Video article 2:56
Aya, Located in Miyazaki Prefecture, Is a UNESCO Eco Park Located in Japan. One of Japan's Largest Areas of Evergreen Forest Aiming to Live in Harmony With Nature!
Local PR- 35 plays
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大自然に囲まれた宮崎県綾町の魅力紹介動画について こちらの動画は「宮崎県町村会」が公開した「綾町」です。 宮崎県の綾町は、日本最大の照葉樹林が世界中から高い評価を受け、日本の名観光地としてユネスコエコパークに登録されています。 日本を象徴する大自然の美しさ、まずは動画でご堪能ください。 宮崎県綾町には照葉樹林の他にも、綾南川・照葉大吊橋など、見るものを圧倒する自然が至るところに広がっています。 自然生態系農業の先駆者・宮崎県綾町 宮崎県綾町は、自然生態系を生かして育てる町として全国に先駆けて活動していることでも有名。 自然生態系農業から産まれた人参やきゅうりといった野菜は、厳しい基準や審査を受けて出荷されているため、他の野菜と比べてもかなり品質が高いのです。 お土産としてもおすすめ。 宮崎は馬の産地としても有名で、宮崎県綾町の周辺では頻繁に草競馬を楽しむ人々の姿があります。 普通の競馬場よりも観客との距離が近く、競走馬の迫力をより身近に感じることができますよ。 宮崎県綾町は昔から木工芸が盛んな町でもあり、箸置きや将棋盤などの生産地としても知られており、日本有数の名産地です。 食卓の雰囲気をガラリと変える雰囲気ある箸置きからは、職人の熱意と技が感じられるでしょう。 アウトドアとしても楽しめるのが宮崎県綾町の魅力 アウトドアスポットも人気が高く、広沢ダムでの水上スキーは爽快そのもの。 人目を気にすることなく綺麗な水の上を滑ることができます。 宮崎県綾町は日本の中でも有数の大自然が広がり、気候が安定しているため、学生の部活動の合宿地としての人気も高いです。 日本中のスポーツマンが集まります。 景色・景観も素晴らしいですよ。 そして夜になると、たくさんのゲンジホタルが街中を乱舞します。 水が綺麗な宮崎県綾町ならではの光景に、時間を忘れてしまうでしょう。 ゲンジホタルの乱舞は動画内でも紹介されています。 ぜひご覧になってくださいね。 グルメの舌を唸らせる食品の数々! 自然の魅力がたっぷりの宮崎県綾町ですが、観光だけではありません。 酒泉の杜からも連想されるように、安定した気候からなる芳醇なワインは世界中のワイン好きを唸らせます。 アウトドアを楽しんだ夜はホテルでワインに酔いしれるのも良いですね。 宮崎名産のお酒の魅力もさることながら、やはり一番有名なのは地鶏ではないでしょうか。 地鶏の美味しさを求めて宮崎県に訪れる方は多く、もちろんこの宮崎県綾町の地鶏も格別ですよ。 宮崎県綾町の美味しい水で作る地鶏の水炊き鍋は、絶品中の絶品。 宮崎県綾町紹介まとめ 日本屈指の自然とグルメに溢れたこの宮崎県綾町をたっぷりに詰め込んだ動画をぜひ一度ご覧になってみてください。 宮崎県綾町の綺麗な水上を走るウォータースポーツ、競走馬の迫力など、アウトドア好きにもたまらない内容になっていますよ。 動画で宮崎県綾町の魅力を知れば、きっと宮崎県綾町に足を運びたくなるでしょう。 -
Video article 10:56
Fukuzaki in Hyogo Prefecture Is a Place Where History, Literature and Nature Mingle. Visit the Town With Nostalgic Scenery and a Hint of Mystery...
Local PR Travel- 23 plays
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兵庫観光のかくれた観光名所「福崎町」の魅力とは? こちらの動画は「福崎町観光協会」が公開した「福崎町観光PR動画「観光PR」」です。 兵庫県福崎町は民俗学者柳田國男を始めとした多くの偉人を排出した町です。 清流市川に育まれる豊かな風土と気候に恵まれ、古くから交通の要衝として宿場町としても栄えた場所です。 風光明媚な景勝地として、また学問と歴史の町として兵庫県の穴場的な観光スポットでもあり、知る人ぞ知る名所の宝庫。 大庄屋三木家住宅や旧辻川郵便局、学問成就の道は必見です。 兵庫県福崎町の歴史 兵庫県福崎町は昭和31年に田原村、八千種村、旧福崎町が合併してできた町です。 周囲を緑豊かな自然に恵まれた静かな町ですが、古くには東西南北に伸びる街道の交差する要衝の宿場町として栄えました。 今でも当時の名残が残っており、南北はJR播但線と播但連絡道路、国道312号線、東西には中国自動車道と県道が交わる動脈として機能し、福崎町東部工業団地(福崎工業団地)は兵庫県の重要な産業の一翼を担っています。 兵庫県福崎町周辺の観光スポット&イベント情報 周囲を豊かな自然に恵まれた兵庫県福崎町には歴史的に重要な史跡などの観光スポットが数多く点在しています。 おすすめの観光エリアは福崎東洋ゴルフ倶楽部、春日山、作門寺山門、七種の滝、田口奥地、七種神社(七種山)、清流市川、駒が岩などです。 また古くから宿場町として栄えた名残りで古刹が多く、苔むした風情はインスタ映えすること間違いなしです。 兵庫県福崎町を代表するおすすめの古刹は應聖寺、金剛城寺、神積寺、鈴ノ森神社、北野天満神社、本覚寺、日光寺など…。 小さな町にこれだけの寺院仏閣がひしめくのは日本有数の密度なので、寺院仏閣巡りが好きな方にもおすすめです。 四季を通じてイベントも多く、春は桜の花見や民俗辻広場まつり、夏の虫送りなどが開催されます。 柳田國男とかっぱの出会い 兵庫県福崎町出身の日本民俗学者柳田國男がいなければ「妖怪」という存在がこれほど多くの人たちに認識されることがなかったと言われています。 妖怪は怖いだけでなくどこかユーモラス。 ゲゲゲの鬼太郎やポケモン、妖怪ウォッチなどの作品は柳田國男の影響が強く出ていると言われているほどです。 柳田文学でも特に有名なのは「かっぱ」との出会いを記した遠野物語です。 日本の昔話につきものの妖怪の数々を紹介した功績をたたえ、柳田國男生家を文化財として保護し、神崎郡歴史民俗資料館などにその足跡を記録しています。 そして福崎駅前商店街には柳田國男の石像と妖怪ベンチを設置、兵庫県福崎町を訪れる観光客のインスタ映えポイントとして人気を博しています。 兵庫県福崎町周辺のグルメ情報 兵庫県福崎町は日本有数のもちむぎの産地です。 おすすめのグルメは何と言ってももちむぎ麺でしょう。 福崎駅やホテル周辺にはいたるところでもちむぎ麺を楽しむことができます。 もちむぎ麺をお土産として求めるなら「もちむぎのやかた」がおすすめです。 もちむぎともう一つの名産品ツノナスは夏に収穫されるのでお盆のころには新麦のおいしいもちむぎ麺とツノナスの郷土料理を食堪能することができます。 兵庫県福崎町紹介まとめ 兵庫県福崎町は西日本陸路の要衝地、また歴史と文学と自然が混じり合う町として人気のある観光地です。 四季折々の豊かな自然、そして妖怪と人との共生を動画と共にお楽しみください。 -
Video article 3:12
The City of Iida in Nagano Prefecture Retains the Original Landscape of a Japanese Mountain Village. The Town Is a Popular Tourist Spot Where You Can Catch a Glimpse of Japanese Culture
Local PR- 59 plays
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長野県飯田市を紹介したプロモーション動画について こちらの動画は「飯田市HP公開動画」が公開した「懐かしい心のふるさと 遠山郷 飯田市プロモーション映像(長野県飯田市)」です。 日本の観光スポットと聞いて一体どこをイメージするでしょうか? 人気の観光スポットからインスタ映えする穴場スポットなど人それぞれです。 今回は動画と共に長野県飯田市を紹介します。 長野県飯田市の魅力がたっぷり詰まった動画の見どころ 長野県飯田市にある遠山郷(とおやまごう)で開催されているイベントをはじめ、名物料理、景観などを紹介した動画になっています。 動画内で紹介されている長野県飯田市の観光スポットは次になります。 ・霜月祭 ・サンマのそばだんご ・下栗の里 ・遠山ジンギス ・遠山温泉郷かぐらの湯 ・龍淵寺観音霊水 ・旧木沢小学校木造校舎 ・遠山森林鉄道 ・旧秋葉街道 遠山郷ってどんな場所? 遠山郷は長野県最南端の秘湯があることで知られており、山や渓谷に囲まれています。 動画内に登場した下栗の里は日本の里100選に選ばれているスポットです。 インスタ映えする景色を撮影したい方は一度訪れてみてはいかがでしょうか? 長野県飯田市・遠山郷のイベント 毎年10月の第4日曜日に峠の国盗り綱引き合戦が開催されます。 長野県飯田市と静岡県浜松市の商工会青年部が対戦し、勝った方が1m県境を相手方に移動できるというものです。 動画でも紹介されている霜月祭も遠山郷に行く際はチェックしたいイベント。 自然界の全てが生まれ清まることを願ったお祭りで、多くの方が参加しています。 長野県飯田市の観光スポット紹介まとめ 長野県飯田市には魅力的な観光スポットがたくさんあります。 こちらの動画をご覧になって長野県飯田市に興味を持たれた方は是非実際に足を運んでみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 6:13
Kyoto's World Heritage Site's Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall and Ujigami Shrine Are Two Historic Japanese Shrines That Attract People From All Over the World. Be Intoxicated by the Beautiful Scenery and Feel the History of Japan!
