Video article 1:57
Atami, Shizuoka - A Hot Spring Resort Enjoying Renewed Popularity. Introducing the Hidden Attractions of Atami!
Local PR Travel- 38 plays
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魅力がたくさんの「静岡県熱海市」の紹介動画について こちらの動画は「あたみニュース - Visit Atami」が公開した「「意外と熱海」プロモーションムービー」です。 「日本の有名な観光地である熱海の魅力を知りたい」 「熱海に旅行の予定があるんだけど、おすすめの場所はどこかな?」 このように、熱海に興味がある人や熱海に旅をする予定のある人に必見の動画です。 熱海の有名な観光名所や観光スポットが紹介されています。 動画をご覧になれば、熱海の様々な魅力を知り、旅をしたいなと思えてくるはずですよ。 こちらの記事では、日本の人気の観光エリアである静岡県熱海市の情報や魅力を動画と共に紹介します。 日本の観光地である静岡県熱海市の景勝エリア 日本のおすすめの観光地である静岡県熱海市には、景色を楽しめる場所がたくさんあります。 まず、熱海といえば南国のような雰囲気のあるサンビーチでしょう。 綺麗な砂浜にどこまでも広がる海。 景色がいいので、サンビーチを散歩しているだけでも楽しめます。 また、夏の時期なると熱海海上花火大会が開催されます。 熱海のサンビーチは海以外の面が山に囲まれているので花火の音が反響され、ド迫力の花火を鑑賞できます。 熱海に行ったときは熱海城に行くのもおすすめ。 熱海城の天守閣展望台から見る眺望はすごく美しいです。 海や山などの熱海の雄大な自然を一望できます。 他にも熱海駅周辺には、熱海遊覧船のサンレモ号や熱海梅園、伊豆山神社、起雲閣など綺麗な景色を楽しめる人気スポットが多くあります。 日本の観光地である静岡県熱海市の癒しスポット 日本の観光エリアである熱海には、日頃の疲れを取ることができる癒やしスポットも充実しています。 駅からすぐ近くの場所にある足湯(家康の湯)は、観光の起点になっているので多くのお客さんが訪れます。 商店街の買い物などで少し疲れたら、ここで休憩すると疲れも取れるでしょう。 日本で珍しい横穴式の温泉の走り湯もおすすめです。 他にも、たくさん買い物をしてリフレッシュしたい人は、平和通り商店街のお土産や食べ歩き。 温泉地を楽しみたい方は、熱海七湯めぐりがいいでしょう。 日本の観光地である静岡県熱海市のおすすめ絶品料理 日本の観光地である静岡県熱海市は、新鮮な海鮮料理を楽しむことができます。 熱海は毎日港から上がってくる新鮮な海の幸を調理しているお店がたくさんあります。 平和通り商店街や、熱海の近くの初島のお店で食べるのがおすすめ。 絶品の海鮮丼を堪能できます。 日本の観光地である「静岡県熱海市」の紹介記事のまとめ 旅でリフレッシュしたいときにおすすめの静岡県熱海市。 自然の綺麗な景色や温泉、グルメなどで心身をリフレッシュできる、満足いく旅行になるはずです。 -
Video article 7:37
A Female Solo Camper Introduces a Campground in Hokkaido! Check Out the Attractions of Bubetsu Forest Camping Field via Video!
Action & Adventure Food & Drink Nature Travel- 14 plays
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A Female Solo Camper at Bubetsu Forest Camping Field: Video Introduction This video, titled "[Hokkaido Women's Camping] Bubetsu Forest Camping Field" (【北海道キャンプ女子】ブウベツの森キャンプ場), was uploaded by "Keco Cam ??ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ" (けこキャン ??ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ). Bubetsu Forest Camping Field: Information About the Campground in Hokkaido, Japan View this post on Instagram This post was shared by Bubetsu Forest Camping Field (@bubetsu.forest.camping.field) Bubetsu Forest Camping Field opened in Hokkaido in July 2020 in Shiraoi, Hokkaido, a town rich in nature. It is a handmade campground that was originally built by professional forestry workers. There are 13 auto-camping sites, 3 pet-friendly sites, 30 free sites, and 2 BIG sites. This cozy campground is popular with a wide range of campers, including beginner campers, solo campers, family campers, and women's campers. Since Bubetsu Forest Camping Field has only been open for a short time, reviews say that facilities such as restrooms and cooking facilities are new and clean. Although it is not a large campground, the quiet forest is comfortable and allows visitors to settle in and enjoy themselves. The ground at the site is covered with a thick layer of volcanic gravel, which is said to prevent puddles from forming. Furthermore, a wood-chopping station is available at the campground, and firewood can be used as much as you like free of charge. You can also enjoy a relaxing campfire. Those who wish to bring their pets camping can also rest assured that there are pet-friendly sites available. Reservations for Bubetsu Forest Camping Field must be made at least one day in advance, so please make reservations online or by phone. Tents, Camping Gear, and Supplies for Women's Solo Camping! View this post on Instagram This post was shared by Tentmark Design (@tentmark2011) Many female campers enjoy solo camping at Bubetsu Forest Camping Field as well. The video creator, Keco Cam, introduces some of her favorite camping gear in the video. One of the best parts about camping is the delicious food. Having useful kitchenware will make your camping experience more enjoyable. Women's Solo Camping Gear ・Tent: tent-Mark Designs CIRCUS TC ・Bedding mat: Hilander Inflator Mat (with pillow) ・Cot: FIELDOOR Wooden outdoor cot ・Rack: Hilander Wooden 3-tier Rack 600 ・Generator: Smart Tap Portable Power Station PowerArQ mini Red ・Cooker: Snow Peak Aluminum Personal Cooker Set, Chums Hot Sandwich Cooker ・Lantern: Snow Peak Hozuki Lantern ・Cutting Board: JUICY Of the above, the most notable is JUICY's cutting board, which is made to order and made from high-quality wood. In the video, the cutting board is used to cut asparagus and other vegetables, and is also used as a potholder for hot dishes. [Video] 6:35 - JUICY Cutting Board By having your favorite camping gear with you, you can create your own original space and enjoy women's solo camping even more. Women's Camping and Delicious Camping Food! Some Quick and Tasty Recipes! This camp meal is an omelet rice! Shiraoi, Hokkaido is famous for its eggs, and in the video they use fresh eggs from an egg vending machine and frozen chicken rice to make a delicious rice omelet. Here's the recipe. [Ingredients] ・Eggs: 2 ・Frozen chicken rice: 1 bag ・Ketchup: to taste 1. Stir-fry frozen chicken rice in a frying pan over heat. 2. Transfer the fried chicken rice to a Sierra cup and pack it in tightly. 3. Put the chicken rice (shaped like the Sierra cup) back in the pan. 4. Pour egg around the chicken rice, and finally pour ketchup over the rice. You can also watch the video to see how to make the simple, yet delicious camping meal. [Video] 5:06 - How to Make A Simple Camping Rice Omelet There are many different kinds of camping food, such as barbecue and curry, but as shown in the video, using frozen food is an easy way to make camping food. There's something about cooking in nature that makes this type of food taste better than it does at home. Also, while it's fun to cook camping meals with friends, the best part of camping solo is that you can cook whatever you want, whenever you want. Is Solo Camping in Japan as a Woman Dangerous? Things to Be Careful Of! Source :YouTube screenshot If you're a woman looking to do some solo camping, we recommend that you choose a location and be thorough with security. Let's look at some points to keep in mind. ・Choose a campsite with a resident caretaker Some campgrounds do not have a resident caretaker. Some campgrounds are not staffed, especially at night, so if you are planning to camp solo, choose a campground with a full-time caretaker. ・Set up your tent in a public place. When setting up your tent, you may be tempted to choose a quiet place to enjoy your time alone, but we recommend that you set up your tent in a place where there is a lot of pedestrian traffic. It's also a good idea to set up as close to family campers as possible to protect yourself from any campers looking for any women camping alone. ・Avoid posting on social networking sites in real time Be careful about social networking sites such as Instagram and YouTube. Posting photos on social networking sites in real time can expose your whereabouts. ・Prepare security goods and locks Always have some emergency supplies, such as a personal alarm, by your bedside, and lock your tent when you go to bed, so that if something should happen, you can immediately warn others of danger. Summary This time we introduced a video about solo camping for women. In winter, Bubetsu Forest Camping Field in Hokkaido is covered with snow and has different scenery in spring and summer. There are also hot springs in the area, so it's a good place to stretch your legs. In addition, there is a barbecue restaurant where you can enjoy Shiraoi beef, a specialty of the area, and a Shiraoi beef store that sells beef directly to customers. With Japan's recent camping boom, women's solo camping has become increasingly popular. The appeal of solo camping is that you can enjoy the luxury of having nature all to yourself with your favorite camping gear. The light of a lantern at night and the sunlight filtering through the lush hardwoods is sure to create a photogenic atmosphere to post on Instagram. Despite all of the enjoyment, women's solo camping can be dangerous. To enjoy camping safely, please keep in mind the precautions we introduced above. Bubetsu Forest Camping Field is a good spot for camping beginners and female solo campers. If you're planning on camping in Hokkaido, consider checking it out! ◆Bubetsu Forest Camping Field◆ 【Address】110-2, Ishiyama, Shiraoi 【Hours】10:00 – 16:00 【Telephone】080-4044-3388 【TripAdvisor】Bubetsu Forest Camping Field https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1120904-d21149822-Reviews-Bubetsu_Forest_Campground-Shiraoi_cho_Shiraoi_gun_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 2:22
Experience a Work Vacation in Tokushima Prefecture! the Luxury of Working While Vacationing in the Great Outdoors!
