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This video, titled "Ninja High School Girl - Awesome Moves in a School Uniform - Japanese school girl chase #ninja" (忍者女子高生 | 制服で大回転 | japanese school girl chase #ninja), was released by "Suntory Official Channel (SUNTORY)" (サントリー公式チャンネル (SUNTORY)).

In this video, a high school girl in her school uniform is seen moving around the school like a ninja!
You'll be surprised at how light and agile she is while being chased, and how truly ninja-like she is, using makibishi and kawarimi.
These aren't your everyday "cute" high school girls, these girls have an air of stylish and cool just like that of a ninja!

Be sure to check out the awesome acrobatics of the ninja girls in the video!

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
A Modern Day Ninja! This High School Girl Is as Fast as Greased Lightning and Has Crazy Parkour Skills!
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