Video article 3:03
Kazusuya Is a Hot Spring Inn That You Don't Want to Miss if You're Visiting Niigata. Enjoy the Onsen and Local Gourmet Foods That Are Popular With Women for Cultivating Beautiful Skin!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 62 plays
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新潟月岡温泉地エリアの旅館『風鈴屋』の魅力紹介動画の見どころ ここでは、「エリアワン|風鈴屋PV」という動画についてご紹介をさせて頂きます。 風鈴屋とは、新潟県月岡温泉にある情緒溢れる外観と日本ならではのおもてなしが魅力とされている旅館です。 新潟県に観光に来た際にはぜひ泊まって欲しい人気旅館となっています。 動画では、月岡温泉風鈴屋について詳しくご覧になれますので、観光を検討する前にぜひご覧下さい。 月岡温泉・風鈴屋の魅力について! 月岡温泉・美(うつくし)の湯「風鈴屋」は、新潟県新発田市にあり、『月岡ニューホテル冠月』が旅館へとなった際に改名され風鈴屋となりました。 お部屋は人数に合わせた和室・洋室の二つが用意されており好みに合わせることができます。 客室備品も充実しているので、快適な一日を送ることが出来るでしょう。 更に、部屋からの眺めは、四季によって様々な顔を見せてくれるインスタ映え必至の日本庭園。 そして足湯や日本酒バーは、風鈴屋を語る上では外せない観光施設となっています。 美の湯と称されている通り美肌効果の高い大浴場と露天風呂があり、観光で歩き回って疲れた体を癒しながら、美しさに磨きをかけることが出来る素晴らしい旅館となっています。 温泉を楽しんだ後はグルメ! 大浴場と露天風呂を十分に堪能して浴衣に身を包んだ後は、やはり食事でしょう。 夕食は、料理長が新潟の自然の恵みと新鮮な山海の旬の味覚をふんだんに盛り込んだ日本食・和食をふるまってくれます。 おすすめは月岡温泉・風鈴屋自慢の『鈴の膳』で、地元である新潟県原産の新鮮な野菜や海鮮を使用した、食の面からも新潟をとことん楽しめるコースとなっています。 他にも、飲み放題プランや日本のブランド牛である「あがの姫牛」を堪能出来るプランもあり、個人に合わせて充実した食事が出来ることでしょう。 月岡温泉風鈴屋の魅力紹介まとめ 日本の四季とグルメを堪能することが出来る旅館『月岡温泉・風鈴屋』。 日本の風情溢れる月岡温泉風鈴屋へいらしてみてはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 21:10
What Makes Amezaiku One of Japan's Most Prized Traditional Crafts? If You Look at the Craftsmanship of Japan, the Country of Manufacturing, You'll Understand Why...
Traditional Crafts- 241 plays
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日本の伝統工芸飴細工紹介動画について 日本が誇る伝統工芸の一つである飴細工について、『日本糖果藝術 飴細工 - 金魚,青蛙,貓,狗 東京』の動画を元に紹介をさせていただきます。 飴細工とは? 日本が誇る伝統工芸の飴細工とは何か、まずはその詳細について紹介をさせていただきます。 飴細工は、製菓技術の一つで、起源は平安時代に京都で作られていたお供え物になります。 熱した飴を職人が自在に操って作品を作り出す様はまさに芸術の一言で、今回紹介させていただいている動画を見ても、伝統工芸の素晴らしさがはっきりと分かることでしょう。 動画内で実際に飴細工を制作されている姿をまずはご覧ください。 飴細工は飴と製菓という言葉が表す通り、芸術品でありながら食べることが出来ます。 その精巧な作りは食べる時には勿体無いと思ってしまうほどです。 しかし基本的には食べ物というよりは芸術品や美術品といった側面が強く、動画内でも猫や犬、金魚や青蛙等を題材としており、思わず飾っておきたくなるような素晴らしいものばかりです。 和と洋で違う飴細工 日本の伝統工芸としても名高い飴細工ですが、実は和菓子だけでなく、洋菓子としてもその技術が用いられています。 和菓子としての飴細工は、最小限の道具で生き物をモチーフとした一品で完成する作品が多いのに対し、洋菓子の飴細工は、バラや花等の植物を主として、一品一品を組み合わせた大規模な作品として主に制作されています。 伝統工芸としての歴史はどちらも古く、その美しさから、日本人外国人問わず、多くの人の間でお土産やプレゼントとして人気です。 日本が誇る伝統工芸飴細工の紹介まとめ 視覚でも味覚でも楽しませてくれる伝統工芸の飴細工、今回はその素晴らしさについて動画を交えてご紹介させていただきましたが、いかがだったでしょうか? 今回紹介をさせていただいた飴細工職人の方々は、通販での販売、体験教室を開くなど、積極的に伝統工芸を後世へと伝え、残していく活動をされています。 特にその活動を積極的に行われているのが「飴細工よし原」であり、職人の人が実際に目の前で作る姿を見ることもできます。 飴細工体験教室などのイベントも開催されるので、動画を見て気になった方はぜひ「よし原」へと足を運んでみることをおすすめします。 伝統工芸を実際に触れることで、伝統工芸という日本文化に対しての理解が一層深まることでしょう。 日本の伝統工芸の一つである飴細工について興味を持っていただけたら幸いです。 -
Video article 8:40
A Beginner's Guide to Building a Campfire! Useful Camping Equipment and Tips for Beginner Campers!
Action & Adventure- 10 plays
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Campfires - A Fun Way to Enjoy Camping at Night Camping at night is all about enjoying the campfire. With Japan's camping boom, more and more camping beginners are getting into camping, but some of them don't know how to build a fire. In this article, we'll go over how to build a campfire in detail. Video Introduction This video, titled "How to Build a Campfire: Starting a Fire and Cleanup (Beginner Guide)" (【キャンプ初心者でも大丈夫】火起こしから後片付けまで”焚き火のやり方”詳しく教えます!), was uploaded by "IYASHI NEKO." The video explains how to build a campfire in a simple and easy-to-understand way so that even beginners can enjoy the outdoors when camping. This video is a must-see for anyone new to the outdoors or camping. Master How to Build a Campfire Photo:A firepit The video is divided into three parts (preparation, practice, and precautions) to introduce bonfires. The Preparation section introduces the equipment needed for camping and outdoor activities. The Practical section focuses on how to build a fire, and the precautions section introduces cleanup and other important points to keep in mind when building a campfire. Preparation for Camping and Outdoor Fires Photo:Firewood The equipment for building a fire is as follows. ・A fire pit ・Firewood ・Firelighter ・Tongs ・Heat-resistant gloves ・A multi-purpose lighter (A candle lighter is used in the video) ・Fireproof sheet When using kindling, coniferous trees with high oil content, such as cedar and pine, and broadleaf trees such as oak and sawtooth oak with long burn times are often used, and each has its own pros and cons. ■Coniferous trees (cedar and pine) Pros: Good for kindling because of its flammability Cons: Burns out quickly ■Broadleaf trees (oak, sawtooth oak) Pros: Long burn time, so you can enjoy your campfire for longer Cons: Poor flammability When you get used to building a fire, we recommend using them together, but coniferous wood may be easier to start with for beginners. Also, firewood can be purchased at many hardware stores in Japan, but thicker wood can't be used as kindling. Because of this, be sure to chop the wood with a hatchet so that you can use it as kindling when building a fire. [Video] 0:44 - Fire building equipment Practicing How to Build Camping and Outdoor Fires Source :YouTube screenshot In the practical section of the video, you can see how a fire is actually lit. First, set up the fire pit. When building a fire, it's important to stoke the fire. Place natural igniters, such as pine cones, at the bottom of the fire pit. Place kindling or twigs on top of the igniter. This is an important point to remember! Oxygen is necessary for combustion, so to allow oxygen to reach the flame, be sure not to smother the fire, and make sure there are ample paths for air to reach the fire. [Video] 2:42 - Starting a fire Things to Be Careful of When Building Camping and Outdoor Fires Photo:A campfire The precautions section introduces common knowledge about camping and outdoor activities that beginners may not be aware of. First, to prevent tents and tarps from burning due to fire sparks, be careful to set up the fire a comfortable distance from tents or tarps. Also, if your campsite is on grass, pine needles, etc., be sure to lay down a fireproof sheet under your fire pit. Rules vary from campground to campground, so be sure to check the rules of the campground you're staying at before building a fire. If the campground has an ash dump, be sure to dispose of the ashes after enjoying your fire, or if not, then follow the rules established by the campground. Make sure your campfire is completely extinguished when you're finished with it. Campfires can take hours to fully extinguish. Be sure to account for this when considering your departure time and allow plenty of time for your fire to extinguish. Don't over-stoke your fire. Putting in too much wood at once is dangerous as your fire can quickly get out of control. Also, by building large fires you'll run out of wood quickly. Enjoy a nice slow-burning fire. [Video] 4:52 - Precautions Summary of How to Build a Campfire If you spend all your time building a fire and cleaning it up afterwards, you'll miss out on a lot of enjoyable camping time. Be sure to master the basics of building a campfire. There are many other ways to build a campfire besides the method described here. Find what style works best for you so you can enjoy a nice, relaxing camping trip with a warm nighttime fire. -
Video article 2:53
A Panoramic View of the Beautiful Natural Scenery of Kagoshima! Be Sure to Throw This on Your Itinerary for Your Next Vacation!
