Video article 4:03
What Was Life in Tokyo Like Over 100 Years Ago? Find Out With This Rare Footage of Tokyo During the Taisho Period!
Life & Business History- 999 plays
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Rare Footage of Tokyo From More Than 100 Years Ago! This video, titled "Footage of Tokyo From More Than 100 Years Ago (With Sound)" (東京の昔の映像 (音声あり)), was uploaded by "Final A." Have you ever wondered what life was like in Tokyo more than 100 years ago? Perhaps you've seen pictures in textbooks or studied it at school, but probably very few people have seen actual footage of what life was like back then. In this video, you can get a glimpse of what life was like in Tokyo around 1913-1915. The Lives of Tokyoites More Than 100 Years Ago Source :YouTube screenshot From 0:04 in the video, you can see many people walking around dressed in hakama (袴). You can also see children playing with a ball called a "mari" (毬) from 2:59. At the time, it was common for children to spend their days playing with traditional toys such as a mari (temari). As you can tell from the video, at the time, the majority of people were dressed in what would be considered traditional Japanese style clothing today. The streets were lit using fixed paper lanterns called "andon" (行灯). The population of Tokyo at the time was approximately 3 million. The population of the whole of Japan was approximately 50 million, less than half of what it is today. From 2:42 in the video, you can see how the area around Senso-ji temple (浅草寺) in Asakusa (浅草), Tokyo was just as busy then as it is nowadays. Tokyo From 1913-1915 Source :YouTube screenshot The Taisho period lasted only 15 years (1912-1926) but is well known because of the Great Kanto Earthquake (関東大震災). Many other important events also took place during the same time period. The most famous of those being World War I which started in 1913. In 1914, the first department store "Mitsukoshi Gofukuten" (三越呉服店) (currently known as Nihombashi Mitsukoshi Main Store) opened in Japan, and the familiar lion statue, as well as escalators and elevators quickly became the talk of the town. At the time, the toy industry and product development were flourishing and it was the beginning of modernization in Japan. Tokyo Station (東京駅) was also opened in 1914. The station must have been very crowded at the time due to the large number of passengers travelling to and from the station. More About the History of Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot In 1886, Tokyo prefecture (currently known in Japanese as Tokyo-to (東京都) was given the name Tokyo-fu (東京府). From the beginning of the Taisho period, there was a dramatic increase in the population of Tokyo. During the Meiji period (明治時代, meijijidai), the Tokyo area changed a great deal as Japan changed from being a country of agriculture to a country focused on industry. In the video, you can see that the most common mode of transportation was the rickshaw, however, the rickshaw was gradually replaced with bicycles and cars. At the time, there were many water wells in Tokyo and the water quality was also very good. Summary of Tokyo From 100 Years Ago Even if you aren't Japanese it's easy to feel a sense of nostalgia from this video. This rare footage offers a glimpse at what life was like over 100 years ago in Japan. It's invaluable footage that really allows us to see how far Japan and the rest of the world has come in such a short time. -
Video article 2:41
Feel the Historical Romance at the Tokyo National Museum in Taito City, Tokyo, Boasting a 120,000 Piece Collection of Haniwa, Bronze Bells, and Clay Figures!
History- 47 plays
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Introducing the Tokyo National Museum! This video is titled “Haniwa, Clayware, Bronze Bell and Clay Figures: The Tokyo National Museum(埴輪・土器・銅鐸・遮光器土偶 東京国立博物館)” and was created by “brianman1955”. The Tokyo National Museum is the oldest museum in Japan, located at Ueno Park in Taito ward. It used to be called the Empire Museum and Imperial Museum. There are main sections to the Museum: themain building, Hyokeikan, Toyokan, The Heisei building, the Horyuji treasure gallery, the Kuroda memorial hall, Kuromon and the garden. National treasures such as Japanese swords, armor, archaeological monuments, and works of art, including important cultural properties, are on display at the museum. There are about 120 thousand pieces in the collection. There are also special exhibitions like the Shosoin exhibition, the imperial throne gallery, and in 2019 there was a mummy exhibition, so there are a lot of things to see. The Formally Dressed Haniwa Woman Source :YouTube screenshot At the beginning of the video, the haniwa doll, “Woman in Formal Garments” is shown. It was found at Yokozuka, Toyoshirocho, Isesaki, Gunma prefecture, in Japan's Kanto region and is displayed at the Tokyo National Museum. This haniwa is dressed in a skirt, a jacket with simple sleeves and it is decorated with beads, earrings, a necklace, and bracelets, and Its hair is tied in a Shimada-style topknot with a comb inserted in it. This decorated haniwa is very valuable and it is said to be from Japan's Kofun or "tomb" period. (350-700 B.C.) Deep, "Lipped" Style Pottery Source :YouTube screenshot From 0:42 in the video, a deep, "lipped" style jar is shown. It was found at Kamifukuoka shell mound in Fukuoka, Fujiminoshi, of Saitama prefecture, in Japan's Kanto region. This clayware was found by Yamanouchi Sugao in 1937 and through research, it is presumed to be an early Jomon period Seikan style clayware. Bronze Bells Source :YouTube screenshot A Bronze bell is shown from 1:06 in the video. It was found at Nishihonjo, Minabe, Wakayama prefecture, in Japan's Kansai region and is estimated to be from the Yayoi period. (300 B.C. to 250 A.D.) Clay Figures? Source : YouTube screenshot From 1:50 in the video, a clay figure is introduced. It was found at Ebisuda, Tajiri Kabukuri, Osaki, Miyagi prefecture, in Japan's Tohoku region. It is said that clay figures were produced extensively in Japan's Tohoku region during the late Jomon period (~400 B.C.). An Overview of the Tokyo National Museum Photo:Tokyo National Museum The video about the Tokyo National Museum is only 2 minutes and 40 seconds long, but you can still feel the romance of history through the haniwa and clayware. There are other valuable materials such as records, pictures, and research journals displayed on permanent and special exhibitions at the museum. The research is making progress too, so we recommend giving the museum a visit. ◆The Tokyo National Museum◆ 【Address】13-9 Ueno Park, Taito, Tokyo, 110-8712 【Access】10 minute walk from JR Ueno Park exit and Uguisudani station south exit. Or, take a city loop bus and get off at “Tokyo National Museum.” 【Entrance fee】Adults 1,000 yen/ University students: 500 yen 【Closures】Mondays 【Parking】None 【Telephone No】03-3822-1111 【Official Website】Tokyo National Museum https://www.tnm.jp/?lang=en 【Tripadvisor】Tokyo National Museum https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g14134278-d320638-Reviews-Tokyo_National_Museum-Uenokoen_Taito_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 7:21
Sukiyaki - A Dish Highly Recommended by Food Connoisseurs Around the World! Ningyocho Imahan, a Popular Restaurant in Chuo City, Tokyo With 120 Years of History, Teaches You the Best Way to Enjoy It!
Food & Drink- 49 plays
- YouTube
人形町今半のすき焼き、醍醐味は生卵と仲居のおもてなし精神 こちらの動画は「ANA Global Channel」が公開した「SUKIYAKI - IS JAPAN COOL? WASHOKU - 和食 (すき焼き)」です。 明治時代に登場した牛鍋。 そこから発展して生まれたのがこの動画で紹介されている「すき焼き」です。 関西と関東で調理の仕方が違う、また各家庭でそれぞれの味付けがあるなど多少の違いはあるにしろ、日本人にとって「すき焼き」はハレの日に食べる特別料理、つまりごちそうのひとつとして多くの方に親しまれています。 この動画で紹介されている人形町今半では、日本の最高峰のすき焼きを提供しています。 今半のすき焼きは肉の品質だけでなく、具材や具材の切り方、調理の方法にまでこだわり抜いた絶品の和食グルメです。 人形町今半のすき焼きの調理方法 動画でご覧になれるように、人形町今半のすき焼きは煮るのではなく「焼くように炊く」のが特徴です。 まずは割り下を薄く引いた鍋に牛肉を一度に食べる量だけ入れます。 その際、牛肉は広げて並べ、重ならないようにするのがポイント。 そうすることで味がぼやけることなく、ダイレクトに肉の旨味が口の中に広がります。 肉がピンク色から茶色に変わったらひっくり返す合図です。 その後の火の通し方でミディアムロゼからウェルダンまでお好みでどうぞ。 肉の焼き方でそれぞれ旨味が変わってくるので、自分好みのこだわりを探してみるのも一興です。 すき焼きには牛肉のほか、ネギは欠かせません。 しっかりと火を通したネギは甘くて舌触り、歯触りも抜群です。 そのほか焼き豆腐、春菊、白菜、さらに椎茸や白滝、お麩もすき焼きの定番の具材です。 人形町今半では、すき焼きの肉や具材は生卵にくぐらせて食べることを推奨しています。 とはいえ、生卵に抵抗感をもつ外国人は多いものです。 宗教や文化の違いがあるため無理強いはできませんが、甘辛く煮えた具材と生卵の食べ合わせはすき焼きの醍醐味とも言えるので、是非チャレンジしてみてほしいものです。 人形町今半のおもてなし 鍋物といえばだしの中で具材をグツグツと煮てそれぞれ箸を進めるものですが、人形町今半のすき焼きに限っては仲居の存在が欠かせません。 仲居は鍋奉行のプロとして、鍋の中すべてのことを管理するほか客の小皿に取り分けまでしてくれます。 プロが付きっ切りでお世話してくれるからこそ、お客さんは食べることに専念でき、さらにちょうど頃合いの肉や具材を口に入れることができるのです。 このことから人形町今半のすき焼きは一般的な鍋物ではなく、鉄板焼きと同じようなパフォーマンス料理とも言えるかもしれませんね。 人形町今半のすき焼き紹介まとめ 外国人の方の中には日本食の代表であるすき焼きを食べたいと思っても食べ方が分からない人も多いようです。 人形町今半のように仲居の存在があると心強いことでしょう。 120年以上もの長い歴史と伝統を受け継いできた人形町今半のすき焼きで、日本食の真髄とおもてなしの精神を同時に味わってみませんか。 -
Video article 8:08
Tempura, One of the Most Popular Japanese Foods Around the World! What Does the Owner of Seiju, a High-Class Restaurant in Tsukiji, Tokyo, Have to Say About His Cuisine?
