Video article 11:12
The Kyoto Imperial Palace Was Once the Center of Japanese Politics. Enjoy the Historical Atmosphere of a Sightseeing Destination Where the Architectural Techniques of the Imperial Court Have Been Preserved in Their Original Form
Art & Architecture- 62 plays
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Introducing the Kyoto Imperial Palace! This is a video titled "20180407 Kyoto Imperial Palace Special Opening kyoto imperial palace Special Day(20180407 京都御所 特別公開 kyoto imperial palace Special Day)," produced by "osaka life impact," that shows the special opening of the Kyoto Imperial Palace. The Kyoto Imperial Palace, introduced in this video, is a valuable building that brings together traditional Japanese culture and the ancient architecture of the Japanese Imperial Court. It was used as the residence of the Emperor until the Meiji Restoration in 1869. Today, it is used as the Imperial Palace. The "Kyoto Imperial Palace Special Opening" is the perfect place to get an in-depth look at the fascinating buildings that give you a sense of Japan's deep history. Enjoy taking a walk through the Kyoto Imperial Palace by watching the video. What Kind of Place Is the Kyoto Imperial Palace? Source :YouTube screenshot The Kyoto Imperial Palace is a facility related to the Imperial family, located in Kamigyo ward, Kyoto city, Kyoto Prefecture, and is currently managed by the Kyoto Office of the Imperial Household Agency. It is a building derived from Todo-in Temple, and has been regarded as an Imperial Palace since Emperor Godaigo left Kyoto in 1331 and Emperor Kogon was crowned. The Imperial Palace was used for 550 years, through the reigns of Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi, all the way up to the relocation of the capital to Tokyo by the Emperor Meiji. Tours and Highlights of the Kyoto Imperial Palace Photo:Kyoto Imperial Palace, Shishinden One of the things you don't want to miss when visiting the Imperial Palace is the gates scattered around the area. The gates, such as Kenrei Gate, Shuhei Gate, Gishu Gate, Seisho Gate, Kougou Gate, and Empress Gate are all amazing architectural masterpieces. Be sure to check out buildings such as the Shishinden and the Imperial Throne, as well as places like,Seiryoden, Oninoma, Morotayu, Geisyun, Kogosho, Ongakumonsho, Empress Gojogo, Osannoma, Goryoko. Also, check out Saruga Tsuji, the demon gate. In addition to the Kemari garden, the courtyard garden, the pond garden, and the inner court gardens which can be seen at 4:51, you can enjoy the cherry blossoms in full bloom at and around Shin-Mikurumayose shown at 0:40 in the video. Don't forget to take pictures! There's some amazing places that will look great on your Instagram! Sightseeing Around the Kyoto Imperial Palace! Photo:Autumn leaves at Arashiyama Kyoto, dating back to the relocation of the Heian capital, is a popular spot visited by many tourists from both Japan and overseas. After visiting the Kyoto Imperial Palace, stop by the Munakata Shrine and Itsukushima Shrine in Gyoen and ask for your red seal! If you have time, we definitely recommend visiting the Arashiyama area, Gojo area, Nijo Castle, the Kyoto National Museum, and more. If you want to enjoy lunch at a cafe or buy souvenirs, we recommend visiting the Kawaramachi area. There's so many popular sightseeing spots in Kyoto that you probably won't be able to see everything in one day (unless you're running maybe). That being said, we recommend booking a hotel and staying overnight. There's plenty to see so you definitely won't regret it. Kyoto Video Tour Summary Photo:Kyoto Imperial Palace You can see the majesty of the Kyoto Imperial Palace, and all of its charms throughout the video, so take your time perusing the sights. The Kyoto Imperial Palace is normally closed to the public, but by filling out a visitors application you can reserve a visit. There are also public events during spring and autumn, so we recommend visiting Kyoto at this time. No reservation is required for the general public and no admission fee is required. A tour around the famous places in Kyoto will be held simultaneously with the opening of the Kyoto Imperial Palace, so think about participating if you're interested. ◆Introduction of Kyoto Imperial Palace facility◆ 【Address】3 Kyoto Gyoen, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 602-0881 【Access】Immediately from Marutamachi Station or Imadegawa Station on the Karasuma Subway Line 【Entrance fee】None 【Hours】9:00 to 16:30 (* Please see the official website for details as times may vary by season) 【Closures】Mondays 【Parking】Available (charged) 【Official Website】Visiting the Imperial Household Agency: Facility Information: Kyoto Imperial Palace https://sankan.kunaicho.go.jp/english/index.html 【Tripadvisor】Kyoto Imperial Palace https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298564-d321088-Reviews-Kyoto_Imperial_Palace-Kyoto_Kyoto_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 4:07
Beautiful Scenery in Shizuoka Prefecture! Enjoy Sightseeing in the Blue Ocean at Izu Shirahama Beach and the Historic and Sacred Shirahama Shrine!
Travel- 65 plays
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伊豆白浜海岸と白浜神社魅力紹介動画の見どころ ここでは、「【空撮】伊豆白浜海岸と白浜神社」という動画を元に、静岡県の伊豆白浜海岸と白浜神社の魅力について紹介します。 綺麗な白浜海岸の広がる白浜大浜海水浴場は日本でも屈指の美しい海水浴場です。 エメラルドグリーンの海が織りなす自然の景色は、感動すること間違い無しでしょう。 特に大明神岩とその上に海に向かって建つ鳥居はとても幻想的。 屈指のインスタ映えスポットとしても人気の高い場所となっています。 伊豆白浜海岸の海開きは、気候にもよりますが基本的にはGWから9月まで泳ぐことが出来ます。 伊豆最古の宮である白浜神社! 動画の1:55から紹介されている伊豆最古の神社とされる白浜神社は、縁結び・恋愛力アップのご利益があることで知られるパワースポット。 連日静岡県民のみならず、県外の方たちも参拝に来られます。 大明神岩や鳥居、御釜と、インスタ映えの名所がズラリ。 ぜひ観光の際に訪れてはいかがでしょうか。 夜には綺麗な星空を堪能すること一面に広がり、一日余すことなく楽しむことが出来ます。 伊豆白浜海岸と白浜神社魅力紹介まとめ 白浜海岸では、毎年海の安全を祈願するイベントとして『白浜海の祭典 納涼花火大会』が開催されています。 綺麗な海に打ち込まれて扇状に広がる花火は何とも言えない美しさをに釘付けになってしまうこと間違い無いでしょう。 周辺には『ペンション桜家』や『伊古奈荘』など、伊豆白浜海岸を中から楽しむことが出来る施設がございますので検討してみて下さい。 綺麗な海と日本の歴史深い神社のある伊豆白浜海岸。 動画とこの記事を参考に観光してみてはいかがでしょう。 -
Video article 2:41
Is This Really Japan?! Enjoy the Natural Scenery of Iriomote Island in Okinawa Prefecture! Canoeing Down Majestic Rivers, Trekking Through Magnificent Jungles, and Seeing Inspiring Views, There's No End to the Fun!
Nature- 34 plays
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めくるめく自然を楽しむことが出来る西表島アドベンチャーツアー紹介動画について こちら「西表島アドベンチャーツアー」は、日本の南西部に浮かぶ離島、天然記念物のイリオモテヤマネコが生息していることで有名な西表島の自然をたっぷり堪能することが出来るツアー紹介動画です。 面積の90%以上がマングローブ林のジャングルであり、日本でも屈指の自然豊かでインスタ映えのする場所として知られる西表島。 そこで行われるアドベンチャーツアーは楽しめること間違いなしです! そんな西表島で行われるアドベンチャーツアーどんなものなのか紹介いたします。 西表島アドベンチャーツアーで体験できること一覧! 西表島アドベンチャーツアーでは、普段日本で過ごしていたら味わえないような体験をすることが出来ます。 日本でも珍しいマングローブを堪能することが出来るカヤックやカヌー、川に飛び込んで流れと共に渓谷を下るキャニオニング、沢道をゆっくり歩いて自然の絶景を堪能するサワートレッキング、沖縄No.1の水落を誇るピナイサーラの滝壺をメインとした滝廻り、ジャングル奥底にあるケイビング(洞窟探検)などです。 バリエーションにとんだアクティビティの中からぜひお好みのツアーを楽しんでみてください。 今回、動画全体を通して紹介されているマングローブカヤック&ピナイサーラの滝トレッキングコースは特におすすめですよ。 西表島にある自然溢れる観光名所の紹介 西表島アドベンチャーツアーにて見ることが出来る、日本でも珍しい自然溢れる観光スポットを紹介させて頂きます。 まずはピナイサーラの滝です。 沖縄では珍しいとされる大きい落差が有名な細い滝で、落差に関しては沖縄県で最も大きいとされています。 日本の重要湿地500の一つに選定されているヒナイ川の中程に位置しており、自然の美しさと雄大さ溢れるその場所は、インスタ映え間違い無いでしょう。 続いて紹介するのはマングローブ林です。 熱帯や亜熱帯の海水が干潮や満潮を繰り返す特殊な環境でしか見ることの出来ない日マングローブを、西表島アドベンチャーツアーで見ることが出来ます。 自然が織りなす美しい景色、それを横目にカヤックで進んでいくのは、日常では味わえない体験になることでしょう。 西表島アドベンチャーツアーの紹介まとめ 本州とはまた違った自然が溢れる西表島の姿は、とても新鮮な光景ではないでしょうか。 西表島をよりよく知るためには、やはりガイド付きのアドベンチャーツアーに参加するのがおすすめでしょう。 西表島の大自然に興味を持たれた方はぜひ検討してみてはいかがでしょうか? -
Video article 1:45
The Beautiful Katsuren Castle Ruins in Uruma City, Okinawa Are Like a Castle in the Sky. Built on a 100-Meter-Tall Plateau Overlooking the Cobalt Blue Ocean, the Castle Is Registered as a World Heritage Site!
