Video article 9:36
Meet the Female Sushi Chefs Who Serve Dainty Sushi With the Same Level of Knife Skills as Their Male Counterparts! The Owner of the Famous Shop "Uotakesushi" in Shizuoka City, Shizuoka Talks About Her Commitment to Japanese Food!
Food & Drink- 130 plays
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千葉由美さんは全国でも珍しい女性の寿司職人 この動画は「Eater」が公開した静岡県清水区で寿司職人として活躍する千葉由美(Yumi Chiba)さんにインタビューを行った「How Master Sushi Chef Yumi Chiba Perfected Tamago — Omakase Japan」です。 寿司は日本のグルメの歴史の中で日本食・和食を代表するほどの食べ物になった。 現在では世界中に寿司職人が存在しており、日本人のみならず、世界中の日本食・和食好きに愛されている。 しかし寿司職人の多くは男性であり、女性の寿司職人を見ることは殆どない。 静岡県清水区で江戸前寿司をもてなしているグルメ店「魚竹寿し」の女性の寿司職人・千葉由美さん。 日本食屋・和食屋では非常に珍しい女性の板前である千葉由美さんだが、その職人技は男性顔負けであり、魚を捌く様子は真剣なそのものだ。 女性の寿司職人が少ない理由とは? 寿司職人のグルメの歴史において「寿司は男性が握るもの」という考え方は古くより存在している。 これは「女性の高い体温では握りを作る際にネタが傷んでしまう」と言われていたためである。 もちろんこの考えは根拠が殆んどなく、女性より体温の高い男性はいくらでもいる。 しかしながら、日本のグルメで古くから信じられてきたこの考えは寿司職人業界で「女人禁制」という文化を定着させているのも事実だ。 現在、寿司を提供している日本食屋・和食屋において、世界的なグルメ本『ミシュランガイド』に掲載されている店は400店以上もある。 しかし、それらのお店で女性の寿司職人はたった1人しかいないほどだ。 千葉由美さんの作る寿司へのこだわり 千葉さんが代表取締役を務める「魚竹寿し」では、伝統的な江戸前寿司を提供している。 寿司はもちろんのこと、旬のネタや新鮮な魚介類・海鮮を使った「お造り」も人気のグルメだ。 なかでも寿司を中心に日本食・和食に欠かせない厚焼き玉子(玉子焼き)は、千葉さんが最も時間をかけるグルメだ。 その製法は消えるような弱火でじっくりと玉子を焼いていく、昔ながらの作り方である。玉子を焼き終わるのに1時間以上もかかるという。 海外でも愛される日本食・和食の文化の紹介まとめ 日本食・和食は世界中のグルメで愛されている料理だ。 特に生魚を食べる文化のない海外においては、魚の刺身や寿司は口にする機会がなく、本場の寿司を食べるために日本に旅行に来る方も少なくはない。 寿司は日本が世界に誇るグルメであることは間違いないが、「女人禁制」という閉鎖的な考え方も並列して存在している。 最近では女性が日本食・和食の板前になることも増えつつあるが、まだまだ数は少ない。 女性の板前だからといって味が落ちることはない。女性の板前を見かけても否定的にならず、好意的に捉えることが、これからの日本食・和食のグルメの促進につながるだろう。 -
Video article 5:52
The Allure of Sushi That Attracts Food Connoisseurs From Around the World. The Master Chefs at the Famous Sushi Aoki in Ginza, Tokyo Create Masterpieces That Will Blow You Away!
Food & Drink- 25 plays
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名店の寿司職人を紹介した動画について こちらの動画は「ANA Global Channel」が公開した「SUSHI - IS JAPAN COOL? WASHOKU - 和食 (寿司)」です。 銀座にある名店「鮨 青木」の店主、青木利勝(アオキトシカツ)氏のインタビュー動画です。 青木利勝氏が寿司を握っている様子が収録されており、寿司ができるまでの過程が分かり、日本のグルメ・和食、寿司について知るのにうってつけの1本です。 世界で人気のグルメ「和食」とは 世界で多くの方に好まれている日本料理。 2013年12月には和食がユネスコ無形文化遺産に登録されています。 寿司は人気の和食の1つ挙げられます。 日本には魅力的な和食を提供しているお店が多く、いろいろなお店を巡ってグルメを満喫するのも日本観光の醍醐味です。 日本の人気グルメ寿司を紹介 寿司には一体どのような材料が使われているのか、調理する際に一体どういう点に注意しているのかをこちらの動画から知ることができます。 寿司は魚介類の新鮮さで味が左右されるので、グルメを楽しむ際は注意しないといけません。 多くの職人が旬のネタを求め、築地市場等を訪れています。 また、動画の3:23のところで日本人と海外の方との食べ方の違いについて触れている点もチェックしておきたい部分。 青木利勝氏が寿司を作る際にどのような工夫をしているかが分かります。 海外ではアボカド等を用いたカリフォルニアロールをはじめ、ヤムイモの天ぷらを使ったヤムロール等の寿司が食べられているのが特徴的。 人気の和食の一つでもある寿司には様々な種類がある 日本でグルメを楽しむ際、どのような寿司があるか知っておいて損はありません。 店によって色々な寿司が楽しめます。 ・握り寿司 ・巻き寿司 ・稲荷寿司(イナリズシ) ・ちらし寿司 といったものが挙げられます。 中とろ・サーモン・いくら・うに・ねぎとろ・大とろ等の寿司を食べ比べ、お気に入りのネタを見つけてはいかがでしょうか? また、カウンターで店主に直接注文するタイプの店もあれば、回転ずしのタイプも店もあります。 日本でグルメを満喫する際はそれぞれの違いを知っておきたいですね。 人気グルメ寿司紹介まとめ 寿司は知れば知る程、奥が深い和食です。 日本のグルメを楽しむ際は色々な寿司屋を巡ってはいかがでしょうか? こちらで紹介した動画は寿司とは一体どういうものかを丁寧に説明しており、和食を知る上で参考になります。 この記事をご覧になって、日本のグルメを満喫してみたい、本場の寿司や和食を味わってみたいと感じていただけたら幸いです。 -
Video article 17:04
Sushi Saito Is a Great Place in Roppongi That Was Awarded Three Michelin Stars. A Look Inside the High Class Restaurant
Food & Drink- 22 plays
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Sushi Saito, the Three Michelin Star Restaurant in Roppongi This is a documentary video of Takashi Saito, the owner of "Sushi Saito." Sushi Saito is an out-of-this-world restaurant that received 1 star the first year it opened in Japan, 2 stars the second year, and 3 stars the third year, and every year thereafter it has received 3 Michelin stars. The middlemen at Tsukiji market say they won't sell fish to Saito if they don't have top quality fish, despite having fish available. The only item on the menu is the "Omakase Course," but the restaurant is currently not taking reservations from the general public as they are incredibly popular. You can see the ingredients and how he prepares sushi in the video, as well as Saito's thoughts on sushi. Be sure to check out the passion of this 3 Michelin star restaurant in the video! ◆Sushi Saito Store Information◆ 【Address】106-0032 Tokyo, Minato City, Roppongi, 1 Chome−4−5, ARK Hills South Tower, 1F 【Access】A 5-minute walk from Tameike Sanno Station / An 8-minute walk from Toranomon Station / 60 meters from Roppongi-Itchome Station 【Cost】¥3000+ 【Hours】12:00-14:00 / 17:00-23:00 【Closures】Sunday, Holidays (Excluding holidays that are not consecutive holidays) 【Parking】None 【Phone】03-3589-4412 【Tabelog】Sushi Saito (鮨 さいとう) https://tabelog.com/en/tokyo/A1308/A130802/13015251/ -
Video article 16:01
When It Comes To High-End Japanese Cuisine, You Can't Go Wrong With the Luxury Ingredient "Abalone"! Watch as the Chef at Teruzushi, a Restaurant in Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Turns This Popular Ingredient Into a Exquisite Gastronomical Delight!
