Video article 4:44
Fukushima Oze - A Plateau Brimming With Natural Scenery! Embark on a Journey Through the Beautiful Scenery of Japan's Four Seasons!
Local PR Action & Adventure- 75 plays
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About the Fukushima Oze Introductory Video This video, titled "OZE.jp Fukushima Oze PR Movie," was released by "PrefFukushima." "Fukushima Oze," introduced in the video, is the nickname for the route and area leading to Oze from the Fukushima Prefecture side. Oze National Park is a vast area of natural marshlands that spans four prefectures: Fukushima prefecture, Gunma prefecture, Niigata prefecture, and Tochigi prefecture. Oze is famous for Ozegahara, a marshland on the Gunma side, but the route that enters Oze from the Fukushima prefecture side is called Fukushima Oze, and it has also been gaining popularity as a sightseeing route full of natural scenery. In this video, you can see two women trekking the mountain while traveling around Fukushima Oze. Hiking at Fukushima Oze Photo:Lake Ozenuma, Fukushima Prefecture Walking along the promenade of Fukushima Oze Route, you can enjoy the natural scenery of Japan's four seasons. Take a shuttle bus to Numayama Pass, the starting point of the Oze Route, and then proceed to the Oe Marsh, which can be seen from 1:15 in the video. You'll also find seasonal alpine plants, such as skunk cabbage and day lilies, blooming in the Oze Highlands and around Lake Ozenuma in the spring, creating a magnificent view, as shown at 0:51 in the video. Sightseeing Locations at Fukushima Oze Photo:Ozegahara seen from Hiuchigatake, Fukushima Prefecture There is a fishing pond full of char in Hinoemata, a village where you can enjoy fishing surrounded by nature. We definitely recommend stopping by Sanjo Falls, one of the Top 100 Waterfalls in Japan. In Oze, be sure to drop by famous places, such as Hashiba no Banba and Seirou-zukuri Itakura (セイロウ造り板倉), a famous place in Nushiri-daira. Hinoemata Shrine also has a stage where you can see traditional Hinoemata Kabuki. The area around Hiuchigatake, one of the 100 Famous Japanese Mountains, that can be seen from 1:34 in the video, is another recommended sightseeing route. Visit the summit of Hiuchigatake from Lake Miike via Hirosawa Tashiro and Kumazawa Tashiro. After sightseeing in Oze, you can head over to Hiuchi no Yu (燧の湯), a hot spring at the foot of Mt. Hiuchigatake. There is also an open-air outdoors bath, so you can spend an excellent time bathing while gazing at the vast nature. Events and Gourmet Food in Oze Photo:Shrine at Mini Oze Park, Fukushima Prefecture The "Fukushima Oze-Hinoemata Mountain Festival" is held every year at Fukushima Oze. There are hiking tours, outdoor events, stage shows and workshops, and markets where you can shop for outdoor goods, so we recommend lining up your trip to visit Fukushima Oze at the time of this event. If you're looking to enjoy delicious food in Oze, we recommend Aizu's famous mountain dish, "Tachi-soba." At Mini Oze Park, you can buy a mysterious dessert called "salamander gelato" (サンショウウオジェラート). Summary of Fukushima Oze Photo:Fukushima Oze, Fukushima Prefecture Oze, with its abundance of nature, is closed in the winter due to the cold weather, but is a great tourist attraction for hiking in the warmer months. In addition to beautiful natural spots like the ones shown in the video, there are also spots where you can enjoy traditional performing arts and local cuisine, so be sure to check it out! -
Video article 1:45
The Beautiful Katsuren Castle Ruins in Uruma City, Okinawa Are Like a Castle in the Sky. Built on a 100-Meter-Tall Plateau Overlooking the Cobalt Blue Ocean, the Castle Is Registered as a World Heritage Site!
Art & Architecture Travel- 31 plays
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沖縄県のうるま市にある勝連城跡紹介動画について こちらの動画は「うるま市秘書広報課」が公開した「【うるま市公式】世界遺産 勝連城跡~World heritage Katsuren jo site~」です。 沖縄といえば美しい海があげられますよね。 その沖縄の海を一望できるような、インスタ映えスポットを探している方はいませんか? そのような方に、沖縄県のうるま市にある世界遺産の勝連城跡を紹介いたします。 沖縄を観光するときには勝連城跡はかならず訪れるべき! 沖縄のうるま市にある勝連城跡は、ユネスコ世界遺産に登録されている歴史ある城跡です。 12世紀ごろに築城され、廃城となるまで貿易の舞台になっていたと言われています。 当時、琉球王国が安定していく過程で、国王に最後まで抵抗していた有力按司(あじ)である阿麻和利が住んでいたグスク(城)として有名。 自然の地形を利用しながら、石炭岩の石垣を巡らせた城壁が特徴で、とても立派な名城の跡地となっています。 うるま市の勝連城跡は、標高が高い城跡なので眺めがよく、沖縄の美しい景色を一望できます。 沖縄旅行の際には自然や歴史、文化を楽しめる勝連城跡に訪れてみるのはいかがでしょうか。 沖縄県うるま市の勝連城跡は美しい海を眺められる絶景スポット 沖縄といえばオーシャンブルーの海を想像する人が多いですよね。 その綺麗な沖縄の海を一望できる名所がうるま市の勝連城跡にあります。 日本の観光地である勝連城跡の一番高い場所は、98mあります。 ここでは、勝連城跡の周辺にある町並みや沖縄の海を見渡すことができ、うるま市に訪れたら必ず行きたい絶景スポット。 ビーチから見る沖縄の海とは一味違った景勝を見ることができ、続日本100名城にも選ばれている勝連城跡はおすすめの観光地です。 沖縄県うるま市の勝連城跡は歴史ある建造物を楽しめる名所 沖縄県うるま市の勝連城は、難攻不落の城と言われ、城跡の高さやしっかりした石積みの城壁から当時の鉄壁の守りを感じることができます。 按司の屋敷跡や御嶽(ウタキ)などグスクで重要と言われていたスポットも鑑賞することができ、歴史好きにはたまらない観光スポット。 沖縄県のうるま市にある勝連城跡紹介まとめ 沖縄観光の際には必ず訪れたい勝連城跡。 駐車場もありアクセスも便利。 沖縄の絶景を楽しみたい方はぜひ訪れてみてください! -
Video article 3:34
Spend a Blissful Time in Atera Valley in Nagano Prefecture's Kiso District, a Place of Fresh, Greenery! The Murmuring of the River, Full of Negative Ions, Will Soothe Your Soul!
Nature- 69 plays
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長野県の美しき景観「阿寺渓谷」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「haruyuki onoue」が公開した「新緑とエメラルドグリーンの阿寺渓谷・4K」です。 長野県木曽郡大桑村には現代日本で失われつつある雄大な景色・自然が楽しめる地があります。 こちらの動画で紹介する阿寺渓谷です。 こちらの記事では阿寺渓谷の魅力からその周辺情報に至るまでチェックしておくべき情報をまとめました。 長野県木曽郡大桑村の阿寺渓谷とは 阿寺渓谷は厳密に言うと、長野県と岐阜県にまたがっている阿寺山地を源流とし それを皮切りに支流の阿寺川は長野県が誇る一級河川の木曽川に流れ着くまでのほぼ全域を指します。 源流から木曽川に流れ着く過程で吉報の滝や犬帰りの淵などの名所・絶景スポットが点在しています。 またこの流域には学術面から文化的な一面を覗かせており、日本でもココ一帯だけにしか存在しないような希少種の生物や植物があるのです。 全長約20kmの阿寺渓谷のうち管理区間が約2/3となっています。 管理区間のうち阿寺渓谷入口からキャンプ場までをウォーキングで景色を見ながら散策することが一般的となっています。 さらに釣りの名所として阿寺渓谷は知られています。 阿寺渓谷へのアクセスおよび周辺情報 マイカーで向かう場合は阿寺渓谷入口付近に駐車場があります。 阿寺渓谷入口からすでにヒノキや岩などが見え、そこからでも雄大な自然を感じ取ることができます。 特に夏季は観光客が増加するシーズンですので、交通規制がかかってしまい不便な思いをしてしまうかもしれません。 鉄道を利用する人はJR野尻駅で降りて、そこからシャトルバスを利用しましょう。 長野県の美しき景観「阿寺渓谷」の楽しみ方 阿寺渓谷と言えばやっぱりエメラルドグリーンの清流とその周りにある新緑のヒノキ美林でしょう。 川のせせらぎと水しぶきがマイナスイオンを与え、癒されますね。 さすが長野県の信州が誇る人気スポット! さらに上流へ行くと『美顔水』という湧き水が流れていてそこで顔を洗うと色白美人になると噂されているので、それを求めてやってくる人もいます。 また自然を満喫する目的と合わせハイキングにもなります。 気候が変わる秋に訪れるとエメラルドグリーンの清流はそのままに周りの美林が紅葉へ姿を変えているので、夏とは違う景色が楽しめます。 長野県の美しき景観「阿寺渓谷」紹介まとめ 長野県が全国に誇る新緑とエメラルドグリーンが特徴的な阿寺渓谷について紹介しました。 長野県に訪れるなら阿寺渓谷は外せません! 美しい絶景を写真に収めてあなたの歴史の1ページに! -
Video article 2:59
After a Harsh Winter, the Beauty of Aomori's Spring, From the Mountains All the Way to the Sea, Shows Its Colors! Enjoy the Cherry Blossoms and Fresh Greenery of Aomori's Popular Sightseeing Destinations!