Art & Architecture Travel- 31 plays
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沖縄県のうるま市にある勝連城跡紹介動画について こちらの動画は「うるま市秘書広報課」が公開した「【うるま市公式】世界遺産 勝連城跡~World heritage Katsuren jo site~」です。 沖縄といえば美しい海があげられますよね。 その沖縄の海を一望できるような、インスタ映えスポットを探している方はいませんか? そのような方に、沖縄県のうるま市にある世界遺産の勝連城跡を紹介いたします。 沖縄を観光するときには勝連城跡はかならず訪れるべき! 沖縄のうるま市にある勝連城跡は、ユネスコ世界遺産に登録されている歴史ある城跡です。 12世紀ごろに築城され、廃城となるまで貿易の舞台になっていたと言われています。 当時、琉球王国が安定していく過程で、国王に最後まで抵抗していた有力按司(あじ)である阿麻和利が住んでいたグスク(城)として有名。 自然の地形を利用しながら、石炭岩の石垣を巡らせた城壁が特徴で、とても立派な名城の跡地となっています。 うるま市の勝連城跡は、標高が高い城跡なので眺めがよく、沖縄の美しい景色を一望できます。 沖縄旅行の際には自然や歴史、文化を楽しめる勝連城跡に訪れてみるのはいかがでしょうか。 沖縄県うるま市の勝連城跡は美しい海を眺められる絶景スポット 沖縄といえばオーシャンブルーの海を想像する人が多いですよね。 その綺麗な沖縄の海を一望できる名所がうるま市の勝連城跡にあります。 日本の観光地である勝連城跡の一番高い場所は、98mあります。 ここでは、勝連城跡の周辺にある町並みや沖縄の海を見渡すことができ、うるま市に訪れたら必ず行きたい絶景スポット。 ビーチから見る沖縄の海とは一味違った景勝を見ることができ、続日本100名城にも選ばれている勝連城跡はおすすめの観光地です。 沖縄県うるま市の勝連城跡は歴史ある建造物を楽しめる名所 沖縄県うるま市の勝連城は、難攻不落の城と言われ、城跡の高さやしっかりした石積みの城壁から当時の鉄壁の守りを感じることができます。 按司の屋敷跡や御嶽(ウタキ)などグスクで重要と言われていたスポットも鑑賞することができ、歴史好きにはたまらない観光スポット。 沖縄県のうるま市にある勝連城跡紹介まとめ 沖縄観光の際には必ず訪れたい勝連城跡。 駐車場もありアクセスも便利。 沖縄の絶景を楽しみたい方はぜひ訪れてみてください! -
Video article 3:35
Skateboarding Expected to Be in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics! Witness the Skills of Some of the World's Top Young Riders Contracted With Murasaki Sports!
Sports- 81 plays
- YouTube
Skateboarding in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics! This video is a session of TEAM RIDER, which consists of five street skaters, Yoshiaki Toeda, Ryuhei Kitazume, Yuto Hori, Daisuke Ikeda, and Sorayoshi Shirai. Skateboarding has become a hotly anticipated event as it becomes a part of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. For some of you, skateboarding is what "kids do for fun." However, skateboarding is one of the most popular international extreme sports, along with surfing, snowboarding, bodyboarding, and BMX, which are all part of the Olympic Games. Check out the video to see some awesome tricks and learn just how fun skateboarding can be! The 2020 Tokyo Olympics' Skateboarding Competition Photo:Skateboarding Although the history of skateboarding varies, it is most likely that it was born around 1940 on the west coast of the United States. Until around 1990, it was enjoyed for fun, but it later took established itself as a sport and joined the Olympic games. There are two types of skateboarding: street and vert. Street skating is exactly what it sounds like- skating around streets and using the natural environment as your skatepark. At the Olympics, it's essentially a small course intended to mimic that natural environment, with staircases, handrails, and more setup for the competitors to do tricks with. Competitors are judged on the number of tricks the can do in the allotted time period, as well as on the complexity of their tricks. Photo:Skatepark On the other hand, vert skating, also known as park skating uses large half-pipes, quarter-pipes, and bowls that you would see at a skatepark. These allow the competitor to gain speed that allows them to grind for long distances, or to gain incredible height and do aerial tricks. It might not look that hard, but being so high in the air can actually be quite nerve wracking, and they don't always land their tricks either. Street skating might not be as fast paced, but the freestyle performances are just as impressive as their vert counterparts. The video shows a video of a street skateboard competition starting at 0:17. Skateboarders and Other World-Class Riders! Murasaki Sports Supporting the Youth! Source :YouTube screenshot Many athletes who have won numerous awards in world contests, including the designated players for the Tokyo Olympics, belong to Murasaki Sports. The skateboard team "TEAM RIDER," that can be seen in the video, includes Yoshiaki Toeda (0:15), Ryuhei Kitazume (1:14), Yuto Horiyume (2:21), Daisuke Ikeda (0:39), and Sorayoshi Shirai (1:42). Check out some of their awesome tricks in the video. There's also surfing, snowboarding, bodyboarding, and other athletes besides the five skaters mentioned above. The athletes are committed to improving their skills while practicing for competition on a daily basis. The Murasaki Sports website also features blog posts on the athletes' competitions as well as their private lives, so you can stay up to date with their daily activities. You too can support the players of Murasaki Sports! Summary of Murasaki Sports' Skateboarders Photo:Skateboarding We hope you were able to see some of the charms of skateboarding through this article. Be sure to look out for skateboarding at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics! The population and public interest in skateboarding isn't that high, but the community is great and they love helping beginner get into the sport! If you're into skateboarding, be sure to watch the video and check out some of their awesome tricks! 【Official Website】Skateboard - Murasaki Sports https://www.murasaki.co.jp/brand/ridelifemag-murasaki-sports/shop/honatsugi/354a9bd2-09ad-4aea-a98f-e4249637a13b -
Video article 6:48
Inuyama Castle: One of Just 5 Castle Towers in Japan Considered a National Treasure. Come and Be Immersed in Japan's Rich History in Aichi Prefecture!
History Travel- 83 plays
- YouTube
Inuyama Castle: A National Treasure. It’s History and Background The video "The National Treasure Inuyama Castle" (国宝犬山城 National Treasure Inuyama Castle) was produced by "SouthernValleyDiary." The national treasure Inuyama Castle was constructed in 1537 during the Muromachi Period (1336-1573), and it uses a structure implemented in some of Japan’s oldest castle towers. It was built in Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture in Japan's Tokai region. It is popularly known as Hakutei Castle and not only can you see the castle town, but you also get a view of the majestic Mt. Igiyama and the entire Inuyama region from the castle tower built on the banks of the Kiso River. Photo:Aichi prefecture / Inuyama Castle It was Oda Nobunaga's uncle, Oda Nobuyasu, who built the national treasure Inuyama Castle. Later, in 1617, during the Edo Period (1603-1868), improvements were made to the castle towers by Naruse Masashige and it became what we know it as today. Naruse remained as the castle lord until the end of the Edo Period. Due to the establishment of prefectures in place of feudal domains, everything other than the castle tower was demolished. The castle suffered through some natural disasters such as earthquakes, however, through reconstruction, it was designated as a national treasure in the 10th year of the Showa period (1935). Also, due to revisions in the National Treasure regulations in the 1952, the castle was once again designated as a national treasure. Although it was once famous as a privately-owned castle, it is presently owned by the Inuyama Castle Hakutei Bunko foundation. The castle tower has a 3-tier exterior, including 4 interior floors, and 2 basement floors. Recently, the Shachihoko (an imaginary creature with a carp body and a tiger head) roof ornament was repaired and the castle's symbol was resurrected. Inuyama Castle, One of the Few Existing Castle Towers Designated as a National Treasure Source :YouTube screenshot Of the 200 castles that you can see in Japan, there are only 12 castle towers that exist from before the Edo period and that are still standing to this day. They are called the 12 Existing Castle Towers and the national treasure Inuyama Castle is one of them. Also, the 5 castle towers in Japan designated a national treasure are called the 5 National Treasure Castles and they consist of Himeji Castle, Matsumoto Castle, Hikone Castle, Matsue Castle, and of course, Inuyama Castle. The revered national treasure Inuyama Castle can be seen from 3:39 in the video. The treasured castle tower, the connecting smaller watch tower built on the stone wall, and the interior of the castle tower can be seen in the footage as well. Inuyama Castle and Places to Visit Nearby Source :YouTube screenshot On the eastern side of Inuyama Castle's castle tower, there was once a giant cedar tree. Unfortunately the tree is now dead, but it is revered as the sacred tree "Osugi-sama." The Inuyama Castle ruins are also designated as a national historic site. Some popular locations to visit near the castle are the gourmet restaurants and cafes that retain the traditional machiya (townhouse) ambience. Inuyama Castle Town can be seen from the beginning of the footage, and old, irreplaceable townhouses can be seen here as well. There are many restaurants selling soba/udon, ice cream, and gohei mochi (a type of sticky rice cake), so you will be able to enjoy seeing the sights while munching on a snack and walking around. Also, the building that once housed a famous kimono merchant, the Former Isobe Family Residence, still exists in its original state and is open to the public. The footage of the Former Isobe Family Residence can be seen from 0:18 in the video. Source :Youtube screenshot Near Inuyama Castle is the Inuyama City Museum of Cultural History, along with the Karakuri Museum, and the Castle and Town Museum. There you will be able to experience the rich history of Inuyama Castle. From 1:28 in the video, the display of the Karakuri dolls that were once used during the Inuyama Festival can be seen at the Karakuri Museum. At the Inuyama Cultural History Museum seen from 1:56, the castle town and Yama floats from the Inuyama Festival are shown, as well as a detailed diorama of Inuyama Castle, and the shachihoko. It's a 15-minute walk from Meitetsu Inuyama station and admission is only ¥100, so we definitely recommend visiting if you're going to the castle. A famous shortcut to Inuyama Castle is Sanko Inari Shrine which can be seen from 2:49 in the video. If you go through the numerous red Torii gates, you'll be overwhelmed by the sacred atmosphere. The heart shaped Ema (wishing plaques) are perfect for wishing for matchmaking and harmonious marriages, so this is a spot you should stop by if you're looking for love! There's a parking lot here as well, so if you plan on going by car, we recommend checking out the details of the parking lot. Summary of Inuyama Castle Source :YouTube screenshot What did you think? Out of the many castles Japan can be proud of, there are only 5 designated as national treasures, and the national treasure Inuyama Castle is definitely worth the visit. Experience firsthand, the castles that Japan proudly presents to the world! ◆National Treasure Inuyama Castle|Facility Overview◆ 【Address】65-2 Inuyama Kita Koken, Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture 484-0082 【Access】About 15 minutes on foot the Meitetsu Inuyama Yuen Station 【Admission Fee】Adults ¥550、Elementary and junior high school students ¥110 (※As of April 2020) 【Hours】9:00~17:00 【Closures】End of the year 【Parking】Parking lots in the vicinity (Fee required) 【Telephone】0568-61-1711 【Tripadvisor】Inuyama Castle https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g325580-d320121-Reviews- Inuyama_Castle-Inuyama_Aichi_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 1:12
