Video article 7:04
Visit Scenic Spots in Toyama Prefecture on the Tateyama Line Train in Winter! The Age-Old Traditions and Beautiful Silver World Will Be Etched in Your Memory for a Lifetime!
Travel- 41 plays
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富山地方鉄道の冬の立山線エリアの魅力紹介動画の見どころ この記事では「富山地方鉄道 冬の立山線PR映像 (ロング版)」という動画を中心に、冬の立山線エリアの魅力を紹介します。 冬の時期に旅行をするなら、日本ならではの自然と気候をたっぷりと堪能が出来る観光スポットがいいですよね。 ここでは、日本の冬にぜひおすすめしたい観光スポットである富山地方鉄道、冬の立山線について詳しく紹介をしていきます。 景色を堪能出来るだけでなく、富山の地産地消のグルメでお腹も満たされる素晴らしい観光スポットである立山線について、少しでも知って頂ければ幸いです。 富山地方鉄道の冬の立山線おすすめ観光名所! 富山地方鉄道観光のスタートは、動画0:33でも紹介されている『電鉄富山駅』から。 そこで名物でもある『アルプスエキスプレス』という電車に乗って、立山線の道のりに広がる雪で彩られた路線と幻想的な景色を堪能しましょう。 途中には、動画1:12で紹介をされている日本の伝統工芸として有名な和紙製造をされている『川原製作所』や動画1:29で紹介されている漆器製造をされている『荻野漆工房』があり、どちらも日本の歴史と文化に興味がある方にはおすすめです。 そして更に進んでいくと、動画2:29で紹介をされている『陶農館』があります。 ここでは実際に伝統工芸品の陶芸体験や園芸教室が開催されているので、ぜひ参加してみてくださいね。 そして、動画3:00で紹介されている富山地方鉄道立山線の名物で選奨土木遺産にも認定されている『千垣橋梁』を通ります。 そして動画3:35の立山駅に着いたら、富山地方鉄道立山線での旅は終了となります。 富山地方鉄道立山線を堪能した後はここ! 鉄道での旅も終了したことで、ご当地グルメを味わいところ。 ですが、まずは長い旅の疲れを癒す為にも、動画4:39で紹介をされている立山吉峰温泉ゆーランドへ寄ることをおすすめします。 サウナやハーブ湯等の4種類のお風呂が楽しめ、身も心も温まるはずです。 その後は、動画4:50でも紹介をされているグリーンパーク吉峰にて、立山の旬の素材をふんだんに活かした『立山育ち御膳』を。 もしくは『立山芦峅ふるさと交流館』にて日本の古き良きお食事を頂きましょう。 日本ならではの四季によって彩られた景色を堪能し、温泉で疲れを癒してご当地グルメに舌鼓を打つ、これこそ観光の醍醐味と言えるでしょう。 富山地方鉄道の冬の立山線の魅力紹介まとめ 立山線、そして立山駅周辺のおすすめ観光スポットについて紹介をさせて頂きましたが、いかがだったでしょうか。 インスタ映えのする景色や絶景は勿論のこと、食事や温泉、伝統文化の体験など楽しみが盛りだくさん。 ぜひ今回紹介させて頂いた記事と動画がきっかけとなって、富山県への観光を検討してくれる方が少しでも居て下されば、幸いです。 -
Video article 2:01
Owara Kaze No Bon - An Elegant Dance With More Than 300 Years of History. Yatsuo, Toyama's Traditional Performing Art, Which Has Fascinated People for Centuries, Will Captivate You!