Local PR Action & Adventure- 23 plays
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徳島県にし阿波でのワーケーションに興味がありませんか? こちらの動画は 「徳島県チャンネル」が公開した「徳島県にし阿波地域プロモーション動画~Nishi-Awa, ideal Workation area in Japan~」です。 ワーケーションとは「ワーク(仕事・勤務)」と「バケーション(休暇)」を組み合わせた造語で、「仕事とバケーションを一緒にする」 という意味です。 旅行先やリゾート地でバカンスを楽しみながら働きたい!と考えている人には徳島県にし阿波でのワーケーションはおすすめです。 徳島県にし阿波ってどんなところ? にし阿波は徳島県の北西部に位置し、美馬市、三好市、つるぎ町、東みよし町をエリアとする観光圏域です。 その8割以上を北部の阿讃山脈や南部の四国山地の森林が占め、中央部には日本三大暴れ川の1つとして数えられ四国三郎の異名を持つ吉野川が西から東へ流れています。 四季折々の表情を見せる美しい自然環境を有する地域として、にし阿波ではその自然を生かしたアクティビティ体験を行うことができます。 森林では山登りやトレッキング、河川では急流を利用したラフティングが特に人気です。 にし阿波ではグルメも歴史観光も欠かせません。 にし阿波にはそば米雑炊、でこまわし、ひらら焼きといった郷土料理があります。 これらは祖谷地方の水はけの良い急峻な斜面で栽培されたジャガイモやソバ、吉野川や祖谷川などで取った川魚等を利用したものです。 徳島県にし阿波のワーケーションで地域・国際交流 徳島県にし阿波は全国の13観光圏とともに滞在プログラムの誘致に取り組んでいます。 にし阿波にITサテライトオフィスを開設し、IT企業などがテレワークでのワーケーションを実践しています。 コワーキングスペースとして日本家屋をリノベーションしたオフィススペースがあり、Wi-Fi、プリンター、プロジェクターとスクリーンなどが利用できます。 そして、一部の施設では宿泊設備スペースも完備。 地域の人々との交流を楽しみながら新しいワークスタイルに挑戦するなら、にし阿波はベストな選択といえるでしょう。 オフィススペースの様子は、こちらの動画の0:14から紹介されています。 実際にコワーキングスペースで働く人たちの姿もご覧になることもできます。 徳島県にし阿波のワーケーション紹介まとめ 日本有数の美しい自然に恵まれているにし阿波のある徳島県は、東京から飛行機で2時間、大阪からは車で3時間の距離にあります。 地域の人々との交流、歴史ある街並み、伝統文化との触れ合いが、人生においての貴重な経験と何事にも代えがたい感動を与えてくれるに違いありません。 徳島県にし阿波でのワーケーションに興味があるなら今すぐ行動に移すことをおすすめします。 -
Video article 3:00
Japan's Largest Lake, Lake Biwa, Shows Us Many Different Faces and Colors Throughout the Day and Year. The Size and Beauty of the Lake, Which Lives up to Its Name as Japan's Largest, Have Fascinated People Since Ancient Times
Local PR- 11 plays
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Lake Biwa - Japan's Largest Lake This is the video, titled "Rainbow, Beautiful SHIGA — Biwa Lake, Shiga," introduces the famous tourist spot Lake Biwa, the largest freshwater lake in Japan, located in Shiga prefecture (滋賀県). The video was produced by "Rainbow, Beautiful, SHIGA — Shiga, Lake Biwa" (虹色Beautiful,SHIGAー滋賀・びわ湖). Lake Biwa in Otsu City (大津市), Shiga, in Japan's Kansai region, is the largest lake in Japan, with a surface area of 669.26 km² and a water storage capacity of 27.5 km³. It takes up approximately one-sixth of the area of Shiga Prefecture, and boasts an overwhelmingly large area and volume. It's famous not only in Japan, but around the world. It is one of only 20 ancient lakes in the world, and the fourth oldest among them. At Lake Biwa, there's Shirahige Shrine with its large Torii gate built over Lake Biwa, as seen at 0:27 in the video. This is a famous sightseeing spot in Shiga Prefecture. The beauty of Lake Biwa, which shows a different face in the daytime, evening, and at night, can be seen throughout the video. From the beginning of the film, you can see those different faces, such as the sun setting in the evening, the snow-covered surface of the lake at 1:27, and the surface of the lake illuminated by a starry sky at 2:05. Watching this video is sure to have you excited to see the beautiful scenery at Lake Biwa. Below, we'll give you information on some of the fun sites you can enjoy sightseeing around this beautiful lake. Sightseeing Around Lake Biwa Photo:Biwako Terrace Lake Biwa is famous as Japan's largest lake in Shiga Prefecture, and many people come here for sightseeing every day. Let us introduce you to some of the top tourist attractions at Lake Biwa, the symbol of Shiga Prefecture, along with some of its most popular spots that are counted under the Eight Views of Lake Biwa. ① BIWAKO VALLEY The majestic nature of BIWAKO VALLEY is considered as one of the top resort spots, not only in Shiga Prefecture, but in the Kansai region as a whole. This is one of the most famous sightseeing spots in Japan where you can enjoy the different seasons. You can enjoy zip lines from spring to autumn, which are very popular among young people, and in winter it becomes a ski resort. Recently, "Biwako Terrace" has been added to BIWAKO VALLEY, so you can fully enjoy the magnificent scenery and nature. ② SHIGA LAKE BIWA MUSEUM Shiga Prefectural Lake Biwa Museum, also known as, "Biwa-Haku" (Biwa Expo), was established in Shiga Prefecture in 1996. For an in-depth look at the history of Lake Biwa and its inhabitants, and to learn more about the lake, be sure to stop by Shiga Prefectural Lake Biwa Museum. Photo:Karasaki Shrine ③Karasaki Shrine Karasaki Shrine is another pride of Shiga Prefecture. Aside from its blessings, the fireworks display held in summer is especially popular. The dedication of Tezutsu Hanabi (Handheld Fireworks) at the end of the festival is an amazing sight, and many people visit the Shrine just to see the festival. ④Ogoto Onsen (Hot spring) If you're looking for accommodations during your trip, Ogoto Onsen is the place to stay. Not only can you enjoy gourmet cuisine from all four seasons of Shiga Prefecture, the view of Lake Biwa while relaxing in the open-air hot springs is a perfect way to end your trip. Walking around Hikone Jōkamachi (Hikone Castle Town) and Ōmihachiman (近江八幡), taking a stroll along Lake Biwa, hiking in the Suzuka Mountains (鈴鹿山脈), and taking a tour of Lake Biwa on a steamship and a cruise ship are all activities we highly recommend. You can also try to find your own hidden gem around the lake. Lake Biwa Introduction Summary Photo:Beautiful blue sky and Lake Biwa This concludes the introduction to Lake Biwa, one of Japan's most famous tourist attractions. If you're interested in the stunning scenery of Lake Biwa after seeing this video and reading this article, we recommend visiting the lake and seeing it for yourself. In addition to these sites, there are many other sightseeing spots around Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture. If you're looking for a place to visit, considering dropping by Lake Biwa! 【Official Website】Shiga Sightseeing Information [SHIGA Tourism Official Website] We Know Everything About Lake Biwa! https://en.biwako-visitors.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Lake Biwa https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298201-d1424390-Reviews-Lake_Biwa-Shiga_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 1:53
Go Sightseeing at Lake Yamanaka, Nestled at the Foot of the Sacred Mt. Fuji! The Yamanakako Area, Surrounded by Nature, Is One of the Top Sightseeing Destinations in Japan!
Local PR- 10 plays
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Lake Yamanaka, One of the Fuji Five Lakes This video, titled "HIKE IN LAKE YAMANAKAKO," was released by the "Lake Yamanaka Tourism Department" (山中湖村観光課). The video introduces Yamanashi prefecture's (山梨県) Lake Yamanaka, one of the top sightseeing spots in Japan among both foreign and domestic travelers. Lake Yamanaka lies at the foot of Mt. Fuji and has the largest surface area of the Fuji Five Lakes making it one of the most famous sightseeing spots in Japan. It's located in Yamanakako Village, in the Minamitsuru district of Yamanashi Prefecture. From 0:13 in the video, you can see the spectacular scenery of the lake and the nature surrounding it. In the background lies the impressive Mt. Fuji, a majestic mountain that many travelers, both foreign and domestic, come to see each year. Enjoy Hiking at Lake Yamanaka! Photo:Takasashiyama and Yamanaka Lake, Kanagawa Prefecture We highly recommended hiking on your trip to Lake Yamanaka. Hiking does require a fair amount of stamina, but the views of the beech tree forest that can be seen at 0:44, the wild flowers and large trees shown at 1:04, and the spectacular views across the grasslands, are guaranteed to make the effort worthwhile. Some of the most popular hiking courses in the area include the "Mt. Mikuni Panoramic Hiking Course" (三国山・パノラマ台ハイキングコース), "Mt. Takazasu and Mt. Myojin Hiking Courses" (高指山・明神山ハイキングコース), "Mt. Ishiwari Hiking Course" (石割山ハイキングコース), and the "Mt. Ohira Hiking Course" (太平山ハイキングコース). All of the mountains mentioned above are featured in the video so we highly recommend checking it out to find out which hiking course interests you the most! For those of you visiting Yamanashi prefecture for the first time, we recommend the "Mount Mikuni Panoramic Hiking Course" which offers scenery you are unlikely to find anywhere else, as well as the view of "Diamond Fuji." Top 3 Sightseeing Spots Around Lake Yamanaka Photo:camp 1. Sonei Yamanakako Campsite (村営山中湖キャンプ場). If you're thinking about going camping during your trip to Lake Yamanaka, we highly recommend the Sonei Yamanakako Campsite. As a tent only campsite there are no cottages available, but you can spend the night on one of the lodge beds and it's the perfect place to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Lake Yamanaka and its surroundings. The area is fully equipped with public facilities, including toilets and showers, to help make your stay as comfortable as possible. 2. Yamanakako Hot Springs: Benifuji no Yu (紅富士の湯) With all baths boasting a view of Mount Fuji, this is an experience you can't afford to miss on your trip to Yamanashi prefecture. Enjoy taking a dip in the baths to rest your tired legs after a long day of hiking while enjoying the beautiful scenery the hot springs have to offer. 3. Hananomiyako Park (花の都公園). Hananomiyako park, situated on the banks of Lake Yamanaka, is one of the leading tourist attractions in Yamanashi prefecture. The area is beautifully colored with different seasonal flowers and is a popular spot for traveling couples. Other activities you can enjoy in the area include fishing for wakasagi (Japanese smelt), cycling around the lake, taking a trip on a sightseeing boat, and even hang gliding! If you have time to spare, be sure to try some of the local cuisine, such as Hoto (ほうとう) or Yoshida Udon (吉田うどん). After you're done eating, if you need a place to stay there are plenty of hotels and ryokan for you to choose from in the area. Summary of Sightseeing at Lake Yamanaka Photo:Autumn scenery by Lake Yamanaka, Yamanashi Prefecture In this article, we introduced Lake Yamanaka, a tourist spot that symbolizes Yamanashi prefecture. Lake Yamanaka is situated in Yamanakako Village in the Minamitsuru District of Yamanashi prefecture. It is without a doubt one of the most popular and famous sightseeing spots in Japan and we highly recommend it to anyone visiting Japan from overseas! Lake Yamanaka is easily accessible, taking just one and a half hours to reach from Tokyo by car. There are many other sightseeing spots and events held in the area around Lake Yamanaka, such as Oshino Hakkai (忍野八海), Sengen Shrine (浅間神社), and fireworks displays. If after watching this video you'd like to learn more about Lake Yamanaka, we highly recommend taking a trip to see all of the beautiful scenery in person! 【Tripadvisor】Sonei Yamanakako Campsite https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1104179-d13236229-Reviews-Lake_Yamanaka_Campsite-Yamanakako_mura_Minamitsuru_gun_Yamanashi_Prefecture_Koshinet.html -
Video article 2:48
Amazing High-Definition Images of Food and Natural Scenery in Fukushima, Tochigi, and Ibaraki Prefectures! The Diamond Route, a Vast Area of Tourism in Japan, Awaits Your Arrival!
Travel- 32 plays
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The Diamond Route Connecting Fukushima, Tochigi and Ibaraki Prefectures This video, titled "【4K】Nature & Gastronomy : Diamond Route Japan 2019 - Fukushima, Tochigi, Ibaraki |" was released by Diamond Route Japan. Nobu Matsuhisa runs many Japanese restaurants around the world. In this video, Nobu Matsuhisa travels to Fukushima, Tochigi, and Ibaraki prefectures to review tourist attractions that are rich with local history and Japanese culture. Popular Tourist Destinations in Fukushima Prefecture Two of the best places to visit in Fukushima Prefecture are Ouchi-juku in the Minamiaizu District of Fukushima Prefecture and Aizu-Wakamatsu Castle (Tsurugajo) in Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture. These two sites, both of which preserve the landscape of Japan's Edo period, attract more than a million history buffs each year. In Ouchi-juku, there are restaurants and cafes where you can enjoy the delicious local cuisine. Ouchijuku's specialty, "Takato Soba," is a unique dish in which "magari-negi" (a type of curved green onion) are used like chopsticks to eat handmade soba noodles. Kitakata ramen is another local specialty of Fukushima Prefecture. Kitakata ramen is a local dish that is loved all over Japan and is one of the three major ramen of Japan. Kitakata Ramen is a shoyu (soy sauce) flavored pork-based ramen that originated in Kitakata City, Fukushima Prefecture, and is characterized by its light flavor. Popular Sightseeing Spots in Tochigi Prefecture The most famous tourist attraction in Tochigi Prefecture is the World Heritage Site "Nikko Toshogu Shrine." Nikko Toshogu Shrine located in Nikko City, Tochigi Prefecture, is a shrine and temple dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu. The shrine is steeped in history and is said to have been built in 1617. It's a famous place where visitors can enjoy historical Japanese traditions and culture. Utsunomiya gyoza is the specialty of Tochigi Prefecture. Utsunomiya City in Tochigi Prefecture is one of the largest consumers of gyoza (pot stickers) in Japan, and almost all gourmets visiting Utsunomiya City come in search of "Utsunomiya Gyoza." Utsunomiya gyoza is characterized by its high vegetable and low meat and garlic content, which gives the gyoza a better texture and richer flavor. As a result, even those who don't like the rich taste of gyoza and generally find it too heavy, can enjoy eating it. Utsunomiya gyoza is generally sold at a low price throughout Utsunomiya City, and it's often eaten like fast food in the local area. Popular Tourist Attractions in Ibaraki Prefecture Hitachi Seaside Park in Hitachinaka City, Ibaraki Prefecture, is one of Japan's premier leisure facilities for raising plants. The 500 sq. acre park is home to seasonal plants, such as tulips in the spring and sunflowers in the summer, as well as attractions like a large Ferris wheel, making it a fun facility for the whole family! Ibaraki Prefecture is home to many nationally famous local dishes, the most popular of which is natto (fermented soybeans). Mito Natto, a specialty of Mito City, Ibaraki, is a historical dish loved by the locals. Foreign tourists may have some reservations about it, but we definitely recommend trying it if you're visiting Mito, Ibaraki. Summary of the Diamond Route Connecting Fukushima, Tochigi, and Ibaraki Prefectures Fukushima, Tochigi, and Ibaraki prefectures are close to Tokyo, making them great places to visit even on a day trip. They are especially popular with tourists looking to experience Japanese history and culture. Be sure to check them out if you have the chance! -
Video article 3:34
Miyagi Prefecture Recovers From the Devastation of the Earthquake and Welcomes More Tourists! Gourmet Food, Natural Scenery, Traditions, and More... Introducing the Charms of Miyagi Prefecture!