Experience What High-Speed Boat Racing Is Like in Japan
Sports- 70 plays
- YouTube
About the Boat Race PR Video "BOAT RACE and the City │ Boat Race PR [BOATRACE official](BOAT RACE and the City │ボートレースPR【ボートレース公式 BOATRACE official】)" is a PR video work that allows you to enjoy the power of boat racing. The speed and power at these waterside stadiums is extraordinary and attracts many people. Powerful races, as you can see throughout the video, are sometimes called "water martial arts." Finding and cheering for your favorite athlete is one of the appeals of all public sports. This time, I will introduce boat racing in detail. What Is Boat Racing? What Is a Boat Race? Photo:Boat Race Boat racing is one of the government-controlled competitive sports along with “bicycle racing”, “horse racing”, “auto racing”, etc., and is a competition performed on a motor board that applies the motorboat racing format. The race is divided into five classes, "SG, G1, G2, G3, and General Battle". SG (Special grade) is the highest grade race. The official name was unified as "競艇, Kyoutei" (Lit. Boat Racing) from 1997 to 2009, but from 2010, it was stylized as "BOAT RACE". In the past, it was sometimes called a boat or motorboat race. Boat Races at 24 Locations Nationwide! Photo:Fukuoka Boat Race Track Introduced in the video at 1:01, there are 24 boat racetracks nationwide. Here, we will introduce them in a list. 1. Kojima Boat Race Track (Okayama Prefecture) 2. Miyajima Boat Race Track (Hiroshima Prefecture) 3. Tokuyama Boat Race Track (Yamaguchi Prefecture) 4. Shimonoseki Boat Race Track (Yamaguchi Prefecture) 5. Wakamatsu Boat Race Track (Fukuoka Prefecture) 6. Ashiya Boat Race Track (Fukuoka Prefecture) 7. Fukuoka Boat Race Track (Fukuoka Prefecture) 8. Karatsu Boat Race Track (Saga Prefecture) 9. Omura Boat Race Track (Nagasaki Prefecture) 10. Amagasaki Boat Race Track (Hyogo Prefecture) 11. Suminoe Boat Race Track (Osaka Prefecture) 12. Biwako Boat Race Course (Shiga Prefecture) 13. Mikuni Boat Race Track (Fukui Prefecture) 14. Naruto Boat Race Track (Tokushima Prefecture) 15. Marugame Boat Race Field (Kagawa Prefecture) 16. Kiryu Boat Race Course (Gunma Prefecture) 17. Toda Boat Race Course (Saitama Prefecture) 18. Edogawa Boat Race Track (Tokyo) 19. Heiwajima Boat Race Track (Tokyo) 20. Tamagawa Boat Race Track (Tokyo) 21. Tokoname Boat Race Track (Aichi Prefecture) 22. Gamagori Boat Race Course (Aichi Prefecture) 23. Lake Hamana Boat Race Field (Lake Hamana) 24. Tsu Boat Race Track (Mie Prefecture) If You Enjoy Boat Racing, Take a Gamble! Photo:Boat odds bulletin board Boat racing also has a gambling aspect, which has become very popular content. Now, apps have appeared, and you can buy boat tickets anywhere, predict the outcome, and see the results. Boat racing is a sport that can be enjoyed by all types of people! Boat Race Introduction Video Summary Today we Introduced the very popular boat race as a spectator competition. What'd you think? There are also TV commercials featuring popular talent, so if you're interested, keep your eyes peeled. It has a history dating back 79 years, including the period until it became a public sport, and now it has a stronger aspect of gambling, but it is still a powerful sport that you will never get tired of watching. [Tokyo / Osaka / Fukuoka] featured in the video may have a joint tri-city battle. If you are interested, why not visit the boat racetrack and vote? 【Official Website】boat race https://www.boatrace.jp/owpc/pc/extra/en/index.html -
Video article 13:28
The Sakata Fireworks Show of Yamagata Prefecture - One of the Largest Fireworks Shows in Tohoku, With a Total of More Than 12,000 Fireworks! The Grand Finale Is a Sight To Behold!
Festivals & Events- 125 plays
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A Look at the 2018 Sakata Fireworks Show This video, titled "[4K] Sakata Fireworks Show 2018|Ultra-Wide Starmines Launched in Succession|Sakata Fireworks Show - (Shot on Samsung nx1)" ([4K] 酒田の花火ショー 2018 2尺玉3発同時打ち上げ+展開幅2kmの超ワイドスターマイン), was released by "AQUA Geo Graphic." It introduces the 2018 Sakata Fireworks Show held by the Mogami river (最上川) in Sakata city, Yamagata prefecture (山形県酒田市) in Japan's Tohoku region. The Sakata Fireworks Show is held on the first Saturday of August each year and is one of the most popular fireworks events in Yamagata prefecture. With an incredible 12,000 fireworks launched every year it's one of the biggest fireworks events in Tohoku. The event dates back more than 90 years to 1929 when it was held in celebration of Sakata Port being designated a major port known as a "Class 2 Critical Port" (第二種重要港湾) in Japan. It is one of the most recognized events in Yamagata prefecture. Highlights of the 2018 Sakata Fireworks Show Photo:Yamagata Prefecture, Sakata Fireworks Show The Sakata Fireworks Show is full of excitement! From the large-scale Shakudama fireworks (尺玉) to the simultaneous over-water and mid-air Starmine fireworks, there are a variety of fireworks for you to enjoy. From 11:55 in the video, you can also see the Wide Starmine fireworks which cover the same distance (approximately 2km) as the "Phoenix" fireworks of the Nagaoka Fireworks Display (長岡花火), which is famous as one of the three largest fireworks displays in Japan. Another popular type of firework, "Niagaras," can be seen from 12:57 in the video. From the opening to the grand finale, you won't be able to take your eyes off of this amazing fireworks performance even for a moment! In 2018, the Sakata Fireworks Show was especially entertaining, as it featured even larger fireworks launched together with wide starmines! Access To Mogami River, Where the Sakata Fireworks Show Is Held On the day of the fireworks show, there is a shuttle bus (bus fare required) from JR Uetsu Line Sakata station (JR羽越本線酒田駅) that will take you straight to the venue in around 10 minutes. For those travelling by car, take Japan National Route 7 (国道7号) from the Nihonkai Tohoku Expressway Sakata Interchange (日本海東北自動車道酒田IC) and head for Sakata City. It's an approximately 8 km drive. There's parking available near the venue as well. However, please keep in mind that it can get very crowded on the day of the fireworks show. Sightseeing Near the Mogami River Photo:Yamai Soko, Sakata City, Yamagata Prefecture There are many sightseeing spots for you to enjoy around Sakata, Yamagata! One of the most popular spots is "Sankyo Soko" (山居倉庫); which is an area with historic rice storehouses that have been the filming location for several tv dramas and movies. There's also Japan first photography museum "Domon Ken Kinenkan" (土門拳記念館), and the filming location for the 2008 film "Departures," so consider enjoying some sightseeing before the fireworks show begins! Other popular spots include Iimoriyama Park (飯森山公園), Homma Museum (本間美術館), and the Oranda Senbei Factory (オランダせんべいFACTORY). A guidebook will help you find your way around all of the tourist spots in Sakata city! Summary of the Sakata Fireworks Show Photo:Woman in a Yukata In this article we introduced Tohoku's famous Sakata Fireworks Show. There are special viewing seats available that can be purchased online or you could always try to find your own special viewing spot with a great view of the fireworks! If you enjoyed watching the video, we highly recommend going to see the Sakata Fireworks Show in person where you can enjoy the entertaining performance of music and fireworks! 【Tripadvisor】Sakata Fireworks Show https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023683-d10019650-Reviews-Sakata_Fireworks_Show-Sakata_Yamagata_Prefecture_Tohoku.html -
Video article 3:18
Reihoku, Kumamoto- Where Christianity Was Introduced to Japan More Than 450 Years Ago. Introducing Tourist Spots, Gourmet Food, and the Nature of Reihoku, Amakusa, Kumamoto!
Local PR Travel Nature- 40 plays
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Reihoku, Amakusa, Kyushu This video is a promotional video for Reihoku, Amakusa in Kumamoto, Kyushu titled "reihoku," created by "Reihoku Town Hall." The video introduces the many attractive places and magnificent nature of Reihoku, Amakusa, Kumamoto. Reihoku is the perfect place to visit if you like the ocean. Check out Tomioka castle and Tomioka visiter center if you're looking for a tasteful sightseeing tour. The video shows the many different tourist spots dotted around Reihoku. Let's take a look! Amakusa, Kumamoto - A UNESCO World Heritage Site Photo:Sakizu Church The Amakusa area in Kumamoto, Kyushu was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2018. The World Heritage Site "Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region" is where you can feel the history and culture of Japanese Christianity. It has been about 450 years since Christianity was introduced to Japan. Visit the different churches and experience Japan's culture of Christianity. At 1:39 in the video, you can see a statue of the Virgin Mary on a cliff. It's very beautiful even if you don't follow Christianity. Ocean Views in Reihoku, Kumamoto Photo:Yatsushiro Sea You can go on a cruise where you can see dolphins from Tomioka port. You'll be fascinated to see all the different beautiful ocean views that the cruise offers. There are other popular spots such as Tomioka beach, Shikizaki cape, and Oppai rock (Lit. "Breast Rock") in Amakusa ocean. We recommend the Reihoku steam ship for sightseeing. It's only a 45-minute ride between Amakusa and Nagasaki. Try the popular tour of Reihoku Thermal Power Plant that takes place on the day the power plant was opened. Check the video at 1:05 to see the rock cruising. There are so many photo locations for Instagram! Gourmet Food in Reihoku, Amakusa Photo:Nagasaki chanpon noodles Fresh sea food is a must in Reihoku, Amakusa. Try the freshly caught fish and oysters from Reihoku! Amakusa area is also famous for cabbage. At 2:42 in the video, all of the gourmet foods are introduced. Which one are you thinking about trying? Nagasaki chanpon noodles are another must-eat food since Amakusa is close to Nagasaki. Fill your belly with all the delicious Amakusa cuisine. The Cultivation of pearls is also famous in Amakusa. You can even purchase them as souvenirs! Summary of Reihoku, Amakusa, Kumamoto As you can see in the video, Reihoku is a small, yet beautiful town surrounded by beautiful nature. If you're planning to visit Amakusa, try to reserve a hotel next to the ocean. It'll be an unforgettable trip. 【Official Website】Reihoku town office in Amakusa, Kumamoto https://reihoku-kumamoto.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Reihoku, Amakusa, Kumamoto Tourist https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attractions-g1121557-Activities-Reihoku_machi_Amakusa_gun_Kumamoto_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 1:46
At an Impressive 105m Long, Hot Foot 105 Is the Longest Footbath in Japan! Check Out the Amazing Obama Onsen in Unzen City- A Port Town Full of Relaxing Hot Springs and Beautiful Sunsets!