Food & Drink- 56 plays
- YouTube
ミシュランの星を獲得した高級和食の名店「清壽」をご紹介! 「ANA Global Channel」が制作した、IS JAPAN COOL? WASHOKUシリーズの天ぷら編「TEMPURA - IS JAPAN COOL? WASHOKU - 和食 (天婦羅)」です。 このシリーズでは天ぷらのほか、寿司、蕎麦、おでんなどの和食が紹介されています。 この動画で紹介されている清壽(せいじゅ)は、ミシュランの星を1つ獲得したことで話題になったお店です。 東京都晴海通り沿い、築地本願寺の袂にあるビルの地下にあります。 エレベーターで地下一階に下りると、外の喧騒からは想像できないほどのモダンで静かな空間が現れます。 店内に入ると、清潔感のある白木のカウンターがL字に配置され高級感溢れる雰囲気が広がっています。 「清壽」の店主、清水良晃さんのこだわり 清壽の店主である清水良晃氏は、2008年に日本最大の魚河岸である築地に店を構えました。 胡麻好きが高じて胡麻油に興味を持ち、最終的に太白胡麻油100%で揚げる天ぷら屋の店主になったという異色の経歴の持ち主です。 そのため具材や衣はもちろん、揚げ油の種類にも並々ならぬ信念を持ち、鮮度を保つために1組ごとに新しい油に交換するこだわりよう。 胡麻油の旨みを含んだ見事な江戸前天ぷらからは、手間を惜しまない店主の職人技と油の温度等コンディションに対する細やかな気遣いが伝わってきます。 契約農家から直接買い付けた厳選野菜をはじめ、毎日築地から仕入れる良質な旬菜旬魚が衣を纏い、天ぷら鍋のなかでリズミカルで爽快な音を奏でていく様子は一見の価値あり。 メニューはお任せコースのみ!日本の四季を旬の具材で楽しもう! 江戸前の天ぷらがいただける清壽では、メニューはお任せコースのみ。 具材のポテンシャルを引き出した衣の薄い上品な天ぷらは、口当たりがサクサク、あっさりとしています。 季節や産地にこだわった材料の味をダイレクトに堪能できるのは至福のひと時です。 旬の具材から日本の四季が堪能できるので、シーズンごとに通いたくなることでしょう。 和食料理店なのにソムリエが!?こだわり天ぷら「清壽」のまとめ 実は清壽の店主は、英語も堪能。 和食を求める海外からのお客様にも喜んでもらえる天ぷら屋さんです。 また、天ぷらに限らず和食にはビールや冷酒が定番ですが、清壽ではワインの品揃えも充実しています。 揚げ手の主人のほかソムリエが常駐している天ぷら屋は他にはなかなかありません。 日本が誇る天ぷら料理の名店・清壽で、冷えた白ワイン片手にさらりと揚がった江戸前天ぷらを堪能してみませんか。 -
Video article 11:54
The Tuna Coordinator of Chuo City, Tokyo's Tsukiji Market Talks About His Passion for Tuna, an Essential Ingredient of the Sushi Loved Around the World! How Are the High Quality Ingredients Chosen?
Food & Drink- 45 plays
- YouTube
"Tsukiji" - A Central Wholesale Market in Tokyo This video, titled "The Tuna King Reigns at Tsukiji Fish Market — Omakase Japan," was uploaded by "Eater." The video is an interview with Yukitaka Yamaguchi, a middle man wholesaler specializing in tuna, an important ingredient in Japanese food. He has a shop in Tsukiji Market, a central wholesale market in Tokyo. You can see him dressing a tuna and the beautiful, glossy cut of the tuna in this video. Tsukiji Market was opened in Tokyo in 1935 and it is one of the oldest comprehensive markets in Japan and one of the largest in the world in terms of seafood volume making it an important base for supporting Japanese food. Unfortunately, due to deterioration, the market was moved to "Toyosu Market" in October 2018. Tsukiji Market will be closed in the future, but the restaurants outside the market where you can eat fresh Japanese food still remain. They are very popular, especially among the tourists. This video was taken when Tsukiji Market was still open. An Intermediate Wholesaler Specializing In Tuna at Tsukiji Market Photo:Tsukiji Outer Market Yukitaka Yamaguchi is an intermediate wholesaler specializing in tuna, mainly bluefin tuna. Middlemen like Yamaguchi purchase tuna by participating in tuna auctions, and then sell it to retailers and restaurants. He is a particularly picky about the tenderness of the tuna used for sushi. He is a professional connoisseur who takes responsibility for his tuna and aims to be the best tuna seller in Tsukiji. He's introduced at 0:12 in the video. Tuna, A Valuable Ingredient in Japanese Cuisine Photo:Tuna In the past, red meat, called "zuke" in Japanese, was eaten and toro, a luxury food item today, was thrown out. It was not until sushi became available for the common people that sashimi toro came to be favored. Yukitaka Yamaguchi explains this from 0:44 in the video. His store sells five types of tuna: bluefin tuna, bigeyed tuna, yellowfin tuna, broadbill swordfish, and striped marlin. Yamaguchi purchases huge amounts of tuna to distribute to around 1,000 restaurants, mainly restaurants specializing in Japanese cuisine. He selects each tuna according to the cuisine it will be used for. Many restaurants rely on him as a tuna middleman to keep their business running smoothly. Summary of Tsukiji Market's Tuna King Photo:Tuna Yamaguchi says that the most exciting part of tuna is when he cuts in, because he cannot tell if it is a good tuna until he dress it. He gets really excited when he buys expensive tuna. Yamaguchi feels that tuna caught in fixed nets around Sado Island (佐渡島, Sado Shima) in the Sea of Japan in April and May, when the fat content is well-balanced, tastes the best, but he says that of the tens of thousands of tuna he handles, only about 100 per year are truly good, and they are rare. Because Yukitaka Yamaguchi loves tuna, he has been studying tuna and supporting the Japanese food culture of eating it! 【Tripadvisor】Toyosu Market https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g14134359-d15216764-Reviews-Toyosu_Market-Toyosu_Koto_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 4:06
The Life of Sakamoto Ryoma, a Samurai of the Late Edo Period! Introducing Precious Artifacts That Reveal Information on the History and Activity of This Famous Samurai!
History- 63 plays
- YouTube
Introducing the Sakamoto Ryoma Exhibition! In this article we introduce the video "Sakamoto Ryoma assassination recreation = 70 artifacts open to the public for the first time, including letters and the gun of Hitokiri Izou!(暗殺の様子再現、坂本龍馬展=初公開の手紙など70点披露、人斬り以蔵の拳銃も)" created by Jiji Press Ltd. (時事通信トレンドニュース). This video contains footage of the exhibition "From the Tosa Domain! Sakamoto Ryoma Exhibition" which was held in Meguro city, Tokyo in 2017. Bakumatsu fans can enjoy looking at a variety of Sakamoto Ryoma's items such as his favorite sword and letters. Who is Sakamoto Ryoma? Source :YouTube screenshot Sakamoto Ryoma was a samurai of the Tosa Clan active towards the end of the Edo Shogunate (1853-1869). He was born January 3rd, 1836, and his real name was Sakamoto Naonari. After leaving the Tosa clan, he became a Shishi, and formed a teacher-student relationship with Katsu Kaishu, eventually forming the Kameyama Company, later called “Kaientai.” A few famous examples of Sakamoto Ryoma's life include the Teradaya Incident, where he narrowly escaped death, and his role in uniting the Satsuma and Choshu domains, referred to as the Satcho Alliance. His life has been portrayed in a variety of TV dramas such as the popular "Ryomaden." "Jin" is another popular historical drama based on Japan's Bakumatsu period, and Sakamoto Ryoma plays a major role throughout the story. More About the Exhibition "From the Tosa Domain! Sakamoto Ryoma Exhibition" Source :YouTube screenshot The exhibition featured in this video was held in Tokyo, as the Sakamoto Ryoma Memorial Museum (坂本龍馬記念館, sakamotoryouma kinenkan) was undergoing reconstruction at the time in 2017. Articles such as Sakamoto Ryoma's wakizashi (short sword), and a letter addressed to Shojiro Goto of the Tosa Domain, were on exhibition at the Hyakudankaidan hotel, which is listed as a Tangible Cultural Asset of Tokyo. You can also see the obi worn by Sakamoto Ryoma's older sister and the gun used by Hitokiri Izou (real name Izou Okada). Other popular exhibits include Sakamoto Ryoma's glass collodion photograph, the letter "nebutonotegami," a letter addressed to his older sister, a chart of the Battle of Shimonoseki, the Satcho Alliance endorsement, and a chronological table of events. You can see these exhibits in the video from 0:14. You Can Also See the Recreation of the Assassination of Sakamoto Ryoma in This Video! From 2:47 in the video, we're shown "Saraba, Ryoma," where we can learn more about the details surrounding the assassination of Sakamoto Ryoma. The Hokushin Itto-Ryu Genbu Dojo, that carries on the Hokushin Itto-Ryu style that Sakamoto Ryoma mastered, helped direct the powerful assassination scene. You can experience the assassination of Sakamoto Ryoma, Nakaoka Shintaro and Tokichi Yamada, by the Kyoto Mimawarigumi in silhouette and sound. Sakamoto Ryoma Introductory Video Summary Source :YouTube screenshot We hope you enjoyed learning more about the famous samurai Sakamoto Ryoma. You can currently see the artifacts featured in this video at the Sakamoto Ryoma Memorial Museum in Kochi prefecture. The Bakumatsu period was one of the most dramatic time periods in Japanese history! Be sure to watch the video in detail to learn more about the fascinating samurai Sakamoto Ryoma! 【Official Website】Sakamoto Ryoma Memorial Museum https://ryoma-kinenkan.jp/country/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Sakamoto Ryoma Memorial Museum, Kochi Prefecture https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298234-d1818581-Reviews-The_Sakamoto_Ryoma_Memorial_Museum-Kochi_Kochi_Prefecture_Shikoku.html -
Video article 6:22
Amazing Aerial Footage of "Sekiguchi Catholic Church, St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo," Taken by Drone! A Look at the Beautiful Church in Bunkyo City, Tokyo Designed by Kenzo Tange!