Food & Drink- 40 plays
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Abalone - A Popular, Delicious Japanese Ingredient This video, titled "Japanese Food - GIANT ABALONE Liver Rice Sushi Teruzushi Japan," was released by [Travel Thirsty]. It introduces Japanese cuisine made with giant abalone as the main ingredient. Of all the Japanese cuisines, sushi is hands down the most popular among international tourists. At Teruzushi, a restaurant in Fukuoka Prefecture in Japan's Kyushu region, they serve sushi made with the finest and freshest seafood. One of the top sushi items in Japan is the abalone shown in the video. Japan's abalone dishes come with a variety of cuts, including things like liver. Be sure to try them all, as you'll probably be surprised by dishes you wouldn't expect to enjoy. The liver is considered a delicacy and can be seen at 7:52 in the video. Preparing Sushi, One of Japan's Most Popular Foods Photo:Sushi Sushi is said to have originated in Southeast Asia around 4th century B.C. In Japan, and it has been made since the Nara Period (710-794 A.D.). Sushi may seem like a simple recipe of rice mixed with vinegar and seafood on top, but there's a lot more that goes into sushi than meets the eye. The key to making good sushi is to process the fresh ingredients quickly with a knife. It takes a lot of training and experience to handle fish and shellfish such as abalone with such expertise. Sushi chefs have years of culinary training in Japanese cuisine before they can be called full-fledged sushi chefs. Itamae - A Closer Look at the Skills of the Artisans Behind Japanese Cuisine! Photo:A chef's knife skills In Japan, a chef who prepares Japanese cuisine is called "Itamae." An itamae cooks fresh seafood and other ingredients using sharp knives to create delicate and beautiful Japanese cuisine. These dishes are just like pieces of art to the chefs. Many Japanese restaurants allow you to watch closely as the itamae chefs handle their knives, so take the time to observe their professional skills if you get the chance. Abalone and other seafood is excellent both as sushi and in seafood rice bowls or even as sashimi. Are there other ways to enjoy it? Of course! There are restaurants that serve fish and shellfish tempura, or food cooked in pots. You can see the how abalone sashimi is prepared as the chef cuts the abalone with his brilliant knife skills from 14:21 to 15:00 in the video. Summary of Japan's Exquisite Abalone Cuisine Photo:Abalone There are many international tourists who enjoy sightseeing trips to Japan to experience the rich sushi culture. When touring Japan, be sure to stop by a sushi restaurant where you can enjoy the finest abalone dishes as shown in the video. Takayoshi Watanabe, the third generation chef of Teruzushi in Kitakyushu shown in the video with his excellent knife work, is very popular for his comically smug expressions, which can be seen at 14:16 and 15:07 in the video. He's a popular sushi chef that attracts customers from all over the world looking to see his performance. 【Official Website】Teruzushi: A Theatrical & Entertainment Style Sushi Restaurant in Fukuoka Prefecture, Where You Can Enjoy the Finest Natural Seafood. https://terusushi.jp/index_english.html -
Video article 2:01
A Giant Bluefin Tuna Worth Approximately ¥200,000,000! The Winner of the Annual New Year’s Tuna Auction Was None Other Than the Famous Sushi Zanmai President, Famous for His Signature Sushi Zanmai Pose!
News- 24 plays
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Japan's New Year's Tuna Auction This video, titled "Reiwa|New Year's Tuna Auction|and the Winner Is..." (令和初 マグロ初競り 落札したのは・・・), is a video that recorded the first tuna auction of the New Year in the first year of Reiwa (Japan's newest era). The annual New Year's Tuna Auction is held at Toyosu Market in the Tokyo Central Wholesale Market in Koto ward, Tokyo It was President Kiyoshi Kimura, shown at 0:47 in the video, that won the tuna for 193.2 million yen (~$1.8m USD); the second highest price in the history of the auction. In this article, we introduce the New Year's tuna auction and the president of Sushi Zanmai who won the expensive fish. The New Year's Tuna Auction: What Kind of Event Is It? Source :YouTube screenshot The New Year's Tuna Auction, in which Oma tuna is auctioned off at a high price unique to New Year, is an annual event that many fishermen participate in to celebrate the new year. The first auction for the 2020 tuna, shown in this video, began just after 5 a.m. on Jan. 5, and the Toyosu Market was filled with loud and energetic shouting. You can watch the auction starting at 0:04. The first tuna auctioned each year is called "Ichiban Tuna" (lit. "the first tuna"). The fish chosen is selected based on size, freshness, shape and taste. Every year at the New Year's Tuna Auction, the magnificent "Ichiban Tuna" is auctioned off at a so-called "celebratory price." Not only industry insiders, but now even the general public is paying attention to see how much the first auction for bluefin tuna, known as the "diamond of the sea" or "black diamond," will go for. The President of Sushizanmai Source :YouTube screenshot At the first tuna auction in 2020, Kiyoshi Kimura, president of Kiyomura, a sushi zanmai restaurant, won the bid for a 276-kilogram bluefin tuna from Oma, Aomori Prefecture. At 193.2 million yen (700,000 yen per kilogram), it was the second most expensive tuna sold at the auction. It is said that roughly 10,000 pieces of sushi can be made from this tuna. The highest ever tuna auction was recorded at 333.6 million yen, which was awarded by President Kiyoshi Kimura of Sushizanmai last year. Speaking of the president, Kiyoshi Kimura, is famous for posing with both hands spread out while shouting "Sushizanmai!!" Mr. Kimura, president of Sushi Zanmai, is also called "The Tuna Shogun" or "The Don of the Tuna Industry" by officials. Summary of the New Year's Tuna Auction Photo:Tuna This time, we introduced the New Year's Tuna Auction. In recent years, it has become standard practice for the president of Sushi Zanmai to make the winning bid for the first tuna of the auction, but the amount of the winning bid has drawn attention from all over Japan. As for the fishermen's share of the winning bid, 1.5% of the money will go to the Aomori Prefectural Fisheries Federation, 4% to the Oma Fishing Cooperative, and 5.5% to the consignees, with 89% going to the fishermen who caught the fish. At 1:14 in the video, the first delicious tuna sushi of Sushizanmai is also introduced; be sure to check it out! 【Official Website】Sushizanmai sushi in Tokyo https://honyaku.j-server.com/LUCSUSHIZA/ns/tl.cgi/https://www.kiyomura.co.jp/?SLANG=ja&TLANG=en&XMODE=0&XJSID=0 -
Video article 2:54
Funazushi - Discover the Origins of Sushi at Kitashina and Meet the Artisans Behind This Fermented Delicacy in Shiga, Japan!
