Video article 1:10
Learn About the History of Automobiles at the Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology in Nagoya, Aichi! From Classic Cars to the Latest Technology, There's Plenty to See!
Local PR- 29 plays
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愛知にあるトヨタ産業技術記念館をご紹介! 愛知にあるトヨタ産業技術記念館では自動車や繊維について学べたり、見て楽しめたりする施設です。 とても評判がいい人気の観光スポットになっており、最近では外国人観光客も増え、注目されています。 日本の代表的な企業であるトヨタの歴史に興味がある人、自動車や繊維を作るときの技術を知りたい人、ものづくりに興味がある人など、さまざまな人が楽しめる施設です。 この記事では、トヨタ産業記念館についての概要や、おすすめの動画などについて説明したいと思います。 愛知にあるトヨタ産業技術記念館とはどんな施設? 愛知県に位置するトヨタ産業技術記念館は、自動車の技術と繊維の機械技術が展示されている博物館です。 また、トヨタ産業技術記念館はトヨタテクノミュージアムとも呼ばれています。 自動車館と繊維機械館があり、それぞれでトヨタのものづくりのこだわりや情熱を感じることができます。 施設内に、ものづくりに対するこだわりや哲学などが書かれており、自動車や繊維に興味がない人でも学べるところがたくさんあります。 トヨタの歴史や考え方を学べる、まさにトヨタ博物館です。 無料のガイドツアーを利用すれば、より深く自動車や繊維の技術について知ることができます。 ぜひガイドツアーを利用してみてください。 愛知にあるトヨタ産業技術記念館の感想は? 愛知にあるトヨタ産業技術記念館は評判のいい口コミや感想がたくさんあります。 トヨタのものづくりのこだわりが知れる。自動車と繊維の機械技術を学べる。サービスの質がいいなど、魅力たっぷりのトヨタ産業技術記念館。 トヨタミュージアムショップもオリジナルの食品や自動車のグッズなどのお土産が売られており、評判のいい店です。 愛知にあるトヨタ産業技術記念館の料金やアクセスなど 愛知にあるトヨタ産業技術記念館を見学するときの料金や、交通アクセス、見学するときの所要時間などについて説明します。 ・料金 大人500円 中高生300円 小学生200円 ・交通アクセス 所在地 愛知県名古屋市西区則武新町4-1-35 名古屋本線「栄生駅」から徒歩3分 名古屋駅から「なごや観光ルートバス”メーグル”」に乗り「トヨタ産業技術記念館」で下車 ・滞在時間 2時間~3時間 トヨタ産業技術記念館や自動車に興味がある人はこちらの動画がおすすめ 愛知県観光協会が制作するトヨタテクノミュージアムを紹介している動画です。 繊維の機械技術や昔の自動車が紹介されており、とても興味深い動画です。 自動車や繊維などのものづくりに興味がある人はぜひ見てください! -
Video article 1:12
Travel Back in Time to the Warring States Period at Tokai-Kassen World in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture! Put on Your Armor and Experience the Battle of Sekigahara!
Festivals & Events- 25 plays
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戦国時代を体験できるイベント「東海合戦ワールド」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「愛知県観光コンベンション局」が公開した「Tokai-Kassen World | 東海合戦ワールド」です。 皆さんは日本への観光の際、武将の体験ができる場所を聞かれたことはありませんか? 今回の動画は日本の戦国時代が体験できる東海合戦ワールドをご紹介します。 東海合戦ワールドへ行けば戦国時代の日本を肌で感じられること間違いなしです! 戦国時代を体験できる東海合戦ワールドの魅力! 東海合戦ワールドとは毎年11月ごろ名古屋市にある大高緑地(おおだかりょくち)で行われているイベントです。 現在はサムライニンジャフェスティバルと名前を変えてパワーアップして毎年開催中! 東海合戦ワールドでは観光客も戦国時代を体感できる 東海合戦ワールド当日、会場にはホラガイの音が鳴り響きます。 ホラガイの音を合図に鎧をつけた多くの武者・侍の大武者行列が出現。 その光景はまさに戦国時代そのもの。 大武者行列の人をご覧になると日本の観光へ訪れた外国人の方の姿もちらほら。 子供も戦国時代を体験!東海合戦ワールド 東海合戦ワールドでは子供も楽しめます。 鎧を着ながら日本刀のレプリカでチャンバラごっこをする姿も。 戦国時代の子供達も同じような光景があったのでしょうか。 会場は広大な広さを持つ大高緑地。 親子で行っても人混みに巻き込まれることはありません。 親子で戦国時代を楽しめること間違いないでしょう。 東海合戦ワールドではご当地グルメで日本を楽しめる。 東海合戦ワールドのもう一つの魅力がご当地グルメ。 イベント会場では名古屋を中心としたご当地グルメを楽しむことができます。 美味しいご当地グルメは日本への観光客にも人気。 東海合戦ワールド会場で行う火縄銃に圧巻! 東海合戦ワールド会場では火縄銃の実演も行っています。 この光景には多くの観光客がカメラを片手にその光景を写そうと必死。 ホラガイの合図に火縄銃を一斉に発射する光景は圧巻です。 東海合戦ワールド紹介まとめ 今回は東海合戦ワールドを紹介しました。 こちらのイベントは日本へ訪れた観光客も気軽に鎧を着て武者や武将になりきり、戦国時代を体感できます。 是非日本観光の際は東海合戦ワールドへ訪れてみてはどうですか? -
Video article 2:06
A Beautiful Performance of Fire! Don't Miss the "Tezutsu Hanabi" Fireworks That Originated in Aichi Prefecture! This Powerful Festival Is a Sight to Behold!
Festivals & Events- 35 plays
- YouTube
日本の伝統的な花火大会「天筒花火」とは? こちらで紹介する動画は「Armadas」が公開した「Tezutsu Fireworks in 8K」です。 日本の伝統的な夏祭りといえば花火大会ですが、中でもユニークなのが愛知県豊橋が発祥と言われる「天筒花火」です。 この花火大会は1メートルほどの竹筒に火薬を詰め、それを人が抱えながら火柱を高く吹き上げる「吹き上げ式」。 担ぎ手が持つ竹筒から勢い良く火柱が上がり、その後、衝撃音と共に手筒の底が抜けるという仕組みです。 担ぎ手たちの美しい所作と大迫力の火柱との共演がこちらの動画でご覧になれます。 日本の伝統的な花火大会「天筒花火」歴史について 現在日本で吹き上げ式の天筒花火が盛んに行なわれているのは愛知県の豊橋市がある東三河地方と静岡県の遠州地方の西部です。 この吹き上げ式の花火大会の歴史には諸説ありますが、もっとも有力なものは江戸時代に鉄砲が伝来し、1613年に徳川家康が江戸城内で花火を見物した際に天筒花火が披露されたことが発祥ではないかという説です。 徳川の砲術隊が三河岡崎にこの技術を持ち帰り、三河と遠州で天筒花火大会が盛んに開かれるようになったとされています。 愛知県豊橋市の吉田神社に残る江戸時代よりも古い文献の「三河国古老伝」にもそれらしき記述があり、何れにしても豊橋が発祥の地と見てよいと思います。 豊橋や遠州以外では岐阜県の飛騨高山、関東でも千葉県館林市や群馬県など日本各地で手筒花をご覧になることができます。 日本の伝統的な花火大会「天筒花火」の特徴 一般的な日本の打ち上げ花火では花火師が火玉を作って打ち上げますが、天筒花火の作り方は資格を取った地元の男衆が竹を伐採するところから、最後の火薬を詰め込むところまでの全作業を行います。 天筒花火に点火すると轟音とともにオレンジ色の火柱が立ち上り、担ぎ手は仁王立ち打ち上げます。最後には「はね」と呼ばれる仕掛けで衝撃音と共に天筒花火の底が爆発して幕を閉じます。 全国の天筒花火大会まつりのイベント開催情報 2019年8月〜9月には、以下の手筒花火大会が開催されました。 ・2019年8月15日:第14回越前市サマーフェスティバル花火大会(福井県) ・2019年8月22日:伊東温泉箸祭り花火大会(静岡県) ・2019年8月24日:美並夏祭り花火大会(岐阜県) ・2019年8月24日:第32回豊川手筒祭り(愛知県) ・2019年9月14日、15日:第24回炎の祭典〜炎の舞〜(愛知県) ・2019年9月15日:田原祭り・五町合同花火大会(愛知県) など。 花火大会会場は混雑し、道路は一部交通規制が敷かれる場合があるので、自動車で向かう場合は駐車場の場所や周辺エリアのホテル情報などを前もってネットでご確認ください。 日本の伝統的な花火大会「天筒花火」紹介のまとめ 日本の夏祭りといえば花火に浴衣に屋台と楽しみが満載ですね。 今回は愛知県豊橋市が発祥と言われている夏祭り「天筒花火」について紹介しました。 日本全国各地で天筒花火のお祭りを楽しむことができるので、穴場や名所、人気のスポットを調べて、楽しんではいかがでしょうか? 9月まで楽しめるお祭りなので旅行目的としてもおすすめです。 豊橋で行われた天筒花火の勇壮な祭りの模様はこちらの8Kの美麗な動画でご覧になれるのでお楽しみください。 -
Video article 18:47
Japanese Fireworks Are of the Highest Quality! The Beautiful Fireworks of Aichi’s “Sanshu Kakou”: Amazing Craftsmanship Putting Smiles on the Faces of People Everywhere.
