Video article 1:44
Make the Most of Your Trip to Okinawa, the Number One Tourist Destination in Japan! Discover the Paradise Known for Its Emerald Green Waters and Delicious Cuisine!
Local PR Travel Action & Adventure- 64 plays
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Introducing Okinawa! This one and a half minute long promotional video "IS JAPAN COOL? OKINAWA," was created by "ANA Global Channel." It introduces popular sightseeing spots, as well as the food and culture of Okinawa. Tourists travel from all over the world to Okinawa for its beautiful beaches, delicious food and comfortable climate. For those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and relax both body and mind, we highly recommend a trip to Okinawa! There are so many places to enjoy your time in Okinawa. Not only is there the popular main island but there are also many beautiful, smaller islands such as Ishigaki island (石垣島, ishigakijima) and Taketomi island (竹富島, taketomijima) where you can spend your holiday relaxing in the sun. In this article, we'll introduce popular sightseeing spots and delicacies we recommend you try on your trip to Okinawa! Be sure to follow along with the video! The Top Sightseeing Spots in Okinawa ・Islands to visit on your trip to Okinawa The smaller islands off the mainland of Okinawa are a great place to go to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life in the city. All of the islands are abundant with nature and the scenery is unbelievably beautiful. We highly recommend Taketomi island, Ishigaki island, and Miyako island (宮古島, miyakojima). All are fantastic places where you can take part in fun activities, such as banana boating, scuba diving, parasailing, or walking along the sea floor (an activity known as "sea walk" in Japanese). You can take a look at these water activities from 0:15 in the video. Don't they look exciting? Photo:Sefa-Utaki ・Historic sites to visit in Okinawa There are numerous spots in Okinawa steeped in history, such as Sefa-Utaki (斎場御嶽), Shuri Castle (首里城, shurijou)and Choju no mura (長寿の村). We highly recommend visiting Utaki, which is known for being a power spot in Okinawa. It's a very mysterious and fascinating place where people often go to say prayers. Recommended Sightseeing Spots in Okinawa Photo:Churaumi Aquarium There are many spots in Okinawa to enjoy with the whole family, such as Churaumi Aquarium (美ら海水族館) and International Avenue (国際通り) (known in Japanese as Kokusai Dori). International Avenue is home to the biggest shopping district in Naha (那覇) and is a place where you can enjoy eating out, shopping, or buying souvenirs. It's definitely a place worth visiting if you plan on travelling to Okinawa's main island. Okinawan Cuisine and Souvenirs If you would like to try Okinawan cuisine, we highly recommend ordering some Okinawa Soba (沖縄そば) or Goya Chanpuru (ゴーヤチャンプル). Agu pork (アグー豚), with its characteristic high quality fat, is another dish we recommend you try during your visit to Okinawa! You can see these dishes in the video at 0:45. Okinawa's famous shochu "Awamori" (泡盛) makes a great souvenir for family and friends! Areas We Recommend to Enjoy the Best of Okinawan Cuisine Photo:public market, Okinawa For those looking forward to experiencing Okinawan cuisine, we highly recommend visiting the public parket. The public market, also known as Nahashi no daidokoro (那覇市の台所) which translates to "Naha City's Kitchen," sells fresh fish, pigs feet, shimarakkyo (島らっきょ), goya, and other popular Okinawa foods. It's popular with both locals and foreign visitors. There's also a dining area in the public market where you can enjoy trying Okinawan cuisine. However, please take note that the public market is currently under construction and has been temporarily relocated to the nearby "Nigiwai Hiroba" (にぎわい広場) (rebuilding of the public market is due to be completed by March 31st, 2022). Summary of the Okinawa Sightseeing Video We hope you enjoyed learning about the popular sightseeing spots introduced in this promotional video, and taking a look at the beautiful scenery of Okinawa. More information regarding Okinawan culture, such as Hari boats (ハーリー), the Sanshin (三線) and Kachashi (カチャーシー) is also included in the video making it a must-see for anyone who has yet to visit Okinawa! 【Official Website】Okinawa City Hall https://www.city.okinawa.okinawa.jp/english/ -
Video article 2:55
Kitanakagusuku Is a Place Where the Culture of the Ryukyu Kingdom Still Remains in Okinawa's Nakagami District... Check Out the World Heritage Site Nakagusuku Castle and Other Popular Sightseeing Spots!
Local PR Travel- 49 plays
- YouTube
沖縄県北中城村の紹介動画の魅力 こちらの動画は「RYCOM CHANNEL -ライカムチャンネル-」が公開した「WALK VIEW - 沖縄県北中城村観光PR映像」だ。 沖縄県の中頭部に位置し日本国内で最も人口密度の高い村として知られる「北中城村」。 この村には世界遺産「琉球王国のグスク及び関連遺産群(中城城跡)」や日本の重要文化財「中村家住宅」など歴史的な観光名所が存在する。 日本国内では、地方の村の人口減少が深刻な社会問題となっているが、北中城村は2019年現在16,000人以上の村民が暮らしている。 これは日本全国の村全体でみても第5位の人口数であり、また年々人口数も増えている珍しい村だ。 この動画ではそんな沖縄県北中城村の魅力を紹介している。 世界遺産「中城城跡」は北中城村のシンボル 沖縄県北中城村の定番観光地といえば「中城城跡」だ。 中城城跡は、2000年に沖縄県の首里城などの文化財とともに「琉球王国のグスク及び関連遺産群」として世界文化遺産に登録された。 中城城は、日本100名城の一つに定められており、数多くある日本の城のなかでも歴史的価値の高い史跡として認められている名所だ。 また北中城村には国指定重要文化財に登録されている「仲村家住宅」という史跡がある。 仲村家は、沖縄県が日本領になる前の琉球王国時代に活動した豪農であり、当時の文化が色濃く残った住宅だ。日本人観光客のみならず海外からの観光客にも好評だ。 動画では0:18より琉球王国のグスク及び関連遺産群、0:42より仲村家住宅が紹介されている。 ボルダリングや三味線体験などができるスポットがある! 「コーラルロックジム」は、おしゃれな外観が特徴的な屋内レジャー施設であり、ここではボルダリングやロッククライミングを楽しむ事ができる観光施設だ。 コーラルロックジムでは、スタッフが遊び方をレクチャーしてくれるので素人の方でも安心である。 沖縄県北中城村の図書館を中心にさまざまな観光施設が複合する「あやかりの杜」では、ヨガ体験や三味線体験、オカリナ教室など珍しい体験ができる。 また季節に合わせてさまざまなイベントも行っている。 その他にも「あやかりの杜」には、キャンプ場もあり自然豊かな景観を堪能しながらスローライフを楽しめる。 動画では0:29よりコーラルロックジム、1:44より「あやかりの杜」が紹介されている。 沖縄県北中城村のおすすめグルメスポット 北中城村のグルメスポットといえば「パンダ食堂」だ。 パンダ食堂は中華料理店として地域の村民や観光客に愛されており、料理の美味しさはもちろんのことだが、破格の値段設定が人気の理由だ。 ワンコインでお腹いっぱいのラーメンや定食を食べることができるので、気軽に訪れてみるとよいだろう。 その他にも「しおさい市場」というアンテナショップでは、ここでしか買えない北中城村の特産品を購入することができ、日本料理とは少し違った沖縄料理を食べる事もできる。 その他にもインスタ映えするおしゃれなランチを食べるなら「カフェグランブルー」がおすすめだ。 動画では0:59よりパンダ食堂、1:33より「しおさい市場」、2:11よりカフェグランブルーが紹介されている。 沖縄県北中城村の魅力紹介まとめ 沖縄県北中城村の魅力的な観光地やグルメ情報など紹介した。 北中城村は琉球王国時代の文化が残っており、日本ではない異国のような雰囲気を楽しめる。 また今回紹介した観光地以外にも「中城公園」や「イオンモール沖縄ライカム」など家族で楽しめる場所もたくさんある。 動画の1:26より紹介されている「トラベルマートきたポ」では、北中城村周辺の観光案内を行っているので北中城村を訪れた際には、「トラベルマートきたポ」をまず訪ねてみてはいかがだろか。 きっと楽しめるスポットが見つかるはずだ。 -
Video article 3:14
The Charm of Nakuni Island in Okinawa Prefecture, Famous as an Island on the Border! Enjoy a Luxurious, Healing Moment in the Wilderness as Far as the Eye Can See!
Local PR Travel- 19 plays
- YouTube
自然溢れる国境の島「沖縄県与那国島」の紹介動画 こちらの動画は「観光WEB与那国」が公開した「与那国町観光PR動画」です。 日本の最南端に位置する沖縄県より更に最西端の離島、別名『国境の島』と呼ばれている与那国島は、大自然の溢れる日本屈指の観光スポットとなっています。 『日本で一番最初に黒潮と出逢う島』とも言われ、与那国島のシンボルでもある神が宿っていると言われる『立神岩』があり、自然と密接な関わりがあるスポットとなっています。 そんな日本の国境の島として有名な沖縄県の与那国島について、こちらの記事で詳しく紹介をいたします。 沖縄県与那国島の自然の魅力と観光スポットについて! 沖縄県の離島である与那国島は、日本でも有数の大自然が残った観光地です。 都会の喧騒から離れてゆっくり観光をしたいと考えている人へおすすめの観光スポットが沢山。 放牧された馬や牛にハイビスカス、海面から約100mの高さの断崖絶壁がある与那国島の東端に位置する岬の東崎(あがりざき)、その反対の西端に位置する西崎(いりざき)、天然の展望台と呼ばれているインスタ映え間違い無しの絶景広がるティンダバナ。 どれも見どころたっぷりの人気スポットです。 他にも、まるで軍艦のような躍動感を感じさせる断崖絶壁の軍艦岩(サンニア台)、自然で形成された不思議な空間の海底遺跡、久部良にある久部良港、日本の最西端にある絶景の観光スポットとして有名なナーマ浜等、日本でも屈指の大自然を残す観光名所が多くあります。 沖縄県与那国島のグルメと歴史 美味しい食べ物と、古くから伝わる歴史的なイベントも見逃せません。 動画の1:18からご覧になれるカジキカマボコ、1:22からのクバもちは沖縄県与那国島を代表するグルメなので、ぜひお土産にどうぞ。 そして、動画の2:20から紹介されている、その年の豊年を感謝し来年の豊年を祈願する為の豊年祭、動画の2:25からの沖縄の伝統芸能の一つである旧盆エイサーなど、自然と歴史を大事にしたイベントが多くあることが分かるのでは無いでしょうか。 日本の古き良き伝統の残る与那国島は、どこか懐かしい安らぎを感じさせてくれます。 沖縄県与那国島の紹介まとめ 日本の最西端に位置する国境の島の沖縄県与那国島。 自然を多く残し、日本の古き良き伝統を堪能することが出来ることから、観光スポットとして根強い人気を誇ります。 海に囲まれていることからマリンスポーツも人気で、特にダイビングは綺麗な海を堪能出来るということで、人気となっています。 与那国島の比川は有名な日本のドラマの『Dr.コトー診療所』の舞台にもなっています。 大自然に囲まれた沖縄県与那国島、今回紹介した動画と記事で、沖縄県与那国島への観光へ訪れるきっかけとなればいただければ幸いです。 -
Video article 2:49
Ogimi Village in Okinawa Prefecture - Enjoy the Beautiful Tropical Scenery and Flower Gardens Surrounded by the Emerald Green Sea and Mountains!
