hot. The fuel consumption of the Type 10 tank is not disclosed as they are military secrets. The purchase price is 950 million yen per tank, and seeing as they are weapons, cannot be purchased by civilians. You can make high quality plastic models of Type 10 tanks, radio-controlled models and model cars as well. Why not give them a try? What Is Nerima Garrison? Photo:Japan's Ground Self-Defense Force The Nerima Garrison is a garrison used by the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force where the 1st Division Headquarters and other units are stationed. It is located in Nerima Ward, Tokyo. Because it is close to the city center, politicians and defense ministers often visit for inspection. In addition to the "1st Division Command," the "1st Division General Regiment," "1st Logistic Support Regiment," "1st Inspection Team," "1st Music Team," etc. are also stationed here. The anniversary celebration is held in April and the summer evening festival is held in July. There is also a military parade where you can see the tanks up close. In addition, during the commemorative events of Nerima Garrison, there is a display of equipment and a test-ride corner, so you can experience a once in a lifetime opportunity! Summary of Nerima Garrisons Type 10 Tanks Source :YouTube screenshot The video "Type 10 Tank Rampage! Nerima Garrison Memorial Event Type10 MBT" introduces the exhibition activities of the Type 10 tank at the events held at Nerima Garrison. The Type 10 tank is the newest Ground Self-Defense Force tank and has excellent mobility. In this video, you can feel the power and mobility of the Type 10 tank. Be sure to check it out! -
Video article 15:20
The Most Dangerous Festival in Japan? Osaka's Danjiri Festival Is Full of Unexpected Events and Accidents! Toppling Over Sideways, Crashing, Falling Over... It's a Thrilling Event You Won’t Want to Miss!
Festivals & Events- 5.3K plays
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Osaka's Danjiri Festival: The Most Dangerous Festival in Japan? This video [2019 Danjiri Festival's Accidents and Unexpected Events](令和元年 だんじり祭り 事故&ハプニング集) is a video summarizing events that took place during Osaka's traditional Danjiri Festival. During the Danjiri festival, Danjiri festival floats are pulled along the streets at amazing speeds. They fly past the front of people's homes at full speed grazing street lights and barely avoiding crashes but unfortunately accidents do occur from time to time. This video contains a collection of exciting footage from the Danjiri festival, including accidents and other shocking scenes. Please enjoy the thrilling footage! What Is the Danjiri Festival? Source :YouTube screenshot The Danjiri festival is a traditional religious festival held in Kishiwada, Osaka in the Kansai region of Japan. It dates back to the Edo period (1603–1868AD) and originates from the shrine lanterns of the time. There are several Danjiri festivals held in the central area of the Kinki region of Japan: Kishiwada Danjiri Festival, Haruki Danjiri Festival, Kobe Danjiri Festival and Sakai Danjiri Festival to name a few. The Danjiri Festival is held every year to pray for a good harvest and attracts many viewers keen to take a look at the exciting event. The wooden floats decorated with beautiful carvings are pulled around the town on ropes and considered by many to be works of art. Accidents Are Unavoidable During the Festival? Source :YouTube screenshot Accidents and unexpected events happen almost every year during Osaka's Danjiri festival. This video contains footage of the festival floats toppling over, crashing into lamp posts and other dangerous accidents due to the high speed they are being pulled around at. A method called "Yarimawashi" (やりまわし) used to help the floats turn right-angled street corners at high speed is one of the most thrilling and suspenseful moments of the festival. Accidents are particularly prone to happening on rainy days or during the darker hours of the evening. This can be seen at 2:57, 3:18, 6:23 and 8:14 in the video. Some years accidents are so dangerous that they have unfortunately resulted in death. Source :YouTube screenshot The highlight of this video has to be at 13:36 when one of the floats crashes into a street light which breaks and falls over. You can feel just how terrifying that must have been! Again at 14:50 you can see a float crash into a street curb and topple over. There are also many moments when the floats shake violently from side to side and come close to toppling over, occasionally actually falling over in front of spectators. Attending even as a spectator can put your life at risk! As you've probably noticed from the video at 5:45, 6:45, and 7:08, those pulling the floats cannot let go of the ropes even if they fall over and as a result end up being dragged along the street. The reason being, is that there is a danger of being trampled by the float if one let's go of the ropes, therefore there is a rule that one must hold onto the rope no matter what. Danjiri Festival Summary Source :YouTube screenshot We hope you enjoyed our video compilation of the thrilling events that take place during the Danjiri fesival. With serious accidents being a regular occurrence, it's safe to say that the Danjiri festival is one of the most dangerous festivals in Japan. Even so, every year many visitors come to watch and take part in the festival. There are many food stands and the large number of spectators make this is a very lively and exciting festival! ◆Kishiwada Danjiri Festival Introduction Summary◆ 【Event date】Every year in the middle of August 【Access】JR Kishiwada station (JR岸和田駅, JR Kishiwadaeki) or JR Haruki station (JR春木駅, JR Harukieki) 【Official Website】Kishiwada Danjiri Festival https://translate.google.co.jp/translate?hl=ja&sl=ja&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.city.kishiwada.osaka.jp%2Fsite%2Fdanjiri%2F 【Tripadvisor】Danjiri Festival (September festival) https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g1023471-d10019374-r362673132-Danjiri_Matsuri_September-Kishiwada_Osaka_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 27:14
The Akagawa Fireworks Festival of Tsuruoka, Yamagata. This Must-See Summer Fireworks Display, Praised by Fans, Is Known as the “The Most Touching Fireworks Display in Japan”!
