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This video, titled "[The Real Deal in Japan] Mansion of the Koka Ninja School (Japanese)" (【日本唯一本物】 甲賀流忍術屋敷(日本語)), was released by "isouei."

The Koka Ninja House (甲賀流忍術屋敷) is the former residence of the Koka Mochizuki Clan, the head of the 53 families of the Koka Ninja School.
It's an authentic ninja residence built in 1688 during Japan's Edo period.
In the mansion there are displays of shuriken and swords, and these can be seen in the video.
The mansion is full of features unique to the ninja, including trap windows and tricks at every corner!
Be sure to check it out!

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
An Introduction to the Koka Ninja House Where Ninja Actually Lived. Experience the Tricks of the Ninja in This Historical Residence!
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