Travel Local PR- 24 plays
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Sightseeing in Miyagi Prefecture This video, titled "Miyagi Prefecture Tourism PR Video" (宮城県観光PR映像), was released by "Design Plus Free Video Stockroom" (デザインプラス無料動画素材倉庫). This article will introduce recommended scenic spots and information on popular food in and around Miyagi Prefecture, alongside the video. Miyagi Prefecture, a Popular Tourist Destination in Japan Miyagi Prefecture is located in the northeastern part of Japan, facing the Pacific Ocean, and is an area of great natural beauty. The Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 caused extensive damage, particularly in Minamisanriku. Reconstruction is now underway, and the area is returning to its previous form with all of the delicious cuisine that it once enjoyed. Enjoy sightseeing in Miyagi, a place with a variety of things to do! Places to Enjoy the Great Outdoors in Miyagi Akiu Great Falls, one of the most famous waterfalls in Japan's Tohoku region, offers a spectacular view. The 55-meter tall waterfall is impressive to say the least. Okama, the symbol of Mt. Zao, offers a unique view that cannot be seen anywhere else. You'll be amazed at the mysterious colors of the lake, which changes to five different colors depending on the sun's rays. Delicious Food in Miyagi, a Popular Tourist Destination in Japan As a popular tourist destination in Japan, Miyagi is full of delicious cuisine. The first thing it's famous for is Miyagi beef tongue. The thick, charcoal-grilled beef tongue, topped with chopped greens and pickled vegetables, is exquisite. Come to Miyagi and enjoy some delicious beef tongue, which is thick, yet tender and full of juices! Besides that, the seafood grown on high quality plankton from the Sanriku Coast, is bursting with flavor, and the seafood, sushi, and sea eels are gourmet delicacies that you don't want to miss out on when visiting Miyagi Prefecture. The sake in Miyagi is also delicious, so be sure to try some on a night out. Summary of Sightseeing in Miyagi Prefecture The video in this article introduces the sights and sounds of Miyagi Prefecture in beautiful quality. Miyagi Prefecture is full of natural beauty and gourmet food. It's a refreshing experience, so if you need a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, be sure to drop in for a visit! -
Video article 12:49
A Solo Camping Guide for Japan - A Checklist of What to Bring With Just a Backpack!
Action & Adventure Nature- 23 plays
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Japan's Solo Camping Boom Due in part to the Corona pandemic, camping has become a popular way to get outside and enjoy nature and the outdoors in Japan. Traditionally, camping was often a family or group activity, but "solo camping" has been on the rise as of late. Solo camping is a great way to get away from the stresses of everyday life and enjoy some time alone in a quiet environment. Having some alone time to get in touch with nature can be relaxing, and it also provides an opportunity for self-reflection. In this article, we'll take a look at some useful gear for solo camping. Solo Camping Gear Photo:Camping gear As we mentioned previously, solo camping refers to "one-person camping," and it has been growing in popularity in Japan in recent years. With Japan's current boom in solo camping, lots of useful and stylish solo camping gear is now available on the market. Video Introduction Source :YouTube screenshot The video we'll be going over today, titled "[Camping Gear] Camping With Just One Backpack! Solo Camping Gear Introduction" (【キャンプ道具】バックパック1つでキャンプが出来る!ソロキャンプギア紹介), was uploaded by "Takibito channel" (焚き人channel). The video introduces compact, convenient, and lightweight camping gear and backpacks. Various gear that can be packed into one backpack is introduced in an easy-to-understand manner. ※Please note that the order in which the gear is introduced is different from the order shown in the video as they've been divided based on their purpose. A Comfortable Tent and Sleeping Area Source :YouTube screenshot First, we'll introduce tents and bedding to bring when solo camping. The tent introduced in the video is the LOCUS GEAR Khafra HB Kit. It can be easily stored in a backpack and is also stylish and waterproof. The tent is secured with Snow Peak Solid Stakes and Boundless Voyage Titanium Peg Solid stakes using an MSR Stake Hammer to pound the stakes into place. As for sleeping gear, a NANGA AuroraLite 600DX sleeping bag and Therm-a-Rest NeoAir XTherm are great options! If you need a pillow, a MARCHWAY Inflatable Camping Pillow is recommended. For a night light, a BRISIE LED Lantern is waterproof, dustproof, and can also be used as a mobile battery. Must-Have Gear for Building a Fire Source :YouTube screenshot Next, we'll introduce gear for building a campfire that can fit in a backpack when solo camping. The first step in building a campfire is to chop kindling. The 38cm Husqvarna hatchet is a high-quality Swedish-made hatchet that is sharp and weighs just 600 grams. After chopping some wood, it's time to get a fire started. To build a fire, a Morakniv Mora Knife, SOTO Slide Gas Torch, and Conifer Cone Butterfly Saw are used. For easy fire starting, the match-shaped SOLSTICKAN FIRELIGHTERS are used as a handy igniter, and their combustion duration of 8 minutes makes it easy to ignite firewood. When the fire is about to be go out, a Bushcraft Fire Blaster (Sx) is used to keep it going. To protect your hands, use Tent-Mark Designs King Tongs and GRIP SWANY G-1 gloves. Solo Camping Gear for Cooking Source :YouTube screenshot The next solo camping gear we'll introduce is what to bring so you can enjoy cooking. This includes cooking utensils, etc. that can fit in a backpack. Camp food is an important part of the camping experience. The STC Picogrill 398 and the Boundless Voyage Titanium Fire Grill make the perfect cooking tables and are highly popular in Japan. The Snow Peak Aluminum Personal Cooker Set is easy to store! The set includes a frying pan and two shallow cookers. WILD-1 Brass Sierra Cups are also useful. After cooking up some delicious food it's time to relax. Relax and unwind with the SOTO Field Hopper ST-630 table and Helinox Tactical Chair, or enjoy a cup of freshly brewed, delicious coffee in a Snow Peak Ti-Single Cup. THE NORTH FACE Venture Jacket is great for any sudden rain that might occur. A Backpack to Hold All Your Solo Camping Gear Source :YouTube screenshot A Seibertron backpack can hold all of the solo camping gear featured in the video! The pockets and side pouches on the backpack can be well utilized to store all of your camping gear. The backpack is also waterproof, has a large storage capacity, and is comfortable to carry. Store all of your solo camping gear compactly in one backpack! See below for all solo camping gear introduced above! ■NANGA AuroraLite 600DX ■38cm Husqvarna hatchet ■Snow Peak Aluminum Personal Cooker Set ■Snow Peak Ti-Single Cup ■THE NORTH FACE Venture Jacket ■LOCUS GEAR Khafra HB Kit ■Therm-a-Rest NeoAir XTherm ■Snow Peak Solid Stakes ■Boundless Voyage Titanium Peg Solid ■MARCHWAY Inflatable Camping Pillow ■STC Picogrill 398 ■Boundless Voyage Titanium Fire Grill ■GRIP SWANY G-1 ■MSR Stake Hammer ■SOTO Field Hopper ST-630 ■Tent-Mark Designs King Tongs ■Morakniv Mora Knife ■SOTO Slide Gas Torch ■Conifer Cone Butterfly Saw ■SOLSTICKAN FIRELIGHTERS ■Bushcraft Fire Blaster (Sx) ■WILD-1 Brass Sierra Cups ■BRISIE LED Lantern ■Helinox Tactical Chair ■Seibertron backpacks Summary of Solo Camping Gear for Camping in Japan In this article we introduced solo camping gear that fits into one backpack. The video shows you how to take it out of the backpack, so you can use it as a reference when packing. Be sure to check it out. If you're planning on camping in Japan for the first time or feel that solo camping might be too difficult, your best bet is to gather information from advanced campers so you can save time when decided what gear to buy. Enjoy Japan's beautiful outdoors with a solo camping adventure! -
Video article 7:51
Spend the Holidays in a Resort Atmosphere With the Crystal Clear Waters of Iheya Island, Okinawa! The Beautiful Blue Sea Is Called "Iheya Blue"!
Nature- 137 plays
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Iheya Island, a Remote Island of Okinawa This video, titled "Beautiful Beach of Iheya Island! OKINAWA, JAPAN" (伊平屋島(沖縄離島)の絶景ビーチ前篇!OKINAWA,JAPAN), was uploaded by "K Japan Traveler." It shows spectacular views of Iheya Island (伊平屋島, Iheyajima), Noho Island (野甫島, Nohojima), and Izena Island (伊是名島, Izenajima), which are in northern Okinawa. As you can see in the video, Iheya Island has a beautiful cobalt blue ocean that you would never expect to find in Japan. A Look at Iheya Island Photo:Brown sugar, Okinawa Iheya Island is a long, narrow island located approximately 41 km north of the main island of Motobu, with a population of about 1,400 people including those on Noho Island. The island has specialties, such as dried fish, hitokuchi brown sugar, Terushi Rice, and Kachiwari brown sugar. There's also Kitase Rock, Yahe Rock, and a skerry called Erabu Rock around Iheya Island. "Torazu Rock" is a landmark of the island. You should visit Koshino Hiramatsu, Nento Hiramatsu and Mt. Kuba too. Things To Do on Iheya Island Photo:The ocean at Sugahama, Okinawa We recommend going sightseeing via rental car. The clear beaches, such as Kumaya Coast, Yonezaki Beach, Shioshitahama, and Kubayama Beach are the best place for sea bathing and fishing. From 0:37 in the video, you can see Kouri Island and Kouri Bridge, and from 1:40 in the video, you can see Noho Bridge, Noho Port, and a beautiful view. For sightseeing, there's Kumaya Cave, Iheya Tower, the Iheyason Board of Education History Ethnic Museum, Kubayama Light House, and Kami Ashagi. You can enjoy activities like the salt cruise at the World Salt Exploration Museum. For snorkeling to see coral reefs, book with Diving service North Island or Diving Shop JIN. Access to Iheya Island Photo:The ocean at Iheya Island, Okinawa Unfortunately, it's somewhat difficult to reach Iheya Island. You have to go from Naha Airport, on the main island of Okinawa, to Nakijin, and then take a ferry for 80 minutes. Because of that, there are not so many tourists, which means you can enjoy the natural scenery all to yourself! As you can see from 1:17 in the video, you can enjoy "Iheya Blue," a clear, blue sea, different from the main island of Okinawa. There are several hotels and restaurants on the island, so you can stay overnight as well as take a day trip, and there are buses running around the island, so as long as you check the bus schedules it's not so bad. Summary of Iheya Island Photo:The ocean at Iheya Island, Okinawa Iheya Island has beautiful beaches where you can feel the refreshing sea breeze. Check out the time schedule for the ferry, as well as prices and information about tides when you visit the amazing resort, Iheya Island! 【Tripadvisor】Iheya Island https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121620-d1373491-Reviews-Iheyajima_Island-Iheya_son_Shimajiri_gun_Okinawa_Prefecture.html -
Video article 4:03
The Video That's Making Headlines Around the World! This Video Introduction to Japan, Which Captures the Eyes of Viewers Moment by Moment, Is Both High Quality and Inspiring!