Art & Architecture- 11 plays
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Introducing Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall, a World Heritage Site in Kyoto! This video, titled "Tabinohoshi (Uji World Heritage Site Tour|Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall and Ujigami Shrine) Uji, Japan vol.23" (旅の星 Tabinohoshi 「宇治~世界遺産めぐり 平等院鳳凰堂と宇治上神社」 Uji, Japan vol.23), was released by "Journeys Throughout Japan 旅の星 Tabinohoshi." When you hear the words "tourist sites in Japan," what comes to mind? Kyoto is a popular destination for many tourists, including domestic travelers as well. There are a number of attractive destinations in Kyoto, such as Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall, Ujigami Shrine, The Golden Pavilion (金閣寺), and Kiyomizu-dera (清水寺). If you're coming to Kyoto or wish to learn more about Japan, be sure to check out this video as it features Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall and Ujigami Shrine. Highlight's of Ujigami Shrine and Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall Source :YouTube screenshot In the video, Monshou Kamii, the Chief Priest of Byodoin Temple, talks about the City of Uji (宇治市), Kyoto (京都府) in an easy-to-understand manner. You can see the main gate of Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall from 0:28 and the building of Byodoin Temple Phoenix Hall from 0:42 in the video. Starting at 1:46, you can see the inside of Byodoin Museum Hoshokan. A Look at Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall, a World Heritage Site Photo:Byodoin Temple’s Phoenix Hall, Kyoto Did you know that Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall is actually displayed on the Japanese 10 yen coin? The Phoenix of Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall is also depicted on the back of the Japanese 10,000 yen bill. Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall is officially called "Amida-do Hall," and was built in 1053. Access to Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall is a 10-minute walk from JR Uji Station and a short walk from the nearest station. There is unfortunately no parking. In the fall, both the temple and the autumn foliage are illuminated, so you can enjoy even more beautiful scenery. We highly recommend seeing it when it's lit up if possible. Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall is also known as one of Kyoto's leading power spots. When you visit Uji, Kyoto, you can also purchase goshuin (御朱印, temple seals) for friends and family when you visit. They make great gifts! You can even have your wedding ceremony at Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall. Having your first moment as a married couple in the presence of the Amida Buddha (Amitabha) is sure to make it extra special. A Look at Ujigami Shrine Photo:A torii gate at Ujigami Shrine, Kyoto Ujigami Shrine is a shrine in Kyoto, and can be seen at 3:34 in the video. The Honden (inner sanctuary) is well known as the oldest shrine architecture in Japan. It is known as the setting for "Sawarabi," one of the "Uji-jujo" (Ten Quires of Uji) from The Tale of Genji. You can see "Sawarabi-no-michi" (Sawarabi street) from 3:40 in the video. When you visit Kyoto during your tour of Japan, be sure to check it out! Ujigami Shrine is said to be a place where prayers for academic success are fulfilled, and is popular among many people as a power spot in Kyoto. It's perfect for students and those in academia. Tips for Visiting Kyoto Photo:The Hall of Worship at Ujigami Shrine, Kyoto When you visit Uji in Kyoto, there are many places like Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall and Ujigami Shrine that you can visit. In order to make full use of your time, we recommend thoroughly researching and planning routes and travel times before visiting. Summary of Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall and Ujigami Shrine Source :YouTube screenshot Uji, Kyoto has many tourist destinations including Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall and Ujigami Shrine introduced in the video. If you're looking to fully enjoy a trip to Japan, consider stopping by the ancient capital, Kyoto! There are other historic temples besides Byodoin Temple's Phoenix Hall and Ujigami Shrine as well. We hope this article has inspired you to explore Kyoto! 【Official Website】World Heritage Site Byodoin Temple https://www.byodoin.or.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Byodoin Temple https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g946495-d592034-Reviews-Byodoin_Temple-Uji_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html 【Tripadvisor】Ujikami-Jinja Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g946495-d1386216-Reviews-Ujigami_Shrine-Uji_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 6:31
Taste the Freshest Seafood You Can Find at the Furukawa Fish Market in Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture! Walk Around the Market, Find Your Favorite Seafood, and Even Customize Your Own Seafood Bowl at Nokke Don!
Food & Drink Travel- 57 plays
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Aomori's Furukawa Fish Market This video, titled “Furukawa Fish Market -Aomori- 4K Ultra HD”(Furukawa Fish Market - Aomori - 青森魚菜センター - 4K Ultra HD) was created by “TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful.” It shows you what's available at the Furukawa Fish Market. Check out the video to see the variety of seafood that the Furukawa Fish Market offers. There are so many Aomori speciality foods such as grilled fish, meat, appetizers and delicious sashimi. We recommend you try “Nokke Don” and create your very own seafood bowl. Even though it is a simple video with no narration or music, it makes you feel like you're actually walking through the Furukawa Fish Market. Take a Trip to the Furukawa Fish Market! Source :YouTube screenshot The Furukawa Fish Market has a lively atmosphere, handling a variety of fresh seafood. The Furukawa Fish Market is loved by the locals. It was established 40 years ago, and is known as “A Kitchen for Aomori Citizens.” The Furukawa Fish Market is also a popular tourist spot for foreign travelers. We recommend you walk around the market and find your favorite food. The Original “Aomori Nokke Don” Source :YouTube screenshot You've gotta try the popular “Aomori Nokke Don” when you visit the Furukawa Fish Market. Aomori Nokke Don is an all-you-can-add dish that lets you customize your very own seafood bowl. You can put any ingredients you want in the bowl. There is no set recipe for this menu item, so you can use your creativity to create the ultimate dish. Nokke Don is very easy to make. Start by purchasing a bowl of rice. After that, you'll walk around the center and find your favorite sea food and put in whatever suits your tastebuds! The video at 1:13 gives you an idea of what kind seafood is available at the center. Pick the seafood you want and create your own unique seafood dish. You can actually see tourists holding bowls and walking around the market in the video. Summary of the Furukawa Fish Market Photo:Seafood bowl The video shows you the various kind of fresh seafood available in Aomori. It's the perfect place to experience delicious Japanese food. If you'd like to try the fresh “Aomori Nokke Don,” take a trip down to the Furukawa Fish Market! Check out the video to see what the Furukawa Fish Market is like. If you love seafood, then you really don't want to miss out on the Furukawa Fish Market! ◆Furukawa Fish Market◆ 【Address】 1-11-16 Furukawa Aomori, Aomori 030-0862 【Access】5 minute walk from JR Aomori Station, or a 15 minute drive from Aomori Chuo Interchange. 【Hours】7 am - 4 pm 【Closures】Every Tuesdays (Subject to change during Golden Week and Obon holidays) 【Parking】None (Coin parking is available near the market) 【Telephone No】017-763-0085 【Official Website】Original Aomori Nokke Don https://nokkedon.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Aomori Fish and Produce Center https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g298241-d8871463-Reviews-Aomori_Gyosai_Center_Nokkedon-Aomori_Aomori_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 3:10
On Miyazaki Prefecture's Monkey Island, Approximately 100 Monkeys Have Formed Their Own Unique Culture... Introducing the Features of Kojima, Where You Can See Unique Monkey Culture!
Travel- 8 plays
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Kojima's "Monkey Island" This is a video that introduces "Monkey Island" on Kojima, a place where monkey's have formed their own unique culture. Kojima is an island approximately 200 meters offshore from the Ishinami coast in Kushima City, Miyazaki Prefecture, in Japan's Kyushu region. It is known as a research site for Japanese macaques along with the Takasakiyama Natural Zoological Garden in Oita Prefecture. Currently, the entirety of Kojima has been designated "Nichinan Kaigan National Park" and "Kojima Wild Monkey Habitat," and is the subject of conservation and research activities. The Natural Scenery of Kojima Photo:Kojima (Monkey Island), Miyazaki Prefecture Kojima is famous as "Monkey Island," but other animals, such as raccoon dogs, hares, and bats also live there. It's also known that there are birds, such as warblers, white-eyes, black-eyes, and blue rock thrush living on the island as well. Kojima is rich in nature with 196 species of plants from 78 families having been confirmed on the island, including subtropical plants. There are around 250 species of subtropical plant communities in the Ishinami Coastal Forest. It has also been designated a national natural monument as "a representative of the coastal and shaji plant communities" and is protected by the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties. The Research on the Kojima Monkeys Introduced in the Video Photo:Japanese macaques washing potatoes on Kojima Island, Miyazaki Kojima is an uninhabited island, but there is a primate research facility of Kyoto University on the island, and researchers are stationed there. It is said that a group of 90 monkeys were living on Kojima during the Taisho period (1912-1926), but after the Pacific War, the number of monkeys dropped sharply to just nine. After that, the population began to slowly recover, and now around 100 monkeys live on the island. The monkeys on Kojima perform unique cultural activities, such as washing potatoes and walking on two legs, so they're an attractive object of study. Access to Kojima's Monkey Island There is a ferry from Ishinami Beach to Kojima by reservation only, but it's also possible to cross over to the island on foot at low tide. However, Kojima is the subject of research, and the entry and exit of the island is restricted throughout the island area, so be careful. Ishinami beach on the opposite bank is popular for its Instagram-worthy scenery, which has been selected as one of the top 100 beaches in Japan, and you can enjoy sightseeing, fishing, and swimming here as well. Summary of Kojima and Monkey Island Photo:Kojima, Miyazaki Prefecture The monkeys on Kojima, introduced in the video, are attracting the attention of researchers all over Japan because of their unique culture and behavior. Access to Kojima is restricted, so if you want to learn more about the behavior of these interesting monkeys, be sure to take a look at the video! 【Tripadvisor】Kojima https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023427-d13205071-Reviews-Kojima_Island-Kushima_Miyazaki_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 5:19
The Surface of Hokkaido's Lake Saroma Dyed a Beautiful Bright Red by Sea Asparagus. Discover the Natural Beauty of Hokkaido in This 4K Video!
Nature Travel- 7 plays
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Glasswort, the Bright Red Plant Covering Lake Saroma in Hokkaido This video, titled " JG 4K Hokkaido|Glasswort Around Lake Saroma|Hokkaido Sea Asparagus" (JG 4K 北海道 サロマ湖周辺のアッケシソウ(サンゴソウ) Hokkaido Sea Asparagus), was uploaded by " JAPAN GEOGRAPHIC." Hokkaido is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan, attracting many foreign tourists every year thanks to its natural beauty. "In this 4K video, you can see the rare carpet of sea asparagus at Lake Saroma in Hokkaido, which is known as "Japan's best red carpet." Glasswort is a saltwater plant that grows in salt marshes that are subject to the ebb and flow of the tides. It is a salt-tolerant, edible plant that grows into a cylindrical shape 10 to 35 cm tall. As glasswort, an annual plant, grows, its flesh stores a large amount of salt, giving it a firm texture and salty taste. The leaves and stems are edible, and it is called sea asparagus because of its resemblance to asparagus, and is used in cooking in parts of Europe. Lake Saroma is the largest brackish lake in Japan and faces the sea, making it ideal the ideal environment for sea asparagus to grow. The Sea Asparagus at Lake Saroma in Hokkaido Photo:Sea asparagus Salicornia Europaea, this variety of sea asparagus, has been registered as an endangered species. Lake Noto in Abashiri, Hokkaido, is home to one of the largest colonies of sea asparagus in Japan, which is artificially cultivated with a tractor to suppress the growth of other halophytes (salt-tolerant plants). Lake Saroma, shown in the video, is one of the few areas where sea asparagus is cultivated. In Japanese the plant is often called "Sango-so" (サンゴ草: lit. "Coral grass") because its tips are red and resemble coral. You can see a close-up shot of the coral-like glasswort at 3:13 in the video. Tasting the Sea Asparagus Grown in Hokkaido's Lake Saroma Photo:Sea asparagus Sea asparagus is a plant that tastes salty when eaten raw, so it is commonly boiled and eaten as is. It is also delicious when added to pasta, stews, and other boiled dishes. In recent years, it has been distributed in supermarkets across Japan, so be sure to try it if you have the chance. It is rich in minerals and amino acids such as magnesium, which Japanese people tend to deficient in, and the extract of sea asparagus is so nutritious that it is used as an ingredient in many supplements. Summary of Sea Asparagus at Lake Saroma in Hokkaido Source :YouTube screenshot Lake Saroma in Hokkaido is part of the Abashiri Quasi-National Park, and is famous as an area that cranes fly over every year in early September when the autumn leaves begin to change color. You can see one of these cranes at 3:17 in the video. Sango-so Matsuri (能取湖さんご草祭り) a sea asparagus festival at Lake Saroma is held from early to mid-September, and a sightseeing bus called "Dollymint Okhotsk-go" (ドリーミントオホーツク号) operates there. As it is not a place with convenient access, many tourists visit by rental car, so be sure to research details on parking and other events in the area. 【TripAdvisor】Lake Saroma https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1120894-d1384194-Reviews-Lake_Saroma-Saroma_cho_Tokoro_gun_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 4:26
Be Enchanted by the Glittering Neon Lights of Osaka and the Night View of Tsutenkaku Lighting up the City of Osaka! Introducing Recommended Spots Around Tsutenkaku Tower, the Symbol of Osaka!