Local PR- 70 plays
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春の青森県おすすめ観光スポットの紹介動画 こちらの動画は「AOMORI JAPAN」が公開した「Aomori Scenery of Spring Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 青森」です。 青森県といえばりんごが思い浮かべるかもしれませんが、山も海など絶景の人気スポットが多くあります。 春の青森県に焦点を当てた動画をメインに、青森の観光スポットを動画と共にご紹介します。 青森県の歴史観光スポットは? 青森県の歴史スポットといえば、動画の2:04からご覧になれる三内丸山遺跡が有名。 また、弘前城は観光ランキングでも上位に入る名所。 以前は津軽海峡を青函連絡船が行き来して北海道と本州を繋ぎ、人やモノを運んだ経緯がありましたが、現在は青函トンネルがとって代わりました。 春の青森県、桜の名所はココ! 本州最北に位置する青森県で桜が開花するのは、およそ4月中旬に入ってから。 青森県の桜の名所といえば、まず弘前城が人気です。 そして日本の道百選にも選ばれている十和田市官公庁街は、動画の1:01から紹介されています。 幼い太宰治が遊んだ芦野公園。 動画では0:18から芦野公園駅で満開の桜の下を走る「走れメロス号」がご覧になれます。他にも、0:47から紹介される岩木川河川公園も桜スポットのひとつ。 町の中心部から5分の場所にあり、イベント時には市民が集まります。 厳しい気候が生み出した青森県のおすすめ自然風景 青森県といえば八甲田山。 日本百名山の八甲田山は動画では0:05と0:56からご覧になれます。 また、温泉水が溜まってできた地獄沼の紹介は0:54と1:11からです。 1:54からご覧になれるのは世界遺産・白神山地。 白神山地には青池という景勝地があり、インスタ映えすること必至。 また一風変わった観光名所に、田んぼアートの田舎館村があります。 景勝地の宝庫、青森県の海岸の魅力 青森県の海岸には美しい景観が広がります。 2:11から紹介されるのは森山海岸。 2:27からは日本の二大名岬のひとつ権現崎(ごんげんざき)、2:35からは黄金崎の棚田がご覧になれます。 他にも本州最北端の岬である龍飛崎など青森県には多くの自然が楽しめる観光名所があります。 青森県の伝統工芸と食文化 地域の工芸品や文化に触れられるのも青森観光の醍醐味。 動画では津軽びいどろの工房、津軽打刃物が紹介されています。 また、青森は津軽三味線でも有名ですね。 食文化も豊かで、郷土料理には古くから津軽地方に伝わる津軽そば、八戸市エリア周辺に伝わるせんべい汁、いちご煮、マグロ丼が有名です。 春の青森県紹介まとめ 美しい景色と伝統文化が盛りだくさんの青森県。 動画でも青森県の外せない観光地が多く紹介されているので、ぜひご覧になってみてください。 -
Video article 5:49
Enjoy the Mystical Beauty of Mount Yoshino, a World Heritage Site in Nara Prefecture, Brimming With Beautiful Cherry Blossoms!
Travel- 74 plays
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吉野山の景色を4Kで見よう こちらの動画は「Discover Nippon」が公開した「4K 吉野山の桜 NARA JAPAN Cherry blossom Mt.Yoshino吉野観光 世界遺産 日本の桜 桜の名所 花見 満開 hanami 金峯山寺 奈良観光 信仰 千本桜」です。 こちらの動画では奈良県吉野山の絶景と山桜の映像を4Kで見ることができ、ユネスコ世界遺産となった紀伊山地の霊場と修験道の史跡風景を楽しめることができます。 吉野山の桜観光へ行こう 吉野山は日本有数の桜の観光名所です。 吉野桜と言う言葉があるほどに吉野山全体が春には桜で溢れ、絶景とともに美しい景観の桜を観光することができます。 動画の1分3秒あたりから紹介されているように、吉野山には中千本から吉水神社までの千本桜を「一目千本桜」と呼ばれ、世界遺産の景勝地吉水神社からの中千本の桜は絶景です。 また、吉水神社の中には南北朝時代の寺院文献が展示されており、文化的な観光できます。 また、吉野山のロープウェイは、吉野山駅から見る下千本の春もみじと呼ばれる紅葉は桜のピンク色と並んで非常に美しい観光エリアです。 吉野山周辺には駐車場やホテルが少ないので、車でアクセスする場合は地図やルートなどの情報を確認してから行きましょう。 金峯山寺空に見るシロヤマザクラ 吉野山の桜は金峯山寺からの奥千本と呼ばれる景色も美しいです。 金峯山寺の本尊である「蔵王顕現」が桜の木で彫刻されているのが、吉野山に神木として桜が多く植えられた理由でもあります。 この品種がシロヤマザクラと呼ばれるもので儚げで可憐な様子が吉野山の桜の多くを占めています。 奈良の気候から、3月頃から4月にかけてが桜の見頃になり多くのイベントが催されます。 吉野山の奥庭周辺では吉野川沿いにキャンブ場が複数あり、雄大な自然と歴史ある観光名所を眺めながら優雅にハイキングやバーベキューなどを楽しむことができます。 吉野山の夜桜はライトアップも実施されています。 下千本の七曲坂や中千本の五郎平周辺、上千本の大塔の宮迎徳碑周辺になります。 昼間の吉野山は多くの人で混雑していますが、夜桜の時間はやや人が減るため、ゆっくりと観光することができます。 ご当地グルメの歌藤旅館の葛餅を食べよう! 吉野山観光で欠かせないのはご当地スイーツの葛餅(くずもち)です。 中千本には多くの飲食店があり、なかでも歌藤旅館の葛餅がおすすめです。 吉野山の特産である本葛粉を使っており、吉野山の観光には欠かせないご当地スイーツになっています。 またランチには葛うどんといった変わった料理も食べられます。 吉野山の桜観光紹介まとめ こちらの動画では、まるでそこにいるかのように美しい吉野山の景色が映像になっています。 毎年多くの旅行客が訪れる人気の吉野山で、一目千本桜とまで言われる吉野山の桜のお花見を堪能してください。 -
Video article 3:50
This Endless Pink Cherry Blossom Tunnel Will Leave You Breathless! Introducing Attractions and Useful Information About the Popular Tourist Spot "Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path" in Kitakata, Fukushima Prefecture!
Travel- 379 plays
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Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path in Fukushima Prefecture! This video, titled "[4K Video] 2017 Kitakata Weeping Cherry Blossom Tree Path Kitakata-shi, Fukushima" (【4K映像】2017喜多方しだれ桜並木), is a movie showing the beautiful weeping cherry blossoms at a promenade in Fukushima, in full bloom. The Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path ranks #1 for "Famous Cherry Blossom Viewing Spots That Japanese People Want to Visit the Most," #1 for "Most Popular Cherry Blossom Viewing Spot in the Tohoku region"(東北地方, Tohokuchiho), is "The Cherry Blossom Viewing Spot in the Tohoku Region That People Want to Visit the Most," and is a breathtaking sight that should definitely be on your bucket list. The Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path Photo:A woman enjoying a row of cherry blossom trees The Japanese National Railways Nicchu Line used to pass through Kitakata, Fukushima Prefecture in the Tohoku region, but is now discontinued. The ruins of the Japanese National Railway's Nicchu Line, which was abandoned in 1984 was subsequently transformed into the "Nicchu Railway Line Memorial Cycling Pedestrians' Path" (日中線記念自転車歩行者道, Nitchusenkinenjitenshahokoshado). More than 1,000 cherry blossom trees are planted along the 3-kilometer promenade! In the spring, as you can see in the video, the pink cherry blossoms burst into bloom and create a beautiful cherry blossom tunnel that is nothing short of breathtaking. Things to Do Near the Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path Source :YouTube screenshot Every year in Kitakata, a project called "Hospitality with Flowers Kitakata" is held, and street stalls pop up along the promenade in the tourism season. You can see this at 0:43 in the video. It's wonderful to visit during the cherry blossom season and also when the cherry blossoms are just starting to fall, creating a blizzard of cherry blossom petals. There is also a steam locomotive midway through the promenade, as you can see from 2:00 in the video. This steam locomotive used to run on the Nicchu Line. The contrast between the pink weeping cherry blossoms and the black steam locomotive is perfect, so be sure to get a photo for your Instagram. Because the Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path in Fukushima is a promenade, it cannot be used for parties. Summary of the Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path in Fukushima Photo:Yoshino cherry trees・Nicchu Line steam locomotive There are many places in Japan where you can view cherry blossoms, such as weeping cherry blossoms or Yoshino cherry blossoms, burst into bloom. Among them, the Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path is a place that will have you thinking "I'm glad I came here." Be sure to check the bloom forecast on the news or bloom forecast websites and visit the Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom! ◆Fukushima Prefecture Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path|General Information◆ 【Address】Jioshikirihigashi, Kitakata, Fukushima: Jisuwa,etc. 【Blooming Period】The middle to the end of April 【Night Cherry Blossom Lighting】 None 【Access】A five-minute walk off the Banetsusai Line from Kitakata Station 【Parking】Available: Kitakata Commercial High School Ruins Temporary Tourism Parking Spot, etc. (Free) 【Bathrooms】Inside Kitakata Plaza, etc. 【Official Website】Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path – Kitakata Tourism and Local Products Association http://www.kitakata-kanko.jp/category/detail.php?id=104 -
Video article 3:23
The Various Expressions of the Five Hundred Rakan Statues at Rakan-ji Temple in Oda, Shimane. "Gohyaku-Rakan," a Constituent of Shimane's World Heritage Site "Iwami Ginzan," Is a Mysterious Tourist Attraction With More Than 250 Years of History!
