Video article 17:39
More Than Just the Tottori Sand Dunes! Enjoy Nature, Food, and Culture in a Land of Myths and Popular Anime!
Local PR Travel- 48 plays
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人気観光スポット鳥取県の魅力を伝える動画の見どころ こちらの動画は「とっとり動画ちゃんねる」が公開した「The Choice of Tottori」です。 あなたは鳥取の観光に対してどれほどの関心があるでしょうか。 今回の動画は鳥取県の魅力を伝える動画になっています。 人気観光スポット鳥取県の豊かな自然 動画の0:47で、鳥取の情報を伝えてくれるのは鳥取観光大使の松本若菜さんです。 鳥取鳥取へのアクセスは以外と近く、羽田空港からは1時間15分でアクセスできます。 1:19から松本若菜さんが紹介するのは、鳥取県の自然観光です。 穏やかな気候の多い鳥取の自然を6つご紹介します。 1) 山陰海岸ジオパーク 浦富海岸では遊覧船やカヌーなどのアクティビティが楽しめます。 2) 鳥取砂丘 日本でも屈指の名所である鳥取砂丘に自然に作られる風紋は圧巻の景色です。 また、砂の美術館も併設され、砂の制作による様々な展示が行われています。 3) 白兎海岸 日本神話「因幡の白兎」がモチーフとされ、周辺には白兎神社も併設されています。 4) 大山 登山やハイキングだけでなくスキーも楽しめ、秋の紅葉は大山の妖艶な一面を見せてくれます。 5) とっとり花回廊 日本最大級のフラワーパークで四季を通して様々な草花をご覧になることができます。 6) 智頭町 鳥取の観光で穴場で、総面積の9割が山林で、森を散策する「森林セラピー」も体験できます。 人気観光スポット鳥取県の絶品グルメ 5:59からは鳥取観光で楽しみなご当地グルメのご紹介です。 鳥取の夏は新鮮なクロマグロが楽しめます。 さらに岩ガキは生でいただける非常におすすめの魚介です。 白イカも楽しめます。 地元でしか楽しめないものとしてモサエビも挙げられます。 なにより有名な冬の鳥取のご当地グルメが松葉ガニです。 二十世紀梨も鳥取を有名にしているものです。 甘みのある味わいをぜひ現地でお楽しみください。 さらに鳥取和牛もブランドを確立しています。 しゃぶしゃぶ発祥地と言われる鳥取で、郷土料理の鳥取和牛しゃぶしゃぶをお楽しみください。 人気観光スポット鳥取県で楽しむ癒しの温泉 9:18からは温泉の様子を動画で紹介しています。 鳥取には日本の中でも個性豊かな温泉が10箇所以上あります。 中でも三朝温泉の河原風呂や海水浴場を擁する皆生温泉、はわい温泉などです。 皆生温泉ではトライアスロンのイベントが行われていることでも有名です。 岩井温泉では湯かむり唄という風習もあります。 人気観光スポット鳥取県の知られざる歴史と文化 動画の12:07からは、鳥取県の大山にある大神山神社奥宮の社殿と断崖に建てられた三徳山三佛寺が紹介されています。 特に三佛寺は日本国宝の投入堂があります。 この景勝地は日本の国宝で最も危険なものとも言われており、断崖からの景観は絶景です。 鳥取の歴史文化では白壁土蔵群・赤瓦の町並みエリアが有名です。 浴衣の女性が歩く景色が白壁に非常に映えます。 また、伝統芸能と民芸品を集めた鳥取民藝美術館には多くの民芸品が展示されています。 漫画家の水木しげる先生、青山剛昌先生、谷口ジロー先生なども鳥取の出身で、日本有数の漫画王国とも言われています。 水木しげるロードには妖怪の銅像が並ぶ新たな観光スポットとして有名になりました。 人気観光スポット鳥取県紹介まとめ 動画を通じて鳥取の魅力をたっぷり紹介しました。 今回の動画を参考に鳥取旅行のプランやルートを考えて、素敵な観光をお楽しみください。 -
Video article 4:15
There's More to Morioka Than Just Chilled Noodles and Wanko Soba! Lots to See and Do, and Some of Japan's Top Tourist Attractions in Iwate Prefecture!
Local PR Travel- 36 plays
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岩手県盛岡の観光地は魅力がたくさん こちらの動画は「webmorioka」が公開した「MORIOKA(long ver.)」です。 動画では日本の岩手県盛岡の観光スポットを様々な角度からご紹介しています。 盛岡観光で訪れるべき名所 岩手県盛岡には日本でも有数の名所が多く存在します。 石川啄木の出身地であることから「啄木詩の道」や、レンガ作りが美しい「岩手銀行赤レンガ館」、盛岡で最も古いレンガ作りの「旧石井県令邸」など多くの景勝地があります。 盛岡駅から20分ほどの場所には日本の天然記念物として指定された石割桜もあります。 樹齢は300年を超え、日本の樹木のなかでも最も有名なものの一つです。 また盛岡駅のそばにはマリオスという商業施設があり、展望室から岩手の景観を一望できる穴場のスポットです。 ホテルだけでなく、ショッピングや焼肉といったグルメもあるので、デートとしても便利でしょう。 盛岡駅からは観光地を循環するバスも定期的に運行しており、観光ルートをたどってくれるので、旅行の際には利用するのをおすすめします。 周辺には盛岡城址公園があります。 多くの自然が残り、春には桜が満開になります。 気候も穏やかなので花見には観光客が大勢訪れます。 盛岡の自然を満喫するために散策の際は多めに時間を確保しておきましょう。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市で楽しめるアクティビティ 日本の中で川下りのアクティビティが行える場所はいくつかありますが、盛岡でもボートを利用して川下りのアクティビティが楽しめます。 夏には800以上の装飾されたボートが競う大会も開催され、盛岡の一大イベントにもなっています。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市で楽しめる盛岡の行事 岩手の中で盛岡は様々な行事が行われています。 特に酒買地蔵尊例大祭の神輿は日本文化の一つとして一見の価値があるので動画の1:40の中でご覧ください。 インスタ映え間違いなしです。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市の文化を伝える施設 岩手県盛岡の文化を伝える施設としてもりおか町家物語館があります。 こちらでは日本の伝統工芸を広めるための工房などが敷設されており、南部鉄器を始めとした様々な岩手の伝統工芸にふれる事ができ、さまざまな情報が満載です。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡観光で楽しむご当地グルメ 日本のなかでも岩手エリアのご当地グルメは非常に有名です。 盛岡せんべいや「わんこそば」、盛岡冷麺など挙げればきりがありません。 特にわんこそばは日本のグルメの中でも特徴的なもので、少量のそばが入ったお椀を何十杯と食べていくエンターテインメント性に富んだ人気グルメです。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市の観光をもっと楽しむ 盛岡観光で訪れるイベントとして、盛岡競馬場での競馬観戦や、盛岡さんさ踊りなどもあります。 息のあった踊りは圧巻です。 8月に行われる盛岡さんさ踊りでは3000人の演奏者が同時に太鼓の演奏をして、世界一の記録となりました。 また、毎年夏のイベントとして盛岡市の花火も人気です。 1万発以上の花火が上がる景色は絶景です。 人気観光スポット岩手県盛岡市紹介まとめ 盛岡には多くのパワースポットを持つ盛岡八幡宮や五百羅漢堂がある報恩寺など、歴史ある神社仏閣がたくさんあります。 日本の神様へお参りをして盛岡観光を安全に過ごせるように祈願しましょう。 グルメやイベントが盛りだくさんの盛岡の魅力をたくさん知ってください! -
Video article 5:39
The USA of Kyushu! Usa City, Oita Prefecture, Is Full of Fascinating Places to Visit! Enjoy Food, Nature, History and More!
Local PR Travel- 22 plays
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大分県宇佐市の魅力紹介動画の見どころ この記事では「宇佐市インターネット作成局」が公開した動画「宇佐市2016観光プロモーション動画」を紹介します。 今回紹介するのは大分県宇佐市。九州の中でも、昔ながらの日本の街並みが残り、ゆったり日本を観光できると人気です。 九州の空の玄関口である福岡空港からも近く、訪日観光客にも観光ルートとして、訪れやすいエリアです。 では、大分県宇佐市の素晴らしさを動画と共にご覧ください! 大分県宇佐市でゆったり日本の自然を満喫! 動画の冒頭でダイナミックに「USA」と書道で書く彼女たち。 大分県宇佐市には日本の自然を満喫できる観光スポットがたくさんあります。 日豊本線宇佐駅周辺の観光スポットから一緒に見ていきましょう。 まず、最初に訪れた観光スポットは千財農園フジ園とバラ園。 ここはインスタ映えスポットです。 宇佐神宮は大分県でも有名な神宮。 参道を歩くだけで日本らしさを感じることができるでしょう。 日本のグルメを大分県宇佐でいただく! 大分県宇佐市に訪れたら、ご当地グルメを味わいたいですね。 まず訪れたのは長洲港。 ここでは浜の市が楽しめます。 宇佐から揚げを楽しみ、海を見ながら浜焼きをするのも良いでしょう。 また、すっぽん料理やどぜう料理も宇佐市を代表する名物。 ブドウ狩りやワイン・麦焼酎も宇佐市の観光には欠かせないものです。 大分県宇佐市の大自然を感じるパワースポットへ! 海の次は山へ訪れてみませんか。 「宇佐のマチュピチュ」と言われる西椎屋の景(にししいやのけい)は絶景です。 院内石橋(いんないいしばし)は景勝地としても有名。 東椎屋の滝(ひがししいやのたき)や岳切渓谷(たっきりけいこく)ではマイナスイオンいっぱい。 安心院盆地(あじむぼんち)は雄大な山々に田んぼと日本らしい風景です。 大分県宇佐市の日本家屋にはカラフルな鏝絵(こてえ)があり、散策も楽しめます。 お子様と一緒の観光では九州自然公園アフリカンサファリへ行ってみるのもいいでしょう。 はちまんの郷、双葉の里もおすすめ。 宿泊はホテルではなく農村民宿で日本文化を体験することもできます。 宇佐市には日本を代表する祭りがいっぱい 日本へ観光に来たら祭りにも参加したいと思いませんか。 大分県宇佐市は祭り・イベントが豊富です。 市民にも人気なのが七夕夏祭り。 漁港ではみなと祭りも行われ、花火大会も。 夏越祭りでは日本の伝統的な祭りを体感できます。 大分県宇佐市の魅力紹介まとめ 今回は動画で大分県宇佐市の素晴らしい観光名所を紹介しました。 こちらの記事で紹介しきれなかった素晴らしい情報や、大分県宇佐市の魅力はまだまだたくさん動画で紹介されています。 訪日外国人にもおすすめの大分県宇佐市へ遊びに来てみませんか? -
Video article 6:51
Enjoy Kyoto's Stunning Japanese Garden Scenery To Your Heart's Content! A Look at the Breathtaking Landscapes of Japan!