Local PR Travel- 30 plays
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A Bird's Eye View of Kagoshima This video, titled "Drone Footage of Amazing Islands in Kagoshima, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 鹿児島" gives an aerial view of Kagoshima's islands, taken by drone. It was released by "egawauemon." Are you looking for beautiful your next summer getaway? If so, then you came to the right place. In this article, we'll introduce tourist information and travel tips for those traveling to the islands of Kagoshima Prefecture! This video shows aerial views of the remote islands in Kagoshima prefecture, which are overflowing with natural beauty. There are six remote islands introduced in this video: Yakushima, Yoronjima, Tanegashima, Koshikijima, Kakeromajima, and Amami Oshima. The Best Remote Islands to Enjoy Water Sports! If you're looking to enjoy water sports and activities on a remote island in Kagoshima Prefecture, we recommend Yoronjima and Kakeromajima. Yoronjima is an island full of flowers and coral reefs. It has Terasaki Beach, which became famous as a location featured in the movie "Glasses" (めがね), and Yurigahama Beach, a pure white sandy beach that appears only during low tide. The sea is crystal clear, and in the summer months it's crowded with water sports enthusiasts. The main tourist attraction on Kakeromajima is the 300-year-old Indian coral tree trees that line the street near the beach. The bright red flowers on these trees bloom from May to June. There is also the beautiful beach Surihama, which is called the White Village. Water sports are very popular here. It's a small island, about 20 minutes by ferry from Amami Oshima, and the main spots on the island can be visited on a day trip. The Best Remote Islands to Enjoy the Ocean, Mountains and Villages! If you want to enjoy the beauty of the sea, mountains, and countryside of Kagoshima Prefecture, we recommend Koshikijima and Amami Oshima. There are many viewing points, such as a coastline with bizarre rock structures and the ruins of a village from the Edo period. We recommend going for a drive while looking out at the breathtaking scenery. Koshikijima is located just 50 minutes from Sendai Harbor (川内港) by high speed boat, and it's easily accessible from Kagoshima City, so a day trip to the island is possible. Amami Oshima is famous for its beautiful blue waters. The subtropical oceanic climate has led to the emergence of virgin forests, which are home to rare plant and animal species. The island is home to a wealth of rare flora and fauna, and you can even go on a canoeing adventure through a mangrove forest! Special Experience on Kagoshima's Islands If you're looking for a unique experience you wont find anywhere else, then we recommend Yakushima and Tanegashima. Yakushima was registered as a World Heritage Site in 1993, and trekking is very popular here. You can feel the mystical power of Yakushima by walking along popular routes, such as Shiratani Unsui Gorge. Yakushima also has hot springs, and the Hirauchi Kaichu Natural Onsen (hot springs), which emerge from the sea for just two hours before and after low tide, are a tourist attraction not to be missed! Tanegashima is famous as the birthplace of guns in Japan. A visit to Tanegashima Space Center, which sits at the forefront of space research and development, is another experience you don't want to overlook. Once You've Had Your Fill of the Remote Islands, It's Time to Grab a Bite to Eat! After visiting the islands of Kagoshima, you'll want to try some of the delicious food and go sightseeing in the area. There's delicious Berkshire pork, Japanese black (a Japanese cattle breed), and Shochu (Japanese liquor)! In the city center, you can buy souvenirs and enjoy delicious gourmet food, including Kagoshima ramen, satsuma-age (fried fish cakes), and kibinago (Silver-stripe round herring). Kagoshima was the birthplace of Saigo Takamori, and it is also home to many famous samurai residences and more. Take a trip to the area and learn about the history of Kagoshima! Summary of Kagoshima's Remote Islands This video, "Drone Footage of Amazing Islands in Kagoshima, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - Kagoshima," shows the beautiful scenery of the remote islands of Kagoshima. For those looking to enjoy the natural beauty of Kagoshima's remote islands, be sure to check out the video! -
Video article 4:20
The Shinobue - See the Traditional Japanese Instrument Played by Kazuya Sato. Its Graceful Sound Has Been Loved by the People of Japan Since the Heian Period
Traditional Culture- 476 plays
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Learn About the Traditional Performing Art and Japanese Musical Instrument Shinobue This video [Shinobue performance, Kazuya Sato (Maihime) 2013/05/24](篠笛奏者 佐藤和哉「舞姫」2013.05.24) was created by "NAM .Grafik". The Shinobue is a simple Japanese woodwind instrument made of bamboo, which is wrapped in rattan and painted with lacquer to prevent cracking. It's very similar in structure to the flute. The Shinobue is often played during theatrical performances alongside Japanese Taiko drums, folk songs and festival music. Shinobue performances have been during dinners and banquets have been enjoyed by the general public for hundreds of years. This video contains footage of the male Shinobue artist Kazuya Sato performing the melody Maihime. Before we get further into the video, please check out the video, and enjoy listening to the simple and soft tone of the Shinobue. Introducing the History of the Shinobue Photo:Shinobue The Shinobue rose in popularity during the Heian period (794-1185 AD) and became loved by the people as a traditional Japanese musical instrument. The Shinobue has a very simplistic design: it consists of one hole used to blow air into and the remaining holes are used to place one's fingers upon to create different tones. There are two different types of Shinobue: the Hayashi type and the Uta type. The Hayashi type Shinobue (classical type) contains similar sized holes that have not been tuned and therefore are more suited to group performances. The Uta type, on the other hand, has varying sized holes that have been tuned and can be used to play melodies and solo performances. The pitch of the Shinobue depends on its length: the shorter the Shinobue the higher its pitch. Shinobue artists usually carry several Shinobue to play during a single performance. There are 13 possible tones that can be played using the Shinobue. The sheet music for Shinobue is called Shinobue Unshihyou, which translates to Shinobue fingering sheet. You can find several types of Shinobue for sale; Susutake or soot-colored Shinobue being the most expensive. Shishidaryuu, Ranjou and Rippei are a few popular brands of Shinobue and buying one can cost anywhere from a few thousand yen to more than ten times that price. About Kazuya Sato's Performance "Maihime" Source :YouTube screenshot The artist in this video, Kazuya Sato, performs the melody "Maihime" in a modern solo style. The soft and simple tone of the Shinobue, which sounds almost like a soft singing voice, is guaranteed to calm the mind. Other famous Shinobue artists include Tamura Yuuko (who studied under Kanou Yasukazu), Katano Satoshi, and Takeuchi Naoko. As well as performing on stage, Kazuya Sato composes his own original music and teaches the traditional Japanese musical instrument Shinobue to beginners. Shinobue Performance Information Source :YouTube screenshot The Shinobue artist Kazuya Sato is currently performing in concerts all over the country. For those who are interested, please check Kazuya Sato's official home page for more information on performance dates and locations. If you were captivated by the beautiful sound of the Shinobue, we highly recommend going to a concert to see a live performance! In this video, from 0:08 to 4:16, you can listen to the full Shinobue performance of Maihime. Please listen and enjoy! 【Official Website】Shinobue Artist Kazuya Sato https://www.kazuyasato.com/ -
Video article 16:57
100-Yen Shop Camping! Useful Goods for Solo Camping, and How to Use Them! Check Out This Awesome, Unexpected Equipment!
Action & Adventure- 35 plays
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Handy Goods From Japan's 100-Yen Shops Camping is immensely popular in Japan! With camping's rise in popularity, solo campers looking to explore nature are on the rise. However, it can be a bit pricey to get started camping when you have to buy all of the equipment. This is where 100-yen shops like DAISO, Seria, and Watts come in handy. In this article, we'll introduce some 100-yen items that can be used for solo camping. Video Introduction This video, titled "[100-Yen Camping Gear] 100-Yen Items That kimu23 Would Use When Solo Camping" (【100均キャンプ道具】きむ23のソロキャンプに使えそうな100均アイテム), was uploaded by "CAMP HACK," a channel run by kim23, a popular Japanese YouTuber and avid solo camper. For important items, like tents, sleeping bags, and sierra cups, you can get authentic outdoor gear, but for casual camping gear and useful outdoor goods, 100-yen shops are the place to go! At Japan's 100-yen shops, you can find many lightweight and easy-to-use items. You may find it easier to get started with solo camping casually by first purchasing 100-yen items, and then gradually moving on to more authentic camping gear. Japan's 100-Yen Shops and Camping Equipment Photo:DAISO The three 100-yen stores that carry the stylish camping equipment featured in the video are DAISO, Seria, and Watts. In response to Japan's recent solo camping boom, 100-yen shops now offer full lineups of outdoor-related goods. Also, you can use different items for different purposes, such as kitchenware and gardening tools, by slightly modifying them, or even by making your own camping tools. The best part is that 100-yen goods are easy on the wallet! Precautions When Buying Camping Gear From Japan's 100-Yen Shops Photo:Outdoor goods for sale In the video introduced here, goods from a 100-yen store are used as outdoor items. However, it's important to note that some of the items in the video are not used how they were originally intended to be used. Since this is not how the manufacturer recommends using them, if you use them as camping equipment, you'll be using them at your own risk. Care should also be taken around campfires. Outdoor Equipment From Japan's 100-Yen Shops Shown in the Video So, with that out of the way, let's take a look at the 100-yen camping gear introduced in the video. These 100-yen items, which are not originally intended for outdoor use, are transformed into useful outdoor goods! Check out the video to see how they're used! Source :YouTube screenshot ■5-Piece 500 Yen Burner Boil water and enjoy simple cooking with just 5 items: a stainless-steel plate, a stainless-steel bowl, a paulownia wood cutting board, solid fuel, and a cooker stand from Seria! [Video] 1:00 - ¥500 Burner made with 5 100-yen items ■A tiered accessory container that can be used as a seasoning container. Store salt, pepper, and other powdered seasonings in these containers made to hold small beads, decorative parts, and other items. The small containers can also be connected together, and there's even an 8-tiered type as well, so those who are particular about their spices can use this to keep their camping food nice and tasty! [Video] 3:04 - A seasoning container using an accessory case Source :YouTube screenshot ■Cosmetic carrying containers for liquid condiments Seria's cosmetic refill set can hold three types of liquids. It comes with a clear zip-up case, which is great for preventing leaks. [Video] 4:33 - Cosmetic containers used for liquid condiments ■Bungee cord with clips When camping or outdoors, there are sure to be times when you want to hang something to dry. In such cases, Seria's bungee cord with clips can be used for various purposes. Since both ends can be hooked to something, you can hang various things by hooking the cord to a tarp and then hanging different items with the clips. [Video] 5:27 - Bungee cord with clips ■Flexible band carabiner for hanging a lantern The band can be wrapped around a pole to hang a lantern. [Video] 6:05 - Flexible band with carabiner Source :YouTube screenshot ■A tableware band to hold cups together Even when camping solo, you may want to bring some small dishes with you. In such cases, these tableware band can hold the dishes firmly together when stacked. [Video] 6:30 - Tableware band ■Ultra-light stainless steel chopsticks Lightweight and non-slip stainless steel chopsticks [Video] 7:00 - Stainless steel chopsticks ■Mini tongs that don't tip over when set down Although palm-sized, these tongs are surprisingly convenient even for grabbing heavy items. [Video] 7:18 - Mini BBQ tongs ■Mini crates for LP gas canisters These mini crates are stackable if you have several of them. They're great for neatly storing smaller items when solo camping. [Video] 7:35 - Mini crates ■A mini stool that you can place items on The mini crates above, as well as other items you don't want to set on the ground, can be placed on top of this simple folding chair from Seria. [Video] 8:03 - Mini stool Source :YouTube screenshot ■Stylish garbage bags If you don't like the look of simple trash bags, Seria's temperature retaining paper bags can be used to create a brightly colored trash corner. They're also convenient for separating burnable and non-burnable trash. [Video] 8:20 - Temperature retaining bags as trash bags for solo camping ■A mini pipe-hammer that's more than meets the eye DAISO's mini hammer can also be used to hammer stakes. It may require a little technique, but it's great for when you want to lighten your load as much as possible when solo camping. [Video] 9:32 - Mini stake hammer ■ A carabiner for use in places where stakes can't be used If there are trees or stones in the place where you want to stake a rope and you can't, you can use DAISO's 3-hook carabiner to split the rope into two halves. A small item that does an unexpectedly large job. [Video] 10:03 - 3-hook carabiner ■A wire trash rack used as a firewood rack A trash rack used with a plastic bag becomes a firewood rack, to avoid firewood getting wet from being placed on the ground. It is also lightweight and compact. [Video] 10:54 - Wire firewood rack Source :YouTube screenshot ■An amazing stainless steel towel rack used as a side table A stainless-steel towel rack that can be used as a side table for solo campers. The shape can be used to hang things as well. It can be used for other purposes as well, according to your needs. [Video] 11:21 - Campfire side table ■Sliding wire sink rack Usually used for sinks, but can also be hooked to a fire pit to boil water. [Video] 11:59 - Campfire rack ■Hanging clips for hanging up chopsticks and cups Can be used to hang chopsticks or gloves that to prevent them from falling on the ground [Video] 13:45 - Hanging clips ■900 yen for a convenient rack Assembling Watts' 3-tier Multi Free Rack allows you to organize your smallest goods for easy access. [Video] 14:55 - Multi free rack Summary of 100-Yen Shop Camping in Japan Camping is an outdoor leisure activity that can be enjoyed by one person or many, but it can require a large budget to prepare a full-scale set of camping equipment. For more expensive items, you can go for rentals or look for deals at specialty stores, but for smaller items, 100-yen goods can do the trick, as shown in the video. Solo camping, in particular, often involves day-trip camping and carrying gear alone, so compact 100-yen camping gear can be very useful! It is valuable to have information that introduces items that someone has actually used and found useful. Be sure to take a look at the video, which shows how these 100-yen camping items can be used. -
Video article 3:22
Enjoy the Beautiful Scenery of Yamaguchi Prefecture! These Photos Will Take Your Breath Away! Check Out the Amazing Sightseeing Spots, Gourmet Food, and Natural Scenery That Will Give You a Glimpse of the History That Has Made Japan What It Is Today!