Art & Architecture Travel- 91 plays
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A Look at Rakan-ji Temple's "Gohyaku-Rakan" at the World Heritage Site "Iwami Ginzan"! In this video "Gohyaku-rakan - Shimane|World Heritage Site - 五百羅漢(世界遺産)," you can see the Gohyaku Rakan at Rakan-ji Temple in Shimane Prefecture's Oda City. (*Arhats, Luohans, and Rakans are all the same thing). Speaking of tourist destinations in Shimane Prefecture, Iwami Ginzan is a famous location that was designated as a World Heritage Site in 2007. Rakan-ji Temple’s Gohyaku Rakan, featured in the video, has been registered as a World Heritage Site along with Iwami Ginzan and its surrounding historic sites. If you visit the Gohyaku Rakan statues, which are made using advanced masonry techniques, you'll see the high level craftsmanship of ancient Japan. You can enjoy the spectacular scenery with a rich historical flavor in this video. The Gohyaku Rakan of Iwami Ginzan: History and Origins Source :YouTube screenshot The official name of Rakan-ji Temple, a Shingon Buddhist temple in Odashi, Shimane Prefecture, is Ishimuroyama Muiryouin. It has a history of more than 250 years, having been built by Tsukiumi Join in 1764. In the video, you can see it from the arched stone taikobashi bridge over the creek opposite Rakan-ji Temple. Introduced at 2:14 in the video is the World Heritage Site of the Gohyaku Rakan of Rakan-ji Temple. They are enshrined in three caves. The Gohyaku Rakan of Shimane Prefecture is a historical heritage site that was built in the Edo period (1603-1868) to memorialize those who died in the mines. Nakaba Gorozaemon Nakaba, an official of the Omori magistrate's office at the time, visited Rakan-ji Temple and built the statue of the Gohyaku Rakan together with the chief priest, Tsukiumi Join, based on the techniques and culture of the temple. Arhats, which represent Buddhist enlightenment, were formally called Rakan. All of the five hundred Rakan statues at Rakan-ji Temple are from Fukumitsu and attract attention as one of the most important religious sites in Japan. You can see the various expressions of the statues: smiling, crying, preaching, even fat, and skinny statues. Highlights of Rakan-ji Temple Source :YouTube screenshot The arched stone bridge on the grounds of Rakan-ji Temple has a long history since it's construction. The ceiling of the temple's main hall is decorated with the a legendary dragon that is said to have tormented the local people. In addition to Gohyaku Rakan, which has been designated as a national historic site, there are also statues of Gautama Buddha and wooden statues designated as tangible cultural properties by the city of Daejeon in the temple. you should definitely check out the large Hokyoin Pagoda, the stone caves, and the red seal. If you want to visit the World Heritage Sites of Iwami Ginzan and Gohyaku Rakan, we recommend using a tourist hotel in the area. Find a hotel with good reviews and enjoy a wonderful trip. Summary of Rakan-ji Temple Source :YouTube screenshot This time, we introduced a video of the Gohyaku Rakan statues in Shimane Prefecture, which are also designated as a World Heritage Site. We hope this video has made you want to visit Rakan-ji Temple. Temples called "Rakan-ji Temples" are located in Tokyo, Oita Prefecture, and many other places. Among them, the Gohyaku Rakan statue of Shimane is a popular historical spot with ancient origins. If you want to see the spectacular beauty of the Gohyaku Rakan, be sure to visit Shimane Prefecture! ◆ Shimane Prefecture Rakan-ji Temple 500 Hyakukan◆ 【Address】804 Omoricho, Oda-shi, Shimane 【Address】30 minutes by bus from Oda-shi Station on the San-in Main Line 【Parking】Use the Ginzan Park parking lot (free) 【Phone number】0854-89-0005 【Official Website】|Iwami Ginzan (World Heritage), Omori Town, Shimane Prefecture http://www.rakanji.jp/ -
Video article 27:14
The Akagawa Fireworks Festival of Tsuruoka, Yamagata. This Must-See Summer Fireworks Display, Praised by Fans, Is Known as the “The Most Touching Fireworks Display in Japan”!
Festivals & Events Travel- 301 plays
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The Akagawa Fireworks Festival This video, "4K The Most Touching Thing in Japan! 28th Akagane Fireworks Festival 2018 "Pride" -Emotional Fireworks- Akagawa Fireworks Festival (shot on Samsung NX1)"([4K] 感動日本一 ! 第28回 赤川花火大会 2018「誇り」~こころゆさぶる感動花火~ Akagawa Fireworks Festival (shot on Samsung NX1)), is a beautiful 4K video of the 2018 Akagawa Fireworks Festival "Pride," which was ranked in the top 10 of the best 100 fireworks in Japan. There were approximately 12 thousand fireworks displayed. Around 350 thousand people came to see the 2018 Akagawa Fireworks Festival, including visitors from abroad. For 27 minutes, you can watch the ending of the Akagawa Fireworks Festival, which is the climax of the program. Enjoy the summer night sky and "the most touching fireworks in Japan" with this video. Introduction to the Akagawa Fireworks Festival Photo:Akagawa Fireworks Festival The Akagawa Fireworks Festival is one big program. We'll introduce the process of the festival below, alongside the video. There are 4 parts. -Opening (Video 0:15) Kitanihon Hanabi Kougyou “Future” (BGM: Tomoni by WANIMA) -Local fireworks (Video: 3:43) Inakako Horiuchi Enkaten “Masquerade” (BGM: Dakishimetai by Mr. Children) -Light of Hope (Video: 12:06) Marugoh “Light of Eternity” (BGM: Hero by Amuro Namie) -Ending (Video 17:55) Beniya Aoki Enkaten “Moment of Miracle” (BGM: A New Day by Beverly) In each part of the large program fireworks are set off in a way that matches the music. The climax of the Akagawa Fireworks Festival is when the 700m long fireworks are set. There's was also the dramatic firework display called “Ghost Matthew and the Magical Flower” in 2018. Top class pyrotechnics from all over Japan compete to show off their skills at the national fireworks competition. There are design fireworks and traditional fireworks and it's breathtaking to see them in the night sky. Information About the Area Photo:Akagawa Akagawa Fireworks Festival is a historical and popular festival. It is a traditional event in Tsuruoka city, Yamagata prefecture and it will be held for the 30th time in 2020. On the day of the festival, there are many street stalls and the street is covered with people wearing yukata. This video is filmed from 2 locations. One is from the venue and the other is from the backside of the venue, in the field. The front side of the venue is downwind, so we recommend viewing the display from the field on the back side. You can search and look for your own viewing spots as well. Summary Photo:Akagawa Fireworks Festival It is the most popular fireworks festival in Japan! There are tours from major travel companies as well, so if you want to visit from afar, you should book a hotel and plan your schedule in advance. We hope this video has you interested in the amazing Akagawa Fireworks Festival! The details of the 2018 Akagawa Fireworks Festival is down below. Some information changes every year, so check the official homepage before visiting. ◆Information about the 2018 Akagawa Fireworks Festival◆ 【Address】30 minute walk from Uetsu Main Line Turuoka station It will be crowded on the day of the festival. There are traffic restrictions and parking fills up quickly, so we highly recommend using public transportation. There are free shuttle buses from Tsuruoka station to the official parking area. However, the official parking area is for people with box seating only. 【Date】August 18th, 2018/ Fireworks start from 7:15 pm 【Venue】Riverbed of Akagawa, Tsuruoka city, Yamagata prefecture 【Entrance fee】 Free, paid seats available. (Reservation needed for free box seat. For paid seats: F to SA class seat costs 3,000 to 24,000 Yen (~$30-$240 USD) 【Sponsor】Executive Committee of the Akagawa Fireworks Festival 【Warning】Please check out the official homepage for details about the upcoming festival. 【Tripadvisor】Akagawa Fireworks Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023682-d10019651-Reviews-Akagawa_Fireworks-Tsuruoka_Yamagata_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 6:57
The Beautiful Autumn Leaves at Oyasukyo Onsen, Akita, Famous for Being the Most Scenic Spot in Japan's Tohoku Region! The 60-Meter-High Cliffs and the Mysterious Sight of Hot Springs Bubbling up From the River Banks Make It a Must-Visit Attraction!
Nature- 169 plays
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Autumn Leaves at Oyasukyo Onsen, Akita This video, titled "JG☆☆☆8K HDR Akita Oyasu Onsen Gorge in Autumn," shows footage of Oyasu Gorge, a spectacular place to enjoy the autumn colors in Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture. Oyasukyo Daifunto, located within Kurikoma Quasi-National Park (栗駒国定公園, Kurikoma Kokuteikoen), is a scenic spot that provides beautiful seasonal scenery. Coming into sight at 0:14 in the video, is a breathtaking scene of the fiery autumnal foliage. During the peak of the autumn foliage, there are events that light up the area, and so many tourists visit, filling up the nearby parking lots. Enjoy the entrancing scenery and the mystical views of hot springs shown in the video. Oyasukyo Onsen, Akita Photo:Akita Prefecture・Oyasu Gorge Oyasukyo Onsen, which offers a spectacular view of steam rising from the gorge, is a popular tourist spot in the Tohoku region. has a long history and prospered as a therapeutic bath in the Edo period (1603-1868). It takes about 50 minutes to get to by bus from Yuzawa Station on the Ou Main Line by use of the local Ugo Transport Bus. At 2:20 in the video, you can hear the sound of the hot springs bubbling up from the Minase River (皆瀬川, Minasegawa). Oyasu Gorge Geyser (小安峡大噴湯, Oyasukyo Daifunto), where boiling water and steam are ejected, is the most famous hot spring in the Oyasu Gorge area. There is a promenade around the 60-meter-high V-shaped valley in Oyasu Gorge, where you can enjoy hiking while admiring the autumn colors. You can also see the beautiful red and yellow mountains in this video. Be sure to step out of the hot spring town and visit Fudo Falls (不動滝, Fudotaki) and Yakushi Falls (薬師滝, Yakushitaki) as well. Where to Stay at Oyasukyo Onsen Photo:Hot springs If you're looking for a great way to spend your time, try staying at one of the inns or hotels at Oyasukyo Onsen, Akita, when the autumn leaves are about. Hotels such as Motoyu Kurabu, where you can enjoy excellent food and relaxing hot springs, and the warm and inviting Oyado Yamanosuna, are perfect for those looking to make their trip special. Ryokan Tarobee, Hotel Matsubakan, Abe Ryokan, Komakusa, and Yadoya Sanpei are all popular Japanese ryokan in the area. Oyasukyo Onsen is a sodium-chloride, sulfuric acid, alkaline hot spring. There are many inns and hotels in the vicinity where you can take a day trip to the hot spring. The day after your stay, you may want to venture out and check out Ishinomaki Seafood Market (石巻海の市, Ishinomaki Uminoichi) and other popular tourist destinations after a good night’s sleep. Tourist Center (観光物産館, Kankobussankan), Oyasu Gorge Icicles (小安峡大つらら, Oyasukyo Daitsurara), Tokotonyama Campsite, Kawarayu Bridge (河原湯橋, Kawarayuhashi), Mt. Magusa (秣岳, Magusadake), Oyasu Gobansho Remains (小安御番所跡, Oyasu Gobanshoato), and Kijiyama Plateau (木地山高原, Kijiyamakogen) are some of the many popular sightseeing spots nearby. If you're interested in Japan's public baths, try visiting Oyasukyo Onsen. You can enjoy the beautiful autumnal foliage here as well. Summary of Oyasu Gorge Photo:Akita Prefecture・Oyasu Gorge Oyasukyo Onsen in Akita Prefecture, is a popular out-of-the-way place with breathtaking scenery and colorful autumn leaves. Check out the beautiful autumnal foliage at 0:14 in the video. You can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Japan first, and get into the mood for traveling! 【Official Website】Kurikoma Quasi-National Park – Miyagi Prefecture https://www.pref.miyagi.jp/soshiki/kohou/foreign.html 【Official Website】Oyasukyo Onsen, Minase, Yuzaka City, Akita Prefecture https://www.oyasukyo.jp/ -
Video article 4:07
The Pristine Sandy White Beaches and Emerald Green Waters of Yoron Island in Kagoshima Prefecture... Beautiful Natural Scenery, History, Culture, and Local Food Come Together to Create Something Amazing!
