Video article 3:30
Hokkaido - Endlessly Sweeping Horizons and Magnificent Scenery! Set off on a Trip to Hokkaido's Scenic Locations to Enjoy Spectacular Views of Japan's Natural Landscape!
Travel- 93 plays
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The Vast Sceneries of Hokkaido This video, titled "Hokkaido , Japan / 4K UHD," was produced by SL Film Studio. Hokkaido is a popular tourist destination for visitors to Japan, and there are many things to see and do there. In this article, we'll show you some of the best places to visit in Hokkaido, alongside the video! Recommended Destinations in Hokkaido The Sapporo Clock Tower is one of Hokkaido's most popular tourist attractions, and Odori Park is the site of major festivities in Hokkaido. The Okurayama Observation Deck was the site of the 1972 Winter Olympics in Sapporo. Shiroi Koibito cookies are a famous souvenir found in the area. Asahikawa has unique tourist attractions, such as Asahikawa Ramen Village. Asahiyama Zoo is another famous location in Hokkaido. The zoo features behavioral exhibits that show the animals in their natural state. When we think of Hokkaido's wildlife, bears and foxes are the first things that come to mind. If you want to learn more about the ecology of foxes, there's Kitakitsune Farm (Fox Farm), which is famous for its wooden bear carvings and traditional crafts. Historical Sightseeing Locations in Hokkaido Otaru Port, where the Otaru Canal is located, is the gateway of pioneers in Hokkaido. Along the walkway, you'll see gas lamps and stone warehouses that retain remnants of days long passed. Goryokaku in Hakodate is an essential part of Hokkaido's history, and is one of the top tourist attractions in Hokkaido. It's based on early modern European castle technology. Abashiri Prison is an inseparable part of the eastern Hokkaido area's history. Despite its name, the Abashiri Prison has an impressive modern interior with a touch of Western architecture. Hokkaido's Spectacular Natural Scenery and Winter Leisure If you visit Hakodate in Hokkaido, you can take the Mt. Hakodate Ropeway to enjoy the beautiful night view. Cape Soya, the northernmost cape in Japan, and Lake Akan, introduced at 1:49 in the video, are also worth a visit. Ainu Kotan in Kushiro City, Hokkaido, is a tourist attraction that conveys the traditional culture of the Ainu people. Lake Mashu, on the other hand, is a popular scenic spot famous for being the clearest lake in Japan. Shirogane Blue Pond and the famous Shirahige Waterfall in the Shirogane Onsen area, can be seen at 1:25 in the video. The clear blue water is a natural wonder and great for taking Instagram pics! There are also hot springs in Noboribetsu and Toyako (Toya Lake). From 2:52 in the video, you can see a cruise on Lake Toya. In addition to the rich natural scenery, you can also enjoy skiing and other leisure activities. Kiroro Resort, which takes its name from the Ainu language, is a famous hotel resort in the area. Enjoy the Gourmet Cuisine of the Cold Climate Hokkaido is full of delicious food. Representative dishes include the lamb dish Genghis Khan (Jingisukan), ramen, seafood dishes with crab, soup curry, and pork bowls. Other typical Hokkaido delicacies include "chanchan yaki," a dish made with grilled fish such as salmon, and vegetables and seasoned with miso, Ishikari Nabe, a hot pot dish with salmon as the main ingredient, and Zangi, which is similar to fried chicken. Summary of Hokkaido - An Easy-To-Visit Tourist Destination Thanks to the Diversified Transportation With the diversification of transportation, including airplanes and the shinkansen (bullet train), you can enjoy your trip to Hokkaido through a variety of means. There are 14 airports in Hokkaido, and rental cars are also available. The weather from November to March can be colder than in the middle of winter on the mainland, so you'll want to be prepared for the elements. Check out the video to enjoy the magnificent scenery of Hokkaido! -
Video article 12:01
Hokkaido's Hamatombetsu Is Surrounded by Lush Nature, Including a Paradise for Waterfowl! The History of the Gold Rush and the Baths of Beauty... It's a Place Where Time Seems to Stop...
Local PR- 35 plays
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日本の穴場観光地!北海道浜頓別町ってどんなところ? こちらで紹介する動画は「Hamatombetsu Hokkaido」が公開した「北海道浜頓別町観光PV【日本語】」です。 日本には風光明媚な観光地が数々ありますが、今回は北海道の人気観光地、野鳥の里「浜頓別町」をご紹介したいと思います。 浜頓別町は北海道最北端にある宗谷岬に近く、北海道浜頓別町内にあるクッチャロ湖には白鳥やコハクチョウなどの渡り鳥がたくさん集まることで知られ、ラムサール条約保護区の指定を受けています。 豊かな自然が残る絶景の景勝地、野鳥、砂金、そして温泉の様子を動画でお楽しみください。 北海道浜頓別町のおすすめ観光スポット「クッチャロ湖と野鳥」 北海道浜頓別町最大の魅力は豊かな自然景観を見せるクッチャロ湖の湖畔観光です。 大沼と小沼の二つの沼が細い水路で繋がれていて、ひょうたんのような形をしたユニークな形をしています。 湖の南側には北海道浜頓別町クッチャロ湖水鳥観察館、キャンプ場、温泉施設、白鳥公園などがあり、夏はマリンスポーツが楽しめます。 北海道浜頓別町のおすすめ観光スポット「ウソタンナイ川と砂金」 北海道浜頓別町は日本のゴールドラッシュの地としても有名です。 明治時代までウソタンナイ川では良質な砂金が採れていました。 そしてかつて砂金採掘が盛んに行われていた時期に建てられた神社が金山神社(現在は金山神社跡)です。 昭和63年にウソタンナイ砂金発見90周年を記念して造られたゴールドハウスでは取れた砂金を加工してくれます。 北海道浜頓別町のおすすめ観光スポット「温泉&ホテル宿泊情報」 美人の湯として有名な浜頓別温泉は良質の天然温泉です。 おすすめは宿泊可能なとんべつ温泉ウイングです。 北海道浜頓別町のおすすめ観光スポット「ベニヤ原生花園」 日本最大級!330ヘクタールの広大な園内には遊歩道が整備されているので、ゆったりとした時の中で自然を満喫しながらの散策を体験できます。 おすすめ観光スポット「オオワシの森」 頓別湖畔には国の天然記念物に指定されている大ワシの姿を観察できるおすすめのスポット「オオワシの森」があります。 北海道浜頓別町のその他の観光エリア 北海道浜頓別町には他にも ・クローバーの丘 ・斜内山道 ・北見神威岬 などのインスタ映えする名所があります。 日本最北の地、北海道浜頓別町周辺のグルメ情報 北海道は日本でも有数の酪農地です。 北海道浜頓別町でも酪農が盛んで、周辺のレストランやカフェでは地元産の牛乳やバター、チーズといった乳製品を使った料理やスイーツが堪能できます。 そしてオホーツク海にも面しているので新鮮な海産物も楽しめます。 ホタテや鮭をふんだんに使った海鮮料理は絶品です。 日本最北の地、北海道浜頓別町周辺のイベント情報 手つかずの自然が残る北海道浜頓別町ではさまざまなイベントも企画されています。 ・クッチャロ湖湖水まつり:湖上に咲く花火大会が人気です。 ・マラソン大会 ・ウソタン砂金フェスティバル ・ふるさとまつりin浜頓別:オホーツク海の新鮮な魚介類が大集合します。 ・クッチャロ湖氷上ウォーキング など。 日本最北の地、北海道浜頓別町紹介まとめ ゴールドラッシュの歴史と豊かな自然が残る北海道浜頓別。 観光と酪農が主な産業のこの町には四季折々の自然の景観を楽しむための散策ルートが設定されています。 中でもおすすめなのは町のシンボルであるスワットンの名前がついたスワットンロードです。 クッチャロ湖やベニヤ原生花園など浜頓別町の観光名所が散策できます。 北海道浜頓別町の美しい景色を動画でお楽しみください。 -
Video article 3:27
Hakodate, Hokkaido Is an Attractive Tourist City Full of Delicious Seafood and Historical Buildings! Take a Trip to a City Full of Smiling Faces From Around the World!
Local PR- 43 plays
- YouTube
北海道函館市の魅力を紹介動画の見どころ こちらの動画は「極東電視台 -Far Eastern TV-」が公開した「北海道PR「世界中の笑顔が溢れる街 函館」」です。 北海道の南部、渡島半島に位置する都市「北海道函館市」。 この街は、北海道と本州を結ぶ結節点として発展してきた町で、2016年に北海道新幹線が開通されて以降、年間で500万人もの観光客が訪れる観光都市である。 「ブランド総合研究所」が発表した「地域ブランド調査2018」においては、魅力度第1位に選ばれており、日本国内のみならず海外でも有名な都市となりつつある。 そんな北海道函館市は、観光スポットや美味しい料理が数多くある。 この動画では、北海道函館市の観光地やグルメ情報を余すことなく紹介しているほか、海外からの観光客が函館市を楽しんでいる姿や、優しい地元の方の笑顔などを収めた魅力的な動画だ。 北海道函館市といえば海鮮料理!人気の美味しいグルメとは 北海道函館市は、全国でも海鮮料理が美味しい街として知られている。 特に「函館朝市」は絶品の海鮮料理が食べられるグルメスポットとして人気だ。 海鮮料理の中でもおすすめのメニューは、ウニやカニ、旬のネタをふんだんに使った「海鮮丼」だ。 また、「一花亭たびじ」の「活イカの踊り丼」は、海外の観光客にも人気であり、新鮮なイカを一匹まるごと刺身で食べることが出来る。 その他にも函館市には「函館ラーメン」やご当地ハンバーガーの「ラッキーピエロ」など様々な美味しいグルメがある。 函館市のグルメは動画の0:22から紹介されている。 北海道函館市の珍しい星型要塞の城「五稜郭」 北海道函館市の歴史的な建造物といえば「五稜郭(ごりょうかく)」だ。 五稜郭は、江戸時代末期に建設された城であり、真上から見ると綺麗な星形の堀があることが特徴的だ。 五稜郭のような大型の星型要塞は日本では非常に珍しい。 五稜郭跡を含む「五稜郭公園」の中(堀の中)には、春夏は5時~19時まで秋冬は5時~18時まで入る事ができるので、観光する際には五稜郭公園で日本の文化を感じてもらいたい。 また五稜郭のすぐ近くに建てられている「五稜郭タワー」の展望台からは、五稜郭を上から見ることができ、綺麗な星型の全容をご覧になることが出来る。 五稜郭タワーは、動画の2:23から紹介されている。 北海道函館市のロマンチックな夜景は夜のデートスポットにぴったり 北海道函館市の夜景は、「日本三大夜景」に数えられる景色であり、かつては「世界三大夜景」にも選ばれた。 北海道函館市の夜景を見るためには、「函館山」をロープウェイで登り、「函館山展望台」に行く必要がある。 函館山展望台から見下ろす函館市の夜景は、まさに絶景。 函館山展望台は、夜のデートスポットとして人気であり、ロマンチックな雰囲気を楽しむことが出来る。 函館市の夜景は、動画の2:16から紹介されている。 また、函館山は夜景だけでなく、秋になると一面がオレンジ色に染まり、紅葉が綺麗な穴場にもなる。 北海道函館市の魅力紹介まとめ 北海道函館市の魅力的な観光地やグルメ情報を紹介した。 動画では記事では紹介しきれなかった函館市の魅力がたくさん紹介されている。 北海道函館市は、函館空港が市街地の近くにあることや北海道新幹線の開通により、非常にアクセスしやすい観光地になっている。 北海道旅行の際にはぜひ函館市に訪れてみてはいかがだろうか。 素晴らしい観光地と暖かい人々があなたを迎え入れてくれるだろう。 -
Video article 10:28
Conveying the Allure of Noboribetsu, One of the Leading Hot Spring Destinations in Hokkaido. Surrounded by Nature, Noboribetsu Is Full of Tradition, Festivals, and Scenic Spots for Everyone to Enjoy!