Local PR Travel- 42 plays
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Obama Onsen This is an official promotional video of the spa town “Sea, Sunset, and Steam,” produced by the Obama Onsen Tourist Association (Obama means “little beach” in Japanese, and it has no connection to the 44th US president). Obama Onsen is a hot spring resort in Unzen city, Nagasaki Prefecture. Obama possesses many of the “No.1 in Japan” titles when it comes to the onsen's features. But that's not all that makes Obama a popular onsen resort. Fresh foods grown in the rich soil or gathered from the sea, the warm climate year round, the beautiful scenery of the surrounding area.. It has a lot of things to see. If you're traveling to Kyushu we definitely recommend stopping by here. There are a lot of day-visit outdoor onsen in the town that can be casually enjoyed. Having a foot bath while enjoying an amazing view of Mt. Unzen is a great way to relax. Despite the video being less than 2 minutes long, the charms of Obama, including its natural and cultural beauty, the hot springs, and more, are all displayed for your viewing pleasure. You'll be able to see what Unzen city is all about before you make a visit. The Springs of Obama Onsen The quality of the Obama hot springs is sodium chloride. It has the hottest and most active springs in Japan, with some springs getting as hot as 105 degrees. The abundant geothermal energy, combined with the warm climate, makes agriculture one of the main industries in this area. The minerals contained in the Obama hot springs are said to be good for nerve and muscular pains, rheumatism, poor circulation, cuts, hemorrhoids, and skin disease. The video shows the source spring at 0:54. Sightseeing Around Obama Onsen Photo:Obama Onsen foot bath Found at the base of Mt. Unzen, Obama Onsen features about 25 onsen ryokan hotels lined up on the seafront overlooking the Tachibana Bay. There are also 3 public bathhouses where you can enjoy Obama’s famous sunset views while bathing. Obama Marine Park offers a variety of onsen facilities, and the 105m long foot bath, Hot Foot 105, is its main attraction and is said to be the longest foot bath in all of Japan. The view of Shimabara Bay is incredible, and makes for a great Instagram photo. Hot Foot 105, which appears in the video from 0:29, is certainly a must-go tourist location. Obama is also home to cooler carbonated springs. The water can be freely collected at various water collection points in the town and is used by the people in their everyday lives. In addition, the town is also known for its cherry blossoms. Mt. Token is covered in blooming cherry blossoms in March, and has been repeatedly shown on TV programs and featured in magazines. Obama’s cherry blossom landscape is shown in the video from around 1:04. Here you can catch a glimpse of the beauty of spring in Japan. In June, Obama Onsen is adorned with the purple flowers of Jacaranda. Obama Onsen Jacaranda Festa, as well as other events, are held on Jacaranda Street to celebrate the flowers. The Local Specialty of Obama Onsen Photo:Champon A must-try specialty of Obama Onsen is definitely “Obama Champon,” a dish made of noodles, seafood, and vegetables. There are around 20 competing Champon restaurants in the area, and the dish is also served at any type of restaurant or Izakaya (A type of Japanese bar). A special feature of Obama Champon is the light soup containing plenty of sea food. The Champon Map available at hotels, the train station and the tourist office, will help you find these Champon restaurants. The History of Obama Onsen Obama Onsen was first recorded in 713, in the topographic record Hizen Fudoki (Hizen is a former name of the province containing the area), and has been known as a hot-spring health resort since around 1900. It was designated as a National Recreation Onsen in 1962 (An onsen must meet the required conditions to be classified as such). Obama Town Museum of Historical Materials is a good place to learn about the town’s history. Summary of Obama Onsen Photo:Obama Onsen Since the Obama railway line was abolished due to the integration of transport infrastructure, access to Obama Onsen has become slightly inconvenient. This made it a precious hidden gem, with the abandoned railroad track still remaining in the area. There are buses running to Obama Onsen from JR Isahaya Station, and it takes about 55 minutes to get there. We hope that the video and this article have helped you discover the beauty of Obama Onsen. Obama Onsen will treat you well with beautiful natural environment, warm climate, delicious cuisine, and of course, its relaxing hot springs. 【Official Website】Unzen city http://translate.google.co.jp/translate?hl=ja&sl=ja&tl=en&u=http://www.city.unzen.nagasaki.jp/ -
Video article 2:37
The Tropical City of Nanjo, Okinawa, Welcomes You With a Spectacular View of Nature! The Limestone Caves of This Popular Tourist Destination Are Filled With Millions of Stalactites!
Local PR Travel- 83 plays
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Nanjo, Okinawa, a Popular Tourist Destination in Japan This is a promotional video titled "Okinawa Tourist Attractions- Nanjo City PR Video. If You're Traveling to Okinawa.." (沖縄観光地 南城市PR動画 おきなわ旅行いくなら), for Nanjo, located in Southeastern Okinawa, Japan. The beautiful scenery shown in the video was filmed in Nanjo. The video was created by “SKYtomo.” Nanjo, Okinawa is about 50 minutes by car from Naha airport. There are several tourist spots such as limestone caves and beautiful beaches, as well activities to enjoy and some sacred areas that appear in Ryukyu mythology. This video contains two and a half minutes of attractive tourist destinations in Nanjo, Okinawa. With the beautiful view and the relaxing music, it will make you feel like you are actually in Nanjo, Okinawa. The World Cultural Heritage Site Sefa-Utaki in Nanjo, Okinawa! Photo:Sefa-Utaki Sefa-Utaki is one of the most important tourist destinations in Japan, known as the most sacred site in the Ryukyu Islands. There are six sanctuaries (Ibi) within Sefa-Utaki. Many ceremonies were held during the Ryukyu era, and even now, many people appreciate it as a sacred location. Check out the video at 0:19 to see “Sangui,” the triangular rock formation. It's like walking in the mythical footsteps of gods. We recommend using a tour guide and listening to stories about the culture, history, and mythology of Ryukyu Islands. Information on One of the Most Beautiful and Scenic Spots in Nanjo City, Okinawa Photo:Valley of Gangala Gyokusendo is one of the largest caves in Japan, and known as a tourist destination overflowing with nature. With more than a million stalactites, it's the largest natural monument in Japan. Valley of Gangala is a subtropical forest that was formed when a limestone cave collapsed several hundred thousand years ago. The powerful natural landscape is very popular among tourists. In order to preserve the natural environment, it is necessary to go by tour guide, so we recommend making a reservation before visiting. The open café in the cave, as shown in the video, is a mysterious, Instagram-worthy spot. Check out the cafe inside the limestone cave in the video at 1:25. Kudakajima, a remote island in Nanjo City, is said to be the island where Ryukyu Amamikiyo, the founder of the Ryukyu Kingdom, descended from heaven, and it is believed that Okinawa Prefecture was created here. We also recommend visiting some of the castle ruins in the area. Some popular places in Nanjo are Chinen castle ruins, Itokazu castle ruins, and Tamagusuku castle ruins. Trying some marine activities at Miibaru beach is another great way to spend your time, thanks to the beautiful beaches of Okinawa. Traditional Events in Nanjo, Okinawa Photo:Okinawa Hari Nanjo also holds traditional events where you can learn about Okinawan culture. "Okutake shima Hari" is a boat racing event where people compete in rowing boats. Another traditional cultural event “China Nubare,” is a big festival to pray for a bountiful harvest. Summary of Nanjo, Okinawa With the long history of Nanjo, Okinawa, there's so much to see and do, and plenty of tourist destinations to check out. There are a lot of areas where the natural environment still remains as well. Check out the video to see what There are a lot of places that this article wasn't able to cover, so be sure to check out the video to get a better idea of what Nanjo has to offer. You'll be fascinated by the beautiful scenery of Nanjo, Okinawa. Since Nanjo is not a resort area and there aren't many hotels available, we recommend staying at a lodging facility or a private residence and enjoying interacting with the local people. You won't regret spending quality time surrounded by the beautiful scenery of Nanjo. 【Official Website】Nanjo, Okinawa, City Hall http://www.city.nanjo.okinawa.jp/ 【Official Website】Nanjo Tourist Association https://okinawa-nanjo.jp/ -
Video article 3:56
Experience the 1200-Year Old Pilgrimage "Shikoku Henro." Journey to the 88 Sacred Sites and Connect With Japanese History and Nature
Traditional Culture Art & Architecture History- 100 plays
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About Shikoku Henro The video "Japan the Beautiful, Shikoku Henro" ([美しき日本] 四国 四国遍路), is about the Shikoku Pilgrimage, also known as Shikoku Henro. Shikoku Henro is a walking route that takes you to the 88 temples of Shikoku Island, in the four prefectures of Tokushima, Kagawa, Ehime, and Kochi. This article takes a look at the charms of this ancient route. The video navigates us through the beautiful landscapes of Shikoku Henro, and the distant view of the mountains, clad in green amongst the blue skies, make viewers feel as if their on the pilgrimage themselves. What is Shikoku Henro? Photo:Kobo Daishi statue Shikoku Henro is a multi-site pilgrimage of 88 temples associated with the Buddhism monk Kukai (Kobo Daishi) on Shikoku Island. Pilgrims are called "ohenro-san." The pilgrimage was practiced exclusively by ascetic monks until the Edo Period when the teaching of Kukai became widely spread across the country due to infrastructure developments, and commoners subsequently traveled to Shikoku Island to trace the path of Kukai and pray for good health. The culture of "osettai" by the Shikoku locals to support the safe journeys of ohenro-san by offering meals and shelter, has been maintained for roughly 300 years. In 2015, Shikoku Henro was added to the Japan Heritage list. The pilgrimage is quite exhausting due to the mountains and valleys, but it gives you a profound spiritual experience. Making the Shikoku Henro Pilgrimage Photo:Shikoku Henro You can visit any temple you want, but many people start at Temple 1 and visit them in order. After offering prayers at a temple, pilgrims receive a red seal stamp (known as Goshuin) in their stamp book. The motto to symbolize Shikoku Henro is expressed by the word "dogyo ninin" (Traveling together), which means that a pilgrim traveling alone is accompanied in spirit by the monk Kukai at all times. There exists a custom to visit the mausoleum of Kukai, Koyasan (Mt.Koya) Okunoin Temple in Wakayama Prefecture, after completing the pilgrimage route as well. Tips for Making the Pilgrimage Source :YouTube screenshot Shikoku Henro takes around 50 days on foot. You can take breaks to go sightseeing or enjoy local dishes. Staying at local inns, referred to as "henro-yado," also offers a refreshing experience, allowing you to relax and continue the pilgrimage at your own pace. The video portrays a traveling pilgrim taking steps forward on the route winding through the mountains and valleys. The natural beauty of Shikoku Henro is breathtaking. There is no designated clothing that pilgrims must wear, but they are often clad in white robes and a ceremonial stole, a cone-shaped hat to protect them from the sun and rain, and holding a wooden staff which is said to represent the body of Kukai and support the pilgrim along the way. Wearing the classic pilgrim clothing will help you feel ready for the journey. Summary of Shikoku Henro Experiencing the pilgrimage will lead you to discoveries that lay deep within the depths of Japanese culture and history. Tracing the ancient path of the pilgrimage, you may encounter yet undiscovered gems. Furthermore, the beautiful natural environment and the local custom of selflessly helping and supporting another may also lead to self-discovery and personal growth. -
Video article 3:36
With their Sleek Designs and Top Speeds of 320 KM/H, the Tohoku Shinkansen are an Awesome Example of Modern Transportation!