Traditional Culture- 41 plays
- YouTube
Check out the video introducing “Sanshu Kakou,” a fireworks shop that makes traditional Japanese fireworks. "Nippon Teshigoto Zukan x Sanshu Kakou" (ニッポン手仕事図鑑 × 三州火工), is a video interviewing craftsmen of Sanshu Kakou, located in Okazaki, Aichi Prefecture. The handheld fireworks date back to the Edo Period(1603-1868). At 14:50, You can see the beauty of the traditional Japanese fireworks made using gunpowder. What Is Sanshu Kakou? Source :YouTube screenshot Sanshu Kakou is a historical fireworks factory in Kota, Nukata, Aichi, in Japan's Tokai region. The fireworks are 100% domestically produced. These days, there are a lot of inexpensive fireworks that are imported. But the fireworks made by the hands of Japanese craftsmen second to none when it comes to quality and beauty. The 100% domestically produced sparkler “Oedo Botan” is especially pretty thanks to its lovely colors. Fireworks merchant, Yamagata Shoten in Tokyo, and fireworks factory Sanshu Kakou in Aichi, are cooperating in order to make a new, domestically produced sparkler. You can see the craftmanship at 6:32 in the video. Surprisingly, the gunpowder is hand-wrapped one by one. Let’s Buy Some Fireworks! Source :YouTube screenshot Many Japanese people get excited about letting off fireworks in the summer. There are different kinds of fireworks in Japan, such as fireworks moving like a dancing octopus, skyrockets, repeating fireworks, jet fireworks, and smoke fireworks as well. You can get handheld fireworks that can be used at home, at the supermarket, convenience stores, the toy section at department store, and at online retailers like Amazon and Rakuten. Summary of Japan's Traditional Fireworks Photo:Sparkler Sanshu Kakou is a historical studio that makes traditional Mikawa fireworks in Aichi. The fireworks made by the craftsmen, using traditional techniques and gunpowder, are of the highest quality. If you're curious about trying out some traditional Japanese fireworks, be sure to visit some of the places we listed above! -
Video article 3:52
Oiwatei, the ramen restaurant that is said to be the thickest in Japan! What's the secret to the soup so thick that the sprouts stand upright!
Food & Drink- 37 plays
- YouTube
This video, titled "[Ooiwatei] Trying Ramen So Thick It Stand on Its Own [Food Porn|Aichi Ramen] Susuru TV. Episode 621" (【大岩亭】レンゲが立つほど濃厚過ぎるラーメンをすする【飯テロ 愛知ラーメン】SUSURU TV.第621回), was released by "SUSURU TV." This video introduces Ooiwatei, the ramen shop that serves the thickest ramen in Japan. Ooiwatei is characterized by a soup so thick that the sprouts stand upright, and many people feel that they are eating the soup rather than drinking it. The pork and chicken in the soup is rich in collagen, and it also contains a lot of soy sauce and niboshi (dried sardines) to create a unique viscous soup. In this video, you can see a sample of the rich ramen at Ooiwatei, so if you're interested, please check it out. -
Video article 2:30
The Best Texture Udon in Japan?! "Ise Udon" Is a Specialty of Ise, Mie. Thick, Soft Noodles Covered With Pitch-Black Sauce!
Food & Drink- 16 plays
- YouTube
"Ise Udon," a specialty of Ise, Mie Prefecture This video introduces the famous "Ise Udon" from Ise City, Mie Prefecture. Ise Udon is a specialty of Ise City, Mie Prefecture, where the noodles are thick and soft and covered with thick, black sauce. Ise Udon is said to be the least chewy udon in Japan, but it is fluffy and soft and has an addictive texture. From 0:00, you can see Ise Udon Yamaguchiya, and from 1:08 you can see Ise Udon from Komadori Shokudo. If you're planning a visit to Ise Jingu Shrine, be sure to stop by! ◆Komadori Shokudo Store Information◆ 【Address】Mie Pref. Iseshi Ichinoki 2-5-12 【Access】A 6-minute walk from Iseichi Station / A 12-minute walk from Miyamachi Station / A 13-minute walk from Uji Yamada Station 【Price Range】¥480+ 【Hours】9:30-18:00 (L.O.) 【Closures】Mondays, the 3rd Tuesday of every month 【Parking】Available 【Phone】0596-24-3792 【Tabelog】Komadori Shokudo (駒鳥食堂) https://tabelog.com/en/mie/A2403/A240301/24004675/ ◆Yamaguchiya Store Information◆ 【Address】1 Chome-1-18 Miyajiri, Ise, Mie 516-0072 【Access】211 meters from Iseshi Station 【Price Range】¥530+ 【Hours】10:00-18:45 (L.O.) 【Closures】Thursday (Excluding national holidays) 【Parking】Available 【Phone】0596-28-3856 【Official Homepage】Yamaguchiya http://www.iseudon.jp/shop/index.html 【Tabelog】Yamaguchiya (名代伊勢うどん 山口屋) https://tabelog.com/en/mie/A2403/A240301/24000930/ -
Video article 2:34
A UFO Landing Spot?! Take a Look at the Beautiful Scenery of the Power Spot "Kizuro"! Enjoy the Surprising, Mysterious Sight of This Unexplored Region Known Only by a Select Few!
Nature- 458 plays
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A Mysterious Power Spot in a Valley Surrounded by Mountains? More About the Unexplored Area of Kizuro, Japan This video "Unexplored Japan (Kizuro) (日本の秘境 (木津呂))" was created by "hashieemov". Kizuro is an unexplored region in Japan in the town called Kiwa (紀和町, kiwachou). Kiwa is located in Kumano city, Mie prefecture in the Tokai region of Japan. It is one of the most uniquely structured settlements to be found in Japan and attracts many tourists as it is thought to be a power spot. It has also been featured in the Japanese TV show "Nani kore, Chinkyakkei" (What's this? 100 Famous, Bizarre Views) and looks identical to a location from the movie "Your name" (君の名は, kiminonawa). In this video, we introduce to you the Kizuro Village through aerial drone photography. Kizuro: An Unexplored Region of Japan. Why Is It Shaped So Strangely? Source :YouTube screenshot Kizuro Village is located in a basin surrounded by mountains in a town called Kiwa in Kumano city, Mie prefecture. It is situated in the center of a white, oval area of land with a river running through it. The unusual and unique shape of the terrain is one of the characteristics of this small, ancient settlement. You can take a look at the terrain from 0:07 in the video. Depending on which direction you look at it from, the terrain appears circular and the highest point from which you can see it is the top of Mt. Shimzau (嶋津山, shimazuyama) in Kumanogawa, Shingu in Wakayama prefecture. The mountain path is very steep and rugged so please take a map if you plan on climbing it. The mouth of the Kitayama river (北山川, kitayamagawa) which surrounds Kizuro Village is part of the Kumano pilgrimage which is registered as a World Heritage Site. The settelement of Kizuro is thought to have been formed approximately 1500 years ago after the eruption of a volcano caused the land to sink and was slowly eroded by the surrounding Kitagawa river, the shape of the settlement is still changing today. It has become a popular tourist spot because of its photographic terrain which looks similar to a UFO landing spot, with tour buses even operating in the area. There is an ancient practice in Asia called Feng Shui that can be used to forecast or predict fortune by reading the energy in an area. Feng Shui masters believe that the unique terrain surrounding Kizuro Village makes it a very important power spot. Being referred to as an "unexplored region" you would think that the area is very isolated, and therefore deserted, however in 2015 there were eleven people living in the area. The main industry is forestry, and lumber from the area (Kumano) is very valuable and is sold at a high price. Outdoor Activities in Kizuro, an Unexplored Region of Japan Photo:Camp In the opening of the video you can see a car, however there are very few car parks in the area and it could also be said that the access is rather inconvenient. However, a lot of outdoor activities can be enjoyed nearby such as camping, mountain climbing, an observation deck, rafting, Ikadanori and the flower grotto. It is a great spot to experience outdoor adventures! Kizuro Village Is Also a Popular Hot Spring Area Source :Official home page of the Yunokuchi Onsen The unexplored region of Kizuro is also popular as a hot spring area. Many people come to visit Yunokuchi Onsen which is surrounded by the Kumano mountains where the water is said to have healing benefits. Summary of Japan's Unexplored Kizuro Village Photo:Kizuro What do you think of Japan's Kizuro Village? If you decide to visit Kizuro Village, there are many other tourist spots you can enjoy in the area, such as the Maruyama-senmai Rice Field, Shishiiwa and Onigajou. You can access Kizuro from Kumano city center in approximately 60 minutes by car. For more information, please send any questions to the Shimazu tourist bureau (嶋津観光局, shimazukankoukyoku) (self-proclaimed as the smallest tourist bureau in Japan). 【Official Website】The Self-proclaimed smallest tourist bureau in Japan: Shimazu tourist bureau http://shimadu.iinaa.net/ -
Video article 4:41
Ise Jingu Shrine in Mie Prefecture Has a Long History Dating Back 2,000 Years. As One of Japan's Most Popular Tourist Destinations, This Power Spot Needs To Be on Your Bucket List!