Art & Architecture- 446 plays
- YouTube
Sekiguchi Catholic Church, St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo The aerial video, "St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo" (空撮 東京カテドラル聖マリア大聖堂), was created by "FUJISAN DRONE BASE - (富士山ドローンベース)," using mainly a drone to gather amazing footage of St. Mary’s Cathedral Tokyo. St. Mary's Cathedral is a Catholic church in Tokyo designed by Kenzo Tange, one of the masters of modern Japanese architecture, also known as the "World's Tange." In this article, we'll introduce St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo. In the video we see an awesome aerial view of St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo, which is normally on seen from ground level. You'll be impressed by the beautiful reflection of the church in the evening and at night. What is St. Mary’s Cathedral Tokyo? Photo:St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo St. Mary’s Cathedral Tokyo is a church located in the Bunkyo-ku area of Tokyo, a 15-minute walk from Edogawabashi Station on the Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line, across from the Chinzan-sō” building. It has the largest number of adherents in Japan in the Catholic Church's bishopric, which covers Tokyo and Chiba Prefecture. It is also accessible by bus from Mejiro Station on the JR Yamanote Line. It was originally built in a wooden Gothic style in 1899 as an auxiliary temple of "Maikai Juku" (玫瑰塾) but the building was destroyed by fire during the air raids of World War II in Tokyo. The present building being constructed in 1963. Outside the building is Lourdes Grotto, where you can see a magnificent statue of the Virgin Mary. You can see Lourdes Grotto at 2:09 in the video. Source :YouTube screenshot There is also a bust of St. Francis Xavier and a replica of Michelangelo's Pieta found in the Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican. Michelangelo's Pieta can be seen at 2:58 in the video. English Masses and lectures by a priest are also held at St. Mary’s Cathedral Tokyo and you don't need to be a follower to attend. Other events, such as a pipe organ concert, which can be seen at 3:16 in the video, are also held, and weddings and ceremonies can be held there as well. You can also tour the facility during public hours. Also in 2019, the Pope attended "World Youth Day" at St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo. St. Mary’s Cathedral Tokyo - Modern Japanese Architecture Source :YouTube screenshot St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo is a very popular building designed by Kenzo Tange. The building has a thin, curved, hyperbolic-parabolic shell structure, and the exterior walls are made of stainless steel. As you can see from 4:30, when viewed from the sky it's shaped like a cross. There are no pillars in the bare concrete interior, which gives it a solemn and sacred atmosphere. The inside of the building is shown at 2:27 in the video. The building was designed without the use of CG and 3D techniques, and was entirely hand drawn. Summary of St. Mary’s Cathedral Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot This video "St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo" introduces the beautiful catholic church in Tokyo, through aerial footage. In 1978, singer Doji Morita (森田童子) performed live at the Cathedral and the CD "St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo Recording" was released, allowing listeners to feel the atmosphere of the cathedral. Enjoy the video showing St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo glistening in the sunshine and its amazing structure in the nightscape of Tokyo. 【Tripadvisor】St. Mary's Cathedral Tokyo https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066442-d1373757-Reviews-St_Mary_s_Cathedral_Tokyo-Bunkyo_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 4:03
The Video That's Making Headlines Around the World! This Video Introduction to Japan, Which Captures the Eyes of Viewers Moment by Moment, Is Both High Quality and Inspiring!
Travel Action & Adventure Modern Culture- 1.84K plays
- YouTube
An Eye-Catching Introduction to Japan This approximately 4-minute video, focusing on modern-day Japan as seen by foreign tourists and travelers, boasts a level of quality that has attracted major interest not only in Japan but in various countries throughout the world. This video's footage goes above and beyond other Japan PR videos and keeps viewers glued to the screen. By the video's end, you'll most likely feel an indescribable surge of emotions, such as those experienced after viewing a magnificent movie of epic proportions! Highlights of the Japanese Introduction Video, "in Japan" This video, "In Japan," taken in 2015 by German filmmaker/creator Vincent Urban, is a nearly 4-minute collection of footage of his 3-week journey in Japan to locations including Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto and Hiroshima. In taking a look at images of landscapes and scenery natural and commonplace to Japanese people which are projected from a foreigner’s perspective, even we as Japanese natives can perceive such images as unknown, brand new discoveries and never-before-seen sights and scenes, and this video therefore allows us to learn about the appeal and charm of Japan in a brand new light. Viewers of this video can also agree that its high quality BGM and camera work is yet another reason for its high acclaim both in and out of Japan. This video condenses a wide variety of discoveries in Japan ranging from regularly seen daily scenery and landscapes to famous tourist spots. Examples of such sights include Asakusa Temple in the Shitamachi area of Tokyo, festivals, Kendo (Japanese martial art with bamboo swords), Buddhist temples, Fushimi Inari-taisha shrine as well as convenience stores, Tokyo Tower, street performances, Tokyo Skytree, sumo wrestlers, clubs and idols, in addition to shinkansen (bullet trains), natural landscapes, the Atomic Bomb Domes in Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Mt. Fuji and metropolitan night scenes. Japan as Seen Through Cultural Changes Photo:Sumo Learning about shifts in modern Japanese culture gives us deeper insights into the allure and attraction of Japan as a nation in the present day. Japan of yore once had superb classic culture primarily consisting of artistic traditional crafts, and as you can see in the video, festivals and martial arts passed down to Japan from ancient times have been regarded as symbolizing the very culture of "Nihon no Wa," or "The Spirit of Japan." It is also well-known that Japan is the birthplace of kendo and sumo wrestling which are now sports famous all the world over. In addition, present-day Japan is going through transitions in which its forms of entertainment, such as manga (Japanese comics/cartoons) and anime (Japanese animation), formerly considered to be types of sub-culture, have been disseminated throughout the globe to be cherished by multitudes of people as pop culture. This signifies shifts in the image of "Japan" in the eyes of foreigners abroad from that of a land of ninja and samurai to an anime & manga nation. The Akihabara area, now the "Mecca" of anime and manga which serves as the center of Japanese contemporary culture, has become a well-known tourist location which draws huge numbers of sightseers visiting Japan, and it's also popular as a town for shopping. Japan as Seen Through Tourist Meccas & Architectural Buildings Photo:Sensoji Temple and women If you're watching this video you probably know that Japan, due to its also being famous as a country abound with history and nature, sees immense numbers of foreigners who visit for sightseeing on a daily basis. Locations in Japan shown in the video, such as Senso-ji Temple in Asakusa, Tokyo and the Atomic Bomb Dome in Hiroshima, are highly recommended tourist spots in Japan which are renowned even on a global scale. The existence of temples and shrines in Japan, whose number is too great to mention here, attracts hosts of foreign sightseers day by day, and this is proof of how Japan enjoys deep-rooted popularity as a tourist destination amongst abroad residents all over the world. Japan as Seen Through Nature ©Izu City Modifying The richness and abundance of nature, amongst other aspects, is definitely a thing to behold here in Japan. Japan's largest mountain, Mt. Fuji, and its bamboo forest, also featured in the video, are without a doubt natural tourist spots that represent the glory of Japan. The view from Mt. Fuji's summit, in particular, is easily summed up by the words "magnificent scenery," and once you experience climbing this mountain on your own, you'll be able to appreciate the thrill and excitement of this spectacle all the more. Such natural splendor is just one more example of a globally sought-after sightseeing attraction highly recommended in Japan, a fact testified to by the unceasing droves of tourists from abroad who visit day-to-day without end. Japan Introduction Video Summary We hope you enjoyed this video introduction of Japan with its simple yet profound delivery of information. Year after year, Japan sees increasing numbers of tourists from abroad coming in search of such fascinating sightseeing spots as well as world-renowned gourmet Japanese food. Japan still has yet a great deal of appeal which, unfortunately, we can't completely encapsulate into such a short introductory video on Japan’s culture, history, entertainment, nature and festivals. We truly hope that this video and article have piqued your interest in Japan more than ever before! -
Video article 5:04
Seijun Nishihata - Professional Plant Hunter and CEO of the Sora Botanical Garden Project
Japanese Celebrities Life & Business Nature- 80 plays
- YouTube
Plant Hunter Seijun Nishihata If you're curious about what kind of unusual jobs exist around the world, especially in Japan, then this video is just right for you. Many people enjoy learning about unusual professions because of our interest in the unknown. We often find it inspiring to hear about people in unusual professions that are far removed from our norm. This video introduces plant hunting, an occupation that you may not have heard about before. This article will also talk about the famous plant hunter, Seijun Nishihata, and the beauty of plant hunting. Be sure to follow along with the video! Plant Hunting - Searching for Plants Across the Globe Source :YouTube screenshot Plant hunting is an unusual job that involves exploring and collecting valuable plants from around the world. In 18th century England, many products were made from plants, and they played an important role in the country's economy. This led adventurers and explorers that traveled the world in search of precious plants. The people who sought these plants, including ornamental plants and other rare plants requested by aristocrats and royalty, were known as "plant hunters." Although an unfamiliar occupation in Japan, it has quite a long history. Japanese Plant Hunter, Seijun Nishihata Seijun Nishihata is one of the most famous and accomplished plant hunters in Japan. Seijun is also the CEO of the Japanese horticultural studio, Sora Botanical Garden, where you can purchase garden plants. In the video, you can see Seijun answering questions in an interview about plant hunting and talking about his passion towards plants. Seijun hopes to bring a smile to everyone's faces through plants. Throughout his career, he has hunted a variety of plants and has brought smiles to the faces of many. He especially made many people smile at a Christmas event in Kobe. In particular, his project to bring the world's largest Christmas tree to Kobe drew a lot of attention. Be sure to check out the video to see what kind of person he is. What Plant Hunting Is All About Source :YouTube screenshot The beauty of plant hunting comes from the adventurous spirit to seek rare plants even though the environment can sometimes be very tough. In the video, you can see the passion of Seijun when he seeks plants. The appeal of plant hunting lies in the adventurous spirit of searching for rare plants, such as insectivorous plants and other rare plants, in a harsh environment that sometimes can prove to be quite a difficult task. You can feel the passion of Seijun through the video. Summary of Japanese Plant Hunter, Seijun Nishihata This video, created by "SUPER CEO," introduces Seijun Nishihata, the CEO of Sora Botanical Garden, and an honest man passionate about his job. If you are interested in learning more about Seijun after reading this article, be sure to check out the video! 【Official Website】Sora Botanical Garden https://from-sora.com/en/ -
Video article 6:04
Shoji Kawaguchi - A Skilled Japanese Shoemaker in Tokyo! His Bespoke Shoes Are an Awesome Display of Craftsmanship!
