Some more photos from the Shinagawa Aquarium since I wasn't able to post them all yesterday.
I have a lot of pictures of jellyfish but it's so hard to take good photos of them, and it's the same for fish as well.
A lot of them are just too small and so the photos came out blurry.
Anyways, these are some of the better ones I was able to take.
I really liked how the iguana was just chillin on the branch and warming himself up with the UV lamp. I haven't seen an iguana in a long time.
I was happy I was able to take some decent photos of the sharks as well. I'm not exactly sure what types of sharks they are but they're still really cool to see. The smaller one seemed like he was tired and when I first passed him and he was sleeping in the back of the tank but when I came by again he was at the front moving around slowly.
I was pretty happy with the stingray photo as well, and I'm not sure what the long stingray-looking animal was, but it was interesting. It might not be a type of stingray at all, I'm not sure because it was my first time seeing it, but it kind of looked similar I thought besides the tail area.
Penguins are always cool too. I like the emperor penguins. Their hair always reminds me of Boris Johnson's😂
Then just a couple pictures from the dolphin show area. I got a nice melon soda float and then there's a picture of a dolphin listening to his trainer's instructions lol. Thought it was cute
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