Video article 9:58
Tanpopo Ramen - A Famous Restaurant in Arakawa, Tokyo! A Look at The Hidden Gem of a Ramen Shop With No Media Coverage!
Food & Drink- 17 plays
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This video, released by "ramenwalker," is titled "Machiya [Tanpopo Ramen] Cooking Highlights! A Bowl of Delicious Chicken Flavor Made With an Original Method [Ramen Walker TV Episode #228]" (町屋『らーめん タンポポ』調理シーンから見どころ満載!オリジナル製法で作られる、鶏の旨味溢れる一杯【ラーメンWalkerTV #228】). This video introduces "Tanpopo Ramen," a hidden gem of a ramen shop that has no media exposure. Their popular menu item is "Tori Mamire," which is a combination of chicken skin soup, whole chicken soup, and chicken paste, which gives it a refreshing, clean taste. The menma (bamboo shoots) are also very distinctive, and the ramen shop offers a new taste that you won't find at any other shop. In this video, the chef talks about the menu at Tanpopo Ramen, so if you're interested, please check it out. -
Video article 9:47
Not Only Do They Serve Ramen, They Also Serve Snacks at "Kujira Shokudo Nonowa"! The Soft, Hand-Made Noodles and Plethora of Ingredients Go Great With Alcohol!
Food & Drink- 13 plays
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This video, titled "Higashi-Koganei [Kujira Shokudo Nonowa Higashi Koganei] Recommended for a Drink and Some Ramen! Abura Soba With Lots of Toppings to Choose From [Ramen Walker TV Episode #222]" (東小金井『くじら食堂 nonowa東小金井店』ラ飲みにもオススメ!ツマミにもなる具だくさん油そば【ラーメンWalkerTV #222】), was released by "ramenwalker." This video introduces Kujira Shokudo nonowa's Higashi Koganei branch, which is very famous among those looking for a snack after some drinks. The most distinctive feature of their ramen is their soft, hand-made noodles, which is one of the reasons why their Aburasoba (oil soba) is so popular. While the noodles are of course amazing, there's also a mountain of toppings to choose from, and it's become a renowned ramen shop where you can enjoy drinks as well. This video shows you what the ramen is like, so be sure to check it out! -
Video article 9:25
The Famous, Impactful HAIDEN KOKKO FACTORY Ramen RIRIY. What's This Ramen Restaurant All About?
Food & Drink- 13 plays
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This video, titled "Haijima's "HAIDEN KOKKO FACTORY Ramen RIRIY" Is a Famous Ramen Shop Where You Can Enjoy It to the Very End! Ramen King Takeshi Yamamoto, Great Ramen King" (拝島「ハイデン.コッコFACTORY らーめん 凛々」ラーメンなのに、最後にはアレが楽しめちゃう魅惑の名店!ラーメン王・山本剛志さん、ラーメン大王・小), was released by "ramenwalker." This video introduces HAIDEN KOKKO FACTORY Ramen RIRIY. The soup is made from a lavish broth with a seafood taste, made from Hinai-Jidori chicken from Akita Prefecture, soy sauce, and chicken fat. It's worth mentioning that there's a "soup-wari" event, where you can enjoy 10 different types of soup that change daily. In this video, you can see a detailed explanation of HAIDEN KOKKO FACTORY Ramen RIRIY, so if you're interested, be sure to check it out. -
Video article 10:04
If You See a Line it's Probably Jiro-style Ramen, Fujimaru! A Look at the Mountain of Ramen and How it Tastes!
Food & Drink- 17 plays
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This video, titled " A Jiro-style restaurant with a long line of customers! Visiting a ramen shop I've been wanting to try for a long time (Sannen Shokutaro)" ( 【大食い】行列の絶えない二郎系!ずっと行ってみたかった念願のラーメン屋さんに行ってきた【三年食太郎】), was released by "Sannen Shokutaro" (三年食太郎). In this video, they introduce Ramen Fujimaru, famous for its Jiro-style ramen. Ramen Fujimaru is one of the most famous Jiro-style ramen shops, and it's said that if you want Jiro style ramen, this isthe place to go. The light broth is packed full of flavor, and you can eat an unbelievable amount of Jiro-style ramen. If you want to eat Jiro-style ramen, you've got to check this place out! The video shows you what people are actually eating at Ramen Fujimaru, so if you're interested, take a look! -
Video article 5:41
The Unique Flavors of the Ramen Shop Menya Musashi! Each Shop Is Said to Have a Different Taste, So You'll Feel Like You're Going to a Different Ramen Shop Each Time!