Life & Business Japanese Celebrities- 93 plays
- YouTube
The Craftsmanship of Bespoke Shoemakers "Meet the Japanese shoemaker who doesn't want his shoes to stand out | Remarkable Living" is a video that introduces shoe making craftsmanship by a shoemaker in Tokyo. Shoji Kawaguchi, a bespoke shoemaker from the shoe studio "MARQUESS" in Ginza, Tokyo, makes luxury shoes like those seen in the video. Shoji Kawaguchi studied abroad at a shoe vocational school in Northampton, England, and studied the skills of handmade British shoes under Paul Wilson. He was fascinated by the classic British shoes he had seen during his time there and later became an independent shoe making professional. Hand Made Shoes Source :YouTube screenshot From 1:30 on the video, the process of making handmade shoes by shoemaker Shoji Kawaguchi is introduced. The shoemaker first designs a shoe pattern and makes a paper pattern. He then make a wooden pattern according to the shape of the shoe. Next, he cuts the leather and other materials, sews them, and attaches the soles. All the work of MARQUESS shoe specialists is done by hand. As you can see in the video, Shoji Kawaguchi's shoe store has numerous shoe fitters. This is proof that the shoes were made according to the shape of each client's foot. The craftsmanship cultivated through many long years of training and work is indispensable in creating a classic shoe that fits snugly. The Commitment of MARQUESS' Shoemaker, Shoji Kawaguchi Source :YouTube screenshot All of MARQUESS' shoes are bespoke shoes. Tailor-made shoes are made according to the customer's preferences, after careful consideration of the type of leather and design requirements. MARQUESS checks not only the size of the feet but also the fashion of customers' suits and clothes, and proposes the best shoes to suit each individual. The reason why Shoji Kawaguchi makes classic shoes is introduced at 0:15 in the video. He says he wants to do a variety of shoe designs, but he wants to do this after mastering classic shoes because classic shoes are the basis for everything. When he first saw the shoes, all handmade in Northampton, England, he was inspired and felt compelled to pursue the craft. In addition, Shoji Kawaguchi feels that the most beautiful shoes are bespoke shoes from the 1930s to the 1940s, and says that he is studies daily to make shoes closer to the originals. In addition, Shoji Kawaguchi's commitment to shoes is discussed throughout this 6-minute video. Summary of Bespoke Shoemakers Source :YouTube screenshot In these videos, you can see the meticulous and high quality craftsmanship that only expert shoe makers posses! In the video, you'll see a world you never knew existed. Bespoke shoes are a little more expensive than regular shoes because all processes are done by hand. The appeal of these shoes is that you can get a pair that you can cherish and that will last you a long time. I bet you'll want your own pair of bespoke shoes after watching the video. 【Official Website】Marquess https://marquess-bespoke.blogspot.com/ -
Video article 11:05
Stroll Around Shibuya 109, a Mecca for Gals! A Look at Marukyu, Where You Can Enjoy Japan’s Kawaii Culture and the Hottest Fashion Among Japan’s Youth!
Shopping- 102 plays
- YouTube
Introducing Shibuya 109! This video, titled "Shibuya 109 Walk - Tokyo - 渋谷 109," is a 4K introductory video showing the inside of Shibuya 109, a popular place among Japan's youth. Shibuya 109 is a shopping mall, also referred to as "Marukyu." There are many shops selling women’s clothing, shoes, beauty products and accessories, as well as costumes for cosplays. This video shows you around the inside of Shibuya 109. The amazing 4K quality will have you feeling like you're actually in the shop. Be sure to look at all of the fashionable shops shown in the video! Shibuya 109: History and Origins Photo:109 Shibuya 109 is a fashion building that opened in 1979, managed by Tokyu Malls Development. Besides the main store in Shibuya, there's also stores in Abeno Osaka, Kagoshima, and Hong Kong. The secondary name "Marukyu" comes from the last two numbers of 109; '0' pronounced "maru" and '9' pronounced "kyu" in Japanese. Deemed a "mecca for high school gals," many young girls visit Shibuya 109 everyday. It's not just for young people living in Tokyo, either. It's also a famous sightseeing spot for school field trips in Tokyo, as well as foreign tourists. The Shops of Shibuya 109 Source :YouTube screenshot At Shibuya 109, there are fashion items for both women and men, including shoes, fancy goods, cosmetic items, lingerie, swim wear, and places for taking "purikura " photos. There's plenty to do, so you'll never get bored. Besides fashion brand shops, there's also many cafes and restaurants as well. You can see the restaurants in the video from 9:43. Mogumogu stand, where you can enjoy trying food at various restaurants, is especially popular among young women. Many girls visit here to buy tapioca and strawberry candy that look great on Instagram. The beauty salon inside Shibuya 109 is very popular among women as well. At Shibuya 109, temporary pop-up stores, including collaborations with popular artists and Pokemon, appear from time to time as well, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for them. In front of the entrance to Shibuya 109, facing the scramble crossing, there is an event space called 109 Square. This places gets packed with young people during events. Summary of Shibuya 109 Photo:109 On the official Shibuya 109 website, you can check out the floor guide, and also find information on sales and events. There is also an official mail order service, so you can enjoy shopping online as well. If you're interested in Japan's "Kawaii" or "gal" cultures, be sure to stop by Shibuya 109! Don't forget to watch the video to experience window shopping at Shibuya 109 as well! ◆SHIBUYA109 General Facility Information◆ 【Address】29-1, Dogenzaka 2 chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 【Access】A 3 minute walk from JR Shibuya Station 【Hours】Shopping 10:00-21:00, Cafes and restaurants 11:00-23:00 【Closures】None 【Parking】None 【Phone number】 03-3477-5111 【Official website】SHIBUYA109 https://www.shibuya109.jp/ -
Video article 6:41
Enjoy Watching How the Traditional Sweet "Dragon's Beard Candy," a Popular Delicacy in China and Korea, Is Made in This Amazing Demonstration Video! The Delicate Sweets Created by the Cheery Professional in This Video Are Simply Amazing!
Food & Drink Shopping- 661 plays
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About the Demonstrational "Dragon Beard's Candy" Video This video features footage of a professional making traditional dragon beard's candy by hand at a food stall in the Shin-Okubo area of Shinjuku, Tokyo (東京都新宿の新大久保). The delicate sweets, which are known for being difficult to make, are a traditional sweet in Korea which are also known by the name Kkul-tarae (クルタレ) or Ronshutan (ロンシュータン). In this video, you can see the techniques used to make dragon's beard candy and learn more about the history and characteristics of this traditional sweet. We hope you enjoy the video! What Is Dragon's Beard Candy? Source :YouTube screenshot Dragon's beard candy is a traditional sweet which has been eaten in countries such as China, Korea and Taiwan for hundreds of years. Its popularity has spread to other foreign countries, such as the US, Taiwan, Singapore, Canada and Hong Kong. Dragon beard's candy originated in China over 2,000 years ago, when the delicate treat was originally prepared for the emperor; however, it eventually came to be eaten by ordinary citizens and has been loved to this day. The main ingredient used to make dragon beard's candy is maltose syrup, known as "mugi mizuame" in Japanese. Cornstarch is also an essential ingredient. It's made by stretching a hard piece of candy over and over again to create a candy with a light and crunchy texture. The mildly sweet Dragon's beard candy is often given as a gift (lucky charm) in Seoul, Korea. Watch the Amazing Skills of This Professional Dragon Beard's Candy Maker in Shin-Okubo! Source :YouTube screenshot Each piece of dragon's beard candy is carefully handmade by craftsmen. As can be seen in the video, the street vendor first prepares the maltose syrup candy. He creates a hole in the hard candy and proceeds to stretch the candy using this hole. You can take a look at the stretching process throughout the video. The vendor then stretches the candy over and over while continually covering it in cornstarch until the threads of the candy reach the thickness of what is thought to resemble a dragon's beard. Only highly skilled professionals can make the candy incredibly thin without it breaking or snapping. A single piece of candy is stretched into an amazing 16,384 strands. From 4:26 in the video, the street vendor explains that this is the perfect number of strands to create the most pleasant melt-in-your-mouth texture. At 2:20 in the video, he begins to fold the candy to create the 16,384 strands, which he completes in roughly 35-40 seconds. The highlight of the video has to be when the professional dragon's beard maker shows off the finished product to the customers, at which point it looks beautifully smooth like threads of silk. Many customers are amazed by the look of the finished product! You can take a look at this in the video at 4:18. If you get a chance to see it up close, be sure to take a video of your own and share it with your friends! Source :YouTube screenshot After stretching out the candy, crushed peanuts, almonds, sesame seeds, or coconut can be added as a filling. One piece of candy costs approximately a few hundred yen (a couple bucks (USD)). There are very few people who know how to make the candy as the skills required are so difficult to master. Summary of Dragon Beard Candy There are food stalls in Shin-Okubo and Yokohama's Chinatown (横浜中華街, yokohamachuukagai) where you can watch dragon beard's candy being made right before your eyes. You can also buy dragon beard's candy online, sometimes sold under the name "Dragon Candy." For those interested in tasting and experiencing the delicate texture of dragon beard's candy, we highly recommended purchasing some and trying them out for yourself! Watching how the amazing dragon beard candy is made is guaranteed to pique your curiosity! Be sure to check it out in the video! -
Video article 11:32
Sumo Wrestling: A Martial Art and the Traditional National Sport of Japan Associated With Shinto. A Thrilling, World-Class Sport, Whose Spectacular Matches Fascinate Spectators!
Sports- 176 plays
- YouTube
A Look at Japan's Sumo Wrestling "Sumo Match - Tokyo - 相撲" is a video produced by TokyoStreetView – Japan The Beautiful, featuring Japan’s national sport! Sumo is a traditional martial art loved by the masses since old times in Japan. As the matches are held internationally, the sport has many overseas fans and is capturing the world’s attention. Matches between top wrestlers in the sumo rankings such as Yokozuna or Ozeki, are very spectacular and spectators can fully enjoy the thrilling matches. The video features footage of a match between sekitori (a sumo ranking) during the New Year’s tournament held in January 2017. Check out Japan’s spectacular sport - sumo wrestling! About Sumo – Japan’s National Sport Photo:Sumo Wrestling The first written record of sumo in Japan is said to be found in a Shinto document called Kojiki. Sumo matches used to be held as rituals and festivals dedicated to the deities and was mostly loved by nobles. After gaining popularity among the masses during the Edo period (1603 – 1868 AD), sumo has been enjoyed as a form of entertainment and sport in Japan. Today, matches are held both nationwide and internationally and many Japanese and foreigners enjoy it. The manners and conventions rooted in the rituals are passed down and given special importance even in modern sumo wrestling. The Excitement of Sumo Source :YouTube screenshot As the national sport of Japan, sumo wrestling starts from matches between low-ranking wrestlers, and matches between makuuchi (senior-grade wrestlers) are held in the evening. Honbasho refers to the official tournaments that decide the rankings and rewards of the wrestlers and six tournaments are organized throughout the year: the first tournament in January (Tokyo), the spring tournament in March (Osaka), the summer tournament in May (Tokyo), the Nagoya tournament in July, the autumn tournament in September (Tokyo), and finally, the Kyushu tournament in November (Fukuoka). Many Japanese people have probably watched the official tournaments aired on NHK (the national broadcaster in Japan). Some may have a stiff image of the national sport, but that's not true at all. Spectators can enter the venue at any time and watch the match in a relaxed manner while eating and drinking. Matches between senior-grade wrestlers are a must-watch and you'll surely get excited watching the spectacular matches between well-built wrestlers. Spectators get excited during matches, especially when a maegashira (the lowest grade of the highest ranking sumo class) wins against a yokozuna (the highest ranking sumo class) champion, as well as in deciding matches. Tickets and information of those exciting sumo wrestling matches are available on the official website of Nihon Sumo Kyokai. The Flow of a Sumo Match Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see at 0:22 in the video, wrestlers step into the ring with their colorful ornamental aprons before a match. As businesses can offer rewards to support wrestlers, the “reward banners” with the names of those businesses go around the ring as you can see at 3:14 in the video. With the company names printed on the program of the matches and publicly announced, those businesses play a similar role to sponsors in other sports. Before a match, a ritual called "chirichouzu" is held. You can see this at 3:08 and 7:52 in the video. This is a declaration "to fight fair and square without any weapons." Source :YouTube screenshot Next, the wrestler creates distance from the opponent, bends forward, and places his hands on the ground. This is called "shikiri" (仕切り). Then, with the signal of the referee, the wrestlers push each other. This is called "tachiai" (立合い). This series of events can be seen in the video. There are different means of attacking, such as thrusts, slapping, and body strikes. Kimarite (決まり手, winning move) refers to the move that the opponent is defeated by. Punching and grabbing the opponent's hair are prohibited moves in sumo. Summary of Japan’s National Sport Photo:Sumo "Sumo Match - Tokyo - 相撲," produced by TokyoStreetView – Japan The Beautiful, features conventions before matches and match footage of Japan’s national sport. From the cultural aspect of sumo that originates from Japanese Shinto to the spectacular matches, the video shows the sport at its best. Sumo is a fascinating martial art that a wide range of people including those who are interested in Japanese culture and martial arts lovers can enjoy! 【Official Website】Nihon Sumo Kyokai Official Website http://www.sumo.or.jp/En/ -
Video article 3:41
The Beautiful Lotuses in Shinobazu Pond Are Absolutely Breathtaking! Introducing the Sights and Sounds of Ueno Park, Located in Taito City, Tokyo!