Festivals & Events- 49 plays
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日本の祭り「富山県八尾町【おわら風の盆】」の動画について 「富山市広報課」が公開した「【おわら風の盆】富山市八尾町」は、富山県八尾町で開催されている日本の夏祭り「おわら風の盆」を紹介している動画です。 おわら風の盆は、300年もの歴史のある日本伝統の祭り。 その優雅で美しい舞にきっと魅了されると思いますよ。 こちらの記事では、富山県八尾町で開催されるおわら風の盆の魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 日本の祭り「富山県八尾町【おわら風の盆】」とは? 毎年夏に開催されるおわら風の盆は、昔ながらの家並みが続く越中八尾で行われる民謡行事。 日本らしい雅な踊りや唄、楽器演奏は多くの人々を魅了し、愛されています。 おわら風の盆の起源は江戸時代の元録だと記録に残っています。 町外に流出した大事な文書を取り戻した喜びに、三日三晩踊っていたことが由来と言われています。 また、おわら風の盆を題材にした映画や小説も生まれています。 おわら風の盆のすこし悲しい歌詞はいろいろな分野に影響を与えています。 おわら風の盆の日程(スケジュール)は、8月20日から30日までが前夜祭。 その後に9月1・2・3日で本祭です。 魅力あふれる日本の伝統的なイベントを心置きなく楽しみましょう! 日本の祭り「富山県八尾町【おわら風の盆】」の魅力 富山県八尾町で開催されるおわら風の盆は、その幻想的で特徴のある踊り方が見物客を魅了しています。 艶やかで優雅な女踊り、迫力ある男踊り、それぞれの踊り手が三味線、胡弓などの日本らしい音楽に合わせて踊ります。 大勢の踊り手が練り歩くおわら風の盆。 夏のひとときを美しい日本の祭りを見て楽しむのはいかがでしょうか? 富山県八尾町の周辺情報など 富山県の八尾町で行われるおわら風の盆。 おわら風の盆を目当てに旅行する人に、アクセスや宿泊地の情報を紹介します。 交通アクセスは、「富山駅」から「越中八尾駅」まで電車か、「富山駅」から「八尾」間の定期バスを利用するのがおすすめ。 自動車で来訪する場合は、旧八尾町中心部には観光客用の駐車スペースがほとんどないため、駐車場の場所を確認しておく必要があります。 また、お祭りの期間は交通規制があるので注意。 宿泊場所は八尾地域の中心部にはビジネスホテルや旅館が数軒しかなく、注意が必要。 おわら風の盆を目当ての旅行客は富山市周辺のホテルや旅館に宿泊している人が多いようです。 日本の祭り「富山県八尾町【おわら風の盆】」の記事のまとめ 「富山市広報課」が公開した「【おわら風の盆】富山市八尾町」は、日本の歴史あるお祭りを紹介している動画です。 おわら風の盆の魅力を知ることができる興味深い映像ですよ! おわら風の盆は日本らしさを体験できる素晴らしい祭り。 稽古を積んだ踊り手の幻想的なステージを思う存分楽しみましょう! -
Video article 3:56
Nunobashi Kanjoe - This Purification Ceremony in Tateyama, Toyama, Is a Sacred Tradition Full Of History. Dressed in White, The Solemn and Splendid Appearance of the Priests Respects the Ancient Traditions of Japan
Traditional Culture- 174 plays
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Understanding Nunobashi Kanjoe, a Traditional Purification Ceremony in Toyama This video, titled "Japan UNESCO Future Heritage|Nunobashi Kanjoe Purification Ceremony (Long version), Tateyama Town, Japan" released by the "Official Channel of Tateyama Town, Toyama Prefecture" (日本ユネスコ未来遺産 布橋灌頂会(富山県立山町)Nunobashi Kanjoe Purification Ceremony (Long version) Tateyama Town, Japan). It introduces Nunobashi Kanjoe, a traditional purification ceremony in Tateyama, Toyama. Nunobashi Kanjoe is a traditional ceremony that has been handed down for many years at Ashikuraji Temple in Tateyama, Toyama, in Japan's Tokai Region (東海地方, Tokai-Chiho). This article features a closer look at Nunobashi Kanjoe, a traditional Japanese ceremony that has been registered as a UNESCO Heritage for the Future. The History of Nunobashi Kanjoe, a Purification Ceremony in Tateyama, Toyama Source :YouTube screenshot Tateyama, a well-known sight in Toyama Prefecture, is counted as one of the three most sacred mountains in Japan. It has been worshipped as a spiritual mountain since ancient times. Entry to Tateyama was originally forbidden to females, and women were not allowed to climb the mountain during the Edo period (1603-1868 A.D.). It is believed that the origin of Nunobashi Kanjoe was when these female believers crossed a bridge called Nunobashi over the Ubadou River (姥堂川, Ubadou-Gawa) in Tateyama, praying to be accepted into paradise. A Closer Look at Nunobashi Kanjoe, a Purification Ceremony in Tateyama, Toyama Source :YouTube screenshot Nunobashi Kanjoe includes the ceremony in which women dressed entirely in white enter the dimly lit Enmado-Hall and perform sutra reading to pray for entry to paradise. This performance is shown at 2:41 in the video. Nunobashi Kanjoe has been actively practiced since the Edo period, but was once abolished due to the abolition of Buddhism during the Meiji period (1868-1912 A.D.), and only recently revived in the Heisei period (1989-2019 A.D.). Nunobashi Kanjoe is now held only once every three years, so nowadays, it is a sacred ritual that can rarely be seen. Nunobashi Kanjoe was registered as a "Heritage for the Future" by UNESCO Japan in 2012, in recognition of its historical and valuable rituals. Sightseeing Around the Tateyama Area in Toyama Photo:Toyama Prefecture, Tateyama Museum of Toyama Yobokan The Toyama Prefectural Tateyama Museum, located at the site where Nunobashi Kanjoe is held, offers a video hall to learn the history of Tateyama and the rituals of Nunobashi Kanjoe. When sightseeing in Tateyama, Toyama, you should definitely check out the events in the surrounding areas. There is a popular theme park called "Mandara Amusement Park" in the Tateyama Museum as well. It's said that the theme park was created in the image of hell... Consider stopping by to check it out. Summary of Nunobashi Kanjoe, A Traditional Ceremony in Tateyama, Toyama Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see in the video, Nunobashi Kanjoe, a traditional ceremony in the Tateyama area of Toyama Prefecture, is a sacred ritual that has passed down traditional Japanese culture to the present day. When visiting the Tateyama area in Toyama, enjoy experiencing the ethereal world at the Tateyama Museum, where you can find a rich collection of materials related to Nunobashi Kanjoe. -
