Video article 3:34
The View of 1,000 Cherry Trees in Full Bloom at the Foot of Mt. Fuji Is Incredible! The Beauty of the Pink Tunnel of Cherry Blossom in Oyama, Shizuoka Will Blow You Away!
Nature- 227 plays
- YouTube
More About the Popular Sightseeing Spot "Fuji Cemetery" This video "Aerial Photography - One Thousand Cherry Trees(空撮 満開の千本桜)" created by "FUJISAN DRONE BASE" contains footage of the popular sightseeing spot "Fuji Cemetery" (富士霊園) taken via drone photography. As you can see throughout the video, there is a main street which passes through the cemetery that is situated near Mt. Fuji. 1,000 Yoshino cherry trees (ソメイヨシノ) are planted along the roadside which, in spring, blossom to create magnificent scenery. Throughout this three-and-a-half-minute long video, you can enjoy the spectacular view of the cherry trees in full bloom. This spot has even been selected as one of the top 100 cherry blossom viewing spots in Japan! The 1,000 Cherry Trees of Fuji Cemetery Are Beautiful! Photo:Fuji Cemetery with cherry blossoms in full bloom The 1,000 cherry trees of Fuji Cemetery are a famous cherry blossom viewing spot in the town of Oyama in Shizuoka prefecture (静岡県小山町), located in the Tokai region (東海地方) of Japan. The Yoshino cherry trees in full bloom cover the main street creating a tunnel-like effect. It's hard to put into words just how beautiful the view is! You can take a look at this tunnel-like effect from 2:27 in the video. As cherry blossom season comes to a close, the petals begin to fall in a blizzard-like fashion before eventually fluttering down to the ground in a beautiful performance. There are many other flowers planted across the vast grounds of the cemetery which you can enjoy throughout the year as the seasons change. There's a platform in Fuji Cemetery where you can get a great view of the 1,000 Yoshino cherry trees. This is a great place to take amazing photos that you can share on Instagram! At 1:04 in the video, there's a stunning shot of snow-covered Mt. Fuji with cherry blossom in the foreground. Tips to Enjoy Cherry Blossom Viewing in the Area Surrounding Mt. Fuji Photo:Fuji Cemetery with cherry blossoms in full bloom The cherry tree most people think of when they hear the word "sakura" is the Yoshino cherry. However, there are other kinds such as the Yaezakura cherry (八重桜) that you can also enjoy in the area. In the spring, people in Japan travel to famous parks, temples and shrines to enjoy cherry blossom viewing events. As spring approaches, be sure to stay on top of the cherry blossom status in order to get the best view possible! Summary of the 1,000 Cherry Trees of Fuji Cemetery Photo:Cherry Blossoms at Fuji Cemetery During summer, many tourists travel to Shizuoka prefecture to climb Mt. Fuji, but there are many other sightseeing spots in the area for you to enjoy throughout the year. The beginning of spring is the perfect time to enjoy the cherry blossoms at Fuji Cemetery! There are several other famous cherry blossom viewing sites in the area with cherry trees such as the Yoshino cherry, Weeping cherry (枝垂れ桜), and Mountain cherry (山桜). Why not head over to the Mt. Fuji area of Shizuoka prefecture this spring and take a tour of the various cherry blossom viewing spots? ◆Fuji Cemetery General Information◆ 【Address】888ー2 Omika, Oyama, Sunto District, Shizuoka 410-1308 【Access】20 minutes by bus from JR Gotemba Line Suruga-Oyama station (JR御殿場線駿河小山駅) 【Admission Fee】Free 【Hours】9am - 4.30pm 【Closures】 Open year round 【Parking】Available (temporary parking area) 【Telephone】 0550-78-0311 【Tripadvisor】Fuji Cemetery https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g1121213-d3586539-r315214344-Fuji_Reien_Cemetry-Oyama_cho_Sunto_gun_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:30
The Cherry Blossoms at the Hirosaki Cherry Blossom Festival in Hirosaki, Aomori, Said to Be the Best in Japan, Are Sure to Look Great on Instagram! Enjoy the Cherry Blossom Festival With 3 Million Visitors, Where 'Hatsune Miku' Was Appointed as the Official Supporting Character!
Nature- 372 plays
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青森県の日本一の桜まつり「弘前さくらまつり」を紹介 こちらの動画は「shota odagiri」さんが公開した「SAKURA 日本一の桜まつり青森県弘前市【HD】」です。 日本の春を代表する桜! 青森県弘前市にある弘前城周辺でおこなわれる弘前さくらまつりはソメイヨシノを始めとして数々の桜が百花繚乱のごとく咲き乱れ、毎年弘前公園には全国から訪れる数多くのお花見目当ての観光客で賑わいます。 本州最北端の地、青森県で咲く桜 桜前線の北上に伴い青森県弘前城周辺では4月下旬頃に開花予想が出されます。 弘前公園内には、ソメイヨシノを中心に、シダレザクラ、八重桜など、約50種類2,600本の桜が咲き誇ります。 日本一と言われる弘前さくらまつりの桜たちは一つの花芽からいくつもの花が咲き、もこもこの迫力のある花付きが特徴と言われています。 弘前さくらまつりの終盤になると弘前城周辺のお堀にはたくさんの桜の花びらが浮かび、この光景を「花筏(はないかだ)」「桜の絨毯」と呼び、壮大な景観の花筏が楽しめます。 2019年から2年間は弘前さくらまつり公式応援キャラクターにボーカロイドの「桜ミク(初音ミク)」が選ばれ、祭りをより一層盛り上げています。 弘前さくらまつり情報紹介 弘前市は青森県最大の都市で四季折々の自然が楽しめる観光地です。 春は桜、夏のねぷた祭り、秋は菊と紅葉が特に有名で、この弘前さくらまつりの日程は毎年4月23日〜5月5日の期間に開催されています。 弘前さくらまつりは非常に長い歴史があり1889年から続く伝統のお祭りです。 期間中は日没から23時までライトアップされ夜桜見物を楽しむ観光客であふれます。 弘前さくらまつりには出店や屋台もたくさん並びますので絶景とグルメを一緒に楽しむことができます。 弘前さくらまつりが開かれている弘前公園までのアクセスは以下のとおりです。 ・東京からお越しの方:東京→はやて(3時間20分)→新青森→特急つがる(30分)→弘前→路線バス「弘前公園」下車 ・大阪からお越しの方:大阪→のぞみ(2時間30分)→新青森→東京→はやて(3時間20分)→新青森→特急つがる(30分)→弘前→路線バス「弘前公園」下車 ・羽田空港から飛行機でお越しの方:羽田空港(1時間15分)→青森空港→バス(55分)→弘前路線バス「弘前公園」下車 ・伊丹空港から飛行機でお越しの方:伊丹空港(1時間30分)→青森空港→バス(55分)→弘前路線バス「弘前公園」下車 なお駐車場は完備されていますが、大変混雑いたしますので弘前駅からバスをご利用ください。 弘前さくらまつり期間中は20:00まで特別便を増発して運行します。 弘前さくらまつり紹介まとめ JR弘前駅ではおすすめ情報満載の観光ガイドを無料配布していますのでご活用ください。 また全国の旅行代理店で弘前さくらまつりツアーが催行されますのでホテルと交通がパックになったお得な観光ツアーをご利用ください。 是非日本一の桜を弘前さくらまつりでお楽しみください。 -
Video article 2:13
Zao - Where Fantastic Ice Trees Stretch as Far as the Eye Can See. Referred to as "Ice Monsters" This Destination in Yamagata Prefecture Is Very Popular Among Foreign Tourists
Nature- 55 plays
- YouTube
自然が生み出す絶景「蔵王の樹氷」をご紹介! 日本にはさまざまな名所があります。 その中でも幻想的な景色を楽しめる場所に旅行したいと思っている方は多いと思います。 そのような方々に、山形県の蔵王の樹氷をおすすめします。 この記事では、「Saha Entertainment TV」が公開した「[4K] 絶景蔵王の樹氷 Amazing Ice Monsters」をもとに、日本のおすすめの観光地である蔵王の樹氷の魅力や、おすすめのインスタ映えスポットの情報などを説明します。 「蔵王の樹氷」が生み出す自然の美しさ 蔵王の樹氷は、山形の蔵王連峰にある植物に雪が凍り付き、固まったものです。 東北地方の奥羽山脈(飯豊連峰、朝日連峰、月山、鳥海山など)でしか確認されておらず、とても珍しい自然美を堪能することができます。 見ごろは、1月の下旬から3月の上旬です。 この時期には樹氷のライトアップイベントも行われているので、夜の幻想的な蔵王の樹氷を楽しめます。 このように、蔵王の樹氷は他では見ることができない美しい絶景を楽しめるので、自然を楽しみたい方にはおすすめの観光地です。 「スノーモンスター」や「アイスモンスター」とよばれる蔵王の樹氷を思う存分、鑑賞しましょう。 日本の観光地である「蔵王の樹氷」は幻想的な景観を楽しめる 日本の観光地である蔵王の樹氷は、幻想的な景観を楽しむことができます。 昼の太陽の光によるデイライト樹氷は、自然の光と特徴的な形の樹氷が融合して、少し変わった美しい風景を楽しむことができます。 夜のライトアップでは、色彩が鮮やかな光によって樹氷が浮かびあがり、幻想的な景色を堪能できるでしょう。 蔵王の樹氷は、昼と夜で幻想的な景色を見ることができる素晴らしい場所です。 日本の観光地である「蔵王の樹氷」を見るのにおすすめのエリア 日本の観光地である蔵王の樹氷は、自然の景色を満喫できるスポットがたくさんあります。 温泉街からのれるロープウェイは、大きな窓から樹氷を見ることができるのでおすすめです。 ゆったり座りながら鑑賞できるのもポイントです。 ロープウェイの山頂駅も人気スポット。 駅から降りた瞬間に広大な樹氷が目の前に広がっています。 展望台では樹氷原を一望できるので、ぜひ訪ねてみてください! 絶景「蔵王の樹氷」のまとめ 他では見ることができない蔵王の樹氷。 ぜひ現地でアイスモンスターと呼ばれる絶景をご覧になってみてください。 その幻想的な景色と迫力を思う存分、楽しみましょう! -
Video article 13:42
Feel the Charm of Japan's Four Seasons in Inawashiro, Fukushima! Eat, Play, Learn... You'll Be Amazed at the Beautiful Scenes That Fukushima Has to Offer!
