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This video, "School Lunch in Japan - It's Not Just About Eating!," was released by "CafCu Media."

In the video, they visit an elementary school with 682 students in grade 6 in Saitama Prefecture.
It begins with the children going to school, shows how meals are prepared at the food service center, introduces the utensils used to eat the meals, and shows how the meals are prepared, eaten, and cleaned up.

School lunch in Japan is not just a time to eat lunch, but also an important time to learn through "food."
The children say "Itadakimasu" before eating, and "gochisosama" when finished, which are phrases to thank the person who made the meal, as well as those who grew the ingredients.
Students prepare their own food and clean up after themselves.
Japanese people learn the importance of food and the proper way to eat from an early age through school lunches.

Written By
Last Updated : Sep. 15, 2020
有田 和義(Kazuyoshi Arita)
A 40-something writer who loves entertainment
The Role of School Lunches in Japan. It Isn't Just Lunch, but an Important Time to Learn About Food and Nutrition!
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