Video article 1:55
Enjoy the Gorgeous Views of the Glorious Northern Alps of Hakuba Village! This Video Features the Unparalleled Views of the Northern Alps’ Sea of Clouds, and Star Sprinkled Sky; Sights You Can’t Experience Anywhere Else.
Local PR Nature- 277 plays
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PR Video of Mountain Climbing at the Northern Alps' Hakuba Mountain Range- "The Backbone of Japan" This official PR video of Hakuba village, titled “Hakuba village [Dramatic Nature Days – Mountain]"(白馬村公式ムービー【Dramatic Nature Days - Mountain】)” is a time-lapse video produced by the Hakuba tourist office. The Northern Alps' Hakuba Mountain Range is located in the middle of the Japanese archipelago. Its structure, which lies between the Japanese sea and the Pacific Ocean, creates dynamic scenery. This two minutes video features the beautiful views of the Hakuba mountain range and recommended tourist spots in Hakuba village. Events in Hakuba, Nagano Photo:Hakuba Village in the Spring Hakuba village in Nagano prefecture is a popular tourist spot in Japan. Tourists can enjoy various activities throughout the year, such as hot springs, mountain climbing, skiing, cycling, and camping. It is also famous as a summer resort where many tourists visit due to it's comfortable climate. The Northern Alps is a great location where people can enjoy various outdoor activities such as trekking and mountain climbing while seeing fabulous natural views including flowers, snow, wildlife, and more. The Northern Alps - The Mountaineer Mecca Photo:The Northern Alps The rugged mountains shown in the video are the Northern Alps. Hakuba Village is one of Japan's most famous mountaineering spots thanks to the Hakuba mountain range. The Japanese Alps and Mt. Fuji are two of the world's most sacred mountaineering destinations and attract many climbers every year, but the Hakuba mountain range has more than 17 of the most famous peaks. “Shirouma-dake,” “Shakushi-dake,” and “Yariga-dake” are well-known as “The Three Peaks of Hakuba.” Some of the peaks are: ・Goryu-dake (9,232 ft.) (~0:44) ・Karamatu-dake (8,845 ft.) (~0:49) ・Yariga-dake (9524 ft.) (~1:22) ・Shakushi-dake (9,225 ft.) (~1:26) ・Shirouma-dake (9,619 ft.) (~1:42) If you enjoy climbing, be sure to carry rain gear and a map, even if you're enjoying a beginner's trekking trail, as the weather in the mountains can change easily. In the Hakuba mountain range, you can see rare alpine flowers and animals that cannot be found in the plains. Taking a commemorative photo with the Hakuba mountain range in the background is a great way to remember your trip. Be sure to share it on Instagram! The Hot Springs of Hakuba Village Source :YouTube screenshot Hakuba village is very popular as a hot springs area. The most recommended spot is "Hakuba Yari Onsen" (白馬鑓温泉) in the middle of Yariga-dake. You can see this hot spring in this video at 0:33. The view of the rising sun and star sprinkled sky from the open air bath are remarkable! 100 people can stay at the Hakuba Yari Onsen lodge and about 15 people can stay in a tent. The Yari Onsen lodge is a great spot where visitors can enjoy both hot springs and nature. If you would like more information about other accommodations in Hakuba village as well as access information, please see the official website of Yariga Onsen or the Hakuba village tourist office's website. The Nagano Olympics in Hakuba Village Be sure to check out the following facilities used as competition venues during the Nagano Olympics: ・HAPPO ONE SNOW RESORT ・Hakuba Ski Slope ・Hakuba Cross Country Stadium "Snow Harp" Hakuba village is in a snowy area of Japan. Visitors can enjoy skiing or snow boarding in fresh powdery