Food & Drink- 13 plays
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This video, titled "Menya Musashi|Shinjuku Flagship Store|Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku, Tokyo|Kakuni Tsukemen|Standard" (麺屋武蔵 新宿総本店 東京都新宿区西新宿 角煮つけ麺 並), was released by "Nationwide Ramen Videos" (全国ラーメン動画). This video introduces Menya Musashi with the motto "no two shops have the same flavor." Their Shinjuku flagship store serves a double broth of "animal-based soup" and "seafood-based soup" which is mainly made with chicken and pork bones. However, the Ikebukuro branch offers ramen that is mainly deep-fried toppings, and the Okachimachi branch uses tonkotsu soup as its base, and offers three colors of ramen: white, red, and black, showing that each shop is completely different. In this video, you can see a sample of the Kakuni Dipping Ramen served at the Shinjuku flagship store, so if you're interested, check it out! -
Video article 12:12
The Best Looking and Most Impressive of All Is the Amazing Niboshi Ramen Nagi! Making Ramen With Tons of Niboshi on It!
Food & Drink- 18 plays
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This video, titled "[With Cooking Scenes] Super Golden and a Massive Portion of Niboshi Ramen at Niboshi Ramen Nagi [IKKO'S FILMS] [Shinagawa Ikko]" (【調理風景あり】すごい煮干しラーメン凪でスーパーゴールデン+煮干し激盛りにしたらとんでもない事になった・・・【IKKO'S FILMS】【品川イッコー】), was released by "IKKO'S FILMS." This video introduces the famous ramen shop "Niboshi Ramen Nagi," which is famous for its large amount of niboshi (dried sardines) on top of its noodles. The shop opened in 2004, and it's no exaggeration to say that they love niboshi more than any other ramen shop in Japan, stocking over 5 tons of niboshi every month. One of the features of this ramen shop is that they have a special type of ramen called "niboshi-mashi," which adds even more niboshi, just like other ramen shops have extra onions or chashu. In this video, you can see the ramen with niboshi-mashi Niboshi Ramen Nagi, a delicious niboshi ramen shop that appeals to those who like niboshi, so if you're interested, be sure to check it out. -
Video article 3:52
If you want to talk about tsukemen, you can't miss Daishouken! Here's the history of the restaurant that gave birth to Tsukemen, which is still very popular today!
Food & Drink- 14 plays
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This video, titled "Higashi-Ikebukuro|Taishoken|Main Store (Famous for Its Roots in Tsukemen) Minami-Ikebukuro, Toshima City" (東池袋 大勝軒 本店(つけめんのルーツの名店)豊島区南池袋). was released by "Nationwide Ramen Videos" (全国ラーメン動画). In this video, you'll learn about Taishoken's main store in Higashi-Ikebukuro that is famous for Kazuo Yamagishi, the father of dipping noodles. The history of Taishoken dates back as far as 1948, and the ramen that became the starting point for shoyu ramen in Japan was created by Marucho, the shop that can be called the original Taishoken. From there, Yamagishi opened Taishoken with the wish to "greatly outperform the competition," which sparked the Tsukemen (dipping noodle) boom. In this video, you can see a sample of the noodles at the Higashi-Ikebukuro Taishoken main store, which is famous for dipping noodles. Be sure to check it out! -
Video article 4:25
The Most Popular Ramen Shop in Hachioji, "Tantan"! What's the Secret to Its Taste, Loved by Locals and Other Prefectures Alike?!
Food & Drink- 19 plays
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This video, titled "[An Extremely Popular Restaurant in Hachioji] Tantan, the Pinnacle of Hachioji Ramen" (【八王子の超人気店】タンタン 八王子ラーメンの最高峰タンタン), was released by "Ramen Daisuki KOBAcchi" (ラーメン大好きKOBAっち). This video introduces one of the most popular ramen shops in Hachioji, "Tantan." Tantan is the No. 1 most popular ramen in Hachioji, known as the "ramen topped with finely chopped onions," for which Hachioji is famous. A special feature of Hachioji's Tantan ramen is its chashu pork, which is easy to eat and soaks up the broth, giving it even more flavor. In this video, you can see a sample of one of Tantan's most popular ramen dishes, the extra-large chashu pork noodles! -
Video article 14:40
Introducing the Charms of Shinjuku, Tokyo, the Largest City in Japan. Check Out Tourist Attractions of Shinjuku, the Nightless City Where History, Culture, Past, Present and Future All Intersect!
