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커뮤니티 게시물

Dylan Gibson
I've heard about this place! I think I watched a video on it here actually? Not sure, but anyways, this photo is really nice. It's so simple and yet it really conveys the beautiful simplicity of sushi. It's really cool that the restaurant has English services for customers that don't speak Japanese. I think it really goes to show just how strong Japan's omotenashi culture is. The hospitality here is really second to none and it's something I've never experienced outside of Japan. I've gotta check this sushi place out though as it's apparently really good and popular! Another one to add to the list I suppose!
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浅草といえばアニメ「さらざんまい」の聖地? 「さらざんまい」はフジテレビ「ノイタミナ」枠で2019年4月~6月にかけて放送されていたアニメで、 「少女革命ウテナ」などを手掛けた幾原邦彦監督によるオリジナルアニメ作品です。 決め台詞的に使われる「サラっと!」はつい言ってしまいがちな天音です? 作中には実際に存在する浅草の観光スポットがたくさんでてきます! 雷門、松屋銀座、道具街、花やしき、かっぱ橋河太郎像、吾妻橋などなど… そこで、以前聖地巡礼してきた時の吾妻橋と作中に出てくる猫ちゃんを撮影してきたのでご紹介? 引用した記事では作中にでてきた道具街商店街と、最後の方では「かっぱ橋河太郎像」がご覧なれます! (詳細は記事に書かれていたので、こちらでは省かせていただきます) 「かっぱ橋河太郎像」は主人公たちが集まるメインの場所としてでてきますが、 実際は道具街商店街の途中に急にあって、つい見逃しそうになりましたw? ◎写真①~⑤ 本編で主人たちが戦う場所として毎回登場したり、大事なシーンの舞台になる「吾妻橋」 聖地巡礼後、去年たまたま近くにいく機会があったので見てきたらなんと、色が変わっていました…? 整備されて綺麗になっていたのですが以前の赤が神秘的だったのでちょっとショック。。 でも橋からの河川の眺めは最高でした、最終回を思い出してしまったり?✨ 世の中がもう少し落ち着いたらまた行きたいと思っています。 聖地すべてまわりきっていないので、次は珈琲 天国に行きたいです☕ 「さらざんまい」を知らない人でも、浅草は色々見どころが多いので 小道や商店街を散策してみると楽しいと思います?
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Dylan Gibson
I could really go for some yakisoba right about now. I always love going around at festivals and looking for the yakisoba vendors as it's the best festival food imo. I actually haven't had it cooked on teppan in a restaurant in a few years though. I think the last time I did it was at an okonomiyaki restaurant with a bunch of friends, was a lot of fun. This "En" restaurant in Yoyogi looks pretty good though, I'll have to keep an eye out for it or write it down for whenever I'm in the area next. I'm probably going to make some yakisoba this weekend if not sooner though, cuz it sounds pretty good right now?
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Dylan Gibson
Wow this is awesome. I haven't gotten to see an iguana up close in so many years. They're really amazing creatures, apparently they're an invasive species in Japan. You learn something new every day I guess. I think I went to Sunshine City like last year or something but I haven't been to the Sunshine Aquarium before unfortunately. If they have iguanas then I'd love to go see them lol. I went to an aquarium a few years ago when I visited Kyoto but it's been a while since then. I really love checking out the jellyfish too, there's so many different types and the aquariums I went to in the US never seemed to have any which seemed kind of strange. Still hoping one day I'll get to see one of the dolphin shows that I always see. I seem to always barely miss the line and the wait time until the next one is always really long. Japan has some really cool aquariums though, so I'm looking forward to when I can visit them!
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サンシャイン水族館-Sunshine Aquarium


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Dylan Gibson
Man that's a lot of meat! I love yakiniku though so I wouldn't be surprised if I could eat all of it ? I haven't went to a yakiniku restaurant in a while since we just cook it at home in our nabe, but I'd love to go to a yakiniku restaurant again soon. The atmosphere is always really nice and it's nice to get out and have a beer with some friends over some delicious meat. I used to always go to this all-you-can-eat style yakiniku restaurant with friends some years back but with everyone living in different places I haven't been able to do so in a while. I'm pretty sure I've never went to Ushimatsu, but dang does it look good. I'm a huge fan of the toasted bread and meat too, looks tasty! If I'm ever in Minato and looking to splurge I'll have to give this place a visit!
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魅せます - 日本の食 - / Showcasing - Japanese Food -

Ushimatsu@Nishiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan

東京都港区西麻布3-13-14 LA・RES 西麻布 B1F
+81 3-6459-2329
LA・RES Nishiazabu B1F, 3-13-14 Nishiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
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