Travel Nature- 136 plays
- YouTube
Lotuses and Lanterns at Shinobazu Pond The video “TOKYO JAPAN Lotus Flowers in Tokyo Ueno park, lantern floating event at Shinobazu pond” (TOKYO JAPAN Lotus Flowers in Tokyo 上野公園・不忍池のハスと灯ろう流し 東京観光 花の名所案内), was created by “Discover Nippon.” Lotuses blooming on Shinobazu pond at Ueno park in Taito, Tokyo is a popular summer sight. We'll talk about the beautiful lotuses at Shinobazu pond as well as sightseeing information around the area. In the video, you can see the beautiful lotuses on Shinobazu pond and the lantern floating event along with relaxing music. The Beautiful Lotuses at Shinobazu Pond, Ueno Park Photo:Shinobazu pond at Ueno park Shinobazu Pond in Ueno Park is famous for its lotuses, which create a fantastic scene in the summer. It has a long history, and the lotuses in Ueno Park were once depicted in ukiyoe during the Edo period (1603-1868). You can take a closer look at the flowers from the "Lotus observation zone." Every lotus is unique, and it's fun to take a close look at the differences between each flower. You can see the beautiful lotuses in the beginning of the video. The turtles swimming elegantly in the pond will help you forget your everyday troubles. On Benten Island in Shinobazu Pond, there is a hexagonal pagoda called a Bentendo, which is a must-see attraction. It's introduced in the video at 2:15. The best time to see the lotuses differs from year to year, so we recommend checking the bloom conditions before visiting Ueno Park. The Traditional Japanese Event “Toro Nagashi” Photo:Toro Nagashi When the lotuses are in full bloom, the "Ueno Summer Festival" is held at Ueno park. Toro nagashi (paper lantern floating) produces an amazing atmosphere. The purpose of Toro nagashi in summer, is to send off the spirits of one's ancestors. Check out the video at 2:31 to see the lanterns floating on Shinobazu pond after sunset. This beautiful scene is quite moving. Recommended Route for Ueno Park Photo:Shinobazu pond, Ueno Park The lotuses blooming on the surface of Shinobazu pond is the epitome of the summer season. You can also use a paddle boat to explore the pond. It's nice to see the different seasons at Shinobazu pond as there are a variety of different features, including cherry blossoms and autumn leaves. Ueno park features several different museums with plenty to see. Ueno zoo is the oldest zoo in Japan, with over 3,000 animals, including the very popular pandas. There are also many hidden gems, such as museums and art galleries scattered throughout the city. Visit the Hanazono Inari Shrine or the Gojoten Shrine, 2 "Power Shrines" in the area. Summary of Lotuses and Lanterns at Shinobazu Pond In Ueno Park, there are many sightseeing spots where you can enjoy the unique Japanese atmosphere. Observe the beautiful flowers and visit the temples. Enjoy the video and see the beauty of Ueno Park, which is located right in the middle of the big city, Tokyo. ◆Ueno Park◆ 【Address】 Ikenohata 3-chome, Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo 【Access】A 2 minute walk from Ueno station on the JR, Tokyo Metro Ginza and Hibiya lines, and a 1 minute walk from Keisei Ueno station on the Keisei line. 【Hours】 5 am to 11 pm 【Telephone No.】03-3828-5644 【Tripadvisor】Shinobazu Pond https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066461-d3747622-Reviews-Shinobazu_Pond-Taito_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 4:39
Aogashima - A Beautiful Island Paradise South of Tokyo. Enjoy a Vacation Exploring the Attractions of the Amazing Island
Travel Nature- 390 plays
- YouTube
Aogashima Island - A Hidden Sightseeing Destination Rich in Nature Photo:Aogashima's rich natural scenery If you're looking to enjoy the sights and sounds of Japan but looking for a less crowded location with all sorts of beautiful scenery, then look no further than Aogashima Island, a hidden gem located among Tokyo's Izu Islands! You're actually not alone in this thinking. While Japan is full of beautiful temples and shrines, stepping away from the cliche sightseeing destinations to enjoy some lesser explored locations is something many people want to do. The problem is that they don't know how... Popular tourist sites are so packed with people that it can often be difficult to relax during your vacation, especially if you aren't good with crowds. Which is why we're introducing this video, titled "Aerial view of Aogashima Volcano, Aogashima Aerial Drone Footage [4K]" (Aerial view of Aogashima Volcano,青ヶ島 ドローン空撮【4K】). It's a video showing the entirety of Aogashima from up high. It's hard to believe this is actually part of Tokyo. This article will give you an overview of Aogashima, one of Tokyo's best-kept secret sites, including its attractions, and how to get to it. Aogashima Island Near Hachijojima Island, Tokyo Located 358 kms from Tokyo, Aogashima is a unique island with rich natural scenery. Aogashima is an isolated island with a distinctive double caldera topography. The unique shape of Aogashima, which was created by an active volcano, is growing in popularity, both inside and outside of Japan, as this type of landscape cannot be seen in many other places, especially in one so beautiful. In the olden days, the island was forbidden to women, and they say there was a time when it was called "Onga-Shima" (男ヶ島, Onga-Shima), meaning roughly "Man's Island." The island has the smallest population of any village in Japan, and is full of beautiful scenery. Aogashima - An Isolated Island in Tokyo Photo:Aogashima Observatory Park Aogashima, a hidden tourist site outside of Tokyo, has a variety of attractions. First of all, Aogashima offers a spectacular view of the island's natural scenery. Aogashima has a number of observation decks, which are famous places where you can admire the island's distinctive scenery and spectacular views of the beautiful ocean. When you travel to Aogashima, the observation decks are a must-visit. Tokyo's Aogashima is also famous for its beautiful starry sky. The starry sky seen from the vicinity of Ikenozawa (池ノ沢, Ikenozawa) is spectacular and you'd be missing out if you didn't take the opportunity to admire it. Aogashima is a great spot for those who want to enjoy the beautiful scenery as the area is still relatively untouched humans. The Isolated Island of Tokyo - How to Get to Aogashima, the Hidden Gem in the Izu Islands Access to Tokyo's Aogashima Island is as follows: First, take a ship from the mainland, passing Miyakejima Island (三宅島, Miyakejima) and Mikurajima Island (御蔵島, Miyakejima), to Hachijojima (approx. 11 hours). Alternatively, you can fly to Hachijojima from Haneda Airport. This takes about 50 minutes. From the relay point on Hachijojima, you take a helicopter to Aogashima, which takes about 20 minutes. It takes some time to get to the island, and you may feel it's inconvenient, but once you are surrounded by the stunning nature of Aogashima, you'll feel that it was worth the effort. Summary of Aogashima, a Hidden Gem in the Izu Islands Source :YouTube screenshot The video "Aerial view of Aogashima Volcano, Aogashima Aerial Drone Footage [4K]," produced by winteroptix, is a 4K video that captures the charm of Aogashima. You'll be absolutely amazed at what you can see and discover. It will have you wondering if it's really part of Tokyo. If you're curious about Aogashima, the hidden sightseeing destination in Tokyo, be sure to check out the video! -
Video article 2:42
Maxell Aqua Park, Shinagawa: A Dream Facility That Fuses an Aquarium With Cutting-Edge Visual Technology! Be Engulfed in a Fantastical Atmosphere and Enjoy an Out-Of-This-World Experience in Tokyo!