Festivals & Events Travel- 301 plays
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The Akagawa Fireworks Festival This video, "4K The Most Touching Thing in Japan! 28th Akagane Fireworks Festival 2018 "Pride" -Emotional Fireworks- Akagawa Fireworks Festival (shot on Samsung NX1)"([4K] 感動日本一 ! 第28回 赤川花火大会 2018「誇り」~こころゆさぶる感動花火~ Akagawa Fireworks Festival (shot on Samsung NX1)), is a beautiful 4K video of the 2018 Akagawa Fireworks Festival "Pride," which was ranked in the top 10 of the best 100 fireworks in Japan. There were approximately 12 thousand fireworks displayed. Around 350 thousand people came to see the 2018 Akagawa Fireworks Festival, including visitors from abroad. For 27 minutes, you can watch the ending of the Akagawa Fireworks Festival, which is the climax of the program. Enjoy the summer night sky and "the most touching fireworks in Japan" with this video. Introduction to the Akagawa Fireworks Festival Photo:Akagawa Fireworks Festival The Akagawa Fireworks Festival is one big program. We'll introduce the process of the festival below, alongside the video. There are 4 parts. -Opening (Video 0:15) Kitanihon Hanabi Kougyou “Future” (BGM: Tomoni by WANIMA) -Local fireworks (Video: 3:43) Inakako Horiuchi Enkaten “Masquerade” (BGM: Dakishimetai by Mr. Children) -Light of Hope (Video: 12:06) Marugoh “Light of Eternity” (BGM: Hero by Amuro Namie) -Ending (Video 17:55) Beniya Aoki Enkaten “Moment of Miracle” (BGM: A New Day by Beverly) In each part of the large program fireworks are set off in a way that matches the music. The climax of the Akagawa Fireworks Festival is when the 700m long fireworks are set. There's was also the dramatic firework display called “Ghost Matthew and the Magical Flower” in 2018. Top class pyrotechnics from all over Japan compete to show off their skills at the national fireworks competition. There are design fireworks and traditional fireworks and it's breathtaking to see them in the night sky. Information About the Area Photo:Akagawa Akagawa Fireworks Festival is a historical and popular festival. It is a traditional event in Tsuruoka city, Yamagata prefecture and it will be held for the 30th time in 2020. On the day of the festival, there are many street stalls and the street is covered with people wearing yukata. This video is filmed from 2 locations. One is from the venue and the other is from the backside of the venue, in the field. The front side of the venue is downwind, so we recommend viewing the display from the field on the back side. You can search and look for your own viewing spots as well. Summary Photo:Akagawa Fireworks Festival It is the most popular fireworks festival in Japan! There are tours from major travel companies as well, so if you want to visit from afar, you should book a hotel and plan your schedule in advance. We hope this video has you interested in the amazing Akagawa Fireworks Festival! The details of the 2018 Akagawa Fireworks Festival is down below. Some information changes every year, so check the official homepage before visiting. ◆Information about the 2018 Akagawa Fireworks Festival◆ 【Address】30 minute walk from Uetsu Main Line Turuoka station It will be crowded on the day of the festival. There are traffic restrictions and parking fills up quickly, so we highly recommend using public transportation. There are free shuttle buses from Tsuruoka station to the official parking area. However, the official parking area is for people with box seating only. 【Date】August 18th, 2018/ Fireworks start from 7:15 pm 【Venue】Riverbed of Akagawa, Tsuruoka city, Yamagata prefecture 【Entrance fee】 Free, paid seats available. (Reservation needed for free box seat. For paid seats: F to SA class seat costs 3,000 to 24,000 Yen (~$30-$240 USD) 【Sponsor】Executive Committee of the Akagawa Fireworks Festival 【Warning】Please check out the official homepage for details about the upcoming festival. 【Tripadvisor】Akagawa Fireworks Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023682-d10019651-Reviews-Akagawa_Fireworks-Tsuruoka_Yamagata_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 4:45
The Spooky "Kumano Hongu Taisha Reitaisai Festival" of Tanabe, Wakayama. Enjoy the Ancient Japanese Festival Handed Down From Generation to Generation, With More Than 2,000 Years of History!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture History- 58 plays