Food & Drink- 101 plays
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Shiga Prefecture's Local Specialty - Funazushi "Before Sushi, There Was Funazushi" is a video produced by Great Big Story to promote Funazushi, a local specialty of Shiga Prefecture. This is the video for “Kitashina-roho,” a long established Funazushi shop founded 400 years ago in the Edo Period. Kitashina-roho has closed down once before, but 18th generation craftswoman Mariko Kitamura and her husband Atsushi aimed for a fresh start through the production of high quality Funazushi. The video shows a craftsman explaining what Funazushi is and how it's made. We don't recommend watching this on an empty stomach! What Is Funazushi? Photo:Funazushi Funazushi is a local food made around Lake Biwa (琵琶湖:Biwa-ko), the largest lake in Japan. Japan has a history of fermenting fish using lactic acids such as salt, rice, or rice malt, in order to make sushi. Funazushi was an especially popular preserved food around Lake Biwa, an area far from the sea. How Funazushi Is Made Source :YouTube screenshot Funazushi is known as one of the roots of Japanese sushi culture. Sushi in Japan is characterized by the craftsmanship of the chefs. Sushi is prepared by the chefs in seconds and eaten immediately. This became a popular part of culture in the edo period and was known as "Hayazushi" (lit. Fast Sushi). However, Funazushi, being a fermented food, takes a long time to prepare. In fact, it can take as long as three years from the time of production to the time it is eaten. According to the explanation by Atsushi Kitamura in the video (1:41), "There are three important things in making Funazushi: gutting, blood letting, and desalination." Funazushi is made from Nigorobuna living in lake Biwa. To make Funazushi, the sushi chef starts by prepping the fish. From here, the fish is stuffed with salt and then transferred to a barrel with more salt. Mariko Kitamura says in the video "I want everyone to understand the time and effort to make Funazushi, and to understand that Funazushi is one of the roots of the sushi we eat today" (2:10). There are two types of Funazushi: Honnarezushi which is fermented using only salt, and Hayanare that is fermented using vinegar. Eating Shiga's Local Specialty Photo:Funazushi Chazuke Shiga's local specialty, Funazushi, is available in stores on Nishikikoji-dori in Kyoto or by mail order service. We recommend buying this as souvenir and enjoying the distinct flavors of this traditional snack. If this distinct smell bothers you, we recommend eating the Funazushi with chazuke. In Japanese style restaurants in Shiga or Kyoto, it's often paired with locally made sake. Although Funazushi is not grilled, it tastes similar to roasted foods, such as ham. Summary of Funazushi Funazushi used to be a common food in Japanese homes. As you can see from the video, it takes time and effort to make this delicious food. You can see the time and effort that chefs put into making these Funazushi by watching the video. The smell of fermented food can be off putting to many people, but the flavor can be quite addictive. Eating such a rare treat is akin to dining on caviar. If you're planning on dropping by Shiga, be sure to visit the famous Japanese restaurants in Shiga to try some delicious Funazushi! ◆Kitashina-roho◆ 【Address】1287 Katsuno Takashima-shi Shiga 【Hours】10:00 to 17:00 【Closures】Monday・Thursday 【Telephone】0740-20-2042 【Tabe-log】Kitashina-rouho https://tabelog.com/en/shiga/A2505/A250501/25000007/ -
Video article 7:50
Meet the Sushi Chef at the 2 Michelin-Starred Sushi Ginza Onodera New York! An in-Depth Look at the Secrets of the World-Renown "Washoku" Culture!
Food & Drink Japanese Celebrities- 115 plays
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Introducing a NYC Sushi Chef! This video, titled "Chef Masaki Saito’s Fish Aging Techniques Earned Him Two Michelin Stars — Omakase Sushi," was produced by "Eater." The video features an interview with a sushi chef active in New York City! The culture of Japanese food is now popular all over the world, with things like sushi and kaiseki cuisine. In fact "Washoku" has been registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage. Now, this food culture is spreading worldwide. In the business world, having lunch meetings over healthy Japanese food has become a common practice. In this video, we'll introduce a sushi chef from "Sushi Ginza Onodera New York" while exploring the essence of Japanese cuisine. After watching this video, you'll understand why Japanese cuisine is loved all over the world. Sushi - The Representative of Japanese Cuisine Photo:Sushi Sushi is a traditional Japanese food that combines vinegar rice with seafood. It has a long history, and was first created around 4th century BC by the people of Southeast Asia. The people of that time preserved fish using fermented rice, leading to the first rendition of sushi. There are numerous types of sushi, including: nigiri sushi, hand-rolled sushi, inarizushi, chirashizushi, gomoku sushi, barazushi, oshizushi (pressed sushi), chakin sushi, temari sushi, sousaku sushi (creative sushi), narezushi, datemaki sushi, futomaki sushi, shima sushi, sasamaki sushi, funazosuhi, kakinoha sushi, meharizushi, mackerel sushi, matsumae sushi, Osaka sushi, battera, raw sushi, warm sushi, dodomese, inakazushi, sakezushi, and more! Sushi is made with different methods and ingredients all over Japan, with various areas having their own specialty sushi. In Japan, there are many popular sushi restaurants in areas where fresh fish is easily available. These areas include Hokkaido, Tsukiji and Ginza in Tokyo, Toyama Prefecture, Kanazawa in Ishikawa Prefecture, Fukuoka City, and more. Upon hearing the word "sushi," many people think of long-established luxury sushi restaurants, and start worrying about their wallet. However, there are actually many conveyor belt sushi restaurants, which are popular for their cheap prices. Popular sushi ingredients include medium fatty tuna, salmon, onion and tuna, salmon roe, sea urchin, and seasonal fish. What's your favorite sushi ingredient? Do note that there is a unique etiquette when it comes to eating sushi, as well as specialized terms with rice being called "shari" (シャリ), and ginger called "gari" (ガリ). Masaki Saito, the New York Sushi Chef Whose Restaurant Boasts 2 Michelin Stars Source :YouTube screenshot This video introduces chef Masaki Saito of "Sushi Ginza Onodera New York." He talks about the essence of sushi which he tries to bring across in his restaurant. Saito was born in Hokkaido, and has been familiar with seafood since he was a child. You might even say that it was predestined that he become a sushi chef. That might sound like an exaggeration, but if you watch the video you'll probably think so too! Many people in Japan think that sushi is merely a combination of vinegar rice and slices of raw fish. However, in actuality, the original edomae sushi required a lot of effort to marinate kombu (kelp), pickle side dishes, and roast ingredients. What's more is, it takes a lot of skill and effort not to spoil the raw flavor of the ingredients. This is the essence of the craftsmanship that can only be found in Japanese cuisine. From 1:29 in the video, Saito states that "salting and dehydration keeps the ingredients fresh," and from 3:36, he adds that marinating the kombu brings out the unique umami and aroma of the Hokkaido kombu used, adding flavor. From 1:44 in the video, he introduces the preparation process for Aori ika (bigfin reef squid). The squid is first cleanly sliced with a knife. He explains that, If you use too much heat, the ingredients will become cooked, but what you want is to preserve the freshness. At the same time, heat is needed to sterilize the ingredients. That's why careful heat management is crucial. Next, from 2:54 in the video, he states that the use of vinegar depends on the type of fish, and fish can also be cured using soy sauce or soup stock. In the world of sushi, "simmering" does not mean boiling ingredients in soup and then keeping it cooking for a long time, but rather, letting it pass through hot soup stock for a short time. There are a few aging techniques for maintaining the fresh flavor of the ingredients. These techniques include "fermenting" (漬け, zuke) in vinegar or soy sauce, lightly "broiling" (炙る, aburu) the surface of the ingredients, and "finishing" (〆る, shimeru) with salt or vinegar. Although Japan is the birthplace of Japanese cuisine, the essence of such craftsmanship is often forgotten. In fact, we might be so used to Japanese food