Local PR Travel- 20 plays
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福島県猪苗代湖はどんなところ? こちらの動画は「公式チャンネル猪苗代町」が公開した「猪苗代観光プロモーションビデオ」です。 猪苗代湖は東北地方の南端を占める福島県のほぼ中央に位置し、日本では4番目の広さを誇る湖です。 夏は湖水浴や釣りや遊覧船観光・ボート遊びなど自然の中のマリンスポーツ、花火大会などで多くの旅行客を魅了する人気観光エリアです。 また猪苗代湖周辺には磐梯山や源泉が湧く温泉ホテルも多く、1年を通じて観光が楽しめます。 今回はそんな福島県猪苗代湖の絶景スポットを動画と共にお楽しみください。 福島県猪苗代湖へのアクセスとイベント情報 猪苗代湖周辺には日本の自然豊かな磐梯山があり様々なイベントが楽しめます。 6月に山開きするとキャンプや7月には磐梯まつりが開催され、冬はスキーなどのウィンタースポーツを楽しむことができます。 夏になると湖畔のキャンプや釣り、ボート、遊覧船観光などのアクティビティ、花火大会や自然を楽しみながら走るハーフマラソンなどのイベントが目白押しです。 福島県猪苗代湖へのアクセスはJR猪苗代湖駅からバスで約15分。自動車は磐越自動車道猪苗代磐越高原ICより約3分です。 日本有数の自然豊かな観光地福島県猪苗代湖周辺の花鳥風月 猪苗代湖観光では日本でも珍しい白鳥を始めとした貴重な野鳥の生態を観察することもできます。 湖畔のカフェやキャンプ場でもさまざまな野鳥や桜、紅葉などを楽しむことができますが、アクアマリンいなわしろカワセミ水族館ではカワセミを始めとした猪苗代湖周辺の生態系の資料を閲覧することができる穴場スポットです。 湖畔の自然の中をゆっくりと観光ウォーキングするのなら湘南エリアトレッキングルートがおすすめです。 猪苗代湖の名前の由来と歴史文化 猪苗代湖の名前の由来には諸説ありますが、稲作と深い関係があることは確かなようです。 磐梯山は活火山で大規模な噴火によって猪苗代湖が現出したとされています。 そして今から約1万2000年前頃にはすでに湖畔に先住民が住んでいた痕跡があり、磐梯山の厳しい自然や気候は日本の先住民に豊かな実りをもたらせていたことでしょう。 猪苗代湖は観光だけではなく学術的にも重要なエリアなのです。 科学者野口英世のふるさと 日本が誇る世界的な医学博士の一人が野口英世です。 彼は明治9年に猪苗代町で生まれました。小さい頃は清作と名付けられ、農家の跡取りとして大事に育てられましたが、重度のやけどを負い手が不自由になり医師の道を志します。 その後黄熱病をはじめとする数々の病原体を発見し、その功績を記録した野口英世記念館は日本の医学の歴史にとっても重要な資料館です。 日本の自然が満喫できる観光情報 猪苗代湖はインスタ映えする自然景勝地の宝庫です。 ・磐梯山 ・天鏡閣 ・南ヶ丘牧場 ・西久保彼岸獅子(舞の奉納は毎年春の彼岸頃) ・達沢不動滝 ・福島県迎賓館 ・中津川渓谷 ・世界のガラス館 などの代表的な人気スポットがあります。 猪苗代湖で満喫するグルメ情報 猪苗代湖を有する福島県はグルメの聖地でもあります。 福島産の名産品といえばお米、桃などの農作物、そば、そして日本酒です。 道の駅やカフェ、ホテルのレストラン、猪苗代駅周辺の居酒屋などでは美味しい福島の海と山の幸を堪能することができます。 福島観光のおすすめ景観地猪苗代湖の魅力紹介まとめ 福島県は東北と首都圏を結ぶ重要な地域です。 その福島県のほぼ中央に位置する猪苗代湖は一年を通じて四季折々の自然豊かな景色、そして美味しいグルメとイベントで多くの観光客を魅了します。 そんな風光明媚な猪苗代湖の魅力を高画質な動画でも御覧ください。 -
Video article 3:46
Chinoike Jigoku (The Blood Pond of Hell) – A Blood Red Hot Spring at Beppu Hot Springs...
Travel- 589 plays
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Chinoike Jigoku at Beppu Onsen This video is a 4K video that introduces Chinoike Jigoku at Beppu onsen, Beppu, Oita. This video was published by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." Seeing the blood red hot springs and hearing the name "Blood Pond of Hell" might cause some readers fear. Well before you get too scared let us explain what kind of place Oita's Chinoike Jigoku is. Be sure to follow along with the video! Chinoike Jigoku Photo:Beppu's hot springs at night There are many famous hot spring resorts in Japan. Among them, Beppu City in Oita Prefecture in Japan's Kyushu region is the most abundant in Japan in terms of both the sheer number of hot springs and the amount of water that flows from the springs. Beppu onsen is one of the most popular tourist spots in Japan. Even regular city hotels have natural hot springs here. Chinoike Jigoku, located in the Beppu area, is a natural hell with a distinctive red hot spring. It has a long history and has existed in Beppu for over 1,300 years. Take a tour of Chinoike Jigoku and the surrounding area to enjoy the charm of this unique Japanese hot spring. Must See Spots and Key Points of Chinoike Jigoku Photo:Chinoike Jigoku Once you go through the gate, Jigoku mon (lit. "Hells Gate"), the first thing you'll see is the vivid red springs. The spring is shown from 0:56 in the video, and if you've never seen it before, you'll be really surprised at how red it actually is. Chinoike Jigoku looks like a pool of boiling hot blood as it bubbles and steams. This acidic melanterite spring is around 78 degrees Celsius. Why is the spring so red you might be wondering. This is because red hot mud, containing an abundance of magnesium oxide and iron oxide, erupts from the geological strata after a chemical reaction occurs naturally under high temperature and pressure underground. There is also a footbath at Chinoike Jigoku where you can dip your feet in the red hot water. After sightseeing, we recommend buying a souvenir called "血の池軟膏" (Blood Pond Ointment), a skin disease remedy made from the hot mud of Chinoike Jigoku. The "Hell Tour" of Beppu Onsen In addition to Chinoike Jigoku, there are many other locations called "Hells." Photo:Umi Jigoku Beppu Onsen's "Jigoku" hell tour includes 7 spots: Umi Jigoku, Oniishi Bouzu Jigoku, Kamado Jigoku, Oniyama Jigoku, Shiraike Jigoku, Chinoike Jigoku, and Tatsumaki Jigoku. These 7 spots are all part of the Beppu Jigoku Association. Chinoike Jigoku is easily accessible by train and bus. First, take the train from Beppu Station to Kamegawa Station in Oita Prefecture, and then take a bus to Kannawa. Admission to Chinoike Jigoku is 400 yen for adults and high school students and 200 yen for junior high school students and elementary school students, and there is also a discounted "Hell Tour" ticket that allows you to visit all seven natural hells (*Prices as of July 2020). Summary of Chinoike Jigoku As you can see in the video, Chinoike Jigoku is an amazing tourist destination where you can see a vivid red, natural hot spring. Business hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (as of July 2020). If you're driving, there are total of 700 free parking spots available for the 7 Jigoku hot springs (as of July 2020). Enjoy the unique hot spring scenery of Japan to your heart's content and experience a tour of the hells of Beppu! Be sure to check out the amazing view of the spring in the video! ◆Beppu Hell Jigoku Tour◆ 【Address】778 Noda Oaza, Beppu, Oita 874-0016 【Access】25 minutes by foot from Kamegawa Station on the Nippou Line 【Hours】8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 【Parking】Free parking for up to 130 cars 【Telephone】0977-66-1191 【Admission fee】Adults and high school students 400 yen, junior high school students and elementary school students 200 yen (as of July 2020) 【Official Website】Beppu Hell Tour Official Homepage ( Beppu Jigoku Association) http://www.beppu-jigoku.com/ -
Video article 5:00
Kisarazu, Chiba - Famous for 'Kisarazu Cat's Eye' and the Rock Band 'Kishidan'! Be Captivated by the Town Where Life and Nature Coexist as One!
