Video article 10:23
Shingu City in Wakayama Prefecture, Full of World Heritage and Historical Sites, Is One of Japan's Most Popular Tourist Spots! Here's a Roundup of the Most Popular Attractions!
Local PR Travel- 71 plays
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和歌山県新宮市を堪能出来る動画の紹介 こちらの動画は「市役所新宮」が公開した「和歌山県新宮市観光プロモーション <Long>」です。 和歌山県新宮(しんぐう)市の絶景をたっぷり堪能出来る動画となっています。 和歌山県新宮市は、日本でも有数の観光地であり「うみ。やま。かわ。みる旅、あたらしい」をキャッチフレーズに、世界遺産の街として有名です。 こちらの記事ではそんな和歌山県新宮市について、おすすめの観光スポットや名所、グルメについて動画と共に紹介をしていきます。 和歌山県新宮市にはこんな良い場所がいっぱいある! 和歌山県新宮市は、日本でも指折りの人気の観光スポットで、和歌山県の歴史にも縁のある名所や絶景が溢れるほどあります。 ここではそんな日本でも選りすぐりの和歌山県新宮市の観光スポットをいくつか紹介していきます。 ① 神倉神社(動画:1:33~) 世界文化遺産の『紀伊山地の霊場と参詣道』の一部で、熊野速玉大社の摂社の日本でも有名な神社です。 毎年2月6日には国指定無形民俗文化財にも指定されている勇壮な火祭りとして知られている『御燈祭り』も開催されています。 ② 浮島の森 住宅街に囲まれ、存在感を放つ面積約5,000㎡の沼の上に浮かんでいる不思議な森です。 約130種類の珍しい植物が自生し、天然記念物に指定されている貴重なスポットで、自然に溢れている景色はインスタ映え間違い無しです。 島内は遊歩道がしっかり整備されているので、ぜひその不思議な空間を楽しんでみてはいかがでしょうか。 ③ 阿須賀神社 遡るとこと紀元前423年、考昭天皇の代に創建されたと伝えられている日本の歴史も深い繋がりがあり、世界遺産にも登録されている神社です。 国指定無形民俗文化財に登録をされている『熊野速玉例大祭』は毎年10月15日~16日に執り行われています。 他にも、和歌山県新宮市には綺麗な海の広がる王子ヶ浜、4月には満開の桜の絶景を堪能出来る新宮城跡、奇岩怪石が裏なる海岸線にある孔島・鈴島等、沢山の日本が誇る観光スポットがあります。 和歌山県新宮市のグルメと温泉も堪能しよう! 疲れた体を『高田グリーンランド(雲取温泉)』や『熊野川温泉"さつき"』にて癒し、和歌山県新宮市のグルメを堪能することをおすすめします。 三輪崎漁港の新鮮な海鮮、熊野の地酒、熊野牛など和歌山県新宮市で味わうことが出来る郷土料理はまさに絶品です。 自然を大切している和歌山県新宮市ならではの新鮮な食材を使った日本食・和食を、ぜひ和歌山県新宮市観光の際に味わってみて下さい。 和歌山県新宮市の観光紹介まとめ まさに「うみ。やま。かわ。みる旅、あたらしい。」というキャッチフレーズに相応しい、日本の魅力が溢れた観光スポット和歌山県新宮市。 今回紹介させて頂いた名所の数々の他にも、佐藤春夫記念館や世界遺産である『熊野古道』の一部である高野坂、日本の滝百選の一つである『桑ノ木の滝』等の沢山の観光スポットや穴場で溢れています。 今回紹介させて頂いた動画とこの記事で和歌山県新宮市に興味を持って頂けたら、日本の良さを十二分に堪能出来る和歌山県新宮市への観光を検討してみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 3:16
Enjoy a Luxurious Sightseeing Experience Surrounded by Nature in Otaki Village, Kiso County, Nagano Prefecture! Feel the Grandeur of Nature and Rid Yourself of Fatigue
Local PR Travel- 32 plays
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長野県木曽郡王滝村エリアの絶景が堪能出来る動画の紹介 こちらの動画は「outakimura」が公開した「2016王滝村観光プロモーションビデオ」です。 こちらは、長野県木曽郡王滝村の自然の景色を堪能出来る動画となっています。 長野県木曽郡王滝村エリアは絶景が溢れるスポットで、インスタ映えもすることから、老若男女問わず観光を楽しむことが出来ます。 こちらの記事では、日本の自然の美しさが溢れる長野県木曽郡王滝村の魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 動画で紹介されている長野県木曽郡王滝村ってどんなところ? 長野県木曽郡王滝村は日本の長野県南西部、西側が岐阜県に接しており、動画の0:20で紹介されている御嶽山の麓に位置しています。 かつては林業が盛んな地域で知られており、特に「木曽ヒノキ」は日本の三大美林にも数えられていました。 長野県木曽郡王滝村は、動画の0:38で紹介をされている里宮神社を始めとした、八海山神社等の6社殿からなる王滝御嶽神社もあり、日本の歴史と文化的にも深い関わりのある由緒正しいスポットとなっています。 長野県木曽郡王滝村周辺のおすすめ観光スポット! ①里宮神社 自然と共存した素晴らしい建物で、神社としてのご利益も良く、他にも5つの神社があることから、日本の歴史が好きな人にはたまらない場所となっています。 ②清滝・新滝 里宮神社から御嶽山へ向かう道のりの途中で見ることが出来る有名な絶景スポットです。 清滝は高さ約30mの滝で、御嶽山を信望している行者達が精進潔斎するスポットで、往時から信者が滝行を行った滝と知られています。 新滝は、滝の裏側に小さな岩祠があることで有名で、そこから見る景色は「裏見滝」と呼ばれ、観光スポットとして有名です。 気候によって様々な顔を見せ、特に冬は他の季節とは全く違った絶景を作り出すので、日本の四季と自然を余すことなく堪能することが出来ます。 ③御岳湖・自然湖 御岳湖は、貯水量が名古屋ドーム55杯分を誇る巨大な愛知用水のダムとして1961年に誕生し、現在に至るまで王滝村の人々の生活を守ってきました。 日本ならではの四季折々の美しい景色が魅力のスポットとしても知られています。 自然湖は、1984年に起こった長野県西部地震によってせき止められた王滝川によって生まれた天然の湖です。 どちらもカヌーで堪能することが出来ます。 長野県木曽郡王滝村の観光の紹介まとめ 長野県木曽郡王滝村は多くの自然を残している素晴らしい日本の観光スポットとして知られているので、まずはこちらの動画で堪能してみて下さい。 日本の自然をたっぷり堪能して、温泉で疲れを癒した後はキャンプ場で自然を堪能しながらゆっくり過ごす、そんな贅沢な休日長野県木曽郡王滝村で過ごしてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 3:35
Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama Prefecture, Called the "Aegean Sea of Japan," Is Just Like a Painting! Introducing the Charms and Activities of Shirasaki Coast!
Nature- 32 plays
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Introducing Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama Prefecture! This video, titled "Shirasaki Coast (Wakayama) A Beautiful Scenic Location Called the Aegean Sea of Japan" (白崎海岸(和歌山)日本のエーゲ海と称される絶景スポット), was released by "K Japan Traveler." Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama prefecture, which has a magnificent view on Instagram, was selected as one of the Top 100 Beaches of Japan, and in 2009, it was also selected as one of the Top 100 Landscapes of the Yomiuri Shimbun. Many tourists visit the beach throughout the year, where the contrast between the blue of the sea and sky and the pure white of limestone and sandy beaches is attractive. The History and Highlights of Shirasaki Coast Photo:Shirasaki Coast, Wakayama Prefecture Shirasaki Coast is the sea of the Shirasaki Coast Prefectural Natural Park in Yura, Hidaka District, Wakayama Prefecture, and, as you can see at 0:33 in the video, is characterized by the white limestone surrounding it. Geologically, limestone is said to have come from the Permian Period in the latter half of the Paleozoic Era, more than 200 million years ago. From spring to summer, a large group of black-tailed gulls fly to Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama prefecture, which is rich in nature, as you can see from 3:03 in the video. The marine park is also known for its daffodils. Things To Do at Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama Prefecture Photo:Shirasaki Coast, Wakayama Prefecture We recommend enjoying swimming, fishing, and Shirasaki cruise activities around Shirasaki Coast in Wakayama prefecture. There are also diving spots and diving pools nearby. From Shirasaki Manyo Park, we recommend enjoying the view of the strange rocks "Tatego" and "Oobae," which are the symbols of Shirasaki Coast. Also, stop by Koukokuji Temple, the Shellfish Exhibition Hall, the Park Center, Shirasaki Marine Park Observatory, and Totsui Limestone Cave. Dining and Lodging at Shirasaki Coast Photo:The Starry Skies of Shirasaki Marine Park, Wakayama Prefecture Around Shirasaki Coast, there are many restaurants and cafes where you can eat seafood dishes such as Shirasu-don on a low budget as well as the famous Shirasaki curry. In addition, there's Roadside Station Shirasaki Ocean Park where you can buy souvenirs, and hotels that are ideal for accommodation, so plan your trip carefully! Summary of Wakayama Prefecture's Shirasaki Coast As you can see in the video, the charm of Shirasaki Coast is that you can enjoy the spectacular blue and white scenery. When the sun sets, you can see a soothing view that you won't find during the day. Be sure to check out the business information and regular holidays for the Shirasaki Marine Park campsite and the surrounding facilities before visiting for sightseeing. ◆ Introduction to Shirasaki Coast ◆ 【Address】Take a bus from JR Kii-Yura Station and get off at Shirasaki Nishi, and walk 1.5 km. 【Parking】Free Parking Available 【Tripadvisor】Shirasaki Marine Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121347-d1385202-Reviews-Shirasaki_Ocean_Park-Yura_cho_Hidaka_gun_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 5:11
The Keyhole-Shaped Tumulus Listed as a World Cultural Heritage Site in Habikino City, Osaka Prefecture Is a Popular Historical Tourist Attraction. Check Out Retro Spots Like Daikoku Temple and Shirotori Shrine!