Travel Action & Adventure Modern Culture- 1.84K plays
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An Eye-Catching Introduction to Japan This approximately 4-minute video, focusing on modern-day Japan as seen by foreign tourists and travelers, boasts a level of quality that has attracted major interest not only in Japan but in various countries throughout the world. This video's footage goes above and beyond other Japan PR videos and keeps viewers glued to the screen. By the video's end, you'll most likely feel an indescribable surge of emotions, such as those experienced after viewing a magnificent movie of epic proportions! Highlights of the Japanese Introduction Video, "in Japan" This video, "In Japan," taken in 2015 by German filmmaker/creator Vincent Urban, is a nearly 4-minute collection of footage of his 3-week journey in Japan to locations including Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto and Hiroshima. In taking a look at images of landscapes and scenery natural and commonplace to Japanese people which are projected from a foreigner’s perspective, even we as Japanese natives can perceive such images as unknown, brand new discoveries and never-before-seen sights and scenes, and this video therefore allows us to learn about the appeal and charm of Japan in a brand new light. Viewers of this video can also agree that its high quality BGM and camera work is yet another reason for its high acclaim both in and out of Japan. This video condenses a wide variety of discoveries in Japan ranging from regularly seen daily scenery and landscapes to famous tourist spots. Examples of such sights include Asakusa Temple in the Shitamachi area of Tokyo, festivals, Kendo (Japanese martial art with bamboo swords), Buddhist temples, Fushimi Inari-taisha shrine as well as convenience stores, Tokyo Tower, street performances, Tokyo Skytree, sumo wrestlers, clubs and idols, in addition to shinkansen (bullet trains), natural landscapes, the Atomic Bomb Domes in Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Mt. Fuji and metropolitan night scenes. Japan as Seen Through Cultural Changes Photo:Sumo Learning about shifts in modern Japanese culture gives us deeper insights into the allure and attraction of Japan as a nation in the present day. Japan of yore once had superb classic culture primarily consisting of artistic traditional crafts, and as you can see in the video, festivals and martial arts passed down to Japan from ancient times have been regarded as symbolizing the very culture of "Nihon no Wa," or "The Spirit of Japan." It is also well-known that Japan is the birthplace of kendo and sumo wrestling which are now sports famous all the world over. In addition, present-day Japan is going through transitions in which its forms of entertainment, such as manga (Japanese comics/cartoons) and anime (Japanese animation), formerly considered to be types of sub-culture, have been disseminated throughout the globe to be cherished by multitudes of people as pop culture. This signifies shifts in the image of "Japan" in the eyes of foreigners abroad from that of a land of ninja and samurai to an anime & manga nation. The Akihabara area, now the "Mecca" of anime and manga which serves as the center of Japanese contemporary culture, has become a well-known tourist location which draws huge numbers of sightseers visiting Japan, and it's also popular as a town for shopping. Japan as Seen Through Tourist Meccas & Architectural Buildings Photo:Sensoji Temple and women If you're watching this video you probably know that Japan, due to its also being famous as a country abound with history and nature, sees immense numbers of foreigners who visit for sightseeing on a daily basis. Locations in Japan shown in the video, such as Senso-ji Temple in Asakusa, Tokyo and the Atomic Bomb Dome in Hiroshima, are highly recommended tourist spots in Japan which are renowned even on a global scale. The existence of temples and shrines in Japan, whose number is too great to mention here, attracts hosts of foreign sightseers day by day, and this is proof of how Japan enjoys deep-rooted popularity as a tourist destination amongst abroad residents all over the world. Japan as Seen Through Nature ©Izu City Modifying The richness and abundance of nature, amongst other aspects, is definitely a thing to behold here in Japan. Japan's largest mountain, Mt. Fuji, and its bamboo forest, also featured in the video, are without a doubt natural tourist spots that represent the glory of Japan. The view from Mt. Fuji's summit, in particular, is easily summed up by the words "magnificent scenery," and once you experience climbing this mountain on your own, you'll be able to appreciate the thrill and excitement of this spectacle all the more. Such natural splendor is just one more example of a globally sought-after sightseeing attraction highly recommended in Japan, a fact testified to by the unceasing droves of tourists from abroad who visit day-to-day without end. Japan Introduction Video Summary We hope you enjoyed this video introduction of Japan with its simple yet profound delivery of information. Year after year, Japan sees increasing numbers of tourists from abroad coming in search of such fascinating sightseeing spots as well as world-renowned gourmet Japanese food. Japan still has yet a great deal of appeal which, unfortunately, we can't completely encapsulate into such a short introductory video on Japan’s culture, history, entertainment, nature and festivals. We truly hope that this video and article have piqued your interest in Japan more than ever before! -
Video article 3:02
Kusatsu Onsen Hot Spring, Gunma Prefecture- Beautiful Scenery, Skiing, Hot Springs, and Local Food and Events, All in This Beautiful Winter Wonderland
Local PR Travel- 61 plays
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What is Kusatsu Onsen, located in Gunma Prefecture? This video is titled Kusatsu Onsen, JAPAN - Winter - 4K (Ultra HD)(Kusatsu Onsen, JAPAN - Winter - 4K (Ultra HD) / 草津温泉) / Kusatsu Onsen made by Kusatsu Onsen Tourism Association, and is a winter season tourist video to promote Kusatsu Onsen. Kusatsu machi, home to Kusatsu Onsen, is a town located amidst the mountains of Gunma prefecture in Japan's Kanto region. The winter is cold in Gunma and it often tends to snow. Because of this, there are many different winter activities that you can enjoy during your visit. Why not stay at a traditional Japanese hot-spring-inn to enjoy sightseeing and experience winter activities in Kusatsu Onsen in Gunma prefecture? As well as the beautiful scenery, the video also shows you all the activities and foods that you can try in Kusatsu Onsen. Get ready for a fun filled adventure during Kusatsu Onsen's snow covered winter. Winter sports at Kusatsu Onsen, Gunma prefecture Photo:Skiing There is plenty of snow in the Kusatsu Onsen area. Therefore, skiing and snowboarding are quite popular. The Kusatsu Onsen ski resort in Gunma prefecture has an elevation of 1600m (~5200 ft.) at its highest point, so you can enjoy doing winter sports with a beautiful view. There are areas for young children to safely have snowball fights, build snowmen, and go sledding as well. Kusatsu Onsen Ski resort is close to Kusatsu hot spring town which makes it easy to pick up any supplies you may need or forgot to pick up before arriving. These winter sports are shown from 0:15 in the video. Enjoy the skiing, snowboarding, and sledding that it provides for your viewing pleasure. Finished skiing? Head over to the hot springs! Source :YouTube screenshot After a fun filled day of skiing and sledding, why not take a dip in the refreshing hot springs the Kusatsu Onsen has to offer? The invigorating water of the Kusatsu Onsen is full of minerals that a sure to heal your body and leave you feeling refreshed after a long day. There are secret Japanese hot-spring-inns and hotels, where day trip tourists can also use the hot springs without staying overnight. The Hot spring water of the Kusatsu Onsen is said to be effective for nerve pain, muscle, and joint pain, as well as frozen shoulders, motor paralysis, stiff joints, bruises, sprains, chronic digestive problems, hemorrhoids, excessive sensitivity to coldness, chronic skin problems, hardening of arteries, cuts, burns, physically weak children, chronic female reproductive complications, diabetes, high blood pressure, and the list goes on. In Kusatsu Onsen, the hot water is not cooled down by adding cold water either. To lower the temperature, the onsen works use a method called "Yumomi" which involves churning the hot water using a long wooden board, that in turn cools the water without diluting it. This preserves all of the rich minerals that heal the body. You can actually use the stick yourself to experience this culture of ‘Yumomi’ as well. To see Yumomi in action, take a look at 1:36 in the video to get a better understanding of how this accomplished. There are many restaurants in Kusatsu Onsen area where they serve truly delicious dishes. Our recommendations are Ramen, Large size Buckwheat Soba noodles, and barbecued beef. Kusatsu Ramen is introduced at 1:58 in the video. A flavorful bowl of Ramen will be just what you need to warm up in this winter wonderland. The mineral pools of Kusatsu Onsen, Gunma prefecture. Source :YouTube screenshot In Kusatsu hot spring town, we recommend strolling around the beautiful mineral pools. The mineral field is used to adjust the temperature of the water as well as to harvest mineral deposits of the hot spring. The mineral pools have a long history and have been traditionally looked after by the local people. A mineral pool is shown from 0:55 in the video. Steam from the hot spring brings up the beautiful view of Kusatsu Onsen in Gunma during the winter. Check out the seasonal event called Yubatake Candle. This event is shown from 2:23 in the video. It brings you the mystical atmosphere of Kusatsu Onsen. Winter in Kusatsu Onsen- A summary Kusatsu Onsen area in Gunma attracts many tourists for winter activities. You can enjoy skiing and snowboarding, relax in the hot springs or try out delicious local dishes as shown in the video. In winter, be sure to check out Kusatsu Onsen in Gunma prefecture and create lifelong memories of your travels in Japan. 【Official Website】Gunma Prefecture Kusatsu Machi Town Hall Website https://www.town.kusatsu.gunma.jp/ 【Tripadviser】Kusatsu Town https://www.tripadvisor.jp/Hotels-g303152-zfn1002-Kusatsu_machi_Agatsuma_gun_Gunma_Prefecture_Kanto-Hotels.html -
Video article 3:55
Dogashima, Shizuoka Prefecture, Is a Scenic Tourist Spot Formed by Ancient Eruptions. The Powerful Scenery of Its Steep Cliffs Makes It a Must-Visit Spot in Izu!
Nature- 140 plays
- YouTube
Introducing Dogashima in Shizuoka Prefecture! This video, "Dogashima - Shizuoka - 堂ヶ島 - 4K Ultra HD" was produced by “TokyoStreetView- Japan The Beautiful.” It introduces beautiful views of Dogashima in Shizuoka prefecture in 4K resolution. Dogashima, located in Nishizu-cho, Kamo-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture in Japan's Tokai region, is an area famous for the fishing industry. It is also called the "Matsushima of Izu" for its beautiful scenery. (Matsushima is one of the "Three Views of Japan"). You can enjoy marine sports such as diving, as well as tour famous spots by boat in Dogashima. Dogashima faces Suruga Bay and has beautiful scenic views. Trips like this, where you can explore famous local areas, are growing in popularity. What Kind of Place Is Dogashima? Photo:Dogashima Dogashima was formed by underwater debris flow from ancient eruptions, and from the pumice/volcanic ash layer that fell and piled up on top of that. It is thought that the waves carving away at this geological layer created the steep cliffs and strangely shaped rocks that you can see in the video. The towering cliffs can be seen from the beginning of the video. There is a famous spot called Dogashima Tensodo Cave in Dogashima, which was formed by the waves eroding the ceiling of a sea cave, and the ceiling collapsing as a result. You can also enjoy this beautiful sight by going on a cruise, such as the Blue Cave Tour Boat and the Dogashima Cave Excursion Boat, Senganmon Cruise boat. The Islands of Dogashima Photo:Dogashima Tombolo The islands of the Dogashima area are: Zoshima (Denbe Island), Nakanoshima, Okinose Island, and Takashima Island. They are also called Sanshirojima. The name Sanshiro comes from the name of a vassal of Minamoto no Yoritomo, who was called “Izu’s Sanshiro.” At low tide, sandbars appear at Zoshima. This phenomenon is called "Dogashima’s Tombolo," and you can walk across this land formation. On a sunny day, you can also enjoy the beautiful sunset gleaming across the islands. Recommended Spots in the Nishiizu Area Photo:Image of Nishiizu Dogashima promenade In the Dogashima area, try to stop by the Dogashima Promenade, the Instagrammable sights of Namakokabe Street, and the Kayama Yuzo Museum. There’s also Sawada Kouen Rotenburo, Dogashima Garden, Izu Nature School, and the suspension bridge at Ran no Sato, all of which are popular tourist destinations. If you’re looking to grab something to eat, we recommend Seafood Dining Iwaya and Dogashima Shokudo. Onsen hotels, such as New Ginsui, Dogashima Accueil Sanshiro, and Umibe no Kakureyu Seiryu are all great choices where you can enjoy hot springs as well. In the footage, you can see the port town around the Dogashima area at 2:29 in the video. Enjoy the townscape of Dogashima! Summary of Dogashima Photo:Dogashima Cruise Dogashima is popular area in Shizuoka prefecture where you can enjoy the amazing scenery of the ocean. Try going on a cruise in Dogashima and enjoy a beautiful view of the islands. If you are planning to go to the Dogashima area in Izu, check out the information on the Izu Peninsula Geopark information site. ◆Dogashima Area Overview◆ 【Address】Dogashima, Nishna, Nishiizu-cho, Kamo-gun, Shizuoka Prefecture 【Acccess】70 minutes by bus from Shuzenji Station of the Izuhakone Railway, 60 minutes by bus from Izukyu-Shimoda Station 【Parking】 Available(Free Parking) 【Official Website】Nishiizu Tourist Guide | Dogashima – Nishiizu Town Tourism Association https://en.nishiizu-kankou.com/ 【Tripadvisor】Dogashima https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121209-d2167482-Reviews-Dogashima_Island-Nishiizu_cho_Kamo_gun_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:30
A Luxurious Holiday at Minami Kirishima Hot Spring’s “Tenkunomori." A Private Resort Overlooking the Kirishima Mountain Range in Kagoshima Prefecture, With Only 5 Villas in 150 Sq. Acres.
