Video article 5:39
The USA of Kyushu! Usa City, Oita Prefecture, Is Full of Fascinating Places to Visit! Enjoy Food, Nature, History and More!
Local PR Travel- 22 plays
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大分県宇佐市の魅力紹介動画の見どころ この記事では「宇佐市インターネット作成局」が公開した動画「宇佐市2016観光プロモーション動画」を紹介します。 今回紹介するのは大分県宇佐市。九州の中でも、昔ながらの日本の街並みが残り、ゆったり日本を観光できると人気です。 九州の空の玄関口である福岡空港からも近く、訪日観光客にも観光ルートとして、訪れやすいエリアです。 では、大分県宇佐市の素晴らしさを動画と共にご覧ください! 大分県宇佐市でゆったり日本の自然を満喫! 動画の冒頭でダイナミックに「USA」と書道で書く彼女たち。 大分県宇佐市には日本の自然を満喫できる観光スポットがたくさんあります。 日豊本線宇佐駅周辺の観光スポットから一緒に見ていきましょう。 まず、最初に訪れた観光スポットは千財農園フジ園とバラ園。 ここはインスタ映えスポットです。 宇佐神宮は大分県でも有名な神宮。 参道を歩くだけで日本らしさを感じることができるでしょう。 日本のグルメを大分県宇佐でいただく! 大分県宇佐市に訪れたら、ご当地グルメを味わいたいですね。 まず訪れたのは長洲港。 ここでは浜の市が楽しめます。 宇佐から揚げを楽しみ、海を見ながら浜焼きをするのも良いでしょう。 また、すっぽん料理やどぜう料理も宇佐市を代表する名物。 ブドウ狩りやワイン・麦焼酎も宇佐市の観光には欠かせないものです。 大分県宇佐市の大自然を感じるパワースポットへ! 海の次は山へ訪れてみませんか。 「宇佐のマチュピチュ」と言われる西椎屋の景(にししいやのけい)は絶景です。 院内石橋(いんないいしばし)は景勝地としても有名。 東椎屋の滝(ひがししいやのたき)や岳切渓谷(たっきりけいこく)ではマイナスイオンいっぱい。 安心院盆地(あじむぼんち)は雄大な山々に田んぼと日本らしい風景です。 大分県宇佐市の日本家屋にはカラフルな鏝絵(こてえ)があり、散策も楽しめます。 お子様と一緒の観光では九州自然公園アフリカンサファリへ行ってみるのもいいでしょう。 はちまんの郷、双葉の里もおすすめ。 宿泊はホテルではなく農村民宿で日本文化を体験することもできます。 宇佐市には日本を代表する祭りがいっぱい 日本へ観光に来たら祭りにも参加したいと思いませんか。 大分県宇佐市は祭り・イベントが豊富です。 市民にも人気なのが七夕夏祭り。 漁港ではみなと祭りも行われ、花火大会も。 夏越祭りでは日本の伝統的な祭りを体感できます。 大分県宇佐市の魅力紹介まとめ 今回は動画で大分県宇佐市の素晴らしい観光名所を紹介しました。 こちらの記事で紹介しきれなかった素晴らしい情報や、大分県宇佐市の魅力はまだまだたくさん動画で紹介されています。 訪日外国人にもおすすめの大分県宇佐市へ遊びに来てみませんか? -
Video article 14:40
Introducing the Charms of Shinjuku, Tokyo, the Largest City in Japan. Check Out Tourist Attractions of Shinjuku, the Nightless City Where History, Culture, Past, Present and Future All Intersect!
Local PR Travel- 49 plays
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日本一の大都会「新宿」紹介動画について こちらの動画は「一般社団法人新宿観光振興協会 Shinjuku Convention & Visitors Bureau」が公開した「SHINJUKU 9Stories【English】」です。 新宿には数多くの観光スポットがあります。 映画、ランチやディナーなどのグルメ、ショッピング、文化や歴史の散策など新宿にきて揃わないものはないと言われるほどディープな大都市「新宿」の魅力をたっぷりとご紹介します。 日本一の大都会「新宿」の人気スポット まず、新宿といえば高層ビル群。 西新軸エリアには未来的なデザインがオシャレな東京モード学園を始めとした数多くの高層ビルが見られます。 そして西新宿一帯は東京でも一二を争うシティホテルの激戦地! 世界的にも有名なホテルが数多く軒を連ねています。 「新宿」の日本一とは? また、新宿には数多くの日本一が存在します。動画でも頻繁に新宿の日本一が登場していましたが皆さん気づきました? 一つ目は日本一乗降客数が多いと言われるJR新宿駅。 毎日300万人以上の人が新宿を利用しています。 二つ目の日本一は不夜城歌舞伎町。 新宿ゴールデン街やゴジラヘッドのある映画館など、毎日朝まで多くの観光客で賑わうスポットです。 しかし、歌舞伎町には喧騒ばかりではありません。 実は花園神社を始めとした多くの神社仏閣があることでも有名です。 毎年11月になると花園神社では人気のお祭り、酉の市が開催されます。 三つ目の日本一はアジア最大とも言われているゲイタウン新宿二丁目です。 お値段はとてもリーズナブル! 女性が安心して遊べる上にディープな魅力に溢れた街。 そしてグルメも充実している新宿イチオシの観光スポットです。 四つ目の日本一が新宿伊勢丹! ここは何が日本一かというとデパートの年間売上が毎年日本一なのです。 まさにショッピングの殿堂ですね。 新宿には他にも高島屋や小田急をはじめとした高級百貨店やブティックがひしめき合っています。 代々木方面にはスポーツの聖地、東京体育館や神宮球場、秩父宮ラグビー場を有する明治神宮外苑、新宿二丁目と三丁目、広大な新宿御苑と緑もたっぷり!大都会の真ん中で森林浴が楽しめるのです。 日本一の大都会「新宿」紹介まとめ 新宿で歴史や文化を感じたい人は新宿三丁目周辺がおすすめスポットです。 落語小屋や能楽堂、美術館、新宿ピカデリーなどの映画館などが楽しめます。 新宿では古くから伝わる伝統のお祭りも開催され、日本の古き良き時代も感じることのできる街です。 歴史と現代が交錯する大都会新宿の魅力を動画でご堪能ください。 -
Video article 4:16
The Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival! Enjoy a Colorful Illumination of Autumn Leaves, and Photogenic Spots! Autumn Sightseeing in Yamanashi
Festivals & Events Nature Travel- 18 plays
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Autumn Leaves & Sightseeing in Fujikawaguchiko: Video Introduction This video, titled "Must-see Views at Lake Kawaguchi|A Corridor of Autumn Leaves" (Must See in Kawaguchiko,Japan "Autumn Leaves Corridor" 河口湖 紅葉(もみじ)回廊), was uploaded by "ka2see tv." The Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival is held in conjunction with the autumn leaves of Lake Kawaguchi, which are at their best from early to mid-November. Visitors are fascinated by the corridor surrounded by beautiful autumn leaves. Check out the relaxing illuminations and the pleasant rustling of leaves in the video below. Celebrate Autumn With the Colorful Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival Photo:The corridor of autumn leaves at the Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival The Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival is scheduled to be held at Lake Kawaguchi in Yamanashi Prefecture from October 29 (Sat.) to November 23 (Wed.), 2022. This is a popular sightseeing event where visitors can observe the autumn foliage of approximately 400 to 500 trees along the shores of Lake Kawaguchi, with Mt. Fuji in the distance. [Video] 2:57 - The Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival This year, in addition to usual events, a new 200-meter-long area called "Oku no Hosomichi" will be introduced. Consider stopping by Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival to see it! Admission to the Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival is completely free. The event is held from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. each day, and the corridor of autumn leaves is illuminated until 10:00 p.m. The fantastic autumn leaves lit up in the night sky can be seen in the video here. [Video] 0:16 - A View of the Illuminated Autumn Foliage A Spectacular View of Mt. Fuji and Autumn Leaves Around Lake Kawaguchi! Photo:Mt. Fuji from a tunnel of autumn leaves at Lake Kawaguchi There are a number of places around Lake Kawaguchi where visitors can enjoy the autumn leaves. Here are some of the best places to take pictures around Lake Kawaguchi. ●The Tunnel of Autumn Leaves This is a famous spot where the autumn leaves along the road turn red and resemble a colorful tunnel. The composition of the autumn leaves, Mt. Fuji, and Lake Kawaguchi is very popular, and many photographers and tourists visit this spot to take photos. The view of the bright red autumn leaves over Mt. Fuji is like a painting, reminding us of the autumn season in Japan. The spot has been featured on tourism posters, and it's sure to be a popular on Instagram as well. ●Momiji-dai Momiji-dai, an observation deck for viewing the autumn leaves, is located on Mt. Ashiwada at the eastern end of the Aokigahara Sea of Trees on the north side of Mt. Fuji. The observation deck offers a breathtaking 360-degree view. You can see Mt. Fuji and the Aokigahara Sea of Trees through the autumn leaves, as well and the views of Lake Motosu and Lake Nishiko are also outstanding. ●Lake Motosu Lake Motosu, one of the Fuji Five Lakes, is a popular photo spot that even appears on the 1,000-yen bill. Lake Motosu is famous for its upside-down Fuji reflected on the surface of the lake, and in autumn, the reddish autumn leaves can be seen reflected on the surface of the lake as well. Enjoy a collaboration of colorful autumn leaves and Mt. Fuji in one place. Summary of Autumn Leaves at Lake Kawaguchi Photo:The Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival Come and enjoy Japan's unique autumn scenery at the Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival. The illuminated autumn leaves of Fujikawaguchiko are a very different sight from those seen during the daytime. There are many places around Lake Kawaguchi where you can take photos of the autumn leaves as well, so be sure to bring a camera when sightseeing in Yamanashi! During the Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival, many people are expected to visit and crowds and traffic jams are likely to occur. Free temporary parking is available, but spaces are limited. Visitors can also use the Kawaguchiko Sightseeing Bus (Red-Line) or other transportation to get to the event site. Traffic near Kawaguchiko Bridge can be checked via live camera, so we recommend using it when you visit the area. 【Official Website】The 24th Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival https://fujisan.ne.jp/pages/433/ 【TripAdvisor】The Fujikawaguchiko Autumn Leaves Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1165976-d10019717-Reviews-Fuji_Lake_Kawaguchi_Koyo_Festival-Fujikawaguchiko_machi_Minamitsuru_gun_Yamanas.html -
Text only
Tourism Expo Japan 2022 was held at Tokyo Big Sight. One of the world's largest travel events, bringing together tourist destinations from around the world in anticipation of the full-fledged lifting of the ban on inbound tourism!