Local PR- 23 plays
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大阪府羽曳野市の魅力を紹介した動画について こちらの動画は「羽曳野市 公式YouTubeチャンネル」が公開した「Osaka:Half a day Spent in Habikino City」です。 大阪府羽曳野市には大黒寺や誉田八幡宮などの観光スポットが様々あります。 自転車を使えば、わずか半日程度で、大阪府羽曳野市の観光を満喫できます。 大阪府羽曳野市とは 大阪府羽曳野市は大阪市の南東部に位置しています。 大阪府羽曳野市を訪れるには新幹線で新大阪駅よりバスや電車などで向かうか、伊丹空港から大阪市内へ向かい、その後にバスや電車で向かうことになります。 大阪と言えばグルメランキングでたこ焼きやお好み焼き、串カツなどのグルメは有名。 そして大阪府羽曳野市周辺はたこ焼きやお好み焼き以外に焼き鳥やステーキなどを堪能できる店が多くあります。 大阪府羽曳野市が誇る特産品について 明治時代に大阪府羽曳野市一帯でぶどう栽培が盛んでした。 農業振興策の一環として、ぶどうを使ってのワイン造りが行われ、やがて大阪を代表するワインの生産地として有名になったのです。 ワインに適したぶどうの品種改良はこの頃から行われていたのです。 またワイン以外にも和菓子がおいしいことで評判なのが大阪府羽曳野市の特徴でもあります。 大阪府羽曳野市の名所及び世界文化遺産登録された古墳について 動画の1:50より紹介されている大阪府羽曳野市にある古墳は古市古墳群(遺跡古市古墳群)に含まれており、2019年7月6日の第43回世界遺産委員会にて世界文化遺産登録が決定しました。 これを受けて、古墳に関する観光ツアーが増加傾向にあります。 また翠鳥園遺跡公園には、旧石器時代の跡があり、旧石器人のアトリエもあります。 考古学に興味がある方は外せない観光スポットと言えるでしょう。 大阪府羽曳野市内のお寺や神社を自転車で巡ってみよう 大阪府羽曳野市内には多数のお寺や神社が点在していており、誉田八幡宮という神社から野中寺・法泉寺・大黒寺・西琳寺などを大阪府羽曳野市観光で外せないお寺がたくさんあります。 大阪府羽曳野市紹介まとめ 人気の観光スポットが盛りだくさんの大阪府羽曳野市。 この動画をご覧になるときっと大阪府羽曳野市に実際に訪れてみたいと思うはずです。 -
Video article 5:12
A Closer Look At One of Japan's Most Popular Tourist Attractions, Rengeoin Sanjusangendo in Kyoto! The Powerful Buddhist Statues With Their Rich Expressions Create a Solemn and Mysterious Atmosphere
Art & Architecture Travel- 167 plays
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Introducing Rengeoin Sanjusangendo, a Famous Tourist Destination in Kyoto This video, titled "Kyoto Rengeoin Sanjusangendo and Buddhist statues" (京都 蓮華王院(三十三間堂)と仏像), was released by "Four Seasons Kyoto." It shows "Sanjusangendo," the main hall of Rengeoin Temple, a popular tourist spot in Japan, and national treasures housed in Kyoto's Rengeoin Temple, including the many Buddhist Statues it keeps in a solemn atmosphere. In this article, we'll introduce the charms of the Buddhist temple "Sanjusangendo" in Higashiyama, Kyoto alongside the video. You'll be drawn to the magnificence of the building and the expressions of the Buddhist statues, and you'll surely want to see the real thing after watching the video. A Closer Look at Sanjusangendo, A Popular Tourist Destination in Kyoto Photo:Sanjusangendo, Kyoto Rengeoin is located in Higashiyama, Kyoto, one of Japan's leading tourist areas. The main hall "Sanjusangendo" was built at the Imperial Palace of Emperor Shirakawa after he became Japan's 77th emperor. The building was destroyed by fire once and rebuilt in 1266. There are many national treasures and Important Cultural Properties in Rengeoin. The video shows the Important Cultural Property "Minami-daimon" that can be seen from 0:13 in the video. The national treasure "Sanjusangendo," is the longest wooden building in the world with 33 pillars in the temple and measuring approximately 120m from north to south. "Taiko-Bei," an Important Cultural Property built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi together with "Minami-daimon," are introduced from 2:11 in the video. At Rengeoin, an event called "Omato Taikai," named after "Toshiya" in the Edo period (1603-1868) is held at the "Toshiya Range" in mid-January. In particular, the competition in which adults who have just come of age wear furisode (long-sleeved kimono) and other formal attire and shoot at large targets is popular among tourists as a traditional event in Kyoto. The Buddhist Statues at Sanjusangendo, A Popular Tourist Destination in Kyoto Source :YouTube screenshot An introduction to the Buddhist statues in Sanjusangendo, the main hall of Rengeoin Temple, can be seen from 3:03 in the video. You are not allowed to take pictures inside the main hall, so this video is a great way to see close up images of the statues. The video first introduces the famous Japanese national treasure, "Sentai Senju Kannon Ryuzo," the standing statues of the thousand-armed Goddess of Mercy." Looking closely at each one, you'll find that each face is different, and it's said that there will always be one with a face that resembles the person you wish to see most. Enshrined in the center of the hall is the National Treasure, a seated statue of the thousand-armed Goddess of Mercy. The national treasures "Fujinzo," "Raijinzo," and "Kannon Nijyuhachibushuzo" are enshrined in front of the Sentai Kannon statue, creating a solemn atmosphere. Summary of Sanjusangendo, One of the Most Popular Tourist Destinations in Japan Source :YouTube screenshot This video introduces some of the highlights of the popular tourist spot in Japan and Buddhist statues deemed national treasures. Access to Sanjusangendo is ~10 minutes by bus from Kyoto Station, and about a 7-minute walk from the nearby "Shichijo Station" on the Keihan Main Line. Admission to the temple is 600 yen for the general public, 400 yen for high school and junior high school students, and 300 yen for children, and parking is available for up to 50 cars. In this article, we introduced the charms of Rengeoin/Sanjusangendo, popular sightseeing destination in Japan. Consider visiting Sanjusangendo, a temple lined with historic buildings, amazing Buddhist statues deemed national treasures, and a beautiful Japanese garden. ◆Rengeoin Temple/Sanjusangendo◆ 【Address】〒605-0941 657 Sanjusangendomawari, Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto 【Access】Transportation access is approximately 10 minutes from Kyoto Station by bus, or a 7 minute walk from the closest train station "Shichijo Station" on the Keihan Main Line 【Hours】8:30 - 17:00 (9:00 - 16:00 from November 16 to March) 【Admission Fee】General: ¥600, Junior High/High School Students: ¥400, Children: ¥300 【Parking】Available: 50 spaces 【Tripadvisor】Sanjusangendo https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d321411-Reviews-Sanjusangendo_Temple-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 6:15
Learn About the Nature and Profound Traditions of Aira City in Kagoshima Prefecture. Introducing the Beauty of Aira City With Stunning Aerial Footage!
Local PR Travel- 62 plays
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九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市紹介動画について こちらの動画は「姶良市公式youtubeチャンネル」が公開した「姶良市PR動画「AIRA CITY」(full version)」です。 今回は鹿児島県の姶良市(あいらし)を紹介します。 こちら記事では、日本のおすすめの観光地である鹿児島県姶良市の情報や、おすすめの穴場スポットなどを紹介します。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市とは 九州のおすすめ観光地の姶良市は、鹿児島県の中央に位置する町です。 自然、歴史、文化、特産品、温泉とさまざま観光資源がある魅力のある観光地で、鹿児島を旅行する際にはぜひ寄りたいエリア。 活火山である桜島の景勝を楽しんだり、緑豊かな山々に癒されたりと自然が好きな方にとくにおすすめの場所です。 鹿児島県姶良市で自然、伝統文化を思う存分体験し、心に残る旅の思い出にしましょう。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市の景勝エリア 日本のおすすめの観光地である鹿児島県姶良市には、自然の美しい景観を楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 まず、おすすめの観光スポットは龍門滝。 龍門滝は「日本の滝百選」にも選ばれた日本を代表する滝。 46メートルの高さから流れ落ちる滝はとても雄大で、見るものを圧倒させる力があります。 続いてのおすすめが、美しいアーチが特徴の金山橋です。 金山橋は明治12年頃に築かれた歴史ある石橋。 近くにある板井手の滝とのコントラストが美しく、インスタ映えのおすすめの撮影スポットでもあります。 他にも、網掛川や錦江湾、重富海水浴場、布引の滝、龍門司坂など鹿児島県姶良市には絶景を楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市の伝統文化 九州のおすすめの観光地、鹿児島県姶良市は、伝統工芸が盛んな観光地でもあります。 300年以上の歴史がある伝統工芸の龍門司焼は、薩摩を代表する焼き物として有名。 帖佐人形は、鹿児島県姶良市に残る伝統工芸で鹿児島県の伝統的工芸品にも選ばれています。 他にも、和紙漉きが楽しめるなど、鹿児島県姶良市の魅力的な伝統文化を体験できるスポットがあります。 九州の人気観光地・鹿児島県姶良市の紹介まとめ こちらの動画は鹿児島県姶良市のおすすめの観光地を美しい映像でご覧になることができます。 美しい自然や歴史のある伝統文化を楽しめる鹿児島県姶良市。 九州観光の際には、鹿児島姶良市に是非、足をお運びください! -
Video article 4:59
Fukuoka Prefecture's Local Idols Introduce the Charms of Yanagawa City! You Don't Want to Miss This Video Full of Fascinating Sights and Adorable Dancing!
Local PR Travel- 21 plays
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九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市をご当地アイドルが紹介! こちらの動画は「柳川フィルムコミッション」が公開した「【柳川市観光PRビデオ】SAGEMON GIRLS さげもんガールズ」です。 福岡県はおいしい食べ物や人気観光がいっぱいの魅力ある日本のおすすめの観光地。 そんな福岡県でグルメや観光も楽しめるエリアを探している人はいませんか? 今回は福岡県の柳川市を紹介したいと思います。 こちら記事では、福岡県の柳川市の人気スポットや、おすすめグルメなどを動画と共に紹介したいと思います。 福岡県柳川市のご当地アイドル「さげもんガールズ」の可愛いダンスも堪能ください 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市とは 九州のおすすめ観光地のひとつ柳川市は、福岡県の南部、筑後地方の南西部に位置します。 筑後地方の主要都市のひとつで、さまざまな魅力のある都市です。 柳川の川下り体験や相撲、有明海でとれた柳川産のりやうなぎ料理など、観光やグルメで楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 福岡県柳川市は福岡の天神駅から西鉄電車で約50分で行くことができるので、福岡で観光する際にはぜひ立ち寄ってみてください。 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市のおすすめスポット 人気観光地の福岡県の柳川市には、おすすめの観光スポットがたくさんあります。 まず、歴史が好きな人やパワースポットに行きたい人におすすめなのが三柱神社と日吉神社。 ともに由緒正しい神社で参拝すれば気が引き締まります。 長命寺や沖端水天宮も福岡県柳川市の有名な歴史スポットです。 柳川藩主立花邸御花も歴史を体感できる国指定名勝。 庭園が当時のままに残り、美しい景観を楽しめる名所です。 ほっと一息つきたい場合には、「からたち文人の足湯」がおすすめ。 足湯エリアには柳川ゆかりの文人たちの写真などが飾られており、歴史が好きな人も楽しめます。 ゆっくり足湯に浸かりながら、写真を眺めれば心癒される時間になるでしょう。 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市のおすすめグルメ 日本の観光地である福岡の柳川市にはおすすめのグルメもあります。 うなぎは食べログで高評価のお店が多く、柳川市に訪れたときには必ず食べておきたい日本料理。 うなぎ料理の他にも、柳川産味噌や米せんべいなどが有名。 美味しいグルメを楽しんで最高の旅の思い出にしましょう。 九州の人気観光地・福岡県柳川市紹介まとめ こちらの動画は福岡県柳川市の人気ご当地アイドル「さげもんガールズ」のかわいい踊りと一緒に、柳川市のおすすめの観光スポットが紹介されています。 観光スポットとおいしいグルメがたのしめる福岡県の柳川市。 気になる方はぜひ観光に訪れてみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 13:06
Yufu City in Oita Prefecture Is One of the Best Hot Spring Towns in Japan! The Quaint, Historic Streets of This Popular Tourist Destination Have So Much to Offer!