Travel- 138 plays
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Introducing Osaka Shinsekai & the Tsutenkaku Area! This time, we will introduce a video called "大阪 新世界&通天閣周辺の夜景 Osaka Shinsekai & Tsutenkaku Tower Nightscape". If you want to enjoy night views of famous spots when you travel in Japan and want to walk in the shimmering lights of Japan at night, we recommend sightseeing around Osaka Shinsekai and Tsutenkaku where you can enjoy the beautiful scenery. In this article, we will introduce some nice videos and recommended spots at Osaka Shinsekai and Tsutenkaku. What Kind of Places Are Shinsekai and Tsutenkaku? Photo:Tsutenkaku You can see Tsutenkaku from 0:17 in the video, which is a historic tower that was built in Meiji 45 (1912) with the Eiffel Tower in Paris as a model. In this area, the 5th National Industrial Expo was held in 1903, and more than 5 million people visited. Osaka Shinsekai was created as a new attraction in Osaka at the site of the exposition. At night, the Osaka Shinsekai Tsutenkaku area is colored with a brilliant neon nightscape, giving you a much different view from the daytime. A flag for advertising may be placed on the top of the 108m high Tsutenkaku tower, so check it out. Recommended Places to See in the Osaka Shinsekai Tsutenkaku Area Photo:Tsutenkaku The night view of Osaka Shinsekai's slightly retro and lively cityscape looks outstanding on Instagram. You can experience old-fashioned shooting games and retro games at the "Modern Amusement Hall" and "Game Center Kasuga Amusement Hall" in Jean-Jean Yokocho. Nearby attractions are Tennoji Park, Tennoji Zoo, Hihokan, the world's hot spring Spa World, and movie theaters as well. The puffer lanterns introduced at 0:28 in the video and the statue of Billiken from 1:41 are also famous attractions in Osaka. Excellent Gourmet Foods in the Osaka Shinsekai and Tsutenkaku Areas Source :YouTube screenshot Osaka, known as the “eating-down town”, has a lot of excellent local gourmet food. Takoyaki, okonomiyaki, and kushikatsu, known as "banning the sauce twice," are considered soul foods in Osaka. In addition, gourmet foods such as hele katsu sandwiches, doyaki, and kasu udon are also popular. You can also try the Tsutenkaku parfait that can be eaten at the Tsutenkaku Observatory. Enjoy the delicious gourmet food around Osaka Shinsekai Tsutenkaku Hondori! Osaka Shinsekai & Tsutenkaku Night View Introductory Video Summary Source :YouTube screenshot Osaka is a tourist spot that is popular among both domestic and foreign tourists. In particular, Tsutenkaku tower, which is loved as the symbol of Osaka, is a night view spot that you should definitely visit if you're planning on visiting Japan. In the video, you can see the glittering neon lights and Tsutenkaku lighting up the cityscape of Osaka. If you look at this video, you'll definitely want to go see the gorgeous lights of Osaka at night! 【Official Website】Shinsekai | OSAKA-INFO https://osaka-info.jp/en/page/shinsekai 【Official Website】Tsutenkaku | Observatory / Tower | Recommended popular sightseeing spots in Osaka (Tennoji / Abeno / Shinsekai area) https://www.tsutenkaku.co.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Shinsekai https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298566-d1407290-Reviews-Shinsekai-Osaka_Osaka_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 4:41
Ise Jingu Shrine in Mie Prefecture Has a Long History Dating Back 2,000 Years. As One of Japan's Most Popular Tourist Destinations, This Power Spot Needs To Be on Your Bucket List!
Art & Architecture- 12 plays
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Ise Jingu Shrine in Mie Prefecture - A Shrine with 2,000 Years of History This video, titled "【伊勢神宮】 SOUL of JAPAN ISE-JINGU" was uploaded by "ISE-JINGU Official Channel" (伊勢神宮 公式チャンネル (ISE-JINGU)). It introduces Ise Jingu Shrine in Ise, Mie, in Japan's Tokai region. Ise Jingu Shrine is one of Japan's major tourist destinations and has ancient roots. Be sure to follow along with the video as you read on! About Ise Jingu Shrine - A Popular Tourist Destination in Mie Prefecture Photo:Mie Prefecture, Ise Jingu Shrine・Toyouke Daijingu In 2016, the 42nd G7 Summit was held in Shima, Mie. Ise Jingu Shrine in Ise, Mie is a highly popular tourist destination not only for Japanese tourist, but also for tourists from abroad. It is called "Oise-san" or "Dai-jingu-san" and officially called "Jingu." There are 125 shrines, including Inner Shrine where Amaterasu Omikami is enshrined as the ancestral deity of the Imperial family, and the Outer Shrine where Toyouke no Omikami is enshrined as the god of food, clothing, shelter, and industry, and they are collectively referred to as "Jingu." The video introduces attractive spots at Ise Jingu Shrine for around 5 minutes. "Toyouke Daijingu" is shown from 0:45, "Shikinen Sengu," where a lot of historical materials are displayed, is shown from 1:24 and the inner shrine is shown from 1:54. The murmur of the Isuzu River (五十鈴川) at the entrance of Ise Jingu and the spiritual atmosphere is very soothing. The History of Ise Jingu Shrine Photo:Mie Prefecture, Ise Jingu shrine approach The inner shrine has a history of about 2,000 years and outer shrine about 1500 years. Originally, Amaterasu Omikami was enshrined in Nara, but was moved around the country in search of a more suitable location and finally settled in Ise, Mie. Because of its long history, historical figures such as Taira no Kiyomori, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, and Oda Nobunaga have also visited the temple. Worshipping From the Outer Shrine To the Inner Shrine Photo:Mie Prefecture, Ise Jingu outer shrine・Tsukiyomi-no-miya entrance When you pray at Ise Jingu Shrine, you have to worship from the outer shrine and then the inner shrine. This is because Toyouke no Omikami, the deity of the outer shrine, is the god of food for Amaterasu no Mikami, the deity of the inner shrine, and it was customary to offer food to her before visiting the inner shrine, and it is still customary to visit the shrines in that order. Enjoy Tourist Sites Around Ise Jingu! Photo:Mie Prefecture, Shiroko Station・Suzuka City Billboard There are many tourist sites in the city, such as Suzuka Circuit, Nagashima Spa Land and Shima Spain Village (志摩スペイン村). Because of this, the number of tourists continued to break a records for the third year in a row and in 2018, at a total of 42.6 million tourists. Out of 42.6 million people, Ise Jingu was visited by more than 8 million tourists, solidifying Ise Jingu as a major tourist destination in Mie Prefecture. Summary of Ise Jingu Shrine Photo:Ise Jingu Shrine, Mie Prefecture The video introduces Ise Jingu Shrine, a tourist destination in Mie Prefecture. Ise Jingu Shrine is a sightseeing spot with a very spiritual and solemn atmosphere. You can feel the solemnity just by watching the video. Be sure to visit Ise Jingu Shrine when you travel to Mie Prefecture! ◆Ise Jingu Shrine|General Information◆ 【Address】1 Ujitachi, Ise, Mie 516-0023 【Access】Access to the outer shrine is a 5-minute walk from Iseshi Station. The inner shrine is about a 30-minute walk from Isuzugawa Station 【Admission Fee】Free 【Hours】5am to 6pm 【Closures】No holidays 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】0596-24-1111 【Official Website】Ise Jingu Shrine https://www.isejingu.or.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Ise Jingu Shrine https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g303159-d555336-Reviews-Ise_Jingu-Ise_Mie_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 18:23
The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival – An Up-Close Fireworks Display Created by Local Pyrotechnicians!
Festivals & Events Travel- 22 plays
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The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival of Ueda, Nagano: Video Introduction This video, titled "[4K] An Up-Close & Powerful Display! Sparks Rain From Above! The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival 2018 Highlights" ([4K] 激近大迫力!- 火の粉が上から降ってくる - 信州上田大花火大会 2018 ハイライト - Shinshu Ueda Fireworks 2018 Highlights -), was uploaded by "AQUA Geo Graphic." Ueda, Nagano – The Town and the History of Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival Photo:Ueda from the Arato Castle Ruins Ueda, Nagano, located in Japan's Koshin'etsu region, is known as the birthplace of the three generations of Sanada, one of the most influential clans in Japanese history, and is a popular tourist destination with its historical and cultural heritage, magnificent nature, and hot springs that can be enjoyed in Japan's four seasons. The historical atmosphere of the city has led to it being used as a filming location for movies and TV dramas. Since it was the setting for the animated movie Summer Wars, some fans go on a tour of the places that served as models in the movie itself. The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival is held every year on August 5 from the banks of the Chikuma River (Shinano River) in Ueda, Nagano, and usually attracts more than 100,000 spectators. After being cancelled for two years due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, the 35th annual fireworks display was scheduled to be held in 2022. A Beautiful Fireworks Display Created by Skilled Pyrotechnicians Photo:Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival 2018 The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival consists of a competition among three local fireworks companies. ・Beniya Aoki Fireworks (紅屋青木煙火店) ・Shinohara Fireworks (篠原煙火店) ・Musha Fireworks (武舎煙火工業) The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival, which has become a summer tradition in Ueda, Nagano, is made possible by the advanced technology of three local firework companies. Normally, 3,000 stars are packed into a firework shell. If even a few of them are out of alignment, the resulting explosion will be lackluster. It is no exaggeration to say that the Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival is a success due to the incredibly skilled pyrotechnicians. The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival – Up Close and Personal The Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival is a popular fireworks display in Nagano Prefecture because of its diverse program. The night sky is completely lit up as approximately 10,000 fireworks of various sizes are launched, centering on the gorgeous starmine and musical fireworks. In addition, the finale, a series of launches, is a spectacle that captivates the audience. The powerful music and the continuous launching of fireworks herald the arrival of summer in Ueda. One of the reasons why the Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival is said to be so powerful is that the spectator seats are close to where the fireworks are launched. Because of the proximity, the spectators are sometimes sprayed with sparks from the fireworks. Summary of the Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival The 31st Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival in 2018 was broadcast live on the Internet. The popularity of the event can be seen in the many photos and videos posted on Japanese Twitter as well. If you would like to experience not only the beauty of the fireworks seen in this video of the Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival, but also the power sounds and vibrations, considering seeing the fireworks in person. ◆Information for the 35th Shinshu Ueda Fireworks Festival 2022◆ 【Date】Friday, August 5, 2022, from 7:00 p.m. 【Address】The Chikuma River (downstream from Tokidashin Bridge) 【Access】 Public Transportation: JR Ueda Station, Shinano Railway Ueda Station, Ueda Electric Railway Ueda Station→5 min. walk Car: 6 km/15 min. from Ueda-Sugadaira IC on the Joshinetsu Expressway via Route 144 【Parking】No parking available (please use paid parking lots around the venue) 【Official Website】UEDA – Nostalgic Japan/Nostalgic Castle Town https://go.ueda-kanko.or.jp/ -
Video article 6:28
Relax Your Mind and Body at the Streambeds of Kyoto. This Is What Traveling Is All About...