Local PR Travel- 35 plays
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人気の観光スポット山口県の魅力たっぷりの動画を紹介 こちらの動画は「山口県観光動画集」が公開した「山口県観光PR動画|ダイジェスト版(ロングVer )」です。 明治維新の策源地となった山口県は、現在の日本の礎を作った歴史を垣間見ることができる観光地が多く存在している。 2015年に世界遺産に登録された「明治日本の産業革命遺産」は、日本の産業革命に大きく貢献した歴史的・文化的な建造物である。 九州エリアを中心に全23資産が世界遺産に登録されたが、山口県でも「萩反射炉」「恵美須ヶ鼻造船所跡」「大板山たたら製鉄遺跡」「萩城下町」「松下村宿」が世界遺産となった。 なかでも「萩城下町」「松下村宿」は明治維新で活躍した幕末志士たちの軌跡を辿ることができるおすすめの観光地である。 人気の観光スポット山口県には歴史的な雰囲気を楽しめる観光地がたくさん 山口県には世界遺産だけでなく、歴史の深い観光地がいくつもある。 なかでも山口県岩国市の錦川にかかる「錦帯橋」は日本三名橋・日本三大奇橋に数えられる人気の観光スポットだ。 錦帯橋の近くには「岩国城」もあり、「岩国城」から見下ろす景色は、まさに絶景である。 他にも、岬にずらりと並ぶ鳥居が幻想的な「元乃隅稲成神社」(山口県長門市)や特別天然記念物「秋吉台」「秋芳洞」(山口県美祢市)では、まるで異世界に来たかのような感覚を味わうことができる観光地だ。 また、山口県下関市の関門海峡には、多くの日本人に愛される剣豪「宮本武蔵」と「佐々木小次郎」が決闘を行ったという「巌流島(船島)」がある。 ここでは毎年5月に行われる「しものせき海峡まつり」のイベントの一環で決闘の再現も行っている。 人気の観光スポット山口県には家族で楽しめるレジャー施設もある 家族で山口県に旅行をする際におすすめのレジャー施設が「ときわ公園」だ。 この施設は、東京ドーム40個分の広大な公園であり、園内では日本の四季に合わせた色鮮やかな花々に囲まれ自然を満喫することができる。 また園内には動物園、遊園地、植物園が併設されているので子どもと一緒に楽しむことができるのも魅力的だ。 その他にも彫刻広場や「石炭記念館」などの大人だけでも楽しめる施設もあるので、山口県で旅先に迷ったら「ときわ公園」に行けば楽しめること間違いなし。 人気の観光スポット山口県のグルメといえば「ふく料理」 山口県でも最も有名なグルメと言えば「ふく料理」だろう。 山口県下関市で取れたフグを使った料理は、刺し身で食べられることが多く、一度食べたら忘れられない食感が特徴的だ。 山口県に来たらぜひとも地酒とともに食したい一品である。 また山口県下関市発祥の「瓦そば」は、熱した瓦の上に茶そばを盛り付ける特徴的な料理で、最近ではインスタ映えすると話題になった。 その他にも山口県岩国市周辺で作られている「岩国寿司」は、地元の美味しい食材を使った郷土料理だ。 地元の人々はお祝いの席などで食べることが多く、豪華絢爛な美しい見た目は観光客にも人気である。 人気の観光スポット山口県のお土産には「萩焼」がおすすめ 山口県は産業革命・明治維新とともに発展した地域であり、現在でも当時の痕跡が色濃く残っている。歴史深い文化も多く見られる。 山口県萩市一帯で作られている伝統工芸「萩焼」は、お茶を嗜む者ならだれでも知っているほど有名な陶器である。 素朴な日本らしい雰囲気でありながら、お茶に映える鮮やかな色の茶碗は、現在でも多くの愛用者が居るほどだ。 山口県に旅行に行った際には、「萩焼」をお土産に選んでみてはいかがだろうか。 喜ばれること間違いなしだ。 人気の観光スポット山口県紹介まとめ 山口県は飛行機を使った空路、新幹線や高速道路をつかった陸路、フェリーを使った海路などさまざまな手段で日本中どこからも観光に訪れることができる。 関西や九州に住んでいる方々なら車で日帰り旅行も視野に入るほどアクセスしやすいので、ぜひ山口県へ観光に訪れてみてはいかがだろうか。 -
Video article 8:08
Tempura, One of the Most Popular Japanese Foods Around the World! What Does the Owner of Seiju, a High-Class Restaurant in Tsukiji, Tokyo, Have to Say About His Cuisine?
Food & Drink- 56 plays
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ミシュランの星を獲得した高級和食の名店「清壽」をご紹介! 「ANA Global Channel」が制作した、IS JAPAN COOL? WASHOKUシリーズの天ぷら編「TEMPURA - IS JAPAN COOL? WASHOKU - 和食 (天婦羅)」です。 このシリーズでは天ぷらのほか、寿司、蕎麦、おでんなどの和食が紹介されています。 この動画で紹介されている清壽(せいじゅ)は、ミシュランの星を1つ獲得したことで話題になったお店です。 東京都晴海通り沿い、築地本願寺の袂にあるビルの地下にあります。 エレベーターで地下一階に下りると、外の喧騒からは想像できないほどのモダンで静かな空間が現れます。 店内に入ると、清潔感のある白木のカウンターがL字に配置され高級感溢れる雰囲気が広がっています。 「清壽」の店主、清水良晃さんのこだわり 清壽の店主である清水良晃氏は、2008年に日本最大の魚河岸である築地に店を構えました。 胡麻好きが高じて胡麻油に興味を持ち、最終的に太白胡麻油100%で揚げる天ぷら屋の店主になったという異色の経歴の持ち主です。 そのため具材や衣はもちろん、揚げ油の種類にも並々ならぬ信念を持ち、鮮度を保つために1組ごとに新しい油に交換するこだわりよう。 胡麻油の旨みを含んだ見事な江戸前天ぷらからは、手間を惜しまない店主の職人技と油の温度等コンディションに対する細やかな気遣いが伝わってきます。 契約農家から直接買い付けた厳選野菜をはじめ、毎日築地から仕入れる良質な旬菜旬魚が衣を纏い、天ぷら鍋のなかでリズミカルで爽快な音を奏でていく様子は一見の価値あり。 メニューはお任せコースのみ!日本の四季を旬の具材で楽しもう! 江戸前の天ぷらがいただける清壽では、メニューはお任せコースのみ。 具材のポテンシャルを引き出した衣の薄い上品な天ぷらは、口当たりがサクサク、あっさりとしています。 季節や産地にこだわった材料の味をダイレクトに堪能できるのは至福のひと時です。 旬の具材から日本の四季が堪能できるので、シーズンごとに通いたくなることでしょう。 和食料理店なのにソムリエが!?こだわり天ぷら「清壽」のまとめ 実は清壽の店主は、英語も堪能。 和食を求める海外からのお客様にも喜んでもらえる天ぷら屋さんです。 また、天ぷらに限らず和食にはビールや冷酒が定番ですが、清壽ではワインの品揃えも充実しています。 揚げ手の主人のほかソムリエが常駐している天ぷら屋は他にはなかなかありません。 日本が誇る天ぷら料理の名店・清壽で、冷えた白ワイン片手にさらりと揚がった江戸前天ぷらを堪能してみませんか。 -
Video article 1:06
Experience an Exciting Glamping Trip in Oita, Japan! Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi's Luxury Camping Experience Is Like Staying at a Resort Hotel!