snow. You'll be amazed at the amazing snowscape that stretches as far as the eye can see. Summary of Hakuba Village Photo:Hakuba mountain and Oide Park in spring Hakuba village is a great tourist spot with fierce weather and rich natural surroundings. There are other attractive places that weren't shown in the video as well. For example, you can remnants of the Jomon period at Aoni in Hakuba village. Also there are other experienced based activities where you can feel the history and culture of Japan, such as making Tonbo dama (glass beads), watching fireflies, or making soba (Japanese noodles). You can enjoy the magnificent views of Hakuba mountain range in this video. The vast sea of clouds extending to the horizon (0:06) and the star sprinkled skies (1:08) will take your breath away. 【Official Website】Hakuba Village Official Tourist Website https://www.vill.hakuba.nagano.jp/english/ 【Official Website】Hakuba Village Office Official Website https://www.vill.hakuba.lg.jp/ -
Video article 5:57
Learn About the Spirit of Craftsmanship of Buddhist Altar Lacquerers of Takaoka Butsudan, A Traditional Craft of Takaoka, Toyama! These Beautiful Lacquer Techniques Aren't Mastered Overnight!
Traditional Crafts- 50 plays
- YouTube
The Buddhist Altar Lacquerers Behind Takaoka Butsudan, a Traditional Japanese Craft This video, titled "The Journey to Becoming a Buddhist Altar Lacquerer/ Kyoden Buddhist Altar Workshop" (仏壇塗師になる旅 / 京田仏壇店工房), was uploaded by "Nippon Teshigoto Zukan." It introduces "Kyoden Butsudan-ten Koubo," a workshop that manufactures and sells traditional Takaoka Buddhist altars and restores gold foil. From 0:30 in the video, you can see Mitsuhiro Kyoden, a Buddhist altar lacquerer or "nuri-shi" in Japanese. This 5-minute video is perfect for people who want to learn about Buddhist altar lacquerers and the craftmanship behind them. In this article, we'll go over his techniques and preferences along the video. The History of Takaoka Butsudan and Buddhist Altar Lacquerers Source :YouTube screenshot Takaoka Butsudan has a long history dating back to the Edo period (1603-1868) in Takaoka, Toyama. Takaoka Butsudan creates Buddhist altars that must be assembled and they use a large amount of gold leaf. The lacquering techniques used for Buddhist altars was introduced from China along with Buddhism. They're used for painting Buddhist statues, gluing arrowheads, and preventing rust on armor. Mitsuhiro Kyoden, the Buddhist Altar Lacquerer in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot The video introduces the craftsmanship of Mitsuhiro Kyoden, a Buddhist altar lacquerer who paints both wood and lacquer, which are important processes in the production of Buddhist altars. He explains the process from 2:18 in the video. Lacquer is adjusted based on the weather forecast, and then checked on the next day to make further adjustments before applying the final coat. This process is important in creating the best possible work. It's important to keep adjusting the lacquer to the weather conditions each day. If this process is not done properly, brush marks remain on the final product and the polishing process will take longer. There is no textbook on how these processes are done, so the only way to learn is by trial and error and by learning from your mistakes. Mitsuhiro learned the theory of lacquering at university, and when actually doing it, he thinks back on what his teacher taught him thinking things like "so that's what they meant," etc. He passionately says that as a craftsman, he has to challenge himself and keep trying to improve. Summary of Japan's Buddhist Altar Lacquerers Source :YouTube screenshot In this video, you can see the spirit of craftmanship of a Takaoka Butsudan altar lacquerer. A well-built Buddhist altar can be passed down for generations if properly maintained. In this five and a half minute video, you can learn about traditional Japanese crafts and how they're preserved through the hard work of the craftsmen who inherit them. If you're interested in traditional Japanese crafts, be sure to check it out! -
Video article 9:24
Shirakawa-Go in Gifu Prefecture and Gokayama in Toyama Prefecture: 2 UNESCO World Heritage Sites Featuring Superb Views of Gassho-Zukuri Farmhouses. These Fantastic Snowy Landscapes are Some of Japan's Most Insta-Worthy Spots!