News Festivals & Events Travel- 121 views
Tourism Expo Japan 2022 is on! It's been two years since Cool Japan Video released its first video, and this will be our first coverage of the event! We will continue to publish articles about Cool Japan Video staff members who have actually visited Japan and provided first-hand accounts of their experiences. The first article in this series covers Tourism Expo Japan, which was held at Tokyo Big Sight for four days from September 22, 2022 (two days open to the public, from September 24 to 25)! The last time the event was held in Tokyo in 2018, a total of 200,000 people visited the big event over four days. This Tourism Expo Japan is one of the world's largest travel festivals and was held in Tokyo for the first time in four years. The exhibition is designed to bring various municipalities and companies a new form of travel that has been greatly changed by the Corona Transit. There were also many new styles of travel, such as VR experiences that make it seem as if you have actually visited the destination. With the convergence of the coronas in sight, the first and second days of the Japan Travel event were a great success. With the convergence of the coronas in sight, the first and second days of the Japan Travel event were a great success. Tourism Expo Japan 2022 - Photos from the First Day of the Expo Here are some photos from the first day, Thursday, September 22, 2022. The interview will be featured again later in this article, so stay tuned! Information has also been added for Friday, September 23, 2022. Photo:Japan Sake Brewery Tourism Promotion Council Photo:Maritime Tourism Promotion Photo:Ibaraki/Tochigi/Gunma/Kusatsu Onsen Photo:National Parks in Japan/Haku Japan: National Parks Project Photo:Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry Photo:Tohoku Tourism Promotion Organization / East Japan Railway Company Photo:Kyoto of the sea/ Kyoto of tea/ Kyoto of the forest/ Another Kyoto/ Nishiyama, Kyoto "Bamboo Village, Otokuni Photo:Fukui Prefectural Tourism Federation Photo:VISIT JAPAN Travel & MICE Mart Lastly, ... To our surprise, former Prime Minister Suga also visited on that day! Tourism Expo Japan 2022, Day 2 The second day of Tourism Expo Japan was another great success. It will open to the public on the third day, Saturday, September 24, 2022, so here's a rundown of all the highlights for everyone to enjoy! First, booths of prefectures and local governments from all over Japan. Various booths will be lined up from Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south. It introduces recommended sights, top sights and gourmet foods, so it will help you decide what to plan for when you actually visit on your trip! At the Okinawa Prefecture booth, visitors were given information on sightseeing spots along with information from various remote islands. You can also learn about the history of Okinawa. The Kyushu booth features seven prefectures: Fukuoka/Saga/Nagasaki/Kumamoto/Oita/Miyazaki/Kagoshima! This day, September 23, 2022, marked the anniversary of the opening of the West Kyushu Shinkansen line. Of the 143-kilometer Shinkansen project between Hakata and Nagasaki Stations, 66 kilometers between Takeo Onsen and Nagasaki Stations has been opened. At the Shikoku booth, Kochi, Ehime, Kagawa, and Tokushima prefectures You will find a wide variety of natural activities and attractions. Hida Takayama, Matsumoto City, Kanazawa City, etc. in Hokuriku, Hida, and Shinshu 3 star road trip! You can also sample Shirakawa-go Cider, a local drink. Check out the booths where you can sample sake and other local beverages. Many of them have limited hours, so you need to check in advance. At the Ishikawa booth, visitors can compare three types of Ishikawa sake. I would have wanted to drink too if I wasn't working... The Hokuriku-Hida-Shinshu 3-star road trip includes a tasting of Shirakawa-go cider, a local drink. There are also several booths where you can try your luck at the gacha-gacha and raffle drawings. At the booth of the Eastern Kochi Tourism Council, visitors can win a stuffed yellowtail, a specialty of Kochi Prefecture, in the "Buri Lottery. You can't go wrong, so why not give it a try? The Japanese Heritage booth had a giant rumble machine that will be open to the public on September 24 and 25. Please visit and see what you can win. Experience booths and event booths that are a little bit different and can only be enjoyed here. You can actually enjoy the footbath! Why don't you try to heal your tired body in a hot spring? The history of life in Hokkaido is recreated. Actual seats from the Anpanman train running in Shikoku are on display. You can even sit down and have your picture taken! Take a great photo and feel like an astronaut! Yukimura Sanada's armor and ninja welcome you. This booth is a must-see for foreigners. There is also the World Scallop Fishing Championships: how many scallops can you catch in two minutes! If you can get the gold bars out of the box, you get a prize! I'd love to travel all over Japan in one of these campers! On the Overseas floor, you can also see booths from around the world. You will feel like you are on a round-the-world trip if you visit each booth. South Africa's colorful booth stood out in the large venue. In Malta, the holy land of cat lovers, of course, cats will welcome you! The Egyptian booth was so authentic, with its objects and costumes, I felt like I was actually visiting Egypt! There's so much more to see and do! Why not visit Tokyo Big Sight this weekend and find your favorite booth? On September 22, 2022, Prime Minister Kishida announced a policy of eliminating the cap on the number of people entering the country, allowing free personal travel, and waiving visa requirements for short-term stays, effective October 11, 2022, over waterfront measures for the new corona. We believe that the recovery of the tourism industry is another step closer to the after Corona. Tourism Expo Japan 2022 Details Date: September 22-25, 2022 (open to the public on September 24-25) Venue: Tokyo Big Sight Address: 3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0063, Japan Admission: 1300 yen at the door, 1000 yen in advance By train: Approx. 3 minutes walk from Tokyo Big Sight Station on the Rinkai Line, approx. 7 minutes walk from Kokusai Tenjijo Station / Approx. 3 minutes walk from Tokyo Big Sight Station on the Yurikamome Line Official website:https://www.t-expo.jp/public -
Video article 5:02
Seibuen Amusement Park - Experience a Massive Water Fight at This Retro Amusement Park in Saitama, Japan!
Action & Adventure Festivals & Events Travel- 6 plays
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Water Fights at Seibuen Amusement Park: Video Introduction This video, titled "Seibuen Amusement Park – Omizu Gassen" (【西武園ゆうえんち】大水合戦), was uploaded by "Seibuen Amusement Park" (西武園ゆうえんち). It's a PR video that introduces Omizu Gassen, an event at Seibuen Amusement Park. You can see performers on stage and swimmers enjoying a large-scale water fight together. Seibuen Amusement Park – A Look at the Popular Amusement Park in Saitama View this post on Instagram Post shared by Seibuen Amusement Park Official (@seibuenyuuenchi) Seibuen Amusement Park, located in Tokorozawa, Saitama, in Japan's Kanto region, reopened in May 2021 after renovations. The park, with its retro atmosphere, has become popular among Instagrammers in Japan. In addition to "Godzilla the Ride," there are many other attractions, such as interactive riddles, that will keep you occupied for the whole day! It's a place where men and women of all ages can enjoy themselves to the fullest. The "Grand Summer Festival" will be held from July 15 to September 4. The pool, open only during the summer, is crowded with many people, including families. One of the most popular attractions in the pool area is "Omizu Gassen," a large-scale water fight during the Grand Summer Festival! Children and adults alike can enjoy getting soaking wet during this exciting event. Omizu Gassen 2022 – An Interactive Event in the Pool Area View this post on Instagram Post shared by Seibuen Amusement Park Official (@seibuenyuuenchi) The summer-only pool area has a lazy river pool, speed slides, and a boat-themed pool, and visitors can even enjoy night swimming. One of the most notable events at Seibuen Amusement Park in summer is Omizu Gassen, a large-scale water fight. During the event, you can see performers on stage while also enjoying a water fight with other swimmers in the pool! Swimmers fight using large water guns while splashing around in the pool. Both adults and children will surely enjoy this summer event. [Video] 2:42 - Water Fight Summer Fun at Seibuen Amusement Park! Flames, Dancing, and Fireworks! View this post on Instagram Post shared by Seibuen Amusement Park Official (@seibuenyuuenchi) Seibuen Amusement Park holds the Grand Summer Festival every year, and Omizu Gassen is just one of the events during the festival. Below, we'll introduce three ways to enjoy Grand Summer Festival 2022, taking place from July 15 to September 4, 2022! The first is the Powerful Flame Performance. Performers put on a show on the stage as bursts of fire rise into the air behind them. The second is the Dance Performance. Dancers in cool costumes will be dancing, and viewers can also join in the dancing! It's an interactive event that brings the dancers and participants together. The third is the Powerful Fireworks Display. Fireworks are launched on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and August 15 (excluding August 11, 13, and 14) from July 16 to September 4. Visitors can experience the sound, light, and heat of the fireworks up close. In addition, Sunset Hill Shopping Street is filled with colorful lanterns during the event, creating a different scene from during the daytime. You can feel the nostalgia of a retro Japanese summer. There are tons of opportunities to take memorable photos as well! Summary of Summer at Seibuen Amusement Park Seibuen Amusement Park can be enjoyed by people of all ages. If you're looking for something to do in Japan this summer, the Grand Summer Festival at Seibuen Amusement Park is definitely something to check out. It features tons of exciting events at a hands-on amusement park full of entertainment for children and adults alike. The massive water fight in the pool and entertaining dance performances are quite the spectacle as well. In addition, Sunset Hill Shopping Street, fireworks, and flame performances, provide lots of opportunities to take some excellent photos. Seibuen Amusement Park is a popular spot that is highly rated online, so it's expected to be crowded with many families with children, students, and couples during Japan's summer vacation period. Tickets can be purchased online in advance. Purchasing tickets will allow you to enter the park smoothly on the day of your visit. There are also packaged tickets with discounts, so be sure to check them out if you're looking to save some money while still enjoying the event. As the video shows, Omizu Gassen is one of the most exciting events during the summer festival. If you're planning on visiting the park this summer, don't forget to participate! ◆Seibu Amusement Park◆ 【Address】2964 Yamaguchi, Tokorozawa, Saitama 【Telephone】04-2929-5354 【Access】 Train: Nearest station: Seibuen Yuenchi Station (If using the swimming pool: Tamako Station or Seibuen Station) Car: Via expressway ・Approximately 12 km from the Tokorozawa I.C. on the Kan-etsu Expressway (about 30 minutes) ・Approximately 10 km from the Iruma I.C. on the Ken-O Expressway (approximately 20 minutes) 【Parking】Available (Paid) 【Hours】Park: 10:00 - 17:00 or 19:00, Pool: 9:00 - 17:00 ※Opening days and hours vary by date. 【TripAdvisor】Seibu Amusement Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1021369-d1425152-Reviews-Seibuen_Amusement_Park-Tokorozawa_Saitama_Prefecture_Kanto.html -
Video article 3:49
Awa Odori - A Traditional Japanese Dance With 400 Years of History! Check Out the Popular Summer Festival With Powerful Male Dancers and Elegant Female Dancers!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel Action & Adventure- 16 plays
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A Tourist Enjoys Her Time in Japan Wearing a Yukata [Awa Odori]: Video Introduction This video, titled "Japan's Culture : Russian Lady Dreamed About "Awa Odori in Yukata(Summer Kimono) First Festival.," was uploaded by "youmemeyou tokushima." It introduces Awa Odori, a traditional Japanese festival. The video features a Russian woman who learned about Japan through watching anime and fulfilled her dream of wearing a yukata at a Japanese festival. Various food stalls lined up along the river, rows of lanterns, and the exciting Awa Odori dance are just a few of the many photogenic shots throughout the video. Awa Odori is one of the most popular festivals in Japan, and can be enjoyed by men and women of all ages, and even by foreign travelers. Be sure to follow along as you watch the video! Awa Odori - 400 Years of This Traditional Japanese Dance Photo:Awa Odori There are various theories as to the origin of Awa Odori, including Nenbutsu Odori from Japan's Kamakura period, Furyu Odori from the late Warring States period, and celebratory events held at the time of the construction of Tokushima Castle. In any case, Awa Odori has taken root among the citizens and has been passed down through the generations, even overcoming frequent bans. Awa Odori is known as one of Japan's traditional performing arts. One of the three major Bon Odori dances in Japan, Awa Odori attracts approximately 1.3 million people, and there is said to be about 100,000 dancers in groups called ren (連). The dance style is characterized by a male and female version, and various types of Awa Odori can be seen from daytime to nighttime at theaters and other viewing spots. In addition, Awa Odori Kaikan (a museum in Tokushima where visitors can learn about Awa Odori) has been making efforts to accommodate foreign tourists in recent years by providing English- and Chinese-speaking staff at the reception desk. During the Awa Odori Festival, the central area of Tokushima City is filled with lively dancing and excitement, and the many food stalls and lanterns add to the festive atmosphere. [Video] 2:34 - Food Stalls and Lanterns at Awa Odori Gorgeous Costumes and Unique Dancing - Enjoying Awa Odori Photo:Image of Awa Odori Awa Odori can be enjoyed by men and women of all ages and is accompanied by enthusiastic cheering from the crowd. It also features unique costumes and dancing styles for both men and women. The men wear happi coats or yukata in a unique style, and their dynamic performance, called "Otoko Odori," is very lively and exciting to watch. [Video] 0:30 - Otoko Odori "Onna Odori," the women's version, is characterized by elegant and graceful hand gestures and footwork repeated at a mesmerizing tempo. In the video, you can see a woman wearing a happi coat and performing "Otoko Odori." [Video] 0:17 - Women Performing "Otoko Odori" While Wearing Happi Also popular is the "Chibikko Odori," a children's version of the dances. One of the highlights of the performance is the musical accompaniment, which combines instruments, such as shamisen, drums, and flutes, to enliven the dance, and the unique musical style of each dance troupe. The light, two-beat tempo creates a stage where both the dancers and the audience can enjoy a sense of unity. [Video] 0:54 - Audience Members Participating in the Dance Koenji Awa Odori - Enjoy the Awesome Dances Performances in Tokyo Koenji Awa Odor in Tokyo is second in scale only to the Tokushima City Awa Odori and is known as a summer tradition in the area. The event is held every year in late August, and its history dates back to 1957, when it was started as a town revitalization event. The event in the shopping district led to the expansion of the event to surrounding towns and neighborhood associations, and today it is known as "Tokyo's Awa Odori" with 10,000 dancers, attracting many visitors. In addition to dancers from the Tokyo metropolitan area, dancers from Tokushima, the home of Awa Odori, also participate in the festival, adding to the excitement. Summary of Awa Odori, a Dance For Anyone to Enjoy Awa Odori is a popular summer event in Japan that tourists and foreign travelers can enjoy together. In the video, a woman in a yukata from Russia conveys the beauty of Japanese culture through Awa Odori. If you're planning on visiting Japan this summer, we highly recommend checking out Awa Odori, it's a dance that you can both watch and participate in, and will create a lifelong memory of your visit to Japan! ◆Awa Odori 2022◆ Theme: Awa Odori 2022 – A NEW STORY Event Period: Aug. 12 (Fri.) - Aug. 15 (Mon.) ※Aug. 11 (Thurs) Pre-event festival -
Video article 1:36
The Pikachu Jet BC2 – Until When Can You Ride It? Watch the Second Pikachu Jet's Takeoff and Landing at Haneda Airport + A Look Inside the Cabin and More!