Art & Architecture- 12 plays
- YouTube
Ise Jingu Shrine in Mie Prefecture - A Shrine with 2,000 Years of History This video, titled "【伊勢神宮】 SOUL of JAPAN ISE-JINGU" was uploaded by "ISE-JINGU Official Channel" (伊勢神宮 公式チャンネル (ISE-JINGU)). It introduces Ise Jingu Shrine in Ise, Mie, in Japan's Tokai region. Ise Jingu Shrine is one of Japan's major tourist destinations and has ancient roots. Be sure to follow along with the video as you read on! About Ise Jingu Shrine - A Popular Tourist Destination in Mie Prefecture Photo:Mie Prefecture, Ise Jingu Shrine・Toyouke Daijingu In 2016, the 42nd G7 Summit was held in Shima, Mie. Ise Jingu Shrine in Ise, Mie is a highly popular tourist destination not only for Japanese tourist, but also for tourists from abroad. It is called "Oise-san" or "Dai-jingu-san" and officially called "Jingu." There are 125 shrines, including Inner Shrine where Amaterasu Omikami is enshrined as the ancestral deity of the Imperial family, and the Outer Shrine where Toyouke no Omikami is enshrined as the god of food, clothing, shelter, and industry, and they are collectively referred to as "Jingu." The video introduces attractive spots at Ise Jingu Shrine for around 5 minutes. "Toyouke Daijingu" is shown from 0:45, "Shikinen Sengu," where a lot of historical materials are displayed, is shown from 1:24 and the inner shrine is shown from 1:54. The murmur of the Isuzu River (五十鈴川) at the entrance of Ise Jingu and the spiritual atmosphere is very soothing. The History of Ise Jingu Shrine Photo:Mie Prefecture, Ise Jingu shrine approach The inner shrine has a history of about 2,000 years and outer shrine about 1500 years. Originally, Amaterasu Omikami was enshrined in Nara, but was moved around the country in search of a more suitable location and finally settled in Ise, Mie. Because of its long history, historical figures such as Taira no Kiyomori, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, and Oda Nobunaga have also visited the temple. Worshipping From the Outer Shrine To the Inner Shrine Photo:Mie Prefecture, Ise Jingu outer shrine・Tsukiyomi-no-miya entrance When you pray at Ise Jingu Shrine, you have to worship from the outer shrine and then the inner shrine. This is because Toyouke no Omikami, the deity of the outer shrine, is the god of food for Amaterasu no Mikami, the deity of the inner shrine, and it was customary to offer food to her before visiting the inner shrine, and it is still customary to visit the shrines in that order. Enjoy Tourist Sites Around Ise Jingu! Photo:Mie Prefecture, Shiroko Station・Suzuka City Billboard There are many tourist sites in the city, such as Suzuka Circuit, Nagashima Spa Land and Shima Spain Village (志摩スペイン村). Because of this, the number of tourists continued to break a records for the third year in a row and in 2018, at a total of 42.6 million tourists. Out of 42.6 million people, Ise Jingu was visited by more than 8 million tourists, solidifying Ise Jingu as a major tourist destination in Mie Prefecture. Summary of Ise Jingu Shrine Photo:Ise Jingu Shrine, Mie Prefecture The video introduces Ise Jingu Shrine, a tourist destination in Mie Prefecture. Ise Jingu Shrine is a sightseeing spot with a very spiritual and solemn atmosphere. You can feel the solemnity just by watching the video. Be sure to visit Ise Jingu Shrine when you travel to Mie Prefecture! ◆Ise Jingu Shrine|General Information◆ 【Address】1 Ujitachi, Ise, Mie 516-0023 【Access】Access to the outer shrine is a 5-minute walk from Iseshi Station. The inner shrine is about a 30-minute walk from Isuzugawa Station 【Admission Fee】Free 【Hours】5am to 6pm 【Closures】No holidays 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】0596-24-1111 【Official Website】Ise Jingu Shrine https://www.isejingu.or.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Ise Jingu Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g303159-d555336-Reviews-Ise_Jingu-Ise_Mie_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 2:30
Tokai City in Aichi Prefecture Is Full of Exciting Festivals and Events! Packed With Events You'll Want to Attend at Least Once, This Is a Place to Put on Your Bucket List!
Local PR Festivals & Events- 40 plays
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Introducing Tokai in Aichi Prefecture This is a PR video titled “Tokai, Aichi Prefecture Promotional Footage - From 1969 to the Future” (愛知県東海市シティプロモーション映像 「1969年→未来へ」), produced by tokaicityofficial. Tokai is named in the hope that the city would represent the Tokai region. This short two-and-a-half-minute video is a speedy introduction of the attractive views, events, and tourist destinations in Tokai. Starting with the footage of old Tokai, scenes of the bustling city in the present day will give you the impression of a “Safe, Futuristic City that Connects People with Dreams” (the city’s slogan), and the footage makes one feel as if the city will continue to develop into the future. Sightseeing in Tokai, Aichi Prefecture Photo:Shurakuen Buddha Tokai in Aichi Prefecture has many iron works from long ago, and developed as the “City of Steel.” In 1969, the present Tokai was born as the result of a merger between the towns of Ueno and Yokosuka. A large Buddha is perched on the scenic hill overlooking Tokai, Aichi Prefecture, as if it's watching over the city. The Shurakuen Buddha in Shurakuen Park, with a height of 18.79 meters (about 62 feet), that watches over Tokai, is bigger than the Buddhas in both Nara and Kamakura. Be sure to add this landmark to your itinerary when you visit Tokai. The Buddha statue is shown at 0:42 in the video. Even just from watching the video you can feel the scale of the statue. Tourists can also visit hidden gems, such as Observation Hill in Oike Park to enjoy the scenic beauty, as well as the Aichi Prefectural Art Theater. The Summer Festivals of Tokai, Aichi Prefecture One of the most popular summer events in Tokai, Aichi Prefecture is the Tokai Fireworks Festival. The popular firework festival, which represents Tokai, is held in the city at Oike Park. It provides a spectacular view for visitors. Experience the spectacular fireworks of the Tokai Fireworks Festival in the footage at 1:23 in the video. Tokai also has a unique festival called the "Silent Bon Festival" where locals dance to music played in their earphones, as not to annoy people living in the surrounding area. Event Information for Tokai, Aichi Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot The Ota Festival and Owari Yokosuka Festival are known as the two largest float festivals in the city. Beside these, the city is filled with a festive atmosphere during tourist events such as the pop culture event ANIMAN, the Ryukyu Festival for introducing attractions of Okinawa City (one of Tokai’s sister cities), and the Tokai Autumn Festival. The Ota River area has events including the Nippon Domannaka Festival and the Ota River Hot Summer Garden during summer, and the Winter Illumination at Ota River during winter. The event venues are lined with stalls where tourists can purchase local food and souvenirs. The Tokai Half Marathon organized in December also gathers attentions from both locals and tourists. Check out the video to see footage of these events and festivals! Summary of Tokai, Aichi Prefecture The video has a lot of amazing things to see. So many traditional Japanese festivals and events are organized in Tokai, Aichi Prefecture! Enjoy the scenic beauty, as well as the events/festivals in Tokai, Aichi Prefecture, through the video. Tokai, Aichi Prefecture truly is a fascinating tourist destination! When you make a trip to the city, be sure to join in the festive events. It'll be an experience you won't forget! 【Official Website】Tokai, Aichi Prefecture city official website http://www.city.tokai.aichi.jp/ -
Video article 4:34
Yume no Tsuribashi - A Dreamlike Tourist Attraction in Shizuoka! Located at the Entrance to Japan's Southern Alps, This Is One to Throw on Your Bucket List!