Local PR Travel- 57 plays
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The Beautiful Natural Scenery of Ogimi Village, Okinawa This video, titled "[Ogimi Village] Ogiumi Marugoto Tourism Association" (【大宜味村】_おおぎみまるごとツーリズム協会), was released by "TOYO Planning & Printing, INC." It's a 4K video introducing Ogimi Village, using drones and time lapse technology. The video introduces recommended sightseeing spots, historical and traditional culture, and gourmet information to enjoy sightseeing around Ogimi Village, Okinawa Prefecture! The beautiful scenery of Ogimi Village in Okinawa Prefecture is captured in the video. It's full of Instagram worthy locations that you can't help but admire. This video will convey the beauty of Japan's natural landscapes with a sense of nostalgia. Sit back, relax, and enjoy. Endless Natural Landscapes! Tourist Attractions of Ogimi Village, Okinawa Ogimi Village, Okinawa Prefecture, a sightseeing destination in Japan, is a popular place to relax and forget about the passing of time. You can enjoy a variety of Japanese festivals, such as the Kijoka Festival (喜如嘉まつり), the Ogimi Village Summer Festival (大宜味村夏まつり), the harvest festival, Honen Odori (豊年踊り), and the Umigami Festival (海神祭), held to pray for a good fishing season. Okinawa's Ogimi Village is a tourist destination where you can experience things you won't find in the city. It's easy to visit as there are reasonably priced minpaku (Japanese-style homestays) and hotels. Okinawa's Ogimi Village is also a popular tourist attraction, where you can visit the Ogimi Village Government Building, which is famous as a National Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Japan, and also a place where you can buy Kijoka bashofu, a traditional Japanese cloth. Other popular tourist attractions in Kunigami include the "Shikuwasa Theme Park," which is a great place to visit for families. The Lilac Field Shown in the Video One of the best scenic spots is Okurareruka Field in Kijoka, Ogimi Village, Okinawa, where from late March to early April, the fields are covered with irises. The fields of irises in full bloom are absolutely breathtaking. You can see the beautiful scenery in the video, but it pales in comparison to the real thing. Be sure to take a camera to take pictures for your Instagram! Sightseeing and Food in Ogimi Village, Okinawa! Ta Waterfall in Ogimi Village, Okinawa Prefecture, a tourist attraction where you can enjoy the waterfalls of Japan, is one of Okinawa's most powerful power spots. We recommend engaging in some light sports while strolling around the area! There are many other places to visit in Bunagaya Village (ぶながやの里), a place where traditional Japanese agriculture thrives, and there are many endangered wildlife species that you won't find anywhere else. In the tourist area of Ogimi Village, Okinawa Prefecture, there are many gourmet spots where you can eat soba, the secret to longevity, and you can also enjoy finding delicious, lesser known restaurants. Summary of Sightseeing in Ogimi Village, Okinawa In this article, we introduced the natural landscapes of Ogimi Village, Okinawa alongside the video. Ogimi Village is a tourist destination where you can enjoy the great outdoors of Japan and beautiful natural scenery. It's a great place to visit with your family, friends, and loved ones, or even alone! -
Video article 6:22
Kobudo - Ancient Ryukyuan Martial Arts From Okinawa!
Sports- 300 plays
- YouTube
The Ancient Ryukyuan Martial Art "Kobudo" This video, titled "80歳の棒術が速すぎる!沖縄の古武道が超実戦的だった Amazing! A 80-year-old Master, Ryukyu Kobudou," was produced by "kuro-obi world." It introduces Kobudo, an ancient Ryukyuan martial art. From 0:10 in the video, Koutaro Iha, the president of the Ryukyu Society of Ryukyu Kobudo, shows off his brilliant techniques with movements that will have you thinking "there's no way this guy is 80." If you want to learn practical Kobudo, check out the video to learn some awesome techniques! In this article, we'll introduce Ryukyuan Kobudo, alongside the video! What Is Kobudo? Source :YouTube screenshot Ryukyu kobujutsu is an ancient martial art that has been handed down in Okinawa Prefecture since ancient times. It generally utilizes weaponry and is also called Okinawan kobudo, Okinawan kobudo, or Ryukyu kobudo. Ryukyu kobudo has been practiced by samurai since the era of the Ryukyu Kingdom (1429-1879 AD). practiced a wide range of martial arts that involved stick fighting, spears, karate, swords, archery, long swords, nunti, mountain-based sword styles, sais, canes, paddles, tonfa, and more. There are three main types of Ryukyu ancient martial arts schools. Three types: Shinken Taira's system (Ryukyu Kobudo Preservation Society, Ryukyu Kobudo Preservation Society), Motobu Choyu’s system (Motobu Goten Kobu Martial Arts Association), and Matayoshi Shimkou’s system (Kinkou Karate Okinawa Kobujutsu). About the Kobudo in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot This video introduces the appeal of Ryukyuan kobudo at the Ryukonkai dojo. Koutaro Iha of the Ryukyu Kobudo is the chairman of Ryukonkai, and performs stick fighting with a speed and ferocity atypical of an 80 year old man. His son, Mitsutada Iha, is the general director of the Ryukonkai Shudokan general headquarters. Shown at 2:11 in the video, we can see both super practical and practical techniques. In this video, you can see a little bit of the Ryukyu kobudo DVD "Great Heritage 3: The Pilgrim of Martial Arts." In the DVD, you can learn a type of stick fighting called "Sakugawa no Kon." Kobudo is general referred to as a type of budo arts are generally one of martial arts and ancient martial arts, but is a very practical form of budo. Normally, Ryukyu kobudo is fought with a weapon in hand, but if you can't do karate, you can't do kobudo, so it is sometimes practiced with bare hands. From 2:47 in the video, you can see ancient Ryukyuan martial arts techniques, such as "Nunchaku art," "Toma no Tonfa," "Ishikawa Shou kama," "Chikin akachu no Ake," and "Okinawan karate." This DVD is available at the Toei Video Online Shop. Summary of Kobudo Source :YouTube screenshot The video produced by "Kuro-obi world" shows the skills of an 80 year old Ryukyu Kobudo master. You can see the kobudo master, who has incredible mental, technical and physical abilities, carefully teaching the techniques of Ryukyu kobudo. Be sure to check it out of you still haven't yet! -
Video article 4:58
Observe Kuroiwa's Ground Gecko - A Protected Species of Lizard on the Verge of Extinction in the Mountains of Okinawa, Japan...
Living Things- 413 plays
- YouTube
More About Kuroiwa's Ground Gecko- A Protected Species in Japan The video featured this time is called "It looks like a lizard but it's not?!" It was created by "Toranosuke's Creature Movies" and it shows a close up look at the Kuroiwa gecko, a protected species. Kuroiwa's ground gecko, also known as the Okinawan ground gecko, is a member of the Eublepharinae family (トカゲモドキ科, tokagemodokika) of geckos. These geckos belong to the order Squamata, suborder Sauria, infraorder Gekkota, family Eublepharinae and genus Goniurosaurus (爬虫類有鱗目トカゲ亜目ヤモリ下目トカゲモドキ科トカゲモドキ属, hachuurui yuurinmoku tokageamoku yamorikamoku tokagemodokika), as do the common leopard geckos (レオパードゲッコー, reopaadogekko) who are often kept as pets. The Eublepharinae family of geckos is a group of primitive geckos endemic to the island of Tokunoshima (徳之島) in Kagoshima prefecture (鹿児島県, kagoshimaken). They differ from other geckos in that they have eyelids, allowing them to close their eyes. Due to their underdeveloped feet, they cannot climb walls as well as other geckos. As with other geckos, if they lose their tail it can grow back again. An adult gecko is roughly 15-18cm in length, weighs roughly 7-17g and spawns in the warmer months from May to August. They usually lay 2 eggs at a time, in one month intervals. In this video, you will have the rare opportunity to observe Kuroiwa's ground geckos in the wild. Did you know such a cute creature inhabited Japan? Please take the time to enjoy our video! Japan's Effort to Protect This Endangered Species Photo:Kuroiwa ground gecko Kuroiwa's ground geckos live deep in the mountains and can’t be seen in Naha (那覇) or other big cities in Okinawa. Due to deforestation and loss of habitat, the number of Kuroiwa ground geckos has decreased in recent years. Kuroiwa's ground geckos are carnivorous, feeding on mainly insects and ground worms. Due to their nocturnal nature, you can't spot them during the daylight hours. They are often referred to as Jihab or Ashihab by Okinawan people, and in the past they were wrongly believed to be poisonous. The Kuroiwa ground geckos found in southern Okinawa (in the area surrounding Naha Airport) have a straight line pattern down their back, whereas the geckos found in northern Okinawa (in the mountainous regions) have slightly different markings. You can see this distinct straight line pattern clearly at 0:58 and 4:34 in the video. There are also subspecies of the Kuroiwa ground gecko found in Okinawa, each with their own unique and interesting markings. Due to their collectability as pets, in the past they were poached and sold at a high price by foreigners. In Japan they are designated as a protected species and therefore hunting and breeding of them is prohibited by law. Preventing the Overhunting of Japan's Protected Species According to the Washington Convention's rules regarding business transactions of wild animals, the illegal hunting of protected species is prohibited in Japan. Due to the rules of this treaty, endangered species in Japan are required to be actively protected. Since being designated as a protected species in Japan, two subspecies of Kuroiwa ground geckos: Goniurosaurus kuroiwae sengokui (ケラマトカゲモドキ, keramatokagemodoki) and Goniurosaurus kuroiwae toyamai (イヘヤトカゲモドキ, iheyatokagemodoki), have been added to the critically endangered list of reptiles by the Japanese Ministry for the Environment. However, that isn't the only problem threatening Kuroiwa ground geckos. Non-native species such as mongooses, dogs, cats and the American bullfrog are common predators of Kuroiwa's ground gecko and are contributing to their dwindling numbers. Summary of the Kuroiwa Ground Gecko Source :YouTube screenshot The protected species, Kuroiwa ground gecko, which is often amicably nicknamed the 'living dinosaur,' is a lizard rarely spotted in the wild in Okinawa but can be seen clearly in this video. At 1:48 in the video, you can see their movements in detail as one gecko moves slowly across the forest floor. Please enjoy watching the rare footage of this living fossil! -
Video article 4:51
The Iriomote Cat - Spectacular Footage of the Okinawan Cat With a Population of Just 100! Its Incredible Ability to Adapt to Nature Keeps It Alive
Living Things- 676 plays