News Vehicles Travel- 8 plays
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Pikachu Jet Video Introduction This video, titled "[SKYMARK]☆Pikachu Jet BC2 Inaugural Video" (【SKYMARK】☆ピカチュウジェットBC2 就航記念動画☆), was uploaded by "- SKYMARK CHANNEL -" (スカイマーク チャンネル - SKYMARK CHANNEL -). This video introduces the BC2, the second aircraft of the "Pokémon Air Adventures" project, from its arrival at Haneda Airport to its first flight. The cute design of the Pikachu Jet with the image of the sea and Pikachus scattered throughout the cabin will help hype up your trip. Check out the video to see the Pikachu Jet's takeoff and landing, as well as a look inside the aircraft. About the Pikachu Jet BC2 and an Overview of the Cabin Source :YouTube screenshot The first Pikachu Jet (BC1) began service in June 2021 as part of the "Pokémon Air Adventures" Project. This video introduces the second Pikachu Jet, the BC2, which entered service on May 30, 2022. It's a great video where you can see the No. 1 and No. 2 Pikachu Jets together. [Video] 0:36 - BC1 and BC2 Pikachu Jets Pikachu, the famous Pokémon character, has been featured in video games and anime to express the joy of adventure. The "Pokémon Air Adventures" project was created with the aim of promoting the aviation and tourism industries with such Pokémon. The Pikachu Jet flies primarily to and from Okinawa and to airports served by Skymark flights. The design of the Pikachu Jet BC2 is inspired by the Okinawan sea. The design is fun and cute, with a large Wailord, Pikachu, Shaymin, Magikarp, and other Pokémon all over the aircraft! It's really photogenic and great for taking Instagram photos! Commemorative medals, mini pouches, and model planes are available for purchase on board the Pikachu Jet as well. There is also a special offer where children will receive a keychain plush of the specially painted plane (while supplies last). Keep an eye out for Pokémon on boarding passes, flight attendants' aprons, in-flight decorations (headrest covers, seat guides, etc.), equipment, in-flight services, and more. Pikachu can even be seen making an appearance in the Skymark uniform! [Video] 0:42 - Pikachu and the Pikachu Jet Operation Schedules and How to Ride the Pikachu Jet The Pikachu Jet operation schedule is currently being on the official Pikachu Jet website with plans through September 30, 2022. If you book your ticket according to the routes and times announced in this operation schedule, you will have a higher chance of riding on the Pikachu Jet. (Please note that the aircrafts are subject to change without notice.) Pikachu Jet BC2 – Flying Routes To/From Okinawa Photo:The Pikachu Jet BC2 The main routes served by the Pikachu Jet BC2 are as follows: Haneda - Naha Haneda - Sapporo (Shin-Chitose) Haneda - Kobe Sapporo (Shin-Chitose) - Haneda Kobe - Haneda Kobe - Nagasaki Nagasaki - Kobe At Naha Airport, the Skymark domestic flight counters and check-in machines are decorated with Pikachus! If you're a Pokémon fan, be sure to snap some photos. A special "Pokémon Air Adventures Pikachu Jet" store is also located inside the JAL side of the RYUBO Department Store on the 2nd floor of the Naha Airport Domestic Terminal. You can buy Okinawan souvenirs with a special Pikachu design here. In addition, airport vehicles will be wrapped in Pikachu-designs to add to the excitement. All the Pikachus! Yui Rail and Bus Tours! Pikachu and friends are also on the Okinawa Urban Monorail (nicknamed "Yui Rail") connecting Naha Airport and Urasoe! The operation schedule for this service will be posted on the Yui Rail website every Friday. Be sure to check it out in advance. If you're a Pikachu lover, you can also join the "Pokémon Air Adventures: Okinawa de Asobo" tour. You can enjoy Pikachu to your heart's content by receiving Pokémon goods and touring tourist facilities on a Pokémon-themed bus. Summary of the Pikachu Jet This article introduced the specially painted Pikachu Jet. A one-day flight from Ibaraki Airport was also available, but this flight is already sold out. If you'd like to board the Pikachu Jet, we recommend checking the flight schedule and making a reservation. If you broaden your criteria to include the first plane as well, you'll have an even better chance of getting on the plane. We hope you get the chance to board a Pikachu plane and have an exciting trip! The Pikachu Jet and other specially painted planes are very popular with airplane/airport photographers, and some people have even posted pictures of the first and second planes together on Instagram. There's even going to be a special collab with Pokémon GO as well, so be sure to keep an eye out for some special Pikachus! [Official Website] Skymark - Summer Memories with the Pikachu Jet https://www.skymark.co.jp/en/campaign/flying-pikachu/?cp=topmv1flying-pikachu-en -
Video article 1:01
Gozan no Okuribi – A Traditional Event to Send off the Spirits of the Deceased During the Obon Festival of Kyoto, Japan
News Festivals & Events Travel- 47 plays
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Gozan no Okuribi – A Summer Tradition in Kyoto: Video Introduction This video, titled "Gozan no Okuribi 4K" (五山送り火 4K Gozan no Okuribi), was uploaded by "MOVIE JAPAN." The video begins with scenes of spectators at Gozan no Okuribi, part of the obon festival in Kyoto, on the banks of the Kamo River, and shows the different bonfires floating up into the summer night sky. What is Gozan no Okuribi? The History of the Festival and More Photo:Gozan no Okuribi (Daimonji), Kyoto Gozan no Okuribi (Daimonji) is one of the four major festivals in Kyoto, along with Aoi Matsuri, Gion Matsuri, and Jidai Matsuri. The five mountains of Gozan no Okuribi, called 'Daimonji Yaki,' are all registered as Intangible Folk Cultural Properties of Kyoto City. In Kyoto, the souls of one's ancestors are called "Oshorai-san." Gozan no Okuribi is an event held every year on the night of August 16 to send the spirits back to the realm of the dead after they have returned during the Obon Festival. During Gozan no Okuribi, visitors can offer a homa stick, a prayer stick used in a ritual burning to ask for blessings. It is said that if you write your name and the name of your illness on the homa stick and offer it, your illness will be cured. The homa sticks will then be carried by the preservation group to the fire beds at the top of the mountains, where they will be burned in bonfires. For a donation of 300 yen per homa stick, anyone can make an offering, not just local residents. ※Homa sticks are only accepted at specific locations at specific times. Please confirm the acceptance periods, etc., via the FAQ on the official website as they differ for each location. As for how long the Gozan no Okuribi has been held, there are actually few historical documents of the event, and almost no records remain. The oldest documented historical account is from Ozuki Tadatoshi (Tadatoshi Sukuneki), which records that in 1649 Ozuki Tadatoshi saw the Nishiyama Daimonji, Fune (boat), Higashiyama Daimonji, and Minami (South) bonfires. The locations for Gozan no Okuribi are as follows. Bonfires will be lit at different times. Nyoigatake (Mt. Daimonji) on Mt. Higashiyama 【Daimonji】8:00 PM... Nyoigatake (Mt. Daimonji) on Mt. Higashiyama 【Myoho】8:05 PM... 'Myo' (妙) West Mountain of Matsugasaki; 'Ho' (法) East Mountain of Matsugasaki 【Funagata】8:10 PM... Funeyama in Nishigamo 【Hidari Daimonji】8:15 PM... Okitayama (Mt. Daimonji) 【Toriigata】8:20 PM... Mt. Mandara in Saga-Toriimoto In the past, many other characters were lit as send-off fires. Where to See Gozan no Okuribi Photo:Kamigamo Misono Bridge, Kyoto Here are some viewing locations where each of the five bonfires can be seen clearly. Daimonji: Around Misono Bridge, Marutamachi Bridge, Mt. Funaoka, Matsugasaki Station, Takano Bridge Myoho: The area around Notre Dame Jogakuin/Mt. Funaoka/Matsugasaki Station/Shogunzuka Toriigata: Seiryouji Temple North (清涼寺北)/Hirosawa Pond (Matsuo Bridge) Hidari Daimonji: Mt. Funaoka/From Kinkakuji Temple to Saiin on Nishi Oji Street/Shogunzuka Funagata: Around Misono Bridge/Mt. Funaoka/Kitayama-dori/Northwest from Kitayama Bridge/Around Matsugasaki Station/Shogunzuka Gozan-no-Okuribi can be viewed from restaurants, such as those on the Kamogawa Nouryou-Yuka (summertime decks with restaurants). Advance reservations are recommended for those who wish to view the bonfires while enjoying a meal in a relaxed atmosphere. Viewing the event and the bonfires in this way is sure to be an exceptional experience. If you're looking for some Instagram shots, you can also view the bonfire from higher places. From the observation deck of Kyoto Tower in front of Kyoto Station, you can enjoy Gozan no Okuribi along with a night view of Kyoto. A viewing event will be held for the first time at Kyoto Tower in 3 years. Tickets for this event will be sold in advance, so be sure to look up the information if you wish to attend. Other Obon Events in Kyoto: Arashiyama Toro Nagashi & Hirosawa Pond Toro Nagashi Photo:Hirosawa Pond Toro Nagashi Lantern Float, Kyoto On August 16, the same day as Gozan no Okuribi, a lantern floating ceremony is held to send the spirits of ancestors to the realm of the dead in lanterns. Below are the lantern floats held at Arashiyama and Hirosawa Pond. The toriigata bonfire can be seen from both locations. Arashiyama Toro Nagashi (Lantern Float) Date & Time: August 16, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Location: Arashiyama Park Nakanoshima Area (Kyoto Prefectural Arashiyama Park) Access: Kyoto city bus 28 "Arashiyama Koen" Henjoji Temple Toro Nagashi (Hirosawa Pond) Date & Time: August 16, around 7:00 PM Location: Henjoji Temple Access: Kyoto City Bus 26 "Yamagoe" Summary of Gozan no Okuribi in Kyoto, Japan In the video, you can see tourists gazing up at the bonfires of Gozan no Okuribi. [Video] 0:45 - People Admiring the Bonfires of Gozan No Okuribi This short video contains the charms of Gozan no Okuribi, an Intangible Folk Cultural Property of Kyoto. Unfortunately, the 2020 and 2021 festivities were greatly reduced due to the novel coronavirus, and although the bonfires were lit, the floating letters could not be viewed. 2022 is scheduled to be the first time in three years that the entire festival will be able to be viewed. Bus tours that include meals, lantern floating, and viewing of Gozan no Okuribi are also available. Consider joining one one if you're traveling to Kyoto in the summer! The bonfires of Gozan no Okuribi, a summer tradition, float silently in the night sky of Kyoto. Enjoy the end of summer by remembering your ancestors. 【Tripadvisor】Kyoto Gozan no Okuribi https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d8820274-Reviews-Kyoto_Gozan_no_Okuribi-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 1:48
Akita Kanto Festival – A Traditional Tanabata Event With Exciting Chanting and Lanterns Swaying in the Night Sky!
News Traditional Culture Travel- 34 plays
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Akita Kanto Festival: Video Introduction This video, titled "Akita Kanto Festival to Be Held for the First Time in 3 Years" (秋田竿燈まつり 3年ぶりに開催), was uploaded by "The Asahi Shimbun Company." The Akita Kanto Festival, held in Akita City, Akita Prefecture, is known as one of the three major festivals in Japan's Tohoku region. Approximately 280 poles and 10,000 lanterns light up the summer night sky. This year's festival, which was held for the first time in three years due to the effects of the novel coronavirus, can be enjoyed in this immersive video. Akita Kanto Festival – The History of the Festival Photo:Akita Kanto Festival The Akita Kanto Festival attracts people with the skillful manipulation of the heavy poles and lit lanterns shaped like rice bales that resemble glowing ears of rice. Along with Aomori's Nebuta Festival and Sendai's Tanabata Festival, the Akita Kanto Festival is one of the three major summer festivals in Japan's Tohoku region. It's an event that has been passed down for approximately 270 years to pray for the exorcism of evil spirits and a good harvest, and is designated as a National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property. According to literature, the Akita Kanto Festival first appeared in 1789 in a travelogue by Tsumura Soan, a merchant, poet, and scholar of Japanese studies in the mid-Edo period, titled "A Snow-Covered Road." It is said to have originated from an event called "Neburi Nagashi" held around Akita City on July 6 of the lunar calendar, in which people decorated bamboo branches and silk trees with strips of paper with wishes written on them, walked through the town, and finally floated them away in the river. Later, the spread of candles during the Horeki period (1750-1765) and the use of tall paper lanterns were combined to form what we see today. Akita Kanto Festival 2022 - Highlights, Goods, and More! Source :YouTube screenshot The many hanging lanterns shown in the video show the beauty of the event as they light up the summer night sky. [Video] 0:16 - Lanterns Lighting Up the Night Sky The largest of the poles, called 'Owaka,' is 12 meters long and features 46 64cm x 45cm lanterns hanging from it, weighing a whopping 50 kilograms (110 lbs)! The highlight of the festival is watching the skilled performers holding these lanterns high in the air on the palm of their hand, while transferring them to their foreheads, shoulders, and even waists. [Video] 0:31 - Skilled Performers Balancing Lantern Poles The Akita Kanto Festival is also popular for the many food stalls set up at the festival site, including Kanto Yatai Village (竿燈屋台村, Kanto Yatai Mura), which has two locations, and the Local Gourmet Festival (ご当地グルメフェスティバル, Go-Touchi Gurume Festibaru) hosted by the Akita Chamber of Commerce and Industry, where visitors can enjoy local delicacies. In these food and beverage areas, consideration has been given to preventing the spread of the new coronavirus, such as by changing spaces to avoid dense crowding. In addition, the collaboration with "My Hero Academia" is a highlight of the three major festivals in Japan's Tohoku region in 2022. The Akita Kanto Festival featured poles and lanterns with the My Hero Academia logo on them, attracting many fans. In addition, limited-edition goods were sold at the festival as well. Popular characters from My Hero Academia appeared in Happi coats and enjoyed the festival. Access to Akita Kanto Festival + Spectator Tickets Photo:Akita Station The venue for the Akita Kanto Festival is Kanto Odori Street (竿燈大通り, Kanto Odori), a 15-minute walk from JR Akita Station. Spectator seats are set up around the center strip of the 800-meter-long boulevard, and traffic will be limited around the venue in the evening. Tickets for spectator seats are also available, with prices varying by seat type. The price for the "Masu-seki" (box seating with a capacity of 6 people) is 25,000 yen, S seats are 4,000 yen, A seats are 3,500 yen, and B seats are 3,000 yen. 2022 is the first year that the number of spectator seats has been reduced by 20% compared to previous years due to measures to prevent the novel coronavirus from spreading. In addition, events such as "Fureai Kanto" and the "Citizens' Parade" (市民パレード, Shimin Pareido) will be cancelled due to the coronavirus, and pre-recorded voices will be used for chanting. Summary of Akita Kanto Festival The many lanterns that light up the night sky and the skill of the performers who manipulate the lanterns is what makes the Akita Kanto Festival one the most popular summer events in Akita Prefecture. Each year, the festival attracts many people from both inside and outside of the prefecture. There are many hotels near Akita Station and the festival site where visitors can stay overnight. Easy access from the station makes it convenient for travel and sightseeing. In this exciting video, you can see the charm and highlights of the Akita Kanto Festival, as well as the fresh faces reflecting the joy of the people who are celebrating the festival for the first time in three years. [Video] 1:05 - Comments from Performers at the Festival We hope that at next year's Akita Kanto Festival, we'll be able to hear the taiko drums, hayashi band, and the chanting of the performers and crowd instead of prerecorded voices! 【Official Website】Akita Kanto Festival https://www.kantou.gr.jp/english/ 【TripAdvisor】Akita Kanto Festival https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298239-d8820142-Reviews-Akita_Kanto_Festival-Akita_Akita_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 2:19
YORU MO-DE 2022 at Toyokawa Inari! A Fantastical Summer Event Whose Beauty Revitalizes the Community!
