[相片1][Englsih/日本語]esterday, 27 years have passed since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. 6,434 people d
[相片2][Englsih/日本語]esterday, 27 years have passed since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. 6,434 people d
[相片3][Englsih/日本語]esterday, 27 years have passed since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. 6,434 people d

esterday, 27 years have passed since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. 6,434 people died in this earthquake. Also, over the weekend, there was a massive volcanic eruption in Tonga and there are reports of tsunami damage. Last summer, many people from Tonga visited our school's Facebook page. We sincerely hope that everyone is safe.
Japan is famous in the world as a country with many earthquakes. For this reason, schools and companies conduct disaster drills on a regular basis. Today I would like to tell you about the disaster drills held at schools.

Number of times held
Schools with small children hold disaster drills every month, high school students hold drills four times a year, and companies hold drills twice a year. We mainly learn how to escape from earthquakes and fires.

Earthquake drills
The school broadcasts a message that an earthquake has occurred. Students immediately go under their desks, hold the legs of their desks, and wait until the shaking stops. When the shaking stops, students will follow the teacher's instructions to evacuate to a large area near the school school grounds or park. The students will also learn what to be careful of during the evacuation process in advance. The catchphrase to watch out for is "O ka shi mo". This catchphrase may vary from region to region.
・ "O" →[Osanai] "Don't push" When escaping, try not to push people.
・ "Ka" = [Kakenai] "Don't run." When running away, act calmly because running is dangerous.
・"Shi”→[Syaberanai] "Don't talk." Don't miss important information.
・"Mo"→[Modoranai] "Don't go back" Don't go back to dangerous places even if you have forgotten something.

3 Firefighting training, AED training, first aid practice
During the evacuation drills, students take various classes at the same time. For example, how to use a fire extinguisher and AED, and how to perform first aid. In some areas of Japan, there are facilities called "Bousai-kan" where you can learn about disaster prevention, and you can visit them all year round.

4 Evacuation goods
In Japan, where disasters occur frequently, it is customary to prepare in advance what is needed in case of a disaster. In Japan, where disasters occur frequently, it is customary to prepare in advance what you will need in the event of a disaster, including a three-day supply of food, water, blankets, helmets, and flashlights. These items are sold at home centers as disaster prevention goods. For international students, the school may buy them with the school's reserve fund. Please check with your school for details.

International students do not have to worry too much because evacuation drills are held at school. However, this is not the case for foreign tourists. If you are a foreign tourist, you may be worried about how to move if the disaster strikes. For those people, there is an app for foreign visitors to Japan. Please download it when you come to Japan.







