Dylan Gibson

[相片1]Another photo that I took earlier this summer in Kumagaya. I've noticed Japan has a lot of interesti

Another photo that I took earlier this summer in Kumagaya. I've noticed Japan has a lot of interesting statues, many of which are naked lol. I'm not 100% sure what the text on the plaque says for this photo either I'm really bad at reading anything but standard fonts but I think it's "花園の歌" or "A Song in a Flower Garden" or something to that effect. I thought it was a rather peculiar statue to see in Japan. I wonder if it has some other cultural influences behind it. Either way, I thought it was nice that I was able to get a photo of it with the koinobori and the canal in the background. I'm curious to see if there are other statues or works by this artist, so I'll have to see if I can read the name at the bottom and look it up later.