Local PR Travel Art & Architecture- 456 plays
- YouTube
“Shirakawa-Go” and “Gokayama” This promotional video, produced by “Discover Nippon,” shows the snowy landscapes of Shirakawa-go (Gifu Prefecture) and Gokayama (Toyama Prefecture). Shirakawa-go and Gokayama are two popular tourist destinations in Japan known for their Gassho-zukuri farmhouses with a unique sloped roof supported by A-frame crossbeams and thatched with the straw of crops. The beauty of these farmhouses, with snow capped, thatched roofs, can be seen in the video. This article will supplement the video by giving information about must-visit places in Shirakawa-go and Gokayama, where you can enjoy ancient Japanese landscapes. Sightseeing Locations at Shirakawa-go During the Winter ©Koichi_Hayakawa Modifying Declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995, Shirakawa-go is a famous place in northern Gifu Prefecture (known as the Hida Region), home to the thatched-roof Gassho-zukuri farmhouses. The structure of the steeply sloped roofs can withstand the heavy winter snowfall. Wada-ke house, a well preserved house located in Ogimachi (the largest village in Shirakawa-go), is designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan and is now open to the public as a museum. There are many other recommended locations, hidden gems, and “instagrammable” places, such as Shiroyama Viewpoint, Ogimachi Castle Observation Deck, Tohyama-ke House Museum and Myo-zenji Temple and House. Although Shirakawa-go has charms in every season, it's best seen covered in snow. The illumination during winter makes the village snowscape even more amazing. This can be seen at 3:33 in the video. The pure white landscape, lit up beautifully, is a sight to behold even on video. Recommended Tourist Locations in Gokayama Photo:World Heritage Site Gokayama Ainokura Village Gokayama is a part of Nanto City in Toyama, an area consisting of nostalgic villages featuring Gassho-zukuri farmhouses. Ainokura village and Suganuma village are the main attractions of Gokayama, and are both registered as UNESCO World Heritage Sites together with Shirakawa-go. The Iwase-ke House and Murakami-ke House are two buildings of high cultural value, with both being designated Important Cultural Properties of Japan. The best time to visit Gokayama is either in winter, when the village is covered in snow, or during the Ainokura Gokayama Music Festival in June. If you like Tofu, be sure to try the Gokayama Tofu. It's a local specialty made using pure mountain water and locally grown soybeans. Access to Shirakawa-Go and Gokayama Many people visit Shirakawa-go and Gokayama by bus tour or car, as there are no railway lines running through the area. If you're planning on staying overnight, the hotels around Hirase Onsen in Shirakawa-go or Gokasansou in Gokayama are the best options. Some of the Gassho-zukuri farmhouses now function as an inn. It's a great way to experience a traditional Japanese home that has tatami mat floors and an “Irori” (Sunken Hearth), used for both cooking and heating. The video shows the inside of a Gassho-zukuri farmhouse from 6:53. Staying in a traditional Japanese home guarantees a unique experience. Summary of Shirakawa-go and Gokayama ©Koichi_Hayakawa Modifying Shirakawa Village in Gifu Prefecture and Nanto City in Toyama Prefecture have released live informational cameras that allow you to check out Shirakawa-go and Gokayama at all times. Consider checking them out before you head out for sightseeing. Enjoy seeing the nostalgic Japanese villages snow capped by snow. It's a scene you won't come across often. Shirakawa-go Tourist Office http://ml.shirakawa-go.org/en/ -
Video article 2:11
View Nature From the Sky on the Tateyama Ropeway in Toyama Prefecture! A Must-Visit Spot With Spectacular Views That Change With the Seasons!