Local PR Travel- 19 plays
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大分県由布市は四季が織りなす自然豊かな街 こちらの動画は「大分県由布市」が公開した「由布市観光PR動画(An Invitation to Yufu)」です。 大分県由布市は、大分県の中央に位置する街であり、日本全国的にも温泉地として有名な観光地だ。 この街は周囲を山々と河川で覆われた自然豊かな街であり、標高の高い盆地にある。 そのため日較差が大きい気候にあり、冬には雪が積もることもあるほどだ。 しかし、春になると菜の花や桜並木が街に彩りを加え、日本の四季を感じることができることも大分県由布市の魅力であると言える。 大分県由布市は全国でも有数の温泉観光地 大分県は日本でも有数の湯治場として知られており温泉の源泉数・湧出量ともに日本全国で見てもトップである。 なかでも別府市と由布市には温泉地が集中しており、日本全国から温泉を目当てに観光客が訪れる。 大分県由布市湯布院町近辺には「由布院温泉」など有名な温泉が集中している。 「湯平温泉」は鎌倉時代から存在したと言われる由緒ある温泉であり、温泉街には江戸時代に作られた石畳が残っている。 「塚原温泉」は薬湯として有名な温泉であり、アトピーや水虫など皮膚に対する効能があるとされている。 「塚原温泉」は日本三大薬湯に数えられることもあるほどだ。 他にも大分県由布市には様々な温泉があり、旅館の多くには天然の温泉施設が併設されている。 大分県由布市では自然と歴史を堪能できる 大分県由布市は古くから温泉地として有名であり、温泉とともに発展してきた。 それに伴い日本の歴史にゆかりのある観光施設も多くある。 「宇奈岐日女神社」には、「大杵社の大スギ」という樹齢1,000年以上の大木があり、日本の天然記念物に指定されている。 この大スギの他にも30メートルほどもあるスギが立ち並び、大迫力の自然を堪能することができる観光スポットだ。 大分県由布市のシンボルになりつつある「観光辻馬車」は、由布市の田園風景を眺めながら「宇奈岐日女神社」などの観光地を巡る事のできる人気の乗り物になっている。 大分県由布市には「だんご汁」に「やせうま」など美味しい郷土料理もたくさん 大分県由布市には多くの郷土料理が存在する。 なかでも「だんご汁」と「やせうま」は他では味わえない料理である。 「だんご汁」は豚汁に似た料理で、もちもちした平たい麺を入れる料理だ。 このもちもちした平たい麺にきな粉と砂糖をまぶしたお菓子が「やせうま」と呼ばれている。 また地元で育てられた黒毛和牛「豊後牛」や、地元の蔵で醸した地産の麦焼酎なども大分県由布市では人気のグルメになっており、日本人からのみならず海外の旅行客からも高く評価されています。 大分県由布市は家族で1日中いても楽しめる! 大分県由布市は、最近では温泉だけでなく家族で楽しめる観光施設も増えている。 自然に囲まれた「高原美術館」は洋館風のオシャレなギャラリーが特徴的で、ゆったりとした時間を過ごすことができる穴場だ。 また「梨狩り」や「お箸作り体験」などは、子どもに人気の場所である。 大分県由布市の観光スポット紹介まとめ 由布市は大分市や別府市とも近く、非常にアクセスしやすい観光地になっている。 大分県を訪れた際には電車やバスを使って気軽に足を運んでみるとよいだろう。 -
Video article 8:39
Feel the History of Japan in Shibata, Niigata Prefecture! This Video Shows You the Charm of Shibata, a City in Niigata Prefecture You Don't Want to Miss!
Local PR Travel- 32 plays
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新潟県新発田(しばた)市の観光スポットが丸わかりになる動画の紹介 こちらの動画は「新発田市観光協会」が公開した「新発田市観光PRムービー」です。 新潟県北部下越地方にある新発田市(しばた)にある沢山の観光名所を堪能することが出来る動画となっています。 日本の歴史とも深い関りのある新潟県新発田市は新潟のみならず、日本でも屈指の観光スポットとして人気であり、日本の文化を知るには欠かせない場所となっています。 この記事では、そんな新潟県新発田市の観光名所や絶景、古くから伝わる歴史や伝統のグルメ等の耳より情報を動画と共に紹介いたします。 新潟県新発田市の新発田城とその周辺観光について! 新潟県新発田市の中でもひと際日本の歴史を感じさせる建造物と言えば、動画の0:58でご覧になることが出来る新発田城(別名:あやめ城)でしょう。 築城時期が不明とされている城ではあるものの、鎌倉時代初期にはあったことから、佐々木盛綱の傍系である新発田氏によって築城されたのではと言われています。 その周辺には、動画の1:25ご覧になれる寺町通りもあり、日本の歴史を感じることのできる新潟県でも屈指の観光スポットとなっています。 国指定名勝の清水園について! 動画の2:01から紹介されている清水園は、こちらも日本の新潟県の観光スポットとして有名なスポットとされています。 清水園には、日本の自然に溢れた近江八景を取り入れており、その中には日本の国指定重要文化財ともされている足軽の歴史を知ることが出来る足軽長屋もあります。 撮影も自由ということから、自然と歴史が堪能出来るこの観光スポットでインスタ映えを狙ってみるのもまた良いのではないでしょうか。 観光だけでは終わらない新潟県新発田市の魅力! 新潟県新発田市観光ではグルメや温泉等も忘れてはいけません。 動画の3:32で紹介をされている和菓子は、伝統の職人技によってまるで芸術品のような素晴らしい出来であることが分かるのではないでしょうか。 動画の6:14で紹介されているレトロな雰囲気残る歴史深い新道・掛蔵地区では、新潟県の地産地消の寿司等のグルメを堪能したり、お土産を買うこともできます。 そして旅の疲れは『美人をつくる温泉』と名高い月岡温泉で癒すことで、新潟県新発田市を余すことなく堪能出来るでしょう。 新潟県新発田市の観光の紹介まとめ 多くの観光スポットと日本の歴史深い建造物が存在する新潟県新発田市。 こちらの記事で紹介した観光スポットの他にも、堀部安兵衛生誕地、大正・昭和の歴史を堪能することが出来る蕗谷虹児記念館、そして新潟県新発田市が産んだ人間国宝『天田昭次』について知ることが出来る刀剣伝承館・天田昭次記念館等も見逃せない観光スポットとなっています。 毎年8月の中旬には、城下町新発田まつりも開催されます。 今回紹介させて頂いた動画とこの記事で新潟県新発田市に興味を持たれた方は、ぜひ一度実際に新潟県新発田市へ足を運んでみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 2:48
Amazing High-Definition Images of Food and Natural Scenery in Fukushima, Tochigi, and Ibaraki Prefectures! The Diamond Route, a Vast Area of Tourism in Japan, Awaits Your Arrival!
Travel- 32 plays
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The Diamond Route Connecting Fukushima, Tochigi and Ibaraki Prefectures This video, titled "【4K】Nature & Gastronomy : Diamond Route Japan 2019 - Fukushima, Tochigi, Ibaraki |" was released by Diamond Route Japan. Nobu Matsuhisa runs many Japanese restaurants around the world. In this video, Nobu Matsuhisa travels to Fukushima, Tochigi, and Ibaraki prefectures to review tourist attractions that are rich with local history and Japanese culture. Popular Tourist Destinations in Fukushima Prefecture Two of the best places to visit in Fukushima Prefecture are Ouchi-juku in the Minamiaizu District of Fukushima Prefecture and Aizu-Wakamatsu Castle (Tsurugajo) in Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture. These two sites, both of which preserve the landscape of Japan's Edo period, attract more than a million history buffs each year. In Ouchi-juku, there are restaurants and cafes where you can enjoy the delicious local cuisine. Ouchijuku's specialty, "Takato Soba," is a unique dish in which "magari-negi" (a type of curved green onion) are used like chopsticks to eat handmade soba noodles. Kitakata ramen is another local specialty of Fukushima Prefecture. Kitakata ramen is a local dish that is loved all over Japan and is one of the three major ramen of Japan. Kitakata Ramen is a shoyu (soy sauce) flavored pork-based ramen that originated in Kitakata City, Fukushima Prefecture, and is characterized by its light flavor. Popular Sightseeing Spots in Tochigi Prefecture The most famous tourist attraction in Tochigi Prefecture is the World Heritage Site "Nikko Toshogu Shrine." Nikko Toshogu Shrine located in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture, is a shrine and temple dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu. The shrine is steeped in history and is said to have been built in 1617. It's a famous place where visitors can enjoy historical Japanese traditions and culture. Utsunomiya gyoza is the specialty of Tochigi Prefecture. Utsunomiya City in Tochigi Prefecture is one of the largest consumers of gyoza (pot stickers) in Japan, and almost all gourmets visiting Utsunomiya City come in search of "Utsunomiya Gyoza." Utsunomiya gyoza is characterized by its high vegetable and low meat and garlic content, which gives the gyoza a better texture and richer flavor. As a result, even those who don't like the rich taste of gyoza and generally find it too heavy, can enjoy eating it. Utsunomiya gyoza is generally sold at a low price throughout Utsunomiya City, and it's often eaten like fast food in the local area. Popular Tourist Attractions in Ibaraki Prefecture Hitachi Seaside Park in Hitachinaka City, Ibaraki Prefecture, is one of Japan's premier leisure facilities for raising plants. The 500 sq. acre park is home to seasonal plants, such as tulips in the spring and sunflowers in the summer, as well as attractions like a large Ferris wheel, making it a fun facility for the whole family! Ibaraki Prefecture is home to many nationally famous local dishes, the most popular of which is natto (fermented soybeans). Mito Natto, a specialty of Mito City, Ibaraki, is a historical dish loved by the locals. Foreign tourists may have some reservations about it, but we definitely recommend trying it if you're visiting Mito, Ibaraki. Summary of the Diamond Route Connecting Fukushima, Tochigi, and Ibaraki Prefectures Fukushima, Tochigi, and Ibaraki prefectures are close to Tokyo, making them great places to visit even on a day trip. They are especially popular with tourists looking to experience Japanese history and culture. Be sure to check them out if you have the chance! -
Video article 3:56
Enjoy Tori no Ichi, a Festival in Asakusa, Tokyo to Pray for Good Business! Food, Traditional Crafts, Goshuin Stamps, Traditional Dances... Don't Miss This Video Packed With the Sights and Sounds of Tori no Ichi!