News Festivals & Events Travel Traditional Culture Action & Adventure History- 12 plays
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YORU MO-DE at Toyokawa Inari: Video Introduction This video, titled "A Temple Visit at Night With a Fantastical Atmosphere|Using Technology to Prevent Infection|Toyokawa Inari, Aichi (2022/7/25)" (幻想的な雰囲気の中で「夜の参拝」を 感染対策には驚きの演出も 愛知・豊川稲荷(2022/7/25)), was uploaded by "CBC News [CBC TV Official]" (CBCニュース【CBCテレビ公式】). Toyokawa Inari x NAKED YORU MO-DE, which began last July, is a safe and secure, new-style nighttime worship event that focuses on preventing infection. Be sure to check out the video as it shows Toyokawa Inari and the photogenic light art, illuminated approach, and many other attractions that can be seen at YORU MO-DE. Toyokawa Inari - Is It a Temple or Shrine? Photo:Reiko-Zuka, the Hill of Foxes at Toyokawa Inari, Aichi Prefecture Toyokawa Inari, located in Toyokawa, Aichi, in Japan's Tokai region, is a temple officially called Enpukuzan Myogonji Temple and is one of the three major Inari shrines in Japan. The reason it is called Toyokawa Inari is that it enshrines a deity called "Toyokawa Dakini Shinten," a god astride a white fox (Inari shrines are dedicated to foxes), who is believed to bring prosperity to business and safety to one's family. It is said that this may be due to the fact that the shrine is also associated with the Inari faith. Toyokawa Inari is famous for offering four types of shuin stamps. The summer-only shuin stamps with cool designs are quite popular. In addition, a variety of good luck charms are available, including some with cute foxes on them. Toyokawa Inari has branch temples throughout Japan. Toyokawa Kaku Myogonji Temple in Akasaka, Tokyo, also known as Toyokawa Inari Betsuin, is a popular urban power spot. The fortune-telling service at Toyokawa Inari Betsuin is particularly popular due to its accuracy, causing there to often be a queue of people waiting to receive their fortunes. Ticket and Event Information for Toyokawa Inari YORU MO-DE 2022 Source :YouTube screenshot Toyokawa Inari YORU MO-DE 2022 is from July 22 to August 6. This is a limited-time event to enjoy a nighttime temple visit, and tickets must be purchased in order to participate. Tickets can be purchased at the on-site reception during the event period, or in advance on ticket websites. Admission is 1,500 yen for adults. Elementary school students and younger can enter free of charge. During YORU MO-DE, visitors can enjoy a variety of illuminated artworks in the precincts of Toyokawa Inari, which attract a lot of attention due to how photogenic they are. In addition to the approach to the temple being lit up, this year the light-up area has been expanded even further! Reiko-Zuka, the Hill of Foxes, where approximately 1,000 fox statues are enshrined, will be illuminated with light and sound effects, creating an even more beautiful and mysterious atmosphere. In addition, the colorful flower-shaped mikuji that have become popular on Japanese social media will add color and delight visitors. Summer is also the best time for yukata! The FOX MASK, available in limited quantities, goes perfectly with yukata, and allows visitors to take memorable photos! Also, the "Tsukubai," a stone wash basin used to purify oneself, emits disinfectant when hands are held near it and projects motifs of goldfish and fireworks. In addition, the light patterns on the lanterns allow visitors to maintain safe social distancing while enjoying the attractions. How Crowded is Toyokawa Inari YORU-MODE 2022? Source :YouTube screenshot With the number of people infected with the new coronavirus on the rise, one concern people have inevitably expressed is how crowded the event will be. At this year's YORU MO-DE, in addition to infection prevention measures, such as alcohol disinfection and lanterns that allow people to naturally maintain distance from other visitors, as mentioned above, a new system has also been introduced. On the day of the event, visitors will obtain a digital numbered ticket by scanning a QR code before entering, and will receive a message on via LINE when it's time to enter. Through this system, the number of visitors allowed into the temple grounds per hour is limited to 1,500 to prevent crowding and to prevent the spread of the virus. Until you can enter with a digital numbered ticket, you can fill your stomach at the food stalls and stores in the shopping area. This system allows visitors to make good use of their time while waiting instead of just standing in line until they can enter. Delicious Food to Try at Toyokawa Inari! When you visit Toyokawa Inari, be it for sightseeing or to pray, there's one food that you've got to try. That is, Toyokawa Inari Sushi! Named after Inari Okami's favorite abura-age, this sushi is a must-try. We recommend Okitsune Honpo (おきつね本舗) if you want to try it! They also offer take-out, so it is perfect for eating while you walk around. The "Okitsune Burger," which uses fried tofu instead of buns, is also popular according to reviews. Consider giving it a try! Summary of YORU MO-DE at Toyokawa Inari If you haven't already seen the video introducing the precincts of the temple and other areas decorated with light effects, be sure to check it out. When visiting the event, although a large parking lot is available, we recommend using public transportation instead of a car, as parking is expected to be crowded during the event. Toyokawa Inari YORU MO-DE is a festival where visitors can enjoy beautiful art with the aim of revitalizing the local community. There are many hotels and other lodging facilities in the area. If you're visiting Aichi for sightseeing, definitely give YORU MO-DE a thought, it's a fantastic summer-only event! -
Video article 2:19
Kyoto's Gion Matsuri Is One of the Top Three Festivals in Japan! Make the Most Of Your Summer in Japan by Watching "Omukae Chochin," a Graceful Parade Brimming With History and Culture!
Festivals & Events Traditional Culture Travel- 93 plays
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The Gion Festival's "Omukae Chochin"? This video, titled "Gion Matsuri Omukae Chochin Performance," was uploaded by Kyoto Fan. It introduces "Omukae Chochin," one of the events that takes place during Kyoto's Gion Matsuri (Gion Festival). Gion Matsuri is held each year at Yasaka Shrine (八坂神社, yasakajinja) in Kyoto and is one of the largest festivals in Japan. Omukae Chochin, which takes place on July 10th, is a lantern parade held to welcome the Gion Matsuri mikoshi (portable shrines). We hope you enjoy watching this exciting event which attracts a large number of tourists each year! Check Out Omukae Chochin! Source :YouTube screenshot Gion Matsuri is a festival that takes place at Yasaka Shrine (sometimes referred to as "Gionsha" (祇園社)) in Kyoto. Gion Matsuri is held throughout the month of July, however, Omukae Chochin, the event introduced in the video, is always held on July 10th. After Omukae Chochin and Mikoshi Togyo (神輿渡御) are held on July 10th, a large number of festival floats called "Yamaboko" (山鉾) are built for future parades. During the festival month, the Yamaboko float areas are filled with musicians dressed in kimono and yukata playing flutes and taiko drums to a performance called "Gionbayashi" (祇園囃子). This can be seen from 0:27 in the video. Popular Events Held After Omukae Chochin Photo:Gion Matsuri, Kyoto Prefecture During "Yoiyama" (宵山), held on July 15th and 16th, the streets are closed off to vehicles and instead filled with a large number of food stands called "yatai" (屋台). This is a great spot to take photos of the delicious local food! Gion Matsuri's main event, Yamaboko Junko (山鉾巡行, Yamaboko Parade), takes place on July 17th and 24th. There are many other events you can enjoy during Gion Matsuri, such as "Yoiyama" which features lively musical performances, and "Hanagasa Junko," which is performed by children. If you'd like to watch the spectacular Yamaboko Junko parade up close, we highly recommend booking seats in advance. Enjoy Summer Sightseeing In Kyoto! Photo:Gozan Okuribi, Kyoto Prefecture Even after Gion Matsuri has come to an end, there are still many more events to be enjoyed in Kyoto! Gozan no Okuribi (五山の送り火), a festival held during the Bon Festival (お盆, obon), attracts many tourists each year. If you're traveling to Kyoto during summer, we highly recommend dining along the riverside, a tradition called "Kamo River Noryo-Yuka" (鴨川納涼床, Kamogawa Nouryoyuka). There are also many other cultural properties you can enjoy in Kyoto city. Unfortunately there are no fireworks displays held in the city, but if you would like to see the summer fireworks, the nearest spots are the Uji River (宇治川, ujikawa) and Kameoka (亀岡). Summary of Kyoto's Gion Matsuri Source :YouTube screenshot As you can see from the video, Gion Matsuri is an elegant yet powerful festival which is widely popular year after year. The festival is held throughout the entire month of July (from July 1st all the way through July 31st). If you'd like to see one of the largest festivals in Japan, we highly recommend visiting Kyoto during summer! 【Official Website】Gion Matsuri Overview – Yasaka Shrine http://www.yasaka-jinja.or.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Gion Matsuri https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d8820238-Reviews-Gion_Matsuri-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 14:29
Ghibli Park: The Latest Information on the Long-Awaited Theme Park for Ghibli Fans Set to Open in Fall, 2022! Mononoke Village, Valley of Witches, and More!
News Action & Adventure Travel- 94 plays
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Video Introduction: Mononoke Village and Valley of Witches, Aichi Prefecture This video, titled "[Ghibli] Latest Information "Mononoke Village" and "Valley of Witches" – An Interview with Director Goro Miyazaki! A Perfect Recreation of Whisper of the Heart's Antique Shop?!" (【ジブリ】新情報「もののけの里」「魔女の谷」を宮崎吾朗監督に直撃! 「耳をすませば」の地球屋をプロの仕事で完全再現!?), was uploaded by "CHUKYO TV NEWS" (中京テレビNEWS). The theme park "Ghibli Park," scheduled to open on November 1, 2022, is drawing a lot of attention right now. The latest information on the Mononoke Village and Valley of Witches areas within the park is presented in the form of an interview with director Goro Miyazaki, the son of Hayao Miyazaki. Information on Ghibli Park - Opening Dates, Location, Etc. Photo:An aerial view of Aichi Earth Expo Memorial Park in Aichi, Japan, taken via drone Ghibli Park is a park that recreates the world of Studio Ghibli. The park is located in Aichi Expo Memorial Park in Nagakute, Aichi, in Japan's Tokai Region. There are no big attractions or rides at the park, and it's a place where visitors can explore forests and paths while feeling the wind on their skin and discovering hidden secrets. The fact that the park is built together with the forest shows how much importance is placed on the Ghibli worldview. Ghibli Park is divided into five areas, which will be opened sequentially by completion date. The first phase of the park will open on November 1, 2022 and will include the "Hill of Youth," "Dondoko Forest," where Satsuki and Mei's house from "My Neighbor Totoro" is located, and "Ghibli's Grand Warehouse," which will house various exhibits of Studio Ghibli works. The second phase is scheduled to open in the fall of 2023 with "Mononoke Village" and "Valley of Witches." Check out the official website for detailed opening dates and a map of the park. Mononoke Village – Scheduled to Launch in 2023 Source :YouTube screenshot The Mononoke Village area is scheduled to open approximately one year after the November 2022 opening. In Mononoke Village, visitors will be able to see facilities that appeared in the movie "Princess Mononoke" as well as objects made based on the characters in the movie. During the interview, director Goro Miyazaki says that objects (playground equipment) will be made in the likeness of the demons/cursed gods in Princess Mononoke, and that they will also be climbable. In addition, visitors can enjoy a hands-on learning experience at "Irontown," where iron is extracted from iron sand, and a charcoal-making hut is also under construction. Valley of Witches – Scheduled to Launch in 2024 Source :YouTube screenshot Following Mononoke Village, Valley of Witches is scheduled to open. It has been announced that the Okino residence where Kiki, the main character in the movie "Kiki's Delivery Service," was born and raised will be constructed, and the room where Kiki packed her bags will be faithfully reproduced as well. The "Gütiokipänjä Bakery," where Kiki and her black cat Jiji lived, will have a store as well as an attic. According to an interview with director Goro Miyazaki, the "Gütiokipänjä Bakery" will actually sell bread baked in a stone oven. The opening of Valley of the Witches is surely something to look forward to! The 'Hill of Youth' – A Faithful Recreation of the Antique Shop Featured in 'Whisper of the Heart' Source :YouTube screenshot The "Hill of Youth" will open prior to "Mononoke Village" and "Valley of Witches." There, the antique shop from the movie Whisper of the Heart will be recreated. The shop is built by Tatsuya Yamada, an architect specializing in wooden structures, and Takeshi Nakamura, a carpenter, who reviewed the work dozens of times, paying close attention to the smallest details. One example of the attention to detail was shared in the interview as well. It's mentioned that, in order to reproduce every detail, they asked an abacus craftsman to decorate a part of the balcony railing fence for the antique shop. This shows the attention to detail that went into recreating the structure to immerse visitors in the world of Ghibli. Now that you have this knowledge, you can be sure to look for small details like this when visiting! [Video] 8:00 - Interview with Yamada and Nakamura Admission Fees, Tickets, and Free Areas at Ghibli Park Ghibli Park requires a reservation for each area with specific dates and times. Please check the official Ghibli Park website for up-to-date admission fees and pricing for each area. Tickets are scheduled to go on sale in August, and will be available for purchase through Boo-Woo Tickets (Boo-Wooチケット) and other means. In addition, Ghibli Park will also have a free area with playground equipment inspired by "The Cat Returns." This is great information for those who live nearby with young children or those planning on visiting the area with kids. 【Official Website】Ghibli Park https://ghibli-park.jp/en/ 【TripAdvisor】Aichi Expo Memorial Park https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1121224-d1309786-Reviews-Expo_2005_Aichi_Commemorative_Park-Nagakute_Aichi_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 2:25
Kintaikyo Bridge in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi. The Mystical Scenery of the 350-Year-Old Bridge Floating Under the Summer Night-Sky, Lit up by Iwakuni Cormorant Fishing, Is a Must-See!