Travel- 62 plays
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Beautiful Scenery You’ll Only Find in Kyoto This video, titled “[4K] The Gardens of Kyoto / from January to June [4K] 京都の庭園・1月から6月,” was released by “Yurara Sarara.” The video shows the scenery of Kyoto's gardens from winter to early summer. There are many beautiful gardens in Kyoto that are great for posting to your Instagram! In this article, we’ll introduce information about gardens and sightseeing routes in Kyoto that will allow you to discover the beauty of Japan! The Beautiful Snowy Park in the Video Photo:Sanzen-in Temple, Kyoto The quiet, snowy garden introduced at 0:12 in the video is Sanzen-in Temple, a popular sightseeing destination. In the northern part of Kyoto City, there are many places of interest where you can see spectacular snowscapes. During winter in Kyoto, you can see beautiful camellia and plum blossoms. The view of the snow falling on the petals of the flowers is a very special sight. Must-See Gardens During Spring in Kyoto Photo:The rock garden at Ryoanji Temple, Kyoto From 2:43 in the video, you can see the beautiful cherry blossoms bloom all over Kyoto in spring, providing a breathtaking view of the city. The area around Okazaki, where Heian Shrine and Nanzenji Temple are located, is another popular destination among tourists for its historical museums and spacious parks. There's also the Katsura Imperial Villa, where you can experience Japanese architectural culture, and Ryoan-ji Temple, famous for its stone garden that uses with 15 different types of stones. Be sure not to miss the breathtaking sight of cherry blossom petals dancing across the rock garden created using stones and sand. Gardens With the Best Early Summer Atmosphere in Kyoto Photo:Tofukuji Temple, Kyoto We highly recommend visiting Kyoto's beautiful gardens during late spring-early summer, as this is when the fresh greenery is most vibrant. We recommend checking out Tofukuji Temple, introduced at 4:39 in the video, and Tadasu no Mori at Shimogamo Shrine. Nonomiya Shrine in Arashiyama, a place that appears often in classical Japanese literature, is another destination that many tourists come to to heal. At 5:51 in the video, you'll see a beautiful view of Murin-an, a quiet spot where you can enjoy green tea while admiring the garden created by Ogawa Jihei. The garden offers a spectacular view of Kyoto's fresh greenery, and in fall, it's decorated with the vibrant colors of the autumn leaves. Visiting the garden in different seasons will allow you to enjoy a new experience each time. Summary of Kyoto’s Beautiful Gardens Photo:Autumn foliage at Heian Shrine, Kyoto The video “[4K] The Gardens of Kyoto / from January to June [4K] 京都の庭園・1月から6月” introduces many of the beautiful gardens that Kyoto has to offer. By watching the video, you’ll get a good idea of what to expect when visiting Kyoto’s gardens, and also find some beautiful locations, including famous temples, hidden gardens, and popular parks, to throw on your itinerary for when you visit Kyoto! Be sure to check out the video to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Kyoto! -
Video article 1:24
Enjoy an Elegant Time in the Luxurious Space of "Umi-no Hotel Isaba" in Nishiizu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Where All Rooms Have an Ocean View. Relaxing Hot Spring Baths, Delicious Cuisine... This Hotel Is One To Add To Your Bucket List!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 17 plays
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As if You're Floating on the Sea... A Look at "Umi-no Hotel Isaba," a Popular Inn in Nishiizu! This video, titled "Umi no hotel ISABA” YADO PV/JAPAN : 宿PV 海のほてるいさば02," was uploaded by "private-onsen JAPAN." Umi-no Hotel Isaba is located in Heda Onsen, a famous hot spring resort in Nishiizu, Shizuoka Prefecture. Surrounded by Mt. Fuji and Suruga Bay, this is a hot spring hotel in a fishing town that's crowded with beachgoers in the summer. All guest rooms at Umi-no Hotel Isaba are luxurious oceanfront accommodations. Suruga Bay is a treasure trove of seafood with approximately 1,200 species of fish, including deep-sea species! At Umi-no Hotel Isaba, you can enjoy the freshest seafood from Suruga Bay in a luxurious setting. You can see some of the gorgeous dishes served at Umi-no Hotel Isaba at 0:57 in the video. The hot spring is an alkaline sulfur hot spring that is very popular among women as it's effective at promoting beautiful skin. The hotel's hot spring facilities include a large public bath, an open-air rooftop bath called "Tenku Onsen," and each room has its own personal hot spring, so you can relax to your heart's content. The rooftop hot spring overlooking Suruga Bay is also available for private use once per stay. The hot springs at Umi-no Hotel Isaba can be seen at 0:37 in the video. The rooms are very luxurious and we highly recommend the special room floor "Akane-no-Uta," which was renovated and reopened in July 2020! There is also a beauty spa, souvenir shop, terrace lounge, and lobby, all of which are very beautiful! Why not relax and spend a luxurious holiday at Umi-no Hotel Isaba? Sightseeing Around Umi-no Hotel Isaba Photo:Mihama Cape, Shizuoka Prefecture Nishiizu in Shizuoka Prefecture, one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan, has many spectacular sightseeing spots. Let's take a look at some of them! ・Mihama Cape Mihama Cape is a cape shaped like a bird's beak, and was formed through the accumulation of sediment carried in by the currents of Suruga Bay. It's also a good fishing ground where you can enjoy fresh seafood at lunch time. ・Deai Misaki Cape This is a great sightseeing spot with a panoramic view of Heda Port, Mihama Cape, and Mt. Fuji. The name "Deai" (出会い) means "encounter" and the monument, from the hole of which you can see Mt. Fuji, signifies a meeting between two lovers. ・Tabibito Misaki Cape Tabibito Misaki Cape is located about 1km north of Matsubara Park on Prefectural Road 17. The beauty of the sunset that can be seen from here is absolutely breathtaking. The name "Tabibito" (旅人) means "traveler(s)." ・Koibito Misaki Cape Koibito Misaki Cape is a cape along Route 136, approximately 8 km south of Toi Onsen. "Koibito" (恋人) means "lovers," and, as its name suggests, it's a popular location among couples as a power spot for romance. It is said that couples who take a photo with the "I Love You" hand-sign statue on the cape or get a certificate of declaration of love from the Koibito Cape Office are said to have a better chance of achieving a successful relationship. (Whether or not you believe that is entirely up to you...) Summary of Umi-no Hotel Isaba, a Popular Hotel in Nishiizu, Shizuoka Prefecture Photo:Umi-no Hotel Isaba, Shizuoka Prefecture To get to Umi-no Hotel Isaba, a hotel popular for its many attractions and luxurious facilities, it's about a 50-minute bus ride from Shuzenji Station to Heda (a shuttle bus is also available). All-you-can-eat mandarin oranges are available from November to December every year, and the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival is held from mid-February to early March every year, attracting many tourists. Be sure to check with your travel agency or the official website of Umi-no Hotel Isaba for information regarding accommodation rates and tours. ◆Umi-no Hotel Isaba|Facility Overview◆ 【Address】3878-20 Heda, Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture 【Access】Approximately 50 minutes by bus from Shuzenji Station to Heda. A shuttle bus is also available 【Telephone】0558-94-3048 【Official Website】Umi-no Hotel Isaba https://www.isaba.co.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Umi-no Hotel Isaba https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1019668-d1065897-Reviews-Isaba-Numazu_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:14
The Charm of Nakuni Island in Okinawa Prefecture, Famous as an Island on the Border! Enjoy a Luxurious, Healing Moment in the Wilderness as Far as the Eye Can See!
Local PR Travel- 19 plays
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自然溢れる国境の島「沖縄県与那国島」の紹介動画 こちらの動画は「観光WEB与那国」が公開した「与那国町観光PR動画」です。 日本の最南端に位置する沖縄県より更に最西端の離島、別名『国境の島』と呼ばれている与那国島は、大自然の溢れる日本屈指の観光スポットとなっています。 『日本で一番最初に黒潮と出逢う島』とも言われ、与那国島のシンボルでもある神が宿っていると言われる『立神岩』があり、自然と密接な関わりがあるスポットとなっています。 そんな日本の国境の島として有名な沖縄県の与那国島について、こちらの記事で詳しく紹介をいたします。 沖縄県与那国島の自然の魅力と観光スポットについて! 沖縄県の離島である与那国島は、日本でも有数の大自然が残った観光地です。 都会の喧騒から離れてゆっくり観光をしたいと考えている人へおすすめの観光スポットが沢山。 放牧された馬や牛にハイビスカス、海面から約100mの高さの断崖絶壁がある与那国島の東端に位置する岬の東崎(あがりざき)、その反対の西端に位置する西崎(いりざき)、天然の展望台と呼ばれているインスタ映え間違い無しの絶景広がるティンダバナ。 どれも見どころたっぷりの人気スポットです。 他にも、まるで軍艦のような躍動感を感じさせる断崖絶壁の軍艦岩(サンニア台)、自然で形成された不思議な空間の海底遺跡、久部良にある久部良港、日本の最西端にある絶景の観光スポットとして有名なナーマ浜等、日本でも屈指の大自然を残す観光名所が多くあります。 沖縄県与那国島のグルメと歴史 美味しい食べ物と、古くから伝わる歴史的なイベントも見逃せません。 動画の1:18からご覧になれるカジキカマボコ、1:22からのクバもちは沖縄県与那国島を代表するグルメなので、ぜひお土産にどうぞ。 そして、動画の2:20から紹介されている、その年の豊年を感謝し来年の豊年を祈願する為の豊年祭、動画の2:25からの沖縄の伝統芸能の一つである旧盆エイサーなど、自然と歴史を大事にしたイベントが多くあることが分かるのでは無いでしょうか。 日本の古き良き伝統の残る与那国島は、どこか懐かしい安らぎを感じさせてくれます。 沖縄県与那国島の紹介まとめ 日本の最西端に位置する国境の島の沖縄県与那国島。 自然を多く残し、日本の古き良き伝統を堪能することが出来ることから、観光スポットとして根強い人気を誇ります。 海に囲まれていることからマリンスポーツも人気で、特にダイビングは綺麗な海を堪能出来るということで、人気となっています。 与那国島の比川は有名な日本のドラマの『Dr.コトー診療所』の舞台にもなっています。 大自然に囲まれた沖縄県与那国島、今回紹介した動画と記事で、沖縄県与那国島への観光へ訪れるきっかけとなればいただければ幸いです。 -
Video article 8:39
Feel the History of Japan in Shibata, Niigata Prefecture! This Video Shows You the Charm of Shibata, a City in Niigata Prefecture You Don't Want to Miss!
Local PR Travel- 32 plays
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新潟県新発田(しばた)市の観光スポットが丸わかりになる動画の紹介 こちらの動画は「新発田市観光協会」が公開した「新発田市観光PRムービー」です。 新潟県北部下越地方にある新発田市(しばた)にある沢山の観光名所を堪能することが出来る動画となっています。 日本の歴史とも深い関りのある新潟県新発田市は新潟のみならず、日本でも屈指の観光スポットとして人気であり、日本の文化を知るには欠かせない場所となっています。 この記事では、そんな新潟県新発田市の観光名所や絶景、古くから伝わる歴史や伝統のグルメ等の耳より情報を動画と共に紹介いたします。 新潟県新発田市の新発田城とその周辺観光について! 新潟県新発田市の中でもひと際日本の歴史を感じさせる建造物と言えば、動画の0:58でご覧になることが出来る新発田城(別名:あやめ城)でしょう。 築城時期が不明とされている城ではあるものの、鎌倉時代初期にはあったことから、佐々木盛綱の傍系である新発田氏によって築城されたのではと言われています。 その周辺には、動画の1:25ご覧になれる寺町通りもあり、日本の歴史を感じることのできる新潟県でも屈指の観光スポットとなっています。 国指定名勝の清水園について! 動画の2:01から紹介されている清水園は、こちらも日本の新潟県の観光スポットとして有名なスポットとされています。 清水園には、日本の自然に溢れた近江八景を取り入れており、その中には日本の国指定重要文化財ともされている足軽の歴史を知ることが出来る足軽長屋もあります。 撮影も自由ということから、自然と歴史が堪能出来るこの観光スポットでインスタ映えを狙ってみるのもまた良いのではないでしょうか。 観光だけでは終わらない新潟県新発田市の魅力! 新潟県新発田市観光ではグルメや温泉等も忘れてはいけません。 動画の3:32で紹介をされている和菓子は、伝統の職人技によってまるで芸術品のような素晴らしい出来であることが分かるのではないでしょうか。 動画の6:14で紹介されているレトロな雰囲気残る歴史深い新道・掛蔵地区では、新潟県の地産地消の寿司等のグルメを堪能したり、お土産を買うこともできます。 そして旅の疲れは『美人をつくる温泉』と名高い月岡温泉で癒すことで、新潟県新発田市を余すことなく堪能出来るでしょう。 新潟県新発田市の観光の紹介まとめ 多くの観光スポットと日本の歴史深い建造物が存在する新潟県新発田市。 こちらの記事で紹介した観光スポットの他にも、堀部安兵衛生誕地、大正・昭和の歴史を堪能することが出来る蕗谷虹児記念館、そして新潟県新発田市が産んだ人間国宝『天田昭次』について知ることが出来る刀剣伝承館・天田昭次記念館等も見逃せない観光スポットとなっています。 毎年8月の中旬には、城下町新発田まつりも開催されます。 今回紹介させて頂いた動画とこの記事で新潟県新発田市に興味を持たれた方は、ぜひ一度実際に新潟県新発田市へ足を運んでみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 2:48
Amazing High-Definition Images of Food and Natural Scenery in Fukushima, Tochigi, and Ibaraki Prefectures! The Diamond Route, a Vast Area of Tourism in Japan, Awaits Your Arrival!