Local PR Travel- 49 plays
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日本一の大都会「新宿」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「一般社団法人新宿観光振興協会 Shinjuku Convention & Visitors Bureau」が公開した「SHINJUKU 9Stories【English】」です。 新宿には数多くの観光スポットがあります。 映画、ランチやディナーなどのグルメ、ショッピング、文化や歴史の散策など新宿にきて揃わないものはないと言われるほどディープな大都市「新宿」の魅力をたっぷりとご紹介します。 日本一の大都会「新宿」の人気スポット まず、新宿といえば高層ビル群。 西新軸エリアには未来的なデザインがオシャレな東京モード学園を始めとした数多くの高層ビルが見られます。 そして西新宿一帯は東京でも一二を争うシティホテルの激戦地! 世界的にも有名なホテルが数多く軒を連ねています。 「新宿」の日本一とは? また、新宿には数多くの日本一が存在します。動画でも頻繁に新宿の日本一が登場していましたが皆さん気づきました? 一つ目は日本一乗降客数が多いと言われるJR新宿駅。 毎日300万人以上の人が新宿を利用しています。 二つ目の日本一は不夜城歌舞伎町。 新宿ゴールデン街やゴジラヘッドのある映画館など、毎日朝まで多くの観光客で賑わうスポットです。 しかし、歌舞伎町には喧騒ばかりではありません。 実は花園神社を始めとした多くの神社仏閣があることでも有名です。 毎年11月になると花園神社では人気のお祭り、酉の市が開催されます。 三つ目の日本一はアジア最大とも言われているゲイタウン新宿二丁目です。 お値段はとてもリーズナブル! 女性が安心して遊べる上にディープな魅力に溢れた街。 そしてグルメも充実している新宿イチオシの観光スポットです。 四つ目の日本一が新宿伊勢丹! ここは何が日本一かというとデパートの年間売上が毎年日本一なのです。 まさにショッピングの殿堂ですね。 新宿には他にも高島屋や小田急をはじめとした高級百貨店やブティックがひしめき合っています。 代々木方面にはスポーツの聖地、東京体育館や神宮球場、秩父宮ラグビー場を有する明治神宮外苑、新宿二丁目と三丁目、広大な新宿御苑と緑もたっぷり!大都会の真ん中で森林浴が楽しめるのです。 日本一の大都会「新宿」紹介まとめ 新宿で歴史や文化を感じたい人は新宿三丁目周辺がおすすめスポットです。 落語小屋や能楽堂、美術館、新宿ピカデリーなどの映画館などが楽しめます。 新宿では古くから伝わる伝統のお祭りも開催され、日本の古き良き時代も感じることのできる街です。 歴史と現代が交錯する大都会新宿の魅力を動画でご堪能ください。 -
Video article 0:54
A Variety of Menu Items From the Stylish Udon Shop "Shinjuku Tsurutontan"
Food & Drink- 20 plays
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This video, titled "Food in Japan | Shinjuku Tsurutontan | Japanese noodle restaurant | 新宿つるとんたん," was released by "Destination Japan." In this video, you can see "Shinjuku Tsurutontan," a noodle restaurant in Shinjuku. They have a wide range of menu items, from Western-style udon to standard yam udon and sushi rolls. Check it out in the video! -
Video article 7:23
Two Stars in the Michelin Guide! Introducing Ginza Sushi Aoki in Tokyo's Ginza District!
Food & Drink- 19 plays
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Sushi Aoki, Ginza - Two stars in the Michelin Guide This video is a documentary on the famous sushi restaurant "Ginza Sushi Aoki" in Tokyo's Ginza district. Ginza Sushi Aoki is located in Ginza where many of the best sushi restaurants are located, and has been awarded 2 stars in the Michelin Guide. In the video, the chef prepares fish that he has carefully selected from Tsukiji Market and talks to us about the fish and ingredients as we watch from the counter. Also, from 2:18, you can see the tuna being processed, and from the big slice of tuna, you can see the bellows, marbled fatty tuna, medium fatty tuna, and lean meat. The marbled fatty tuna is sometimes mistaken for marbled beef because of its appearance. Ginza Sushi Aoki is also open for lunch, and you can enjoy the taste of a Michelin Guide restaurant at a reasonable price. Definitely give it a try if you have the chance! ◆Ginza Sushi Aoki Store Information◆ 【Address】Ginza Takahashi Bldg. 2nd fl., Ginza 6-7-4, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 【Access】A 2-minute walk from Exit B5 of Ginza Station off the subway line 【Price Range】¥20,000+ 【Hours】12:00-13:30 (L.O.) / 17:00-21:30 (L.O.) 【Closures】New Year's holiday season (12/31-1/1) 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-3289-1044 【Official Homepage】Ginza Sushi Aoki https://www.sushiaoki.jp/en/index.html 【Tabelog】Ginza Sushi Aoki Ginza Branch (銀座 鮨青木 銀座本店) https://tabelog.com/en/tokyo/A1301/A130101/13000563/ -
Video article 31:16
Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura - Performed With the Same Intensity of Adult Actors, This Kabuki Performance by Shintomi-za Children's Kabuki in Tokyo Is Something You Don't Want To Miss!