Local PR Art & Architecture Travel- 188 plays
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Kintaikyo Bridge & Iwakuni Cormorant Fishing Introductory Video This video is created by "Explore HIROSHIMA: Hiroshima City Regional Area Official Tourism Website" to introduce Yamaguchi prefecture's Kintaikyo Bridge and Iwakuni cormorant fishing. Kintaikyo (Kintai) Bridge, located in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi prefecture in Japan's Chugoku region, is known as one of Japan's "Three famous bridges," and is also one of Japan's "Three strangest bridges." This video will show the beauty of the historic, Japanese bridge "Kintaikyo." Iwakuni cormorant fishing is also introduced towards the end of the video (2:00). Sit back, relax, and enjoy the stunning Kintaikyo bridge. About Kintaikyo Bridge Photo:Kintaikyo Bridge Kintaikyo Bridge is a wooden bridge over the Nishiki Seiryu river located in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi prefecture in the Chugoku region of Japan. The bridge was first built in 1673 by Iwakuni domain's, Kikkawa Hiroyoshi. The bridge is known as one of Japan's "Three famous bridges" followed by Nihonbashi (Chuoku, Tokyo) and Meganebashi (Nagasaki City, Nagasaki). Also, the bridge is known as one of Japan's "Three strange bridges" due to its peculiar structure, followed by Saruhashi (Katsuragawa, Yamanashi) and Aimotobashi (Kurobegawa, Toyama). Kintaikyo Bridge had other names such as "Ryouunbashi," "Goryubashi," "Taiunbashi," "Sorobanbashi." It is now referred to as the "miraculous bridge". The bridge is 193.3 meters long, 5 meters wide, and has a five-layered arch form that stretches across 4 stone piers. The main structure was built without using a single nail, using braided wood joinery techniques such as joints and fittings, and is a very rare piece of architecture. This Japanese craftsmanship can be seen in the video at 0:23. The Kintaikyo Bridge was washed away by floods many times in the past. To solve this issue, the bridge was built in an arch form based on the "Seiko Yuranshi," a Chinese drawing depicting a flock of birds and a bridge. The bridge is made using several kinds of Japanese woods based on their different traits. There is red pine, cypress, zelkova, chestnut, oak and hiba. Although reconstruction has been done numerous times, the stone pier and pavement are still the one's from the original construction. The area around Kintaikyo Bridge is famous for its cherry blossoms, which have been selected as one of the top 100 cherry blossom sites in Japan, and you can also enjoy the autumn colors here. Many tourists visit to see the contrast of the historical bridge and the surrounding natural scenery. Foreign tourists often visit in the cherry blossom season to enjoy Hanami (flower viewing). The entry fee for the bridge is 310 Yen for adults and 150 Yen for children (*2019 Dec.). It's approximately 15-20 mins by bus from JR Iwakuni Station. The Iwakuni Kintaikyo Bridge airport is also nearby, and it has 5 round trip flights/day to Haneda Airport. Iwakuni Cormorant Fishing Photo:Cormorant fishing As shown in the video (~2:00), cormorant fishing is a method used to catch sweetfish. You can watch the cormorant fishing under the summer night sky on a sightseeing boat or from the Kintaikyo bridge. The illuminated bridge, the bonfire on the cormorant boats, and the cormorant fishermen's sophisticated work creates a magical scene. There are package plans that go with lunch and dinner too, so be sure to check them out. Cormorant fishing has a long history. It is listed in two of Japan's oldest historical documents, the "Nihon Shoki," and "Kojiki." This fishing method is still used in places like Nagaragawa (Gifu), Ujigawa (Kyoto), and Kisogawa (Aichi) near Nagoya. Tourist spots near Kintaikyo Bridge Photo:Iwakuni Castle There are several spots you must visit when going to Kintaikyo Bridge in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi. First, cross Kintaikyo Bridge and you'll reach the Iwakuni Castle Ropeway (1:07) in about 10 mins. From there hop on the ropeway to see a beautiful view of Iwakuni and Iwakuni Castle, known as one of Japan's "Top 100 Castles" (1:11). Iwakuni Castle was built by Hiroie Kikkawa, the first lord of the Iwakuni domain in Suo Province. In 1615, only seven years after the castle was built, it was demolished in 1615 in accordance with the Edo shogunate's "One Domain, One Castle" decree, but in 1962, the current castle tower was rebuilt. The whole view of Iwakuni, including Kintaikyo Bridge can be seen from the castle tower. As you can see in the video (1:44), the view is absolutely amazing and makes for a great Instagram location. The embankment has been remade as Kikko Park. Iwakuni also has the Iwakuni White Snake Museum, which was built to raise and protect the lucky white snake that lives only in Iwakuni and is designated as a protected species by the Japanese government. Next to the museum, there's Iwakuni White Snake Temple, a famous temple to receive economic fortune. It was established in 2012 and is also a famous tourist spot. In Iwakuni's biggest event, Iwakuni Festival, a huge paper decorated with white snake is paraded through the city to give people economic fortune. The Nishiki River Fireworks Festival, which shoots off about 6,000 fireworks against the backdrop of the Kintaikyo Bridge, is another popular event where you can enjoy food stalls and Iwakuni drums. Don't forget about food and Onsen to relax on your trip. "Sasakiya Kojiro Shouten" and "Takenosato Musashi" featured on TV and other media is located nearby. At these shops, named after the great swordsmen, Musashi Miyamoto and Kojiro Sasaki, we definitely recommend you taste the ice cream. Near the Kintaikyo Bridge, tourists can enjoy great food, including Japanese cuisine, traditional Japanese candy, udon, tea stores to have lunch at, and other places to eat around. Summary What'd you think of this article introducing Iwakuni's Kintaikyo Bridge and cormorant fishing? After watching the video we hope we've sparked your interest in Yamaguchi. There are more videos to see the amazing scenery of the bridge and cormorant fishing; Be sure to check them out while you get ready for your trip to Iwakuni! ◆Kintaikyo Bridge Facilities◆ 【Address】 Iwakuni, Iwakuni-shi, Yamaguchi Prefecture 741-0062 Japan 【Access】 15 mins walk from Kawanishi Station (Gantoku Line) 【Price】Adults: 310 Yen / Children: 150 Yen (Dec. 2019) 【Hours】All-day 【Closures】None 【Parking】Kintaikyo Shimogawara Parking Area / Yokoyama Kasenjiki Ground Parking Area 【Telephone】0827-29-5107 【Official Website】Yamaguchi Prefecture, Iwakuni City Hall Website https://translate.google.co.jp/translate?sl=ja&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=ja&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.city.iwakuni.lg.jp%2F&edit-text= 【Official Website】Iwakuni City Tourism Promotion Section Website "Iwakuni tabi-no-kakehashi" http://honyaku.j-server.com/LUCIWAKUNI/ns/tl.cgi/http%3a//kankou.iwakuni-city.net/?SLANG=ja&TLANG=en&XMODE=0&XCHARSET=utf-8&XJSID=0 -
Video article 3:37
Kuwana City in Mie Prefecture - Great for Traveling Alone! Clams, Sukiyaki, Strawberries, and More... This Video Will Have Your Mouth Watering in No Time!
Local PR Food & Drink Travel- 64 plays
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About Kuwana City, Mie Prefecture This video is a sightseeing video titled "Kuwana City Sightseeing Video Japanese ver." (桑名市観光動画 日本語ver), that introduces the charm of Kuwana City, Mie Prefecture in Japan's Tokai region. It was produced by the Kuwana City Public Relations Department. Kuwana City is an attractive area dotted with a ton of hole-in-the-wall locations. Check out our recommendations for sightseeing, including historical landmarks and leisure facilities. This video introduces the culture, traditions, and cuisine of Kuwana City in Mie Prefecture from the perspective of a solo traveler. The introduction to the local cuisine of Kuwana City looks especially delicious, and there are many excellent dishes you'll want to try at least once. Things to Do Near Kuwana City, Mie Prefecture Photo:Shichiri no Watashi In Kuwana City, there are many beautiful sightseeing locations, such as Tado Taisha Shrine (多度大社, Tado Taisha), Kasuga Shrine (春日神社, Kasuga Jinja), the statue of Honda Tadakatsu who was a vassal of Tokugawa Ieyasu and his tomb, Rokkaen, as well as the former Moroto Seiroku Residence, and Moroto Garden. The Shichiri no Watashi (Miya-no-Watashi Park) is the former site of Shichiri Marine in Kuwanajuku from Miyajuku (now Nagoya). Tado Taisha Shrine is introduced at 0:37 in the video. This Tado Taisha Shrine is a legendary place where God is said to have descended on a white horse. You can even see a pure white horse in the video. Leisure Facilities and Sightseeing Events in Kuwana City Photo:Illuminations of Nabana no Sato Kuwana City has many entertainment facilities where you can enjoy a special time. Among them, Nagashima Spa Land is popular as one of the largest amusement facilities in Japan. Nagashima Spa Land is introduced at 2:55 in the video, and the roller coasters are a ton of fun! Nearby, Nabana no Sato is an attractive place where you can enjoy beautiful flowers and illuminations. You can also enjoy shopping at Mitsui Outlet Park Jazz Dream Nagashima. Kuwana City also hosts the Kuwana Suigo Fireworks Festival at the end of July every year, which gets packed with tourists. We also recommend the morning market "Sanpachi," held on Teramachi Dori Shopping Street. Delicious Food in Kuwana City Photo:Yasunaga-mochi Kuwana City is also famous for its tasty gourmet cuisine. Above all, the Yasunaga-mochi, sold at the long-established store Nagamo-ya, which has its headquarters located in the city, is a historical confectionary that was loved by travelers visiting Ise long ago. This is shown at 0:59 in the video. You can also eat delicious clams in Kuwana city thanks to it being located near the sea. For souvenirs, we recommend buying boiled clams called "hamaguri no shigure-ni." Kuwana City is also famous for shabu-shabu and sukiyaki shops, as well as spots where you can enjoy strawberry picking. Taste the exquisite local cuisine in Kuwana City. Summary of Kuwana City, Mie Prefecture The culture, natural landscape, history, and gourmet food of Kuwana City introduced in this article are shown in even more detail in the video. In addition, there are still many attractive sightseeing spots in Kuwana City that we can't cover here. Enjoy the charms of Kuwana City through the lovely introductory video! Which sightseeing spots in Kuwana City are you interested in? 【Tripadvisor】Kuwana City https://www.tripadvisor.com/Tourism-g651657-Kuwana_Mie_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu-Vacations.html -
Video article 3:00
The “Obama Montsuki Festival” in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture: A Festival of Bravery, Where You Can Feel the Power of the Local Residents! Check Out the Attraction of This Traditional Japanese Festival, Along With Its History, and Highlights!