Vehicles- 218 plays
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The Tohoku Shinkansen This video is titled "Max Speed of 320 km/h, Tohoku Shinkansen, Fukushima Station, High-Speed Passage." It's produced by "Tetsudo Yoshi" and shows the Tohoku Shinkansen flying through Fukushima station In Japan, there are 9 lines: “Tokaido Shinkansen,” “Sanyo Shinkansen,” “Kyusyu Shinkansen,” “Tohoku Shinkansen,” “Hokuriku Shinkansen,” “Jyoetsu Shinkansen” “Yamagata Shinkansen,” “Akita Shinkansen,” and “Hokkaido Shinkansen.” These lines connect places all over Japan. Among them, “Hayabusa,” “Komachi,” and “Hayate” of “Tohoku Shinkansen“ are very popular for rail fan or children who love trains. The Tohoku Shinkansen is a railway line operated by the East Japan Rail Company (JR東日本:JR-East). The Tohoku Shinkansen has a ten and twelve-car train called “Hayabusa” and “Hayate” respectively, both with top speeds of 320 kilometers per hour (~200 mph). The sight of the Tohoku Shinkansen passing Fukushima station at such fantastic speed is incredible. What Types of Shinkansen Are There in Japan? Photo:Flower field, Shinkansen, and Mt. Fuji Japan's shinkansen link the major cities throughout Japan. The Tohoku Shinkansen, which operates the trains “Hayabusa,” “Hayate,” “Yamabiko,” “Nasuno,” “Tsubasa,” and “Komachi” link “Shin-Aomori” and “Tokyo.” The Yamagata Shinkansen, or “Akita Shinkansen,” is also convenient for trips in Japan's Tohoku region. Throughout the video we see many shinkansen flash before our eyes at incredible speeds. The latest model of the sleek, aerodynamic Shinkansen is pretty cool! Also you can enjoy the Japan sea area using the Joetsu Shinkansen, with its "Toki" and "Tanigawa" trains, or the recently opened Hokuriku Shinkansen. The Tokaido Shinkansen travels from Tokyo and Shin-Yokohama to Shin-Osaka via stops in Nagoya and Kyoto. Also the Sanyo Shinkansen links Shin-Osaka, Hakata, Kyushu, and Kagoshima Chuo Station. New lines on some of the Hokkaido, Kyushu and Hokuriku Shinkansen lines are also scheduled to open after 2022. How to Book Tickets for Japan's Shinkansen Transportation for tourists in Japan is quite convenient as there are a number of buses and trains available. In particular, the Japanese shinkansen has a beautiful interior design, easy to use facilities, and a comfortable travel experience. For arrival and departure times, you can use the JR timetable, or the online transfer information service. You can also check seat availability and book a ticket in advance online. There are different prices for unreserved and reserved seats, so be sure to reserve the seat that suits your budget. We recommend checking necessary information for your trip, such as transportation fees or routes, in advance, for a smooth, safe trip. Summary of Japan's Shinkansen Photo:The Hokkaido Shinkansen As you can see in the video, the awesome sight of the Tohoku Shinkansen can be seen at many stations in Japan. The Linear Chuo Shinkansen, which will connect Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka, is scheduled to open in 2027. This linear Shinkansen has a maximum speed of 500 km, and the travel time between Tokyo and Osaka will be reduced to one hour and seven minutes, compared to the current travel time of three hours and ten minutes. It'll be interesting to see it in action. Take advantage of the Tohoku Shinkansen and other Japanese railway lines to enjoy a comfortable journey through Japan. -
Video article 2:54
Funazushi - Discover the Origins of Sushi at Kitashina and Meet the Artisans Behind This Fermented Delicacy in Shiga, Japan!
Food & Drink- 101 plays
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Shiga Prefecture's Local Specialty - Funazushi "Before Sushi, There Was Funazushi" is a video produced by Great Big Story to promote Funazushi, a local specialty of Shiga Prefecture. This is the video for “Kitashina-roho,” a long established Funazushi shop founded 400 years ago in the Edo Period. Kitashina-roho has closed down once before, but 18th generation craftswoman Mariko Kitamura and her husband Atsushi aimed for a fresh start through the production of high quality Funazushi. The video shows a craftsman explaining what Funazushi is and how it's made. We don't recommend watching this on an empty stomach! What Is Funazushi? Photo:Funazushi Funazushi is a local food made around Lake Biwa (琵琶湖:Biwa-ko), the largest lake in Japan. Japan has a history of fermenting fish using lactic acids such as salt, rice, or rice malt, in order to make sushi. Funazushi was an especially popular preserved food around Lake Biwa, an area far from the sea. How Funazushi Is Made Source :YouTube screenshot Funazushi is known as one of the roots of Japanese sushi culture. Sushi in Japan is characterized by the craftsmanship of the chefs. Sushi is prepared by the chefs in seconds and eaten immediately. This became a popular part of culture in the edo period and was known as "Hayazushi" (lit. Fast Sushi). However, Funazushi, being a fermented food, takes a long time to prepare. In fact, it can take as long as three years from the time of production to the time it is eaten. According to the explanation by Atsushi Kitamura in the video (1:41), "There are three important things in making Funazushi: gutting, blood letting, and desalination." Funazushi is made from Nigorobuna living in lake Biwa. To make Funazushi, the sushi chef starts by prepping the fish. From here, the fish is stuffed with salt and then transferred to a barrel with more salt. Mariko Kitamura says in the video "I want everyone to understand the time and effort to make Funazushi, and to understand that Funazushi is one of the roots of the sushi we eat today" (2:10). There are two types of Funazushi: Honnarezushi which is fermented using only salt, and Hayanare that is fermented using vinegar. Eating Shiga's Local Specialty Photo:Funazushi Chazuke Shiga's local specialty, Funazushi, is available in stores on Nishikikoji-dori in Kyoto or by mail order service. We recommend buying this as souvenir and enjoying the distinct flavors of this traditional snack. If this distinct smell bothers you, we recommend eating the Funazushi with chazuke. In Japanese style restaurants in Shiga or Kyoto, it's often paired with locally made sake. Although Funazushi is not grilled, it tastes similar to roasted foods, such as ham. Summary of Funazushi Funazushi used to be a common food in Japanese homes. As you can see from the video, it takes time and effort to make this delicious food. You can see the time and effort that chefs put into making these Funazushi by watching the video. The smell of fermented food can be off putting to many people, but the flavor can be quite addictive. Eating such a rare treat is akin to dining on caviar. If you're planning on dropping by Shiga, be sure to visit the famous Japanese restaurants in Shiga to try some delicious Funazushi! ◆Kitashina-roho◆ 【Address】1287 Katsuno Takashima-shi Shiga 【Hours】10:00 to 17:00 【Closures】Monday・Thursday 【Telephone】0740-20-2042 【Tabe-log】Kitashina-rouho https://tabelog.com/en/shiga/A2505/A250501/25000007/ -
Video article 3:42
Echizen Lacquerware Is a Work of Art That Adds a Touch of Sophistication to the Dining Table! A Look at the Traditional, High-Quality Craft That Has Been Handed Down in Fukui Prefecture for More Than 1,400 Years!
Traditional Crafts History- 130 plays
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The Traditional Craft, Echizen Lacquerware This video introduces Echizen lacquerware, a traditional craft in Fukui prefecture. The video “TEWAZA Japan Echizen Lacquerware(手技TEWAZA「越前漆器」Japan Echizen Lacquerware/伝統工芸 青山スクエア Japan traditional crafts Aoyama Square)” is created by “Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square.” Echizen lacquerware is mainly produced in the Kawada region in Sabae city. It has an air of Japanese culture and is also very beautiful. This article will introduce how it's made, as well as some of the different products. Be sure to follow along with the video and find your favorite! The Traditional Craft, Echizen Lacquerware: Culture and History Source :YouTube screenshot Echizen lacquerware has a long history, with origins dating back to the Asuka Period (593 to 710) more than 1400 years ago. It is said that a painter, who was asked to repaint the imperial crown by the emperor, also offered a black lacquer bowl to the emperor with it, and the emperor was so impressed by the work that he helped promote its growth. After the Edo Period, (1603 to 1868) many craftsmen were thriving around Sabae city in Fukui prefecture, and their technique gradually spread throughout Japan. The Traditional Craft, Echizen Lacquerware: How Its Made Source :YouTube screenshot Echizen lacquerware uses a traditional technique that has been passed down since ancient times. The technique requires various craftsmen to be involved in the production process. 1. Lacquering (漆塗り, Urushi nuri) - (0:25) The wood is carved out and then lacquered with two or three coats of lacquer. 2. Gold Inlaying (沈金, Chinkin)- (1:25) The surface is carved and the gold foil is applied. The craftsman in the video says that the gold foil shines beautiful, like a mirror, when the chase is clear. 3. Gold lacquering (蒔絵, Makie) - (2:05) This process involves sprinkling gold dust over the lacquer. This process must be done before the lacquer is dry. According to the craftsman, the drying time of the lacquer varies depending on the humidity of each day. The Japanese method of gold lacquering has been passed down since ancient times. Lacquerware made by first-rate artisans, are very beautiful pieces of artwork. Echizen lacquerware is elegant and long-lasting. Get Your Own High-Quality Echizen Lacquerware Source :YouTube screenshot You can purchase high-quality, hand crafted Echizen lacquerware at Shikki Sajibe. There are many workshops that produce and distribute Echizen lacquerware in Sabae city. They sell everyday goods, such as bowls, chopsticks, tumblers, coffee cups, saucers, plates, lunch boxes, and more. In recent years, lacquerware manufacturing techniques have improved, and products that can be used in microwave ovens and dishwashers are on the rise. You can see Echizen lacquerware products at 3:09 in the video. There are kitchen knives, clocks, and so on, all of which are incredibly beautiful. Echizen lacquerware can also be purchased online, so if you're interested, be sure to check out some of the online retailers. The most famous Echizen lacquerware shop is Echizen Sikki Qtarou; It has been open for 94 years. In 1981 the founder Soumei Kyutaro, then 83 years old, received the fifth class Order of the Sacred Treasure award. Summary of Echizen Lacquerware The traditional craft, Echizen lacquerware, requires incredible delicacy and attention to detail. If you're looking at adding a traditional Japanese flair to your house, consider purchasing some Echizen lacquerware! It also makes for a great gift. We hope this article and video helped pique your interest in Echizen lacquerware. If you're looking for beautiful Echizen lacquerware, be sure to check out the shops and workshops in Sabae city. 【Official website】Japan Traditional Crafts Aoyama Square https://kougeihin.jp/en/ -
Video article 3:53
Awaji Island: Amazing Scenery, Historic Buildings, Traditional Japanese Culture and More in Hyogo Prefecture! An In-Depth Look at the Island Famous for Some of the World's Largest Whirlpools!