Traditional Culture- 159 plays
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A Look at Shintomi-za Children's Kabuki This video, titled "[Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura|Yoshinoyama] Shintomi-za Children's Kabuki|Annual Dedication Performance|Heisei 30" (「義経千本桜 吉野山」 平成30年 新富座こども歌舞伎 例大祭奉納公演), was produced by "machihito." Shintomi-za Children's Kabuki was established in 2007 (the 19th year of the Heisei period) to provide children in the community of Chuo Ward (中央区, Chuo-Ku), Tokyo, with an opportunity to experience the performing arts of their hometowns. Every year during the Setsubun Festival in February and the Annual Festival in May, the children dedicate popular performances, such as "Shiranami Gonin Otoko" (Benten Kozō) at the Kagura hall of Teppozu Inari Shrine. The video shows a 30-minute performance of the Shintomi-za Children's Kabuki's annual dedication performance. It's well worth the watch, so be sure to check it out. The History of Shintomi-za Children's Kabuki Source :YouTube screenshot Shintomi-za Children's Kabuki was originally founded in 1875 as a stock company theater renamed from Morita-za. In 1872, it moved to Shintomi (新富町) and was officially renamed to Shintomi-za. In April 2007, local children gathered to form Shintomi-za Children's Kabuki, and on February 3, 2008, they presented "Sanninkichi Satomoeno Shiranami." The Child Actors of Shintomi-za Children's Kabuki Source :YouTube screenshot The child actors who participate in Shintomi-za Children's Kabuki are chosen from children who attend Taimei Elementary School and other schools in the Ginza (銀座) area. The children rehearse music and performances in preparation for the big event. On the day of the show, they wear traditional costumes and makeup to perform on stage. It's very difficult for children to study the old Japanese language and express the uniqueness of Kabuki with their movements. However, the video shows the children performing a highly advanced performance with a great deal of skill. The performance is filmed in full and starts from 1:13 in the video, so enjoy the show! The Story of Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura Photo:Ningyo-Joruri Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura (Yoshitsune and the Thousand Cherry Trees) is a Ningyo-Joruri (traditional Japanese puppet theatre) and Kabuki performance. The story depicts the tragedy of the Heike warlords who survived after the Genpei War (a battle between the Taira and Minamoto clans) and those who were involved. The fourth chapter depicts the journey of Shizuka Gozen and Tadanobu Sato on their way to Yoshino. This performance is rather long, but has a fascinating story that draws in the crowd. "Yoshitsune Senbon Zakura" has been made into Japanese film and stage play, and has been performed by famous Kabuki actors such as Danjuro Ichikawa. Summary of the Shintomi-za Children's Kabuki Source :YouTube screenshot In addition to Shintomi-za Children's Kabuki, Shintomi-za also hosts events such as Terakoya. If you want to experience traditional Japanese art and culture, be sure to check out information regarding Shintomi-za Children's Kabuki and consider buying tickets to the next performance! -
Video article 13:13
Japanese Soba Noodles Tsuta Is the World's First Ramen Restaurant to Be Awarded a Michelin Star! Neither the Amount nor Price Are a Laughing Matter!
