Video article 3:14
Aomori Is a Place Overflowing With Nature and Culture! Gourmet, Traditions, Festivals, You Name It. Aomori Has Plenty to Offer!
Local PR Travel- 20 plays
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青森県エリアのグルメと文化の紹介動画の見どころ こちらの動画は「AOMORI JAPAN」が公開した「Aomori Gourmet & Culture Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 青森」です。 青森県を観光する際に押さえておきたいグルメ、歴史や文化について簡潔に分かりやすく紹介されています。 こちらの記事では、動画で紹介されている青森県のグルメや歴史・文化を動画と共に紹介します。 青森県のグルメはこんなに沢山ある! 青森県は、皆さんご存じの林檎の名産地としても知られていますが、海に面していることから、日本食と深い繋がりのある海鮮系の料理が豊富なことでも有名です。 動画の0:10で紹介をされている『弘前中央青果』、動画の0:22で紹介されている『古川市場』はその象徴とも呼べる人気のグルメスポットです。 市場ではその場で料理をしてくれるところもあり、動画の0:36からご覧になれる人気の「のっけ丼」は、青森観光では絶対に外せない逸品です。 他にも、動画の0:45で紹介をされている煮干しで出汁を取った煮干しラーメン、青森県の豊かな自然で産まれた倉石牛、ほたてのしゃぶしゃぶ、大間のマグロに八戸えんぶり、イカの炭火焼や十和田バラ焼き等、青森観光の際には外せないグルメが多くあります。 日本酒も有名で、代表銘柄『玉垂』の中村亀吉酒造や代表銘柄『陸奥八仙』の八戸酒造はご存知の方も多いのでは無いでしょうか? 観光に訪れた際のお土産には、津軽路手焼きせんべいをおすすめします。 青森県で日本の文化を楽しむ! 青森県には日本的な文化が多くあり、グルメと共に、ぜひ足を運んでみたい観光名所が沢山あります。 代表的なのが『ワ・ラッセ』という青森市文化観光交流施設で、青森県の文化と深い繋がりのある「ねぶた祭り」について、体験をしながら学ぶことが出来ます。 その美しさから日本のみならず世界でも注目をされている津軽打刃物と日本の伝統工芸品である津軽塗、この青森の地方の名前がついている津軽三味線、他ではあまりご覧になることの無い津軽鉄道ストーブ列車等、古き良き日本の文化を堪能することが出来ます。 青森県の文化とグルメ紹介まとめ 日本の伝統文化や自然が残る、都会とは違った日本らしさを感じさせてくれる青森県は、気候も穏やかで観光スポットも多く、旅行には最適な人気観光地です。 グルメや文化、そして自然に溢れた美しい景色や絶景も魅力で、十和田湖や相坂川はインスタ映えするスポットでもあるので、ぜひ立ち寄って見て下さい。 今回紹介させて頂いた動画とこの記事が青森県への観光をご検討する後押しとなれば幸いです。 -
Video article 2:59
After a Harsh Winter, the Beauty of Aomori's Spring, From the Mountains All the Way to the Sea, Shows Its Colors! Enjoy the Cherry Blossoms and Fresh Greenery of Aomori's Popular Sightseeing Destinations!
Local PR- 70 plays
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春の青森県おすすめ観光スポットの紹介動画 こちらの動画は「AOMORI JAPAN」が公開した「Aomori Scenery of Spring Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 青森」です。 青森県といえばりんごが思い浮かべるかもしれませんが、山も海など絶景の人気スポットが多くあります。 春の青森県に焦点を当てた動画をメインに、青森の観光スポットを動画と共にご紹介します。 青森県の歴史観光スポットは? 青森県の歴史スポットといえば、動画の2:04からご覧になれる三内丸山遺跡が有名。 また、弘前城は観光ランキングでも上位に入る名所。 以前は津軽海峡を青函連絡船が行き来して北海道と本州を繋ぎ、人やモノを運んだ経緯がありましたが、現在は青函トンネルがとって代わりました。 春の青森県、桜の名所はココ! 本州最北に位置する青森県で桜が開花するのは、およそ4月中旬に入ってから。 青森県の桜の名所といえば、まず弘前城が人気です。 そして日本の道百選にも選ばれている十和田市官公庁街は、動画の1:01から紹介されています。 幼い太宰治が遊んだ芦野公園。 動画では0:18から芦野公園駅で満開の桜の下を走る「走れメロス号」がご覧になれます。他にも、0:47から紹介される岩木川河川公園も桜スポットのひとつ。 町の中心部から5分の場所にあり、イベント時には市民が集まります。 厳しい気候が生み出した青森県のおすすめ自然風景 青森県といえば八甲田山。 日本百名山の八甲田山は動画では0:05と0:56からご覧になれます。 また、温泉水が溜まってできた地獄沼の紹介は0:54と1:11からです。 1:54からご覧になれるのは世界遺産・白神山地。 白神山地には青池という景勝地があり、インスタ映えすること必至。 また一風変わった観光名所に、田んぼアートの田舎館村があります。 景勝地の宝庫、青森県の海岸の魅力 青森県の海岸には美しい景観が広がります。 2:11から紹介されるのは森山海岸。 2:27からは日本の二大名岬のひとつ権現崎(ごんげんざき)、2:35からは黄金崎の棚田がご覧になれます。 他にも本州最北端の岬である龍飛崎など青森県には多くの自然が楽しめる観光名所があります。 青森県の伝統工芸と食文化 地域の工芸品や文化に触れられるのも青森観光の醍醐味。 動画では津軽びいどろの工房、津軽打刃物が紹介されています。 また、青森は津軽三味線でも有名ですね。 食文化も豊かで、郷土料理には古くから津軽地方に伝わる津軽そば、八戸市エリア周辺に伝わるせんべい汁、いちご煮、マグロ丼が有名です。 春の青森県紹介まとめ 美しい景色と伝統文化が盛りだくさんの青森県。 動画でも青森県の外せない観光地が多く紹介されているので、ぜひご覧になってみてください。 -
Text only
Nature Travel- 394 views
COOLJAPANVIDEOS 横3000 COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan 横3000 COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan 横300 COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan 横170 COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan 指定なし COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan 横150 COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan タイムライン横400縦10000 COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan タイムライン自動 COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan タイムライン横300縦1000 COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan タイムライン横250縦1000 COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan タイムライン横170縦1000 COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 横3000 COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan 横3000 COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan 横170 COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan 横170 COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan 指定なし COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan 横150 COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan タイムライン横400縦10000 COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan タイムライン自動 COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan タイムライン横300縦1000 COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan タイムライン横250縦1000 COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan タイムライン横170縦1000 COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan COOL JAPAN VIDEOS, a social media site focused on information about Japan -
Video article 23:05
These Road Technicians Are Quick and Precise! Take a Look at Their Artistic Road Marking!