Travel Nature- 47 plays
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Video Introduction of Yume no Tsuribashi in Sumata Gorge This video, titled "Sumata Gorge|Yume no Tsuribashi with GoPro [4K]" (寸又峡 夢の吊り橋 with GoPro[4K]), was uploaded by "NOMAD LIFE." It introduces Yume no Tsuribashi, a famous tourist attraction in Shizuoka, Japan. Yume no Tsuribashi - A Bucket List Destination in Shizuoka, Japan Photo:Sumata Gorge, Kawanehon, Shizuoka Located in Kawanehon, Shizuoka lies Yume no Tsuribashi (Dream Suspension Bridge), a suspension bridge that should be on anyone's bucket list. It is one of the most famous sightseeing spots in Japan, and crossing the suspension bridge over the milky blue lake is truly an unforgettable experience. Originally, Yume no Tsuribashi at Sumata Gorge was used as a path for villagers and lumberjacks to come and go. The forestry industry was thriving in the area around Sumata Gorge, and it's said that there were many villages in the area. Nowadays, it attracts attention not as a road for daily life but as a tourist attraction, and many people visit the area every year. With a total length of 90 meters and a height of 8 meters, this suspension bridge is truly one of dreams! The deck, made of wooden planks, has many gaps and no side walls, making it a thrilling suspension bridge. Due to weight restrictions, only 10 people can cross the bridge at a time. Furthermore, during the tourist season, the bridge is restricted to one-way traffic. Check out the video below to see how the thrilling Yume no Tsuribashi is crossed. [Video] 1:44 - Crossing Yume no Tsuribashi Cherry Blossoms, Autumn Leaves, and Other Seasonal Attractions and Activities to Enjoy Near Yume no Tsuribashi Photo:Sumata Gorge, Kawanehon, Shizuoka The area around Yume no Tsuribashi is also popular as a spot to enjoy the seasons, including cherry blossoms and autumn leaves. If you take a steam locomotive from Sumata Gorge to the Oi River, you can see approximately 280 Someiyoshino cherry trees from late March to early April each year. In addition, from October to November, when the beautiful autumn colors are in season, visitors can enjoy viewing the autumn foliage from Yume no Tsuribashi in Sumata Gorge. The area around Sumata Gorge is an area where one can enjoy the great outdoors to the fullest. Fishing and trekking, as well as campgrounds, make this a spot full of attractions for outdoors enthusiasts. Hiking and driving courses are well maintained and can be enjoyed by families, couples, and friends. You can also buy cute souvenirs at the stylish retro café Seiko Udoku Village (晴耕雨読village), which offers a great view of Okuoikojo Station. You can also have a delicious lunch at café Uemaru or Suikoen. One of the attractions of this area is that you can enjoy a one-day trip to Sumatakyo Onsen. The area is lined with popular inns, where you can enjoy local delicacies harvested from the surrounding mountains for dinner. Things to Be Aware of When Visiting Yume no Tsuribashi Photo:Sumata Gorge, Kawanehon, Shizuoka Yume no Tsuribashi in Sumata Gorge is one of the most famous sightseeing spots in Japan. Many tourists visit from all over Japan to catch a glimpse of the fantastic atmosphere. However, there are a few things you should know in advance. Because Yume no Tsuribashi is located deep in the mountains, entry is prohibited after sunset. Furthermore, the entire tour of the Sumata Gorge Promenade Course takes approximately 60 to 80 minutes, so visitors should allow plenty of time for this tour. In addition, be sure to wear appropriate clothing. The path to Yume no Tsuribashi has many steep slopes and stairs, and is made up of gravel. Therefore, it's recommended that you wear comfortable sneakers. Yume no Tsuribashi is also a very popular spot for taking Instagram photos in Japan due to its fantastic scenery. However, the bridge can be somewhat wobbly, and some people accidentally drop their smartphones or cameras while getting absorbed in taking pictures. Such an accident can really kill the mood, so please be careful. Besides that, it's recommended that visitors check the weather forecast in advance as roads may be closed on days when the weather is bad. [Video] 2:24 - Steep stairs Summary of Yume no Tsuribashi Photo:Sumata Gorge, Kawanehon, Shizuoka In this article we introduced Yume no Tsuribashi, a famous tourist attraction in Shizuoka's Sumata Gorge that should be on any bucket list. Visitors can enjoy the scenery of Japan's four seasons here, with cherry blossoms in spring, autumn leaves in fall, snow in winter, and beautiful greenery in the summer. It's a popular tourist attraction where you can really experience nature in Japan. The view from Yume no Tsuribashi is truly spectacular! It attracts many visitors. There are inns, campgrounds, and hot springs in the vicinity as well, so be sure to enjoy it however you like. To get to Yume no Tsuribashi, first take the Shimada Kanaya IC to the parking lot of Sumatakyo Onsen (about 90 minutes). From there, it's a 40-minute walk from the parking lot to Yume no Tsuribashi. Although it takes some time to get there, it usually passes quickly thanks to the beauty of the surrounding nature of Sumata Gorge. Be sure to check out the video to see the fantastical scenery of Yume no Tsuribashi! 【TripAdvisor】Sumata Gorge https://www.tripadvisor.jp/Attraction_Review-g1121220-d1313698-Reviews-Sumatakyo_Valley-Kawanehon_cho_Haibara_gun_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:07
Stand Up Paddleboarding, "SUP," for Beginners! "SUP" Is a Popular Marine Activity That Can Be Enjoyed Even by Beginners Thanks to the Careful Instruction of This School!
Action & Adventure Nature- 19 plays
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What is SUP? This video is a promotional video titled “SUP School PV, Shizuoka City Activity Club Sarry's” (SUP School サップスクールPV 静岡市アクティビティ クラブサリーズ), created by “toruuedayt.” SUP stands for “Stand Up Paddleboarding,” a marine sport gaining a lot of popularity. It might even become an official Olympic event at the 2024 Paris games. This has caused the population to grow immensely. If you're a beginner, you can easily try SUP by going to a beginner class. Look beautiful views of Izu Peninsula (伊豆半, Izuhantou) and Mt. Fuji while enjoying water sports in the waters of Shizuoka. This video introduces a trial class for beginners. Where to Try SUP in Shizuoka Source :YouTube screenshot SUP is a marine activity that involves standing on a surfboard, rowing a paddle, and gliding across the ocean's surface. If you're interested, we recommend the Shizumae area due to it being a popular place for marine activities in Shizuoka. Especially between Mochimune and Ishibu coast. There are tetrapods at Mochimune and Ishibu coast, so it's a great place for beginners to try SUP for the first time. You can also book a SUP tour online and pick your preferred course and plan. All of the equipment for SUP is prepared for you, so you can go to the ocean without worrying about bringing anything. Source :YouTube screenshot Club Sarry's introduced in this video, lends you all the equipment such as life jackets, wet suits, and boats. Before starting, participants receive an explanation. Afterwards, they change into wet suits and hit the beach. Staff members kindly explain the equipment to beginners. Because balancing isn't too difficult with SUP, it's easy for everyone. After enjoying some SUP, it's time to grab a bite to eat! At 2:30 in the video, you can see participants talking about how fun it was with big smiles on their faces. Enjoy Marine Activities in Shizuoka Besides SUP, there's also windsurfing, cruises, and snorkeling as well. In addition, activities like SUP wave, SUP yoga and SUP fishing are also popular. There are also nice restaurants and cafes by the seashore in Shizuoka. You can enjoy a delicious lunch with a beautiful view of the ocean, all while enjoying some refreshing marine activities. Summary of SUP Source :YouTube screenshot As shown in the video, SUP is a refreshing marine activity that even beginners can try. In the video, the beginners try SUP, surrounded by the beautiful natural scenery. If you're interested in SUP, we definitely recommend checking it out if you're planning a trip to Shizuoka. Relax with the beautiful natural scenery and refreshing waves of SUP in Shizuoka! ◆Club Sarry's◆ 【Address】 13-18 Sekibe, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 421-0123 【Access】A 12-minute walk from Mochimune Station on the Tokaido Main Line. 【Hours】9am to 3pm 【Closures】Tuesdays 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】054-291-5115 -
Video article 6:48
The Amazing World of Bonsai! Learn About the Expert Techniques, the Beauty of the Natural Materials, and How They Combine With the Artist's Personal Touch to Create a Wonderful and Unique Work of Art!
Traditional Crafts- 85 plays
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Bonsai: A Traditional Japanese Craft This video "Bonsai"(盆栽) was created by "Nippon Teshigotozukan". It is a video introducing the world of Bonsai featuring an interview with a Bonsai craftsman. Bonsai is the traditional Japanese art of growing miniature trees in containers which are often decorated with moss and other small decorations. Experts in the craft of making Bonsai are called Bonsai masters. The origin of Bonsai dates back to the Heian period (794 - 1185 AD). Bonsai is so popular that the Japanese word 'Bonsai' is known in many countries across the world. In this interview video, you can learn how to create and look after your own Bonsai tree. Please enjoy learning about traditional Japanese culture through this video! What is Bonsai? Let us introduce some of the special techniques required to make Bonsai! Source :YouTube screenshot In this video, we introduce the Bonsai master Okamoto Yoshimitsu, whose workshop "Kichishouen" is located in Toyota city, Aichi prefecture in the Tokai region of Japan. Okamoto Yoshimitsu is famous for his Needle Juniper Bonsai works of art. Source :YouTube screenshot Many techniques are required to complete a Bonsai piece of art, such as pruning, using wires to create bends in the tree's structure and applying paint to name a few. You can see some of these techniques from 2:07 in the video. You can also see some of the tools required for the maintenance of Bonsai from 0:23. Bonsai require special care as the seasons change, similar to other trees in nature. You can see the difference pruning makes to the Bonsai from the before and after pictures at 3:30 in the video. Interview With a Bonsai Master Source :YouTube screenshot From 3:40 in the video, Bonsai master Okamoto Yoshimitsu talks of how he feels the effort put into taking care of Bonsai can be very rewarding, similar to bringing up children. "Bonsai is a Japanese tradition, one that I do not want to die out I want young people to learn about Bonsai and understand the concept of Wabi-sabi (wabi-sabi is a Japanese term used to express the beauty of imperfection). Bonsai is a great way to express oneself through one's own style". Enjoy Looking the Fabulous Bonsai Works of Art Photo:Bonsai Tree Many people in Japan take up Bonsai as a hobby to enjoy the wabi-sabi aspect of the art. There are many varieties of Bonsai tree, from the inexpensive trees aimed at beginners to the very old trees and expensive pots used by professionals and experienced practitioners. The same type of tree, such as a Japanese white pine, can also have several structural forms: formal upright, informal upright, slanted and windswept are a few examples. Other tree types such as cherry blossom and maple trees can also be used. The charm of Bonsai comes from the individualized pruning and shaping of the trees which gives each particular tree it's personality. The combination of the natural beauty of the tree itself and the creativity and individuality of the craftsman is what makes Bonsai so interesting. Bonsai Tree Summary Source :YouTube screenshot Bonsai is a popular Japanese tradition that has been around for many generations. The Bonsai Art Museum in Saitama is growing in popularity, with more young people and foreigners visiting each year. There is also a tapioca shop which serves Bonsai Tapioca Milk Tea which is very popular with customers. Bonsai may look difficult but there are Bonsai for sale that are easy to look after, even for complete beginners. For those who are interested in the traditional Japanese art of Bonsai, why not try raising your own? ◆Kichishouen Introduction Information◆ 【Address】Yabushita 3, Nishimachi, Unebe, Toyota city, Aichi prefecture 470-1219 【Phone number】0565-21-2713 【Official Website】Saitama Bonsai Art Museum https://www.bonsai-art-museum.jp/en/ -
Video article 4:07
Beautiful Scenery in Shizuoka Prefecture! Enjoy Sightseeing in the Blue Ocean at Izu Shirahama Beach and the Historic and Sacred Shirahama Shrine!