Food & Drink- 39 plays
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Experience the Summer Tradition of "Kawadoko" With the Video From Kibune-jaya in Kyoto! This video, titled "[4K Video] [Kyoto] Kawadoko in Kibune|Kibune-jaya (streambed cuisine) Washoku (Summer in Japan)" (【4K動画】【京都】貴船の川床(かわどこ)貴船茶屋(川床料理)和食(日本の夏)), was released by "movie fine." Kyoto City is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan. The "Kawadoko" of Kibune is one of the most popular summer events in Kyoto. "Kawadoko" means "streambed" in Japanese, but in this article it refers to platforms that are built above the streambeds during summer. Right next to Kifune Shrine, a famous power spot, a tatami room has been built on the Kibune River, where you can enjoy "Kawadoko cuisine." Kibune-jaya, shown in the video, offers popular Kyoto-style lunch cuisine and sukiyaki. From 0:44 in the video, you'll see a series of attractive Japanese dishes, including fish sashimi, tempura, and desserts, so don't miss it! There Are Many Other Kawadoko Sites in Kyoto, but Kibune-Jaya Stands Out Among the Rest... Photo:Kawadoko cuisine in Kibune, Kyoto There are four areas in Kyoto in the summer that host Kawadoko: Kamogawa River (鴨川), Takao (高雄), Takagamine (鷹峯), and Kibune (木船). Kawadoko are a place to sit near the water and cool off, and are made with Japanese style tatami flooring called "Zashiki." They are also called "Noryo Yuka" in Japanese as well. You can choose your own style of cuisine from a variety of restaurants, including French, Chinese, and cafes. Kibune, together with the nearby Mt. Kurama (鞍馬山) is known as the "inner sanctum of Kyoto." Forty minutes north of the city, the Kawadoko is built above a mountain stream, making it exceptionally cool and refreshing. During the festival period, many tourists from Japan and abroad flock to the Kawadoko sites. If you want to fully enjoy the Kawadoko, it's best to avoid the crowds if possible. Kibune-jaya, introduced in this article, is one where you can do just that. The biggest attraction of the Kawadoko at Kibune-jaya is that they don't accept large groups or tour groups. The price is reasonable as well, so it won't put a strain on your wallet either. In addition, either side of the platoform faces the river, so you can soak your feet in it. By sampling Kibune-jaya's exquisite kaiseki cuisine while feeling the clear streams of Kyoto, shown at 0:30 in the video, both your mind and body will be at peace. Access to Kifune Shrine is also quite simple. It's only a 2-minute walk from Kibune-jaya. This is another great thing about Kibune-jaya. A pick-up service is available from the nearby Kibuneguchi Station as well, so it's convenient to let them know when you make a reservation. Fireflies in Late June Photo:Fireflies The Kawadoko at Kibune-jaya is open from May to September, but we highly recommend visiting from late June to mid-July. It's also the time when the fragrant Ninose lilies bloom, and fireflies can be seen flying around the Kibune River at night. If you're lucky, they may even appear on the Kawadoko at Kibune-jaya. Kibune is also home to a number of Ryokan (Japanese-style inns), notably "Beniya." It's a good idea to stay overnight after cooling off on the Kawadoko and go sightseeing in a different area the following day. It's also the time of year when Kurama Temple is surrounded by fresh greenery and the hydrangeas are in full bloom at Sanzen-in Temple. You're guaranteed to have a great trip, as Kyoto City is home to numerous places of interest, such as Shimogamo Shrine, Heian Shrine, Nanzen-ji Temple, Ginkaku-ji Temple (the Silver Pavilion), and Kyoto City Zoo. Kibune-jaya Summary Photo:View of the Kifune River Kibune-jaya was completely destroyed by a typhoon in 2019 and is undergoing reconstruction as of September 2020. It'll be interesting to see how the new appearance differs from that of the old shown in the video at 6:06. Check out the blog on the official website of the Kibune-jaya for the latest information! 【Yelp】Kibune-jaya https://www.yelp.com/biz/%E8%B2%B4%E8%88%B9%E8%8C%B6%E5%B1%8B-%E4%BA%AC%E9%83%BD%E5%B8%82?osq=%E8%B2%B4%E8%88%B9%E8%8C%B6%E5%B1%8B -
Video article 2:28
Enjoy the Majestic Natural Scenery of Mt. Chokai and Tobishima Geopark in Akita Prefecture! Discover the Beauty of Shirataki Falls and the Mototaki Underflow!
Nature- 58 plays
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Introducing Mt. Chokai and Tobishima Geopark in Nikaho City, Akita Prefecture This video, titled “[4K UHD ] Mt. Chokai/Tobishima Geopark: Fresh Greenery and Mototaki Falls (Shot on GH5 With Gimbal)” ([ 4K UHD ]鳥海山・飛島ジオパーク: 新緑の元滝伏流水 Moto-taki Waterfall ( shot on GH5 with Gimbal)), was released by “AQUA Geo Graphic.” Mt. Chokai & Tobishima Geopark is the name of Akita Fuji (秋田富士), Dewa Fuji (出羽富士), and Shonai Fuji (庄内富士), which have been selected as some of the 100 Famous Mountains and 100 Famous Geographical Features of Japan. Furthermore, it is also the name of the "Mysterious Island Tobishima" and "Chokai National Park," which is located about 30 km west of Mt. Chokai, and was recognized as a Japan Geopark in 2016. Nowadays it's called Mt. Chokai, but in ancient times it was known as "Torimiyama" and you could see a 360-degree view of the horizon from the top. Due to volcanic eruptions and other volcanic activities, this view is no longer visible and it is now called Mt. Chokai. The overall theme is "The cycle of water and life created by the Japan Sea and the plateau," and the sub-theme is "Nature and life created by warm currents, active volcanoes, and spring water." In this article, we'll introduce the "Mototaki Underflow," an ethereal waterfall flowing down a rock face at the foot of Mt. Chokai in the Mt. Chokai & Tobishima Geopark area. What Exactly is a “Geopark”? Photo:Mototaki Underflow, Akita Prefecture The word "geopark" (“ジオパーク” jiopaaku in Japanese) is a combination of the words “geo” and “park.” It was selected for the purpose of learning about the natural environment and ecosystems that spread across the land, as well as the culture and industries that people have created. At present, there are 43 areas selected as Japan Geoparks, and 9 of them are also recognized as UNESCO Global Geoparks. As they are sometimes called "大地の公園" (Daichi no Kouen, lit. "Earth Parks") in Japanese, they are famous for the various scenery they offer throughout the year, and are especially popular during the fall with the autumn leaves change to beautiful shades of red and yellow. There is also a sake brewery in the area that uses clean spring water, so if you like sake, be sure to take a tour of the brewery. The Mototaki Underflow Located at the Foot of Mt. Chokai Photo:Mototaki Underflow, Akita Prefecture The Mototaki Underflow is located at Mt. Chokai in Nikaho City, Akita Prefecture. Although it is called "Mototaki" (元滝, lit. "source waterfall"), the original source of the subterranean waterfall is currently closed to traffic, and the Mototaki Underflow is located about 200 meters downstream. As you can see from 0:42 in the video, the waterfall is relatively small, only 5 meters tall and about 30 meters wide, yet 50,000 tons of water flow from it each day. The fantastic scenery created by the moss and the subterranean stream flowing out of the gaps in the green rocks is fascinating, and surely allows for some beautiful photos to share on Instagram. Recommended Sightseeing Destinations Around the Mt. Chokai & Tobishima Geopark Area Photo:Scenery from Hokotate Observatory, Akita Prefecture 1. Mt. Chokai Omonoimi Shrine/Fukura Kuchinomiya (Chokaisan Omonoimi Jinja Fukura Kuchinomiya) An old shrine, said to be the oldest shrine in the Shonai region, with origins dating back to 1963. It sits on the summit of Mt. Chokai, and there are two satomiya (shrines built in a village for the convenience of worshippers) called "Kuchinomiya" (口ノ宮, lit. "entrance shrines") at the foot of the mountain, one at Fukuura and the other at Warabioka. 2. The Shirai Rice Fields and Weirs This farmland was developed in 1800 based on the concept of rice fields for the Han-School of Shonai Chido-kan by Yadayu Shirai, the county representative of the Shonai domain. There are many innovative ways to heat and utilize the cool spring water of Mt. Chokai, and you can see the fruits of the wisdom of the area's ancestors here. It's a 10-minute drive east from Yuza Station. 3. Hokotate Observatory Mt. Chokai & Tobishima Geopark is also famous for its mountain climbing, and the Hokotate Observatory is a popular tourist spot where you can enjoy the magnificent view of Mt. Chokai. The observatory is located at the fifth station of the mountain, which can be reached by car, so it's possible to stop by during your drive, and there are a number of mountain lodges on the way to the summit, so you can take breaks as you go. When climbing the mountain, we recommend asking for a mountain guide or participate in a geotour so that you can learn more about Mt. Chokai. 4. Chokai Blue Line Chokai Blue Line is a mountainous road that rises from zero to 1,100 meters above sea level, and during the fall, amongst the autumn foliage, it offers a spectacular view worthy of any bucket list. Summary of Mt. Chokai & Tobishima Geopark Photo:Mototaki Underflow, Akita Prefecture Mt. Chokai and Tobishima Geopark has become a nature-rich spot called "緑のダム" (The Green Dam) due to the planting of beech trees by the townspeople to preserve water quality and purify the water source. In addition to sightseeing, be sure to try some gourmet foods like delicious Akita Iwagaki Oysters, which contain many minerals from the spring water! 【Tripadvisor】Mt. Chokai https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298237-d1397297-Reviews-Mt_Chokai-Tohoku.html -
Video article 4:04
Tendo Shogi Koma - The Craftsmanship Behind Japanese Chess. Learn How the Pieces Used by Shogi Masters Are Made!