Travel Living Things Action & Adventure- 69 plays
- YouTube
About Maxell Aqua Park Shinagawa This PR video created by the Park introduces the Park’s facilities through the use of high-quality footage. Aqua Park Shinagawa is a theme park boasting both an aquarium and various other attractions. It is popular as an “Insta-worthy” location - the cutting-edge technology incorporated into the aquarium gives rise to images breathtaking enough to cause you to even forget that you are in Tokyo. In the video, each display of sea life in the famed aquarium is introduced one by one. We hope you can experience the excitement of visiting the Park through the video. What Is Shinagawa's Maxell Aqua Park? Source :YouTube screenshot Aqua Park Shinagawa is located in Shinagawa Prince Hotel, which can be found right beside the West Exit of Shinagawa Station (品川駅, Shingawa-eki). In 2005, it was first opened as Epson Shinagawa Aqua Stadium. As an indoor facility, it can be enjoyed regardless of rain or shine, sun or snow. The Park is a theme park comprised of an aquarium with more than 350 different species of 20,000 sea creatures, as well as other indoor attractions. The Park’s most prominent attraction is the aquarium’s use of Japan’s latest cutting-edge technology. With unique special effects and brilliantly creative performances, you can definitely have an out-of-this-world experience right here in Tokyo. Since its renovation in July 2015, Aqua Park Shinagawa is an aquarium that has undertaken a variety of initiatives based on the concept of "the fusion of sound, light, and images with living creatures". The dolphin show is one of the most popular attractions at Aqua Park Shinagawa, and can be enjoyed throughout the year as the content changes with the seasons in Japan. 1st Floor: Fashionable Café Bar and Indoor Attractions Source :YouTube screenshot Introduced from 0:05 to 1:14 in the video, the Park’s 1st floor is comprised of attractions and a café bar. Upon entering the Park your eyes will be drawn to a large screen with colorful displays that transform to suit the season. This is the park entrance. There are three “Magical Grounds” where you can have different unique experiences. As for the attractions, there is the merry-go-round “Dolphin Party,” where you have a choice of 6 species of sea creatures to mount, as well as the “Port of Pirates.” As the attractions are all indoors, you can enjoy them while surrounded by fantastical music and lights. The “Coral Café Bar” is a fashionable projection mapping bar, exceptionally well-known even in Tokyo. In addition, the first floor also boasts the “Touch Panel Aquarium”; a wall on which sea creatures appear in response to your touch, as well as the “Jellyfish Rumble” with its mysterious glowing jellyfish. 2nd Floor: So Beautiful You'll Forget That You’re Even in Tokyo! Source :YouTube screenshot Aqua Park Shinagawa’s 2nd floor is mainly comprised of the aquarium, and is introduced from 1:15 to 2:20 in the video. The “Little Paradise” has water projections that transform in accordance with various themes. Here, you can enjoy viewing a multitude of tropical fish, both big and small. Furthermore, in the 20-meter-long undersea tunnel “Wonder Tube,” you can see sawfish and manta rays swimming right above your head. You can even feed mantas on the Wonder Tube Guided Tour. Besides that, the Park’s greatest drawing point is the “Dolphin Performance” held at the Stadium. This dynamic dolphin show can be enjoyed from 360 degrees. You can view scenes of the day version and night version of the show from 1:58 in the video. The night version also incorporates a projection mapping dolphin performance. Speaking of performances, you mustn’t miss “Star on the Stage!”, a dance of animals, as well as the “Mini Performances” of sea lions and penguins. Beyond that, there is also the “Aqua Jungle,” where you can experience the natural atmosphere of the jungle where capybaras reside, as well as the “Life Museum”, with its display of specimens, the “Wild Street,” where penguins and otters roam, and the “Friendly Square,” with seal and penguin performances. As you can see, the Park is an aquarium with a whole host of attractions. We hope you find your own special spot in the Park. Maxell Aqua Park Summary Photo:Kids watching fish The video and this article have introduced the facilities and various charms of Aqua Park Shinagawa. After viewing the video, have you gotten the urge to interact with the lifeforms at Maxell Aqua Shinagawa Park? The Park is conveniently located near Shinagawa Station, and its long hours ensure that even visitors from outside Tokyo can enjoy it. The parking spaces at Shinagawa Prince Hotel are also available for use. “The Stadium Shop” provides snacks and alcoholic drinks such as beer, as well as soft drinks, so feel free to refuel while enjoying the dolphin performance. Furthermore, Park-exclusive plush toys and original goods are sold at "Aqua Shop Luce” as well. Why not pick out a gift to bring home or something to commemorate a good date? The entrance fee ticket price is ¥2,300 for adults (as of November 2019), and tickets can be pre-ordered from the official homepage. We recommend pre-ordering to customers planning a visit on weekends due to the high likelihood of overcrowding. Shinagawa Prince Hotel users will be happy to know that they can enjoy a discount! Besides the attractions introduced in this article, there are still a multitude of sea creatures to be found at Aqua Park Shinagawa. Those whose interest has been piqued after watching the video, or those who already have plans to visit Tokyo, why not consider adding the Park to your itinerary? We're certain that your spirits will be restored by the fantastical atmosphere and the adorable sea creatures to be found at the park. ◆Aqua Park Shinagawa Facilities Overview◆ Address: 〒108-8611 Tokyo-to Minato-ku Takanawa 4-10-30 (Inside Shinagawa Prince Hotel) Access: 2 minutes’ walk from Shinagawa Station, Takanawa Exit Entrance Fee: 2,300¥ for adults (as of November 2019) 【Hours】10:00~22:00 【Parking】Shinagawa Prince Hotel Parking Space 【Telephone】:03-5421-1111 【Official Website】Maxell Aqua Park Shinagawa http://www.aqua-park.jp/aqua/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Maxell Aqua Park Shinagawa https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066451-d1395640-Reviews-Maxell_Aqua_Park_Shinagawa-Minato_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 1:42
Meijiza, the Oldest Theater in Tokyo, Has Had Its Front Curtain Beautifully Renovated! the Digitally Powered Drapes, Created in Collaboration With the Digital Art Group "TeamLab," Are Truly a Sight to Behold!
Modern Culture Traditional Culture News- 16 plays
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This video, titled "Unveiling of the New 145th Anniversary Drapes|A Collaboration Between Meijiza and TeamLab" (145周年新緞帳を披露 明治座、チームラボとコラボ), was released by "KyodoNews." Meijiza, introduced in this video, is a theater located in Chuo City, Tokyo, and is the longest established theater in Tokyo. To celebrate Meijiza's 145th anniversary, they held a preview of their new drapes in April 2019, in collaboration with digital art collective TeamLab. The drapes are 7 meters long and 20 meters wide, and projections of the streets of Nihonbashi and the activities of its people are shown through projection mapping. -
Video article 3:30
Aimi Sekiguchi - The VR Artist Creating Amazing 3D Art Work in a Virtual Space! Learn the Beautiful Artist's Thoughts on VR Art!
Modern Culture- 116 plays
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VR Artist Aimi Sekiguchi This video, titled "Tokyo Crossing #56 "VR (Virtual Reality)" - VR artist Aimi Sekiguchi" (東京交差点 #56「VR(仮想現実)」-VRアーティスト せきぐちあいみ) was published by "テレビ東京公式 TV TOKYO." Aimi Sekiguchi is a VR artist who creates works of art in an empty virtual space. She has been performing live in Japan as well as abroad, including the United States and Russia. This video shows an interview with VR artist Aimi Sekiguchi as she talks about the appeal of VR art. Be sure to follow along as you read this article! What Is a VR Artist? Source :YouTube screenshot VR (Virtual Reality) is a technology that allows you to perceive, as if it were real, phenomena that appear in a VR/virtual space, that do not actually exist in real life. In other words, VR art uses an empty space as a canvas to draw three-dimensional pictures by wearing VR goggles Viewers are able to see the work through a monitor. For example, the painting in the frame has depth and allows the viewer to go further into the painting, creating a new way to experience art. The artworks have depth and the ability to be experienced in 360 degrees of wonder. You can watch the actual creation of a work of art using the VR equipment and tools at 1:01 in the video. The people who create and perform this VR art are called VR artists. About VR artist, Aimi Sekiguchi Source :YouTube screenshot Aimi Sekiguchi (せきぐちあいみ), introduced in the video, started out as a TV personality before turning into a VR artist. Her real name is Aimi Sekiguchi (関口愛美, written in kanji), and she was born in 1987, making her 33 years of age. She became famous after responding to an interviewer in a TV street interview when asked about the female-only cars on Japanese trains, saying "I don’t really care where I am on the train." The video quickly went viral. Aimi Sekiguchi is currently working as a VR artist with the VR painting app Tilt Brush, as well as doing live painting in various countries, such as the 45th WorldSkills Competition, and is also a main personality of her own local radio show called "Aimi Sekiguchi Virtual Radio"(0:43). She also shares her three-dimensional art on YouTube and shares information about her work and activities on Instagram. As you can see from 2:11in the video, Aimi is seen learning how to use space at the Shunkaen Bonsai Museum in Edogawa-ward, Tokyo. It's hard to connect the space where the bonsai trees are lined up with VR art, but Aimi explains "Bonsai is an art work that includes all of the space around it, therefore, it's very helpful when I paint VR art." Summary of VR Artist Aimi Sekiguchi Source :YouTube screenshot In the video "Tokyo Crossing #56 "VR (Virtual Reality)" - VR artist Aimi Sekiguchi," Aimi explains that she would like to "stimulate peoples' imagination" through her work. In the video, you can see Aimi Sekiguchi's passion for VR art. If you're interested in Aimi Sekiguchi or VR art after reading this article, be sure to check out the video if you still haven't yet. Also be sure to check out Aimi's official website and social media sites! 【Official Website】Aimi Sekiguchi -VR official Site - Creative Village https://www.creativevillage.ne.jp/lp/aimi_sekiguchi/ -
Video article 14:46
Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street, the Number One Shopping Street in Tokyo, Is Lined With More Than 400 Shops! There’s a Ton of Gourmet Food to Be Had on This 1.3 KM Strip!
Shopping- 65 plays
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What is Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street? This time, we introduce the popular Togoshi Ginza shopping district, that has been featured in a number of magazines and t.v. programs, through a video called "Walking around Togoshi Ginza-Tokyo - Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street-4K Ultra HD" (Walking around Togoshi Ginza - Tokyo - 戸越銀座商店街 - 4K Ultra HD). This video will have you feeling as if you're actually taking a stroll through the popular shopping district located in Toyomachi, Shinagawa. This camera is fixed from the cameraman's point of view, making it an almost virtual reality experience. The History of the Togoshi Ginza Shopping District Photo:Togoshi Ginza Station The name Togoshi Ginza comes from Togoshi Ginza Station on the Tokyu Ikegami Line. Togoshi Ginza street is an old shopping district that grew around the stores concentrated around Osaki in Shinagawa, due to the opening of the Tokyu Ikegami Line in 1927. Today, it goes by the name Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street, and is made up of three shopping street associations: Togoshi Ginza Shoeikai Shopping Street, Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street, and Togoshi Ginza Roku Shopping Street. There are about 400 shops. It's also famous as Japan's longest shopping street with a total length of 1.3 kilometers. Nowadays, there are many shopping streets in Japan called "〇〇Ginza" (pronounced Maru Maru Ginza), but the one on Togoshi-Ginza shopping street was actually the first in Japan. It's located next to Togoshi Ginza Station on the Tokyu Ikegami Line, but there's also the JR Yamanote Line's Gotanda Station within walking distance, so it' s easy to get around. You can see the Tokyu-Ikegami Line railroad crossing at 10:32 in the video. The restaurant is crowded with businessmen and housewives at lunchtime on weekdays. Togoshi Ginza Station- More History Photo:Tokyo downtown from above Besides the origin of Togoshi Ginza's name, there's also the origin of the shopping district itself. This actually has to do with the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923. The unprecedented catastrophe caused devastating damage in a large area from downtown Tokyo to Hiratsuka, Kanagawa Prefecture. At that time, the Shinagawa area was an industrial zone where many people gathered, but after the Great Kanto Earthquake, people who had lost their homes gathered here to start businesses a resurrect the local economy, thus forming the shopping district. The "Ginza" part of "Togoshi Ginza" is said to have originated around the time that shops began to gather in the Togoshi area, when locals gathered up the brick debris in Ginza and used it to improve the drainage of the once poorly drained streets of Togoshi. Things to Do on Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street Source :YouTube screenshot The best way to enjoy the Togoshi Ginza shopping street is by munching on snacks as you window shop. In the Togoshi Ginza shopping district, there's bakeries, Togoshi Ginza croquette, ramen, dumplings, fried chicken, popular cafe sweets, taiyaki, pork rice bowl, pork wrapped rice ball skewers, and more. For souvenirs, there's a ton of local gourmet foods such as Togoshi Ginza brand confections, donuts, and the sweets of Goto Kamaboko shown at 1:35 in the video. There are also convenience stores, pharmacies, clothing stores, cafes and supermarkets. On holidays, get a map in one hand and food in the other and browse the streets of Togoshi Ginza while munching on some delicious food. We pretty much recommend anything in Togoshi Ginza, as nearly every shop has good reviews. Summary of the Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street Photo:Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street The Togoshi Ginza shopping street, chosen as one of the top shopping districts in Japan, also has its own homepage as well! The mascot character Ginjiro Togoshi gives a detailed introduction of the shopping district, including opening hours of shops, nearby hotels, parking lots, tour information, and more. The Togoshi-Ginza shopping district has also introduced a project to eliminate the need for electrical poles, with the aim of becoming a clean, fun, popular shopping arcade that will continue to develop into the future. 【Official Website】Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street Official Site https://www.togoshiginza.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Togoshi Ginza Shopping Street Official Site https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1066854-d6536297-Reviews-Togoshiginza_Shopping_Street-Shinagawa_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 11:04
Walking Around ‘Nakano Broadway’, the Mecca of Tokyo Subculture! This Chaotic Epicenter of Pop Culture and Subculture Is Full of Dreams!
