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This video, titled "Tama Zoological Park|All Kinds of Animals, Including Lions and Elephants!|An Educational Video for Children" (多摩動物公園(Tama Zoological Park)|ライオンや象などいろんな動物が登場!|子供向け知育動画), was released by POYO POYO."

If you want to see a lot of animals, head over to Tama Zoological Park in Hino City, Tokyo!
The animals that appear in this video include elephants, giraffes, lions, rhinos, koalas, red pandas, owls, kangaroos, cheetahs, and more.

There are more than 300 species of animals that live in Tama Zoological Park.
Since the animals are kept in an environment that is close to nature, Tama Zoological Park is the perfect place for those who want to closely observe the ecology of the animals.
Be sure to visit this popular zoo that is loved by locals and tourists alike.

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
More Than 300 Species of Animals Live in a Zoo That Makes Use of the Majestic Nature of the Tama Area! Tama Zoological Park Is the Perfect Place for Leisure or a Date!
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