Action & Adventure- 11 plays
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Japan's Popular 'Glamping' Glamping has become increasingly popular in Japan since around 2020. When it comes to camping, there's a lot of preparation required; you prepare a tent, sleeping bag, cooking utensils, and other luggage, load them into a car, and head out to the location hoping you didn't forget anything. Cooking is also a popular activity enjoyed when camping, and is one of the best parts of the experience. Glamping facilities, with their full range of services, are attracting attention from people who want to get away from their daily routine and enjoy nature, but want to do so in a more casual and luxurious way than camping. Video Introduction In this article, we'll introduce "Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi" (湯布院温泉郷グランピングCOMOREBI), a video uploaded by "COMOREBI Glamping" (COMOREBIグランピング). Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi is a popular accommodation where visitors can enjoy nature while also receiving hotel-like hospitality. If you're looking to enjoy the famous hot springs of Oita, consider checking out Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi as well. Glamping – A Luxurious Camping Experience Photo:Glamping Glamping, which has been attracting a lot of attention in recent years, is a combination of the words "glamorous" and "camping," which, as these words suggest, refers to a glamorous camping experience. Glamping is truly a dream-like, luxury camping experience, where beds, bathrooms, and amenities are pre-prepared, and you can spend your time in luxury and comfort in the midst of Mother Nature's majestic beauty. Some glamping facilities offer cottages and trailer houses with showers, toilets, and even kitchens for outdoor cooking. Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi Source :YouTube screenshot Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi, featured in the video, is one of the largest glamping spots in Japan's Kyushu region. There are four types of tent styles offered at the campground: oval and dome tents, LOTUS BELLE tents, and "light boxes." The private outdoor-dining spaces are air-conditioned and heated, with impressive Simmons beds and custom-made furniture. There are also tents with hammocks and pet tents exclusively for pets. Enjoy movies, music, or even yoga in the relaxing tents. [Video] 0:34 - Inside the tents Hot Springs and Delicious Meals at Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi Source :YouTube screenshot For dinner at Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi, you can enjoy French-style course meals supervised by Chef Isao Kuroiwa, who trained at a three-star European restaurant. For lunch, there is also a camp cooking plan that includes barbecue. The mildly alkaline simple hot spring "Bijin-no-yu" (美人の湯, lit. "Spring of Beauty") is rich in moisturizing components, is effective at whitening and beautifying the skin, and features a high content of metasilicic acid. [Video] 0:25 - Bijin-no-yu Day Trips and Other Ways to Enjoy Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi Source :YouTube screenshot Enjoy doing yoga in the morning sun, enjoying a drink under the stars, or taking a nap in a hammock. Doing nothing and simply letting go while taking in the surrounding nature is another way to enjoy oneself. Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi offers both overnight stays and inexpensive one-day plans, so be sure to take advantage of these as well. Summary of Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi Yufuin Onsen Glamping Comorebi, introduced in the video, is a great option for those looking to enjoy nature and outdoor cooking, but don't want to deal with the trouble of packing everything like you would for regular camping.... The appeal is that you don't need camping gear or even equipment for an overnight stay. Experience a new type of luxury camping where you can enjoy nature and receive resort hotel-like services! -
Video article 3:56
Nunobashi Kanjoe - This Purification Ceremony in Tateyama, Toyama, Is a Sacred Tradition Full Of History. Dressed in White, The Solemn and Splendid Appearance of the Priests Respects the Ancient Traditions of Japan
Traditional Culture- 174 plays
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Understanding Nunobashi Kanjoe, a Traditional Purification Ceremony in Toyama This video, titled "Japan UNESCO Future Heritage|Nunobashi Kanjoe Purification Ceremony (Long version), Tateyama Town, Japan" released by the "Official Channel of Tateyama Town, Toyama Prefecture" (日本ユネスコ未来遺産 布橋灌頂会(富山県立山町)Nunobashi Kanjoe Purification Ceremony (Long version) Tateyama Town, Japan). It introduces Nunobashi Kanjoe, a traditional purification ceremony in Tateyama, Toyama. Nunobashi Kanjoe is a traditional ceremony that has been handed down for many years at Ashikuraji Temple in Tateyama, Toyama, in Japan's Tokai Region (東海地方, Tokai-Chiho). This article features a closer look at Nunobashi Kanjoe, a traditional Japanese ceremony that has been registered as a UNESCO Heritage for the Future. The History of Nunobashi Kanjoe, a Purification Ceremony in Tateyama, Toyama Source :YouTube screenshot Tateyama, a well-known sight in Toyama Prefecture, is counted as one of the three most sacred mountains in Japan. It has been worshipped as a spiritual mountain since ancient times. Entry to Tateyama was originally forbidden to females, and women were not allowed to climb the mountain during the Edo period (1603-1868 A.D.). It is believed that the origin of Nunobashi Kanjoe was when these female believers crossed a bridge called Nunobashi over the Ubadou River (姥堂川, Ubadou-Gawa) in Tateyama, praying to be accepted into paradise. A Closer Look at Nunobashi Kanjoe, a Purification Ceremony in Tateyama, Toyama Source :YouTube screenshot Nunobashi Kanjoe includes the ceremony in which women dressed entirely in white enter the dimly lit Enmado-Hall and perform sutra reading to pray for entry to paradise. This performance is shown at 2:41 in the video. Nunobashi Kanjoe has been actively practiced since the Edo period, but was once abolished due to the abolition of Buddhism during the Meiji period (1868-1912 A.D.), and only recently revived in the Heisei period (1989-2019 A.D.). Nunobashi Kanjoe is now held only once every three years, so nowadays, it is a sacred ritual that can rarely be seen. Nunobashi Kanjoe was registered as a "Heritage for the Future" by UNESCO Japan in 2012, in recognition of its historical and valuable rituals. Sightseeing Around the Tateyama Area in Toyama Photo:Toyama Prefecture, Tateyama Museum of Toyama Yobokan The Toyama Prefectural Tateyama Museum, located at the site where Nunobashi Kanjoe is held, offers a video hall to learn the history of Tateyama and the rituals of Nunobashi Kanjoe. When sightseeing in Tateyama, Toyama, you should definitely check out the events in the surrounding areas. There is a popular theme park called "Mandara Amusement Park" in the Tateyama Museum as well. It's said that the theme park was created in the image of hell... Consider stopping by to check it out. Summary of Nunobashi Kanjoe, A Traditional Ceremony in Tateyama, Toyama Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see in the video, Nunobashi Kanjoe, a traditional ceremony in the Tateyama area of Toyama Prefecture, is a sacred ritual that has passed down traditional Japanese culture to the present day. When visiting the Tateyama area in Toyama, enjoy experiencing the ethereal world at the Tateyama Museum, where you can find a rich collection of materials related to Nunobashi Kanjoe. -
Video article 7:47
CB or OD? Gas Canisters for Camping in Japan: Which Gas Canister Is Right for You?
Action & Adventure- 39 plays
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Camping and Gas Canisters in Japan Japan is experiencing an unprecedented camping boom. Its popularity is increasing year after year. There are two types of gas cans used for camping in Japan: "OD cans," short for "OutDoor Cans," and "CB cans" (Cassette Bombe Cans), which are used in at home. In Japan, "CB cans" are inexpensive and easily obtainable, but in some cases, "OD cans" are better for camping. In this article, we'll take a look at the different gas canisters used for camping in Japan. Video Introduction Source :YouTube screenshot This video, titled "[Gas] the Difference Between CB Cans and OD Cans. Which Is Better for Camping and How to Use Them Properly" (【ガス】CB缶とOD缶の違いについて キャンプでは結局どっちがいいのか?使い分けのポイントについて解説), was uploaded by "Sports Authority" (スポーツオーソリティ). Japan's Different Types of Gas Canisters In this video, a specialist in outdoor equipment explains Japan's gas canisters in detail. Gas canisters are necessary for using gas burners, cassette stoves, and lighting lanterns when camping and enjoying other outdoor activities in Japan. However, because there are different types, you might be confused about which one is best for you. If you choose the wrong canister when venturing outdoors, you may not be able to start a fire. This time, we'll introduce Japan's gas canisters so that anyone, from beginners to experienced campers, can experience camping in Japan with ease. Learn the differences and be prepared for camping! The Difference Between CB and OD Gas Canisters Photo:An OD can gas canister CB cans are vertical cassette cylinders used not only for camping but also for gas stoves in many homes in Japan. They are generally inexpensive and can be purchased at convenience stores and 100-yen stores, making them easy to obtain and use. The two main components are butane and isobutane. There are also CB cans that contain propane gas, but these are far less common. OD cans, on the other hand, are round, stout, and are made with containers that can withstand pressure. Available at specialty stores and home centers across Japan, they are more expensive than CB cans and contain 30 to 35% propane gas. The canisters themselves are also thicker and feature a strong, stable output that is resistant to cold. The Components of Gas Canisters and Their Boiling Points Photo:A gas stove Butane, isobutane, and propane have different boiling points. The boiling point of butane is around 0°C, isobutane is around -10°C, and propane is around -40°C. This means that propane gas is the most resistant to cold. [Video] 3:00 - Boiling point of liquid gases As the liquid gas vaporizes, it takes heat from its surroundings, so the gas canister gets colder as it is used. Therefore, even outside of extremely cold weather, it's possible that a gas can will become cold and unusable while in use. Even in the spring and fall, depending on the time of day and location, the outside temperature can drop below 10℃. In such cases, it's a good idea to have an OD can that can withstand the cold. When camping in Japan, you'll probably make fewer mistakes if you purchase not only inexpensive CB cans but also OD cans with stronger output just in case. How to Properly Dispose of Gas Canisters in Japan Photo:Disposing of gas canisters When disposing of gas canisters in Japan it's important to empty the contents of the containers before discarding them. Hold the can and shake it to see if it makes any noise. If the OD can has a cap that can be used to vent the gas, use it to make a hole in the can, or if not, use specialized items available at stores to vent the gas. That being said, some municipalities in Japan recommend not opening holes in gas canisters, so be sure to dispose of them correctly according to guidelines prescribed by the local government. Summary of Gas Canisters for Camping in Japan Most people tend to focus on the inexpensive CB cans, but hopefully this has helped you understand the differences and merits between CB and OD cans. The expert in the video listens to customer questions and feedback as well, so you know they're looking out for the best interests of the customer. If you're particular about how you want your food cooked when camping then output is especially important. Be sure to do your research when deciding which gas canisters to buy. -
Video article 11:16
Enjoy the Beautiful Melodies of Jazz Pianist Hiromi Uehara! Her Beautiful, Heart-Stirring Jazz Creates a Whirlwind of Excitement Around the World!
Japanese Celebrities Entertainment & Music- 93 plays
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Jazz Pianist Hiromi Uehara This video, titled "Hiromi Uehara・The Trio Project feat. Anthony Jackson & Simon Phillips" is a YouTube video introducing jazz pianist Hiromi Uehara's latest work "MOVE," released in 2012. First, let's check out the video, released by Universal Music Japan, to see the trio's incredible performance! Jazz Pianist Hiromi Uehara Source :YouTube screenshot Hiromi Uehara is a jazz pianist born in Shizuoka, Japan and currently resides in the United States. Hiromi Uehara is a jazz pianist born in Shizuoka who currently resides in the United States. She was born on March 26, 1979. In Japan she just goes by "Hiromi." In 2007, she married designer Yasuhiro Mihara. The Music of Jazz Pianist Hiromi Uehara Source :YouTube screenshot Hiromi Uehara started playing the piano when she was a kid and has been successful in many Yamaha competitions. Hiromi Uehara has been playing jazz since she was eight years old, and after moving to the United States, she graduated at the top of her class at the Berklee College of Music with a degree in jazz composition. After making her international debut as a jazz pianist in 2003, she has been touring the world and giving concerts that have taken the jazz world by storm. What's Hiromi Uehara up to These Days? Source :YouTube screenshot Jazz pianist Hiromi Uehara has performed at many venues in Japan, including Kanazawa and Okinawa. She has also collaborated with Akiko Yano and performed with the Japanese music unit "Rexi." Her activities were also featured on the TV show "Jonetsu Tairiku." In 2020, she performed a solo rendition of "Sukiyaki " on Instagram, attracting a lot of attention. Summary of Jazz Pianist Hiromi Uehara Source :YouTube screenshot This video shows the amazing quality of Hiromi Uehara's jazz performances, so you can relax and enjoy the sounds. At the end of her intoxicatingly powerful performance, the audience gave him a standing ovation. This is shown at 11:01 in the video. If this article about Hiromi Uehara has you interested in her music, consider checking out her single "Kaleidoscope" or her piano album "Spectrum." If you want to experience one of her performances, be sure to do some research and find yourself a ticket! 【Official Homepage】Hiromi Uehara Official Site https://www.hiromiuehara.com/s/y01/?ima=0000 -
Video article 10:31
How to Clean and Dry a Tent After Camping in the Rain! Useful Tips and Appliances for Camping in Japan!