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Taisha Reitaisai's Shinto Ritual: "Yunobori Shinji" This video, titled "Reitaisai Kumano Hongu Taisha -Official," shows aspects of "Yunobori Shinji," a shinto ritual that is part of the traditional "Reitaisai" rituals held at Kumano Hongu Grand Shrine, in Wakayama prefecture. "Kumano Hongu Taisha," a world heritage site in Wakayama prefecture, is one of three grand shrines configuring "Kumano Sanzan" along with "Kumano Nachi Taisha" and "Kumano Hayatama Taisha." Kumano Hongu Taisha was built more than 2050 years ago, and Yunobori Shinji, the largest annual shinto festival, has been designated as an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Wakayama Prefecture. This video introduces the "Kumano Hongu Taisha Reitaisai Festival" of Wakayama prefecture. If you ever wonder what kind of sacred rituals and events are held in the festival, take a look at the video and this article. Yunobori Shinji and Miyawatari Shinji - Two Shinto Rituals Source :YouTube screenshot The "Kumano Hongu Taisha Reitaisai Festival" is held for three days from April 13th to 15th every year. The festival starts with the events "Yunobori Shinji" and "Miyawatari Shinji." Starting at 0:07 in the video, it shows one aspect of the ritual where people invoke the spirit of the gods into children after they've purified themselves in the sacred water of Yunomine Onsen during "Yunobori Shinji." During the festival, the children are only allowed to put their feet on the ground while in the ritual so their fathers or brothers carry them on their shoulders and hike through 3.4 km of mountain trail called the "Kumano Kodo pilgrimage routes" to get to "Oyunohara." In the afternoon, there is the traditional performance by the children called the "Yasabaki Shinto Ritual" at Yunomine Ouji which is shown in the video around 0:44. After that, the children, a Kannushi (a person responsible for the maintenance of a Shinto shrine), and people with musical instruments line up and head to “Otabisho.” Rituals of the "Kumano Hongu Taisha Reitaisai Festival" Source :YouTube screenshot The event called Funatama Taisai (船玉大祭) and the eve of the main festival are held at Kumano Hongu Taisha on April 14th. As shown in the video around 1:15, the most important event, the Hondensai (本殿祭), and the Togyo Festival (渡御祭) in which 400 people dressed in Heian style clothing for the performance participate in, are held on April 15th. A procession that recreates Kumano Gokou then heads to Oyunohara to perform sacred dances such as "Yamatomai" and "Mikomai." In the “Hondensai,” there is the "Togyosai" festival and the "Kangyo Sai" festival where you can see the Mikoshi (a portable shrine) with the flowers from "The deity of Kumanomusumi" (熊野牟須美神) (The god enshrined in Kumano Sanzan). It is said that the gods are pleased by the decorating of the Mikoshi with flowers and the swinging of the mikoshi. Starting at around 2:32, the video shows children praying for a good harvest. The festival is called "Ondasai" (御田祭, Ondasai). The video also shows the events "Gomadaki" (護摩焚き, Gomadaki) performed by monks, "Mochinage" (throwing rice cake), "Saitodaigoma" (採燈大護摩, saitodaigoma) and "Tamagushi Houten" (玉串奉奠, tamagushi Houten). which are also fun to see. Towards the end of the festival, when the sun starts to go down, people walk out of the Torii gate of "Ooyunohara" and make their way back to the shrine. After that, the last festival, "Kangyo-sai," is held (3:49). Summary of the "Kumano Hongu Taisha Reitai Festival" Photo:Kumano Hongu Taisha The video shows a lot about the traditional sacred festival at Kumano Hongu Taisha. Climb up the 158 stone steps and walk through the sacred gate, and you'll find Kumano Hongu Taisha. If you're looking to enjoy the atmosphere of Japan's shrines, Kumano Hongu Taisha is the perfect place to visit. Repair work was also undertaken in 2012 to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the shrine being transferred to its current location. There are many hotels and Ryokan (Japanese style inn) in Tanabe City in Wakayama, near Kumano Hongu Taisha. You can have a great time feasting on the local cuisine during your lunch break. You can also go shrine hopping with your Goshuin notebook when the weather is nice. ◆Kumano Hongu Taisha◆ 【Address】1110 Hongu, Hongu-sho, Tanabe-shi, Wakayama prefecture 【Access】140 minutes from Nanki-Shirahama Airport by bus 【Hours】6:00 – 17:00 【Parking】Available (Free) 【Phone】0735-42-0009 【Official Website】Kumano Hongu Taisha http://www.hongutaisha.jp/english/ -
Video article 3:30
The Kyoto Yamashina Gishi Festival Feels Like a Trip Back in Time! The Traditional Japanese Atmosphere Created by the Parade Group Dressed as the 47 Ronin, Is an Event in Kyoto's Yamanashi Ward You Don’t Want to Miss!