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The Nationally Protected "Iriomote Cat" This video, "Iriomote cat," was created by "okinawastoryMediaLib," and features special footage of the rare and endangered species- the Iriomote cat. In this article, we bring you facts and information on the ecology of the Iriomote cat, a subspecies of the Leopard cat. From 00:24 in the video, you can see the carnivorous Iriomote cat search for and successfully find food amongst the fallen leaves. The Iriomote cat looks different from a domestic cat in several ways: it has round ears with a cloudy white mark on its back (a feature found in many wild cats), a thick, bushy tail, its fur has a spotted pattern, and the area surrounding the eyes is white in color. Take a look at the unique features of the Iriomote cat in this video! More About the Iriomote Cat, a Species Endemic to the Iriomote Island of Okinawa Photo:Iriomote cat The Iriomote cat, native to Iriomote Island, is often referred to as Yamapikarya or Yamamaya by the locals. The call of an Iriomote cat sounds similar to that of a domestic cat, however they rarely cry. Unfortunately, the number of Iriomote cats is decreasing and there are thought to be only around 100 cats remaining on Iriomote Island. In 1965, when the Iriomote cat was first discovered on Iriomote Island, it was thought to be a new species. However, research has categorized the Iriomote cat as a member of the genus Prionailurus, family Felidae. Other than the domesticated cat, the Iriomote cat of Iriomote Island and the leopard cat (scientific name: Prionailurus bengalensis euptilurus) of Nagasaki prefecture's Tsushima Island are the only two known cat species to inhabit Japan. Iriomote cats are nocturnal animals who live in the mountain forest. Outside of breeding season they tend to live a solitary life. The average weight of an Iriomote cat is 3-4kg, with an average height 50-60cm, and an average life span of 7-8 years in the wild. They have a varied diet that consists of small mammals, birds, reptiles, frogs and insects. The breeding season is from February to April during which time they stick to their territory avoiding potential rivals (other members of the same sex). Unfortunately, the survival of the Iriomote cat is under threat from the continued development destroying their habitat, traffic accidents, and contagious diseases. There are no zoos or facilities that breed or raise Iriomote cats. However, the Iriomote Wildlife Conservation Center strives to protect the Iriomote cat and at the facility you can learn about the rare cat through various materials, documents, and even stuffed animals. You can also purchase cute Iriomote cat plush toys, T-shirts, and other Iriomote cat related goods at the Iriomote Island Tourist Center. Summary of the Iriomote Cat Source :YouTube screenshot Please take a look at the beautiful Iriomote cat in this video as it's incredibly rare to catch a glimpse of this endangered species in the wild. From 3:51 in the video, you can even see some rare footage of the Iriomote cat climbing a tree. We hope you enjoyed watching this precious footage of the Iriomote cat! 【Official Website】Iriomote Wildlife Conservation Center, Iriomote cat https://iwcc.jp/iriomotecat/cat/ -
Video article 10:00
Exploring and Scuba Diving on Tokashiki Island, Just 35 Minutes From the Main Island of Okinawa! Information To Make Your Trip To Tokashiki Island 110% Fun!
Action & Adventure- 51 plays
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An Ocean View of Tokashiki Island, AKA "Kerama Blue" in This 10-Minute Video This video, titled "Diving on Tokashiki Island|Recommended Day Trip Spots in Okinawa|4K Cinematic|Tokashiki Beach|Okinawa Tokashiki Diving Kerama Islands Snorkeling" (渡嘉敷島でダイビング 日帰り出来るオススメ沖縄旅行スポット ・4Kシネマティック ・トカシクビーチ okinawa tokashiki diving 慶良間諸島 シュノーケル), was produced by "TAKEMI Hair dresser." The sea in Tokashiki Island is called "Kerama Blue" and is a crystal clear blue. The crystal clear blue sea seen from the beach is shown at 0:56 in the video. This video of scuba diving on Tokashiki Island, shot before a typhoon, proves that the water is both clear and stunningly beautiful. A magnificent coral reef can be seen at 3:50 in the video. From 4:35 you can see sea snakes, and a variety of colorful fish, such as ocellaris clownfish can be seen at 7:18 in the video. Enjoy scuba diving in the beautiful sea of Tokashiki Island. Don't forget to take your camera so you can take some awesome pictures for Instagram! More About Tokashiki Island, Okinawa Photo:Tokashiki Island, Okinawa Tokashiki Island is an attractive island located roughly 40 kilometers west of Naha City (那覇市, Naha-Shi), Okinawa Prefecture. It takes only 35 minutes to get to via high-speed vessel and 75 minutes to get to via ferry from the city. The village of Tokashiki (渡嘉敷村, Tokashiki-Son), Shimajiri District (島尻郡, Shimajiri-Gun), consisting of ten islands within the Kerama Islands (慶良間諸島, Kerama-Shoto), is the largest of the islands, with a population of approximately 730 people. The waters of the Kerama Islands, known as the "Kerama Blue," are highly regarded both in Japan and abroad and are visited by 130,000 tourists and divers a year. In 2014, it was designated as Kerama Islands National Park. Tokashiki Island Has a Full Range of Marine Shops. Experience the "Kerama Blue" With a Personalized Plan! Photo:Diving, Okinawa One of the most popular leisure activities on Tokashiki Island is water sports. Tokashiki Island has a number of marine shops, and one of the best is called "SeaFriend." They offer a lot of options, like snorkeling for ages 6+, as well as advanced scuba diving to obtain a license. You can also enjoy banana boat rides during the summer. On top of that, SeaFriend also has accommodations for overnight stays. There are log-cabin type and guesthouse type buildings, and Wi-Fi services are available in both. The overnight stay and scuba diving plan is especially popular. Many guests come here alone to get their scuba diving certification. They're also happy to answer questions regarding diving points. Attractive Sights and Delicious Food on Tokashiki Island! Photo:Sea turtle We highly recommend exploring Tokashiki Island after scuba diving, as it's full of exciting tourist attractions. Tokashiki Port is known as the gateway to Tokashiki Island. Aharen Beach, a 10-minute bus ride from the port, is one of the most popular beaches on Tokashiki Island. The sunset viewed from the Aharen Observatory is a beautiful sight that will take your breath away. Hanari Island, near the beach, contributes to the spectacular view. Tokashiku Beach is also famous for its sea turtles. Since there is no bus service, we recommend a rental car. Mt. Akama, the highest point on Tokashiki Island, has the remains of a fire beacon used by the Ryukyu government as a means of communication during the Edo Period (1603-1868 A.D.). The summit has a great view of the surrounding islands, so we definitely recommend checking it out. And one more thing before I forget! The food on Tokashiki Island! "Kuinomiya Barakku" is a restaurant popular for its curry and Okinawan noodles. "Ryoshi-Shokudo Kanaloa" offers a specialty bowl of rice served with fresh fish and vegetables from Tokashiki Island. Both restaurants are perfect spots to relax after a long day of scuba diving. "Tuna Jerky" is a great souvenir to take back home. They say that sometimes the supply can't keep up with the demand because it's so popular! Summary of Tokashiki Island, Okinawa Photo:Tokashiki Island, Okinawa On Tokashiki Island, time flows slowly and it's a perfect spot for scuba diving. From 5:00 in the video, you can see the sunlight shining down mystically on the sea turtles, and just watching them is relaxing. So, are you ready to go scuba diving yet? Get your bags packed for an awesome adventure of scuba diving and exploration! 【Official Website】Tokashiki Island Official Website http://www.vill.tokashiki.okinawa.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Tokashiki Island https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121614-d1373631-Reviews-Tokashiki_jima_Island-Tokashiki_son_Shimajiri_gun_Okinawa_Prefecture.html -
Video article 3:33
Have an Unforgettable Experience at "Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel"! The Perfect Resort To Stay at for Your Tropical Trip in Okinawa!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 83 plays
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Introducing Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel! This is a video called “[Official] Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel/Image Movie (210 second version)" (【公式】沖縄残波岬ロイヤルホテル/イメージムービー(210秒Ver)), created by “Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel”. It shows you the attraction and provides you with information about “Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel,” which is surrounded by the beautiful seas and majestic nature of Okinawa. “Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel” is well recognized for its incredible hospitality, and is praised by many hotel review sites, comparison sites, and ranking sites. The video shows the various activities you can enjoy in the beautiful sea. It also shows the hotel pool, the hotel rooms, the hotel’s gorgeous view of the sea, and the beach. This video is guaranteed to make you want to stay at “Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel”! Okinawa is one of the most famous tourist sites in Japan. Please enjoy “Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel”, where you can experience the wonders of Okinawa, through this video! What is Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel? Source :YouTube screenshot Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel is a tourist resort hotel that stands on Zanpa cape (残波岬,Zanpamisaki), one of the most beautiful landscapes in Japan, which is located in Yomitan Village (読谷村,Yomitanson), Okinawa Prefecture. It’s easy to access, with a limousine bus straight from Naha Airport! And of course, there is a parking lot if you want to come by car! You can enjoy your day at the hotel with everything from marine activities and field sports, to chilling in the outdoor pool surrounded by banyan trees. You can observe the marine activities at 1:16 in the video. Also, every summer there is an event called “Tingara Garden,” where fireworks (a Japanese summer tradition) are shot up into the sky every 2 days to brighten up your night. You can observe the fireworks at 2:30 in the video. Guest Rooms at Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel Source :YouTube screenshot Almost all hotel rooms, with the exception of some western-style/Japanese-style rooms on the fourth floor, have a breathtaking view of Okinawa’s beautiful ocean and beaches. Also, the Japanese-style rooms use local Ryukyu tatami. The combination of Okinawa’s culture and modern design create a calming space. It’s only in Japan that you can spend the night at such a beautiful Japanese-style room! We have rooms suited for every plan and budget: “Relaxation Suite,” “Ryukyu Suite Room,” “Superior Room,” “Aroma Fragrance Room,” “High-floor Room (the former Relaxation Suite),” “High-floor Room (former 4-person Relaxation Suite),” “Western-Style Standard Room.” “Japanese-style Room.” “Ryukyu-Japanese-style Room for Two,” “Ryuku Japanese-Style Room for Two (with ocean view),” “Ryuku Japanese-Style Room for Two (Family Type).” You can observe the rooms at 0:50 in the video. All rooms come fully equipped with amenities, so there’s no need to bring your own! Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel has a wide variety of restaurants and bars. The restaurants at Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel serve a variety of dishes such as Japanese food, traditional Ryukyuan dishes, Chinese food, and barbecue. You can enjoy a meal at “‘Beautiful Island’ Original Breakfast,” “Sky Restaurant Le Phare,” “Japanese Dishes/Ryukyuan Dishes Hanaui,” the “Chinese Food Restaurant Ryusui,” “Barbecue Restaurant Royal Palm,” “All-you-can-eat Buffet Restaurant Corone,” and “Sky Bar Pegasus”! We especially recommend “‘Beautiful Island’ Original Breakfast.” It has Ryukyuan dishes, Japanese dishes, and Western dishes. The Ryukyuan dishes are especially delicious, with their local ingredients and recipes. There is also freshly-baked bread original dishes with a taste you can only enjoy at Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel! Please look forward to the delicious dishes of this tourist resort hotel! The Facilities of Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel Source :YouTube screenshot Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel has a large public bath with an outdoor hot spring, which is rare in Okinawa. After playing in the sea, finish off your day by relaxing in the outdoor hot spring or sauna! It is also possible to enjoy this large public bath without spending a night at the hotel. You can enjoy many other facilities such as “Beach House ZANPA SPORTS PARK,” “Information Desk for Leisure Activities,” “Karaoke,” “Body Care,” and the “Souvenir Shop”. Sightseeing Around Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel Photo:Zanpamisaki Lighthouse There are nearby tourist spots such as “Zanpa Beach (ざんぱビーチ, Zanpabichi), Zanpamisaki Lighthouse (残波岬灯台,Zanpamisakitoudai), Zanpamisaki Park (残波岬公園, Zanpamisakikouen), Zakimi Castle Ruins (座喜味城跡,Zankimijouseki), Yachimun Village (やちむんの里, Yachimunnosato), Cultural Theme Park Murasakimura (体験王国むら咲むら, Taikenoukokumurasakimura), Yomitan Toya Fishing Port (読谷都屋漁港, Yomitantoyagyokou), the Blue Cave (青の洞窟, Aonodoukutsu), Yunta Market (ゆんた市場, Yuntaichiba), Roadside Station Kadena (道の駅嘉手納,Michinoeki Kadena), and Hanaui Soba (花織そば, Hanauisoba). Please enjoy these wonderful tourist spots when you stay at Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel! If you go a little further from the hotel, there is also famous tourist spots such as Churaumi Aquarium (美ら海水族館, Churaumisuizokukan). Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel Summary This time, we introduced Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel. In addition to the services mentioned above, it can also be used for parties, meetings, or as a wedding venue, so we highly recommend this hotel to those who want to hold an event or a wedding! You can observe the chapel at 1:28 in the video. Please check the hotel fee and hotel reservations on the official website. Be sure to the video and experience this tropical resort! ◆Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel Information◆ 【Address】〒904-0394 1575 Uza, Yomitan, Nakagami-gun, Okinawa 【Access】From Naha airport, about 90 minutes by limousine bus and about 70 minutes by car/taxi 【Parking】There is a toll parking lot. 【Phone Number】098-958-5000 【Official website】Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel|Resort Hotel in Yomitan, Okinawa https://www.daiwaresort.jp/global/okinawa/ 【Tripadvisor】Okinawa Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1120814-d505812-Reviews-Royal_Hotel_Okinawa_Zanpamisaki-Yomitan_son_Nakagami_gun_Okinawa_Prefecture.html -
Video article 2:12
Prepare to Get Muddy! Miyakojima, Okinawa's "Paantu" Is a Bizarre Festival That Will Have You and Your Underwear Covered in Mud as You Try to Outrun the Gods!
Festivals & Events- 415 plays
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Miyakojima's Paantu! This video is titled "Miyakojima Shimajiri Paantu 2018 Unesco World Cultural Heritage." (宮古島・島尻パーントゥ2018 UNESCO World cultural heritage). It introduces the traditional festival in Miyakojima, Okinawa, "Paantu." During the festival, supernatural gods called Paantu wear masks and chase out evils to bring luck to the villagers. The traditional event is held in two locations in Miyakojima: the Hirano Shimajiri region and the Ueno Nohara region. Each location has its differences. In 1982, both events were selected as Intangible folk cultural properties, and in 1993, they were designated Important Intangible Folk Cultural Assets. "Raihojin," (ritual visits of deities in masks and costumes) was added to UNESCO’s intangible folk cultural asset list in 2018. Paantu and Satupunaha Source :YouTube screenshot According to the local history records, the origin of the word "Paantu" is a combination of two words "Paan"(to eat) and "Pitu" (people). It has the meaning of a ghost or a demon. "Satupunaha" (wishes for home) of Shimajiri, Miyakojima takes place three times a year. Paantu is an event that takes place at the third event and it is called Paantu Satupunaha or Paantu Punaha. It was originally held on the "lucky day" (an unspecified day of the month) of the ninth month of the lunar calendar, but now it is held in October. Paantu’s appearance is similar to Namahage, another spiritual creature in Japan. Local young adult men are chosen to become Paantu and there are three roles available (Uya, Naka and Fufa). Check out the video at 0:06 to see what the Paantu look like. The three chosen men wear ivy grass called "Shionokikazura" and apply mud from the bottom of a well called "Nmarigah," which The Nmarigah is located in the vicinity of Miyajima Elementary School, and the mud is smeared on people and houses in the pantu. Children cry and scream and the smell of the mud is so bad that it cannot be removed for several days. You can see the children screaming and crying at 0:14, and teenagers running away at 1:21. Paantu even smear mud on the police car at 1:27. Playing Tag With the Gods Source :YouTube screenshot Local people explain that this event is like playing tag with the gods. The event is loved by the local people, and it's considered lucky to get muddy, as the mud will keep bad spirits away thank to its horrible smell. At first glance, it looks scary, as you see the whole village running away, but when you see the smiling faces of the villagers after being covered with mud, you'll understand the beauty of the festival. In recent years, the festival has been in danger of being cancelled due to complaints of being dirtied and problems with the festival causing trouble. Paantu would smear mud on everyone, including tourists, elderly people, police, and little children. However, the event is very important for the local people as it helps to drive out demons and cleanse the island of bad luck. Therefore, this event still continues and only people who can accept this event should participate this event. Source :YouTube screenshot Please be aware that if you are visiting Shimajiri, Miyakojima during the festival, you WILL get muddy. If you would like to know more about this event, you can also visit the Miyakojima City Museum. At this facility, you can learn about the history of Paantu and Miyakojima. You can also wear Paantu masks and take pictures. The mask is said to have washed ashore on the coast of Miyakojima Island more than a hundred years ago, wrapped in kuba leaves. Summary of Paantu Source :YouTube screenshot Are you looking forward to Paantu? The unique culture of Miyakojima, a remote island, brings many visitors to the island every year. Special goods and T-shirts are also sold, and they help stimulate the local economy, so if you're looking for souvenirs to commemorate your trip, don't miss out on them! Bisit Shimajiri, Miyakojima and have a fun-filled experience in the mud! 【Tripadvisor】City of Miyakojima https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g680765-Miyakojima_Okinawa_Prefecture-Vacations.html -
Video article 30:00
Spend an Extraordinary Time on Zamami Island in Okinawa! The View of the Kerama Blue From the White Sandy Beaches Is Paradisiacal...
Travel- 42 plays
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座間味島のきれいなビーチを観光しよう! こちらの動画は「Drone et Sac à dos」が公開した「Amazing Japan 4K - Zamami island - Dji Mavic pro」です。 「日本の綺麗なビーチで遊びたいな」 「日本の美しい自然の中で思いっきり気分転換したい」 このように日本で美しいビーチや自然を楽しめる観光地を探しているなら、沖縄の慶良間諸島にある座間味島がおすすめ。 座間味島はケラマブルーと呼ばれる青い海が特徴の離島で、大自然を楽しむことができます。 こちらの記事では、座間味島の魅力や観光するときのおすすめのスポットなどを説明します。 最後に座間味島をドローンで撮った動画も紹介しているので、ぜひご覧ください! おすすめの観光地である座間味島や周辺の島について 座間味島は沖縄本島から高速船やフェリーで50分ほどで訪れることのできる観光地です。 島のビーチから、ケラマブルーと言われる座間味島の海を眺められるので、綺麗な海を楽しみたい人にはおすすめ。 また、慶良間諸島は沖縄本島の西にある島々ですが、座間味島以外にも阿嘉島や渡嘉敷島など絶景を楽しめるスポットがあります。 これらの離島でも透明度の高い海が特徴で、ダイビングやシュノーケルを楽しむためにたくさんの観光客が訪れます。 沖縄を観光するときにおすすめの座間味島の魅力とは 沖縄の座間味島の魅力は、なんといっても美しい自然でしょう。 白い砂浜のビーチから眺めるケラマブルーはとても綺麗で、楽園にいるような錯覚を与えてくれます。 天気のいい日にビーチで思いっきり遊びましょう! また、座間味村には展望台がたくさんあり、海や島を眺めることができます。 レンタカーやレンタルバイクを借りて展望台巡りをするのがおすすめ。 座間味島を観光するときに人気のスポット 沖縄の座間味島を観光するときにイチオシのスポットは、まず古座間味ビーチがあげられます。 古座間味ビーチは座間味島でもっとも人気のビーチで、とても透明な海が特徴です。 サンゴ礁や熱帯魚が見られる貴重な場所。 続いておすすめの観光スポットは、阿真ビーチです。 阿真ビーチはウミガメが見られる場所として有名です。とても静かなビーチなので、ゆっくり癒やされたい人におすすめ。 沖縄の座間味島の魅力紹介まとめ こちらの動画は沖縄の座間味島をドローンで撮影した4K動画で、座間味島の美しいビーチや海がきれいな映像で見ることができます。 ドローンで撮影した上空から見たケラマブルーは圧倒的な美しさで、きっと座間味島に訪れたいと思うはず。 -
Video article 10:18
A Diving Video on Minna Island! Explore the Croissant Shaped Island Surrounded by Coral Reefs and Blue Waters
Action & Adventure Travel Nature- 26 plays
- YouTube
Diving on Minna Island: Video Introduction This video, titled "Diving School Kaitei Shounen|Okinawa|Minna Island Tour" (ダイビングスクール海底少年 沖縄 水納島ツアー), was uploaded by "Diving & Snowboarding KAITEISHOUNEN" (ダイビング&スノーボードKAITEISHOUNEN). It introduces diving at Minna Island, a remote island in the northern part of Okinawa's main island. Be sure to check out the underwater footage of the beautiful, clear waters of Minna Island before reading on. About Minna Island Photo:Minna Island, Okinawa Minna Island is located in the northern part of Okinawa's main island. To get there, you'll have to take the high-speed boat "New Wing Minna" from Toguchi Port, which takes about 15 minutes. The island was uninhabited in the past, but is now a small island with a population of about 50 people. Minna Island is also called "Croissant Island" because it's shaped like a croissant when viewed from above. Surrounded by crystal clear waters and coral reefs, the island attracts as many as 60,000 tourists a year. Minna Island is one of the most popular tourist destinations on the main island of Okinawa, where visitors can enjoy scuba diving, as well as snorkeling, banana boating, and other activities. Diving Spots on Minna Island Photo:The waters of Okinawa One of the most attractive features of Minna Island is its crystal-clear waters! There are days when the water level exceeds 40 meters. Scuba diving is the best way to enjoy the beautiful underwater world of Minna Island. There are many diving spots on Minna Island as well. The most famous diving spots are: Todaishita, Yellow Fish Rock, Wasawasa, Popeye, Olive, Cable, Yosuji no Ne, and Portside. The dive sites offer many beautiful coral formations and colorful tropical fish that can only be seen there, as well as schools of lionfish and snappers. Snorkeling Spots on Minna Island Additionally, scuba diving on Minna Island is very popular among snorkelers, as large, colorful fish can be seen everywhere without having to go to these dive sites. Here are some recommended snorkeling spots. ・Minna Beach ・Kamomeiwa Beach ・Todaishita Beach ・Konan Beach ・Nishi no Hama Beach Tons of Fun on Minna Island Beach Photo:Minna Island Beach Scuba diving is just one of the many ways to enjoy Minna Island. At Minna Beach, you can enjoy swimming, marine sports, and a variety of other activities! Activities include snorkeling in the Blue Cave, banana boating, water skiing, parasailing, and more. One-day tours that include these activities are very popular. If you sign up for a tour, you can enjoy the activities without having to bring any of your own equipment. There are also