Travel Traditional Culture Traditional Crafts- 32 plays
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Video Introduction of Tendo Shogi Koma This video, titled "TEWAZA/TENDO-SHOGI-KOMA/Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square" (手技TEWAZA「天童将棋駒」TENDO-SHOGI-KOMA/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square), was uploaded by "Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square" (伝統工芸 青山スクエア). Tendo Shogi Koma Source :YouTube screenshot The Tendo Shogi Koma featured in this video are shogi pieces made in and around the city of Tendo, Yamagata, in Japan's Tohoku region. Tendo Shogi Koma account for about 90% of all shogi pieces produced in Japan. There are different types of Tendo Shogi Koma according to the way they are made and the materials they are made from, and they also vary in price. The materials used for Tendo Shogi pieces include high-grade Japanese boxwood, grey snake-bark maple, and Japanese bigleaf magnolia. Not just the type of wood, but also the grain patterns are important for Tendo Shogi Koma, with the more beautiful the patterns creating higher quality pieces. Among Tendo Shogi pieces, the most affordable sets for beginners are oshi-koma, pieces with characters stamped on them. After that are kaki-koma, in which the characters are written in lacquer, followed by hori-koma, in which the characters are carved into the pieces, and finally horiume-koma, in which lacquer is applied to the grooves of the carved characters creating a 3-dimensional look. The hand-carved and lacquered pieces, made using traditional techniques, are beautifully finished and considered a luxury item. The pieces used by professional shogi masters in tournament play use Japanese boxwood with carved lettering filled with lacquer that creates raised lettering. The price of Tendo Shogi Koma range from a few thousand yen to over 200,000 yen for a set of the highest quality pieces. Shogi pieces can also be purchased online. The handmade Tendo Shogi Koma are characterized by their luxurious and smooth feel and the commanding sound they make placed on a square. The History and Origins of Tendo Shogi Koma Shogi pieces have their origins in India, where Western chess was introduced to the East. It is said that the manufacturing of Tendo Shogi Koma began at the end of the Edo period (1603-1868) when it was encouraged as a secondary occupation for samurai. It was the Tendo Oda clan during the Edo period that encouraged the manufacture of the pieces as a form of supplementary income. Tourism in Tendo, Yamagata Photo:Tendo Park Shogi Statue, Tendo, Yamagata Tendo, Yamagata is known as the home of shogi pieces. In the video, you can see art shogi pieces scattered around Tendo, the town of shogi. [Video] 0:01 - Shogi Art The Tendo Cherry Blossom Festival's "Human Shogi" is well known among tourists. In this event, professionals play a game with humans dressed in armor and kimono representing the pieces. In addition, at the Tendo Shogi Museum, located at JR Tendo Station, Tendo Shogi Koma are displayed and souvenir goods are sold in the event hall. There is also a hands-on workshop for making kaki-koma, so consider checking it out. Making Tendo Shogi Koma Source :YouTube screenshot Here, we'll go over how Tendo Shogi Koma are made. Crafting Process 1. Creating Pieces from Raw Timber Wood is dried and cut into the shape of a shogi piece. 2. Carving the Characters Characters are carved by hand with a piece of paper on which the characters are written. 3. Applying Lacquer Natural lacquer is repeatedly applied to the grooves where the characters have been carved and allowed to dry. 4. Porcelain Polishing The final step in polishing the surface of the piece is to polish it using porcelain. 5. Mori-Age-Koma To make the characters appear raised on the piece, the lacquer is applied over and over again. In the video, you can see the craftsmen at work in various workshops. [Video] 0:26 - How Tendo Shogi Koma are Made Summary of Tendo Shogi Koma The video displays the beauty of the pieces from the wood all the way down to their feel. It demonstrates the skill of these master artisans. It's even said that the Mori-Age (pieces with raised lettering) Tendo Shogi Koma improve the concentration of professional players. Check out the video to see the Tendo Shogi Koma, a traditional Japanese craft that has been passed down by craftsmen for hundreds of years. -
Video article 5:12
A Closer Look At One of Japan's Most Popular Tourist Attractions, Rengeoin Sanjusangendo in Kyoto! The Powerful Buddhist Statues With Their Rich Expressions Create a Solemn and Mysterious Atmosphere
Art & Architecture Travel- 167 plays
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Introducing Rengeoin Sanjusangendo, a Famous Tourist Destination in Kyoto This video, titled "Kyoto Rengeoin Sanjusangendo and Buddhist statues" (京都 蓮華王院(三十三間堂)と仏像), was released by "Four Seasons Kyoto." It shows "Sanjusangendo," the main hall of Rengeoin Temple, a popular tourist spot in Japan, and national treasures housed in Kyoto's Rengeoin Temple, including the many Buddhist Statues it keeps in a solemn atmosphere. In this article, we'll introduce the charms of the Buddhist temple "Sanjusangendo" in Higashiyama, Kyoto alongside the video. You'll be drawn to the magnificence of the building and the expressions of the Buddhist statues, and you'll surely want to see the real thing after watching the video. A Closer Look at Sanjusangendo, A Popular Tourist Destination in Kyoto Photo:Sanjusangendo, Kyoto Rengeoin is located in Higashiyama, Kyoto, one of Japan's leading tourist areas. The main hall "Sanjusangendo" was built at the Imperial Palace of Emperor Shirakawa after he became Japan's 77th emperor. The building was destroyed by fire once and rebuilt in 1266. There are many national treasures and Important Cultural Properties in Rengeoin. The video shows the Important Cultural Property "Minami-daimon" that can be seen from 0:13 in the video. The national treasure "Sanjusangendo," is the longest wooden building in the world with 33 pillars in the temple and measuring approximately 120m from north to south. "Taiko-Bei," an Important Cultural Property built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi together with "Minami-daimon," are introduced from 2:11 in the video. At Rengeoin, an event called "Omato Taikai," named after "Toshiya" in the Edo period (1603-1868) is held at the "Toshiya Range" in mid-January. In particular, the competition in which adults who have just come of age wear furisode (long-sleeved kimono) and other formal attire and shoot at large targets is popular among tourists as a traditional event in Kyoto. The Buddhist Statues at Sanjusangendo, A Popular Tourist Destination in Kyoto Source :YouTube screenshot An introduction to the Buddhist statues in Sanjusangendo, the main hall of Rengeoin Temple, can be seen from 3:03 in the video. You are not allowed to take pictures inside the main hall, so this video is a great way to see close up images of the statues. The video first introduces the famous Japanese national treasure, "Sentai Senju Kannon Ryuzo," the standing statues of the thousand-armed Goddess of Mercy." Looking closely at each one, you'll find that each face is different, and it's said that there will always be one with a face that resembles the person you wish to see most. Enshrined in the center of the hall is the National Treasure, a seated statue of the thousand-armed Goddess of Mercy. The national treasures "Fujinzo," "Raijinzo," and "Kannon Nijyuhachibushuzo" are enshrined in front of the Sentai Kannon statue, creating a solemn atmosphere. Summary of Sanjusangendo, One of the Most Popular Tourist Destinations in Japan Source :YouTube screenshot This video introduces some of the highlights of the popular tourist spot in Japan and Buddhist statues deemed national treasures. Access to Sanjusangendo is ~10 minutes by bus from Kyoto Station, and about a 7-minute walk from the nearby "Shichijo Station" on the Keihan Main Line. Admission to the temple is 600 yen for the general public, 400 yen for high school and junior high school students, and 300 yen for children, and parking is available for up to 50 cars. In this article, we introduced the charms of Rengeoin/Sanjusangendo, popular sightseeing destination in Japan. Consider visiting Sanjusangendo, a temple lined with historic buildings, amazing Buddhist statues deemed national treasures, and a beautiful Japanese garden. ◆Rengeoin Temple/Sanjusangendo◆ 【Address】〒605-0941 657 Sanjusangendomawari, Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto 【Access】Transportation access is approximately 10 minutes from Kyoto Station by bus, or a 7 minute walk from the closest train station "Shichijo Station" on the Keihan Main Line 【Hours】8:30 - 17:00 (9:00 - 16:00 from November 16 to March) 【Admission Fee】General: ¥600, Junior High/High School Students: ¥400, Children: ¥300 【Parking】Available: 50 spaces 【Tripadvisor】Sanjusangendo https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d321411-Reviews-Sanjusangendo_Temple-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 7:37
Shima Kanko Hotel Hosted Many Countries' Leaders at the Ise-Shima Summit. Enjoy a Luxurious Time in an Extraordinary Space With Excellent Food in Shima, Mie Prefecture!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 29 plays
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伊勢志摩サミットで各国首脳を出迎えた「志摩観光ホテル」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「都ホテルズ&リゾーツ/Miyako Hotels&Resorts」が公開した「【公式】◆志摩観光ホテル ー 志摩時間へようこそ。ー」です。 美し国、伊勢。 ここに世界各国から愛されるホテル「志摩観光ホテル」は2016年にはG7伊勢志摩サミットが行われ、日本国内だけでなく世界からも注目を集めています。 日本を代表する迎賓館伊勢志摩の老舗ホテル。 クラシックホテルで過ごす美し国伊勢志摩の魅力をご紹介しましょう。 伊勢志摩サミットで各国首脳を出迎えた「志摩観光ホテル」とは 三重県志摩市にある志摩観光ホテルの基本情報をご紹介しましょう。 2016年にはG7伊勢志摩サミットが開かれ、世界各国の賓客を極上のおもてなしをしました。 もともと志摩観光ホテルは、真珠の養殖が盛んな三重県賢島(かしこじま)に真珠を買い付けに訪れる外国人向けに1951年誕生しました。 ホテルの設計を担当したのは日本の建築家村野藤吾氏です。 伊勢志摩サミットで各国首脳を出迎えた「志摩観光ホテル」の魅力 志摩観光ホテルは贅沢なお部屋が特徴。 開業当時のクラシカルな客室のメイン施設ザ・クラシック、多彩なスイートが豊富なベイスイート。 コーナースイートでは、伊勢志摩の絶景、賢島の英虞湾が眺望できます。 伊勢志摩サミットで各国首脳を出迎えた「志摩観光ホテル」で味わう絶品料理 伊勢志摩の賢島は真珠だけでなく伊勢海老をはじめとした魚介類グルメが豊富です。 フランス料理「ラメール」では地元で獲れた伊勢海老をはじめとした海の幸を中心としたシェフ自慢のフルコース料理、鉄板焼「山吹」では、日本を代表する松坂牛をふんだんに使用した料理が。 和食「浜木綿」では旬の食材の逸品を味わうことができます。 志摩観光ホテルで贅沢な食事のひと時をすごしましょう。 豊富なメニューの中には、G7伊勢志摩サミットで振る舞われたランチ、ディナーを味わうことができます。 伊勢志摩サミットで各国首脳を出迎えた「志摩観光ホテル」紹介まとめ 志摩観光ホテルは日本人のおもてなしの心がしっかりと詰まった観光ホテルです。 まずは紹介した動画で志摩観光ホテルに足を運んだ気分を味わってみてはいかがでしょう。 -
Video article 2:12
Enjoy the Nagatoro Funatama Festival, a Traditional Summer Festival in Chichibu, Saitama Prefecture. The Lantern Float and Powerful Fireworks Display Will Make Your Summer a Blast!
