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커뮤니티 게시물

Dylan Gibson
Gorgeous photo! I want to visit the Tottori Sand Dunes so badly. There was a photo of them going around the internet a while back with the covered in snow. It's such a strange concept to me having snow on sand. I, and probably most people as well, generally associate sand dunes and deserts with hot weather so it's really sort of fantastical. I've still never actually experienced that in person, and I lived relatively close to a beach most my life. It always got cold there but didn't snow much, or if it did I just wasn't going anywhere near it I suppose lol. The San'in Region is supposed to be full of really amazing natural scenery though so it seems like it'd be a cool place to visit during the summer or even for golden week or something.
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どんどん寒くなってきました。。 しかし!寒くなれば冬の味覚が待っている! 来週とうとう冬の定番カニが解禁されます。 日本ではズワイガニが人気ですが、自分はズワイガニでもメスの子持ちが大好きです! オスと違って全然小さいのですが、メスは卵やうちこが最高に美味しいので、日本海側に旅行して見つけることが出来たらぜひ食して欲しいです!
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