guesthouses and other lodging facilities on Minna Island. After the day-trippers have gone home, you can enjoy the quiet atmosphere of the remote island. Do You Need a Certification/License to Dive at Minna Island Photo:Minna Island, Okinawa Many divers enjoy scuba diving in the beautiful waters of Minna Island. Diving that tourists can also enjoy is called experience diving. In general, a certification (license) is required to scuba dive. However, for diving tours held at tourist spots, such as experience diving, you'll be taught basic diving techniques, how to breathe, and pressure equalization by an instructor in advance. An instructor will also be with you during the dive, so you can dive even without a license. Other types of scuba diving include commercial diving for underwater civil engineering and undersea bottom surveys (for occupational diving, air-powered diving is the most common method) and technical diving, which is enjoyed as an "extreme sport" by experienced and certified divers. Free diving, which does not use any equipment like scuba diving, is also well known as an "extreme sport," similar to technical diving. If you want to explore the beautiful waters of Minna Island and other islands to the fullest, consider getting a diving license. Once you have a license, you can enjoy diving freely within the limits of safety with a buddy, and without the need for an instructor. Summary of Minna Island Minna Island is a beautiful island surrounded by beautiful blue waters and coral reefs, and is one of the best diving spots on mainland Okinawa. Furthermore, it's a sightseeing spot where you can enjoy not only scuba diving, but a variety of other marine sports as well. Regardless of your age or gender, you can experience an unforgettable trip of a lifetime on this beautiful island in Okinawa. The breathtaking nature of Minna Island awaits you! 【TripAdvisor】Minna Island https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1120808-d1373574-Reviews-Minnajima_Island-Motobu_cho_Kunigami_gun_Okinawa_Prefecture.html -
Video article 1:56
The Toughest Race in the World - The Triathlon! 1,700 Strongmen Take on the Ironman Race Covering a Total Distance of Over 200 Kilometers in Miyakojima!
Sports- 73 plays
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The All Japan Triathlon Miyakojima! This is a video of the 35th All Japan Triathlon Miyakojima, released by Ryukyu Shimpo. 1,700 athletes participated in the rigorous competition in Miyakojima, Okinawa, on April 14th, 2019; Some aiming for glory, and others aiming to just finish. Starting at Yonaha Maehama Beach, athletes rushed through the 3 events, swimming, biking, and running through the 202.195 km course, to the goal at Miyakojima City Track and Field. With voices of cheering spectators on the roadside giving them strength. The Miyakojima Triathlon Photo:Traithlon A triathlon is a sport that involves swimming, cycling, and running. The international distance (used at the Olympics) is 51.5 km long. However, the Miyakojima triathlon is not a normal triathlon. It is classified as an Ironman Triathlon, and covers a total distance of 202.195 kilometres- 3 km swimming, 157 km cycling, and 42.195 kms running. The origin of its name is the combination of the suffix tri, meaning 3 in Greek, and athlon which means "an event." The history of triathlons is relatively short, with the world’s first triathlon held in San Diego, California in 1974. After that, events, such as the World Championship series and World Cup, started to be held in various places. Triathlons Are a Brutal Sport! Photo:Triathlon There are other kinds of triathlon, for example the standard distance mentioned earlier, as well as the Sprint-Distance (27.75km), and the Ultra-Triathlon (226km). The Triathlon, which consists of 3 events- swimming, cycling, and running, is a brutal race, and the name "Ironman" fits it quite well. Because of this, the All Japan Triathlon Miyakojima is also called "STRONGMAN." The All Japan Triathlon Miyakojima Photo:Traithlon・Ikema Bridge The All Japan Triathlon Miyakojima is an event held in Miyakojima, a popular resort location in Okinawa. As seen at 0:08 in the video, the race starts from Shimoji Miyakojima City Yonaha Maehama Beach, known as a diving spot, and the course goes around Miyakojima’s sightseeing spots, finally finishing at Miyakojima City Track and Field, as seen from 1:10 in the video. Summary of the All Japan Triathlon Miyakojima When traveling to Ishigakijima or Miyakojima, be sure to stop by the All Japan Triathlon Miyakojima course! If you are interested in sports, you can train for the All Japan Triathlon Miyakojima, and get wetsuits and marathon clothing in preparation! 【Official Website】All Japan Triathlon Miyakojima https://tri-miyako.com/en/ -
Video article 2:43
The Precious Okinawa Rail – A Look at the Awkwardly Adorable Flightless Bird of Kunigami, Okinawa, Registered as a Protected Species!
Living Things- 332 plays
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Introducing the Okinawa Rail - A Protected Species in Japan This video, titled “Wild Okinawa rail (Kunigami, Okinawa prefecture) May 11th-12th, 2019(野生の ヤンバルクイナ (沖縄県国頭村) 2019年5月11-12日) introduces the Okinawa rail, a protected species on the Red List of the Ministry of the Environment. The Okinawa rail is also a critically endangered species and a Specified National Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. They are flightless birds and live only in Okinawa. This video was taken in 2019 on the street in Kunigami, Okinawa prefecture. As indicated by the name “Yabaru” which is a dialect of Okinawa prefecture, this bird is an endemic species found only in northern Okinawa prefecture, Kunigami, Ogimison, and Higashison. It's a very rare bird, not only in Japan but also around the world. The forest area located in the northern part of Okinawa is called the Yanbaru Forest. Kunigami Village, where wild Okinawa rail (Yanbaru Kuina) appear frequently, is called the Forest of Kuina. There is an Okinawa Rail Ecology Center, and the Yanbaru Kuina observatory is located there. The Ecology of the Okinawa Rail Photo:Okinawa rail The wild Okinawa rail is characterized by the following morphology and characteristics: ・Birds, Order Gruiformes, Family Rallidae, scientific name: Gallirallus okinawae ・Size: approx. 35 cm in length with a weight of 230 gramst ・Wild distribution:The woodlands near Mt. Yonahatake ・Eating habits:Omnivorous ・Nesting:They build nests on the grounds of the forest, and lay about 4 eggs in breeding season. ・They have vestigial wings and are unable to fly, but parent birds have bright red bills and beautifully striped feathers. Chicks have a protective coloring of deep black feathers. ・Their calls are distinctive, and very loud. The Origins of the Name "Yanbaru Kuina," and the History the Okinawa Rail Photo:Okinawa rail The first discovery of the wild Okinawa rail by experts was in 1981, which is actually quite recent. There are various kinds of Rallidae (rails) around the world, but it gained a lot of attention as the first rail species to be discovered in the wild. In Okinawa Prefecture, they were called by different names such as Agachi, Agacha, and Yamadui, depending on the region, and it turned out that they are a species indigenous to the region with a long history. Therefore, they were named Yanbaru Kuina from Yamadui, which means bird of the mountains, using the Kanji "山原"as a phonetic equivalent (pronounced Yanbaru in Okinawa dialect). Other than Yanbaru Kuina, Yanbaru Fumiru and Okinawa Kuina were other possible names. Summary of Very Rare Okinawa Rail Photo:An Okinawa rail crossing sign The Okinawa rail is an endangered species of wild bird that can only be seen in Yanbaru Forest on the main island of Okinawa. Even in Okinawa Prefecture, you cannot see them on remote islands such as Miyako Island. They are a very rare endemic species. The reasons for the decline in the Okinawa rail's population are due to deaths from car accidents and attacks by alien predators such as mongooses, Yellow fever mosquitoes, and stray cats. At 0:10 in the video, an Okinawa rail is seen crossing the road at a brisk pace, raising concerns about traffic accidents. Japan is still an island country with 70% of its land surrounded by forests, and there are many rare wild indigenous species that are only found in Japan, so it is said to be very important for the protection of indigenous species that we do not pollute the natural environment through overexploitation, nor bring dangerous alien species into the country without care. Currently, the Ministry of the Environment is taking the lead in protecting the Okinawa rail, breeding mates, increasing their numbers, and returning them to the wild. However, it is important not only to protect them strictly, but also to make people widely aware of Okinawa rails. In this way there are goods such as stuffed animals sold at roadside stations and airport shops in Okinawa. These awareness raising activities are also part of the important protection policies. -
Video article 5:28
Kijoka Bashofu - Cloth Made From the Japanese Banana Plant. Learn About the Fascinating Traditional Okinawan Craft With Hundreds of Years of History
Traditional Crafts- 92 plays
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Bashofu - A Traditional Craft of Okinawa This video, titled "手技TEWAZA「喜如嘉の芭蕉布」Kijoka Banana fiber Cloth/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square," was released by Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama. Bashofu is a cloth woven from the fiber of the Japanese banana plant. Most of Bashofu is made in Okinawa Prefecture and the Amami Islands, and in particular, the Kijoka area of Ogimi Village in Okinawa Prefecture is a major production area referred to as "Bashofu no Sato" (lit. "The Village of Bashofu"). The History of Okinawa's Bashofu The origin of Bashofu is not 100% clear, but it is known that it was already being made with advanced technology in Ryukyu by the 16th century. The royalty and warriors of the Ryukyu Kingdom used to wear lavish costumes. Their wives were said to have worn beautiful Bashofu garments. Throughout its long history, Bashofu has continued to be made in Okinawa as we know it today. The handmade bashofu of Kijoka is especially beautiful and the detail of the artisans is absolutely astonishing. Purchasing Traditional Handmade Bashofu It takes a long time to produce traditional Bashofu, so only about 119,000 sq. meters of it are produced each year. However, in order to spread the beautiful texture of Bashofu, efforts are being made to pass on techniques and train successors. Kijoka's Bashofu, known as Okinawa's traditional fabric, is sold as a variety of traditional handicrafts on the island. In addition to traditional kimonos and obis, modern shirts, bags, key chains, tapestries, and other accessories are also available. In addition to buying a kimono, you can also make your own custom-made item using scraps of kimono fabric. Summary of Kijoka-Bashofu As you can see in the video, Okinawa's Kijoka-Bashofu is a beautiful and delicate traditional craft. At the Bashofu Museum in Ogimi Village, you can learn more about the traditional skills and techniques of the artisans who weave Bashofu. When you visit Kijoka, be sure to visit the Bashofu Museum to learn more about one of Okinawa's industries, the traditional Japanese craft of Bashofu! -
Video article 7:18
The Amazing "Zamami Blue"! Scuba Diving at the Kerama Islands!
