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This video, titled "A Dragon's Eye That Appears at Hachimantai in Early Summer: Akita-Iwate Border []" (初夏の八幡平に現れる「ドラゴンアイ」:秋田・岩手県境 |, was released by ""

Hachimantai, which lies near the border of Akita and Iwate prefectures, is a mountain range in the northern part of the Ou Mountains dotted with rolling lakes and swamps at 1,600 meters above sea level.

One of the lakes, Kagami-numa in Senboku City, Akita Prefecture, is called "Hachimantai Dragon Eye" because the snow on the surface of the lake melts into a doughnut shape, making it look like the eye of a dragon.
The dragon's eye is only visible for two weeks, and heavy equipment is required to climb the mountain during the snowy season.
Seeing a scene like the one in this video is extremely rare, so it's a must-see!

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
Spectacular Views for Only Two Weeks of the Year! A Dragon's Eye on the Surface of the Lake in Kagami-Numa, Akita Prefecture
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