Life & Business- 368 plays
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Japan's Road Technicians This video called "Road marking 4K Version 2018" (2018 道路のライン引き 路面標示施工 4K版). It features road marking technicians making marks on a runway at Aomori Airport. Watch the amazing skill of these road marking technicians in the video! You'll be amazed by their efficiency. Road Work in Japan Wouldn't Be the Same Without 'Em! Photo:"Stop" road marking There are various type of road markings in Japan to maintain safe traffic. These road markings are necessary to do road work, are used for parking, at construction sites, and also for public works projects. Almost all road markings in Japan are conducted by an operator with a nationally certified license for road marking. In this video, a road marking technician makes markings on a road using a line marker in quick, precise fashion. Not Missing the Mark Source :YouTube screenshot Before making marks, operators clean the surface of the road and make an outline of the finished markings. From there, the operator measures the outer frame of the markings precisely and creates the shape of each character using specialized marking tape made to stick to asphalt. Next, they operate a machine called a line marker car (road marking and construction machine) to apply the letters to the road. You can't help but admire their craftsmanship in writing letters in the blink of an eye. To call it a work of art wouldn't be an exaggeration. The highlight of this video is the scene where the operator makes complicated character markings such as "降車専用" (Drop-off only) (10:27). The operator draws beautiful lines over the outline marked with tape. What Kind of People Are Road Marking Technicians! Photo:Road line drawing machine If you check out some Japanese job sites, you'll find some road marking jobs. However, unless you're a certified technician you aren't qualified to do this job. Japan's road marks have detailed standards for thickness and size, as well as for the amount of resin in the paint types for road markings. If you acquire the necessary knowledge and obtain a nationally certified license, you too can do road marking in Japan! Summary of Japan's Road Marking Technicians Source :YouTube screenshot The road marking technicians who line Japan's roads are an important part of keeping Japan's roads safe. To these licensed technicians, the curvy markings, such as the ones introduced at 13:22, and 14:30 are but simple tasks. Be sure to watch the video to see their amazing skills! Next time you're walking down the street or driving your car and you notice some road markings, remember who painted them! -
Video article 4:01
Tsugaru-Nuri - A Traditional Lacquerware Produced in the Tsugaru Region of Aomori Prefecture. How's It Made, and What About It Makes Food Taste Better?
Traditional Crafts- 69 plays
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伝統漆器「津軽塗」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「伝統工芸 青山スクエア」が公開した「手技TEWAZA「津軽塗」Tsugaru Lacquerware/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square」です。 青森県には津軽塗と呼ばれる伝統工芸があります。 今回は日本で昔から伝わる伝統工芸のひとつ、津軽塗の魅力を紹介します。 津軽塗って何? 津軽塗は青森県に伝わる伝統工芸のひとつ。 弘前市を中心に多くの工芸品が作られています。 1646年に津軽塗が作られるようになったと言われ、お椀やお箸、茶筒にお盆と種類は豊富。 津軽塗の制作には4つの技法が用いられ、それぞれ模様が異なります。 ・唐塗 ・紋紗塗 ・七々子塗 ・錦塗 津軽塗を購入・体験するには 青森県弘前市にある小林漆器は津軽塗の販売店として知られています。 店内にはさまざまな作品が販売されており、青森県を訪れた際は一度訪れてみると良いかもしれません。 日本の伝統工芸や文化を実際に触れてみたい方におすすめしたいのが津軽塗の体験。 一例に挙げられるのが青森県黒石市にある津軽伝承工芸館。 職人が塗り込んだお箸やストラップなどを研いで完成させる工程を体験できます。 日本の文化に興味のある方や青森県に観光する予定がある方はチェックすることをおすすめします。 津軽塗紹介まとめ 日本に古くから伝わる伝統工芸を紹介させていただきました。 この動画を機に日本の伝統工芸や文化に触れてみたい、日本での観光で青森県を訪れてみたいと感じて頂けたら幸いです。 -
Video article 4:35
Travel Back to the Jomon Period and Experience the History of Restored Buildings and Excavated Treasures From the Large Settlements of Aomori's Sannai Maruyama!