Travel- 32 plays
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The Diamond Route Connecting Fukushima, Tochigi and Ibaraki Prefectures This video, titled "【4K】Nature & Gastronomy : Diamond Route Japan 2019 - Fukushima, Tochigi, Ibaraki |" was released by Diamond Route Japan. Nobu Matsuhisa runs many Japanese restaurants around the world. In this video, Nobu Matsuhisa travels to Fukushima, Tochigi, and Ibaraki prefectures to review tourist attractions that are rich with local history and Japanese culture. Popular Tourist Destinations in Fukushima Prefecture Two of the best places to visit in Fukushima Prefecture are Ouchi-juku in the Minamiaizu District of Fukushima Prefecture and Aizu-Wakamatsu Castle (Tsurugajo) in Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture. These two sites, both of which preserve the landscape of Japan's Edo period, attract more than a million history buffs each year. In Ouchi-juku, there are restaurants and cafes where you can enjoy the delicious local cuisine. Ouchijuku's specialty, "Takato Soba," is a unique dish in which "magari-negi" (a type of curved green onion) are used like chopsticks to eat handmade soba noodles. Kitakata ramen is another local specialty of Fukushima Prefecture. Kitakata ramen is a local dish that is loved all over Japan and is one of the three major ramen of Japan. Kitakata Ramen is a shoyu (soy sauce) flavored pork-based ramen that originated in Kitakata City, Fukushima Prefecture, and is characterized by its light flavor. Popular Sightseeing Spots in Tochigi Prefecture The most famous tourist attraction in Tochigi Prefecture is the World Heritage Site "Nikko Toshogu Shrine." Nikko Toshogu Shrine located in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture, is a shrine and temple dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu. The shrine is steeped in history and is said to have been built in 1617. It's a famous place where visitors can enjoy historical Japanese traditions and culture. Utsunomiya gyoza is the specialty of Tochigi Prefecture. Utsunomiya City in Tochigi Prefecture is one of the largest consumers of gyoza (pot stickers) in Japan, and almost all gourmets visiting Utsunomiya City come in search of "Utsunomiya Gyoza." Utsunomiya gyoza is characterized by its high vegetable and low meat and garlic content, which gives the gyoza a better texture and richer flavor. As a result, even those who don't like the rich taste of gyoza and generally find it too heavy, can enjoy eating it. Utsunomiya gyoza is generally sold at a low price throughout Utsunomiya City, and it's often eaten like fast food in the local area. Popular Tourist Attractions in Ibaraki Prefecture Hitachi Seaside Park in Hitachinaka City, Ibaraki Prefecture, is one of Japan's premier leisure facilities for raising plants. The 500 sq. acre park is home to seasonal plants, such as tulips in the spring and sunflowers in the summer, as well as attractions like a large Ferris wheel, making it a fun facility for the whole family! Ibaraki Prefecture is home to many nationally famous local dishes, the most popular of which is natto (fermented soybeans). Mito Natto, a specialty of Mito City, Ibaraki, is a historical dish loved by the locals. Foreign tourists may have some reservations about it, but we definitely recommend trying it if you're visiting Mito, Ibaraki. Summary of the Diamond Route Connecting Fukushima, Tochigi, and Ibaraki Prefectures Fukushima, Tochigi, and Ibaraki prefectures are close to Tokyo, making them great places to visit even on a day trip. They are especially popular with tourists looking to experience Japanese history and culture. Be sure to check them out if you have the chance! -
Video article 2:17
Yokohama in Kanagawa Prefecture Is One of Japan's Leading Port Cities! Enjoy the Best of Japan Sightseeing in This City Full of Exotic Culture and Charm!
Local PR Travel- 56 plays
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神奈川県横浜紹介動画について こちらの動画は「Yokohama Official Visitors Guide」が公開した「Welcome to Yokohama」です。 日本へ訪日されたらどこの観光名所行きたいですか? のんびり日本を観光したい人におすすめなのが横浜です。 首都東京や日本の空の玄関口、羽田空港からも30分ほどの距離。 横浜はみなとみらい21を中心としたショッピングスポットや観光名所に中華街を中心としたグルメも豊富です。 それでは日本の中でもオススメしたい観光地、横浜の動画をご覧ください。 神奈川県横浜でおすすめしたい観光名所みなとみらい21 横浜でまず訪れたいスポットはみなとみらい21。 ここには赤レンガ倉庫や横浜ランドマークタワーといった観光名所があります。 また、山下公園は海が望めるエリアとしても人気が高い観光スポットです。 歩いていける元町エリアもショッピングスポットとして観光に外せません。 日本一のチャイナタウン!横浜中華街はグルメ観光に絶対外せない 映像では匂いが伝えられないのが非常に残念です。 横浜を代表する観光名所がここ横浜中華街。 日本一の規模を誇る中華街には500店舗以上のお店があり、横浜のグルメスポットとして人気が高いエリアです。 ブタまん・シウマイ、カリカリ焼きそばといった手軽な中華料理からちょっと高級なコース料理まで楽しめます。 日本を代表する港町、横浜は海から観光もまた楽しい 港町横浜は街を海から見るのもおすすめ。 水上バスから横浜を眺めてみませんか。 海から見る横浜は別の顔をしています。 日本の歴史は横浜の歴史にも繋がる 横浜の歴史は 1854年、日本へのペリー来航で大きく変わります。 1859年に、横浜港が外国人の寄港地として開港。 その頃から横浜には多くの異国文化が入ってきます。 横浜がクルーズ船の日本を代表する寄港地としても有名な大桟橋もその名残。 今、横浜がこれだけ大きい街になったのもペリー来航が始まりといえます。 人気観光スポット横浜紹介まとめ 今回は横浜の動画を見てみましたがどうでしたか? この動画を見てショッピング・グルメ・観光と横浜の魅力が存分にわかったはずです。 みなさんも是非横浜に訪れてみてください。 それでは横浜でお会いできることを楽しみにしています! -
Video article 2:25
Kintaikyo Bridge in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi. The Mystical Scenery of the 350-Year-Old Bridge Floating Under the Summer Night-Sky, Lit up by Iwakuni Cormorant Fishing, Is a Must-See!
Local PR Art & Architecture Travel- 188 plays
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Kintaikyo Bridge & Iwakuni Cormorant Fishing Introductory Video This video is created by "Explore HIROSHIMA: Hiroshima City Regional Area Official Tourism Website" to introduce Yamaguchi prefecture's Kintaikyo Bridge and Iwakuni cormorant fishing. Kintaikyo (Kintai) Bridge, located in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi prefecture in Japan's Chugoku region, is known as one of Japan's "Three famous bridges," and is also one of Japan's "Three strangest bridges." This video will show the beauty of the historic, Japanese bridge "Kintaikyo." Iwakuni cormorant fishing is also introduced towards the end of the video (2:00). Sit back, relax, and enjoy the stunning Kintaikyo bridge. About Kintaikyo Bridge Photo:Kintaikyo Bridge Kintaikyo Bridge is a wooden bridge over the Nishiki Seiryu river located in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi prefecture in the Chugoku region of Japan. The bridge was first built in 1673 by Iwakuni domain's, Kikkawa Hiroyoshi. The bridge is known as one of Japan's "Three famous bridges" followed by Nihonbashi (Chuoku, Tokyo) and Meganebashi (Nagasaki City, Nagasaki). Also, the bridge is known as one of Japan's "Three strange bridges" due to its peculiar structure, followed by Saruhashi (Katsuragawa, Yamanashi) and Aimotobashi (Kurobegawa, Toyama). Kintaikyo Bridge had other names such as "Ryouunbashi," "Goryubashi," "Taiunbashi," "Sorobanbashi." It is now referred to as the "miraculous bridge". The bridge is 193.3 meters long, 5 meters wide, and has a five-layered arch form that stretches across 4 stone piers. The main structure was built without using a single nail, using braided wood joinery techniques such as joints and fittings, and is a very rare piece of architecture. This Japanese craftsmanship can be seen in the video at 0:23. The Kintaikyo Bridge was washed away by floods many times in the past. To solve this issue, the bridge was built in an arch form based on the "Seiko Yuranshi," a Chinese drawing depicting a flock of birds and a bridge. The bridge is made using several kinds of Japanese woods based on their different traits. There is red pine, cypress, zelkova, chestnut, oak and hiba. Although reconstruction has been done numerous times, the stone pier and pavement are still the one's from the original construction. The area around Kintaikyo Bridge is famous for its cherry blossoms, which have been selected as one of the top 100 cherry blossom sites in Japan, and you can also enjoy the autumn colors here. Many tourists visit to see the contrast of the historical bridge and the surrounding natural scenery. Foreign tourists often visit in the cherry blossom season to enjoy Hanami (flower viewing). The entry fee for the bridge is 310 Yen for adults and 150 Yen for children (*2019 Dec.). It's approximately 15-20 mins by bus from JR Iwakuni Station. The Iwakuni Kintaikyo Bridge airport is also nearby, and it has 5 round trip flights/day to Haneda Airport. Iwakuni Cormorant Fishing Photo:Cormorant fishing As shown in the video (~2:00), cormorant fishing is a method used to catch sweetfish. You can watch the cormorant fishing under the summer night sky on a sightseeing boat or from the Kintaikyo bridge. The illuminated bridge, the bonfire on the cormorant boats, and the cormorant fishermen's sophisticated work creates a magical scene. There are package plans that go with lunch and dinner too, so be sure to check them out. Cormorant fishing has a long history. It is listed in two of Japan's oldest historical documents, the "Nihon Shoki," and "Kojiki." This fishing method is still used in places like Nagaragawa (Gifu), Ujigawa (Kyoto), and Kisogawa (Aichi) near Nagoya. Tourist spots near Kintaikyo Bridge Photo:Iwakuni Castle There are several spots you must visit when going to Kintaikyo Bridge in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi. First, cross Kintaikyo Bridge and you'll reach the Iwakuni Castle Ropeway (1:07) in about 10 mins. From there hop on the ropeway to see a beautiful view of Iwakuni and Iwakuni Castle, known as one of Japan's "Top 100 Castles" (1:11). Iwakuni Castle was built by Hiroie Kikkawa, the first lord of the Iwakuni domain in Suo Province. In 1615, only seven years after the castle was built, it was demolished in 1615 in accordance with the Edo shogunate's "One Domain, One Castle" decree, but in 1962, the current castle tower was rebuilt. The whole view of Iwakuni, including Kintaikyo Bridge can be seen from the castle tower. As you can see in the video (1:44), the view is absolutely amazing and makes for a great Instagram location. The embankment has been remade as Kikko Park. Iwakuni also has the Iwakuni White Snake Museum, which was built to raise and protect the lucky white snake that lives only in Iwakuni and is designated as a protected species by the Japanese government. Next to the museum, there's Iwakuni White Snake Temple, a famous temple to receive economic fortune. It was established in 2012 and is also a famous tourist spot. In Iwakuni's biggest event, Iwakuni Festival, a huge paper decorated with white snake is paraded through the city to give people economic fortune. The Nishiki River Fireworks Festival, which shoots off about 6,000 fireworks against the backdrop of the Kintaikyo Bridge, is another popular event where you can enjoy food stalls and Iwakuni drums. Don't forget about food and Onsen to relax on your trip. "Sasakiya Kojiro Shouten" and "Takenosato Musashi" featured on TV and other media is located nearby. At these shops, named after the great swordsmen, Musashi Miyamoto and Kojiro Sasaki, we definitely recommend you taste the ice cream. Near the Kintaikyo Bridge, tourists can enjoy great food, including Japanese cuisine, traditional Japanese candy, udon, tea stores to have lunch at, and other places to eat around. Summary What'd you think of this article introducing Iwakuni's Kintaikyo Bridge and cormorant fishing? After watching the video we hope we've sparked your interest in Yamaguchi. There are more videos to see the amazing scenery of the bridge and cormorant fishing; Be sure to check them out while you get ready for your trip to Iwakuni! ◆Kintaikyo Bridge Facilities◆ 【Address】 Iwakuni, Iwakuni-shi, Yamaguchi Prefecture 741-0062 Japan 【Access】 15 mins walk from Kawanishi Station (Gantoku Line) 【Price】Adults: 310 Yen / Children: 150 Yen (Dec. 2019) 【Hours】All-day 【Closures】None 【Parking】Kintaikyo Shimogawara Parking Area / Yokoyama Kasenjiki Ground Parking Area 【Telephone】0827-29-5107 【Official Website】Yamaguchi Prefecture, Iwakuni City Hall Website https://translate.google.co.jp/translate?sl=ja&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=ja&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.city.iwakuni.lg.jp%2F&edit-text= 【Official Website】Iwakuni City Tourism Promotion Section Website "Iwakuni tabi-no-kakehashi" http://honyaku.j-server.com/LUCIWAKUNI/ns/tl.cgi/http%3a//kankou.iwakuni-city.net/?SLANG=ja&TLANG=en&XMODE=0&XCHARSET=utf-8&XJSID=0 -
Video article 2:50
Yumori Tanakaya: 100% Natural Spring Water, Outside Bathing Areas, and Amazing Grilled Dishes. This Secluded, Luxury Hot-Spring Inn Is a Must-Stay!