Shopping- 57 plays
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Adventurous Footage of Nakano Broadway This video, titled "【Nakano, Tokyo】Walking around Nakano Broadway(【中野 東京】中野ブロードウェイを散策)," allows you to experience the famous out-of-the-way tourist destination in Nakano Ward (中野区, Nakanoku), Tokyo: Nakano Broadway. They say Nakano Broadway has everything. And it's probably not much of a stretch to say so. It's a chaotic place where everyone’s needs are met. It has become particularly famous for its subculture, which attracts huge numbers of foreign tourists visiting Tokyo. It is known as "the mecca of subculture", "post-Akihabara" and so on. In this article, we will introduce Nakano Broadway in detail alongside the video. What Is Nakano Broadway? And What Does Is Look Like? Source :YouTube screenshot Nakano Broadway is a commercial complex constructed at the end of Nakano Sun Mall Shopping Center (中野サンモール商店街, Nakano Sun Mall Shotengai) in 1966, which combined a shopping center with housing. The lower floors are dedicated to the use as a shopping center and the floors above are for housing. You can actually live in Nakano Broadway as some rooms are up for rent, although it is a bit pricey due to its location. From 0:33 in the video, you can take a walk through Nakano Sun Mall Shopping Center from the North Exit of JR Nakano Station. At first, you might be surprised at the number of shops in the shopping street. Nakano Sun Mall Shopping Center is famous for having countless watch shops, but besides that, there are many bubble tea stands, cafes, soft-serve ice cream shops, and restaurants offering lunch. Photo:Nakano Broadway Nakano Broadway stands right in front at the end of Nakano Sun Mall Shopping Center. This can be seen from 4:05 in the video. Take a step in and a chaotic world in a different dimension greets you! Around 300 shops squeeze inside the building. They specialize in manga, anime, figures, toys, and recently, 3D printers and Bitcoin. Curious as to why Nakano Broadway came to be known as the epicenter of pop culture and subculture? A company called "Mandarake," which played a major role in bringing Nakano Broadway to the world stage, was a particularly important stakeholder in regards to this. What Is Mandarake? Photo:Nakano Broadway, Mandarake Mandarake, which inextricably shares history with Nakano Broadway, started as a secondhand bookshop. At first, its specialization didn’t match the surrounding environment, but it became exceedingly popular as many Otaku, more interested in subculture than in pop culture, visited the place partly due to its location. Soon, the company Mandarake was founded. It gained a lot of fans by contributing to the permeation of subculture through launching many new shops inside Nakano Broadway dedicated to manga and anime for popular demand, and figures, diorama, video games and gaming arcades for hard core fans. As a result, it has grown to be known today as "the mecca of subculture," and a stunning number of foreign customers visit every day, thanks to the global popularity of otaku culture. Walking around and visiting the many different shops is certainly exciting, but you can even sell your own goods using the "rental showcase" system. Mandarake can be seen throughout the video, so if you’re interested, be sure to check it out. Summary of Nakano Broadway in Tokyo Source :YouTube screenshot In this article we introduced Nakano Broadway, now one of the most famous otaku sites, not only in Tokyo, but in all of Japan. It's the epicenter of pop culture and subcultures in Japan, and many people, both Japanese and foreigners alike, visit it every day, owing partly to its easy accessibility, being located near JR Nakano Station. A whopping 10 million people visit there annually. Nakano Broadway guarantees a fulfilling experience for every visitor! If you're traveling to Tokyo, we highly recommend visiting Nakano Broadway! ◆Nakano Broadway Facility Information◆ 【Address】5-52, Nakano, Nakano Ward, Tokyo 161-0001 【Access】5-minute walk from JR Nakano Station 【Hours】10:00-20:00 (Be careful as this varies by location) 【Closures】Vary by location 【Parking】No parking lot provided 【Telephone No】03-3388-7004 【Official Website】Mandarake HOME – MANDARAKE https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/?lang=en -
Video article 1:54
The Nihombashi Takashimaya Shopping Center, a Long-Established Department Store, Has Been Reborn With the Concept of "Beautiful Living"! A Look Inside the Refreshing Atmosphere of the Historic Shopping Center!
Shopping News- 33 plays
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A Look at the Reopening of the Nihombashi Takashimaya Shopping Center This video this time is a news video covering the grand reopening of the main building of Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C., titled "Nihonbashi Takashimaya Completes Renovations, Aims to Attract Younger Customers." It was published by "TOKYO MX" in 2019. Nihombashi Takashimaya is a shopping center well-reputed by people of all ages. Let's take a look at what's changed since its reopening. The New Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C. Source :YouTube screenshot Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C., located in the Chuo Ward (中央区, Chuo-ku) of Tokyo, finished renovations on its main building and reopened entirely in March 2019. It had gone through a major renovation up to this point with a new building having opened in 2018. The concept of the newly reborn Nihombashi Takashimaya SC is "beautiful living." Introduced at 1:00 in the video is "MARVIS," a high-end toothpaste sold on the 2nd floor of the main building. There is also a wide range of other items, mainly men's sundries, designed to enhance one' s quality of life. Here, you'll find a wide range of products for the increasingly aesthetically conscious male customers. When visiting Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C., we recommend visiting the rooftop garden shown at 0:13 in the video. This rooftop garden is open to the public and offers a breathtaking view of Tokyo's skyscrapers. The History of Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C. Source :YouTube screenshot Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C. opened in 1933 and has a long history of supporting Japan's post-war reconstruction. The present Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C. is part of the Mitsui Building. Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C. has a basement floor with a fruit parlors, restaurants, chocolate shops and other sweets shops, as well as a general merchandise section, fashion stores, and more. Limited time events, such as the Maurice Utrillo Exhibition are also held from time to time. Summary of Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C. Source :YouTube screenshot In this article, we gave a brief overview of Nihombashi Takashimaya's renovation, the history of the store and what kind of shops you can expect to find there. There are many other Takashimaya stores in Japan besides the one in Tokyo. Major stores include Shinjuku, Tamagawa, Tachikawa, Yokohama, Kashiwa, Kyoto, Osaka and Sakai. If you're looking for high quality items or Japanese souvenirs, stop by the nearest Takashimaya store! ◆Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C.|Facility Information◆ 【Address】2-4-1, Nihombashi, Chuo Ward, Tokyo 【Access】Directly connected to Nihonbashi Station on the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line, and a 5-minute walk from JR Tokyo Station. 【Hours】10:30~21:00(11:00~22:00 for restaurants) 【Parking】Paid parking available 【Telephone】03-3211-4111 【Official Website】Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C. | Top Page https://www.takashimaya-global.com/en/stores/nihombashi/ 【Tripadvisor】Nihombashi Takashimaya S.C. https://www.tripadvisor.jp/Attraction_Review-g14129589-d12870591-Reviews-Nihombashi_Takashimaya_S_C-Nihonbashi_Chuo_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 3:41
Enjoy All the Goodies of Monzeki Street at the Tsukiji Outer Market in Chuo City, Tokyo! Explore the Streets of a Shopping District Popular Among Foreign Tourists!
Shopping- 29 plays
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Tsukiji Outer Market's "Monzeki Street" The video “A view of Monzeki Street in the Tsukiji Outer Market(【街並み】築地場外市場 もんぜき通り),” introduces Monzeki Street in the Tsukiji Outer Market. Monzeki Street is a shopping avenue in the Tsukiji Outer Market located in Tsukiji, Chuoku, in Tokyo. The original Tsukiji Wholesale Market moved to Toyosu Market in October 2018, but the Tsukiji Outer Market is still open in the same location in Tsukiji even after the original Tsukiji Market moved. The street is located on the north side of the Ichibabashi intersection, along the Tsukiji 4-chome and 6-chome Shin Ohashi Street between the Tsukiji 4-chome and Shijoubashi intersections. There are over 30 shops on the street, and it is the most popular sightseeing spot at the Tsukiji Outer Market. The name of the street “Monzeki” comes from the Monzeki Bridge that used to be in Tsukiji. Explore the Popular Tsukiji Monzeki Street Source :YouTube screenshot There are a lot of restaurants that are originally for people who work in the Tsukiji Outer Market, so many restaurants serve quick delicious lunches with a stand-and-eat style. The shopping avenue is an arcade and close to Ginza. People enjoy a variety of food from different food stands as they walk along the streets. There are also many kinds of restaurants, such as ramen restaurants, seafood restaurants, coffee shops, and restaurants featuring cheap and delicious food. Well-Known Stores/Restaurants on Monzeki Street Source :YouTube screenshot There are well-known sushi restaurants and many other famous shops on Monzeki street. Here, we'll introduce a few of them. The first one, shown at 0:37, is Kitsuneya, a restaurant that specializes in offal meat. Their specialty is "Hormone-Don," a bowl of beef offal cooked using their signature red miso sauce over rice. The ramen restaurant Inoue, which you can see in the video around 2:04, is a famous ramen restaurant in Tsukiji. Inoue has been in business for 50 years. Unfortunately, it is currently closed due to a fire (as of July 2020). In the video you can see a line of people waiting at Inoue; not an uncommon sight with how popular the restaurant is, Also, the ramen restaurant Wakaba (in the video around 0:23) is famous in Tsukiji as well. The curry restaurant Sakaeya next to Wakaba is an amazing curry restaurant, and our personal recommendation. The Tsukiji Outer Market is known for its Kaisendon (seafood bowls). Maguro Donburi Segawa is THE place for Kaisendon. You can see it in the video around 0:25. Their only menu, a bowl of tuna marinated with homemade soy-sauce-based sauce, is so delicious it was featured on the popular TV show "Ado Machikku Tengoku." Photo:Tamagoyaki Some of the best tamagoyaki restaurants in Tokyo are located on Monzeki street, including Marutake, the home of TV producer and personality Terry Ito, as well as Tsukiji Yamacho, Tsukiji Shoro and Daisada. Maguro no Miyako is famous for its grilled seafood. Their fresh seafood and grilled scallops are to die for. Sightseeing at the Tsukiji Outer Market Photo:Tsukiji Outer Market Monzeki street, at the Tsukiji Outer Market, is also popular among tourists from overseas. There is the information center "Platt Tsukiji" that introduces tourist destinations for international visitors. They also distribute a map of the Tsukiji Outer Market as well as other information. They also have a coin locker where you can leave your baggage and walk around the Tsukiji Outer Market. You're not allowed to carry a suitcase on Monzeki Street so the facility is very convenient for people coming directly from overseas or out of town. Let’s Visit Tsukiji Outer Market's Monzeki Street! What'd you think? We introduced a lot of famous restaurants at the Tsukiji Outer Market. There's places that are great not just for sightseeing, but also for dates or just walking around and trying food vendors. Enjoy the atmosphere of the Tsukiji Outer Market through the video! Other than restaurants, there are also vegetable stands, clothing shops, and dried fruit shops on the street so you can enjoy browsing around and hunting souvenirs. 【Tripadvisor】Tsukiji Outer Market https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g14129610-d1373675-r716204248-Tsukiji_Jogai_Market-Tsukiji_Chuo_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 2:01
A Giant Bluefin Tuna Worth Approximately ¥200,000,000! The Winner of the Annual New Year’s Tuna Auction Was None Other Than the Famous Sushi Zanmai President, Famous for His Signature Sushi Zanmai Pose!