History- 92 plays
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Sannai Maruyama, Aomori prefecture "[Aomori's Charm] The Special Historic Site: Sannai Maruyama Site - Truth Underground- Romance Above Ground(【青森の魅力】特別史跡三内丸山遺跡 - 地下に真実 地上にロマン)" is a video produced by "marugotoaomori". Introduced here is a large-scale photograph of a settlement in Aomori Prefecture from Japan's Jomon period. It is a wonderful tourist attraction where you can learn about the history of the village, as well as various artifacts and events. This article introduces the charm of the special historical site Sannai Maruyama. What is Sannai Maruyama? Photo:Sannai Maruyama site The special historical site, Sannai Maruyama, is located in Aomori city, Aomori prefecture in Japan's Tohoku region, and is the largest site remaining from Japan's Jomon period (14000 BC to 400 BC). It is a large-scale settlement from the early to middle Jomon period, about 5,900 to 4,200 years ago. It is said that Jomon people had been settled here for about 1,000 years. You can also see the reconstructed buildings such as the large pit building and the large pillar building, which help picture life in the Jomon period. You can see these buildings from 0:41 in the video. In addition to the restored building, you can also see various excavated artifacts such as earthenware, clay figurines, as well as accessories that would have been indispensable to those living at that time. There are restaurants and shops too, so you can enjoy a variety of different things if you feel like taking a break. Access is about 20 minutes by car from JR Aomori Station, and about 30-40 minutes by municipal bus. The entrance fee is 410 yen for the general public, 200 yen for high school and university students, and free for junior high school students and younger (* as of April 2020). Sannai Maruyama's Reconstructed Pillar Building Source :YouTube screenshot The restored large-scale pillar building that can be seen from 1:08 in the video is a building with a height of about 15m, and features huge columns. It was built by burying a chestnut tree in a large hole roughly 2m in diameter. The distance between the pillars is carefully measured at 4.2m, and the unit of length is 35cm. The intended use is unknown and encased in mystery, but a volunteer guide says that it was used as a viewing tower, lighthouse, or temple. It is said that the height at the time of the Jomon period was higher than the restored building's 15m, and was probably closer to 20m. The Sannai Maruyama Site, a special historic site, has various remains in addition to the six pillar building. You can see the ruins of a pit-type dwelling, which is said to have been inhabited by ordinary residents, and the ruins of a stilt-pillar building that was likely to have been a stilt-type building (a stilt-type warehouse). You can also visit the inside of a large-sized pit building that was probably used as a joint workshop and gathering venue. This can be seen in the video from 1:00. One of the highlights of the site is the ring stone tomb, which is said to be that of the head of the village. Highlights of the Sannai Maruyama Archaeological Site Source :YouTube screenshot At the Sanmaru Museum, Jomon Amusement Park and Sannai Maruyama Archeological Site in the Jomon Hill Sannai Maruyama-Mahoroba Park that can be seen from 2:11, you can see about 1,700 relics excavated from the special historical site on display. You can see ornaments such as hooks, fish bones and earrings. We can imagine that the Jomon people had a developed culture, such as using various tools to cultivate and procure food, as well as cook and decorate themselves with accessories. Summary of Sannai Maruyama Source :YouTube screenshot "[Aomori's Charm] The Special Historic Site: Sannai Maruyama Site - Truth Underground- Romance Above Ground" produced by "marugotoaomori" is a video introducing the special historical site Sannai Maruyama in Aomori City. There are plenty of places to look out for, such as the 15-meter tall reconstructed building that was likely used as a lookout tower and a watching tower. It is a must-see spot for history buffs because you can see various archaeological sites and excavated treasures! ◆Sannai-Maruyama's facility outline◆ 【Address】305 Sannai Maruyama, Aomori, Aomori Prefecture, 038-0031 【Access】 About 20 minutes by car from JR Aomori Station 【Operating Hours】From 9:00 to 17:00 【Closed Day】4th Monday of every month 【Parking Facilities】500 spaces 【Telephone No】017-766-8282 【Entrance fee】410 yen, 200 yen for high school and college students, free for junior high school students and younger (as of April 2020) 【Official Website】Special Historic Site "Sannai Maruyama" https://sannaimaruyama.pref.aomori.jp/english/ 【Tripadvisor】Sannai Maruyama Site https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298241-d324336-Reviews-Sannai_Maruyama_Site-Aomori_Aomori_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 14:38
A Look at the Youth Carrying on the Traditions of Japan! Aomori Prefecture’s Nebuta Festival Is One of the Most Exciting Festivals in Japan!
Traditional Crafts- 19 plays
- YouTube
What is a Nebuta Craftsman? This video, titled “#003 Kenta Tatsuta, Nebuta-shi|Door to Tomorrow by At Home” (#003 ねぶた師 立田 健太 | 明日への扉 by アットホーム), was released by “Door to Tomorrow by At Home” (明日への扉 by アットホーム). This video introduces the artisans who make the huge floats, "Nebuta," that parade through the city and are the main attraction at the famous Nebuta Festival in Aomori Prefecture. Since ancient times, the Tanabata Festival has been an annual event held in Japan to celebrate the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. The "Nebuta Festival" and "Neputa Festival" held in Aomori Prefecture have also been held as part of this Tanabata event. At this point you’re probably wondering what the differences between the Nebuta and Neputa Festivals are. The biggest difference is that the Nebuta Festival features three-dimensional, dynamic, human-shaped floats with samurai artwork on them, while the Neputa Festival features flat floats. Another difference is that the Nebuta Festival is