Travel- 52 plays
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美しき海が堪能できる「与論島」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「Yoron Island Japan」が公開した「Yoron Island Japan in 8K HDR - 与論島」です。 突如出現する、幻の白い浜。 南国のどこかを想像させるハイビスカスは、潮風に揺らされ、大自然のなかで鮮やかに咲き誇ります。 8K動画でご覧になれるのは、鹿児島県にある「与論島」。 日本にいることを忘れてしまうほどの景観を持つ、日本でも有数の癒しスポットです。 与論島ってどんな観光スポット? 与論島とは、奄美諸島最南端にある、自然豊かな島です。 亜熱帯気候で、ダイビングや海水浴などの海のレジャーが盛んです。 サンゴ礁が隆起してできた与論島は砂浜が白く、条件が揃ったときのみ現れる「百合ヶ浜」は、日本内外の観光客に人気があります。 サンゴは他にも、コーラルウェイとういう白い一本道を作り、地下では景勝地の赤崎鍾乳洞を作り上げました。 豊かな自然には多くの生き物たちが暮らし、トゥイシ海岸はウミガメの産卵地にもなっています。 与論島は、特産物のもずくの他、マンゴー、伊勢エビなどグルメも充実。 茶花漁港の魚市場では、伊勢エビを筆頭に、南国の新鮮な魚介類をご覧になることができます。 自然の恵みを思う存分堪能しましょう。 日本でも珍しい文化を持つ与論島 与論島は沖縄県に近いため、琉球と薩摩の文化が融合され、日本のなかでも独自の文化が発展しました。 かつて琉球国王に仕えた武術の達人、按司根津栄(アジニッチェー)を祀る按司根津栄神社は、沖縄との文化交流の歴史を裏打ちします。 また、与論島の伝統芸能である「与論十五夜踊り」は、琉球と薩摩の文化の特色があり、国の重要無形民俗文化財に指定されています。 観光名所である「与論民族村」では、芭蕉布織りの体験を通して、与論島の暮らしや文化に触れることができます。 与論島には、海岸ごとに異なった魅力がある 与論島の海岸は、ひとつひとつに異なった景色があり、楽しみ方もそれぞれです。 例えば、与論島最大のビーチである大金久海岸は、キャンプ場を併設。家族や連れや団体客で賑わうビーチです。 潮干狩りができる前浜海岸からは、沖縄本島を望むことができます。 プライベート感を味わいたいなら寺埼海岸や宇勝海岸へ。 さざなみに自然と心癒される、旅行の穴場です。 カップルにおすすめなのは兼母海岸。 周辺のホテルのプリシアリゾートでは、マジックアワーとともにバーベキューを楽しむことができます。 イチャジキ浜も訪れてみましょう。 満点の星空が絶景で、ここは日本ではない、楽園のようです。 美しき海が堪能できる「与論島」紹介まとめ 与論島には、竜宮岩、ビーチリングなどのインスタ映えスポットも多数点在! 豊かな自然と文化、日本が誇るリゾートの情報は、この動画でチェックです! -
Video article 19:42
After Being Canceled, the Narita Fireworks Festival Was Miraculously Able to Be Held! There's Something About the Harmony of the Music and Fireworks That's Indescribable!
Festivals & Events- 40 plays
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This video, titled " [6K to 4K] 無数の花火に囲まれる感動体験! 令和元年 成田花火大会 Narita Fireworks Festival 2019 (shot on BMPCC6K)," was released by AQUA Geo Graphic. This video shows the Narita Fireworks Festival, which had to be cancelled due to a typhoon, but was able to be held with the help of a lot of people. The Narita Fireworks Festival, which is held in October every year, was temporarily cancelled in 2019 due to a typhoon, but after a month's postponement, the event was able to be held safely. The wide variety of beautiful fireworks that are set off to music is a beautiful sight that is sure to impress! This video shows you the beautiful fireworks at the Narita Fireworks Festival in 4K. -
Video article 4:38
Aerial Views of Autumn Leaves on Mt. Daisen! Experience One of the Top Sightseeing Spots in Western Japan in Tottori Prefecture!
Travel Nature- 25 plays
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Aerial Views of Mt. Daisen in Tottori, Japan via Drone: Video Introduction This video, titled "Autumn Leaves of Mt.Daisen JAPAN【Scenery Of JAPAN 4K】," was uploaded by "SCENERY OF JAPAN." It introduces the breathtaking autumn leaves around Mt. Daisen in Tottori, Japan. Enjoy the beautiful panoramic scenery as far as the eye can see, in this magnificent 4.5-minute video of Mt. Daisen blanketed in autumn leaves. Daisenji Temple, a Must-See Tourist Attraction on Mt. Daisen Photo:Daisenji Temple, Tottori, Japan Mt. Daisen in Tottori Prefecture is located roughly in the center of Japan's San'in region. Its official name is "Hoki Daisen." The majestic mountain even appears in the Izumo Fudoki, a record of the history of Japan's former Izumo Region, which is said to have been written in 733 AD, making it one of the most historical mountains in the history of Japan. Daisenji Temple is one of the prominent tourist attractions on Mt. Daisen. To get there by car, take Prefectural Route 24 (commonly known as "Daisen Sightseeing Road" (大山観光道路, Daisen Kanko Douro)) from the Yonago Interchange on the Yonago Expressway to the Bakuroza parking lot (about 15 minutes), or by train or bus from JR Yonago Station to Daisenji Temple by Nikko Bus (about 50 minutes). Both routes offer a great view of the stunning autumn leaves. Daisenji Temple has a history of flourishing as a training center for Shugendo (mountain asceticism). At its peak, the temple had more than 100 temples and over 3,000 monks. Following the Heian period (794-1185 A.D.), the number of temples increased as mountain worship became increasingly Buddhist. It's said that at one time, the temple was as prosperous as Mt. Hiei, Mt. Yoshino, and Koyasan, 3 of the most prominent places for Buddhism in Japan. Beautiful Views, Autumn Leaves, and Mountain Climbing on Mt. Daisen Photo:Autumn leaves on Mt. Daisen The autumn leaves overlooking the rugged southern cliff of Mt. Daisen is truly a photogenic spot. Although there have been some changes over the past few years due to climate change, the leaves usually begin to change color in early October and are at their peak from late October to early November. The white snow on the top of the mountain and red autumn leaves blend harmoniously with each other, adding even more color to the already spectacular view. You can view this in the video. [Video] 0:11 - Spectacular Autumn Leaves on the South Face of Mt. Daisen in the Snow, Captured via Drone The forests are mainly broadleaf forests renowned for their beautiful autumn leaves, with beech, oak, maple, rowans, and mizunara oak being the main species. Mt. Daisen is the largest mountain in Japan's Chugoku and San'in regions and also one of the 100 Famous Japanese Mountains. It is popular among climbers, tourists, and travelers year-round. Although it sits at an elevation of 1,709 meters, its beautiful conical shape seen from the northwestern side has earned it the nickname "Mt. Fuji in the East." Mt. Daisen's 2022 Autumn Illumination Event – Autumn Leaves & Traditional Japanese Umbrellas Photo:Mt. Daisen's illumination event, Tottori, Japan The autumn illumination event started as part of the 1,300th anniversary of the founding of Mt. Daisen in 2018, and is now a tradition of Mt. Daisen. Only because Tottori Prefecture has a large number of craftsmen is it possible to organize the autumn illumination displaying more than 100 wagasa (traditional Japanese umbrellas). The festival is held during the Obon Festival every year, but in 2022, it was held in October for the first time in two years. The event welcomed visitors with 120 wagasa and a variety of lanterns. In addition, there was a system for taking beautiful photos with the use of a smartphone, and a commemorative photo spot as well. It's a remarkable event, great for taking photos. Tickets for the 2022 event were sold exclusively online. No tickets were sold on the day of the event. We recommend checking ticket and other information as soon as possible in advance if you're planning to attend the next event. [Video] 2:44 - The Beautiful 'Mt. Fuji in the East' Summary of Autumn Leaves on Mt. Daisen During autumn on Mt. Daisen, a famous mountain in Tottori, Japan, the entire area is covered in beautiful autumn leaves. One of the most popular driving courses is the tunnel of autumn leaves leading to Kagikake Pass (鍵掛峠, Kagikake Toge). [Video] 1:32 - A Tunnel of Beautiful Beech Trees Leading To Kagikake Pass On weekends and other occasions, you can expect traffic on Prefectural Route 24. Even still, Mt. Daisen's autumn leaves are worth the time and effort to see. The autumn colors paint a magnificent canvas of autumn on Mt. Daisen, and we hope that you will enjoy the unique autumn leaves of Mt. Daisen with your own eyes. 【TripAdvisor】Mt. Daisen https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121369-d1373369-Reviews-Mt_Daisen-Daisen_cho_Saihaku_gun_Tottori_Prefecture_Chugoku.html -
Video article 4:16
The Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival! Enjoy a Colorful Illumination of Autumn Leaves, and Photogenic Spots! Autumn Sightseeing in Yamanashi
Festivals & Events Nature Travel- 18 plays
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Autumn Leaves & Sightseeing in Fujikawaguchiko: Video Introduction This video, titled "Must-see Views at Lake Kawaguchi|A Corridor of Autumn Leaves" (Must See in Kawaguchiko,Japan "Autumn Leaves Corridor" 河口湖 紅葉(もみじ)回廊), was uploaded by "ka2see tv." The Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival is held in conjunction with the autumn leaves of Lake Kawaguchi, which are at their best from early to mid-November. Visitors are fascinated by the corridor surrounded by beautiful autumn leaves. Check out the relaxing illuminations and the pleasant rustling of leaves in the video below. Celebrate Autumn With the Colorful Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival Photo:The corridor of autumn leaves at the Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival The Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival is scheduled to be held at Lake Kawaguchi in Yamanashi Prefecture from October 29 (Sat.) to November 23 (Wed.), 2022. This is a popular sightseeing event where visitors can observe the autumn foliage of approximately 400 to 500 trees along the shores of Lake Kawaguchi, with Mt. Fuji in the distance. [Video] 2:57 - The Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival This year, in addition to usual events, a new 200-meter-long area called "Oku no Hosomichi" will be introduced. Consider stopping by Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival to see it! Admission to the Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival is completely free. The event is held from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. each day, and the corridor of autumn leaves is illuminated until 10:00 p.m. The fantastic autumn leaves lit up in the night sky can be seen in the video here. [Video] 0:16 - A View of the Illuminated Autumn Foliage A Spectacular View of Mt. Fuji and Autumn Leaves Around Lake Kawaguchi! Photo:Mt. Fuji from a tunnel of autumn leaves at Lake Kawaguchi There are a number of places around Lake Kawaguchi where visitors can enjoy the autumn leaves. Here are some of the best places to take pictures around Lake Kawaguchi. ●The Tunnel of Autumn Leaves This is a famous spot where the autumn leaves along the road turn red and resemble a colorful tunnel. The composition of the autumn leaves, Mt. Fuji, and Lake Kawaguchi is very popular, and many photographers and tourists visit this spot to take photos. The view of the bright red autumn leaves over Mt. Fuji is like a painting, reminding us of the autumn season in Japan. The spot has been featured on tourism posters, and it's sure to be a popular on Instagram as well. ●Momiji-dai Momiji-dai, an observation deck for viewing the autumn leaves, is located on Mt. Ashiwada at the eastern end of the Aokigahara Sea of Trees on the north side of Mt. Fuji. The observation deck offers a breathtaking 360-degree view. You can see Mt. Fuji and the Aokigahara Sea of Trees through the autumn leaves, as well and the views of Lake Motosu and Lake Nishiko are also outstanding. ●Lake Motosu Lake Motosu, one of the Fuji Five Lakes, is a popular photo spot that even appears on the 1,000-yen bill. Lake Motosu is famous for its upside-down Fuji reflected on the surface of the lake, and in autumn, the reddish autumn leaves can be seen reflected on the surface of the lake as well. Enjoy a collaboration of colorful autumn leaves and Mt. Fuji in one place. Summary of Autumn Leaves at Lake Kawaguchi Photo:The Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival Come and enjoy Japan's unique autumn scenery at the Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival. The illuminated autumn leaves of Fujikawaguchiko are a very different sight from those seen during the daytime. There are many places around Lake Kawaguchi where you can take photos of the autumn leaves as well, so be sure to bring a camera when sightseeing in Yamanashi! During the Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival, many people are expected to visit and crowds and traffic jams are likely to occur. Free temporary parking is available, but spaces are limited. Visitors can also use the Kawaguchiko Sightseeing Bus (Red-Line) or other transportation to get to the event site. Traffic near Kawaguchiko Bridge can be checked via live camera, so we recommend using it when you visit the area. 【Official Website】The 24th Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival https://fujisan.ne.jp/pages/433/ 【TripAdvisor】The Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1165976-d10019717-Reviews-Fuji_Lake_Kawaguchi_Koyo_Festival-Fujikawaguchiko_machi_Minamitsuru_gun_Yamanas.html -
Video article 6:37
A Field of Pampas Grass in Sengokuhara in 4K Video! A Glimpse at the Beauty of Autumn in Japan + Nearby Attractions, Lunch, and More!