Travel- 63 plays
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立山黒部アルペンルートとは ここでは、立山黒部アルペンルートに広がる観光スポット"立山ロープウェイ"について『(TKAR011)立山黒部アルペンルート 立山ロープウェイ- Tateyama Ropeway -【4K】JAPAN』という動画を元に紹介していきます。 立山黒部アルペンルートとは、標高3,000mにもなる山々で構成された北アルプスを貫く、世界でも有数の山岳観光ルートのことを指します。 バスやトロリーバス、ケーブルカーにロープウェイという乗り物を乗り継いでいくだけで、立山黒部アルペンルートの素晴らしい絶景を堪能することが出来ます。 立山ロープウェイとは 立山ロープウェイは、立山黒部アルペンルートの途中にある大観峰駅と黒部平駅を繋いでいます。 立山ロープウェイは、ワンスパン方式という雪崩を防ぐために支柱を1本も使わず、駅と駅の間に張られたメインロープ(支索)の上を走行する方式を景観と環境の為に採用しています。 ワンスパンロープウェイとして日本一の運行距離を誇り、動画でも紹介されている立山黒部アルペンルートにある立山連峰等の絶景の大パノラマを堪能することが出来る有数の観光スポットです。 大観峰駅には展望台もあるので、ぜひ美しい景色をご覧下さい。 立山ロープウェイだけじゃない!立山黒部アルペンルートの魅力 立山ロープウェイに焦点を当てた動画でしたが、立山黒部アルペンルートの観光名所としての魅力はそれだけに留まりません。 立山山麓の絶景を楽しむことが出来る美女平、トロリーバスで通る立山トンネル、4月から6月にかけて巨大な雪の壁を見ることが出来る雪の大谷等、観光スポットが盛り沢山です。 立山ロープウェイのまとめ 四季や気候によって違った美しさを見せる立山黒部アルペンルート、動画では紅葉がメインでしたが、冬には雪によってまた違った顔を見せてくれるので、ぜひ観光目的で足を運んで見て下さい。 立山ロープウェイと立山黒部アルペンルートが織りなす景色の素晴らしさに、動画以上の感動を味わえること間違い無しです。 -
Video article 4:03
Valuable Footage of "Inami Wood Carving"- A Traditional Handicraft of Toyama Prefecture. The Sculptures Created by These Craftsmen Are the Pride of Japan's Art!
Traditional Crafts- 284 plays
- YouTube
Inami Wood Carving - A Traditional Japanese Craft The video "手技TEWAZA「井波彫刻」Inami Wood Carving," produced by "Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square," introduces traditional Inami Wood Carving. The origins of traditional Japanese Inami Wood Carving can be traced back to 1390, the first year of the Meitoku Period. When Shakunyo-Shonin, the fifth suzerain of Higashi-Honganji temple in Kyoto founded the "Inami Branch Temple" in Toyama prefecture by order of -
Video article 10:18
Yamazaki, a Famous Japanese Restaurant in Toyama, the Only One in Hokuriku With Three Michelin Stars! Take a Look at All the Beautiful Dishes This Restaurant Has to Offer!
Food & Drink- 19 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "【Michelin 3 Stars】Japanese Food -Gourmet food in japan【yamasaki】," was released by "Prince Uni Channel【Japanese Gourmet】." The video introduces a famous restaurant in Toyama, the only one in Japan's Hokuriku region to have received three Michelin stars, "Japanese Cuisine Yamazaki." Yamazaki, the only Japanese restaurant in Toyama to receive three Michelin stars and beating out many other famous restaurants in Hokuriku, is sure to make your taste buds dance with its many flavorful dishes. The fact that you can enjoy luxury meals at such reasonable prices at a high-end restaurant is also a key point. Why not stop by for a delicious meal on your way to Toyama? This video introduces a course meal at Yamazaki, so if you're interested, be sure to check it out. -
Video article 3:09
A Rare Video Explaining the Production Process of One of Toyama’s Traditional Crafts "Takaoka Copper Casting" - One of the Most Popular Arts/Crafts in the World, Passed Down for Over 400 Years
Traditional Crafts Art & Architecture History- 365 plays
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The Takaoka Copper Casting of Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture – A Traditional Japanese Craft This video, titled "手技TEWAZA「高岡銅器」Takaoka Copper Casting," was produced by "Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square." It introduces Takaoka Copper Casting, a traditional craft in Takaoka City, Toyama. Takaoka Copper Casting in Takaoka City, Toyama originates from a factory opened in the Edo period (1603 – 1868 AD) by Maeda Toshinaga in the Kaga Maeda Clan with the seven metal casters from Tamba, Kyoto, said to be the birthplace of metal casting. Most of the Takaoka Copper Casting products are related to Buddhist tools such as vases and a large part of the production process involves the attentive handiwork of artisans. The traditional Japanese craftsmanship is appreciated even outside of Japan. The Takaoka Great Buddha at Daibutsuji Temple (大佛寺, Daibutsu-ji) is said to be one of the most impressive pieces made by the Takaoka Copper Casting artisans. This is a rare video that introduces the production process of Takaoka Copper Casting. Please enjoy watching the craftsmanship of the Takaoka copper casting artisans. Takaoka Copper Casting: One of the Greatest Treasures in Japanese Culture- How It's Done Source :YouTube screenshot Takaoka Copper Casting is essentially produced with a metal casting technique where a piece of metal is melted at high temperature and poured into a mold to form the desired shape. Japanese metal casting techniques are highly recognized worldwide, and the metal casting of Takaoka City, Toyama is especially famous. Now, let's take a look at how Takaoka Copper Casting products are made. 1. Making the original model (0:18) Based on the blueprint, a prototype is created using wood, plaster, clay and resin. This prototype becomes the grand image of the final product. 