Action & Adventure- 20 plays
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Enjoy Camping Even During Japan's Rainy Season Japan has four distinct seasons, each of which has its own variety of natural beauty to enjoy, such as cherry blossoms and autumn leaves. However, after spring comes the rainy season, otherwise known in Japanese as "tsuyu." Camping is experiencing a big boom in Japan right now, and so, in this article, we'll introduce how to clean up when it rains during a camping trip. Video Introduction: How to Clean Up After Camping in the Rain and Useful Appliances Photo:Camping in the rain This video, titled "How to Clean Up After Camping in the Rain and Useful Appliances" (雨キャンプ後のテント片付けと、便利な物を紹介), was uploaded by "HIRO channel," a channel focused on introducing various camping-related videos. Have any of you ever had the experience of being rained out during a camping trip? Tents are already a pain to pack up and clean, but this is especially true if it rains when camping. Mud and dirt get stuck to your tent and other equipment making it a hassle to clean. Perhaps you don't even want to try camping in the rain because of how difficult it may seem. Well, this video will show you how to easily clean up your tent and tarps after camping in the rain, as well as some useful tips to make cleaning your camping gear easier. Be sure to check out this quick 10-minute video to learn how to easily clean up and maintain your tents and other equipment. What to Do When It Rains While Camping Photo:A campground In Japan where it's said to rain on average about once every three days, it's not uncommon that the weather turns to rain on the day you're going camping. Thus, although not mentioned in the video, we'll first introduce a few measures to take when camping in the rain. First, when camping in the rain, be careful where you set your tent up. Avoid camping near rivers and set up your tent on gravel or other areas with good drainage. Next, when setting up your tent, hang the tarp first, then the tent. This creates a space to keep out the rain and makes the process go more smoothly. If it's raining when you're packing up to leave, we recommend putting the tarp away last. In addition, to combat the rain, tents and tarps should be coated with a water repellent to keep rainwater off them, which will make your job easier when it comes time to take them down. Finally, place a sheet under the tent to combat the rain. This will prevent water and dirt from getting into your tent and make cleanup easier. Knowing the above measures will help you safely enjoy a camping trip even in the rain. Pack It in a Dry Bag and Head Home Source :YouTube screenshot Cleaning up a tent after camping in the rain can be very difficult. It can be especially difficult to take home a tent that is covered in dirt or sopping wet. That being said, if your tent or tarp is large and you have a lot of stuff, pack it wet in dry bag, such as the "Coleman 110L Dry Bag." The large capacity makes it very convenient, especially when compared to carrying several smaller garbage bags made of thicker material. Rinse With Water After You Get Home When you arrive home, first wash your tent or tarp with water. The dirt will be even harder to remove once it dries, so it's important to wash it before the dirt has a chance to dry. After washing off the dirt, hang the tent outside in a covered area, such as under the eaves of your roof or on a balcony, or inside in a bathroom. Dry in the Sun or With Convenient Appliances Source :YouTube screenshot Once water is no longer dripping from the tent/tarp, allow it to dry. Make sure to dry it thoroughly, as, if not properly dried, mold can start to grow. As for drying, if the weather is good, dry it in the sun. If it's difficult to dry in the sun due to rain, a clothes dryer or futon dryer can be used. If you put a washed tent or other items in a drying bag, a tent will dry in about 4 hours. If you place a sheet or mat on or under the bag, you can kill two birds with one stone by drying them together. Even if not directly wet from the rain, sleeping bags and other items may be damp as well, so we recommend that you dry them in a bag made for drying bedding. This is a really handy trick for cleaning up after a rainy camping trip. And That's How You Handle Camping in the Rain As shown in the video, the first thing to do when you finished camping during a rainy camping trip is to quickly bring back the we gear and dry them thoroughly after rinsing them with water. In addition, if you make use of some convenient household appliances, cleaning up after a rainy camping trip will be a breeze. If you've had a bad experience camping in the rain and felt discouraged from going camping because of the cleanup, consider trying these methods to help make your camping trip one to remember! "HIRO channel" uploads a variety of videos. You can enjoy various camping videos, including introductions of camping gear, camping videos showing different areas, camping cooking videos, and more. Be sure to check them out! -
Video article 6:05
Three Essential Rope Knots for Camping and the Outdoors! Two Half-Hitches, Taut-Line Hitch, and the Bowline Knot; Easy Knots for Beginner Campers and Outdoor Enthusiasts!
Action & Adventure- 21 plays
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Must-Know Knots for Campers Japan's camping boom has led to an increase in the number of people who have just started camping or are looking to get into camping. In this article, we'll introduce three useful knots for beginner campers, so anyone new to camping can familiarize them with knots, which are essential for setting up tents and tarps and a variety of other tasks. Video Introduction This video, titled "[Super Convenient] 3 Useful Rope Knots for Camping [Two Half-Hitches, Taut-Line Hitch, Bowline Knot]" (【超便利】キャンプで役立つロープの結び方3選【ツーハーフヒッチ・自在結び・もやい結び】), was uploaded by "MotoCamp" (MotoCamp【モトキャンプ】). Useful Knots for Camping and Other Outdoor Activities and How to Tie Them Photo:A knot Knots are incredibly useful for camping and outdoor activities. They can be used to secure tents to stakes or even hang a tarp. Furthermore, ropes are also very useful for hanging small camping equipment and drying dishes. However, if you just have a rope and don't actually learn how to tie knots, the rope is nothing more than a piece of rope. Therefore, learning how to tie knots is an important component of a comfortable camping trip or outdoor experience. Unfortunately, learning how to tie knots can be a bit challenging for beginners. Therefore, in this article, we'll introduce three practical knots that even beginners can learn. They're useful for camping and outdoor activities, so take this opportunity to learn them! How to Tie a Two-Half Hitch Source :YouTube screenshot The first knot we'll learn is the "Two-Half Hitch." [Video] 0:20 - Two Half Hitch This knot has three features: ・It's easy to tie ・It's relatively tight ・Useful for setting up tarps Now, let's take a look at how to tie it. Be sure to follow along with the video to see an actual demonstration of how each knot is tied. 1. Take the short end of the rope and pass it under the long end and then pull the short end through the loop it creates. 2. Do the exact same thing directly below the first loop and then pull the short end of the rope upwards towards to first knot to tighten it. 3. Pull the long end of the rope tight and you're done! The rope will now be securely fastened to the post. It's easy to untie this knot, so be sure to try it a few times to make sure you've got the hang of it. How to Tie a Taut-Line Hitch Source :YouTube screenshot The second knot we'll talk about is the "Taut-Line Hitch." [Video] 1:24 - Taut-Line Hitch The features of this knot are as follows: ・The length of the rope can be easily adjusted. ・Convenient for securing stakes when setting up a tent. Now let's take a look at how you tie a Taut-Line Hitch. 1. Once again, take the short end of the rope and pass it under the long end and then pull the short end through the loop it creates. 2. Again, just like the Two-Half Hitch, do the same thing below the first knot, except this time create some distance between the first and second knots. 3. Then, pass the shorter rope through the loop created between the two knots once more. 4. Tie another knot below the second knot. Finally, tighten the rope and you're done. The rope doesn't wiggle when pulled, but the length can be adjusted by holding above the knot and pulling. How to Tie a Bowline Knot Source :YouTube screenshot The final knot we'll go over is the "Bowline Knot." [Video] 3:59 - Bowline Knot The perks of this knot are: ・It's tight ・Convenient for securing ropes It takes some practice, but it is one of the most important and basic knots, and is essential for enjoying outdoor activities and camping. With that out of the way, let's learn how to tie a Bowline Knot. 1. Make a loop with the longer rope. 2. Below that loop, pinch the rope together and pass it through the loop you just made from the top. 3. Pass the end of the shorter rope through the loop sticking out of the other loop from underneath. 4. Pull the short long end away from the short end to form a knot. This secures the knot and completes the Bowline Knot, which will not budge in the slightest. This knot is also called the "King of Knots." Because of its strength, this knot is frequently used not only for camping and outdoor activities, but also for mountain climbing, loading trucks, and even on construction sites. If you're employed in a field that uses knots, the Bowline Knot can be incredibly useful. Summary of Essential Knots for Beginner-Level Outdoor Enthusiasts Photo:Guy lines There are many more knots than this. If you're serious about camping, mountain climbing, or any other outdoor activities, learning how to tie knots is important. If you can learn how to tie knots, you'll be able to set up tarps, tents, and hammocks using trees and rocks even in places where the ground is too hard for stakes. Knots can also be used to secure yourself to something in the event of a natural disaster, or to carry an injured or sick person to safety. Finally, here are a few more important knots you can look up. ・The Figure-Eight Knot: A knot that won't come undone even if it's caught on something. ・The Clove Hitch: A knot that acts as a stopper when your rope is not long enough. ・The Butterfly Knot (Butterfly Loop): Convenient and practical for hanging something or for drying clothes. ・The Trucker's Hitch: which can be more strongly secured by tying a double knot. All of these knots are useful for camping and outdoor activities. If you try to learn too many at once, it may be difficult to remember how to tie them. We recommend by starting with the three knots shown in the video so that you can use them immediately in camping and outdoor situations. They may come in handy in unexpected situations! -
Video article 1:33
The Romantic Rainbow-Colored Sea of Clouds in the Chichibu Area of Saitama Prefecture. Here's What To Look for in Chichibu, Plus Some of the Best Sea-Cloud Spots in Japan!
Travel- 279 plays
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The Chichibu Sea of Clouds This video, titled "Chichibu Sea of Clouds/Time Lapse Video(4K-ProRes)2016.11.21" (秩父雲海 / Sea of Clouds - JAPNA タイムラプス動画 (4K-ProRes) 2016.11.21), was released by HASHIZUKA DESIGN STUDIO. The sea of clouds is a mysterious phenomenon in which a thick fog is generated near the surface of the earth, creating what looks like a sea of clouds when viewed from a high altitude. In Japan, Takeda Castle in Hyogo prefecture and Hoshino Resorts Tomamu in Hokkaido are famous for this, but did you know that this phenomenon also occurs in Chichibu, Saitama, a place close to Tokyo? This video introduces a colorful night view and the wondrous scenery of the sea of clouds in Chichibu city in 1 minute and 30 seconds. The beauty of Chichibu's sea of clouds is beyond imagination! Get ready to have everything you thought you knew about the beauty of nature thrown out the window! The Chichibu Sea of Clouds - Popularity, Forecasts, and the Conditions To See It Photo:Chichibu sea of clouds The Chichibu sea of clouds, which can be seen in Saitama Prefecture, is rapidly increasing in its popularity online. It's in a good location, about 90 minutes from Tokyo, and has become widely talked about for its amazing night views popular among instagrammers. It's so popular that, in recent years, tours with the theme "Sea of Clouds" are being held as well. As you can see from 0:32 in the video, what makes Chichibu's Sea of Clouds special is that the fog fills the Chichibu basin, covering the city. The lights of the factories and residential areas in the city of Chichibu, gives a faint color to the sea of clouds, creating a fantastic view. The conditions for seeing the Chichibu sea of clouds are as follows. ◇Season: Spring and Autumn - High probability in April and November ◇Time: Dawn-Early morning ◇Weather: If it was raining (or snowing) the day before, and sunny on the day of ◇Wind speed: If wind speed is 1m (~2.2 mph) or less and very weak ◇Humidity: If the humidity is very high, around 100% With these conditions in mind, it's extremely difficult to stare at the weather forecast and information sites of Saitama Prefecture hoping for the day to finally come. If you still want to witness some of the best moments of the Chichibu Sea of Clouds, we recommend the sea of clouds forecast on Twitter. They transmit the probability of the sea of clouds occurring in Chichibu and are proud of their reliable accuracy rate. In addition, you can check the current state of the sea of clouds with the "Chichibu Sea of Clouds Live Camera," so you see the beautiful sea of clouds whenever it occurs. That being said, nothing beats actually experiencing the Chichibu Sea of Clouds in person. In the next paragraph, we'll introduce some recommended viewing locations. Chichibu Muse Park - Stay Overnight and Enjoy the Sea of Clouds! Photo:Chichibu Muse Park Chichibu Muse Park is the best place for those looking to see the Chichibu Sea of Clouds. Chichibu Muse Park is a park managed by Saitama Prefecture and the Chichibu Municipal Government and is a popular tourist destination that is also known for firefly viewing. There are two observatories in the park, the "Observatory" and "The Hill of Departure." The video was taken from the observatory in Chichibu Muse Park at an altitude of 363m. The H-shaped structure that can be seen from 0:52 is Chichibu Bridge. The view of it sinking into the clouds and the upper part of the main tower peeking into the sky is magical. In the distance, there's Mt. Buko and the observatory faces east, so you can also see the sunrise as well. The early morning hours in November, when the sea of clouds is at its peak, can be crowded, but if you stay at the PICA Chichibu lodging facility in the park, you should have no problem seeing it. Here, you can enjoy the Chichibu Sea of Clouds while camping under the starry sky. There's free parking and it's only 20 minutes from Seibu Chichibu Station. Transportation access is also very convenient. Summary of the Chichibu Sea of Clouds Photo:Chichibu Sea of Clouds Here we introduced the Chichibu Sea of Clouds, the conditions for it to occur, recommended viewing locations, and more! In the city of Chichibu, you can also see the Chichibu Sea of Clouds at Minoyama Park, which is one of the best night views in Japan, as well as Hitsujiyama Park, from which you can enjoy the view from the same height as the sea of clouds. You can also see the sea of clouds from Mitsumine Shrine, a known power spot. Every place for viewing the Chichibu Sea of Clouds has its own charm, but night view of Chichibu Muse Park, shown in the video, is absolutely breathtaking. Be sure to check out the video to see a serene view of Chichibu's sea of clouds. 【Official Website】Amazing views! Chichibu Sea of Clouds (Sea of Clouds Camera) - Chichibu Visitor's Guide https://navi.city.chichibu.lg.jp/travel/ -
Video article 2:31
A Look at Japan 100 Years Ago - See How Ordinary People Lived Through These Priceless Historical Photos That Teach Us About the Lifestyles of Ordinary People During the Taisho Period and World War I!