Nature Travel- 24 plays
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The Pampas Grass Field of Sengokuhara: Video Introduction This video, titled "Sengokuhara Pampas Grass Field - Kanagawa - 4K Ultra HD" (Sengokuhara Pampas Grass Field - Kanagawa - 仙石原すすき草原 - 4K Ultra HD), was uploaded by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." Enjoy the beautiful 4K visuals and the sound of pampas grass swaying in the wind as if you were standing in the pampas grass field of Sengokuhara. Sengokuhara – A Famous Place for Viewing Pampas Grass in Hakone, Kanagawa Photo:The pampas grass field of Sengokuhara, Hakone The pampas grass field of Sengokuhara is located on Mt. Hakone in Kanagawa Prefecture, in Japan's Kanto region. It is one of the "Top 50 Scenic Spots in Kanagawa" and "Top 100 Places to View Flowers in Kanagawa," and is well known for its pampas grass. At the foot of Mt. Daigatake, which was formed by the eruption of Mt. Hakone, lies a field of pampas grass, and in autumn, visitors can enjoy the beautiful scenery of golden plumes rippling in the wind. The fantastic scenery of the Sengokuhara pampas grass field has attracted a lot of attention and draws a large number of tourists every year. The Field of Pampas Grass in Hakone – When to See the Breathtaking Autumnal Scenery Photo:The walking path through the pampas grass field of Sengokuhara, Hakone The golden pampas grass in the field in Sengokuhara is at its best from late September to early November. The lush green tips of pampas grass turn a silvery-white, and as autumn deepens, the tips open up and turn a pale golden color. The beautiful golden color of the pampas grass field, which can only be seen during autumn in Japan, is a distinctive sight of autumn in Hakone. The main walking route for the pampas grass field is to go straight along the path and back, which takes about 30 minutes round-trip. The path through the grassy field is great for taking photos as well. [Video] 0:05 - Sengokuhara Pampas Grass Field Walking Path At the midpoint of the path, visitors can enjoy a lovely collaboration of mountains and the soft tips of the pampas grass. The view from the small hill in the middle of the path is another nice spot, perfect for taking pictures. The best times to visit are in the morning and at dusk, when there are few people around. The photogenic golden pampas grass glistening in the sunlight and the setting sun are guaranteed to be make for awesome photos for Instagrammers and photographers alike. The Pampas Grass Field of Sengokuhara During Summer Sengokuhara's pampas grass field is of course famous for its pampas grass in autumn, but other seasons also have their own unique charms. In early summer, around June, visitors can enjoy the lush green landscape of the meadow that has grown back after the annual burn in the spring. The sight of the newly sprouted green pampas grass swaying in the wind is a different aesthetic than that of autumn. The green pampas grass and blue skies are a perfect contrast, and photographers/Instagrammers can take some delightful photos during this time as well. Spring at Sengokuhara – A Fiery Event on the Pampas Grass Field In the pampas grass field of Sengokuhara, an event called Yamayaki is held from mid to late March every year. Yamayaki, meaning "Mountain burning," is an annual event to maintain the pampas grass field. By burning the dead grass, it prevents the growth of weeds in the field and helps to return the meadow to its youthful appearance. The event is held in the mild spring weather, and spectator seating is available as well. The crackling fire and the intense heat are definitely worth a trip to Hakone. How to Get to Sengokuhara's Pampas Grass Field + Parking & Lunch Photo:Hakone-Yumoto Station To get to Sengokuhara's pampas grass field, take the Hakone Tozan Bus bound for Togendai from Hakone-Yumoto Station and get off at Sengokogen (~30 mins). If going by car, free parking and paid parking are available in the immediate vicinity of the pampas grass field. A temporary free parking lot is also available from September 1 to November 30 every year during the pampas grass' peak viewing period. For lunch, we recommend trying the soba restaurant Hoshinoan (そば処 穂し乃庵, Soba-dokoro Hoshinoan) by the Sengokuhara pampas grass field. In the midst of the refreshing pampas grass field, you can enjoy the seasonal flavors and unique dishes made from the best ingredients while gazing out at the field of pampas grass. Summary of Sengokuhara's Pampas Grass Field The area around the Sengokuhara pampas grass field is home to numerous tourist attractions, including art museums, and its hot springs, characterized by their cloudy white water, are also popular. In particular, the hot springs of the Hakone Ichinoyu Group, which currently has 10 facilities in Hakone, are well known as affordable accommodations in Hakone, and feature dreamy open-air guest rooms as well. Let the warmth of the hot springs wash away your fatigue. Sengokuhara's pampas grass field is easily accessible from central Tokyo, as it's located just a short 2-hour and 15-minute bus ride from Shinjuku Station in Tokyo via the Odakyu Hakone Express Bus. If taking this route, be sure to get off at the Sengokukogen bus stop. Enjoy a visit to see the spectacular golden landscapes of autumn in Hakone! 【TripAdvisor】Sengokuhara https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298171-d1514732-Reviews-Sengokuhara-Hakone_machi_Ashigarashimo_gun_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 4:17
The Transparent Waters of Sunayama Beach on Miyakojima + Sightseeing Spots and Attractions on the Island
Nature Travel- 5 plays
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Aerial Footage of Sunayama Beach on Miyakojima: Video Introduction This video, titled "[Drone Aerial Photography] Sunayama Beach, Miyakojima|Healing Drone Okinawa" (【ドローン空撮】宮古島 砂山ビーチ Healing Drone Okinawa), was uploaded by "Umi Note." It introduces the beautiful blue skies, sandy white beach, and clear waters of Miyakojima. Highlights of Sunayama Beach – Spectacular Views at Every Turn! Photo:Sunayama Beach, Miyakojima, Okinawa Sunayama Beach is located approximately 4 km from the center of Hirara, a city in Miyakojima, Okinawa Prefecture, in Japan's Kyushu Region. Despite its easy accessibility, the beach is surrounded by unexplored nature and beautiful, clear waters. The video shows the spectacular views of Sunayama Beach from beginning to end. The drone offers a unique view that you wouldn't normally be able to see, and the beach seen from the ocean side is so beautiful that it will leave you speechless. [Video] 0:35 - View From the Beach As the name of the beach suggests (砂山, Sunayama; lit. "Sand Mountain"), it's located over a small sand hill. From the parking lot near Sunayama Beach, there is a narrow path leading uphill. It's a bit difficult to climb while carrying luggage, but the view after reaching the top makes it totally worth the effort. You can't help but stop to take in the view. The Rock Arch at Sunayama Beach – A Popular Instagram Spot! The rock arch is a popular spot at Sunayama Beach. You can see the blue ocean through the rock and take photogenic pictures as well. It's also known as a sunset spot, where you can even see the sunset over the ocean inside the rock arch. We recommend relaxing on the beach and watching the sun set inside the rock arch. Things to Be Careful of at Sunayama Beach Photo:Sunayama Beach, Miyakojima, Okinawa The fact that Sunayama Beach is mostly unspoiled by human hands, means that it's full of natural beauty, but this also means there are a few precautions you should take when visiting the beach. The rock arch is currently closed off due to the danger of falling rocks and collapse. Visitors are advised to only go close to the rocks to take pictures. You can also swim at Sunayama Beach, but the waves are surprisingly tall and accidents have been known to occur. Be careful when snorkeling in areas where the water is even a little deep. Swim rings and life jackets may be necessary. There are also signs warning of sharks. We recommend staying in the shallow areas at Sunayama Beach, as there are no lifeguards on duty. Stay away from the beach when there is a surf advisory in effect. It's important to remember that you're dealing with nature, so please keep this in mind while enjoying your time on the beach. Restrooms and shower rooms are located in the parking lot. Toilets should be used before heading to the beach. The path to the beach is hilly and a bit long, so flip-flops or comfortable walking shoes are recommended. If you're with children, be sure to hold their hands when walking. There are no beach houses or restaurants on Sunayama Beach, so be sure to bring your own food or have lunch in the area. We recommend Sunayama Cafe in front of the beach. How to Get to Sunayama Beach Photo:An aerial view of Sunayama Beach, Miyakojima, Okinawa Compared to the main island of Okinawa, Miyakojima is relatively small. By car, it takes only 20 minutes to reach the beach from Miyako Airport and 10 minutes to reach from Hirara Port. Free parking is available as well. The video shows an aerial view of the entirety Miyakojima. [Video] 3:20 - Miyakojima From the Sky If you don't have a car, you can also rent a bicycle. If you rent a bicycle at Hotel Atoll Emerald Miyakojima, you can get to Sunayama Beach in about 15 minutes. Miyakojima Sightseeing Spots! In addition to Sunayama Beach, there are many other places on Miyakojima where you can enjoy the beautiful ocean, such as Yonaha Maehama Beach, Aragusuku Beach, and Shigira Beach. In addition to taking a dip in the ocean, simply admiring the scenery will leave you feeling content. Also, with the opening of the Miyako Shimojishima Airport Terminal in 2019, there are more fashionable cafes and restaurants. Miyakojima Tokyu Hotel & Resorts and Shigira Bayside Suite Alamanda are the most famous resort hotels, but there are also many nice hotels scattered throughout the area. Summary of Sunayama Beach, Miyakojima If you haven't already watched the video, be sure to check it out! You can enjoy Miyakojima's Sunayama Beach from the sky. Enjoy the sandy white beach, blue sky, and the crystal-clear waters of Miyakojima. If you're planning a trip to Okinawa, why not extend your trip a little further and visit Miyakojima? There are connecting flights to Miyakojima from Naha Airport and direct flights from Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya. The beautiful Sunayama Beach is waiting for you just beyond a sandy mountain. This is a place you don't want to miss! 【TripAdvisor】Sunayama Beach, Miyakojima https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g680765-d1382554-Reviews-Sunayama_Beach-Miyakojima_Okinawa_Prefecture.html -
Video article 2:31
Shintomi Town - A Popular Tourist Destination in Kyushu's Miyazaki Prefecture Where You Can Enjoy Nature and Gourmet Food in Abundance! There Are so Many Attractive Spots Waiting for You!