held in Aomori City, while the Neputa Festival is held in the Tsugaru region, in places like Hirosaki. The artisans who create Nebuta are now considered specialists and are called “Nebuta-shi” (ねぶた師, “Nebuta Artist/Craftsman”) in Japanese. The History of the Nebuta Festival Photo:Nebuta, Aomori Prefecture Today, the Nebuta festival is recognized as an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property. The meaning of Nebuta/Neputa is "sleepy" and actually written using the same kanji (眠た). In the Edo Period, a festival called "Nemuri-nagashi" (眠り流し) was held in many places to lull people to sleep during the summer. The Nebuta Festival has the same origins as Sendai's Tanabata Festival, Akita's Kanto Festival, and Fukushima's Nemuri Nagashi. During the Edo period, Aomori Prefecture was divided into the Nanbu Domain and the Hirosaki Domain (Tsugaru domain). In the Nanbu Domain, the word "Nebutai" was used to describe sleepiness, and in Hirosaki, the word "Neputai" was used, which led to the distinction between the Nebuta and Neputa Festivals. How Nebuta Are Made Photo:How nebuta are made - pitching a tent, Aomori Prefecture Nebuta feature samurai paintings based on traditional Japanese myths and folk tales. They are characterized by the use of poetic justice to defeat demons and evil spirits at decisive moments. In the video, starting at 5:16, you can see how Nebuta are made by the young Nebuta craftsman "Kenta Tatsuta" who apprenticed himself to Nebuta master "Ryusei Uchiyama" at the age of 14. Here, we’ll give a brief introduction of the work of a Nebuta craftsman. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 1 - Materials and Rough Sketching The rough sketches are the blueprints for the Nebuta. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 2 - Pitching a Tent A tent is built for the production of Nebuta. The purpose of this is to prepare the details using wood, frame it using wire, color it, and then store the finished Nebuta. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 3 - Electrical Wiring Since the Nebuta Festival is a nighttime festival, light bulbs are installed inside the floats so that the samurai stand out against the night sky. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 4 – Kamihari (紙はり) Washi paper is pasted onto the completed framework. At this point, the whole picture becomes a little clearer. Source :YouTube screenshot ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 5 – Kakiwari (書割) The outline of the samurai is drawn on the paper pasted with ink. This is a very important process and has long been considered a task that only Nebuta craftsmen can perform. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 6 – Rokaki (ろう書き) A special material made of melted paraffin is used. Where paraffin is applied, the paper becomes translucent and bright. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 7 - Coloring The remaining paper is colored. ・The Making of Nebuta, Step 8 – Daiage (台上げ) The completed Nebuta is placed on a platform with wheels. A large group of people (around 50) carefully take the work outside. At 8:00 in the video, you can see an incident where a mistake is made and the work has to be repaired. Training Nebuta Craftsman Successors Photo:Nebuta, Aomori Prefecture Originally, the production of Nebuta was carried out by neighborhood associations and other such groups. However, the skilled workers in the neighborhood associations were so enthusiastic about making Nebuta that they neglected their own work. However, as the Nebuta Festival became a Japanese festival known on a global scale, and as Nebuta production techniques gradually became more sophisticated, the number of Nebuta craftsmen became fixed and professional Nebuta craftsmen were born. The Nebuta Festival is a festival where gallant Nebuta performances parade through the streets, jumping up and down to the musical accompaniment, but it's also a competition to determine the best Nebuta. Nebuta craftsmen who create outstanding Nebuta works are honored as "Masters." Summary of the Nebuta Festival – A Popular Event in Aomori Prefecture Photo:Nebuta, Aomori Prefecture Being a Nebuta craftsman is not an easy job. Kenta Tatsuta, the Nebuta craftsman featured in the video, even struggles to make ends meet. It is a job that requires a passion for Nebuta. We want people to know that it's only with the help of the people behind the scenes, such as the Nebuta craftsmen, that the magnificent and gorgeous Nebuta Festival can be held. At the same time, the Nebuta Festival holds a beauty contest to select Miss Nebuta. The woman who wins the Miss Nebuta award will lead the Nebuta during the festival, adding to the festivities! -
Video article 3:30
The Cherry Blossoms at the Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival in Hirosaki, Aomori, Said to Be the Best in Japan, Are Sure to Look Great on Instagram! Enjoy the Cherry Blossom Festival With 3 Million Visitors, Where 'Hatsune Miku' Was Appointed as the Official Supporting Character!
Nature- 372 plays
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青森県の日本一の桜まつり「弘前さくらまつり」を紹介 こちらの動画は「shota odagiri」さんが公開した「SAKURA 日本一の桜まつり青森県弘前市【HD】」です。 日本の春を代表する桜! 青森県弘前市にある弘前城周辺でおこなわれる弘前さくらまつりはソメイヨシノを始めとして数々の桜が百花繚乱のごとく咲き乱れ、毎年弘前公園には全国から訪れる数多くのお花見目当ての観光客で賑わいます。 本州最北端の地、青森県で咲く桜 桜前線の北上に伴い青森県弘前城周辺では4月下旬頃に開花予想が出されます。 弘前公園内には、ソメイヨシノを中心に、シダレザクラ、八重桜など、約50種類2,600本の桜が咲き誇ります。 日本一と言われる弘前さくらまつりの桜たちは一つの花芽からいくつもの花が咲き、もこもこの迫力のある花付きが特徴と言われています。 弘前さくらまつりの終盤になると弘前城周辺のお堀にはたくさんの桜の花びらが浮かび、この光景を「花筏(はないかだ)」「桜の絨毯」と呼び、壮大な景観の花筏が楽しめます。 2019年から2年間は弘前さくらまつり公式応援キャラクターにボーカロイドの「桜ミク(初音ミク)」が選ばれ、祭りをより一層盛り上げています。 弘前さくらまつり情報紹介 弘前市は青森県最大の都市で四季折々の自然が楽しめる観光地です。 春は桜、夏のねぷた祭り、秋は菊と紅葉が特に有名で、この弘前さくらまつりの日程は毎年4月23日〜5月5日の期間に開催されています。 弘前さくらまつりは非常に長い歴史があり1889年から続く伝統のお祭りです。 期間中は日没から23時までライトアップされ夜桜見物を楽しむ観光客であふれます。 弘前さくらまつりには出店や屋台もたくさん並びますので絶景とグルメを一緒に楽しむことができます。 弘前さくらまつりが開かれている弘前公園までのアクセスは以下のとおりです。 ・東京からお越しの方:東京→はやて(3時間20分)→新青森→特急つがる(30分)→弘前→路線バス「弘前公園」下車 ・大阪からお越しの方:大阪→のぞみ(2時間30分)→新青森→東京→はやて(3時間20分)→新青森→特急つがる(30分)→弘前→路線バス「弘前公園」下車 ・羽田空港から飛行機でお越しの方:羽田空港(1時間15分)→青森空港→バス(55分)→弘前路線バス「弘前公園」下車 ・伊丹空港から飛行機でお越しの方:伊丹空港(1時間30分)→青森空港→バス(55分)→弘前路線バス「弘前公園」下車 なお駐車場は完備されていますが、大変混雑いたしますので弘前駅からバスをご利用ください。 弘前さくらまつり期間中は20:00まで特別便を増発して運行します。 弘前さくらまつり紹介まとめ JR弘前駅ではおすすめ情報満載の観光ガイドを無料配布していますのでご活用ください。 また全国の旅行代理店で弘前さくらまつりツアーが催行されますのでホテルと交通がパックになったお得な観光ツアーをご利用ください。 是非日本一の桜を弘前さくらまつりでお楽しみください。 -