Festivals & Events- 28 plays
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Kyoto Yamashina Gishi Matsuri - A Celebration of Japanese History This video, titled "Kyoto Festival: 47 Rōnin March (Gishi Matsuri) [4K]," was produced by "Discover Kyoto." Yamashina, located in the western area of Japan’s ancient capital Kyoto, is a small basin surrounded by rich natural scenery and mountains on three sides. Here, there is a festival related to Ako Roshi, or the 47 Ronin, famous from Chushingura. That festival is the Kyoto Yamashina Gishi Matsuri (festival), introduced in the video. Chushingura is well known among Japanese people. Although there are many places in Tokyo related to Chushingura, such as Edo Castle, Lord Kira's Residence, and Sengakuji Temple, there is a scene called Act 9: Yamashiro Kankyo no Ba (Yamashiro's Retreat) in "Kanadehon Chushingura," which is a script of Ningyo Joruri (a Japanese puppet show) and Kabuki, and the story’s setting is in Kyoto. This is the land where one of the key members of Chushingura, Oishi Kuranosuke, lived in hiding until he was killed, so there are many so there are many historical sites associated with the 47 Ronin. Because of this historical connection, "Yamashina Gishi Matsuri” is held on December 4 every year, where a procession of the samurai troops in their battle costumes parades through the town (video 1:12), and reenactments of Chushingura’s famous "Ninjo Matsu no Roka," "Seppuku," "Renbanjo Aratame," "Raid, "Oishi Ondo" (video 2:50-) as well as the "Genroku Hanami Dance" by women, liven up the festival. Enjoy the video of Kyoto's Yamashina Gishi Matsuri, which will have you feeling as though you've traveled back in time to the Edo period! The Parade Course of Kyoto's Yamashina Gishi Matsuri Source :YouTube screenshot In front of the main hall of Bishamon-do, there is a departure ceremony early in the morning that all members attend. This can be seen in the video at 0:55. The group, dressed as Oishi Kuranosuke and his loyalists, departs from Bishamon-do and walk through the area to Ako Oishi Shrine via the Kyoto City Tobu Culture Hall. Bishamon-do, where the 47 Ronin depart from, is a temple of the Tendai sect of Buddhism that enshrines Bishamonten In fact, this Bishamon-do plays an important role in the Chushingura story. The treatment of the 47 Ronin after killing Kira Kozukenosuke was complicated and opinions were divided in the Bakufu (government). Troubled by this, Tokugawa Tunayoshi, the shogun at the time, asked Kōben-hosshinnō his opinions on the matter. Koben recognized the allegiance of 47 Ronin, but at the same time, told Tsunayoshi that giving death is also a mercy. They were ordered to commit seppuku (ritual suicide), and it is said that their bodies were buried in Sengakuji Temple in Tokyo. Therefore, with the advice from Koben, the warriors' were able to fulfill their duties, and Bishamon-do became the starting point of the Yamashina Gishi Matsuri parade. Incidentally, the present Bishamon-do was moved to the grounds of Anshoji Temple in 1665, after it was abolished during the Onin War. Access to Bishamondo, the starting point of Yamashina Gishi Matsuri, is a 20-minute walk from JR Yamashina Station. The History of the Yamashina Gishi Matsuri in Kyoto, and Access to the Area Photo:Kyoto・Bishamon-do Yamashina, Kyoto is a famous sightseeing place in Japan, with rich natural scenery and many historical locations. Yamashina Gishi Matsuri is an event related to Chushingura, but there are other famous places, such as Zuishinin where the female poet Ono no Komachi, who was active in Heian period (794-1185), lived, and the area is also the where the ancestors of Murasaki Shikibu lived. Arashiyama and Kiyomizudera Temple are famous places to view the autumn foliage in Kyoto They're also great for learning about the history of Japan, so be sure to check them out if you have the chance. It takes about 5 minutes to get to JR Yamashina Station from Kyoto Station. It's usually very crowded on the day of the event, and it is difficult to find a parking space, so we recommend using public transportation. Summary of Kyoto's Yamashina Gishi Matsuri Source :YouTube screenshot The Yamashina Gishi Matsuri Photo Contest is also held on the day of Yamashina Gishi Matsuri. Besides the 47 Ronin parade, there are many highlights such as Gomataki, which is introduced at 2:11 in the video. This traditional festival, which tells the story of Japan's historical romance, is something you don't want to miss! Enjoy the heroic ranks of the 47 Ronin, dressed for battle, in 4K! -
Video article 4:48
A Powerful Display of Traditional Japanese Archery! During the Warring States Period of Japan, Satsuma Heki-Ryu Koshiya Kumiyumi’s Historical Martial Art Was as Successful as Guns on the Battlefield!