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 81 plays
- YouTube
Introducing the Private Villas of "Tenkunomori" "“Tenku_no_Mori” YADO-PV/JAPAN : 宿PV_天空の森02" is a video produced by private-onsen JAPAN to advertise Minami Kirishima Hot Spring's "Tenkunomori," in Kagoshima Prefecture. "Tenkunomori" of Minami Kirishima Hot spring in Kagoshima Prefecture is a luxury villa (hotel) in Minami-Kirishima Onsen, Kagoshima Prefecture, popular on hotel and inn review and comparison websites. The video introduces the rooms and views of this completely private villa with a spectacular view of the Kirishima mountain range, home to some of the most famous mountains in Kagoshima, one of Japan's "One Hundred Famous Mountains" and listed in the "Top One Hundred Views of Japan." Feel the warm embrace of nature with these breathtaking views. Sit back and enjoy the beautiful Japanese scenery. Tenkunomori Source :YouTube screenshot Tenkunomori is located in Kagoshima Prefecture at the southern end of Kyushu. There are only 5 villas on its 150 Sq. acres. This luxurious resort facility provides a high class reception. As you can see in the video, it's an untouched gem in a vast sea of nature. The attraction of this place is that while it is only a 15-minute drive from Kagoshima Airport, you can still immerse yourself in nature. The five onsite villas, Tenku, Akane sasu oka, Keirin no ame, Hanachiru sato, and Tsubabe no su, are equipped with an open-air hot spring bath and showers that flow 100% directly from the Minami Kirishima Hot Spring source, all on an unobstructed, spacious wooden deck. Visitors are promised a stay in a private space where they will not notice the presence of any other villas. In Tsubame no su, one of the villas for day-trip stays, shown in the video from 0:35, you can enjoy strolling in the woods and eating delicious food. The video also introduces Hanachiru sato, another day-trip villa, at 0:49. Please note that there is no large shared bathing area due to the privacy of the villas. From 1:23, one of villas for overnight stays, Akane sasu oka, is introduced. All facilities are made of wood from the forest of this resort’s premises and are characterized by their spaciousness. The wooden deck is an extraordinary space where you can take off your yukata and spend the evening, free of the burden of clothes, enjoying the starry sky. 1:49). You can also enjoy activities such as picnics, river rafting, and helicopter rides. Every villa comes complete with various amenities as well. Dining at Tenkunomori Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see from the video (0:26), almost all ingredients used at Tenkunomori are organically grown. You can enjoy locally raised Satsuma chicken, sweetfish, and Okuma beef. Experience a stay that will refresh your body and mind. Summary of Minami Kirishima Hot spring's Tenkunomori in Kagoshima Prefecture As you can see from this video, Tenkunomori is a great place to relax and leave the worries of your day to day routine behind. The stunning views from the villa are certainly Instagram-worthy, but we suggest turning off your phone and spending your time savoring the amazing scenery. You can also enjoy a concert while bathing your feet in the Ishizaka river stream, or enjoying beauty salon treatments. Here in Kirishima, there are many tourists spots for you to visit: “Kirishima Jingu,” “ Kirishima Hot spring village,” “Shiroyama Observation Deck,” “ Kirishima Art Forest,” “Kirishima Kogen Mahoroba no Sato,” “Maruo Fall,” “Takashihonomine” and “Kirishima Hot Spring Ichiba”. If you want to forget about your daily life and enjoy beautiful views in Japan, be sure to check out the video and get a feel for the true beauty of Tenkunomori. The cheapest plan is from 150,000 yen (~$1,400 USD) per person, per night at Tenkunomori. Tenkunomori is very popular among VIPs around the world, so booking a reservation at this facility is quite difficult. If you're interested in visiting after watching the video, be sure to check out online travel sites as well as the official web site. 【Official Website】TENKU - TENKU NO MORI - Resort in Kagoshima, Japan https://tenku-jp.com/en/ ◆Introduction of Tenkunomori " of Minami Kirishima Hot spring in Kagoshima Prefecture◆ 【Address】3389 Kurakota, Kakushima-cho, Kirishima-shi, Kagoshima 899-6507, Japan 【Access】About 15 minutes from Kagoshima Airport by car 【Parking】Avaialble 【Telephone】0995-76-0777 【Tripadvisor】Tenkunomori https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1022935-d2391004-Reviews-Tenku_no_Mori-Kirishima_Kagoshima_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 3:25
Introducing All the Charms of Tohoku in Mid-Summer! The "Three Great Summer Festivals of Tohoku" to Liven up the Hot Summer, and Sightseeing in the Great Outdoors To Cool Off! There Are Endless Ways To Enjoy Japan's Tohoku Region in Summer!
Travel- 65 plays
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A Video Introducing Summer Scenery in Japan's Tohoku Region This video, titled "Summer Passion in Tohoku, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 東北の夏," was uploaded by "TOHOKU JAPAN." It introduces summer in Japan's Tohoku region, the perfect place for sightseeing while avoiding the summer heat, in beautiful 4K. There are many things to see and do in the Tohoku region during summer, including appreciating the spectacular natural scenery and enjoying festivals rooted in the culture of the region since ancient times that represent the Tohoku region itself. Enjoy Summer Festivals in Japan's Tohoku Region Photo:Soma Nomaoi, Fukushima Prefecture Tohoku has been attracting more and more tourists from overseas every year, and there are many popular tourist spots where people and nature live in harmony. In the summer, Japan's Tohoku region is brimming with festivals. The popular summer festivals introduced in the video are: Fukushima: Soma Nomaoi [0:21-] Fukushima: Fukushima Waraji Festival [0:40-] Aomori: Aomori Nebuta Festival [1:09-] Akita: Akita Kanto Festival [1:12-] Iwate: Morioka Sansa Festival [1:15-] Miyagi: Sendai Tanabata Festival [1:37-] Yamagata: Yamagata Hanagasa Festival [1:40-] Yamagata: Shinjo Festival [1:45-] Akita: Omagari Fireworks Festival [3:00-] The famous summer festivals in the Tohoku region are also shown. The Aomori Nebuta Festival, Akita Kanto Festival, and Sendai Tanabata Festival are the three major festivals of the Tohoku region, and are therefore very famous in Japan. It wouldn't be summer in Japan without the festivals of the Tohoku region. Enjoy Nature in Mid-Summer in Japan's Tohoku Region Photo:Bentennuma at Goshikinuma Fukushima: Goshikinuma Ponds [0:03-] Fukushima: Sannokura Sunflower Field [0:10-] Iwate: Jodogahama Beach [0:17-] Iwate: Geibikei [0:34-] Yamagata: Tamasudare Falls [0:46-] Yamagata: Maruike Pond [0:52-] Miyagi: Izunuma [0:54-] Akita: Omono River [1:03-] Miyagi: Zuihoden Temple [1:34-] Yamagata: Zao Katakainuma Pond [1:54-] Yamagata: Dokkonuma Swamp [1:57-] Photo:A sea of clouds from Azuma Kofuji Miyagi: Katanuma [1:59-] Iwate: Aragami Shrine [2:01-] Miyagi: Futakuchi Kyokoku [2:05-] Aomori: Jigokunuma [2:07-] Aomori: Tanesashi Coast [2:10-] Aomori: Ashigezaki Observatory [2:12-] Fukushima: Azuma-kofuji [2:15-] Miyagi: Zao Okama [2:24-] Akita: Mototakifukuryusui [2:29-] Aomori: Oirase Gorge [2:32-] Iwate: Motsuji Temple [2:39-] Akita: Kisakata [2:44-] and so on! Japan is one of the most developed countries in the world, with the world’s third largest economy and a population of 120 million, but 70% of the country is still covered with forests, so there plenty of rich, natural scenery to enjoy. Summary of Summer in Japan's Tohoku Region Photo:Nebuta Festival, Aomori Prefecture Tohoku is also famous for delicious seafood from the seas and fresh ingredients from the mountains. There are many nationally famous hot springs and scenic spots as well, making it a great place to get away from the stress of daily life. If the sightseeing spot is in the mountains, you can avoid the heat as the temperature is much cooler at night. Walking in the woods, surrounded by rich nature, you can revitalize your mind and body. Japan's Tohoku region is a great place for solo travelers, couples, families and friends to travel. During Obon, many tourists come to visit the three major festival of Tohoku, so we recommend making reservations early, before the hotels are fully booked. Enjoy a trip to Japan's Tohoku region and enjoy summer festivals and delicious food! -
Video article 3:00
The Town of Wassamu, Hokkaido Is a Place Where You Can Enjoy All Four Seasons of Japan! Check Out the Attractions of Wassamu Town in Hokkaido, a Place You Won't Want to Miss!
Travel Local PR- 60 plays
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北海道和寒町エリアの魅力紹介動画の見所 こちらの動画は「わっさむ 食と観光の魅力発信/北海道和寒町役場」が公開した「「総集編」 北海道和寒町[和寒町観光PV]」です。 自然の多く残る北海道和寒町は、冬にはウィンタースポーツが盛んな地域で、多くの日本人のスキー選手を輩出している歴史があることでも有名です。 今回はそんな北海道和寒町について、動画と共にこちらの記事で紹介していきます。 北海道和寒町はウィンタースポーツとアウトドアが盛ん! 日本の北に位置し、気候的にかなり冷え込む北海道和寒町はウィンタースポーツ盛んで、スノーモービルやスキー、クロスカントリーやスノボー楽しむことが出来ます。 動画の0:20から北海道和寒町で楽しめるウィンタースポーツの様子をご覧になることができます。 雪原でのウィンタースポーツの印象がある北海道ですが、夏は綺麗な緑溢れる自然の良い景色を堪能することができ、アウトドアイベントも盛んに行われているので、夏の観光もおすすめです。 三笠山自然公園キャンプ場や南丘森林公園、三笠山自然公園はどれも自然いっぱいで日本でも屈指の絶景を堪能出来る人気の観光名所で、その様子は動画でもご覧になれるので、お楽しみください。 北海道の楽しみは冬だけじゃない!北海道和寒町の秋の祭り! 実は北海道はかぼちゃの作付け日本一で、秋にはかぼちゃをメインとした祭りの「パンプキンフェスティバル」が開催され、沢山のかぼちゃがハロウィン仕様にデザインされ飾られたり、実際に食したりすることができます。 『熱気球搭乗体験』『南瓜ランタン彫り体験』等も楽しめるので、北海道和寒町へ観光する際には、紅葉も綺麗な秋の時期に予定を合わせてみてはいかがでしょうか? 北海道和寒町の魅力紹介まとめ 春夏秋冬、日本の四季の良さを遺憾なく堪能出来る観光スポットとして、まさに万人におすすめが出来る北海道和寒町の良さ、ぜひ動画でご覧下さい。 北海道と言えば、日本でも屈指のグルメが多くある地域としても有名で、ジンギスカンや冬キャベツの元祖とも言われている越冬キャベツ等も観光の際には外せませんね。 今回紹介させて頂いた動画とこの記事が、北海道和寒町への観光をご検討する際の手助けとなれば、幸いです。 -
Video article 3:36
The San'in Region Has Everything! The Tottori Sand Dunes, Lake Shinji, Matsue Castle, Mt. Daisen, Izumo-Taisha... This Video Introduces All of the Popular Tourist Attractions and Little-Known Spots in the Area!