Local PR- 71 plays
- YouTube
What Kind of Tourist Spot Is Kisarazu, Chiba Prefecture? This video, titled "[Kisarazu PR Video] A City for the Future|English-Subtitled Version" (【木更津市PR動画】未来につながるまち 英字幕ver), was released by "Kisarazu Promo Channel" (きさらづプロモチャンネル). Kisarazu is known as the holy lands of the famous TV drama "Kisarazu Cat's Eye." It's also here in Kisarazu that the popular artist group "Kishidan" was formed. In this article, we'll introduce the charm of Kisarazu, a port city in Chiba prefecture, alongside the video. Recommended Tourist Spots in Kisarazu, Chiba Photo:Nakanoshima Bridge Nakanoshima Bridge in Kisarazu, Chiba prefecture, shown at 1:52 in the video, is the highest pedestrian bridge in Japan at 27 meters tall and 236 meters long. From the top of the crimson red bridge, you can see a magnificent view of the sea and Mt. Fuji in the distance, earning it the nickname "Lover's Sanctuary." Kisarazu's Egawa Beach is a hidden tourist spot where you can enjoy digging for clams in the early summer. If you want to enjoy activities in the outdoors, be sure to visit the sea in Kisarazu. Mitsui Outlet Park Kisarazu, where you can enjoy shopping, is another popular spot. Festivals in Kisarazu, Chiba Photo:Chiba Prefecture, Kisarazu Port Festival Fireworks Festival In Kisarazu, Chiba there are many festivals held throughout the year where you can experience Japanese culture. One that is especially famous is the event "Yassai Mossai" which is held on August 14th and 15th every year, which can be seen from 1:59 in the video. "Yassai Mossai," which is held as one of Kisarazu Port's festivals, is a historic festival where the people of the city dance and parade down the main street. The Kisarazu Port Festival Fireworks Festival is also held on the 15th, and the roadside where you can enjoy local gourmet food is crowded with people who come to see the awesome display. In addition, there's the annual festival of Yatsurugi Hachiman Shrine held in July, in which mikoshi (portable shrines) are carried around, as well as Nakajima Bontentate held in January, so be sure to visit them. Access To Kisarazu, Chiba Photo:Chiba Prefecture, Tokyo Bay Aqua Line The appeal of Kisarazu is that it only takes about 15 minutes to reach Kawasaki using the Tokyo Bay Aqua Line. There are also buses to and from Tokyo from Chiba Station via the Aqua Kaneda Bus Terminal. We also recommend the Umihotaru Parking Area for sightseeing around Kisarazu. The Ken-o Expressway also gives you easy access to Narita Airport. If you're going by car, stop by Roadside Station Kisarazu Umakuta-no-sato for sightseeing. Summary of the Easily Accessible Kisarazu, Chiba Photo:Chiba Prefecture, Tokyo Bay Aqua Line As you can see from the video we introduced, Kisarazu, Chiba is considered a tourist destination with excellent access. Be sure to stop by the many tourist spots and have a wonderful time! 【Official Website】Kisarazu Chiba Prefecture City Hall Website https://www.city.kisarazu.lg.jp/about/foreignlanguage.html -
Video article 2:33
"Senjuan" at Tanigawa Onsen Is a High-Class Japanese Inn in Gunma. The Luxuy of This High-End Ryokan Is Far Beyond Anything You Can Imagine
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 54 plays
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The PR Video for "Senjuan" at Tanigawa Onsen in Gunma This video, titled "'Bettei Senjuan' YADO-PV/JAPAN : 宿PV 別邸 仙寿庵03," produced by "private-onsen JAPAN," is a promotional video for the high-class Japanese ryokan, "Senjuan" at Tanigawa Onsen in Minakami-machi (みなかみ町: Minakami-town ) in Gunma. Senjuan is located in a beautiful area with natural, picturesque scenery, and is famous for its luxurious hot springs and exquisite food. It is highly rated on travel review and travel comparison sites, making it a popular place to stay when traveling to Tanigawa Onsen. In this article, we'll introduce the charms of Senjuan, a 20,000-square-meter luxury ryokan at Tanigawa Onsen. In just two and a half minutes, you'll learn about everything that the luxury ryokan, Senjuan, has to offer! A Look at Tanigawa Onsen's Senjuan Source :YouTube screenshot Senjuan, located at the foot of Mount Tanigawa in Gunma Prefecture, is an artistic, luxury Onsen that visitors can enjoy both staying and looking at. You'll find masterful Japanese installations and craftsmanship, including a large glass-walled corridor, an 8-meter high curved corridor that's lit up at night, a Kyo-clay wall made from local Gunma soil, and an entrance with unusual tatami mats. These can be seen from 0:05 in the video. There's also an eight-meter tall curved corridor, which is covered with white snow in the winter season (1:43). Source :YouTube screenshot All 18 guest rooms have open air baths and luxurious interiors. There are 6 types of rooms: the Special room SP, Japanese style room 'S,' a Western-Japanese style room, Western style twin room, Japanese style room 'A,' and Japanese style room 'B.' The spring at Senjuan is a mild alkaline hot spring that is gentle on the skin. It is said to be effective in treating gastrointestinal disorders, neuralgia, and sensitivity to cold. Be sure to try the "Suzumushi no yu" and "Hotaru no yu" open-air baths, as well as the "Ichi no kura" and "Sen no kura" large public baths during your stay. During summer, there is a "walking bath" as well. You can spend a luxurious time in the open-air baths while admiring a spectacular view of the Tanigawa mountain stream (谷川渓流: Tanigawa keiryuu). The Exquisite Cuisine of Senjuan Source :YouTube screenshot Senjuan is proud of its excellent cuisine made from local, seasonal ingredients. You can see some of these dishes in the video at 2:05. The chef prepares kaiseki and creative Japanese cuisine with an incredibly high level of detail, and you can enjoy these exquisite dishes in a private dining room. The seasonal scenery seen through the windows enhances your dining experience as well. There are several restaurants, including Saika, Kisen, Hibiki, Unryu, Gepuu, and Aizuki, all of which are private spaces with a variety of different styles. In terms of seasonal cuisine, guests can enjoy dishes made with local, seasonal ingredients such as Joshu beef and char. The rich Joshu beef in particular is superb. The breakfast is also made with plenty of local ingredients, including those from the town of Minakami. Accommodation Information for Senjuan Source :YouTube screenshot Senjuan offers extensive facilities. The hotel has a glass-walled front lobby, a shop selling local crafts, and a reading room surrounded by trees. we recommend visiting the garden, which, on a clear day, offers a panoramic view of Mt. Tanigawa. You can also enjoy a wonderful time at SORA, a beauty salon by NAOTO, the first Japanese make-up artist to receive the Order of Merit for Art and Culture in Italy, which can be seen from 1:53 Sightseeing Spots Around Senjuan Photo:Autumn colors along the Tanigawadake Ropeway in Minakami, Gunma There are many popular sightseeing spots and landmarks around the town of Minakami, where Senjuan is located. These include the Tanigawadake Ropeway, Takumi no Sato, Doai Station, Suwakyo, the Tanigawadake Tenjindaira Ski Area, Norn Minakami Ski Resort, Teriha Valley, Yagisawa Dam, Tsukiyono Vidro Park, Minakami Hodaigi Ski Place, and more. Be sure to check some of these out when you're in the area. There are also spots where you can enjoy a day trip to hot springs, such as Yuterume Tanigawa and Suzumori no Yu. Summary of Senjuan Source :YouTube screenshot "'Bettei Senjuan' YADO-PV/JAPAN : 宿PV 別邸 仙寿庵03," produced by "private-onsen JAPAN" is a video introducing the charms of Senjuan, a luxury ryokan at Tanigawa Onsen. Just watching the video and seeing everything the ryokan has to offer is enough to make you want to book a trip. Accommodation fees vary by seasons and room type. Please check the official website, or travel websites for more details. ◆Senjuan◆ 【Address】614 Tanigawa, Minakami, Tone District, Gunma 379-1619 【Access】About 10 minutes by car from the Minakami Interchange 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】0278-72-1860 【Official Website】Senjuan at Tanigawa Onsen in Gunma http://www.senjyuan.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Senjuan https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1121071-d1146500-Reviews-Bettei_Senjuan-Minakami_machi_Tone_gun_Gunma_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 2:59
Hakone Onsen's "Hakone Ginyu" Inn, Is an Exclusive, Luxurious Place to Stay in Kanagawa Prefecture! Enjoy a Wonderful Experience at One of Japan's Premier Hot Springs!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 100 plays
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Hakone Ginyu Inn, Kanagawa This is an introductory video on the luxury ryokan "Hakone Ginyu" located in Miyanoshita, Hakone, Ashigarashimo, Kanagawa, in Japan's Kanto region. The video, "Hakone Ginyu" Inn PV Japan(“Hakone Ginyu” 宿PV JAPAN 箱根吟遊 02)” was created by “private-onsen Japan.” Hakone Ginyu, a ryokan located in Hakone, one of Japan's most famous sightseeing spots, famous for hot springs and Mt. Fuji, is characterized by a symbolic mark that expresses the characters "花鳥風月, Kacho Fugetsu" (Beauty of nature) and "心" (heart), in oracle bone script. It's a ryokan that we highly recommend for sightseeing trips and it has great reviews and travel and comparison sites. It's no secret that Hakone is a well known place to enjoy hot springs, and Hakone Ginyu offers a variety of hot springs for you to enjoy and relax with. In this article, we'll talk about how to enjoy Hakone Ginyu for both foreign and domestic travelers! Hidden Gems at Hakone Ginyu! Source :YouTube screenshot Hakone Ginyu consists of a Japanese/Asian style theme, and this luxury facility includes lounges and bars where you can make the most of your trip. Check out the lounges from 1:18 in the video. So what's so special about Hakone Ginyu? First, the location. As you can see in the video (0:45), Hakone Ginyu is located in the valley at 1,400 ft. above sea level. The entrance and lobby are located on top of the building and from here you can enjoy a view of the entire Hakone mountain range. Each room offers different views, and this is another reason why Hakone Ginyu is so popular. Source :YouTube screenshot There are four different types of rooms: "風" (Wind), "星" (Stars), "空" (Sky), and "月" (Moon) Each room comes with a private hot spring fully equipped with amenities. You can also relax at the "Ginyu Spa," which is introduced at 1:42 in the video. The spa is not only for overnight guests, but also for day trip guests as well. You can also rent it out after business hours, and there is an open-air bath exclusively for the "Ginyu Spa." Hot Spring Information for Hakone Ginyu Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see in the video at 2:48, Hakone Ginyu is an inn with an amazing view of the Hakone mountain range. Enjoy the changing of the leaves while relieving yourself of fatigue in the "Infinity Open-Air Bath." All rooms are also fully equipped with personal open-air baths for you to enjoy. All of the hot springs are highly effective in moisturizing the body and provide a wonderful way to relax after a long day of sightseeing. The quality of the spring is sodium-chloride (Low tonicity, weak alkalinity, high temperature spring). The hot spring is said to be effective against various diseases such as gynecological diseases, children's diseases, chronic skin diseases, cuts, burns and other general conditions (neuralgia, myalgia, joint pain, stiff joints, bruises, sprains, chronic gastroenterological diseases, hemorrhoids, cold sensitivity, post-illness recovery, recovery from fatigue, and also promotes health. Local Gourmet Food at Hakone Ginyu Source :YouTube screenshot After enjoying the spectacular scenery and relaxing in the hot springs, the obvious thing to do is to fill your stomach with some fine gourmet dishes. And you're in luck! Hakone Ginyu, prepares sumptuous meals using seasonal ingredients from each of the four seasons of Japan. You can even enjoy the food in your room at your leisure. Check out the video from 1:12 to see some of the food at Hakone Ginyu. They offer breakfast, dinner and even late night snacks, all of which can be brought to your room. This kind of hospitality is exactly what you'd expect of a luxury inn such as Hakone Ginyu. Sightseeing at Hakone Ginyu Photo:Hakone shrine's torii As Hakone is one of the most popular tourist areas in Japan, there are a myriad of famous tourist spots that you can visit. “Hakone Shrine,” “Hakone Open-Air Museum,” “Hakone Venetian Glass Museum,” “Pola Museum of Art,” “The Museum of the Little Prince in Hakone,” “Hakone Museum of Art,” “Okada Museum,” “Hakone Tram,” and so much more! Explore Hakone and find your favorite spot! Summary of Hakone Ginyu Source :YouTube screenshot It takes about 30 minutes to get to Hakone Ginyu from the Gotemba Interchange on the Tomei Expressway (Tokyo-Nagoya Expressway). Even in Hakone, which is famous for its hot spring resorts, Hakone Ginyu is considered to be a particularly high-class ryokan. It is the perfect place to enjoy Japan's unique four seasons and its hot springs, making it a great place to visit for foreigners and families with children who are considering a resort stay. With so much to offer, it's naturally very difficult to get a reservation.Rates and prices vary depending by season and plan, so please check the official website or travel websites for more details. Spend a night at the Hakone Ginyu, and enjoy the Japanese atmosphere to the fullest extent possible. ◆Hakone Ginyu◆ 【Address】100-1 Miyanoshita, Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun 250-0404 Kanagawa Prefecture 【Access】30 minutes from the Gotemba Interchange on the Tomei Expressway / 50 minutes from the Atsugi Interchange on the Tomei Expressway 【Parking】Available 【Phone number】 0460-82-3355 【Official Website】Hakone Ginyu http://www.hakoneginyu.co.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Hakone Ginyu https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g298171-d559365-Reviews-Hakone_Ginyu-Hakone_machi_Ashigarashimo_gun_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 1:59
A Popular Castle, Just Like in the Movie "Frozen," Exists, and It's in Hokkaido! Is It Just Like the Movie?! Transform Into a Princess at the "Snow Crystal Museum" in Asahikawa!