Local PR Travel- 32 plays
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湯の国北海道「登別」観光の魅力 こちらの動画は「一般社団法人 登別国際観光コンベンション協会」が公開した「登別市観光PR動画」です。 登別は北海道の南端に位置する日本でも有数の温泉地です。 そして北海道登別の魅力は温泉だけではありません。 様々な魅力が詰まった登別の観光スポットやグルメ情報などを美しい動画とともに紹介します。 北海道登別に宿泊するならここ!高萩市 北海道登別に泊まるなら心休まる温泉施設が一番おすすめです。 そんな登別温泉の宿泊エリアをオリジナルのランキングでご紹介します。 北海道のおすすめ温泉スポット第3位:幌別エリア バスや電車でも登別温泉にアクセスが良好な温泉地です。 北海道のおすすめ温泉スポット第2位:カルルス温泉エリア 登別温泉の特徴は無色無臭の単純泉。赤ちゃんでも入ることができる軟水温泉です。 カルルス温泉周辺のエリアにはホテル岩井をはじめとした4つの温泉宿泊施設があります。 北海道のおすすめ温泉スポット第1位:登別温泉エリア 登別で温泉といえばやはり登別温泉エリアです。 温泉施設の数はこのエリア最多!大規模なリゾートホテルから落ち着ける和風旅館まで数多くの温泉施設を楽しむことができます。 北海道登別の見どころ観光スポット 北海道登別観光の目玉は温泉だけではありません。 日本有数の景勝地の数々も見逃さないでくださいね。 おすすめの絶景ポイントは登別地獄谷(地獄谷遊歩道)、大湯沼、鉄泉池、楽しい観光地はのぼりべつクマ牧場、マリンパーク二クス、登別伊達時代村など。 また山岳地帯の多い登別ではキャニオニングやサイクリングなどのアクティビティが楽しめます。 季節ごとのイベントなら登別温泉湯まつり、のぼりべつ夏祭り、紅葉狩り、スキーやスノーボードなど四季折々の豊かな気候に恵まれた登別ならではの楽しみ方が盛りだくさん。 北の大地北海道の湯の国登別の人気または穴場の名所や景観巡りをお楽しみください。 桜前線が遅い北海道では5月終盤まで桜の花が楽しめます。 北海道登別のグルメ情報 気候と自然条件が厳しい登別は観光と林業や酪農が主な産業です。 そして林業と酪農が盛んなため山菜、チーズ、バター、きのこ、川魚など新鮮な山の幸がふんだんに楽しめます。 カフェでは登別でとれた新鮮な牛乳とバターを使ったスイーツやドリンクをお楽しみください。 旅行のお土産にはヒグマをモチーフにしたクマまんじゅうや北海道のわら納豆などが人気です。 湯の国北海道登別PR動画のまとめ 北海道登別の歴史は江戸時代にさかのぼります。 当時は松前藩によってホロベツ場所が開かれ、これが今の登別市の始まりと言われています。 岡田半兵衛や松岡武四郎など日本の歴史ドラマにもたびたび登場する有名人由来の史跡を訪ねるのも隠れた登別観光の楽しみの一つですよ。 -
Video article 2:00
Asahikawa Is One of Hokkaido's Most Popular Tourist Destinations. Nature, Gourmet Food, Stunning Winter Views, and the Charm of the Asahiyama Zoo Will Steal Your Heart!
Local PR Travel- 71 plays
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グルメと景色を楽しめる「北海道旭川」のプロモーション動画について こちらの動画は「旭川市役所」が公開した「旭川地域観光プロモーション動画(Tourism Promotion Video Asahikawa Hokkaido)」です。 北海道旭川で観光する予定のある方におすすめの動画です。 旭川の美しい景観を楽しめるスポットや絶品グルメなどが紹介されています。 こちらの記事では、日本の人気の観光地である北海道旭川の魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 日本の観光地である北海道旭川の情報 観光名所がたくさんある北海道旭川市は、自然が豊かな北海道の中心的な都市です。 北国の綺麗な景色や絶品料理を求め、国内外から多くの観光客が訪れます。 雪がたくさん降る町の旭川は、樹氷や川霧といった厳しい寒さの中でしか見ることができない景勝を眺められます。 また、北国の雄大な景色の中で滑ることのできるスキーもぜひ体験したいアクティビティ。 動物たちのありのままの生態を見ることができる旭山動物園は、旭川市に訪れた際には必ず行きたい名所。 海外からの来園者も増えています。 日本の観光地である北海道旭川のおすすめのグルメ 旭川市はラーメン、ジンギスカン、焼き鳥などおいしい食べ物が充実しています。 旭川のグルメと言えば旭川ラーメンと言われるほど、旭川市にはラーメン屋がたくさんあります。 旭川ラーメンの特徴は濃厚なスープの醤油ラーメンで、豚骨・鶏ガラと魚介のWスープを使っています。 冬の北国で食べる熱々のラーメンは絶品で体の芯から温まります。 ジンギスカンも旭川を観光するなら食べておきたい一品。 たっぷりの野菜と一緒に食べスタミナをつけましょう。 他にも、焼鳥や日本酒も旭川グルメで有名ですよ。 日本の観光地である北海道旭川の景勝エリア 日本の観光地である北海道旭川は、絶景を楽しめるスポットも充実しています。 まずおすすめなのが、旭川の町並みを一望できる嵐山展望台です。 自然が豊かな旭川公園の中にある展望台で、石狩川や大雪山などの美しい景勝をご覧になることができます。 夜になると旭川の街あかりがとても綺麗に見えるので、カップルで行くのがおすすめ。 美しい景色を楽しみ、心に残る旅行にしましょう。 旭川の自然の景色を楽しめるスポットは、他にもアクティビティ上野ファーム、旭岳、黒岳、就実の丘などがあります。 日本の観光地である「北海道旭川」紹介記事のまとめ こちらの動画では旭川の自然やグルメなどさまざまな魅力が紹介されています。 旭川に旅行する予定のある方は必見ですよ。 日本の人気の観光地である旭川。 北国の綺麗な景色と美味しい料理を楽しみ、満足いく旅になるはずですよ。 -
Video article 3:00
The Town of Wassamu, Hokkaido Is a Place Where You Can Enjoy All Four Seasons of Japan! Check Out the Attractions of Wassamu Town in Hokkaido, a Place You Won't Want to Miss!
Travel Local PR- 59 plays
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北海道和寒町エリアの魅力紹介動画の見所 こちらの動画は「わっさむ 食と観光の魅力発信/北海道和寒町役場」が公開した「「総集編」 北海道和寒町[和寒町観光PV]」です。 自然の多く残る北海道和寒町は、冬にはウィンタースポーツが盛んな地域で、多くの日本人のスキー選手を輩出している歴史があることでも有名です。 今回はそんな北海道和寒町について、動画と共にこちらの記事で紹介していきます。 北海道和寒町はウィンタースポーツとアウトドアが盛ん! 日本の北に位置し、気候的にかなり冷え込む北海道和寒町はウィンタースポーツ盛んで、スノーモービルやスキー、クロスカントリーやスノボー楽しむことが出来ます。 動画の0:20から北海道和寒町で楽しめるウィンタースポーツの様子をご覧になることができます。 雪原でのウィンタースポーツの印象がある北海道ですが、夏は綺麗な緑溢れる自然の良い景色を堪能することができ、アウトドアイベントも盛んに行われているので、夏の観光もおすすめです。 三笠山自然公園キャンプ場や南丘森林公園、三笠山自然公園はどれも自然いっぱいで日本でも屈指の絶景を堪能出来る人気の観光名所で、その様子は動画でもご覧になれるので、お楽しみください。 北海道の楽しみは冬だけじゃない!北海道和寒町の秋の祭り! 実は北海道はかぼちゃの作付け日本一で、秋にはかぼちゃをメインとした祭りの「パンプキンフェスティバル」が開催され、沢山のかぼちゃがハロウィン仕様にデザインされ飾られたり、実際に食したりすることができます。 『熱気球搭乗体験』『南瓜ランタン彫り体験』等も楽しめるので、北海道和寒町へ観光する際には、紅葉も綺麗な秋の時期に予定を合わせてみてはいかがでしょうか? 北海道和寒町の魅力紹介まとめ 春夏秋冬、日本の四季の良さを遺憾なく堪能出来る観光スポットとして、まさに万人におすすめが出来る北海道和寒町の良さ、ぜひ動画でご覧下さい。 北海道と言えば、日本でも屈指のグルメが多くある地域としても有名で、ジンギスカンや冬キャベツの元祖とも言われている越冬キャベツ等も観光の際には外せませんね。 今回紹介させて頂いた動画とこの記事が、北海道和寒町への観光をご検討する際の手助けとなれば、幸いです。 -
Video article 8:02
Enjoy the Great Outdoors of Hokkaido at Lake Toya in Toyako, Hokkaido! Winter Sports, Events, Spectacular Natural Scenery... The Landscape You've Always Dreamed of Lies in Hokkaido!
