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The History of Taruzake with the Flavor of Yoshino Cedar

This video explains the history of Kiku-Masamune's "Taruzake" (sake that has been kept in a wooden cask) and the process of barrel making.

During the Edo period (1603-1867), when sake was first introduced to Japan, it was stored in barrels and transported to Edo (Tokyo) on boats called "taru-kaisen" (cargo vessels that carried sake).
"Nada no sake," which was carried from above and became popular as "Kudarizake," naturally developed a cedar aroma while being stored in the barrels.

The video explains the barrel-making process in detail.
Kiku-Masamune's "Taruzake" is made by pouring dry sake into a cask made of Yoshino cedar from Nara Prefecture, one of Japan's leading cedar-producing regions.
Be sure to give it a whiff and a sip if you get the chance!

【Official Homepage】Kiku-Masamune (菊正宗)

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
新井 美紀(Miki Arai)
I mainly write articles about food. I've been a writer for three years.
The History of Kiku-Masamune's
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