Travel Local PR- 14 plays
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Introduction of the video where you can enjoy the charm of Shintomi Town in Miyazaki Prefecture This video, titled "PR video of Shintomi, Miyazaki Prefecture by Regional Trading Company Koyu Foundation" (宮崎県新富町PR動画 by 地域商社「こゆ財団」), was released by "Regional Trading Company Koyu Foundation" (地域商社こゆ財団). Shintomi, Miyazaki, located in Japan's Kyushu region, is a small town belonging to the Koyu District of central Miyazaki Prefecture, about 30 minutes from Miyazaki Airport by car, with a population of about 17,000. It is just one of the agricultural areas that represent the Miyazaki Plains. It has a vast agricultural land area of about 460 Tokyo Domes, and is famous as a region where various agricultural products, such as rice, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, and kumquats are harvested throughout the year. The rich coastline is also a spawning ground for loggerhead turtles due to its beauty. Id addition, strawberries, which can be seen at 0:27 in the video, as well as melons and lychees, shown at 0:58, are also famous desserts that are produced in the area. The History of Shintomi, Miyazaki Source :YouTube screenshot On March 31, 1959, the villages Tomita and Nitta of Miyazaki's Koyu District merged to form Shintomi Town. In the Shintomi area, which has been located at the mouth of the Hitotsuse River since ancient times, there are many archaeological sites that mark the history of taiko drums. It is a historical place where you can trace the history of Japan through ruins and relics dating back approximately 12,000 years ago. Popular Sightseeing Spots in Shintomi, Miyazaki Source :YouTube screenshot 1. JA Koyu Agricultural and Livestock Products Direct Sales Office, Lupin With the motto of safety, security, and absolute freshness, you can buy local vegetables, fruits, and beef, pork, and chicken. Although business hours are short, you can buy a lot of fresh ingredients for low prices here. 2. Tondahama Coast The Tondahama Coast has a magnificent view of the beautiful sandy beach facing the Pacific Ocean that extends for about 5 km. It is one of the leading spawning grounds for loggerhead turtles in Japan, and the parent turtles come to spawn around Golden Week. Members of the Wildlife Study Group also do research here. The hatching season for the turtles is from late July to October. 3. Shintomi Library A beautiful library with many books, which happens to be one of the leading tourist spots in Shintomi Town. There is also a café inside the library, so it's perfect for taking a break to relax while traveling around Miyazaki. Shintomi Town's Brand Pork Photo:Pork, loin Miyazaki Brand Pork is a famous gourmet food that Shintomi, Miyazaki is proud of. It has also won the Miyazaki Prefecture Meat and Livestock Fair three times in two consecutive years, and was selected as one of the Top 100 in the Kingdom of Cuisine, and won the Grand Prix at the Kyushu Agricultural Future Awards. It is a pork brand produced only by producers who have cleared the standards for safe and secure delivery in Miyazaki Prefecture, and is a pork that guarantees a safe, secure taste and quality like Marumi Pork. Consider giving it a try when you visit Miyazaki Prefecture! Hometown Tax for Shintomi, Miyazaki Photo:Sweet Potato, Red Haruka For those living in Japan, by paying your taxes to Shintomi, Miyazaki Prefecture, you can get a luxurious return worth more than the amount you paid in taxes. Muskmelons and Wakadori chicken breast from Miyazaki, as well as the prided eggs produced by Koyu Chicken Farm (児湯養鶏) are especially popular. Other products include Beniharuka, which are ideal for baked sweet potatoes, and ripe mangoes, and lychees. Summary of Shintomi, Miyazaki Source :YouTube screenshot We hope that through this article introducing Shintomi, Miyazaki, a place abundant in nature and delicious gourmet food, you're interesting in visiting! It's a tourist destination that is deeply connected to the history of Japan, and you can also enjoy the historical scenery of Japan through things like archaeological sites and relics. Eat delicious food, see beautiful views, and experience the history of Japan. Consider visiting Shintomi, Miyazaki during your next trip to Japan! 【Official Website】Shintomi, Miyazaki Prefecture City Hall Website https://www.town.shintomi.lg.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Shintomi https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1121571-Shintomi_cho_Koyu_gun_Miyazaki_Prefecture_Kyushu-Vacations.html -
Video article 1:23
Akeno Sunflower Field in Hokuto, Yamanashi: A Breathtaking View of Nearly 600,000 Sunflowers in Bloom! Home To the Akeno Sunflower Festival and the Filming Location of a Popular Movie!
Nature- 196 plays
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Introducing Akeno Sunflower Field in Yamanashi Prefecture! This video is titled ““Beautiful Drone footage” Akeno Sunflower Field(【絶景ドローン映像】明野ひまわり畑)”. It is a video of the Sunflower Field of Akeno in Hokuto, Yamanashi, in Japan's Kanto region, presented by “Houdoukyoku.” You can see the buds from the beginning of the video and from 0:27, you can see them fully bloomed, in all of their big, beautiful, yellow glory. This popular sightseeing spot “Akeno Sunflower Field” holds Hokuto City Akeno Sunflower Festival every year when the sunflowers are fully bloomed. What Is Akeno Sunflower Field Like? Photo:Akeno Sunflower Field in Yamanashi prefecture Akeno Sunflower Field is in Akeno, Hokuto, Yamanashi, along the Kayagatake Road; a very popular sightseeing spot. Hokuto, Yamanashi has the largest amount of sunshine in Japan, so the sunflowers in Akeno Sunflower Field bloom around July, which is earlier than most sunflowers. There are about 600,000 of sunflowers in the field as well. The sunflower field became a hot topic because it was filmed for the movie “Be with You” released in 2004. A lot of fans still visit the field to this day. In fact, there is also a place called Akeno in Ibaraki and they also have the event Akeno Sunflower Festival event. What Is Akeno Sunflower Festival Like? Photo:Ice cream There are three different areas in the Akeno Sunflower Festival: the main area, the Asaoshinden area, and the Noson Park (農村公園, Noson Koen) area. Different ceremonies are held in different areas and they are all exciting. Events such as the sunflower maze, sunflower art, illuminations, kids' booths, the performance by the Yamanashi Prefectural Police Band, and the bridal fair events are all very popular. You can enjoy instagrammable lunches, sweets like ice cream, and even challenge the photo contest! Some Info on Sunflowers Photo:Sunflower Sunflowers belong to the daisy family, and its trademark is its bright yellow flower petals. Some of the larger sunflowers grow up to 3 meters tall (~10 ft.). The sunflower seeds can be eaten, and even used for oil. Its scientific name is "helianthus". Heli meaning "sun", and anthus meaning "flower" The sunflower's origin is North America and it is called soleil (which means sun) in some foreign countries . Sunflower Summary Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see from the video, Akeno Sunflower Festival in Yamanashi is a very popular sightseeing spot with a very impressive, expansive scenery. A live camera is located around the field as well, so check out the footage collected on sunny days. There are bus tours when the sunflowers are in full bloom so we definitely recommend participating if you have the chance. ◆Akeno Sunflower Field◆ 【Address】5664 Akenocho Asao, Hokuto, Yamanashi 408-0201 【Access】15minutes drive from Chuo Expressway Nirasaki IC or Sutama IC 【Operating Hours】 8:00 to 17:00 【Parking】Parking lot available 【Telephone No】0551-42-1423 【Entrance fee】Free 【Tripadvisor】Akeno Sunflower Field Akeno Sunflower Field -
Video article 5:12
A Closer Look At One of Japan's Most Popular Tourist Attractions, Rengeoin Sanjusangendo in Kyoto! The Powerful Buddhist Statues With Their Rich Expressions Create a Solemn and Mysterious Atmosphere
Art & Architecture Travel- 167 plays
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Introducing Rengeoin Sanjusangendo, a Famous Tourist Destination in Kyoto This video, titled "Kyoto Rengeoin Sanjusangendo and Buddhist statues" (京都 蓮華王院(三十三間堂)と仏像), was released by "Four Seasons Kyoto." It shows "Sanjusangendo," the main hall of Rengeoin Temple, a popular tourist spot in Japan, and national treasures housed in Kyoto's Rengeoin Temple, including the many Buddhist Statues it keeps in a solemn atmosphere. In this article, we'll introduce the charms of the Buddhist temple "Sanjusangendo" in Higashiyama, Kyoto alongside the video. You'll be drawn to the magnificence of the building and the expressions of the Buddhist statues, and you'll surely want to see the real thing after watching the video. A Closer Look at Sanjusangendo, A Popular Tourist Destination in Kyoto Photo:Sanjusangendo, Kyoto Rengeoin is located in Higashiyama, Kyoto, one of Japan's leading tourist areas. The main hall "Sanjusangendo" was built at the Imperial Palace of Emperor Shirakawa after he became Japan's 77th emperor. The building was destroyed by fire once and rebuilt in 1266. There are many national treasures and Important Cultural Properties in Rengeoin. The video shows the Important Cultural Property "Minami-daimon" that can be seen from 0:13 in the video. The national treasure "Sanjusangendo," is the longest wooden building in the world with 33 pillars in the temple and measuring approximately 120m from north to south. "Taiko-Bei," an Important Cultural Property built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi together with "Minami-daimon," are introduced from 2:11 in the video. At Rengeoin, an event called "Omato Taikai," named after "Toshiya" in the Edo period (1603-1868) is held at the "Toshiya Range" in mid-January. In particular, the competition in which adults who have just come of age wear furisode (long-sleeved kimono) and other formal attire and shoot at large targets is popular among tourists as a traditional event in Kyoto. The Buddhist Statues at Sanjusangendo, A Popular Tourist Destination in Kyoto Source :YouTube screenshot An introduction to the Buddhist statues in Sanjusangendo, the main hall of Rengeoin Temple, can be seen from 3:03 in the video. You are not allowed to take pictures inside the main hall, so this video is a great way to see close up images of the statues. The video first introduces the famous Japanese national treasure, "Sentai Senju Kannon Ryuzo," the standing statues of the thousand-armed Goddess of Mercy." Looking closely at each one, you'll find that each face is different, and it's said that there will always be one with a face that resembles the person you wish to see most. Enshrined in the center of the hall is the National Treasure, a seated statue of the thousand-armed Goddess of Mercy. The national treasures "Fujinzo," "Raijinzo," and "Kannon Nijyuhachibushuzo" are enshrined in front of the Sentai Kannon statue, creating a solemn atmosphere. Summary of Sanjusangendo, One of the Most Popular Tourist Destinations in Japan Source :YouTube screenshot This video introduces some of the highlights of the popular tourist spot in Japan and Buddhist statues deemed national treasures. Access to Sanjusangendo is ~10 minutes by bus from Kyoto Station, and about a 7-minute walk from the nearby "Shichijo Station" on the Keihan Main Line. Admission to the temple is 600 yen for the general public, 400 yen for high school and junior high school students, and 300 yen for children, and parking is available for up to 50 cars. In this article, we introduced the charms of Rengeoin/Sanjusangendo, popular sightseeing destination in Japan. Consider visiting Sanjusangendo, a temple lined with historic buildings, amazing Buddhist statues deemed national treasures, and a beautiful Japanese garden. ◆Rengeoin Temple/Sanjusangendo◆ 【Address】〒605-0941 657 Sanjusangendomawari, Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto 【Access】Transportation access is approximately 10 minutes from Kyoto Station by bus, or a 7 minute walk from the closest train station "Shichijo Station" on the Keihan Main Line 【Hours】8:30 - 17:00 (9:00 - 16:00 from November 16 to March) 【Admission Fee】General: ¥600, Junior High/High School Students: ¥400, Children: ¥300 【Parking】Available: 50 spaces 【Tripadvisor】Sanjusangendo https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d321411-Reviews-Sanjusangendo_Temple-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 4:39
Aogashima - A Beautiful Island Paradise South of Tokyo. Enjoy a Vacation Exploring the Attractions of the Amazing Island
Travel Nature- 390 plays
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Aogashima Island - A Hidden Sightseeing Destination Rich in Nature Photo:Aogashima's rich natural scenery If you're looking to enjoy the sights and sounds of Japan but looking for a less crowded location with all sorts of beautiful scenery, then look no further than Aogashima Island, a hidden gem located among Tokyo's Izu Islands! You're actually not alone in this thinking. While Japan is full of beautiful temples and shrines, stepping away from the cliche sightseeing destinations to enjoy some lesser explored locations is something many people want to do. The problem is that they don't know how... Popular tourist sites are so packed with people that it can often be difficult to relax during your vacation, especially if you aren't good with crowds. Which is why we're introducing this video, titled "Aerial view of Aogashima Volcano, Aogashima Aerial Drone Footage [4K]" (Aerial view of Aogashima Volcano,青ヶ島 ドローン空撮【4K】). It's a video showing the entirety of Aogashima from up high. It's hard to believe this is actually part of Tokyo. This article will give you an overview of Aogashima, one of Tokyo's best-kept secret sites, including its attractions, and how to get to it. Aogashima Island Near Hachijojima Island, Tokyo Located 358 kms from Tokyo, Aogashima is a unique island with rich natural scenery. Aogashima is an isolated island with a distinctive double caldera topography. The unique shape of Aogashima, which was created by an active volcano, is growing in popularity, both inside and outside of Japan, as this type of landscape cannot be seen in many other places, especially in one so beautiful. In the olden days, the island was forbidden to women, and they say there was a time when it was called "Onga-Shima" (男ヶ島, Onga-Shima), meaning roughly "Man's Island." The island has the smallest population of any village in Japan, and is full of beautiful scenery. Aogashima - An Isolated Island in Tokyo Photo:Aogashima Observatory Park Aogashima, a hidden tourist site outside of Tokyo, has a variety of attractions. First of all, Aogashima offers a spectacular view of the island's natural scenery. Aogashima has a number of observation decks, which are famous places where you can admire the island's distinctive scenery and spectacular views of the beautiful ocean. When you travel to Aogashima, the observation decks are a must-visit. Tokyo's Aogashima is also famous for its beautiful starry sky. The starry sky seen from the vicinity of Ikenozawa (池ノ沢, Ikenozawa) is spectacular and you'd be missing out if you didn't take the opportunity to admire it. Aogashima is a great spot for those who want to enjoy the beautiful scenery as the area is still relatively untouched humans. The Isolated Island of Tokyo - How to Get to Aogashima, the Hidden Gem in the Izu Islands Access to Tokyo's Aogashima Island is as follows: First, take a ship from the mainland, passing Miyakejima Island (三宅島, Miyakejima) and Mikurajima Island (御蔵島, Miyakejima), to Hachijojima (approx. 11 hours). Alternatively, you can fly to Hachijojima from Haneda Airport. This takes about 50 minutes. From the relay point on Hachijojima, you take a helicopter to Aogashima, which takes about 20 minutes. It takes some time to get to the island, and you may feel it's inconvenient, but once you are surrounded by the stunning nature of Aogashima, you'll feel that it was worth the effort. Summary of Aogashima, a Hidden Gem in the Izu Islands Source :YouTube screenshot The video "Aerial view of Aogashima Volcano, Aogashima Aerial Drone Footage [4K]," produced by winteroptix, is a 4K video that captures the charm of Aogashima. You'll be absolutely amazed at what you can see and discover. It will have you wondering if it's really part of Tokyo. If you're curious about Aogashima, the hidden sightseeing destination in Tokyo, be sure to check out the video! -
Video article 1:52
6 Million Lights at "Lake Sagami Illumillion," One of the 3 Great Illuminations of the Kanto Region! Create Life-Long Memories at Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest in Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture!
Action & Adventure Festivals & Events- 44 plays
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Lake Sagami Illumillion! This time, we'll introduce the video "Lake Sagami Illumillion 2019-2020 Digest" (さがみ湖イルミリオン2019-2020ダイジェスト), publicized by "Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest." Lake Sagami Illumillion is an illumination event held at Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, in Japan's Kanto Region. The video contains highlights of Lake Sagami Illumillion's 2019-2020 season. What Kind of Illumination Events Are There at Lake Sagami Illumillion? Source :YouTube screenshot There are many events at Lake Sagami Illumillion, including Rainbow Lift, shown at 0:04 in the video, the Hot Air Balloon of Light, which can be seen at 0:18 in the video, and more! From 0:34 in the video, you can see the City of Light and Music, the main attraction of Lake Sagami Illumillion 2019, in detail. Spots such as the Zoo of Light, the Flower Garden of Light and the Aquarium of Light are also shown in the video, so please take your time and enjoy it. Lake Sagami Illumillion Photo:Sagamihara Illumination Lake Sagami Illumillion is a popular event chosen as one of the 3 great illuminations of the Kanto Region. An astonishing 6 million lights are used for the event. In addition to the spots introduced in the video, there are many other mysterious areas such as the Sea of Light, Tulip Lane, Fantasy Walk: The Seven Colored Galaxy, Illumillion Tree, full of Christmas spirit, The Fortress of Trickery/The Maze of Light, and more! We recommend enjoying the nighttime attractions, such as the Ferris Wheel of Life, Pilot Paradise, or seeing a show. About Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest is a leisure destination located in Wakayanagi (若柳,Wakayanagi), Midori Ward (緑区, Midoriku), Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture. The amusement park area is popular for its outdoor sports facilities, such as the attractions of Paddington Town, the thrill ride "Ozoratengoku," and the "Muscle Monster" athletic facility. There is also a barbecue area, a souvenir shop, and a spot where you can enjoy spending time with your pets. Summary of Lake Sagami Illumillion Source :YouTube screenshot At Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest's popular "Lake Sagami Illumillion" event, you too can enjoy the stunning illumination featured in the video. Event times and lighting schedules change every year, so be sure to check the website before heading out. Please note that it is very crowded on weekends. We recommend taking a bus tour to visit. ◆Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest Facility Information◆ 【Address】〒252-0175 1634 Wakayanagi, Midori Ward, Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture 【Access】An 8-minute bus ride from JR Sagamihara Station 【Admission Fee】Adults:1800 yen Children:1100 yen 【Hours】Weekdays 10:00〜16:00, Weekends 9:00〜17:00 【Closures】Irregular 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】0570-037-353 【Official Website】Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest https://www.sagamiko-resort.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Lake Sagami Pleasure Forest https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021282-d1881044-Reviews-Sagami_Lake_Resort_Pleasure_Forest-Sagamihara_Kanagawa_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 5:41
The Magnificent Cliffs That Tower Over Iwate Prefecture! A Stunning View of One of the Most Scenic Spots in the Tohoku Region!