Local PR Travel- 24 plays
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日本で人気の観光地「北海道洞爺湖」の動画について 「洞爺湖町公式」が公開した「洞爺湖町観光PR映像(8分篇)」は、北海道のおすすめの観光地の洞爺湖を紹介している動画です。 アクティビティ、イベント、自然の景観など、洞爺湖町にはさまざまな魅力が多く紹介されています。 こちらの動画で北海道洞爺湖町の魅力を知れば、実際に旅行したいと思うはずですよ。 こちらの記事では、日本の観光地である北海道洞爺湖町の魅力を動画と共に紹介いたします。 日本で人気の観光地「北海道洞爺湖」の情報紹介 日本で人気の観光地である北海道洞爺湖町は、各国の首脳が集まって開催された洞爺湖サミットの場所として有名です。 さまざまなアクティビティを体験できる観光エリアとしてとても人気があります。 湖畔の雄大な景色のすぐそばにあるキャンプ場や、洞爺湖湖上クルーズの遊覧船は洞爺湖の自然を満喫できるのでおすすめ。 洞爺湖を美しさを堪能できるカヌー、絶景を眺めながら北海道の大地を歩く乗馬なども人気です。 ほかにも、ハイキング、サイクリング、登山やスノーモービル、スキー、スノーボード、スノーモービルなどのウィンタースポーツも洞爺湖町で楽しめます。 また、北海道洞爺湖町は魅力のあるホテルも充実しています。 「洞爺湖畔亭」「洞爺サンパレス」「ウィンザーホテル」は、温泉・グルメを楽しめるおすすめのホテルです。 宿泊プランもたくさん用意されているので、あなた好みをお探しください。 日本の観光地「北海道洞爺湖」のおすすめスポット 日本の観光地である北海道洞爺湖町では、観光スポットがたくさんあります。 日本有数のカルデラ湖をご覧になれる「洞爺カルデラ」、足湯につかりながら洞爺湖の四季を眺められる「洞龍(とうろん)の湯」、洞爺湖と島々を一望できる「サイロ展望台」などが人気のスポットです。 ほかにも、「洞爺湖町立火山科学館」「ツボ足健康通り」「有珠山噴火記念公園」「とうや・水の駅」「西山山麓火口散策路」「洞爺湖温泉の桜」もおすすめ観光スポット。 日本の観光地「北海道洞爺湖」の人気のイベント 日本の観光地である北海道洞爺湖町には、人気のイベントもたくさんあります。 北海道内で最大規模の花火大会の「洞爺湖ロングラン花火大会」は、450発もの花火が打ち上げられ夜の洞爺湖を鮮やかに彩ります。 洞爺湖温泉街のにぎわい広場に電飾が輝く「イルミネーショントンネル」も美しい景色を眺められるのでおすすめ。 インスタ映えする景色を撮影できますよ。 「洞爺湖温泉イルミネーションストリート」「洞爺湖マラソン」「水中花火108連発」「爺湖温泉夏祭り」「洞爺夏まつり」「洞爺湖温泉冬まつり」といった洞爺湖で開催されているイベントも注目です。 日本で人気の観光地「北海道洞爺湖」紹介記事のまとめ 北海道洞爺湖は自然の景色を楽しめる名所。 洞爺湖の観光スポットを巡れば充実した旅行になりますよ! -
Video article 4:56
Enjoy Glass, Music Boxes and Freshly Caught Seafood in Otaru, Hokkaido! We Bring You the Charms of Some of Hokkaido's Most Beautiful Places!
Local PR Travel- 17 plays
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グルメ・自然・歴史が凝縮した街「北海道小樽市」 こちらの動画は「小樽観光協会Otaru Tourism Association」が公開した「北海道小樽・観光プロモーションムービー」です。 北海道小樽市は札幌市に隣接した日本海の玄関口として栄え、北海道内でも歴史のある都市として観光客を魅了しています。 小樽運河や旧日本郵船などはその名残の名所として人気で、日本国内でも価値のある歴史的スポット。 今回紹介するのはそんな小樽市の自然や文化などの魅力が詰まった動画です。 レトロな歴史的建造物の立ち並ぶ小樽市 動画の冒頭は、日本を代表する歌人・石川啄木が北海道小樽市について詠んだ歌から始まります。 0:05からは、日本の重要文化財に指定されている旧日本郵船・小樽支店、昭和9年に建てられた小樽駅、小樽市指定歴史的建造物指定の小樽市役所、旧小樽倉庫を利用した運河プラザ(小樽市観光物産プラザ)などの風情を感じる歴史的建造物を紹介。 小樽市観光では必ず立ち寄りたい、日本を代表するおすすめスポットです。 北海道小樽市に泊まる 動画の0:41から紹介しているのは、小樽市内のホテルや旅館。 温泉が自慢の「おたる 宏楽園」や高級感あふれる「ホテルノルド小樽」では日本ならではのおもてなしを受けられ、観光の疲れが癒されます。 北海道小樽市で楽しむ 動画の1:01からは家族で楽しめる小樽市内の観光スポットを紹介。 小樽市総合博物館には、蒸気機関車「しづか号」をはじめとする北海道を代表する鉄道車両が展示されています。 他にも、北海道ならではの生物を見られる「おたる水族館」やその近くのガラス工房「キム・グラス・デザイン」、吹きガラス体験ができる「小樽 il PONTE」では小樽観光の想い出が作れるはずです。 北海道小樽市で買う 動画の2:21から紹介しているのは小樽市内のお土産です。 人気の小樽土産であるオルゴールを購入するのは「小樽オルゴール堂」「オルゴール堂海鳴楼」がおすすめ! 「ビブレ・サビ・プレス・ミーユ」ではかわいらしい雑貨を、「小樽市漁業協同組合 地方卸売市場」や「小樽三角市場」では新鮮な魚介類を購入することができますよ。 北海道小樽市で食べる 3:07からは小樽市内のグルメスポットを紹介。 「小樽三角市場」「日本橋本店」では北海道の獲れたて海鮮を食べられ、「蕎麦屋・藪半」「中華食堂・龍鳳」は小樽市民にも愛される名店です。 小樽市の夜を楽しむなら「小樽ビール・小樽倉庫No.1」「炉ばた屋・鶴吉」「おたる屋台村レンガ横丁」で地元の方と一緒にお酒を楽しみましょう。 また来たくなる街・北海道小樽市紹介まとめ 動画のラストを飾るのは、小樽市の美しい景観が凝縮されたようなカフェ「北一ホール」の美しいガラスランプ。 ほかにも、小樽市には動画では紹介しきれなかった観光スポットがまだまだあります。 小樽旅行で人気ルートの小樽運河クルーズや小樽天狗山ロープウェイ、絶景スポットの祝津パノラマ展望台、日本国内で人気の小樽洋菓子舗ルタオ本店などの魅力があふれています。 日本有数の人気の観光地・小樽市に、ぜひ足を運んでみてくださいね。 -
Video article 4:18
Kikonai, Hokkaido Is Full of Beautiful Scenery, Delicious Food, and Popular Sightseeing Destinations! This Charming Town Is Definitely Something To Throw on Your Bucket List!
Local PR Travel- 11 plays
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Kikonai - The Town Known as the Entrance To the North This video, titled "Tradition and Innovation in Kikonai - Kikonai Digest" (木古内町の伝統と革新 ~木古内ダイジェスト~), was created by "Kikonai Station|Shinkansen Sightseeing Station Master Kiko" (木古内駅新幹線観光駅長キーコ). Hokkaido is always bustling with tourists. When it comes to popular travel destinations in Japan, for many people, Hokkaido comes to mind. Facing a mountainous area lined with southern Hokkaido cedars and the frigid Tsugaru Strait (津軽海峡, tsugaru kaikyo), the town of Kikonai in Hokkaido, with a population of about 4,400, is called the first station of the north. When visiting Hokkaido via shinkansen, you'll either pass or get off at Kikonai Station (木古内町駅, kikonai-cho eki). In this article, we'll introduce the town of Kikonai alongside the video. A Look at the Charm of Kikonai Source :YouTube screenshot In this video, Keiko, the official mascot of Kikonai, introduces the charm of her town in just 4 minutes! If you're interested in learning more about Kikonai, be sure to check out the video. From 0:22 in the video, you can see the vast amounts of snow, set against the backdrop of Samegawa Shrine (佐女川神社, samegawa jinja). Looking at the beautiful winter scenery will make you feel as if you’re right there in Hokkaido. From 0:55 in the video, the Kanchu-Misogi Festival (寒中みそぎ祭り, kancho misogi matsuri), a Shinto tradition, is introduced. The festival is held at Samegawa Shrine. Every day and night, cold water ablutions are performed in order to purify oneself and pray for a good catch and a bountiful harvest for the year. The festival dates back more than 180 years. The Kanrin Maru (咸臨丸), a capital ship built during the formation of the navy at the end of the Edo Period, can be seen from 1:32 in the video. After its completion in 1857, the ship was used for supply missions. The Kanrin Maru ran aground off Cape Saraki, and is now on display at the Cape Saraki Dutch Tulip Park (サラキ岬オランダチューリップ公園). As the national flower of the Netherlands, the tulips burst into bloom around the Kanrin Maru. The Hokkaido Shinkansen, which opened in 2016, is one of the means of access to Kikonai, and can be seen at 2:16 in the video. Additionally, from 2:37, the South Hokkaido Railway is introduced. Its nostalgic appearance captures the hearts of many. From 2:55 in the video, you can see delicious seafood! The seared scallop rice bowl is mouthwateringly delicious. In addition, the popular Hakodate Wagyu Beef is another must-try in Kikonai. Roadside station Misogi no Sato Kikonai (みそぎの郷きこない) can be seen from 3:27 in the video. Here, you can enjoy a variety of delicious snacks, such as croquettes made with Hakodate Wagyu Beef. The roadside station is also a good place for souvenirs. Summary of Kikonai, Hokkaido Source :YouTube screenshot As introduced in this article, Kikonai is a place where you can enjoy both history and delicious food. It's definitely a place you should consider adding to your itinerary when visiting Hokkaido. Don't miss other sightseeing spots, such as the Kikonai Local History Museum "Ikarinkan" (いかりん館), which introduces the history of the town, as well as Kikonai Onsen Notoya, where you can relax in the hotsprings after a long day of traveling. There are many ways to enjoy Kikonai, from taking pictures of Instagram-worthy scenery to learning more about Japanese history! Come discover what this amazing town has to offer! 【Official Homepage】Kikonai, Hokkaido http://www.town.kikonai.hokkaido.jp/language.html 【Tripadvisor】Kikonai https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1120305-Kikonai_cho_Kamiiso_gun_Hokkaido-Vacations.html -
Video article 7:07
Cape Kiritappu - Enjoy a View of Cute Otters Playing in Hokkaido! Observe the Wildlife of Japan at This Popular Sightseeing Location!