Food & Drink- 17 plays
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This video, titled "The World's First Ramen Restaurant to Be Awarded One Michelin Star|Eating High-Class Ramen at Tsuta for Around 3,000 Yen [IKKO'S FILMS] [Shinagawa Ikko]" (世界初のミシュラン一つ星を獲得したラーメン店「Japanese Soba Noodles 蔦」で約3,000円の高級ラーメンを食してきた【IKKO'S FILMS】【品川イッコー】), was released by "IKKO'S FILMS." This video introduces Japanese Soba Noodles Tsuta, the world's first ramen restaurant to be awarded a Michelin star. Until now, numerous ramen restaurants have only been able to achieve "bib gourmand," but in 2014, Tsuta was the first ramen restaurant in the world to earn a star. The ramen, which is lavishly flavored with black truffles, is known as a high-class ramen that is stunning in both appearance and price, as it costs about 3,000 yen per bowl. Check out the video to get a feel for the atmosphere at Japanese Soba Noodles Tsuta! -
Video article 12:01
Three Michelin Stars in the Michelin Guide! The Charcoal-Grilled Sweetfish, Prepared by the Japanese Restaurant "RyuGin" in Tokyo
Food & Drink- 19 plays
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RyuGin - Three Stars in the Michelin Guide This video introduces the amazing "Oyogashi Ayu" (Swimming Sweetfish), at the Japanese restaurant "RyuGin" in Roppongi, Tokyo. In the video you can see the fish swimming around in salt water before being turned into amazing cuisine. This gives them a somewhat salty taste as they absorb the salt through their gills. Also, when they skewer the sweetfish, they stick the gall bladder with the skewer to release the bile and reduce the bitterness of the sweetfish, giving it an elegant aroma. Every process is at RyuGin has a purpose and brings out the most flavor possible. Be sure to check out the video to see their superb river fish dishes. ◆RyuGin Store Information◆ 【Address】7F Tokyo Midtown Hibiya, 1-1-2 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-0006 【Access】Directly connected to Hibiya Station off the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line, Hibiya Line, and Toei Subway Mita Line / Directly connected to Yurakucho Station off the Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line (4-minute walk) / Directly connected to Ginza Station off the Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line, Hibiya Line and Ginza Line (5 minutes walk) / Yurakucho Station off the JR Yamanote and Keihin Tohoku lines (5-minute walk) 【Price Range】¥50,000+ 【Hours】17:30-23:00 (L.O. 20:00) 【Closures】Irregular ※Please check on their website 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-6630-0007 【Official Homepage】日本料理 龍吟 | Nihonryori RyuGin http://www.nihonryori-ryugin.com/ 【Tabelog】RyuGin (龍吟) https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1301/A130102/13001457/ -
Video article 9:45
Sobahouse Konjikihototogisu in Shinjuku Is a Popular Restaurant That Was Inducted Into the Grand Prix Hall of Fame of a Popular Ramen Periodical! A Look at the Ultimate Bowl of Ramen!
Food & Drink- 16 plays
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This video, titled "Shinjuku Gyoenmae "Sobahouse Konjikihototogisu" Inducted Into the Ramen Walker Grand Prix Hall of Fame! [Ramen Walker TV #219] the Ultimate Bowl of Ramen That Has Been Awarded a Star in World Famous Guidebooks!" (新宿御苑前『SOBA HOUSE 金色不如帰』ラーメンWalkerグランプリ殿堂入り店!世界的ガイドブックでも星を獲得した究極の一杯【ラーメンWalkerTV #219】), was released by "ramenwalker." "Sobahouse Konjikihototogisu" in Shinjuku is a popular ramen shop that attracts many ramen fans. Among them, their popular "Shio Soba" (salt soba) is known as the ultimate bowl of ramen that wins the hearts of visitors. The secret to the delicious ramen is the white truffle oil used in the soup. Of course, the noodles are handmade in the shop and the toppings are made from a variety of original ingredients. If you want to enjoy some of the most delicious ramen in Japan, visit Sobahouse Konjikihototogisu in Shinjuku! -
Video article 9:29
The Ramen Produced by Chef Tenshu, Who Was Trained in Japanese and Italian Restaurants, Is Truly an Exquisite Dish! What Kind of Toppings Are Used to Make This Delicious Ramen?