Local PR Travel- 49 plays
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Hyogo Prefecture's Beautiful Awaji Island! Check out the video "Awaji Island, Sightseeing Promotional Video #1" (淡路島 観光プロモーションビデオ #1). It was made by the Awaji Island Tourist Association. Awaji Island (淡路島 Awajishima) in Hyogo Prefecture in Japan's Kansai Region, is an island connecting Kobe City in Hyogo Prefecture and Naruto in Tokushima Prefecture in Japan's Shikoku Region. It is the largest island in the Setouchi Inland Sea (瀬戸内海 Setonaikai). The island, with a population of 130,000, the largest in the Seto Inland Sea, is overflowing with nature. Akashi Kaikyo Bridge on the Hyogo Prefecture side and Great Naruto Bridge on the Tokushima Prefecture side are popular tourist destinations with easy access. You can enjoy a refreshing drive over the sea by using these bridges. This video shows tourist attractions, nature, and the traditional culture of Awaji Island in just under 4 minutes. The History of Awaji Island Photo:Izanagi Shrine Approach Hyogo Prefecture's Awaji Island is described in the Kojiki (Record of Ancient Matters) as a special island, being the first piece of land created by the gods. The Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan) also mentions the island in a creation myth where the God Izanagi and Goddess Izanami create the island. Izanagi Shrine, located on Awaji Island, is said to be the oldest shrine in Japan, and it is a very popular tourist destination. It's considered a power spot, and many people believe that they receive energy from the shrine due to the leftover energy from the creation of Japan. As well as Izanagi Shrine, there are other historical sightseeing spots on Awaji Island, such as Honpukuji Temple and the Sumoto Castle Ruins. You can see these places at 1:50 in the video. History and Nature on Awaji Island Photo:Naruto Strait If you're looking for a nature-filled seaside destination, you'll want to see Eshima Island (絵島 Eshima), with its beautiful rocky surface, and the majestic Kamitategami Rock created by mother nature. They're shown at 1:41 in the video. We also recommend Awaji Hanasajiki Park and the Island’s campsites, where you can see superb views of the natural landscape. While you're at it, experience a traditional Awaji Puppet Joruri performance. This can be seen at 2:23 in the video. When it comes to Awaji Island, you can't leave the island without seeing the whirpools! The sea between Tokushima and the island has a very fast current. This causes the whirlpools seen at 0:53 in the video. We recommend that you shop for souvenirs at Roadside Station Uzushio (道の駅うずしお, ichinoeki Uzushio) and go out to see the whirlpools on one of the whirlpool cruise ships. Dining at Awaji Island Source :YouTube screenshot Awaji Island, rich in nature, is a place where you can enjoy both the bounty of the land and of the sea! After sightseeing, stay at an Onsen hot spring inn by the sea and try some seafood dishes such as Tiger Pufferfish and Awaji Beef. There are Japanese dishes that can only be found on Awaji Island as well. Some hot springs and cuisine on Hyogo's Awaji Island are shown at 2:45 in the video. Summary of Awaji Island in Hyogo Prefecture The video is packed with superb views of Awaji Island’s natural scenery. It's also full of tourist attractions, including historical buildings, traditional Japanese culture, hot springs, and delicious food! You'll never forget your trip to Awaji Island! If you're planning on heading to Awaji Island, don't forget what you learned in this video! 【Official website】Awaji City Hall Hyogo Prefecture Website https://www.city.awaji.lg.jp/ https://www.city.awaji.lg.jp/ 【Official Website】Awaji Island Tourist Guide・Awaji Navi -Check out the information on sightseeing, traveling, accommodations, Onsen hot springs, dining and local events in Awaji Island! https://www.awajishima-kanko.jp/en/ -
Video article 3:00
Nachikatsuura in Wakayama Prefecture - A Sightseeing Destination Embraced by the Calm Sea! Check Out Kumano Nachi Taisha and Many More Attractive Locations in Nachikatsuura, Where You Can Feel the History of Japan!
Local PR Travel- 32 plays
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About Nachikatsuura, Wakayama Prefecture This video is a promotional video titled "[Natchikatsuura Town Tourism Promotional Video] Wakayama Prefecture" (【那智勝浦町観光PR動画】和歌山県), produced by Nachikatsuura, Wakayama. Located in the warm Kansai region of Japan, the area around Nachikatsuura in Wakayama Prefecture is surrounded by some of the best tourist spots for enjoying a casual resort atmosphere on the main island of Japan. Tourists can enjoy satisfying trips to the beautiful sea, as well as to shrines and temples where you can get a taste of Japan's culture. Enjoy the beauty of Nachikatsuura, Wakayama through this article. Be sure to follow along with the video! The Rich Ocean Environment of Nachikatsuura, Wakayama Source :YouTube screenshot Located at the southern end of Honshu, Nachikatsuura, Wakayama has a mild climate throughout the year. A large amount of fish and shellfish are caught at the rich port facing the Pacific Ocean. This includes tuna as well. As Japan’s largest longline fishing port, the town has a lot of restaurants where tourists can eat fresh tuna for lunch, so we definitely recommend grabbing a bite to eat here. Tuna fishing at Katsuura Port is shown in the video at 0:10. The morning market, where visitors can taste fresh seafood, is also organized, and is usually crowded with locals and tourists alike. Another popular attraction is the market tour, where tourists can see tuna up close, guided by the staff of the fish market, in an area that is usually closed off from tourists. The Katsuura Port is five minutes walking from Nachikatsuura Station. Enjoy the Picturesque Ocean View of Nachikatsuura, Wakayama The more than 100 natural hot springs in the Nankikatsuura Onsen street are the best places to relieve yourself of fatigue! Wakayama has many Japanese ryokan where visitors can bathe in hot springs while admiring the ocean view. Bokido Cave (忘帰洞, Bokido) in Kanko Ryokan Hotel Katsuura is a rare spot where the hot spring is said to flow from a natural grotto. There's also hot springs that can be visited on a day pass, so if you're not looking to commit to an overnight stay, consider looking into this. Nankikatsuura Onsen can be seen at 0:57 in the video. Enjoying the scenic beauty of the ocean aboard the Kinomatsushima Sightseeing Boat is another great way to spend your time in Nachikatsuura. Temples and Shrines in Nachikatsuura, Wakayama Photo:Kumano Nachi Taisha Located in Kumano Kodo in Wakayama, Kumano Nachi Taisha is one of Three Shrines of Kumano, as well as a famous historical site, registered as a World Heritage Site, in Japan. You can also hike through Daimon-zaka from Kumano Nachi Taisha to Seigantoji Temple (青岸渡寺, Seigantoji) or Hiro Jinja Shrine (飛龍神社, Hiro Jinja). This can be seen in the video at 2:02. The most dangerous parts of the Kumano Kodo trail are Okumotorigoe and Kokumotorigoe at Nakahechi. The Okumotorigoe trail is an advanced course that will take up the entire day. At Hiro Jinja Shrine, an associated shrine of Kumano Nachi Taisha, tourists can visit the Nachi Falls (the largest falls in Japan) as shown in the video at 1:21. As the waterfalls themselves are worshipped as deities at this spot, the falls attract popularity as one of the most spiritual locations where visitors can be blessed by the rich natural environment. It's also a popular location for instagrammers. Another must-visit secret historical spot is Fudarakusan-ji Temple (補陀洛山寺, Fudarakusanji), on the beach facing Nachi Bay. Event Information for Nachikatsuura, Wakayama! Kumano Nachi Taisha is crowded during the Nachi Fire Festival (Nachi No Ogi Matsuri) held in July. There's also the Nachikatsuura Fireworks Festival held in August. Visiting traditional Japanese summer festivals in Wakayama will make for an unforgettable trip! Summary of Nachikatsuura, Wakayama ©T-KIMURA Modifying As shown in the video, the town of Nachikatsuura in Wakayama Prefecture has an amazing natural view of the sea and many historical temples and shrines. After watching the video I bet you're itching to book your tickets! Access to Nachikatsuura in Wakayama Prefecture is approximately 3.5 to 4 hours by train from both Osaka and Nagoya. Please visit Nachikatsuura in Wakayama – one of Japan's leading resort areas. If you haven't yet, be sure to watch the video to get a better idea of what Nachikatsuura is all about! 【Official Website]】Nachikatsuura Tourism Association https://www.nachikan.jp/en/ -
Video article 3:47
The Caldera of Mt. Aso: A Magnificent Landscape Created by Nature. The Natural Wonderland, Full of Mysterious Scenery, Is Said to Have Been Created by the Gods!