2. Making the mold (0:29) A fire-resistant material is used for the original model, and a casting is made to pour the copper into. This is said to be the most important step. The mold made from casting sand is an example of exquisite craftsmanship. 3. Refining and melting (0:44) Refining refers to the process of removing impurities and increasing the purity of the metal. The refined metal is melted and liquefied at high temperatures.. The molten copper alloy reaches 1200 degrees Celsius in this process. 4. Casting (1:00) The refined molten copper is poured into the casting. 5. Removing the mold (1:23) The cooled and hardened copper is removed from the casting and the finishing process begins. 6. Polishing (1:48) The product is beautifully polished. 7. Coloring (2:05) After coloring and inlays are added, the work is complete! At 1:31 in the video, one of the Takaoka Copper Casting artisans explains “We hope that our Buddhist statues and monuments will convey what the customer had in mind, and will be loved.” The Art Pieces of Takaoka Copper Casting Gained Worldwide Popularity at the World Expo in Paris Source :YouTube screenshot A number of art pieces such as Buddhist statues and vases made using Takaoka Copper Casting were exhibited at the World Expo in Paris, and the name has come to be known around the world. These reason these artifacts are so beautifully shaped is because they were developed through producing bronze casting products adorned with carvings. In Takaoka City, Toyama, the descendants of the master craftsmen of the past have inherited the traditional crafting techniques and skills and have created many works of art. They continue to do so even today. Summary of Takaoka Copper Casting Source :YouTube screenshot The entire process of Takaoka Copper Casting has been done with the careful handiwork of artisans for more than 400 years. "We want to pass down the 400-year-old technique to the next generation," says one of the Takaoka Copper Casting artisans at 2:26 in the video. To inherit this valuable Japanese culture, Takaoka City has held workshops of Takaoka Copper Casting to train potential artisans. Miyuki-cho in Takaoka City has the Takaoka Copper Casting Museum where you can see and purchase products. Some large bronze statues are valued at millions of yen (tens of thousands of dollars). Takaoka Copper Casting products are also available at online marketplaces such as Rakuten and Amazon, and include ochoko (small sake cups), ornaments, paperweights, and more. The most popular ones are made by Takenaka Bronze Works Co.,Ltd. The company donated a 1/100 scale bronze casting model to Zuiryuji Temple (瑞龍寺, Zuiryuji), a temple designated as a National Treasure, in Takaoka City. The temple is one of the most popular tourist spots in Takaoka City renowned for its spring event of lighting up the temple, where the bones of Oda Nobunaga and his son are buried. Tourists can visit the grave of Maeda Toshinaga, who was deeply involved in the history of Takaoka Copper Castings, by way of a path called Hocchodo, lined with stone lanterns. In recent years, nine companies that are members of the Takaoka Copper Industry Cooperative Society have made original "Takaoka Wind Chimes" and sold them at the Takaoka Regional Industry Center, Takaoka Mikurumayama Museum, and shops where crafts are sold. 【Official website】Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square https://kougeihin.jp/en/ -
Video article 2:35
Kamaboko - A Local Specialty of Imizu City, Toyama. The Elaborate Decorations Are So Beautiful You’ll Hesitate to Eat Them!