Video article 3:13
Autumn Leaves in Hakkoda, Aomori - The Reflection of This Beautiful Red Foliage Is Poetic
Nature- 342 plays
- YouTube
Tourist Information for Viewing the Autumn Colors in Hakkoda and the Tsugaru Plains in Aomori This tourism promotional video (made by JAPAN GEOGRAPHIC) highlights the renowned autumn foliage in Hakkoda. Although Japan boasts many scenic sites to practice the traditional autumn foliage viewing, one of the 100 most beautiful Japanese mountains, Mt.Hakkoda has been very popular for the viewing of autumn colors in the countryside. The breathtaking view of autumn foliage reflected on the lake surface attracts a great number of visitors. The video navigates us through the beauty of autumn-colored Hakkoda which often appears on well-known travel sites or TV programs, and also has been a regular winner of the ranking of places in Japan to see autumn colors. Autumn leaves are best seen on a sunny day. The sunlight makes the red and yellow leaves shine. Winter comes early up in the north in Aomori. Such meteorological conditions give leaves vibrant colors. The video captures the spectacular color display in Hakkoda. Hakkoda: From Hot Springs to Beautiful Autumn Foliage Photo:Kenashitai Wetlands dyed in autumn colors Some hiking trails are maintained in Hakkoda so that hikers can take in the splendid autumn color display in the clear air, or enjoy the sounds of walking through the deciduous forests on a carpet of fallen leaves. Aomori Prefecture features many renowned hot springs. Staying at an Onsen Ryokan located in the area such as Sugayu Onsen (a very charming old-fashioned onsen hotel), Jogakura Onsen, or Tsuta Onsen will make your trip even more special. The recommended hiking route is an excellent 5-hour circular walking trail that starts and ends at Sugayu Onsen. The route takes you up to Mt. Otake and leads to the vast marshlands of Kenashitai. As plenty of visitors are expected during the peak of the autumn colors, it is better to book your room in advance. The Best Sightseeing Spots in Hakkoda Source :YouTube screenshot Aomori is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan. When it gets a color makeover from the autumn foliage, places like Mt. Hakkoda, Oirase Gorge, Zenkojidaira, Mutsu Bay or Jyogakura Oohashi are filled with tourists hunting for vibrant colors. Look at the breathtaking autumn vistas at Jigokunuma starting at 0:50! The red tinge with yellow, and vivid orange hues.... The stunningly beautiful color display is made mainly of Beech, Japanese rowan trees (nanakamado) and maple trees. "Tsutanuma Lake" (from 1:20 -) laying at the foot of Mt. Hakkoda is a hidden gem of the area. With the red leaves floating on the water, the lake has a mysterious beauty. The image of Lake Towada reflecting the mountains of autumn colors on its surface (from 1:42) is something you never get tired of looking at it. This explains why it is a photographers' dream destination. The symbolic scenery of the turning of autumn leaves contrasted with the water's surface is a magnet that pulls tourists back to this location. A Walk in the Sky With Hakkoda Ropeway Photo:Mt. Hakkoda, Ropeway The nighttime illumination during the autumn season allows visitors to admire the colors of autumn foliage from the sky until late hours. The approximately 10-minute sky walk in a gondola takes you up to the summit of Mt. Tamoyashidake offering you a look out of the colorful autumn mountains. Road Trip Information to Hakkoda in Autumn Photo:Autumn Leaves at Hakkoda Mountain Autumn foliage in the Tohoku region typically peaks from the beginning to the end of October. The route twisting through the mountains gives travelers a diverse views of the autumn leaves. From JR Aomori station, it takes about an hour to drive to Hakkoda. There is some parking in the area. Summary : 360° Panorama View From the Summit of Hakkoda - 4k Video of Autumn Colors Hakkoda is crowded with both domestic and international tourists in the autumn season, so we recommend checking traffic information and accommodation availability provided by the tourist information websites. Enjoy the video of the majestic autumn colors in Hakkoda! 【Tripadvisor】Hakkoda Mountains https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298240-d556800-Reviews-Hakkoda_Mountains-Aomori_Prefecture_Tohoku.html 【Official Website】Aomori Prefecture Tourist Information SIte - Aptinet https://www.en-aomori.com/ -
Video article 3:48
Enjoy Hachinohe Sansha Taisai in Hachinohe, Aomori, a Festival Full of Japanese Culture! Lion Dances, Musical Accompaniment, Japanese Drums, and Gorgeous Floats!
Festivals & Events- 32 plays
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青森の八戸三社大祭をご紹介! 日本の夏でにぎやかなお祭りを体験して、夏の思い出をつくりたいという方はいませんか? そのような方々に今回は、国の重要無形民俗文化財にも選ばれている青森の八戸三社大祭を「八戸市観光化Hachinohe City Tourism Section」 が制作する「【公式PV】 "The Japanese Traditional Arts" 八戸三社大祭【Long ver.】」という動画をもとに説明していきます! 日本の有名な山車行事である八戸三社大祭は毎年大賑わい! 日本の有名な山車まつりである八戸三社大祭は、にぎやかなお祭りを体験したい人にはおすすめのお祭りです。 様々な郷土芸能や山車行事の迫力は国内のお祭りの中でも随一で、大きな盛り上がりを見せています。 青森の八戸三社大祭は、ユネスコ無形文化遺産としても指定されている伝統と歴史があるお祭りです。 神社行列や、さまざまな郷土芸能、豪華絢爛な山車といった日本の文化が凝縮されていて盛大なお祭りの中でも和の心を感じることができるでしょう。 八戸三社大祭は、五穀豊穣への祈りが込められており、神話や歌舞伎を題材にした山車でその祈りを表現しています。 日程は、7月31日の前夜祭から8月4日の後夜祭までです。 ぜひ参加してみてはいかがでしょうか? 日本の八戸三社大祭「山車行事」の魅力 青森の八戸三社大祭の山車は、その大きさと迫力で目にした人々を圧倒します。 華やかな装飾で細かい部分までこだわりぬいた山車は、地元の人の情熱が込められています。 豊かな装飾と職人の情熱が込められた豪華絢爛の山車が、お祭りの参加している人々の気持ちを高め、お祭りを盛り上げるのです。 八戸三社大祭ご覧になるときは、ぜひ山車に注目するとよいでしょう。 青森の八戸三社大祭でさまざまな郷土芸能を楽しもう! 青森の八戸三社大祭はさまざまな郷土芸能を楽しむことができます。 航海安全の信仰として伝承されてきた「虎舞」、黒い装束の獅子舞の「法霊神楽」、笹の葉を持って踊る「笹の葉踊り」、馬の模型をつけた「駒踊」など、さまざまな郷土芸能が参加者を楽しませてくれます。 その土地ならではの郷土芸能で、エキゾチックな雰囲気も味わえることも八戸三社大祭の大きな魅力なのです。 青森の山車まつりである八戸三社大祭のまとめ おがみ神社、長者山新羅神社、神明宮の三社合同のお祭りである八戸三社大祭。 勇壮さの中で郷土芸能が融合した、このお祭りはよい夏の思い出になることでしょう。 ぜひ青森県に訪れて参加してみてください! -
Video article 6:28
Enjoy the Amazing Spring View of Aomori Prefecture's Oirase Stream in Beautiful 4K! Feel the Super Relaxing Atmosphere and Lush Greenery!