Living Things- 91 plays
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Video Introduction This video, titled "Cape Kiritappu, Hokkaido|Wild Sea Otters Floating in the Sea|2020" (北海道霧多布岬 ぷかぷか浮かぶ 野生のラッコ 2020), was uploaded by "Shinji kawamura." The video captures endangered sea otters playfully swimming and relaxing at Cape Kiritappu, a place where you can encounter otters, foxes, and other wildlife of Japan. It's a great place for taking Instagram photos as well, so be sure to check it out. Don't forget to follow along with the video! Sea Otters – An Endangered Species on the Decline in Japan Photo:A raft of sea otters The main habitat of wild sea otters is the area from the California coast through Alaska and the Aleutian Islands to the coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula. Overfishing has led to a decline in the wild population, and it's estimated that more than 3,000 sea otters perished when an oil tanker ran aground in Alaska. Although the number of sea otters in the wild temporarily declined to less than 2,000, active conservation efforts have helped the population recover to more than 100,000. On the other hand, the number of sea otters kept in aquariums in Japan has continued to decline from 122 in 1994, and by 2021 there will be only 4 in Japan. Sea otters, which are designated as an endangered species, are prohibited from being imported from outside of Japan. Currently, because of declining reproductive capabilities and aging populations, further breeding of sea otters kept in Japan becoming more and more difficult. Because of this, it's not unlikely that there will come a day when sea otters can no longer be seen in aquariums in Japan. Where to See Sea Otters in the Wild in Japan Photo:Cape Kiritappu, Hokkaido There was a time when wild sea otters were no longer seen in the waters around Japan due to overfishing, but since 1980, there has been a string of sightings along the eastern coast of Hokkaido. In recent years, wild sea otters have been seen in Japan mainly in three areas along the eastern coast of Hokkaido. One is Cape Kiritappu, which is introduced in the video, and the others are Cape Nosappu in Nemuro, which is located on the northeast side of the cape, and Moyururi Island, an uninhabited island off the Kombumori fishing port between Cape Kiritappu and Cape Nosappu. Breeding has been confirmed on both Cape Kiritappu and Moyururi Island. Of these three locations, the highest probability of observing wild sea otters from land is at Cape Kiritappu. The sight of wild sea otters, both parents and offspring, floating in the sea, is both funny and cute. [Video] 0:19 - Wild Sea Otters Swimming With Their Offspring in Their Arms Sea Otters at Cape Kiritappu - The Best Times and Where to See Them Photo:An otter Wild sea otters can be seen throughout the year around Cape Kiritappu. However, your chances are low during bad weather, such as fog or high waves. It's said that the chance of seeing sea otters on a clear day is only a 1 in 3 chance, so weather is also an important factor. The best place to see them is where the waves are most calm. The probability of seeing them is higher on the north side of the cape and around reefs. If you're lucky, you can see wild sea otters up close, but we recommend bringing a telescope or binoculars in order to clearly see their appearance, behavior, and facial expressions. You can check out the sea otters napping and eating in the video. [Video] 1:50 - Sea Otters Relaxing and Taking Naps [Video] 4:28 - Sea Otters Eating Shellfish off Their Stomachs Summary of Otters at Cape Kiritappu The number of sea otters kept in aquariums has drastically decreased due to difficulties in breeding in Japan. Wild sea otters, on the other hand, a species that once vanished due to overhunting, can now be seen in the waters around Japan. The eastern coast of Hokkaido, where sightings are particularly common, is now quite popular. Cape Kiritappu is a popular spot to see rare wild sea otters from land. If you happen to see them during a visit to the area, consider yourself lucky! 【TripAdvisor】Cape Kiritappu https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1120924-d1553698-Reviews-Kiritappu_Cape-Hamanaka_cho_Akkeshi_gun_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 3:15
Cute Ezo Red Foxes Playing in Hokkaido. Learn About the Wildlife of Japan!
Living Things- 267 plays
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Introducing Hokkaido's Cutest Critters! This video "Parent and child of fox" shows the state of the ezo red fox inhabiting In Hokkaido's, lush wilderness. You can see many wild animals such as raccoons and foxes in Hokkaido's outdoors. Be sure to watch the video to follow along. The Ezo red fox mother curled up with her kit is just adorable! There are many fans of the Ezo red fox in Japan. In 1978, a documentary movie called "The Glacier Fox" was released and became quite popular at the time. In the video, you can see a picture of an Ezo red fox mother with her kit living in nature. It's very soothing scenery. Please enjoy watching it! What Are Ezo Red Foxes? Source :YouTube screenshot Ezo red foxes are an endangered species that are widely distributed throughout Hokkaido and are also calledSakhalin. They have been frequently seen in Aomori Prefecture in recent years. It is a subspecies of the red fox that inhabits various places, and it is a carnivorous mammal. It is slightly larger than the Japanese red fox inhabiting Honshu. Its life span is generally said to be around 10 years. Ezo red foxes make high-pitched calls such as “can-can” and “wan-wan” They often eat rats, birds, and insects as food. And sometimes they come to residential areas in search of food. In this video, the kit stays close to its mother for safety and to play. From 0:06 in the video, they give playful bites and cuddle each other. It is a very cute, relaxing video about 3 minutes long. Where Can I See an Ezo Red? Photo:Ezo red foxes You may want to encounter a wild ezo red fox, but be careful as wild animals can have a parasite called Echinococcus. Kitami City, Hokkaido, has a fox specialty zoo “Ezo Red Fox Ranch”, where you can observe the ecology of cute red foxes in safety. Although it is in Hokkaido, it is quite far from Sapporo City. So if you visit Kitami City, we recommend making a hotel reservation. Summary of Hokkaido's Ezo Red Foxes Photo:Red fox The family of red foxes shown in the video is very adorable. Ezo red foxes live together in the harsh natural environment of Hokkaido. There is also a crepe shop in Fukuoka Prefecture called "Northern Fox's Favorite", which is popular with locals and tourists. Please enjoy the video of Ezo red foxes in Hokkaido; the place with the highest encounter rate of Ezo red foxes, in Japan. -
Video article 1:40
Enjoy the Cherry Blossoms at Goryokaku, a Popular Sightseeing Spot in Hakodate, Hokkaido! The Cherry Blossoms at This Historical Spot Are Exceptionally Beautiful!