Food & Drink Life & Business- 113 plays
- Vimeo
Imizu City's Kamaboko This video, titled "Shinminato Kamaboko- Imizu City, Toyama" (新湊かまぼこ -富山県射水市- Shinminato Kamaboko -Imizushi,Toyama,Japan-), was produced by "_kashi77." It shows the manufacturing process of kamaboko (fish cake), a local specialty of former Shinminato, Imizu city, Toyama, in the Hokuriku region. Kamaboko is a kind of "kneaded paste product" that is made by making white fish meat into surimi (minced meat) and then kneading it. It's also a Japanese food used in New Year's dishes for New Year's celebrations. In this way, it is an indispensable and popular Japanese food. Cod, shark, golden threadfin, wrasse and other white fish are used as ingredients; however, "Shinminato Kamaboko" uses surimi made from tile fish to enhance the flavor of the minced meat. It's called "Kamaboko" when steamed, "chikuwa" when baked, and "satsuma-age (a type of tempura) when fried and eaten. The origin of the word kamaboko comes from wrapping the surimi around a bamboo stick in a tubular shape. Because the shape resembled the ear (boko) of a cattail (kama), it came to be called "Kamaboko." Making Kamaboko Source :YouTube screenshot Here, we'll introduce how kamaboko are made. 1. Preparation Cut the raw fish into three pieces, removing the bones, innards, and skin. 2. Cut it up into smaller pieces Finely chop it with a knife. 3. Soak in water Soak the minced fish in water to get rid of the odor This is an important part of the process to bring out the elasticity of the kamaboko. 4. Drain Remove water from the fish until it is dried. 5. Surimi Grind it down finely. 6. Seasoning Season with salt, egg whites, and other ingredients. 7. Molding There are different types of kamaboko such as "Ita Kamaboko," which involves molding the ingredients into a half cylindrical shape, onto a small board made of wood such as cedar; and "Sumaki Kamaboko," which involves wrapping straw around the ingredients. As you can see at 0:12 in the video, each Kamaboko is made by hand, one by one, into the shape of a fish. 8. Steam The kamaboko is then steamed. This can be seen at 0:55 in the video. 9. Decorate As you can see at 1:06 of the video, they decorate the steamed kamaboko with colors, such as the pink of a sea bream and other colors and patterns. More About Kamaboko In Toyama Prefecture, kamaboko is famous as a gift for celebratory occasions, and it is used as a gift for engagement ceremonies and wedding receptions. In addition, kamaboko is often presented at births and milestones in life, such as entrance exams, graduations, coming of age ceremonies, housewarmings, and at Buddhist ceremonies. It is said to be customary to cut kamaboko that was received as a wedding gift and to distribute it to people who are close to you and to neighbors in order to share the joy. Toyama prefecture’s consumption of kamaboko is said to be the 6th highest in Japan. Kamaboko is often given as an end-of-the-year gift or present and it's possible to purchase it from online retailers such as Amazon or Rakuten. Fishing and Cuisine Around Imizu City Photo:Firefly squid with vinegar miso Toyama prefecture, where Imizu city is located, is home to Toyama Bay where you can catch delicious and nutritious seafood. The seafood caught in Toyama Bay consists of, white shrimp, firefly squid, and yellowtail caught in the cold season. Himi’s cold season yellowtail is rich in fat and melts in your mouth. Himi's yellowtail is a gourmet's delight, with its fatty, melt-in-your-mouth taste. Trout sushi is another popular local specialty in Toyama. Summary of Kamaboko, the Local Specialty of Imizu City, Toyama Japan has its own unique culture that has been nurtured by the customs of each region. Kamaboko, a craft perfect for celebrations, is a tradition in Imizu City, Toyama and Miyagi Prefecture. The Shin-Minato Hikiyama Festival, which heralds the arrival of autumn in Imizu City, Toyama Prefecture, is introduced at 2:02 in the video. This festival, along with kamaboko, is part of traditional culture that has been handed down through generations in Imizu city. What did you think of Izumi's kamaboko? At Yume Terrace Kaiou, a museum of food and health in Imizu City, around 40 different kinds of kamaboko, such as kelp-wrapped kamaboko and sea bream-shaped kamaboko, as well as local marine products and healthy teas, are available at reasonable prices. You can also visit the kamaboko factory that shown in the video, and experience making kamaboko yourself. At the Yume Terrace Kaio, there are no restaurants or cafes, so you will not be able to have lunch; you can buy some kamaboko as a souvenir and eat it to keep yourself nourished. A popular souvenir is the kamaboko chips. When you visit Toyama prefecture, be sure to try the Shinminato Kamaboko introduced in the video! -
Video article 3:05
Kuronagi Onsen - A Hidden Hot Spring Inn in Toyama, Japan
Hotel & Japanese Inn Travel- 185 plays
- YouTube
Kuronagi Onsen, Toyama This video, titled is a promotional video for Kuronagi onsen called "[Official] A Hidden Hot Spring in Kurobe Canyon, Kurobe|Kuronagi Onsen, Drone 4k" ([公式]黒部峡谷の秘湯 黒薙温泉旅館 ドローン4K), was created by "[Official] Kuronagi Onsen Ryokan." It has been said that Kuronagi Onsen was discovered in 1645 by