Festivals & Events- 68 plays
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埼玉県秩父の伝統的な夏祭り「長瀞船玉まつり」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「公式チャンネルさいたまつり」が公開した「長瀞船玉まつり 2018 【4K】さいたまつり」です。 埼玉の「長瀞(ながとろ)船玉まつり」をご存知でしょうか? 観光名所・埼玉県秩父郡で行われている夏祭りで、こちらの動画ではその様子を美しい4Kの高画質映像でご覧になることができます。 長瀞船玉まつりとは? 夏の風物詩とも言われる日本の花火は年々進化しており、長瀞船玉まつりでも豪華な花火大会が催されます。 街の人総出で行われる祭りの準備様子は、活気に溢れています。 長瀞船玉まつりの歴史 「長瀞船玉まつり」の歴史は長く、昔荒川の周遊船の船頭が、船下りの際に水上の安全を祈願し、水神様を祀ったことが起源とされています。 この周遊船は現在も船頭さんたちによって運営されています。 長瀞船玉まつりの目玉!荒川に映る日本伝統の灯火 「長瀞船玉まつり」はまず、「万灯船」の運航から始まります。 18時になると水上安全修ばつ祭と呼ばれる神事が行われます。 そしてその後18時すぎには、およそ1,000基もの灯籠が流され、美しい光の川を生み出します。 19時すぎには花火大会がスタート! ここで観衆の高揚はピークに達します。 万灯船、灯籠流し、そして仕掛け花火やスターマインの光が、日本埼玉の美しい景勝地を美しく色付けます。 長瀞船玉まつりの紹介まとめ 「長瀞船玉まつり 2018 【4K】さいたまつり」は、日本の文化を肌で感じられる「長瀞船玉まつり」を美しい映像で紹介してくれています。 祭りの準備の熱気や、夜に映し出される美しい光景を感じられる動画になっているので、長瀞の景勝地観光に興味のある人は是非ご覧ください。 日本の伝統ある文化に触れたい方は、ぜひこの機会に長瀞へ行ってみましょう! -
Video article 3:35
Nagasaki Has Everything From Popular Spots Like Gunkanjima to Christian Heritage Sites Full of History! Make Some Amazing Memories in Kyushu With the Best Sightseeing Spots in Nagasaki!
Travel- 33 plays
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Sightseeing in Nagasaki Prefecture This video, titled "Nagasaki Gateway to Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 長崎," was released by Nagasaki JAPAN. Nagasaki Prefecture is full of natural beauty, including places like Mt. Kompira, Iki Island, the Kujuku Islands, the Goto Islands, and more. Inasa Mountain also offers what has been described as a million-dollar view. さらに長崎県には横浜と同じく中華街あり、長崎ちゃんぽん・皿うどんなどのグルメが堪能できます。 長崎観光を楽しむ 長崎県は九州北部に位置します。 長崎市内は路面電車が走り、坂が多いのが特徴です。 長崎はかつて出島を拠点にオランダと交易していたことで有名。 さらにキリシタンの拠点となっていた歴史もあり、島原には潜伏キリシタン関連の遺産が多くあります。 長崎には多くある観光スポット以外に、おすすめできるほどのおいしいグルメがたくさんあります。 長崎ちゃんぽんと皿うどんが王道グルメですが、最近では佐世保バーガーの知名度も上がっています。 またお土産は長崎カステラが有名ですが、長崎ガラスの『びいどろ』や佐世保独楽(させぼごま)を近年人気です。 長崎県が誇る観光名所 長崎県が誇る観光名所の1つに軍艦島が挙げられます。 正式名称は端島(はしま)で、世界文化遺産に登録されていています。 さらに長崎原爆資料館では核爆弾が投下された歴史がつづられており、重要な資料が展示されています。 他には猿岩や大浦天主堂、グラバー園などの観光名所があります。 長崎県が誇る人気のお祭りについて 人気の長崎ランタンフェスティバルは、元々は中国の旧正月を祝う行事だったが、1994年に規模を拡大してから長崎の冬の一大風物詩イベントとして知名度は全国規模のものとなりました。 街中に飾られる約1万5000個の極彩色のランタン(中国提灯)と、各会場で飾られている様々なオブジェたちが一帯を幻想的に彩り、まるで別世界に来たかのように演出してくれます。 幻想的な光景はインスタ映えスポットにもなっています。 例年1月下旬から2月上旬にかけて開催されます。 長崎県観光情報紹介まとめ 歴史深い観光スポット「長崎県」。 動画をご覧になればきっと実際に足を運んでみたくなるはずです。 -
Video article 4:23
Chirihama Nagisa Driveway - A Unique Sightseeing Destination on the Noto Peninsula Where You Can Drive on a Sandy Beach in Ishikawa Prefecture!
Travel Action & Adventure Nature- 109 plays
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Video Introduction This video, titled "Chirihama Nagisa Driveway in ISHIKAWA, JAPAN" (【石川/自然景勝地】千里浜なぎさドライブウェイ - Chirihama Nagisa Driveway in ISHIKAWA, JAPAN -), was uploaded by "channel WASABI." Driving on the Beaches of Chirihama Nagisa Driveway Photo:Chirihama Nagisa Driveway The magnificent 8-kilometer-long Chirihama Beach is located in Noto Hanto Quasi-National Park on the west coast of the Noto Peninsula. Chirihama Nagisa Driveway is a popular sightseeing spot in Noto where cars and motorcycles can enjoy a ride along the seashore. Enjoy the blue sea and skies while driving next to the beach as the waves lap against the shore. It's like a scene from a movie. Which is why it's no surprise that Chirihama Nagisa Driveway was selected as the No. 1 beach in Japan in "Travelers' Choice World's Best Beaches 2016." You can also capture Instagram-worthy photos and videos when visiting. Chirihama Nagisa Driveway is popular among couples, but it is also crowded with families in summer as they can enjoy swimming, fishing, and clam digging. The campgrounds along the Chirihama Nagisa Driveway are also popular. From the high ground, you can enjoy watching the sunset over the sea. Sightseeing Attractions Around Chirihama Nagisa Driveway! Photo:Freshly-caught seafood being grilled One of the most enjoyable parts of traveling is the food you can find at different cafes, and restaurants. The Noto-Chirihama Resthouse is a great place to grab a bite to eat and look for souvenirs. It's located at the end of Chirihama Nagisa Driveway. The wooden deck overlooking the Sea of Japan offers a sense of freedom and a spectacular view of the sunset that's sure to look great on Instagram. The café, which is produced by SSTR, Japan's largest touring event, offers fresh seafood grilled on the beach. It's popular among motorcycle enthusiasts as well as general tourists. Furthermore, with a space for selling souvenirs and a coworking space, this spot is used for a wide range of purposes from sightseeing to business. We also recommend Roadside Station Noto Chirihama, located near the Chirihama Nagisa Driveway. In addition to lunch, a café, and souvenirs, visitors can enjoy a footbath here as well. In the information space, you can also watch the driveway on a live camera. There are also facilities available for you to wash your tires after a drive along the beach. Tolls, Closures, and Information About Chirihama Nagisa Driveway Photo:Chirihama Nagisa Driveway Chirihama Nagisa Driveway is essentially a tourist road that can be accessed by private cars, rental cars (some companies prohibit the use of rental cars due to erosion concerns), motorcycles, bicycles, buses, etc. It is open 24 hours a day, and there is no fee. However, please note that the road will be closed when it is deemed unsafe to dive on, such as when waves are high. For access information, call the Ishikawa Hakui Public Works Office (Japanese only) or check Ishikawa Michi Information Network (Japanese only). Summary of Chirihama Nagisa Driveway Chirihama Nagisa Driveway is a popular tourist spot where you can drive your car along the sandy beach and experience movie-like scenery. Park your car by the beautiful Chirihama Beach on a sunny day to take Instagrammable photos, or enjoy marine activities, such as swimming and clam digging with your family. When you visit Noto and Kanazawa, be sure to stop by Chirihama Nagisa Driveway as well. 【Official Website】Chirihama Nagisa Driveway https://www.city.hakui.lg.jp/soshiki/sangyoukensetsubu/syoukoukankouka/12/1/2505.html 【TripAdvisor】Chirihama Nagisa Driveway https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021238-d1237921-Reviews-Chirihama_Nagisa_Driveway-Hakui_Ishikawa_Prefecture_Hokuriku_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:45
Get a Taste of Japanese History in Nara Prefecture! Nara Prefecture Is Full of Places That You Don't Want to Miss When Traveling to the Kansai Region!
Travel- 31 plays
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Popular Tourist Destination in Nara prefecture This video, titled "Nara: Origins [4K Japan Cinematic]," was produced by Tokyo Creative Travel. Nara is one of Japan's most popular tourist destinations, and there are many places where you can enjoy the history and natural scenery of the area. It is a great place to visit for foreign visitors interested in Japan and Japanese people looking to rediscover the beauty of their homeland. This article will introduces temples, Buddhist statues, and heritage sites to visit when traveling in Nara prefecture. Be sure to follow along with the video! Discover the History of Nara The first thing to do in Nara is visit Todai-ji Temple, a temple registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Being a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Todai-ji Temple is visited by many tourists from both Japan and overseas. The temple's main deity is the celestial Buddha, Vairocana, also known as the Great Buddha of Nara. The five-story pagodas of Horyu-ji and Kofuku-ji Temples are two more great places to visit. These historic pagodas are designated as national treasures. The majestic, powerful silhouettes of these five-story pagodas will overwhelm you. Other temples to visit include Kasuga Taisha Shrine, Gango-ji Temple, Yakushiji Temple, and Toshodai-ji Temple. Enjoy the Beautiful Natural Landscapes of Nara Prefecture As one of Japan's most popular tourist destinations, there are many places to enjoy the natural scenery of Nara. One of the best places to visit is Nara Park. Many tourists enjoy petting the deer and feeding them deer crackers. Enjoy the rare experience of interacting with deer! Next is the scenic view from the stage of Nigatsudou at Todaiji Temple. The view of the mountains in the Nara Basin from the stage of the Nigatsudou is so beautiful that it will leave you at a loss for words. There's also Mt. Wakakusa, the Tanize Suspension Bridge, and Kumano River. Summary Sightseeing in Nara Prefecture The video is full of the charms of Nara, including Buddhist statues, temples, and even rice cake making. It's a very beautiful 4K video that shows the charms of Nara. We hope you'll want to visit the city after watching it! -
Video article 4:03
It's Like the Actual Sea! See Great White Sharks Swimming in the Largest Aquarium in the World, at the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in Motobu!