Travel Nature- 261 plays
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Introducing Oirase Gorge Located in Northern Japan in Towada city, Aomori, Oirase Gorge is a main attraction among Japanese tourist spots. Oirase stream, which has a total length of about 14 km, is blessed with beautiful weather throughout the year, and in the spring, the spray of the clear stream is reflected in the lush greenery. The riversides forest and streams are a paradise for plants and animals, such as wild birds, serows, chars, Tohoku salamanders and other precious flora and fauna. From the moment you step inside, you'll be overwhelmed by the mystique of these woods. This video introduces the beauty of Oirase Gorge’s fresh greenery with a wonderful BGM. It's in 4K, so be sure to enjoy the beautiful footage in full screen. So Many Places to See! Recommended Tourist Spots at Oirase Gorge! Photo:The Fresh Greenery of Oirase Mountain Stream The recommended route of the Oirase River is a trail from the mouth of the Oirase River, which leads from Nenokuchi to the Shimei Gorge and then to Yakeyama. There are mossy benches throughout the trail and you can take some beautiful pictures, perfect for Instagram, especially during spring. On the way from Ishikedo (石ヶ戸の瀬, Ishikedo no se) to Kumoi Falls (雲井の滝, Kumoi no taki), you'll come across a huge rock called Makado (馬門岩, Makadoiwa Rock). The highlight of Oirase stream is the Flow of Ashura(阿修羅の流れ, Ashura no nagare). According to local legends, Ishigedo resthouse, the only rest house along Oirase stream, operated as a base for female bandits long ago. This popular route is perfect for walking as it includes Choshi Falls (銚子大滝, Choshi Oodaki), Nenokuchi water gate (子ノ口の水門, Nenokuchi no suimon), Samidare stream (三乱の流れ, Samidare no nagare), and other amazing views. Oirase Gorge was designated as a place of scenic beauty and a natural monument in 1928, and in 1936, it was designated as Towada National Park. You can see the majestic greenery, waterfalls, and powerful river in the video as well. Food & Access Information for Oirase Gorge Photo:Grilled salted fish At hotels and ryokan around Oirase Gorge, you can enjoy natural hot springs and local dishes using locally grown vegetables and freshly caught trout. One of the most famous hotels is "Hoshino Resort Oirase Keikyu Hotel." At Oirase Gorge's neighborhood facility "Oirase Stream Museum," there's a diorama of Towada Hachimantai, and "Community Land," where you can learn about history and nature. To get to Oirase Gorge, you can take local bus from Aomori airport, Misawa airport, JR Aomori station, JR Misawa station or JR Towada station. You can get more details on the official page for Towada Lake National Park Association. There are different kinds of tours so pick your preference and enjoy your time at Oirase Gorge. Summary of Oirase Gorge Oirase Gorge's source is lake Towada. There are a number of waterfalls and rapids, and you can enjoy the abundant greenery of the surrounding area. The video shows a lot of scenic spots at Oirase Gorge. Feel the beauty of nature even more with the sound of the flowing river which doubles as a BGM. The video shows us the seasonal beauty of Oirase Gorge, so we can enjoy the beauty of spring. If you've watched the video already, I bet you're already packing your bags! 【Official website】Lake Towada National Park Association http://towadako.or.jp/en/ -
Video article 2:59
The “Tanbo Art” Event of Inakadate, Aomori. This Cultural Event Turns Famous Stories Into Masterful Works of Art Through the Use of Rice Paddies and Amazing Color Schemes!