Food & Drink- 13 plays
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This video, titled "Asakusabashi [Motenashi Kuroki] High quality ramen made by a master of Japanese and Italian cuisine! [Ramen Walker TV #211]" (浅草橋『饗 くろ㐂』和食やイタリアンで腕を振るってきた店主が手掛けるハイクオリティーなラーメン!【ラーメンWalkerTV #211】), was released by "ramenwalker." Motenashi Kuroki in Asakusabashi is one of the most popular ramen shops in Tokyo. The owner of Motenashi Kuroki was trained in Japanese and Italian restaurants, and his special soy sauce soba noodles have a concentrated flavor of seafood, Japanese soup stock, and back fat. This ramen is served with toppings such as black pork chashu simmered in mellow red wine and Fuji Genton pork grilled in sauce. If you're looking for supreme ramen, which the culinary professional considers to be a culmination of his work, be sure to visit Motenashi Kuroki. -
Video article 3:14
The "Neo Tonkotsu Ramen" of the High-Class, Reservation-Only Ramen Shop in Hiroo, Tokyo. Get a Taste of the Ramen Flavored With Delicious Spices and Oils!
Food & Drink- 14 plays
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This video, titled "[GENEI . WAGAN (Hiroo, Tokyo)] Now Offering Its Finest Creation- Neo Tonkotsu Ramen! "GENEI . WAGAN," a ramen shop in Hiroo, Tokyo, now offers an innovative new type of ramen called Neo Tonkotsu Ramen. GENEI . WAGAN is the only ramen restaurant in Japan that serves ramen kaiseki, and is open only in the evening by reservation. GENEI . WAGAN released a limited edition Neo Tonkotsu Ramen as part of their lunchtime menu, and it attracted a lot of attention from ramen fans. The specialty ramen, which is based on tonkotsu (pork bone) and carefully prepared with unique oil and spices, has become a favorite among ramen fans. -
Video article 5:00
Noh - A Popular Traditional Performing Art That Has Been Handed Down in Japan Since Ancient Times. Learn More About Noh With the Head of the Kanze School of Noh Theater!
Traditional Culture- 75 plays
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Learn About Noh Theatre With the Kanze School of Noh! This video, titled "Manners and Etiquette Handed Down Through Generations of the Kanze School of Noh|nippon.com" was created by "nippon.com." Noh is a traditional performing art of Japan. It has a long history in Japan, much like Kabuki, tea ceremony, and Buyo. There are many schools of Noh, including the Kanze school of Noh featured in the video. Style and performance can vary greatly depending on the school that an actor belongs to. In this video, we'll introduce the Kanze school of Noh. If you're interested in traditional Japanese performing arts, we highly recommend checking out this article and video! The Ever Popular World of Noh Theatre Photo:Noh stage In this video, the 26th head of the Kanze School of Noh, Kiyokazu Kanze (観世清和), talks about Noh and the importance of passing on the art to next generation. At 2:38 in the video we see Saburouta Kanze (観世三郎太) performing as a heron, one of the highlights of the video! From 1:00 in the video, Kiyokazu Kanze talks about teaching his son Saburouta. Then, at 2:20, he goes on to say that "to learn Noh, it is not enough to simply imitate a performance, one must make the performance their own and elevate it to another level." From 3:53, he explains how constantly improving one's performance until their full potential is reached is the most important aspect of Noh. You can hear Kiyokazu Kanze talk about his feelings towards his son throughout the entirety of this 5 minute long video. A Closer Look at the Traditional Performing Art, Noh Photo:Noh "Nougaku" (能楽) is the general name given to the performing arts Noh and Kyogen (狂言). It is one of Japan's oldest traditional performing arts and is registered as an Intangible Cultural Asset. There are six important features of any Noh play: ・Shosa (所作): Performance ・Utai (謡): Chanting ・Hayashi (囃子): Musical accompaniment ・Men (面): Masks ・Shozoku (装束): Costumes ・Kodogu (小道具): Props Movements in Noh involve standing up straight with ones chin tucked in in a posture called "Kamae" (カマエ). Walking without lifting one's heels off the ground, called "Hakobi" (ハコビ), is another characteristic feature of Noh plays. Back when Noh was first being performed by Kan'ami (観阿弥) and Zeami (世阿弥) in the Muromachi period (1336 AD - 1573 AD), "Kamae" had yet to even be established. "Utai" refers to the lines or speech in a Noh play performed by the lead role called the "Shitekata" (シテ方). This is important in correctly portraying the feelings of the characters in the play. "Hayashi" refers to the musical accompaniment, which usually include a flute, small and large hand drums, and taiko drums (太鼓). In some cases, the taiko drum may not be used. The music is often played at a low volume as not to interfere with the performance. "Men" refers to the masks worn during a Noh play. There may be times when masks are not worn as well. "Shozoku" is the term used for Noh costumes. White is often worn by nobles, whereas young women are often dressed in red. Many props are used on stage during Noh performances. In contrast to the larger props which must be prepared well in advance of the performance, many small, simple props are often repurposed for each performance. More About the Kanze School of Noh Source :YouTube screenshot The Kanze school is but one of many different schools of Noh Theatre. Its name originates from the Yuzaki guild (結崎座) of Yamato Sarugaku (大和猿楽). "Kanze" was the childhood nickname of Kan'ami, the founder of Noh. The Sarugaku performances of Kan'ami Kiyotsugu were what led to the creation of the Kanze School. The Kanze School of Noh's traditions and performances continue even today. Summary of Japan's Noh Theatre Performers of the Kanze school of Noh are continually working hard to perfect their performances in the hope that the traditional art continues for generations to come. If you're interested in watching a Kanze school performance, we highly recommend watching the video to get a taste of Noh theatre! There more you learn about the family trees and schools of Noh, the more interesting it becomes! 【Official Website】Kanze School of Noh https://kanze.net/en/publics/index/ -
Video article 8:47
Delicious Nigiri Sushi at the Popular Sushi Restaurant "Hakkoku" in Ginza. Come See What This Reservation-Only Sushi Restaurant Is All About!