Festivals & Events Local PR Travel- 175 plays
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The Obama Montsuki Festival in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture This is a video titled “【Official】Obama Montsuki Festival 2018" (【公式】小浜の紋付祭り2018), that introduces the Obama Montsuki Festival, a traditional Japanese festival in Fukushima Prefecture, created by Matsurism. The Obama Montsuki Festival is a traditional Japanese festival passed down in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture in the Tohoku region. In this article we'll introduce the charm, schedule, and highlights of the traditional Japanese event that has been passed down for generations in Fukushima prefecture. Be sure to follow along with the video, as it has a lot of interesting scenes that you won't be able to see in the article! The History of the Obama Montsuki Festival in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot The Obama Montsuki Festival is a traditional Japanese festival held in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture, during the consecutive holidays in October, and is an annual festival of the Shiomatsu Shrine tradition in the Obama district of former Iwashiro town (岩代町, Iwashiro-Cho). It is said that the festival started with a parade of decorated Mikoshi (portable shrines) praying for recovery from the local famine that occurred in the Edo Period (1603 to 1868 AD). The name "Obama Montsuki Festival" comes from the men wearing montsuki hakama (a formal Japanese attire of men with their family crest). The Obama Montsuki Festival, a unique festival with 230 years of history, where festival participants dress in Montsuki Hakama, is definitely a festival that we recommend to tourists looking to see traditional Japanese festivals. The Schedule for the Obama Montsuki Festival in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture! Source :YouTube screenshot At the Obama Montsuki Festival, traditional floats, called “Taikodai,” are prepared from 4 towns. The Ujiko of each town play the Japanese flute and drums while wearing the formal Montsuki Hakama, and walking around the town with traditional floats. The parade of the floats is introduced at 0:26 in the video, and you can hear the sound of beautiful music resonating throughout the city. The Obama Montsuki Festival is held every year on the first day of the consecutive holidays in October. It starts with the evening festival “Yoi-matsuri,” followed by the main festival the next day, and the “Ato-matsuri” on the last day. The main festival is regarded as the most important event at the Shiomatsu Shrine annual festival. At the evening festival “Yoi-matsuri,” there's the Taikodai, and the main festival has a Mikoshi parade, Montsuki Festival, and lantern festival. On the last day of the “Ato-matsuri,” there are lively events such as the water festival, and there's also a chorus. How to Enjoy the Obama Montsuki Festival in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture The Obama Montsuki Festival is held on a three-day holiday schedule including the October Sports Day. Prior to this schedule, a traditional festival called the "Nihonmatsu Lantern Festival," is held in early October. The Lantern Festival is a lively festival where seven Taikodai, decorated with lanterns, parade through the city. Summary of Obama Montsuki Festival in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture Source :YouTube screenshot During the Obama Montsuki Festival, there are food stands along the roadside, so you can enjoy delicious Japanese festival food and the local Fukushima cuisine. Be sure to take some pictures of your visit to the festival. They'll look great on Instagram! In the video, the local people talk about how the Obama Montsuki Festival is a festival made possible by the local residents working together, and about how lively it is. In Japanese festivals, it's common for people to wear Yukata or Happi coats, but at the Obama Montsuki Festival in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima, men participate while wearing Montsuki Hakama. Be sure to watch the video to see the sights of this rare festival! 【Official Website】Nihonmatsu City Hall Official Website https://www.city.nihonmatsu.lg.jp/page/page002466.html 【Nihonmatsu tourism association 】Obama Montsuki Festival http://www.nihonmatsu-kanko.jp/?page_id=2441 -
Video article 6:27
Nagoya Castle - Discover the Secrets of Japan's First National Treasure Symbolized by Golden Shachihoko Ornaments in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture! The Castle, Built on the Site Where the Warring States Period Took a Remarkable Turn, Is Reborn!
Art & Architecture History Travel- 113 plays
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Nagoya Castle - A Popular Tourist Destination in Aichi Prefecture This video, titled "Nagoya Castle Main Tower Keep Promotional Video," was released by "2010Network." Nagoya Castle is a huge castle built in Aichi District (愛知郡), Owari (尾張国), formerly known as "Owari no Kuni," during the Warring States Period (1467-1615 AD). There are many castles in Japan, but the magnificent Nagoya Castle is by far one of the most popular among tourists. Nagoya Castle is a famous landmark housing many national treasures, including the superb castle tower. In 2018, the number of visitors to the castle exceeded 2.2 million. The History of Nagoya Castle Since the Warring States Period Photo:Nagoya Castle, Aichi Prefecture Nagoya Castle was built by Tokugawa Ieyasu, who emerged victorious from the decisive Battle of Sekigahara, and was built in nearby the ruins of Nagoya Castle (那古野城, Nagoya-Jo), said to be the birthplace of Oda Nobunaga. Tension was increasing with the forces of Toyotomi Hideyoshi during this period, and Ieyasu built Nagoya Castle as a key military location. Nagoya Castle served as the residence of the lords of the Owari domain for generations during the Edo period (1603-1868 A.D.) after Yoshinao Tokugawa, the founder of the Owari Tokugawa family. It became the Nagoya Detached Imperial Palace for the use of the imperial family after the Meiji period (1868-1912 A.D.). In the Showa period (1926-1989 A.D.), it was designated as Japan's first National Treasure as a castle building. Since then, it has continued to be open to the public as a highly popular tourist attraction. The Must-See Features of Nagoya Castle Photo:Nagoya Castle, Aichi Prefecture Nagoya Castle is also known as "Kinshachi Castle" (金 "kin" meaning gold) after the golden Shachihoko that decorate the castle tower, which has become a symbol of Nagoya. Besides the main tower keep, the magnificent honmaru (inner citadel) and Shoin Hall are must-see features. The outstanding Stone Walls of Nagoya Castle were built via stonewall construction in various areas, including the Mikawa Bay (三河湾, Mikawa-Wan) area. Kiyomasa Kato played an active role in the construction of the stone walls, and the huge stone said to be the largest stonewall in Nagoya Castle is called "Kiyomasa Stone." Enshu Kobori and Masakiyo Nakai were in charge of the construction of the castle tower. This is detailed at 1:10 in the video. When you visit the Sarumenbogaku Tea House, Yuin Tea House, and shops, you may also want to visit the Oribe-Do, which was built to honor Oribe Furuta. Nagoya Castle's Castle Tower Under Reconstruction! Photo:Nagoya Castle, Aichi Prefecture Since May 2018, the demolition and renovation of Nagoya Castle's castle tower has been carried out as the "War Damaged Wood Restoration Project" (戦災木造復元プロジェクト). The restoration of the wooden castle tower is scheduled to last until December 2022. Everyone is looking forward to seeing the restored castle tower once the restoration is finished. Summary of the Historical Nagoya Castle Photo:Nagoya Castle, Aichi Prefecture As shown in the video, Nagoya Castle is a building of great historical value built during Japan's Warring States Period. The castle is large, but you can enjoy exploring it as there are elevators available and many historical materials are on display. ◆Nagoya Castle Facility Information◆ 【Address】1-1 Honmaru, Naka Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi 460-0031 【Access】Train: 5-minute walk from the "Shiyakusho (City Hall)" Station of the Meijo Line. Bus: 1-minute walk from the "Nagoyajo Seimon-Mae" stop 【Admission fee】500 Yen for adults, Free for junior high school students and younger 【Parking】Payed Parking Lot available 【Official Website】Nagoya Castle Official Website https://www.nagoyajo.city.nagoya.jp/en/ 【Tripadvisor】Nagoya Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g14127381-d320128-Reviews-Nagoya_Castle-Naka_Nagoya_Aichi_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 2:52
There Are So Many Fun Activities for You to Try in the Beautiful Town of Kiso! Revitalize Your Mind and Body With Canoeing or Yoga in the Beautiful Mountains of Nagano!
Local PR Action & Adventure Travel- 46 plays
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More About Kiso, Nagano Prefecture If you're interested in enjoying fun activities in Nagano prefecture, we highly recommend you check out this video! This video, titled "Tons of Fun in Nagano Prefecture! Kiso Edition" (信州でアクティビティを楽しもう!~木曽 編~), created by "Shinshu Furusato Wari Channel" (信州ふるさと割チャンネル), introduces various activities in the Kiso area. Kiso in Nagano prefecture is gaining popularity as a spot to enjoy various outdoor activities, such as canoeing at the beautiful, yet not-well known, Ontake lake (御岳湖), or taking part in a yoga classes at Mt. Ontake (御嶽山). There's plenty of fun activities for you to try in Kiso, all packed into this short 3 minute long video! Make sure you get the most out of your trip to Nagano prefecture by trying out some of the activities featured in this video! Activities to Try Out at Mt. Ontake Source :YouTube screenshot Kiso is a beautiful town in Nagano prefecture, surrounded by nature and situated at the foot of Mt. Ontake. Mt. Ontake is popular among mountain climbers, and thanks to the Ontake Ropeway (御岳ロープウェイ) beginners can also enjoy the scenery from the top of the mountain. It's the perfect spot to take photos. Don't forget to share them on your Instagram! You can take a look at the scenery from 1:51 in the video. There are several mountain retreats situated halfway up the mountain for those who wish to stay overnight. There are many fun tours and activities to take part in as well, including lunch and yoga on the mountain. For those who wish to be one with nature, we highly recommend taking part in one of the outdoor yoga classes. At 2:21 in the video, you can see students practicing yoga on top of Mt. Ontake under the beautiful blue sky. It provides a great opportunity to refresh both your body and mind. Lake Activities in Kiso, Nagano Source :YouTube screenshot At the foot of Mt. Ontake lies Ontake lake and Lake Shizenko (自然湖). In the village of Otaki (王滝), you can take part in the "Ontake Adventure Shizenko Nature Canoe Tour" (おんたけアドベンチャー自然湖ネイチャーカヌーツアー), and at Ontake lake you can try out "Ontake Lake Canoe Touring" (おんたけ湖カヌーツーリング). Even if you're a complete beginner, you can still take part in the canoe tours as there will be instructors to guide you along the way. Canoeing amidst the beautiful scenery of Nagano prefecture is an experience that you can't afford to miss! You can take a look at the canoe tours from 0:13 in the video. As you can tell from the video, the view of Kiso from the canoe is really something special! There are many tours and activities to enjoy in the beautiful town of Kiso! Summary of Kiso, Nagano The town of Kiso suffered a lot of damage due to the eruption of Mt. Ontake in 2014. However the town is recovering and the number of tourists is increasing every year. There are now many facilities where you can enjoy activities such as those featured in this video. If you haven't yet, be sure to check out the video and take a look at the beautiful scenery Kiso has to offer. After watching the video, you're sure to want to take a trip to Kiso and experience it all for yourself! -
Video article 3:00
Hotel Shoho - A Luxury Hotel Inside a Hot Spring Resort in Matsumoto, Nagano. See the Amazing Facilities and Delicious Cuisine Offered at One of Japan's Top 100 Hotels!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Food & Drink Travel- 90 plays
- YouTube
A Look at Hotel Shoho, One of the Top 100 Hotels and Ryokans in Japan Hotel Shoho, introduced in this video, is a famous hot spring hotel in Shinshu (信州, Shinshu) Matsumoto (松本,Matsumoto) in Nagano Prefecture (長野県, Nagano-Ken) Here, you can enjoy Japanese cuisine with excellent ingredients, and spectacular views of the Northern Alps from the open-air baths using natural hot spring water. Hotel Shoho has received high reviews on review and comparison websites. The hotel has also been selected as one of the "Top 100 Hotels and Ryokans" in Japan, as selected by professionals, so we mean it when we say that this hotel is worth the visit. In this article, we will introduce you to the interior facilities of the Japanese modernist (hotel-style ryokan) onsen inn, filled with the rich nature of Shinshu, healing, relaxation, and hospitality. Sit back and enjoy a taste of this luxury hotel style onsen ryokan (Japanese style hot spring inn)! Enjoy Some of the Finest Gourmet Food in Japan at Hotel Shoho Source :YouTube screenshot First, we’ll introduce three restaurants in Hotel Shoho, all of which offer dishes using local ingredients from Shinshu. At ‘Shunsai Dining Shinshu,’ they offer freshly prepared dishes, such as Shinshu beef in an open kitchen, and the guests enjoy the meal in a private room. The second restaurant is the Japanese restaurant ‘Shokusai Kamikochi,’ which boasts a private space that offers freshly cooked Shinshu brand ingredients. We recommend this restaurant for small groups. The third one is the dinner / Izakaya style restaurant ‘Kihachi.’ Here, you can enjoy more than 40 kinds of local Sake. The Japanese cuisine, cooked by the first-class Itamae chef utilizing the bounty of the mountain, served side-by-side with local Shinshu Sake, are beautifully arranged. Be sure to take some pictures for your instagram! The Hotel Spectacular Views of Shoho's Prized Guest Rooms and Splendid Open-Air Baths Source :YouTube screenshot Hotel Shoho has both Japanese-style rooms and western-style rooms, and each room is equipped with an onsen bath. In the VIP room on the top floor, you can enjoy a large panoramic view in the open-air bath. The pride of Hotel Shoho is the open-air bath overlooking the Northern Alps and Matsumoto Castle. You can enjoy the scenic beauty of Matsumoto while soaking in a relaxing hot spring. The open-air bath is open from 3 PM to 11 PM for women and from 6 AM to 11 AM for men. You can also walk around the hotel wearing a Yukata. Sightseeing Around Shinshu Matsumoto ©Suganu0405 Modifying The area around Shinshu Matsumoto is a land surrounded by the Northern Alps, with scenic spots such as Azumino, Kamikochi and the national treasure Matsumoto Castle. Kamikochi is one of Japan's leading mountain resorts, and is a popular tourist sight, with 2 million people visiting the location every year to enjoy mountain climbing and hiking. The water of the rivers and ponds is crystal clear and are famous for their shiny emerald color. If you want to enjoy the great outdoors of Shinshu on your sightseeing tour around Hotel Shoho, you've got to check out Utsukushigahara plateau! Utsukushigahara Onsen has footbath and a one-day bath as well, making it a popular spot where guests at Hotel Shoho can spend their time relaxing. Shinshu is known for its harsh climate, but is blessed with colorful natural scenery, such as cherry blossoms in spring, greenery in summer, autumn leaves in the fall, and beautiful snowscapes in winter, allowing guests to enjoy a variety of beautiful scenery no matter when they visit. Summary of Hotel Shoho The Hotel Shoho official website is updated with day trip plans and other various events. Amenities for children are also provided, making it a great place for family trips as well. Rates vary by plan, season, and day of the week. Due to the popularity of this inn, we recommend booking as soon as possible. The video also gives a look at the atmosphere of Hotel Shoho's rooms, restaurants, and hot springs. We hope this article has inspired you to visit Hotel Shoho; It's definitely worth the visit! There's a free shuttle bus available by the police station near JR Matsumoto Station that will take you to Hotel Shohoho. Remember, when booking your trip, the sooner the better! ◆Hotel Shoho Facility Overview◆ 【Address】527 Yamabe, Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture 〒390-0221 【Access】20 minutes by taxi from Matsumoto Station on the JR Chuo Line 【Parking】Available 【Tel】+81 263-38-7711 【Official Website 】Hotel Shoho http://www.hotel-shoho.jp/en/ -