Festivals & Events- 24 plays
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東京・浅草のお祭り「酉の市」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「EDO POP TOKYO 【江戸ポップ東京】」が公開した「2018年 浅草 酉の市 楽しみ方紹介します♪ 鷲神社 / 長國寺 御朱印も!Asakusa Torino-ichi Festival」です。 お祭り大国日本。 その日本を代表する都市が東京。 東京と言えば大都会をイメージする人が多いかもしれませんが、実はお祭りが盛んな都市。 今回は東京でも屈指のお祭りシティ浅草・酉の市を約4分の動画で紹介しちゃいます! 東京・浅草「酉の市」 東京浅草のお祭りと言えば浅草神社で5月に行われる三社祭りが有名ですが、浅草のお祭りはそれだけではありません。 今回は浅草を代表する神社、鷲神社と長國寺で行われた酉の市へ潜入した動画を紹介いたします。 酉の市は日本代表インスタスポット!? まずは鷲神社。 参拝の列に並ぶと御社殿の提灯の数がすごい。 露店や屋台、お囃子もあり、インスタ映え必至です! 鷲神社はお賽銭からの二礼二拍手一礼、長國寺はお賽銭からの鈴→合唱→一礼です。 長國寺では参拝者の邪気を払って、幸運をもたらす鷲舞ひ(おおとりまい)もあり、見逃せません。 酉の市の由縁と歴史、起源 酉の市の歴史を知れば、日本のお祭りをますます好きになります。 酉の市の起源は日本武尊(ヤマトタケル)が武具の熊手をかけて勝ち戦を祝った日が11月であったことと言われています。 鷲神社は天照大御神に由縁があります。 酉の市の開催時期は毎年11月の酉の日です。 酉の日というのは、干支の中の酉=12日に1回ということになります。 東京・浅草のお祭り「酉の市」紹介まとめ 日本、そして東京のお祭り・酉の市。 いかがでしたでしょうか。 一度は訪れてみたい下町情緒あふれる江戸っ子の町・浅草には切山椒のお餅、屋台には老舗のベビーカステラ屋さんなどのローカルグルメも楽しめます。 東京・浅草のお祭り「酉の市」に参加して運気を上げていきましょう! -
Video article 1:46
Admire the Beautiful Scenery at the Southern European-Style Resort Hotel Altia Toba. This Western-Style Hotel Nestled by the Sea in Mie Prefecture Is Full of Surprises!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 26 plays
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南欧風リゾートホテル「アルティア鳥羽」のプロモーション動画について 「日本で美しい景色やおいしいグルメを食べられるホテルはないかな?」 このように、美しい景観や料理を楽しめるホテルを探している人に必見の動画の紹介です。 「IZUMIGOtv」が公開した【公式】アルティア鳥羽 プロモーションムービー」は、三重県鳥羽市にあるホテル「アルティア鳥羽」の魅力を紹介している動画です。 志摩半島の自然が豊かな景勝、心身を癒す温泉などアルティア鳥羽に泊まりたくなるような映像が詰まっています。 こちら記事では、三重県志摩半島を観光する際におすすめのホテル「アルティア鳥羽」の魅力や、周辺情報を動画と共に紹介します。 三重県観光の際におすすめのホテル「アルティア鳥羽」 三重県を観光する際におすすめのホテルであるアルティア鳥羽は、とても美しい南欧風のリゾートホテルです。 アルティア鳥羽は、2016年の伊勢志摩サミットで話題になった三重県志摩半島の東部にあります。 この鳥羽というエリアは、昔ながらの宿泊地で旅館が多いのが特徴です。 そんな旅館が多い中にある南欧風リゾートホテルのアルティア鳥羽は、異彩を放っており人気があります。 懐石料理や露天風呂、プールまである贅沢な宿泊施設のアルティア鳥羽。 豪華なホテルに泊まって、心身を癒すのはいかがでしょうか? 三重県観光で人気のホテル「アルティア鳥羽」の特徴 三重県志摩半島を観光する際に利用したいアルティア鳥羽は、さまざまな魅力があります。 まず鳥羽の夜景はアルティア鳥羽に宿泊したときには、必ず見ておきたい景色。 天体望遠鏡で鳥羽の星空を見ることもでき、美しい夜空を思う存分楽しむことができます。 食事は夜の豪華な懐石料理やフレンチ料理、朝は朝食バイキングなど絶品のグルメを堪能できます。 プランによって食事の内容が変わってくるので、ご自身に合ったプランを選びましょう。 伊勢志摩の新鮮な海の幸は絶品ですよ。 人気のホテルのアルティア鳥羽では、他にも日帰り温泉やエステなどもおすすめ。 三重県観光で人気のホテル「アルティア鳥羽」の周辺スポット 三重県で人気のホテルであるアルティア鳥羽の周辺には、観光スポットも充実しています。 アルティア鳥羽に宿泊した際に、必ず行っておきたい観光スポットといえば伊勢神宮です。 お伊勢さんという愛称で呼ばれる伊勢神宮には、全国からたくさんの参拝客が訪れる歴史ある場所。 日本最大級のスケールを持つ鳥羽水族館もおすすめです。 約850種類2万点の海の生物を鑑賞できます。 他には、二見興玉神社や安土桃山文化村、志摩地中海村、おかげ横丁、夫婦岩なども人気の観光名所。 三重県観光で人気のホテル「アルティア鳥羽」の記事まとめ こちらの動画をご覧になればアルティア鳥羽でどんな素晴らしい体験ができるのか想像でき、実際に宿泊したいと思えるはずですよ。 美しい南欧風リゾートホテルのアルティア鳥羽。 夜景やグルメなどさまざまな魅力のあるホテルで、贅沢な休日を過ごしてみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 15:36
The Abukuma Caves in Fukushima Prefecture's Tamura District Are a Natural Work of Art! You'll Be Mesmerized by This Beautiful, Mystical Space!
Travel- 24 plays
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人気の鍾乳洞「福島県のあぶくま洞」の紹介動画について 「Japan Videography」が公開した「[4K]Abukumado Cave 福島県・あぶくま洞~神秘と大自然の造形美を誇る鍾乳洞 amazing nature of limestone cave in Fukushima Japan」では、福島県にある美しい鍾乳洞を紹介しています。 目を疑うほど美しい「あぶくま洞」の景観に、きっと心を奪われるでしょう。 動画の中で紹介されている、「あぶくま洞」の大自然の造形美やイルミネーションは必見となっています。 こちらの記事では、人気観光スポット「福島県のあぶくま洞」の魅力を動画と共に解説していきます。 人気の鍾乳洞「福島県のあぶくま洞」とは? 日本観光で訪れたい「あぶくま洞」は、福島県田村郡にある歴史ある鍾乳洞です。 美しい大自然の造形美や神秘的な景色が特徴で、多くの観光客を魅了します。 鍾乳石の種類と数は東洋一と言われ、「あぶくま洞」の美しい風景を作り上げています。 こちらの動画の1:11からあぶくま洞の風景を見ることができますよ。 「あぶくま洞」の洞内は、総延長が約3,300mあります。 そのうち一般見学用として600m、一般見学用から分岐する全長120mの探検コースを観光用で一般公開しています。 また、「あぶくま洞」ではイルミネーションイベントの「緋桜物語」が開催。 鍾乳洞の中がイルミネーションの光で彩られ、圧巻の美しさを楽しめます。 「あぶくま洞」観光では必ず見ておきたいイベントです。 人気の鍾乳洞「福島県のあぶくま洞」の必見エリア 日本の人気の観光スポット「あぶくま洞」は、必見の絶景エリアがたくさんあります! 「滝根御殿」「月の世界」「クリスタルカーテン」「ボックスワーク」「シールド」「洞穴サンゴ」などがおすすめ。 変わった形をした鍾乳石を見られるエリア、神秘的な景色を楽しめるエリア、たけのこ状に伸びた石筍が見られるエリアなど、それぞれで特徴のある景色を楽しめます。 人気の鍾乳洞「福島県のあぶくま洞」情報 福島県の観光スポットである「あぶくま洞」の料金やアクセス方法などを紹介します。 福島県田村市にある「あぶくま洞」の料金は、高校生以上が1,200円、中学生800円、小学生600円。 公式ホームページでプリントアウトできる割引券を使うと100円~200円安くなります。 あぶくま洞を見学する所要時間は一般コースが約40分で探検コースが約50分。 洞窟内の気温は平均で15℃前後。 下層部では0~10℃くらいまで下がることもあるので、上着を1枚持っていくなど服装には気をつけましょう。 人気の鍾乳洞「福島県のあぶくま洞」紹介記事のまとめ 「Japan Videography」が公開した「[4K]Abukumado Cave 福島県・あぶくま洞~神秘と大自然の造形美を誇る鍾乳洞 amazing nature of limestone cave in Fukushima Japan」は、日本観光におすすめの「あぶくま洞」を紹介しています。 圧倒的な美を堪能できる福島県の「あぶくま洞」。 大自然の造形美を堪能しましょう! -
Video article 2:49
Ogimi Village in Okinawa Prefecture - Enjoy the Beautiful Tropical Scenery and Flower Gardens Surrounded by the Emerald Green Sea and Mountains!
Local PR Travel- 57 plays
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The Beautiful Natural Scenery of Ogimi Village, Okinawa This video, titled "[Ogimi Village] Ogiumi Marugoto Tourism Association" (【大宜味村】_おおぎみまるごとツーリズム協会), was released by "TOYO Planning & Printing, INC." It's a 4K video introducing Ogimi Village, using drones and time lapse technology. The video introduces recommended sightseeing spots, historical and traditional culture, and gourmet information to enjoy sightseeing around Ogimi Village, Okinawa Prefecture! The beautiful scenery of Ogimi Village in Okinawa Prefecture is captured in the video. It's full of Instagram worthy locations that you can't help but admire. This video will convey the beauty of Japan's natural landscapes with a sense of nostalgia. Sit back, relax, and enjoy. Endless Natural Landscapes! Tourist Attractions of Ogimi Village, Okinawa Ogimi Village, Okinawa Prefecture, a sightseeing destination in Japan, is a popular place to relax and forget about the passing of time. You can enjoy a variety of Japanese festivals, such as the Kijoka Festival (喜如嘉まつり), the Ogimi Village Summer Festival (大宜味村夏まつり), the harvest festival, Honen Odori (豊年踊り), and the Umigami Festival (海神祭), held to pray for a good fishing season. Okinawa's Ogimi Village is a tourist destination where you can experience things you won't find in the city. It's easy to visit as there are reasonably priced minpaku (Japanese-style homestays) and hotels. Okinawa's Ogimi Village is also a popular tourist attraction, where you can visit the Ogimi Village Government Building, which is famous as a National Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Japan, and also a place where you can buy Kijoka bashofu, a traditional Japanese cloth. Other popular tourist attractions in Kunigami include the "Shikuwasa Theme Park," which is a great place to visit for families. The Lilac Field Shown in the Video One of the best scenic spots is Okurareruka Field in Kijoka, Ogimi Village, Okinawa, where from late March to early April, the fields are covered with irises. The fields of irises in full bloom are absolutely breathtaking. You can see the beautiful scenery in the video, but it pales in comparison to the real thing. Be sure to take a camera to take pictures for your Instagram! Sightseeing and Food in Ogimi Village, Okinawa! Ta Waterfall in Ogimi Village, Okinawa Prefecture, a tourist attraction where you can enjoy the waterfalls of Japan, is one of Okinawa's most powerful power spots. We recommend engaging in some light sports while strolling around the area! There are many other places to visit in Bunagaya Village (ぶながやの里), a place where traditional Japanese agriculture thrives, and there are many endangered wildlife species that you won't find anywhere else. In the tourist area of Ogimi Village, Okinawa Prefecture, there are many gourmet spots where you can eat soba, the secret to longevity, and you can also enjoy finding delicious, lesser known restaurants. Summary of Sightseeing in Ogimi Village, Okinawa In this article, we introduced the natural landscapes of Ogimi Village, Okinawa alongside the video. Ogimi Village is a tourist destination where you can enjoy the great outdoors of Japan and beautiful natural scenery. It's a great place to visit with your family, friends, and loved ones, or even alone! -
Video article 2:17
Yokohama in Kanagawa Prefecture Is One of Japan's Leading Port Cities! Enjoy the Best of Japan Sightseeing in This City Full of Exotic Culture and Charm!