History- 5.65K plays
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The Lives of Ordinary People in the Taisho Era! This video, “1914-1918 (Taisho 3-7) the life of the common people and "Akatonbo"(1914~1918(大正3年~大正7年)庶民の暮らしと「赤とんぼ」)”, shows how Japanese people lived during the Taisho era. The photo was taken by the American salesman, Elstner Hilton. The song used in the video is "Akatombo," a famous Japanese nursery rhyme written by Miki Rofu, and composed by Kosaku Yamada. Before the war and during the First World War, the photographic techniques were not very well developed, so these photos are quite invaluable. Please enjoy the life of Japanese people that has been passed down to the present day through about 2.5 minutes of video. What Was the Taisho Period Like? Source :YouTube screenshot The Taisho era was about 100 years ago, during the reign of Emperor Taisho from July 30, 1912 to December 25, 1926. During this period in Japan, after the Meiji Restoration, "Taisho democracy" aimed for the development of democracy. Also, World War I occurred during the Taisho era. The Taisho era is a short period of only 15 years, but it is also an indispensable period for talking about modern Japanese history. The Clothes, Food, and Lifestyles of the Common People in the Taisho Era Source :YouTube screenshot Clothes fashion appeared in the Taisho era, but many people still wore kimonos. At 1:16 in the video, a woman washing a kimono in the river is also shown. As you can see in the pictures, men usually have short hair and women generally have one hairstyle. At 0:28 in the video, there is also a figure of an easy-going fortune-teller on the roadside. At 0:35, a man knitting a basket of traditional handicrafts is photographed, and at 0:44, traditional Japanese daruma making is shot. In addition, the video features a series of photographs that show how people lived in Japan at the time. The hearth shown at 1:08 in the video, was indispensable for the lives and meals of the common people, and helped them survive the harsh winters. Also introduced at 1:56 is a performing arts culture called monkey loops. It was a recreation among ordinary people at the time without TV and internet. Summary of the Life of the Common People in the Taisho Era Source :YouTube screenshot This time, we introduced a video showing photos of life in the Taisho era. You can see how the common people lived at the time from the precious photographs. Many smiling people appear in the photos. In the Taisho era, a war broke out and forced many people into poverty, but even still, their hearts remained rich. -
Video article 10:53
How to Clean Your Camping Gear! Make Your Pitch-Black Kettle Shine Like New!
Life & Business Action & Adventure- 14 plays
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Keeping Your Camping Gear Clean After long periods of being used, cookers and other tools used when camping can get quite dirty. This time, we'll show you how to keep kettles and other cooking utensils that have turned black from direct heat clean. Video Introduction Photo:A burnt mess tin This video, titled "Camping Gear Maintenance by a Solo Male Camper in His 20s Who Camps Every Week" (週一でソロキャンプする20代男子ソロキャンパーによるキャンプ道具のお手入れルーティン), was released by "Japanese campers YURUHARU." It shows how to properly clean your camping gear. After enjoying some delicious cooking in the great outdoors, your cookware will inevitably start to feel some wear. If left as is, it may become unsanitary or break and become unusable. After you're finished camping, it’s important to clean your cookware properly. Cleaning Kettles and Other Camping Gear With Sodium Sesquicarbonate Source :YouTube screenshot Use sodium sesquicarbonate to remove dirt and burnt or dry oil that has stuck to your gear from cooking when camping. Check the instructions and dissolve the sodium sesquicarbonate in hot water. Soak the camping kettle or pyramid grill in the solution for 10 to 30 minutes, then polish it with a sponge. Persistent stains are easier to remove after soaking them in the solution. Once the stains are removed, your gear will be as shiny as clean as a whistle. [Video] 1:17- Cleaning camping gear with sodium sesquicarbonate Use a Polishing Agents for Aluminum, and Scrubbers for Skillets Source :YouTube screenshot Large aluminum mess tins that cannot be cleaned with sodium sesquicarbonate can be cleaned with polish and an abrasive sponge. Grills can be wiped clean and skillets can be cleaned with a scrubber to keep them clean and lasting longer. It's also important to check the batteries in electric lanterns and wipe down gasoline lanterns if you have any. [Video] 4:58 - Polishing with abrasives Caring for Wooden Tables Most noticeable stains can be sanded off using sandpaper. After that, drying oil is applied to complete the maintenance. How to Dry Camping Equipment Photo:Lunch at a campground After washing camping equipment, dry it thoroughly in a well-ventilated place after wiping it dry with an absorbent towel. Tents, sleeping bags, and blankets should also be dried in the shade, and stakes and stake hammers should be lightly cleaned and stored in their cases. Summary of How to Clean Your Camping Gear In this video, we introduced the basics of how to clean your camping gear. Since camping is enjoyed outdoors, weather and other factors can lead to your gear becoming quite dirty. Although it may be a bit tedious to clean, it's a good idea to clean and maintain your equipment after camping so that you can enjoy it comfortably on your next camping trip. The cleaning methods for cookers and other equipment vary depending on the material they're made from, so be sure to perform the appropriate maintenance according to the material, be it aluminum, titanium, etc. Camping gear is an important part of camping and so it's important to take care of it so that it can be used for a long time. -
Video article 24:49
Introducing 5 LED Lanterns, a Must-Have for Any Avid Campers! The Best Models for Outdoor Activities and Emergency Situations!
Action & Adventure Life & Business- 12 plays
- YouTube
About the Video on LED Lanterns and Other Camping Equipment! This video, titled “5 LED Lanterns Recommended for Solo Camping. Brightness Tests Included [Camping Gear]” (ソロキャンプにおすすめLEDランタン5選、明るさ実験してみました【キャンプギア】) was released by “CAMP HACK.” It introduces 5 different LED lanterns, an indispensable piece of equipment for any camper, along with brightness comparisons and their various uses. The video introduces various sizes of products such as Goal Zero, Beszing LED Lantern, GENTOS LED Lantern, FIELDOOR LED Lantern, and the WAQ LED Lantern. LED lanterns can be used not only for camping but also in emergency situations, so it is a good idea to keep one at home. A Closer Look at the LED Camping Lanterns Shown in the Video! Photo:An LED lantern LED (light-emitting diode) lanterns do not use gas and can have their batteries replaced easily, so there is no need to worry about knocking them over and starting a fire. In addition to the standard models, the video also introduces antique style and small, high-spec, ultra-lightweight LED lanterns. The one introduced at 4:52 in the video is the Beszing LED lantern, a product highly rated on Amazon. The Brightness of the Various LED Camping Lanterns Introduced in the Video Photo:An LED light The key to choosing an LED lantern is to look at the lumens, which represent the amount of light, and choose one based on its brightness. High-lumen types with around 1000 lumens are easy to use. If you’re walking at night, you’ll want an LED lantern with more than 100 lumens, preferably in the 150 to 300 lumen range. If you feel the camping light is too dark, you can use a Sierra cup as a reflector to illuminate the light. Choosing a Camping LED Lantern as Shown in the Video Photo:Camping at night If your LED lantern lasts for at least 7 hours of continuous lighting then that should be plenty. It's also important to check the weight, the amount of hanging light produced, the amount of horizontal light produced, whether the lantern will attract insects, and whether the lantern is dustproof and waterproof. There are LED lanterns that provide bright light via bulb colors, warm colors that are perfect for relaxing with pulsating lighting, as well as cozy and stylish ones. Choose one that suits the situation you want to use it in, whether it be well-designed or inexpensive. Summary of the LED Camping Lanterns If you're going camping, it's essential to have an LED lantern that can be used for extended periods of time and that is safe to use at night. The LED lanterns shown in the video are perfect for main or sub lanterns. Don't forget to prepare rechargeable batteries and mobile chargers, and be fully prepared when venturing outdoors! -
Video article 47:28
Introducing the 7 Best Single Burners for Outdoor Camping! Compact, Versatile and Convenient Gear! Check Out This Video to See the Amazing Performance of These Wind-Resistant Burners!
Action & Adventure- 13 plays
- YouTube
About the Video Showing the Single Burners This video, titled “Seven Single Burners | Comparing Popular Brands | Beginner Friendly | Choose OD Gas or CB Gas,” was uploaded by “solo camp & camp cooking in Japan TANA channe.” The video introduces single burners that can be used for camping or other outdoor activities, while going over how to choose them, as well as how each is used. A single burner is a piece of camping gear that can be used outdoors to boil water, cook camping meals, and more. They're a must for any solo or group camping trip! The Single Burners Recommended in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot The 7 single burners introduced in the video are as follows: ・Soto Shinfuji G'z G-stove STG-10 (Soto Shinfuji G'z G-ストーブSTG-10) (Video ~5:01) ・Soto Regulator Stove ST-310 (Video ~14:06) ・Coleman F-1 Power Stove JCM-S106A (Video ~21:27) ・Primus P-153 Ultra Burner (Video ~25:53) ・Iwatani Primus 2243 BUrner IP-2243PA (Video ~32:23) ・Snow Peak HOME &CAMP Burner Silver GS-600SL (Video ~36:40) ・EVERNEW AL Titan grate for Stove EBY253 (Video ~42:30) Although not listed here, manufacturers such as Iwatani also sell single burners. OD cans (outdoor cans) and CB cans (cassette gas bombe cylinders) can be used as fuel for single burners. Easy-to-Use Single Burners, as Shown in the Video! Photo:A single burner In addition to camping and mountain climbing, single burners can also be used as emergency equipment in times of disaster, typhoons, earthquakes, and other emergencies. Partition or unified single burners can be easily purchased at home centers or outdoor supply stores, and have relatively low running costs. The reason for their popularity is that they have sufficient heat, can be easily used for everything from boiling water to outdoor cooking, and are easy to use and maintain. Uses and Precautions for the Single Burners Shown in the Video Photo:A campground at night Lighters needed to light the burners can be found at supermarkets and convenience stores. Campers may use gas, kerosene, solid fuel burners, alcohol burners, and white gas lanterns for outdoor cooking and light. Also, if you have an igniter cartridge, you don't need a lighter to use it. However, while convenient to use, you need to be careful about fire accidents and gas leaks due to incomplete combustion. Summary of the Single Burner Introduction Video The single burners shown in the video are compact, portable, wind-resistant and very convenient. If you have a griddle and a stove, you can cook some delicious camping food. If you want to enjoy the outdoors to the fullest, then definitely consider picking up a handy single burner like the ones shown in the video! -
Video article 11:55
Compact Cookware and Dishes for Family Camping! Recommended Cutlery, Cookers, and More!