Nature- 170 plays
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The Caldera of Mt. Aso This PR video, titled "The Heritage of Tomorrow- God, Nature, and Man," is produced by “N.a” to promote Mt. Aso in Kumamoto Prefecture. The beautiful landscape of Kyushu, including Mt. Aso, can be seen throughout this video. Mt. Aso has a caldera produced by an ancient volcanic eruption, and the people have lived their lives here believing in the power of the gods and nature. A Caldera is a large circular depression in a volcano created from the body of the volcano collapsing. You can see a view of the caldera, billowing with volcanic smoke, in the video at 1:54. The Beautiful Scenery of Mt. Aso Photo:Aso Panorama Line Aso Shrine, known as the Ichinomiya of Higo province (肥後国 : Higono Kuni), and located at the foot of Mt. Aso, is a historic location, considered to be the number one shrine in Higo province. Its origins trace back to mountain and volcano worship in the Jomon period. Legend has it that the god of the shrine, Takeiwatatsumi no Mikoto, once kicked out water from the mountain in order to build a rice field around Mt. Aso. The area around Aso Caldera is designated as a Aso UNESCO Global Geopark. It's a beautiful location where you can learn about the natural landscape. At Aso UNESCO Global Geopark, focused on active caldera, you can see large clouds of smoke climbing high up into the sky. You can also enjoy a view of Aso Geopark in this video. Tourist Spots in the Mt. Aso Area! ©阿蘇市 Modifying Daikanbo (大観峰: Daikanbo) is the highest peak at Aso Kitagairin Zan (阿蘇北外輪山:Aso Kitagairin Zan) in Aso city阿蘇市 : Aso-shi). From the Daikanbo observantory, you can enjoy a spectacular view of the "Five Mountains of Aso" (阿蘇五岳: Aso Gogaku). The Aso Milk Road leading to Daikanbo is great for sightseeing. There's a parking lot and it can be easily accessed, so we definitely recommend checking it out if you have the chance. Some other hidden gems where you can explore the natural scenery of Mt. Aso include Shirakawa Suigen and Kusasenrigahama. Relax in the Hot Springs and Feel the Blessings of Nature! Photo:Kurokawa Hot Springs There are a lot of hot spring facilities around Mt. Aso due to the many volcanoes in the area. One that we recommend visiting is Kurokawa Hot Springs. We especially recommend Aso Farm Land, created with the idea of promoting health. You can enjoy delicious local cuisine and natural hot springs to heal your body after exploring Mt. Aso. Summary of Mt. Aso There are many sightseeing spots where you can experience the beautiful landscape of Mt. Aso. In the video, you can enjoy beautiful views of Mt. Aso with calm music playing in the background. Enjoy the mysterious scenery of Mt. Aso, famous as a land created by the gods. There are many volcanoes in Japan besides Mt. Aso. People have lived in reverence for them since ancient times. We hope to see you at Mt. Aso to enjoy the relaxing hot springs, beautiful scenery, and the spiritual shrines! 【Tripadvisor】Asosan (Takadake) https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g298212-d320703-Reviews-Mt_Aso-Kumamoto_Prefecture_Kyushu.html -
Video article 1:50
The Delicious Salmon Cuisine of Murakami City, Niigata Prefecture! More Than 100 Varieties of Dishes and Exquisite Sake Made From Local Rice! The Local Idol Group “Negicco” Brings You the Local Cuisine of Murakami City!
Local PR Food & Drink- 32 plays
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About Murakami City, Niigata Prefecture This video, “Enjoy Rice Wine and Salmon Cuisine in Murakami!” (村上で堪能!日本酒と鮭料理(Enjoy rice wine and salmon cuisine in Murakami!)), is an introductory video of the local specialties, sake and salmon, in Murakami City, located in Niigata prefecture in Japan's Koshinetsu region. The video is produced by “City Murakami Channel, Murakami City, Niigata prefecture.” Murakami City in Niigata prefecture is a place where Murakami Castle and Samurai residences developed long ago, and there still remains the elegant castle town scenery. Take a sightseeing trip to Murakami City and enjoy watching the spectacular scenery of the Murakami Castle ruins, tasting local cuisine, or relaxing at some secret hot springs. In the video, 3 girls from the local idol group “Negicco,” active in the Niigata area, introduce the local cuisine in cute Kimonos. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the video introducing the charms of Murakami City, Niigata. There's plenty of delicious food to be seen! Murakami City, Niigata- Sake and Salmon Source :YouTube screenshot The Niigata area is surrounded by the sea and mountains, and is known as the most flourishing rice crop area in Japan. High quality rice made in Murakami City makes for the highest quality sake you can find. And it just so happens that the sake here is popular as the local specialty. Murakami City is also known as “the city of salmon,” and you can enjoy many kinds of salmon dishes, being that it is the other local specialty of Murakami City. You might be surprised hearing that there are more than 100 varieties of salmon dishes in Murakami City. However, In Murakami City, people enjoy all parts of the fish without wasting anything. From the bones to the skin, everything gets eaten. When going sightseeing in Murakami City, stop by some local restaurants and try delicious gourmet dishes like Ochazuke (boiled rice in tea) and Shiobiki Salmon (salty salmon). There's also the superb salmon roe. These salmon dishes are introduced at 1:14 in the video. Just looking at the myriad of salmon dishes is enough to get your mouth watering. Enjoy the Exquisite Cuisine of Murakami City When purchasing local sake made by Murakami City’s sake breweries as well as Murakami City’s specialty salmon, we recommend purchasing them at the road side station Sasagawanagare Yuuhi Kaikan. The salmon museum Iyoboya Center is also a popular sightseeing spot. If you want to purchase some traditional Japanese crafts, stop by Machiya’s Gallery Yamakichi, a gallery shop renovated from a historical building. Source :YouTube screenshot You can also find Murakami City's first-class sake online. Murakami City’s sake can be seen at 0:55. It is explained that "thanks to fresh, clear water and the careful manual labor of brewers, high quality rice turns into sake that is easy to drink without any off-flavor. Summary of Murakami City's Local Cuisine In Murakami City, Niigata, you can enjoy top notch sake and salmon cuisine. Through the video, you can feel the luxurious taste of sake and salmon. It's something you've got to try at least once in your life! We hope you enjoy your trip to Murakami CIty! 【Official Website】Murakami City, Niigata Prefecture City Hall Website http://translate.google.co.jp/translate?hl=ja&sl=ja&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.city.murakami.lg.jp%2F -
Video article 15:04
Sea Urchin - A Popular Ingredient in Japanese Cuisine! Watching the Cooks Quickly Process the Finest Sea Urchins and Serve Them While They're Fresh Will Get Your Stomach Pumping!
Food & Drink- 44 plays
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Sea Urchin Cuisine - An Exquisite Japanese Cuisine Gaining in Popularity This video, titled "Japanese Roadside Snacks - Fresh Sea Urchin|Japanese Sea Food" (日本路邊小吃 - 生海膽 日本海鮮), was released by “Roadside Snacks” (路边小吃). It introduces one of the most popular Japanese ingredients, sea urchin. Sea urchin is a distinctive creature with a round body covered in sharp spines. In Japan, it’s common to eat sea urchin as sashimi, sushi, or in sea urchin rice bowls. Enjoy a wonderful time tasting the finest sea urchin at a seafood restaurant that serves exquisite Japanese cuisine. The Ecology of the Popular Seafood Ingredient, Sea Urchins Photo:Sea urchin Sea urchins are a spiny marine animal found on rocky beaches and in the deep sea. Sea urchins are echinoderms and are characterized by their pentaradial symmetry. However, there are many aspects of their biology that remain unknown. In Japan, sea urchins are widely found in coastal areas, such as Hokkaido and at Iwate Prefecture's Sanriku Coast. Sea urchins are in season from June to August. During this time period, the meat of the sea urchins is truly exquisite. The mushy insides of the commonly eaten sea urchin look like eggs, but they are actually the animal's gonads. Types of Edible Sea Urchin Photo:Sea urchin There are around 180 known species of sea urchins in the seas around Japan and more than 800 known species around the world. The most commonly eaten raw sea urchins in Japan are the Bafun (Hemicentrotus) and Ezo-Bafun (Strongylocentrotus intermedius), Purple Sea Urchin (ムラサキウニ), and Northern Purple Sea Urchin (キタムラサキウニ), which are mainly from Hokkaido and the Tohoku region. In Japan, in addition to wild sea urchins, many sea urchins are farmed to be eaten out of season. Thanks to advances in aquaculture techniques, it’s possible to eat delicious sea urchin in Japan all year round. The Various Ways to Eat Sea Urchin Photo:Sea urchin sushi Sea urchin is a popular ingredient in many Japanese dishes. It can be eaten in a variety of ways, including sea food bowls, sashimi, sushi, uni don, and more. If you're traveling along the coast of Japan, you'll be able to eat the delicious seaside ingredient to your heart's content. Each restaurant has its own recipe for preparing sea urchin, so we recommend trying the sea urchin of a bunch of different restaurants to find which one you like most! From 8:56 in the video, you can see the sea urchin being shelled and then served fresh. Summary of the Popular Seafood Ingredient, Sea Urchin Photo:Sea urchin A variety of seafood ingredients are used in Japanese cuisine, including the popular sea urchin, fish, such as bluefin and skipjack tuna, and shellfish, such as scallops. As shown in the video, at famous Japanese restaurants you can watch the chefs quickly process the sea urchin up close and personal. When you visit Japan, be sure to visit some delicious seafood restaurants to experience Japanese food culture! -
Video article 4:59
Azuchi Castle - Explore the Phantom Castle Built by Oda Nobunaga, One of the Three Unifiers of Japan, in Omihachiman, Shiga
History- 206 plays
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Azuchi Castle and Oda Nobunaga! This video, titled "The Phantom Azuchi Castle" (幻の安土城 HD版), was produced by "trocken ab." It's a video that recreates Azuchi Castle, the most prominent castle in the history of the Warring States period, using computer graphics. Azuchi Castle, introduced in the video, is known by many for being featured in "Gō: Hime-tachi no Sengoku," a Taiga drama aired in Japan in 2011. Azuchi Castle was the home of Oda Nobunaga, the uncle of Gou, and it has been the setting of countless historical TV dramas. Presently, Azuchi Castle, which no longer exists today, is said to have been a beautiful and luxurious castle. About Azuchi Castle Photo:Azuchi Castle Ruins Azuchi Castle, a five-layer seven-story castle with one basement level and six floors above ground, was built on Mt. Azuchi near Lake Biwa over a period of four years from 1576 to 1580. Azuchi Castle, which was closer to Kyoto than Gifu Castle, was a symbol of "tenka Fubu," Oda Nobunaga's personal seal, meanining "Unify the nation by force; spread military force under the heavens." It is said that Toyotomi Hideyoshi was also involved in the construction of the castle. Unfortunately, the castle was destroyed by fire in 1582 after the Honnoji Incident instigated by Oda's traitorous vassal Akechi Mitsuhide, just two years after the construction of the castle. The ruins of Azuchi Castle, the former residence of Oda Nobunaga, has been designated as a special historical site. It is also protected as a Class 1 Special Area in Lake Biwa National Park. You can see the introduction of Azuchi Castle at 0:24 in the video. The Research Project on Azuchi Castle Shown in the Video Photo:Azuchi Castle・Kuroganemon Gate Since 1989, restoration of the stone walls and excavation of the ruins of Azuchi Castle began as part of the research and development project. From the foot of the southern side of Mt. Azuchi, shown at 0:47 in the video, there was once a great view of the entrance of the castle. Also, it was found that there were two entrances to the castle, the East and West gates, and through these discoveries, researches have been able to slowly understand what Azuchi castle would have looked like. Currently, Niomon Gate and a three-storied pagoda remain on Mt. Azuchi. More About Azuchi Castle Photo:Azuchi Castle Ruins・Ruins of the former residence of Toyotomi Hideyoshi According to records of Azuchi Castle, when it existed, it was common to take the route from Dodobashiguchi to Ote-michi, then use the Kuroganemon Gate route to get to the, outer citadel, outer region of the castle, and finally the inner citadel, to reach the lord of the castle. Ote-michi, which was used to welcome the Emperor, has been restored as well. You can see the restored Ote-michi at 1:57 in the video. In the outer citadel, there is mausoleum of Oda Nobunaga where Toyotomi Hideyoshi enshrined the remaining relics of Oda Nobunaga. The shape of the inner citadel, shown in the video at 3:45, is extremely similar to the Seiryoden (a pavilion used as the emperor's habitual residence (in a Heian Palace)) of the Kyoto Imperial Palace. Oda Nobunaga made Azuchi Castle a prominent castle worthy to receive the Emperor. Summary of Azuchi Castle and Oda Nobunaga Photo:Beautiful Blue Skies at Lake Biwa The ruins of Azuchi Castle are located in present day Omihachiman City in Shiga Prefecture. If you want to visit Azuchi Castle, shown in the video, you can also visit the Azuchi Town Castle Museum, the Shiga Prefectural Azuchi Castle Archaeological Museum, and the castle town of Azuchi Castle as well. You can also receive a seal stamp or castle seal when visiting Sokenji Temple located on Mt. Azuchi. ◆Azuchi Castle Facility Overview◆ 【Address】Toira, Azuchicho, Omihachiman, Shiga 【Access】25 minute walk from JR Azuchi Station, 20 minutes by car from the Meishin Ryuo Interchange 【Hours】9:00~16:00 【Admission Fee】Adults ¥700, Children ¥200 【Parking】Available(Free) 【Official Website】Azuchi Castle Ruins | Shiga Prefecture Tourist Information[Official Tourism Site ]You will understand everything about Shiga/Lake Biwa! https://en.biwako-visitors.jp/ 【Tripadvisor】Azuchi Castle Ruins https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1023564-d1424361-Reviews-Azuchi_Castle_Ruins-Omihachiman_Shiga_Prefecture_Kinki.html -
Video article 1:51
Shirahama Beach - Discover the Beauty of Shimoda, Shizuoka at Izu's Largest Swimming Beach! The Bright Red Torii Gate Perched on the Cliffs Makes for Some Amazing Scenery!