Festivals & Events History- 634 plays
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Satsuma Heki Ryu Koshiya Kumiyumi This video, titled "Koshiya Kumiyumi, Battlefield Archery Demonstration" (薩摩日置流腰矢組弓 演武), shows a performance of Japanese archery at the World Kyudo Competition. During the Warring States period (1467-1615 A.D.), archery was often used as a martial art on the battlefield. The video shows a powerful archery competition, so you can enjoy a taste of traditional Japanese culture. Satsuma Heki Ryu Koshiya Kumiyumi Photo:Japanese archery Satsuma Heki Ryu Koshiya Kumiyumi (roughly "Satsuma Heki School of Archery"), one of the schools of Japanese archery, was established by Heki Danjo Masatsugu during the Muromachi period (1336-1573 A.D.). However, as guns came to be used in battle, archery gradually came to be neglected. At this time, the Satsuma Heki School continued to study the art of archery while passing on the techniques to its senior apprentices. They devised tactics, such as "Koshiya" and "Sashiya" which were used to form a formation before loosing all arrows at the same time, as well as "Oshitsume" and "Totsugeki." Schools Derived From the Satsuma Heki School The Satsuma Heki School is where Kyudo began and the school has had a strong influence on Japan since the Warring States period. After the Warring States period, the style was divided into various schools of archery derived from the Heki School, and has continued to the present day. The major schools are the Izumo School of the Yamato Heki Line ("Yoshida School"), Yamashina School, Sakon Emon School, Okura School, Insai School, Daishin School, Jutoku School, Sekka School, and Dosetsu School. The Iga-Heki lineage includes the Chikurin School, the Ikkan School, and the Honda school. Other schools, such as the Urakami lineage of the Satsuma Heki Insai School, the Settsu lineage of the Satsuma Heki Insai School, the Heki To School and the Itsumi School are also active. The Satsuma Heki school focuses on the way the bow is held, and the basic shooting technique is to hold the bow diagonally in front of you in a raised motion and then draw the arrows. Each school has its own unique shooting techniques and movements. The Demonstration of the Satsuma Heki School Source :YouTube screenshot The video begins with nine armor-clad performers entering the archery arena. You can see from the video that there are a lot of spectators watching the event. From 0:37 in the video, the performers release their bows one after another with a loud shout. In the performance shown at 2:08 in the video, you can see that after releasing the bow, they gradually move closer towards their targets. This is the formation and method of shooting would have been used on the battlefield in the same way. Summary of Satsuma Heki Ryu Koshiya Kumiyumi's Archery Performance Kyudo is one of the unique Japanese martial arts that developed during the Warring States period. This video shows the powerful demonstration by the Satsuma Heki School of Archery. If you're interested in Japanese martial arts, be sure to check out the awesome form of these iron clad archers! -
Video article 2:22
Fire, Dancing Around a 60-Foot-Tall Tree in the Northern Area of Kyoto! Flaming Torches Thrown About! Check Out the Hirogawara Matsuage Traditional Fire Festival!
Festivals & Events- 111 plays
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Introducing Kyoto's Hirogawara Matsuage Fire Festival! ‘Kyoto Festival: Fire Ritual in Hirogawara Kyoto (Matsuage)’ is a video made by Discover Kyoto and it show a festival in Kyoto called Matsuage at Hirogawara, Sakyo District. There are many traditional fire festival events throughout Japan. One of the most famous fire festivals in Kyoto is the Gozan Fire Festival, where people send off the spirits of the dead during the Bon Festival. In Kyoto, there are other Matsuage festivals such as the Hanase Matsuage Fire Festival, Kuta Matsuage, and Kumogahatano Matsuage. Today we present to you- Hirogawara Matsuage, held on August 24th every year. You will enjoy the dancing fire in the sky and the spectacular display of a large tree falling with a loud crash. What is Hirogawara Matsuage? Photo:Torch Ceremony Hirogawara Matsuage was originally a fire ritual to commemorate the fire god Atago at Atago Shrine. It is said to have originated from a special praying ritual for good harvest and fire prevention in addition to ‘the sending-off of the spirit of one's ancestors. It is also called Matsuage Festival (Matsuage Matsuri), and the Matsuage Shinto Ceremony (Matsuage Shinji). Hirogawara Matsuage is organized by around 40 men from the preservation society. First, they light around 1,000 log torches standing in the ground. They then light the small bundles of wood attached to a rope, and proceed to hurl them up at the top of the 60 ft. tall Torogi Pine tree. The objective here is to light the torch at the top of this large tree. The arcs of torchlight flames flying through the darkness is magical. The dynamic display of the throwing of the burning torches is the highlight of this fire festival. You can see it from 0:38 in the video. Once the torch has been lit, and the tree is engulfed in flames, it is pulled down using pre-attached ropes. This is definitely one of the highlights of the video. You can see the large, flaming tree crashing to the ground causing shockwaves to ripple through the ground (1:11). The men then run into the flames, carrying large poles to stoke the flame even higher into the night sky. This ritual is called Tsukkomi. It is shown from 1:36 in the video. When and Where to See Hirogawara Matsuage Hirogawara Matsuage is held in the evening of August 24th every year. Please note that it takes about two hours to get to Demachiyanagi Station on the Eizan Electric Railway and Keihan Electric Railway by Kyoto Bus, and it is not possible to take a day trip from the festival site by bus. You can book a hotel close to the venue or visit the event by car and use the parking lot nearby. Kyoto Bus offers a sightseeing coach bus tour to for Hirogawara Matsuage. We recommend joining if you have the chance. Summary of Hirogawara Matsuage Source :YouTube screenshot This video covers the dynamic Hirogawara Matsuage, a summer tradition in Kyoto, in just 2 and a half minutes. We hope you enjoy it! If you'd like to see Hirogawara Matsuage, a traditional Japanese fire festival, please visit the Rakuhoku District of Kyoto using a Kyoto Bus tour. 【Official Website】Rakuhoku area | Kyoto Travel-Navi http://www.japan-travel-navi.jp/kyoto/en/category/spots/rakuhoku/ 【Tripadviser】Kyoto Gozan Fire Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d8820274-Reviews-Kyoto_Gozan_no_Okuribi-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 6:11
The Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival Is One of the Five Major Festivals in Tagawa, Fukuoka, With 2 Portable Shrines and 11 Colorful Nobori Yamakasa Floats Crossing the River!