[English/日本語] The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has decided to apply priority measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus since last week, and Tokyo residents will have to refrain from activities for about three weeks. Due to the new coronavirus, people have been spending more and more vacations at home as "stayhome" since 2020. How do Japanese people spend their vacations? Let's take a look at it along with Japanese culture. 1 Games Japanese games have become popular all over the world due to the Corona disaster. For example, games in which you build your own room or town and interact with your friends, or games in which you run and stretch like in a gym are especially popular. Also, games that used to be board games are now being played online, expanding the possibilities of games. With the recent establishment of high schools for e-sports games as sports in Japan, it is clear that games are becoming an important content for Japan. 2 Bath time Japanese people love to take a bath in the bathtub. Many of them go on trips to hot springs during long vacations, and those who have given up on their trips due to stay-home are said to buy various bath salts in order to feel a little like they are on vacation. As a result, some companies reportedly had record sales of bath salts last year. Do you use bath salts in your country? I hope you will try them when you come to Japan. 3 Plastic models Have you ever heard of plastic models? Plastic models are dolls made of plastic, and you can assemble and paint them yourself. In Japan, they have long been sold as children's toys, but since the Corona disaster, they have become popular not only among children but also among adults. In particular, plastic models of anime are very popular. If you are ever in Japan, you might want to buy one as a souvenir. Extras There is a character that has become famous in Corona. It is "Amabie. Amabie has been appearing in books for the past 150 years as a monster that eliminates plague. Before the corona virus, Amabie was a character known only to a few people who liked yokai, but after the corona virus spread, his recognition increased mainly through social networking sites, and now he is recognized by most of the people in Japan. In the city, you can see many products with Amabie's picture on them. Please try to look for them. Our school also offers online classes. In addition to classes, we also offer online yoga, online origami classes, and other fun activities. If you are interested, please contact us and we will explain the school via zoom. Please feel free to contact us. 東京都は先週から新型コロナウィルスまん防止等重点措置が適用が決まり、都民は3週間ほど活動を自粛することになりました。新型コロナウィルスの影響で2020年から「stayhome」として、休みの日を家で過ごすことが多くなりました。日本人はどのように休みを過ごしているでしょうか。日本の文化と合わせて見ていきましょう。 ①ゲーム コロナ禍で日本のゲームは世界的に人気になりました。たとえば、自分の部屋や街を作って友だちと交流するものや、ジムのように走ったり、ストレッチをするゲームなどが特に人気があります。また、今までボードゲームだったものが、オンラインで対戦するようになったりとゲームが色々な可能性を広げています。日本では最近、eスポーツ(ゲームをスポーツ競技としてとらえる)の高校などができたりと、ゲームは日本にとって重要なコンテンツになっていることがわかります。 ②お風呂時間 日本人はお風呂で湯舟に入ることが好きです。また長期休みになると温泉に入るために旅行に行く人も多いです。stayhomeで旅行を諦めてしまった人達は少しでも旅行の気分を味わうために、色々な入浴剤を買っているそうです。そのため、去年の入浴剤の売り上げが過去最高だった企業もあるそうです。みなさんの国では入浴剤は入れますか?日本に来た時にぜひ試してみてくださいね。 ③プラモデル みなさんはプラモデルをご存知ですか?プラモデルはプラスチックでできた人形で、自分で組み立てたり、色を塗ったりすることができます。日本では昔から子どものおもちゃとして売られていたものですが、コロナ禍になってからは子どもだけでなく、大人にも人気になっているそうです。特にアニメのプラモデルが人気だそうです。日本に来られるようになったら、お土産として買ってみてもいいかもしれませんね。 番外編 コロナで有名になったキャラクターがいます。それは「アマビエ」です。「アマビエ」は疫病をなくす妖怪として150年前から本などに登場しています。コロナウィルスが流行る前までは一部の妖怪好きの人たちしかしらないキャラクターでしたが、コロナウィルスが流行ってからはSNSを中心に認知度があがり、今や国民のほとんどから認知されています。街にはアマビエの絵が描いてある商品をたくさん見ることができます。みなさんもぜひ探してみてください。 本校ではオンライン授業もおこなっております。また、授業だけではなく、オンラインヨガやオンライン折り紙講座などのお楽しみも用意しています。気になる方はお問合せいただくと、zoomでの学校を説明を行います。
[English/日本語] Last year was a difficult year for international students who are looking forward to studying in Japan. Fingers crossed that I can enter the country this year! In this article, I would like to introduce the measures we take in Japan to prevent coronas in stores. 1 What to do at the entrance At the entrance of a store, there is a thermometer and disinfectant. Some of these are done by shopkeepers for customers, and some are done automatically. Also, there is a sign posted that says "Masks strictly prohibited" and you cannot enter the store without wearing a mask. In the case of public facilities such as museums, you may be asked to fill in your name and address. 2 What to do in a restaurant More and more restaurants are reducing the number of seats in their establishments. Each seat is separated by a transparent plastic sheet, and there are posters warning people to wear masks except when eating. The system used to be to order from a menu list, but recently more and more restaurants have tablets at each table, and you can order from the tablet. In some restaurants, you can even get a mask case as a service. In addition, there is a ventilation time every few tens of minutes, where the staff calls out to the customers to open the windows and doors of the restaurant. In winter, the ventilation time can be a bit chilly, so wear warm clothes even inside the store. 3What to do when you leave the store When standing in line at the cash register, there are markers on the floor to help you keep your social distance. Make sure to line up along them. In order to prevent infection, more and more stores are starting to accept cashless payments. In some cases, there are campaigns that offer points for cashless payment, so please take advantage of them. Our school is also taking measures against coronas. We disinfect thoroughly and take care of students' physical condition. Even if you are infected with corona, we can support you because our dormitory is located on the third floor of the school building. We are looking forward to welcoming international students to our country. 去年は日本留学を楽しみにしている留学生にとっては、苦しい一年となりました。今年は入国できるように祈っています!今回は日本で行っているお店でのコロナ対策について紹介します。 ①入口ですること お店の入口には検温器と消毒薬が置いてあります。こちらはお店の人がお客さんにするものと、自動で行うものなどがあります。また、「マスク厳禁」という貼り紙が貼ってあり、マスクをしないと入店することができません。美術館などの公共施設の場合は名前と住所を記入させられる場合もあります。 ②店の中ですること レストラン等では席数を減らしている店が増えました。各席には透明なビニールシートで仕切られており、食べるとき以外はマスクをするよう注意するポスターが貼ってあります。今までメニュー表を見て注文を行うシステムでしたが、最近は各テーブルにタブレットが置かれており、タブレットから注文できる店が増えました。店によってはサービスでマスクケースをもらえることもあります。また、数十分に1回換気の時間があり、店員が客に声をかけて、店の窓や扉を開けます。冬は換気の時間が少し体が冷えてしまうので、店の中でも温かい服装を着て行きましょう。 ③店を出るときにすること レジなどにならぶときは床にソーシャルディスタンスを守れるような目印があります。それにそって並ぶようにしましょう。また、感染防止のためお金の受け渡しをしないキャッシュレス決済を始める店が増えています。キャッシュレス決済の場合、ポイントがつくなどの得をするキャンペーンを開催している場合もあるので、ぜひ利用してみてください。 本校でもコロナ対策を行っています。徹底した消毒、学生の体調管理をしています。コロナに感染してしまった場合でも、寮が学校ビルの3階にあるため、サポートすることができます。留学生の入国を楽しみに待っています。