Travel- 26 plays
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北海道函館市の人気観光スポット「五稜郭」の桜紹介まとめ こちらの動画は「nippon.com」が公開した「Hakodate’s Cherry Blossoms Spring 2018 | nippon.com」です。 こちらの記事では、北海道函館市にある五稜郭の桜や箱館山からの夜景を紹介致します。 歴史ある日本の桜の名所と、古くから美しいと評価される夜景を、是非動画をご覧ください。 北海道函館市の人気観光スポット・五稜郭の歴史 五稜郭は、江戸時代末期に現在の函館市の中心地に建造されました。 もともとは外国船から箱館港を守るために建造されたようですが、戊辰戦争最後の戦場「箱館戦争」で旧幕府軍に占領され、木材不足のために一部が解体されて陸軍の訓練所として利用されるなどの紆余曲折がありました。 その後、1914年に五稜郭公園として一般開放され、現在は函館を代表する観光スポットとなっています。 1952年には北海道唯一の国指定特別史跡となりました。 桜の名所としての五稜郭 五稜郭は函館市の桜の名所としても非常に有名で、ソメイヨシノを中心に1,600本もの桜があり、毎年桜の季節になると函館市民や観光客で大いに賑わいます。 隣接する五稜郭タワーの展望台からその景色を見下ろすと、星形の城郭に沿って綺麗な桜のピンク色を見ることが出来ます。 是非、地上と展望台の両方から五稜郭の桜を楽しんでみてはいかがでしょうか。 北海道函館市で夜景を楽しむ 昼間に桜を楽しんだ後は、箱館山で美しい函館市街の夜景を楽しむことが出来ます。 箱館山の山頂からは、海に挟まれた函館の街が光のアーチを作り、海岸線を縁取っています。 函館の夜景は古くから世界三大夜景と言われ、最近でも旅行ガイド「ミシュラン・グリーンガイド・ジャポン」で三ツ星を獲得する美しい景色です。 何度見てもまた行きたくなるような特別な魅力があります。 北海道函館市の人気観光スポット五稜郭紹介まとめ 北海道函館市にある五稜郭公園の桜と箱館山からの夜景について紹介させて頂きました。 どちらも日本が誇る非常に美しく素晴らしい景色です。 是非動画をご覧になって頂き、北海道旅行の際は実際に足を運んでいただければと思います。 -
Video article 1:03
Come Visit Kutchan, Hokkaido and Enjoy the Beauty of Its Vast Wilds. Spend Some Quality Time in the Luxury Ryokan "Zaborin," and Relax in the Private Hot Springs Fit for a King
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 66 plays
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Kutchan, Hokkaido's "Zaborin" The video this time is a promotional video for the Hotel/Hot Springs ryokan "Zaborin," created by "Teiku Hiko HIGH RESOLUTION TOUR" (北海道 倶知安町 坐忘林 | Hokkaido Kutchan ZABORIN). In this article, we'll introduce you to the 100% pure hot springs in the great outdoors of Hokkaido, and the attracting "Zaborin" where you can spend a most relaxing and quiet time. "Zaborin" has many good reviews on different websites, such as hotel/ryokan websites and price comparison sites. In the video, it briefly explains the facilities of the ryokan as well as the rooms and hot springs. Enjoy the quaint space of the hot springs in Kutchan, a popular tourist spot with bountiful nature. The Zaborin Hot Springs in Kutchan, Hokkaido Source :YouTube screenshot Zaborin is a luxury ryokan located in the popular tourist spot, Kutchan, Hokkaido. It takes about 2 hours by car from New Chitose Airport. It was designed by a British couple who loved Japan and were fascinated by the nature of Niseko. It is a must-see ryokan if you're interested in Japanese modernity. Enjoy the view of Mt. Yoteizan, the outstanding nature of Hokkaido, and its native Japanese white birch trees. All 15 rooms contain a private 100% pure hot spring, with both inside and open-air baths. Please refer to the video at 0:35. This pure hot spring gushes out into the property of Zaborin. The hot springs contains sodium, hydrogen carbonate, and chloride which helps to maintain beautiful skin and health. Other ailments these hot springs treat are neuralgia, soreness, joint pain, stiff shoulders, motor paralysis, stiff joints, bruises, sprains, fatigue, chronic digestive diseases, hemorrhoids, cold sensitivity, cuts, burns, chronic skin disease, and more. Please note that Zaborin does not have a large community bath. Amenities are provided in the room, so there's no need to bring your own. Wouldn't you like to wake up early in the morning, take a fresh bath in the hot springs, and see the sun rise from Mt. Muine? Rooms at Kutchan, Hokkaido's Zaborin Source :Zaborin Official Website Hotel Zaborin offers western-style rooms, Japanese-style rooms, and suite rooms as well. All of the rooms are very spacious as well, and come with a living room attached to them. During the winter, time seems to freeze, as the outside world is covered with snow. You can try some winter sports at "Niseko Mountain Resort Grand HIRAFU," "Niseko HANAZONO Resort," "White Isle Niseko," and "Asahigaoka Ski Resort. Or you could stay in your room all day and enjoy the view in the hot springs. We're not here to judge you... Gourmet Dining at Zaborin Source : Zaborin Official Website Try a Japanese traditional course-meal with plenty of Hokkaido seasonal grace at Zaborin. You can also try the different kinds of fresh local food at the restaurant inside the ryokan. You can also enjoy duck and deer game dishes depending on the season. In the morning, they serve creative cuisine using fresh Hokkaidan ingredients. They have a counter bar where you can enjoy the view of Mt. Yoteizan while warming up with some spirits as well. Tourist Spots Around Zaborin Photo:Shirogane Blue Pond There are several tourist spots near Zaborin Kutchan, Hokkaido. Other tourist spots you can try when you visit Zaborin are, - The private garden "Mishima’s Shibazakura Garden" with Mt. Yoteizan in the backdrop - "Hangetsuko Nature Park," a quiet lake at the base of Mt. Yoteizan - "Kagaminuma," where you can enjoy trekking - "The Shu Ogawara Museum of art " containing art from the local artist Shu Ogawara - "Kuchan Hudokan" which displays unique exhibits - "NOASC" where you can experience rafting Summary of Kutchan, Hokkaido's Zaborin Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see in the video, Zaborin offers a relaxing atmosphere with luxurious private hot springs. At Zaborin, there are Irori fireplaces, "Cha no Za," where you can have tea, a library, a smoking area, a massage room, foot bath, a boutique store where they sell popular butter cases, and lockers for skiing and golfing. If you're thinking about going to Japan to enjoy its hidden gems and secret getaways in its beautiful outdoors, don't overlook Zaborin. Be sure to watch the video and see just how fascinating it is. Be sure to check the official homepage and travel websites for tour pricing, plans, and rooms. Prices often vary by season. ◆Zaborin◆ 【Address】76-4 Hanazono, Kutchan, Abuta district, Hokkaido 044-0084 【Access】2 hours by car from Shin Chitose Airport 【Parking】Available 【Telephone No】0136-23-0003 【Official Website】Ryokan Zaborin | Hokkaido https://zaborin.com/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Zaborin https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1025639-d7745400-Reviews-Zaborin-Kutchan_cho_Abuta_gun_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 4:40
Cape Erimo, a Spectacular Tourist Destination in Hokkaido! Famous Tourist Attractions, Gourmet Food, and More Around Cape Erimo!
Travel Nature- 18 plays
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Video Introduction This video, titled "Cape Erimo, a Spectacular View of Hokkaido|Short Version|DRONE×HOKKAIDO" (北海道の絶景・襟裳岬ショートバージョン DRONE×HOKKAIDO), was uploaded by "Shinji kawamura." The video features drone footage of Cape Erimo in Hokkaido, Japan. Be sure to check it out to see some of the amazing views that Cape Erimo has to offer! Amazing Views on Cape Erimo Photo:Hatsuhinode on Cape Erimo Many Japanese people have this idea that there's nothing to do on Cape Erimo. But, let's start with some basic information about Cape Erimo. Cape Erimo is located at the southernmost tip of the Hidaka Mountains, known as the backbone of Hokkaido, jutting out into the Pacific Ocean. A scenic tourist destination, Cape Erimo is located in Erimo, in Hokkaido's Horoizumi District. It is also known for its strong winds and the large amount of sea fog that occurs from May to August. The cape is approximately 60 meters tall, and from the tip of the cape, a reef continues for approximately 2 km, offering a magnificent view of nature's beauty. The spectacular view was designated as a national cultural asset, in August 2010, with the name "Meisho Pirikanoka" (meaning "beautiful shape" in the language of the Ainu)." Furthermore, Cape Erimo is also known as a spot for the Japanese tradition "Hatsuhinode" (the first sunrise of the year), and many tourists come to see the majestic sight. Cape Erimo is not a place with nothing, but rather, a popular spot where you can take Instagrammable photos. Cape Erimo - Now a Popular Tourist Spot! Photo:Cape Erimo, Hokkaido In Japan, there's a song called "Cape Erimo" that was sung by Chiyoko Shimakura. Later, in 1974, "Cape Erimo" composed by Takuro Yoshida and sung by Shinichi Mori became a big hit. The phrase in the lyrics, "Erimo no Haru wa nani mo nai Haru desu" (Spring in Erimo is a spring of nothing), left a lasting impression on people. This single phrase of the hit song made it famous as a place offering nothing. However, Cape Erimo is actually a place with loads of natural beauty, as mentioned above. It is now one of the most popular sightseeing spots in Hokkaido, and has become such a famous tourist attraction that people no longer say that Cape Erimo has nothing to offer. Popular Tourist Attractions on Cape Erimo! Photo:Cape Erimo, Hokkaido Let's take a look at the sightseeing spots in Cape Erimo, which has now become famous as one of Hokkaido's most scenic and beautiful sightseeing spots. Cape Erimo is famous for its strong winds, and "Kaze no Yakata," a facility where visitors can experience those winds, opened in 1997. Visitors can experience wind speeds as high as 25 meters per second. As we mentioned previously, Cape Erimo is known for its beautiful sunrises, and the panoramic view of the sunrise from the cape is truly something to marvel at! On New Year's Day, the observatory and observation decks are filled with tourists who come to see the first sunrise of the year. Furthermore, Cape Erimo is also a habitat for wild seals, so you can even try seal watching with binoculars. If you want to see them up close, we recommend joining a seal-watching tour by kayak. Seals give birth in the spring, and if you're lucky, you might be able to spot a mother and her pups. There is also a theater showing videos taken by nature photographer Eiichi Kurasawa, where visitors can learn about the ecology of the harbor seals seen at Cape Erimo. A monument of "Cape Erimo," the song that made Cape Erimo famous, stands side by side with the other monument to the song with same name. This sight of two monuments, for the song of the same name, side by side, is not often seen in other places. Dining Recommendations on Cape Erimo Photo:Whelk sashimi When it comes to dining on Cape Erimo, the fresh seafood is a must. You can enjoy seasonal seafood, such as whelks grown in the rough seas of Cape Erimo. The sushi is also highly recommended. Ginzushi (銀寿し) and Isami Sushi (いさみ寿し) are famous sushi restaurants in the area. Cape Erimo also has a hotel called Erimo Kankokan (えりも観光館) not far from the observatory. It's recommended for those looking to watch the sunrise from the sea in the morning. Summary of Cape Erimo, Hokkaido Did you enjoy this video showing aerial footage of Cape Erimo, a place of natural beauty? The image of Cape Erimo as a place with nothing to offer was generated by the lyrics of a hit song, and it turns out that it is actually a scenic sightseeing spot created by a harsh natural environment. Consider visiting Cape Erimo, a place where you can feel nature on a grand scale! 【Official Website】Cape Erimo https://www.town.erimo.lg.jp/kankou/pages/k9mfea0000000bnv.html 【TripAdvisor】Cape Erimo https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1065243-d1372677-Reviews-Cape_Erimo-Erimo_cho_Horoizumi_gun_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 3:00
Okushiri Island, Hokkaido: An Attractive Island Surrounded by Nature! Enjoy an Amazing Trip to the Clearest Sea in Hokkaido!