Travel Action & Adventure- 37 plays
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A world just like the one in the movie “Frozen”! Introducing the “Snow Crystal Museum” in Hokkaido! Before we begin, please watch the video [A snow princess, “Asahikawa museum reminding of the movie Frozen(雪のプリンセス 旭川の美術館「アナ雪に似てる」と人気に)” ] uploaded by “Mainichi Newspaper” posted above. Feel the atmosphere just like in “Frozen.” The atmosphere covers the entire museum. The movie “Frozen” is a popular Disney movie was released in 2013. And the fantastical museum in Hokkaido has recently attracted a lot of attention, mainly on SNS, as it is just like in the movie “Frozen.” What kind of tourist spot is the Snow Crystal Museum? Source :YouTube screenshot The Snow Crystal Museum in Asahikawa, Hokkaido was built in 1991, with the image of snow crystals in mind. The spiral staircase at 0:26 in the video has garnered a lot of attentions on social media platforms. People began making comments on review websites saying that the view in the museum reminded them of the castle in the movie “Frozen.” Since then, the annual number of visitors suddenly jumped to 80,000! A princess experience at the “Snow Crystal Museum”. Source :YouTube screenshot You can rent the gorgeous dresses and transform yourself into a princess at the Snow Crystal Museum in Hokkaido.It feels even more surreal when you take a picture at the castle entrance reminiscent of medieval Europe, or in the frozen corridors. If you're interested in the princess experience, please check out 0:52 in the video to see what it's like. Besides the photogenic, sparkling stained glass sector, there's also a theater, a resource center, a cafe, restaurants and a gift store are available. The “Snow Crystal Museum” is also a perfect place for a wedding! This museum is also suitable for a wedding, wedding photo venue, or various other events. Thanks to Hoshino resort and other hotels in the area, it makes for a very convenient location for visitors. An overview of Hokkaido's “Snow Crystal Museum”. Source :YouTube screenshot As shown in the video, the Snow Crystal Museum in Hokkaido is a popular Instagram spot as well. The facility has many features that a strikingly similar to the castle in “Frozen.” Asahikawa Zoo is another popular tourist spot in Asahikawa, Hokkaido, so try and stop by the Snow Crystal Museum after your visit to the zoo (or vice versa). If you like the movie “Frozen,” or you were fascinated by the video, please visit the Snow Crystal Museum in Hokkaido! ◆Snow Crystal Museum◆ 【Address】 3-1-1 Minamigaoka, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 【Operating Hours】9am - 5pm 【Entrance fee】Adult 800 yen, High school and University students 600 yen, Elementary, Middle school students 500 yen, over 65 400 yen 【Access】15 minutes by bus from JR Asahikawa Station, 10 minutes by car from Hokkaido Express way Asahikawa Takasu Interchange. 【Parking】 Available (Free) 【Telephone No】0166-736-7017 【Tripadvisor】Snow Crystal Museum https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g319103-d1424077-Reviews-Snow_Crystal_Museum-Asahikawa_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 1:21
Onuma Pond, Shiga Kogen in Nagano Prefecture - Showcasing the Beauty of Japan's Outdoors. The Contrast Between the Pure Blue Water and the Fresh Greenery Is Picturesque!
Travel- 218 plays
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長野県下高井郡山ノ内町が誇る志賀高原を堪能出来る動画をご紹介! こちらの「【4K】志賀高原・大沼池」は、長野県下高井郡山ノ内町にある志賀高原の景色を4Kで堪能出来る動画です。 貴重な生態系と四季折々の美しい景色から、観光地にとどまらず日本の貴重な自然遺産です。 この記事では、そんな志賀高原において、ハイキングコースとして人気な大沼池について、主にご紹介いたします。 長野県おすすめ観光スポットの志賀高原! 長野県でも随一の人気を誇る観光スポットの志賀高原では、四季折々の楽しみ方をすることが出来ます。 春は散歩をしながら美しい景色を、夏は数多くある池で釣りや様々なアクティビティを、秋は紅葉を楽しみながらアウトドア、冬は温泉巡りなんていうのも良いでしょう。 四季によって様々な楽しみ方を出来るのが、志賀高原の良いところと言えるでしょう。 志賀高原でのトレッキング観光の見所! 志賀高原と言えば、大自然の雄大さと綺麗な景色を楽しみながらのトレッキングが人気なアクティビティです。 中でもおすすめなのが池めぐりコース。 ここでは池めぐりコースで堪能することが出来るインスタ映え間違い無しの場所について紹介します。 まずは前山リフトに乗りながら堪能できるのが前山山頂と前山湿原です。 リフトに揺られながら、自然ならではの雄大な絶景を楽しむことができます。 徒歩だと大変という家族連れの方やカップルにもおすすめです。 特に前山湿原では、湿原特有の様々な植物を見ることが出来ることで有名です。 次に長野県の歴史において深いつながりを持つ、様々な池を堪能出来るのがこの志賀山・裏志賀山です。 鬼の相撲場の池や、長野県では有名な黒姫伝説とも繋がっている黒姫池等、由緒正しい池を目で肌で楽しむことが出来ます。 最後に志賀高原に来たからには外せないであろう観光スポットが、この大沼池です。 火山のせき止め湖とされており、周囲5.5㎞が志賀高原に囲まれている、志賀高原では一番大きな湖となっています。 大沼池は、黒姫池と同じく、黒姫伝説と深い繋がりを持っている池で、長野県の歴史とは切っても切り離せない深い関係があります。 歴史的な観点からは勿論のこと、水の美しさ、自然の雄大さ。そして池にポツンと佇む鳥居はインスタ映えすること間違い無し。 本でも有数の景色なので、ぜひ足を運んで頂きたい場所となっています。 この大沼池周辺にはレストハウスも存在しており、無料で提供されているので、疲れた足をそこで休めるのも良いでしょう。 志賀高原の観光の紹介まとめ 志賀高原は日本らしさ溢れる自然いっぱいの絶景を堪能することが出来る観光スポットとなっています。 みなさんも志賀高原の豊かな自然を肌で感じにきてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 9:41
Harie, Japan: The "Village of Living Water" in Takashima, Shiga. A Look at the Village Where a Natural Spring Has Existed for More Than 200 Years!
Travel Life & Business- 417 plays
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Harie Shozu no Sato - The Village of Living Water This 4K video, titled "Harie Shozu-no-sato - Shiga - 針江生水の郷 - 4K Ultra HD," was released by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." It introduces magnificent views of "Harie Shozu no Sato," the Village of Living Water, a popular sightseeing destination in Takashima, Shiga. In Harie Shozu no Sato in Shiga Prefecture, the beautiful local spring water has long been used by the people in everyday life. This article will introduce tourist information for the Village of Living Water, a place where people live in harmony with nature. Be sure to follow along with the video! The Village of Living Water in Shiga Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot The Harie district of Takashima, Shiga, a place not far from Shirahige Shrine, is also called "Shozu no Sato" and "Junsui no Sato" in Japanese. The spring water in this area comes from underground, and has existed for more than 200 years. In 2015, Harie Shozu no Sato was selected as a Japanese heritage site under "Lake Biwa and its Surrounding Waters." Let's take a look at the beautiful scenery of the Village of Living Water. You can see the beautiful water flowing along the side of the road from 0:08 in the video. The Wisdom of Our Ancestors Passed Down in the Village of Living Water Source :YouTube screenshot A Kabata is system that uses water from a spring for domestic use. The cleanest water upstream is used as drinking water, and downstream there is a small pool for washing vegetables. This can be seen from 0:50 in the video. Also shown at 2:08 in the video, you can see how carp are kept in the waterway, downstream of where the dishes are washed, and they eat leftover food to clean the water. The Uehara Tofu Shop (上原豆腐店) along the riverside, which can be seen from 2:57 in the video, sells exquisite tofu chilled in the waterways, so be sure to try some and enjoy the local flavors of the area during your visit. Hidden Gems and Famous Locations in Harie Source :YouTube screenshot The Biwako Visitors Bureau, a public interest incorporated association, offers tours such as the "Kabata and Townscape Course" and the "Satoyama Lakeside Course." If you're looking to go sightseeing in the Village of Living Water, we recommend applying for a guided tour and seeing the recommended routes. There is also a hotel in Harie that has been renovated from an old Japanese-style house. Staying at an inn like this is a great way to experience Japanese culture. Summary of Harie Shozu no Sato - The Village of Living Water Source :YouTube screenshot The area around Harie Shozu no Sato is great for those looking to experience the beauty of nature and traditional Japanese culture. Take a wonderful sightseeing trip to enjoy the magnificent scenery of Harie Shozu no Sato, a place where beautiful water flows through the village. 【Tripadvisor】Harie Shozu no Sato - The Village of Living Water https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g1023578-d6611968-r247141189-Harie_Shozu_no_Kabata-Takashima_Shiga_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 8:15
Enjoy Autumn Leaves and Hot Springs at Popular Sightseeing Spots in Japan's Tohoku Region! Heal in the Scenic Hot Springs of Hachimantai, a Place in Akita and Iwate Prefectures Loved by Many!
Travel Nature- 44 plays
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秋田・岩手の観光スポット「八幡平の紅葉」の動画について/h2> 「JAPAN GEOGRAPHIC」が公開した「JG 4K 秋田/岩手 八幡平の紅葉 Akita/Iwate Hachimantai」は、秋田・岩手の自然の景色を見られる八幡平を紹介している動画です。 八幡平の雄大な自然の中で楽しめる温泉や紅葉が紹介されています。 秋田・岩手の観光スポットの八幡平とは? 秋田・岩手の観光スポットの八幡平は、奥羽山脈北部にある山郡です。 日本百名山に選ばれている八幡平は、手軽な登山・ハイキング・トレッキングコースを楽しめる名所。 1956年には十和田八幡平国立公園に指定され、多くの観光客が訪れる人気のスポットです。 八幡平は、広い高原に火山起源の小さなピークや無数の沼、湿原が点在します。 9千~5千年前に発生した水蒸気爆発によって出来た火口に水がたまり、「めがね沼」「八幡沼」「ガマ沼」といった火山沼が形成されました。 また、八幡平は素晴らしい宿泊施設が充実しています。 「マウンテンホテル」「八幡平ハイツ」「ロイヤルホテル」などがおすすめ。 ホテルで温泉やグルメを楽しみ、充実した旅行にしましょう。 秋田・岩手の観光エリアである八幡平の人気スポット 数多くの見どころがある八幡平ですが、アスピーテラインの紅葉は外せません。 全国でも有数の美しさを誇る紅葉を堪能できます。 ゴルフを楽しみたい人には「八幡平カントリークラブ」。 日帰り登山を楽しみたい人は「八幡平山」。 鏡沼の雪解けの変わった風景を見られる「八幡平ドラゴンアイ」。 美しい花々を鑑賞したい人は「お花畑」がおすすめ。 ほかにも、「藤助森」「源太森」「見返り峠」「安比高原」「八幡平樹海ライン」「岩手山焼走り溶岩流」など見どころがたくさんあります。 秋田・岩手の観光スポット「八幡平の紅葉」の記事のまとめ 温泉、紅葉、登山とさまざまな魅力がある八幡平。 温泉や紅葉を楽しむのはもちろん、気軽に登れる登山はおすすめ。 八幡平登山口ルートや茶臼岳登山口ルートは初心者におすすめのルートなので、ぜひ挑戦してみてください! -
Video article 4:13
Nishiki, Yamaguchi Is a Museum of Nature! Spend a Relaxing Time in a Town Where You Can Enjoy the Essence of Nature...