Video article 3:06
A Luxury Stay at “Hoshino Resorts Tomamu”; One of Japan’s Leading Snowfall Areas! Enjoy Popular Activities in the 2500 Acres of Snow-Covered Lands at Hoshino Resort Tomamu!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Action & Adventure Travel- 83 plays
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Hokkaido Hoshino Resorts Tomamu This video, titled "Hoshino Resorts Tomamu Activities," was created by "LHK VISIONWORKS JAPAN." It introduces the appeal of Hoshino Resorts Tomamu in the Hokkaido area. Hoshino Resorts Tomamu is located about 90 minutes from Shin Chitose Airport, in Shimukappu Village. It's gaining popularity as a resort facility where you can spend a relaxing time in luxury. Let's take a look at how you can enjoy the snowy landscape of Hokkaido's Hoshino Resorts Tomamu. In the video, we'll introduce activities that can be enjoyed in the snow and activities at the facilities of Hoshino Resorts Tomamu! After watching the video we have no doubt you'll be putting this on your itinerary for your next visit to Japan! Enjoy the Snowy Hoshino Resorts Tomamu Source:YouTube screenshot Hokkaido, one of the snowiest areas in Japan, is a great place to enjoy winter activities. Hoshino Resorts Tomamu offers cross-country skiing, snowmobile riding, kids' snowmobiles, snow inter-tubing, snow striding, dog sledding, banana boating, ice fishing, day snow camping / night snow camping with tents in the snow, snowshoe downhilling, and more. There's endless fun to be had at Hoshino Resorts Tomamu! There are also limited time events and tours, such as the snowmobile tour, snow buggy tour, a horse riding experience, smelt fishing experience, cross-country skiing experience, and more! There's a ton of activities that can only be enjoyed here! Even small children can enjoy the snowy landscape of Hokkaido through activities such as the snowy field sleigh park and building snowmen. There is also a ski school, so even beginners can try their hand at winter sports. You don't need to worry about bringing your own skis either, as there are plenty of rentals available. These activities can be seen from the start of the video until 1:24. The scenes of both children and adults alike enjoying the beautiful winter wonderland in Hokkaido is truly heartwarming. Hokkaido's Ice Hotel At Hoshino Resorts RISONARE Tomamu, an integrated resort of Hoshino Resorts Tomamu in winter, the Ice Village is available for a limited time. The ice hotel is where the ceilings, floors, and furniture are all made of ice! There is also an open-air ice bath, an ice chapel, and an ice bar counter, so there's plenty of ways for you to enjoy your time. You can see this at 2:30 in the video. Take a moment to admire the fantastic atmosphere. The Gondolas at Hoshino Resort Tomamu! ©Akiko_Kubosawa Modifying You can enjoy the natural snowscape of the magnificent Hidaka Mountains from the terrace that can be accessed by gondola. There's a limited time illumination event as well, so be sure to check it out if you get the chance. You might not feel like getting up early on your vacation, but we recommend waking up early during the summer and riding a gondola to the Sea of Clouds (Unkai Terrace), a terrace located above the clouds. If the weather permits it, you'll get a superb view of the clouds, spanning as far as the eye can see. From the gondola, you can sometimes see a herd of Hokkaido sika deer as well. It's quite a unique experience that you won't find anywhere else in Japan. Enjoying Your Stay at Hoshino Resorts Tomamu Source:YouTube screenshot Hoshino Resorts Tomamu's largest heated indoor swimming pool, Minamina Beach, is one of Japan's most popular spots where you can enjoy summer fun in the middle of winter. You can also enjoy the playground with equipment such as the "Cyber Wheel," as well as paddle boarding and various water activities. The indoor facilities are introduced starting at 1:25. It's a truly luxurious facility where you can enjoy a tropical atmosphere after playing in the snow. Hoshino Resorts Tomamu has a variety of gourmet options, including buffet dining and authentic Italian restaurants, so you won't have to worry about eating out during your stay. We also recommend enjoying the view from "Tomamu the Tower." Summary of Hoshino Resorts Tomamu With a land area the size of approximately 213 Tokyo Domes (~2,500 acres), Hoshino Resorts Tomamu offers many unique experiences. The video also shows many visitors playing at the Hoshino Resort Tomamu, all smiling and enjoying themselves. If you're looking to have the trip of your life in Hokkaido, look no further than Hoshino Resorts Tomamu! ◆Hoshino Resort Tomamu◆ 【Address】〒079-2204 Naka-Tomamu, Shimukappu Village, Yufutsu, Hokkaido 【Access】There is a shuttle bus from Sekishou Line Tomamu Station to each facility 【Admission Fee】It varies depending on the facility used. If you want more information, please check official website. 【Gours】 It varies depending on the facility used. If you want more information, please check official website. 【Closures】Closures vary by facility. Please check the official website for more details. 【Parking】Available 【Phone number】0167-58-111 【Official website】Hoshino Resort Tomam https://www.snowtomamu.jp/summer/en/ -
Video article 6:22
Koyado Enn, Kinosaki Onsen: With Its Amazing Service and Hospitality There's a Reason This Ryokan Is So Popular. Be Sure to Try the Delectable "Tanba-gyu" and Relax at Its Soothing Springs.
Hotel & Japanese Inn Food & Drink Travel- 61 plays
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A PR Video for Koyado Enn, Where You Can Enjoy the Kinosaki Hot Springs This video, titled "城崎温泉 但馬牛の宿 小宿 縁 Koyado Enn," produced by "First Tone Inc.," features the attractive points of "Koyado Enn" in Kinosaki Onsen in Hyogo. Koyado Enn is one of the most popular accommodations on travel comparison sites. This video clip includes various information of Kinosaki onsen such as food, hot springs, atmosphere of the town, and the hospitality of the Koyadoen staff, as well as interviews with guests who have stayed at Koyado Enn. If you see this video, you would probably think that you want stay there. Enjoy the sights of Kinosaki Onsen's "Koyado Enn." What Kind of Ryokan Is Koyado Enn? Source :YouTube screenshot It takes 3 minutes to reach Koyado Enn from Kinosaki Onsen Station by foot. This historical ryokan was renovated and reopened in 2013. A sophisticated atmosphere is created by a modern-style, plastered building. There are three types of guest rooms, including Japanese style, Western style, and Japanese-Western style guest rooms. All rooms provide a relaxing experience. There are various options available as well, such as stays without meals, breakfast packages, and the "Tanba-gyu" Dinner plan. Prices start from ¥7700 (~$72 USD). We recommend making a reservation as soon as possible due to the inn's popularity. There is also a business package that isn't offered at most Ryokan. Every guest room has various amenities. According to Seiji Taoka, one of the staff at Koyado Enn, Hyogo's Kinosaki was traditionally likened to a Ryokan (Japanese style inn). It's said that the station is an entrance, the streets are passages, the inn is the guest rooms and outdoor hot spring is a large public bath. Kinosaki consists of a culture centering on hot springs and is a very famous hot spring town where every visitor can feel the Japanese atmosphere. Kinosaki is also promoted as a "Yukata village" because tourists can walk around wearing them. Food Hunting at Koyado Enn Source :YouTube screenshot Guests at Koyado Enn can enjoy delicious Japanese foods including "Tanba-gyu." Koyado Enn has a restaurant, called "Tanba-gyu Irori Dining Mikuni," which specializes in Tanba-gyu and is famous for its high quality meat. All beef served in this restaurant is raised on the contracted farm. You can hear the real voices of guests who ate the delicious Tanba-gyu at Koyado Enn, in this video (1:57). The staff at Koyado Enn strive to maintain the title of Tanba-gyu as the second best food brand in Kinosaki. Second only to crab. Visitors can relax at the café & bar "3rd" on the first floor (4:07). This café/bar serves breakfast, including omelets and salad, as well as beverages like coffee, tea and wine. Kinosaki Onsen's Koyado Enn: Experience Japan Source :YouTube screenshot The most attractive point of Koyado Enn is the hot springs. There are two chartered baths for family such as "Tsukino-yu" and "Hoshino-yu." Every guest can relax in these baths. The minerals in the spring are are natrium, calcium and chloride. It is said that this spring is very effective against various diseases and symptoms Neuralgia rheumatism, gynecological disease, post-sickness recovery stress relief, motor dysfunction, joint pain, muscle pain, stiff shoulders, digestive trouble, neuralgia, bruises, cold sensitivity, etc. Also, we recommend going to the outdoor hot springs such as "Satono-yu," "Jizo-yu," "Yanagi-yu," "Ichino-yu," "Goshono-yu," "Mandarano-yu," and "Kono yu." Wearing a yukata and walking around a town is sure to be an enjoyable time. These outdoor hot springs are also available as one-day spots. Tourist Spots Around Koyado Enn Photo:Kinosaki onsen There are many sightseeing spots around Koyado Enn in Toyooka city, Hyogo. For example, "Kinosaki Onsen Ropeway," "Hyogo Park of the Oriental White Stork," "Kinosaki Marine World," "Uemura Satomi Boken-kan" are popular facilities. There are natural instagrammable sceneries including "Genbudo Park," "Takeno Coast," "Michi-no-Eki Kannabe Kogen," the "Sea of clouds of Cruhi-dake.” Also there are historical spots such as "Izushi Castle Town," "Town of Kinosaki Onsen," "Izushi Eirakukan." If you visit Koyado Enn, be sure to check out some of these popular spots. Summary of Koyado Enn This video titled "Kinosaki Onsen Koyado Enn" (城崎温泉 但馬牛の宿 小宿 縁 Koyado Enn), produced by "First Tone Inc." features the attractive points of "Koyado En" in Kinosaki onsen, Hyogo. Guests at the inn will experience the finest hospitality and services and can enjoy their time as they please. Enjoy spending a wonderful time at the popular ryokan! ◆Information for Koyado Enn◆ 【Address】219 Yushima Kinosaki-cho Toyooka shi Hyogo 669-6101 【Access】20 minutes from Tanba airport by bus 【Parking】Available 【Telephone】0796-32-4870 【Official Website】Koyado Enn, Kinosaki onsen http://www.koyado.net/english// 【Tripadvisor】Koyado Enn https://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g1022822-d6530942-Reviews-Koyado_En-Toyooka_Hyogo_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 3:49
Osaka Is Just as Awesome as You Imagined It Would Be! 110% Fun in One of Japan's Major Cities!
Local PR Festivals & Events Travel- 32 plays
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Enjoy Sightseeing in Osaka, One of Japan's Major Cities! A large number of people go to Osaka for shopping and sightseeing. There are many tourist attractions and events you'll want to be aware of when you come to Osaka. This article will introduce "Osaka Prefecture Tourism PR Video," which will shed some light on the sights and sounds of Osaka. Don't miss out on this popular destination! A Look at Osaka! Source:YouTube screenshot The video, "Osaka Prefecture Tourism PR Video," is designed to promote the attractions of Osaka Prefecture to both Japanese and foreign audiences, and is characterized by its focus on events held in 2018. The 3 key points of the video are as follow: ・A video presentation of Osaka and the scenery of the area ・A wide variety of information about Osaka packed into a 4-minute video ・Knowledge about events in Osaka If you're going to Osaka with friends who are planning on going sightseeing in Japan, be sure to check this video out; you can use it to build your itineraries together. Events and Tourist Attractions in Osaka Prefecture Source:YouTube screenshot "Osaka Prefecture Tourism PR Video" features the Midosuji Autumn Party 2018 (Midosuji Runway), The Tower of the Sun at Osaka Expo Park, the Osaka Culture and Art Festival, and the Midosuji Illumination. First, let's take a look at the "Midosuji Autumn Party 2018 (Midosuji Runway)". This Midosuji Autumn Party 2018 (Midosuji Runway) was held in Midosuji, on the main street of Osaka, to promote the charm of Osaka both in Japan and abroad. Various celebrities, entertainers, and prominent figures also joined in to set the mood for the event. The main MC of "Midosuji Autumn Party 2018 (Midosuji Runway)" was Koji Imada, a famous Japanese comedian. Various shows and parades were held in Midosuji, and the main event was attended by Japan's leading comedians Masatoshi Hamada and Hitoshi Matsumoto, otherwise known as the comic duo "Downtown," who have been selected as ambassadors for the 2025 Osaka Expo. The excitement was turned up to 100! Next up is the "Tower of the Sun" at Osaka Expo Park. The memorial tower was built by artist Taro Okamoto as part of the theme hall of the Japan World Expo '70 And Osaka Expo held in Suita City, Osaka Prefecture in 1970. This tower still remains in the expo park even today. The interior of the Sun Tower, decorated with a variety of artworks and monuments, is open to the public. It's a facility where you can experience the essence of Taro Okamoto's famous phrase "Art is an explosion!" The Osaka Culture and Arts Festival became a hot topic of conversation when Junko Koshino, featured in the video, held the first fashion show in Osaka in 30 years. From traditional performing arts to modern music, art, and F1 cars, Osaka is packed with exciting content that is the pride and joy of the city. Last but not least is the "Midosuji Illumination." The total length of Midosuji, which was the venue for Midosuji Autumn Party 2018 (Midosuji Runway), is surrounded by fantastic, dream-like illuminations. The 4km-long illumination has been recognized as a world record and has become one of Japan's most popular events, celebrating its 10th year in 2018. In recent years, the Midosuji Illumination has become very popular among instagrammers. Summary of Osaka! Photo:Osaka As you can see, Osaka offers a variety of attractive sightseeing spots and events. If you are interested, be sure to check out the video and do some exploring. The Osaka Expo, which will be held in 2025, is an increasingly exciting tourist attraction! Don't forget to try some of Osaka's local gourmet food when you're in Osaka! Osaka's specialties include takoyaki (fried octopus), kushikatsu (cutlet skewers), and okonomiyaki (a savory "pancake" with various meat & vegetables of your choosing). Osaka Castle is one of the most famous sightseeing spots in Osaka, and there's events to learn about history and culture of the area! Enjoy 100% fun in Osaka! 【Official Website】OSAKA CITY https://www.city.osaka.lg.jp/contents/wdu020/enjoy/en/content_administration.html -
Video article 1:03
Spend an Elegant Time on the Cruise Ship Hotel GUNTU; Used in a Commercial for Georgia. Enjoy a Luxury Trip in an Extraordinary Space in Hiroshima!