Festivals & Events Travel History- 144 plays
- Vimeo
The Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival "#02 KAWAWATARI JINKOSAI" (#02 風治八幡宮 川渡り神幸祭) is a video created by "Higashikara." It introduces Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival (Fuji Hachimangu Kawawatari Jinkosai) in Tagawa, Fukuoka. The "Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival" is one of the five major festivals of Fukuoka and the largest in the Chikuho region. The five major festivals in Fukuoka include “Oniyo (Kurume),” “Hakata Gion Yamakasa” (Hakata, Fukuoka), “Kokura Gion Daiko” (Kokurakita, Kitakyushu), and “Tobata Gion Yamakasa” (Tobata, Kitakyushu). This article introduces the history and highlights of the Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival, which is listed an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Fukuoka. The video shows the powerful river crossing and colorful floats of the festival. What is the Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival? Source :YouTube screenshot The Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival, one of the five major festivals of Fukuoka, is held on the third Saturday and Sunday in May. 100,000 people visit to see the festival; twice the population of Tagawa. Eleven Nobori Yamakasa of the Uji clan, cross the Hikosan River (彦山川, Hikosangawa) accompanied by grand mikoshi (portable shrine) of Fuuji Hachimangu Shrine and the mikoshi of Shirotori Shrine (白鳥神社, Shirotorijinja). Nobori Yamakasa are portable shrines and floats with colorful flags. They can be seen throughout the video from 0:17, 3:01, and 4:45. Nobori yamakasa are decorated with five colored flags, which represent the image of rice plants and wish for bountiful harvests and good health. The highlight of the festival is “Gaburi,” in which the yamakasa is swung back and forth in the Hikosan River to splash one another. This is shown from 4:55 in the video. The Origin and History of the Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival The Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival has a long history, dating back 450 years (1558 to 1569). The origin of the festival is said to be the outbreak of an epidemic disease in Itamachi. The villagers prayed to Fuuji Hachimangu Shrine, the village's guardian deity, for an end to the epidemic and offered a nobori yamakasa as a sign of their gratitude. In 1970, it was listed as an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Fukuoka. Highlights of the Festival Source :YouTube screenshot The Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival is held in the Hikoyama River area between the Uomachi, Banda and Kawabata districts of Tagawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture. The main event of the Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival is the river crossing between the Shinbashi and Banda bridges of the Hikoyama River. The festival is only about 30 minutes by car from Kyushu Expressway's Yahata Interchange, and is a short walk from the nearest station, Tagawa Ita Station on the JR and Heisei Chikuho Railway. Free parking is available during the festival, but it can get very crowded, so we recommend using public transportation. The festival has a story where the god of Fuji Hachimangu gets on a float and goes on a trip to Otabisho across the river and stays for 1 night and 2 days. The first day of the festival is called “Okudari” and the second day is called “Onobori.” The course on the second day is the opposite of the first day and returns to Fuuji Hachimangu Shrine. On the first day, “Fujihachimangu Jinkosai Shigyo” takes place. The shintai is transferred to a Mikoshi and prepares for departure. The shintai must not be seen by the public, and the body of the deity is hidden behind a white curtain and moved into the portable shrine. This can be seen at 0:47 in the video. After that, the parade is carried out through the town and is filled with sounds of whistles and drums. “Odachi no Shishimai” is also performed to pray for the safety of the festival. This can be seen at 4:00 in the video. There are food stalls and night stalls lining the streets as well. Finally, the main event of the festival- the river crossing. This is shown at 4:18 in the video. First, a mikoshi with a shintai goes enters the river, accompanied by a brightly colored nobori yamakasa. Water is poured on the pullers and the bearers and the mikoshi is swung up and down, splashing water all about. This is called “Gaburi.” The powerful splashing of the mikoshi is incredible. It can be seen at 5:45 in the video. Summary of the Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival Did you enjoy learning about the Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival? You can enjoy the powerful festival and beautiful nobori yamakasa by watching the video. Fukuoka is famous for Hakata Gion Yamakasa, but the Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival is also amazing. If you can, we recommend lining up your visit to Fukuoka with the Fuji Hachimangu Shrine River Crossing Festival! -
Video article 2:43
Jonangu Shrine's Yutate Kagura Festival: The Solemn and Graceful Atmosphere of This Traditional Japanese Festival Was Even the Influence for the Famous Studio Ghibli Movie, "Spirited Away"!