Travel- 65 plays
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伊豆白浜海岸と白浜神社魅力紹介動画の見どころ ここでは、「【空撮】伊豆白浜海岸と白浜神社」という動画を元に、静岡県の伊豆白浜海岸と白浜神社の魅力について紹介します。 綺麗な白浜海岸の広がる白浜大浜海水浴場は日本でも屈指の美しい海水浴場です。 エメラルドグリーンの海が織りなす自然の景色は、感動すること間違い無しでしょう。 特に大明神岩とその上に海に向かって建つ鳥居はとても幻想的。 屈指のインスタ映えスポットとしても人気の高い場所となっています。 伊豆白浜海岸の海開きは、気候にもよりますが基本的にはGWから9月まで泳ぐことが出来ます。 伊豆最古の宮である白浜神社! 動画の1:55から紹介されている伊豆最古の神社とされる白浜神社は、縁結び・恋愛力アップのご利益があることで知られるパワースポット。 連日静岡県民のみならず、県外の方たちも参拝に来られます。 大明神岩や鳥居、御釜と、インスタ映えの名所がズラリ。 ぜひ観光の際に訪れてはいかがでしょうか。 夜には綺麗な星空を堪能すること一面に広がり、一日余すことなく楽しむことが出来ます。 伊豆白浜海岸と白浜神社魅力紹介まとめ 白浜海岸では、毎年海の安全を祈願するイベントとして『白浜海の祭典 納涼花火大会』が開催されています。 綺麗な海に打ち込まれて扇状に広がる花火は何とも言えない美しさをに釘付けになってしまうこと間違い無いでしょう。 周辺には『ペンション桜家』や『伊古奈荘』など、伊豆白浜海岸を中から楽しむことが出来る施設がございますので検討してみて下さい。 綺麗な海と日本の歴史深い神社のある伊豆白浜海岸。 動画とこの記事を参考に観光してみてはいかがでしょう。 -
Video article 3:34
The View of 1,000 Cherry Trees in Full Bloom at the Foot of Mt. Fuji Is Incredible! The Beauty of the Pink Tunnel of Cherry Blossom in Oyama, Shizuoka Will Blow You Away!
Nature- 227 plays
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More About the Popular Sightseeing Spot "Fuji Cemetery" This video "Aerial Photography - One Thousand Cherry Trees(空撮 満開の千本桜)" created by "FUJISAN DRONE BASE" contains footage of the popular sightseeing spot "Fuji Cemetery" (富士霊園) taken via drone photography. As you can see throughout the video, there is a main street which passes through the cemetery that is situated near Mt. Fuji. 1,000 Yoshino cherry trees (ソメイヨシノ) are planted along the roadside which, in spring, blossom to create magnificent scenery. Throughout this three-and-a-half-minute long video, you can enjoy the spectacular view of the cherry trees in full bloom. This spot has even been selected as one of the top 100 cherry blossom viewing spots in Japan! The 1,000 Cherry Trees of Fuji Cemetery Are Beautiful! Photo:Fuji Cemetery with cherry blossoms in full bloom The 1,000 cherry trees of Fuji Cemetery are a famous cherry blossom viewing spot in the town of Oyama in Shizuoka prefecture (静岡県小山町), located in the Tokai region (東海地方) of Japan. The Yoshino cherry trees in full bloom cover the main street creating a tunnel-like effect. It's hard to put into words just how beautiful the view is! You can take a look at this tunnel-like effect from 2:27 in the video. As cherry blossom season comes to a close, the petals begin to fall in a blizzard-like fashion before eventually fluttering down to the ground in a beautiful performance. There are many other flowers planted across the vast grounds of the cemetery which you can enjoy throughout the year as the seasons change. There's a platform in Fuji Cemetery where you can get a great view of the 1,000 Yoshino cherry trees. This is a great place to take amazing photos that you can share on Instagram! At 1:04 in the video, there's a stunning shot of snow-covered Mt. Fuji with cherry blossom in the foreground. Tips to Enjoy Cherry Blossom Viewing in the Area Surrounding Mt. Fuji Photo:Fuji Cemetery with cherry blossoms in full bloom The cherry tree most people think of when they hear the word "sakura" is the Yoshino cherry. However, there are other kinds such as the Yaezakura cherry (八重桜) that you can also enjoy in the area. In the spring, people in Japan travel to famous parks, temples and shrines to enjoy cherry blossom viewing events. As spring approaches, be sure to stay on top of the cherry blossom status in order to get the best view possible! Summary of the 1,000 Cherry Trees of Fuji Cemetery Photo:Cherry Blossoms at Fuji Cemetery During summer, many tourists travel to Shizuoka prefecture to climb Mt. Fuji, but there are many other sightseeing spots in the area for you to enjoy throughout the year. The beginning of spring is the perfect time to enjoy the cherry blossoms at Fuji Cemetery! There are several other famous cherry blossom viewing sites in the area with cherry trees such as the Yoshino cherry, Weeping cherry (枝垂れ桜), and Mountain cherry (山桜). Why not head over to the Mt. Fuji area of Shizuoka prefecture this spring and take a tour of the various cherry blossom viewing spots? ◆Fuji Cemetery General Information◆ 【Address】888ー2 Omika, Oyama, Sunto District, Shizuoka 410-1308 【Access】20 minutes by bus from JR Gotemba Line Suruga-Oyama station (JR御殿場線駿河小山駅) 【Admission Fee】Free 【Hours】9am - 4.30pm 【Closures】 Open year round 【Parking】Available (temporary parking area) 【Telephone】 0550-78-0311 【Tripadvisor】Fuji Cemetery https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g1121213-d3586539-r315214344-Fuji_Reien_Cemetry-Oyama_cho_Sunto_gun_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 7:04
The Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival Is a Popular Event in Izu, Shizuoka Where the Entire Town Is Dyed Pink With Cherry Blossoms. A Look at Izu's Beautiful Spring Scenery and Recommend Tourist Attractions!
Local PR Travel- 335 plays
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About the Video of Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival If you're looking for a place where you can enjoy viewing cherry blossoms and feeling Japan's unique spring atmosphere, then look no further! There are many others just like yourself looking to relax among the cherry blossoms and enjoy the fresh spring breeze. Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival, held in Kawazu, Shizuoka Prefecture is a festival where you can do just that. The beautiful 4K footage allows you enjoy the blissful atmosphere of the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival. Be sure to follow along as you read this article! Izu's Popular Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival Photo:Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival The Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival, held in Kawazu, Izu, is a beautiful festival where you can see the town of Kawazu covered with pink cherry blossoms. Kawazu Sakura is a type of cherry blossom tree that starts blooming earlier than most other cherry blossom trees, starting from around early February to early March. The origin of Kawazu cherry blossoms dates back to 1955, when one of the local townspeople found a tree growing amongst the weeds in his back yard. Back then the trees were called "Komine Sakura," but were renamed to ‘Kawazu Sakura’ in 1974. The Kawazu Sakura is characterized by its large petals and pink color, and when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, a flurry of falling cherry blossoms creates the most beautiful scenery. The Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival is a popular festival that approximately one million tourists visit every year. People enjoy the festival by taking a walk along the river, or having a picnic in the park while drinking and enjoying food from food stands. It's often crowded so you might have to save a spot for a picnic beforehand. There are outhouses at the festival, along with regular restrooms throughout the park. Come experience the beautiful cherry blossoms at the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival! The Beauty of the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival Source :YouTube screenshot The Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival in Kawazu, Izu is a must-see festival for anyone interested in cherry blossoms or Japan's beautiful scenery. The cherry blossoms can be enjoyed in various ways depending on the location and time. There are approximately 8,000 cherry trees in Kawazu and about 850 along the Kawazu River. During full-bloom, these trees showcase the beauty of Kawazu. The one along the the Kawazu river are especially beautiful. You can enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms at full bloom along the river for more than 4 kilometers! We recommend that you try to find your own little secret spot to avoid the crowds. This video shows you the cherry blossoms in full bloom at various spots along the Kawazu River at 0:28. Was there anything that caught your eye? There are also places where the cherry blossoms are lit up at night as well. It's an impressive sight that you can only experience at night time. Be sure to check it out if you have the chance, as it's one of the best parts of the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival. There are also other cherry blossom festivals in the Kawazu area where you can see the cherry blossoms and rape blossoms in harmony with one another. Enjoy Authentic Japanese Cherry Blossoms in Kawazu Source :YouTube screenshot During the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival in Izu, there are several spots we recommend visiting to enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms. As we mentioned above, one of the ways you can enjoy the cherry blossoms is with the illumination at night, shown at 5:02 in the video. Access to the cherry blossoms illumination is 20 minutes walking from Kawazu Station on the Izu Kyuko Line. It's an incredible scenec location, so don't forget to bring your camera! We also recommend going around and collecting your shuin stamp when visiting the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival. There's a red stamp that's only available during the festival at Seisoku Temple nearby, so be sure not to miss it! Enjoying both the cherry blossoms and collecting your red seal stamps will make for an unforgettable trip. Summary of Izu's Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival The video, created by "Discover Nippon," is a beautiful 4K video that introduces the charm of the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival in Izu. If you're curious about the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival after reading this article, be sure to check out the video! If you love cherry blossoms or spring in Japan, then you'll love this festival! Enjoy the beautiful scenery of Kawazu! 