Food & Drink- 16 plays
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Hakkoku - A Sushi Restaurant in Tokyo's Famous Ginza District This video shows the sushi of "Hakkoku" in Ginza, Tokyo. Hakkoku is an Edo-mae style sushi restaurant where the rice is made with red vinegar. The course begins with hand-rolled sushi, where you are handed a rare part of the base of the head of the tuna, called "tossaki," followed by seasonal Edo-mae sushi dishes. The restaurant has a private counter room, which is rare in Ginza, and can be used for treating customers of one's company. The restaurant is typically fully booked and it's hard to get a reservation for it, so be sure to check out the video to see their expert skills. ◆Hakkoku Store Information◆ 【Address】Hakkoku - 3F, 6-7-6 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 【Access】199 meters from Ginza Station off the Ginza and Hibiya subway lines 【Avg. Cost】¥30000+ 【Hours】17:00-22:00 (Last entry) 【Closures】Sundays, Holidays 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-6280-6555 【Yelp】Hakkoku (はっこく) https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E3%81%AF%E3%81%A3%E3%81%93%E3%81%8F-%E4%B8%AD%E5%A4%AE%E5%8C%BA?osq=hakkoku -
Video article 10:54
Eat Freshly Cut and Freshly Cooked Unaju! A Look at the Delicious Unaju of Unazen, Near Tokyo Sky Tree in Azumabashi, Tokyo!
Food & Drink- 14 plays
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The Unaju of Unazen in Azumabashi This video shows the eel dishes of Unazen. Unazen has been open for more than 30 years in Azumabashi, near Tokyo Sky Tree, and has been run by a husband and wife team. There is often a line of people waiting to enter the restaurant. Unazen's unaju is made to order, so you can get freshly cooked eel that was live until your order was placed. Enjoy experiencing freshly cut and freshly cooked eel! ◆Unazen Store Information◆ 【Address】東京都墨田区吾妻橋3-6-18 【Access】A 7-minute walk from Asakusa Station off the Tobu Isesaki Line and Tokyo Metro Ginza Line / A 1-minute walk from Honjo-Azumabashi Station off the Toei Asakusa Line (exit A4) 【Avg. Cost】¥3600+ 【Hours】Tuesday - Friday 11:00-18:00 / Saturday - Sunday 11:00-16:00, or until sold out 【Closures】Mondays. If Monday is a public holiday then the following day is also closed. 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-3624-0475 【Tabelog】Unazen (鰻禅) https://tabelog.com/en/tokyo/A1312/A131203/13058979/ -
Video article 3:02
Sold Out Before the Store Opens?! A Look at the Exquisite Unaju of the Michelin Restaurant Obana!
Food & Drink- 16 plays
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Obana's Exquisite Unaju This video shows the delicious unagi at Obana, a famous eel restaurant in Taito City, Tokyo. Obana is listed in the Michelin Guide, and there is a long line of people waiting to get in every day. The restaurant opens at 11:30 a.m., but there is a line of people waiting to get in more than an hour before it opens, and depending on the day, the restaurant may be sold out more than an hour before it even opens. In the video they were also already sold out before opening. Be ready to come early if you plan on eating at Obana! ◆Obana Store Information◆ 【Address】2-6-11 Kaminarimon, Taito, Tokyo 【Access】A 4-5 minute walk from Minami-Senju Station off the JR Joban Line or Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line 【Avg. Cost】¥5300+ 【Hours】[Tuesday - Friday] 11:30-13:30, 16:00-19:30 / [Saturday, Sunday, Holidays]11:30-13:30, 16:00-19:30 or until sold out. 【Closures】Mondays 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-3801-4670 【Yelp】Obana (尾花) https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E5%B0%BE%E8%8A%B1-%E8%8D%92%E5%B7%9D%E5%8C%BA?osq=obana -
Video article 8:07
Unaju From the "Michelin Tokyo Bib Gourmand" Restaurant, Unagi Irokawa in Asakusa!
