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커뮤니티 게시물

Dylan Gibson
Tsuruga Castle in Fukushima! I'd heard of its white walls before, but it looks like winter is doing its best to make it completely white! Apparently Tsuruga Castle was designed after Kurokawa Castle that was sieged some time during the 1,500's. I wonder if the color scheme is true to Kurokawa Castle. It'd be interesting to know if there was some sort of tactical reason for an all-white castle. In a snowy region I could see it acting as a sort of camouflage but who knows. You can also barely see what looks like a shachihoko on the roof if you zoom in which is pretty neat. Apparently the inside of the castle has some mannequins set up with guns showing how the arrow-slits, or in this case gun-slits, would have been used. There's also other mannequins that show them being used for rock dropping as well. Warfare has come a long way since then?
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和楽器奏者 塚本隼也 東京都内で和太鼓教室をやっています。ご興味ある方は是非ご連絡ください^ ^ また、東京都内で津軽三味線教室、篠笛教室もやっていますのでご興味ある方は是非ご連絡ください(^^) 津軽三味線や篠笛に関しましてはオンラインレッスンも可能ですので是非ご検討ください(^^) おうち時間に和楽器を始めるのはいかがでしょうか^ - ^ 演奏依頼も承ります(^^) プロフィールにホームページありますのでそちらからご連絡お願いいたします^ ^ こちらのダイレクトメールでも承ります^ ^ #和太鼓教室 #津軽三味線教室 #篠笛教室 #和楽器 #レッスン #習い事 #趣味
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Dylan Gibson
Really been loving the snowscapes on here recently. Never got the chance to visit Nyuto Onsen when I was in Akita but I had some friends who went and they all said it was amazing. I can imagine how nice some warm hot springs would be in the middle of a heavy winter like this too lol. Planning on visiting Akita when I get the chance again (probably going to be a while) so I'll have to stop by for a dip if I get the chance. The thing I really loved about Akita was seeing all of the natural landscapes. All the rice paddies and natural greenery was really something else. I remember when I went to Kakunodate and saw the samurai houses there was a small mountain with some castle ruins on top and it had a really good view of the area from the top. It was also spring when I went so I got to see the cherry blossoms on the river bank which were incredible too... overall great place
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일본 가정 요리. 수제 우동. 아침부터 딸과 반죽 반죽 밟기 ? 그들은 진흙을 가지고 노는 ☺️ 것을 즐겼습니다 고등어 국물에 요 전날 끓여서 얼린 갈비를 넣으십시오. 우리 집의 우동은 요시다 우동처럼 단단하고 고기는 오키나와 메밀 국수에 소키?입니다. 그리고 라드를 더 넣고 돼지고기의 단맛을 더?했습니다. 손으로 만든 우동은 의외로 쉽게 만들 수 있습니다. ☺️ 강력 추천
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①雪…数年前、雪の降らない関東から東北に引っ越し、毎年のように降る雪はやっぱり冬の風物詩です。 ②スノータイヤ…雪国には必須で、人生で初めて自分で購入して今は使いこなしてます。写真はブリヂストン社のブリザック(スノータイヤ)のコラボお守りです。 ③日本の冬は受験シーズンでもあります。 合格祈願のお守りを買ったり、滑らない(受験に落ちない)ように願掛けをする事も多いです。この写真のお守りは路面と受験と滑らないことを掛けているんですね。 ①〜③の日本の冬の雪、スノータイヤ、受験、滑らない、を表していると思います。
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①雪…数年前、雪の降らない関東から東北に引っ越し、毎年のように降る雪はやっぱり冬の風物詩です。 ②スノータイヤ…雪国には必須で、人生で初めて自分で購入して今は使いこなしてます。写真はブリヂストン社のブリザック(スノータイヤ)のコラボお守りです。 ③日本の冬は受験シーズンでもあります。 合格祈願のお守りを買ったり、滑らない(受験に落ちない)ように願掛けをする事も多いです。この写真のお守りは路面と受験と滑らないことを掛けているんですね。 まさに日本の冬の雪、スノータイヤ、受験、滑らない、を表していると思います。
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Dylan Gibson
Wow, that looks amazing. French food is usually already really pretty but with the Japanese touch it's really something else. I really like that you can see the Japanese twist with things like the small ramen/chashu dish and the food carving that seems to be a specialty of Japan. I was watching Grand Maison Tokyo last year with my girlfriend and it was really cool watching what the French cuisine industry might look like in Japan and I guess just the top of the food industry in general. I haven't had French cuisine much lately myself (I'm more of an Italian kind of guy), but maybe once valentines day comes around I'll make a dinner reservation. To be fair this Craftale place actually seems pretty affordable considering what they're offering. A fancy dinner course for ¥10,000 is quite reasonable.
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魅せます - 日本の食 - / Showcasing - Japanese Food -

CRAFTALE@Aobadai, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan

東京都目黒区青葉台1-16-11 2F
+81 3-6277-5813
2F, 1-16-11 Aobadai, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan
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