【Official Website】Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival Info|Official Website https://www.kawazuzakura.net/ 【Official Website】Kawazu, Kamogun, Shizuoka, Japan Town Official Website http://www.town.kawazu.shizuoka.jp/ -
Video article 3:10
The Night View of Yokkaichi Factories: A Rising Tourist Destination in Mie Prefecture. Insta-Worthy! Breathtaking! Beautiful! An Introduction to the Best Spot to Observe the Wondrous Night View and How to Enjoy the Factories at Night
Local PR Travel Art & Architecture- 362 plays
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Night View of Yokkaichi Factories: A Rising Tourist Attraction The phrase ‘night view’ would cause many to think of the lights of a town observed from the top of a mountain or an observatory. However, in recent years, night views of factories have been gaining popularity. So what's all the buzz about? This video introduces the ‘Night View of Yokkaichi Factories’ with a breathtaking and wondrous movie made using time-lapse footage. Why Are Nighttime Factories So Popular? Photo:Yokkaichi Factories Japan offers a variety of places in which you can observe factories at night across the country. Yet, the Yokkaichi Industrial Area (四日市工場地帯, Yokkaichi Kojo Chitai) in Mie Prefecture, Kansai Region (関西地方, Kansai Chiho), introduced in the video, is the MECCA of night view factories, due to its spectacular views. Along the coastline of Yokkaichi sit factories of major corporations, such as factories of Kioxia, one of the leading electric companies in Japan, factories and petrochemical complexes of JSR Corporation, and so on. The view of the water reflecting the glaring lights of these huge factories is utterly breathtaking. The fire and smoke billowing from the chimneys is absolutely gorgeous. (Although admittedly probably not great for the environment). Observe the Night View From ‘Umiterasu 14’ Photo:Umiterasu Since there are no high grounds near Yokkaichi Industrial Area, it's difficult to observe the factories at night from up high. However, ‘Umiterasu 14’, a commercial building located 15-minutes from JR Tomidohama Station by foot, offers an opportunity for a spectacular view of Yokkaichi factories from above. Pop in the lift inside the building and enjoy the beautiful landscape from the paid area on the 14th floor. But, be careful because the observatory in ‘Umiterasu 14’ closes at 5 pm on weekdays. It's open until 9 pm on Fridays and Saturdays, so we recommend visiting during the weekend. How to Enjoy the Night View of Yokkaichi Factories Photo:Yokkaichi factories Many people visit Yokkaichi Industrial Area for the purpose of taking photos, making it a famous Instagrammable spot. It's a popular destination for families, solo travelers, and couples alike. We also recommend joining the cruise tour in which tourists can enjoy the wondrous atmosphere of factories at night from the comfort of a boat. The popular Gotochi Bear (a stuffed bear) souvenir, ‘Night View of Yokkaichi Factories Bear’ is sold exclusively at EXPASA Gozaisho, a service area of NEXCO Naka Nihon, a highway near Yokkaichi Industrial Area. The Gotochi Bear, depicting the night view of Yokkaichi City (四日市市, Yokkaichishi) with fresh blue, will certainly make for a great memory. Summary of the Night View of Yokkaichi Factories The Yokkaichi Industrial Area is accessible on foot from JR Yokkaichi Station and Tondahama Station. We recommend that you use parking lots in the Kasumigaura area because there are no parking lots in the Shiohama area. In addition, there are many other spots to observe the factories at night, such as Taisho Bridge (大正橋, Taishobashi), Isozu・Suzuka River (鈴鹿川, Suzukagawa) the nearby estuaries, Tarusaka Park・Hazuyama Green Space (垂坂公園・羽津山緑地, Tarusaka Koen ・ Hazuyama Ryokuchi) and more. Be sure to visit the must-see Yokkaichi factories at night. But for now, please enjoy the beauty of the factories through the video as this time-lapse movie does a great job of conveying their charm. -
Video article 4:03
Fresh, Hot and Fluffy Taiyaki! Check Out This Video Demonstration of Taiyaki, a Popular Japanese Confectionery That All Japanese Know and Love, at Gin no An!
Food & Drink Shopping- 66 plays
- YouTube
Taiyaki - A Traditional Japanese Confectionary! This video, titled "薄皮たい焼きの作り方 Japanese Pancakes fish shaped TAIYAKI," produced by "Sushi Bomber TV クッキング最前線," shows taiyaki being made at a food stall. This video is a compilation of taiyaki demonstrations at "Gin no An" at Osu Shotengai, a shopping street in Nagoya city (名古屋市: Nagoya-shi, Aichi prefecture (愛知県: Aichi-ken). Taiyaki is a traditional Japanese confectionery in the shape of a fish, and there are many famous shops in Japan that sell the delicious snack. Be sure to watch this video to learn how it's made! The Origin and Types of Taiyaki Photo:Taiyaki In Japan, “Imagawayaki, a round pancake filled with red bean paste, has been eaten since the Edo period (1603-1868). One day, a long established imagawayaki store changed the shape of their pancakes from a round shape to a fish shape. After changing the shape, the snack quite literally sold like hotcakes. The nursery rhyme Oyoge Taiyaki-kun was also a popular song for children in the Showa era. Taiyaki has a long history, and the variety of taiyaki is expanding rapidly, from the more orthodox ones with azuki beans in between, to chocolate taiyaki and even cream taiyaki. How to Make Taiyaki Source :YouTube screenshot Taiyaki are baked from a mixture of ingredients, including flour, baking soda, sugar, and water. The batter is poured into a metal baking mold specially made for taiyaki, followed by a generous amount of sweet bean paste, as shown at 0:45 in the video. When the batter is sufficiently cooked, the two sides of the mold are combined and it is further baked, as shown at 1:27 in the video. This can be a bit difficult to prepare at home, as the average homeowner doesn't have a taiyaki machine available. At 2:46 in the video, you can see the popular croissant taiyaki being made. The cooking process differs from regular taiyaki in that the ingredients are pre-prepared and can be baked as is. Each taiyaki contains about 220 calories and costs around 120-150 yen. Taiyaki is inexpensive and easy to eat, making it a great snack. Summary of Taiyaki Source :YouTube screenshot If you're planning a trip to Japan, we recommend that you taste a variety of Japanese food and sweets to gain a deeper understanding of Japanese culture. there are a number of taiyaki shops, such as Gin no An, all over Japan that offer taiyaki sales demonstrations.> Once you've experienced the artisanal skills of these taiyaki chefs, be sure to try their freshly baked taiyaki! At 3:32 in the video, a customer breaks his taiyaki in half and shows us what's inside... It looks so yummy! ◆Gin no An - Osu Syotengai◆ 【Address】 2-17-20 Osu Naka-Ku Nagoya-shi Aichi ken 460 - 0011 【Access】A 7-8 minute walk from Osu-Kannon Station on the Nagoya Municipal Subway Maizuru Line 【Hours】[Weekdays ] 11:00 to 20:00, [Weekends and National holidays ] 10:30 to 20:00 Open 7 days a week 【Telephone】052-209-9151 【Parking】None 【Official Website】Gin-no An http://www.ginnoan.com/ -
Video article 2:58
Pink, Yellow, Purple... Gifu Prefecture's Hashima City Is a Colorful Place Where You Can Enjoy the Natural Beauty of the Four Seasons. With Festivals, Gourmet Food, and Traditional Culture, Hashima City Has Plenty of Attractions for You to Enjoy!