Modern Culture Festivals & Events- 50 plays
- YouTube
Tanbo Art in Inakadate! Check out the video "Japanese Rice Paddy Art - Inakadate Tanbo Art(Japanese Rice Paddy Art - Inakadate Tanbo Art 田んぼアート)." All the artistic work is made using the rice on a rice field. At 0:37 in the video, you can see the giant work of art from 2017, depicting “Momotaro,” a traditional Japanese folktale. The Tanbo Art event of Inakadate is gaining popularity all over Japan. What Is Tanbo Art? A Look at Its History and How It's Done Photo:Tanbo Art The rice field is used as a canvas and different colors of rice are planted to create words and pictures. At first, wild rice and Tsugaru rice was used for Tanbo Art. This limited the art to only 3 colors. These days however, there are seven different colors, and design drawings and the laws of perspective are used. Because of this, the art has become more dynamic. Kumamoto and Akita also do Tanbo Art and there's also a National Rice Field Art Summit event. Highlights of Inakadate's Tanbo Art Source :YouTube screenshot There are two places with Tanbo Art in Inakadate- Inakadate village hall, and roadside station Inakadate. As you can see from 1:50 in the video, there are different kinds of themes, such as Yamata no Orochi, and Susanoo (2 Japanese myths), and Shin Godzilla based on the movie of the same title. In 2019, the drama “Oshin” and a character “Garapikopu” from “With Mother” was drawn. Stone art is created near the Tanbo Art in Inakadate as well. The actor Ishihara Yujiro and Princess Diana are created in stone art. This can be seen from 1:17 in the video. These amazing works of art are best viewed from the Inakadate village observation deck and the Yayoinosato observatory which is introduced at 1:39 in the video. This way you can take some amazing Instagram photos! Participating in the rice transplanting experience and trying to create your own art is a lot of fun! Summary of Inakadate's Tanbo Art Photo:Summer rice field The best time to see Tanbo Art is between July and August, when the ears of rice are at their largest. You can use the Tanbo Art station during the on season and go sightseeing. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, the observatory was closed temporarily in 2020. Make sure to look up opening hours, ticket information, and merchandise information beforehand. 【Tripadvisor】Inakadate-mura https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1120403-Inakadate_mura_Minamitsugaru_gun_Aomori_Prefecture_Tohoku-Vacations.html -
Video article 6:31
Taste the Freshest Seafood You Can Find at the Furukawa Fish Market in Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture! Walk Around the Market, Find Your Favorite Seafood, and Even Customize Your Own Seafood Bowl at Nokke Don!
Food & Drink Travel- 57 plays
- YouTube
Aomori's Furukawa Fish Market This video, titled “Furukawa Fish Market -Aomori- 4K Ultra HD”(Furukawa Fish Market - Aomori - 青森魚菜センター - 4K Ultra HD) was created by “TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful.” It shows you what's available at the Furukawa Fish Market. Check out the video to see the variety of seafood that the Furukawa Fish Market offers. There are so many Aomori speciality foods such as grilled fish, meat, appetizers and delicious sashimi. We recommend you try “Nokke Don” and create your very own seafood bowl. Even though it is a simple video with no narration or music, it makes you feel like you're actually walking through the Furukawa Fish Market. Take a Trip to the Furukawa Fish Market! Source :YouTube screenshot The Furukawa Fish Market has a lively atmosphere, handling a variety of fresh seafood. The Furukawa Fish Market is loved by the locals. It was established 40 years ago, and is known as “A Kitchen for Aomori Citizens.” The Furukawa Fish Market is also a popular tourist spot for foreign travelers. We recommend you walk around the market and find your favorite food. The Original “Aomori Nokke Don” Source :YouTube screenshot You've gotta try the popular “Aomori Nokke Don” when you visit the Furukawa Fish Market. Aomori Nokke Don is an all-you-can-add dish that lets you customize your very own seafood bowl. You can put any ingredients you want in the bowl. There is no set recipe for this menu item, so you can use your creativity to create the ultimate dish. Nokke Don is very easy to make. Start by purchasing a bowl of rice. After that, you'll walk around the center and find your favorite sea food and put in whatever suits your tastebuds! The video at 1:13 gives you an idea of what kind seafood is available at the center. Pick the seafood you want and create your own unique seafood dish. You can actually see tourists holding bowls and walking around the market in the video. Summary of the Furukawa Fish Market Photo:Seafood bowl The video shows you the various kind of fresh seafood available in Aomori. It's the perfect place to experience delicious Japanese food. If you'd like to try the fresh “Aomori Nokke Don,” take a trip down to the Furukawa Fish Market! Check out the video to see what the Furukawa Fish Market is like. If you love seafood, then you really don't want to miss out on the Furukawa Fish Market! ◆Furukawa Fish Market◆ 【Address】 1-11-16 Furukawa Aomori, Aomori 030-0862 【Access】5 minute walk from JR Aomori Station, or a 15 minute drive from Aomori Chuo Interchange. 【Hours】7 am - 4 pm 【Closures】Every Tuesdays (Subject to change during Golden Week and Obon holidays) 【Parking】None (Coin parking is available near the market) 【Telephone No】017-763-0085 【Official Website】Original Aomori Nokke Don https://nokkedon.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Aomori Fish and Produce Center https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g298241-d8871463-Reviews-Aomori_Gyosai_Center_Nokkedon-Aomori_Aomori_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 3:25
Introducing All the Charms of Tohoku in Mid-Summer! The "Three Great Summer Festivals of Tohoku" to Liven up the Hot Summer, and Sightseeing in the Great Outdoors To Cool Off! There Are Endless Ways To Enjoy Japan's Tohoku Region in Summer!