Action & Adventure- 16 plays
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This video, titled "Diving School Underwater Boy|Okinawa (Japan)|Minna Island Tour" (ダイビングスクール海底少年 沖縄 水納島ツアー), was released by "Diving Lab" (ダイビングラボ). The Kerama Islands in Okinawa are a great place to go scuba diving. The waters are one of the bluest in the world and so clear that they've been dubbed "Kerama Blue." The Kerama Islands consist of more than 20 islands of various sizes, mainly Aka Island, Zamami Island, Tokashiki Island, and Geruma Island. It's easy to get to these islands, which are about an hour's boat ride from Naha City, and are popular for marine recreation. The video shows six dive sites on Aka and Zamami Islands. Enjoy the crystal clear "Kerama Blue" waters! -
Video article 2:46
Higashi: A Popular Tourist Destination Where You Can Enjoy the Atmosphere of Okinawa, the Largest Producer of Pineapples in Japan! Check Out the Rare Creatures and Spectacular Views That Can Only Be Found in Higashi Village on This Popular Expedition!
Local PR Travel- 39 plays
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Introducing Higashi Village, Okinawa; The Westernmost Spot in Japan. The video “HIGASHI SON” created by "東村 higashi vill," is a video introducing the appeal of Higashi village; The westernmost island in Japan. Higashi is a beautiful village with a stunning view located in Kunigami county of northern Okinawa. It is a small village with a population under 2,000 people including 100 immigrants from different prefectures. It is about 100 km from Naha Airport via the Kyoda Interchange, making it easily accessible, and there are hotels, inns, and guest houses in the area, so it's very convenient for travelers. Features and Local Specialties of Higashi Village, Okinawa Source :YouTube screenshot Due to its tropical weather, Higashi Village is the No. 1 producer of pineapples in Japan, and has produced 15,000 tons of pineapples in the past 10 years alone. They even have an official character named “Pine-man 1.” The Mineral water in Higashi Village is another local specialty that we recommend trying. It's incredibly refreshing. The Fukuji Dam in Higashi Village, a popular spot for kayaking and canoeing, has a total water storage capacity of 55,000,000m³, so you have plenty of space to enjoy experiencing nature. There is even a nature observation boat for taking in all of the beautiful scenery. Besides the dam, there are other activities you can try while visiting Higashi Village, such as hiking, marine activities, and scenic observation spots. The Natural Landscape of Higashi Village, Okinawa Photo:A looking-glass mangrove At 1:16, the video introduces viewers to the natural scenic landscape of Higashi Village, such as the mangrove forest. In Higashi Village, there are exotic birds such as the Okinawa woodpecker, the Eurasian Whimbrel, the Bustastur Indicus and more. There are also creatures native to Okinawa, like the Okinawan tree lizard, the Ryukyu black-breasted leaf turtle, and the Okinawan tree frog. The exotic trees you see in the video at 1:34 are called "looking-glass mangroves." They are considered natural treasures of Higashi Village. The Higashi Village Mountain and Water Life Museum gives visitors a chance to learn about the nature of Yanbaru and the history of Higashi Village. Enjoy a Tour of Higashi Village, Okinawa! There are many attractive spots, such as the Okinawa Yanbaru Seawater Pumped Storage Power Station. Sunrise Higashi is a local store where you can buy local specialties and try some local Okinawan cuisine. You can also try the secret tour of Yanbaru forest, a site proposed as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site. At 2:04 in the video we see Tsutsuji Eco Park, a nature park with facilities such as the Azalea field, a lodge, campgrounds, and mini golf. There are more events in Higashi Village, Okinawa as well! Every March they hold an Azalea festival (2:08 in the video), and in August you can participate in the “Higashi Village Festival” where you can see over 1,500 fireworks. Summary of Higashi Village, Okinawa Photo:Kayaking through mangroves Higashimura in Okinawa Prefecture has a lot to offer in terms of natural beauty and local attractions. Enjoy your trip to Okinawa with a variety of events and tours, as well as trekking, marine sports, and spectacular views. Don't forget to take some pics for your Instagram! 【Tripadvisor】Higashimura https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1025648-Higashi_son_Kunigami_gun_Okinawa_Prefecture-Vacations.html -
Video article 2:56
Enjoy the Okinawan Food of Itoman City, Okinawa! Introducing All the Okinawan Dishes You Could Ever Want to Try! This Video, Which Showcases a Number of Delicious-Looking Okinawan Dishes, Is Not to Be Viewed on an Empty Stomach!
Local PR Food & Drink- 50 plays
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About the Popular Location “Itoman City,” in Okinawa Prefecture “Itoman City Tourism Promotion Video_Meals (Japanese Version)” (糸満市観光PRムービー_食事編(日本語版)) produced by “itomancityhall” is a video introducing popular cuisine that can be enjoyed in Itoman City (糸満市, Itoman-Shi), Okinawa Prefecture (沖縄県, Okinawa-Ken). There's tons of delicious food introduced in this video, such as classic Okinawan cuisine, and deserts that are ranked highly on Japanese review sights. We recommend taking notes! Enjoy delicious food near the ocean of Okinawa! In this video, two women visit sightseeing spots in Itoman City, Okinawa, and introduce exquisite gourmet dishes. Which one has your mouth watering? Classic Cuisine of the Popular Japanese Tourist Destination “Itoman City, Okinawa” Photo:Okinawa Soba Noodles Itoman City in Okinawa Prefecture, has a lot to offer when it comes to gourmet food. Since the cultures and recipes of China, Southeast Asia, and the Unites States have had influence on Okinawan cuisine, it is quite different from what you can find in other parts of Japan. There are many restaurants and eateries in Itoman City that serve delicious Okinawan food. Let's take a look and see what they've got! If we're talking Okinawan dishes, there's “Goya Chanpuru,” a type of bitter melon and fried meat, “Okinawan Soba,” and “Soki Soba Noodles” characterized by its refreshing soup, are some of the famous dishes of the area. In the video, you can see the delicious “Okinawa Soba Teishoku (Set Meal)” and “Honejiru (Bone Soup),” at 0:06 in the video. Here are some recommended locations with traditional Okinawan cuisine: “Rafuthy”- a typical Okinawan meat dish, “Ishigaki Beef”- excellent to eat as a steak, “Taco Rice” with tomato-based salsa over rice, “Pork Egg,” “Ninjin Shirishiri” (Grated carrot stir-fried), “Irabu-jiru (Soup), and “Tofuyo” (Okinawa-style fermented Tofu)- a classic menu item of Okinawan dinner. As introduced from 2:22 in the video, if you enjoy these typical Okinawan dishes with Okinawa's Awamori at night, you're sure to be satisfied with your trip. Enjoy sightseeing and Japanese food in Itoman City! Popular Ingredients and Deserts in “Itoman City, Okinawa” Source :YouTube screenshot There are some slightly different ingredients and cooking methods, as well as some delicious desserts. The Farmer's Market “Itoman Umanchu market,” in Nishizaki town (西崎町, Nishizaki-Cho) in Itoman City, is a place where you can purchase fresh Okinawan ingredients like “Shima Rakkyo” (a type of leek), and “Umi Budo” (sea grapes) at affordable prices. This is introduced in the video from 0:28. In addition to Okinawan ingredients, fresh vegetables are also sold. The fish market “Osakana Center” near Umanchu Market, which is introduced at 0:48 in the video, sells fresh seafood. It is a luxurious place where you can enjoy fish dishes while eating and walking around in style. This is a must-see spot for those who love to eat. Additionally, in Itoman city, desert menus such as “Red Beni Tarts,” “Sata Andagi (Okinawan Donuts),” shaved Ice, “Shirokuma,” and Mango are also popular. After lunch, why not try these deserts to top off a delicious meal. Eat plenty of delicious food in Itoman city, with its amazing Okinawan cuisine! Summary of the Popular Japanese Tourist Destination “Itoman City, Okinawa Prefecture” Photo:Bibi Beach Itoman “Itoman City Tourism Promotional Video_Meals (Japanese Version)” produced by “itomancityhall” is a video introducing gourmet food that can be enjoyed at the popular Japanese tourist destination “Itoman City, Okinawa Prefecture” Good meals are an important thing to consider when traveling. You can dine at hotel restaurants or local ramen shops, but don’t you think that you'll be able to enjoy your trip even more by trying some of the local cuisine? Come visit Itoman City, Okinawa, and visit its many tourist attractions, including “Okinawa Peace Memorial Park,” “Himeyuri Peace Memorial Museum,” “Himeyuri Tower,” and “Bibi Beach Itoman.” 【Trip Advisor】Itoman City https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1023466-Itoman_Okinawa_Prefecture-Vacations.html -
Video article 14:43
Kokusai Dori - Enjoy Shopping at One of the Most Popular Tourist Spots in Okinawa! Check Out All the Awesome Things to Do There!