Travel- 240 plays
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About Yumori Tanakaya at the Nasu-Shiobara Hot Springs Area of Tochigi Prefecture This video, titled "An Original Promotional Video of Yumori Tanakaya, Shiobara Hot Springs in Tochigi: A Very Well-Received inn With Outdoor Baths With an Incredible View and Tasty Grilled Dishes," (絶景渓流野天風呂と炉端料理が人気の宿【栃木県 塩原温泉 湯守田中屋オリジナルPV】), is a promotional video for Yumori Tanakaya, a Japanese-style inn in the Shiobara Onsen (hot springs) area of Tochigi Prefecture. The Japanese hot spring inn Yumori Tanakaya is located in Nikko National Park's Class 1 Special Zone and is a popular inn with a history dating back to 1884. Enjoy the splendor of the once-in-a-lifetime ryokan (Japanese-style inn), popular on review and comparison sites. The Healing Effects of the Shiobara Hot Springs Source :YouTube screenshot Shiobara Onsen is a hidden gem that has been flowing directly from the source since before the Edo Period (1603 – 1868). The spring is a sulfate hot spring of chloride and bicarbonate (sodium and calcium), and its effective against burns, gout, diabetic gallstones, cholecystitis, cuts, obesity, skin diseases, gynecological diseases, arteriosclerosis, constipation, and more. Enjoy a relaxing time at the natural hot springs of Shiobara Oami which have been flowing for 1,200 years. A luxurious Stay at the Fabulous Hot Springs of Yumori Tanakaya Photo:Ryuka Falls Promenade Yumori Tanakaya has a variety of facilities. The baths include a natural hot spring bath, a ravine bath, and a large bathhouse with a view. It's fun to enjoy touring the different baths, such as the mixed-baths, the riverbed bath, the cave bath, and the women-only beauty bath. You don't have to stay overnight to experience the outdoor baths and their vast amenities; you can casually stop by on a day trip as well. You'll have an excellent time enjoying the natural scenery while crossing the Ryuka Bridge, a 15 minute-walk from the inn (seen at 1:10 in the video). After enjoying the open-air baths and sightseeing around the area, relax in the Japanese style rooms. One of the charms of Yumori Tanakaya is that you can spend your time however you please. Yumori Tanakaya's Exquisite Cuisine Source :YouTube screenshot The best part of staying at any Japanese-style inn is surely savoring the delicious Japanese cuisine while relaxing in a yukata. You can enjoy a luxury dinner, made using rich, local ingredients, at the hotel (1:51). The made to order fireside dishes are a popular menu item, limited to eight groups a day. Another feature of Yumoriya is its extensive selection of local sake and wine. A Japanese banquet plan is also available, so we recommend gourmet trips for large groups. The lounge, serving fresh coffee, is shown at 1:27. The coffee is roasted in Ginza, Tokyo and “Forest Air,” is one of the top choices. Summary of Yumori Tanakaya The video shows the Instagrammable scenery of the nature-rich Nasu-Shiobara area and the luxurious time that can be had there. The popular onsen resort, Yumori Tanakaya, welcomes you! Room rates vary by season and plan, so we recommend that you book your room in advance on the official website or on a travel website so you can relax without any worry. Take a break from the daily grind and enjoy a relaxing stay at this luxury inn. ◆Yumori Tanakaya ◆ 【Address】6 Shiobara, Nasushiobara, Tochigi Prefecture 329-2921 【Access】Approximately 50 minutes by bus from Nasushiobara Station 【Parking Facilities】Free Parking Available for 30 Vehicles 【Telephone No】 +81-287-32-3232 【Tripadvisor】 Nasushiobara City https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1021427-Nasushiobara_Tochigi_Prefecture_Kanto-Vacations.html -
Video article 3:22
A Memorable Lodging Experience at Kakurinbo in Yamanashi Prefecture! Feel the History of Japan With Delicious Gourmet Food and Hot Springs
Travel Art & Architecture- 36 plays
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Mt. Minobu, a Sightseeing Destination in Yamanashi Prefecture This video, titled "身延山宿坊「覚林坊」PR動画 Minobusan temple lodging Kakurinbo PR video," was released by "Shunsuke Higuchi" (樋口舜亮). It introduces Kakurinbo, a shukubo (temple lodging) on Mt. Minobu. Mt. Minobu is a mountain that straddles the towns Minobu and Hayakawa in Yamanashi Prefecture, in Japan's Kanto Region. From the sightseeing observatory on the summit of Mt. Minobu, you can observe the scenic beauty of Mt. Fuji, Suruga Bay, the Izu Peninsula, and Japan's Southern Alps. There are many temples and shrines in the area, including Kuonji Temple, the head temple of the Nichiren sect of Buddhism, and it has a long history of worship. Before getting too far in your journey into Minobu, stop by Kuonji Temple in Minobu, a place visited by many worshipers, and collect a shuin stamp to commemorate your visit to the temple. Experience Traditional Japanese Culture at Shukubo Kakurinbo Source :YouTube screenshot At Mt. Minobu, a popular tourist attraction in Yamanashi prefecture, you can experience what it's like to spend the night at a temple. The shukubo was originally temple lodging intended for monks and traveling worshipers, but more and more people have come to use them for sightseeing purposes. There are many shukubo like Kakurinbo on Mt. Minobu. At the shukubo, you can spend a relaxing time while enjoying a magnificent view of the Japanese garden from the Japanese-style rooms and immerse yourself in a completely Japanese atmosphere. Enjoy Gourmet Food and Hot Springs at Shukubo Kakurinbo Source :YouTube screenshot One of unique things of a shukubo is that you can enjoy local cuisine. In this case it's the famous Yuba cuisine shown at 1:29 in the video. The hospitality of the proprietress and priests at Kakurinbo, will surely make the memories of your trip last a lifetime. One of the attractions of Kakurinbo is the large public bath where you can relax. The wine bath, named after the famous wine of Yamanashi Prefecture, is also very relaxing. Drop By Kakurinbo for Lunch Source :YouTube screenshot Kakurinbo's Yuba cuisine can be easily enjoyed not only by guests but also by tourists looking to enjoy a delicious lunch, so definitely consider stopping by even if you don't have much time. In 2018, Kakurinbo opened the outdoor cafe terrace "Sakura Terrace," which can be seen at 2:23 in the video. On this open terrace, you can enjoy lunch or coffee while admiring the magnificent natural scenery of Mt. Minobu. Weeping cherry blossoms are lit up in spring as well, creating a fantastical atmosphere. Summary of Kakurinbo on Mt. Minobu Source :YouTube screenshot At Gyogakuin Kakurinbo, you can fully experience Japanese culture as it's introduced in the video. Enjoy a wonderful sightseeing trip while staying in temple lodging accompanied by delicious gourmet food and hot springs. 【Official Website】Gyogakuin Kakurinbo|Temple Lodging on Mt. Minobu https://kakurinbo.jp/english 【Tripadvisor】Gyogakuin Kakurinbo https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1121179-d6923066-Reviews-Kakurinbo_Temple_Lodging_Ryokan-Minobu_cho_Minamikoma_gun_Yamanashi_Prefecture_Koshin.html -
Video article 1:00
Yunoyama Onsen, Hiroshima: An Onsen Where Even Feudal Lords Have Bathed. Spend a Relaxing Time in the Simple Atmosphere of the Showa Era at the 80-Year-Old Morii Ryokan in Hiroshima
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 77 plays
- Vimeo
Introducing Hiroshima Prefecture’s “Yunoyama Onsen Morii Ryokan” This video, “森井旅館PV : morii Japanese style hotel PV” was created by “seihayamaguchi.” It introduces the Morii Ryokan, constructed in Hiroshima Prefecture, Hiroshima City in 1935. In the video, two women are shown enjoying a trip to the Yunoyama Onsen Morii Ryokan. We see everything from the old-fashioned exterior to the steam onsen baths, and also get a look at natural scenery, delicious cuisine, high-quality service, and more Yunoyama Onsen Morii Ryokan is highly-rated on hotel review and ranking sites as well. You’ll feel the urge to visit Hiroshima’s Yunoyama Onsen Morii Ryokan after watching this video! Yunoyama Onsen: A Place Where Even the Feudal Lords of Hiroshima Have Bathed Source :YouTube screenshot Yunoyama Onsen is a natural hot spring in Hiroshima Prefecture, Hiroshima City, Saeki Ward, in the Chugoku region of Japan (中国地方広島県広島市佐伯区, Chugoku-chiho Hiroshima-ken Hiroshima-shi Saeki-ku). The waters of the hot spring, which have been flowing for generations, are known as the Yunoyama Myojin Reiken-no-yu (湯ノ山明神霊験の湯, Yunoyama myojin reiken-no-yu), and the sanatorium itself is a spiritual place where many come to worship. Yunoyama Onsen has a long history, with its waters beginning to flow in 1707, more than 300 years ago. In 1750, the Hiroshima Clan constructed the sanatorium, Yunoyama Myojinja (湯の山明神社, Yunoyama myojinja), which was later designated an Important Intangible Folk-Cultural Property of Japan. The head of the clan, Asano Yoshinaga, bathed in these waters. The Yunoyama Onsen of that time was as busy and bustling as 37 hot spring hotels, with many coming to visit. At 0:07 in the video, you can see a signboard on which is written “Hiroshima Clan Head Asano Sanatorium.” The history and origin of the Yunoyama Onsen is also recorded in Japan’s ancient history tomes. 1958 Yunoyama Sanatorium (湯之山旧湯治場, Yunoyama kyu-tojiba) was designated a Historic Site of Hiroshima Prefecture. 1972 Together with Yuki Onsen (湯来温泉, Yuki onsen), the Yuki・Yunoyama Onsen (湯来・湯の山温泉, Yuki・Yunoyama onsen) was designated a National Hot Spring Health Resort by the Minister of the Environment, and it became an exceedingly popular destination. This designation refers to hot springs which are suitable for promoting health and relaxation, with only 21 hot springs in all of Japan awarded this honor. 1974 Yunoyama Myojin Kyu-tojiba was designated an Important Tangible Folk-Cultural Property of Japan. The Yunoyama Onsen, run by Yukicho, was opened. 1991 “Yuki Yunoyama Onsen” was designated a National Hot Spring Health Resort especially suitable for the promotion of health. 1994 Kua House Yunoyama (クアハウス湯の山, Kua hausu yunoyama), run by Yukicho, was opened. Yunoyama Onsen was selected as one of the top hot springs in Japan for recuperation. The waters are unique in that they contain weak radioactive substances, and the temperature is a low 23.5 degrees celsius (74° F). The waters are effective for easing the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, poor circulation, mild hypertension and chronic disease. As shown in the video, there are two hotels near Yunoyama Onsen, namely the Yunoyama Onsen Morii Ryokan and the Yunoyama Onsenkan. At the Yunoyama Onsenkan, the Utase-yu (打たせ湯, Utase-yu), where water falls from an outcrop 4 meters high, is quite famous. About Hiroshima’s Yunoyama Onsen Morii Ryokan Source :YouTube screenshot Yunoyama Onsen Morii Ryokan is a hot spring hotel located at Hiroshima Prefecture, Hiroshima City, Saeki Ward, Yukicho, Wada 464湯来町和田464, Yukicho wada 464). It takes about 40 minutes from the Itsukaichi IC on the Sanyo Expressway (山陽自動車道の五日市IC, Sanyo jidosha-do no itsukaichi IC) to get there. Free parking is available. Another method is to take the bus from the Itsukaichi Station off the JR Sanyo Main Line (山陽本線JR五日市駅, Sanyo honsen JR itsukaichi-eki). The trip takes approximately 60 minutes. Constructed in 1935, more than 80 years ago, this is a hot spring area which upholds the value of “local production for local consumption.” The bath itself being a small, homely size with few rooms, this hotel is not one of those fashionable places generating buzz on travel sites. However, for the purpose of soaking up the simple atmosphere of the Showa era, and having a relaxing time, this place is the perfect getaway. There is a private onsen available for booking as well. It's introduced at 0:47 in the video. As for meals, the wild game nabe (hot pot) with boar meat purchased from local huntsmen, as well as dishes made using seasonal local produce, are popular. This is shown at 0:33 in the video. A day trip plan is available, where you can make use of the private bath as well as the rooms, with lunch provided. As for overnight stays, there are a variety of plans available, such as the provision of meals made with seasonal produce, a business plan, training camps, stays lasting for more than two nights, and more. Information About the Surroundings of Yunoyama Onsen Morii Ryokan Photo:Yunoyama doctor fish footbath Nearby Yunoyama Onsen Morii Ryokan is Kua House Yunoyama, which is equipped with water slides and an indoor hot spring pool. A hot spring meant for day trips is also available. Located in Kua House Yunoyama’s parking lot is the Kinsai Yunoyama (きんさい湯の山, Kinsai yunoyama), a farm-fresh produce delivery market. Locally-produced fresh vegetables, rice, homemade konnyaku jelly and more; there are a variety of seasonal goods available which cannot be found anywhere else. Furthermore, there is even the Yunoyama Footbath (湯の山の足湯, Yunoyama-no-ashiyu), with "doctor fish." There, you can soak to your heart’s content in the sacred waters of Yunoyama Myojinja. The facilities are open 24 hours. There is no designated fee, so all you have to do is place coins into the offering box as you see fit. As shown from 0:49 in the video, there are weeping cherry trees (枝垂れ桜, Shidare-zakura) both at the entrance of the Yunoyama Onsen as well as inside the shrine. This sight can be enjoyed throughout the four seasons. Summary of Hiroshima’s Yunoyama Onsen Morii Ryokan In Hiroshima, there are many hot spring areas such as Miyahama Onsen (宮浜温泉, Miyahama onsen), Hiroshima Onsen (広島温泉, Hiroshima onsen), Kinoe Onsen (きのえ温泉, Kinoe onsen), Ryu Onsen (龍温泉, Ryu-onsen), Megadaira Onsen (女鹿平温泉, Megadaira onsen), Kimita Onsen (君田温泉, Kimita onsen), Yuki Onsen (湯来温泉, Yurai onsen), Tomo-no-Ura Onsen (鞆の浦温泉, Tomo-no-ura onsen), Nukui Onsen (温井温泉, Nukui onsen), Shobara Sakura Onsen (庄原さくら温泉, Shobara sakura onsen), Miharashi Onsen (みはらし温泉, Miharashi onsen), and more. When visiting Hiroshima, we recommend taking a bath and relaxing in the hot springs. Although Yunoyama Onsen is not a ‘fashionable’ place by any means, what it is, is a place with rich history, and springs so amazing that even feudal lords bathed in them. Enjoy soaking up the simple atmosphere reminiscent of the Showa era, at Yunoyama Onsen. ◆Yunoyama Onsen Morii Ryokan Facilities Overview◆ 【Address】〒738-0601 Hiroshima Prefecture, Hiroshima City, Saeki Ward, Yukicho Wada 464 【Access】60 minutes by bus from JR Sanyo Main Line Itsukaichi Station 【Parking】Available 【Phone Number】0829-83-0403 【Tripadvisor】Yunoyama Onsen Morii Ryokan https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g298561-d10023044-Reviews-Morii_Ryokan-Hiroshima_Hiroshima_Prefecture_Chugoku.html -
Video article 2:51