Food & Drink- 22 plays
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The Unaju of Unagi Irokawa, Listed as a Michelin Tokyo Bib Gourmand This video, titled "浅草雷門【うなぎ色川】のうな重と肝焼きGrilled Eel and Rice of Irokawa in Asakusa.【飯動画】【Unagi】," introduces Unagi Irokawa in Asakusa. Unagi Irokawa is an eel restaurant with a long history, established in 1861. The eel here is baked with a secret savory sauce that has been handed down for more than 150 years, and are soft and fluffy. The restaurant was listed as a Michelin Bib Gourmand and there is a long line of people waiting to get in every day. If you're seated at the counter, you can watch the chefs grill the eels right before your eyes! If you're visiting Tokyo's Asakusa, be sure to stop by. ◆Unagi Irokawa Store Information◆ 【Address】2-6-11 Kaminarimon, Taito, Tokyo 【Access】A 1-minute walk from Asakusa Station (Exit A1) off the Toei Subway Asakusa Line / A 3-minute walk from Asakusa Station off the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line and Tobu Isesaki Line / A 5-minute walk from Tawaramachi Station off the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line 【Avg. Cost】¥3500+ 【Hours】11:30-14:00 or until sold out 【Closures】Sundays, holidays, etc. 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-3844-1187 【Tabelog】Unagi Irokawa https://tabelog.com/en/tokyo/A1311/A131102/13003697/ -
Video article 21:18
Nodaya Style Eel Skewering - An Artisanal Technique Handed Down by "Nodaya," the Leading Eel Restaurant of Japan
Food & Drink- 19 plays
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Nodaya This video shows the Nodaya style unagi (eel) skewers of Nodaya . Nodaya is a famous restaurant with a long history, established in 1953. Its parent organization, "Nodaya Higashi-Seiki," was established in 1868 (the first year of the Meiji Period). Nodaya has handed down traditional techniques for cooking eel and river fish since the Edo period, and has trained many chefs as the best eel and fish specialty restaurant in Japan's Kanto region. From 1:29, there's an explanation of Nodaya's unagi skewers, and from 4:57, they show the actual skewering process There are various types of skewering methods for the same eel, depending on the size of the eel and the dish, and you'll find that they are made with masterful techniques. Be sure to check out the historic skills of this master eel chef! -
Video article 14:56
Kawachiya Is a Long-Established Eel and Fish Restaurant That Has Been in Business for 250 Years in Tokyo's Shibamata Taishakuten
Food & Drink- 14 plays
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Kawachiya - A Long Established Eel and Fish Restaurant in Tokyo's Shibamata Taishakuten This video shows the eel dishes at Kawachiya in Katsushika, Tokyo. Kawachiya is a long-established eel and fish restaurant that has been in business for over 250 years in Shibamata Taishakuten, a downtown area of Tokyo famous for the movie series "Otoko wa Tsuraiyo" (It's Tough Being a Man). The menu includes eel dishes such as unaju, hitsumabushi, kabayaki, the rare unagi-arai, etc., as well as carp dishes, tempura, bentos, course meals, and more. When you visit Katsushika, Tokyo, be sure to try the flavors that have been handed down since the Edo period. ◆Kawachiya Store Information◆ 【Address】7-6-16 Shibamata, Katsushika, Tokyo 【Access】A 3-minute walk from Shibamata Station off the Keisei Line / 5 minutes by car or bus from Kanamachi Station off the JR Joban Line / 15 minutes by car from Koiwa Station off the JR Sobu Line 【Avg. Cost】¥3200+ 【Hours】11:00-19:00 【Closures】None 【Parking】Yes, 21 cars 【Phone】03-3657-4151 【Official Website】Kawachiya https://www.kawachiya.biz/ 【Tabelog】Kawachiya https://tabelog.com/en/tokyo/A1324/A132403/13018080/