Travel Living Things- 105 plays
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Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium: A Popular in Sightseeing Spot in Japan Produced by "Sanpostyle", "Okinawa Sightseeing - Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium Digest Almost Route(沖縄観光 沖縄美ら海水族館 ほぼ順路をダイジェストで)" is a video that introduces the charm of Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, a popular tourist location in Okinawa, Japan. The aquarium is introduced in tandem with the video, so if you watch the video you'll definitely want to visit it for real! This article introduces the attractions and highlights of Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium; a recommended sightseeing spot in Okinawa. Please enjoy it! What Is Churaumi Aquarium? Photo:Coral reef The Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, popular among visitors to Okinawa, is located in Ocean Expo Park in Motobu Town, Okinawa Prefecture, and opened in 1979. It was the largest aquarium in the world until 2005. The total number of exhibition water tanks is 77. It was the world's first successful whale shark breeding location as well. The mysterious fish and other creatures of Okinawa are displayed in the world's largest aquarium, attracting many tourists. They breed about 520 species and 10,500 animals. You can enjoy the sea of Okinawa as much as you want. Enjoy the Kuroshio Sea, the world's largest aquarium where you can observe Nanyo Manta, and the Coral Sea, where you can see coral breeding exhibits. At the coral sea, you can see 800 groups of coral (0:35). During the sightseeing season, it might be crowded, but it is relatively empty during the evening. On-site facilities include a restaurant with an ocean view, a cafe where you can relax while watching the large aquarium, and a shop where you can purchase souvenirs from Okinawa. It has English-speaking staff, making it a popular facility for foreigners. The Charm of Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium Photo:Churaumi Aquarium What attracts people to the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium is that you can see various Okinawan creatures in a massive aquarium. You can see great white sharks and manta rays in the main aquarium of the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, which can be seen from 2:12 in the video. "Journey to the Deep Sea," which can be viewed from 3:44 in the video, reproduces the mysterious deep sea of Okinawa and allows you to observe about 70 species of deep-sea creatures. At the entrance of the aquarium there is a great white shark monument, welcoming tourists. Behind that, there is the Uminchu Gate, and the emerald green sea seen from this space is a special beauty. In addition, there are the "Inou Creatures" (Video 0:23-), "Sea of Tropical Fish" (Video 0:55-), "Journey to Coral Reefs (Video 1:27-), "Waterside Creatures," "Beauty Sea Theater," "Dr. Shark Room" (Video 2:51-), "Water Viewing: Kuroshio Exploration" (Video 3:13-), "Jimbe Manta Corner," "Aqua Room," "Deep Sea Exploration Room" (Video 3:44 -), "Small creatures in the deep sea," "Planetarium in the sea," "Aqua Lab," "general rest area," "coral room," "event hall," "deep sea map," and so on. The in-house facilities are full of charm. You can enjoy lunch at the restaurant "Inoh" or at the "Ocean Blue" cafe. Information on Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium Photo:Churaumi Aquarium Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium ticket prices are 1,880 yen (~$17.50 USD) 8:30 to 16:00 for adults, elementary and middle schoolers 1,250 yen, and 620 yen for children. After 16:00, it is 1,310 yen for adults, 870 yen for middle-aged people, and 430 yen for children (as of November 2019). Out-of-area sales tickets that can be purchased at a discount from the above general rates can be purchased at Umi churara Naha Airport Store or at a convenience store in Okinawa Prefecture. If you are visiting with more than 20 people, make a reservation and a special group rate will be applied. The average time spent at the aquarium is 1.5 to 2 hours. Access from Naha Airport is about 2 hours by car on the expressway and about 3 hours by express bus. Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium has a nearby parking lot called North Gate Parking Lot. The official website also contains information on congestion and events. In addition, there are various hotels around the aquarium. Stay at a hotel that offers a variety of courses and relax yourself. Summary of Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium is quite popular for sightseeing in Okinawa. Refresh your mind and feel the power and greatness of life in Japan's leading aquarium! Make sure to watch the video to see the power of one of the world's largest aquariums and the appearance of beautiful marine life! ◆ Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium ◆ 【Address】424 Ishikawa, Motobu-cho, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa 905-0206 【Access】From Naha Airport, about 2 hours by car (using expressway), about 3 hours by bus (using express bus) 【Entrance fee】8:30-16:00 (regular fee) Adult 1,800 yen / child 1,250 yen, 16:00- adult 1,310 yen / child 870 yen (* as of November 2019) 【Hours】Normal period (October-February) 8:30-18:30, Summer period (March-September) 8:30-20:00 【Closures】First Wednesday of December and the following day (Thursday) 【Parking】Available (9 locations) Free 【Telephone No】0980-48-3748 【Official Website】Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium-Take the Churaumi of Okinawa to the next generation. https://churaumi.okinawa/en/ 【Tripadvisor】 Reviews of Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1120808-d1151352-Reviews-Okinawa_Churaumi_Aquarium-Motobu_cho_Kunigami_gun_Okinawa_Prefecture.html -
Video article 6:24
Learn About the Past and Present Of Matsubara, Osaka. Culture, History, Nature, Festivals, Gourmet Food... This City Is Full Of Charm, and It's Waiting for You!
Local PR Travel- 35 plays
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About Matsubara, Osaka This video, titled "Matsubara City Promotion Video Normal Version" uploaded by "Matsubara City Hall" introduces sightseeing information, culture, and specialties of Matsubara, located near central Osaka. Kawachi-Matsubara Station on the Kintetsu Minami-Osaka Line, the main station in Matsubara, Osaka, is about a 10-minute train ride from Tennoji Station on the Osaka Loop Line, Osaka Metro, and Osaka Abenobashi Station on the Kintetsu Minami-Osaka Line, where the tallest building in Japan, Abeno Harukas, stands. In 2016, the tourism division was established in Matsubara and they introduce history, culture, and local specialties of the area. The local mascot of Matsubara is a character called "Makki" who is a girl with an Osaka dialect that is decorated with pine ("matsu" means pine in Japanese) and roses ("bara" means roses), the city flower. She can be seen briefly at 5:41 in the video. The Matsubara Rokusha Pilgrimage - A Traditional Culture of Matsubara Source :YouTube screenshot The Matsubara Rokusha Pilgrimage, seen from 0:30 in the video, is a traditional cultural event and popular tourist attraction where participants visit six shrines, and if successful, receive Kaiun Eto Hariko, a lucky Japanese zodiac paper doll, to commemorate visiting all six shrines. The six shrines are: Miyake Shrine where Sugawara no Michizane, the god of studying, is enshrined (0:47), "Amamikoso Shrine" a shrine line with old trees (1:24), Gado Hachiman Shrine, famous for Yudate Kagura, a traditional culture to pray for good health during Setsubun (1:48), Nunose Shrine, where the main shrine has been designated as a Tangible Cultural Property by Osaka (2:25), Shibagaki Shrine, which enshrines the god of teeth, a rarity in Japan (2:59), and Ao Shrine, featuring sacred camphor trees (3:30). The most popular item among tourists to Nunose Shrine, especially women, is the "love fortune" created by Hiroko Ichihara, a contemporary artist who creates works of art using only text. The impactful letters and words of the shrine have become popular for being Instagrammable, and many people visit the shrine for these love fortunes. Historical Sites and Cultural Assets in Matsubara Source :YouTube screenshot The 335-meter-long "Otsukayama Kofun," shown from 4:15 in the video, is the fifth largest zenpokoenfun (key-hole-shaped-tumulus) in Japan, and has been selected as one of the New 100 Scenic Spots of Osaka. Also, there are many roads such as the Takeuchi Kaido and the Nagao Kaido, which are the oldest government roads in Japan. There are many historic temples and shrines as well, including Raikoji Temple, Tannan Tenmangu, Dairinji Temple, and Saihoji Temple." Summary of Matsubara, Osaka Source :YouTube screenshot Matsubara is conducting the "Matsubara Brand Certification Project" to certify and advertise the amazing technologies and products of Matsubara. The delicious foods introduced in the video include kombu tsukudani (food made from kelp boiled in soy sauce), Ariake Nori (seaweed), Japanese sweets made from Matsubara's brand vegetables, Kawachi Ducks, Namba green onions, and tomatoes. Some of the interesting things introduced in the video are the Danjiri Festival at the Kawachi Shrine Autumn Festival, which is popular among locals and tourists, and skateboarding at Sports Park Matsubara. The wire mesh industry, pearls, and seal stocks are famous as local industries in Matsubara. Osaka Ranma (Transom) is made by Mr. Takahashi and his son, who are certified as traditional craftsmen in Japan. Consider visiting Matsubara, Osaka, a city dotted with ancient Japanese government roads, cultural assets, temples and shrines with rich history and more, during your next sightseeing trip! 【Official Website】Matsubara, Osaka Prefecture City Hall Website https://www.city.matsubara.lg.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Matsubara City https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g1023523-Matsubara_Osaka_Prefecture_Kinki-Vacations.html -
Video article 2:53
Is Fukui Prefecture's "Tojinbo" a Suspense-Drama Fan's Mecca? Steep Cliffs and Powerful Spiritual Energy at This Thrilling Sightseeing Location
Nature Travel- 76 plays
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Fukui Prefecture's "Tojinbo" Tojinbo, in Fukui prefecture, located in Japan's Hokuriku region, is a series of vertical cliffs created by the rough waves of the Japan Sea. It is a rare type of sea cliff which can only been seen in 3 other places in the world. This video, titled "(4K) Aerial Drone Footage / Flown in Tojinbo in Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture" (【4K】福井県坂井市 東尋坊で飛ばしてみた / ドローン空撮), was produced by "Mattsu." The video shows the exposed rock face and jagged landscape of Tojinbo via aerial drone footage. The geological composition of the cliffs of Tojinbo is made up of pyroxene andesite and some of the cliffs tallest points are approximately 25m tall. Its strangely shaped pillars extend for 1km and it has been designated a Natural National Monument and Scenic Spot, and is also a part of the specially protected area of Echizen-Kaga Kaigan Quasi-National Park. It is also one of the world's 3 most geologically rare scenic spots, and therefore it is well known around the world. The origin of the name Tojinbo is said to have come from the name of a monk "Tojinbo" who lived long ago and was affiliated with Heisenji Temple and lost his life after being thrown off the cliff in a romantic tangle. After Tojinbo was thrown into the sea; another monk, his rival in love, was also pulled into the rough waves and tempestuous weather continued for 49 days. Or so the legend goes anyways... It is also famous for being used as a film location for climactic scenes in which the culprit tries to throw him or herself into the sea after making a confession in suspenseful TV dramas or movies. Tourist Attractions Around Tojinbo Photo:Tojinbo, Fukui Prefecture The Tojinbo cliffs, which is a rare rock formation even outside of Japan, is a famous place that even many Japanese would like to visit at least once. In order to preserve Tojinbo's amazing view there are no safety features such as fences installed there. You are able to walk around Tojinbo freely, however, please watch your step. The recommended tourist sites around Tojinbo are, Tojinbo Tower, Echizen Matsushima Aquarium, the caravan campsite Kyukamura Echizen Mikuni, Echizen Matsushima, Minato-machi Mikuni, Shibamasa World, and the Araiso Shoreline Esplanade. Also, if you take the Tojinbo/Oshima sightseeing boat tour, you will be able to see the cliff face from the ocean and will be able to enjoy all of the Instagrammable locations such as Lion Rock and Candle Rock. In addition, the Mikuni Fireworks Festival is held near Tojinbo in the summer and every year many tourists flock to see this event. Tojinbo's Famous Hot Springs and Gourmet Food! Photo:A crab dish When you the town Mikuni, in Sakai city, Fukui prefecture, that Tojinbo is in, try to stay at the Mikuni Kanko Hotel. Japan's Hokuriku region is famous for Echizen crab and the crab dishes made from Fukui's freshly caught crab are absolutely delectable! You should also definitely go to the nationally famous, Mikuni hot springs. Relax and rid yourself of stress by sightseeing in Tojinbo, eating delicious seafood and relaxing in the hot springs- All at the Mikuni Kanko Hotel. Summary of Tojinbo in Fukui Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot One of the world's most beautiful sights! Directions (access by public transportation such as bus), parking, events and other information about Tojinbo in Fukui prefecture, can be seen on the Mikuni hot springs official website "Mikuni Marugoto Navi." Now that you've seen the beautifully taken drone footage, it’s time to see it in person! 【Official Website】The Official Website of the Mikuni Tourist Association | Tojinbo・Echizen crabs・Mikuni Hot Spring|A Website Full of Beautiful Sights to See and Fun Places to Visit http://www.mikuni.org/?lang=en 【Tripadvisor】Tojinbo https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021160-d1385002-Reviews-Tojimbo_Cliff-Sakai_Fukui_Prefecture_Hokuriku_Chubu.html -
Video article 1:51
Shirahama Beach - Discover the Beauty of Shimoda, Shizuoka at Izu's Largest Swimming Beach! The Bright Red Torii Gate Perched on the Cliffs Makes for Some Amazing Scenery!
