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커뮤니티 게시물

Justin Schultz
On the final day of our trip we were a bit tired but still wanted to see a few things and just casually enjoy our time. We ended up going to Marugame Castle as our first destination. It was really cool as it's one of the 12 castles in Japan that still has an original castle keep. The castle itself isn't very large, but the area surrounding it is. From the bottom of the castle the keep is quite small so it's hard to get a good photo of it, but we got a photo of it with one of the turrets along the moat wall which was cool. We reserved a rickshaw ride the previous night as well so when we got to the castle we did a little exploring and then we went on a guided tour around the lower area of the castle. The rickshaw guide was a really nice guy and quite funny as well. Apparently he was a comedian but he enjoyed doing this job as well. He told us a bunch of different things about the castle and it's construction while also telling some jokes occasionally. After the rickshaw tour we climbed our way up to the top of the castle and there were saw really amazing views waiting for us at the top. You could see the entire city almost. We also entered the castle keep, but it was relatively small. It was still nice to see the architecture on the inside but the stairs were a bit scary. They were incredibly steep and I was holding the handrails the entire time going up or down them. After checking out the castle we were pretty hungry and so we decided to get some lunch. Being Kagawa is the udon prefecture we went to an udon specialty restaurant. I haven't been to many udon restaurants so it was kind of a new experience for me. They had it set up kind of like a cafeteria and you go through and choose what you want and other toppings to go with your udon. I didn't see the trays for the extra toppings so I just ended up putting the karaage on top of my udon lol. I got niku udon and it tasted really good. The karaage was a nice touch as well. Not the usual tempura most people get but it went surprisingly well with the soup. After eating we headed towards Nakazu Banshoen, a garden with art exhibits as well. Before getting there we decided to stop by a Lupin-themed cafe though. It was a really tiny shop but we were able to cool off for a bit and relax which was nice since we were walking quite a bit. The garden was quite large and had a lot of different points of interest within it. The stepping stones were fun to cross and the row of torii gates was pretty cool as well. You can definitely take some nice photos with them. And that concludes our trip to Takamatsu! Overall it was a really fun trip and I definitely recommend it to anyone who hasn't been to Shikoku or Kagawa before. We didn't even get to do everything we were looking at but we still had a blast!
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Justin Schultz
우리 여행의 두 번째 날에 우리는 세토 내해의 많은 섬 중 하나 인 Shodoshima로 향했습니다. 유일한 방법은 페리를 타는 것이므로 우리는 티켓을 얻었고 배를 탔습니다. 일요일에 날씨가 좋았고 따뜻했지만 너무 덥지 않았기 때문에 정말 멋진 승차감이었습니다. 우리가 지역의 다른 섬의 약간을 보게되었고, 또한 낚시하는 사람들 등을 보게되었던 것에 따라 상부 갑판에 앉아있는 것도 멋졌다. 게다가 산들 바람도 정말 상쾌했습니다. 우리가 섬에 도착했을 때 우리는 자전거를 빌리려고했지만 불행히도 모두 빌려졌습니다. 그 후 우리는 차를 구하려고 했지만 그들도 모두 빌려서 우리가 가야 할 곳으로 버스를 타기로 결정했습니다. 그래도 잘 풀렸다. 우리가 가기로 결정한 첫 번째 장소는 올리브 파크 였지만 버스 정류장에 도착했을 때 정말 멋진 해변이 있었기 때문에 우리는 그것을 확인하고 물에 발을 담그고 식히기로 결정했습니다. 수영과 윈드 서핑을하는 사람들이 있었고 맛있는 음식이있는 멋진 작은 스낵 판잣집이있었습니다. 해변에서 조금 놀고 난 후에 우리는 공원에 향했다. 키키의 배달부 사진을 찍기 위해 빗자루를 빌리는 사람들이 많았고 그것을 보는 것은 꽤 재미있었습니다. 우리는 그것을 할까 생각했지만 빗자루는 너무 많은 사람들이 있었기 때문에 45 분 정도 기다렸기 때문에 우리는 그것을 전달하기로 결정했습니다. 우리는 또한 공원의 본관 안에있는 식당에서 점심을 먹었습니다. 그들은 정말로 좋은 약간의 약간의 음식 (사진 * _ * 4)과 정말로 맛좋은 마실 것을 가지고 있었다. 그게 뭔지는 기억나지 않지만, 받아서 기쁩니다. 레스토랑에서의 전망은 또한 멋지던 지역을 간과했다. 점심을 먹은 후 우리는 풍차가 있는 곳으로 향했고 도중에 작은 신사에 들렀습니다. 풍차 지역도 멋진 전망을 가지고 있었고 사진을 찍기 위해 바위에서 뛰어 내리려는 사람들이있었습니다. 우리가 공원에서 끝내고 난 후에 우리는 Angel Road에 향하기로 결정했다. 모래다리를 건널 수 있는 시간을 보고 일찍 도착했는데 그날 시간이 조금 어긋나 완벽한 시간에 맞춰 도착한 것 같습니다. 모래 다리 위에 물이 조금 남아있어서 신발을 벗고 건널 수있었습니다. 안타깝게도 정말 작은 바위가 많아서 발이 아팠지만 나쁘지 않았습니다. 우리는 그럭저럭 그것을 건널 수 있었다. 괜찮은 사진도 찍을 수있었습니다. 우리는 또한 근처 가게에서 아이스크림을 먹었습니다. 맛이 좋았어요! 엔젤 로드를 둘러본 후 페리로 돌아가 항구를 떠나기 시작하면서 큰 소리로 "참기름 냄새가 나지 않나요?" 글쎄요, 제 바로 뒤에 참기름 공장이 있어서 우리는 그것에 대해 약간의 웃음을 터뜨렸습니다. 성공적인 하루였습니다!