Shopping- 19 plays
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Kokusai Dori in Naha, Okinawa This video is titled "[HD] Explore Kokusai dori from 'Kencho-mae Station.' Okinawa Monorail/Okinawa Holidays/Okinawa Sightseeing/Walk Naha/Okinawa Trip/DJI Osmo" (【高画質】「県庁前駅」から国際通りを歩く・沖繩單軌電車・沖繩假期・沖縄観光・那覇歩き・沖繩旅遊之・DJI Osmo). This video explores some of the popular shopping spots at Kokusai dori in Naha, Okinawa. Kokusai dori is a must-see spot in Naha, Okinawa as it is one of the most popular tourist spots in Japan. Let's explore the street from Kencho-mae Station to see how lively it gets. What Is Naha's Kokusai Dori? Photo:Kokusai dori Kokusai dori is located on route 39 in Naha, Okinawa, where Anri and Kumoji connect. In 1953, due to the construction on Makishi road, many stores gathered and it became a shopping street. You can check out the video at 2:46 to see the entrance to Kokusai dori. As you can see in the video, it is a popular tourist spot with many different stores including restaurants, hotels, and gift shops. It's also easily accessed from Naha airport, as it's only about 5 km away. Enjoy Delicious Meals at Kokusai Dori in Naha, Okinawa Photo:Okinawa soba If you go to Kokusai dori, you've got to try the different foods while shopping in Naha. Besides the popular Okinawan food, there's also steak, hamburgers, sweets, and more. Take pictures of that delicious food and post 'em on Instagram too! There are also some places to enjoy some drinks if you're looking to try some Okinawan sake! Fresh seafood and vegetables are available at Makishi Public Market, a market connected to Kokusai dori. There are also many places to buy souvenirs as there is an abundance of tourists and students on field trips in Naha, Okinawa, looking to explore Kokusai dori. Be sure to check out the video at 3:53 to see what kind of stores you can enjoy shopping at. Kokusai Dori's Transit Mall! Photo:Eisa Every Sunday, a transit mall is opened up and the area is transformed into a pedestrian paradise where no cars can drive through. This pedestrian-only street stretches about 1,300 meters and all vehicles are prohibited from entering. There are several different events that take place and venues that open up at the transit mall, including cafes, and some performances done by professional performers. In August, a popular event called "The 10,000 Eisa Dancers Parade" is held on the main street. Event Information Around Kokusai Dori in Naha, Okinawa Besides Eisa Festival in August, there's also the Okinawa International Movie Festival held in April, the Naha Great Tug-of-War Festival and Ryukyu Dynasty Parade in October, the Tsuboya Yachimun Street Festival in November, and Palette Kumoji and the Kumoji Illumination are held in Winter. These events are sure to create lifelong memories. Summary of Kokusai Dori in Naha, Okinawa Photo:Kokusai dori, Okinawa There are so many popular things to enjoy on Kokusai dori, including shopping, delicious food, and more. We highly recommend a visit to Kokusai dori when an event is taking place. It's more convenient if you can rent a car to travel in Okinawa because there are so many places to see, such as beaches and other popular tourist spots. Be sure to look up parking information for each area if you decide to rent a car. Also, don't forget to keep an eye out for some special Okinawan gifts on Kokusai dori, such as T-shirts, Shisa (Okinawa guardian lions), and Chinsuko (Okinawan biscuits). 【Official Website】Kokusai dori - A Shopping Street in Naha, Okinawa https://naha-kokusaidori.okinawa/ -
Video article 2:27
Iheya Island - A Tropical Travel Destination in Okinawa!
Local PR Travel Nature- 238 plays
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This Introductory Video of Iheya Island, Okinawa, Shows the Incredibly Beautiful, Dreamlike Scenery of the Island This introductory video, "The Mystic 'Iheya Island'" (神秘の島「伊平屋島」) was produced by the Iheya Island Tourist Association using aerial drone footage. You'll see the incredibly beautiful scenery of the isolated Iheya Island, in Okinawa. Iheya Island is a remote island with breathtakingly clear, pristine waters and nature. It is even famous in Okinawa, one of Japan's most popular tourist resorts. In this article, you'll find recommendations for places to see and things to do around Iheya Island, Okinawa. The video shows aerial photos of the emerald green coral reefs and the natural mountains of Iheya Island in Okinawa. You'll be astonished watching the video and realizing that such beauty exists in Japan. All About Iheya Island, Okinawa Photo:Iheya Island's sandy beach and sea Iheya Island is located 117 km north of Naha on the main island of Okinawa, a part of Japan's southwestern archipelago. It is also north of the main island of Okinawa, 41.1 km from Nakijinson Kamiunten harbor, a ferry depot in the northernmost inhabited island of Okinawa. At southern end of Iheya Island, there is Izena Island. Iheya Island is a mysterious island where the original landscape of Okinawa has been preserved, and many legends and gods continue to live on. Iheya Island (Area: 20.66km2 Perimeter: 34.23km) is a long, thin island connected to Noho Island (Area: 1.06km2 Perimeter: 4.8km) by the Noho bridge and as of July, 2009, has a population of 1,405. To get to Iheya Island, you can take a bus or car from Naha Airport on the main island of Okinawa to Unten Port in Nakijin Village where the ferry dock is located. An 80-minute ride on the ferry takes you to Iheya Island. As there are only two ferry services a day, and a day trip is difficult, we recommend spending at least one night on Iheya Island. Local transportation is either rental cars, taxis, the island's community bus, or rental bicycles, as well as the ferry that takes you to Iheya Island. It's also possible to bring your own car onto the ferry as well. If the weather is good, we recommend renting a bicycle to see the island and enjoy the natural scenery. Touristic Information to Enjoy Iheya's Beautiful Emerald Green Sea Photo:Sea turtle The brilliant emerald-green sea shown in the video is so beautiful that you might feel like you're dreaming. The sea is transparent up to 50 meters and the view of a small boat casting its shadow on the seafloor is fantastic. You can see this amazing scenery from 1:12 in the video. The sea of Iheya Island is comparably beautiful to that of popular Yaeyama Island and Miyako Island. In these beautiful waters, you can enjoy coral reefs, marine life, snorkeling, diving, sea kayaking and other marine sports, as well as fishing to your heart's content. The beaches which are worth visiting on Iheya Island are ‘Kumaya beach’ for fishing, and ‘Suga-hama’ and ‘Yonesaki-kaigan’ for enjoying beautiful scenery. Because there are only two ferries a day and no large tourist facilities, there are very few tourists in Okinawa, so you can enjoy the sea to your heart's content, as it is a lesser-known beach in Okinawa. White sandy beaches with endless blue skies and seas await you. Enjoy the Sights and Sounds of Iheya Island Photo:Hiramatsu Starting at 1:31 in the video, the sights of Iheya Island, with its unspoiled nature and culture, are introduced. One of the must-see spots is “Kumaya Cave” which is said to be the southernmost place related to a legend about Amaterasu Omikami. Japan has a lot of places where the “Amano Iwato legend” allegedly took place. The natural light that floods the cave is so magical and Instagram-worthy. It's also a popular power spot not to be missed when visiting Iheya Island. At 1:46 in the video, “Nento hiramatsu” is also a popular touristic spot on Iheya Island and visitors will be overwhelmed when they see the branches of the “Ryukyu matsu” looming over them. We also recommend visiting the Iheya Lighthouse from which you can overlook the whole of Iheya Island. This can be seen in the video from 1:51. You can enjoy a spectacular view of nature with 200-meter-high mountains and blue waters. There are also plenty of other places with beautiful scenery as well. From 1:58 on the video, “Yahe Rock” is a historical place and said to be the ruins of an old castle that protected the island from the Nakijin army. The sunset seen through the rocky mountains quite the spectacle as well. If you're looking for something good to eat, be sure to try the fresh seafood dishes on Iheya Island. As it's surrounded by the sea, it has some of the freshest seafood you can get! After a day of fishing, a seaside BBQ with the fish you caught will make for an unforgettable experience. Mozuku seaweed and local sea salt from Iheya Island make for great souvenirs as well. Other Tourist Attractions at Iheya Island There are even more tourist destinations on Iheya Island that weren't shown in the video! “Kuba mountain at Tana”, “Tiger head Rock”, “Yagurabaka”, “Iheya History and Folklore Museum” and “Kami asagi” are also places we recommend visiting. If you prefer joining activities or events, "Iheya Village Trail," "Iheya Moonlight marathon," "Iheya Festival," "Iheya Scarecrow Festival," and “Iheya New Year Trim Marathon” are some things that might interest you. Of course, there are also hotels and inns on Iheya Island, so you can stay overnight for sightseeing. Wrap-Up Photo: Iheya Island from a plane The video, "The Mystic 'Iheya Island'" (神秘の島「伊平屋島」), introduces the beautiful, clear sea and the splendid natural scenery of Iheya Island, one of Japan’s remote islands. Sometimes the waves are so calm, and you can see the seafloor so clearly, that it's as if there's no water at all. Be sure to check this out in the video! In this article, we introduced you to Iheya Island's attractions, marine activities, and food, as well as how to access it. There are also agriculture and fishing experiences, as well as home-stay accommodations where you can interact with the islanders and experience Japan's original landscape and nature. Take a trip to the remote Iheya Island, forget about your troubles, and get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. 【Tripadvisor】Iheya Island https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121620-d1373491-Reviews-Iheyajima_Island-Iheya_son_Shimajiri_gun_Okinawa_Prefecture.html -
Video article 16:27
Delicious Coconut Crab at Yatai Mura in Naha, Okinawa!