Local PR Travel- 489 plays
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About the San’in region promotion video "San'in, Japan 4K (Ultra HD) - 山陰" is a promotional video produced by "San’in JAPAN" that introduces famous sites and sightseeing locations in the San'in region, a nature rich area facing the Sea of Japan. Located in the southwestern area of Honshu, Japan's main island, the San'in region spans along the coast of the Japan Sea and consists of Shimane and Tottori prefectures, as well as the northern area of Yamaguchi Prefecture. It also includes the northern area of the prefectures of Kyoto and Hyogo as well, depending on who you ask. The total population of the San'in region is about 1,230,000 as of June 2019. Popular destinations in the region are: Lake Shinji, the Tottori Sand Dunes, Matsue Castle, Mt. Daisen, and Izumo-taisha. There's also nature, historic buildings, and local seafood dishes. All of this is condensed into the 3-minute video of San'in. Sit back, relax, and enjoy a look at Japan's San'in region. Japan's San'in Region- Tottori Sand Dunes Photo:Camel in the tottori sand dunes The Tottori Sand Dunes in Tottori Prefecture, the largest in Japan, are a popular tourist attraction in the San'in Region, and are the only sand dunes in Japan designated as a natural monument. Japan’s amazing desert-like Tottori Sand Dunes has a 90-meter difference in elevation, and visitors can enjoy beautiful views of the Sea of Japan from atop them, as well as the wind-wrought pattern, known as Fumon, on the surface of sand. There's also a beautiful sunset at the Tottori Dunes. You can see the Tottori Sand Dunes from 0:06 in the video. It's the only place in Japan where you'll find sand in every direction. The dunes also attract Instagrammers looking for photogenic scenery. Recommended Spots in Shimane- Oki Islands & Tachikuekyo Photo: Iwakura Chichi-sugi The Oki Islands in Shimane Prefecture consists of 4 inhabited islands and a dozen uninhabited islands. Due to their geological heritage, the Oki Islands have been designated a UNESCO Global Geopark. When you set foot in Oki, you'll encounter a deep forest, home to Chichi-sugi, a mysterious 800-year old Japanese cedar tree, the coasts of Shirashima, and Jodogaura. The Oki Islands appear at 0:21 in the video. Next is Tachikuekyo, a narrow gorge with a beautiful suspension bridge and spires of uniquely-shaped rocks rising high into the air. It's a great place to visit because of its five hundred Arhat statues and Reikoji temple. Recommended Locations in Tottori- Uradome Coast & Mt. Daisen The next spot introduced in the video is “Uradome coast” in Tottori. A beautiful ria coastline surrounded by the clear, rough waters of the Sea of Japan. Mt. Daisen shown in the video from 1:21, is the highest mountain in Japan's Chugoku Region. It's shape changes vastly depending on which side of the mountain you are standing on, and also changes its color depending on the season. The beautifully autumn foliage is a sight to behold. The view of Sakasa Daisen, a view of Mt. Daisen together with the upside down Mt. Daisen reflecting off the water's surface, is also a popular tourist attraction. Nariishi Beach in Kotoura has stones that have been rounded off by the rough waves, and that rattle as the waves roll in. The beach is shown at 1:34 in the video. Food, Culture, and Tradition in Japan's San'in Region Photo:Matsuba crab in Tottori prefecture At Tottori’s Sakaiminato port, one of the largest landings of queen crabs in Japan, queen crabs start being caught while it's still dark. You can eat fresh seafood in the fish market as shown in the video at1:46. Sakaiminato is also known as the home of Mizuki Shigeru, creator of the famous cartoon series "Gegege no Kitaro." Mizuki Shigeru Road, a street dedicated to all the yokai characters that appear in his stories, attracts many visitors as well. If you're stopping by the area, don't forget to try Izumo Soba. It's to die for! Iwami Kagura, a Japanese heritage that has been handed down in Shimane Prefecture since ancient times, is a fantastic representation of the world of mythology. It has events all year round as well so be sure to check it out. This can be seen at 1:52 in the video. It's a great way to familiarize yourself with traditional Japanese culture. In the Izumo region of Tottori Prefecture, there's a history of Tatara iron manufacturing. The Okuizumo Tatara Sword Museum is a great place to visit to learn about old iron making technology. You can also see a sword forging demonstration as well. The Nakai Pottery of Inshu, Tottori Prefecture, another traditional handicraft, is introduced at 2:28 in the video. Historic Buildings & Gardens in the San'in Region Photo:Matsue Castle The next spot shown in the video is Miho Shrine in Shimane. This solemn shrine is dedicated to Ebisu (the Japanese god of fishermen). The beautiful Matsue Castle, also known as Chidori Castle, is one of the few remaining castles from the Edo period in Japan, and is known as a spot where you can see the entire city of Matsue from the castle tower. The castle can be seen at 2:48 in the video. It's a must-visit destination for history lovers. Shimane also features one of the most ancient and important Shinto shrines, "Izumo Taisha." Its shimenawa (a rope used to cordon off consecrated areas) triumphs as the largest in Japan. It's believed that Izumo Shrine enshrines a matchmaking deity, and is a famous power spot. At the Adachi Museum of Art, you can enjoy Japanese paintings and ceramic works by masters from modern to contemporary times. The 50,000-square-meter Japanese garden is so beautiful that it was ranked number one on the list of best Japanese gardens. It consists of 6 beautiful gardens, such as the "White Gravel and Pine Garden," the "Moss Garden," and more. In Yonago, Tottori, dozens of jizo statues (statues of Buddhist deities) are lined up along the Kamogawa riverside. One of the main events at the Kamogawa Festival in August is the "Jizo walk," where participants walk across the city hunting for jizo statues. Taikodani Inari Shrine in Tsuwano, Shimane is one of the most important Inari Shrines in Japan, and features an approach lined with closely placed torii gates, forming a red, tunnel-like entrance. We strongly recommend visiting here if you're traveling to the San'in region. By the way, the name "San'in" comes from the name of the road "San'indo," a road in the San'in region from when the province was divided into seven administrative divisions. Summary of Japan's San-In Region The San'in region is full of nature, history, and has plenty of sights to see. Hopefully we've got you interested in this hidden gem. Be sure to check out the video if you haven't yet, as it contains some great footage of the San'in region, as well as information not featured in the article. Enjoying fresh crab, soaking in the Misasa hot springs... the ways to enjoy the San'in region are endless! -
Video article 5:06
Hiraizumi's Chuson-ji Temple: Registered as a World Heritage Site, It's One of the Most Popular Spots to See Iwate Prefecture as Its Dyed a Brilliant Red by the Autumn Foliage
Art & Architecture- 92 plays
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The Autumn Foliage at Chuson-ji Temple, Hiraizumi This video, titled "JG☆☆☆☆☆8K HDR 岩手 平泉中尊寺の紅葉(国宝,世界遺産) Iwate, Hiraizumi Chusonji Temple in Autumn (World Heritage)" is a PR video for the colorful autumn foliage of Hiraizumi's Chuson-ji Temple in Iwate. Chuson-ji Temple in Hiraizumi, associated with the Northern Fujiwara clan for three generations, is known as a treasury of Heian art, and Konjikido, which can be seen at 4:47 in the video, is a national treasure. Chuson-ji Temple , where Yakushi Nyorai is enshrined, is said to be good for curing illness, prolonging one's life, and curing eye diseases. We recommend that you bring your red seal book to collect your shuin, and buy a health charm as a souvenir of your visit. What Kind of Temple Chuson-ji? Photo:Autumn Leaves at Chuson-ji Temple Chuson-ji Temple was reportedly built in 850 by Jikaku Daishi Ennin, an eminent monk who studied under Saichō at Enryaku-ji Temple on Mount Hiei. However, this is unclear, and it is said that the origin of Chuson-ji Temple dates back to the Tahōtō pagodas built by Fujiwara no Kiyohira around the 12th century. The history of Chuson-ji Temple is described in the "Rakkei Kuyo Ganmon," a work designated an Important Cultural Property. The mummies of Kiyohira and three of his descendants are enshrined in the National Treasure Konjikido, built by Fujiwara no Kiyohira as his own mausoleum. It is also famous as one of the best places to view the autumn foliage in Iwate Prefecture. The Beautiful Autumn Foliage of Chuson-Ji Temple Source :YouTube screenshot If you're visiting Chuson-ji Temple, you'll want to take your time to see the National Treasure Konjikido and the grounds of the Special Historic Site. We also recommend a tour of the main hall at the end of Tsukimizaka (see video at 3:02), and the sutra repository, an important cultural property. You should also take a look at the East observation platform, Benkei Hall, Jizo Hall, Yakushido Hall, and Amida Hall, which can be seen at 1:07 in the video. The Fujiwara Festival in spring, Takigi no Noh in summer, the Fujiwara Festival in autumn, the Chrysanthemum Festival (shown at 2:46 in the video), hatsumode, and the Setsubun celebration in February, are also notable events held throughout the year. Chuson-ji Temple also offers purification ceremonies as well as Buddhist wedding ceremonies. Chuson-ji Temple is also part of the "Four Temples Pilgrimage" pilgrimage route in the Tohoku region, so you can visit it along with other famous temples such as Motsu-ji Temple. You can also enjoy the colorful autumn foliage all over the temple grounds during the fall season, as seen in the video. You can see the approach to the temple dyed in red and yellow at 0:14 in the video, the maple leaves surrounding the Benzaiten at 0:38, and the bright red foliage behind the yellow, white and purple chrysanthemum festival site at 4:36 in the video. Summary of Autumn Foliage at Chuson-Ji Temple Photo:Chuson-ji Temple・Bishamon Hall The video shows the beautiful autumn foliage of Chuson-ji Temple in Iwate Prefecture. There are many places on the temple ground that are great for taking pictures. Be sure to post them on your Instagram! The area around Chuson-ji Temple is dotted with accommodations and lunch spots, making it convenient for sightseeing. If you're planning on visiting Chuson-ji, try to go when the weather is nice so you can get a great view of the beautiful autumn leaves. If you want to visit Chuson-ji Temple, we recommend using the "Hiraizumi Chuson-ji-go" bus that departs from Sendai. ◆Chuson-ji Temple in Hiraizumi◆ 【Address】Koromonoseki-202 Hiraizumi, Nishiiwai District, Iwate 029-4102 【Access】5 minutes by bus from JR Hiraizumi Station 【Telephone】0191-46-2211 【Hours】March 1st to November 3rd : 8:30 to 17:00, November 4th to the end of February : 8:30 to 16:30 【Admission fee】Adults : 800 yen, High school students : 500 yen, Junior High school students : 300 yen, Elementary school students : 200 yen (As of March , 2020) 【Parking 】Available (~400 yen) 【Official Website】Kanzan Chuson-ji Temple[Head Temple in Tohoku of Tendai-shu in Hiraizumi, Iwate] https://www.chusonji.or.jp/language_en/index.html -
Video article 2:06
Nishinoshima Is an Island in Shimane Prefecture Home to a Spectacular View of the Sea of Japan and an Abundance of Traditional Culture. Enjoy the Charms of Nishinoshima Island, Where You Can Live With Nature!
Local PR- 20 plays
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日本海に位置する島根県の隠岐諸島・西ノ島 こちらの動画は「島根県 西ノ島町」が公開した「Nishinoshima Town 自然と生きる、自然に生きる。島根県、西ノ島。Japan in its natural state. You in your natural place.」です。 島根県の隠岐諸島に属する西ノ島は、島根県本土から約65km離れた日本海沖合の島。 そこには、西ノ島独自の歴史を残す観光スポット、自然の恵みを受けたグルメ、インスタ映えする景勝地などのたくさんの魅力と出会うことができます。 そんな日本の穴場人気エリアである島根県西ノ島の観光動画をご紹介します! 島根県西ノ島への交通アクセスは? 島根県西ノ島へ旅行する際には航路がおすすめです。 島根県七類港か鳥取県境港からフェリーや高速船が出ており、日本海の景色を楽しみながら移動することができますよ。 西ノ島の玄関・別府港にある西ノ島町観光協会で借りられるレンタサイクルでは、西ノ島大橋から臨む日本海をぜひ味わっていただきたいです。 別府港周辺では隠岐国賀海岸を借りられるお店もあるので、島内の移動に便利。 島根県西ノ島の自然の壮観美! 日本有数の景観美を誇る西ノ島の隠岐国賀海岸は、動画の0:18から紹介されています。 西ノ島町沿岸にそびえる荒々しい岩や地層の美しさは圧巻。 国賀海岸浜辺からは、独特な姿の通天橋、高さ257mから絶景を味わえる摩天崖などに続く遊歩道が整備されています。 また、国賀海岸めぐり遊覧船では海上から、赤尾展望所では上空から国賀海岸を観光できます。 島根県西ノ島の豊かなグルメ 西ノ島では、動画の0:27で流れる浦郷漁港などでの漁業、0:20からの草地や山林で放牧した牛や馬をはじめとする自然の恵みを受けたグルメを味わえます。 人気の日本食である刺身や寿司などの海鮮が盛んで、特に釣りたてのサザエは絶品! 観光で歩き疲れたら、おいしい西ノ島グルメで一休みしましょう。 島根県西ノ島の歴史的建造物と伝統文化 日本海の海上安全の神とされる隠岐諸島最古の神社・焼火神社(焼火権現)、イカの伝説をもつ由良比女神社、後醍醐天皇が過ごしたとされる黒木御所跡など、観光名所の歴史的建造物が多く存在する西ノ島。 また、古くから続く祭りも多く継承されており、動画の1:05から紹介されている「美田八幡宮の田楽」「日吉神社の庭の舞」は日本の無形民俗文化財に指定されています。 「由良比女神社大祭」では花火も打ちあがり、西ノ島の夜を彩ります。 自然あふれる島根県西ノ島の魅力紹介まとめ 西ノ島の絶景の中を駆け抜けるハーフマラソンや、隠岐の雄大な海を楽しめる外浜海水浴場など、親子でも楽しめるイベントや観光スポットもたくさんの島根県西ノ島。 日本海の絶景や伝統文化など、ここ西ノ島でしか味わえない体験ができます。 動画で紹介されている観光地や観光イベントを通して、西ノ島の魅力を味わう旅に出かけましょう! -
Video article 5:06
Discover the Charms of Shinshiro, Aichi Prefecture, a Tourist Destination to Feel the Four Seasons of Japan! Don't Miss the Seasonal Scenery That Shows the Romance of History and Nature!