Hotel & Japanese Inn Vehicles Travel- 121 plays
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Video About the Seto Inland Sea Cruise Ship, GUNTU “Seto Inland Sea Cruise ship's GUNTU(瀬戸内海 客船旅館 ガンツウ | Seto Inland Sea Cruise ships GUNTU)” is created by “HIGH RESOLUTION TOUR” and it introduces attractions of the small floating hotel, GUNTU. GUNTU became famous through Georgia’s commercial and reviews. It has high reviews that refer to it as gorgeous and people can spend a wonderful time here. It has great reviews on travel comparison sites as well. In this article, attractions of GUNTU are introduced. By watching this video, you'll want to go sightseeing on GUNTU and enjoy beautiful food and hot springs while looking out at the Seto Inland Sea. What Is GUNTU? Source :YouTube screenshot GUNTU is a small hotel and a cruise ship with 19 hotel rooms, that depart and arrive at Bellavista Marina. It was designed by architect Yasushi Horibe and the wood keeps the inboard facilities warm. You can check it out from 0:21 in the video. GUNTU came from the name of a blue small crab, Guntu. It is not as famous as the Japanese blue crab, but it gives nice broth and the local people love it. The cruise ship was named after this crab, so that local people would love it too. There are one night, two night, and three night cruises. Different kinds of routes exist as well. For example, the west circuit goes around Miyajima which is a World Heritage site, and the east circuit goes around Naoshima and Inujima. There are central circuit and special circuit too. At a port of call, you can enjoy activities and sightseeing outboard. Many people enjoy a special time at GUNTU. But there are cases where routes, times, and activities are changed, due to weather. How to Spend Your Time on GUNTU Source :YouTube screenshot There's a hotel room where you can relax, as well as the "Guntu Suite" located at the bow of the ship, and a beautiful view can be seen from the room. There are other rooms as well, such as the grand suite which has a large window and terrace suite with an outside bath. There are other places where you can relax and enjoy as well. The observation deck where you can see the Seto Inland Sea, the bath and sauna where you can feel the warmth of the ship's architecture, and the balcony where you can be calm and enjoy a nice elevated area, are all places we recommend. Also, there is a spa, gym, bar, lounge, shop and different kinds of massages as well. Amenities are available as well. Food on GUNTU Source :YouTube screenshot GUNTU provides delicious Japanese and western food. All of the food is supervised by Shigeyoshi Sato, who is a chef at “Shigeyoshi.” Cuisine of the Seto Inland Sea is used, and the meals fascinate passengers. As you can see from 0:38 in the video, there is a sushi restaurant and fresh seafood can be enjoyed at the counter. The Japanese sweets are amazing as well, and they are made in front of the passengers. You must try these when you stay on the GUNTU. Summary The “Seto Inland Sea Cruise ships' GUNTU” created by “HIGH RESOLUTION TOUR” is an introductory video of the luxury cruise ship GUNTU. Japan has gorgeous and luxurious cruise ships. Watch the video and feel luxury. It's a bit pricey, but it's definitely a trip you won't forget. ◆GUNTU Information◆ 【Address】depart and arrival: 1344-2 Oobiraki Urasakicho Onomichishi, Hiroshima 720-0551, JAPAN 【Address】40 minute car ride from JR Fukuyama Station, 50 minute car ride from Onomichi Station. 【Parking】available 【Telephone No】0120-873-333 【Official Website】GUNTU https://guntu.jp/ -
Video article 8:38
Learn About Life in the Jomon Period! Stone Tools and Pottery Excavated From Ruins Reveal What Life Was Like for the Jomon People!
History Life & Business Travel- 812 plays
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The Life of the Jomon People Many tourists come to Japan to enjoy the beautiful shrines, picturesque scenery, delicious food and other uniquely Japanese characteristics. Even Japanese people love to travel to places like Kyoto and Nara where they can enjoy sightseeing at historical buildings and eating delicious food. However, in this article, we'd like to take a break from the standard approach to enjoying Japan and recommend a few lesser-known spots where you can learn about the life of the Jomon people nearly 3,000 years ago. In this article, we'll introduce the Idojiri Archaeological Museum, where you can learn about the life of the Jomon. Be sure to follow along with the video as you read on! Who Were the Jomon People? What Were Their Lives Like? Source :YouTube screenshot The Jomon people lived all over Japan, from Hokkaido to Okinawa, during the Jomon period approximately 16,000 to 3,000 years ago. In world history, this period corresponds to the Mesolithic and Neolithic ages. The Jomon were a people who devised many different ways to survive. They invented tools and objects that were passed down through the Yayoi period and into the modern day to make life easier. For example, it was in the Jomon period that bows were made, making it possible to hunt from a distance. They also invented stone tools and earthenware, which made it possible to cook and store food. It was also during this period that people began to build pit houses and settle in one place, and villages were established. In this way, the Jomon were able to use their wisdom to improve their lives. The Idojiri Archaeological Museum Source :YouTube screenshot The Idojiri Archeological Museum, which can be viewed from 0:27 in the video, is a facility where you can learn about the life and culture of the Jomon people. There are a number of exhibits on display that tell the story of life in the Jomon period, including pottery and other artifacts from the Jomon period. The earthenware and stone tools are arranged according to the age of the Jomon period, and there are also descriptions on the use of each item. There is also a section where you can see what it would have been like to live in a Jomon period dwelling, as well as a reproduction of their diet and clothing. There is also a place where you can learn about the religion and myths of the time, deciphered from the patterns of the earthenware and stone tools. It's a must-see for history buffs! Many stone hoes have been found at the Idojiri ruins as well. They can be seen at 0:38 in the video. About 4,500 years ago, these stone hoes were utilized by the Jomon people. They were a strong agricultural tribe, and used them to plow their fields. In the spring they sowed millet, and in the summer they sowed buckwheat. You can see a reenactment of their agricultural activities at 1:02 in the video. There are also weeding tools on display at the Idojiri Archaeological Museum. Source :YouTube screenshot In the fall, they used stone knives to harvest their grain (2:10). Threshed grains were transferred to a stone mill to remove the shells. The threshed grains would be hulled in a stone mortar and then cooked into porridge using earthenware, and then the whole family would eat together in the pit dwelling. In addition to porridge, the Jomon also ate river fish, wild vegetables, walnuts, and dumplings. You can check out how the tools they used when cooking were made at 4:59 in the video. Jomon pottery was entirely hand made. First, the clay is kneaded and mixed with sand to make a dough, then the dough is piled to create a pattern without any gaps. Each piece was dried for 2-4 weeks before being baked over an open fire. So how were Jomon period tools made? You can see this process at 6:23 in the video. They used oval shaped stones to hit a smaller, flat stone to break of thin pieces that will be used to make the hoes. The hoe and other stone tools of the time are shaped the same way as modern hoes. Women's necklaces and other items were also excavated from various ruins. You can also see how people would have hunted with bows during the Jomon period. The Idojiri Archaeological Museum is an interesting spot to learn about the roots of Japanese people and the lifestyle of the Jomon people. Summary of the Jomon Civilization Source :YouTube screenshot This video was created by "IDOJIRIKOKUKOKAN." We recommend it to anyone interested in learning about Japanese history! By implementing reenacted clips in the video, it's easy to understand the lifestyle of the Jomon people and how they made and used tools. Famous Jomon period ruins include Sannai Maruyama (Aomori), Kamegaoka (Aomori), Omori Kaizuka, (Tokyo), Kasori Shellmounds (Chiba), and Nabatake (Saga). If you're interested in the Jomon period, be sure to stop by! -
Video article 7:07
The Bon Odori Izakaya, Where You Can Enjoy the Bon Odori Dance All-Year-Round: A Must-Visit Experiential Entertainment Izakaya!
Action & Adventure Food & Drink Travel- 18 plays
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The Bon Odori Izakaya: A Taste of Japanese Culture This video, “Bon Odori Izakaya - 盆踊り居酒屋”, was created by “TokyoStreetView - Japan The Beautiful”. This is a 4K video introducing a restaurant where you can experience Japan’s traditional dance. Bon odori is a well-loved traditional dance which has existed in Japan for centuries. Every year, during the Obon season, people in all areas of Japan gather to enjoy doing this traditional dance together. In Tokyo’s Shinjuku area, there is an intriguing place aimed at tourists where bon odori can be enjoyed year-round. Isn’t it strange to imagine enjoying bon odori, normally associated with the stages of summer festivals, in an izakaya of all places? The video introduces the spectacle in 7 minutes. You'll definitely get a sense of the festive atmosphere through this video. What Is Bon Odori? Photo:Image of Bon Odori During the Obon period, which is celebrated in August in Japan (July for places such as Tokyo), there are various events held to pay respects and offerings to ancestors. Bon odori is a type of dance where residents dressed in yukata surround a large stage and dance together. In the middle of the stage is a smaller stage where they perform the festival's music and play Japanese drums, providing the accompaniment to the dance. The exact moves of the dance differ according to each area of Japan, and it is said that there are over 1,000 types of bon odori choreographies throughout Japan. Visit a Summer Festival and Enjoy Bon-Odori! Photo:Siblings at a Japanese Summer Festival Bon odori is commonly held as a part of the summer festivals in Japan. Lanterns are lit in temples and shrines, food stalls are set up, and there is a lively, bustling atmosphere with many visitors. Summer festivals, which can even be said to be Japan’s summer tradition, are definitely a recommended event for visitors who wish to experience Japanese culture. There are many festivals where tourists are heartily welcomed to participate in the dance, so don’t hesitate to give it a try! A Look at the Bon Odori Izakaya! Source :YouTube screenshot Although Bon Odori is a piece of Japanese culture that can only be experienced during the Obon period, at the bon odori izakaya in Shinjuku, you can enjoy bon odori any time of the year. This exciting place is the Shinjuku Sanchoku Yokocho (新宿産直横丁) in Shinjuku’s Kabuki-cho (歌舞伎町) area. The Bon Odori Izakaya is a popular entertainment establishment where you can become immersed in dancing the bon odori. On top of that, the Edo-like atmosphere allows you to experience a piece of Japan’s history. From0:22 in the video is the Tokyo Ondo (東京音頭), and from 1:09 is the Tanko Bushi (炭坑節), traditional dances well-known to the Japanese. Even just watching your video, doesn’t your body start to move to the beat? Summary of the Bon Odori Izakaya Source :YouTube screenshot From 5:46 in the video, visitors are shown thoroughly enjoying dancing the bon odori in the izakaya. We highly recommend the Bon Odori Izakaya for visitors with an interest in Japanese culture, as well as those who just want to have a fun time. Be sure to check out the Bon Odori Izakaya shown in the video if you haven't yet! If this article/video have made you feel like you want to experience the culture of Bon Odori, or if you want to dance while enjoying drinks and food, be sure to visit the Bon Odori Izakaya in Shinjuku, Tokyo! ◆Shinjuku Sanchoku Yokocho◆ 【Address】Tokyo, Shinjuku, Kabukicho 1-27-5 APM Building 6th Floor (東京都新宿区歌舞伎町 1-27-5 APM ビル6階, Tokyo-to Shinjuku-ku Kabukicho 1-27-5 APM biru rokkai) 【Access】Two minute walk from the Seibu Shinjuku Station off the Seibu Shinjuku Line (西武新宿線「西武新宿駅」, Seibu shinjuku sen seibu shinjuku eki) 【Hours】Mon-Thur 11:00~24:00, Fri・Sat 11:00~4:00 the next day, Sun・Public Holidays 11:00~24:00 【Closures】None 【Telephone Number】03-5285-9288 【Things to Note】As opening hours are irregular, be sure to confirm the opening days and hours of the izakaya before visiting. 【Official Website】Bon Odori Izakaya|Experiential Entertainment Izakaya BonOdori IZAKAYA|Tokyo Shinjuku https://bon-odori.net/izakaya/ja/