Festivals & Events- 51 plays
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Jonangu Shrine’s Historical Ritual- Yutate Kagura This video is called "Kyoto Event Boiling Water Ritual at Jōnangū Shrine (Yutate Kagura)," and was made by Discover Kyoto. It introduces Kyoto Jonangu Shrine’s Yutate Kagura. Yutate Kagura also called Yu Kagura, is a traditional Japanese event that has been passed down for many generations. This video shows the Yutate Kagura event held at Kyoto’s Jonangu Shrine. Enjoy the historical event at Kyoto’s Jonangu Shrine, that has been passed down for many generations. What Is Jonangu Shrine? Photo:Jonangu Shrine Jonangu Shrine is located in the Fushimi Ward of Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, in Japan's Kansai region. The shrine is said to answer prayers related to removing bad luck arising from ill-fated directions. It is a popular shrine within Kyoto's 5 Shrine Pilgrimage. The shrine was originally built to protection the nation and the new capital city when the capital was moved to Kyoto in the Heian Period. Many tourists visit here for Hatsumode (the first shrine visit of the year) and Setsubun. Many of the visitors visit the shrine to pray and receive a blessing from the chief priest as well as to obtain a red seal stamp or amulets. Within the shrine, there is a Japanese garden. The garden area is famous as a bloom location for plums, cherry blossoms, and camellia. In spring, the shrine holds the "Weeping Plums and Camellia Festival" (しだれ梅と椿まつり, Shidareume to Tsubaki Matsuri). Jonangu Shrine’s Yutate Kagura Ritual Source :YouTube screenshot Yutate Kagura, also called Shimotsuki Kagura, is a sacred event held throughout Japan. The event is held at shrines such as Shirahata Shrine in Fujisawa City, Kanagawa, Tarumi Shrine in Marugame City, Kagawa, Seimei Shrine in the Jokyo Ward of Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, and Kasuga Shrine in Buzen City, Fukuoka Prefecture in Japan's Kyushu region. It also inspired some of the story of director Miyazaki Hayao's popular anime film "Spirited Away." The Yutate Kagura event held in January every year at Kyoto’s Jonangu Shrine starts with the performance "Miko Mai." The dance is a purification ritual typically performed by 4 miko (shrine maidens), using fans and Kagura bells on the prayer stage. The performance is shown from 0:38 in the video. After the dance, a large pot of boiling water is prepared in the main building of Jonangu Shrine (1:06). The sacred boiling water is then splashed over the audience by Miko shrine maidens using a lucky bamboo branch called ‘Fukusasa.’ The water is said to remove ill spirits and protect you from illnesses and calamities. After the ritual, blessed bamboo leaves are given to the tourists. You can see this from 2:16 in the video. Summary of Jonangu Shrine’s Yutate Kagura Source :YouTube screenshot There are many historical festivals throughout the year in Kyoto, including Yutate Kagura shown in the video. The solemn Yutate Kagura is performed by Jonangu Shrine’s priests and Miko maidens, and it is a very interesting event where you can physically feel real Japanese culture and religion. If you're interested in seeing the traditional Japanese ritual Yutate Kagura, be sure to visit Jonangu Shrine in Kyoto. ◆Jonangu Shrine◆ 【Address】7 Nakajima Tobarikyu Town, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto 【Access】Kintetsu:15 minutes walk from Takeda subway station 【Parking】Yes 【Hours】9:00-16:30 【Admission】Adults 600 yen(※as of December 2019) 【Telephone No.】075-623-0846 【Official Website】Jonangu Shrine | A Shrine in the south of Kyoto, where you can pray for protection from bad luck and traffic safety. The garden is famous for its flowers and fall colors. https://www.jonangu.com/english.html 【Tripadviser】Jonangu Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d1380296-Reviews-Jonangu_Shrine-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 4:03
Travel Back in Time to Japan’s Warring States Period! Historical Reenactments at the Shimonoseki Straits and Genpei Festivals of Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi!
Festivals & Events History Traditional Culture- 110 plays
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The Shimonoseki Straits and Genpei Festivals This video, titled "The Official Video of the Genpei Festival - Shimonoseki Straits Festival" )【公式】しものせき海峡まつり 源平まつり), was released by the city of Shimonoseki. Located at the westernmost tip of the Main Island, Shimonoseki in Yamaguchi Prefecture features a historical site where the famous sea battle "Dan-no-ura" occurred in 1185. At the Shimonoseki Straits Festival, annually scheduled from May 2nd-4th, performers with authentic clothing produce a surreal sight, as if the illustrations from the ancient scrolls are coming to life before our very eyes. The highlight of the festival is "Genpei Festival" on May 3 held at Kanmon Straits where the famous sea battle occurred. The warriors' parade, the reenactment of the sea battle of Dan-no-ura, and the archery battle between the warring clans (one scene from Studio Ghibli's Pompoko explicitly references this battle), and Senteisai (loosely translated as the "former emperor festival" and is held to commemorate the child Emperor Antoku who drowned at Dan-no-ura), attract a great number of onlookers. The video leads us over to the city where performers wearing the medieval costumes fill the streets. Enjoy your journey back in time through the video! The Brave Warriors' Parade Source :YouTube screenshot The Genpei Festival is preceded by "Senteisai", where a ritual is held to offer prayers to the shrine in order to appease the soul of Emperor Antoku's. Samurai, courtesans, and adorable child soldiers are separated into the Genji and Heike clans and parade throughout the city. From 0:09, the video allows us a glance at the elaborate preparation process that turns the performers into historical characters, and at 1:26the parade begins. The parade depicts the two warring clans marching to the battlefield. The vigorous war cries of the warring clans captivate onlookers. The Reenactment of the Famous Sea Battle Source :YouTube screenshot From 1:37 is the majestic reenactment of the climatic sea battle. The presence of historical characters such as the legendary monk warrior Benkei, the heroin Shizuka Gozen, and the child Emperor Antoku on the boats portraying the scene, energizes the event. The spectacular reenactment, with a fleet of about 200 ships sailed out on the wild waves, will definitely look great on Instagram. A series of events associated with the Genpei war take place on the main stage and the dance of the 5 gorgeous courtesans closes the performance. The main stage performances are introduced from 3:00. Festival performers are chosen from the public submissions. Summary of the Shimonoseki Straits and Genpei Festivals The video guides us through the Shimonoseki Straits Festival where one can experience one of Japan's most historically significant events. Enjoy time traveling back to the 12th century with this video! The main venues at the Genpei Festival are the Akama Shrine and Shimaitoshi Square. Transportation is blocked at some parts of the city during the festival, so we recommend checking the event schedule in advance if you're planning on using it. -
Video article 7:58
Fushimi Inari Shrine's Hongu Festival in Full Swing! Enjoy the Hot Summer of Kyoto With the Powerful Sounds of Taiko Drums in Kyoto's Fushimi Ward!