Local PR Travel- 56 plays
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神奈川県横浜紹介動画について こちらの動画は「Yokohama Official Visitors Guide」が公開した「Welcome to Yokohama」です。 日本へ訪日されたらどこの観光名所行きたいですか? のんびり日本を観光したい人におすすめなのが横浜です。 首都東京や日本の空の玄関口、羽田空港からも30分ほどの距離。 横浜はみなとみらい21を中心としたショッピングスポットや観光名所に中華街を中心としたグルメも豊富です。 それでは日本の中でもオススメしたい観光地、横浜の動画をご覧ください。 神奈川県横浜でおすすめしたい観光名所みなとみらい21 横浜でまず訪れたいスポットはみなとみらい21。 ここには赤レンガ倉庫や横浜ランドマークタワーといった観光名所があります。 また、山下公園は海が望めるエリアとしても人気が高い観光スポットです。 歩いていける元町エリアもショッピングスポットとして観光に外せません。 日本一のチャイナタウン!横浜中華街はグルメ観光に絶対外せない 映像では匂いが伝えられないのが非常に残念です。 横浜を代表する観光名所がここ横浜中華街。 日本一の規模を誇る中華街には500店舗以上のお店があり、横浜のグルメスポットとして人気が高いエリアです。 ブタまん・シウマイ、カリカリ焼きそばといった手軽な中華料理からちょっと高級なコース料理まで楽しめます。 日本を代表する港町、横浜は海から観光もまた楽しい 港町横浜は街を海から見るのもおすすめ。 水上バスから横浜を眺めてみませんか。 海から見る横浜は別の顔をしています。 日本の歴史は横浜の歴史にも繋がる 横浜の歴史は 1854年、日本へのペリー来航で大きく変わります。 1859年に、横浜港が外国人の寄港地として開港。 その頃から横浜には多くの異国文化が入ってきます。 横浜がクルーズ船の日本を代表する寄港地としても有名な大桟橋もその名残。 今、横浜がこれだけ大きい街になったのもペリー来航が始まりといえます。 人気観光スポット横浜紹介まとめ 今回は横浜の動画を見てみましたがどうでしたか? この動画を見てショッピング・グルメ・観光と横浜の魅力が存分にわかったはずです。 みなさんも是非横浜に訪れてみてください。 それでは横浜でお会いできることを楽しみにしています! -
Video article 3:03
Kazusuya Is a Hot Spring Inn That You Don't Want to Miss if You're Visiting Niigata. Enjoy the Onsen and Local Gourmet Foods That Are Popular With Women for Cultivating Beautiful Skin!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 62 plays
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新潟月岡温泉地エリアの旅館『風鈴屋』の魅力紹介動画の見どころ ここでは、「エリアワン|風鈴屋PV」という動画についてご紹介をさせて頂きます。 風鈴屋とは、新潟県月岡温泉にある情緒溢れる外観と日本ならではのおもてなしが魅力とされている旅館です。 新潟県に観光に来た際にはぜひ泊まって欲しい人気旅館となっています。 動画では、月岡温泉風鈴屋について詳しくご覧になれますので、観光を検討する前にぜひご覧下さい。 月岡温泉・風鈴屋の魅力について! 月岡温泉・美(うつくし)の湯「風鈴屋」は、新潟県新発田市にあり、『月岡ニューホテル冠月』が旅館へとなった際に改名され風鈴屋となりました。 お部屋は人数に合わせた和室・洋室の二つが用意されており好みに合わせることができます。 客室備品も充実しているので、快適な一日を送ることが出来るでしょう。 更に、部屋からの眺めは、四季によって様々な顔を見せてくれるインスタ映え必至の日本庭園。 そして足湯や日本酒バーは、風鈴屋を語る上では外せない観光施設となっています。 美の湯と称されている通り美肌効果の高い大浴場と露天風呂があり、観光で歩き回って疲れた体を癒しながら、美しさに磨きをかけることが出来る素晴らしい旅館となっています。 温泉を楽しんだ後はグルメ! 大浴場と露天風呂を十分に堪能して浴衣に身を包んだ後は、やはり食事でしょう。 夕食は、料理長が新潟の自然の恵みと新鮮な山海の旬の味覚をふんだんに盛り込んだ日本食・和食をふるまってくれます。 おすすめは月岡温泉・風鈴屋自慢の『鈴の膳』で、地元である新潟県原産の新鮮な野菜や海鮮を使用した、食の面からも新潟をとことん楽しめるコースとなっています。 他にも、飲み放題プランや日本のブランド牛である「あがの姫牛」を堪能出来るプランもあり、個人に合わせて充実した食事が出来ることでしょう。 月岡温泉風鈴屋の魅力紹介まとめ 日本の四季とグルメを堪能することが出来る旅館『月岡温泉・風鈴屋』。 日本の風情溢れる月岡温泉風鈴屋へいらしてみてはいかがでしょうか。 -
Video article 4:03
It's Like the Actual Sea! See Great White Sharks Swimming in the Largest Aquarium in the World, at the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in Motobu!
Travel Living Things- 105 plays
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Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium: A Popular in Sightseeing Spot in Japan Produced by "Sanpostyle", "Okinawa Sightseeing - Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium Digest Almost Route(沖縄観光 沖縄美ら海水族館 ほぼ順路をダイジェストで)" is a video that introduces the charm of Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, a popular tourist location in Okinawa, Japan. The aquarium is introduced in tandem with the video, so if you watch the video you'll definitely want to visit it for real! This article introduces the attractions and highlights of Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium; a recommended sightseeing spot in Okinawa. Please enjoy it! What Is Churaumi Aquarium? Photo:Coral reef The Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, popular among visitors to Okinawa, is located in Ocean Expo Park in Motobu Town, Okinawa Prefecture, and opened in 1979. It was the largest aquarium in the world until 2005. The total number of exhibition water tanks is 77. It was the world's first successful whale shark breeding location as well. The mysterious fish and other creatures of Okinawa are displayed in the world's largest aquarium, attracting many tourists. They breed about 520 species and 10,500 animals. You can enjoy the sea of Okinawa as much as you want. Enjoy the Kuroshio Sea, the world's largest aquarium where you can observe Nanyo Manta, and the Coral Sea, where you can see coral breeding exhibits. At the coral sea, you can see 800 groups of coral (0:35). During the sightseeing season, it might be crowded, but it is relatively empty during the evening. On-site facilities include a restaurant with an ocean view, a cafe where you can relax while watching the large aquarium, and a shop where you can purchase souvenirs from Okinawa. It has English-speaking staff, making it a popular facility for foreigners. The Charm of Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium Photo:Churaumi Aquarium What attracts people to the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium is that you can see various Okinawan creatures in a massive aquarium. You can see great white sharks and manta rays in the main aquarium of the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, which can be seen from 2:12 in the video. "Journey to the Deep Sea," which can be viewed from 3:44 in the video, reproduces the mysterious deep sea of Okinawa and allows you to observe about 70 species of deep-sea creatures. At the entrance of the aquarium there is a great white shark monument, welcoming tourists. Behind that, there is the Uminchu Gate, and the emerald green sea seen from this space is a special beauty. In addition, there are the "Inou Creatures" (Video 0:23-), "Sea of Tropical Fish" (Video 0:55-), "Journey to Coral Reefs (Video 1:27-), "Waterside Creatures," "Beauty Sea Theater," "Dr. Shark Room" (Video 2:51-), "Water Viewing: Kuroshio Exploration" (Video 3:13-), "Jimbe Manta Corner," "Aqua Room," "Deep Sea Exploration Room" (Video 3:44 -), "Small creatures in the deep sea," "Planetarium in the sea," "Aqua Lab," "general rest area," "coral room," "event hall," "deep sea map," and so on. The in-house facilities are full of charm. You can enjoy lunch at the restaurant "Inoh" or at the "Ocean Blue" cafe. Information on Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium Photo:Churaumi Aquarium Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium ticket prices are 1,880 yen (~$17.50 USD) 8:30 to 16:00 for adults, elementary and middle schoolers 1,250 yen, and 620 yen for children. After 16:00, it is 1,310 yen for adults, 870 yen for middle-aged people, and 430 yen for children (as of November 2019). Out-of-area sales tickets that can be purchased at a discount from the above general rates can be purchased at Umi churara Naha Airport Store or at a convenience store in Okinawa Prefecture. If you are visiting with more than 20 people, make a reservation and a special group rate will be applied. The average time spent at the aquarium is 1.5 to 2 hours. Access from Naha Airport is about 2 hours by car on the expressway and about 3 hours by express bus. Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium has a nearby parking lot called North Gate Parking Lot. The official website also contains information on congestion and events. In addition, there are various hotels around the aquarium. Stay at a hotel that offers a variety of courses and relax yourself. Summary of Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium is quite popular for sightseeing in Okinawa. Refresh your mind and feel the power and greatness of life in Japan's leading aquarium! Make sure to watch the video to see the power of one of the world's largest aquariums and the appearance of beautiful marine life! ◆ Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium ◆ 【Address】424 Ishikawa, Motobu-cho, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa 905-0206 【Access】From Naha Airport, about 2 hours by car (using expressway), about 3 hours by bus (using express bus) 【Entrance fee】8:30-16:00 (regular fee) Adult 1,800 yen / child 1,250 yen, 16:00- adult 1,310 yen / child 870 yen (* as of November 2019) 【Hours】Normal period (October-February) 8:30-18:30, Summer period (March-September) 8:30-20:00 【Closures】First Wednesday of December and the following day (Thursday) 【Parking】Available (9 locations) Free 【Telephone No】0980-48-3748 【Official Website】Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium-Take the Churaumi of Okinawa to the next generation. https://churaumi.okinawa/en/ 【Tripadvisor】 Reviews of Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1120808-d1151352-Reviews-Okinawa_Churaumi_Aquarium-Motobu_cho_Kunigami_gun_Okinawa_Prefecture.html -
Video article 3:22
Okazaki Castle in Aichi Prefecture – A Base of Tokugawa Ieyasu, One of the Three Unifiers of Japan! Discover the History of Japan in a City Deified as the Birthplace of the Gods!