Action & Adventure Life & Business- 14 plays
- YouTube
Introducing Dinnerware and Cutlery for Families Who Love to Camp While leisure and other activities are limited due to the Corona pandemic, camping, which can be enjoyed outdoors, has become very popular in Japan. Here we'll introduce camping accessories that family campers have found useful. Check out these compact items and how to neatly store them. Video Introduction This video, titled "Introducing Family Camping Dishes, Cutlery, and Cookers!" (Introduce items such as family camp dishes, cutlery and cooker!) was uploaded by "Pahta / Camp." It introduces recommended dinnerware, cutlery, cookers, and other camping items for family camping that can fit in a Seattle Sports Frost Pak Soft Cooler! The video introduces cutlery and dinnerware sets for a family of four, including two children and two adults, neatly stored in a soft cooler. This video is recommended for beginners as it explains the appeal of each camping item, what to look for, design features, and materials. The way they're stored is also very helpful. Be sure to check it out in the video! Storing Camping Dinnerware and Cutlery Neatly and Compactly Source :YouTube screenshot The video begins with the opening of a SEATTLE SPORTS Frost Pack 25QT, which stores dinnerware and cutlery, and which is useful for camping with a family. The Seattle Sports Frostpack 25QT is an American-born brand synonymous with soft coolers. When camping solo, you can also take your family's portion of dinnerware and cutlery out of the bag and go camping with less weight. Now, let's take a look at the items introduced in the video. Basic Camping Rice Cooker and Kettle Source :YouTube screenshot Introduced first are bottles for making tea and water, a rice cooker for cooking rice, and a kettle for boiling water. Rice is a staple food in Japan and it's great for cooking when camping as well. Snow Peak, the cookware, can also be used to make soup and rice, and the lid can be used as a frying pan. ・1 liter Nalgene bottle: Used to store water ・UNIFLAME Rice Cooker Mini DX: Used to cook rice ・Trangia Kettle 0.9L (aluminum): Used to boil water ・Snow Peak Trek 1400 (aluminum): Cooking utensils Titanium Dinnerware and Cutlery Photo:Outdoor dinnerware Titanium is a suitable material for dinnerware because of its high heat resistance. If the heat from hot soup or other food is transferred directly to your dinnerware, it can cause burns when eating. In this respect, titanium dinnerware stays relatively cool, allowing you to eat without worrying about being burned by your cutlery. [Video] 2:53 - Introduction of cutlery Cups, cutlery, and other items featured in the video. The first titanium sierra cup that PAHTA (the youtuber) bought is a product that they recommend. It's a simple design, but the handle is designed so that it naturally hooks onto the middle finger when held, making it easy to hold and spill-resistant. ・Snow Peak Titanium Sierra Cup: Used for cooking and as dinnerware ・Snow Peak - Trek Titanium Bowl (discontinued) ・Snow Peak - Trek Titanium Plate (discontinued) ・Coleman - Cooking Tool Box 2: Holds mugs and cutlery ・Snow Peak - Stacking Mug Snow Peak H300: Mugs ・Snow Peak - Titanium Cutlery FS (discontinued): Forks and spoons ・OPINEL - Opinel No. 7 Round Tipped Stainless Steel Knife ・Windmill - Windmill JP Turbo Lighter ・A rice scoop and chop sticks ・MSR ALPINE DX Cutting Board: A small cutting board with stylish colors Titanium dinnerware and cutlery is popular partly because it is lightweight when carried to cleaning stations at camp. Another important feature that makes them popular is that they can be neatly stacked for easy storage. Useful Camping Gear for Drying Dishes Source :YouTube screenshot After eating at camp, it's necessary to clean up afterwards. Here we'll introduce some useful goods for cleaning up. ・Coleman Hanging Dry Net 2: A net for drying dishes outdoors ・Sponge and detergent for cleaning dinnerware ・HOLD & FOLD baby bottle stand (discontinued): used as a portable drying rack Featured in the video is a HOLD&FOLD baby bottle drying rack. After washing dishes, you'll want to dry them, but there are surprisingly few compact dish drying racks. The product shown in the video is a reused baby bottle holder but is compact and convenient. Summary For beginners who are thinking about getting camping equipment, videos and information from advanced campers who have actually used the equipment and are comfortable recommending it are a useful resource. It's important to choose camping equipment that is light, simple, and easy to use, and that can be stored neatly. As shown in the video, storing a family's worth of dinnerware, cutlery, and cookers in sets will decrease the chance that you forget something. Be sure to reference this video for camping information. -
Video article 3:48
Noto, Ishikawa Is a Popular Tourist Destination Overflowing With Beautiful Natural Scenery. If You Long for the Country Life, Noto Is the Place for You!
Local PR- 63 plays
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Noto, Ishikawa - A City of History This video, titled "Noto, Ishikawa Tourism PR Video" (【石川県能登町観光PR】心あばれる), was created by "Noto Town." Noto, Ishikawa, in the Hokuriku region of Japan, is a town with more than 1,300 years of history. It's a small town that boasts the gentle coastline of Uchiura, facing Toyama Bay (富山湾, Toyamawan) and the Mt. Hachibuse (鉢伏, Hachibuseyama), where precious ancient beech forests remain. The town has a long history, prospering from dolphin hunting in the Jomon period (14,00 B.C. to 400 B.C.), and worshipping the god of agriculture and marriage, also known as the god of mountains. Please enjoy the video of the countryside, Noto, where history and culture are still alive today. From Noto to Wajima - Japan's Famous Agricultural Heritage Sites Photo:Ishikawa Prefecture, Shiroyone Senmaida In June 2011, Noto, Ishikawa was registered as a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System (GIAHS). GIAHS is a system under which the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations recognizes areas with globally important traditional agriculture, forestry, and fisheries as a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System. To date, 57 areas in 21 countries have been recognized by the organization. In Japan, there are 11 areas that have been certified. In particular, the Shiroyone Senmaida Rice Terraces of Wajima are attracting attention as one of the most representative terraced rice fields in the Noto region. Sightseeing Spots in Noto Source :YouTube screenshot The video introduces some sightseeing spots in Noto, Ishikawa, where you can see the beautiful natural scenery of Japan. Notoro Trolley is a small railway that runs from Koiji Station to Sogen Tunnel, a distance of about 350 meters. It's shown at 1:05 in the video. From 1:36, you can see “Roadside Station Sakuratoge.” There's also “Salvia Road” with roughly 40,000 salvia plants on a 4 km stretch of road from the roadside station towards Suzu. You can see the bright red salvia in full bloom in the video. At Koiji Beach which can be seen at 2:05, there's the "Happiness Bell" which is said to bring happiness when rung by couples, as well as strange rocks and a torii gate built into the sea. This place is known as “Love Road.” Noto is famous for blueberries and strawberries as well. As shown at 2:21 in the video, you can experience blueberry and strawberry picking as well. At 2:33 a festival in Ishikawa Prefecture is introduced. The Tomobata Festival is designated as an intangible folk cultural asset of Ishikawa Prefecture. There are large flags, five colored streamers and boats with Tairyo-bata moving in formation. At 2:51, we see the Sode-Kiriko and Kozare Festivals, where portable shrines and giant lanterns are paraded through the town, and fireworks are set off at night. From 3:11 in the video, the “Ushitsuno Abare Festival” is introduced. As you can see in the video, the portable shrine is knocked to the ground and thrown down into the river to be purified by the gods. Other festivals in Noto Town, Ishikawa, include the Koiji Fire Festival, the Niwaka Festival, the Shiromaru Hikiyama Festival, and the Yanagida Festival, which excite a lot of people. Other Sightseeing Spots in Noto, Ishikawa Photo:Wajima, morning market There are other sightseeing spots in Noto, Ishikawa, such as 543.6 m tall Mt. Hachibuse, which is the second highest mountain in Okunoto, with a rare ancient beech forest, Torii Shoyu Soy Sauce Shop, built in 1908, which is listed as a Tangible Cultural Property of Japan, Wajima Morning Market, where you can enjoy seafood and fruit from Noto, Mitsukejima, also called Gunkan Island due to the 28 meter tall rock that looks like a battleship ("gunkan" means battleship in Japanese), Chirihama Nagisa Driveway, the only beach in Japan where you can drive on the sandy shore, Ganmon, which is a cave created by the erosion of waves over a long period of time, Notojima Aquarium, where you can see fish that live around Noto, such as whale sharks, Rokkosaki, Tsukumo Bay, Mawaki Archaeology Museum, Mantenboshi, Matsunami Sake brewery, Yanagida Botanical Park, Concert Noto, Mawaki Site, Prefectural Notokenmin Tennis Center, and more! We hope you enjoy these sightseeing spots when you visit Noto! Don’t forget about the food when you visit Noto, either! There are many excellent dishes such as "Noto-don," using plenty of fresh seafood, "Kanazawa curry," which is popular nationwide, "Hanton rice," which is an omelette with fried fish on top, "Kanazawa oden," whose rich broth is to die for, "Komatsu udon," which was praised by Matsuo Basho, "Kaga crab rice," which uses the Kahako crab caught at the local fishing port, "Hakusan hyakusen," which is a healthy set meal, and "Kaga parfait," which is a locally produced sweet. Hotels in Noto, Ishikawa There are hot springs and popular hotels in Ishikawa, such as Wakura Onsen and Lamp no Yado Ryokan. The area around Kanazawa has many luxury hotels and is a great place to stay because of its easy access to tourist spots. One of the lesser-known places to stay is a campground on the coastline. You can enjoy camping under the beautiful night sky. Summary of Noto, Ishikawa Photo:Bentenjima in Koji, Noto-cho, Hōsu District, Ishikawa Prefecture Noto is a popular sightseeing area in Japan. This video, made from the perspective of someone enjoying life in the countryside, introduces various sightseeing spots in Noto, Ishikawa. Which one caught your eye? You can enjoy the ancient history, elegant Japanese tradition and culture of Kagahyakumangoku, the fisheries and agricultural resources nurtured by the ever-changing climate, and beautiful beaches. You can enjoy your own way of life in Noto, “The Home of Your Heart.” 【Official Website】Noto Town Hall https://www.town.noto.lg.jp/www/normal_top.jsp 【Official Website】Noto-cho tour guide - Noto Peninsula | Noto-cho, Ishikawa sightseeing portal site https://notocho.jp.e.ala.hp.transer.com/ -
Video article 8:14
The Nostalgic First-Generation Shinkansen Is Back in Shikoku! Its Adorable Appearance Captures the Hearts of Kids and Old Railroad Fans Alike!