that we take all this for granted, never having a chance to appreciate the depths of the effort that goes into our cuisine. Which is why, now that the world is gaining an appreciation of Japanese cuisine, we should all take this amazing opportunity to understand the essence of sushi and Japanese cuisine. Isn't Aging the Sushi Considered Cooking It? Source :YouTube screenshot According to Saito, aging is not part of the cooking process. Cooking is a technique where heat is spread evenly throughout the ingredients, with condiments added for flavor. This way, the protein that the animal had when it was alive is weakened. However, "aging," which was discovered in Japan in the latter half of the 1800's, is a technique for maintaining the raw state of the ingredients for as long as possible. Thus, the diminishing of protein is minimized, and the texture and flavor of the raw ingredients is not affected." Therefore, you could also say that if the ingredients are not fresh, they are not suitable for aging. This can be seen from 0:27 in the video. The aging techniques are so familiar to us in Japan that they practically go unnoticed by anyone not aiming to become a sushi chef or other kind of chef. In fact, it might only be when you see Japanese cuisine from an outside perspective that you realize just how advanced these techniques can be. The Essence of Japanese Food in New York, Where Cultures from Around the World Intersect Photo:New York Even in the United States, which has the world's largest economy, New York is an especially large city where cuisine and cultures from all over the world co-exist and intermingle. If you go sightseeing in New York, you can enjoy all-you-can-eat sushi in a casual setting, or even order delivery. As the land where pizza delivery was born, food delivery is a popular service in the United States. Additionally, through food reviews on the internet, you can see the deep knowledge that New Yorkers have about Japanese cuisine. Outside of Japan sushi is evolving, with new recipes, such as rolled sushi and California rolls. Nowadays, sushi chefs who have graduated from sushi academies are active all over the world, but New York in particular has a thriving market. Japanese cuisine in New York is a mixture of gems and stones, but "Sushi Ginza Onodera New York" is truly a gem where you taste traditional Japanese sushi made using genuine techniques. Summary of the Sushi Chef of Sushi Ginza Onodera Photo:Sushi If you happen to visit New York, definitely stop by "Sushi Ginza Onodera New York" to experience the essence of Japanese cuisine. Comparing sushi from outside of Japan to the sushi you can find within Japan is a great way to experience how different cultures intermingle to create new flavors! Today, Japanese cuisine is loved all over the world, to the point that you can enjoy genuine Japanese food even in New York. For Japanese people, eating some familiar Japanese food can even help with eliminating jet lag lol. If you still haven't yet, be sure to check out the video to see the amazing techniques used by the sushi chef at Sushi Ginza Onodera New York! 【Official Website】Sushi Ginza Onodera New York https://www.sushiginzaonoderanewyork.com/ 【Yelp】Sushi Ginza Onodera New York https://www.yelp.com/biz/sushi-ginza-onodera-new-york-2 -
Video article 20:45
The Masterful Skills of a Sushi Chef Whose Signature Pose Has Been Making a Buzz Around the World! Teruzushi in Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Is Excellent Not Only in Terms of Performance, but Also in Terms of Taste!
Food & Drink- 19 plays
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Live Kuruma Prawns! a Castella-Like Tamagoyaki Made by Teruzushi in Tobata, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka Prefecture This video, presented by Travel Thirsty, is a video of live kuruma prawns baked with fresh eggs, from the store to the kitchen! The restaurant featured in this video is Teruzushi, located in Tobata Ward, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture. Takayoshi Watanabe, the third-generation owner of Teruzushi, makes strong facial expressions on social media, and the counter seats are quickly filled with reservations to watch him perform. However, Teruzushi is not just about striking poses, it's also a Michelin-starred restaurant. As you can see in the video, the tamagoyaki served after the sushi is made with kuruma prawns and fresh eggs, which is a testament to the restaurant's commitment to excellence. You can see chef Watanabe cutting the tamagoyaki at 19:58 in the video. When he holds it up to the camera you can see just how fluffy it is. Be sure to check out his skills in the video! ◆Teruzushi Store Information◆ 【Address】3-1-7, Sugawara, Tobata, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, 804-0044, Japan 【Access】17 minutes from JR Hakata Station to JR Kokura by Shinkansen / 17 minutes by taxi from JR Kokura Station / 5 minutes by taxi from JR Tobata Station / 1514 meters from Tobata Station 【Avg. Cost】¥3000+ 【Hours】[Mon - Fri] 12:00-14:00 / 17:30-22:30 [Sat・Sun・Holidays] 12:00-14:00 / 17:30-20:00 / 20:30- 【Closures】Irregular holidays 【Parking】None ※Coin parking nearby 【Phone】090-9567-2202 【Official Homepage】Teruzushi http://terusushi.jp/ 【Tabelog】Teruzushi (照寿司) https://tabelog.com/en/fukuoka/A4004/A400402/40001637/ -
Video article 11:54
The Tuna Coordinator of Chuo City, Tokyo's Tsukiji Market Talks About His Passion for Tuna, an Essential Ingredient of the Sushi Loved Around the World! How Are the High Quality Ingredients Chosen?
Food & Drink- 45 plays
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"Tsukiji" - A Central Wholesale Market in Tokyo This video, titled "The Tuna King Reigns at Tsukiji Fish Market — Omakase Japan," was uploaded by "Eater." The video is an interview with Yukitaka Yamaguchi, a middle man wholesaler specializing in tuna, an important ingredient in Japanese food. He has a shop in Tsukiji Market, a central wholesale market in Tokyo. You can see him dressing a tuna and the beautiful, glossy cut of the tuna in this video. Tsukiji Market was opened in Tokyo in 1935 and it is one of the oldest comprehensive markets in Japan and one of the largest in the world in terms of seafood volume making it an important base for supporting Japanese food. Unfortunately, due to deterioration, the market was moved to "Toyosu Market" in October 2018. Tsukiji Market will be closed in the future, but the restaurants outside the market where you can eat fresh Japanese food still remain. They are very popular, especially among the tourists. This video was taken when Tsukiji Market was still open. An Intermediate Wholesaler Specializing In Tuna at Tsukiji Market Photo:Tsukiji Outer Market Yukitaka Yamaguchi is an intermediate wholesaler specializing in tuna, mainly bluefin tuna. Middlemen like Yamaguchi purchase tuna by participating in tuna auctions, and then sell it to retailers and restaurants. He is a particularly picky about the tenderness of the tuna used for sushi. He is a professional connoisseur who takes responsibility for his tuna and aims to be the best tuna seller in Tsukiji. He's introduced at 0:12 in the video. Tuna, A Valuable Ingredient in Japanese Cuisine Photo:Tuna In the past, red meat, called "zuke" in Japanese, was eaten and toro, a luxury food item today, was thrown out. It was not until sushi became available for the common people that sashimi toro came to be favored. Yukitaka Yamaguchi explains this from 0:44 in the video. His store sells five types of tuna: bluefin tuna, bigeyed tuna, yellowfin tuna, broadbill swordfish, and striped marlin. Yamaguchi purchases huge amounts of tuna to distribute to around 1,000 restaurants, mainly restaurants specializing in Japanese cuisine. He selects each tuna according to the cuisine it will be used for. Many restaurants rely on him as a tuna middleman to keep their business running smoothly. Summary of Tsukiji Market's Tuna King Photo:Tuna Yamaguchi says that the most exciting part of tuna is when he cuts in, because he cannot tell if it is a good tuna until he dress it. He gets really excited when he buys expensive tuna. Yamaguchi feels that tuna caught in fixed nets around Sado Island (佐渡島, Sado Shima) in the Sea of Japan in April and May, when the fat content is well-balanced, tastes the best, but he says that of the tens of thousands of tuna he handles, only about 100 per year are truly good, and they are rare. Because Yukitaka Yamaguchi loves tuna, he has been studying tuna and supporting the Japanese food culture of eating it! 【Tripadvisor】Toyosu Market https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g14134359-d15216764-Reviews-Toyosu_Market-Toyosu_Koto_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 1:03