Local PR Travel- 40 plays
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自然を楽しめる観光地「愛知県新城市」の動画について こちらの動画は「新城市見どころ動画」が公開した「新城市PR映像 5分版」です。 こちらは愛知県新城市のさまざまな観光スポットや文化を紹介しているプロモーション動画です。 緑に囲まれた、気持ちのいい空気が流れる新城市の魅力がたっぷりと詰まっています。 こちらの記事では、日本の観光エリアである愛知県新城市の魅力や周辺情報を動画と共に紹介します。 日本観光でおすすめの愛知県新城市について 新城市は、愛知県東部奥三河の玄関口になっています。 緑に囲まれた自然が豊かなで、独自の文化や景色を楽しめる観光地。 四季によって町の風景が変わるのも新城市の魅力。 秋には紅葉が咲きほこり、春は桜が新城市の町を彩ります。 ゆったりとした時間が流れる田舎の中で、ここでしか体験できない絶景や祭り、温泉、グルメを楽しみましょう。 きっと満足する旅行になるはずです。 愛知県新城市で日本の自然を楽しめる観光スポット 愛知県新城市には自然の景勝を楽しめるスポットがたくさんあります。 四谷の千枚田や阿寺の七滝、鳳来寺山などは新城市でしか味わえない絶景をご覧になることができます。 新城市の山間集落の斜面に広がる四谷の千枚田。 日本のおとぎ話に出てくるような風景を見ることができ、日本らしい景色が好きな人には必見の場所。 先人たちが残した遺産を今も地域の人たちが守り続けています。 愛知県新城市には、他にも桜淵公園や巴川などの美しい自然の景色を楽しめるスポットがたくさんありますよ。 愛知県新城市で日本の歴史を感じられる観光スポット 愛知県新城市の設楽原決戦場祭りは日本の歴史を感じられる多くの人が訪れる人気の祭りです。 日本で初めて大量に鉄砲が使われた長篠、設楽原の戦い。 その設楽原の地で火縄銃の演武や武者行列などが行われています。 当時の戦を再現している祭りなので熱気がすごく、特に火縄銃の音は迫力満点。 歴史が好きな人にはたまらない祭りでしょう。 新城市の美しい自然と歴史を感じられるスポットを満喫し、充実した旅をお楽しみください。 日本のおすすめ観光スポット「愛知県新城市」紹介記事のまとめ こちらの動画では新城市の湯谷温泉や旅館などさまざまなスポットが紹介されているので、興味のある方はぜひ見てください。 日本の緑豊かな観光地の新城市。 日本の原風景を楽しめる貴重なスポットへ観光してみてはいかがですか。 -
Video article 1:48
Mt. Fuji, Covered in Lingering Snow, Coupled With the Fuji Shibazakura Festival, Is Absolutely Breathtaking! A View That'll Last a Lifetime, at the Foot of Mt. Fuji!
Nature- 421 plays
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Introducing Drone Footage of the Fuji Shibazakura Festival! The video "Aerial view of Fuji Shibazakura Festival taken with a drone(絶景 空撮 富士芝桜まつり Aerial view of Fuji Shiba-zakura Festival taken with a drone)" is a sightseeing video of the beautiful shibazakura flower field. The Fuji Shibazakura Festival is a sightseeing event where you can enjoy the scenery of over 800,000 shibazakura (moss phlox) in the vast area of Fuji Motosu Lake Resort, Susono Mt. Fuji, known as Japan's highest mountain. Many tourists from around the world gather to see the rich natural scenery here. This video introduces the vividly blooming shibazakura. Please enjoy the sights. What Kind of Event Is the Fuji Shibazakura Festival? Photo:Fuji Shibazakura Festival At the Fuji Shibazakura Festival venue, the beautiful pink and purple shibazakura are in bloom. You can see this at 0:08 in the video. It's like a carpet of flowers. The best time to see shibazakura is between April and May each year. Mt. Fuji covered with lingering snow in the spring and the lovely shibazakura that can be seen together on a clear day, is a beautiful sight, great for Instagram. If you want to see the beautiful scenery of the Fuji Shibazakura Festival, be sure to go to the observation plaza. Walking through the flower gardens in the warm, spring climate is sure to make for a lasting memory. There is also a popular sightseeing spot called the Observation Footbath where you can enjoy the scenery of Shibazakura while giving your feet a nice soak. A Mt. Fuji made of Shibazakura, which can be seen from 0:54 in the video, is as beautiful as the real thing. There are places to take photos as well. How to Enjoy the Fuji Shibazakura Festival! Photo:Pumpkin Hōtō Noodles At the venue for the Fuji Shibazakura Festival, there's a gourmet event called the "Mt. Fuji Delicious Food Festival." If you enjoy beautiful scenery, sightseeing, and eating delicious, local cuisine, this is something you wont want to miss. The Fuji Shibazakura Festival is a very popular sightseeing event, so crowds are expected during peak bloom. To avoid congestion, we recommend taking a bus from Kawaguchiko Station to the venue. In addition to the Fuji Shibazakura Festival, it is also great idea to apply for a sightseeing bus tour that includes historic sights and exotic sightseeing facilities around Lake Kawaguchi and Lake Motosu. Around the Fuji Motosu Lake Resort, there are sightseeing spots such as Kamiku Isshiki Village Motosu District, Shingen Stone Building / Stone Base, Lake Motosu Campground, Lake Kawaguchi, Kawaguchiko Music Box Forest, Mt. Fuji Panorama Ropeway, Oishi Park, and Aokigahara Forest. You can visit these sightseeing spots after enjoying the Fuji Shibazakura Festival. Please enjoy local gourmet such as hoto noodles and torimotsuni. Summary of the Fuji Shibazakura Festival Photo:Fuji Shibazakura Fesitval The Fuji Shibazakura Festival introduced in the video is a wonderful sightseeing event where you can enjoy the Japanese spring atmosphere at Mt. Fuji, a world heritage site. Be sure to check the blooming information and visit when it's in full bloom. The aerial footage of the flower field in the spring is so beautiful that you'll never get tired of looking at it. Please watch the video carefully and enjoy the beautiful scenery. ◆ Sightseeing information of Fuji Shibazakura Festival ◆ 【Address】212 Fujigane, Fujikawaguchiko-machi, Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi Prefecture Fuji Lake Motosu Resort 【Access】About 40 minutes by Shibazakura Liner Bus from Kawaguchiko Station, about 25 minutes by car from Kawaguchiko IC 【Admission fee】600 yen for adults, 300 yen for children (* as of November 2019) 【Opening Hours】8:00~17:00 【Regular holidays / Closed days】Open daily(during season) 【Parking】50 buses, 1500 regular cars 【Phone number】0555-89-3031 【Notes】Pets can enter the park by putting them in a pet bag or pet cart 【Tripadvisor】Fuji Shibazakura Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1165976-d10019705-Reviews-Fuji_Shibazakura_Festival-Fujikawaguchiko_machi_Minamitsuru_gun_Yamanashi_Prefe.html -
Video article 1:51
Koyasan, Wakayama Prefecture: A Sacred Place for Japanese Buddhism, With 1200 Years of History! One of Japan's Foremost Power Spots Is a Legendary Place Filled With Temples and Historical Buildings!
Art & Architecture Travel History- 121 plays
- Vimeo
Introducing Koyasan in Wakayama Prefecture This video, titled "聖地|和歌山県高野山 / Sacred place Koyasan, Wakayama" was created by "Hiraku KAWASHIMA." It introduces Koyasan a sacred place for Shingon Esoteric Buddhism, registered as a World Heritage Site. Koyasan is located in Wakayama, in Japan's Kansai region. It is a sacred place for Japanese Buddhism, opened by Kobo Daishi Kukai at the beginning of the Heian period 794 AD - 1185 AD), more than 1200 years ago. In this video, you'll see some of the highlights of Koyasan in just 2 minutes worth of footage. Please enjoy the video and be sure to take notes on whatever interests you as well! Koyasan Photo:Koyasan Danjo Garan Hasuike (Lotus Pond) Koyasan is a region in Koya, Ito District, in the northern part of Wakayama Prefecture. It is surrounded by 1,000 meter tall mountains at an altitude of about 800 meters. Koyasan as a place name is a flat basin-shaped area surrounded by eight peaks: Imagi peak, Hoju peak, Mt. Hachibuse, Mt. Benten, Mt. Koya, Mt. Tenjiku, Mt. Youriyu, Mt. Mani, and Mt. Tenjiku all make up Mt. Koyasan. Koyasan is a Zen Buddhist seminary opened by Kobo Daishi Kukai and is a sacred place for Japanese Buddhism. Today, it is a religious city centered around the fundamental dojo "Danjo Garan," the precinct for religious practices. Danjo Garan, one of the two most sacred places along with Okunoin, can be seen from 0:27 in the video. In 2004, twelve buildings along the Koyasan-cho Ishimichi and Kongo-buji Temple precincts (six districts), along with Kumano Hongu Taisha, Wakayama Prefecture, Yoshinoyama Nara Prefecture, and Ominesan Nara Prefecture, were registered as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. In 2016, the Koya Pilgrimage Route, Kuroco Road, Nyonin Road, Kyouosakamichi Fudouzaka, and Mitanizaka were registered as World Heritage Sites. In 2015, the temple's 1200 year ceremony was held, attracting many visitors. In Koyasan, there are many events throughout the year, but the ritual that has been going on every day for 1200 years is "living in nature." This is a ceremony where meals are delivered twice a day to the mausoleum where the spirit of Kukai is enshrined. Koyasan is a sightseeing spot full of history. There are many places where you can enjoy Japanese sweets and food. There are also educational facilities such as elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools and universities on the premises of Koyasan. Highlights of Koyasan Photo:Koyasan Kongobu-ji Temple The video introduces the facilities and temples located at Koyasan. All are within the precincts of Kongobuji Temple, the head temple of the Koyasan Shingon sect of Buddhism. The admission fee for Kongobu-ji Temple is 500 yen for general admission, and 200 yen for elementary school students (※As of Nov. 2019). Next up are some of the structures at Koyasan: ・Daimon (~0:03) The large front gate sitting at roughly 25 meters tall. Designated as an important cultural property. The video shows it lit up and very shiny. ・Danjo Garan (~0:27) The main temple used for general activities. Registered as a National Historic Site and World Heritage Site. ・Konpon Daito (~0:31) The first Tahoto (a form of Japanese pagoda) in Japan with a height of 48.5 meters. Built as a symbol of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism. In the video, you can see the main tower shining under the night sky. ・Ichinohashi Bridge (~0:42) There is an approximately 2 km approach from here to Kobou Daishi Mausoleum. ・Shoujoshin-in (~0:46) Koyasan Bekkaku Honsan Shoujoushinin is a shukubo (accommodation facility) and temple that was built by Kukai and later rebuilt by Taira no Munemori. ・Kongobu-ji Temple (~0:50) Koyasan Shingon Buddhism is the headquarters of Koyasan. There are many attractions such as the largest rock garden "Banryu Garden," and fusuma paintings by the Kano School. ・Okunoin (~0:53) There are around 200,000 tombs belonging to the Imperial Family and Daimyo on the approach to the shrine. More than 60% of the graves belong to feudal lords of the warring states period. Miroku stone, which is called the Seven Wonders of Koyasan. It is said to be a stone that fulfills spiritual desire, and that there is benefit when touched. There is a tradition of paying a visit to this place to report on the completion of a pilgrimage to the 88 sacred places in Shikoku and to thank the pilgrims for their efforts. There is also a legend that Kukai, 1,200 years after being enshrined at the temple, is still practicing as a living Buddha. ・Mizumuke Jizo (~1:04) At the Jizo-son (the guardian deity of children), which stands along the banks of the Tamagawa River, sutra wood is offered to the god of Jizo to provide water for the ancestors of the deceased. ・Hasuike (~1:08) It is said that the Buddha is enshrined here. ・Gobyo-bashi (Mausoleum Bridge) (~1:22) The bridge closest to Kobou Daishi Mausoleum is a sanctuary, and photography is prohibited. Although it is not introduced in the video, there is also the "Okunoin approach," "Kondo," "Meaye dou," "Onsha," "Ajimi Jizou," "Sengoku samurai memorial tower," "Tokugawa Family Reidai," "Kongo Sanmaiin," "Koyasan Reihokan, Kurukayado, Ichijoin, Corporate memorial monument, and Hokiin which was built by Kangen. There are also spots where you can get your shuin. Summary of Koyasan Photo:Pilgrim So what'd you think about the holy place, Koyasan? The video introduces just some of the interesting things about Koyasan. Koyasan is also one of the most popular and powerful power spots in Japan. You might even get some power from the video! At Koyasan, you can stay in a shukubo, experience a devotional service, participate in religious events and meditation, and learn about sutras, poetry, and flower arranging, so you can feel the traditions of Koyasan. ◆ Koyasan overview information ◆ 【Address] Kongobu-ji Temple 132, Koyasan, Koyacho, Ito-gun, Wakayama 648-0294, Japan 【Access】 ・ Train: Get off at Gokurakubashi Station on the Nankai Koya Line and walk from Koyasan Station on the Nankai Koyasan Cable ・ By car: Approximately 2 hours from the center of Osaka, the nearest expressway exit “Hanwa Expressway Wakayama IC and Minamihanna Road Habikino IC 【Admission fee】Kongobu-ji Temple: General: ¥ 500 / Elementary school student: ¥ 200 (※as of December 2019) 【Hours】Kongobu-ji Temple 8: 30-17: 00 【Closures】Open daily 【Parking】There are many parking lots in the neighborhood, but please note that it is very crowded on the weekends. 【Phone number】Kongobu-ji Temple 0736-56-2011 【Official Website】Koyasan Shingon Sect Main Temple Kongobu-ji http://www.koyasan.or.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Koyasan https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121341-d1028543-Reviews-Mt_Koya-Koya_cho_Ito_gun_Wakayama_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 3:46
HOSHINOYA Karuizawa: An Exquisite Hotel in Nagano Prefecture That Showcases the Natural Landscape of Japan. Get a Taste of Luxury at One of Japan's Most Popular Resorts!