Nature- 26 plays
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This video, titled "Iwate Cliffs and Coasts - Iwate - 岩手県の崖と海岸 - 4K Ultra HD," was released by "TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful." The cliffs and coasts of Iwate Prefecture featured in this video show a stunning contrast between one of the steepest cliffs in the Tohoku region and the beautiful azure blue of the Pacific Ocean. The video introduces the majestic Unosu Cliff (2:54), a series of five cliffs draped in a beautiful row that can only be seen in Iwate Prefecture, and the Sannoiwa Rocks (4:00), rocks that rise up from the surface of the sea. The combination of white waves and marine blue seen through the pine tree lined promenade is a wonderful contrast between the movement of the waves and the stillness of the shore, and will have you feeling as if you're looking at an ukiyo-e painting. -
Video article 3:07
Amanohashidate - One of the Three Most Scenic Spots in Japan. Power Spots and Popular Tourist Attractions Around Amanohashidate to Make Your Trip to Kyoto 110% Fun!
Travel- 230 plays
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Amanohashidate - One of the Three Most Scenic Spots in Japan This video, titled JG☆☆☆☆☆4K HDR Kyoto, Amanohashidate (Special Scenic Beauty)" (JG☆☆☆☆☆4K HDR 京都 天橋立(特別名勝)), created by “JAPAN GEOGRAPHIC” is a promotional video that introduces “Amanohashidate,” a sandbar in Miyazu Bay (宮津湾, Miyazuwan), Tango, on the Sea of Japan, in northern Kyoto, as well as nearby sightseeing spots. Along with “Mutsunomatsushima” in Miyagi and “Akinomiyajima” in Hiroshima, “Amanohashidate” located in Miyazu, Kyoto is listed as one of the "Three Views of Japan," attracting many tourists with its mystical scenery. Located about two hours from Kyoto Station by train, Amanohashidate is an area where you can enjoy spectacular natural landscapes, historical sites, and mysterious power spots, which are quite different from sightseeing in downtown Kyoto. It is said that from about 7 to 8,000 years ago, the sand from rivers was deposited in an almost straight line due to collisions of ocean currents, and then an earthquake 2-3,000 years ago caused the accumulated sand to appear on the sea, and has continued to grow even to this day. It took thousands of years to create Amanohashidate as we know it today. You can see the mysterious and beautiful scenery that nature has created in 4K. Other sightseeing spots around it are introduced as well. There are so many spots to see around Amanohashidate! Two Observatories Where You Can Try “Matanozoki” at Amanohashidate Photo: Matanozoki at Amanohashidate Amanohashidate, with its sandy pine tree and spit beaches, is 20-170m wide and 3.6 km long, and is called "Amanohashidate" because of its slender, bridge-like appearance from the sky (The kanji roughly translates to "heavenly bridge"). Amanohashidate can be seen from the observatories at Amanohashidate View Land and Amanohashidate Kasamatsu Park. If you try “Matanozoki” (looking at Amanohashidate from between your legs upside down), you'll have to face away from Amanohashidate to see it. This makes the sky and the ground upside down and it looks like a bridge in the sky when viewed from “Kasamatsu Park” in the north, and it looks like a dragon flying in the sky when you look at it from “Amanohashidate View Land” in the south. At Kasamatsu Park, you can climb up to the observatory using a lift or cable car while looking at the beautiful scenery of cherry blossoms in spring. You can also enjoy seasonal flowers, such as hydrangea and beautiful autumn leaves. The top of the mountain where Amanohashidate View Land is located, can be reached by a lift, a ropeway and a cable car. On top of the mountain, there is a facility that even children can enjoy, with a ferris wheel and go-carts. You can see the ride to the top and a view of Amanohashidate at 0:28 in the video. Don't forget to bring your camera if you go! Historical Locations and Sightseeing Around Amanohashidate Photo:Three Views of Japan, Amanohashidate, Rotating bridge Chionji Temple is known for the wiseman Monju-san, and is visited by many students before taking their entrance exams. Monjudo Hall (the main hall) and Amanohashidate are depicted in the national treasure "Amanohashidatezu" by Sesshu. Also, Manai Shrine, located in the inner shrine of the prestigious Kano Shrine, called Moto Ise, is a famous power spot. Shishizaki Inari Shrine, with its red torii gate and approximately 1,000 "Mitsuba Azaleas" that turn the surface of the mountain pink in spring, and Seisouji Temple, with its magnificent five-story pagoda, are popular tourist spots. The temples and shrines around Amanohashidate are introduced at 1:52 in the video. Another popular tourist spot is Kaisen Bridge. It's a bridge that rotates to let ships pass, and connects “Amanohashidate” and “Monjudo.” It's a very popular place for taking photos. You can watch the bridge rotating at 2:05 in the video. Next to Kaisen Bridge is Amanohashidate Hot Spring Street. Chie-no-yu is a facility with an outdoor hot spring and an open-air bath, and there are other hot spring facilities where you can take a day trip to relax and recover from the fatigue of your travels as well. Amanohashidate is lined with 5,000 pine trees and has a sandy shore, making it a popular destination that many people visit every summer. The bridge can be crossed on foot or by bike. Isomizu is popular among tourists because of its mysterious fresh water gushing up from the sand surrounded by the sea. Many of Japan’s top 100! Famous place in “Amanohashidate” Kyoto “Amanohashidate” is home to many "top 100's." Amanohashidate is listed as on of the “100 Best Pines in Japan,” and “Isomizu” is listed on “Japan's 100 remarkable waters,” “Top 100 Roads of Japan”, “100 Best White Sands and Clear Pines in Japan,” “100 Best Historical Sites of Beautiful Japan,” “100 Best Historical Parks in Japan,” and “Top 100 Geological Sites in Japan.” Summary of Amanohashidate Photo:Amanohashidate, Lift and cable car This article introduced the history and sights of Amanohashidate alongside the video. We hope this article has shown you the beauty of Amanohashidate. There is a lot more information about sightseeing that we couldn't include in this article in the video. It's a beautiful 4K video, so be sure to take a look and see the sights we introduced in this article! Amanohashidate is a must visit spot where you can fully enjoy the beautiful sea and natural scenery. Consider putting it on your itinerary for your next trip to Japan! ◆Amanohashidate◆ 【Address】314-2 Monju, Miyazu, Kyoto 626-0001 【Access】A short distance from Tantetsu Amanohashidate Station 【Parking】Payed parking lot available 【Telephone】0772-22-8030 【Tripadvisor】Amanohashidate https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023393-d1164917-Reviews-Amanohashidate-Miyazu_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 3:45
Enjoy the Spring Season at Chikumagawa Fureai Park in Nagano Prefecture, Where 600 Double-Flowered Cherry Trees Are in Bloom. The Colorful Pink, Yellow and Red Flowers in Full Bloom Are Like Something Out of a Movie!
Nature- 74 plays
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This video, titled "Chikumagawa Fureai Park, Where Double-Flowered Cherry Trees and Peaches Are in Full Bloom - 4K Footage" (八重桜や花桃が咲き誇る千曲川河川公園・4K撮影), was released by "haruyuki onoue." Chikumagawa Fureai Park in Obuse, Nagano Prefecture is a popular spot where beautiful flowers bloom in spring. Due to the high altitude of Nagano Prefecture, the temperature is cooler, and the blossoming of the double-flowered cherry trees takes place from late April to around Golden Week (the first week of May). At this time of year, the bright pink peaches and the eye-catching yellow rape blossoms also bloom, creating a spectacular view. The many petals of the double-flowered cherry trees and peaches are gorgeous and make for great Instagram photos. Many visitors come to Chikumagawa Fureai Park to enjoy the late spring. -
Video article 3:04
A Breathtaking Sea of Blooming Cherry Blossoms! Rokudo Bank in Nagano Prefecture Is a Place That Should Be on Your Bucket List!
Nature- 677 plays
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Nagano Prefecture’s Famous Cherry Blossom Wonderland, Rokudo Bank! This video, titled "[ 4K UltraHD ] 六道堤の桜 - Cherry Blossoms at Rokudo Bank - (shot on Samsung NX1)," was created by "AQUA Geo Graphic." This three-minute video captures a stunning view of the sea of cherry blossoms at Rokudo Bank Normally, when thinking of the Koshinetsu region or the Nanshin region of Nagano Prefecture (甲信越地方・長野県南信地方, koshinetsu chiho・nagano-ken nanshin chiho), the area best known for cherry blossoms would be Takato Castle Ruins Park (高遠城址公園, takato joshi koen). This park is one of the three great cherry blossom spots in Japan, known for having "the best cherry blossoms under the heavens." However, another special spot, known only to locals, exists in Ina City (伊那市, ina-shi). Enjoy the beautiful cherry blossom viewing spots of Nagano Prefecture in the video. Rokudo Bank, Nagano Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot Rokudo Bank is just 10 minutes from Takato Castle Park by car. Though a hidden spot, it's known to have cherry blossoms every bit as beautiful as those in the main park. The snow-tipped peaks of the Kiso Mountains can be seen from 0:36 to 1:55 in the video. As Ina City is located at a high altitude surrounded by mountains, the cherry blossoms bloom slightly later than most other regions. The Cherry Blossoms of Rokudo Bank Source :YouTube screenshot The reservoir is surrounded by approximately 120 takato-okuhigan cherry trees. The sight of the sea of cherry blossoms in full bloom stretching as far as the eye can see is nothing short of breathtaking. On days when the weather is nice, the cherry blossoms are reflected on the surfaces of the water, creating a dream-like scenery. Definitely take some pictures to post on your Instagram! You can see this beautiful scenery in the video as well. As seen at the beginning of the video, there is a little island of red pines in the middle of the reservoir. This adds to the Japan-esque scenery. You can also see two cute ducks swimming peacefully through the cherry blossoms at 1:23 in the video. In addition to the full bloom period, another great time to visit is when the cherry blossoms began to scatter with the wind as the season begins to end. Summary of Rokudo Bank Photo:Cherry blossoms at Rokudo Bank In this article, we introduced Nagano prefecture’s hidden gem- the cherry blossoms of Rokudo Bank. This place is loved dearly by locals for its beautiful scenery. Of course, the historical Takato Castle Park is known for its stunning cherry blossoms as well. If you have the chance to visit Ina City in Nagano Prefecture, we definitely recommend checking out the blooming forecast before going. ◆Rokudo Bank◆ 【Address】Misuzu, Ina City, Nagano Prefecture 【Access】A 15-minute drive from Ina-Kita Station on the Central Japan Railway Iida Line 【Parking】Available(Free・5 Spaces) 【Official Website】Welcome to "Takato Ishiku" – Ina City Tourism Association Official Homepage https://inashi-kankoukyoukai.jp/contents/archives/34795