Food & Drink- 433 plays
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The Mouthwatering Coconut Crab of Yatai Mura on Kokusaidori This video, titled "Japanese Street Food - GIANT COCONUT CRAB Seafood Okinawa Japan," was uploaded by "Travel Thirsty." It introduces the coconut crab sold at food trucks in Okinawa. Coconut crabs are huge crustaceans that live in Okinawa Prefecture. They have a history of being eaten as a delicacy in parts of Okinawa since ancient times. At Yatai Mura, a popular destination on Kokusaidori in Naha, Okinawa, you can eat gigantic coconut crab dishes. Sometimes called "Okinawa's strange specialty," coconut crab is surprisingly delicious thanks to its plump texture and the delicious broth that can be made from it. How is Okinawa's Coconut Crab Prepared? Photo:Coconut crab cuisine Coconut crab dishes can be eaten at Okinawan food stalls for a few thousand yen. Coconut crab dishes are made in much the same way as normal crab dishes; however, the shells of coconut crab are hard, making them difficult to prepare sometimes. At food stalls, coconut crabs are usually steamed whole, then removed from the shell and eaten with seasonings, such as sauce or soup stock. This can be seen at 8:09 in the video. What Kind of Creatures are Okinawa's Coconut Crab? Photo:Coconut crab Coconut crabs look like crabs, but they're actually a type of hermit crab. In Japanese, they're called "yashi-gani" (椰子蟹 in kanji or the more common ヤシガニ in katakana). Coconut crabs inhabit Miyako Island, Ishigaki Island, and Iriomote Island in Okinawa Prefecture, and the largest crabs can grow more than 40 cm in length and weigh more than 4 kg! The coconut crab is said to be the strongest crustacean, and the clamping force of its giant pincers is about 90 times its weight, which is about as strong as a lion's bite! Fisherman must be very careful when catching coconut crabs, as not to get injured. Points of Caution When Eating Coconut Crab at a Food Stall Photo:Coconut crab cuisine Because coconut crabs are omnivores and eat dead or rotten fish carcasses, they can accumulate pathogens in their bodies. Coconut crabs that have accumulated these pathogens can cause food poisoning if eaten, even after cooking them, so be careful. Coconut crab is a valuable food item that is rarely eaten nowadays, partly because it is listed as an endangered species. Summary of the Coconut Crab at Okinawa's Food Stalls Photo:Coconut crab cuisine The Okinawan culture of eating giant coconut crabs dates all the way back to ancient Japan. Seen at 4:40 in the video are some of the unique gourmet specialties at Okinawan food stalls, including dishes like chanpuru, rafute, mimigaa (pig's ear) and umibudo (sea grapes). If you’re traveling to Okinawa, be sure to try the coconut crab sold at one of the many food stalls! ◆Kokusaidori, Yatai Mura|General Information◆ 【Address】3-11 Makishi, Naha 900-0013 Okinawa Prefecture 【Access】A 4-minute walk from Yui Rail Makishi Station. 【Hours】Varies depending on other restaurants at the location 【Closures】Varies depending on other restaurants at the location 【Parking】None 【Tripadvisor】Kokusaidori, Yatai Mura https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298224-d11848458-Reviews-Kokusaidori_Yataimura-Naha_Okinawa_Prefecture.html -
Video article 3:26
Clear Seas and Sandy Beaches; Enjoy Windsurfing Across the Beautiful Blue Seas off the Coast of Okinawa!
Sports- 95 plays
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Windsurfing in Okinawa - Aerial Footage This video, titled "Okinawa|Windsurfing|Aerial Footage|Drone|Inspire 2|X5S" (沖縄 ウィンドサーフィン 空撮 ドローン inspire2 X5S), is a PR video for windsurfing in Okinawa, taken by Churaumi Aqua Lab. Okinawa is famous for its blue oceans and white, sandy beaches that allows tourists to enjoy beautiful natural scenery and marine sports. Churaumi Aqua Lab releases many aerial videos taken by drone that show surfing, windsurfing, SUP, and sunsets This video, featuring windsurfing at a beach in Okinawa, was captured from high in the skies by a drone. You'll definitely feel like hitting the beaches after watching this video! Enjoy Wind Surfing off the Beaches on Okinawa Photo:Wind surfing Wind surfing is an ocean sport where a sail is connected to a surf board and the surfer glides across the surface of the water using the lift generated by the wind. Windsurfing is also an official Olympic event. In this video, you can see footage of a windsurfer gliding across crystal clear waters with sandy beaches in the backdrop. A windsurfing world cup was held in Japan as well. You can see the awesome performances of professional windsurfers live in these type of competitions. There are various places in Okinawa where beginners can learn to windsurf as well. All equipment necessary for windsurfing, such as wet suits and life jackets are available for rent. Tourists can enjoy windsurfing all season without having any equipment. There are also trial lessons hosted by windsurfing shops where beginners can take detailed instruction. Try your hand at windsurfing across the beautiful seas of Okinawa! Marine Activities in Okinawa! Photo:Scuba diving In addition to windsurfing, there are many other marine activities available in Okinawa. For example, you can try SUP, banana boats, rocket boats, flyboats, jet skiing, wakeboarding, and bodyboarding, and there's also yachts and canoes, as well as scuba diving! If you're traveling with kids you can try snorkeling as well. Or, if you're not interested in aquatic activities, consider participating in a whale watching tour. On the main island of Okinawa, some famous sightseeing spots include Onna village (恩納村, Onnason), Nago city (名護市, Nago-shi), and Senaga-island (瀬長島, Senaga-jima). We hope you can enjoy some marine activities in the seas of Okinawa! Off the Mainland of Okinawa Photo:Miyakojima coast Okinawa is warm all year round. There are other locations besides the main island that tourists can enjoy as well. If you go to a remote island, you can relax and have a good time. For example, Kumejima (久米島, Kume Island) is about a 3-hour ferry ride from the main island. It's very popular for its easy access to remote islands. Also there are direct flights from Tokyo to Miyakojima (宮古島, Miyako island) and Ishigakijima (石垣島, Ishigaki island), so many tourists come for sightseeing. Summary of Windsurfing in Okinawa Watch this video to discover the beauty of Okinawa's waters and the wonders of windsurfing. The aerial footage will feel like you're window surfing across the waves! Churaumi AquaLab also has other videos on the beautiful waters of Okinawa taken by drone as well. Be sure to check them out! If you're ever in Okinawa, consider trying windsurfing! 【Official Website】Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium - Handing the Churaumi in Okinawa down to the next generation. https://churaumi.okinawa/en/ -
Video article 21:43
Fighting an Awesome Giant Fish in the Ocean Near Ishigaki Island, Okinawa! A Monstrous 80+ Kilo Fish in the Waters Around Japan!
Living Things- 23 plays
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This video, titled "[Once in a Lifetime Miracle] Click Here to See a Fight to the Death With a Massive Fish! (Ishigaki, Night 3)" (【生涯一本の奇跡】超巨大魚との死闘の記録はこちら(石垣第3夜)), was released by "Monkfish Hours" (あんこうアワーズ). This is a 22 minute video showing a fight to the death while trying to land a massive fish! The fish caught was a 165 cm long, 83 kg giant grouper, which broke the record in Okinawa. The video will have you on the edge of your seat as they try to land this behemoth of a fish! -
Video article 4:17
The Transparent Waters of Sunayama Beach on Miyakojima + Sightseeing Spots and Attractions on the Island
Nature Travel- 5 plays
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Aerial Footage of Sunayama Beach on Miyakojima: Video Introduction This video, titled "[Drone Aerial Photography] Sunayama Beach, Miyakojima|Healing Drone Okinawa" (【ドローン空撮】宮古島 砂山ビーチ Healing Drone Okinawa), was uploaded by "Umi Note." It introduces the beautiful blue skies, sandy white beach, and clear waters of Miyakojima. Highlights of Sunayama Beach – Spectacular Views at Every Turn! Photo:Sunayama Beach, Miyakojima, Okinawa Sunayama Beach is located approximately 4 km from the center of Hirara, a city in Miyakojima, Okinawa Prefecture, in Japan's Kyushu Region. Despite its easy accessibility, the beach is surrounded by unexplored nature and beautiful, clear waters. The video shows the spectacular views of Sunayama Beach from beginning to end. The drone offers a unique view that you wouldn't normally be able to see, and the beach seen from the ocean side is so beautiful that it will leave you speechless. [Video] 0:35 - View From the Beach As the name of the beach suggests (砂山, Sunayama; lit. "Sand Mountain"), it's located over a small sand hill. From the parking lot near Sunayama Beach, there is a narrow path leading uphill. It's a bit difficult to climb while carrying luggage, but the view after reaching the top makes it totally worth the effort. You can't help but stop to take in the view. The Rock Arch at Sunayama Beach – A Popular Instagram Spot! The rock arch is a popular spot at Sunayama Beach. You can see the blue ocean through the rock and take photogenic pictures as well. It's also known as a sunset spot, where you can even see the sunset over the ocean inside the rock arch. We recommend relaxing on the beach and watching the sun set inside the rock arch. Things to Be Careful of at Sunayama Beach Photo:Sunayama Beach, Miyakojima, Okinawa The fact that Sunayama Beach is mostly unspoiled by human hands, means that it's full of natural beauty, but this also means there are a few precautions you should take when visiting the beach. The rock arch is currently closed off due to the danger of falling rocks and collapse. Visitors are advised to only go close to the rocks to take pictures. You can also swim at Sunayama Beach, but the waves are surprisingly tall and accidents have been known to occur. Be careful when snorkeling in areas where the water is even a little deep. Swim rings and life jackets may be necessary. There are also signs warning of sharks. We recommend staying in the shallow areas at Sunayama Beach, as there are no lifeguards on duty. Stay away from the beach when there is a surf advisory in effect. It's important to remember that you're dealing with nature, so please keep this in mind while enjoying your time on the beach. Restrooms and shower rooms are located in the parking lot. Toilets should be used before heading to the beach. The path to the beach is hilly and a bit long, so flip-flops or comfortable walking shoes are recommended. If you're with children, be sure to hold their hands when walking. There are no beach houses or restaurants on Sunayama Beach, so be sure to bring your own food or have lunch in the area. We recommend Sunayama Cafe in front of the beach. How to Get to Sunayama Beach Photo:An aerial view of Sunayama Beach, Miyakojima, Okinawa Compared to the main island of Okinawa, Miyakojima is relatively small. By car, it takes only 20 minutes to reach the beach from Miyako Airport and 10 minutes to reach from Hirara Port. Free parking is available as well. The video shows an aerial view of the entirety Miyakojima. [Video] 3:20 - Miyakojima From the Sky If you don't have a car, you can also rent a bicycle. If you rent a bicycle at Hotel Atoll Emerald Miyakojima, you can get to Sunayama Beach in about 15 minutes. Miyakojima Sightseeing Spots! In addition to Sunayama Beach, there are many other places on Miyakojima where you can enjoy the beautiful ocean, such as Yonaha Maehama Beach, Aragusuku Beach, and Shigira Beach. In addition to taking a dip in the ocean, simply admiring the scenery will leave you feeling content. Also, with the opening of the Miyako Shimojishima Airport Terminal in 2019, there are more fashionable cafes and restaurants. Miyakojima Tokyu Hotel & Resorts and Shigira Bayside Suite Alamanda are the most famous resort hotels, but there are also many nice hotels scattered throughout the area. Summary of Sunayama Beach, Miyakojima If you haven't already watched the video, be sure to check it out! You can enjoy Miyakojima's Sunayama Beach from the sky. Enjoy the sandy white beach, blue sky, and the crystal-clear waters of Miyakojima. If you're planning a trip to Okinawa, why not extend your trip a little further and visit Miyakojima? There are connecting flights to Miyakojima from Naha Airport and direct flights from Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya. The beautiful Sunayama Beach is waiting for you just beyond a sandy mountain. This is a place you don't want to miss! 【TripAdvisor】Sunayama Beach, Miyakojima https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g680765-d1382554-Reviews-Sunayama_Beach-Miyakojima_Okinawa_Prefecture.html