Hakkoda Hotel in Aomori Prefecture Is a High-End Resort Hotel Embraced by Nature! Spending Time Relaxing at Such a Beautiful Space Is a Great Way to Spend Your Holidays!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 98 plays
- YouTube
Hakkoda Hotel in Aomori Prefecture The video “Hakkoda Hotel Promotional video” (「八甲田ホテルPR動画」), made by “spasukayu,” introduces Hakkoda Hotel at Mt. Hakkoda (八甲田山, Hakkodasan) in Aomori Prefecture in Japan's Tohoku region. The area around Hakkoda Hotel is rich with nature. Hakkoda Hotel is run by Sukayu Onsen, a company in Aomori Prefecture. It's a high-end resort hotel with a western-style log house architecture. The hotel is in the Hakkoda peaks and surrounded by a forest of beech trees, with a peak altitude of 920m. It's situated in Towada-Hachimantai National Park and is a part of the People’s Recreation Spa of Sukayu. The video shows the front desk, rooms, hot spring bath, restaurants, and bar of the hotel; all of which are beautiful. Be sure to watch the video to get a feel of what the hote lis like before visiting. Enjoy a Stay at Hakkoda Hotel in Aomori Prefecture! Source :YouTube screenshot At Hakkoda Hotel, you're welcome by a dog idol named “Fujiko.” Proceed to the front desk through the luxurious entrance hall introduced at 0:12 in the video. There are many artworks by Munakata Shiko, a woodblock-print artist, in the hotel, emitting a great atmosphere. The guest rooms at Hakkoda Hotel come in wide varieties: twin rooms, maisonettes, and special rooms with Japanese, Western, and Japanese-Western styles. The beautiful rooms are introduced at 0:33 in the video. Be sure to take some pictures for your Instagram! Gourmet Food and Hot Springs at Hakkoda Hotel, Aomori Source :YouTube screenshot At Hakkoda Hotel, there are restaurants where you can enjoy Japanese cuisine or a French lunch and dinner, as well as a bar and a hot spring bath that you can enjoy on a day trip. There is no dress code when you stay, and we recommend enjoying some French cuisine at “MeDeau” or some Japanese Kaiseki cuisine at “Japanese restaurant Shakomizu.” After enjoying some amazing cuisine, head to “Bar lounge PLATTO” and try some Japanese sake and cocktails. The restaurants are shown at 1:29 in the video. The most exciting part about staying is of course the hot spring. After filling up on some exquisite cuisine, enjoy physical and mental relaxation at the large public bath? There's a sauna as well! The hot spring bath is shown from 1:12 in the video. The hot spring quality is aluminum sulfate, and it's effective at treating neuralgia, muscle pain, joint pain, fatigue, sensitivity to cold, stiff shoulders, bruises, digestive disorders, hemorrhoids, paralysis, stiff joints, sprains, and good for recovery from diseases and health improvement. Summary of Hakkoda Hotel, Aomori Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot The Hakkoda peaks are a popular tourist destination with beautiful fresh green leaves in early summer and gorgeous autumnal foliage in the fall. Being in the Hakkoda area in Aomori Prefecture, Hakkoda Hotel offers snorkeling experiences, bridal plans, and more. Take a trip to an elevated resort for a luxurious break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. There's a pick-up bus available as well. Please check the official website for information on accommodation plans, booking, rates and transportation access. ◆Hakkoda Hotel◆ 【Address】030-0198 1-1 Minamiarakawayama Oaza Arakawa Aomori city Aomori Prefecture 【Access】About 70 minutes by pick-up bus from Aomori Station on the JR Ouu line. 【Telephone No】017-728-2000 【Official website】Hakkoda Hotel https://www.japanican.com/hotel/japan/aomori/hakkoda-hotel -
Video article 3:55
Dogashima, Shizuoka Prefecture, Is a Scenic Tourist Spot Formed by Ancient Eruptions. The Powerful Scenery of Its Steep Cliffs Makes It a Must-Visit Spot in Izu!
Nature- 140 plays
- YouTube
Introducing Dogashima in Shizuoka Prefecture! This video, "Dogashima - Shizuoka - 堂ヶ島 - 4K Ultra HD" was produced by “TokyoStreetView- Japan The Beautiful.” It introduces beautiful views of Dogashima in Shizuoka prefecture in 4K resolution. Dogashima, located in Nishizu-cho, Kamo-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture in Japan's Tokai region, is an area famous for the fishing industry. It is also called the "Matsushima of Izu" for its beautiful scenery. (Matsushima is one of the "Three Views of Japan"). You can enjoy marine sports such as diving, as well as tour famous spots by boat in Dogashima. Dogashima faces Suruga Bay and has beautiful scenic views. Trips like this, where you can explore famous local areas, are growing in popularity. What Kind of Place Is Dogashima? Photo:Dogashima Dogashima was formed by underwater debris flow from ancient eruptions, and from the pumice/volcanic ash layer that fell and piled up on top of that. It is thought that the waves carving away at this geological layer created the steep cliffs and strangely shaped rocks that you can see in the video. The towering cliffs can be seen from the beginning of the video. There is a famous spot called Dogashima Tensodo Cave in Dogashima, which was formed by the waves eroding the ceiling of a sea cave, and the ceiling collapsing as a result. You can also enjoy this beautiful sight by going on a cruise, such as the Blue Cave Tour Boat and the Dogashima Cave Excursion Boat, Senganmon Cruise boat. The Islands of Dogashima Photo:Dogashima Tombolo The islands of the Dogashima area are: Zoshima (Denbe Island), Nakanoshima, Okinose Island, and Takashima Island. They are also called Sanshirojima. The name Sanshiro comes from the name of a vassal of Minamoto no Yoritomo, who was called “Izu’s Sanshiro.” At low tide, sandbars appear at Zoshima. This phenomenon is called "Dogashima’s Tombolo," and you can walk across this land formation. On a sunny day, you can also enjoy the beautiful sunset gleaming across the islands. Recommended Spots in the Nishiizu Area Photo:Image of Nishiizu Dogashima promenade In the Dogashima area, try to stop by the Dogashima Promenade, the Instagrammable sights of Namakokabe Street, and the Kayama Yuzo Museum. There’s also Sawada Kouen Rotenburo, Dogashima Garden, Izu Nature School, and the suspension bridge at Ran no Sato, all of which are popular tourist destinations. If you’re looking to grab something to eat, we recommend Seafood Dining Iwaya and Dogashima Shokudo. Onsen hotels, such as New Ginsui, Dogashima Accueil Sanshiro, and Umibe no Kakureyu Seiryu are all great choices where you can enjoy hot springs as well. In the footage, you can see the port town around the Dogashima area at 2:29 in the video. Enjoy the townscape of Dogashima! Summary of Dogashima Photo:Dogashima Cruise Dogashima is popular area in Shizuoka prefecture where you can enjoy the amazing scenery of the ocean. Try going on a cruise in Dogashima and enjoy a beautiful view of the islands. If you are planning to go to the Dogashima area in Izu, check out the information on the Izu Peninsula Geopark information site. ◆Dogashima Area Overview◆ 【Address】Dogashima, Nishna, Nishiizu-cho, Kamo-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture 【Acccess】70 minutes by bus from Shuzenji Station of the Izuhakone Railway, 60 minutes by bus from Izukyu-Shimoda Station 【Parking】 Available(Free Parking) 【Official Website】Nishiizu Tourist Guide | Dogashima – Nishiizu Town Tourism Association https://en.nishiizu-kankou.com/ 【Tripadvisor】Dogashima https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121209-d2167482-Reviews-Dogashima_Island-Nishiizu_cho_Kamo_gun_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 1:23
A Blissful Moment at "Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu": The Charms of One Inn, Located in the Center of Isawa Onsen, Yamanashi Prefecture
Hotel & Japanese Inn Travel- 103 plays
- YouTube
"Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu" in Isawa Onsen, Yamanashi Prefecture Produced by “MDK TV”, this video is titled "The luxury inn at Isawa Onsen, in Yamanashi Prefecture, Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu"(山梨県石和温泉の高級旅館 銘石の宿 かげつ - www.isawa-kagetsu.com -), and it is an introductory video for Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu. "Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu" is popular on hotel review websites and so on because it offers the best hospitality services available. Access is about 10 minutes by car from Ichinomiya Misaka IC on the Chuo Expressway, and about 5 minutes by train from Isawa Onsen Station on the JR Chuo Line. There is also a shuttle bus from the station. This article, along with the video, introduces the appeal of the luxury inn "Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu", which has been selected as one of the top 100 inns in Yamanashi Prefecture for 34 consecutive years. The video introduces a beautiful Japanese garden and delicious Kaiseki cuisine, so we recommend checking it out. Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu Source :YouTube screenshot Located in Fuefuki City (笛吹市, Fuefuki shi), Yamanashi Prefecture, Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu was established in 1906 (Meiji 39) and is a long-established inn loved by various artists and cultural figures. It is easily accessible from Tokyo and is very popular as a hotel for travel and sightseeing. One of the highlights of the “Stone of Monument Inn - Kagetsu” is the Japanese garden, where you can enjoy a variety of seasonal views. The 5,000 tsubo (traditional unit of land area, approx. 3.31 square meters) site has been completed over several decades with the artificial hill, built with stones collected from all over the country, and top-class landscaping techniques. Your heart will be healed by the beautiful garden with a pure Japanese atmosphere. In the garden, you can also watch the Nishikigoi as the swim through the pond. It is very relaxing. Since it is a photo-friendly spot, you can have fun taking commemorative photos for Instagram and feeding the koi. At 0:30 in the video, you can see the aerial footage of the Japanese garden by drone. What's more, the garden of Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu was the first Japanese garden that used 3D projection mapping in a Japanese hot spring. This beautiful scenery that blends modern technology with Japanese traditions, can be found at 0:58 in the video. The In-House Facilities of Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu Source :YouTube screenshot "Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu" has many facilities that can heal both mind and body. Please use the 24 hour large open-air bath where you can relax in the hot springs while enjoying the beautiful scenery. The springs can be seen at 0:54 in the video. If you're looking for some luxury, you can enjoy the hot springs in the open-air baths. You can also receive aromatherapy and try the aroma salon as well. After enjoying the hot springs, relax in the rest area, coffee lounge, mahjong room, or Club Stone where you can enjoy karaoke. There is also a garden pool, so you can feel the full resort experience. There are also stalls for buying souvenirs such as Koshu Inden, Kikyo Shingen Mochi, and Koshu Wine, all which make great gifts or personal treats. There is also a banquet hall available for corporate meetings and company trips. There's a little bit of everything at Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu, so take your time and relax how you want to. Guest Rooms and Accommodation Information for Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu Located in the Isawa Onsen village, Stone Monument Inn – Kagetsu offers beautiful Japanese-style rooms overlooking the Japanese garden. Kagetsu's accommodations are divided into the Central Hall, South Hall, East Hall, West Hall, and Back Hall, and each room has a different atmosphere. Amenities are also available, so there's no need to bring your own. When you stay, there are various plans for families and couples, so you can choose the plan you like. Please check the travel site and official website, as the room rates for hotel reservations vary depending on the season, room, plan, and tour. There is also a day plan to enjoy lunch and relax at the hot springs. Dining at Stone Monument Inn – Kagetsu Source :YouTube screenshot The prestigious inn in Yamanashi Prefecture, Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu, offers excellent meals such as kaiseki (a traditional Japanese meal brought in courses) and seasonal dishes as well. At the restaurant "Togentei," the head chef puts his heart into his cuisine to create beautiful, delicious gourmet dishes. Specially made with Koshu beef that melts in your mouth. This can be seen from 0:45 of the video. Sightseeing Around Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu Photo:Fuefuki Togenkyo There are various sightseeing spots around Isawa Onsen in Fuefuki, where Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu is located. Fuefuki Togenkyo where peach blossoms bloom, Mars Yamanashi Winery where you can enjoy Koshu wine, Lumiere Winery and Monde Brewery, Prefectural Museum Kajiam, Shakado Archaeological Museum, Satono Station Ichinomiya, which has many souvenirs, and Misaka Toge, where you can enjoy superb views of Mt.Fuji. Be sure to check them out if you're planning on making a trip to Kagetsu, and don't forget to taste local specialties such as "hoto" while you're at it. Summary of Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu The video about “Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu, a luxury inn at Isawa Onsen in Yamanashi Prefecture, was created by "MDK TV." If you want to stay at a luxury inn with one of Japan's most amazing hot springs, be sure to watch the video and experience the splendor of the famous Stone Monument Inn - Kagetsu. Experience a healing experience at Stone Monument Inn – Kagetsu; the luxury inn where you can experience hot springs, a Japanese garden, sublime cuisine, and more. Stone Monument Inn - Kagatsu 【Address】385 Kawanakajima, Isawa-cho, Fuefuki-shi, Yamanashi Prefecture 406-0024 【Access】About 10 minutes from Chuo Expressway Ichinomiya Misaka IC / 5 minutes by car from JR Chuo Toku, Isawa Onsen Station 【Parking】Available. About 70 units. 【Telephone No】055-262-4526 【Official Website】 Luxury Inn of Isawa Onsen, Yamanashi Prefecture https://www.isawa-kagetsu.com/en/ 【Tripadvisor】 Stone Monument Inn – Kagetsu https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1021447-d1065069-Reviews-Kagetsu-Fuefuki_Yamanashi_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu.html -
Video article 1:48
Mt. Fuji, Covered in Lingering Snow, Coupled With the Fuji Shibazakura Festival, Is Absolutely Breathtaking! A View That'll Last a Lifetime, at the Foot of Mt. Fuji!