Nature Travel- 131 plays
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Shirahama Beach in Shizuoka Prefecture! The video this time is titled "Shirahama Beach - Shizuoka - 白浜 - 4K Ultra HD." It introduces the beautiful Izu-Shirahama Beach in Shimoda City, Shizuoka prefecture. When the weather is nice, Shirahama Beach glows a beautiful emerald green, making it very popular with surfers and tourists alike. The 700-meter-long white sand beach is one of the largest on Izu Peninsula. Enjoy making lasting memories at one of the most beautiful beaches in Japan! Don't forget to bring your camera either; There's plenty of great places to take pictures for your Instagram! Shirahama Beach, Shizuoka Photo:Shizuoka prefecture・Shirahama Beach Shirahama Beach, located in Shizuoka prefecture in Japan's Tokai region, is separated into 2 swimming areas: the Shirahama Central Beach section and the Shirahama Ohama Beach section. Shirahama Ohama Beach is the largest beach in the Izu peninsula area. Shirahama Beach becomes very lively during the summer with the Shirahama Fireworks festival being held there as well. Many young people looking to party gather here and the atmosphere becomes very different than that of the afternoon. The Red Torii Arch at Shirahama Beach Photo:Shizuoka prefecture・Ikona Hime No Mikoto Shrine The torii arch on the coastline, which can be seen at 0:30 in the video, is actually Ikona Hime No Mikoto Shrine, the oldest shrine in Izu. It is commonly called Shirahama Jinja Shrine. The contrast of the bright red beach torii and the emerald green sea is breathtaking. The goddess Ikona, who is the wife of Mishima Daimyojin, is enshrined as the main deity of Ikona Hime No Mikoto Shrine, and is believed to be the goddess of women. If you visit the shrine, it will bring good luck in marriage and increase your romance abilities! The large rock facing the sea is called Daimyojin Rock and is known as a power spot. In addition, at the bottom of the cliff behind the main building, there is a spot called Ogama, which is a sea-eroded cave into which sea water flows. Summary of Shirahama Beach Photo:Shirahama Beach in Shimoda City, Shizuoka Prefecture The Izu area of Shizuoka Prefecture is dotted with hotels, inns, guest houses, cottages, camping sites, and other accommodations. There are also many restaurants where you can enjoy excellent food. If you're looking to hit up some beaches to soak up some sun, don't miss out on Shirahama Beach! Shirahama beach is a 13-minute bus ride from Izukyu Shimoda Station, and there are paid parking lots in the area as well. Shirahama beaches, named after their characteristic white sand (白浜, shirahama, lit. "white sand"), can be found in places other than Shizuoka prefecture as well, including Wakayama prefecture, Chiba prefecture, and Kanagawa prefecture. Japan has a lot of beaches with beautiful sand and great views, so get ready for some fun in the sun! 【Tripadvisor】Shirahama Central Beach https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1019670-d1313436-Reviews-Shirahama_Beach-Shimoda_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 2:38
Kujukushima in Nagasaki Has a Total of 208 Islands, and It Contains the Highest Density of Islands in Japan! Check Out the Superb View at the Tenkaiho Observatory!
Nature- 107 plays
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Introducing Nagasaki Kujukushima Tenkaiho The video “Kujukushima Tenkaiho 8KHDR(Kujukushima Tenkaiho 九十九島 展海峰 8KHDR),” created by “Japan Explorers,” is a promotional video introducing the popular tourist spot “Kujukushima Tenkaiho,” part of the Saikai National Park in Sasebo, Nagasaki. Kujukushima is easily accessed from Sasebo station, (home to the popular tourist spot “Nagasaki Huis Ten Bosch”) taking only about 30 minutes to reach by car. It's an area of ocean 25 km north of Sasebo Port, dotted with islands. Many people visiting Kujukushima visit Nagasaki's Huis Ten Bosch and vice versa. The scenic view from the Tenkaiho observatory in Kujukushima, is introduced in the video with a famous Japanese song called “Jupiter.” Enjoy the contrast of the green islands and blue ocean as far as the eye can see. The Top 100 Landscapes of Japan - Kujukushima Photo:Tenkaiho rapeseed field Kujukushima is an archipelago located in the north of Nagasaki, 25 km from the west coast of the Kita-Matsuura Peninsula. It contains the highest density of islands in Japan. The word “Kujuku” means 99, but there are actually a total of 208 islands. There are only 4 inhibited islands, and they are: Kuroshima, Takashima, Maejima, and Toudomari. The rest are uninhabited. There are 4 observatories as well. Tenkaiho, Yumiharidake Observatory, Ishidake Observatory, and Kujukushima Hakkei. Tenkaiho is the one introduced in the video. From Tenkaiho, you can enjoy a panoramic view of Kujukushima which is included in the "100 Landscapes of Japan." The most popular view among photographers is of the cruise ship weaving through Kujukushima. It's also great for taking Instagram pictures, and many young adults come here to take photos. You can see the full view of Kujukushima from Tenkaiho in the video. Tenkaiho is also a popular spot for tourists who come to see the flowers. In the spring, rape blossoms are in full bloom and more than 150,000 cosmos bloom in the fall. There are also cherry blossoms and a night view as well. Sightseeing Around Kujukushima's Tenkaiho Photo:Scenery from Ishidake Observatory Among the observation decks, the most popular one for viewing the sunset is the Ishidake Observatory, where the silhouettes of islands floating in the sunset are as beautiful as an ink painting. You can also experience the view from the ocean by cruise ship or on a sailboat. The Kujukushima Pleasure Boat "Pearl Queen" is popular among tourists as you can see the southern islands of Kujukushima up close on a 50 minute cruise. While listening to the explanations of the legends and lore that remain on the island of Kujukushima, you begin to imagine its rocks turning into lions and turtles. On top of that, you can also experience the sunset cruise, where you can see the beautiful sun setting between the islands. There's also Kujukushima Aquarium Umikirara, and the Kujukushima Zoological and Botanical Garden Morikirara at Pearl Sea Resort. At 0:24 in the video, you can see the 2 ships floating in the distance. Sea kayaking, yachting, swimming and other marine sports that take advantage of Kujukushima Island's topography are also popular. From Sasebo Port, where Kujukushima is located, you can also take a ferry to enjoy sightseeing at the Goto Islands. Dining in Kujukushima Photo:Grilled oysters If you're going to Sasebo, you've got to try the Sasebo Burgers and fresh seafood. Kujukushima oysters are a famous winter food as well. In November and February, they hold the Kujukushima Oyster Festival. It's a fun event with 400 grills and endless oysters! Visitors can experience grilling their very own oysters too. Kujukushima rice crackers (from Kujukushima Group CO.,LTD.), Kujukushima Iriko Somen (a type of thin noodles), and Kujukushima puffer-fish, are some of the other popular foods in Kujukushima. A little-known souvenir spot on Kujuku Islands is "Kujukushima Namino Michi," a direct sales outlet on the westernmost tip of the Japanese mainland. It is a very small roadside station, but there are variety of fresh vegetables and sea food. It is a very small roadside station, but you can buy local vegetables and seafood here, as well as enjoy the local gourmet food of Kujukushima. Summary of Kujukushima With it's vast blue seas and incredible islands, it has to be one of the best natural landscapes in the world. The video shows some amazing views, so be sure to check it out if you still haven't yet. If you're looking for a vacation why not stop by Kujukushima? You definitely won't regret it. Sightseeing is also very convenient as there are several hotels around Kujukushima. There's also the Sasebo Convention & Visitors Association which is very useful for travelers. Gather your information beforehand and enjoy your trip to Kujukushima! 【Tripadvisor】Tenkaiho https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298217-d1820255-Reviews-Tenkaiho-Sasebo_Nagasaki_Prefecture_Kyushu.html