Local PR Travel- 99 plays
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Sightseeing in Hashima City, Gifu Prefecture! Introducing sightseeing in Hashima City, Gifu Prefecture! This video introduces the Hashima City sightseeing video "Hashima City Sightseeing PR Video. Normal Version, 2017," produced by the "Hashima City Tourism Association." Hashima City, in Gifu Prefecture, is an area with excellent traffic access thanks to the Tokaido Shinkansen route. Get off at Gifu-Hashima Station, where the statues of the Japanese politicians, Mr. and Mrs. Mutsune Ono, stand in front of the station and enjoy sightseeing around the scenic Hashima city. Enjoy this quick 3 minute clip filled with the nature, history, festivals, and gourmet food of Hashima City, Gifu Prefecture. Tourist Attractions in Hashima City! Source :YouTube screenshot In Hashima City, a place overflowing with nature, you can enjoy the cherry blossoms of Hashima Park (羽島公園, Hashima koen) and Sakai river (境川, Sakaigawa) in the spring, the wisteria trellises of the Takehana Betsuin Temple (真宗大谷派竹鼻別院, Shinshu Otaniha Takehana Betsuin), and the lotuses of Oga Lotus garden (大賀ハス園, Oga hasu koen) in the early summer. In autumn, you can gaze upon the the vast sunflower field, the cosmos of Ichinoeda, and the rows of ginkgo trees. The seasonal scenery is perfect for Instagram, so don't forget to bring your camera! You can see Ichinoeda Cosmos Square, with one side dyed pink, at 0:43 in the video. Hongaku Temple (本覚寺, Hongaku ji) in Hashima City, is famous for its cloud dragon ceiling painting, shown at 2:08 in the video. We also recommend checking out Yoro Park (養老公園, Yoro koen), where the Yoro Falls are located, as well as Yoro Shrine (養老神社, Yoro jinja). Other sightseeing spots we recommend are Chiyobo Inari Shrine (千代保稲荷神社, Chiyobo Inari jinja), the Great Buddha of Sakichi in the Takehana area, Naka Kannon Hall (中観音堂, Naka Kannon do) and the Hashima Enku Museum (羽島円空資料館, Hashima Enku Shiryokan), and the Hashima City Folk Museum. After sightseeing, enjoy local gourmet dishes using lotus root, while sipping on sake, or relax at a hot spring inn or hotel. The local cuisine of Hashima City is introduced at 2:13 in the video. Lotus root rice bowls, boiled fish, miso dumplings, sake ... everything looks so delicious. Hashima City Event Information! Source :YouTube screenshot Check out the historical festivals and popular events in Hashima City, Gifu Prefecture. In Hashima City, the Hashima Spring Festival is held in the spring, and during the Golden Week there is a lively float festival called the Takehana Festival. The Nobi Fireworks, a tradition upheld since the Meiji Period, are also something to look out for. The Japanese drum called Hajima Taiko, introduced at 0:19, is also famous. Let's go to events such as Japanese drum live and music festival. Summary of Sightseeing in Hashima City, Gifu Prefecture! Gifu Prefecture's Hashima City has many interesting sightseeing spots. Hashima City can also be easily accessed from Kanto and Kansai by bullet train, making it a great place to visit. In the video, you can see information about Hashima City that we couldn't include in this article, such as "Mino-Jima," a traditional cotton loom handed down since the Edo Period (1603-1868)! If you're looking to enjoy the beautiful, natural scenery of Japan, along with famous sights, consider adding Gifu Prefecture to your itinerary and drop by Hashima City! 【Official Website】Hashima City, Gifu Prefecture City Hall Homepage https://www.city.hashima.lg.jp/ 【Official Website】 Hashima City Tourism Association | Introducing sightseeing spots and events in Hashima City, Gifu Prefecture https://hashimakanko.jp/wp2/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/guide_en.pdf -
Video article 8:28
A First-Rate Ink Craftsman Who Makes the Ink That Is Absolutely Essential for Calligraphy. With a History of More Than 1,000 Years, the Techniques for Making High-Quality Ink Aren't Learned in a Day...
Traditional Culture- 70 plays
- YouTube
Introducing the Techniques of Japan's Ink Artisans! This video, titled "Japanese ink artisan/Interview - IS JAPAN COOL CRAFTSMANSHIP(墨職人)," was created by "ANA Global Channel." The video shows the process of creating the inksticks used in Japanese calligraphy. Japanese calligraphy is well-known both in Japan and overseas as a hallmark of Japanese culture. In Japanese calligraphy, ink is, of course, essential. Japanese calligraphy has a rich history, dating back more than a thousand years. The reason why works of calligraphy from such a long time ago can be appreciated even now, is the incredible skills of the craftsmen who created the paper and ink used for them. The traditional techniques for making high-quality ink have been passed down for generations. In the video, one ink artisan explains his craft, and you can see the entire inkstick-making process with the artisan pouring his heart and soul into his creations. The Process of Creating Inksticks Source :YouTube screenshot The main material used in the ink for both Japanese calligraphy and as a dye is the soot and glue collected after burning oil. Pine resin and charcoal are occasionally used as well. The very best craftsmen carefully select materials in order to create the highest-quality inksticks. To create the ink, first the soot is dissolved, then mixed and kneaded well with the glue. Following that, the mixture is inserted into a mold and left to harden. During this process, the artisans’ hands are stained completely black. The hardened mixture is left to dry for one to a few months, then polished and shined to create the final product. This process can be seen from 2:43 in the video. Where to Buy the Inksticks Shown in the Video? Source :YouTube screenshot In elementary schools in Japan, calligraphy is a compulsory subject for practicing penmanship. Therefore, Japanese calligraphy instruments and inksticks are readily available. Besides the solid inksticks, there is a liquid variation known as "bokuteki" (墨滴), as well as other variations. Popular companies such as Kuretake (呉竹) and Kaimei (開明) offer various inksticks at reasonable prices. For those thinking of starting their Japanese calligraphy journey, go for these affordable materials. Japan's inksticks have the distinguishing feature of not fading over time. However, because of that, if clothes are stained by the ink, the stain will not disappear even after washing, so do be careful. Summary of Japan's Ink Artisans Photo:Calligraphy As seen from the video, the ink used in Japanese calligraphy is created through the painstaking work of craftsmen. The art of writing words beautifully with a brush and ink is a tradition the Japan prides itself on. From 6:19 in the video, rare colored inksticks made using natural ores are shown as well. If you're interested in Japanese culture, why not try purchasing inksticks and other necessary materials, and give Japanese calligraphy a try? -
Video article 3:11
Enjoy the Spectacular Flight of the First Domestically Produced Helicopter of the JSDF! The Somersaults and Sharp Turns Shown at the Akeno Garrison Air Festival Are Spectacular!
Vehicles- 26 plays
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This video, titled "[Domestic Helicopter OH-1 Ninja] Japan Ground Self-Defense Force|Akeno Garrison Air Festival 2014" (「国産ヘリコプター OH-1 ニンジャ」陸上自衛隊 明野駐屯地航空祭2014), was released by "jbanban." This video shows the aviation festival held at the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force Akeno Garrison. The OH-1 Ninja helicopter shown in the video was built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries. The role of observation helicopters is to support tactics by scouting invading landed targets from low altitude. The OH-1 Ninja is equipped with an attitude control system, as it needs to be stationary while observing. OH-1 Ninjas also made headlines when they appeared in that popular movie "Shin Godzilla" to attack Godzilla in his third form. -
Video article 5:06
Discover the Charms of Shinshiro, Aichi Prefecture, a Tourist Destination to Feel the Four Seasons of Japan! Don't Miss the Seasonal Scenery That Shows the Romance of History and Nature!
Local PR Travel- 40 plays
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自然を楽しめる観光地「愛知県新城市」の動画について こちらの動画は「新城市見どころ動画」が公開した「新城市PR映像 5分版」です。 こちらは愛知県新城市のさまざまな観光スポットや文化を紹介しているプロモーション動画です。 緑に囲まれた、気持ちのいい空気が流れる新城市の魅力がたっぷりと詰まっています。 こちらの記事では、日本の観光エリアである愛知県新城市の魅力や周辺情報を動画と共に紹介します。 日本観光でおすすめの愛知県新城市について 新城市は、愛知県東部奥三河の玄関口になっています。 緑に囲まれた自然が豊かなで、独自の文化や景色を楽しめる観光地。 四季によって町の風景が変わるのも新城市の魅力。 秋には紅葉が咲きほこり、春は桜が新城市の町を彩ります。 ゆったりとした時間が流れる田舎の中で、ここでしか体験できない絶景や祭り、温泉、グルメを楽しみましょう。 きっと満足する旅行になるはずです。 愛知県新城市で日本の自然を楽しめる観光スポット 愛知県新城市には自然の景勝を楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 四谷の千枚田や阿寺の七滝、鳳来寺山などは新城市でしか味わえない絶景をご覧になることができます。 新城市の山間集落の斜面に広がる四谷の千枚田。 日本のおとぎ話に出てくるような風景を見ることができ、日本らしい景色が好きな人には必見の場所。 先人たちが残した遺産を今も地域の人たちが守り続けています。 愛知県新城市には、他にも桜淵公園や巴川などの美しい自然の景色を楽しめるスポットがたくさんありますよ。 愛知県新城市で日本の歴史を感じられる観光スポット 愛知県新城市の設楽原決戦場祭りは日本の歴史を感じられる多くの人が訪れる人気の祭りです。 日本で初めて大量に鉄砲が使われた長篠、設楽原の戦い。 その設楽原の地で火縄銃の演武や武者行列などが行われています。 当時の戦を再現している祭りなので熱気がすごく、特に火縄銃の音は迫力満点。 歴史が好きな人にはたまらない祭りでしょう。 新城市の美しい自然と歴史を感じられるスポットを満喫し、充実した旅をお楽しみください。 日本のおすすめ観光スポット「愛知県新城市」紹介記事のまとめ こちらの動画では新城市の湯谷温泉や旅館などさまざまなスポットが紹介されているので、興味のある方はぜひ見てください。 日本の緑豊かな観光地の新城市。 日本の原風景を楽しめる貴重なスポットへ観光してみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 4:29
Nanpu - A Teppanyaki Restaurant in Nagoya City. They Make Dashi-Maki Tamago" and Fluffy Omelettes on a Teppan Grill?!