Nature- 421 plays
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Introducing Drone Footage of the Fuji Shibazakura Festival! The video "Aerial view of Fuji Shibazakura Festival taken with a drone(絶景 空撮 富士芝桜まつり Aerial view of Fuji Shiba-zakura Festival taken with a drone)" is a sightseeing video of the beautiful shibazakura flower field. The Fuji Shibazakura Festival is a sightseeing event where you can enjoy the scenery of over 800,000 shibazakura (moss phlox) in the vast area of Fuji Motosu Lake Resort, Susono Mt. Fuji, known as Japan's highest mountain. Many tourists from around the world gather to see the rich natural scenery here. This video introduces the vividly blooming shibazakura. Please enjoy the sights. What Kind of Event Is the Fuji Shibazakura Festival? Photo:Fuji Shibazakura Festival At the Fuji Shibazakura Festival venue, the beautiful pink and purple shibazakura are in bloom. You can see this at 0:08 in the video. It's like a carpet of flowers. The best time to see shibazakura is between April and May each year. Mt. Fuji covered with lingering snow in the spring and the lovely shibazakura that can be seen together on a clear day, is a beautiful sight, great for Instagram. If you want to see the beautiful scenery of the Fuji Shibazakura Festival, be sure to go to the observation plaza. Walking through the flower gardens in the warm, spring climate is sure to make for a lasting memory. There is also a popular sightseeing spot called the Observation Footbath where you can enjoy the scenery of Shibazakura while giving your feet a nice soak. A Mt. Fuji made of Shibazakura, which can be seen from 0:54 in the video, is as beautiful as the real thing. There are places to take photos as well. How to Enjoy the Fuji Shibazakura Festival! Photo:Pumpkin Hōtō Noodles At the venue for the Fuji Shibazakura Festival, there's a gourmet event called the "Mt. Fuji Delicious Food Festival." If you enjoy beautiful scenery, sightseeing, and eating delicious, local cuisine, this is something you wont want to miss. The Fuji Shibazakura Festival is a very popular sightseeing event, so crowds are expected during peak bloom. To avoid congestion, we recommend taking a bus from Kawaguchiko Station to the venue. In addition to the Fuji Shibazakura Festival, it is also great idea to apply for a sightseeing bus tour that includes historic sights and exotic sightseeing facilities around Lake Kawaguchi and Lake Motosu. Around the Fuji Motosu Lake Resort, there are sightseeing spots such as Kamiku Isshiki Village Motosu District, Shingen Stone Building / Stone Base, Lake Motosu Campground, Lake Kawaguchi, Kawaguchiko Music Box Forest, Mt. Fuji Panorama Ropeway, Oishi Park, and Aokigahara Forest. You can visit these sightseeing spots after enjoying the Fuji Shibazakura Festival. Please enjoy local gourmet such as hoto noodles and torimotsuni. Summary of the Fuji Shibazakura Festival Photo:Fuji Shibazakura Fesitval The Fuji Shibazakura Festival introduced in the video is a wonderful sightseeing event where you can enjoy the Japanese spring atmosphere at Mt. Fuji, a world heritage site. Be sure to check the blooming information and visit when it's in full bloom. The aerial footage of the flower field in the spring is so beautiful that you'll never get tired of looking at it. Please watch the video carefully and enjoy the beautiful scenery. ◆ Sightseeing information of Fuji Shibazakura Festival ◆ 【Address】212 Fujigane, Fujikawaguchiko-machi, Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi Prefecture Fuji Lake Motosu Resort 【Access】About 40 minutes by Shibazakura Liner Bus from Kawaguchiko Station, about 25 minutes by car from Kawaguchiko IC 【Admission fee】600 yen for adults, 300 yen for children (* as of November 2019) 【Opening Hours】8:00~17:00 【Regular holidays / Closed days】Open daily(during season) 【Parking】50 buses, 1500 regular cars 【Phone number】0555-89-3031 【Notes】Pets can enter the park by putting them in a pet bag or pet cart 【Tripadvisor】Fuji Shibazakura Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1165976-d10019705-Reviews-Fuji_Shibazakura_Festival-Fujikawaguchiko_machi_Minamitsuru_gun_Yamanashi_Prefe.html -
Video article 3:50
This Endless Pink Cherry Blossom Tunnel Will Leave You Breathless! Introducing Attractions and Useful Information About the Popular Tourist Spot "Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path" in Kitakata, Fukushima Prefecture!
Travel- 379 plays
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Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path in Fukushima Prefecture! This video, titled "[4K Video] 2017 Kitakata Weeping Cherry Blossom Tree Path Kitakata-shi, Fukushima" (【4K映像】2017喜多方しだれ桜並木), is a movie showing the beautiful weeping cherry blossoms at a promenade in Fukushima, in full bloom. The Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path ranks #1 for "Famous Cherry Blossom Viewing Spots That Japanese People Want to Visit the Most," #1 for "Most Popular Cherry Blossom Viewing Spot in the Tohoku region"(東北地方, Tohokuchiho), is "The Cherry Blossom Viewing Spot in the Tohoku Region That People Want to Visit the Most," and is a breathtaking sight that should definitely be on your bucket list. The Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path Photo:A woman enjoying a row of cherry blossom trees The Japanese National Railways Nicchu Line used to pass through Kitakata, Fukushima Prefecture in the Tohoku region, but is now discontinued. The ruins of the Japanese National Railway's Nicchu Line, which was abandoned in 1984 was subsequently transformed into the "Nicchu Railway Line Memorial Cycling Pedestrians' Path" (日中線記念自転車歩行者道, Nitchusenkinenjitenshahokoshado). More than 1,000 cherry blossom trees are planted along the 3-kilometer promenade! In the spring, as you can see in the video, the pink cherry blossoms burst into bloom and create a beautiful cherry blossom tunnel that is nothing short of breathtaking. Things to Do Near the Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path Source :YouTube screenshot Every year in Kitakata, a project called "Hospitality with Flowers Kitakata" is held, and street stalls pop up along the promenade in the tourism season. You can see this at 0:43 in the video. It's wonderful to visit during the cherry blossom season and also when the cherry blossoms are just starting to fall, creating a blizzard of cherry blossom petals. There is also a steam locomotive midway through the promenade, as you can see from 2:00 in the video. This steam locomotive used to run on the Nicchu Line. The contrast between the pink weeping cherry blossoms and the black steam locomotive is perfect, so be sure to get a photo for your Instagram. Because the Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path in Fukushima is a promenade, it cannot be used for parties. Summary of the Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path in Fukushima Photo:Yoshino cherry trees・Nicchu Line steam locomotive There are many places in Japan where you can view cherry blossoms, such as weeping cherry blossoms or Yoshino cherry blossoms, burst into bloom. Among them, the Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path is a place that will have you thinking "I'm glad I came here." Be sure to check the bloom forecast on the news or bloom forecast websites and visit the Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom! ◆Fukushima Prefecture Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path|General Information◆ 【Address】Jioshikirihigashi, Kitakata, Fukushima: Jisuwa,etc. 【Blooming Period】The middle to the end of April 【Night Cherry Blossom Lighting】 None 【Access】A five-minute walk off the Banetsusai Line from Kitakata Station 【Parking】Available: Kitakata Commercial High School Ruins Temporary Tourism Parking Spot, etc. (Free) 【Bathrooms】Inside Kitakata Plaza, etc. 【Official Website】Nicchu Line Weeping Cherry Blossom Path – Kitakata Tourism and Local Products Association http://www.kitakata-kanko.jp/category/detail.php?id=104 -
Video article 2:57
The Kyoto Railroad Museum in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, Houses More Than 50 Priceless Railroad Cars in Its Collection! The Driving Experience, a Favorite Among Children, Uses a Realistic Machine Used in Actual Training!