Spend an Elegant Time on the Cruise Ship Hotel GUNTU; Used in a Commercial for Georgia. Enjoy a Luxury Trip in an Extraordinary Space in Hiroshima!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Vehicles Travel- 121 plays
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Video About the Seto Inland Sea Cruise Ship, GUNTU “Seto Inland Sea Cruise ship's GUNTU(瀬戸内海 客船旅館 ガンツウ | Seto Inland Sea Cruise ships GUNTU)” is created by “HIGH RESOLUTION TOUR” and it introduces attractions of the small floating hotel, GUNTU. GUNTU became famous through Georgia’s commercial and reviews. It has high reviews that refer to it as gorgeous and people can spend a wonderful time here. It has great reviews on travel comparison sites as well. In this article, attractions of GUNTU are introduced. By watching this video, you'll want to go sightseeing on GUNTU and enjoy beautiful food and hot springs while looking out at the Seto Inland Sea. What Is GUNTU? Source :YouTube screenshot GUNTU is a small hotel and a cruise ship with 19 hotel rooms, that depart and arrive at Bellavista Marina. It was designed by architect Yasushi Horibe and the wood keeps the inboard facilities warm. You can check it out from 0:21 in the video. GUNTU came from the name of a blue small crab, Guntu. It is not as famous as the Japanese blue crab, but it gives nice broth and the local people love it. The cruise ship was named after this crab, so that local people would love it too. There are one night, two night, and three night cruises. Different kinds of routes exist as well. For example, the west circuit goes around Miyajima which is a World Heritage site, and the east circuit goes around Naoshima and Inujima. There are central circuit and special circuit too. At a port of call, you can enjoy activities and sightseeing outboard. Many people enjoy a special time at GUNTU. But there are cases where routes, times, and activities are changed, due to weather. How to Spend Your Time on GUNTU Source :YouTube screenshot There's a hotel room where you can relax, as well as the "Guntu Suite" located at the bow of the ship, and a beautiful view can be seen from the room. There are other rooms as well, such as the grand suite which has a large window and terrace suite with an outside bath. There are other places where you can relax and enjoy as well. The observation deck where you can see the Seto Inland Sea, the bath and sauna where you can feel the warmth of the ship's architecture, and the balcony where you can be calm and enjoy a nice elevated area, are all places we recommend. Also, there is a spa, gym, bar, lounge, shop and different kinds of massages as well. Amenities are available as well. Food on GUNTU Source :YouTube screenshot GUNTU provides delicious Japanese and western food. All of the food is supervised by Shigeyoshi Sato, who is a chef at “Shigeyoshi.” Cuisine of the Seto Inland Sea is used, and the meals fascinate passengers. As you can see from 0:38 in the video, there is a sushi restaurant and fresh seafood can be enjoyed at the counter. The Japanese sweets are amazing as well, and they are made in front of the passengers. You must try these when you stay on the GUNTU. Summary The “Seto Inland Sea Cruise ships' GUNTU” created by “HIGH RESOLUTION TOUR” is an introductory video of the luxury cruise ship GUNTU. Japan has gorgeous and luxurious cruise ships. Watch the video and feel luxury. It's a bit pricey, but it's definitely a trip you won't forget. ◆GUNTU Information◆ 【Address】depart and arrival: 1344-2 Oobiraki Urasakicho Onomichishi, Hiroshima 720-0551, JAPAN 【Address】40 minute car ride from JR Fukuyama Station, 50 minute car ride from Onomichi Station. 【Parking】available 【Telephone No】0120-873-333 【Official Website】GUNTU https://guntu.jp/ -
Video article 6:00
The Current Status and Future Outlook for the Toyosu Brand, Which Aims to Become "The World's Kitchen." What Has Changed Since the Tsukiji Market Moved to Toyosu Market? This Article Brings You the Real Voices of Those Working at Toyosu!
News- 18 plays
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The Relocation of Tsukiji Market to Toyosu Market This video, titled "One Year After Relocation: 'Toyosu Brand' to the World," (【市場移転から1年 「豊洲ブランド」を世界へ】) was produced by TOKYO MX. It was in 2018 that Tokyo's Tsukiji Market, a project by Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike, was relocated to Toyosu Market, a central wholesale market in Tokyo. As you can see from 0:35 of the video, Toyosu Market held an event in October 2019 to celebrate the first anniversary of its opening, which drew many visitors to the market. In the video, you can find out what has changed since the market moved to Toyosu from interviews with real people working at Toyosu. What Kind of Place Is Toyosu Market? Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see from 2:11 in the video, thorough temperature control is essential for handling fresh produce in the wholesale seafood industry. A major feature of the Toyosu Market is its temperature control and hygiene management functions made possible by the latest closed-type facilities. If temperature and hygiene management can be achieved on a consistent basis, the number of items handled can be increased. The relocated Toyosu Market, shown in the video, is open to the general public for tours. In addition to the seafood wholesale building, the seafood wholesale building gallery tour, and the fruit and vegetable observation tour, there is a PR corner as well. The tuna auction viewing deck and the turret truck display corner are also a must-see. Toyosu Market also has restaurants, so you can stroll around and eat. On weekends and holidays, sushi and other gourmet foods are available for lunch at Toyosu Market, and many Tokyo residents and tourists come here to enjoy a stroll through the market. How Do the Toyosu Market Operators View the Move From Tsukiji Market to Toyosu Market? Source :YouTube screenshot Takayuki Shinoda, the third generation of Ishiji, a fishery wholesaler, says at 1:29 in the video that although he is already deeply familiar with Toyosu Market and has worked there, he has a special place in his heart for Tsukiji Market. Toyosu Market has a parking lot, but the nearest station to the market is in front of the Yurikamome Market station, and Shinoda says the market's inaccessibility is an issue for the future. Chef Akifumi Sakagami of Ginza's "Sushi Ginza Onodera," introduced at 4:50 in the video, hopes that Toyosu Market after the relocation will become "The World's Kitchen" and wants to build the Toyosu brand so that it attracts attention from all over the world. Summary of Toyosu Market's Relocation Photo:Toyosu Market As introduced in the video, the relocated Toyosu Market conducts daily sales and various promotions with the aim of establishing the "Toyosu Brand." The Tsukiji Market, once known and loved as "The Kitchen of Japan" is currently undergoing partial demolition, but even after the move to Toyosu Market, many restaurants remain in Tsukiji's other markets. If you're planning a trip to Tokyo, we recommend visiting Toyosu or Tsukiji Market and trying the delicious seafood they offer! 【Official Website】Toyosu market http://www.toyosu-market.or.jp/ -
Video article 10:18
Yamazaki, a Famous Japanese Restaurant in Toyama, the Only One in Hokuriku With Three Michelin Stars! Take a Look at All the Beautiful Dishes This Restaurant Has to Offer!
Food & Drink- 19 plays
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This video, titled "【Michelin 3 Stars】Japanese Food -Gourmet food in japan【yamasaki】," was released by "Prince Uni Channel【Japanese Gourmet】." The video introduces a famous restaurant in Toyama, the only one in Japan's Hokuriku region to have received three Michelin stars, "Japanese Cuisine Yamazaki." Yamazaki, the only Japanese restaurant in Toyama to receive three Michelin stars and beating out many other famous restaurants in Hokuriku, is sure to make your taste buds dance with its many flavorful dishes. The fact that you can enjoy luxury meals at such reasonable prices at a high-end restaurant is also a key point. Why not stop by for a delicious meal on your way to Toyama? This video introduces a course meal at Yamazaki, so if you're interested, be sure to check it out. -
Video article 6:09
Tokyo and Kyoto Are the Two Major Sightseeing Destinations in Japan That You Can't Pass up on! Introducing Fascinating Sights in Beautiful 4K Video!