News- 24 plays
- YouTube
Japan's New Year's Tuna Auction This video, titled "Reiwa|New Year's Tuna Auction|and the Winner Is..." (令和初 マグロ初競り 落札したのは・・・), is a video that recorded the first tuna auction of the New Year in the first year of Reiwa (Japan's newest era). The annual New Year's Tuna Auction is held at Toyosu Market in the Tokyo Central Wholesale Market in Koto ward, Tokyo It was President Kiyoshi Kimura, shown at 0:47 in the video, that won the tuna for 193.2 million yen (~$1.8m USD); the second highest price in the history of the auction. In this article, we introduce the New Year's tuna auction and the president of Sushi Zanmai who won the expensive fish. The New Year's Tuna Auction: What Kind of Event Is It? Source :YouTube screenshot The New Year's Tuna Auction, in which Oma tuna is auctioned off at a high price unique to New Year, is an annual event that many fishermen participate in to celebrate the new year. The first auction for the 2020 tuna, shown in this video, began just after 5 a.m. on Jan. 5, and the Toyosu Market was filled with loud and energetic shouting. You can watch the auction starting at 0:04. The first tuna auctioned each year is called "Ichiban Tuna" (lit. "the first tuna"). The fish chosen is selected based on size, freshness, shape and taste. Every year at the New Year's Tuna Auction, the magnificent "Ichiban Tuna" is auctioned off at a so-called "celebratory price." Not only industry insiders, but now even the general public is paying attention to see how much the first auction for bluefin tuna, known as the "diamond of the sea" or "black diamond," will go for. The President of Sushizanmai Source :YouTube screenshot At the first tuna auction in 2020, Kiyoshi Kimura, president of Kiyomura, a sushi zanmai restaurant, won the bid for a 276-kilogram bluefin tuna from Oma, Aomori Prefecture. At 193.2 million yen (700,000 yen per kilogram), it was the second most expensive tuna sold at the auction. It is said that roughly 10,000 pieces of sushi can be made from this tuna. The highest ever tuna auction was recorded at 333.6 million yen, which was awarded by President Kiyoshi Kimura of Sushizanmai last year. Speaking of the president, Kiyoshi Kimura, is famous for posing with both hands spread out while shouting "Sushizanmai!!" Mr. Kimura, president of Sushi Zanmai, is also called "The Tuna Shogun" or "The Don of the Tuna Industry" by officials. Summary of the New Year's Tuna Auction Photo:Tuna This time, we introduced the New Year's Tuna Auction. In recent years, it has become standard practice for the president of Sushi Zanmai to make the winning bid for the first tuna of the auction, but the amount of the winning bid has drawn attention from all over Japan. As for the fishermen's share of the winning bid, 1.5% of the money will go to the Aomori Prefectural Fisheries Federation, 4% to the Oma Fishing Cooperative, and 5.5% to the consignees, with 89% going to the fishermen who caught the fish. At 1:14 in the video, the first delicious tuna sushi of Sushizanmai is also introduced; be sure to check it out! 【Official Website】Sushizanmai sushi in Tokyo https://honyaku.j-server.com/LUCSUSHIZA/ns/tl.cgi/https://www.kiyomura.co.jp/?SLANG=ja&TLANG=en&XMODE=0&XJSID=0 -
Video article 2:38
Located in the Western Part of the Tokyo Metropolis, Hachioji Is Home to the World Famous Mt. Takao. A Mixture of Great Foods, Sightseeing and History That Offers Endless Fun!
Local PR Travel- 108 plays
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About Hachioji's Promotional Tourism Video The video, titled "Hachioji Promotional Video 'Colorful Life'" (八王子市シティプロモーション動画「Colorful Life」), was uploaded by "HachiojiCityOffice." It captures the various charms of Hachioji. Being a part of the Greater Tokyo metropolitan area, Hachioji features many shopping districts such as "CELEO," a mall that is attached to the station. But being the closest hiking destination from Tokyo is what makes it popular among the city dwellers who day trip up there to get some fresh air. Hosting as many as 23 university campuses, Hachioji is also known as a college town. There are many historical and cultural sites where one can be exposed to Japanese culture and tradition as well. In this article, we'll introduce popular tourist spots in Hachioji alongside the video. The video includes a powerful image of a basketball game that the local team, "Tokyo Hachioji Bee Trains," is playing in. It also showcases the natural scenery that makes Hachioji a popular day-trip destination for local Tokyoites. Take a Hike and View Hachioji From the Summit of Mt. Takao Source :YouTube screenshot Hachioji is a popular natural recreational area in Tokyo. From 0:06, the video captures refreshing images of Hachioji's natural environment such as the "Takatsuki paddy field zone" (the largest agricultural zone in the Tokyo metropolitan area), or the stunning rows of Ginkgo trees. Mt. Takao is the most popular natural attraction in Hachioji. The 2,000 ft. tall mountain debuts at 0:32. Awarded 3 stars by the Michelin Green Guide, it is the most visited mountain in the world, with 2.6 million visitors annually. There's also a chair lift and cable-car that can take you halfway up the mountain, which makes it suitable for casual climbers as well. Climbers can enjoy a beautiful view and magnificent autumn colors, as well as the get an overlook of the city of Tokyo. Source :YouTube screenshot Introduced from 1:09 is "Takaosan Beer Mount," a renowned beer garden where we you can enjoy a stunning night view from up high. It even offers a view of the urban core of Tokyo or Yokohama on clear days. The open air beer garden and breathtaking view are sure to get you in the spirit for some spirits! The temple introduced at 2:03 is Mt. Takao Yakuoin, which is said to be a very spiritual site. The statue found by the cable-car stop is of Saburo Kitajima, a well-known Japanese enka singer who lives in Hachioji. The statue is popular among Instagrammers! Hachioji’s Gastro Culture! Source :YouTube screenshot Don't forget to explore the foodie attractions during your trip to Hachioji. The video introduces some recommended restaurants and local dishes as well. Spotlighted from 0:39 is a bakery "Boule Beurre Boulangerie". The specialties here are the butter-rich croissants or pain au fruit with walnuts. Photo:Hachioji Ramen Hachioji Ramen is a great choice for lunch as well! Its distinguishing features are the simple soy sauce-based soup and the chopped onion topping. There are also many different Hachioji Ramen specialty restaurants around the train station. The most celebrated ramen restaurant is "Goemon" located by the JR Chuo Line Nishihachioji Station, which is introduced at 0:55. The image is sure to make your mouth water. Other hidden gems throughout the city include "Nameko-jiru" (Miso-soup with Nameko mushrooms) of Shiroyama Chaya, a tea-house that sits on the summit of Shiroyama, the Konnyaku of the long standing shop "Nakano-Ya," or the old-fashioned izakaya "Shimura Hall"'s Satsuma-age (deep fried fish paste). "Hachioji Neapolitan," a favorite among the locals, is also a must-try. In 2019, the breakout TV celebrity Roland opened his bubble tea store "The Pearl" in Hachioji. Hachioji also features farmers' markets such as "FIO" (FIO野菜直売所) or "Juke Juke" (ジュークジューク) to provide a direct sale of locally grown organic vegetables. Japanese History and Culture in Hachioji Source :YouTube screenshot There are many cultural or historic sites and events in Hachioji. The Hachioji Festival in August is the city's primary event. The parade floats, gorgeous Mikoshi (portable shrines) carried around the city, and the Lion Dance performance are the highlights of the festival that attract many visitors from the Kanto area. Some other notable cultural or historic sites/events are: Hachioji Kuruma Ningyo (a traditional puppet theater), Hachioji Geisha, Hachioji Firework Festival, Tokyo Fuji Art Museum, Mt. Takao Trick Art Museum, Musashi Imperial Graveyard, Takaosan Yakuoin Yukiji Temple, Hachioji Castle, Takiyama Castle, Nakamachi Kurobei (black wall) district (a remnant of old geisha district), and the Okuda silkscreen factory. The rows of ginkgo trees shown in the video from 0:53 were planted by the Imperial Household Agency in 1929 to commemorate the completion of the Musashi Imperial Graveyard. The annual Ginkgo Festival is held in November along the Koshu Kaido Road where the stunning ginkgo trees are lined up. A Summary on the Introduction of Hachioji Photo:Hachioji, Minamiasa River cherry blossoms The Hachioji promotional video captures the charm of the city that's a hometown to many different Japanese musicians, comedians, and TV personalities. Featuring Mt. Takao that captures the attentions of instagrammers, Hachioji is a great destination for a wide range of travelers. Having turned 100 years old in 2018, Hachioji is a city loved by many people. We definitely recommend giving it a visit! 【Tripadvisor】Hachioji https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1060898-Hachioji_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html