Travel Vehicles- 115 plays
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The Kyoto Railway Museum and It's Precious Trains This video, titled "Things to Do: Kyoto Railway Museum [4K]," is an introduction to the Kyoto Railway Museum located in Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture in Japan's Kansai region. It is produced by Discover Kyoto. You can feel the history and tradition of Japanese railways at the Kyoto Railway Museum. It houses valuable train cars and is also one of the biggest railway museums in Japan. With beautiful 4K images, you can watch popular train cars from both the past and present. Experience the excitement you once felt as a child when you first saw a train, with this video. Various Experiences at the Kyoto Railway Museum Source :YouTube screenshot The main attraction of the museum is that you can experience riding a train car that is led by a real steam locomotive, the SL Steam. There are limited opportunities to ride a steam locomotive in Japan, so it'll definitely be an experience to remember. You can see the steam locomotives at the start of the video. After a day's work, the cinders are removed, and new coals and water are loaded. This process is referred to as feeding water to the boiler. Watching the steam locomotive dynamically change direction is a sight to behold. You can see your favorite cars up close and personal as they're displayed in the vehicle factory. You can train yourself as a train driver with the driving simulator in the new building which was reopened in 2018 (1:27) You can try operating a bullet train, too! In addition, there is a corner where visitors can try out the ATS/ATC experience, a train safety system that uses a camera mounted on a model train, a CTC display, a centralized vehicle management system, and there's also a track cycle experience as well. The railway diorama quite elaborate; diorama shows are performed by specialized operators with pictures, lights, and announcements. It is just like you are watching a live feed. You can actually purchase a train ticket and put it through a transparent automatic ticket gate, and learn about the structure of the gate. It's a Great Place for Kids! Source :YouTube screenshot The museum is well suited for kids as well. They can enjoy a spacious playground and a large W7 series model; they can spend the whole day there without getting bored. The video shows the kids’ park around 1:52. It's also unique in that there are a number of facilities where you can actually touch and learn about how railways work, such as, through the reproduction of a station. You can see reproductions of stations from the start of Showa Era (circa 1926) to the present. There also are sections where you can learn about the structure of a coupler, signals, blocks, and coordinating points. The Sky Terrace is on the third floor; you can see trains and bullet trains from the rooftop. You can take pictures of JR trains with cherry blossoms in the spring that go through Umekoji Park (2:00). The Facilities and Train Car Displays Source :YouTube screenshot There are various facilities at the museum. The Library, Special Exhibition Room, Life and the Railway, the Promenade, Twilight Plaza, Steam Locomotive No. 2 Service Shed, Roundhouse Platform, The Former Nijo Station House, Job Station, History Station, and Future Station are not to be missed. Among the fifty-three displayed train cars, there is the SL Steam, Bullet train, Sleeper Express Train, Bonnet-type Express Train (one of the National Railway’s major trains), Heavy Capacity Flatcars, Container Express trains, Diesel locomotives, and Diesel Cars. Access to the Museum The Kyoto Railway Museum is easily accessible from Umekoji-Kyotonishi Station which was opened in March 2019. There is no parking lot available, so you should park your car at nearby metered-parking. If you ride a bus to the museum, you can buy a one-day ticket with 10% off. You can also get a great deal if you buy a ticket for Kyoto Railway Museum and Kyoto Aquarium as a set. An advance ticket is very convenient as you can avoid waiting in a line. Restaurants at the Museum There is a restaurant in the museum where you can have lunch looking out big windows at bullet trains. A boxed lunch and kids’ lunch are also available in the dining car of a blue train, which is known as a moving hotel. Umekoji Park Café in Kyoto Umekoji Park is only a minute away on foot from the museum. It is a very popular place to eat, too. Recommended Souvenirs Getting souvenirs is one of the greatest experiences when visiting Japan. Otabe, which is famous for Nama Yatsuhashi, a Japanese-style confectionery, and Fugetsudo, a long-established confectioner, collaborated with the museum to produce a souvenir whose package features a train. It is a very well-received souvenir. Visit Kyoto Railway Museum Photo:Kyoto Railway Museum The museum collaborated with a popular Japanese toy called Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion in 2019, and a stamp collecting event was also held at the museum. After watching the video, you must be itching to visit the museum. Be sure to check out the video if you haven't yet. It's full of amazing trains that'll get your heart racing! ◆Kyoto Railway Museum◆ 【Address】Kankijicho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, 600-8835 【Access】Approximately 2 minutes on foot from Umekoji-Kyotonishi station Approximately 20 minutes on foot from JR Kyoto Station 【Entrance fee】Adults: 1,200 yen (~$12 USD) University and high school students: 1,000 yen Junior high and grade school students: 500 yen Children (3 years and older): 200 yen 【Hours】10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 【Closures】Wednesdays except on holidays, year-end and New Year holidays(as of November 2019) 【Parking】None 【Telephone No】+81-570-080-462 【Official Website】Kyoto Railway Museum http://www.kyotorailwaymuseum.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Kyoto Railway Museum https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d10251298-Reviews-Kyoto_Railway_Museum-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 3:24
Spend the Finest Time at Bessho Sasa, a Mt. Fuji Hot Spring in Yamanashi Prefecture. All Rooms Have Private Open-Air Baths With Spectacular Views of Mt. Fuji!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 135 plays
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Introducing Bessho Sasa at Mount Fuji! This "LENZ Inc. movie sample" produced "Mt. Fuji Onsen Bessho Sasa webcm Long(富士山温泉 別墅然然webcmロング)" is a sightseeing PR video of the luxury inn "Bessho Sasa" located in Fujiyoshida City, Yamanashi Prefecture in the Kanto region of the Mt. Fuji hot spring area. Bessho Sasa is section on the 4th and 5th floors of Hotel Kaneyamaen, and it is a luxury Japanese-style inn where you can enjoy extraordinary relaxation and a space with the highest level of hospitality. Plans for anniversary trips and girls' trips are available, so no matter what your plan is, they've got you covered. The luxury inn Bessho Sasa is a popular ryokan on hotel and ryokan review and comparison sites. The video shows two women enjoying Bessho sasa. Be sure to take a look and experience atmosphere of Bessho sasa. Rooms at Mt. Fuji's Bessho Sasa Source :YouTube screenshot There are three types of rooms at Bessho Sasa: Mizuho, Fukuchi, and Akemi. All of the rooms have a magnificent view of Mt. Fuji. This can be seen at 1:35 in the video. On top of that, all rooms have exclusive open-air baths. Bessho Sasa's Hot Springs Source :YouTube screenshot If you use the Mt. Fuji Hot spring "Bessho Sasa," you can use the public bath at Hotel Kaneyamaen. The qualities of this hot spring are calcium, sodium, and sulfate, and it is effective at treating hypertension, arteriosclerosis, trauma, burns, rheumatoid arthritis, neuralgia, muscle pain, joint pain, stiff shoulders, motor paralysis, joint stiffness, bruising, sprains, chronic digestive disorders, hemorrhoids, cold sensitivity, atopic dermatitis, post-sickness recovery, and fatigue recovery. It also promotes health and more. Hotel Kaneyamaen also has a day lunch and bathing rest plan if you're on the move. Dining at Mt.Fuji's Bessho Sasa At Mt. Fuji Hot springs' Bessho sasa, you can look forward to seeing the finest Japanese cuisine available. This can be seen from 1:40 in the video. Dinner and breakfast are packed with local ingredients, and we recommend topping the experience off with some spirits, such as sake or Japanese wines. This will help you experience all of the different flavors and relax simultaneously. The On-Site Facilities of “Bessho Sasa” Source :YouTube screenshot Bessho Sasa's exclusive lounge is introduced at 0:55 in the video, and from the club lounge, you can enjoy light meals and drinks while looking out at the superb view of Mount Fuji, which is absolutely stunning. After enjoying the natural hot springs, we recommend putting on a yukata and visiting the Japanese garden. This can be seen at 2:57 in the video. Also, be sure to use the SASA exclusive beauty treatment menu introduced at 2:34 in the video. At Bessho Sasa, they also offer a selection of specialty items as amenities. Sightseeing at Bessho Sasa Photo:Roller coaster Fujiyoshida City, Yamanashi Prefecture, where the villa is located, has many popular tourist attractions. There are sightseeing spots such as the popular theme park "Fujikyu Highland," "Mt.Fuji Chureito Pagoda," "Fuji Asama Shrine," "Arakurayama Asama Park," where you photograph the beautiful Mt. Fuji Asama Shrine," La Ville de Gaspard Et Lisa," the world's first theme park for the popular picture book "La Ville de Gaspard Et Lisa," "Thomas Land," a live-action version of the world of Thomas, and "Shiraito Falls," which is about a 150 meter drop. Also there is "Mt. Fuji Aoyama Taijingu Shrine," which enshrines Taijin, and the power spot "Arayayama Shrine." There are also popular local dishes, such as "Yoshida Udon" and "Hoto." We recommend checking some of these places out if you're planning on visiting Bessho Sasa. Summary of Bessho Sasa If you stay at Mt.Fuji Hot springs' ryokan "Bessho Sasa," you'll have an amazing experience. 3 minutes of footage hardly does Bessho Sasa justice. If you would like to enjoy sightseeing in Yamanashi Prefecture, enjoy Japanese food at a ryokan, or enjoy a special stay at a Japanese inn, please check the official website for accommodation rates and other information. When booking a room, the earlier the better. ◆Mt.Fuji Onsen, Bessho Sasa Facility Overview◆ 【Address】6283 Kamiyoshida, Fujiyoshida City, Yamanashi Prefecture 【Access】Free pick-up from Fujikyu Line "Mt. Fuji Station" 【Parking】Available (free) 【Phone number】0555-30-0033 【Official Website】 Mt. Fuji's Exclusive Hot Spring Inn | Bessho sasa http://bessho-sasa.com/ 【Tripadvisor】 Mt. Fuji's Exclusive Hot Spring Inn | Bessho sasa https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g681223-d8333269-Reviews-Fujisan_Onsen_Bessho_Sasa-Fujiyoshida_Yamanashi_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu.html -
Video article 2:03
A Luxurious Stay at "ATAMI Sekaie," a High-Class Hotel in Atami, Shizuoka Where You Can Enjoy the Hot Springs of Atami! Enjoy Unparalleled Hospitality in an Open-Air Bath With an Ocean View!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 145 plays
- YouTube
PR Video for "ATAMI Sekaie" This video, produced by “ARKADEAR,” is a PR video for the Japanese luxury resort hotel, “ATAMI Sekaie” where every room uses fresh hot spring water from the source. "ATAMI Sekaie" is a popular hotel on review and travel comparison sites. This video features detailed information about ocean view rooms and food for the luxury hotel located in Izusan, Atami. Watch the video and enjoy the charm of Atami Onsen, one of the three oldest hot springs in Japan. What is "ATAMI Sekaie"? Source :YouTube screenshot ATAMI Sekaie is only a 5-minute taxi ride from Atami Station, which is about 40 minutes from Tokyo, on the Tokaido Shinkansen. You can use the transportation service provided by this hotel, if you book a room. The rooms overlook the Pacific Ocean and are equipped with a luxurious outdoor bath with a spectacular view of Japan's famous Atami hot spring. You can see how luxurious the rooms are from 0:22. There are six types of rooms available: "Ocean View Superior," "Ocean View Premium TSUKI NO MICHI," "Ocean View Suite," "Ocean View Suite TSUKI NO MICHI," "Ocean View Penthouse KUMO NO NAMI," and "Ocean View Penthouse TSUKI NO MICHI." There are no Japanese style rooms at ATAMI Sekaie. All rooms are western style. You can see the Atami Sea Fireworks display from every room. Dining at “ATAMI Sekaie” Source :YouTube screenshot One of best parts about staying at this hot spring hotel is the exquisite cuisine. Guests have a choice of between two sublime Japanese restaurants located within the hotel. At “Hito-SHIO,” one of the two restaurants located within the hotel, you can experience a new style of cuisine, a fusion of charcoal grilling and traditional Japanese flavors. You can see this restaurant in the footage from 1:13. In addition, the ocean view penthouse "TSUKI NO MICHI," has a private teppan (鉄板, iron griddle) counter where you can enjoy Japanese cuisine made from the finest seasonal ingredients in a lavishly decorated space. You can see the food served in this room, with breakfast at 0:47 and dinner at 1:27 in the video. Halal foods is also available for those of Muslim faith. Information About ATAMI Sekaie's Hot Springs Source :YouTube screenshot ATAMI Sekaike House has a full range of facilities. The Open-air Azure Terrace, where you can enjoy cocktails prepared in an authentic bar overlooking Sagami Bay, as well as the Lounge Lookout" and "Meeting Rooms" all of which are available for use. The hotel also offers extensive accommodation programs, including a conditioning salon where you can receive tailored treatment for your body, and a morning yoga session to relax your mind and body. Other activities such as "finest conditioning," "walking methods," "fasting," and more are also available here at ATAMI Sekaie, so you can spend your time however you please. Summary of ATAMI Sekaie Photo:Kinomiya Shrine As shown in the video, staying in guest rooms with luxury open-air baths is the charm of the ATAMI Sekaie hotel in Atami.During your stay, you can also enjoy visiting popular sightseeing spots around the hotel, such as Atami Plum Garden, Kinomiya Shrine, Atami Castle, Atami Sun Beach and Atami Onsen”. For those of you who wish to enjoy a luxurious onsen trip in Japan and experience the finest hospitality, be sure to check out this video and experience the wonders of ATAMI Sekaie. There are also many Instagrammable spots in the hotel, so be sure to take some pictures! Room rates vary by season and room type, so please check the travel website or official website for more details. ◆ATAMI Sekaie◆ 【Address】 269-1 Izusan, Atami-shi Shizuoka-ken 413-0002 【Access】About 5 minutes by car from Atami Station on the JR Tokaido Shinkansen Line 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】0557-86-2000 【Official Website】ATAMI Sekaie https://www.atamisekaie.jp/ 【Official Website】Atami Tourist Office https://travel.ataminews.gr.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】ATAMI Sekaie https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g298122-d7767305-Reviews-ATAMI_SEKAIE-Atami_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 0:53
Mt. Norikura: At an Altitude of Nearly 10,000 Feet, Boasting 60-Foot-Tall Snow Walls and Autumnal Leaves, Its a Great Place to Enjoy Nature in Every Season in Nagano and Gifu Prefectures!