Travel- 65 plays
- YouTube
A Video Introducing Summer Scenery in Japan's Tohoku Region This video, titled "Summer Passion in Tohoku, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 東北の夏," was uploaded by "TOHOKU JAPAN." It introduces summer in Japan's Tohoku region, the perfect place for sightseeing while avoiding the summer heat, in beautiful 4K. There are many things to see and do in the Tohoku region during summer, including appreciating the spectacular natural scenery and enjoying festivals rooted in the culture of the region since ancient times that represent the Tohoku region itself. Enjoy Summer Festivals in Japan's Tohoku Region Photo:Soma Nomaoi, Fukushima Prefecture Tohoku has been attracting more and more tourists from overseas every year, and there are many popular tourist spots where people and nature live in harmony. In the summer, Japan's Tohoku region is brimming with festivals. The popular summer festivals introduced in the video are: Fukushima: Soma Nomaoi [0:21-] Fukushima: Fukushima Waraji Festival [0:40-] Aomori: Aomori Nebuta Festival [1:09-] Akita: Akita Kanto Festival [1:12-] Iwate: Morioka Sansa Festival [1:15-] Miyagi: Sendai Tanabata Festival [1:37-] Yamagata: Yamagata Hanagasa Festival [1:40-] Yamagata: Shinjo Festival [1:45-] Akita: Omagari Fireworks Festival [3:00-] The famous summer festivals in the Tohoku region are also shown. The Aomori Nebuta Festival, Akita Kanto Festival, and Sendai Tanabata Festival are the three major festivals of the Tohoku region, and are therefore very famous in Japan. It wouldn't be summer in Japan without the festivals of the Tohoku region. Enjoy Nature in Mid-Summer in Japan's Tohoku Region Photo:Bentennuma at Goshikinuma Fukushima: Goshikinuma Ponds [0:03-] Fukushima: Sannokura Sunflower Field [0:10-] Iwate: Jodogahama Beach [0:17-] Iwate: Geibikei [0:34-] Yamagata: Tamasudare Falls [0:46-] Yamagata: Maruike Pond [0:52-] Miyagi: Izunuma [0:54-] Akita: Omono River [1:03-] Miyagi: Zuihoden Temple [1:34-] Yamagata: Zao Katakainuma Pond [1:54-] Yamagata: Dokkonuma Swamp [1:57-] Photo:A sea of clouds from Azuma Kofuji Miyagi: Katanuma [1:59-] Iwate: Aragami Shrine [2:01-] Miyagi: Futakuchi Kyokoku [2:05-] Aomori: Jigokunuma [2:07-] Aomori: Tanesashi Coast [2:10-] Aomori: Ashigezaki Observatory [2:12-] Fukushima: Azuma-kofuji [2:15-] Miyagi: Zao Okama [2:24-] Akita: Mototakifukuryusui [2:29-] Aomori: Oirase Gorge [2:32-] Iwate: Motsuji Temple [2:39-] Akita: Kisakata [2:44-] and so on! Japan is one of the most developed countries in the world, with the world’s third largest economy and a population of 120 million, but 70% of the country is still covered with forests, so there plenty of rich, natural scenery to enjoy. Summary of Summer in Japan's Tohoku Region Photo:Nebuta Festival, Aomori Prefecture Tohoku is also famous for delicious seafood from the seas and fresh ingredients from the mountains. There are many nationally famous hot springs and scenic spots as well, making it a great place to get away from the stress of daily life. If the sightseeing spot is in the mountains, you can avoid the heat as the temperature is much cooler at night. Walking in the woods, surrounded by rich nature, you can revitalize your mind and body. Japan's Tohoku region is a great place for solo travelers, couples, families and friends to travel. During Obon, many tourists come to visit the three major festival of Tohoku, so we recommend making reservations early, before the hotels are fully booked. Enjoy a trip to Japan's Tohoku region and enjoy summer festivals and delicious food! -
Video article 2:51
Hakkoda Hotel in Aomori Prefecture Is a High-End Resort Hotel Embraced by Nature! Spending Time Relaxing at Such a Beautiful Space Is a Great Way to Spend Your Holidays!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 98 plays
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Hakkoda Hotel in Aomori Prefecture The video “Hakkoda Hotel Promotional video” (「八甲田ホテルPR動画」), made by “spasukayu,” introduces Hakkoda Hotel at Mt. Hakkoda (八甲田山, Hakkodasan) in Aomori Prefecture in Japan's Tohoku region. The area around Hakkoda Hotel is rich with nature. Hakkoda Hotel is run by Sukayu Onsen, a company in Aomori Prefecture. It's a high-end resort hotel with a western-style log house architecture. The hotel is in the Hakkoda peaks and surrounded by a forest of beech trees, with a peak altitude of 920m. It's situated in Towada-Hachimantai National Park and is a part of the People’s Recreation Spa of Sukayu. The video shows the front desk, rooms, hot spring bath, restaurants, and bar of the hotel; all of which are beautiful. Be sure to watch the video to get a feel of what the hote lis like before visiting. Enjoy a Stay at Hakkoda Hotel in Aomori Prefecture! Source :YouTube screenshot At Hakkoda Hotel, you're welcome by a dog idol named “Fujiko.” Proceed to the front desk through the luxurious entrance hall introduced at 0:12 in the video. There are many artworks by Munakata Shiko, a woodblock-print artist, in the hotel, emitting a great atmosphere. The guest rooms at Hakkoda Hotel come in wide varieties: twin rooms, maisonettes, and special rooms with Japanese, Western, and Japanese-Western styles. The beautiful rooms are introduced at 0:33 in the video. Be sure to take some pictures for your Instagram! Gourmet Food and Hot Springs at Hakkoda Hotel, Aomori Source :YouTube screenshot At Hakkoda Hotel, there are restaurants where you can enjoy Japanese cuisine or a French lunch and dinner, as well as a bar and a hot spring bath that you can enjoy on a day trip. There is no dress code when you stay, and we recommend enjoying some French cuisine at “MeDeau” or some Japanese Kaiseki cuisine at “Japanese restaurant Shakomizu.” After enjoying some amazing cuisine, head to “Bar lounge PLATTO” and try some Japanese sake and cocktails. The restaurants are shown at 1:29 in the video. The most exciting part about staying is of course the hot spring. After filling up on some exquisite cuisine, enjoy physical and mental relaxation at the large public bath? There's a sauna as well! The hot spring bath is shown from 1:12 in the video. The hot spring quality is aluminum sulfate, and it's effective at treating neuralgia, muscle pain, joint pain, fatigue, sensitivity to cold, stiff shoulders, bruises, digestive disorders, hemorrhoids, paralysis, stiff joints, sprains, and good for recovery from diseases and health improvement. Summary of Hakkoda Hotel, Aomori Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot The Hakkoda peaks are a popular tourist destination with beautiful fresh green leaves in early summer and gorgeous autumnal foliage in the fall. Being in the Hakkoda area in Aomori Prefecture, Hakkoda Hotel offers snorkeling experiences, bridal plans, and more. Take a trip to an elevated resort for a luxurious break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. There's a pick-up bus available as well. Please check the official website for information on accommodation plans, booking, rates and transportation access. ◆Hakkoda Hotel◆ 【Address】030-0198 1-1 Minamiarakawayama Oaza Arakawa Aomori city Aomori Prefecture 【Access】About 70 minutes by pick-up bus from Aomori Station on the JR Ouu line. 【Telephone No】017-728-2000 【Official website】Hakkoda Hotel https://www.japanican.com/hotel/japan/aomori/hakkoda-hotel