Hotel & Japanese Inn- 76 plays
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HOSHINOYA Karuizawa: A Must-Stay Hotel in Karuizawa This video, titled "HOSHINOYA Karuizawa: Our Guiding Principles" (星のや 軽井沢【コンセプト紹介】), produced by Jin Takano, introduces HOSHINOYA Karuizawa, a hotel in Karuizawa, Nagano. HOSHINOYA Karuizawa offers a precious opportunity to experience traditional Japanese culture while enjoying a luxurious time. The hotel is a popular destination for sightseeing as well as resort weddings. The hotel is easily accessible from Karuizawa Station and parking is also available. Indulge in the supreme luxury of HOSHINOYA. If you are planning a sightseeing trip to Karuizawa or looking to stay at an onsen ryokan (Japanese hot spring inn), we recommend booking the longed-for HOSHINOYA Karuizawa. The video starts off with the words "Through the adoption of Western culture, Japan has been able to modernize. What kind of scenery might we have seen had Japan had stayed true to what made it unique? Perhaps an entirely different Japan." Enjoy the traditional beauty of Japan, which has been well received by travelers on review and comparison sites, at HOSHINOYA Karuizawa. A Splendid Stay Surrounded by Nature Source :YouTube screenshot HOSHINOYA Karuizawa itself is a magnificent resort town complete with a spacious pond and a wooded walkway where you can relax and enjoy the natural flowers. On the way to the park, there are many places of interest, such as teahouses and terraced rice fields, that offer visitors a chance to relax and unwind. You can also enjoy nature watching tours offered at Karuizawa National Wild Bird Sanctuary Forest near HOSHINOYA. The video offers you a glimpse at the natural scenery that can be enjoyed at the hotel. Information on Facilities: Three Different Room Types Source :YouTube screenshot Hotel HOSHINOYA Karuizawa's Japanese-style room, "Valley Village," is built around a vast waterfront area where guests can relax and enjoy the natural scenery of the four seasons. The most extravagant pavilion "Mizunami" is a wonderful room where you can spend time listening to the sound of flowing water and feeling the beauty of nature from the terrace. Other rooms include "Yamaroji" which has a Japanese-style hinoki bath, and "Niwaroji," which offers a tranquil Japanese garden view. Feel free to choose which one suits your taste. The hotel offers a wide range of amenities that will make your stay unforgettable. Fine Dining and Relaxing Baths Source :YouTube screenshot The open-air baths, a distinctive feature of luxury ryokan, are one of the attractions of HOSHINOYA Karuizawa. There are two facilities at Hoshinoya Karuizawa: Tombo no Yu and the Meditation Bath. There are also in-room baths as well. You can see the onsen at 2:05 in the video. You can also see the seasonally available "apple bath" in the video. The fragrant aroma of apples helps you feel at ease. After bathing in the large bathhouse, change into a yukata and enjoy a delicious Japanese meal. Now it is time to enjoy Japanese dinner. The restaurant "Japanese Cuisine Kisuke" at HOSHINOYA Karuizawa serves Japanese cuisine that uses local ingredients for both breakfast and dinner. You can see the cuisine at 1:45 in the video. Summary of HOSHINOYA Karuizawa As you can see in the video, Hoshinoya Karuizawa is a hotel where you can spend time relaxing in harmony with nature. The sound of the water in the Japanese garden, the sound of the hot spring, and the natural breeze provide the perfect background music for this video as well, giving it a sense of luxury. Enjoy visiting Shiraito Falls, Mt. Asama, Karuizawa Prince Shopping Plaza, and Old Karuizawa Ginza Shopping Street in the area. Enjoy the natural beauty of Japan, hospitality, and leisurely sightseeing at HOSHINOYA Karuizawa, as well as exquisite meals and relaxing baths. ◆Information on HOSHINOYA Karuizawa Hotel◆ 【Address】2148 Nagakura, Karuizawa-machi, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano, 389-0111 【Access】15 minutes by taxi or shuttle bus from Karuizawa Station of JR East Shinano Railway 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】+81-267-45-6000 【Official Website】HOSHINOYA Karuizawa Hotel https://hoshinoya.com/karuizawa/en/ 【Tripadvisor】HOSHINOYA KARUIZAWA https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g325581-d1167308-Reviews-HOSHINOYA_Karuizawa-Karuizawa_machi_Kitasaku_gun_Nagano_Prefecture_Koshinetsu_Chubu.html -
Video article 2:41
Beautiful Flowers at Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park. Experience the Seasonal Nature of Hokkaido!
Travel Action & Adventure Nature- 11 plays
- YouTube
Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park: Video Introduction This video, titled "A Summer Recommendation" (夏のおすすめ), was uploaded by "Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park" (国営滝野すずらん丘陵公園). Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park is located in Sapporo, Hokkaido, and is known as the only national park in Hokkaido. With seasonal flowers and forests where visitors can stroll and enjoy beautiful natural scenery, the park is a popular spot for the people of Sapporo and tourists alike. Check out the video to see flowers blooming in the short summer season, as well as highlights and things to do at Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park. Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park - Enjoy Flowers in All 4 Seasons! Photo:Tulips at Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park At Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park, visitors can enjoy various kinds of seasonal flowers from spring to autumn. Here, we'll introduce the best time to see flowers in the park. Flowers that are at their best in spring (April to May): Pansies, violas, lily of the valley, tulips Among the representative flowers of spring, tulips and lily of the valley are so popular that events are held in conjunction with their blooms. Flowers that are at their best in summer (June to August): Lavender, allium, nepeta, and sunflowers In summer, flowers bluish-colored flowers, such as lavender, Hokkaido's representative flower, can be seen in full bloom. The sunflowers that bloom all over the area under the sunlight are a spectacular sight. Flowers that are at their best in autumn (September to October): summer cypress, dahlias, and cosmos In autumn, white, pink, deep pink, and various varieties of cosmos swaying in the wind are popular among tourists. Visitors can also enjoy many varieties of dahlias in full bloom. Things to Do at Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park From Spring to Fall Photo:Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park, Ashiribetsu Falls Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park isn't just a place for viewing flowers. Here we'll introduce other ways to enjoy the Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park from spring to autumn. ●Takino Forest Zone: East Area An area where visitors can enjoy playing in a forest. Morimino Tower, which offers a panoramic view of the surrounding forest, a place to enjoy playing in water, and large playground equipment, makes this area very popular with children. ●Takino Forest Zone: West Area In spring, visitors can observe wildflowers, in summer they can enjoy spotting various wildlife and insects in the rice paddies and streams, and in autumn, based on the theme of "symbiosis between people and nature," they can enjoy the remains of houses and charcoal-making sites. ●Keiryu Zone In the Keiryu Zone, visitors can enjoy cycling while viewing four beautiful waterfalls, including Ashiribetsu Falls, selected as one of the Top 100 Waterfalls in Japan, as well as seasonal flowers. There's also a fishing pond and barbecue area where families can enjoy playing and eating together. ●Central Zone The central zone includes a large flower garden where you can feel Japan's four seasons, 'Kodomo no Tani' (Children's Valley) where kids can play on large playground equipment, and Mori no Sumika, a place to play in the forest. It's also an area where both children and adults can enjoy themselves as there is a secret spot with an viewing platform and an astronomical observatory. Enjoy the Snow at Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park's Snow World in Winter! Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park is a ski slope where visitors can enjoy playing in the snow in winter. In addition to skiing and snowboarding, snowshoeing is also popular, allowing visitors to roam freely on the fresh snow! In addition, you can enjoy a full range of winter activities such as hiking in the snow with walking skis, snow marathons, and snow tubing. Summary of Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park Photo:Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park, east entrance If you haven't checked out the video yet, be sure to give it a watch! At Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park, you can see wild birds and other wildlife, such as chipmunks, Ezo squirrels, and foxes. You can enjoy flowers throughout Japan's four seasons, and you can take beautiful photos of the autumn foliage during fall. To get to Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park, it's a 35-minute bus ride from Makomanai Subway Station, and a 5-minute walk from the nearest bus stop. Parking is available for visitors coming by car. Due to measures against the novel coronavirus, there may be restrictions on facilities, so we recommend checking for up-to-date information in advance. Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park is a great place to see, feel, and play in nature throughout the four seasons. Pets are allowed in the park, although they must be leashed. Consider visiting with the family, including the family pet, and enjoying the outdoors together! 【Official Website】Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park – Official Website https://www.takinopark.com/ 【TripAdvisor】Takino Suzuran Hillside National Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298560-d1384143-Reviews-Kokuei_Takino_Suzuran_Hillside_National_Park-Sapporo_Hokkaido.html -
Video article 19:15
The Grandeur of Nature on Tokunoshima in the Amami Islands! Kagoshima Prefecture's World-Class Tourist Attractions Are a Tropical Paradise That Should Be on Your List of Places to See!
Local PR- 58 plays
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鹿児島県奄美市エリアの絶景をご紹介! こちらの「徳之島観光「島たび」(ロングバージョン)」は、鹿児島県の南に位置する奄美群島の一つである徳之島の絶景が堪能出来る動画となっています。 雄大な自然の景色が特徴の徳之島。 日本の自然を思う存分に堪能できる絶景観光スポットとなっています。 また、日本の歴史や文化を知ることが出来る建造物も数多くあり、島唄、美味しいご当地グルメ等、見どころが目白押しです。 今回はそんな日本の鹿児島県奄美群島の一つである徳之島について、詳しく紹介をしていきます。 徳之島には珍しい動植物が沢山! 奄美群島の中でも二番目に大きいとされる徳之島は、『東洋のガラパゴス』と言われるほどに数多くの貴重な動植物を有しています。 森の中には、徳之島固有種でもあるアマミノクロウサギが、海には最大の野生動物とされるザトウクジラや日本一と言えるくらい多くのウミガメが生息していたりと、本州では中々お目にかかれないような動物が多く生息しており、中には絶滅危惧種の生物もいます。 鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島の観光名所! 奄美群島・徳之島周辺の観光スポットは、いずれも自然が織りなす美しい絶景が魅力。 インスタ映えする景色には事欠きません。 現在の天皇陛下が皇太子時代に訪れたことが由来で、動画2:48に紹介されている畦プリンスビーチ、動画4:25で紹介されている樹齢300年以上のソテツで構成された金見崎ソテツトンネル、動画5:03で紹介されている釣りやダイビングの地として有名なトンバラ岩、徳之島の魅力溢れる断崖絶壁の地である犬の門蓋など、多くの観光スポットが存在します。 特に動画6:23で紹介をされているメガネ岩や動画14:13で紹介されている樹齢300年にもなるガジュマルは、その特徴的な見た目からインスタ映えスポットとして注目を集めています。 見るだけでは終わらない鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島の魅力! 日本でも屈指の観光名所である鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島ですが、勿論見るだけでは終わりません。 まずは動画10:55で紹介されている島レストラン「ヤドゥリ」で徳之島のご当地グルメに舌鼓を打つのも悪く無いでしょう。 その後は、夜行貝のペンダントを実際に作ることが出来る「夜行貝ブルーシェル」で伝統工芸を、三味線教室で伝統文化を体験するのもおすすめです。 これらの他にも、時期によってはトライアスロンやサーフィン等のマリンスポーツ、キャンプも楽しむことが出来るので、鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島を余すところなく堪能しましょう。 鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島の魅力紹介まとめ 貴重な動植物を多く残す、鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島について紹介をさせて頂きました。 綺麗な自然ならではの景色と生物、そして全国でも希少な闘牛など、動画でたっぷりと堪能出来るので、ぜひご覧下さい。 見るだけでなく体験もして楽しむことが出来る鹿児島県奄美群島・徳之島。 ぜひ動画とこの記事を参考に、観光を検討してみてはいかがでしょうか?