Nature Travel- 131 plays
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Shirahama Beach in Shizuoka Prefecture! The video this time is titled "Shirahama Beach - Shizuoka - 白浜 - 4K Ultra HD." It introduces the beautiful Izu-Shirahama Beach in Shimoda City, Shizuoka prefecture. When the weather is nice, Shirahama Beach glows a beautiful emerald green, making it very popular with surfers and tourists alike. The 700-meter-long white sand beach is one of the largest on Izu Peninsula. Enjoy making lasting memories at one of the most beautiful beaches in Japan! Don't forget to bring your camera either; There's plenty of great places to take pictures for your Instagram! Shirahama Beach, Shizuoka Photo:Shizuoka prefecture・Shirahama Beach Shirahama Beach, located in Shizuoka prefecture in Japan's Tokai region, is separated into 2 swimming areas: the Shirahama Central Beach section and the Shirahama Ohama Beach section. Shirahama Ohama Beach is the largest beach in the Izu peninsula area. Shirahama Beach becomes very lively during the summer with the Shirahama Fireworks festival being held there as well. Many young people looking to party gather here and the atmosphere becomes very different than that of the afternoon. The Red Torii Arch at Shirahama Beach Photo:Shizuoka prefecture・Ikona Hime No Mikoto Shrine The torii arch on the coastline, which can be seen at 0:30 in the video, is actually Ikona Hime No Mikoto Shrine, the oldest shrine in Izu. It is commonly called Shirahama Jinja Shrine. The contrast of the bright red beach torii and the emerald green sea is breathtaking. The goddess Ikona, who is the wife of Mishima Daimyojin, is enshrined as the main deity of Ikona Hime No Mikoto Shrine, and is believed to be the goddess of women. If you visit the shrine, it will bring good luck in marriage and increase your romance abilities! The large rock facing the sea is called Daimyojin Rock and is known as a power spot. In addition, at the bottom of the cliff behind the main building, there is a spot called Ogama, which is a sea-eroded cave into which sea water flows. Summary of Shirahama Beach Photo:Shirahama Beach in Shimoda City, Shizuoka Prefecture The Izu area of Shizuoka Prefecture is dotted with hotels, inns, guest houses, cottages, camping sites, and other accommodations. There are also many restaurants where you can enjoy excellent food. If you're looking to hit up some beaches to soak up some sun, don't miss out on Shirahama Beach! Shirahama beach is a 13-minute bus ride from Izukyu Shimoda Station, and there are paid parking lots in the area as well. Shirahama beaches, named after their characteristic white sand (白浜, shirahama, lit. "white sand"), can be found in places other than Shizuoka prefecture as well, including Wakayama prefecture, Chiba prefecture, and Kanagawa prefecture. Japan has a lot of beaches with beautiful sand and great views, so get ready for some fun in the sun! 【Tripadvisor】Shirahama Central Beach https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g1019670-d1313436-Reviews-Shirahama_Beach-Shimoda_Shizuoka_Prefecture_Tokai_Chubu.html -
Video article 3:19
The Powerful, Unrelenting Attacks of Jukendo! Train Your Mind, Body, and Spirit With the Japanese Martial Art Similar to Kendo!
Sports- 530 plays
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The Powerful Sport, Jukendo! This video is titled "銃剣道 其の一 Jukendo PART1." Jukendo is a sport/martial art that looks very similar to Kendo. You wear protective gear similar to Kendo, but it uses a wooden gun with a bayonet to attack with mainly thrusting techniques as opposed to a shinai's slashing techniques. The guns are modeled after the rifles used by the old Japanese military, which had a rifle with a blade tip, and the sport is also called Jukenkakuto and other names. Because it is a very practical martial art, it has been incorporated into police and self-defense force training. Although the number of people who practice Jukendo is low, it was once a common martial arts class, and has been seen at national athletic meets, national championships, and national youth competitions. Basic Knowledge and Skills of Jukendo Source :YouTube screenshot The wooden gun, weighing 1.1 kg, with an overall length of 166 cm, is one of the most distinctive features of Jukendo. You can see it at 0:13 in the video. It is said that the Japanese style of Jukendo is the origin of modern Jukendo, whereas the western style of Jukendo was integrated with kendo. Historically, it is said to have originated at the end of the Edo period, when the style of fighting changed from swords to guns, and the tips of swords or daggers were attached to the tips of imported guns to be used as bayonets. The Rules of Jukendo Source :YouTube screenshot The rules of Jukendo were established by the All Japan Jukendo Federation, and nowadays it has become a competitive martial art. The rules are basically a one on one format, and fighters win by scoring strikes to the upper body, stomach, lower body, throat, wrist, and shoulder. Matches are held barefoot on the floor with no shoes on. You can see basic techniques at 1:03 in the video. The Appeal of Jukendo Source :YouTube screenshot In the video, you can see an interview with a Jukendo practitioner at 2:14, where he talks about the appeal of the martial art. Jukendo is a grueling sport, originally designed to kill with a combination of gun and sword, aiming at the left side of the chest where the heart is located, or the throat, but they all say with a smile that they are so happy when they win a match after rigorous training that all of the hardships along the way were worth it. Unlike a bamboo sword, Jukendo uses a weapon that is larger and heavier than a wooden sword, so if you're hit on the hand by your opponent, you may actually experience broken fingers. Therefore, in Jukendo, body parts that are easily targeted by thrusts are protected by thick armor. Hand wraps are also worn to minimize injury. Summary of Jukendo Source :YouTube screenshot Hiratsuka Tsuchizawa Junior High School in Hiratsuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, the only school in the country that adopted Jukendo as a class, decided to end the class in 2018, and it became a widely talked about subject. However, the topic has increased awareness of Jukendo, and now it is said that the competition population is gradually increasing, with the number of dan (titles) recipients and female players on the rise. In all Japanese martial arts, it is important to train the mind and body and start and end with a bow. In particular, foul play is severely punished because there is a risk of serious injury if an offense is committed. It can be said that the key to aspiring to and becoming strong in Jukendo lies in the steady training of the body and mind. 【Official Homepage】All Japan Jukendo Federation http://www.jukendo.info/english -
Video article 3:45
The First Floor of the House Is a Dock?! The Historic Port Town of Funaya, Ine in Kyoto Is a Fishing Village Lined With Mysterious Houses! You won't Find Scenery Like This Anywhere Else!
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About the Funaya of Ine, Kyoto This tourist promotion video, titled "[Beautiful Japan] Ine Town, Kyoto," was produced by N.a., and shows views of the seaside town of Ine in northern Kyoto. Located in Kyoto in the Kansai region, Ine is a peaceful area at the northeastern end of the Tango peninsula, facing the Sea of Japan. People in this town have lived in harmony with the sea by utilizing its gifts. Fishermen in the town live in houses called “funaya” which can store their boats as you can see at 0:58 in the video. You can admire the view of the funaya, all in a row, in the video as well. It's not a very common sight, so we definitely recommend taking a look at it. Enjoy the beautiful landscape created by the funaya and the Sea of Japan! Information About Ine Photo:Funaya in Ine Ine's funaya can store boats and fishing tools on the first floor, making use of age-old wisdom that makes for a smooth and easily accessible fishing excursion. You can see a fisherman parking his boat in his funaya at 1:39 after a long day of fishing. The waters of Ine, a port town facing Ine Bay on the Tango Peninsula, are calm and serene. The landscape lined with ancient funaya is very elegant. The scenery of the boathouses in Ine, that remind us of the history of the fishing town, has been designated as an Important Preservation District for Groups of Traditional Buildings. Tips for Traveling Around Ine The Funaya of Ine are best viewed from the shore where the boats are stored. When you visit Ine, we recommend taking a pleasure boat along the sea side route. There are old guest houses near the funaya of Ine as well. Okuineonsen Aburaya, which has an open-air bath with a view, is a popular spot for those who want to enjoy a relaxing time in an outstanding location. Have a wonderful time staying at the guest houses, where you can enjoy the atmosphere of good old Japan while eating seasonal seafood dishes. Summary of Ine's Funaya Photo:Ine Ine, Kyoto is lined with ancient Japanese boat houses that cannot be seen anywhere else. Be sure to keep your camera handy to take some Instagram pics! If you haven't already, be sure to watch the video; It has some beautiful scenery! When most people think of sightseeing in Kyoto, they probably think of shrines and temples in the southern part of the Prefecture. However, there are many attractive tourist destinations on the sea side of Kyoto Prefecture as well. If you enjoyed the atmosphere of Ine, consider stopping by the sea side at the northern end of Kyoto. The true beauty of Japan lies outside of its cities.