Art & Architecture History- 99 plays
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Introducing Okazaki Castle, the Birthplace of the Gods The video this time is titled "[Touken World] 'Okazaki Castle'|Swords and Armor|Sword and Armor Displays in the Castle|YouTube Video" (【刀剣ワールド】「岡崎城」刀剣・甲冑に会える城|刀剣・甲冑展示の城郭 YouTube動画), released by "Virtual Sword Museum 'Touken World'." It introduces Okazaki Castle at Okazaki Park in Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture, in Japan's Tokai region. Okazaki Castle is known as the birthplace of Tokugawa Ieyasu, and is famous for being the base of operations for Tokugawa Ieyasu, who returned to Mikawa (present-day Aichi Prefecture) after the Battle of Okehazama and used it as his base for unifying the country. This Okazaki Castle was deified as "the birthplace of the gods," and the Daimyo who became the lords of Okazaki Castle were proud to serve as its ruler. As you can see from 1:33 in the video, there are various exhibits of swords and armor related to Okazaki Castle. One of the most famous swords from the Muromachi period (1336-1573), "Kanemoto," with its impressive temper, resembling majestic mountains, can be seen at 1:51 in the video. At the The Ieyasu And Mikawa Bushi Museum in Okazaki Park, which can be seen at 2:09 in the video, visitors can learn about the history of the Matsudaira family, the ancestors of the Tokugawa family, from their beginnings to the unification of the Tokugawa family. A Kindami Gusoku (type of body armor), made of gold leaf, is also on display. A Look at Okazaki Castle Photo:Okazaki Castle Okazaki Castle is a Japanese castle located in the Mikawa Kuni Okazaki Domain (present-day Kosei Town, Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture). Also known as "Ryujo," it was owned by the Matsudaira family during the Warring States period (1467-1615 AD) until the Azuchi-Momoyama period (1573-1598 AD). Okazaki Castle is said to have been built by Saigo Tsuguyori, a descendant of the Niki clan in Mikawa Province, and his son Yoritsugu Saigo At that time, it was called "Ryuzu Castle." Tokugawa Ieyasu was born inside the castle in 1542. Therefore, it is called the birthplace of Tokugawa Ieyasu. In the Edo period (1603 to 1868), it was written as "岡竒城" as oppsed to the current kanji "岡崎城" (same pronunciation). After the Meiji Restoration (1853-1867 AD), most of the castle wall at Okazaki Castle was demolished, but in 1959 the castle tower was restored to a three-layer, five-story building, and in 2006 it was listed as one of "Japan's Top 100 Castles." You can get to Okazaki Castle by foot from Meitetsu Higashi Okazaki Station or Okazaki Koen Station, or by local bus from Okazaki Koenmae Bus Stop. Vista Line Connecting Okazaki Castle and Taiju Temple Photo:Tokugawa Ieyasu・Daiju-ji Daiju-ji, a temple located around Okazaki Castle, is where Tokugawa Ieyasu, who, broken from his defeat in the Battle of Okehazama, attempted to commit ritual suicide, but was dissuaded by the chief priest. This 3-kilometer-long line that connects Okazaki Castle and Daiju-ji is known as the Vista Line, and it has been preserved for 370 years as a historical spot and a historical view. In modern times, the Vista Line has been drawn using laser light, and an event called the "Vista Line of Light" has also been held. Facilities Around Okazaki Castle Photo:Cherry blossoms at Okazaki Castle Okazaki Park, where Okazaki Castle is located, is famous for its cherry blossoms, and has been selected as one of the top 100 cherry blossom sites in Japan. A famous place in Okazaki Park is the Yachiyo Honten, where you can eat dengaku cuisine using Hatcho miso. Yachiyo Honten is a long-established Japanese restaurant that has been in business for more than 120 years. The Kinome Dengaku, grilled with the traditional technique of Yachiyo Honten, is an exquisite local specialty that can only be found at this restaurant. Also, in the castle town, there is an area called Hatcho Village, and there are traditional shops such as Hatcho Miso and Kakukyu Hatcho Miso, so please enjoy gourmet food and lunch. There are also temples and shrines, such as Rokusho Shrine, Takisan Toshogu Shrine, and Ise Hachimangu Shrine in the surrounding area, so we recommend visiting these to anyone collecting red seal stamps, after visiting Okazaki Castle. Summary of Okazaki Castle Photo:Okazaki Castle In the video you can learn more about Okazaki Castle, the birthplace of Tokugawa Ieyasu. Okazaki Castle is a historical spot that we highly recommend visiting, as it is associated with Tokugawa Ieyasu, a famous warlord from the Warring States period. If you're interested, be sure to stop by Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture. ◆Okazaki Castle Facility Overview◆ 【Address】561-1 Koseicho, Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture, 444-0052 【Access】15 minutes walk from Meitetsu Higashi Okazaki Station 【Hours】 9:00-17:00 【Closures】End of the year (December 29-December 31) 【Admission fee】200 yen for adults 【Parking】Paid parking available 【Telephone No】0564-22-2122 【Official Website】Okazaki Castle Home Page | Okazaki Castle (Main Tower) | Special Features | Okazaki Park | Okazaki Outing Navigation-Okazaki City Tourist Association Official Site https://okazaki-kanko.jp/en 【Tripadvisor】Okazaki Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g788304-d1309910-Reviews-Okazaki_Castle-Okazaki_Aichi_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 2:25
Kintaikyo Bridge in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi. The Mystical Scenery of the 350-Year-Old Bridge Floating Under the Summer Night-Sky, Lit up by Iwakuni Cormorant Fishing, Is a Must-See!
Local PR Art & Architecture Travel- 188 plays
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Kintaikyo Bridge & Iwakuni Cormorant Fishing Introductory Video This video is created by "Explore HIROSHIMA: Hiroshima City Regional Area Official Tourism Website" to introduce Yamaguchi prefecture's Kintaikyo Bridge and Iwakuni cormorant fishing. Kintaikyo (Kintai) Bridge, located in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi prefecture in Japan's Chugoku region, is known as one of Japan's "Three famous bridges," and is also one of Japan's "Three strangest bridges." This video will show the beauty of the historic, Japanese bridge "Kintaikyo." Iwakuni cormorant fishing is also introduced towards the end of the video (2:00). Sit back, relax, and enjoy the stunning Kintaikyo bridge. About Kintaikyo Bridge Photo:Kintaikyo Bridge Kintaikyo Bridge is a wooden bridge over the Nishiki Seiryu river located in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi prefecture in the Chugoku region of Japan. The bridge was first built in 1673 by Iwakuni domain's, Kikkawa Hiroyoshi. The bridge is known as one of Japan's "Three famous bridges" followed by Nihonbashi (Chuoku, Tokyo) and Meganebashi (Nagasaki City, Nagasaki). Also, the bridge is known as one of Japan's "Three strange bridges" due to its peculiar structure, followed by Saruhashi (Katsuragawa, Yamanashi) and Aimotobashi (Kurobegawa, Toyama). Kintaikyo Bridge had other names such as "Ryouunbashi," "Goryubashi," "Taiunbashi," "Sorobanbashi." It is now referred to as the "miraculous bridge". The bridge is 193.3 meters long, 5 meters wide, and has a five-layered arch form that stretches across 4 stone piers. The main structure was built without using a single nail, using braided wood joinery techniques such as joints and fittings, and is a very rare piece of architecture. This Japanese craftsmanship can be seen in the video at 0:23. The Kintaikyo Bridge was washed away by floods many times in the past. To solve this issue, the bridge was built in an arch form based on the "Seiko Yuranshi," a Chinese drawing depicting a flock of birds and a bridge. The bridge is made using several kinds of Japanese woods based on their different traits. There is red pine, cypress, zelkova, chestnut, oak and hiba. Although reconstruction has been done numerous times, the stone pier and pavement are still the one's from the original construction. The area around Kintaikyo Bridge is famous for its cherry blossoms, which have been selected as one of the top 100 cherry blossom sites in Japan, and you can also enjoy the autumn colors here. Many tourists visit to see the contrast of the historical bridge and the surrounding natural scenery. Foreign tourists often visit in the cherry blossom season to enjoy Hanami (flower viewing). The entry fee for the bridge is 310 Yen for adults and 150 Yen for children (*2019 Dec.). It's approximately 15-20 mins by bus from JR Iwakuni Station. The Iwakuni Kintaikyo Bridge airport is also nearby, and it has 5 round trip flights/day to Haneda Airport. Iwakuni Cormorant Fishing Photo:Cormorant fishing As shown in the video (~2:00), cormorant fishing is a method used to catch sweetfish. You can watch the cormorant fishing under the summer night sky on a sightseeing boat or from the Kintaikyo bridge. The illuminated bridge, the bonfire on the cormorant boats, and the cormorant fishermen's sophisticated work creates a magical scene. There are package plans that go with lunch and dinner too, so be sure to check them out. Cormorant fishing has a long history. It is listed in two of Japan's oldest historical documents, the "Nihon Shoki," and "Kojiki." This fishing method is still used in places like Nagaragawa (Gifu), Ujigawa (Kyoto), and Kisogawa (Aichi) near Nagoya. Tourist spots near Kintaikyo Bridge Photo:Iwakuni Castle There are several spots you must visit when going to Kintaikyo Bridge in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi. First, cross Kintaikyo Bridge and you'll reach the Iwakuni Castle Ropeway (1:07) in about 10 mins. From there hop on the ropeway to see a beautiful view of Iwakuni and Iwakuni Castle, known as one of Japan's "Top 100 Castles" (1:11). Iwakuni Castle was built by Hiroie Kikkawa, the first lord of the Iwakuni domain in Suo Province. In 1615, only seven years after the castle was built, it was demolished in 1615 in accordance with the Edo shogunate's "One Domain, One Castle" decree, but in 1962, the current castle tower was rebuilt. The whole view of Iwakuni, including Kintaikyo Bridge can be seen from the castle tower. As you can see in the video (1:44), the view is absolutely amazing and makes for a great Instagram location. The embankment has been remade as Kikko Park. Iwakuni also has the Iwakuni White Snake Museum, which was built to raise and protect the lucky white snake that lives only in Iwakuni and is designated as a protected species by the Japanese government. Next to the museum, there's Iwakuni White Snake Temple, a famous temple to receive economic fortune. It was established in 2012 and is also a famous tourist spot. In Iwakuni's biggest event, Iwakuni Festival, a huge paper decorated with white snake is paraded through the city to give people economic fortune. The Nishiki River Fireworks Festival, which shoots off about 6,000 fireworks against the backdrop of the Kintaikyo Bridge, is another popular event where you can enjoy food stalls and Iwakuni drums. Don't forget about food and Onsen to relax on your trip. "Sasakiya Kojiro Shouten" and "Takenosato Musashi" featured on TV and other media is located nearby. At these shops, named after the great swordsmen, Musashi Miyamoto and Kojiro Sasaki, we definitely recommend you taste the ice cream. Near the Kintaikyo Bridge, tourists can enjoy great food, including Japanese cuisine, traditional Japanese candy, udon, tea stores to have lunch at, and other places to eat around. Summary What'd you think of this article introducing Iwakuni's Kintaikyo Bridge and cormorant fishing? After watching the video we hope we've sparked your interest in Yamaguchi. There are more videos to see the amazing scenery of the bridge and cormorant fishing; Be sure to check them out while you get ready for your trip to Iwakuni! ◆Kintaikyo Bridge Facilities◆ 【Address】 Iwakuni, Iwakuni-shi, Yamaguchi Prefecture 741-0062 Japan 【Access】 15 mins walk from Kawanishi Station (Gantoku Line) 【Price】Adults: 310 Yen / Children: 150 Yen (Dec. 2019) 【Hours】All-day 【Closures】None 【Parking】Kintaikyo Shimogawara Parking Area / Yokoyama Kasenjiki Ground Parking Area 【Telephone】0827-29-5107 【Official Website】Yamaguchi Prefecture, Iwakuni City Hall Website https://translate.google.co.jp/translate?sl=ja&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=ja&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.city.iwakuni.lg.jp%2F&edit-text= 【Official Website】Iwakuni City Tourism Promotion Section Website "Iwakuni tabi-no-kakehashi" http://honyaku.j-server.com/LUCIWAKUNI/ns/tl.cgi/http%3a//kankou.iwakuni-city.net/?SLANG=ja&TLANG=en&XMODE=0&XCHARSET=utf-8&XJSID=0 -
Video article 3:45
Kushiro Marsh: A Second Amazon River! Enjoy an Amazing 360-Degree View Nature! Sightseeing, Nature, Delicious Food, and Relaxation in Hokkaido’s Kushiro City! 110% Fun!