Local PR Nature- 106 plays
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Okushiri Island, Hokkaido The video “Okushiri Promotional Video (3 minutes)” is a sightseeing video introducing Okushiri Island, one of the remote islands of Hokkaido. This video was produced by "Okushiri Sightseeing Channel" (奥尻観光チャンネル). Okushiri Island is an island located in the Japan Sea, at the southwestern part of Hokkaido. The island's area is 143 km², making it the 5th largest island in Hokkaido. The population is 2,707 (as of April 2018). Most of the island is a beechwood forest, and it is noted for its pristine nature. This video is about 3 minutes long and introduces marine activities that can be enjoyed in the crystal clear waters of Okushiri Island. Please enjoy the sea of Okushiri Island, the clearest waters in Hokkaido! Activities to Enjoy on Okushiri Island Photo:Paddle surfing The Okushiri Sea is said to be the clearest in Hokkaido. And due to its beauty, it is often called "Okushiri Blue." Scenes of people enjoying sea kayaking in Okushiri’s beautiful sea is introduced in the video at 0:18. Chartered mini cruising, or enjoying the popular SUP (Stand Up Paddleboat) on the sea surface during sunset introduced at 1:22, are 2 activities that we recommend trying. Trying the Okushiri Foot Path, a leisurely walk through the rich natural beauty of Okushiri Island, is sure to make for a memorable experience. People wildly jumping into the beautiful sea from the cliff of rocks is shown at 0:46. Famous Sightseeing Spots Nearby Okushiri Island Photo:Nabetsuru Rock “Nabetsuru Rock,” shaped like the handle of a pot, is a symbol of Okushiri’s sea. Check out the view of the sea from Tamashimayama Observatory, great for taking Instagram pics. Standing by at the historical Miyatsubentengu or Okushiri Island Tsunami Memorial Hall is also recommended. Okushiri Island hosts the Okushiri Moonlight Marathon in June and the Murotsu Festival in July to pray for safe sailing and good fishing. We recommend visiting the island when these events are taking place. Popular Local Cuisine in Okushiri, Hokkaido! Photo:Seafood ingredients When traveling to Hokkaido, you can't miss out on the fresh seafood they have to offer. In Okushiri Island, you can try "fisherman's rice" with fresh sea urchins and abalone, the sea urchin rice bowl, and half-boiled Atka mackerel "shabu-shabu." Local gourmet foods such as Okushiri wine and Nabetsuru curry are also popular. Okushiri wine is Japan's only wine produced as a recovery effort after the 1993 Hokkaido Southwest Earthquake that struck Okushiri Island. Okushiri Winery is the only winery in Japan located on a remote island. Everything from grape cultivation to shipping is done on Okushiri Island, and you can also visit the factory. Okushiri Island is home to the comical local character named "Unimaru," who is based on a sea urchin. “About 2km from the ferry landing is Unimaru Park, where you can see the Unimaru statue in the shape of a sea urchin. There is a circular monument with 120 spikes that are lit up at night. As souvenirs of your trip, you can purchase “Unimaru” goods as well as seafood. Summary of Sightseeing at Okushiri Island, Hokkaido Enjoying the beautiful views and the marine activities at the amazing Okushiri Island are sure to make for an unforgettable experience. As you can see in the video, the appeal of Okushiri Island is that you can fully enjoy nature in a way that is hard to find nowadays. Access to Okushiri Island is about 2 hours by ferry from Esashi, if you come by the Hokkaido Esashi route. At Okushiri Island there are hotels and Japanese style inns (ryokan), as well as camping areas. Take your time and enjoy the natural beauty of Okushiri Island. 【Official website】Hokkaido Okushiri Town Town Hall website http://www.town.okushiri.lg.jp/hotnews/category/8.html 【Official website】Okushiri Island Sightseeing Association https://okushiri-imacoco.com/ -
Video article 2:09
A Powerful Landing Scene of a Famous Aircraft Responsible for the Success of JAL. The Majestic Sight of a Jumbo Jet Plane Landing With a Splash of Snow Is a Sight to Behold!
Vehicles- 21 plays
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This video, titled "Reverse thrust on taxi way? JAL 747 Memorial #003 : 747-446D [JA8083] at CTS/RJCC : Landing," was released by "j-sky on YouTube." It's cool seeing the large aircraft land and go down the runway, but how does an airplane land and stop in the first place? After the aircraft lands it glides for a while, then slows down and comes to a stop. When an aircraft moves on the ground under its own power, it is called taxiing. In order for an aircraft to stop successfully, they choose a runway with a headwind or a system of reverse thrusters that directly thrust upward at an angle. So many different things go into the safe landing of an airplane. -
Video article 2:40
Discover the Amazing Ice Bubbles at Lake Nukabira! Sightseeing Information for the Fantastical Lake in Hokkaido, Japan!
Travel Nature- 13 plays
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Video Introduction This video, titled "Lake Nukabira in Hokkaido, a Treasure Trove of Ice Bubbles in Winter...." (北海道糠平湖、この冬アイスバブルの宝庫に...。), was uploaded by "Shinji Kawamura." Lake Nukabira's Ice Bubbles Photo:Ice bubbles at Lake Nukabira, Hokkaido Lake Nukabira, located in Kamishihoro, Hokkaido, a town with great natural beauty in Northern Japan, is a man-made dammed lake completed in 1956. Around Lake Nukabira are the hot springs and ski slopes of Nukabira Gensenkyo. These facilities, as well as smelt fishing on Lake Nukabira are also popular during the winter months, when the Lake Nukabira Ice Bubbles can be enjoyed. The Lake Nukabira Ice Bubbles refer to the phenomenon in which gases generated by microorganisms decomposing plants, etc. that have sunk to the bottom of the lake are trapped in ice as the lake freezes. The sight of countless bubbles freezing like white jellyfish in the ice at various depths is nothing short of magical! It's an exceptional sight created by nature that looks great on Instagram. You can enjoy a fantastic sight of the Lake Nukabira Ice Bubbles throughout the video. [Video] 0:25 - Lake Nukabira Ice Bubbles When to See the Lake Nukabira Ice Bubbles Photo:Ice bubbles at Lake Nukabira, Hokkaido The ice bubbles can be seen from early January to late February, provided that snow is not covering the ice. Since the ice bubbles are often seen in years with little snowfall, if you want to see the ice bubbles at Lake Nukabira, we recommend checking the weather conditions and snowfall. Since there are few places in Japan where you can see ice bubbles, seeing them at Lake Nukabira can be considered lucky. For safer viewing, it's recommended that you join a tour organized by Higashitaisetsu Nature Guide Centre, which will take you to places where you can see the ice bubbles. Sightseeing and Attractions at Lake Nukabira Photo:Taushubetsu Bridge, Hokkaido The video only shows beautiful images of Lake Nukabira's ice bubbles, but there are also various leisure and sightseeing spots around Lake Nukabira. One of the most famous sights of Lake Nukabira is Taushubetsu Bridge. Taushubetsu Bridge is an arch-shaped bridge over which the old Japan National Railways Shihoro Line ran. The reflection of Taushubetsu Bridge on the lake is fantastic, and there are tours where visitors can see the bridge in all seasons. In the video, you can see a series of arch bridges on a frozen Lake Nukabira. [Video] 0:00 - Taushubetsu Bridge In winter, you can enjoy Lake Nukabira's ice bubbles as well as the aforementioned smelt fishing, and in summer, you can enjoy fishing for different varieties of trout. From the end of June to the end of September, the Lake Nukabira Campground, a place rich in nature, can be used! From the campground, visitors can also take a day trip to the Nukabira Gensenkyo. The foot-pedaled trolley train, modeled after the tracks of the old Japanese National Railways, is also popular! Mori no Torokko Ecorail allows parents and children to enjoy a train trip in the great outdoors, which is approximately 1 km round trip. It also doesn't require any reservations! Access to Lake Nukabira ・From Obihiro Station, 100 minutes by bus (20 minutes walking from Nukabira Gensenkyo Office) ・Approximately 77 minutes by car from Obihiro Station Summary of Lake Nukabira's Ice Bubbles Lake Nukabira, located near the center of Hokkaido, is a popular tourist spot where you can enjoy the magnificent nature of Japan throughout the year. This article introduced information about when and under what conditions you can see the Lake Nukabira ice bubbles, as well as information about leisure and sightseeing activities to enjoy at Lake Nukabira. Seeing the fantastic ice bubble of Lake Nukabira in winter will surely have you wanting to see it in person. Be sure to check weather conditions in advance so that you can visit and experience the natural beauty of Japan during winter. 【TripAdvisor】Lake Nukabira https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1120379-d8734770-Reviews-Lake_Nukabira-Kamishihoro_cho_Kato_gun_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 5:23
Goryokaku in Hakodate, Hokkaido - A Strange, Star-Shaped Fortress! A Look at the History of the Popular Tourist Destination!
History Travel- 127 plays
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Goryokaku in Hakodate! This video, titled "Goryokaku, Hakodate" (函館 「五稜郭」 Goryokaku, Hakodate), introduces the historical location, Goryokaku in Hakodate. Shown at the beginning of the video, Goryokaku in Hakodate is a fortress characterized by its beautiful star-shape. If you go up to the observation deck of Goryokaku Tower, as shown at 1:34 in the video, you can see the beautiful star-shaped moat that surrounds Goryokaku Park. Don't forget to bring your camera, it'll look great on Instagram! About Goryokaku Photo:Goryokaku Goryokaku was built by the Tokugawa Shogunate to protect the Hakodate magistrates office, at the end of the Edo period. (1853 – 1868) The star-shaped Goryokaku is also called Ryohoshiki and it was designed by Takeda Ayasaburo. This is shown at 1:54 in the video. Goryokaku was called Kameda yakushodorui and Hakodate Onyakusho during its construction. It is also known as Yanagino Castle (柳野城, Yanagino-jyo) since there were a lot of willow trees in the area (柳, "yanagi," means willow in Japanese). The History of Goryokaku Photo:Goryokaku's stone walls Completed around the time of the Meiji Restoration, Goryokaku was occupied by the former shogunate's forces during the Battle of Hakodate, the final battle of the Boshin War, and became its headquarters. As you can see from 1:22 in the video, the earthwork, stone walls, and stone monuments still remain. Goryokaku was also used as parade ground for the army during the Meiji period (1868 to 1912). Highlights of Goryokaku Photo:Goryokaku, Winter Illumination Goryokaku has been the setting for many historical events since the end of the Edo period. In 1988, a TV drama titled "Goryokaku" was also produced. Goryokaku is a special national historic site, and has been designated a Hokkaido Heritage Site as the "Remains of Goryokaku and the Battle of Hakodate." It is currently managed by the city of Hakodate as a government-owned property. The magistrate’s office, which can be seen at 1:47 in the video, was reconstructed in 2010. You can see the inside, including the main hall, courtyard, and historical records, at 2:33 in the video. Goryokaku park also hosts a limited time illumination event, so we recommend lining up your visit with it if possible. Summary of Goryokaku ©Goryokaku-Tower Modifying Goryokaku, shown in the video, is a great place to enjoy seasonal scenery, including cherry blossoms in the spring, autumn colors in the fall, and snowy scenery in winter. In addition to Goryokaku, Hakodate also offers other pleasures such as the night view from Mt. Hakodate and eating Hakodate ramen, a specialty of the city. Incidentally, Tsuruoka Castle (龍岡城) in Saku City, Nagano is also designed in the shape of a star, so be sure to check it out as well! ◆Goryokaku Information◆ 【Address】44-2 Goryokakucho, Hakodate, Hokkaido 040-0001 【Access】15 minutes by a car, taxi, and bus from JR Hakodate Station 【Parking】None 【Tripadvisor】Goryokaku Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g298151-d1439713-r68353674-Goryokaku_Park-Hakodate_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 3:01
The Northern Pika of Japan: Learn About the Cute Critter Known as the "God of Rocky Lands" and Found in the Outdoors of Hokkaido. Also See Its Characteristic High-Pitched Cry!