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Justin Schultz
I've got too many photos to post so I'm making another post today and at least 1-2 more in the next couple days. After visiting Ritsurin Park we headed towards Takamatsu Castle. The castle itself had no castle tower but it still had a really nice garden and the moat was pretty cool as well. They had a boat tour of the moat too, but we didn't think it was as extravagant as the one at Ritsurin Park and we were already tired so we decided to skip it and just tour the castle on foot. There were a variety of different stone lanterns throughout the garden that I thought were pretty cool. I always enjoy seeing the different lantern designs for some reason. Despite not having a castle tower, the turrets themselves were cool to see. After looking at the first castle tower we crossed a bridge that ran over the moat and headed up to the top. Once we got to the top, where the castle tower was previously located, we had a really awesome view of the area and I was able to get a photo of a boat passing through the moat. They were all wearing straw hats and special clothing, which I think was part of the experience. After leaving the castle and heading toward our hotel, we arrived at the second turret and it had a nicer view than from inside the castle. I thought the clouds above it looked quite nice as well. After that we headed to our hotel and rested for a bit and then headed over to a pizza place called PIZZERIA 18 for some dinner. The place had a nice atmosphere and the food was really good as well. We ordered pizza (obviously) and a variety platter as well. It all tasted great. They had Heartland as their nama-beer which I thought was nice. Don't see it very often.
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Justin Schultz
Went down to Takamatsu over the 3 day weekend last week. It was the first time either one of us had been to Shikoku before and it was a lot of fun. I'm surprised it's not talked about more, as there's so much stuff to do. We stayed near Takamatsu pretty much the whole time and we still didn't get to visit every place that we wanted to go. The first day mostly consisted of Ritsurin Park. The park (garden) itself was quite large and there was a lot of beautiful sights to see. We really wanted to go on the boat ride throughout the park's pond, but unfortunately it started to rain just a tiny bit and they closed the boat for the rest of the day, just before we arrived...☔️ Even still we had a lot of fun walking around the park. There were a lot of koi and turtles swimming in the pond too. We stopped by a small cafe-like building inside the park and i got an ice cream float and she got a coffee. In front of the shop one of the custodians came by with a big bucket of fish food and created a feeding frenzy amongst the koi. I'm pretty sure I saw a single catfish in there as well. After we finished our drinks we climbed to one of the best viewing spots in the park which had a really amazing view of the bridge and the pond. You can see the people on the boat we didn't get to ride too lol? The one building shown in photo 9 was actually a tea house where I think you could try traditional tea ceremony and eat sweets as well, but they also seemed to offer just a normal tea drinking experience as well. We decided not to try it, but if you like tea ceremony it looked quite nice.
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