Local PR Travel Nature- 138 plays
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Kushiro City, Hokkaido This video “KUSHIRO Hokkaido Japan in 8K HDR - 釧路 [summer ver.]" (KUSHIRO Hokkaido Japan in 8K HDR - 釧路 [summer ver.]), produced by “KUSHIRO Hokkaido Japan,” is a promotional video of Hokkaido's "Kushiro city," located in the eastern area of Hokkaido. You can see sightseeing destinations and specialties of Kushiro City in high, 8k quality footage. Kushiro city, a city facing the Pacific Ocean, is located on the eastern side of Hokkaido. Here, you can enjoy the abundant nature of Kushiro city, and the wildlife unique to the area. Access to Hokkaido Kushiro city is best done by plane, using the Kushiro Airport. There are flights from Haneda Airport (Tokyo International Airport) and Itami Airport (Osaka International Airport) to Kushiro Airport. This video captures the charm of Kushiro City, Hokkaido, in under 4 minutes. It looks like summer, with the large green expanse spreading out to the horizon. We hope you enjoy the video clip of Kushiro city, Hokkaido, the largest wetland in Japan. The Most Famous Sightseeing Spot in Kushiro- Kushiro Marsh Photo:Kushiro Marsh, red crowned cranes “Kushiro Marsh” is the largest marsh in Japan, spanning 4 cities and towns in Hokkaido, including Kushiro city. This marsh is designated as natural wildlife reserve, and wildlife, such as “red crowned cranes” and “white tailed sea eagles,” that can be found no where else, live here. Also, it has been registered under the Ramsar Convention since 1980, to protect the important marsh through international cooperation. “Kushiro Marsh Observatory” is a popular spot among Kushiro city’s many sightseeing spots. From this observatory you can see a 360 degree view of Kushiro Marsh's scenery.Experience a spectacular view reminiscent of the Amazon. Also, this is one of the best spots in Hokkaido perfect for taking beautiful Instagram photos. The observatory hall displays a replica of precious flora and fauna from “Kushiro Marsh.” There are also Kushiro Marsh satellite observatories along the loop trail, which is 100% barrier-free, so be sure to check it out! Hosooka Observatory, near the Kushiro Marsh Station on Senmo Line, which runs through Kushiro Marsh, is another place we recommend. Enjoy the Great Outdoors From Kushiro Marsh's Hiking Course Photo:Kushiro Marsh, Hiking To those who want to experience the untamed lands of Kushiro Marsh directly, we recommend Onnenai wooden walkway and Tsurui track course at the "Onnenai Visitor Center." The Onnenai wooden walkway is a roughly 2 km course at Kushiro Marsh, and it takes you along a hiking course where you can breathe in the refreshing air of the Kushiro wetlands. Quite different from sightseeing in the city. The hiking course also has a 100% barrier-free route, so it's great for those using wheelchairs, or families with strollers. The Panoramic View From Kushiro Marsh's "Norokko Train" Photo:Kushiro Marsh Norokko Train Train fans don't want to miss the Kushiro Marsh Norokko Train. Norokko Train is a train that runs between Kushiro and Toro, and it is quite popular among the many trains of Hokkaido. The 36-degree view of Kushiro Marsh from the window makes you feel as if you have come to another world. If you're lucky, you might be able to see some of the wildlife in Kushiro Marsh. Enjoy Canoeing Down the Great Kushiro River Photo:Kushiro Marsh If you're a fan of the outdoors and want to move your body, we recommend Kushiro River’s canoe tour. In this river tour, you slowly sail through the calm waters of Kushiro River by canoe, and enjoy the nature of Kushiro. You can enjoy another view of “Kushiro Marsh” from the river, which is a vastly different take from the view at the observatory. The canoe tour has many plans: the 90 minute tour, 1 day tour, and the secret location tour. Choose the one that best fits your schedule, or even schedule around which plan you want to enjoy. Sightseeing in Kushiro City, Hokkaido Kushiro Marsh and Kushiro River are not the only sightseeing spots near Hokkaido's Kushiro City. At the foot of Oakandake, there is Lake Akan (Akanko) where spherical moss live, as well as the Akanko Hotspring village. Challenging hiking the Meakandake near the Oakandake is also nice. The mysterious lake “Onneto” is one of the 3 major secret lakes in Hokkaido, and changes its color by time and the angle you view it from. This is introduced from 1:03 in the video. There are many sightseeing spots where you can enjoy beautiful, scenic views, for example, Shakubetsu Hill which is popular among train enthusiasts as the best location for the Nemuro Line as it runs through fields. There 's also the popular fishing spot Onbetsu Shore, the 24 hour operated international Kushiro Harbor, the European style Musamai Bridge that spans the Kushiro River, and the Musamai Rotary, as well as the Takimi Bridge which is a great place to view the beautiful autumn leaves, and the Ainu Kotan village where only about 120 people live. Dining in Kushiro, Hokkaido Photo:Seafood rice bowl This video introduces not only Kushiro's great nature and places of interest, but also many of the city's popular local delicacies. At Kushiro Washo Market, there are many kinds of seafood on display, and Katte Don (a type of seafood bowl in which you pick your own choice of seafood) is a very popular dish. We highly recommend this seafood market, for both delicious seafood and sightseeing, when visiting Kushiro. The fishing industry is quite popular in Kushiro City, with the largest amount of saury landings in Japan. This is seen at 2:02 in the video. There are many other attractive dishes to try in Kushiro, for example, Kushiro soba and Kushiro ramen, soba sushi, Ganpeki Robata located in Kushiro Fisherman’s Warf, MOO, and Kushiro Robata’s robatayaki. By the way, did you know that the soul food of Hokkaido, zangi, originated in Kushiro? You can see these popular Kushiro delicacies from 1:15 in the video. Summary of Kushiro, Hokkaido Please watch this video to learn more about the wonders of Kushiro, which this article can't even begin to describe. There's a lot more to see in the video, and we highly recommend you watch it to see the Ainu’s traditional historical event "Iomante’s Fire Festival," from 3:27. If this video has you interested in Kushiro city, consider booking a trip there the next time you come to Japan! Hokkaido is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan, and there is a good selection of buses, car rental services, and hotels, so you won't have any trouble getting around. You'll be amazed at the charm, spectacular scenery, beauty, culture and history of Kushiro city, Hokkaido. 【Official Website】Hokkaido Kushiro City’s City Hall Website (English site) https://www.city.kushiro.lg.jp/machi/foreign%20languages/page2001.html 【Official Website】Kushiro/Akanko Travel Guide Official Website, SUPER FANTASTIC Kushiro Lake Akan (English site) https://en.kushiro-lakeakan.com/ -
Video article 5:06
Toyohashi, Aichi Is Full Of Exciting Sightseeing Spots! Check Out Cultural Spots Known by Very Few People and Information on Gourmet Food That Can Only Be Found Here!
Local PR Travel- 89 plays
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Introduction to the Toyohashi, Aichi Sightseeing Guide Video This video, titled, "Toyohashi Promotional Video (5min)" (豊橋市プロモーションビデオ 全編(5分)), was uploaded by "toyohashi10484." Toyohashi, Aichi, located in Japan's Tokai region, sits facing Mikawa Bay. It is an import and exporting location for automobile manufactures. Please enjoy the interesting sightseeing spots and delicious local food that will give you a sense of Japanese culture, by watching this video. Recommended Sightseeing Spots in Toyohashi, Aichi Photo:Toyohashi City Public Hall Shown from 3:28 in the video is "Nonhoi Park," the most popular tourist spot in the city, which includes a zoo and botanical garden. You can immerse yourself in Japanese culture at Yoshida Castle, Azumada Shinmeigu (東田神明宮), and Akumikanbeshinmeisha (安久美神戸神明社), so consider giving these a visit as well. The Toyohashi Museum of Natural History, Toyohashi City Art Museum, Kamo Iris Garden, and Imo Wetlands are good out-of-the-way places if you're looking to explore. We also recommend checking out Toyohashi Cycling Stadium, shown from 2:55 in the video. There are also spectacular beaches in the city, such as Ikobe Coast, where you can enjoy swimming and surfing. There's even a streetcar running through Toyohashi, which is shown from 3:48 in the video, so definitely try to use it for sightseeing. Events and Festivals in Toyohashi, Aichi Photo:Toyohashi, Tezutsu Hanabi The Toyohashi Oni Matsuri, known as one of Japan's most bizarre festivals, has been passed down from generation to generation as a cultural event that heralds the arrival of spring in Aichi Prefecture. The historic Toyohashi Gion Festival is held in July, while Haneda and the Toyohashi Festival are held in October, attracting many locals and tourists alike. We also recommend seeing the fireworks festival held in September if you have the chance. In the Futagawa area, the Futagawa Hachiman Shrine Festival is held in October and the Grand Procession of the Futagawa-shuku Honjin Festival, presented by Toyohashi City Futagawa Shuku Honjin Museum, is held in November. These popular festivals can be seen from 4:00 in the video. There is a mysterious local character called "Toyocky" who looks like a red oni and a robot. You can see the cute Toyocky from 3:52 in the video. You might be able to meet Toyocky when visiting some of these lively events. Summary of Toyohashi, Aichi Photo:Chikuwa There are a lot of specialties in Toyohashi. One such specialty is Toyohashi chikuwa. For lunch, you can try nameshi-dengaku or curry-udon. You can also buy hama-natto and Mikawa tsukudani as a souvenir. Buying a Toyohashi brush, a traditional Japanese craft, as a souvenir of your visit to Mikawa is also a great idea. There are many places and events where you can feel the traditional culture of Japan, in Toyohashi. Take a trip to Toyohashi, Aichi and enjoy the festivals and delicious food shown in the video! 【Tripadvisor】Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g298107-Toyohashi_Aichi_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu-Vacations.html -
Video article 2:33
Saphir Odoriko: The Limited Express Luxury Train Making Its Debut in 2020. All Seats First Class or Better!