Living Things- 1.81K plays
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An Introduction to Northern Pika! This is a video on the ecology of Northern Pika, an endangered species in Hokkaido. The video, titled "Keep it up! Northern Pika - He can do his best. Pika" (頑張れ!エゾナキウサギ He can do his best. Pika), was released by "Shinji Kawamura." The Northern Pika, is a small mammal of the ochotonidae family, and its identifying characteristic is its high pitched cry. In Japan, they only live in high lands like Mt. Daisetsu, Mt. Yubari, and Mt. Hidaka in Hokkaido. Their distinct high pitched cry can be seen in the video from 1:09. The Northern Pika is said to have arrived in Japan from the Siberian continent during the ice age. In this video, you can see the lives of cute, wild Northern Pika. Please enjoy the video showing the ecology of Northern Pika. What is the Northern Pika? Photo:Northern Pika The Northern Pika is also called the "God of Rocky Lands" due to its habit of running around the rocky land of their natural habitat. Hokkaido’s aboriginal Ainu people used to call the Northern Pika "Cicit Cu Kamuy" (チチッ・チュ・カムイ, roughly "The Cheeping God") in Ainu language. The mouse-like Northern Pika is very small, weighing only about 60-150 grams, with a length of 10-20 cm, and a lifespan of about 4-5 years, which is shorter than most pika. They are full of curiosity but very timid, so they are very rarely seen in public. Their natural habitat is the cold wind caves of the Daisetsuzan mountains located high above sea level that don't freeze during the winter. In Japan, these critters are also known to only inhabit Hokkaido. Their breeding period is once a year from spring to summer, and they give birth to 1 to 5 kittens at a time. How Northern Pika Survive Winter The Northern Pika is entirely vegetarian, feeding on every plant in the mountains and is sometimes called "the pacifist of the mountains." In the video from 0:42, there is a scene of an Northern Pika with leaves in its mouth. Northern Pika do not hibernate so they must make winter preparations before the snow piles up. This involves stocking their houses with food. They have the intelligence to dry plants such as leaves, turning it into a dry-grass-preserved food which allows them to survive up to 6 months of harsh winter. They store about a bucketful of food in each of the several locations in their territory. You can see this in the video from 1:49. Where Can I See Northern Pika? Photo:Beautiful Autumn Leaves at Daisetsuzan Northern Pika live in only limited parts of Hokkaido, so the possibility of encountering them is very low. If you do mountain climbing or participate in nature tours and go to photo points, you may have a chance to see them. Northern Pika only live in the wild, and it is said that they cannot be raised in zoos and laboratories. It is also impossible to keep them as pets. If you are attracted to the cute Northern Pika, we recommend that you buy a plush toy or photo book as a souvenir of your trip to Hokkaido. Summary of the Northern Pika In the introductory video, you can see scenes of Northern Pika running around busily searching for food. There's something soothing about looking at this little critter squeaking about. These animals are hard to find in the wild, so be sure to take the time to check out the videos and enjoy their cuteness! -
Video article 32:19
Airplanes Coming and Going in a Heavy Snow Storm! New Chitose Airport Jets Brave the Snow to Get Passengers to Their Destinations Safely!
Vehicles- 22 plays
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This video, titled "[4K] 35 Jets in Heavy Snow! Winter Plane Spotting at Sapporo New Chitose Airport / 新千歳空港 JAL ANA," was released by " j-sky on YouTube." This video shows over 30 minutes of airplanes departing from and landing at New Chitose Airport in Hokkaido. One of the features of New Chitose Airport in Hokkaido is that planes can take off and land even on snowy days. In Japan's Honshu region, flights can be cancelled when there is a lot of snow, but Hokkaido's airport is unaffected by a little snow. The Hokkaido area is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan. If you want to enjoy the snowy scenery, try to get a plane ticket on a snowy day like the one shown in the video! -
Video article 2:06
Yezo Sika Deer: Learn About the Magnificent Deer of Hokkaido's Snowy Notsuke Peninsula! All About Yezo Sika Deer and Their Problem as a Disruptive Species
Living Things Nature- 505 plays
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Wild Yezo Sika Deer on the Notsuke Peninsula! In this video “Yezo Sika Deer on the Notsuke Peninsula(野付半島のエゾシカ)”, created by Shinji Kawamura, you can watch the wild Yezo sika deer, living in herds in the snow of the Notsuke Peninsula (野付半島, Notsuke Hanto), Hokkaido. The Yezo sika deer, which belong to the Cervidae family, is one of many subspecies of the sika deer (the Japanese deer), mainly living in the grasslands of Hokkaido. Its body is bigger than that of the Japanese deer; It is approximately 1.5 meters long and 1.1 meters high. As you can see in this video, the Yezo sika deer has large antlers, which are shed between April and May every year. Yezo sika deer are herbivorous animals, and they have unique high-pitched calls. The wild Yezo sika deer shown in this video are from herds living on the Notsuke Peninsula, Hokkaido. The Notsuke Peninsula is the biggest sand peninsula/sand spit in Japan; It is approximately 26 kilometers long, and located between Shiretoko Peninsula (知床半島, Shiretoko Hanto) and Nemuro Peninsula (根室半島, Nemuro Hanto). Many wild birds, animals, and insects live there. In December, when the grass dies, herds of Yezo sika deer move to their winter homes,- forests with more coniferous trees and less accumulated snow. From 0:55 in the video, you can see the Yezo sika deer living in herds in the snow. The Population of Wild Yezo Sika Deer Photo:Yezo Sika Deer The population of the Yezo sika deer once decreased dramatically due to hunting and deforestation in the early Meiji Period around 1868. However, after implementing measures to prohibit overhunting, the population has been increasing. Each deer eats a large amount of grass every day, so currently there are some problems regarding the damage of crops and forests, and the destruction of the environment. In addition, as its population has increased, more Yezo sika deer have been appearing in urban areas, which leads to problems of disruptive animals. From 1:33 in the video, you can hear sounds of cars driving in the background near a herd of Yezo sika deer. From the video, you can see that the Yezo sika deer lives very closely to humans. The "Yezo Deer Association" was founded in order to maintain a symbiotic relationship with the Yezo sika deer. Currently people take some measures to control the population of the Yezo sika deer, such as controlled hunting. The captured Yezo sika deer are used in venison dishes, for leather-working, deer fur products, antler products, and so on. Wild game meat dishes are very expensive in Europe, and venison is said to be healthy and has a unique flavor, so venison dishes are very popular. Venison is heated thoroughly and cooked into roasted meat or steak to avoid zoonotic diseases and food intoxication. Where to See the Wild Yezo Sika Deer Photo:Yezo Sika Deer on the Notsuke Peninsula The Notsuke Peninsula is an area where many wild animals have lived for a long time, even since the era of the Ainu (the native tribes of Hokkaido). It has multiple national forests and the Nationally Designated Special Wildlife Reserve. On the Notsuke Peninsula Nature Center, a hub for sightseeing, you can learn about the natural surroundings and the history of the Notsuke Peninsula. It also provides a wide range of tours, so you can join one of them and go around the Notsuke Peninsula. (The tours are a paid attraction and you must book ahead of time). We cannot guarantee that you can always see the Yezo sika deer as they are wild, but even if you cannot see the deer during the tour, you can still enjoy the wild of Hokkaido to your hearts content. Overview of the Yezo Sika Deer Introductory Video Source :YouTube screenshot The video we introduced this time showed Yezo sika deer living in herds in Hokkaido's wilderness. The video has many fun facts about the Yezo sika deer, such as characteristics of its antlers, the white furs of their hips, and its general habits, so be sure to take a look if you haven't yet! If you're looking to enjoy Japan's wilderness, look no further than Hokkaido! 【Official Website】Notsuke Peninsula Nature Center Hokkaido Betsukai http://notsuke.jp/ 【Official Website】Yezo Deer Association http://yezodeer.org/ -
Video article 3:14
The Elegant White-Tailed Eagles of Hokkaido’s "Wild Bird Paradise." Take a Look at the Ecology and Traits of the Majestic Eagle as It Aims for Its Prey!