Local PR Travel- 50 plays
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山口県岩国市錦町紹介動画について こちらの動画は「錦川観光協会」が公開した「岩国市錦町(にしきまち)観光PR動画」です。 山口県岩国市は瀬戸内海に面し、錦帯橋を始めとするおすすめスポットが多数点在するエリアです。 その中で今回の動画では山あいにある錦町を紹介します。 皆さんもこの動画をご覧になれば山口県岩国市錦町のファンになるでしょう。 山口県の錦町は滝の宝庫!日本を実感できる観光ができる! 今回の舞台は山口県岩国市にある錦川の上流にある錦町。 この山口県岩国市錦町には五竜の滝があり多くの観光客が訪れています。 竜頭の滝、龍門の滝、白竜の滝、登竜の滝、竜尾の滝と五竜の滝が山口県岩国市錦町訪れた観光客を楽しませてくれます。 滝の下流にある宇佐川は山口県を代表する清流としても有名。 宇佐川に住む鮎は全国の鮎の中でも最上級とされています。 また、錦川には日本の特別天然記念物オオサンショウウオも生息。 オオサンショウウオ目当てに山口県岩国市錦町へ観光で訪れる人も多くいます。 山口県岩国市錦町の中心観光地が昔ながらの日本の街並み!錦町駅前を歩いてみよう! 山口県岩国市錦町へ訪れたら錦川清流線の終点、錦町駅周辺を観光してみてはいかがですか。 駅前には広瀬映画館資料館やお菓子の館といった日本の昔ながらの風景が多数あります。 また、山口県を代表する温泉地雙津峡(そうづきょう)温泉にも足を運んでみてはどうでしょうか。 雙津峡温泉までは「とことこトレイン」が走り、温泉までの道のりには絶景の数々。 特にきらら夢トンネルは観光客を魅了します。 紅葉の時期は木谷峡も穴場スポットして有名です。 錦川清流線の車窓は日本の絶景!電車に乗って山口県の錦町を観光へ! 山口県岩国市錦町への観光は、JR山陽本線の岩国駅から錦川清流線で訪れることができます。 錦川清流線の車窓からは多くの絶景を楽しめます。 錦川沿いを走り景色を眺めながら錦町へ。 のんびりした電車旅も日本観光の思い出となることでしょう。 山口県岩国市錦町紹介まとめ こちらの動画では山口県岩国市錦町を紹介いたしました。 皆さんも山口県岩国市錦町の美しさへ魅了されたのではないでしょうか。 山口県は日本でも自然豊かな人気の観光スポットが豊富です。 皆さんも山口県の岩国市錦町へ訪れてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 3:55
An Introduction to the Traditional Summer Festivals of Minami Uonuma, Niigata Prefecture. Fireworks, Taiko Drums, Portable Shrines, Bon Dances... This Japanese Summer Tradition Is Full of Smiling Faces!
Local PR- 39 plays
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新潟県南魚沼市の人気夏祭りを紹介 こちらの動画は「南魚沼市観光協会」が公開した「南魚沼市観光PR動画【夏まつり】/ Japan's Must-See Destination: Niigata Minamiuonuma【SUMMER FESTIVAL】」です。 「夏は日本のお祭りをたくさん体験したい!」 日本の伝統的なお祭りや花火大会など、たくさん夏祭りに参加したいと思っている方は多いのではないでしょうか? そのような方に、新潟県の南魚沼市で体験できる夏祭りを紹介いたします。 こちらの記事では、日本の観光地である南魚沼市の人気の夏祭りや、少し変わった夏祭りなどの情報を紹介します。 南魚沼市で開催されている夏祭りを紹介している動画も是非ご覧ください。 日本の観光地である南魚沼市の伝統的な夏祭り 日本の観光地である南魚沼市には、盆踊りや、神輿、獅子舞、御囃子といった伝統的な行事を楽しめる祭りが多くあります。 塩沢まつりは南魚沼市を代表する夏祭りです。 踊り屋台や樽神輿、神楽、よさこい踊りといった、さまざまなイベントが開催されており、大人から子どもまで楽しめる祭り。 南魚沼市兼続公まつりも、南魚沼市で人気のある夏祭りです。 美しい伝統芸能が特徴の夏祭りで、たくさんの人が訪れます。 直江兼続と姫の恋物語を謳った民謡でおどる「お六流し」はとても人気のイベント。 樽みこしや、和太鼓の迫力のある演奏も聞くことができ、とても盛り上がります。 日本の伝統的な行事を楽しめる夏祭りは、どれもおすすめです。 日本の観光地である南魚沼市の絶景の花火大会 南魚沼市で開催される花火大会もすばらしい景勝を楽しめるのでおすすめです。 しおざわ夏祭り花火大会は、地域密着型の人気の花火大会です。 花火の打ち上げ数はそこまで多くはないですが、花火の打ち上げ場所の近くで鑑賞することができ、目の前で大迫力の花火を体感できます。 また、地元の人は自宅で見る方が多いのであまり混まないのも特徴。 ゆったり美しい花火を鑑賞したい人には特におすすめの花火大会です。 他にも南魚沼市地域最大級の花火大会である南魚沼市兼続公まつり大煙火大会もおすすめです。 日本の観光地である南魚沼市のちょっと変わった夏祭り 新潟県の南魚沼市にはちょっと変わった夏祭りもあります。 鮎やアトラクションを楽しめる、鮎まるかじり祭りです。 鮎まるかじり祭りは鮎を焼く広い施設があり、炭火焼きのおいしい鮎を焼いてくれます。 その鮎を河川敷で食べることができ、美しい景色とおいしい鮎を同時に楽しみ、贅沢な時間を体験できます。 南魚沼市の夏祭りの紹介まとめ こちらの動画は、南魚沼市の魅力あふれるさまざまな夏祭りを紹介しており、日本の祭り好きには必見の動画。 さまざまな夏祭りを体験できる南魚沼市。 気になる祭りがあったら、ぜひ参加してみましょう! -
Video article 2:47
Kinzan – A Scenic Japanese-Style Hotel at Arima Onsen in Hyogo Prefecture. Relaxing Hot Springs, Gourmet Food, and More, All at One Luxurious Hotel
Hotel & Japanese Inn Travel- 79 plays
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Relaxing at the Popular Japanese-Style Luxury Hotel “Kinzan” at Arima Onsen This article is about the popular luxury hotel Kinzan, located at Arima Onsen in Kita-Ku, Kobe in Hyogo, Japan. In this article, we'll introduce the charm of Kinzan, which is also a member of the Arima Hot Spring Tourists Association. Kinzan has a great reputation on Hotel and Ryokan (Japanese-style inn) review websites. This video will convey the amazing hospitality that only a high-class hotel is capable of providing. They also have exquisite Kaiseki cuisine made with seasonal ingredients. The video will have you feeling as though you're actually at Arima Onsen. Sit back, relax, and enjoy learning about Kinzan! Arima Onsen - A Popular Hot Spring Town in Japan Source :YouTube screenshot Arima Onsen is located in Kobe, Hyogo prefecture, and is one of the Three Ancient Springs of Japan. Arima Onsen has two types of spring water. One is Kinsen, the gold springs, which contain high levels of iron and salt and is effective at treating poor circulation, lower back pain, muscle pain, arthralgia, and peripheral vascular diseases. The other is Ginsen, the silver springs, which is a carbonic spring water, thought to be good for hypertension, occlusive peripheral arterial disease, a functional arterial circulation disorder, and functional heart disease. Kinzan is one of the most popular Japanese style luxury hotels at Arima Onsen. The hotel is built in the style of a tea-ceremony house, which gives it a unique atmosphere. With its refined and sophisticated atmosphere, Kinzan is on the world-renowned Michelin Guide as a high-quality luxury hotel. The Luxury Hotel Kinzan, at Arima Onsen Source :YouTube screenshot The beauty of the luxury hotel "Kinzan" is that you can enjoy a special time in the Japanese-style rooms overlooking the Japanese garden. You can also enjoy the attentive hospitality of the staff, including the landlady, at this elegant hotel. There is a beauty salon in the building, and a variety of amenities are also available for use. You'll also be happy to know that you can enjoy traditional Kyoto-style kaiseki cuisine as well. The traditional Japanese cuisine, which incorporates a variety of local, seasonal dishes and fresh gourmet food, is a favorite among travelers. How to Spend Time at the Luxury Japanese-Style Hotel, Kinzan Source :YouTube screenshot Arima Onsen's spring water contains many components and has various beneficial effects on the body. This is a part of the reason why this Onsen is very popular. It's effective against neuralgia, stiff shoulders, motor paralysis, joint stiffness, bruises, sprains, chronic digestive diseases, hemorrhoids, and aids in post-illness recovery, recovery from fatigue, and promotes health. We recommend the rare reddish-brown open air bath to those looking to fully heal their body. The Japanese Garden has beautiful bamboo forests, where you can see fireflies flying around in early summer. It's a truly magical scene. During your stay, strolling through the garden while wearing a Yukata, or taking a walk to the Onsen town is a great way to relax and unwind. Remember, it's your trip, so you can enjoy it whatever way you please. Kinzan has day-trip plans as well if you're not looking to stay the night. You can casually enjoy the Onsen and food during the day and begin your journey anew, feeling revitalized. There are many popular hot spring facilities around Kinzan that provide day-trip plans, so we recommend checking out the other springs in the area if you're interested. There are "Kinnoyu" (Kinsen) and "Ginnoyu" (Ginsen) public hot springs. They also have bath salts for souvenirs which replicate the bath water at "Kinyu" and "Ginyu," so you can enjoy it even at home. Create Unforgettable Memories at Arima Onsen If you're interested in enjoying the luxurious space shown in the video, why not make a reservation at the Japanese hotel, Kinzan? Rates vary by season, day of the week, and room, so be sure to check the official website or travel websites for more information. If you haven't yet, be sure to watch the video to see the luxury Japanese inn, Kinzan! ◆「Kinzan」Facility information◆ 【Address】1302-4 Arima-Cho, Kitaku, Kobe city, Hyogo, Japan 【Access】A 3-minute walk from Arima Onsen Station on the Kobe Electric Railway Arima Line 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】078-904-0701 -
Video article 4:21
Miyazaki's Nichinan City Is Full of Fascinating Places to Visit! Explore the Highlights of Nichinan City, From the Beautiful Coastline to the Historical Buildings!