Nature Travel- 102 plays
- Vimeo
Mt. Norikura This video, titled “Mt. Norikura in one minute” (乗鞍岳登山を一分でまとめてみました。), was created by “odenkuuuuuuun.” It introduces Mt. Norikura, a part of the Hida Mountains, or Northern Alps. Mt. Norikura is one of "Japan’s Top 100 Famous Mountains," and stretches through Nagano Prefecture’s Matsumoto City to Gifu Prefecture’s Takayama City. The video summarizes "odenkuuuuuuun's" climb of Mt. Norikura in September. Although the video is only 54 seconds long, it’s brimming with the allure of Mt. Norikura. Matsumoto Prefecture・Gifu Prefecture’s Mt. Norikura Photo:Summit of Mt. Norikura Mt. Norikura is a complex volcano encompassing 7 lakes and 8 plains. The highest of its 23 peaks is Kengamine Peak, at a height of 10,000 feet. The mountain was chosen as one of "Japan’s Top 100 Famous Mountains," and its popularity extends to foreign visitors as well. Its most recent eruption is said to be the Mt. Ebisu eruption over 2000 years ago. The mountain lies in the Hida Mountains. At the top of the mountain is the Norikura Shrine (乗鞍神宮, Norikura jingu), which has been a place of worship since long ago. This can be seen from 0:47 in the video. In the Shinshu Province, the mountain is also known as “Asahidake,” due to it being the first mountain touched by the light of the morning sun. (朝日, Asahi "Morning sun," 岳, dake "Mountain/Peak"). The starting point of the trail is Tatami-daira, which is 8,800 feet above sea level, and it takes about 1.5 hours to reach the summit, depending on which trail you take, making it an easy climb even for beginners. However, at an altitude of 10,000 feet, the weather can be quite unpredictable, and the temperature is low year round, so you'll need to wear warm clothes. Mt. Norikura’s popular trekking courses include the route from Tatamidaira to Kodamadake to Kengamine (approximately one and a half hours), and the route from the Norikura Kogen highlands to the peak of Mt. Norikura (approximately five hours and forty minutes). There are hiking courses available as well. Behind Tatamidaira is a national park where alpine flora and fauna are blooming, and visitors can enjoy the beautiful sight of the flower gardens while strolling around the lake or through the promenade. Autumn at Mt. Norikura provides stunning views of autumn leaves. The peak viewing period is from mid-September to early October. During the summer season, July to September, buses begin operating early in the morning, enabling visitors to be able to enjoy the sunrise from the 10,000 ft. tall mountain peak. It's great for taking pictures. Be sure to post them on your Instagram! On Mt. Norikura, there are a few mountain huts, so climbs with overnight stays are also possible. Many of these huts are fully-equipped with facilities such as baths, so visitors can feel as if they're resting at a hotel or ryokan. For the sake of nature preservation, access to Mt. Norikura by personal vehicles is limited, so you will need to use a tourist bus, shuttle bus, or taxi to get there. As the entrance of private cars is prohibited, of course, the usage of the Tsurugaike Parking Lot is not permitted. Visitors can head to Mt. Norikura from the Honokidaira Bus Terminal or the Hirayu Onsen Bus Terminal. The bus terminals can be found at Hirayu Onsen of the Okuhida Onsen Village. Roads leading to Mt. Norikura include the Norikura Skyline (乗鞍スカイライン, Norikura sukairain) from Gifu Prefecture, as well as the Norikura Eco Line from Nagano Prefecture. Travelling on road bikes or bicycles is also possible. Cycling events are held as well, such as the “Mountain Cycling in Norikura,” and the “Norikura Skyline・Cycling Hill Climb. Sightseeing Around Mt. Norikura Photo:Mt. Norikura Snow Wall Norikura Kogen highland’s Norikura Skyline is open from mid-May to mid-June, visitors can view the snow wall "Yuki no Kairo" (雪の回廊, yuki no kairo) as well. At its highest, the snow wall can reach up to 60 feet, towering over the Norikura Skyline. Visitors can even walk amongst this magnificent sight. As seen from 0:17, snow remains on Mt. Norikura even in September, and summer skiing, where visitors climb the mountain on their own and ski at the peak, is also possible. Of course, in winter, ski resorts are opened as well, and visitors can enjoy winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding. Mt. Norikura also boasts the 50-meter “Sanbon Falls (三本滝, Sanbon-daki), which is counted among "Japan’s top 100 waterfalls." It has been a place of worship since olden times, and it is said that ascetics come to practice discipline at this waterfall. The “Starry Sky Observation Event” at Tatamidaira is also popular. Visitors can gaze up at the night sky full of stars while listening to the guide’s explanation of the sights. Summary of Mt. Norikura What'd you think of this article about Mt. Norikura? From the video, you can see the mountain from the view of a mountain climber, but you don't need to be a mountain climber to enjoy the natural beauty of Mt. Norikura. Although only 54 seconds long, the video is full of the sights and sounds of Mt. Norikura, so definitely check it out! 【Official Website】Mt. Norikura, Norikura Skyline Official Site https://norikuradake.jp/en.html 【Tripadvisor】Mt. Norikura https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298102-d2318270-Reviews-Mt_Norikura-Chubu.html -
Video article 4:08
A New Sensory Experience at the Odaiba Art Museum’s "Mori Building Digital Art Museum." Experience Another World in This Fantastic, Colorful Space!
Action & Adventure Travel- 33 plays
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Team Lab Borderless' Mori Building Digital Art Museum This is the video of the "Mori Building Digital Art Museum [4K60p](森ビルデジタルアートミュージアム MORI Building Digital Art Museum [4K60p])" produced by "Japan Explorers." It introduces the Mori Building Digital Art Museum, a sightseeing spot in Odaiba, Koto ward, Tokyo, in Japan's Kanto region. The Mori Building Digital Art Museum is a new sensory facility where art is drawn in a three-dimensional space. In the video, you can see contemporary art works wrapped in colorful light throughout the whole story. Enjoy the fantastic scenery of new age art. Check Out the Works of the Odaiba Art Museum and Digital Art Museum! Source :YouTube screenshot At the popular Mori Building Digital Art Museum in Odaiba, you begin by taking a look at a work called "Borderless World." After that, a popular work called "Lamp Forest" is introduced at 1:39 in the video. Numerous lamps change colors one after another, creating an otherworldly landscape. On the third floor of the Mori Building Digital Art Museum there is a tea house called "EN TEA HOUSE Genka-tei." In the multi-jumping area on the 4th floor there is the "Motion Forest" area where you can enjoy the world of the artwork using your whole body. It's a fun and physical area to visit, so it's best to wear easy-to-move-in clothing. This can be seen from 3:14 in the video. Take a look at the "learn! Future Amusement Park" area, which is an educational project. Pay Attention to the Magnificent Scale of Odaiba's Art Museum and Digital Art Museum! Source :YouTube screenshot Epson TeamLab Borderless art uses 520 computers and 470 projectors. With a scale of 10,000 square meters, you can enjoy a complex and three-dimensional world like you've never experienced before. At the Mori Building Digital Art Museum, about 60 works, each of magnificent scale, are exhibited. Apart from the introduction, there are also seasonal projects and more. This keeps art lovers coming back for more, as there's always something new and exciting happening here. Odaiba Art Museum, Mori Building Digital Art Museum Introductory Video Summary Source :YouTube screenshot The videos introduced here condensed the appeal of the Mori Building Digital Art Museum, where you can experience different worlds in light up atmospheres. If you are interested in watching this video, please visit the digital art museum and art museum in the Odaiba area when traveling to Japan or sightseeing in Tokyo. Tours can often be crowded, so it's best to visit during the day on weekdays. ◆ Mori Building Digital Art Museum ・ Team Lab Borderless ◆ 【Address】The second floor of Odaiba Palette Town 1-3-8 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo 【Access】 Rinkai Line Tokyo Teleport Station 5 minutes by walk from Exit A / New Transit Yurikamome 3 minutes by walk from Aomi Station North Exit 【Admission fee】Adult 3,200 yen, Child 1,000 yen (* as of November 2019) 【Hours】Weekdays 10: 00-19: 00, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays 10: 00-21: 00 【Closures】Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month 【Parking】Affiliated parking available 【Telephone No】03-6368-4292 【Official Website】Mori Building Digital Art Museum-teamLab Borderless https://borderless.teamlab.art/ 【Tripadvisor】Mori Building Digital Art Museum: TeamLab Borderless, Tickets and Travel https://www.tripadvisor.com/AttractionProductReview-g298184-d15126254-MORI_Building_DIGITAL_ART_MUSEUM_teamLab_Borderless_Ticket_and_Transfer-Tokyo_Toky.html -
Video article 7:41
Former Morning Musume Member AI Takahashi Introduces Her Hometown, Fukui Prefecture! You'll Love This City Where You'll Meet Lots of People and Have Lots of Smiles!
Local PR Travel- 52 plays
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元モーニング娘の高橋愛が紹介する福井県の観光動画について 「福井県観光連盟」が公開した「福の便り ~しあわせが届く故郷 福井~」は福井県出身の高橋愛が福井県の魅力を紹介している動画です。 福井県は福井県立恐竜博物館、ソースカツ丼、メガネ、越前和紙などさまざまな魅力があり、観光地としておすすめのスポットです。 美しい景観が見られる自然スポットも充実しているので、心をリフレッシュしたい人にもおすすめですよ。 こちらの記事では、高橋愛の故郷である福井県の観光名所や穴場スポットなどを動画と共に紹介します。 元モーニング娘の高橋愛が紹介する福井県で人気の歴史スポット 福井県で人気の歴史スポットといえば、曹洞宗の大本山永平寺です。 とても厳しい禅修行をする場所として有名です。 一般人でも短期間の修行体験ができ、座禅などで心身を鍛えることができます。 とても神聖なお寺なので参拝するだけでも気が引き締まり、リフレッシュできますよ。 こちらの動画の1:38より見ることができます。 一乗谷朝倉氏遺跡も福井を代表する歴史スポットのひとつ。 戦国時代に朝倉氏五代が越前の国を支配した城下町で、国の重要文化財に指定されている場所です。 当時の城下町の様子をほぼ完全な姿で再現されており、戦国時代にタイムスリップしたような感覚を味わえます。 他にも、平泉寺白山神社、旧松平家別邸「養浩館庭園」、百名城、丸岡城、羽賀城、国宝明通寺、鯖街道熊川宿、小浜三丁目など人気の歴史スポットがたくさんあります。 元モーニング娘の高橋愛が紹介する福井県でおすすめの絶景エリア 高橋愛の地元の福井を観光するなら美しい景色を見られるエリアもおすすめです。 龍双ヶ滝は「日本の滝100選」に選ばれている絶景スポットです。 落差60メートルある龍双ヶ滝の姿はとても美しく、マイナスイオンが充実した滝壺の周りにいると心が癒やされるはずです。 お花が好きな人は、足羽神社しだれ桜でゆっくり桜鑑賞するのもおすすめです。 桜の枝が綺麗なドーム型になっており、他ではなかなか見ることができません。 夜はライトアップされ幻想的な景勝を楽しめます。 他にも、金ヶ崎赤レンガ倉庫、足羽川桜並木、西山公園、花はす公園、名水百選瓜割の滝、水晶浜、水島、明鏡洞、九頭竜湖、世界三大奇勝東尋坊、百名山荒島竹、刈込池、もみじ百選萬徳寺などが福井県の見どころです。 元モーニング娘の高橋愛が紹介する福井県で人気のグルメ 福井県でおすすめのグルメはカニの王様である越前がにです。 日本海で育った立派な越前ガニは、他の産地のカニと比べて身がしっかりしていて美味しいと評判でとても人気があります。 また、高級な若狭ふぐもおすすめです。 身が締まってプリプリで刺し身やしゃぶしゃぶで食べると絶品です。 浜焼き鯖、葛まんじゅう、コシヒカリ、越前・若狭の地酒、越前おろしそばなどが福井県を代表するグルメです。 元モーニング娘の高橋愛が紹介する福井観光の記事のまとめ 高橋愛の地元である福井県には、さまざまな観光スポットやグルメが充実しています。 三国祭、三国水中花火、スーパー大火勢、いけだエコキャンドル、永平寺大燈籠流し、今庄羽曽踊りなどがあり、季節ごとにさまざまなイベントを楽しめます。 インスタ映えする景色を楽しみたい方、日本の歴史や文化を感じたい方には福井観光はおすすめですよ。