Vehicles- 81 plays
- YouTube
The 0 Series Shinkansen Returns as the World’s Slowest Bullet Train/Railway Hobby Train! The video "[Railway Hobby Train] Debut|Ehime Newspaper," (「鉄道ホビートレイン」デビュー・愛媛新聞), released by "ehimenp," is about the 0 series Shinkansen (The world’s slowest bullet train) running on the JR Shikoku Yodo Line, which stops at Uwajima station and Chikanaga station. This line runs along the Shimanto River. The Shinkansen is Japan's high-speed railway, celebrating its 50th anniversary. The first Shinkansen train to celebrate this anniversary is the 0 series, a car with a cute round nose that everyone has seen at one time or another. The 0 series Shinkansen can be seen at 1:10 in the video. Although the 0 series Shinkansen was retired in 2008, a diesel train car was converted to a 0 series Shinkansen-style train in 2014 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Yodo Line, which runs from Kochi Prefecture to Ehime Prefecture in the Shikoku region. That happens to be the "Railway Hobby Train" introduced in the video. The nicknames of the 0 series shinkansen are Hikari and Kodama. At the time, it attracted a lot of attention in Japan and around the world as a high-speed train that ran at the world's highest speed of 210km/h. Of course, the Railway Hobby Train is a sightseeing train, and since it is a slow-moving diesel train, it cannot achieve such high speeds, but you can enjoy a scenic tour of Shikoku while being gently rocked by the lovely dumpling-nosed cars of the nostalgic 0 series Shinkansen, which look just like the original. The cute Railway Hobby Train can be seen at 0:55 in the video. The Charm of the 0 Series Shinkansen Photo:Railway Hobby Train The Railway Hobby Train is a set of three cars that run on the Yodo Line. In addition to the 0 series Shinkansen train introduced in the video, there is the Shiman Trolley, which can be seen from 6:04 and the Kaiyodo Hobby Train, which can be seen at 6:09. Together with these trains, the three brothers of the Yodo Line are the centerpiece of the regional development. In other words, when we talk about railway hobby trains, we're referring to these three types of trains. Among them, the 0 series hobby train shown in the video is the most popular! Children and Adults Alike Are Excited! the Secrets of the Railway Hobby Train! Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see from 3:06 in the video, the Series 0 Shinkansen Railway Hobby Train has a model display area inside the train, where the very popular Plarail issue is on display, making it a true dream train for train enthusiasts and children. The Series 0 Shinkansen Hobby Train is based on the Kiha 32 series train, and a fully colored version of the popular N gauge product called "Micro Ace" is also available. The 0 series Shinkansen was also featured in the popular children's anime "Shinkansen Transforming Robot Shinkarion," so the 0 series Shinkansen is not only for old fans, but a dream come true for children as well. We recommend checking the operation status of the train on the official JR Shikoku website in advance, as it is expected to be very crowded on the days when the train is running. Summary of the Railway Hobby Train Source :YouTube screenshot There is a museum called Shikoku Railway Cultural Center in Saijo City, Ehime Prefecture. Here, there are 0 series train cars, that actually were once active as shinkansen, on display. In other words, Shikoku is a holy land for railway enthusiasts. The Railway Hobby Train also has a photo corner, but for those who want to take photos of the cute train cars traveling through the magnificent nature of Shikoku, the best place to do so is near the railway bridge on the Yodo Line over the Shimanto river. Don't forget to check the timetable in advance, as Shikoku is often hit by typhoons and operations are cancelled when the weather is bad. Also, the three hobby train brothers are limited to one run per day! Don't miss your chance! 【Tripadvisor】Railway Hobby Train https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g608510-d10758981-Reviews-Tetsudo_Hobby_Train_Yodo_Line_JR_Shikoku-Uwajima_Ehime_Prefecture_Shikoku.html -
Video article 12:11
A Beginner's Guide to Setting Up a Tent. Using the Popular Montbell Stellaridge Tent
Action & Adventure- 36 plays
- YouTube
A Camping Guide for Beginners Japan's camping boom was sparked by the Corona pandemic. Even people who had never been interested in camping before began to show interest in the activity. In this article, an advanced camper carefully demonstrates how to set up a tent for beginner-level campers. Video Introduction This video, titled "Setting Up a Tent for Beginners (Stellaridge) [Sora no Shita]" (初心者のためのテント設営(ステラリッジ)【そらのした】), was uploaded by "Outdoor Gear Rental Sora no Shita" (アウトドアギアレンタルそらのした). Tools Needed to Set Up a Tent Source :YouTube screenshot If you're new to camping or other outdoor activities, let's first review what you'll need to set up your tent. [Video] 0:08 - What you need to set up a tent Below is a list of tools needed to set up a tent. ・Tent ・Tent poles ・Stakes ・Four guy lines ・Flysheet ・Guy line tensioners ・Groundsheet It's important to make sure you have these items before assembling your tent, let alone leaving for camping so you don't get stuck with a half-assembled tent when camping. Assembling the Body of the Tent Source :YouTube screenshot Now, let's look take a look at the steps to set up a tent. 1. stand upwind from the tent and unfold the body of the tent. The trick is to keep the door of the tent as far downwind as possible. [Video] 0:12 - Unfolding the body of the tent. 2. Fasten the poles together. The poles are connected together with bungee cords, so they are easily connected. [Video] 0:45 - Connect the tent poles 3. Thread the poles through the sleeves attached to the tent diagonals so that the two poles are crossed. 4. Connect the poles to the rings. Connect the ends of the poles to the rings at the four corners of the tent. Connect the two adjacent poles first. [Video] 2:45 - Connecting the poles to the rings at the tent's corners. [Video] 2:53 - A close-up view on how to connect the poles to the corner rings. From the third pole, the poles will start to bow when connecting them. Connect the poles to the rings while keeping the poles in contact with the ground. This keeps the tent from standing makes it stable when setting it up. [Video] 3:15 - Connecting from the third pole 6. When the fourth pole is connected the poles will bow and the tent will stand up at this point. You've now finished setting up the body of the tent. Once the tent is standing, it can be easily moved, so at this stage, it may be moved to a place where you'll actually be sleeping in it. When deciding on a place to set your tent up, consider whether the ground is level and free of unevenness, as well as distance from facilities, such as restrooms, shade from trees, and vantage points. How to Anchor a Tent Source :YouTube screenshot Once you've decided where you want to position your tent, it's time to secure it in place. 1. hammer the stakes into the ground. If the ground is hard, use rocks or other objects to hold the tent in place instead of trying to force the stakes into the ground which can cause them to bend or break. [Video] 4:13 - Hammering the stakes 2. Next we'll secure the tent with ropes. Take out the four guy lines and secure the tent. There are loops located about halfway up the tent sleeves, to which the guy lines will be tied. The key is to use a bowline knot, as reef knots can be difficult to untie. If you don't know how to tie a bowline know, be sure to watch the video to learn how. Make a loop in the middle of the guy line and pass the end of the guy line through the loop. Then, pass the end of the guy line through the loop again, and pull it through to complete the knot. [Video] 5:40 - How to Tie a Rope Knot (Bowline Knot) How to Set Up a Fly Sheet Source :YouTube screenshot 1. Check the position of the zipper and apply the flysheet with the zipper facing the entrance of the tent. [Video] 8:12 - Hanging the flysheet over the body of the tent 2. Pass the guy lines attached to the body of the tent through the slits in the flysheet. The video shows how to thread the guy lines through the slits in the flysheet, so beginner campers should be sure to watch this part. [Video] 9:03 - Threading the guy lines through the flysheet slits 3. Connect the four corners of the flysheet to the four corners of the body of the tent as shown in the video. Pass the poles through the rings attached to the four corners of the flysheet. [Video] 10:35 - Connecting the body of the tent to the flysheet 4. Secure the entrance of the tent with stakes. After that, the tent sides are also tensioned with stakes to create space and improve airflow in the tent. 5. Secure the guy lines with stakes or rocks to finish setting up the tent. In this case, the use of guy line tensioners makes it easier to create tension. Things a Beginner Outdoorsman Should Know Photo:Camping equipment Next, we'll go over some things that a beginner outdoorsman who will be camping for the first time should know. First of all, it's essential to prepare tools for camping, practice setting up a tent, and research the location where you'll be camping. Although this sounds obvious, beginners to camping should start by getting their tent and other equipment all ready to go. Research how much you need to spend to get started camping. After you have a complete set of equipment, what you don't want to do is spend so much time setting up your tent when you arrive that you have no time to enjoy the camping trip itself. After purchasing a tent, we recommend that you watch videos and practice setting up your tent. Camping is a great way to enjoy nature and it's not like staying in the city; there are dangers to be aware of. Care should be taken to avoid dangerous areas, such as cliff bottoms. In general, you should enjoy outdoor activities, such as camping, in a safe place. Depending on the weather, rivers may rise and other environmental disasters can occur. This is not limited to beginners in outdoor activities. You should gather necessary information on the weather and surrounding conditions to the best of your ability in advance. Summary If you're a beginner outdoorsman who is just starting to camp, be sure to refer to the video and learn the steps for setting up a tent. Whether or not you can enjoy camping will depend on whether or not you can set up your tent without hassle. In Japan, there are many attractive campgrounds where you can enjoy nature and explore the outdoors. There are many outdoor activities and camping experiences in Japan that you won't find in other parts of the world. We hope you have a great time camping in Japan! -
Video article 17:07
Five Outdoor Knives That Are Essential for Camping! Various Knives That Can Be Used for Cooking and Bushcraft, and How to Care For Them!
Action & Adventure Nature- 14 plays
- YouTube
A Look at Five Outdoor Knives for Any Camping Situation! This video, titled "Recommended [5 outdoor knives] Which is the most popular one?" was released by "solo camp & camp cooking in Japan TANA channe." It introduces popular camping equipment, including outdoor knives. Outdoor knives can be used for many purposes, such as cooking, for use in bushcraft, and in worst case scenarios to chop wood, or as a survival tool in the event of a disaster. The video describes the feel and weight of the knives as well, so be sure to use it as a refence when purchasing an outdoor knife in Japan! The Different Outdoor Knives Introduced in the Video Source :YouTube screenshot Introduced from 1:53 is Opinel Knives’ "Opinel Carbon # 9" and "Stainless Steel # 7" which are made of carbon steel. Introduced from 8:04 is Kai’s "Shun" series knife which is a Santoku knife that is ideal for cutting apples and other fruits when cooking outdoors. Tana also recommends the Swedish brand "Mora Knife," Mcusta's "Damascus Knife," and the large Hogue Knife “EX-F01 Combat Knife." Choosing an Outdoor Knife Shown in the Video Photo:Various outdoor knives Outdoor knives can be purchased not only at specialty stores, but also online and at home improvement stores across Japan. The most popular are outdoor knives and tool knives that are made in Japan. We recommend checking out the various types (universal/specialized, etc.), the material (steel, carbon, etc.), the grind (flat grind/hollow grind, etc.), and the safety features, such as lock functionality, as well as cost performance when looking for the knife that is right for your outdoor experience. Also, check the material and durability of the blade, the length of the blade, and the portability, including whether or not it can be folded. When purchasing an outdoor knife in Japan be careful not to infringe on the Firearm and Sword Possession Control Law! Maintenance and Sharpening of Outdoor Knives Source :YouTube screenshot If you neglect proper maintenance on your outdoor knife after using it and put it back into its sheath it may rust while in storage. Be sure to clean your knife with a neutral detergent and lukewarm water. At 3:30, you can also see how a whetstone is used to sharpen a knife. Summary of Various Outdoor Knives for Camping In addition to the ones shown in the video, there are various other types of outdoor knives, including camping knives, Swiss army knives, folding knives, and more. If you get a knife to bring on camping trips, you can enjoy outdoor cooking and making excellent camping meals. Find the outdoor knife that works best for you and get out and enjoy the great outdoors!