Food & Drink- 22 plays
- YouTube
Cooking Eggs on a Teppan Grill?! This video shows how to make dashi-maki tamago (Japanese rolled omelets) using a teppan grill at Nanpu, a teppanyaki restaurant in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. Nanpu is a chain of izakaya (Japanese style pubs) established in 1996 with 13 locations in Aichi, Gifu, and Okinawa. In this video, they make dashi-maki tamago and fluffy omelets at Nanpu's main branch in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. You probably don't imagine cooking eggs when you see a teppan grill, but in the video, the use a spatula to expertly cook the eggs. The highlight of the video is the final twirl of the dashi-maki tamago, which can be seen at 1:13. Be sure to check it out! ◆南風 -NANPU- Store Information◆ 【Address】〒462-0056 Aichi, Nagoya, Kita Ward, Chumarucho, 1−4-4 【Access】A 10-minute walk from Shonaidori Station on the Chickamae Subway Line. 【Price Range】¥3,000+ 【Hours】17:00-24:00 【Closures】Irregular 【Parking】Available. 6 spaces 【Phone】052-910-3654 【Official Homepage】南風 -NANPU- https://nanpu.co.jp/ 【Tabelog】Nanpu https://tabelog.com/en/aichi/A2301/A230113/23033046/ -
Video article 3:22
Okazaki Castle in Aichi Prefecture – A Base of Tokugawa Ieyasu, One of the Three Unifiers of Japan! Discover the History of Japan in a City Deified as the Birthplace of the Gods!
Art & Architecture History- 99 plays
- YouTube
Introducing Okazaki Castle, the Birthplace of the Gods The video this time is titled "[Touken World] 'Okazaki Castle'|Swords and Armor|Sword and Armor Displays in the Castle|YouTube Video" (【刀剣ワールド】「岡崎城」刀剣・甲冑に会える城|刀剣・甲冑展示の城郭 YouTube動画), released by "Virtual Sword Museum 'Touken World'." It introduces Okazaki Castle at Okazaki Park in Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture, in Japan's Tokai region. Okazaki Castle is known as the birthplace of Tokugawa Ieyasu, and is famous for being the base of operations for Tokugawa Ieyasu, who returned to Mikawa (present-day Aichi Prefecture) after the Battle of Okehazama and used it as his base for unifying the country. This Okazaki Castle was deified as "the birthplace of the gods," and the Daimyo who became the lords of Okazaki Castle were proud to serve as its ruler. As you can see from 1:33 in the video, there are various exhibits of swords and armor related to Okazaki Castle. One of the most famous swords from the Muromachi period (1336-1573), "Kanemoto," with its impressive temper, resembling majestic mountains, can be seen at 1:51 in the video. At the The Ieyasu And Mikawa Bushi Museum in Okazaki Park, which can be seen at 2:09 in the video, visitors can learn about the history of the Matsudaira family, the ancestors of the Tokugawa family, from their beginnings to the unification of the Tokugawa family. A Kindami Gusoku (type of body armor), made of gold leaf, is also on display. A Look at Okazaki Castle Photo:Okazaki Castle Okazaki Castle is a Japanese castle located in the Mikawa Kuni Okazaki Domain (present-day Kosei Town, Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture). Also known as "Ryujo," it was owned by the Matsudaira family during the Warring States period (1467-1615 AD) until the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1573-1598 AD). Okazaki Castle is said to have been built by Saigo Tsuguyori, a descendant of the Niki clan in Mikawa Province, and his son Yoritsugu Saigo At that time, it was called "Ryuzu Castle." Tokugawa Ieyasu was born inside the castle in 1542. Therefore, it is called the birthplace of Tokugawa Ieyasu. In the Edo period (1603 to 1868), it was written as "岡竒城" as oppsed to the current kanji "岡崎城" (same pronunciation). After the Meiji Restoration (1853-1867 AD), most of the castle wall at Okazaki Castle was demolished, but in 1959 the castle tower was restored to a three-layer, five-story building, and in 2006 it was listed as one of "Japan's Top 100 Castles." You can get to Okazaki Castle by foot from Meitetsu Higashi Okazaki Station or Okazaki Koen Station, or by local bus from Okazaki Koenmae Bus Stop. Vista Line Connecting Okazaki Castle and Taiju Temple Photo:Tokugawa Ieyasu・Daiju-ji Daiju-ji, a temple located around Okazaki Castle, is where Tokugawa Ieyasu, who, broken from his defeat in the Battle of Okehazama, attempted to commit ritual suicide, but was dissuaded by the chief priest. This 3-kilometer-long line that connects Okazaki Castle and Daiju-ji is known as the Vista Line, and it has been preserved for 370 years as a historical spot and a historical view. In modern times, the Vista Line has been drawn using laser light, and an event called the "Vista Line of Light" has also been held. Facilities Around Okazaki Castle Photo:Cherry blossoms at Okazaki Castle Okazaki Park, where Okazaki Castle is located, is famous for its cherry blossoms, and has been selected as one of the top 100 cherry blossom sites in Japan. A famous place in Okazaki Park is the Yachiyo Honten, where you can eat dengaku cuisine using Hatcho miso. Yachiyo Honten is a long-established Japanese restaurant that has been in business for more than 120 years. The Kinome Dengaku, grilled with the traditional technique of Yachiyo Honten, is an exquisite local specialty that can only be found at this restaurant. Also, in the castle town, there is an area called Hatcho Village, and there are traditional shops such as Hatcho Miso and Kakukyu Hatcho Miso, so please enjoy gourmet food and lunch. There are also temples and shrines, such as Rokusho Shrine, Takisan Toshogu Shrine, and Ise Hachimangu Shrine in the surrounding area, so we recommend visiting these to anyone collecting red seal stamps, after visiting Okazaki Castle. Summary of Okazaki Castle Photo:Okazaki Castle In the video you can learn more about Okazaki Castle, the birthplace of Tokugawa Ieyasu. Okazaki Castle is a historical spot that we highly recommend visiting, as it is associated with Tokugawa Ieyasu, a famous warlord from the Warring States period. If you're interested, be sure to stop by Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture. ◆Okazaki Castle Facility Overview◆ 【Address】561-1 Koseicho, Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture, 444-0052 【Access】15 minutes walk from Meitetsu Higashi Okazaki Station 【Hours】 9:00-17:00 【Closures】End of the year (December 29-December 31) 【Admission fee】200 yen for adults 【Parking】Paid parking available 【Telephone No】0564-22-2122 【Official Website】Okazaki Castle Home Page | Okazaki Castle (Main Tower) | Special Features | Okazaki Park | Okazaki Outing Navigation-Okazaki City Tourist Association Official Site https://okazaki-kanko.jp/en 【Tripadvisor】Okazaki Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g788304-d1309910-Reviews-Okazaki_Castle-Okazaki_Aichi_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 6:47
Experience Japanese Tradition and Culture With "Toyosaka no Mai," Performed at Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine's "Sakura Matsuri Gagaku Concert" in Fujinomiya, Shizuoka. The Elegant Gagaku Performance Is Quite the Spectacle!
Traditional Culture Festivals & Events- 240 plays
- YouTube
"Toyosaka no Mai" at the Sakura Matsuri Gagaku Concert Performance! The video, titled "Toyosaka no Mai Sakura Matsuri Gagaku Concert 2018" (豊栄の舞 さくらまつり雅楽演奏会2018), was released by "YAKISOBA1BAN." It shows a performance of Gagaku, a traditional Japanese performing art. The performance featured in the video is "Toyosaka no Mai" at the 2018 Sakura Matsuri Gagaku Concert at Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine in Fujinomiya, Shizuoka, in Japan's Tokai region. The musical performance by the Ohito Gagaku Ensemble (大仁雅楽会) at Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine's main shrine is very elegant. Gagaku and Other Traditional Japanese Cultures Photo:Noh Japan has a variety of traditional music and dance cultures, including the well known Noh and Kyogen. Some of the notable traditions are the dedication of Bugaku and Kagura (Shinto music) performed with an accompaniment of Gagaku music at traditional festivals held in various regions of Japan. Gagaku (traditional Japanese court music) and Kagura are traditional cultures that have been handed down in Japan since ancient times as traditional music of the court. For those who are interested in Japan's beautiful Gagaku and Bugaku performances, we recommend visiting shrines and temples during traditional Japanese events, such as Hatsumode (New Year's visit), Setsubun, Ouka-Sai (桜花祭, Cherry blossom Festival), Nodate (an open‐air tea ceremony), and more. Toyosaka no Mai, the Gagaku Performance Shown in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot Toyosaka no Mai, the performance shown in the video, is a very joyful performance held in the spring. Women wearing red and white clothing, holding a sakaki or a flower of each of the four seasons, perform a dance to the accompaniment of a sho (a Japanese free reed flute), Hichiriki (a double reed Japanese flute), gaku biwa, Koto and other instruments. Miko (the shrine maidens) who perform Toyosaka no Mai, as shown at 0:44 in the video, spend countless hours practicing and mastering the dance before the actual performance. The Sakura Matsuri Gagaku Concert at Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine! Photo:Yabusame The Ouka-Sai Festival at Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine also includes a performance of "Kujishi no Maki," which originates from Minamoto no Yoritomo's "Fuji-no-Makigari." It also includes a performance by the Tenma Taiko Preservation Society and the annual festival of the Massha Tenjin-sha Shrine. In May, "Yabusame" a heroic horseback archery festival is held, attracting many tourists. Besides the Sakura Matsuri Gagaku Concert, there are many other events that you can visit to experience the charms of Japanese culture. Summary of "Toyosaka no Mai" at the Sakura Matsuri Gagaku Concert Source :YouTube screenshot Toyosaka no Mai is a traditional performance that has been handed down in Japan since ancient times. The fantastic Bugaku performance under the cherry blossoms at night is so beautiful that you'll never get tired of watching it. If you'd like to learn more about traditional Japanese performing arts, be sure to check out the video to see all of the intricacies of the performance!