Travel- 158 plays
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日本の二大人気観光地「東京」と「京都」を紹介した動画について こちらの動画は「Mark Ledford」が公開した「6 Minutes in Japan: Tokyo & Kyoto - 4k」です。 訪日観光をご予定の方は是非この動画をチェックして、観光コースの参考にしてください。 日本の人気観光地「東京」を紹介 東京と言えば世界有数のビッグイベント、東京オリンピックが2021年に開催されます。 残念ながらチケットが手に入らなかった方も、周辺エリアを散策するだけでもオリンピックの雰囲気が味わえます。 日本の人気観光地「京都」を紹介 京都での寺社仏閣巡りなら伏見稲荷大社は外せません。 千本鳥居を通り抜ける異世界体験は、京都観光の最高の思い出となるでしょう。 嵐山へ訪れた際には人力車も体験しましょう。 京都駅には徒歩圏内に新しいホテルが次々に開業して居ます。 ホテル内でもお土産ショッピングや、老舗京都料理店のグルメが味わえます。 日本の二大人気観光地「東京」と「京都」を紹介まとめ こちらの動画は美しい映像を軽快な音楽とともに楽します。 日本の二大観光スポットである「東京」と「京都」。 あなたはどちらの観光スポットを選びますか? -
Video article 3:34
Miyagi Prefecture Recovers From the Devastation of the Earthquake and Welcomes More Tourists! Gourmet Food, Natural Scenery, Traditions, and More... Introducing the Charms of Miyagi Prefecture!
Travel Local PR- 24 plays
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Sightseeing in Miyagi Prefecture This video, titled "Miyagi Prefecture Tourism PR Video" (宮城県観光PR映像), was released by "Design Plus Free Video Stockroom" (デザインプラス無料動画素材倉庫). This article will introduce recommended scenic spots and information on popular food in and around Miyagi Prefecture, alongside the video. Miyagi Prefecture, a Popular Tourist Destination in Japan Miyagi Prefecture is located in the northeastern part of Japan, facing the Pacific Ocean, and is an area of great natural beauty. The Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 caused extensive damage, particularly in Minamisanriku. Reconstruction is now underway, and the area is returning to its previous form with all of the delicious cuisine that it once enjoyed. Enjoy sightseeing in Miyagi, a place with a variety of things to do! Places to Enjoy the Great Outdoors in Miyagi Akiu Great Falls, one of the most famous waterfalls in Japan's Tohoku region, offers a spectacular view. The 55-meter tall waterfall is impressive to say the least. Okama, the symbol of Mt. Zao, offers a unique view that cannot be seen anywhere else. You'll be amazed at the mysterious colors of the lake, which changes to five different colors depending on the sun's rays. Delicious Food in Miyagi, a Popular Tourist Destination in Japan As a popular tourist destination in Japan, Miyagi is full of delicious cuisine. The first thing it's famous for is Miyagi beef tongue. The thick, charcoal-grilled beef tongue, topped with chopped greens and pickled vegetables, is exquisite. Come to Miyagi and enjoy some delicious beef tongue, which is thick, yet tender and full of juices! Besides that, the seafood grown on high quality plankton from the Sanriku Coast, is bursting with flavor, and the seafood, sushi, and sea eels are gourmet delicacies that you don't want to miss out on when visiting Miyagi Prefecture. The sake in Miyagi is also delicious, so be sure to try some on a night out. Summary of Sightseeing in Miyagi Prefecture The video in this article introduces the sights and sounds of Miyagi Prefecture in beautiful quality. Miyagi Prefecture is full of natural beauty and gourmet food. It's a refreshing experience, so if you need a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, be sure to drop in for a visit! -
Video article 5:14
Choshi City in Chiba Prefecture Was Once a Port Town That Supported the Food Culture of the People of Edo. Even Today, Choshi, Which Was a Favorite Among Ukiyo-E Artists, Still Attracts Many People
Local PR- 16 plays
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千葉県銚子市紹介動画について こちらの動画は「千葉県銚子市」が公開した「【銚子市PR動画】日出ずる街 銚子 -Here Comes The Sun-【Choshi City】」です。 千葉県銚子市にはさまざまな魅力がつまり、日本を観光するなら是非チェックしてください。 千葉県銚子市紹介動画の見どころ 動画の1:33からは日本酒の製造過程をご覧になることができます。 2:20からは銚子市名物のひ志おと呼ばれる味噌のような見た目と醤油に近い風味を持ち合わせた調味料が。 動画の2:37からご覧になれる銚子電鉄で鉄道の旅を楽しんでみてはいかがですか。 千葉県銚子市とは 銚子市は千葉県に存在している日本の港町の1つ。 しらすをはじめ、さまざまな海鮮物が楽しめます。 千葉県銚子市紹介まとめ 千葉県銚子市には魅力的な観光スポットが数多く存在します。 日本へ観光の際には是非訪れたいスポットです。 -
Video article 14:40
Introducing the Charms of Shinjuku, Tokyo, the Largest City in Japan. Check Out Tourist Attractions of Shinjuku, the Nightless City Where History, Culture, Past, Present and Future All Intersect!
Local PR Travel- 49 plays
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日本一の大都会「新宿」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「一般社団法人新宿観光振興協会 Shinjuku Convention & Visitors Bureau」が公開した「SHINJUKU 9Stories【English】」です。 新宿には数多くの観光スポットがあります。 映画、ランチやディナーなどのグルメ、ショッピング、文化や歴史の散策など新宿にきて揃わないものはないと言われるほどディープな大都市「新宿」の魅力をたっぷりとご紹介します。 日本一の大都会「新宿」の人気スポット まず、新宿といえば高層ビル群。 西新軸エリアには未来的なデザインがオシャレな東京モード学園を始めとした数多くの高層ビルが見られます。 そして西新宿一帯は東京でも一二を争うシティホテルの激戦地! 世界的にも有名なホテルが数多く軒を連ねています。 「新宿」の日本一とは? また、新宿には数多くの日本一が存在します。動画でも頻繁に新宿の日本一が登場していましたが皆さん気づきました? 一つ目は日本一乗降客数が多いと言われるJR新宿駅。 毎日300万人以上の人が新宿を利用しています。 二つ目の日本一は不夜城歌舞伎町。 新宿ゴールデン街やゴジラヘッドのある映画館など、毎日朝まで多くの観光客で賑わうスポットです。 しかし、歌舞伎町には喧騒ばかりではありません。 実は花園神社を始めとした多くの神社仏閣があることでも有名です。 毎年11月になると花園神社では人気のお祭り、酉の市が開催されます。 三つ目の日本一はアジア最大とも言われているゲイタウン新宿二丁目です。 お値段はとてもリーズナブル! 女性が安心して遊べる上にディープな魅力に溢れた街。 そしてグルメも充実している新宿イチオシの観光スポットです。 四つ目の日本一が新宿伊勢丹! ここは何が日本一かというとデパートの年間売上が毎年日本一なのです。 まさにショッピングの殿堂ですね。 新宿には他にも高島屋や小田急をはじめとした高級百貨店やブティックがひしめき合っています。 代々木方面にはスポーツの聖地、東京体育館や神宮球場、秩父宮ラグビー場を有する明治神宮外苑、新宿二丁目と三丁目、広大な新宿御苑と緑もたっぷり!大都会の真ん中で森林浴が楽しめるのです。 日本一の大都会「新宿」紹介まとめ 新宿で歴史や文化を感じたい人は新宿三丁目周辺がおすすめスポットです。 落語小屋や能楽堂、美術館、新宿ピカデリーなどの映画館などが楽しめます。 新宿では古くから伝わる伝統のお祭りも開催され、日本の古き良き時代も感じることのできる街です。 歴史と現代が交錯する大都会新宿の魅力を動画でご堪能ください。 -
Video article 3:53
Awaji Island: Amazing Scenery, Historic Buildings, Traditional Japanese Culture and More in Hyogo Prefecture! An In-Depth Look at the Island Famous for Some of the World's Largest Whirlpools!