Living Things- 115 plays
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The White-Tailed Eagle of Hokkaido! The video "White-tailed eagle Akan Japanese Crane Center" introduced in this article, shows some white-tailed eagles living around Akan Lake (阿寒湖, Akan ko) in Kushiro, Hokkaido. The white-tailed eagle circling leisurely in the sky with its glistening white tail feathers outstretched is truly a majestic sight. Let's take a closer look at the white-tailed eagle, which, along with the Steller's sea eagle, is known as one of the largest eagles in the world, and learn more about its biology. The video also shows white-tailed eagles catching fish at the Akan International Crane Center. The White-Tailed Eagle Photo:A white tailed eagle from the side The white-tailed eagle is a member of accipitriformes order, accipitridae family, and Haliaeetus genus, and can be found in the northeastern part of Hokkaido, Japan. It is a protected species and is currently listed as a rare wildlife species in Japan, and is listed as an endangered species on the Red List of the Ministry of the Environment. White-tailed eagles are 70 to 98 centimeters in length, with a wing span of 180 to 240 centimeters, and weigh 3 to 7 kilograms. They have white plumage and a slightly muffled call. Young birds are covered entirely with brown feathers and have white spots, but the spots disappear with age. They are carnivorous and have an average lifespan of about 20 years. More About the White-Tailed Eagle Photo:White-tailed eagle There are approximately 1,700 white-tailed eagles wintering in Hokkaido. As shown in the video, white-tailed eagles can be seen living not only in the Akan area, but also in Sapporo City. In rare cases, they also fly from northern Honshu to the Chubu and Kyushu regions. The Akan International Crane Center Gloss, introduced in the video, is a facility that provides information on a variety of wild birds, including the Japanese crane, which is shown at 0:44 in the video, and we definitely recommend giving it a visit. It's also well known among aviation fans that the JASDF's Phantom aircraft had a white-tailed eagle pattern painted on its vertical stabilizer. In the video, the white-tailed eagle is seen flying in a circle over the heads of the Japanese cranes, but it's actually aiming at its prey, and at 2:00 in the video, it finally goes after it. This is the highlight of the video, so be sure to check it out! Another white-tailed eagle appears with the white-tailed eagle that the camera had been following, and in a moment, grabs the catch of the first one with its feet and flies away. This can be seen in slow-mo at 2:25 in the video. Summary of Hokkaido's White-Tailed Eagle Photo:A Steller's sea eagle and a white-tailed eagle In this article, we introduced a fascinating bird you can find in Hokkaido, the white-tailed eagle. If you want to see the beautiful white-tailed eagles shown in this video, why not plan a bird-watching trip to Hokkaido? If your trip to Hokkaido is for white-tailed eagles, you can also purchase white-tailed eagle caramel cookies made by Nemuro cafe as a souvenir. ◆Akan International Crane Center General Information◆ 【Address】40 Akancho Kamiakan, Kushiro, Hokkaido 085-0245 【Access】25 minutes by bus from Kushiro Airport 【Admission fee】Adults (high school students and older) 480 yen, elementary and junior high school students 250 yen (*as of December 2019) 【Hours] 】9:00~17:00 【Closures】None 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】0154-66-4011 【Official Website】Akan International Crane Center-Wix.com https://aiccgrus.wixsite.com/aiccgrus/english-page -
Video article 7:40
Ezo Brown Bears Catching Lunch in the Outdoors of Hokkaido! See the 2-Meter-Tall Bears Snatching Fish From a River Right Before Your Eyes!
Living Things- 694 plays
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Introducing the Wild Brown Bears of Hokkaido This video, titled “Encountering Wild Brown Bears that are Catching Salmon @ Shiretoko Hokkaido 20131010(野生のヒグマと遭遇 サケを捕食@北海道 知床 20131010)” films two wild brown bears catching salmon that were swimming in the river. A brown bear is terrestrial mammal of the Ursidae family and their size is about the same as polar bears. Sub-species of foreign brown bears include Kodiak bears, Grizzly bears and Himalayan bears. The main sub-spices of brown bears which inhabit Hokkaido are called Ezo brown bears. This video is of wild Ezo brown bears catching salmon at the river, and it is a very rare sight. We hope you enjoy their fishing skills! What Kind of Animal Is the Ezo Brown Bear? Photo:Ezo brown bear One of the most well-known bears in Japan is the Asian black bear. These black bears actually inhabit the main island of japan. Ezo brown bears, on the other hand, inhabit forests in Hokkaido where the climate is generally colder. Ussuri brown bears are another bear that is a subspecies of brown bears. The Ussuri brown bear is also known as the Ezo brown bear. The size differs depending on the gender, with male bears being about 1.9 to 2.3 meters tall and weighing 120 kg to 250 kg. Female bears are about 1.6 to 1.8 meters tall, and are actually heavier than than males, weighing between 150 to 160 kg. Some of them are gigantic, weighing in at 450 kg. The Ezo brown bears inhabiting Japan are the largest kind of terrestrial animal in Japan. The number of Ezo brown bears is around 2,244 to 6,476 (as of 2013). The bears are known as omnivorous, and they like to eat fish, meat, and plants as well. The life span of a wild Ezo brown bear is about 30 years. They tend to live longer than different mammals. Highlights of Ezo Brown Bears Source :YouTube screenshot The video shows the viewers two Ezo brown bears hunting salmon at a river. It was filmed in October when the bears were getting ready for hibernation. From 4:21 in the video, we can see bears using both of their paws to catch salmon. At 0:18, one bear carries a salmon to the side of the river. At 4:54, the bears bring salmon ashore and comfortably enjoy their meals in peace. You'll be surprised by what happens at the end. Be sure to watch the full video so you don't miss out! The bears were so focused on their hunting that they didn't show any fear of the people filming them. Its incredibly rare that we see footage of Hokkaido's wild brown bears hunting. Be Aware of Wild Bears When Traveling to Hokkaido! Photo: Beware of Bears In Hokkaido, A study has been conducted to work on how to handle wild Ezo brown bears and ways of coexisting with them. There are several cases of humans being attacked by wild bears in Hokkaido. If you visit Hokkaido, please be aware that there are wild bears and research the areas in advance. Before your travels, please make sure that there are no wild bear alerts in the area you are traveling to. In order to keep bears away, have bells or turn on a radio to show them that humans are around. If you do encounter a wild bear, just think that bears are also afraid of humans. Screaming makes the bear scared, and it will enter into a defensive mode, and might try to attack you. Avoid running away from bears because bears tend to chase what’s running away from them. They can run up to 60km/h so the chance that they will catch you is extremely high . Instead of running away or screaming, try standing up on top of a rock or a log to make you look bigger and be intimidating. The most effective way to keep the bears away is to use a bear spray. Some people think bears are cute animals, and while this may be true, they are also dangerous as well. Please keep this in mind. Summary of Hokkaido's Wild Brown Bears If you are interested in learning more about brown bears, please visit a zoo, such as the Noboribetsu bear park, or the Showa Shinzan bear ranch. “Higuma Doughnuts” is a cafe in Meguro, Tokyo which uses selected ingredients from Hokkaido where brown bears live. If you visit Hokkaido, please visit a gift store to purchase some Hokkaido souvenirs. Be sure to check out the Ezo brown bears, the video is too adorable to miss! -
Video article 1:28
Wish for Eternal Happiness at Kofuku Station, a Sacred Place for Lovers! The Romantic Station Building in Hokkaido That Was Once Booming Is Still a Popular Tourist Destination Loved by Many People
Travel- 16 plays
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A Look at Kofuku Station! This video, released by "Shinji kawamura," introduces Kofuku Station on the former Japanese National Railways' Hiroo Line that used to run in Hokkaido. The video is titled "Kofuku Station, a Holy Space for Lovers" (幸福の駅 恋人の聖地 Happy station A sweetheart's holy place). Aikoku Station (愛国駅) and Kofuku Station (幸福駅) on the former Japan National Railways' Hiroo Line are popular stations that have become nationwide trends. As you can see from 0:19 in the video, the inside of Kofuku Station is covered with copies of tickets, business cards, photos, and message cards A tourist once stuck his business card on the wall in the station wishing for happiness and that's how the tradition of stickying lucky cards on the walls was established. More About Kofuku Station, a Holy Space for Lovers in Hokkaido! Photo:Kokufuki Station - station nameplate, Hokkaido Kofuku Station is a station on the Hiroo Line of the Japan National Railways that used to exist in the town of Kofuku (幸福町, Kofuku-Cho), Obihiro City (帯広市, Obihiro-Shi), Hokkaido. The popularity of this station has exploded since 1973, when it was featured in NHK TV program "Shin-Nihon-Kiko" (A Travelogue for New Japan) and used as a filming location for a TV drama with the catchphrase "From the Land of Love to Kofuku." It's said that buying a ticket at this station would bring love and happiness and because of this the station sold 13 million tickets. Unfortunately, Kofuku station closed on February 2, 1987, when the Hiroo Line was discontinued. Since the Hiroo Line was discontinued, Kofuku Station has become a railroad park and Aikoku Station was turned into a transportation memorial hall. Both have become popular tourist destinations. Things To Do Near Kofuku Station, a Holy Space for Lovers in Hokkaido! Photo:Kofuku Station & a diesel train, Hokkaido In 2013, with the concept of "old but new," the station building was renovated to reinforce its earthquake resistance. A fountain called "Ai-no-Izumi" (The Fountain of Love), and a symbol tree called "Kofuku-no-Ki" were newly installed and the station was reborn as a more attractive site. The diesel trains, platforms, and abandoned railroad cars are still in their original state, allowing you to glimpse back in time. At Kofuku Station, known as a holy space for lovers, you can enjoy the "Kofuku Station Happy Ceremony," a wedding experience that includes a commemorative photo shoot while wearing a wedding dress. At the gift shop in the station building, you can buy souvenirs, such as key chains and tickets. Summary of "Kofuku Station," a Holy Space for Lovers in Hokkaido! Photo:Kofuku Station & a diesel train, Hokkaido The signboard and the Happiness Bell at Kofuku Station are just perfect for Instagram. There is a Kofuku Shrine near Kofuku Station and an Aikoku Shrine near Aikoku Station. These are also worth a visit. Sapporo (札幌, Sapporo) and Hakodate (函館, Hakodate) are the most popular tourist destinations in Hokkaido, but now you might want to believe in the sign of good luck and visit Kofuku Station. ◆Kofuku Station General Information◆ 【Address】Higashi 1 Sen Kofukucho, Obihiro, Hokkaido 089-1246 【Access】About 50 minutes by bus from JR Obihiro Station, about 10 minutes by car from Tokachi Obihiro Airport. 【Hours】Hours of Kofuku Station Shop 7:00-18:00 【Tripadvisor】Kofuku Station https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g608507-d1882914-Reviews-Kofuku_Station-Obihiro_Hokkaido.html