Vehicles Travel- 106 plays
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The Limited Express Sightseeing Train From Tokyo to Izu: Saphir Odoriko - All Cars First Class or Better This video, titled "The Opening of Saphir Odoriko - All Seats First Class or Better" (「サフィール踊り子」公開 全座席がグリーン車以上), was released by "KyodoNews." The video of the news was made open to the press in December 2019. The Limited express train “Saphir Odoriko” will operate on Tokyo-Shinjuku・Shizuoka-izukyuushimoda route, and it will be entered into train schedules by March 14th, 2020. The characteristics of the Saphir Odoriko are its private rooms, and first class or higher seating. It will become a frequently used line connecting the Metropolitan area to Izu. Please watch the video for an inside look at the luxurious accommodations, and to feel the high class nature of this limited express sightseeing train that allows for a comfortable journey between Tokyo and Izu. Saphir Odoriko: All Seats "Green" Source :YouTube screenshot After the Super View Odoriko of JR East is decommissioned in March 2020, the Saphir Odoriko (Railway series: E261) limited express sightseeing train is a brand new train that will grant easy access to popular sightseeing locations around Izu. The namesake "Saphir" in French means "sapphire" reminiscent of its appearance which looks like the beautiful blue sea and sky in Izu. Saphir Odoriko has 8 cars with a capacity of 164 people and the first car (which is a premium Green Car) has skylight seating, so when traveling towards Shimoda passengers can feel the natural light of the sky with luxury 1 to 1 seating accommodating up to 20 people in each row. This can be seen at 0:56 in the video. The seating in the 2nd and 3rd cars are for groups of families and friends, and the private green rooms placed in them can accommodate 4 to 6 people. The seating in cars 5 to 8 are Green Cars and have 1 by 2 (◼+◼◼) seating. They are introduced at 1:29 in the video. Source :YouTube screenshot In addition, car 4 is a dining car, and is made in the style of an open noodle bar, so you can enjoy some great tasting noodles during your journey. According to the chief of vehicles at JR East's railroad technology center, the appearance of the "Saphir Odoriko" is a metallic blue that is based on the beautiful colors that can be seen in Izu's natural scenery ( 2:05). You can see the train's appearance at 0:14 in the video. In 2020, the popular toy train manufacturer"Plarail" and the model train manufacturer N scale are going to release versions of "Saphir Odoriko", so they might be great gift ideas. Facilities on the Saphir Odoriko Photo:A woman using a laptop on a train Conscious about the upcoming Tokyo Olympics, the facilities on board the “Saphir Odoriko” were designed to accommodate the large influx of inbound tourists, and are thus equipped with large luggage compartments, and free Wi-Fi services. In the private green rooms, luggage compartments are installed inside the room itself. Every seat on the Saphir Odoriko also comes with its own personal electrical outlets for charging laptops, phones, and other electronic devices. That being said, you won’t need to worry about preserving data and battery life while riding on the “Saphir Odoriko”, and can instead use your time freely and effectively. Summary of the Saphir Odoriko On the way to popular sightseeing spots in Izu, you won’t need to worry about traffic jams or if the train is running on time as it’s a reputable railway. As shown in the video, with the light pouring in through the skylights, and the train’s high-class feel, you’re sure to have a relaxing, unforgettable experience traveling with friends or family on the Saphir Odoriko. As of this news' release, the Saphir Odoriko is scheduled to make a round trip once per day between Tokyo and Izu. The currently announced stops for the Saphir Odoriko are: Tokyo station, Shinjuku station, and Izukyuushimoda station, but please keep in mind that these are still subject to change. For ticket prices, or to make reservations, please stop by a JR ticket office. -
Video article 2:44
Enjoy the Beautiful Scenery Around the Islands of Kagawa Prefecture! "Awashima", "Shishijima," "Ibukishima," and "Shounai Peninsula," Floating in the Seto Inland Sea, Are Sightseeing Spots With Plenty of Beautiful Nature.
Local PR Travel- 60 plays
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The Islands of the Seto Inland Sea This time, we bring you a video with a superb view of the islands of the Seto Inland Sea. The video “Kagawa's Best Holiday - Awashima, Shishijima, Ibukishima, and Shonai Peninsula" (かがわ極上休日 粟島・志々島・伊吹島・荘内半島), is produced by Kagawa Prefecture's channel “Udonken.” The Seto Inland Sea area, famous for the Seto Ohashi Bridge, which is introduced in this video, has about 700 islands and beautiful scenery. Shodoshima is one of the most famous islands in Shikoku, but the Seto Inland Sea has many other attractive and recommended tourist attractions. This video summarizes four recommended sightseeing spots in Awashima, Shishijima, Ibukijima and Shonai Peninsula all in under 3 minutes. Enjoy the video of these beautiful, natural tourist destinations. Awashima - Appreciating Art Photo: Awashima seen from Mt. Shiude About 15 minutes from Suda Port in Kagawa Prefecture, Awashima is characterized by its three-winged screw-like shape. It is known for being home to the National Maritime Training School founded in the Meiji era (1868-1912 AD) as well as the Awashima Ocean Memorial Hall. Saya Kubota's work, "The Missing Post Office," which stores letters in unknown boxes in a post office, and a buoy garden which is decorated with cute art using buoys floating on the sea, are also popular tourist attractions. We recommend taking your time and watching the sun set on the calm Nishihama beach. Shisijima - The Island Guarded by a 1,200 Year Old Giant Camphor Tree Photo:The Giant Camphor Tree of Shishijima From 0:51 in the video, you can see Shishijima, in Kagawa Prefecture, which is a small island characterized by mountainous terrain. The 1200-year-old camphor tree on the island is a large tree designated as a natural monument of the prefecture. You can see the enormous, powerful camphor tree from 1:01 in the video. Climb to Kusunokikura Observatory, where you can overlook the Seto Inland Sea, and enjoy the scenery in harmony with nature. Ibuki Island Photo:Iriko Ibukijima Island, seen at1:30 is a fishing town where Ibuki Irico, Kagawa's famous gourmet food, is actively fished. Ibuki Iriko is a dried sardine processed from Japanese anchovy caught on Ibuki Island. On the sea side of the island, there are many Iriko processing plants referred to as "Iriba." Visit unusual sights such as the Ibuki Folk Museum and the mysterious "Toilet House," an Instagram-worthy piece of art. The Seto Inland Sea's "Shonai Peninsula" Photo:The Shonai Peninsula seen from the main shrine "Takaya Shrine" Finally, we introduce the Shonai Peninsula, which can be seen from 2:04 in the video. From here, you can overlook the beauty of the Seto Inland Sea from the Shiudeyama Observation Deck. You can walk to Maruyama Island, a legendary place in Japan, where the legend of Taro Urashima remains, at low tide, from the Ninaihama Beach on the Shonai Peninsula. The end of the legend of Urashima Taro is also the grave of Urashima Taro. The Sanuki Misaki Lighthouse at the tip of Shonai Peninsula is also a great place to see! Other Remote Islands and Places to Visit in the Seto Inland Sea Photo:Evening view of Seto Bridge There are many other famous islands besides the islands introduced in this video. Awaji Island, the largest island in the Seto Inland Sea; Shodoshima, famous for the movie "Twenty-Four Eyes"; Teshima, Naoshima, and Megijima, where you can enjoy modern art; Ikuchijima, a sacred place for cycling; Suo-Oshima, called the "Hawaii of the Seto Inland Sea"; Mukaishima, the closest remote island to Hiroshima; Okinoshima, a former Japanese military fortress; Osaki Shimojima, the setting for Suntory's drinking water commercials; and Nekojima Sanagi Island. Don't miss the Setouchi International Art Festival, an event held on 12 islands and in two ports in the Seto Inland Sea! The Seto Inland Sea has many hot spring inns and hotels. The sightseeing plans, routes and courses are up to you! Enjoy your trip to the Seto Inland Sea as you please. Summary of the Seto Inland Sea's Islands Each of the islands featured in these videos has its own unique characteristics. Which one's your favorite? The islands around the Seto Inland Sea can be accessed by the Seto Inland Sea Steamship or cruise ferry. If you're looking for a sightseeing trip to some of Japan's most scenic spots, take a cruise tour to enjoy the beautiful islands of the Seto Inland Sea! 【Official Website】Kagawa Prefectural Government Homepage https://www.pref.kagawa.lg.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Kagawa Prefecture https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g298231-Kagawa_Prefecture_Shikoku-Vacations.html -
Video article 4:57
The Tomioka Silk Mill, Registered as a World Heritage Site, Is an Important Location Known as a Place of Technological Innovation in Modern Japan. Introducing the Tomioka Silk Mill, a popular tourist Destination in Tomioka, Gunma Prefecture!
History Travel- 46 plays
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The Tomioka Silk Mill - A World Heritage Site! This video, titled "Japan's Tomioka Silk Mill registered as World Heritage Site" (明治時代に生糸産業革新 世界遺産の富岡製糸場), was uploaded by "KyodoNews." It introduces the Tomioka Silk Mill in Gunma, a World Heritage Site of Japan. In 2014, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee approved the "Tomioka Silk Mill and Related Sites" as a World Heritage Site. The Tomioka Silk Mill is a historically important place where technological innovation and a silk industry revolution were achieved in Japan during the Meiji Period (1868-1912). About the Tomioka Silk Mill Photo:Gunma Prefecture・Tomioka Silk Mill The Tomioka Silk Mill is known as the birthplace of modern industry. Formerly known as Hara Tomioka Silk Mill, Tomioka Silk Mill Co., Ltd., Katakura Tomioka Silk Mill, and Kataoka Industry Tomioka Silk Mill, the Tomioka Silk Mill has a long history of changing names. Businessman Eiichi Shibusawa was one of the founders of Tomioka Silk Mill. The "Tomioka Silk Mill and Related Sites," along with, Takayama-sha, the Tajima Residence, and the Arafune Cold Storage at 4:08 in the video, are all registered as a World Heritage Sites. In addition, the entire site of the Tomioka Silk Mill has been designated a national historic site, and the early buildings have been designated National Treasures and Important Cultural Properties. As can be seen at 0:35 in the video, the National Diet Library has a woodblock print depicting the factory at the time of its construction. During the Meiji Period, the construction of a factory that introduced foreign technology was major news in Japan. What to Do at the Tomioka Silk Mill Photo:Gunma Prefecture・East cocoon Hall The wooden-brick building of the Tomioka Silk Mill's raw silk factory is one of the largest instrumental silk mills in the world. The former nameplate of the Tomioka Mill hangs at the entrance of the building. The Inspector’s House is shown at 1:27 in the video and the east cocoon warehouse is shown at 1:45 in the video. The arch in the corridor of the east cocoon warehouse bears the engraving "明治5年" (Meiji 5, or 1872 on the Gregorian calendar) the year it was built. A replica of a reeling machine imported from France and an automatic reeling machine are preserved in the reel mill next to the east cocoon warehouse. From 3:17, you can see Bruna Museum and at 3:57, you can see west cocoon warehouse. Summary of the Tomioka Silk Mill Photo:Gunma Prefecture・Tomioka Silk Mill The video gives an easy-to-undertstand summary of the history of the Tomioka Silk Mill while also showing footage of the mill. If you're planning to go to the Tomioka Silk Mill or interested in World Heritage Sites of Japan, we recommend watching the video beforehand so you know what's in store for you. Near the Tomioka Silk Mill, you'll also find lunch spots where you can eat Gunma's specialty, Okkirikomi, and shops where you can buy silk souvenirs related to the Tomioka Silk Mill. ◆Information◆ 【Address】1-1 Tomioka, Tomioka, Gunma 【Access】Please visit the homepage for access information 【Hours】9 am to 5 pm 【Admission fee】1,000 yen for adults, 250 yen for high school and college students, 150 yen for junior high school and elementary school students 【Parking】None 【Telephone No】0274-67-0075 【Official Website】Tomioka Silk Mill http://www.tomioka-silk.jp.e.wv.hp.transer.com/tomioka-silk-mill/?_ga=2.87418712.1764734922.1592978453-1081752571.1591957850 【Tripadvisor】Tomioka Silk Mill https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021202-d1860844-Reviews-Tomioka_Silk_Mill-Tomioka_Gunma_Prefecture_Kanto.html