Local PR- 32 plays
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宮崎県日南市エリアの魅力紹介動画の見どころ こちらの記事は宮崎県日南市の「日南市観光PR動画」を紹介します。 古き良き日本を味わえる宮崎県日南市。 四季折々の綺麗な景色を堪能出来るということで、外国の方も数多く観光されています。 今回は、そんな宮崎県日南市について、動画と共に紹介いたします。 かわいいご当地ゆるキャラの『にちなんじゃ様』も登場するので是非ご覧になってください! 宮崎県日南市の名所案内①「日向灘鵜戸神宮」 「日向灘鵜戸神宮」は動画0:07より紹介されています。 宮崎県日南市にある神社で、日向灘に面している断崖の中腹の岩窟内に本殿があり、そこへ降りて行って参拝をするという、日本の神社でも珍しい『下り宮』することで有名です。 宮崎県日南市の名所案内②「サンメッセ日南」 「サンメッセ日南」は動画0:13より紹介されています。 世界でも唯一とされている7体のモアイ像が並べられている非常に珍しい場所です。 最近ではインスタ映えの地としても有名なので、ぜひ宮崎県日南市に寄った際には記念写真でもいかがでしょうか? 宮崎県日南市の名所案内③「飫肥城」 「飫肥城」は動画0:17より紹介をされています。 江戸時代に飫肥藩の藩庁として繁栄をしたことで有名な宮崎県日南市飫肥に建てられている日本の城です。 日本の歴史に興味がある方におすすめの観光スポットです。 宮崎県日南市の名所案内④「堀川運河と油津港」 「堀川運河と油津港」は動画0:22より紹介されています。 日本で大人気のドラマ『男はつらいよ寅次郎の青春』が撮影された場所として有名です。 昔ながらの日本らしさを残す風景は、一見の価値ありです。 宮崎県日南市の名所案内⑤「猪八重渓谷」 「猪八重渓谷」は動画0:55より紹介されています。 世界中にある約1800種類のコケの中の約250種類が存在していると言われる渓谷で、森林浴効果のある「森林セラピー基地」の認定を受けている土地でもあります。 宮崎県日南市観光は見るだけじゃない! 自然を多く残す宮崎県日南市では、歴史的な建造物を見るだけでなく、様々なアクティビティやグルメを堪能することが出来ます。 海ではシーカヤックというマリンアクティビティを楽しめる他、時期によっては実際にサーフィンをすることも出来ます。 乗り物では観光列車『海幸山幸』という列車があり、ゆったりとした空間を堪能しつつ、外を見れば自然の絶景を堪能することが出来る、まさに一石二鳥な乗り物です。 次にグルメですが、自然溢れる日南市ではそれにちなんだ料理が愛されています。 中でもカツオ炙り重やチキン南蛮、辛麺に厚焼卵などは特におすすめです! この他にも、1月~3月はきんかん、6月~8月はマンゴーと、時期によって様々な果物を堪能することも、魅力の一つでしょう。 宮崎県日南市の紹介動画まとめ 昔ながらの日本らしい風景をたっぷり残している宮崎県日南市について、紹介をさせて頂きましたが、いかがだったでしょうか。 今回ここまでで紹介させて頂いた他にも、広島東洋カープ関連グッズを多く販売している油津商店街、綺麗な海を外から堪能出来る日南海岸と、中から堪能することが出来る水中観光船、春は沢山の桜で溢れる花立公園、秋は綺麗で迫力のある坂元棚田もおすすめの場所です。 紹介しきれないくらい自然と気候、そして歴史に魅力のある宮崎県日南市、ぜひ訪れてみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 9:41
Yubara Onsen in Maniwa, Okayama Is a Tourist Spot With a Variety of Seasonal Attractions! The Different Faces of Nature Will Create Lifelong Memories!
Local PR Travel- 31 plays
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四季を通じて自然豊かな温泉の郷「湯原温泉」について こちらの動画は「真庭市公式チャンネル」が公開した「湯原温泉」です。 湯原温泉は岡山県にある自然豊かな温泉郷です。 昔から自噴する温泉が数多く存在し、湯治客や観光客で賑わってきました。 また古墳時代より「たたら製鉄」が盛んだったエリアで、金山(製鉄後のくず鉄を積んでできた山)や史跡がそこかしこに残っています。 人気アニメ「もののけ姫」にもたたら場が登場し、そのモデルが湯原温泉郷だったと言われており、聖地巡礼の場としても旅行客の人気を集めています。 岡山県湯原温泉郷のイベント情報 湯原温泉では夏の季節はイベント満載ですが何と言っても「はんざき祭り」が一番の目玉です。 このお祭りは日本の特別天然記念物に指定されているオオサンショウウオ(岡山の方言ではんざき)にちなんだお祭りで、「はんざき山車(はんざきねぶた)」が湯原温泉郷を練り歩きます。 華やかな道中ばやしが鳴り響き盆踊りも開催! また美甘夏まつりで行われる花火大会は中国山地の山々に音が反響するので海辺の花火大会よりも迫力満点でとても人気のあるイベントです。 さらに秋には紅葉、冬は雪見風呂や冬至のゆず湯、雪景色の中のキャンドルファンタジー、正月明けのしし祭り、6月の砂湯が人気の露天風呂の日など、湯原温泉では一年を通じてさまざまなイベントを楽しむことができます。 岡山県湯原温泉郷のグルメ情報 清流と山間の自然あふれる湯原温泉では毎年1月になると伝統的な「しし祭り」が開かれ多くの人がご当地グルメのイノシシ料理を楽しみます。 そして清流釣りの本場としても人気のスポットなので、ヤマメやイワナ、マスなどの川魚料理が多くの観光客に愛されています。 ホテルや旅館では本格的な山の幸をふんだんに使った郷土料理をお楽しみいただけますよ。 岡山県湯原温泉郷周辺の観光スポット情報 はんざきセンターはオオサンショウウオに関する資料や湯山温泉郷との文化・歴史的なつながりを示す資料を展示している隠れた観光名所です。 また「はんざき祭り」のルートには「はんざき大明神」の祠があり、ここもおすすめの穴場景観地。 ご祭祀のオオサンショウウオがとても可愛いと評判なのです。 湯原温泉郷旅行では絶対に外せないインスタ映えポイントとしておすすめ。 さらに、絶景好きな方やダムマニアにとって欠かせない景勝地が「湯原ダム」です。 湯原ダムは昭和23年に岡山県が立案し昭和30年に完成した歴史あるダムです。 今でも湯原温泉郷の大切な水源として、また電力供給源として活躍しています。 スポーツ好きな方は湯原温泉トライアスロン大会がおすすめ! そしてとっておきの観光スポットをもう一つ!温泉街の中央に位置する温泉薬師堂をご紹介。 温泉薬師堂は無くしたものが返ってくるお薬師様として信仰を集め、すぐ近くから温泉がこんこんと湧き出ているので手湯足湯が無料で楽しめるんです。 湯原温泉郷紹介まとめ 湯原温泉郷へのアクセスは米子自動車道湯原ICより約3キロ、JR岡山駅またはJR中国勝山駅から路線バスを乗り継いで湯原温泉バス停のご利用が便利です。 湯原温泉郷に旅行するなら日帰り温泉が楽しめる湯元温泉館にも足をお運びくださいね。 -
Video article 3:37
Spend a Relaxing Time in Kamakura, Kanagawa. One of the Most Popular Tourist Spots in the Kanto Region, Kamakura Has Natural Landscapes, History, Culture, and Food to Give You a Satisfying Trip!
Local PR- 20 plays
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神奈川県鎌倉市のプロモーション動画について こちらの動画は「鎌倉市公式チャンネル」が公開した「鎌倉市プロモーション動画」です。 こちらの動画は神奈川県鎌倉市のイメージを掴むのにうってつけの動画です。 日本の文化や神奈川県鎌倉市の街並みを知るのにチェックしてみてはいかがでしょうか? 動画の0:26より江ノ電、0:34よりサーフィンを楽しんでいる人、1:27より鎌倉市の恵まれた気候により育まれた野菜の数々とたくさんの名物や文化についてご覧になることができます。 他にも動画の1:48でご覧になれる人力車もポイント。 日本の文化を楽しむためにも神奈川県を観光する際は人力車に一度乗って観光するのも良いかもしれません。 神奈川県鎌倉市とは 鎌倉市は神奈川県にある市で日本有数の観光地の1つ。 1252年に造立が開始された高徳院にある鎌倉大仏や、神奈川県鎌倉市の象徴とも言われている鶴岡八幡宮など魅力的な観光スポットが数多く存在します。 神奈川県を訪れるなら鎌倉市は選択肢に入れておきたいところです。 神奈川県鎌倉市を観光する際のポイント 神奈川県鎌倉市を訪れる際、いくつかポイントが存在します。 是非参考にしていただけると幸いです。 鎌倉市を楽しむポイントは ・インスタ映えする景色を撮る ・鎌倉ハイキングコース ・鎌倉小町通り の計3つが挙げられます。 ・神奈川県鎌倉市でインスタ映えする景色を撮る 神奈川県鎌倉市にはインスタ映えする絶景が数多く存在します。 報国寺(竹寺)と呼ばれる寺の竹林や、人気漫画バスケットボール漫画「スラムダンク」の聖地として知られている鎌倉高校駅前の踏み切りなどが挙げられます。 ・鎌倉ハイキングコース 神奈川県鎌倉市には天園ハイキングコースや祇園山ハイキングコースといったハイキングコースがあります。 神奈川県鎌倉市で自然に触れたい方は観光プランに入れることをおすすめします。 ・鎌倉小町通り 鎌倉小町通りは土産物屋や飲食店が多く並んでおり、グルメを楽しみたい方ならチェックしたい場所。 魅力的な雑貨もあるので、お土産を購入してはいかがでしょうか? 大仏やアジサイと神奈川県鎌倉市の文化をモチーフにした商品がいくつも発売されています。 神奈川県鎌倉市紹介まとめ 日本にはさまざまな文化が根付いており、神奈川県をはじめ日本各地を訪れた際は各地の文化や歴史などに触れてください。 今回の動画は神奈川県鎌倉市の文化や街並みをイメージするのにうってつけです。 神奈川県鎌倉市周辺のエリアに興味がある方は一度ご覧ください。 -
Video article 3:47
Wakanoura in Wakayama Prefecture Is One of the Most Beautiful Spots in Japan and Has Even Been Selected As a Japan Heritage! Be Amazed by the Natural Scenery That Even the Greatest Figures in Japanese History Have Written About!