Local PR Travel- 49 plays
- YouTube
Hyogo Prefecture's Beautiful Awaji Island! Check out the video "Awaji Island, Sightseeing Promotional Video #1" (淡路島 観光プロモーションビデオ #1). It was made by the Awaji Island Tourist Association. Awaji Island (淡路島 Awajishima) in Hyogo Prefecture in Japan's Kansai Region, is an island connecting Kobe City in Hyogo Prefecture and Naruto in Tokushima Prefecture in Japan's Shikoku Region. It is the largest island in the Setouchi Inland Sea (瀬戸内海 Setonaikai). The island, with a population of 130,000, the largest in the Seto Inland Sea, is overflowing with nature. Akashi Kaikyo Bridge on the Hyogo Prefecture side and Great Naruto Bridge on the Tokushima Prefecture side are popular tourist destinations with easy access. You can enjoy a refreshing drive over the sea by using these bridges. This video shows tourist attractions, nature, and the traditional culture of Awaji Island in just under 4 minutes. The History of Awaji Island Photo:Izanagi Shrine Approach Hyogo Prefecture's Awaji Island is described in the Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters) as a special island, being the first piece of land created by the gods. The Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan) also mentions the island in a creation myth where the God Izanagi and Goddess Izanami create the island. Izanagi Shrine, located on Awaji Island, is said to be the oldest shrine in Japan, and it is a very popular tourist destination. It's considered a power spot, and many people believe that they receive energy from the shrine due to the leftover energy from the creation of Japan. As well as Izanagi Shrine, there are other historical sightseeing spots on Awaji Island, such as Honpukuji Temple and the Sumoto Castle Ruins. You can see these places at 1:50 in the video. History and Nature on Awaji Island Photo:Naruto Strait If you're looking for a nature-filled seaside destination, you'll want to see Eshima Island (絵島 Eshima), with its beautiful rocky surface, and the majestic Kamitategami Rock created by mother nature. They're shown at 1:41 in the video. We also recommend Awaji Hanasajiki Park and the Island’s campsites, where you can see superb views of the natural landscape. While you're at it, experience a traditional Awaji Puppet Joruri performance. This can be seen at 2:23 in the video. When it comes to Awaji Island, you can't leave the island without seeing the whirpools! The sea between Tokushima and the island has a very fast current. This causes the whirlpools seen at 0:53 in the video. We recommend that you shop for souvenirs at Roadside Station Uzushio (道の駅うずしお, ichinoeki Uzushio) and go out to see the whirlpools on one of the whirlpool cruise ships. Dining at Awaji Island Source :YouTube screenshot Awaji Island, rich in nature, is a place where you can enjoy both the bounty of the land and of the sea! After sightseeing, stay at an Onsen hot spring inn by the sea and try some seafood dishes such as Tiger Pufferfish and Awaji Beef. There are Japanese dishes that can only be found on Awaji Island as well. Some hot springs and cuisine on Hyogo's Awaji Island are shown at 2:45 in the video. Summary of Awaji Island in Hyogo Prefecture The video is packed with superb views of Awaji Island’s natural scenery. It's also full of tourist attractions, including historical buildings, traditional Japanese culture, hot springs, and delicious food! You'll never forget your trip to Awaji Island! If you're planning on heading to Awaji Island, don't forget what you learned in this video! 【Official website】Awaji City Hall Hyogo Prefecture Website https://www.city.awaji.lg.jp/ https://www.city.awaji.lg.jp/ 【Official Website】Awaji Island Tourist Guide・Awaji Navi -Check out the information on sightseeing, traveling, accommodations, Onsen hot springs, dining and local events in Awaji Island! https://www.awajishima-kanko.jp/en/ -
Video article 3:26
Kagoshima: Sakurajima, Satsuma Kiriko Cut Glass, and of Course, Food! Join Us on a Journey to Discover the Charms of This Beautiful City!
Local PR Travel- 83 plays
- YouTube
Japan’s Sightseeing Destination, Kagoshima “What does Kagoshima even have?” For those searching for sightseeing spots in Kyushu’s Kagoshima Prefecture, Kagoshima City (九州鹿児島県鹿児島市, Kyushu Kagoshima-ken Kagoshima-shi), this video is definitely for you. 「Kagoshima City, Japan in 8K-鹿児島市」is a video created by the "Kagoshima Convention" to promote the beautiful sightseeing spots of Kagoshima. By watching this video, you'll learn how to enjoy the beautiful scenery and history of Kagoshima City. Let’s take a look at Kagoshima’s various sightseeing spots and plan a fun and fulfilling trip! In this article, places to enjoy Kagoshima’s scenery and culture will be introduced. In the 3-and-a-half-minute video, Kagoshima’s sightseeing locations, food, and nature are introduced. It's really something else. Scenic Areas in Japan’s Popular Sightseeing Destination- Kagoshima ©Kagoshima Modifying In Japan’s popular sightseeing destination Kagoshima, there are numerous Insta-worthy places where you can enjoy the beautiful scenery. One place we recommend is the Senganen Garden (仙厳園, Sengan-en), one of the Daimyo gardens (大名庭園, Daimyo tei-en) unique to Japan. At Senganen Garden, you can view the exquisite garden scenery as well as the majestic Sakurajima, It's a great way to experience Japan's harmony with nature. Among the many places in the video, this is the first to be introduced. You can view Senganen Garden at 0:04 in the video. The Shoko Shuseikan Museum (尚古集成館, Shoko-shuseikan), with exhibitions about the Shimazu clan (島津家, Shimazu-ke), as well as a factory where you can view the manufacturing process of Satsuma Kiriko cut glass, are also nearby. This area is a must-visit for fans of Japanese history and traditional culture. There's also the Kagoshima City Tram that runs through the city and the scenic townscape, the views from the Shiroyama Park Observation Deck (城山展望台, Shiroyama tenboudai) the Sakurajima ferry (桜島フェリー, Sakurajima feri), the Kagoshima Kinko Bay Summer Night Fireworks Display (かごしま錦江湾サマーナイト大花火大会, Kagoshima Kinko-wan sama-naito dai-hanabi-taikai), and more - Kagoshima is full of beautiful sights to enjoy. These spots are all shown in the video, so do keep a lookout for them! Kagoshima is rich in nature. Firstly, as shown at 0:31 in the video, you can experience kayaking while enjoying a view of Sakurajima. In addition, as seen from 1:16, there is also the “Natural Foot Bath Digging,” a unique experience where you can dig a hole on the beach and enjoy your very own foot bath. Please enjoy the nature of Kagoshima City. Places to Experience Japanese History and Culture in Kagoshima Photo:Tsurumine Shrine There are famous places to experience Japanese history and culture in Kagoshima. One such place is the Tsurugane Shrine (鶴嶺神社, Tsurumine-jinja), where the head of the Shimazu clan is enshrined. The solemn atmosphere of the shrine will have a sobering effect on you. It is also said that a visit to Tsurumine Shrine will make you beautiful both physically and mentally, thus making the shrine a popular destination with female visitors. The Former Shuseikan Machinery Factory (旧集成館機械工場, Kyu shuseikan kikai kojo), where the fixing of steam locomotives and the arrangement of machinery parts was carried out, is another place we recommend for learning about Japan’s culture and history. This is introduced at 0:13 in the video. Food in Kagoshima! One more drawing point of Japan’s popular sightseeing area, Kagoshima, is the mouthwatering food! If you visit Kagoshima, one delicacy you can’t afford to miss is the Kagoshima Kurobuta pork (かごしま黒豚, Kagoshima kurobuta). Kagoshima Kurobuta pork is special for its melt-in-your-mouth texture, with high-quality marbled fat and no unpleasant odor at all. If you have a taste of this pork from pigs raised in the natural landscape of Kagoshima, you can't possibly have a bad trip. It's that good. If you do anything in Kagoshima at least try the pork! For those who enjoy shochu (焼酎 shochu), consider paying a visit to the shochu brewery. There are also popular shochu bars in Kagoshima, so for those interested, do make sure to pay them a visit. Beyond that, Kagoshima Kuroushi beef (鹿児島黒牛, Kagoshima kuroushi), Kagoshima ramen (鹿児島ラーメン, Kagoshima ramen), Sakurajima radish (桜島大根 Sakurajima daikon), and udon are all foods which you should definitely try out in Kagoshima. This information is introduced from 2:08 in the video. You are sure to find at least one dish to suit your tastes! Summary of Kagoshima Photo:Kagoshima Sea The video referenced in this article, 「Kagoshima City, Japan in 8K-鹿児島市」, created by the "Kagoshima Convention," comprises numerous scenes showing the various attractions of Kagoshima. The beauty of Kagoshima is too much to explain in just one article, so please take the time to watch it if you still haven't yet! Where do you plan on visiting? Kagoshima City, is not only full of beautiful sights, but also teeming with Japanese culture. Do enjoy both the sightseeing spots and food, and have an amazing trip! 【Official Website】Kagoshima Prefecture, Kagoshima City Municipal Hall Homepage https://www.city.kagoshima.lg.jp/gaikokugo/english/index.html -
Video article 5:00
Fukuoka’s Must-See Tourist Destinations. Historical Structures, Traditional Culture, Local Cuisine and More– A Complete Video Guide to Fukuoka!
Local PR Travel- 60 plays
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Fukuoka: Where sightseeing, Japanese culture, the outdoors, and Japanese cuisine all come together The video “Hyperlapse Fukuoka City, Japan 4k (Ultra HD) - 福岡 Full ver.” is a promotional video created by the city of Fukuoka. It introduces sightseeing locations, Japanese cuisine such as street food, Japanese culture though festivals, and more, all in one of Japan’s most popular sightseeing destinations- Fukuoka, in Japan's Kyushu region. Fukuoka is said to be a gateway to Asia, as it's a popular sightseeing destination welcoming many visitors to Japan. This video introduces more than 20 famous sightseeing areas and places of cultural interest in Fukuoka. 5 impressive minutes of breathtaking views shown through time lapses and aerial shots taken by drones. We guarantee you'll find a spot you want to visit. Sightseeing in Fukuoka- Recommendations and information about commercial facilities Photo:Fukuoka Yafuoku! Dome and hotel From 0:05 in the video, the symbol of Fukuoka, the Fukuoka Yafuoku! Dome (福岡ヤフオク!ドーム, Fukuoka yafuoku domu) is shown. This is Japan’s first stadium built with a retractable roof, making it usable no matter the weather. This is also the home stadium of the Fukuoka Softbank Hawks. At 3:23, we can hear the crowd cheering from inside the stadium. Fukuoka Tower (福岡タワー, Fukuoka tawa) is an exquisite 234-meter-tall tower equipped with 8000 pieces of half mirrors reflecting the sky and the city. From the viewing platform, you can enjoy a 360-degree view of Fukuoka, which was chosen as one of Japan’s “Top 100 night views”. The ACROS Fukuoka, reminiscent of a park, as well as the Canal City Hakata, built around a meandering canal to create a unique space, are entertainment complexes. These famous structures of Fukuoka Prefecture can be seen at 0:19 in the video. Access to Fukuoka’s recommended sightseeing areas Hakata Station (博多駅, Hakata-eki) is conveniently located about 5 minutes away from Fukuoka Airport (福岡空港, Fukuoka kuko) by subway. outside of that, Kyushu (九州, Kyushu), Kagoshima (鹿児島, Kagoshima), and Honshu (本州, Honshu), are accessible through the JR bullet train (JR新幹線, JR shinkansen). Besides public transportation such as the trains or buses from Hakata Station, renting a car and driving through the city’s highways is also a convenient way to travel in the city. Sightseeing in Fukuoka- history, culture, nature, and our recommendations Photo:The five-story pagoda at Tochoji Temple From 1:11 of the video, Ohori Park (大濠公園, Ohori koen) is introduced. This is a healing location right in the center of Fukuoka City and home to the five-story pagoda of Tochoji Temple (東長寺, Tochoji) as well as the Buddha of Fukuoka, so it's definitely worth seeing. The Fukuoka Buddha is 16.1 meters (52.8 ft) tall, making it the largest wooden Buddha in all of Japan. Next, the Fukuoka City Museum (福岡市博物館, Fukuoka-shi hakubutsukan) located in Momochihama (百道浜, Momochihama) is a cultural facility that introduces the lifestyle of Fukuokans as well as the history of Fukuoka itself. The well-known National Treasure, the “King of Na gold seal” (金印, Kin-in) is also on permanent display. In addition, the Jotenji Temple (承天寺, Jotenji) near Hakata Station boasts an exquisite stone garden. Umi-no-Nakamichi (海の中道, Umi no nakamichi) and Nokonoshima Island (能古島, Nokonoshima) are also brimming with nature. These can be seen from 1:26 in the video. From 2:10 in the video, craftsmen can be seen producing Hakata-ori textiles (博多織, Hakata-ori) and Hakata dolls (博多人形, Hakata-ningyo). The Hakozaki Shrine (筥崎宮, Hakozakigu), with a main worship hall recognized as an Important Cultural Property of Japan is shown, as well as two of the three main festivals of Kyushu. The first is the Tamaseseri Festival (玉取祭・玉せせり, Tamatori・Tamaseseri), where participants compete to get their hands on a lucky ball. Also shown is the Hakata Gion Yamakasa festival (博多祇園山笠, Hakata gion yamakasa), which is recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage. Fukuokan cuisine Around Tenjin Station (天神駅, Tenjin-eki) and Nakasu (中洲, Nakasu) are more than 100 food stands where you can enjoy a great variety of Japanese cuisine such as Hakata ramen (博多ラーメン, Hakata ramen). Fresh sushi and motsunabe (もつ鍋, Motsunabe) are also popular. These popular Fukuokan foods are introduced at 3:03 in the video. A trip isn't complete without tasting food made from the very best local ingredients! Traveling in Fukuoka - Summary Photo:Fukuokan street food As shown in the video, Fukuoka is an area where you can thoroughly enjoy Japan’s culture, sightseeing, and cuisine. There are many more charming areas in the video that we couldn't get around to in this article, so if you haven't checked it out yet, we recommend giving it a look. You're sure to be charmed by what Fukuoka has to offer! 【Official Website】Fukuoka Prefecture, Fukuoka City Municipal Office Homepage https://www.city.fukuoka.lg.jp/english/index.html