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This video, titled "How About BBQ in Style on a Day Trip Glamping? [California B.B.Q BEACH]" (日帰りグランピングでおしゃれにBBQはいかが?「California B.B.Q BEACH」), was released by "Letron - Outing Video Media" (ルトロン - おでかけ動画メディア).

This video introduces the atmosphere of California B.B.Q Beach in Fukuoka Prefecture.
The features of the campground are explained in the video so be sure to take a look if you're looking to take a trip outdoors.
It's only 30 seconds long too, so if you only have a minute to spare, it's perfect!
At 0:13, they show you the inside of a tent, so if you're thinking about enjoying glamping at California B.B.Q Beach, we recommend at least watching that part.

Other points of interest include a look at the beach at the 0:16 mark.
If you're curious about the beaches in Japan, this can help give you an idea of what they're like.
It's a charming place to enjoy a barbecuing without having to worry about bringing your own gear!

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
Enjoy the Outdoors in Fukuoka Prefecture! A Glamping Spot Where You Can Come Empty-Handed and Still Enjoy Barbecuing!
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