Local PR Travel- 26 plays
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Introducing the Charm of Wakanoura in Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture This video, titled "Wakayama City Japan Heritage PR Video 'Wakanoura, a Treasure Trove of Spectacular Views,'" was released by "Wakayama City Official Channel" (和歌山市公式チャンネル). Wakanoura is a place with magnificent views and is a general term for scenic places located in the southwestern part of Wakayama City in the northern part of Wakayama Prefecture in Japan's Kansai region. It is a nationally designated scenic spot known for its spectacular views, applied for jointly by Wakayama Prefecture and Kainan City. It was registered with the Agency for Cultural Affairs as a Japanese asset in 2017. The official name is Wakanoura, but since it can be read as "Wakaura" in Kanji, local residents sometimes call it "Wakaura." In this article, we'll introduce Wakanoura alongside the video. Origin of the Name of Wakanoura Photo:Tamatsushima Shrine, Wakayama Prefecture Wakanoura (和歌の浦) was originally spelled "若の浦" (same pronunciation, but different kanji), and when Emperor Shomu came on an imperial visit, Yamabe no Akahito, who accompanied him, wrote in the 919th poem of the Manyoshu Vol.6, "When the tide rolls in at Wakanoura, the mud flats disappear, and the cranes cross to where the reeds grow, all the while singing." Also, according to the Shoku Nihongi, the area was called "Wakanohama" (弱浜), but it is also stated that Emperor Shomu changed it to "Akanoura" (明光浦) because of the beauty of the landscape in the sun. Spectacular Sightseeing Locations in Wakanoura Photo:Tamatsushima Shrine, Wakayama Prefecture 1. Wakanoura Wakanoura, seen from 0:31 in the video, is a scenic spot surrounding Wakanoura Bay in Saikazaki, which centers around the tidal flats that spread out at the mouth of the Waka River and has Kumano Kodo's Fujishirozaka to its south, and the Kii Channel to its west. The beauty of the scenery has been recited in many poems since ancient times, and it has become a place where many cultural arts are nurtured. It was also loved by Toyotomi Hideyoshi and successive feudal lords of Kishu. During the Nara period (710-794 AD), Emperor Shomu was impressed by the scenery changing every moment due to the ebb and flow of the tide, and it's also a famous fact that he ordered the landscape to be preserved for a long time. The sandbar that stretches across the tidal flat of Wakanoura, separating it from the outside world, is called "Katao Nami" after a famous Waka poem. 2. Tamatsushima Shrine In the video from 1:37, you can see Tamatsushima Shrine on Tamatsushima, which sits facing the tidal flats of Waka. The god of Waka is enshrined here and is the object of people's worship. 3. Imoseyama Imoseyama is the first of the six rocky mountains that line Tamatsushima, and can be seen from 1:50 in the video. Yorinobu Tokugawa, the first feudal lord of the Kishu clan, built his legacy on it and built Sandankyo Bridge and Kankaikaku and opened them to the public Photo:Wakanoura Temmangu Shrine, Wakayama Prefecture 4. Wakanoura Tenmangu Shrine Wakanoura Temmangu Shrine, sits atop Mt. Tenjin, which is the innermost part of the cove, and can be seen from 2:12 in the video. Mbr< It enshrines the god of literature as the guardian of Wakanoura. 5. Kishu Toshogu Shrine Next to Temmangu sits Kishu Toshogu Shrine, which enshrines the warlord Tokugawa Ieyasu, the father of Tokugawa Yorinobu. This can be seen at 2:26 in the video. Kishu Toshogu Shrine holds a Waka festival every year on the second Sunday of May, which you can see from 2:46 in the video. It is a distinguished festival with a history dating back approximately 400 years. 6. Takanosu / Saikazaki You can see a view that displays both ruggedness and beauty. It changes with the ebb and flow of the tide, and you'll be able to enjoy a constantly changing view. Summary of Wakanoura in Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture Photo:Sunset at Wakanoura, Wakayama Prefecture Wakanoura has majestic and beautiful natural scenery that has also been selected as a Japan Heritage. Many Japanese people and foreign travelers come to visit this place, as it is also a well-known sightseeing location outside of Japan. be sure to book a hotel or ryokan (Japanese inn) when planning your sightseeing or trip. We recommend staying for 1 to 3 days and exploring the area at a leisurely pace. There are hot springs, cafes, and other facilities around the area where you can rest, and also spots where you can enjoy a variety of activities, so you can enjoy sightseeing in whichever way suits you best. 【Official Website】Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture City Hall Website http://www.city.wakayama.wakayama.com/shisetsu/simadoguchi/1005300.html 【Official Website】Wakayama City Tourist Association https://www.mysecretwakayama.com/ -
Video article 10:28
Conveying the Allure of Noboribetsu, One of the Leading Hot Spring Destinations in Hokkaido. Surrounded by Nature, Noboribetsu Is Full of Tradition, Festivals, and Scenic Spots for Everyone to Enjoy!
Local PR Travel- 32 plays
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湯の国北海道「登別」観光の魅力 こちらの動画は「一般社団法人 登別国際観光コンベンション協会」が公開した「登別市観光PR動画」です。 登別は北海道の南端に位置する日本でも有数の温泉地です。 そして北海道登別の魅力は温泉だけではありません。 様々な魅力が詰まった登別の観光スポットやグルメ情報などを美しい動画とともに紹介します。 北海道登別に宿泊するならここ!高萩市 北海道登別に泊まるなら心休まる温泉施設が一番おすすめです。 そんな登別温泉の宿泊エリアをオリジナルのランキングでご紹介します。 北海道のおすすめ温泉スポット第3位:幌別エリア バスや電車でも登別温泉にアクセスが良好な温泉地です。 北海道のおすすめ温泉スポット第2位:カルルス温泉エリア 登別温泉の特徴は無色無臭の単純泉。赤ちゃんでも入ることができる軟水温泉です。 カルルス温泉周辺のエリアにはホテル岩井をはじめとした4つの温泉宿泊施設があります。 北海道のおすすめ温泉スポット第1位:登別温泉エリア 登別で温泉といえばやはり登別温泉エリアです。 温泉施設の数はこのエリア最多!大規模なリゾートホテルから落ち着ける和風旅館まで数多くの温泉施設を楽しむことができます。 北海道登別の見どころ観光スポット 北海道登別観光の目玉は温泉だけではありません。 日本有数の景勝地の数々も見逃さないでくださいね。 おすすめの絶景ポイントは登別地獄谷(地獄谷遊歩道)、大湯沼、鉄泉池、楽しい観光地はのぼりべつクマ牧場、マリンパーク二クス、登別伊達時代村など。 また山岳地帯の多い登別ではキャニオニングやサイクリングなどのアクティビティが楽しめます。 季節ごとのイベントなら登別温泉湯まつり、のぼりべつ夏祭り、紅葉狩り、スキーやスノーボードなど四季折々の豊かな気候に恵まれた登別ならではの楽しみ方が盛りだくさん。 北の大地北海道の湯の国登別の人気または穴場の名所や景観巡りをお楽しみください。 桜前線が遅い北海道では5月終盤まで桜の花が楽しめます。 北海道登別のグルメ情報 気候と自然条件が厳しい登別は観光と林業や酪農が主な産業です。 そして林業と酪農が盛んなため山菜、チーズ、バター、きのこ、川魚など新鮮な山の幸がふんだんに楽しめます。 カフェでは登別でとれた新鮮な牛乳とバターを使ったスイーツやドリンクをお楽しみください。 旅行のお土産にはヒグマをモチーフにしたクマまんじゅうや北海道のわら納豆などが人気です。 湯の国北海道登別PR動画のまとめ 北海道登別の歴史は江戸時代にさかのぼります。 当時は松前藩によってホロベツ場所が開かれ、これが今の登別市の始まりと言われています。 岡田半兵衛や松岡武四郎など日本の歴史ドラマにもたびたび登場する有名人由来の史跡を訪ねるのも隠れた登別観光の楽しみの一つですよ。 -
Video article 2:26
The Samurai Spirit Remains in Fukushima, Tochigi, and Ibaraki! There Are So Many Spots in Japan Where the Spirit of Japan's Warriors and Samurai Still Lives On!
Local PR- 31 plays
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福島・栃木・茨城の観光「ダイヤモンド・ルート」の紹介動画 こちらの動画は「Diamond Route Japan」が公開した「【4K】SAMURAI Spirits : Diamond Route Japan 2019 - Fukushima, Tochigi, Ibaraki |」です。 動画の舞台である福島・栃木・茨城は、武士の精神が今も息づく地域です。 こちらの動画では侍や武士といったモチーフだけではなく、日本芸能も登場しています。 現代においても国内外問わず熱中させてくれる侍と武士、そして日本芸能。 日本芸能、そして舞台芸術を融合させた「剣伎衆かむゐ」 動画で演舞しているのは、パフォーマンス集団「剣伎衆(けんぎしゅう)かむゐ」。 武道など日本文化とダンスパフォーマンスを融合させた演技が特徴です。 武士と侍の精神 戦国時代に活躍した侍。 そして侍といえば武士道、というのが海外から見た日本のイメージです。 「道」とは宇宙や物事の道理・本質を表す言葉が起源です。 転じて、道という概念は日本古来の信仰である神道へと変化し、武士道などさまざまな形へ変化させていきました。 戦国時代に始まったこの精神は現代の武道や日本芸能にも浸透しています。 日本芸能として残る能 また、代々世襲制で継承している日本芸能もあります。 戦国時代に開花した能です。 こうした日本芸能は、文化の発展に寄与した人物が人間国宝として数えられます。 福島・栃木・茨城の観光「ダイヤモンド・ルート」紹介まとめ 福島・栃木・茨城は、武士道精神が今もなお強く残る地域です。 日本の伝統、そして和の心を知りたい方は是非、福島・栃木・茨城へ足を運んでみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 3:03
Take a Trip to Miyazaki and Enjoy the Tropical Atmosphere! From Udo Shrine and Takachiho Gorge to Popular Local Gourmet Food, Miyazaki Prefecture Is Full of Attractions!