Festivals & Events- 38 plays
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伏見稲荷神社の本宮祭りの紹介 こちらの動画は「Kyoto Fan」が公開した「Gion Matsuri in HD - Yasaka Shrine Events」です。 こちらの動画は伏見稲荷神社の本宮祭りにおける和太鼓パフォーマンスを紹介します。 京都造形芸術大学生による迫力ある和太鼓と、伏見稲荷神社の本宮祭りの夏祭りの雰囲気が日本文化を象徴します。 伏見稲荷神社の本宮祭り 京都にある伏見稲荷神社は正式には伏見稲荷大社といい、そこで毎年7月に本宮祭りと呼ばれる祭事が行われます。 この伏見稲荷神社の本宮祭りには毎年多くの参拝者が訪れ、和太鼓の演奏や盆踊りなどの日本文化を楽しむ人がたくさんです。 伏見稲荷神社の大夏祭り 伏見稲荷神社の夏祭りには2つの大きな夏祭りがあり、一つはこの動画で紹介されている本宮祭りもう一つは宵宮祭となっています。 どちらの夏祭りにも大量の提灯が灯され、夜はライトアップのような美しい光景になります。 特に本宮祭りでは最寄り駅である奈良線稲荷駅からの参道・千本鳥居・境内・本社・キツネにいたるまで多くの提灯が灯されます。 伏見稲荷神社の楼門の大提灯 伏見稲荷神社の提灯の中でも特に必見なのが、楼門に設置される大提灯です。 これは本宮祭り・宵宮祭のどちらの夏祭りでも設置され、人気のスポットとなっています。 動画の後半でも美しく赤く光る大提灯が映されていますので、ぜひ御覧ください。 京都造形芸術大学生による和太鼓演奏 提灯が映える夏祭りに色を添えるのが、京都造形芸術大学生による和太鼓の演奏です。 毎年伏見稲荷神社境内において和太鼓の演奏を行い、日本文化の普及に努めています。 また提灯の並ぶ参道と、和太鼓のリズムが神妙な雰囲気を醸し出すとともに学生の若さや情熱を込めた和太鼓の演奏をご覧になれます。 伏見稲荷神社夏祭りの盆踊り 伏見稲荷神社の本宮祭り当日は日本文化の盆踊りに参加することができます。 盆踊りは日本の各所で夏祭りのイベントとして実施されています。 伏見稲荷神社の本宮祭り紹介まとめ 伏見稲荷神社の本宮祭りをご紹介いたしました。 動画を通じて、心躍る夏祭りと和太鼓の音色によって作られた日本文化と雰囲気を感じてください! -
Video article 7:23
Beautiful Music and Marching! A Spectacular Performance That Will Captivate All Who See It!
Festivals & Events- 17 plays
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This video, titled "Kyoto Tachibana High School Marching Band|Make Magic! Who Cares About the Award, Look at That Performance! Kyoto Tachibana SHS Band|the 31st Kyoto Marching Contest|2018 (GOLD/Gold Award)" (京都橘高校吹奏楽部 Make Magic! 「賞より素敵なShowがある!」Kyoto Tachibana SHS Band 第31回 京都府マーチングコンテスト 2018 (GOLD/金賞)), was released by "voldnuit." The Kyoto Tachibana High School Symphonic Band is a powerhouse school known for its high level performances and dance skills. It has made spectacular achievements in the fields of brass band and marching. Their skills are such that they have represented Asia in the world's largest parade, the "Rose Parade" held in California, USA. The choreography and dances are a proactive part of the club, with students taking an active role in providing input. The team won gold in the 2018 marching contest. The dances are a sight to behold as they play their instruments and never miss a beat. The performance is a must-see and will make your heart skip a beat!