Travel- 65 plays
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Sightseeing in Miyazaki Prefecture This video, titled "Miyazaki, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 宮崎," was released by "gawauemon." Miyazaki offers a wide range of attractions, from the beautiful nature of Aoshima and the Nichinan coast, to traditional culture and arts and crafts. More About Miyazaki Prefecture Miyazaki is located in the southern part of Kyushu. Miyazaki was once known as Hyuga Province, and the culture that took root in that time is still being passed down to the present day through the traditional arts. In addition to the many tourist attractions, there are many delicious gourmet dishes to be found in Miyazaki that are worth mentioning. On top of Miyazaki's famous sirloin steak and locally raised charcoal-grilled chicken, the pride of the area of Miyazaki, recently the popularity of spicy B-grade noodles and onigiri wrapped in meat has been on the rise. In particular, chicken nanban has become so popular that it has been elevated to the status of "luxury street food." Tourist Attractions That Miyazaki Prefecture Is Proud Of Takachiho Gorge is one of the tourist attractions that Miyazaki Prefecture is proud of. Takachiho Gorge is designated as a national place of scenic beauty and a natural monument, and Manai Falls (Manai Big Falls) has been selected as one of the 100 most beautiful waterfalls in Japan. Traditional Performing Arts That Miyazaki Is Proud Of There are traditional performing arts that have been handed down from ancient times in Miyazaki. One of them is the Takachiho Yokagura, which involves Shinto dancing at night. Every year from the end of November to February of the following year, kagura dances are performed to give thanks for the autumn harvest and to pray for a good harvest the following year. Summary of Miyazaki Prefecture You can feel the charm of the tropical Miyazaki Prefecture at its best when visiting in the summer. We hope this article and video have inspired you to come visit Miyazaki for yourself and see what the prefecture has to offer! -
Video article 2:02
The Diamond Route - A Tour of Historical Sites and Natural Scenery in Tochigi, Ibaraki, and Fukushima Prefectures. Introducing the Best Sightseeing Routes to Discover the Charms of Japan!
Travel- 26 plays
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The Diamond Route of Tochigi, Ibaraki, and Fukushima Prefectures! This video, titled "【4K】Digest : Diamond Route Japan 2019 - Fukushima, Tochigi, Ibaraki |" was published by Diamond Route Japan. While the "Golden Route" is a popular route for sightseeing in Japan, the "Diamond Route," which travels through the tourist areas of Tochigi, Ibaraki, and Fukushima prefectures, has become a hot topic of conversation as a way to experience the profound aspects of Japanese culture. By touring around Tochigi, Ibaraki, and Fukushima prefectures, you can experience Japan's history, culture, natural scenery, food, and outdoor sports in luxury. In this article, we'll introduce a video full of recommendations and attractions of the Diamond Route! Open Your Mind to the Ways of the Samurai Amidst the Diamond Route's Historical Landmarks and Spectacular Natural Scenery The video introduces historical sites and tourist attractions in each prefecture, along with traditional Japanese kendo, iaido, and the Japanese culture of Noh theatre, as areas where the spirit of Japanese Bushido is still very much alive. From Fukushima Prefecture, we have Aizu-Wakamatsu Castle, commonly known as Tsuruga-jo, Aizu Butokuden, the Aizu nohgaku do theater, and Okawa-so in Aizu Ashinomaki Onsen, located in Aizu-Wakamatsu city. In Ibaraki Prefecture, there's Kashima Jingu Shrine and Oarai Isosaki Shrine in Kashima City, and the Oya History Museum in Utsunomiya City. In Tochigi Prefecture, you'll see Butokuden at the Tochigi City Kendojo (kendo hall), Butokuden at Nikko Tosho-gu Shrine, Taiyuin at Rinnoji Temple in Nikko, and Uramino Falls in the upper reaches of the Arasawa River. Each of these sacred and majestic sightseeing areas, combined with traditional culture, such as kendo and iaido, and traditional performing arts such as Noh and shamisen, will leave you speechless. A Collaboration of Soccer, Nature, and Temples and Shrines on the Diamond Route! The video also shows the unique challenge of visiting tourist spots in Fukushima, Ibaraki, and Tochigi prefectures while juggling a soccer ball. The performance is by the freestyle soccer team, CUBE (球舞). In Fukushima Prefecture, there's Ouchi-juku in Minami-Aizu, Tsuruga-jo, and the Aizu Railway in Aizu-Wakamatsu, the Abukuma Caves in Tamura, and J-Village, a soccer training center in Futaba. In Ibaraki Prefecture, tourist attractions include the Oarai Isosaki Shrine and the Ushiku Buddha. In Tochigi Prefecture, you can visit the Oya History Museum in Utsunomiya City, Kura no Machi and the Uzumagawa River in Tochigi, the Kanmangafuchi Abyss in Nikko City, Edo Village in Nikko, and Taiyuin at Nikko Rinnoji Temple. Historical temples, shrines, natural scenery, and other tourist attractions are stylishly collaborated with sports. Eat up All the Delicious Food in Fukushima, Ibaraki, and Tochigi Prefectures! In the video, world-renowned Japanese chef Nobu Matsuhisa can be seen cooking gourmet food made from the bounty of Japan's beautiful mountains and rivers. The setting is the town of Shimogo in Fukushima Prefecture. Trout from the Kiyotaki Trout Farm (清滝養鱒場) in Nikko, Tochigi Prefecture and mushrooms grown in the great outdoors of Shimogo Town, Tochigi Prefecture are used to create delicious dishes. As the term "local production for local consumption" is used in Japan, each area has a wealth of delicious gourmet food. Fukushima, Ibaraki and, Tochigi prefectures, all rich in natural landscapes, offer many delicious foods thanks to the blessings of the rivers and mountains. Summary of the Diamond Route of Tochigi, Ibaraki, and Fukushima Prefectures The Diamond Route of Fukushima, Tochigi and Ibaraki prefectures, where you can experience Japanese history and culture, is becoming a popular sightseeing route in Japan. We invite you to watch the video and find your next travel destination! -
Video article 3:50
Kyoto at Night - Like a Scene From a Movie! Enjoy the Magnificent Scenery of Kyoto in Beautiful 4K!
Travel- 496 plays
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A Look at Kyoto and Its History This video, titled “The Night Scene of Kyoto (SONY a7S2 4K Pilotfly H2 Gimbal)” (京都の夜動画 - The Night Scene of Kyoto (SONY a7S2 4K Pilotfly H2 ジンバル)), was released by “video channel.” It showcases the scenery of Kyoto at night in 4K ultra-HD resolution. What does Kyoto, one of Japan's most popular tourist destinations, look like at night? Kyoto originally prospered as the capital of Japan from the Heian Period (794-1185 A.D.), with many shrines and temples, such as Fushimi Inari Shrine, Kiyomizudera Temple, and Kodaiji Temple, and Mt. Inari was a symbol of mountain worship. Kyoto is a city for adults where you can experience the flow of time differently from other big cities. Gion – A Beautiful Nightscape in Kyoto Photo:Gion, Kyoto There are many tourist attractions in Kyoto, but Gion is the place to be to see Kyoto at night. Gion is the name of the area in front of Yasaka Shrine, and it has developed into a historic red-light district. It is also famous as a nightlife district for adults, where tourists and business tycoons from Kyoto and abroad come to have fun at night. You can see geiko walking around the area at 1:14 in the video. Kyoto's Gion area alone is full of popular tourist attractions, but the slope that appears throughout the video is Nineizaka, the approach to Kiyomizudera Temple. There is a dangerous legend that if you fall on Nineizaka, you'll die within two years, so please be very careful when sightseeing! Another famous approach to Kiyomizudera Temple is Sanneizaka. The slope is lined with many stores, cafes, and restaurants, making it a great spot for eating, dates, and even going for a drive. Hanamikoji Street in Southern Gion, Kyoto Photo:Gion's Hanamikoji Street, Kyoto The main nighttime sightseeing spot in the Gion area where you're most likely to see geiko and maiko is the 1km-long Hanamikoji Street, located on the south side of Gion. Hanamikoji Street stretches from Sanjo Street to Kenninji Temple, centering on Shijo Street, which is bordered by Yasaka Shrine's Nishiromon Gate. Also along this street is the site of the annual "Miyako Odori," a dance festival where maiko and geiko compete in artistic competitions, and Tsudaro, a long-established restaurant with a reputation for its Kyoto-style cuisine. Fushimi Inari Shrine's Omokaruishi (Heavy or light stone): Will Your Wish Come True? Photo:The thousand torii gates of Fushimi Inari Shrine, Kyoto A tourist spot in Kyoto that is rapidly gaining popularity among foreigners is Fushimi Inari Shrine, famous for its shrine approach lined with vermilion torii gates. At the inner shrine, there is a stone called "Omokaruishi," and legend has it that if you lift it and it feels lighter than you expected, your wish will come true, but if it feels heavier than you expected, your wish is not yet ready to be fulfilled. Fushimi Inari is the head shrine of all the Inari shrines in Japan, and the shrine is dedicated to foxes as opposed to the usual komainu (guardian dogs). Shinbashi Street - The Best Place To Enjoy the Old-Fashioned District of Gion Photo:Gion's Shinbashi Street, Kyoto Shinbashi Street (Shinbashi-dori) is an area where old fashioned streets and lanterns still remain. This is the area that retains the strongest traces of Gion, which flourished as a red-light district during the Edo Period (1603-1868 A.D.), and is known as a good place for night sightseeing in Kyoto. This street is also known as a famous location for viewing cherry blossoms and attracts many tourists in the spring. Nothing can beat taking a midnight stroll through Kyoto under the illuminated cherry blossoms during the cherry blossom season. Summary of Kyoto’s Popular Sightseeing Locations Photo:Yasaka-no-To and Kyoto Tower, Kyoto In addition to the Gion area, there are many other tourist attractions in Kyoto. There's the famous Yasaka-no-To, a three-storied pagoda which is the symbol of Kyoto, Kyoto Tower, which offers a panoramic view of Kyoto from its observation deck, and Shogunzuka's Seiryuden Hall, a new landmark built in 2014 at the top of Higashiyama. One of the most popular power spots for finding love, especially among women, is "Ryu no Atago" (龍の愛宕池, Dragon Pond) located at Arashiyama Station off the Keifuku Dentetsu Arashiyama Line. To get here, you must pass through Kimono Forest, where 600 Kyo Yuzen pillars line the street. Kyoto is a beautiful tourist destination, and in order to protect the scenery of the city, there are rules and regulations that prohibit littering, eating, drinking, and smoking outside of designated areas, so please be sure to follow these rules and enjoy your time sightseeing in Kyoto at night! 【Tripadvisor】Kyoto’s Gion District https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d321451-Reviews-Gion-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html